Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Foro dedicado a Tom Welling que interpreta a Clark

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

Para que todos podamos encontrar fácilmente los videos de Tom que no sean fan-arts, he decidido crear este post.

Aquí se pueden ir poniendo todo tipo de videos de Tom que tengan que ver con entrevistas suyas, encuentros con los fans, películas, etc...

- "Picture Perfect" (2000):

- Tom Welling on "The Wiew":

- "Red-Carpet Superheroes at the Met Gala" 2008:

Videos de la final "LA Lakers-Orlando Magic":

Mirad el video hacia el minuto 1:52, el lado izquierdo, debajo de la canasta más o menos. Se ve a Tom y a Michael reencontrarse en el partido tras SV (el mismo Michael ya dijo en su twitter que no se veían desde que dejó la serie):

Aquí podéis verlo hacia el minuto 0:09, levantándose y marchándose del partido en la parte de la izquierda:

Minuto 5:18, debajo de la canasta de pie:

- Entrevista de "Cheaper by Dozen":

- "Special Unit" - 2.06 "The Depths":

- The sexiest man of E!Online:

- Tom Welling en "Last Call" con Carson Daly: ... shortfilms

- AnnaLynne McCord hablando de Tom Welling en "The Bonnie Hunt Show":

- BTS "Hellcats":

- Videos de Tom a la salida de la grabación del show de Jimmy Fallon, NY (05/05/11):
(Gracias a Thadeus y a Jessica)

Y la entrevista: ... 11/1325309 ... 11/1325418

En megaupload (gracias a Kimmie):

- Resumen y anécdotas graciosas de la entrevista:
- Tom dijo que después se iba a tomar un “Caddilac margarita", en honor al 5 de Mayo (Cadillac Margarita, con 1800® Tequila, Grand Marnier® , licor de naranja y zumo de lima).

- Hablaron sobre el lugar de nacimiento de Tom, que se graduó en Michigan y que inmediatamente se mudó a Manhattan para empezar su carrera como actor.

- Judd Apatow le dio a Tom su primera oportunidad, en la serie de TV "Undeclared".

- Dijo que estaba desanimado por el final de Smallville, y que no podía creer que hayan sido 10 años.

- Quería llevarse algunos objetos de recuerdos del set, pero no consiguió llevarse más que un lápiz de su escritorio, porque todo estaba marcado, catalogado y archivado.

- Tom habló sobre la fiesta de “Felicidades, Estás Desempleado” de nuevo. Tom: "I just hate surprise parties. Don’t you?" Jimmy: "I hate surprises in general".

- Los padres y una hemana de Tom estaban con él en el programa, a lo que él bromeó diciendo que: "At 34 I still have to be chaperoned" ("A los 34 aún tengo que llevar acompañante"). Jimmy le preguntó a Tom si le había comprado el regalo a su madre por el día de la madre y Tom dudó y dijo que sí. Entonces Jimmy le dijo, "no, no lo has hecho pero no es demasiado tarde".

- Cuando le preguntaron “¿Te conviertes en Supermán?”, Tom dijo que la Warner Brothers le mandó un email diciendo que lo matarían si lo contaba, y estuvo evasivo en cuanto a si se casará con Lois. Dijo que si es lo que quieren los fans, piensa que estarán satisfechos de cierta manera. Cuando le preguntaron si volaría se dio uno de los momentos más divertidos:

Jimmy: "So, Tom. Are we gonna see the suit?" (Entonces, Tom. ¿Vamos a ver el traje?)

Tom: "Umm…I’ve been asked not to speak about that". (Umm, me han pedido que no hable de eso)

Jimmy: "Are you gonna fly? Can you at least tell me that? Because he still hasn’t flown. Come on, you gotta fly!"
(¿Vas a volar? ¿Puedes al menos decirme eso? Porque aún no ha volado. ¡Vamos, tienes que volar!)

Tom: *awkward silence* (silencio)

Jimmy: *facepalm* "Tell me something!" (¡Dime algo!)

Tom: "I…well…it’s a surprise. You're gonna love it. How about that?" ( una sorpresa. te va a encantar. ¿Qué tal eso?)

