Cómic-Con 2010

Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos.

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por Shelby »


- Lugar de Celebración: Centro de Exposiciones de San Diego, California.

- Fecha del evento: del 22 al 25 de Julio.

- Hora: 10-11 am.

- Sala Nº20.

- La página oficial: http://www.comic-con.org/

- Twitter: http://twitter.com/SD_Comic_Con

- Se confirma la asistencia de Smallville el Domingo, 25 de Julio:












MYTHBUSTERS : 7:15PM : ROOM 6BCF ( For the 1st time all 5 Mythbusters will be at Comic Con )












ROBOT CHICKEN ( SOURCE : Hollywood Reporter )

- Se anuncia la hora y lugar del Panel de Smallville:
SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2010

10:00–11:00 a.m. Smallville Screening and Q&A – Comic-Con favorite Smallville returns for its last visit to Comic-Con in advance of the show's 10th and final season. Series stars to be announced join executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson to talk about the year ahead, answer fan questions and give an exclusive sneak peek at clips from the final season. From Tollin/Robbins Productions, Millar/Gough Ink in association with Warner Bros. Television, Smallville airs Fridays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW. Smallville: The Complete Ninth Season will be released on Blu-ray™ and DVD on September 7. Become a fan of the show on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/smallville. Ballroom 20

- Exclusiva: ¡Detalles de 'Smallville' en el Comic-Con revelados!:
Exclusiva: ¡Detalles de 'Smallville' en el Comic-Con revelados!
Por Michael Ausiello 7 de Julio 2010 06:16 PM ET

Tengo buenas noticias para los miles de fans de Smallville que van a hacer el viaje a San Diego el 25 de Julio para la última aparición de la serie en el panel del Comic-Con: No defraudará. Y aquí hay cinco razones del por qué...

* ¡Tom Welling estará allí! El líder de la serie y productor ejecutivo hatá su segunda aparición en el Con.

* Welling será acompañado por los regulares de la serie que regresan Erica Durance, Cassidy Freeman, y Justin Hartley en el panel de la serie el Domingo a las 10.

* Los Showrunners Kelly Souders y Brian Peterson también estarán presentes para contestar todas vuestras preguntas calientes sobre la déicma y final temporada de la serie.

* ¿He mencionado que el aclamadi escritor de Smallville Geoff Johns estará moderando el panel?

* Y por último pero no menos: ¡Seréis invitados a un exclusivo primer vistazo de la premiere de la temporada! Last

¡¿Quién va?!

http://ausiellofiles.ew.com/2010/07/07/ ... -revealed/
- Smallville una de las portadas especiales del especial de "TVGuide" dedicado al SDCC:
Smallville será una de las series que protagonizará una de las 4 portadas especiales de la revista "TVGuide Magazine" dedicadas al SDCC. La revista se distribuirá durante los cinco días del Cómic-Con y estará disponible únicamente en la cabina de la WB (#4545) en la planta baja de la convención. El número especial estará disponible en los kioscos a partir del lunes 26 de julio.
-Portada en HQ (gracias a Sussan Skesser por twitter):


- Bolsa promocional de Smallville que se dará en el CC (gracias a @skesser):


- Llave especial de la habitación del hotel para los asistentes al CC:


- Scans del especial de "TVGUIDE" del CC (gracias a dawnybee):
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen

- Informaciones desde el CC:
- @DamianTVGuideMg BTW, @GeoffJohns0 told me that there "are some big announcements" being made at Sunday's #Smallville panel. Spread the word! #sdcc ("Por cierto, Geoff Johns me ha dicho que "hay grandes anuncios" que serán hechos en el panel de Smallville del domingo. ¡Corred la voz!").

- Kelly y Brian (Facebook): ¡Recién acabado el carrete (vídeo) que proyectaremos el domingo en la Comic Con! Muy emocionados por compartirlo todo con vosotros. Os da una mirada a lo que viene este año (dado a que solo hemos rodado durante dos semanas). Aunque se han filtrado algunas cosas como el retorno de James Marsters (¿buenas noticias, no?) hay mucho más en el repuesto. ¡Nos vemos en San Diego!

- Resumen del panel:

-Vídeo recopilatorio de las nueve temporadas.
-Clark choca contra el suelo. (Completo, Lois está allí)
-¡Lois en el desierto! ¡Y Cat Grant con una molesta voz!.
-¡Beso Chlollie!
-Tess se despierta en lo que parece un banco de clones.
-Chloe necesita encontrar a Oliver... Clark se encuentra con un tipo que parece un viejo Lex...
-Abrazo de Clark con Jonathan. ¿Y pienso que acabo de ver un segmento de Lionel?
-Chloe captura el casco de Doctor Fate y Lois acaba de decir “Supermán”.
-Clark acaba de volar llevándose el globo del Daily Planet.
-El traje está en la caja, parece el de Brandon Routh pero con una capa más brillante.
-¡Geoff Johns está haciendo un episodio de Booster Gold y Blue Beetle!
-Cassidy Freeman está en el escenario, ahora vienen Brian y Kelly.
-Geoff acaba de llamar a Erica Durance su “absoluta favorita Lois Lane en el mundo”.
-”El tipo malo favorito de todo el mundo, el increíble Green Arrow”, ahora Justin Hartley está arriba.
-¡Tom Welling acaba de recibir grandes aplausos!
-”Estoy aquí sentada en este panel, así que parece bueno”, dice Cassidy Freeman sobre volver.
-Darkseid viene en “una forma diferente a la que estamos acostumbrados”.
-Justin acaba de decir que “es un sueño el trabajar con Allison”.
-”Con Lois sabiéndolo, puede usarlo en su contra luego”, dice Erica, creo que eso confirma que Lois LO sabe.
-Tom confirma que dirigirá otro episodio esta temporada. Tom tuvo a Glen Winter, a quién Geoff llamó “un gran director”.
-Kelly confirma que el traje es el mismo que en Superman Returns, y Brian dice que quizás veamos a Tom en un pequeño cambio de velocidad con el negro.
-JOHN SCHNEIDER acaba de aparecer en el escenario.
-"Los rumores acerca de mi muerte han sido muy exagerados", dice Schneider.
-¿El héroe favorito de Justin? "Aquaman. No, ¡Green Arrow!. La favorita de Erica es Wonder Woman. Para Tom, Kelly y Brian es Superman.
-Cassidy dice "Erica robó totalmente mi Wonder Woman. Necesitamos traer eso de vuelta. ¿Verdad? Sí." Es adorable.
-John S. dice en la "premiere": podrías ser el mayor héroe que el mundo ha visto". Escrito por Holly y Don.
-Alguien acaba de preguntarle a Tom si su personaje dejó los estudios. Tom contesta "acabamos de encontrar a la única persona en la habitación que no ha visto cada episodio".
-Ahora Tom bromea "quizá consiguió el bachiller gracias a internet".
-Pregunta para Tom. "¿Qué planeas hacer después de la 10a temporada?", responde "¡Hellcats!".
-Kelly dice "nada nos haría más felices que tener de vuelta a Rosey (Michael Rosenbaum). Tom dice "me amenazó diciendo que iba a estar entre el público de este panel".
-Erica estará en los 22 episodios. Justin en "17 o así".
-Geoff pregunta "¿Volará?". Brian responde "sabemos lo que ocurre en los comics, así que quizá esto te responda la pregunta".
-Tom bromea "tenemos una antigua regla, no estás permitido a susurrar a la cámara". ¿Y qué hay de Lana?
-Si Cassidy F. pudiera ser otro personaje, sería Green Arrow "si sólo pudiera tener un traje como el suyo".
-A John S. le gustaría ser más Jonathan en la vida real. Dice que es un honor ser asociado con él.
-Tom no cambiaría su personaje. Justin dice "yo sería Lois".
-Brian dice "no creo que necesitemos un símbolo o una pulsera para saber quién es el verdadero amor de Clark".
-Erica dice "quizá sería Wonder Woman". Alguien del público grita "¡Hazlo!".
-Tom acaba de decir que siempre ha creído que una versión joven de Bruce Wayne estaría increíble en Smallville.
-Desafortunadamente, Batman y Wonder Woman tienen sus propias franquicias", dice Brian. Algunos miembros del Suicide Squad están por venir.
-Geoff dice que será el Blue Beetle de Jaime Reyes, veréis a Skeets y quizá veamos a Ted Kord.
-Tom dice "¿de qué estás hablando? ¿De los Beatles?. Geoff contesta "te daré algunos comics".
-Tom y John S. tienen una gran química juntos, como un padre y un hijo. Es genial verlos en el escenario juntos.
-Tom dice "allí estaba, yaciendo en los brazos de Clark, y no iba a callarse" sobre Michael R. en la escena final de Arctic. "¡No podía solo morir!".
-"Fue divertido para mi verlo todo en un set transpirable, dice Tom".
-Tom siendo cauteloso sobre si le han ofrecido el papel para la siguiente película de Superman. Esa respuesta me confunde.
-El momento favorito durante estos 10 años para Tom fue lanzar un tractor.
-El momento favorito de Justin fue todo el episodio "Roulette".
-"""" de Cassidy fue Checkmate, "pateando traseros" como Alias.
-Kelly dice que su momento... fue el episodio 100, pero solo porque el 200 aún no se ha filmado. Una vislumbre del pasado, de lo que pasa y de lo que está por venir.
-A Erica le gusta cuando Lois se viste con algo raro y hace algo gracioso.
-"""" cuando puede hacer un poco la idiota o se mete en una pelea.
-Tom dice que Vancouver es genial y que Hellcats se rueda actualmente allí.
-Sobre Allison, Kelly dice "no tenemos planeado despedirla, por que la queremos mucho". La primera aparición de Chloe en los comics será en Action Comics #892, según Geoff.
-Justin dice que disfruta viendo las cosas de Lois y Clark. La escena favorita de Brian es la de Tom y Reeve juntos en Rosetta.
-Tom dice que Reeve era un "tipo increíble"que podía hacer mucho con lo que podía usar en esas escenas.
-Peter Roth de la Warner Bros le dijo a Tom que esa serie iba a durar 10 años. Acertó.
-"Creo que durante la 5a o 6a temporada se convirtió en una serie distinta. Así que no sientan como nueve años", dice Tom.

- Entrevista a Erica Durance (Sci-Fi Party) por Ausiello para EW.com:

- Entrevista de a Kelly Souders por "TV Guide Magazine":
¿Tess realmente murio en el final de la temporada 9?

¿Alguien realmente muere en smallville? La pregunta es, ¿que había en la bolsa de la mujer que llevaba a la habitación de Tess?.

Aconsejaste a los fans buscaran un huevo de pascua en el final (de la novena), el cual ofrecería una pista del villano de la próxima temporada. ¿podrías ayudarnos a aquellos que se lo perdieron?.

Alguien ya lo tejió? [Nota del editor: Muchos han especulado que la mujer era Granny Goodness, un personaje de DC Comics conocido por reclutar guerreros dispuestos a morir por el déspota tirano Darkseid, del planeta Apokolips.

Podemos tener una idea de la relación "Chlollie" (Chloe y Oliver) en la temporada 10?.

Nos encanta Chlollie! Seguirá profundizando pero en un cierto modo inesperado. Vamos a decir que habrá un importante intercambio entre ellos!.

Puede darnos alguna explicación del por que en la temporada 8, en el capitulo "Legion", Cosmic Boy dice que no tienen registro de Chloe Sullivan en el siglo 31?.

Chloe no aparece en la mitología de Superman. Es por eso que lo dijo. Pero creemos que su lugar se ha solidificado, y que continuara logrando y el sacrificio nunca sera olvidado por Clark. [Nota del editor: Allison Mack ha dejado de ser regular en la serie, pero regresara para varios capitulos para concluir su historia de Chloe, con lo cual los fans tienen miedo termine tragicamente.]

Veremos a Clark y Lois como compañeros en el Daily Planet de nuevo, y se mudaran ya del sotano la proxima temporada?.

Eso depende de si el Daily Planet tendrá que reducir su tamaño como cualquier otro periódico de estos días. Pero no te preocupes. Su sociedad puede tomar algunos giros inesperados, pero sera mas fuerte que nunca en la temporada 10.

gracias http://blog.smallvilleps.com/kelly-soud ... porada-10/

- Entrevista a Tom Weling (K-Site):
In nearly ten years of writing about Smallville, between companion books and running KryptonSite, I (webmaster Craig Byrne) have interviewed almost every cast member of the series - except one.

