"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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- Primicia de "The Flash": ¿Quién es Zoom? (EW):
Primicia de "The Flash": ¿Quién es Zoom?
Por Natalie Abrams 09 Nov 2015

As Zoom continues to send breachers from Earth-Two over to kill Barry Allen, The Flash’s titular hero will go on the offensive — but taking this villainous speedster down won’t be an easy feat.

“He’s got this demonic quality to him,” Grant Gustin tells EW. “As soon as Barry is face-to-face with him — like right in front of him battling with him — it becomes immediately clear to Barry, ‘Maybe I’m not ready for this.’ It’s pretty scary. It’s going to be one of the more disturbing things, I think, that the viewers will have seen happen to Barry. It’s not pretty. He’s much stronger and faster, and Barry’s not necessarily ready for this, but he thinks he is.”

Team Flash, however, doesn’t necessarily agree. Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker), in particular, sides with her potential new flame, Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears), who has since left Barry’s side because of the scarlet speedster’s eagerness to face Zoom. “She’s very cautious, particularly because she does have so much faith in Jay and so much trust in Jay, and he’s been so wary of Zoom,” Panabaker says. “She really takes that to heart. She is especially concerned with Barry taking on Zoom, because he’s so much of an unknown — his motivations are unclear. He’s already a darker villain than Reverse Flash was, so he’s clearly willing to go pretty far to get what he wants.”

Even Cisco (Carlos Valdes), who has always supported Barry’s decisions, will be concerned. ‘ “It’s very clear in Tuesday’s episode that Zoom is not a threat to be taken lightly,” Valdes says. “Once the gravity of that hits the team, things start to change a little bit. In general, the team starts to separate themselves from the idea of Zoom for a little bit, because there’s such an apprehension and such a shock from what happens in coming episodes. It’s definitely a slow burn because of the magnitude of this evil. Cisco and Barry know together that the best way to take down this villain is to think things through, and to work together to really give it time, and to train.”

For one, Zoom definitely has a few tricks up his sleeve, like knowing that Barry previously dated Linda Park (Malese Jow), which would give our hero pause when facing her Earth-Two doppelgänger Dr. Light. “I would imagine it has a lot to do with time travel and the Speed Force,” Gustin says, shooting down any potential theories of a mole within Team Flash. “[Zoom’s] peeked into other timelines. He’s probably been trying to locate what timeline Barry’s actually from for a while now, and has peeked into other points of his life that Barry’s not even aware of or hasn’t even happened as far as this Barry’s concerned. Zoom has been planning this for quite a while and he’s much faster and much more powerful. He has his ways of peeking into Barry’s life at different points of his life without anyone being aware.”

Though, it does seem highly suspicious that Harry (Tom Cavanagh) has so much knowledge about speedsters if he wasn’t aligned with Zoom in the past. “If you created a speedster, you’d know about a speedster,” Cavanagh maintains. “I created one, so I could be one of the top few people on any Earth that knows what that means. It doesn’t align me with anybody.”

Answers in that regard may be coming since Tuesday’s episode will offer a peek at Harry’s life before he crossed over to Earth-One. “You’ve gotten a glimpse of what this guy’s life is like,” Cavanagh says. “Then you see this man in S.T.A.R. Labs on Earth-One, the same face and visage, clearly this man has had things stripped of him and now he’s down to priorities. A person who is cornered like that is going to act a different way… This version is all about getting what he needs. His whole life revolves around getting what he needs and nobody and nothing is going to stop him.”

As to whether Harry is, much like the other breachers, motivated to kill Barry for Zoom — like, say, to get his kidnapped daughter back? — Cavanagh scoffs. “If he’d been sent over to kill Barry, I don’t know that he wouldn’t have just let King Shark kill Barry,” he says.

The big question, though, is exactly who is Zoom? The theories fly fast on set. “I think it’s Felicity [Emily Bett Rickards],” Gustin jokes of Barry’s former Arrow flame. “A lot of people think it’s Henry Allen [John Wesley Shipp], some people think It’s Eddie Thawne [Rick Cosnett], some people think it’s Barry from Earth-Two.” Panabaker concurs: “I love the idea of it being Earth-Two Barry Allen. Selfishly, as actors, how fun would it be to get to do both extremes?”

“They’re really crafting the story lines in a way that make it so there are multiple people that have motives and multiple possibilities,” Valdes says. “The introduction of Earth-Two into our story is bringing all these different dimensions as far as possibilities are concerned. Anything can happen, and as a result of that, it keeps the audience and the actors on our toes.”

In truth, “There are infinite possibilities, really,” Gustin says. “It could really turn out to be a number of characters. To be honest, I don’t really know the answer, so I’m not sure.”

But there may be one cast member who knows Zoom’s true identity. “I don’t have a theory on it,” Cavanagh says cryptically. “Theoretical implies a whole different thing from fact.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/09/fl ... y-spoilers
- 'Doctor Light' simplemente quiere escapar de Zoom y desaparecer (zap2it):
'Doctor Light' simplemente quiere escapar de Zoom y desaparecer
Por Chris E. Hayner 09 Nov, 2015

With the threat of Zoom looming over “The Flash,” Barry’s (Grant Gustin) ex-girlfriend Linda Park (Malese Jow) isn’t going anywhere just yet.

After meeting her Earth Two doppelganger — who also happens to be a supervillain named Doctor Light — Linda is getting into the action on the Nov. 10 episode of “The Flash,” “Enter Zoom.” With the proper Doctor Light out of commission for now, it’ll be Earth One’s Linda to suit up and face Zoom — which is a task she’s up for, according to Jow.

“She gets thrown right into the middle of Team Flash and this whole world that she didn’t know about,” the actress explains. “Of course, the Linda we know and love is confident and ready to rise to the challenge, so she plays a key role in luring Zoom in and comes face-to-face with him.”

Don’t expect Earth Two’s Linda to be content sitting on the sidelines, though. While on the surface she may appear to be a villain, Doctor Light has a mission.

“As you can see in the last episode and even more in the next one, she just wants to get out of this ordeal. She just wants to disappear and wipe her hands clean of it,” Jow says. “That shows who she is as a character. She’s definitely not pure evil. She’s definitely more complex than that.”

As for how much of her good side fans will get to see beyond “Enter Zoom,” Jow won’t say whether or not she’ll be back again in Season 2. She wouldn’t be opposed to it, though.