Jimmy: "BUT I HATE SURPRISES!!!! Come on just tell me WHAT happens on the show, I'm a human being"
(¡¡¡PERO YO ODIO LAS SORPRESAS!!!! Vamos sólo dime QUÉ pasa en la serie, soy un ser humano)

Después Jimmy le dijo que le guiñara un ojo si volaba, y Tom se cubrió la cara y se tapó los ojos bromeando. Fallon dijo que no le guiñó.

- Luego siguió bromeando, diciendo que la gente estará o no satisfecha si esperan que él se ponga el traje, vuele o se case.

- Luego pusieron un pequeño clip en el que se ve que Lois estaba considerando cancelar la boda.

- Tom Welling en PIX Morning News (05/05/11):


El actor habló sobre la 10 y temporada final de la serie, lo que podemos esperar en el final de dos partes, sobre sus roles detrás de las cámaras, incluída su dirección en Smallville y la producción de Hellcats y lo que le espera tras Smallville. Smallville and being the executive producer of Hellcats. He also revealed what he'll be up to post-Smallville. ... Smallville

[youtube] ... ture=share[/youtube]

- Preview de Tom Welling en "The Seven" (MTV):

- Tom Welling en "10 On Top" (MTV):
(gracias a Kimmie)

- Tom Welling - MTV "The Seven":

- Tom Welling - Llegada y salida de "Regis & Kelly", N.Y. (06/05/11):

- Entrevista de Regis & Kelly:

- The Seven MTV - "Seven Things":

- Tom Welling 2nd Annual Screen Actors Guild (SAG) Foundation Golf Classic en El Caballero Country Club, en Tarzana, California (13-06-11):

Por cierto, el equipo de Tom ganó:

@SAGFoundation: The results are in. Tom Welling & the @JohnnyCarson Foundation take the top score!

Golf Classic raised nearly $200K! Tom Welling & the John W Carson Foundation team won the SAG Foundation Golf Classic with a score of 25 under par! Congratulations!

Tom Welling: "I’m happy to be a part of this great event to help raise funds for the SAG Foundation." “I came out because I’m an actor, I’m a member and I appreciate the great work that they do.”

Welling habló a "OnTheRedCarpet" en la 2nd Annual SAG Foundation Golf Classic sobre su experiencia en "Smallville": "No puedo imaginar nada más allá de la familia que pudiera tener tal efecto en una carrera como 'Smallville' lo hizo para mí. Es por lo que estoy aquí."

Sobre una película de Smallville: "Hablamos sobre eso entre medias, pienso que fue el la temporada tres y cuatro, cuando los personajes se estaban mudando del instituto a lo que sería la universidad." "Jugamos con la idea y nos encontramos con que no había tiempo." "Habría sido divertido el hacer una película de transición para esos personajes. Pero quién sabe en el futuro."

Así es que si una nueva oportunidad para una película de "Smallvile" aparece, ¿La haría el actor? "Seguro, no sé por qué no," dijo Welling.

Sobre MoS: "Ellos tienen otros planes para Supermán, del que soy un gran fan y no puedo esperar a ver lo que hagan." ... ie/8191055

[youtube][/youtube] ... ourse.html

- Nuevo encuentro público de Tom en Williamsburg Brooklyn, NYC (13/09/11)::
Al parecer, era el cumpleaños de la chica y estaba grabando su "excursión de cumpleaños" cuando se encontraron con Tom...

- Tom Welling y Justin Hartley firmando camisetas para ayudar a las víctimas del terremoto de Japón (marzo del 2011):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Welling en el "MJCI" (Michael Jordan Celebrity Invitational), en Shadow Creek Golf Course, Las Vegas, Nevada (29/03/12):

- Tom Welling Tom Welling, 25 foot putt at hole 18, MJCI 2012 (Michael Jordan Celebrity Invitational), Shadow Creek Golf Course , in Las Vegas, Nevada. (31/03/12):
- thanks to sapelian -

- Tom Welling sinking a 15-foot putt on the 18th Hole of Shadow Creek during the MJCI 2012 (Michael Jordan Celebrity Invitational), Shadow Creek Golf Course , in Las Vegas, Nevada. (31/03/12):
- thanks to @AriaLV -