Today, after a fantastic panel at the Comic-Con International in San Diego, I've finally been able to check that off the list, talking to someone who was incredibly gracious both on the panel and in the press room - someone where the show wouldn't be possible without him - Mr. Tom Welling. The interview was short, but, hopefully you'll be pleased with what he had to say.

KRYPTONSITE: At the CW Upfronts in May, you talked a bit about wanting to get people from the show's past back onto the show. Can you tell me a bit more about what you've tried to get Michael back?

TOM WELLING: Well, I have tried a few things with Michael. I've twisted his arm, I've taken him to dinner, I've gotten him drunk... I've tried to get him to sign papers that he didn't know what they were... so, I'm trying everything that I can. Michael wants to come back, but there are just some things to iron out, and I think he understands that we can't end the show without Lex Luthor. We're even teasing the idea that he's going to be on already, with the idea of clones, or [the idea] that Lex has developed these bodies that he could then tap into to heal himself later in life.

Supergirl will be back, Jonathan will come back... I just want to see all of these people come back, so that we can all get closure on all of them.

K-SITE: Do you think we'll have any closure with Lana by series' end?

TOM: I would love to see Clark in a situation where he's got Lois to his left and Lana to his right, and it's like a very awkward scene. I think it would be a great scene.

Thanks again to Tom for the interview and for doing a fantastic job bringing Clark Kent to life for nearly a decade.


KRYPTONSITE: En los upfronts de la CW en mayo, hablaste un poco sobre el querer a gente del pasado de vuelta en la serie. ¿Puedes decirme algo más sobre lo que intentaste para que Michael volviera? [/b]
TOM WELLING: Bueno, he intentado unas cuantas cosas con Michael. Le he retorcido el brazo, me lo he llevado a cenar, lo he emborrachado... he intentado que signara papeles que él no sabían que eran... así que estoy intentando todo lo que puedo hacer. Michael quiere volver, pero hay algunas cosas que suavizar, y creo que entiende que no podemos terminar la serie sin Lex Luthor. Incluso lo estamos tentando con la idea de que está ahí, con la idea de los clones, o (la idea) de que Lex ha desarrollado esos cuerpos que podría aprovechar para curarse a si mismo posteriormente en la vida.
Supergirl volverá, Jonathan volverá... Solo quiero ver toda a esa gente de vuelta, para que podamos dar un cierre a cada uno de ellos.

K-SITE: ¿Crees que tendremos un cierre con Lana a finales de la serie?
TOM: Me encantaría ver a Clark en una situación donde tuviera a Lois a su izquierda y a Lana a su derecha, y es como una escena incómoda. Creo que sería una gran escena.
- Entrevista a Erica Durance (K-Site):
A lot of your fans are very excited that you will be in 22 episodes this year. How does it feel to have that finally happening?

I am very excited, myself. I was joking that I just waited for the rest of the cast to die off, and they finally let me in the door, just with pure perserverence. No. I'm excited to be in every story, and see where they can take my character, and hopefully flesh out a nice, big arc for her. I'm looking forward to it.

Did you look to anyone who inspired your portrayal of Lois Lane?

I relied on the guys that were writing on the show, and where they wanted to take her. And then just trying to clear my mind of the fact that she is Lois Lane, and do my best, and just see her as her own entity; a new character, and go from there. It helped that I had really interesting storylines to go from. I haven't specifically taken from the other Loises. Actually, I got a lot of inspiration from my mom. She's very similar.

On the panel you alluded to Lois's reaction to knowing Clark's secret. Can you talk a bit more about that?

I'm not allowed to say too much, but to be fair, they've made it safe for themselves, because they haven't told us a lot of stuff. So it's moreso the idea that I get where she's knows, so there's the power shift. She has to decide how she fits in and whether she'd be more of a hindrance to him, or a help to him. She knows she's like a bull in a china shop, and she realizes that he has this huge destiny and "How can I be a part of it?" But in true Lois fashion, the way that she helps isn't the normal, helpful way [laughs], and then she'll get impatient with the whole situation of keeping the secret.

Would you like to see more of Lois's family, like General Lane, on the series again at some point?

I would. I'd like to see a little bit more of Lois's family back. And [Michael Ironside] was a lot of fun to work with, so it'll be really great to have him back.

Have the producers told you what Lois Lane's final scene in the show will be?

No. We know nothing!

If it were up to you, what do you think Lois's fate should be?

She should be with Clark.


Ehhh.... Marriage always does weird things, doesn't it?

But you're happily married!

I am. But the character wouldn't. It's always better to keep that mystery.

The second episode of the new season is said to have a sequence with Lois and Carter Hall in the desert. What's going on there?

Lois has a chance meeting with Carter Hall, and gets a little inspiration from him on how to deal with this whole situation. Which was really fun. I really enjoyed working with Michael.

Do you think they'll eventually stop saying The Blur and start saying Superman on the show?

I hope so. I said "Superman" [in the preview]. So maybe it'll take.

Thanks again to Erica Durance for dropping by our table and talking with us, and for always being a good, fun, gracious interviewee.
- Entrevista a Justin Hartley (K-Site):
Near the end of Season 9, Oliver had a great big scar on his chest. How long will that take to be taken care of?

I don't know for sure, but I think it's probably already fixed. We haven't shot it yet, but Oliver is naked in the first episode, which means I'm naked. He's always naked, that dude. I'm reading and I'm like - "help me out Oliver, why do you gotta be naked all the time?" We haven't shot it yet so I don't know if they're going to put it on there, but to be honest, I hope they don't. I don't know. There's something he could do there, right? But how do you explain that? The guy's got enough money to put all that back together? It's awfully big.

It has been announced that Darkseid is coming on to the show, with some of his minions coming on first. How does Green Arrow come across some of them?

He hasn't come across anything yet, because right now he's on a quest to find Chloe, to find out what happened to her. That gets him into some trouble. And then he's getting recruited, and so he's weighing that option.

By Checkmate?

The Suicide Squad, I believe. I'm giving you all kinds of stuff. These interviews are gonna come out, and then I'm going to be fired. [jokes]

...And then I think probably, like I said I haven't read anything about it yet, but knowing Oliver, you know he's gotta get into the mix, right? He gets in anyone's face, it doesn't matter how big they are, so whatever he sees that he doesn't like, he's probably going to step right to it. That'll be fun.

What kind of a story are you hoping to direct?

This might be kind of a weird answer, but I hope that I am able to direct a Smallville story. That's the key. I don't think they're bringing me on to direct because I know what lens to put on the camera. I think they're bringing me in to tell a story. Hopefully I'll get these actors to perform that they always have, to tell the story of the script, and when people watch it, I hope they go "Wow! That came across very well." So hopefully I do justice to the script.

Do you know what's in store for Green Arrow in the series finale?

I don't know what's going to happen. I only know up until [episode] 5 or 6. I've asked...

What would you want to achieve?

It would be fun to see Oliver rest easy, wouldn't it? To look in the mirror and be okay with it? I want to see him ditch the suit... no. It would be nice to see him at ease a little bit, but unfortunately you're probably not going to see that, because if you see that, that makes it boring. If Oliver's okay with himself, that's boring. He's got to have some kind of inner thing going on.

Will Oliver still be having tension with Clark?

There's always going to be tension with Clark, I'm sure. But Clark's doing a lot more than he did before. I think Oliver's like "well, he's at least doing something. He's got that cool little wardrobe thing going, so whatever." I think they're cool for a while.

If you could choose which of the women of Smallville Oliver should be with, which one would it be and why?

Oh, man. You know what? Personally? I'd choose my wife. [laughs]

I don't know. It's interesting when Oliver is with Lois, because they have this back-and-forth banter thing going on. It's interesting when he's with Chloe, I think, because there's something really private and deep-rooted in both of them. Their relationship is private to each other, so they get each other. They both have gone places together that only one other person could understand; that would be the other. And then who else has he been with? Ah. Tess. That's right. What other color hair do we have...? The Tess thing is fun, because that's a long history with that. We'll probably revisit that this year. I think they do a good job writing him with all the girls on the show, and making him ruin, in some way, the relationship before it gets off the ground. Chloe might be the only one he didn't actually ruin. But she left. So... [laughs]

Would you still be interested in a Green Arrow spin-off if it were ever to happen?

Yeah. You'd have to obviously hear what people are saying, and what their ideas are for the show, but absolutely. I'd sit down and talk about that. Figure out what the concept was, and what I could do - and I certainly could do it. But no one has said anything yet. It's really flattering, though, when people keep bringing it up. It's a testament to the show.

When a show's been on for ten years, and it's going to be the last season, and people are clamoring and wanting more - no other television show's really like that. Some shows go away and people are like "Eh, it sucks. Move on." But Smallville's going away, and everyone's been told it's going away, but people are like "Okay. How do we hold on to this?" What a great thing to say about a show.


Podríamos considerarle el primer heroe con traje de Smallville, Green Arrow, Justin Hartley vuelve a la serie por tercera vez como regular.. Interpretando a Green Arrow, o como también es conocido, Oliver Queen, Mr. Hartley dirigirá un episode en la inminente temporada, la cual comienza el 24/09/20010 on The CW.

Justin participó en una rueda de prensa con los medios en panel de Smallville panel en el Comic-Con International de San Diego, y KryptonSite fue uno de los afortunados en hablar con él..

Cerca del final de la temporada nueve, Oliver sufrio una herida que le dejó una cicatriz en el pecho. Cuanto tiempo le llevará recuperarse de ello?.

No se, no estoy seguro, pero pienso que eso no se puede quitar. No lo hemos filmado aun, Pero Oliver esta desnudo en el primer episodio, lo cual quiere decir que yo estoy desnudo. El siempre esta desnudo, que tio. Estoy leyendo y es como - "ayudame a salir Oliver, ¿porque tienes que estar desnudo todo el tiempo?" No lo hemos rodado aun, no se si ellos tienen pensado poner la cicatriz, pero si soy honesto, espero que no. No lo se. Habrá algo queél pueda hacer ahi, verdad? Pero como se explica eso? El tio tiene suficiente dinero como para dejarlo como antes? Es terriblemente grande.

Se ha anunciado que la suicide squad y Darkseid con algunos de sus secuaces llegarán a la serie. Tendrá Green Arrow algun encuentro con ellos?

Aun no, porque ahora mismo él se encuentra en una busqueda por encontrar a Chloe, para averiguar que ocurrió con ella. Pero eso le pondrá en problemas. Entonces el es reclutado, así que se baraja esa opción.

Por Checkmate?

La Suicide Squad, creo. Te estoy dando demasido material. Si esta entrevista sale, estaré despedido. [jokes]

... Tal vez, como te dije no he leido nada sobre ello, pero conociendo a Oliver, sabes que el se meterá hasta el fondo, verdad? Le da igual a quien se tenga que enfrentar, no importa lo grandes que sean, asi que si ve algo que no le gusta, él probablente vaya a enfrentarlo. Será divertido.

Que tipo de historia esperas dirigir?

Esto podría ser una especie de respuesta extraña, pero espero ser capaz de dirigir una historia de Smallville. Esa es la clave. No creo que me hayan traido para dirigir por saber poner la luces y las camaras a rodar. Creo que me traen para contar una historia. Espero conseguir que los actores lleven a cabo todo como siempre lo han hecho, para contar la historia del guión, y cuando la gente lo vea, espero que digan "¡wow". Así que espero hacer justicia al guión.

Sabes lo que le deparará a Green Arrow en el final?

No se que va a pasar. Solo sé hasta los episodios [episode] 5 o 6....

Que querrías que se hiciera realidad?

Sería divertido ver a Oliver descansar, no lo sería? Mirarse al espejo y estar contento consigo mismo? Quiero verle deshacerse de los problemas... no?. Sería genial verle a gusto un poco, pero desafortunadamente no vais a ver eso, porque si veis eso, os parecerá aburrido. Si oliver esta bien consigo mismo, es aburrido. El tiene que tener algun remordimiento de conciencia.

Seguirá teniendo Oliver esa tension con Clark?

Siempre existirá esa tension con Clark, Estoy seguro. Pero Clark esta haciendo muho mas de lo que hacía antes. Pienso que Oliver sera como "bueno, al menos esta haciendo algo. El tiene esa pequeña cosa guardada en el armario(anillo de kryptonita)." Pienso que estaremos tranquilos por un tiempo.

Si tuvieras que elegir una de las mujeres de Smallville para Oliver, cual sería y por que?