“I feel like there is a lot of potential with Linda and Doctor Light, so we’ll see where the writers take the storyline,” she teases.

http://zap2it.com/2015/11/the-flash-ent ... alese-jow/
- Malese Jow sobre 'Linda' encontránsose cara a cara con 'Zoom' (accesshollywood):
Malese Jow sobre 'Linda' encontránsose cara a cara con 'Zoom'
Por Jolie Lash 10 Nov, 2015 8:48 AM PST

Linda Park may be a tough sports reporter on "The Flash," but she's going to need every ounce of courage on Tuesday night.

Malese Jow's character is about to look The CW superhero drama's new supervillain in the eyes – Earth 2's Zoom.

Central City Picture News' Linda will pretend to be her Earth 2 doppelganger – Dr. Light – in an attempt to lure Zoom over to Earth 1 for capture by Team Flash. The whole team's involved in the all-new episode, airing at 8/7c, and Malese hopped on the phone to tell Access Hollywood all about it.

AccessHollywood.com: Tell me what it was like to go back up to 'The Flash' for Season 2? This has to be a really fun project to be a part of.
Malese Jow: This show is a hit and for good reason. There are just amazing people attached and the energy is great, the writing is amazing, so I was so excited to learn that I was not only coming back, but coming back as two characters -- two iconic comic book characters. It's such an honor and very exciting. I was actually kept in the dark for a long time about what they were actually going to do with me, so the Dr. Light thing was very last minute, it was quite the whirlwind, but such an honor.

Access: You used the phrase 'kept in the dark,' so I have to ask, when were you brought into the light, so to speak, about the fact that you'd get to play a metahuman from Earth 2?
Malese: At the end of my stint as Linda on Season 1, Andrew [Kreisberg, the show's EP] and everyone was like, 'Yeah, we definitely want you back for Season 2, we absolutely love you and I was like, 'OK, sure.' And… this past summertime, they had me pinned for a few episodes and they called me in for a wardrobe fitting, which I thought would be for Linda and we'd try on cute pencil skirts and office clothes, but when I get there, they proceeded to measure every single inch of my body, I was like, 'Oh, wow, is this some new process? Do I not have to try on clothes any more?' It wasn't until a week or two later that I finally got the call from Andrew Kreisberg, and he's like, 'Since your costume is being made, I guess we should tell you what's going on and what we have in store,' and he proceeds to me about Dr. Light and Earth 2 and how they were going to kind of mold these two characters together and my jaw was just on the floor. It was one of the coolest phone calls that I've gotten in my career thus far.

Access: A lot of interesting stuff happened in the last episode – Linda saw her doppelganger, she saw her beloved boss and mentor killed in front of her – where's her head at as we head into the next episode?
Malese: It went from like 0-100 for Linda. She was just kind of living her life and then one day, of course, this world takes over that she had no idea about and she kind of gets thrust into Team Flash. Iris kind of sees potential in how they can make it work and recruits her and craziness ensues. It was so fun to have scenes finally with Jesse [L. Martin], Tom [Cavanagh], Carlos [Valdes], Danielle [Panabaker] – they're such cool, fun people to work with. So we get to see a quirky, fun training montage, but then, on the other hand we get to see some insane stunts, lots of action. Linda comes face-to-face with Zoom, our supervillain for the season, so it was definitely a thriller and very exciting.

Access: If I'm not mistaken, Linda doesn't know Barry's secret before this episode, right?
Malese: Not at this point, and to be honest, it's really not at the top of her priority list to find out. She's just kind of recruited and she steps up to the plate and wants to do whatever she can to help Team Flash capture Zoom.

Access: Is this an opportunity for her to maybe realize that it wasn't just Iris that had Barry's heart [when Linda and Barry] were dating, but he had the city in his heart as well, as The Flash?
Malese: Right, yeah. We'll see what happens with that.

Access: Tell me about filming the scene where you come face-to-face with Zoom. In the photo, of course, it looks atmospheric and scary and the mask is kind of horrifying. In person, is it the same? Does it have some of the same characteristics it does on screen?
Malese: Oh, absolutely. … Seeing Zoom in person was terrifying. And I know Candice couldn't even look at him. She was like, 'Nope! Nope! Get that thing away!' His mask, oh my gosh, it was so creepy. And doing scenes with him, it wasn't hard to get the screams out. He was very menacing.

Access: What is the flavor of the interactions between Linda and Zoom? Do we kind of get more of an idea of – more than just being a villain, like who Zoom is or what his motives are, or maybe he's not a total psycho?
Malese: Well, as far as I know, Zoom is just bad to the bone (laughs). He's just straight up supervillain. So, yeah, that's what's going on.

Access: You get to do action. What kind of stunt training did you get to do?
Malese: That was another thing 'The Flash' has blessed me with as an actress. Not only do I get to play two characters, but I also got to do all the stunt work that I really never got to do before, which excites me so much. We got to do choreography, we made sure Dr. Light had her own little details as far as her fight style, so that was really fun figuring that out. … In the next episode, I'm thrown off the side of a building, so that was also very thrilling and definitely something to check off my bucket list as an actress. But it was also awesome because our director, JJ [Makaro], was actually [our] stunt coordinator before all of this, and this is actually his directorial debut, so we had him kind of guiding us in all of these stunts and all of the choreography. He was just the perfect person to do it and I know it's gonna look absolutely amazing.

Access: Will we see more of you as Dr. Light in this episode?
Malese: We get to see both Linda and Dr. Light, but I think the fun part of the next episode is seeing Linda trying to be Dr. Light, which is hard to wrap your mind around, but that was definitely my favorite part of the next episode.

Access: There's a really cute promo photo of The Flash carrying your character. Are we going to get to see some sweet interactions between the two of them? It looks like he's maybe rescuing you.
Malese: Yeah, that's actually, that goes with one of the big stunts I was talking about – and it is cool because Grant even said himself, he was like, This is kind of one of the most heroic stunts that I've gotten to really do'… It does look like what it is. Flash is being an amazing hero and Linda having a moment of being the damsel in distress, which is awesome.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... face-zoom/
- Candice Patton sobre la revlación de 'Wally West': ‘¡Es una gran noticia bomba’ (TheWrap):
Candice Patton sobre la revlación de 'Wally West': ‘¡Es una gran noticia bomba’
Por Linda Ge 10 Nov, 2015 @ 12:24 pm

“The Flash” has introduced a pivotal new character, and at the moment, the only person who knows of Wally West’s identity is Iris, the sister who just found out he existed.

Iris (Candice Patton) is still trying to process of learning that she has a brother (to be played by Keiynan Lonsdale) and her dad Joe (Jesse L. Martin) has a son he still doesn’t know about, but it could all be coming to a head soon.

“You’ll definitely see that come back into play in the next couple of episodes,” Patton told TheWrap. “It is a big bombshell and Iris really doesn’t know how to process having a new family member, Joe having a son, whether she should tell him or not, whether she should get advice from Barry (Grant Gustin). There’s a lot that she’s processing.”

