Noticias Justin Hartley

No es un viejo verde porque no es viejo, sólo eso. Flechazos mil.

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El Especialista Chris Webb habla sobre el elenco de Smallville y sobre su trabajo en la serie (
DNM recientemente tuvo la oportunidad de hablar con el especialista Chris Webb en la que habló sobre sus trabajos en TV, incluído Smallville:

DNM: ¿Tienes un proyecto favorito, o proyectos específicos favoritos en los que hayas trabajado?
CW: Este último en el que estamos trabajando – para mí fue increíble: ¡Estaba colgando de un helicóptero Twinstar con una ametralladora M60 cazando a mis amigos en vehículos de nieve durante 4 días! ¡Fue increíble, en lo alto de las montañas! Va a ser una escena formidable, pienso que se va a ver realmente bien. Obviamente adoro Smallville, y realmente me gusta Tom Welling, es un chico genial. Al final teníamos una relación de trabajo muy fácil. No diría que alguna vez tuvimos una relación muy estrecha, no salíamos juntos ni nada de eso, pero realmente me gustaba. Él era una persona decente y eso dice mucho para mí. Hay mucha otra gente en esa serie que eran geniales también. Me gustaba Justin Hartley, gran chico, todavía seguimos mandándonos mensajes de vez en cuando. Erica Durance, ella era encantadora. Es una dura chiquilla de granja. Es genial y es realmente una persona muy fácil con la que congeniar y trabajar. También me gustaban los otros especialistas on los que trabajé en la serie también.

DNM: Eso tuvo que ser enorme, ¿verdad?. ¿El tener ese tipo de relación con el equipo?
CW: Absolutamente. La chica que doblaba a Erica durante el último par de años, Maja Stace-Smith, ellos (ella y su prometido, Jeff Ong) viven cerca de mí ahora y siempre me río con él, “¡He mirado a los ojos de tu mujer muchas más veces que lo que tú lo has hecho!” ¡porque yo la rescataría y es siempre Lois Lane y Clark Kent mirándose el uno al otro!. Recientemente trabajamos juntos de nuevo, estaba haciendo de doble de Alexander Skarsgard, quien la gente conoce de True Blood, y ella estaba ensayando por otra chica que iba a hacer el trabajo y terminó conmigo rescatándola de nuevo. Jeff said “Oh Dios, esto otra vez no, ¿Od dáis cuentas chicos de que yo estoy aquí?” Jeff y Maja son los dos realmente unos especialistas geniales.

DNM: Así es que Smallville era muy especial entonces.
CW: Definitivamente. ... webb-pt-2/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Justin Hartley nuevo papel en la serie de ABC Family 'Melissa and Joey' (zap-2-it):
Zap2it acaba de anunciar que pronto volveremos a ver a Justin Hartley en pantalla, esta vez en la serie de ABC Family comedy "Melissa and Joey".

Justin aparecerá como estrella invitada para interpretar al nuevo novio de Melissa Joan Hart, Noah, en la tercera temporada de la serie.

Las cosas se complican cuando el apartamento de Noah se inunda y él se ve obligado a mudarse con Mel demasiado pronto en su relación. Es particularmente embarazoso ya que Joe (Joey Lawrence), el nanny de Mel, siempre está alrededor.

"Melissa and Joey" regresará el 29 de Mayo con nuevos episodios. Hartley aparecerá en la segunda mitad de la temporada. Su primer episodio está previsto que se emita el 7 de Agosto. ... -joey.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revenge añade a Justin Hartley como el Hijo Perdido de Victoria (E!Online):
E! News ha informado en exclusiva que el actor Justin Hartley (Smallville, Emily Owens M.D.) ha firmado para interpretar al personaje central de 'Patrick', wl hijo perdido de Victoria (Madeleine Stowe). Aparecerá en un arco multi-episódico y nos encontraremos con él en la premiere de la season 3 este otoño.

El final de la temporada 2 de Revenge terminó con un estupendo cliffhanger - Patrick apareció en la puerta de los Graysons, y aunque nunca vimos su cara, tan sólo el verlo dejó en shock a Victoria lo suficiente como para dejar caer su vaso y que se rompiera en el suelo. El regreso de Patrick seguro que provoca una conmoción en los Hamptons en la nueva temporada.

Justin Hartley era un favorito de Smallville, interpretando a Oliver Queen (Arrow) en las temporadas finales como regular de la serie. El actor de 36 años también interpretó el personaje principal del fallido piloto de Aquaman para la CW, y su última aparición en televisión fue en la cancelada serie Emily Owens M.D.

Aunque los fans no saben mucho aún de Patrick, sabemos que Victoria lo trajo al mundo cuando tenía 16 años y que luego se lo dio a una monja cuando tenía sólo 6 meses de edad para que ella pudiera asistir a una escuela de arte en Paría. Cuando Patrick empezó a buscar a Victoria más tarde, ella le pagó $5 millones para que desapareciera.

ABC previamente confirmó que Ashley Madekwe (Ashley) y Connor Paolo (Declan) no regresarían como regulares de la serie en la tercera temporada. El creador de la serie Mike Kelley dejó su puesto como showrunner en April, y el escritor Sunil Nayar tomará las riendas. ... g-lost-son?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Spoilers sobre el personaje de Justin en el episodio 3.01 de Revenge:
El episodio 3.01 de 'Revenge' tendrá por título "Fear" y en él habrá un salto en el tiempo de cinco meses.

En él se mostrará la reunión de madre e hijo entre Victoria Grayson y su hijo perdido Patrick Harper (Justin Hartley), y buena parte del episodio será sobre los dos pasando tiempo juntos en los Hamptons.

Tras el regreso de Charlotte (que aún está embarazada del hijo de Declan), se mostrará muy hostil ante su nuevo medio-hermano. ... eunion.htm

Me estoy preguntando si puedes decir alguna primicia sobre el personaje de Justin Hartley, Patrick, en Revenge. Sé que es el hijo de Victoria pero eso es todo lo que sé. —Daniela
Ausiello: Es real, real, realm real, real, real, realmente querido por su madre. Realmente querido. Durante el salto en el tiempo, madre e hijo “pasaron mucho tiempo juntos construyendo una relación, una que casi parece inapropiada la primera vez que los vemos,” adelanta Emily VanCamp. “Ella está tan enamorada de su hijo. Es muy bizarro.” Su cercano vínculo hará difícil para Emily el que abra una brecha entre ellos, lo que, como VanCamp recuerda, es la motivación de su personaje: ”la última meta de Emily con Victoria es el volver a sus hijos contra ella. Ella ha tenido éxito haciéndolo con Daniel. Empezaréis a ver que no tiene tanto éxito con Charlotte. Y Patrick es el comodín. Va a ser una persona muy complicada para cambiarle, si es que incluso ella puede.” ... -ausiello/

"A través de Patrick, conseguimos ver quién era victoria y la madre tan feroz que era," dice la productora ejecutiva de la serie, Sunil Nayar. "Veremos un sincero arrepentimiento y la creación de un vínclo que nunca vemos con ella con sus hijos menoeres Daniel y Charlotte."