Oh, tio. Sabes que? personalmente? Elegiría a mi mujer. [laughs]

Es interesante con Lois, porque tienen esta tendencia a respaldarse. Es interesante cuando está con Chloe, creo, porque hay algo muy privado y muy arraigado entre los dos. Su relación es privada entre sí, así ellos consiguen estar el uno con el otro. Ambos han pasado juntos cosas que sólo ellos pueden entender. Y bueno, ¿quién más ha estado? Ah. Tess. Eso es. ¿Qué otro color de pelo ... ¿tenemos? Lo de Tess es divertido, porque es una larga historia. Probablemente volvamos a ver eso este año. Creo que hacen un buen trabajo con él escribiendole con todas las chicas de la serie, y haciendo que sea un desastre, de alguna manera, no consigue enterrar las relaciones anteriores. Chloe podría ser la unica realción en la cual no meta la pata... Pero se fue. Así que..[laughs]

Estarías aun interesado en un spin-off de Green Arrow si fuera a pasar?

Si. Tendría que oir obviamente lo que la gente esta diciendo, y sus ideas para la serie, pero seguro. Me sentaría y hablaría sobre ello. Averigüé cual era el concepto, y lo que podia hacer – y la verdad es que yo podía hacerlo. Pero nadie a dicho nada por el momento. Es alagador , pensar, que la gente mantiene viva la idea.

Cuando una serie ha estado durante 10 años, y va hacia su ultima temporada, y la gente clama queriendo más- te das cuenta de que no existe ninguna otra serie como esta.. Alguna series desaparecen y la gente dice "Eh, vaya mierda. Pero bueno adelante." Pero Smallville desaparece, y todos lo saben, lo asumen, pero la gente es como "Vale. Pero como vamos a afrontar esto?" Una cosa genial que decir para la serie.
- Entrevista a Kelly Souders (K-Site):
Season 10 has been announced as the final season of Smallville. Is this really it?

Yes. This is the final season. A decade - a nice round number to end it all out.

Can you tell us anything about what we might see in the final shot of the series? Do you already have that planned out?

I will say that we know the final shot.

In the preview clip, there's a shot of John Glover. Is he coming back to the show?

We are hoping for him to come back, and we have a story that we're really, really wanting to tell with him, that we're tossing around right now. Hopefully there will be some news soon.

Is anyone there anyone else returning this season?

Carter Hall is coming back in Episode Two, and we'd love to just pepper the whole season with people's favorites, along with some new characters.

Are you able to tell us how many episodes Allison Mack will be appearing in this season?

She's going to be in the premiere, and then she's going to be in several more. To be honest, we don't have a finite amount. Hopefully we'll get to use her as much as she's available. We just love her, and we have a really, really cool story for her when she comes back.

Is it difficult to keep coming up with one-word titles as the show has gone on this long?

Yes. It's keeping us up at night! [laughs]

Can you tell us who the actress is that will be playing Cat Grant?

Keri Lynn Pratt showed up on the set and was Cat Grant. We watched her audition, and both Brian and I immediately perked up. She just sort of had all of the attributes that we were hoping to find in one person, and that was really rare. It's perfect casting. She's fantastic. I think people will really like her.

Will Cat Grant be in more than one episode?

Yes. I'm not sure how many right now, but we expect to see her again really soon.

Is Clark finally going to fly without being "Kal" or anything like that?

Stay tuned!


El equipo de Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders estan ahora apunto de cumplir su tercer año a bordo del barco de Smallville, y tienen muchas cosas que contarnos de la próxima temporda de la serie, la cual comienza el 24/09/2010 on The CW.

Ambos participaron en una rueda de prensa despues del panel de Smallville en el Comic-Con International de San Diego, y KryptonSite fue uno de los afortunados que pudieron hablar on ellos. A continuación la entrevista con Kelly Souders, puedes navegar para encontrar la parte de Brian Peterson también.

La temporda 10 ha sido anunciada como ultima temporada. es cierto?

Si. Es la última. Una decada- una cifra genial para terminar.

Puedes decirnos algo de lo que nos espera para el final de la serie? Ya lo has planeado?

Te diré que sabemos cual va a sar el final.

En el clip prévio, hay una secuencia de John Glover. Estará de vuelta?

Esperamos que vuelva, y tenemos preparada una historia, que estamos deseando contarle, Eso es lo que podemos decir por ahora. Tenemos esperanza de que haya nuevas noticias pronto...

Estará de vuelta alguien más?

Carter Hall estará de vuelta en el episodio 2, y nos gustaría condimentar la temporada con todos los favoritos de la gente, junto con algunos nuevos personajes.

Es posible que nos digas en cuantos episodios estará Allison Mack?

Estará en el primer episodio, y en varios más. Para ser honesta, no se la cantidad exacta. Esperamos contar con ella tanto como esté disponible. Nos encanta, y tenemos preparada una buena historia para cuando vuelva.

Es dificil poner el nombre de los episodios con una sola palabra?
Si. Nos matiene despiertos toda la noche! [laughs]

Puedes decirnos que actriz interpretará a Cat Grant?

Keri Lynn Pratt será Cat Grant. La vímos en la audición, junto a Brian y yo inmediatamente me anticipé. Ella tenía todos los atributos que buscábamos, y eso me resultó raro. Es la elección perfecta. Es fantastica. Creo que a la gente le gustará.

Saldrá Cat Grant en más de un episodio?

Si. no estoy segura de cuantos ahora mismo, pero esperamos verla de nuevo pronto..

Clark volará sin ser Kal-El finalmente o no hay nada sobre eso?

Permaneced atentos!
- Entrevista a Brian Peterson (K-Site):
What can you tell us about the bald guy who appears to be in the season premiere clips?

The best explanation for that is Lex Luthor always had a back-up plan, and so I think that answers that.

Do you feel as the series has gone on, you have been allowed to do more with the DC Comics mythology?

The great thing about the last couple of years, is that a lot of the things that were originally a bit more forbidden because of the features have lightened up, and so we've been able to do so much. A lot of characters like Hawkman and Doctor Fate, and doing things with Lois Lane, and the use of the shield. Things that we never could have done before.

Is there any DC character that didn't make it on that you were wishing for?

Obviously the two stand-outs are the ones that are mentioned every time. Wonder Woman and Batman are their own franchises, so we just can't go there. But we have a couple coming up this year. We're dealing with some of the Darkseid mythology, and bringing in some of his minions.

We have several characters -- because we're not bringing [Darkseid] in at the beginning of the season like we did with Zod or Doomsday, we're doing it a little differently this year -- that we have several of his harbingers that we'll see along the season.

Was that really Granny Goodness in that hospital scene?

I cannot confirm or deny that, but everybody's got really good guesses. [laughs]

Who is going to play Darkseid?

[Squirms] That would give things away, so I can't really say that. You'll just have to see.

What can you tell us about the episode that Geoff Johns is writing?

We just sat down a couple of weeks ago, so we haven't decided anything other than it's Blue Beetle, and it's Booster Gold. It will fall at a point in the season where Clark really needs the interaction with that character, to propel him forward, kind of like the Justice Society did last year.

The Chloe and Oliver fans wanted me to be sure that it's asked: Is there anything good for that pairing coming in the season premiere?

Absolutely. They will be very happy. There's a clip that's in the reel that we showed, and there is a great Chlollie story in the premiere.

Whose decision was it to use the Brandon Routh costume for Smallville?

We really like that even though our show has its own world, we always try to dovetail it and touch on the [other] mythology, so we thought it would be great to use one of those suits. The Christopher Reeve suit just didn't quite fit with our world as well when DC offered it to us, so the Warner Bros. Museum let use the Brandon Routh suit.

Do you know if the last scene of the series will have Clark in the costume, as many have imagined?

The best thing that I can say is that I'm hoping your imagination was right.

Is the actress playing Cat Grant the same actress who played her last year?

No; we did a little different thing. Her name is Keri Lynn Pratt. She's fantastic. We just saw her dailies the other day, and they're fantastic.

Is Brainiac (James Marsters) going to be a recurring villain for Season 10?

No. Right now, we have him planned for one appearance in the 200th episode, and again, we're going to switch it up a little bit. He's not just Brainiac - there's something a little different to him - so that'll be fun.

Are we going to get new opening title shots for Tom or Erica this year?

You would not believe how much those cost, and it comes out of the show, so if it's between heat vision or a super leap or opening titles, I'd go with the super leap; but we're going to try to get some new things in there.

From the preview clip it appears that Jonathan Kent will be back. Is he returning?

He's going to be in the season premiere, and we have him for a couple more episodes. So yes, Jonathan Kent will be back. Supergirl (Laura Vandervoort) will be back. Brainiac will be back. Carter Hall will be back. And we have a couple of other things planned out.

Will there only be 4 series regulars this season?

Five, because Allison Mack is back for several episodes.

Will she remain in the opening credits?

I can't answer that, because we're in the middle of a couple things, but I believe so.

The great thing about Allison is that she's wanted to do theater forever, and she was such a trooper and so loyal that she came back every single year. So she made this great compromise with us, that she could explore some opportunities yet stay in the show. We worked together to find an incredible way to cap off the character of Chloe in a way that I think people will be really happy. So she is in the show for several episodes.

Is there any chance that the show could continue as "Superman?"

Well, if I had a crystal ball, I would love to answer that. I don't know. At the moment, there are no plans right now for that to happen.
- Entrevista a Cassidy Freeman (K-Site):
Where do you see Tess going this year?

I think where I see her going is very different than where they see me going. I think the real question is where do they see me going? I died like three times last year, I got the total crap kicked out of me... Tess is a little humbled, I think, and I think she needs to look outside of herself and figure out what she's really here for. I think she needs to be a team player. I think she's going to connect up with Clark and Oliver and become a little bit more of that side, the "Watchtower-y" area, and then... even though all I know of this season is very broad strokes, somewhere in there, I'm going to find out a big secret from my past that will change things. I don't know how it's going to change things, and I can't tell you what the secret is, but it's going to be a good switch for her.

How many episodes will you be in this season?

17. [Throughout the season], unless they kill me early. Usually we're all in the finale. I hope. We'll see.

Do you know if you'll be in more fight scenes this season?

I hope so. I don't think they'd give up that opportunity. I think they're going to keep me fighting. Yeah. Or getting beat up or whatever. I know.

Do you ever have a drinking game when you read the scripts and Tess getting thrown or beaten up in an episode?

[Laughs] Actually, it's funny that you say that. My brother, Clark, and I, in season 8, used to bring drinking games when we'd watch Smallville. And I'm not condoning drinking right now - but we'd play this game where we'd make rules, like every time Clark super speeds; every time Chloe raises her eyebrows; every time I made a noise without saying anything like "Hmm" or "Mmm," and we would drink, and it was really funny. We would drink GINGER ALE.
- Entrevista a los productores Peterson y Souders por "givememyremote.com":
SMALLVILLE Producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson Tease the Final Season
By Marisa, July 30 2010

As SMALLVILLE gears up for its last season, fans prepare to say farewell to their favorite characters…and everyone is wondering what will happen in the final hours of the series.

So GIVE ME MY REMOTE spent some quality time with SMALLVILLE executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson who offered a few teases on some of season 10′s lingering issues…

Season finale fallout:
“[The confrontation with Zod] sends [Clark] in a different trajectory,” Souders says. “I don’t know [that] it’s something people are going to see coming and I think it’s going to propel him out of the first episode with a very clear problem in his lap. He realizes he’s not the guy that everyone looks to when they think of Superman, who everybody looks to as inspirational and a clear-hearted guy. That’s not who Clark Kent is right now and that becomes very clear to him in the premiere.”

Lois knows Clark is the Blur:
“What’s fun is Clark has been raised keeping secrets,” Peterson says. “Lois, not so much. And so watching Lois trying to keep this amazing secret is going to be a fascinating struggle of will.”

And while in the Superman mythology, Lois shouldn’t know yet that Clark is Superman, that might not totally impact whether SMALLVILLE’s Lois is still in the know by the time the series ends.

“We’re sticking pretty true to our own mythology,” he says. “But I think there are some twists along the way that will make fans of the original comic and graphic novel very happy.”

The resurrection of Tess:
“You know what’s fun about Tess?” Peterson asks. “She’s a bit of a sleeper this year — she has some gigantic secrets that are going to come out, probably bigger than anybody. But nobody’s really been asking about that, so that’s a fun thing to let you guys know about.”

Kara’s return:
“We’re about to start shooting that [episode] on Friday…[fans will] see a little more Supergirl than Kara [this time around],” Souders says. “She shakes up the world for all of our superheroes a little.”