Additionally, Earth 2 has opened up and a new villain, Zoom, is after Iris’ best friend, so there’s a lot for her to deal with.

Patton spoke with TheWrap about how Wally will affect Iris if and when he does show up, how she knew right away that Lonsdale was the right Wally, Iris’ slow-burn relationship with Barry, Earth 2 and more.

Iris, at this moment, is holding some bombshell information that only she knows, but we didn’t get to see her really deal with it in last week’s episode. When will all that come back into play?
You’ll definitely see that come back into play in the next couple of episodes. It is a big bombshell and Iris really doesn’t know how to process like, having a new family member, Joe having a son, whether she should tell him or not, whether she should get advice from Barry. There’s a lot that she’s processing.

When will someone else find out her secret and who will it be?
I think when Iris is ready. When she’s had enough of holding it in. Iris is not someone who likes to have secrets or likes to lie, as we discovered in Season 1, that was a big issue she was having with Barry and her father. It’s not something that she can stand forever. But it’s going to take time for her to decide the right route to go.

Will Iris seek her mom Francine (Vanessa Williams) out again?
I don’t know that she seeks Francine out again, but Francine is still very much around. She just doesn’t want really to be a part of her life.

Keiynan Lonsdale said he tested with you at his audition. What was that like?
It was great. It was kind of a Grant Gustin moment when you have this young, enthusiastic kid coming in to play such an iconic character. Keiynan is just a sweet, bright kid and we’re really lucky to have him. I kind of knew right away that he was the right fit for the West family and playing Wally West. I think fans will be excited to see him in the latter half of season 2.

Will we see Wally bring out a new side in Iris?
Yeah, possibly. It’s a whole new family member, it’s a whole new dynamic. The only family’s she’s ever had is her dad and Barry, her pseudo-brother, and now she might have a real brother, so there’s a new relationship that has to be developed and that takes time, that’s going to cause a little bit of friction for Iris in determining how she’s going to start a new relationship with someone she’s related to but doesn’t really know.

Barry and Iris’ feelings for each other seem to be on the back burner again. Why is that?
Well I think Iris lost her fiancee last year in Season 1 so she’s kind of still in mourning mode. After you lose someone you’re never quite ready to just jump into a new relationship, at least for Iris. It’s not at the forefront of her mind, relationships in general. And Barry has a new love interest, he’s interested in Patty, so I think Iris is just happy to see Barry happy. It’s just not the right moment for them. It doesn’t mean there can’t ever be a relationship between Barry and Iris, it’s just in due time. It’s gotta be the right time.

Earth 2 is now a reality, will we see an alternate version of Iris?
That I don’t know. I think it’s a cool idea that there’s a possibility for all of us to have dopplegangers on Earth 2, so it would be pretty cool to see Earth 2 Iris.

What’s your ideal Earth 2 Iris like?
I think because Iris is such a salt of the Earth, good-natured, moral kind of woman, it would be nice to see kind of the 180 of that. It would be cool to see kind of a villainous Iris.

The big annual crossover with “Arrow” is coming up. What role will Iris play this time around?
Iris isn’t very heavily featured in the crossover. There’s not much to tease about that in the terms of Iris, but it’s a big episode, and it’s going to be a treat for the fans.

What’s she up to in this week’s episode?
Iris is helping Barry and Team Flash lure Zoom, and Iris is instrumental in coming up with the plan to do that. We see in the teaser that she has this idea to use Linda (Malese Jow) to fake being Dr. Light to lure Zoom into coming out of hiding and going toe to toe with Barry.

Speaking of Linda, fans really responded to that friendship last week. Will that continue to develop?
That I don’t know. I would agree though that it’s always nice to see female friendships. They’re quite similar in being strong, determined women. It’s fun to have that relationship with Linda on the show. I’m hoping there’s more of that, but to be quite honest I’m not sure if that’s going to be a main storyline, but there’s always opportunity for that, for sure.

Can you tease any of your favorite scenes or episodes coming up?
This season for Iris is very heavy in the West family in terms of the heart of the show. There will be a lot of really great Joe and Iris moments, Barry moments, just family moments. I don’t think I can speak to a specific episode but in general there’s a lot of great family moments for Iris.

http://www.thewrap.com/the-flash-star-c ... bombshell/
- Exclusiva sobre la misión de rescate de Ray (EW):
Exclusiva sobre la misión de rescate de Ray
Por Natalie Abrams 10 Nov 2015

Now that Team Arrow knows that Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) is alive, they’ll do everything in their power to get him back. Of course, it’s easier said than done since Ray has landed in the web of Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough).

“Ray is fighting for survival, desperately trying to get somebody to pay attention and trying to get Felicity to respond,” Routh tells EW. “Nobody understands and thinks he’s dead. It’s a complete S.O.S., with drastic measures that he’s unleashed — as much as he can do in his current situation. Damien’s motivation is to understand my technology, and then maybe when he finds out a connection, to bait whoever may be coming after me.”

Despite being MIA for more than six months, Ray doesn’t harbor animosity toward Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) over her failure to find him sooner. “She didn’t even know the experiments that I was doing,” Routh says of Palmer’s miniaturization tests. “It’s safe to say that there’s no reason for anybody to suspect that he might still be alive.”

Still, Felicity’s devastation at knowing Ray has been alive this whole time will be the first obstacle she and Oliver (Stephen Amell) face in their relationship since returning to town. What probably doesn’t make it any easier is the arrival of Mama Smoak (Charlotte Ross). Will the hidden engagement ring also come into play? Executive producer Wendy Mericle stays mum, only noting that Oliver currently has a lot on his plate.

“For Oliver, he’s still dealing with this question of can he live in the light and be a superhero and run for mayor and have a relationship,” she says. “It’s very complicated and it involves a lot of emotional juggling. It’s really the question of whether or not he can be true to his new decision to live in the light. As things escalate and as H.I.V.E. escalates, that attempt to do that is going to be challenged. How long is he going to be able to recommit to this new way of doing things? At what point does it become too much? Does he start backsliding into old habits?”

But the darkness within others is actually what stands in the way of the rescue mission to get Ray back going as planned, especially when the side effects from the Lazarus Pit rear its ugly head. “It’s always going to be a threat to Team Arrow in the sense that if Thea [Willa Holland] doesn’t deal with it and she goes off the rails, there’s always the potential that she might kill somebody,” Mericle says, noting that its compounded for the young hero as she tries to find balance in her life. “She’s dealing with being a superhero and being a vigilante, which is difficult enough when you’re trying to maintain some sense of normalcy in your life, then on top of it she has this bloodlust issue and this drive to kill, the answer to which she doesn’t want to pursue. She doesn’t want to kill people to satiate that.”