"De pronto, este chico nuevo está consiguiendo toda su atención," dice Hartley. "Ellos se sienten un poco dejados de lado y la pagan con Patrick. en una escala del 1 al 10, él es tratado como un 1." Y en cuanto a las verdadesas intenciones de Patrick por reconectar con su madre, "No tienes que mirar mucho más allá del título de la serie," apunta Hartley. "No hace falta decir, que hará todo lo que sea por su madre y puede que arremetirá contra tí si tratas mal a Mamá." ... 69304.aspx

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Justin Hartley Adelanta efectos colaterales del Romance de 'Revenge' (ETOnline):
Justin Hartley Adelanta efectos colaterales del Romance de 'Revenge'
Por JARETT WIESELMAN 31 de Octubre 31, 2013

ETonline: Durante un tiempo parecía que el radar gay de Nolan estaba apagado, pero entonces Patrick entró a matar la pasada semana. ¿Sabías desde el principio que Patrick iba a ser gay?
Justin Hartley: Conseguí un resumen del personaje y pensé que iba a ser interesante, así es que hice las audiciones. Luego, creo que fue el día siguiente, me pidieron que leyera de nuevo y las partes eran diferentes y era evidente que era gay. No me importó si era gay mientras que no cambiara las cosas que encontré interesantes del personaje, que eran su misterio y ligereza --- y, si acaso, ser gay le hacía más interesante para mí porque cada vez que a un personaje se le dan elementos que lo hacen distinto a la gente que lo rodea, mejora su historia. Así es que todo lo que se refería al persoaje me atraía y me lo he pasado genial interpretándolo hasta ahora en todos los sentidos. Es una gran serie, es un gran personaje, y de manera egoísta, ¡me encanta poder interpretar algo que nunca hice antes!.

ETonline: ¿Puedes hablarnos de cómo Garbriel y tú abordásteis el gran beso; qué era importante para ambos sobre ese momento?
Hartley: Bueno, era importante para ambos el que sintiérais la conexión primero --- queríamos que se viera como que estos dos tenían algo más profundo y que no era sólo otra relación cosratad por el mismo patrón. Así es que el mmento en el que Patrick se abre a Nolan en el beach club, que estuvo maravillosamente escrito, era el primer paso. El beso fue un gran momento, no sólo para la audiencia, dino para los personajes. Es muy grande para Patrick el dejar que alguien entre así, y es lo mismo para Nolan también. Puede que sea ese playboy que se lleva a casa chicos y chicas guapas, pero eso no significa que se involucre con ellos. Así es que hablamos con los escritores sobre la idea de esta retirada antes de la aceptación. Era importante para mí que si Nolan iba a dar el paso y Patrick iba a pensar que las cosas iban demasiado rápido, que la reacción de Nolan a eso fuera lo que hiciera que Patrick iniciase el beso. ¡Eso es el inicio de una historia de amor si alguna vez he escuchado una!

ETonline: ¿Entonces va a convertirse en una relación completa o será la exploración de una posible relación?
Hartley: Creo que ambas. Es la exploración de ver que significan estos sentimientos de forma verdadera. Patrick dice, "Voy a dejarte entrar, tú vas a dejarme entrar, vamos a ver a dónde va esto y estoy confiando en tí hasta que no pueda confiar en tí más." Así es que veremos hacia dónde lleva. Ambos están esperanzados, se intrigan el uno al otro, hay química y pasión, pero también un entendimientos de que ambos son seres dañados. Para alguien el decir, "Este soy yo, y me gustaría que me dejaras entrar," y que la otra persona conteste con, "Me encantaría eso," no hay nada mejor.

ETonline: Sobre el tema del fuego y la pasión, ¿cómo de íntimo se vuelve?
Hartley: Hay más besos ... creo. No es que Gabriel sea alguien que besa mal y me esté olvidando; es un gran besador [risas]. Creo que a todo el mundo le gustará hacia dónde va.

ETonline: ¿Qué has aprendido de Patrick a través de su relación con Nolan?
Hartley: Es divertido, cuando conseguí el papel, pensé que era genial porque, de manera egoísta, Patrick no tenía nada que ver conmigo. Incluso en Smallville, con Green Arrow, podía identificarme con el chico. Cualquier padre puede identificarse con sentirse como un superhéroe cuando le pones una tirita a tu hijo. Y todos hemos pasado por etapas de sentirnos como un playboy y pensar que eres más guay de lo que eres. Pero Patrick no tenía nada que ver conmigo. Ahora, varios meses después, ¡estoy impresionado con lo mucho que se me parece!. Es un poco precavido, tiene una vena peligrosa, puede salirse se madre y excederse -- es decir, espero que nunca intente matar a alguien, pero sé cómo se siente el or demasiado lejos cuando tienes fuertes convicciones. Una de las cosas de las que me di cuenta sobre el personaje es lo muy familiares que somos en cuanto a la forma en la que vamos por la vida. No le da miedo el tomar oportunidades; no es un estafador, pero le gusta viajar, le gusta la cultura, se siente intrigado por otras personas, es inteligente... ¿qué más puedo decir sobre mí mismo que sea realmente guay? [risas] Acabo de descubrir un montón de similitudes entre nosotros.

ETonline: Dudaste en llamarlo un estafador, así es que ¿cómo describirías la relación de Patrick con Victoria?
Hartley: Madeleine [Stowe] y yo hemos tenido muchas conversaciones profundas sobre esto; ambos tenemos hijos y la lista de cosas que no harías por tus hijos es increíblemente corta. Una de las cosas que es interesante sobre Victoria y Patrick es que ella lo dio cuando era un bebé, así es que ella sólo lo conoce cuando ya es un hombre. Ella no lo crió, así es que si se parecen en algún sentido, es químico. A diferencia de Daniel y Charlotte, Patrick no fue enseñado por Victoria a ser de una cierta manera. Pero la agenda de Patrick cambió una vez que llegó a conocer a Victoria y ve el dolor que Conrad le está causando; él está destrozando el alma de esta mujer y al ver esto, el amor de Patrick hacia su madre crece de una manera significativa. Las cosas que hace tras llegar a The Hamptons, el llegar a conocerla y el ponerse en su situación durante varios meses le obliga a hacer algunas cosas que están un poco salidas del carril.