But will she be teaching Clark how to fly? “Funny you should ask that…” Peterson teases, declining to elaborate further.

Oliver’s search for the MIA Chloe:
“Hunting [for Chloe] might not be a good thing,” Souders hints. “So he has to weigh that decision…Giving up might not be quite the way he looks at it. Letting go might have to be part of his story.”

How they are going to explain Clark keeping his Blur identity hidden, since he’s been sans glasses as both Clark and the Blur:
“Just watch the 200th show,” Souders say. “You get a little bit of a glimpse into how that gets pulled off.”

Returning faves:
Will Lionel be back? “He’s someone we’d love to see back,” Souders says. “We had so much fun having Martha back last year and Perry and obviously with bringing [James] Marsters back, we want to see old familiar faces, but in a new way.”

And Lex? Could he have a body-double? “All we’ve been able to say is Lex always had a back-up plan,” Peterson teases.

The duo also hints that another fan-favorite could be up in the mix this season, but declined to name who it would be for fear of jinxing the deal. Peterson did hint that “it’s someone the fans would love to see back, but it’s not necessarily one of the people on everyone’s radar.”

Hmm. Any guesses?

And Allison Mack fans, don’t worry, we didn’t forget about your girl.

Check back soon for Souders and Peterson’s thoughts on Chloe’s exit and what’s to come for her…

http://www.givememyremote.com/remote/20 ... al-season/
- Cassidy Freeman habla sobre su personaje en la fiesta Sci-Fi (givememyremote.com):
SMALLVILLE’s Cassidy Freeman: Tess is Going to Question Her Morals
By Marisa, July 28 2010

When SMALLVILLE ended last season, Tess Mercer certainly appeared to be dead.

However, the CW announced rather quickly that her portrayer, Cassidy Freeman, would return for the show’s final year.

So, um, what exactly is going on? How is Tess still alive?

“The woman with the knitting needles obviously means something, right?” Freeman says to us in the clip below, taken at Comic Con this past weekend. “I honestly don’t know what that means yet. We’re only [filming] episode two right now. So all I know is that I’m back and it’s going to be good.”

But will she be back as a changed woman?

“I think she’s really going to question her morals when she comes back,” Freeman offers. “Her wanting to help Clark is going to stay true in the beginning of the season at least, but who knows what will happen in the end?”

Does Freeman ultimately want Tess to be good or evil?

She answers in the video, so take a look…

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc1m159r ... r_embedded#![/youtube]

http://www.givememyremote.com/remote/20 ... er-morals/
- Smallville Stars Promise Comic-Con (and Thousands of Fans!) a Fabulous Final Season (E!Online):
Smallville Stars Promise Comic-Con (and Thousands of Fans!) a Fabulous Final Season
by Megan Masters Sun., Jul. 25, 2010 2:22 PM PDT

If you're feeling a teensy bit emotional about the impending end of Smallville—well, join the club.

Sorry, wish we could offer you some solace, but after the nine-season retrospective (new footage from year ten included!) at Sunday morning's Comic-Con panel, we're still sitting here like blubbering idiots trying to pen this oh-so-informative scoop-fest for you. Wait, there actually is some solace in that, huh?

So sit back, relax and put your Chlollie/Clois/Clark Kent thinking caps on, because boy do we have some Comic-Con induced fun for you...

Since you asked (and asked and asked via hundreds of Twitter @replies), we did our best to get the dirt on your favorite Smallville lovebirds, Chloe (Alison Mack) and Oliver (Justin Hartley). And luckily, we did!

According to show runner Kelly Souders, Alison fans need not fret—that kickass chicky will be back in a big way.

"We have a really strong story for her this season," Kelly tells us. "You will see Chloe this season again [beyond the premiere]. Plus, she has a relationship with Oliver and she's got to tie that up. That's just flowing in the wind! Chlollie fans will be happy—they will get their time onscreen."

Go ahead—we'll give you guys a minute to regroup after that joyous news.

"That relationship has been a lot of fun for us to write," Kelly continues, "and I know it's been really fun for Justin and Alison. They've had a good time evolving, and [that relationship] is not going to stall out. They're so interesting together, we love them onscreen. So we're Chlollie fans, too!"

As for the actual number of episodes Alison will appear in, it's still up in the air, but both Kelly and show runner Brian Peterson promise it will be for as many as humanly possible. Plus, Chloe will be introduced in int comic books soon too, so be on the lookout for that.

Justin Hartley is eager to get his onscreen galpal back, too. "The way it starts off is Oliver's looking for Chloe, trying to find out who took her, what happened," he spills, "He gets those answers rather quickly. And from then on it's a quest to find her or prove those people wrong. He doesn't believe them. But I love Chlollie. It works, right?"

Oh, and did you guys want some news about Lois (Erica Durance) and Clark (Tom Welling), too?

Erica tells us Clois will be in a good place with Smallville returns Sept. 24. "Lois knows Clark's secret, and that's mind-blowing but it's an affirmation she has because I believe she's always known they was the same person," she laughs.

"I would go up against anyone about that. And now Lois is embracing it and finding out where she fits in his world now that he's this rockstar."

But ever the feminista, Erica has plans for her alter beyond the romance: "Hopefully she will continue to go forward, and continue her individual path and being that undercover reporter and believing in herself—not just relying on the fact that he's a superhero. I want her to still continue to save herself." Have we mentioned that both Erica and Lois are pretty badass?

Comic-Con's Smallville panel was bubbling over with too much scoop? Not possible, but here's your quick fix on everything else you need to know:

• John Schneider (Jonathan Kent) is back, and popped up on the panel to surprise fans!" I wish I were more like him in my real life," John gushed of his character. What you might not have known is that he'll be back for more than one episode and told us that how he reappears is still a mystery to him. "I don't know if that means I'm a spirit. I'm not really sure exactly what I am; real, imaginary, memory? But it's the best written scene I've ever done on Smallville."

• Lionel (not Lex!) Luthor appeared in the new footage for season ten, but that doesn't mean they've given up on Michael Rosenbaum's return. "I know he's thinking about it," Tom tells us. "I know he knows that we want him and we don't feel like we can end it without it. He threatened he'd be in audience and make himself known, but he kept quiet if he was even out there." And for the record, Tom said he'll sign our petition to bring the baddie back, so let's get going on that.

• Tess lives! For better or worse, Cassidy Freeman ain't goin' nowhere. "I'm sitting here in this panel, so it looks good," she teased. "There are no goodbyes for me right now, I'm coming back to say hello."

• Brian Peterson says they're bringing in Darkseid as a villain this season, but in a way we've never seen before. Also, members of the Suicide Squad will pop up.

• Some form of the real Superman suit popped up in the promo, so which Tom said he hadn't seen it in person yet, and Brian promised we'd see Clark in an outfit other than the black one we're seeing now. "Whatever we do, I want to make sure we earn the suit at the end," Tom told us after the panel.

• 22! Erica will be in 22 episodes this season. And Justin will be in 17.

• To answer many Twitter Q's: ""I don't think we need a symbol or bracelet to know who Clark's true love is," per Brian.

That's all the Smallville scoop we've got for now—how are you feeling about it? Let us know below!

http://www.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_w ... z0ujMXKJ8O
‘Smallville’: A Peek at the Final Season at Comic-Con (Speakeasy):
‘Smallville’: A Peek at the Final Season at Comic-Con
By Jean Guerrero July 25, 2010, 3:21 PM ET

At the “Smallville” panel at Comic-Con on Sunday, fans got a sneak peek at the coming 10th and final season of the show, which will begin airing in September on the CW Fridays.

The show will reach its 200th episode this year, making it the longest-running sci-fi series on television. The exclusive footage from the coming season included a glimpse of the new, traditional blue-and-red Superman suit, which will replace the black and silver uniform that actor and director Tom Welling has worn in past seasons as Clark Kent. “I make the new suit look fantastic,” said Welling with a grin.

Cast members and show producers at the panel included Erica Durance (Lois Lane) and John Schneider (John Kent). Schneider, who plays Superman’s father on the TV series, made a surprise appearance several minutes into the session. When he realized he didn’t have a name card at his seat, he took his driver’s license out of his wallet and propped it up in front of him. “That’s my superhero haircut,” he joked, as cameras zoomed in on the license. “It’s also your address,” Welling reminded him. Schneider’s jaw dropped open and he removed the license. “I don’t live there anymore!” he fibbed, to laughter. Then, in resignation, he added, “So I guess I’ll be seeing you all later.”

During the Q & A session, when a man began telling Welling that his daughter’s 18th birthday was that day, tech staff cut off his voice, presumably because he was going to make a personal request of a member of the panel — a big no-no at Comic-Con. Schneider insisted that the man be allowed to finish. He said he knows the importance of a daughter’s 18th birthday. The man returned to the stage with his daughter, and Welling gave them his autograph.

When asked about training for the action sequences in the TV series, Durance said she often just “falls into” the correct positions because of her clumsiness. Cast members were also asked which character they would be, if they could play another actor’s role. “I just wish I were more like John Kent in real life,” Schneider said. “He’s the best-written character I’ve had the absolute honor to be associated with.” Schneider also informed fans that he has auditioned for a role as an ex pro-golfer alcoholic named Ronnie Barnes on the Spike TV show “The Back Nine,” and that the role is the complete opposite of his part on “Smallville.” Welling interrupted, “Going back to what you said about being more like John Kent - how does Mr. Barnes fit into that?” “Well, I’m really more like Ronnie Barnes,” Schneider admitted.

When asked about funniest scenes, Schneider said it was when Welling couldn’t say the word “macrame” no matter how much he tried. He ended up having to say “hanging potted plant.” When fans yelled that they wanted to hear Welling try to say “macarame” he leaned into his microphone, paused, and said: “Hanging potted plant.”

Welling said the funniest scene for him was when Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) died. He was clutching actor Rosenbaum in his arms and he refused to die because it was his last scene and he didn’t want to leave the set. “He wouldn’t shut up,” Welling said. His favorite scene, he said, was when he got to work with Christopher Reeve when he made a special appearance in Season 2.

Producer and writer Kelly Souders told fans to expect a lot from the last season — especially episode 4, the 200th one. “We’re trying to throw everything under the kitchen sink into this season,” she said, adding that the 200th episode will contain a lot of what’s on their list of things to do before the show ends. When asked why the show’s Clark Kent has worn a black-and-silver suit instead of the traditional suit in past episodes, Souders said: “Before Clark Kent really becomes Superman, he has to go through some trials and tribulations,” she said. Now that he has gone through them, he can really become Superman, she said. She added that the suit Welling will be wearing is the same one from the “Superman Returns” movie. Show producers also announced that the 9th season will be released on Blue-Ray and DVD in September.

http://blogs.wsj.com/speakeasy/2010/07/ ... comic-con/
- We have super spoilers for Season 10 of Smallville ("io9.com"):
We have super spoilers for Season 10 of Smallville

At the last Smallville Comic-Con panel, the cast confirmed who would be Clark's antagonist this year, what new DC characters would cameo, and whether Clark would finally fly up, up, and away. Afterward, we interviewed the show's actors and writers.

Here were the biggest spoilers from the Smallville panel:

- The spoiler footage showed Lois looking at the iconic red-and-blue suit (UPDATE 7/26: That said "Clark" before. Apologies. Brain fried from Comic-Con.)
- Lois saying the word "Superman."
- Blue Beetle and Booster Gold will guest star. Geoff Johns will be penning the episode. This could very well be that Blue Beetle footage that had been circulating a while back.
- Members of the Suicide Squad will also appear.
- Chloe will make an appearance in the comic books soon.
- We catch a glimpse of what is probably Darkseid hooked up in a tank. He's pale, humanoid, and withered.
- Lois is in a desert, and we see fleeting images of Hawkman.
- Tess Mercer is alive, but half of her face is scarred. She wakes up in a lab filled with bodies in tanks (à la Darkseid). A creepy little kid points out to Tess that these are his "brothers."
- Footage of Chloe holding Dr. Fate's helmet.
- A final scene of Clark flying and lifting the Daily Planet globe, which is falling down to the streets below.

At the round tables, Tom Welling was unfortunately mobbed. We did however get to speak with the show's other major players. We first sat down with Smallville writer and executive producer and show runner Brian Wayne Peterson. Peterson said that we would see the new outfit in the season premiere and again later in the season. He also mentioned that audiences haven't seen the last of Checkmate head honcho Amanda Waller ("There will be perhaps a bit of a twist on that character"). Peterson reiterated the fact that Michael Rosenbaum is welcome to return to the show and that "the door is always open."