It’s much the same for Sara (Caity Lotz), who joins the team on the mission. “She was already down about who she was as a person and now she has this uncontrollable urge to kill,” Lotz says. “Morally for her and on her conscience, it’s just as devastating. She doesn’t want to hurt people. She’s been trying so hard to get away from all that darkness, and here she is thrown back into it, and even more out of control.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/10/ar ... n-spoilers
- Candice Patton se abre sobre las relaciones de Iris y la revelación de Wally West (CBR):
Candice Patton se abre sobre las relaciones de Iris y la revelación de Wally West
Por Meagan Damore 10 Nov 2015

Since learning Barry Allen's secret, Candice Patton's "Flash" character, Iris West, has taken her life into her own hands. She has both become a well-regarded reporter at Central City Picture News and developed bonds with characters like Linda Park, in addition to going on adventures of her own during her investigations. Despite her fiancé Eddie's death, she has powered forward, becoming a valuable member of Team Flash.

However, Iris' new, semi-charmed life has recently taken a hit. Not only has she learned her mother is alive, she's also discovered that she has a brother -- the incoming Wally West. Now, Iris finds herself in a similar situation to the one Joe and Barry were in last season, lying to them about her newly-discovered secret, and dealing with a hypocrisy she is aware of but seems unable to work past -- for now.

In speaking with CBR News about this recent turn of events, Patton shared her insight into Iris' relationships with characters like her father, Barry and Patty, and expressed her admiration for the character's strong moral compass and protective instincts.

CBR News: Last season, Iris had an amazing scene where she took Barry and her father to task for lying to her. Now, she's been placed in a similar situation with her mother and brother. How has she been coping with the decisions she's made?

Candice Patton: She's in a difficult position, you're right. Having seen her really take Joe and Barry to task for keeping secrets in Season 1, we ironically see Iris in a similar situation of having to keep a secret in order to protect the ones she loves -- or so she thinks. I think she's really struggling with being a hypocrite in a way, but also finally understanding what it means to lie and keep secrets in order to protect the ones you love. Her moral compass is so strong I don't know that she can sit on that information and keep secrets and lie for much longer.

Has any of this changed the way she sees about her father at all?

Yeah! I think when her father revealed that her mother was still alive we saw a new version of Iris understanding that his intention wasn't to harm her, but rather to protect her and keep her safe. There's an understanding, with Iris having gone through Season 1 and seeing what Joe, Barry, Team Flash and the city are dealing with, that everyone is really just trying to protect each other. At the end of the day, that's kind of what the West family and the Allen family are trying to protect -- we're all just trying to protect each other.

It's finally out that not only is Wally West is headed to the show, he's Iris' brother. Can you tell us where she is emotionally right now, having recently made this huge discovery?

It's a whirlwind. It's like being slapped in the face. She finds out that her mother's not dead, and now she's realized her mother had another child and that this child is her biological brother, perhaps. It's a lot of information, and then deciding that's something that she should tell Joe -- it's a huge, huge weight on Iris.

Iris has had her fair share of action sequences this season. What was that like for you, and can we expect to see more of that as the season moves forward?

I'm always an advocate of Iris being a badass. I love seeing her hold a gun, I love seeing her be fearless and jump out of windows. It's a really important character trait. As she gets stronger and just evolves as a woman, I think we're seeing more and more of her strength. I think we can expect to see more as episodes come and seasons come.

How has Iris' relationship with Linda Park evolved since last episode?

Not much. It's just Iris' instinct, I think, to protect people. She's a hero in her own right, you know? She may not have super powers, but in those moments, you see Iris will defend the weak if she's able -- and even when she's not able, sometimes.

I can say, she definitely cares about Linda and there's a friendship there and she and Linda share a lot of similar qualities. I think you'll see, in episode seven, that -- now that Erik Larkin has died -- Linda wants to help. She wants to be a part of helping take down the people who are responsible for this, which is something Iris can definitely relate to, wanting to be a part of the team and wanting to help.

Also in the last episode, we saw Patty and Iris interact with each other very briefly. How would you like to see that develop?

They have the potential to have a very amicable friendship. They both care about Barry. I think Iris likes Patty. I think she thinks she's smart and funny and witty and has all of the right qualities for Barry. There's potential for them to have a really great female friendship. I think Iris can offer a lot of insight on Barry to Patty.

Between Eddie's death and learning she is (allegedly) destined to marry Barry, Iris' relationship with Barry took a couple hits last season. However, they continue to be very comfortable with each other this year. How would you describe where they are right now?

There's so much on both of their plates, it's just not a focus. I think their relationship is very much best friends. They still confide in each other and look to each other for advice in daily life, but Iris is still grieving the loss of her fiancé. Barry is struggling with this doppelgänger that looks like Harrison Wells, and now Zoom, and kind of having feelings for another woman. They both have their own lives that they're dealing with. I think what we can always expect is that Barry and Iris will have a friendship and will have some sort of relationship where they need each other in their lives.

How is she dealing with facing Earth Two's Wells?

I think, like everyone else, it's a bit of a mind-bender. It's hard, because he looks like the person who was responsible for her fiancé's death. It's a lot, but she's really struggling with the concept of it -- first of all, that there is an Earth Two, and that there's a doppelgänger, and learning how to separate the fact that this is not the same person that we knew from Season 1. It's a lot for her, and I'm sure a lot for Barry and everyone else.

What do you think Iris' Earth Two doppelgänger is like?

I think Iris is kind of the salt of the earth, just a great, good girl. It'd be fun to see the 180 of that, a villainess version of Iris. Everybody wants to play the bad guy every once in a while.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

To power nap. Right now, that's the first thing that comes to mind. Power napping. That's something I'm not able to do.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... revelation
- Candice Patton habla sobre Wally West y el 'jugoso' drama familiar de Iris (Variety):
Candice Patton habla sobre Wally West y el 'jugoso' drama familiar de Iris
Por Laura Prudom 10 Nov, 2015

“The Flash” has already introduced plenty of powerful villains, but in the Nov. 10 episode, we’ll get a proper look at the show’s most formidable foe yet — the “speed demon” known as Zoom — when Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and his team devise a plan to take down the big bad who has been grabbing metahumans from Earth-2 and depositing them in our world with a directive to kill our titular hero.

Last week, Team Flash had to wrap their collective minds around a doppelganger of Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), the arrogant founder of STAR Labs, and a villainous version of Linda Park (Malese Jow) from Earth-2, where she’s known as Dr. Light. This week, Linda will be right back in the action, thanks to a plan from Iris (Candice Patton) “to lure Zoom out by using Linda” as a Dr. Light decoy, according to Patton.