ETonline: Interesantemente, cuanto más de acerca a Victoria, más se convierte en un objetivo frente a los ojos de Emily.
Hartley: Emily va a conseguir lo que quiere cuando quiere, y las consecuencias accidentales de eso puede hacer que Patrick sea un daño colateral. No creo que Patrick vea la amenaza eminente que Emily posee por estar tan dedicado a su madre; le quita el ojo a la pelota un poco cuando se trata de Emily y veremos si ella lo destroza o no a él como resultado.

ETonline: Mirando hacia adelante, ¿qué es lo que más te emociona porque vea la audiencia en las siguientes semanas?
Hartley: A la audiencia le gusta Nolan así es que el verle legítimamante dedicado en una relación que podría desentrañar toda su vida será algo interesante de ver. También, Victoria no es muy amiga de Emily y Nolan, así es que veremos lo que pasa cuando Victoria, quien se ha abierto a Patrick, vea a Patrick con Nolan. Eso podría arruinarle la vida o darle munición al enemigo antes sus ojos, así es que veremos cómo Victoria reacciona ante eso -- ¿le abandonará de nuevo? Es una gran pregunta. Las aguas están aún en calma pero se acerca una moto de agua y está a punto de causar grandes olas. ... Interview/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos spoilers sobre su personaje de "Patrick" en la S3 de Revenge:
¿Cuándo va a regresar Patrick A Revenge? – Hugo
Hay una fuerte posibilidad de que regrese para el episodio 13 (si no lo hace mucho antes), porque la serie de ABC es cuando va a introducir al muy guapo padre biológico de Patric, Jimmy. En ese mismo episodio, también nos encontraremos con dos personajes fundamentales — la misteriosa primera esposa de Conrad, Stevie, y la madre de Sara Loretta (quien no está muy contenta de que su hija haya retomado el romance con Daniel). ... king-dead/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- LIVE Q&A CHAT on TWITTER (15-01-14): ... .15.14.pdf

(thanks to @JHartleyOnline)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Justin Hartley se une a ‘Damaged Goods’ de la cadena ABC (deadline):
Justin Hartley ha sido escogido como protagonista para el piloto de la comedia de Lauren Iungerich para ABC "Damaged Goods".

La serie gira en torno a dos hombres rotos (Hartley, Steve Talley) y dos mujeres rotas quienes exploran las minucias del amor y las relaciones.

El inteligente y egoísta Tim de Hartley es fuertemente golpeado cuando su novia y colega de la firma de abogados en las que trabajan consigue el ascenso que él esperaba conseguir. Inmaduro e incapaz de aplaudir sus logros o estar con una mujer que sea superior a él, la relación parece estar rota — a menos que ella renuncie. ... ian-keyes/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- LIVE Q&A CHAT on TWITTER (06-03-14): ... .06.14.pdf

(thanks to @JHartleyOnline)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Justin Hartley se une a la S2 de ‘Mistresses’ de la cadena ABC (TVLine):
Justin Hartley, que acaba de terminar su aparición en la tercera temporada de "Revenge", se une a la serie de verano de la ABC "Mistresses" en su segunda temporada.

Hartley interpretará al personaje potencialmente recurrente de "Scott", el nuevo interés amoroso para el personaje de Joss interpretado por la actriz Jes Macallan.

“Él es el más agradable cirujano plástico de Los Angeles con un pequeño fetichismo... el suficiente como para mantener a alguien como Joss interesada,” adelanta la productora ejecutiva Rina Mimoun. “Consigue que Joss haga algo que nunca pensó que haría jamás.”

En enero, antes de que se hiciera el cásting de Hartley, Mimoun adelantó que la introducción de Scott podría llevar a Joss a balancearse en el precipicio de enamorarse por primera vez. “Esto nos lleva a la pregunta de,” añade Mimoun, “¿cómo ella lo fastidiará?”

Mistresses estará de regreso para su segunda temporada el lunes, 2 de Junio a las 10/9c.

Podéis encontrar la primera imagen BTS del actor en el rodaje: AQUÍ

Video: AQUÍ ... -spoilers/

Hartley aparecerá en los episodios 4-8 y 10-13

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Justin Hartley se une a la telenovela "The Young and the Restless" de CBS:
justin-hartley-chrishell-strause-daytime-emmy-awards-2014-08.jpg (87.84 KiB) Visto 9450 veces

Justin Hartley regresa a las mañanas de TV, como el nuevo 'Adam Newman' de "The Young and the Restless", después de que Michael Muhney fuera abruptamente despedido del papel el pasado Diciembre.

El actor comenzará a trabajar para la telenovela de la CBS a finales de Septiembre y está previstp que se emita durante los sweeps de Noviembre.

"Estoy tan entusiasmado por unirme a Y&R — ¡La veo todo el tiempo y no puedo esperar para meterme ahí y ensuciarme las manos!, dice Hartley, quien comenzó su carrera en el 2002 con el serial 'Passions'. "Siento un gran respeto hacia el drama de telenovelas. Me encanta la marca. Me encanta el estilo. ¿Qué puedo decir? ¡Adoro una buena telenovela!"

Y no ve este papel en Y&R como un paso atrás. Tras una serie de estupendas interpretaciones en hora punta — fue 'Green Arrow' en Smallville, 'Patrick' el hijo gay ilegítimo de Victoria en Revenge, y 'Scott' el fetichista cirujano plástico de Mistresses — Hartley dice, "Todo se trata sobre la historia y el personaje conmigo y no me importa si el trabajo es en horario diurno, en hora punta o en la web. Hey, dame un buen personaje y alguien que escuche y actuaré en una esquina de la calle."

Hartley dice que se encontró con la productora ejecutiva de Y&R Jill Farren Phelps y la zarina del horario diurno de la CBS Angelica McDaniel para hablar sobre el papel de Adam y "me fui sintiéndome muy ilusionado. Los que mandan son personas inteligentes y encantadoras de gran corazón. Será maravilloso el ir a trabajar sabiendo que realmente me quieren." Además, hay otro binus: el trabajo basado en L.A. hace que Hartley siga cerca de su hija de 10 años Isabella, de su anterior matrimonio con la actriz Lindsay Hartley.

A decir verdad, está un poco nervioso. "Y&R es la serie No. 1 y la compañía de actores es excepcional," dice Hartley. "No hay periodo de ajuste con esas personas y eso es abrumador. No sólo tengo que estar fantástico, ¡tengo que estar fantástico ahora mismo!".

Además de los anteriores trabajos mencionados, sus trabajos en televisión también incluyen episodios de Chuck y Castle, además de su papel en Emily Owens M.D. ... 85673.aspx

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Justin Hartley a los fans de Adam Newman en "Young and the Restless": Decidme si odiáis mi coraje (The wrap):
Justin Hartley a los fans de Adam Newman en "Young and the Restless": Decidme si odiáis mi coraje
Por Tim Kenneally 20 Octubre, 2014 @ 7:36 am

“People are going to have their opinions, which I think is great,” the actor tells TheWrap in his first official interview since joining the CBS daytime drama

Justin Hartley is stepping into some big shoes on “The Young and the Restless” — and he doesn't mind if some fans don't think he can fill them.