Peterson described the tenor of Season 10 as a volte-face from the darkness of the last season :

"Last year we obviously got really dark and that was the whole idea was to put Clark through a lot of trials […] but this year […] the palette of the show will grow brighter and what he wears in episode two is going to change. The whole feel of the show will start gearing towards his future as a hero".

Next up was Pa Kent himself, Jonathan Schneider, who made a surprise appearance at the panel. He promised that we would see the deceased pater familias of the Kent clan in the first episode of Season 10. He did elaborate that his role on the show is a mystery to him:

"I don't know if it's a vision. I don't know if it's an accumulated memory or if it's something Clark Kent needs to hear".

Schneider promised that you'll see Pa working on the farm and that it's "the best scene [he's] ever done on Smallville." Pa says to Clark, "You could be the greatest hero the world has ever seen."

We have super spoilers for Season 10 of Smallville´s Justin Hartley (a.k.a. Green Arrow) isn't writing any new episodes this season, but he'll be directing. He also hopes that Oliver Queen finds a modicum of peace this season, and that we won't learn Oliver's full fate right off bat.

Executive producer and show runner Kelly Souders promised a slew of villains this season. It's the last season of Smallville, so they're going to use as many villains as they can over 22 episodes. Clark's rogues gallery includes the recently confirmed Darkseid, Granny Goodness, and his other harbingers (albeit Smallvillized). Kelly also mentioned that Martha Kent will appear next season.

Erica Durance expressed a strong desire to see her portrayal of Lois evolve into that of the iconic Lois Lane. She also promised more funny outfits ("Lois is going undercover") and noted that Lois gets to see Clark's physical power for the first time in the season premiere.

We have super spoilers for Season 10 of Smallville´s Cassidy Freeman, who plays the morally flexible Tess Mercer, informed us that Tess' Checkmate problems are far from over. Cassidy also said that Tess has a strong connection to Granny Goodness, but the actress didn't know exactly what that link was yet. Tess's morality will be less murky this season — she'll be either a hero or a villain in "broad strokes." She also recounted the menacing, congratulatory phone call she received from Michael Rosenbaum the day she was cast as Tess:

"He called me when I got the role [...] I had never met him. He was like, "Is this Tess Mercer?" And I was like, "Creepy! Who got my number?" And he was like, "This is Lex!" And I'm like, "Oh! Michael Rosenbaum." And he was like, "No, LEX!".

- 9 Super Spoilers From Smallville's Day at Comic-Con (TVGuide):
9 Super Spoilers From Smallville's Day at Comic-Con
By Natalie Abrams Jul 25, 2010 06:18 PM ET

Smallville opened the final day of Comic-Con with a super-sized bang. The cast and producers of the CW series dished out more spoilers than we can wrap our heads around. From Allison Mack's exit and the introduction of the super-suit (which is actually the very suit from Superman Returns), to new villains and resurrections, TVGuide.com has all the scoop below:

Super Season 10 Scene-Stealers: New footage from the final season kicked off the panel. Spoilers of note: Lois (Erica Durance) finds the infamous blue and red super-suit in the Kent farmhouse; Chloe and Oliver (Justin Hartley) kiss; Tess Mercer (Cassidy Freeman) is still alive, but being held captive; Cat Grant joins Clark (Tom Welling) at the Daily Planet while Lois is off in Africa as a field correspondent; we hear the word "Superman"; and Chloe says "Goodbye Clark," as she picks up Dr. Fate's gold helmet. Is your head spinning?

Super Villain: "This year we have a little different twist on the villain," executive producer Brian Peterson said. "We're bringing in Darkseid, but he's going to come in a little different form than you're used to seeing, so we're going to switch it up a little."

Super Secrets: Lois found out Clark's little secret in the season finale, but won't be sharing the news, even with him. "She decides not to tell him that she knows for a while," Durance told TVGuide.com after the panel."She finds all these ways to hide it and make it easy for him to do what he's got to do to get away from her, so he can be that superhero and fulfill that destiny. But, in true Lois fashion, I'm sure she'll get tired of keeping secrets."

Super Surprise: As mentioned above, Tess Mercer is alive. Rejoice! She will even be helping Clark and Oliver at Watchtower, Freeman told TVGuide.com. However, "There's a huge secret from her past discovered in mid-season that is going to come back, that she tries to keep from people, but it's really going to change things around for her. This twist is going to define whether or not she's destined for goodness or badness."

Super Endings: Mack will be leaving the show this season, and Peterson said they will wrap the storyline "in a way that's fitting for Chloe." Her romance with Oliver will play a key role in that. "She gives herself up for him, like a trade almost," Hartley told TVGuide.com. "He is trying to figure out who's behind it, and he's been told that they killed her, so he's kind of tormented. His whole quest is to try to figure out where she is."

Super Behind-the-Scenes: Welling will be directing two episodes in the new season, and Hartley will take his first spin in the director's chair. There's also good news for Durance fans that campaigned for her to be in 22 episodes: Mission accomplished.

Super Returning Characters: Jonathan Kent (played by John Schneider, who surprised fans by showing up to the panel) will return, along with Brainiac (James Marsters), Kara (Laura Vandervoort) Carter Hall (Michael Shanks) and Plastique (Jessica Parker Kennedy), who has become a member of the Suicide Squad. Peterson also said they're in discussions to get Lionel Luther (John Glover) back on the series. And as for his progeny, Lex (Michael Rosenbaum), the producers said the door was always open.

Super New Characters: Besides Granny Goodness, who appeared in the finale, and Darkseid, along with his harbingers, viewers will meet Rick Flag, a member of the Suicide Squad. Also, Geoff Johns, who wrote "Absolute Justice" last season, will be doing a Booster Gold and Blue Beetle episode that will feature Jaime Reyes' Blue Beetle, Skeets, and possibly Ted Kord.

Super Wait: Clark Kent will become Superman by the end of the year. "There are some people who don't like the fact that we've waited this long to do the suit or become Superman," Welling told TVGuide.com. "You also have to understand that if we had done that in Season 1, we would've been done. The fact that we've lasted this long is because we've struggled and tried to put off the inevitable this long."

Smallville premieres Friday, Sept. 24 at 8/7c on the CW.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Smallville- ... 20944.aspx
- Audioentrevista con Brian Peterson, Kelly Souders y Erica Durance para "earthsmightiest.com":

http://www.earthsmightiest.com/fansites ... ws/?a=7415

- SDCC 10: Smallville - Darkseid, Blue Beetle and More Are Coming! (IGN.com):
SDCC 10: Smallville - Darkseid, Blue Beetle and More Are Coming!
We see footage from the final season and learn what's to come.
by Eric Goldman US, July 25, 2010

A packed Comic-Con audience was treated to the debut of the first released footage from Smallville: Season 10 today, and definitely liked what they saw.

Footage showed Lois saying, "I'm the last to know", and we see her looking at the full Superman suit Martha gave Clark (it was confirmed during the panel that this was the Superman Returns suit). We see Carter Hall/Hawkman in a desert setting, saying, "I guess you never know what fate has planned for you," and Lois also appears to be in this desert scenario.

Tess Mercer wakes up in Cadmus Labs, and sees in a reflection that she is horribly disfigured on one side of her face. She meets a young boy there who shows her adult bodies in fluid filled tanks. When Tess asks the boy who they are, he says, 'My brothers."

Chloe is seen, declaring, "I have to find Oliver." We then see a montage of characters, and while it seems some of it is culled from previous seasons, it's obvious that we should expect to see them again – including Lionel Luther and the previously announced Supergirl (Laura Vandervoort). We then see new footage of Clark walking up to Jonathan Kent on the Kent Farm, who tells him, "Something very dark is coming. And you're going to be tested."

The trailer ends a quick montage, including Chloe holding Dr. Fate's helmet, and a voice over of Jonathan Kent saying, "You're going to be the greatest hero the world has ever seen," before we cut to Lois saying, "Superman." The final shots show Clark apparently flying (!) straight up holding the Daily Planet globe in his hands.

Suffice to say, the crowd went wild.

During the panel, there were plenty of other facts revealed about the final season of the series, including:

* Moderator Geoff Johns announced that he will again be writing an episode this season, and revealed it would introduce Blue Beetle and Booster Gold. Asked which Blue Beetle it would be, Johns said we'd see Jaime Reyes and Skeets, and added, "And you might even see Ted Kord."

* Darkseid will indeed be in Season 10, though executive producer Brian Peterson said he'd be, "In a little different form than you're used to. Hopefully you'll like it."

* Now that Lois knows Clark is The Blur, Erica Durance joked, "She can use it against him later, I think. That's a true woman. " She continued, "[She has] the opportunity to have a little power over Clark, which is nice for Lois – and yet still protect him and encourage him to be the hero that he is." She smiled and added, "Then she'll get impatient and say, 'What's up?'"

# Will Clark wear the iconic red and blue suit this year? All Peterson would say was, "Tom is in a little different change up from the black suit last year."

# Of course, the question of whether Lex Luthor would return came up from an audience member. They had no definitive answer, but executive producer Kelley Souders said, "Nothing would make me happier than to have Rosey back." She added, "If you want him back, let him know," to the audience – who cheered loudly, showing that yes indeed, they'd like to see Rosenbaum back on the show.

# As to whether Clark will fly finally, Peterson simply said, "Well we all know how the comics turn out, so I think that's probably the answer for that."

# When the producers were asked if they had anything on their "bucket list" they wanted to include in Season 10, Kelly Souders noted, "You'll see some very handpicked images all through the season and it will all culminate in the finale." Peterson said they threw a lot of big images/moments they'd wanted to do for awhile in the show's 200th episode, airing this fall.

# Other introductions will include, "a couple of characters from the Suicide Squad and some of Darkseid's harbingers," according to Souders.

- The final scene of Smallville? We WILL get to see that Super suit! (blastr.com):
The final scene of Smallville? We WILL get to see that Super suit!
By Tara Bennett 9:17AM on Jul 28, 2010

Whether you're addicted to Smallville or your interest in the Kryptonian farmboy waned a long time ago, you'll want to watch as the series says goodbye—because executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Wayne Peterson told us that its 10th and final year will get to pay off on that long-promised money shot. Yes, that one—Clark Kent putting on the Superman suit for the first time.

"We have all known images and pieces of the finale for years and years and years, starting back with [co-creators] Al [Gough] and Miles [Millar]," Souders said at a small roundtable after their San Diego Comic-Con panel Sunday. "They had ideas that they always talked about being in the final episode, and we love those ideas. We want to also honor the creators of the show, so there will be some images that literally come from Al and Miles, some from us and some from just years of our own wish lists. In a strange sense it's easy, because you know in that final moment he's going to be Superman. We know where he ends, so the pieces just fall into place."

Now just what that final shot will exactly look like—and, more importantly, which suit Tom Welling will adorn himself with—depends on what DC Comics has to say as Souder and Peterson pen the final episode script in spring 2011.

"There are a lot of different factors in that decision," Peterson said. "I think it will literally come down to the last two weeks of the show and if we know what the new movie is doing. There is every intention to get there, but the mandates really change depending on movie or TV developments."

However, Souders said that each episode of the 10th season will really create a purposeful journey to the transformative moment of Clark Kent's life.

"When we sat down to talk about this season, we asked, 'Why isn't he Superman today?'" Souders said. "We really looked at his character, and he's been a leader and certainly developed his skill set as Superman, but he's not Superman. If you watch the episodes right now, he's not that guy yet, so it was about moving him to that final point, and figuring what are the stumbling blocks and the obstacles, which is what we are going to be seeing. And one of the things we talked about was his past, so we'll see some ghosts from his past so he can have his final lessons from them and move on out of the dark mode into the light."

One of the more compelling of those ghosts will be in the form of James Marsters, who has played Clark's archenemy Brainiac on and off over five years. Souders confirmed he will be back in the 200th episode as Brainiac 5.

"It will sort of be an old villain and a new villain all in one," she teased. "There were things that we really wanted to encapsulate in the 200th, and we literally sat around for days trying to bring it together, and suddenly Brainiac 5 popped in and it all fell into place."

Peterson added, "It's the touchstone for the bigger theme this year, which is where we explore the past, the present and a little bit of the future. We get to touch on some memories and nostalgia, but as soon as we do that we explode into something nobody has ever seen on the show. There are some epic moments, but it's also really fun and romantic. I don't think people will be disappointed ... at least, I hope not!"

- Entrevista a Erica Durance ("Daemonstv"):
Check out the interview that Erica Durance who plays Lois Lane on SMALLVILLE gave in the press room at Comic Con 2010.