In last week’s episode, Iris saved Linda’s life during Dr. Light’s attack by proving she can be just as quick with a gun as with a pen when the need arises, and Patton tells Variety her character will have more opportunities to kick butt and be proactive this season. “It’s nice to get to play that; I’ve always been an advocate of that side of Iris and I think that’s how we know her in the comics … it’s just the beginning of a lot more of that for Iris,” she teases.

Fans will see that assertiveness in the Nov. 10 episode, titled “Enter Zoom,” and Patton says, “It’s so nice to see Iris as part of Team Flash and helping come up with ideas and supporting him in capturing a big villain.”

The actress says she’s a big fan of the Iris-Linda dynamic we’ve seen in recent episodes: “I love seeing female friendships on TV and the fact that they work at the same newspaper and have a lot in common, it’s a great opportunity for a great female friendship.”

Still, don’t assume Iris will turn to Linda for advice over her ever-evolving family drama — Patton admits “Iris is having a hard time processing” the fact that she has a brother that she and her father, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) never knew existed. “I think it’s gonna take time for her to decide what she’s gonna do with the information about this new family member,” she says, observing that Iris will have a chance to see things from Barry and Joe’s perspective after the duo kept Barry’s superhero identity a secret from her last year.

“It’s kind of ironic that Iris of season one was so adamant that people be honest with her and stop trying to protect her, and now we see Iris having this experience of having to keep something a secret in order to protect the people she loves, so it’s taking a big toll on her, because part of her feels like a hypocrite,” Patton says. “She’s finally understanding what it feels like to keep a secret, so we’ll see how long she can actually sit on that.”

Since executive producer Andrew Kreisberg recently teased that the show was about to go “doppelganger-a-go-go,” Patton admits she’d “love to see a doppelganger of Iris from a different earth — there’s so many possibilities.” As for what kind of changes she’d like to play in an alternate version of her character, the actress says, “I would love to be evil. Iris is such a good-hearted good soul; she’s the girl next door that you love, but it would be fun to play the bad girl for once.”

Some of the most satisfying scenes this season — for viewers and Patton herself — came when Iris got the chance to confront her mother in “The Fury of Firestorm,” and Patton promises there’ll be more family-focused scenes to come. “It was nice to have those scenes where we finally see Iris’ point of view and what she’s dealing with in her life … the struggles she’s had to overcome and now will continue to have to overcome. It was really nice to share those scenes, and there’ll be more of that,” she says. “It’s nice to have these meaty storylines. Andrew has said that last season was a lot about the Allen family being the heart of the show and really this season is about the West family being the heart and family element of ‘The Flash,’ so there’s gonna be so much more of that.”

Patton promises that fans can also look forward to more “West-Allen moments — and I mean that literally, the West family and the Allen family,” when Barry’s father Henry (John Wesley Shipp) returns in an upcoming episode, since the bond between the two families continues to be the emotional center of the show.

As for when we’ll see Iris’ brother, Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale), make his much-anticipated debut, Patton remains tight-lipped. “I have met Keiynan, there are scenes that I’m hearing about … I know the Wally stuff is going to be heavy second half of the season. As for now, I don’t know really how or where he’ll show up but you can count on Wally [in the] second half of season two.”

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/the-fla ... 201637697/
- Malese Jow sobre 'Dr. Light', el trabajar con el Team Flash y la "Icónica Relación" de Linda con Wally West (comicbook):
Malese Jow sobre 'Dr. Light', el trabajar con el Team Flash y la "Icónica Relación" de Linda con Wally West
Por Russ Burlingame 10 Nov 2015

Since Linda Park's first appearance on The Flash, Malese Jow has become one of the fans' favorite guest stars -- something that was taken to the next level last week when we got a very Linda-centric episode as she it was revealed that Barry's ex-girlfriend had a powerful, villainous Earth-2 counterpart in Doctor Light.

Tonight, Jow gets to play both sides of the coin as both the damsel in distress and the kick-ass woman whose idea of being bait is apparently to kick the crap out of the hero and stand face to face with the interdimensional mass murderer who sent her doppelgänger over.

Jow spoke with ComicBook.com about tonight's episode, the future of her relationship with that other Flash and more.

This week is interesting because you get to be the very comic book-y damsel in distress for the first time. How do you put a spin on that to make it a little more fun to play?

Oh, goodness. Yeah, I can honestly say I’d never really played the damsel in distress as far as dealing with an action superhero/Prince Charming scenario, so it was pretty fun.

Leading up to that, she really didn’t have the damsel in distress angle because we’re talking about Linda here.

She just gets thrust into this world she didn’t even know existed. In terms of metahumans and seeing her doppelgänger, it kind of goes from zero to 100. She actually steps up to the plate and shows her quality of being the strong woman we knew she was. She rises to the occasion and gets thrust into Team Flash and wanting to do anything she can to get them to capture Zoom.

At what point did they come to you and tell you that they wanted you to play a super villain?

It was actually very last-minute. Some people assume I’ve known this whole time and I actually didn’t. I was in the dark right up until we really started filming and I got to try on the costume.

I knew over the summer that they wanted to incorporate me again into Season Two — and I ended up coming in for a fitting where I didn’t really try on clothes, but they ended up measuring my entire body from head to toe. It’s like, “Well, this is weird and different.” I thought I’d be trying on cute Linda clothes.

But then a few weeks later, Andrew Kreisberg finally gave me the call that I’d been waiting for because I knew something was up. And he was like, “Well, her it is: You’re going to be Doctor Light.” And he proceeded to tell me about Earth-2 and my mind was just blown.

Is there something you tried to put into the Doctor Light version to make her recognizably Linda?

Well, yeah. That whole scenario to me is just a dream come true, to be honest. I’ve always wanted the challenge of playing two different characters but still, you know, myself. But you’re right: they are the same person and I did want to differentiate them but keep their same innate qualities, which I think is strength and confidence.

I think Linda being on Earth-1 and Doctor Light being on Earth-2, they just got caught up in different situations and different life paths. So like I was saying innately they’re the same person but as we can see with Doctor Light, maybe she just got wrapped up with the wrong crowd and of course she’s under Zoom’s thumb and a little more vulnerable and timid than Linda, as opposed to being an outwardly confident, well-rounded woman.

Linda, up to this point, has had a lot of humor, but this week looks kind of dark. Are you able to incorporate some of the bubbly personality that has defined your take on her up to this point?