On Nov. 5, Hartley will take over the role of Adam Newman on the CBS soap, following the departure of Michael Muhney. But he's not particularly worried if viewers don't take to his portrayal of Newman.

“People are going to have their opinions, which I think is great — I welcome it and I love it,” Hartley, a veteran of “Passions,” “Smallville” and “Revenge,” told TheWrap.

In his first official interview since landing the role, Hartley told TheWrap about dealing with fan expectations, his take on Adam Newman and how the new kid in town has been received on set.

You're taking over an established, well-known character. Are you adopting any of Michael Muhney's portrayal, or are you hitting this fresh?
I wouldn't say that I'm going to try to emulate Michael at all. He did a great job with the character, there's no question about it, and I have a lot of respect for him and his work. But I think it happened at such a rapid rate, and you're thrown into it, and you have a choice to make. My approach was, this is how I would like to play the character, and this is what I would like to do, and this is what I'm comfortable doing and this is what I would enjoy spending the next however [many] years of my life [doing], if it happens to be that, and going in there every day enjoying playing this character.

That said, let's give credit where credit's due. A lot of this stuff that I'm going to be doing and a lot of the great story that I'm sort of inheriting only came about because the people ahead of me had done a great job with the character. If he went in and stunk up the character, there'd be no reason to have the character — it wouldn't even be there, it would be gone. I have a little bit of experience going in and playing a character — I played a character on “Smallville” that had been established for decades and decades before I took it. People are going to have their opinions, which I think is great — I welcome it, and I love it. As long as people are talking about it, you know? I am having a blast doing this.

Soaps fans can be fiercely loyal, and they're going to have opinions about the new kid on the block.
They should! I think that's fair. They absolutely should, good or bad. That's one of the great things that comes about from watching TV and all of the social media that's happening now, is you have your opinion. And if you have four Twitter followers, you can say to them what you think about someone else. And you can talk to me! You can tell me that you hate my guts, you can tell me that you love me. It's great! I've been very, very fortunate to have had the kind of response that I've gotten, because I know it could easily go the other way.

What is your general approach to the character? What will distinguish your portrayal?
I'd like to add a little bit of levity to certain things, depending on what's happening. In this genre, there are days where you go in and there is absolutely no room for any kind of levity, it's all serious and things like that. And then there are other days where you can get a little broader with the character and things like that. I think as long as I have my finger on the pulse of what's going on story-wise and the character and where I'm coming from, I think it will just sort of happen. And I think I'm taller — I think I'll add a little height.

The guy's gonna have a little humor, and I think, after going through what he went through, he truly is driven to sort of maintain his life and slow his life down a little bit. Maybe make sounder choices, maybe give some things a little more thought. I don't know if he'll be successful. But I think he's going to be a little more mindful of that. And then we'll see what happens; I'm sure he'll still get pissed off and people will irritate him and drive him to do things that are absolutely insane, which is always fun to play as well.

Of course, succeeding at one's goal doesn't always make for the best drama.
Well, failing — and that's also probably what'll happen. It's like, “We really want this guy to … oh, why did he do that? Come on, I hate this guy!” And then he'll build up your trust again and then, BAM! He'll let let you down.

You've done daytime before with “Passions” and then done primetime with “Smallville,” “Emily Owens, M.D.” and other series. What are the differences between the two, and do you have a favorite of the two?
Obviously, the glaring difference is the pace that we produce this stuff at. I think yesterday I did 27 or 30 pages, which is close to a week on a primetime TV show. I enjoy the slower pacing; the preparation is a little bit different because you can go in and you can experiment with things on the set. But I do like the fact that it's sort of like a play in daytime. I mean, whatever's going to happen is going to happen. There are definitely advantages to both.

You've had a handful of days on set. Have any of your castmates been particularly helpful?
All of them, actually. I'm completely blown away by how nice everybody is. There's people who have been doing this on that show for decades. And yet they stop and talk to the new guy. Like Josh Morrow — he's been on the show for 20 years, and he walks right up to me and show me the ropes. Just as far as, “This is how you get here, here's a shortcut here, here's a couple of storyline points that you probably don't know about that you might want to know, here's what happened to your character a few years ago.” He's telling me stories about my character that happened five years ago. I mean, this is really great stuff. He doesn't have to do that And this is in between one of his scenes that he's got to prepare for and he has five pages of dialogue to memorize. So he's a really nice guy.

You've primarily been working with fellow newcomer Sally Kellerman so far. What can you say about your experience with her, and Adam's interaction with her character?
Fantastic. She's prepared, obviously, but in a way that sort of … she has a lot of flavor to what she does, so the words jump off the page for sure, and it's fun to work with her. And it's totally different dynamics because of the generational gap, so it's not the typical, “Here's the guy, here's the girl, they're dating, and they get it a fight and then they make up.” It's a totally different thing. I'm sort of going behind her back and doing something that she's unaware of, and she's this sweet older lady and she's playing this sort of frail, very lovely woman. She's right in the wheelhouse of Adam's shark jaws. So we'll see what happens. I think he's gonna be kind to her — I hope he is. I hope they end up working it out. I hope he doesn't end up destroying this sweet older woman, but that's not up to me. ... exclusive/

- Justin Hartley Adelanta su nuevo papel en "The Young and the Restless" (TVGuide):
Justin Hartley Adelanta su nuevo papel en "The Young and the Restless"
Por Michael Logan 22 Oct, 2014 10:35 AM ET

Charismatic supercreep Adam Newman will return to CBS's The Young and the Restless Wednesday, Nov. 5, and he'll be looking just like Justin Hartley! TV Guide Magazine had a chat with the former Revenge star about the return of the presumed-dead Adam, who will now be sporting a new puss thanks to plastic surgery. Word is, he wants his old life back. And what Adam wants...

TV Guide Magazine: It seems like ages since you won the role and now you're finally hitting the air. Surely, you're not going to gripe about not having enough prep time!
Hartley: No! I've had two months to properly prepare for the role with a lot of time in the gym and a lot of spray tanning. [Laughs] You know, the important stuff.