In the new season, what’s the evolution of Lois and what role do you think she played in pushing Clark?

Erica Durance: Well, I think it’s great in this season she knows and you see her struggle accepting her destiny. That’s the thing about the show, it’s about people accepting their destinies and what they’re for and embracing it and moving forward. Once she embraces that she’s there to make things easier for him and that’s her role in the mythology. That’s what Lois Lane wants. She was the love of his life so that is why I hope that they continue to do and they do that throughout the season.

Lois might use that as leverage as well?

Erica Durance: I’m sure she will. Why not? No, but that’s what I like about her. Instead of moping about, ‘Oh, you didn’t tell me,’ it’s like she finds out and goes, ‘Okay, you know what, you didn’t want to tell me. I’m cool with that. I’ll support that. I won’t get all girlie about it and I’ll help him with this sickness.’ That’s so much greater than my feelings. That’s what I really like about her and then at some point she’ll let him have it and bring him down to earth.

The show’s mythology is different from the films. Have they said that they’re going to keep it in the ‘Smallville’ universe or do they want to jump into the mythology that everyone knows about?

Erica Durance: I think that they want everybody to get the pay off they’ve been looking for ten years. So what I’ve heard from them is that they’re just going full bore in season ten and going as far as they can with it and just hoping to make it people smile and get excited about spending ten years watching something.

Is it your fan-girl dream like in all these ‘Superman’ movies to go flying somewhere?

Erica Durance: I think that would be pretty sweet. That’d be all right. That’d be okay.

What are your feelings about this being the final season?

Erica Durance: Because we’re still in the middle of it it’s not something that’s not at the forefront, but I think it’s bittersweet. Like anything, it needs a beginning, a middle and it needs a really good end and I think that’s the real focus now, to sink our teeth into it and make it as good as we can for our fans.

By the end of season, what would you wish would happen to your character

Erica Durance: That she gets to fly.

http://www.daemonstv.com/2010/07/28/eri ... -con-2010/
- Entrevista a Cassidy Freeman ("Daemonstv"):
What’s the next stage for Tess Mercer?

Cassidy Freeman: Well, I died a lot last season. I think she’s a bit humbled by that. I think she realizes that maybe she can’t do all of this alone. So she’s going to turn to Clark and Oliver for a little bit of help at the beginning of the season and then midseason she’s going to find out a secret about her past. I’m not completely sure what that is yet. I have an idea and I definitely can’t talk about it but it’s definitely going to be a big twist for her and she’s going to have to keep it a secret just to keep other people safe. I think it’ll change her trajectory at the end of the year.

There are so many secrets that come with Tess. How do you approach that as an actor?

Cassidy Freeman: I know. Right, absolutely. It’s not easy. Sometimes I have to call down south and be like, ‘Okay, am I lying or am I’m telling the truth. Is this genuine or is it not?’ As an actor it is difficult because you’re trying to make everything you do super genuine and you have to. I heard someone on a panel yesterday say that you can’t judge your character. Once an actor starts judging their character they’re done for because you have to be this person and you can’t judge yourself that way. So whenever she’s doing horrible things I still have to go somewhere inside of me and say, ‘What would make me do that? What would make me do something similar?’ So it’s difficult but it also keeps me on my toes. I think this year I’ll have a little bit more of a streamline than I did the last two seasons.

Will you have a scar on your face this season?

Cassidy Freeman: No, no. This is The CW, my friend. It’s called the beauty square [making a square around her face]. You cannot mess around with it.

Is Tess healed then?

Cassidy Freeman: I am healed. In the teaser they showed you actually see a thing on my face and it’ll be explained. I won’t just show up healed. There will be a transition.

I was reading something that mentioned Two Face –

Cassidy Freeman: I actually kind of wanted that because then I was like I wouldn’t have to worry if I had a pimple. I’ll look like me coming into the first episode.

How much of your arc for the season do you know?

Cassidy Freeman: I know very general outlines. I have a broad stroke and I think a lot will change depending on who they can get as guest stars, the timing of things, who they can schedule but it’s very general. I learn more and more every week and they keep coming up with really good ideas and so things keep getting added to the list.

How do you hope the series will end for Tess?

Cassidy Freeman: I think as a storyteller I want her to become good. I want her to be on the team. I want her to be like, ‘All this bad stuff, screw it. I’m going to be a good guy and I’m going to walk on that line.’ You know that shot of all of them walking, like Aquaman and Black Canary. [She mimics the walking while sitting down.] I watched that and I was like, ‘I want to be on the team.’ I think it’s so badass. But also as an actor I kind of want her to go really deep into the evil just because I think there needs to be a balance of that. If Clark is really going to go good someone has to go bad. Whether that’s me or someone else, I would take that responsibility respectfully.

You walk better than they do.

Cassidy Freeman: Thank you. Even sitting down I did it better. There’s like a band and they’re like so cool.
I don’t know if you know but in the beginning sequence we’re on these circular things, when we’re turning and the first time I saw it I was like, ‘That’s hilarious.’ The way that they do that is that you’re on a green screen and then there’s this disk, this wooden disk and there’s a guy named Russ who pushes a button and you turn. As you turn you look and then you’re body keeps turning and then you go like that. We all had to do that and we got one of our executive producers to go up there and do a fake one. It was really funny. It was one of our executive producers, wind blowing in his face. James Marshall. It was good.

Anything that you can tease because obviously you’re not that deep into the season –

Cassidy Freeman: We’re not, unfortunately. We started a little late this year. I mean, I think everyone kind of knows where it’s going. I think that’s the idea. We all want him to become Superman and that’s the direction that it’s heading. I think the interesting part is going to be the characters we meet along the way and the twists. I think they can craft some really beautiful work this year because they have a beginning, a middle and an end and they know where we’re going. So they can really put a lot of work and effort into each episode and making it that much more beautiful and that much more story and character driven which is exciting without any fear of, like, ‘Are we going another season?’

How does it feel to be at Comic-Con in the last year of the series that’s run ten years?

Cassidy Freeman: It feels incredible. I’m super thankful and was getting really emotional on the panel. I was like, ‘Ten years.’ I’ve been here for two, but like, ‘Ten years!’ I can’t imagine how they feel. But I’m very thankful.

http://www.daemonstv.com/2010/07/28/cas ... -con-2010/
- Entrevista a Justin Hartley ("Daemonstv"):
You’re in the final stages now. Overall, what sort of stage do you think Oliver is going into and do you think he and Clark getting closer will push him more towards his father?

Justin Hartley: The first part of the question, I think that Oliver is going from this kind of inner peace that he’s finally found to realizing that whole thing, the way that he thought about himself is in fact not who he is. So he’s still going to carry that burden. It’s interesting because he carries the burden of the bad guy inside of him. So he’s got that dark heart thing and the weight of the world on his shoulders and all of that. As far as the other thing, Clark’s destiny, I think what you’re going to see this year is Clark kind of finding that on his own. Maybe he’ll help Oliver a little bit, sort of like he did last year. People are like this in real life, too. You go in and out of good and bad. So you’re doing pretty good and then something happens and it’s like he’s constantly in remission, trying to figure out how to deal with all the things that he’s done in his past.

What’s your wish as far as where you want him to be at the end of the series?

Justin Hartley: I’d like to see him have more of that inner peace that I was talking about. I think the superhero stuff is great but I think that Oliver is a good person, a good human being. He’s got a huge heart and that’s part of his problem. I’d like to see him get the good end of the stick a few times. That would be kind of nice.

There have been rumblings about your character being the perfect spin-off at the end of the season. Is that something that’s been discussed?

Justin Hartley: I don’t know. It might be in between a pipe dream and something that’s actually being discussed. People are always kind of talking about it. As far as going forward I certainly haven’t heard anything.

Would you do it?

Justin Hartley: Yeah. I’d be up to having a conversation about it. In what capacity I don’t know, but yeah, definitely. I enjoy the character and it’s fun. Stuff like that is kind of up my alley and I would entertain the idea. I will hear it.

If you say yes here then you’re committed, right?

Justin Hartley: That’s right. Then you’re going to whip out the contract and he’s got it on tape.

Do you find the character is still interesting to play, that there are new sides to him?

Justin Hartley: I do. That’s another good question because sometimes you get saturated and you go, ‘We’ve done this a hundred times.’ I’ve had the luxury of coming onto the show initially and did like six episodes or seven episodes, whatever I did, a short stint on the show. They just threw all this stuff in there. ‘This is what the Green Arrow does, who Oliver is going to be.’ Then he left the show for a year and then I came back and did one episode the next year. The first year that I came back pseudo-full time I did thirteen episodes and although that sounds like a lot it’s not. It’s not a long time to get into the character and tell his story. So really last year was really the very first year in my opinion that I was able to be in Vancouver shooting long enough to tell Oliver’s story without just kind of touching on different parts of it. For me, honestly, this is really the way that I look at it, like this is the second part of my full season. So we’re in my second full season in a row and that’s it. So I’ve been lucky that way. I see what you’re saying. I can only imagine. I mean Tom [Welling] has been doing it for, what, ten years.

It must be hard.

Justin Hartley: It must be and on the other side of it, too, the writers. It’s got to be hard for them to keep it fresh because I wrote an episode last year. These guys let me write an episode. So you go into the writer’s room and you’re sitting there and there are so many good ideas that get thrown around and they get shot down, not because they’re not good ideas but because they’ve done it before. ‘That’s a great idea. We did that four years ago. That’s a great idea. We did it eight years ago. She’s already done that. She bled there. That’s where we shot last time.’ It’s unbelievable. It’s like this huge brain sitting in a room trying to figure out what’s left but they come up with it. They keep coming up with it. I have faith in them. They could probably do another ten years if they had to.

Will you write again this season?

Justin Hartley: I’m not going to be writing this season. I’m going to be directing so that’ll be fun.

Do you have a ‘Green Arrow’ story that you would be dying to tell, something for Geoff Johns?

Justin Hartley: I don’t have one, no, but I’m sure he would. I don’t compete with those guys. It was nice for them to let me write one but I can’t compete with them.

http://www.daemonstv.com/2010/07/28/jus ... -con-2010/
- Entrevista a John Schneider ("Daemonstv"):
I guess that since you’re here you’ll be playing a big part in the new season. Is that accurate?

John Schneider: Yes, that’s accurate. I’m in the new season but honestly I’m not sure if I’m alive or dead or a vision or a memory. I’m going to be in there a lot but I really don’t know [how]. The way that it was written I don’t know if it’s accumulative memories of Clark and things that Jonathan would say to him or if I’m really there but that’s not usual ‘Smallville’.

How do you deal with that?

John Schneider: It’s not unusual. One of the things that led to my heart attack is that Lionel Luthor comes in and hands me something in the barn. I don’t remember exactly what he said but something like, ‘How is your family going to be able to survive this,’ and he hands me a piece of paper. I said to the director, it was Greg Beeman at the time and he said, ‘It’s the worst possible news that you could get and it’s life changing.’ I said, ‘What’s on it?’ He said, ‘I have no idea.’ ‘Really, we’re never going to know?’ He said, ‘We’re never going to know.’ We did this whole scene and as soon as John Glover hands me the piece of paper they cut to a reverse of him handing it to me and as soon as I grabbed it and you should be able to see it over my shoulder I crumpled it up and I said, ‘How dare you?’ So it’s not unusual to have the cast be kind of in the dark. I don’t mean that in a bad way. The suspense actually works on the set as well which I think works for the show.

What’s it like coming back after all this time?

John Schneider: It was a wonderful experience coming back. Much of the crew is the same and so it was old home week. But when you get past a certain age four years goes by pretty quick and when I was going up there I thought, ‘It’s been four years. What’s this going to be like?’ As soon as I set foot, like I said on the panel, on the Kent Farm I felt like I hadn’t gone anywhere. It was like no time had passed. So it was really wonderful and a great experience.

Are you in the opening titles?

John Schneider: I don’t think I’m in the opening titles. I wanted to be a surprise but obviously it’s not a surprise anymore. I didn’t want to be in the opening credits. I just wanted to be credited in the end. But I guess the cat is out of the bag.

The whole thing culminating in Clark becoming Superman, is Jonathan returning to give him that final guidance?