Yeah. Like we saw in part one of this two-part episode thing that we’re doing, definitely Episode One was darker for Linda. It went from zero to 100. She saw her Editor-in-Chief get murdered right in front of her and she found out about the metahumans and the doppelgängers. But next episode, for sure it lightens up and you will see Linda being more of Linda again. It was awesome getting to work with Team Flash, which includes Tom, Danielle, Carlos, Jesse. I got to work with Candice more, and it was great having scenes with them. We get a training montage and it was very lighthearted, which is what I love about the show.

You’ve worked with Barry quite a lot so far. In the comics, there’s a different Flash that’s in Linda’s life. Are you excited to see what’s next for you now that it looks like Wally’s arrival is imminent?

Oh, definitely. I feel like the potential for storylines is endless. I know a lot of fans are very excited that he’s coming on board and knowing that Linda already exists in this world, it’s definitely an interaction that they are dying to see. I would be completely up for it. I think it would be awesome, and it’s an iconic relationship so it would be cool. I’m not opposed to it!

You are the person who has done the most to bring Linda to the wider, non-comics audience. Do you think any relationship that happens is always a little bit different because there’s so much of you in this character now?

Everyone behind the scenes on The Flash are so good, and they are just killing it right now. So yeah, they put their own twist on these comics, but it still works. They’re staying true to it. I try to keep Linda’s spunk and confidence and strength, while they’re also deviating from the comics with making Doctor Light Linda Park and all that. It still works. It’s still that character to the core but just a little different. I trust Andrew and Greg and they’re so good at what they do that I know she’s in good hands.

Earth-2 Linda didn’t die, and she’s in the pipeline. Is that something you hope to explore a bit more down the line?

Oh, of course. And like we established in this last episode, Doctor Light isn’t a super villain. She’s actually very vulnerable and she’s kind of a victim in this situation. She’s under his thumb and she just wants to honestly wipe her hands of it and disappear. I think if she could get rid of this bad-girl, villain front that she’s got going on, she would in a second.

So she’s definitely not a killer and I would love to explore the depths of her and who she is as a character.

Is there something fun about playing that dynamic — that the version of Linda who has actual, physical power is vulnerable, whereas the human version is more confident?

Exactly. Yeah, I think that just shows that they’re the same, yet very different, and it goes back to the whole life path thing that I was talking about. I feel like they both got involved in different situations that molded them differently. At their core they are the same. I think Doctor Light has that confidence in there somewhere. Obviously, she has to be. She is a villain, so she has to have confidence to some extent. She’s confident in her bank-robbing skills, but maybe not so much in life and as a person.

http://comicbook.com/2015/11/10/the-fla ... sh-and-li/
- Las estrellas de Arrow/The Flash adelantan un evento de Crossover 'mayor y más loco' — además: ¿quién está desaparecido? ¿Qué reunion no va a suceder? (TVLine):
Las estrellas de Arrow/The Flash adelantan un evento de Crossover 'mayor y más loco' — además: ¿quién está desaparecido? ¿Qué reunion no va a suceder?
Por Vlada Gelman / 15 Nov 2015, 12:37 PM PST

The CW’s Arrow and The Flash are going all-out for their second major crossover event (airing Dec. 1 and 2), which will launch the midseason spinoff DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, and the efforts are earning high praise from their respective stars.

“These two crossover episodes standing together will probably be, in my mind, the pinnacle achievement for both shows,” Arrow leading man Stephen Amell raved during a set visit last month.

“It feels even bigger,” The Flash‘s Grant Gustin adds. “I feel like more people are a part of it this year from both sides, and we’re tying in Legends, obviously, so it’s just bigger.” Or as his co-star Danielle Panabaker sums it up: “It’s crazier. It’s nuts, but it’s great.”

Here’s what else we know about the superhero-filled episodes:

IT’S A TRUE ‘TBC’ EVENT | If you’re only going to watch one-half of the two-part extravaganza, you might want to rethink that plan. Whereas last season’s crossover event was designed so that one could enjoy the episodes independently, “It’s not the case this year,” Amell says. “If you put them back-to-back on one night, they would run like one two-hour episode of television.”

THERE WILL BE CITY-SWAPPING | The action kicks off on The Flash when Vandal Savage (guest star Casper Crump) attacks Kendra Saunders, forcing Barry to take the Jitters barista/Hawkgirl to Star City so that Team Arrow can hide her. Thus, “most of the Flash episode takes place in Star City, and most of the Arrow episode takes place in Central City,” Amell previews. “We have a common villain [in Vandal], which was not the case last year. And, just in general, we’ve done an excellent job of weaving not just two shows, but three shows together,” Legends included.

BARRY’S GAL IS SITTING THIS ONE OUT | “Sorry, fans,” says Candice Patton, but Iris is “actually not involved at all. I know that’s quite a disappointment to a lot of people, but she’s not involved in the crossovers that we have explored thus far. It doesn’t mean that we won’t ever see that. We know that crossovers have been extremely popular in our universe … so I’m sure we’ll have more.” Also not having much to do during the upcoming event: Joe West and Captain Lance. (Guess you don’t need cops when you have… Legends.)

THERE WILL BE NEW DYNAMICS | “One of my favorite parts about the crossover is that you get to see people that you wouldn’t otherwise see interact” have scenes together, Carlos Valdes shares. “That sort of creates a mysticism, like fireworks about it. So fans can definitely expect a lot of new relationships to blossom, and new interactions to arise.” And what about some more exchanges between Cisco and his crush Laurel/Black Canary? After all, Team Arrow needs some help from the S.T.A.R. Labs crew with a weapon powerful enough to destroy Vandal Savage. “No comment,” Valdes responds with a laugh.

THERE’S NO SHORTAGE OF COSTUMED CRUSADERS | Some leather-clad crimefighters may be missing in that above photo. We only count seven present, but “we shot a scene… that had, like, nine superheroes in it,” Amell describes in awe. “Nine people with either powers or supersuits. It was an amazing thing to look out over the scene and see the world that has been built over the course of three-plus years.”