TV Guide Magazine: Now the bad news: You're replacing Michael Muhney, a hugely popular actor who was fired last year and his fans won't stop crabbing about it. How do you plan to handle that?
Hartley: There are people who are happy I'm joining Y&R and those who clearly don't want a recast. They want the Adam they know and love and are never going to like it if the part isn't played by Michael Muhney. I get that. I think that's fair. It's like trying to get your brain around Derek Jeter leaving the Yankees. I was an emotional mess over that, so I understand the feeling of loss. I was a massive Michael Jordan fan but when he retired and came back as a Wizard I was, like, "I want him playing for the Bulls!" We fans don't like change. I just hope Michael's fans will give me a chance. I'm going to do my best. We'll see what happens. By the way, I don't technically feel I'm replacing Michael Muhney. I am replacing the computer hand than replaced Muhney. [Laughs] I feel confident I can at least do a better job than the hand did!

TV Guide Magazine: What brings Adam out of hiding?
Hartley: [His wife] Chelsea finds the surveillance cam he put in their son's nursery and she disables it. Now he can no longer be a creeper. He can't spy on his family anymore so, even though he's not fully recovered from his accident, he must get back to town quickly, especially after he hears Chelsea talking about Billy moving in. The control freak in him can't stand it. So, basically, Adam had a five-step plan to get back his life that would have played out over the course of a couple of years, but now he's jumping right to Step 5.

TV Guide Magazine: We'll see that Adam is still in weak physical shape, so clearly he didn't personally put the surveillance camera in the penthouse. So who did? Does Adam have minions?
Hartley: He seems to have a little army, which means he's still got his hands on some cash. I'm assuming these people don't work for free.

TV Guide Magazine: Adam killed a child in a hit-and-run and kept it secret, which is about as low as a soap baddie can go. How will you get us back on his side?
Hartley: [Laughs] I'm leaving that problem to the writers! There's definitely damage control to be done. Adam has massive issues but such a huge heart that you can actually find yourself rooting for him — then you get mad at yourself because he's such a d--k. But this is a culture of forgiveness. We want people to learn from their mistakes, don't we? That's what I preach to my daughter all the time.

TV Guide Magazine: When last we spoke, you weren't remotely worried about abandoning your very healthy primetime career for a role on daytime. Still feeling that way?
Hartley: I'm totally cool with it. Look, we actors always worry that we'll never work again. Work is work and you take it when it comes along. You don't want to have to go back home and live with your mom.

TV Guide Magazine: Where does this leave your role on Mistresses?
Hartley: At the end of last season my character, Scott, got stood up at the altar when his bride-to-be started making out with her sister's ex-husband, which I think was shady as hell. Scott's not dead and he's very likable so he could come back next season. It's not up to me but there's definitely more story to be told. The guy does deserve an explanation! ... 88264.aspx
- Melissa Claire Egan de ‘Y&R’ Sobre el trabajar con Justin Hartley Y qué esperar sobre el regreso de la muerte de Adam (soapoperanetwork):
Melissa Claire Egan de ‘Y&R’ Sobre el trabajar con Justin Hartley Y qué esperar sobre el regreso de la muerte de Adam
Por Kambra Clifford, 23 Octubre, 2014 @ 2:18 PM

With a slew of soap weddings under her belt, a run at playing “crazy” and nearly a decade of daytime experience between “The Young and the Restless” and “All My Children,” a back-from-the-dead storyline is no big thang for “Y&R’s” Melissa Claire Egan (Chelsea Lawson). Except for when the back-from-the-dead character happens to be her alter ego’s kid-killing husband, and that same guy’s real-life recast happens to be one of the most talked about soap events of the year! So just how is Egan taking in all of the madness surrounding Adam’s big return from the “dead,” including the fact that the character is now being played by Justin Hartley? Soap Opera Network caught up with the actress to find out!

Fans have been buzzing about Adam’s grand return to Genoa City for months, but it seems that nobody is more excited that Hartley will be in the character’s shoes than Egan. And she has good reason: The former “Revenge” actor just happens to be the real-life boyfriend of her real-life best friend, Chrishell Stause (Jordan Ridgeway, “Days of our Lives;” ex-Amanda Dillon, “All My Children”)! “They’ve been dating for over a year, and [my husband] Matt [Katrosar] and Justin and Chrishell and I double date all the time; we’re always hanging out,” she shares, adding that she’s super excited that Hartley will now be her co-star. “He’s just the best, so I was thrilled when I heard the news. We are so lucky to have him.”

And, if she’s going to be making out with someone, it may as well be her best friend’s boyfriend, right?! “We’ve been getting that question a lot, and it’s so funny,” Egan says with a laugh about the fact that Chelsea and Adam have a romantic past, so it’s likely that she and Hartley will have to play love scenes together. “It actually works out perfectly: I’ve always wanted Chrishell’s body, so now, since Justin’s her real-life boyfriend, I can just hire her as my body double for love scenes. Everybody wins!”

In reality though, the actress isn’t sure whether or not Chelsea will even let Adam near her, let alone near her lips or other areas. “If you recall, 10 months ago, when Adam supposedly died, after that is when she found out about [his involvement in the hit-and-run that killed] Delia,” she points out. “Who knows how Adam is going to come back — that’s a mystery and I can’t say — but let’s say Chelsea realizes that it’s Adam down the road. I don’t think she’s going to be very happy with him. So I’m not really sure [if they’ll have romantic scenes]. We haven’t really thought about that stuff yet. But at the same time, when you’ve been doing soaps for almost a decade, I mean, I’ve had nine weddings, I’ve made out with like a hundred people, so it’s really, really become just another day at the office. It’s weird how not weird it is that you’re making out with strangers all day!

“If anything, it’s great, because I adore Justin,” she continues. “He’s a close friend of mine, he’s close friends with my husband, so it’s fine. It’s just another day at the office, as strange as that sounds. And in a way, it’s nice that it’s someone that you’re comfortable with, that you trust, who’s a great person. So what’s a little kiss amongst friends, right? [laughs] So we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, because right now, I don’t even know potentially what the story is going to be. I don’t really know if Chelsea will just walk right back into Adam’s arms, because they still have a lot of stuff to work through since he left… on such bad terms after their wedding.”

In fact, Egan teases that though some parts of the upcoming story might seem obvious, a lot of it is not what people might be assuming. “I can’t give anything away, really, but you’ll see it’s not necessarily what everybody thinks. There are a lot of elements to it; it’s not as simple as ‘Adam comes back, and how are Adam and Chelsea?’ It’s a little more complicated than that.”

First of all, there’ll be the shock that Adam is in fact alive. As fans may recall, Chelsea really held onto the belief that her husband wasn’t really dead for quite some time. “Oh my gosh, I can’t wait for that moment!” the actress says of the big reveal. “I’m so excited to see what the writers [have come up with], how she’s going to find out, and what she’s going to find out, because she really, really thought he was alive, and finally, when Victor [Eric Braeden] said Adam [was dead], he had dental records, that’s when it finally hit her, and she was so devastated by it, but she forced herself to move on. So yeah, I can’t wait. I feel like that’s going to be such a shocker, such an explosive thing, and then, on top of it, it’s like, ‘Oh my God, you’re alive,’ but then, ‘Oh my God, you lied to me, you killed this little girl and didn’t tell me about it, and then you let me remarry you?!’ There are so many elements to the story, so I’m so excited to see what happens.”