John Schneider: Yes. I think that Jonathan Kent is back because he’s the only force, the only person in Clark Kent’s life that can tell him it’s okay to be Superman, that ‘This is in fact the destiny that we talked about when you were a child. We’ve always talked about you were here for a reason, you have this very specific set of skills and you are part of what’s right in this world and one of these days you’ll know how to use that out among the people. It’s your destiny, son.’ I think that’s why they brought me back here because he’s been out doing super things but really kind of unfocused, doing good when he has the opportunity to do it but without focus and without direction. He’s a really good guy but he has not come into contact with his destiny yet and I think that’s what Jonathan is for.

http://www.daemonstv.com/2010/07/28/joh ... -con-2010/
- Entrevista a Brian Peterson ("Daemonstv"):
Can you talk about some of the superheroes that’ll be on this season and how Dark Side will affect the story you’re telling?

Brian Peterson: We really wanted to do something different with the villain because I think that Zod and Doomsday were successful and really great additions to the show but we didn’t want to repeat that pattern. So we’re introducing Darkseid in a really different way, kind of gradually unfolding that character through some of his harbingers or minions from the ‘New Gods’ mythology a little bit. So that’ll be really fun. We have characters like Glen Godfrey and Desaad. I don’t want to give too much away but you can probably guess who that was.

Will Ed Asner play him?

Brian Peterson: Weird things have been suggested. I know he’s the voice of her which is great. As far as villains that a big part of the season and then we have another group ragtag villain heroes that are going to come in for episode two with the Suicide Squad. They’re not going to be a huge runner but will at least play a little into the season.

Will you be able to call them Suicide Squad?

Brian Peterson: So far. They’re not a huge part of the season but they’re in there. We have Deadshot, Rick Flag and we’re bringing back Plastique.

We know this is the final stage for Clark to become Superman. In your mind what’s the final stage for Clark to put on that uniform?

Brian Peterson: I think we have our thoughts but I think last year we put him through the ringer as far as making some decisions that were maybe on the edge. We kind of roughed up Tess a little bit. He burned down some buildings. He made some decisions that fans really reacted a lot, too. It wasn’t really Superman. So we wanted him to see what the boundaries are when you’re a god and how far you should and can go. So this year hopefully we take a little more of a positive spin and watch him as he’s taking those lessons from last year and applying them. As far as action moments I really don’t want to give anything away because that’s a really important run for the show but we’ll get there.

But more about him stepping into the light?

Brian Peterson: Yeah, stepping into the light and he puts on a brand new suit in episode two. So that’ll be a little brighter, lighter. He’s not standing on gothic towers that are black anymore. He’s on the Daily Planet and we start to see him transitioning into the light.

For Team Apocalypse, are you putting a new genesis in there at all?

Brian Peterson: There are some things that we’re still working out what we can actually do and can’t do. So where we can’t really go there we want to have at least a little wink to it.

Even though Darkseid is a gradual reveal, should it be one of the most epic fights that he’s had?

Brian Peterson: That is the idea but I think we’ve all seen where we’ve had the best ambitions and the money hasn’t quite supported what we wanted. I won’t go there but everyone has worked hard to make things work and we always push beyond the boundary of what most TV shows do for FX and stunts. Obviously, nine times out of ten we hit the mark but sometimes we just don’t literally have the time to research it. Every effort this year will be made to making the final battle as epic as is budgetarily and humanly possible.

Since it’s the final season are they letting you go all out?

Brian Peterson: The studio has been incredibly supportive. We’re literally trying to shoot a movie and we don’t have $50 million. The little engine that could up in Vancouver, every script that they get is like, ‘Really?’ We’re like, ‘You can do it. You’ve done it,’ and they do it.

Any moments from the past that you feel like you have to have back to tell the story?

Brian Peterson: Well, we’re trying to hit more than we’re probably going to be able to do. There are a lot of actors that we love and have gone out to. They’re on other shows. They’re busy and sometimes it’s not working out. We’d love to see Lionel Luthor again. Obviously it would be incredible to see Lana again. Kristin is very busy and so right now that hasn’t worked out. Brainiac. Needless to say Lex Luthor.

Are you going to bend over backwards to make sure that happens?

Brian Peterson: I’m already in splits to make that happen. I’ve bent over backwards three times. Kelly and I have done everything in our power with the support of the studio to invite Michael [Rosenbaum] back to the show. It just hasn’t worked out. We love Michael. He’s a fantastic guy. So the door is open. That’s all we can do, hope and pray that something works out.

What do you want to happen, something specific before the series ends?

Brian Peterson: It’s hard because everything that I want to happen since I’m the boss is happening. No. Everything we want to happen are really big moments that I don’t want to giveaway because we do have a couple in the 200th episode and a couple in the premiere. We’ve always wanted to see the epic Daily Planet globe and so we put that into the premiere. That’ll be really fun, Clark catching the Daily Planet globe. That was in the trailer that we showed. That’s one.


Brian Peterson: It’s the final season and we know where he ends and I think I can say…that’s what I can say. We know what he ends up doing and it’s the final season.

He will actually don the uniform?

Brian Peterson: You’d have to put me to a torch to get me to answer that.

Has there been talks of an Oliver spin-off?

Brian Peterson: The thing is that I feel really each of our characters are so fleshed out at this point, the actors like Cassidy, Justin and Erica are so amazing that they could handle their own series. But right now nothing is in the works. It just hasn’t coalesced right now because right now we’re focused on ending the ‘Smallville’ and ‘Superman’ mythology and we didn’t want to branch out. The goal right now is this show.

How does it feel to be ending this series?

Brian Peterson: It’s heartbreaking. It’s our family. The people in Vancouver, Tom, they’re all our family and so it’s going to be really, really emotional but I think we want to go out at the top. It’s going to be a tough one.

It’s an important part of the legacy.

Brian Peterson: Yeah. We’ve filled in some of the missing years that a lot of people never saw. It’s very cool.
http://www.daemonstv.com/2010/07/28/bri ... -con-2010/
- Entrevista a Kelly Souders ("Daemonstv"):
This has to be bittersweet for you.

Kelly Souders: It is.

You’ve been with the show since the second season.

Kelly Souders: Yeah. If you keep going down this past I’m going to start crying. I’ve been a little misty today. It’s very strange but it’s really an amazing experience.

You’re going to get pay off Al [Gough] and Miles’ [Millar] vision at the end of this. Are you going to bring a lot of people back, can you achieve that now?

Kelly Souders: Obviously Schneider is back as you know. [James] Marsters is coming back. It’s really kind of a season of Clark visiting the ghosts of his past to sort of get over some latent issues, shall we say, and move on to be the Superman that everybody wants him to be.

What about Lana?

Kelly Souders: We’d love to have Kristin [Kreuk] back. Literally, the door is wide open for anyone who wants to come back.

Michael Rosenbaum, too? Is that guaranteed?

Kelly Souders: No, but we’d love it. Nothing would make us happier than to close out the show with him.

Do you think knowing this is your final season has given you the ability to tell the story in full?

Kelly Souders: I think for us there’s a lot of things, we try every season to do new twists and turns and delve deeper into who Clark is as a person. I think because we know this season is ending it in twenty two episodes we’re already exhausted. We’re shooting episode two and we’ve been pulling crazy hours because we just want to do all of it. We want to do everything. We’re kind of shooting ourselves in the foot. I don’t know if we’re going to be alive by the end of the season because we’re killing ourselves so hard and so is the crew and the cast. Everyone feels like it’s our last chance to do every iconic moment that we want, every reunion that we want to see.

We know that Tom is set to become Superman at the end of the year. What’s the final stage on his character’s evolution to get to that point in this last season?

Kelly Souders: The final moment hinges on one of these ghosts from his past and understanding some things about himself that he’s been holding onto for several years. Last year he really sort of delved into his darkest hour which I think was really interesting and something that he needed to do in order to go through life, this rigorous test in order to make it to the Superman moment but what was interesting about it is that by the end of the season he really wasn’t Superman. He wasn’t that bright, shiny inspiration. He was kind of a loner who wasn’t trusting of the people around him who hid on rooftops and in shadows. That’s a very different guy than Superman is. It made us look at the whole twenty two episodes in a way of getting him to that moment.

As we see him get closer and closer to Superman will the clothes change?

Kelly Souders: We will have a little bit of a wardrobe change.

According to the panel there’s a scene where he’s flying or leaping with the Daily Planet globe?

Kelly Souders: He’s doing his biggest leap ever. It’s pretty close to flying.

The last scene of him taking off as Superman is what Al and Miles talked about. Will you keep that or deviate from it?

Kelly Souders: There are a lot of Al and Miles’ images that they had. Then there are images that Brian [Peterson] and I have had and the writing staff, and honestly, the cast and the crew, everybody. We’re all fans, too. So we all have our wish list and we’re all battling it out to get their own wish in there. It’ll be an amalgamation literally of a lot of people who work on the show, that last episode.

What’s the wish that you’re going to fight to get in there?

Kelly Souders: Honestly, some of the stuff that you’re going to see at the very beginning of the season are some of the things that Brian and I wanted to do. For us, because we’re fans from the beginning as well, there are moments from the whole series that are really endearing to us and we want to pay homage to that. So literally from the premiere to the whole season you’re going to be seeing moments that pay homage, giving a little glimpse of things that people love from the whole series. We feel like our fans have been there the whole time and they want to remember the whole show the way that we do. So you’ll see that and a lot of new stuff and we’ll push off.

John Schneider doesn’t know if he’s a ghost or not. Do you guys know and will you explain it?

Kelly Souders: Well, some of it is because it’s still a bit evolving because we shot him in the first episode and what’s interesting is you can plan things out and then you see things shot and then what the actors bring to it and what the crew does and the directors and the cinematographers bring to it, it literally takes on a life of it’s own. So his story is sort of evolving over a period of time. But he won’t be the ghost kind of guy that’s sitting there that you’re used to when people return. It’s not quite like that.

Will we find out what was on the letter in Jonathan’s hands when he died?

Kelly Souders: Oh, yeah, that. It’s on the wish list. It’s in the bucket.

Is this really a narrative that’s driving everything towards the end of the season?

Kelly Souders: Well, there’s certainly by the end of it…it’s all these great questions that makes us verbalize things that are just running around in our heads. Since Brian and I are kind of Siamese twins we don’t ever have to talk about what’s in our heads. It’s very strange to be in a room with us. But coming out of it he has a problem, a challenge and so he’s going to be on that avenue throughout the whole season but because it’s our last season there’s going to be death shots and people from the DC villains, Darkseid and some of these harbingers; it’s not just going to be one villain that shows up for the whole season and that’s his battle. We’ve done that in the last few years and we’ve had a great run at it and we want to just give everyone a taste of all of it.

Darkseid must be pretty heavy.

Kelly Souders: Darkseid is a bad guy or entity, whatever you want to call him. He shows up in some different ways throughout the season.

http://www.daemonstv.com/2010/07/28/kel ... -con-2010/
- Smallville: The Secrets of Season 10 (IGN.com)
Smallville: The Secrets of Season 10
Brainiac (5!), Supergirl and much more are discussed, as the producers of Smallville tell us what's to come.
by Eric Goldman US, July 30, 2010

This week, at the TCA (Television Critics Association) press tour, I was among a group of reporters who spoke to Smallville executive producers/showrunners Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders – and they had plenty to reveal about the tenth and final season. Read on to find out what's to come for Clark, Lois, Chloe, Supergirl, Brainiac and much more.

# Regarding the series finale, Peterson said, "Our hopes are through the roof, as you can imagine. So even if we get 50 percent of it, it will be amazing. But it's hard to say what's in and not, because it will really come down to so many decisions in that last month or so. We know the story, it's just how many of the people are going to be available and coming back.

# Yes, James Marsters is back as Brainiac, but this time it's as Brainiac 5. When I asked if this meant if we'd see the softer side of Brainiac, Peterson replied, "Well, you never know. Brainiac is a very, very mysterious man." Added Souders, "It makes him fun to write."

# There is at least one more unannounced returning character, but Peterson and Souders said they didn't want to jinx it by saying who it was until their deal was closed. As Peterson put it, "I think it's someone the fans would love to see back, but it's not one of the people that's on everybody's radar."

# Could Lex Luthor have survived via cloning? Peterson referenced the footage shown at Comic-Con from Season 10, saying, "Well, we gave a peak of some footage at the premiere, which will line up with certain versions of the mythology, if people really look. And all that we've been able to say is that Lex always had a back-up plan."

# The return of Kara (Laura Vandervoort) begins shooting today (Friday). Said Souders, "We're quite excited. You'll see a little bit more Supergirl than Kara in this episode. That's why [the episode is] called "Supergirl". And the thing is, when she comes in she is going to kind of shake up the world for all of our superheroes." They wouldn't say if that meant things would be shaken up in a good way or bad way, but Peterson noted, "It sends them in a very different direction."