THE CRIMSON COMET RETURNS | Although Jay Garrick “does not have interaction with the crossover characters, he very much has a story,” Teddy Sears reports. Per the official Flash episode synopsis, Harrison develops a serum to help Barry run faster, and asks Jay to test it out. (Hmm, could someone be getting their superspeed back?) Yet it’s a different character Sears wishes he had a scene with during the two-parter. “My first job was on a soap opera, One Life to Live, with Brandon Routh (who plays Ray Palmer/The Atom),” he shares. “We both were hired about the same time, and fired about the same time for probably being equally as terrible and not really knowing what we were doing. So I was hoping that we could to have some stuff, just ’cause I haven’t seen him in a long time and it could be really funny.”

http://tvline.com/2015/11/15/arrow-the- ... -spoilers/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Danielle Panabaker Teases Zoom’s New Powers + NEW Killer Frost Statue! (DC Entertainment):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de la S2:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primeras imágenes del crossover de "Arrow", "The Flash" y "Legends of Tomorrow":
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Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | 2.07 "Gorilla Warfare" Promo | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.07 "Gorilla Warfare" Extended Promo | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.07 "Gorilla Warfare" New Zealand Promo | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.07 "Gorilla Warfare" Producer´s Preview | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.07 "Gorilla Warfare" Clip #1 | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.07 "Gorilla Warfare" Clip #2 | The CW:

https://www.yahoo.com/tv/39-the-flash-3 ... 65910.html

- The Flash | 2.07 "Gorilla Warfare" Clip #3 | The CW:

http://content.jwplatform.com/previews/ ... g-dzHfLYyE

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S2 (10-19 Nov 2015):

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(@cavanaghtom: @dpanabaker He has no idea... #TheFlash
@teddysears: New Flash episode tonight. Grab a Jitters coffee, your S.T.A.R Labs sweatshirt, and enjoy the show.
@grantgust: Veterans Day in the states and Remembrance Day up here in Canada. Take some time to remember the heroes who sacrificed their lives to build our homes. #poppyday
@MzKatieCassidy Team #arrow #flash #legends @TheCW)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.07 "Gorilla Warfare":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.08 “Legends of Today” (crossover Part 1):
2.08 “Legends of Today” -crossover Part 1- (01/12/15): PARTE 1 DEL ÉPICO CROSSOVER CON “ARROW” — En su segundo gran evento de crossover con “Arrow,” Vandal Savage (la estrella invitada Casper Crump) llega a Central City y pone sus miras en Kendra Saunders (la estrella invitada Ciara Renée). Después de que Vandal ataque a Kendra y Cisco (Carlos Valdes), acuden a Barry (Grant Gustin) para que les ayude. Dándose cuenta de lo peligrosos que es Vandal, Barry lleva a Kendra a Star City y le pide a Oliver y al equipo que la escondan hasta que pueda idear la manera de detener a Vandal. Sin embargo, las cosas ván rápidamente de mal en peor cuando un hombre con alas AKA Hawkman (la estrella invitada Falk Hentschel) aparece y se va volando con Kendra. Mientras tanto, Harrison (Tom Cavanagh) desarrolla un sérum para hacer que Barry corra más rápido y le pide a Jay (la estrella invitada Teddy Sears) que lo pruebe. Ralph Hemecker dirige el episodio con historia de Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg y guión de Aaron Helbing & Todd Helbing (#208).

http://flashtvnews.com/flash-2-8-descri ... rt-1/22548

Podéis leer la 2ª parte del crossover: AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de la S2:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "The Flash" viajará a Tierra-2 en esta temporada:
Con la línea argumental básica de esta temporada, muchos han sido los que han estado preguntándose si el "Team-Flash" viajará a Tierra-2 y ahora, EW en su sección de spoilers ha confirmado que, efectivamente, así será:
Tengo la sensación de que la segunda parte de la temporada ahonsará más en eso. “Parece que vamos a hacer un viaje a Tierra-2 en el futuro en algún momento de esta temporada,” dice Grant Gustin. “No sé qué personajes van a ir. Estoy bastante seguro de que Barry será uno de ellos. No sé si vamos a ver a su doble cuando vayamos allí. Imagino que sí.” Aunque Jesse L. Martin no ha interpretado a su doble aún, ha oído buenas cosas sobre lo que potencialmente podría pasar. “El Joe de Tierra-2 puede que tenga un pequeño elemento musical en él,” dice Martin.
http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/13/sp ... e-spoilers

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡Grodd regresa! Consigue la primicia sobre los motivos del Gorila (EW):
¡Grodd regresa! Consigue la primicia sobre los motivos del Gorila
Por Natalie Abrams 16 Nov 2015

Something hairy this way comes — and no, we’re not talking about Earth-Two Harrison Wells, though he will play a role in Tuesday’s episode of The Flash when Grodd returns!

As EW previously reported, the hyper-intelligent and telepathic gorilla resets his sights on Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), who was a member of the team that raised Grodd in captivity — another being the now-deceased Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) from Earth-One. “I’m really excited,” Panabaker says. “Obviously Caitlin is a scientist and a doctor involved in Grodd’s life, maybe not as prevalently as Wells was, but she was there. He obviously feels a connection to her, which is why he reaches out to her, shall we say. Grodd has things that he wants Caitlin to help him with.”

With the hour set to reveal more of their connection — “We’ll get a couple flashbacks,” Panabaker says, “moreso dealing with the imminent issue of him kidnapping her” — the team will be desperate to rescue Caitlin, even if it means using unconventional methods.

“I remember when I heard about the trajectory about this episode and how it was going to go down, I was really excited about it,” Carlos Valdes teases. “The way that the team resolves the issue, or tries to get Caitlin back, it’s actually super creative. The team pulls it off without a hitch, because they’re the best. It brings a lot of interesting colors to the episode.” We may get a clue as to how that goes down in the photo below.

However, there is one team member who is hesitant to get involved. After Joe (Jesse L. Martin) ended up as Grodd’s last target, he’s mostly sitting this one out. “I help, but I don’t go anywhere near Grodd this time,” Martin says with a hearty laugh.

Meanwhile, the hour also sees Cisco planning his first date with Kendra (Ciara Renée), who is destined to become Hawkgirl… and also leave Cisco behind for the midseason spinoff DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. “Cisco’s relationship with Kendra is really interesting,” Valdes says. “They start to date. I personally think Cisco is really trying to grow and be a better lover. But circumstances never allow him to be the best lover that he can be. He’s constantly facing adversity in his love life.”

“There’s something special about Kendra for him,” he continues. ” In spite of all the flirtatious, playful relationships that Cisco has gotten the chance to explore in the past with Plastique (Bette Sans Souci) and the Golden Glider (Peyton List), this one is different for him. This one is real. Viewers will start to see in coming episodes that she understands him a little better than other people do. She has a little bit of nerdery in her, and as a result of that, she really does understand his jokes and his love of movies. Cisco is putting a lot more stock into this particular relationship.”