However, though Chelsea has a right to be upset with Adam for how he left town, one could argue that he’ll have an equally sound reason to be upset with her due to the fact that she moved on romantically with Billy (Burgess Jenkins), of all people! “She and Billy are getting super serious now, so that’s going to be a huge, huge element to it too, now that she’s finally learning to move on, he’s back in town, what’s going to happen,” Egan muses of the situation, adding that her alter ego has really fallen for the Jabot Cosmetics exec. “She went through such heartache last year and was so obsessed with the idea that Adam was alive, and when she found out he was actually dead, at least, that’s what she was told, she had to force herself to move on. And she and Billy have had a tumultuous relationship since she came to Genoa City. Obviously, when she came to town three years ago, it was on much worse terms, and she was really trying to mess with Victoria (Amelia Heinle) and extort them; she was not a good person. But I feel like after she became a nice person again, [she and Billy] had a really nice friendship, and then that’s fallen into a deeper passion, and that passion fell into love. So I think that they’re definitely falling in love with each other in a way that started with friendship. She really needed somebody, and he’s been there for her, and she’s been there for him. So there are a lot of layers to their relationship right now, so that’s going to be hard to break, too, when Adam does come back to town.”

Although, that’s not to say that her connection with Adam isn’t just as strong — if not stronger — despite his bad deeds and the strange situation they’ll be in with him returning from the “dead.” “Adam and Chelsea’s love is intense. It’s a deep love and passion for each other,” says the actress. “She didn’t want to allow herself to believe that he was really dead, because she couldn’t handle the thought of that. But when they [showed her proof that] he was dead, she had no choice but to move on for her son’s sake. But that was the worst thing that’s ever happened to her, and they have such a deep, deep profound love, so as mad as she could ever be at Adam, he always has her heart. So that’s why I can’t wait to see where it goes, because it’s going to be really intense.”

No matter what plays out onscreen, the dynamic of Adam and Chelsea will undoubtedly be different — both because of the recent storyline events that have transpired, and because Adam is now being played by a new actor. “No matter who was playing Adam right now, their relationship would be a lot different because of everything that’s happened over the past year,” she explains, adding that she’s intrigued by what element Hartley will bring to the couple’s onscreen dynamic. “Every time you work with a new actor, especially in any kind of love connection, it’s exciting to see where it goes and where the chemistry is. I started having all my scenes with Billy Miller’s Billy, and then Chelsea fell for [Michael Muhney's] Adam and then Steve Burton came on the show [as Dylan], and he and I had a sex scene like two days after we met, because remember Chelsea and Dylan had that one night stand, so you get thrown all these great hunks, and you’re like, ‘Great!’ You just juggle them and figure out the different dynamics and all this different chemistry, and it’s fun. It’s a really fun thing, working with every new person.”

And luckily, Egan is confident that her new co-star can bring it — despite the uphill battle he faces as a recast for the very popular Muhney. “I know he’ll be fabulous. He’s been doing so much other great work for so many years, so I’m excited to see [what he can do]. Everybody kind of, especially when you’re taking over a role, you make it your own, especially on a soap opera,” she says, adding that she wasn’t sure how the fans would react to the recast. “There is so much fan love for Michael, which is great, and with any recast, there’s always a little bit of backlash. But I wasn’t surprised that the fans were so excited about Justin. He’s super cute! All the fans love that. And I just think that fans were pleasantly surprised at what a great recast they could find.

“That’s not to take away from the fan love for Michael, because that will always be there,” she adds. “But Justin is such a huge talent, and he’s been in many primetime shows. He’s so good on top of being so handsome, so I think there was really nothing to argue. There was really nothing to fight about. [The fans] went, ‘Oh, ok, sure!’ But again, it doesn’t take away from the love that they’ll always have for Michael, because he was such an amazing Adam. But these are new beginnings, and I think Justin is a perfect fit. There couldn’t have been a better recast.” ... turns-dead

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Justin Hartley Regresará para la S3 de "Mistresses" (TVGuide):
A pesar de que en los momentos finales de la S2 de "Mistresses" vimos cómo 'Scott' era dejado plantado en el altar, su personaje no lo ha dicho todo aún.

TVGuide ha confirmado que el actor regresará a la serie de la ABC para dos episodios de la S3.

En la season finale de la pasada temporada vimos cómo Joss (Jes Macallan) y Harry (Brett Tucker) finalmente estaban juntos en la playa que había en la parte de afuera de la boda de Joss y Scott. El episodio terminaba con Savi (Alyssa Milano) bajando los escalones para posiblemente encontrar a su hermana y a su ex-marido juntos. No obstante lo que Savi vio o no podría complicarse con la salida de Milano de la serie.

"Mucho de lo que empieza en la Season 3 es lidiar con las repercusiones masivas que esa eleción traerá," dice Macallan. "Sabemos que va a cerrarse, pero no sabemos cómo van a manejarlo."

Independientemente de cómo la serie manejará la reacción fuera de cámara de Savi a lo que pasa, está claro que la reacción de Scott al rechazo jugará una gran parte en el principio de la temporada. Y en cuanto al futuro de Joss y Harry, tanto Macallan como Tucker están contentos de que sus personajes estén finalmente juntos - una parte del guión que no estaba exactamente planeada desde el principio.

"[Los escritores] permitieron la progresión de lo que estaba pasando en pantalla y que influenciara lo que escribían," she dice. "Dijeron, 'Está pasando algo aquí' y siguieron con eso. No creo que pensáramos que iba a ir hacia ahí, pero nos dijeron, '¿Sentís que eso está entre líneas?' Y dijimos, 'Totalmente, eso podría pasar.'"

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Las estrellas de "The Young and the Restless" Justin Hartley y Melissa Claire adelantan la gran revelación de Adam (tvinsider):
Las estrellas de "The Young and the Restless" Justin Hartley y Melissa Claire adelantan la gran revelación de Adam
8 de Julio, 2015 10:00 am

Spoiler Alert: A bottle of bubbly and some hot sex on the couch in daddy’s office can leave a guy feeling pretty darn cocky. On the July 13 episode of CBS’s The Young and the Restless, Gabriel Bingham (Justin Hartley) is so jazzed over his good fortune—he’s now CEO of Newman-Abbott Enterprises and he’s just made love to the beautiful Chelsea Lawson (Melissa Claire Egan)—that he stands before a portrait of Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) and cavalierly blurts out his most gobsmacking secret: He’s really the nefarious, supposedly-dead Adam Newman, Victor’s son and Chelsea’s husband. And Chelsea overhears him! What do Egan and Hartley think of the crazy way this long-awaited reveal happens? We arranged a gabfest with the two stars to find out!