# Will Kara help influence her cousin in how he dresses? Say, maybe adding some red and blue to his superhero suit? "She might," replied Souders. "She's a fashion girl. She's knows how to accessorize." And will she teach Clark, finally, to fly? Said Peterson with a grin, "Well, funny you should ask that. That's all I'm gonna say. Funny you should ask that."

# As to how much we might see Chloe in Season 10, now that Allison Mack is no longer a series regular, Peterson promised she'd be in "several episodes." Besides the season premiere, Souders noted Chloe will be, "in the middle of the season for a while. Allison is great. She loves her fans so much, she loves the character of Chloe. We love her. So [she'll be back] as much as her schedule permits, with all the things she is doing. You know we love to have her back as much as we can."

# As for the popular Chloe and Oliver pairing, Souders said, "Let's face it, the two of them on screen together, there's always going to be chemistry. There's no way we could even write it out if we wanted to. So I think people will be excited to see how their relationship evolves." In the meantime, the producers had previously revealed Chloe will be believed to be dead early in the season. Would Oliver "give up" on hunting for her? Said Peterson, "That's so hard because, because hunting may never be a good thing, so he's gotta weigh that decision." Added Souders, "Let's say giving up is maybe not quite the way he would look at it. Letting go might have to be a part of his scenario."

# It's unclear if we'll see more of Mia, AKA Speedy. As Peterson explained, "You know what, we would love to bring her back. I was saying at Comic Con that we really wanted to close off her story with a couple more episodes and literally we had so much to fit into last season, we had a couple of thoughts that didn't really come quite to fruition. We would love to bring her back this season if we can."

# Now that Lois knows Clark is The Blur, Peterson says that could be difficult for Lois. "What's fun is that Clark has been raised keeping secrets. Lois, not so much. And so watching Lois try to keep this amazing secret is going to be a fascinating struggle of will."

- Audioentrevista a Erica Durance, Justin Hartley, Cassidy Freeman, Kelly Souders, y Brian Peterson por "Comic News Insider":

http://c1.libsyn.com/media/18877/OneSho ... 0446b405ea

- Especial del CC de la revista Televitos:
- Audioentrevista a Justin Hartley sobre la 10 (earthsmightiest.com):


- Mini-entrevista de Erica Durance (comicmix.com):
Erica Durance: I’m very excited myself. I was joking that I just waited for the rest of the cast to die off, and they finally let me in the door; it’s just pure perseverance. I’m excited to be able to be in every story and see where they can take my character, and hopefully flesh out a nice big arc for her. And it’s always fun to be in everything. It’s hard to go away, and then come back, and then find yourself again. So it’s a different mechanism for sure–more of an endurance run–but I’m looking forward to it.
"Estoy muy excitada. Estuve bromeando con que tan sólo esperé a que el resto del elenco muriera, y que finalmente me dajarn pasar; es tan sólo pura perseverancia. Estoy entusiasmada de ser capaz de estar en cada historia y ver a dónde quieren llevar a mi personaje, y que con suerte le den cuerpo a un estupendo arco para ella. Y siempre es divertido estar en todo. Es duro marcharse, y luego regresar, y entonces encontrarte a tí mismo de nuevo. Así es que es un mecanismo diferente seguro, más como una carrera de resistencia, pero lo estoy deseando".
- Audioentrevista a Cassidy Freeman, Previews de la 10ª Temporada de Smallville ("Earthsmightiest.com"):
Cassidy Freeman habla sobre la 10ª y su personaje Tess Mercer.


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por Shelby »

... Continuación

- Fotos del CC:
- En el aeropuerto:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- En la puerta:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Fiesta Sci-Fi:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen
Imagen Imagen
- Panel 1:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por Shelby »

... Continuación

- Fotos del CC:
- Panel 2:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Nuevas imágenes de Erica Durance en el SDCC 10:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(thanks to lovedearest)

Los links a mis fotos:


- Videos del CC:
- James Masters habla de SV y de Tom en el CC:


- Video promocional:


Link al panel al completo con buena calidad:


La noche previa (fiesta Sci-Fi) y Brian en la puerta del CC:
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whvU4UqS ... re=related[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLU0vyOT ... pwZbQ-Buwo[/youtube]
- Entrevistas:

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYgNLuf0 ... re=related[/youtube]
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLHPORzs ... re=related[/youtube]

Resumen de la WB:


- Eric, IGN.com:

- Ausiello:

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjDX5Jmh ... 1&index=45[/youtube]

- The Flick Cast:
http://theflickcast.com/2010/08/04/inte ... mallville/

- Digital Spy:

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAhaRnRE ... re=related[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AUXiABo ... re=channel[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgtMrAfT ... re=channel[/youtube]

- CW Source:
http://www.ktla.com/videobeta/0ff63ae7- ... Smallville

http://www.ktla.com/videobeta/21ef2a8b- ... le-SDCC-10

http://www.ktla.com/videobeta/08cc8343- ... g-Superman

- Comicbookresources con Geoff Johns en donde habla de Smallville y Blue Beetle and Booster Gold:


- The Futon Critic:

- Sky TV:

http://tv.sky.com/comic-con-2010-smallv ... -season-10

- Mediajunkyard:

- Shoepodcast:


- GivememyremoteTV:
“Soy una gran fan de la relación de Lois-Clark y de cómo lo han hecho durante los años que he estado ahí”, dice Durance. “Este año, el cambio es que ella sabe su secreto. Es capaz de spoyarle en eso y entender que no quiere decírselo aún, así es que está tratando de ser tan paciente como es posible. Así es que vas a ver un poco de diversión ahí con cómo intenta y oculta que lo sabe [la verdad].”
“Creo que siendo veraces al estilo de Lois, ella probablemente acabará soltándoselo a él de alguna manera terriblemente agresiva,” dice Durance.

- The cinema source:
- Cinelacosa:


Bertu escribió:Creo que hay cierta persona que está dando saltos ahora mismo :eek:
¿Sí? Pues no sé... :smt017
:smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt026 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt040 :smt040 :smt040 :smt040 :smt040 :smt040 :smt040 :smt040 :smt040 :smt040 :smt040 :smt035 :smt035 :smt035 :smt035 :smt035 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt041 :smt042 :smt042 :smt042 :smt042 :smt043 :smt043 :smt043 :smt043 :smt043 :smt043 :smt043 :smt043

Y como el twitter está con la ballenita...

@BertuZK "TBD" = To Be Determined, osea que aún falta por confirmar la hora del panel. ;)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por Svmarines »

Estoy tan contenta como tu me alegro de todo corazon asi veraz a nuestro Dios del Hielo en persona, :bb :bb :bb voy a seguir rezando para que este :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1279
Registrado: Vie Sep 04, 2009 11:47 pm
Ubicación: Venezuela

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por Alexakent »

Gracias Por la Informacion

si bertu 1 etapa superada ahora falta que este Tom... Mi Autografo esta asegurado entonces :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

- Clarkista 100% - esperando que vuele :)

Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por Bertu »

¡Oh! ¡No lo sabía Alexa! ¡Tenemos dos corresponsales (o corresponsalas según la ministra)! :smt023 :smt005 :smt005


General Zod
Mensajes: 4616
Registrado: Mié Oct 31, 2007 7:40 pm
Ubicación: Inside The Phantom Zone

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por General Zod »

Hey que bien que estara SV en el Comic - Con como le dije a alguien espero muchos fotos de ya sabe quien :smt007 :smt007 :smt007 :smt007 (la reina de la baba le llamo yo) :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb Erica Durance y de los demas tambien claro :smt005 y a ver q mas cosillas nos pueden traer a toda la fanaticada de Huesario :smt077


Mensajes: 2082
Registrado: Lun Oct 02, 2006 11:28 am
Ubicación: España

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por Restart »

º espero que disfruteis el comic-con, es un privilegio que muchos no podemos tener, y espero que nos lleveis en el corazon huesariano que teneis.. :smt109


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1118
Registrado: Dom Ago 16, 2009 2:22 am
Ubicación: Barcelona

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por Dev-Em »

Me siento entusiasmado por mis ídolos de la serie como lo estuvo Zan en Idol con el Borrón... pero a la vez triste por no poder asistir. No obstante mis más aclamadas felicitaciones a nuestra querida jefa y compañía por su asistencia al Comic-Con y ojalá pudiérais cumplir el encarguito que pedí: alguna foto, firma, prenda o lo que sea de mi amada y diosa Erica Durance.
¡Muchas y anticipadas gracias guapetonas! :wink:
ERICA :smt008 DEV
Así que suerte y haced vuestro sueño realidad. El resto de foristas estaremos con vosotras de forma espiritual jeje. :smt023

Imagen Imagen

Mensajes: 3424
Registrado: Jue May 03, 2007 9:21 pm
Ubicación: Argentina

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por Akkane »

Buenas... ¿que? ¿como? ¿quienes se van al comic-con? :shock: :biggrin:

Sin firma.

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 63
Registrado: Dom Ago 30, 2009 10:25 pm

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por TRISKY »

Hola, Shelby ¿es posible organizar una, llamemosla, excursion para estar en el Comic-con 2010.yo me muero de ganas por ir y ver a quien todas queremos ver, yo sola ni me lo planteo, pero un grupo, eso si bien dirigido, con alguiern que sepa, por lo menos inglés y , como somos tantos, alguien habrá ya con experiencia en este país y que nos pueda ayudar/guiar, etc. :smt007 :smt005 Bueno aquí dejo la idea, para ver a cuantos les mola y cuantos estamos dispuestos a irnos a la otra punta para tener el placer de conocer en vivo y en directo al insuperable................TOM WELLING :smt007 :smt007 , si esto se consigue sería la persona más feliz sobre la tierra y sobre kripton ¡¡¡je,je,je!!!! :smt055 :smt055 :smt055

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por Shelby »

Yo ya lo he comentado: YO VOY. Vamos, no es que me lo plantee ahora, llevo organizándolo desde Navidad. :smt005

Solos te aseguro que no va nadie. De momento conozco a un grupo de unas 30 personas que ya van de distintos lugares del mundo, EEUU incluidos y, por supuesto, pensamos quedar y conocernos.

Quien quiera apuntarse, por mí encantada. Eso sí... ya podéis daros prisa, porque apenas acaban de poner a la reventa unas cuantas entradas del domingo y no creo que duren mucho. :wink:

¡¡¡Y noticias fresquitaaaaaaaaaaaaas!!!

- Se anuncia la hora y lugar del Panel de Smallville:
SUNDAY, JULY 25, 2010

10:00–11:00 a.m. Smallville Screening and Q&A – Comic-Con favorite Smallville returns for its last visit to Comic-Con in advance of the show's 10th and final season. Series stars to be announced join executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson to talk about the year ahead, answer fan questions and give an exclusive sneak peek at clips from the final season. From Tollin/Robbins Productions, Millar/Gough Ink in association with Warner Bros. Television, Smallville airs Fridays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW. Smallville: The Complete Ninth Season will be released on Blu-ray™ and DVD on September 7. Become a fan of the show on Facebook at www.facebook.com/smallville. Ballroom 20


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 691
Registrado: Jue May 18, 2006 11:04 am

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por maria33 »

shelby, creo que siento pura envidia.... :smt013 :smt013 :smt013


Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 91
Registrado: Lun Nov 06, 2006 2:19 am

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por carola_277 »

Que genial, que alegria por ustedes chicas que podran asistir!!!! y nosotros de este lado felices seguramente con todas las noticias fresquitas y en exclusiva!!!!! :smt023

Ya falta poquitoo ... :super05


Mensajes: 3424
Registrado: Jue May 03, 2007 9:21 pm
Ubicación: Argentina

Re: Cómic-Con 2010

Mensaje por Akkane »

Shelby escribió:Yo ya lo he comentado: YO VOY.
Shel, ¡que buena noticia! :biggrin:
Esto me trae recuerdos de cuando en el msn broméabamos con ir al comic con ....¡y ahora vas tu! :biggrin: :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005
Yo sé que iré algún día, pero por el momento me es imposibilisimo.

¿Te puedo pedir un favor manita? Por los viejos tiempo ¿shiiiiii?
Si ves a Sam por ahí y tienes posibilidad de acercarte, pídele un autógrafo para mi, para la fan argentina de Davis :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 di que si di que si di que si di que si di que si di que si di que si

Mucha suerte con el viaje. Espero que lo pases muy bien ¡y que veas a Tom!

Sin firma.


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