Dating Kendra could even bring Cisco one step closer to seeing the positive side of his powers. “People can expect Cisco to definitely start dealing with his powers, come to terms with them and learn how to manage them,” Valdes says. “Cisco has always been an optimist. Cisco has a very good heart. He’s always concerned about the people that he loves, and he’s always willing to do what it takes to be there for them, support them and help them. As a result of that, even though Cisco is struggling with this idea of a potentially evil destiny. Given where his powers come from and his origin story, Cisco will do whatever it takes to evade that destiny and to make his own path. That path, given his past and the person that he is, he has to be a good guy.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/16/fl ... a05bf62eee
- ¿Le contará la verdad Barry a Patty? (EW):
¿Le contará la verdad Barry a Patty?
Por Natalie Abrams 17 Nov 2015

Someone else was finally let in on Barry’s secret during Tuesday’s episode of The Flash, but it probably wasn’t who you were expecting.

During the intense hour, Patty (Shantel VanSanten) suspected something amiss with Joe (Jesse L. Martin), and in turn, Barry (Grant Gustin) since they weren’t desperate to catch Dr. Light (Malese Jow). In truth, they already had and were actually using the real Linda Park to impersonate her doppelgänger in an attempt to get Zoom to cross over, which culminated in Barry revealing his identity to his former flame.

But it won’t be long before Patty realizes that Barry really is hiding something from her — as in, next week’s episode deals with just that. Will Barry decide to tell her the truth? “He’s toying with it, but at this point, he’s taking the same position he had last year with Iris and everyone,” Gustin tells EW. “He knows what could happen if the people that he cares about knows that he’s The Flash. He puts them in danger. That doesn’t sit well with him.”

“He’s trying to tiptoe around it without blatantly lying to Patty at first, which creates some awkward situations,” Gustin continues. “Barry’s a little bit better at lying this year than he was last year. He’s been doing it longer. He’s getting used to lying to people that he loves to try to keep them safe. The idea of telling her is bouncing around in his head in the near future, but he doesn’t really know how to approach it. He’s not sure, so mostly he’s just thinking about it. He’s not even thinking of ways to tell her at this point. He knows it’s kind of inevitable if they stay together, but I don’t think he’s ready to tell her yet. We’re going to see him trying to tiptoe around it and lie some.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/10/fl ... tty-secret
- The Flash on Set: Buenas Vibraciones con Carlos Valdes (Ksitetv):
The Flash on Set: Buenas Vibraciones con Carlos Valdes
Por Craig Burne 17 Nov 2015

A few weeks back, KSiteTV was among a group of journalists to visit the Vancouver, B.C. sets of The CW’s #1-rated series The Flash, and on the eve of a new episode “Gorilla Warfare” airing tonight at 8PM, we have another interview from the trip to share with you!

Today, the spotlight falls on Carlos Valdes, whose Cisco Ramon character – now possibly with the code name “Vibe” – is going through some changes and challenges as things go on. Below, find some highlights; the full video interview can be found below that.

On Cisco’s interactions with Martin Stein earlier this season: “I think Martin Stein and Cisco actually have a lot in common, and so that allows them to sort of geek out together in spite of the age difference and the cultural difference. I think that’s what’s so beautiful about how their relationship develops. Ultimately, it’s great, because I love working with Victor [Garber], and Victor’s the best, and I think he likes working with me… we get along like gangbusters, and it always feels very natural to do scenes with Victor.”

What more are we going to see about Cisco’s visions? “That whole situation keeps developing. Things get a little more crazy, more visions start happening… I can’t tell you exactly how that manifests or what happens as a result of those visions, or anything like that, but I can tell you that things get a lot more complicated, and Cisco has to come to terms with what’s happening to him, and that is his biggest struggle at this point in the season.”

Will he have more control over his powers? “I think already, right of the bat, given some of the stuff in 120 and the later episodes of Season One, in conjunction with the first two episodes in Season Two, Cisco has had a lot of experiences with this sort of ‘vibing’ feeling, and so, he’s no stranger to it, but it’s still quite new to him. So, I think control is not the word I would use at this point.”

Has he started thinking about his Vibe costume? “I don’t know. I haven’t heard anything. I don’t even know if that’s in my future… I don’t like to make assumptions.”

What lessons has Cisco learned from Barry’s experiences, now that he’s going through a similar journey? “I think Cisco has learned invaluable lessons from Barry’s experience. I mean, he’s been there through all the crazy stuff that he’s gone through – the good stuff and the bad stuff, in terms of discovering his powers and what it means to be a hero. But, I think he’s also discovered from the metahumans… we hear from the metahumans about their struggle, and we know their backstories, and how they came to be these villains, and I think that whole experience definitely imbues Cisco with an education on what all of that entails. All of that notwithstanding, I think there’s something to be said about personally experiencing something like that. You can only learn so much from osmosis or being a part of other people’s experiences. When you’re in it, you’re in it, and that is an entirely different learning process.”

What is Carlos excited for from the upcoming Arrow/Flash crossover? “I just finished doing the crossover, and it was a lot of fun. Again, a lot of work. I always get really excited for it before it happens, and then I’m in the middle of it and I’m like ‘why are we doing this again? Yeah, the fans, right. Oh, and because I love what I do. That’s right.’ But yeah. It’s very, very exciting. They always manage to bring out the best parts of all the characters… one of my favorite parts about the crossovers is that you get to see people that you wouldn’t otherwise see interact, interact, and that sort of creates a mysticism; a fireworks about it. There’s something so great about that. I think fans can definitely expect a lot of new relationships to blossom, and new interactions to arise. I think fans will be excited about the crossovers. Kendra Saunders will be coming into the crossover… Carter Hall… and Vandal Savage will also be in that crossover, and they bring such great colors to the crossover.”

Will we get to see Cisco hanging out with Black Canary ever again? “No comment.”

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/the ... des/87617/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Gorilla Grodd Returns + Nygma Helps Penguin + iZombie + Arrow (DC Entertainment):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | 2.08 "Legends of Today" Promo | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.08 "Legends of Today" Extended Promo | The CW:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.09 “Running To Stand Still”:
2.09 “Running To Stand Still” (08/12/15): MARK HAMILL, WENTWORTH MILLER y LIAM MCINTYRE REGRESAN; KEIYNAN LONSDALE SE UNE AL ELENCO COMO WALLY WEST — Cuando Mark Mardon AKA The Weather Wizard (la estrella invitadar Liam McIntyre) regresa para sacar a Leonard Snart AKA Capitán Cold (la estrella invitada Wentworth Miller) y James Jesse AKA The Trickster (la estrella invitada Mark Hamill) de Iron Heights, Barry (Grant Gustin) debe detener a estos canallas de que se hagan con Central City durante las Navidades. Mientras tanto, Joe (Jesse L. Martin) e Iris (Candice Patton) conocen a Wally West (Keiynan Lonsdale). Kevin Tancharoen dirige el episodio escrito por Andrew Kreisberg (#209).

http://flashtvnews.com/flash-2-9-runnin ... more/22718

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