Thanks to some brilliant cosmetic surgery, Gabe has been able to keep his true identity a secret for months. Why would he blow it now? Is this a cry for help? Or one of those O.J. Simpson-Robert Durst situations, where the criminal gets busted for the goofiest of reasons?
Hartley: It’s not like Adam is carrying around all this guilt and the weight of it becomes too much. He has no guilt. He’s pulled off the coup of the century and is done in by his own confidence. Victor is in jail and Adam has everything he’s been wanting–Chelsea, their son, the company. Yeah, he’s technically interim CEO but he has flushed that “interim” word down the toilet. In Gabe’s mind he is CEO. He’s running the show. But his Achilles heel is his need for his father’s acceptance. He can’t help but gloat over his revenge in front of Victor’s picture. “See, Dad, I am good enough! People like me!”

You don’t think this happens because Adam, on a subconscious level, needs to end this charade?
Hartley: Not really. Life is exactly the way Adam wants it. His best friend in the world is Gabriel Bingham. He doesn’t need to be Adam Newman anymore. He’s completely thrilled to be Gabe.

But it’s not like Chelsea has left the building when he admits he’s Adam. She has only left the room to pee, or do whatever. Seems like he’s looking to get caught.
Egan: In a way, this is sort of like when murderers get away with it and then go to jail for tax evasion. Or like what happened with O.J. Simpson. Not to compare Adam to O.J., but you know what I mean. Someone can be extremely good at hiding the truth, and then there’s a hiccup. It’s so ironic.
Hartley: After Adam gets caught, there’s a choice he can make. He can try to get out of it by saying, “Hey, Chelsea, I was just making a joke!” And he sort of starts to go down that road but then he doesn’t. He chooses in that moment to not give Chelsea an excuse, and I think it’s because of his love for her. Enough is enough. He realizes that as good as everything seems to be with their relationship, it is still broken at its core.
Egan: And the only way to fix it is to come clean.
Hartley: We’ve all been in that position where we’ve lied and then the truth comes out and at first you’re, like, “S--t! That sucks. I am such an idiot!” But then you’re going, “Whew! It actually feels good to get that off my chest.” But Adam also thinks he can fix this. He thinks he can fix anything.

How does Chelsea react to the news?
Hartley: [Laughs] She freaks out like a psycho!
Egan: At first she’s confused. “Why would you say something like that?” There are a lot of emotions going on at once—so much shock and confusion—and then she goes on the defensive. “No! You can’t be Adam. I don’t believe you. They found the body!”

She’s been hugely suspicious of Gabe’s behavior lately, especially his obsessive knowledge of Adam and Victor and Victor’s kids. How can she not know something is extremely funky here? Is she in denial?
Egan: A lot of strange things have been going on with Gabe but she’s certainly not wondering, “Are you my dead husband?” [Laughs] It’s not the first thing you think about, not even in Genoa City, where people are always coming back from the dead. And Chelsea was the last one to give up hope! Long after everyone else accepted that Adam was dead, she was still denying it. “I know he’s out there somewhere!” She’s also been feeling a very strong chemistry with Gabe, a connection that definitely reminds her of her connection with Adam. But, still, she doesn’t go there.
Hartley: While it’s a little creepy that Gabe has done all this Internet research, he’s admitted to Chelsea that he’s obsessed with Adam because he was a successful guy who had it all. Basically, Gabe has been painting himself like a cyberstalker. He’s been copping to this embarrassing thing hoping it will throw Chelsea off the trail. [Laughs] Who would admit to being a sick, creepy bastard if he didn’t mean it? And it works. It does take the heat off him.
Egan: In those first moments, she’s all about trying to embrace the fact that Adam is alive. But then all the questions start coming, like, “How could you lie to me about Delia?” In the episode after the big reveal, a lot of her questions get answered.
Hartley: There is nothing quite like the feeling of being betrayed. It makes me emotional just thinking about it. It’s something that’s almost impossible to get over.
Egan: It’s so true, and that’s why these scenes really play well.
Hartley: I never say this about my stuff: This is worth watching.

This puts Chelsea in quite a pickle: Does she reveal to the rest of Genoa City who Gabe really is, or will she clam up and become guilty by association?
Egan: At first, she wants Adam to confess to everyone, take responsibility for his actions and be a real father to his son, Connor. Then she starts to think about everyone this news will affect and some of the terrible repercussions. For example, Billy can’t get Delia back. Do we really want to open those wounds again? So she does agree to keep quiet…but we’ll see what happens.
Hartley: If this gets out, there will be a lot of unhappy people in Genoa City. Some will want Adam dead—for real this time.

And some are going to want the name of that plastic surgeon! Speaking of that surgery, how come Chelsea didn’t ever recognize Adam below the waist?
Egan: [Laughs] That’s the question people ask me the most. “Doesn’t Chelsea recognize his penis? What’s wrong with her?” I don’t know what to tell you, except that it’s possible to have vaginal reconstruction so maybe Adam had everything overhauled.

Prediction time. Where will Adam and Chelsea be one year from today?
Hartley: I love working with Melissa but, from Adam’s point of view, getting everything you want might get boring. If that happens, I would hope they’d split apart but then find their way back to each other again.
Egan: You never want your character to be happy on this show. You want to be cheated on. You want to be lied to. Everything you wouldn’t want in real life, you hope for on a soap. That’s where the drama is. But I can’t see them being apart anytime soon. Despite all the lies, Chelsea can’t resist Adam. And that’s a problem. She can’t escape him. She can’t say no. At the end of the day, they’re still madly in love with each other.
Hartley: And he would do anything for her.

Chelsea may cut him some slack now, but what’s going to happen next time he’s caught fibbing? How many more chances does this guy get?
Hartley: Gee, thank you for that.
Egan: But it’s true. He can’t keep lying like this. Chelsea is onto him so he better watch out! There’s going to be a lot of tension going on in Adam Newman’s head. And body. And penis. [Laughs] But it’s hard to be mad at him when he’s so damn cute! ... am-reveal/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Justin Hartley

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡Justin Hartley de YR habla sobre el interpretar a la oveja negra del clan Newman! (
As Adam Newman has only allowed a select few to know that he is alive and well with a new face and a new identify, the black sheep of Genoa City’s most prominent family continues to weave, worm, and fight to regain the life he had, and even to seek revenge on those who wronged him, while trying to avoid prison time for the hit and run that claimed the life of little Delia Abbott. Playing this kind of character is an actor’s dream and needs to be in the hands of someone more than just capable who can bring all the subtle complexities, the dark troubled soul, and the soap romance to the role. Justin Hartley is that such actor and more, who has delivered stirring performances since taking over the integral character on the number one daytime drama series.

On-Air On-Soaps caught up with Justin at the recent CBS TCA Summer Party 2015, our first chitchat since our video interview together earlier this year back in February. Hartley weighed-in on: his thoughts on the major scenes that aired this summer where Chelsea learned that Gabriel is actually Adam, where he sees the relationship between Jack and Adam, now that the character has done some pretty-underhanded maneuvers to his buddy, if he would like to see the truth revealed to everyone in Genoa City that Gabriel is Adam, and his thoughts on the complex relationships between Adam and his father Victor, and with Sage, and more. Here’s what Justin shared.

Back in July, Chelsea (Melissa Claire Egan) learned the truth, that Gabriel is really her believed-to-be-dead husband Adam Newman. The performances by you and Melissa Claire Egan were so riveting, moving, subtle, and yet heart-wrenching. What did you think about the scenes when you watched them back? Did you walk away from those pivotal scenes thinking you hit all the right beats?

JUSTIN: We pulled it off, which I am thrilled about. You want to reach people … that is the idea. It doesn’t matter what time you are on television. You want people to cry with you, and root for you. Missy is easy to work with. She makes all of our scenes better, and I thought she was fantastic. I did watch those scenes back, and I loved them. It’s hard for me to judge my own work, but I was happy with it. I believed it. You watch and you go. “That’s good. I believe that guy is in love with her.” It was heartbreaking and it was well-written. I thought the scenes were shot well and tonally it played right. I was very proud of them.

What was also amusing was that after disclosing to Chelsea that he is Adam, next thing you know while he is interim CEO running the company from out from under Victor, he is talking down to the employees, and restructuring everyone’s job duties: Abby (Melissa Ordway), Billy (Burgess Jenkins), Victoria (Amelia Heinle), Neil (Kristoff St. John), etc. Did you have a good laugh when performing those scenes with your co-stars?

JUSTIN: My thing is: I’m surrounded by so many talented people that have sharp, sharp memories. And you can change things, and they will come right along with you and they will play, and they are not afraid to lose. I love these people. Kristoff St. John is not afraid to lose, and I love that about him. He’s an actor’s actor. I have to go, “Well, in this scene I am going to try and annihilate the guy.” He understands that it is actually a win – the story wins – when you do that. Kristoff is great. Peter Bergman (Jack) is the same way, and no one is afraid to be the loser in a scene, and that is wonderful.

Adam and Jack’s relationship has been truly tested. Adam has capitalized on Jack’s misfortune, and has also pretended to his biological-son. Where do you see things headed between them in the future?

JUSTIN: Jack understands Adam, and they are cut from the same cloth. Adam truly does believe that his heart is in the right place and he sort of steps in his own way a lot. Jack understands it. He has been in some tight situations himself, and so there is some compassion there. Jack sees how much Adam loves this woman and how he is trying to start a family, but he knows what a bastard Adam’s father is too! Jack has had to deal with Victor most of his life, so he sympathizes with that.

Sage (Kelly Sullivan) is getting ready to marry Nick (Joshua Morrow), but of course, she had slept with Adam, and she is pregnant. And Sage could also spill the beans at anytime and blow Adam’s cover to the rest of the world sky high! Would you like to have more scenes between Sage and Adam?

JUSTIN: I miss working with Kelly Sullivan. She is fun. I love her. On set those two characters – Sage and Adam – drive each other insane. I hope we will get to continue working together. I think one of the great parts about playing the character of Adam is that I get to work with pretty much everybody. It’s such a great character, and through the character I get to have a different relationship with every single person, and they are all like Adam’s little pawns. But then Adam realizes he is actually the pawn, but he always realizes it to late, and then it starts over. I love that dynamic where Adam always thinks he is a step ahead, even when he’s not. Sometime’s he is, sometimes he’s not, but he always thinks that he is, and that always gets him in trouble. I also love the humor they let me bring to him. My whole thing is … this guy has a second lease on life. He should be dead. So, he’s a little bit more appreciative of things, and maybe less cynical, and he has got a genuine sort of humor to him. He understands things a bit differently than he did before. I think the charm of Adam comes through.

Are you waiting for the day when more key characters find out the truth that Gabriel is really Adam Newman, especially the Newman clan? When his identify is finally and completely out in the open?

JUSTIN: I don’t want to be ever relaxed in this role. I will say this: I am looking forward to playing whatever brings the most drama to my character and to the town of Genoa City. I would steer that way. However much hell Adam can raise is the direction that I want to go.

Recently, in a knee-jerk Adam type reaction, he decides to kidnap his son Connor and run away with him … for a millisecond! (Laughs)

JUSTIN: Well, you know. C’mon! It was a minute. We all do things under duress! (Laughs) It’s how you handle the losses that matters, not whether you win or lose. (Laughs) So, he brought Connor back. It’s his kid! Adam just took him around the block went to the mall, the mall was closed, and he took the kid back home. (Laughs)

Victor and Adam’s relationship is so fraught with deep, emotional wounds and familial drama. Are you looking forward to having more scenes with Eric Braeden (Victor), where you can really dig into this father/son relationship?

JUSTIN: I get a kick out of firing him up! I enjoy that. People always talk about how much Adam hates Victor and the hate that they have towards each other, but I say … Adam loves him. Adam loves his dad so much, and that is where this comes from. If Adam didn’t care about Victor, he wouldn’t care what Victor thought of him. Then there is this massive, massive fear that is weighing on Adam. He sees his father, and he has so many problems with him. One being he thinks was never good enough in his father’s eyes. We all know relationships like that, or maybe we are in them. It’s a horrible, horrible position to be in. Now, Adam has his own son, and it’s this fear that he has got that he may end up this same sort of way. Everyone else tells him, “You’re just like you’re father.” And it’s like, “Wait a minute, am I? Am I going to have the same sort of relationship with my son that I have with my father?” Adam doesn’t want that to happen, and so he is going to fight against that. Adam loves his son, but I think that when people tell you over and over again, “This is who you are,” you start to think, “Maybe this is who I am and I can’t get away from it.” He’s going to do everything he can to get away from that, and in turn, this is what causes all of the turmoil and the drama. Adam oversteps way too often, but with reason.

November Sweeps will be upon us soon enough. I am assuming somehow Adam will be a part of it?

JUSTIN: Yeah, it’s big. It’s good, tune-in. I will be a part of it … as far as I know. (Laughs) I think you will enjoy it. Yes, you will! ... 015/08/25/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


Volver a “Oliver Queen (Justin Hartley)”