- 2012 Michael Jordan Celebrity Invitational First Round First tee (31/03/12):
(minuto 4:40)
- thanks to @tariel22 -

- Tom Welling, 2012 Michael Jordan Celebrity Invitational Vegas 2nd round first tee (01/04/12):
-Thanks to @tariel22 -

Y nuestro Tom preguntándole a la chica que si tenía frío y que si no le prestaba su chaqueta... sighs... always the gentleman!!! :smt055

- Tom Welling compliments the deluxe accommodations at the ARIA Resort & Casino in Las Vegas during the MJCI 2012 (31/03/12):

- thanks to @tariel22 -

- John Smoltz & Brandi Chastain Win the 2012 MJCI in Las Vegas:
(podéis ver brevemente a Tom en el 0:20)

- thanks to @tariel22 -

- ARIA Resort & Casino Presents The Michael Jordan Celebrity Invitational:
(Podéis ver brevemente a Tom en el minuto 0:38)

- thanks to @tariel22 -

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Welling - “23rd Annual American Century Celebrity Golf Championship”, Tahoe, Nevada. (July 20, 2012):

(Thanks to @KSherrets_Kings )

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Welling, durante una actuación del Mago Profesional Matthew Furman para las celebridades del "American Century Celebrity Golf Championship" en el Lago Tahoe, Nevada (podéis ver a Tom a partir del 4:46):

(gracias a @tariel22).

- Versión recortada (gracias a Jaypat): ... eazwtu.mp4

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Svmarines »

- FashionChannel en YouTube ha subido un vídeo de la presentación de la colección Romeo Gigli 1999. El evento tuvo lugar en el verano de 1999. Tom está en el clip apartir del minuto 2:25-3:46. Se lo ve muy joven y como siempre muy hot desfilando:

(gracias a @D2TomWelling ).


Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- James Marsters habla sobre Tom Welling en el set de Smallville durante su asistencia a la "Fan Expo 2013":

(thanks to @tariel22.)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Welling en el Grand Opening Of Hakkasan Las Vegas Restaurant And Nightclub At The MGM Grand Casino, Nevada (27-04-13):

Podéis ver a Tom alrededor del 0:57

(Thanks to @FRAG0L1NA & @clav111).

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Welling runs away from Paparazzi at Bootsy Bellows in West Hollywood. (31-05-13):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Amy Adams habla sobre Smallville y Tom Welling en Jimmy Kimmel Live. (04-06-13):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Welling at the SAG Foundation Golf Classic, CA. 2013 (10-06-13): ... ajsxjg.mp4

(Thanks to @tjw_jaypat)

- Nuevo Video Candid en una fiesta en L.A. (03-08-13): ... 8%20AM.mp4

(Thanks to adelaida, jaypat & Brookie)

- Tom Welling, Party & Voleyball time in L.A. (July 2013): ... ll2cw2.gif

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "ET Tonight" Parkland First Look (Sneak Peek):

- "Parkland" Theatrical Trailer 1 (HD):

- Trailer oficial de "Parkland" HD (subtitulado al español):

- Parkland: Sneak Preview:

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Welling en el aeropuerto de LAX a su vuelta del festival de Venecia (04-09-13): ... om_wel.php

(thanks to @tariel22)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Video Candid at the "Holiday Bowl", San Diego (30-12-13):

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Welling, @DirtyPopLive radio-interview at "Desert Smash", Palm Springs, CA (04-03-14):

Se trata de un torneo de tenis benéfico que organiza el cómico Will Ferrell a favor de la organización "Cancer for College", que proporciona becas universitarias a los supervivientes de cáncer.

Fotos del evento: AQUÍ

Enlace de descarga: AQUÍ

Segmento de radio: AQUÍ

(Thanks to @LiseeD & @Wellingnista)

Transcripción (thanks to @FruitPunch10):
Lance Bass: Tom Welling, welcome to the show.

Tom Welling: Hi. Thank you.

Lance: So, you're a big tennis fan.

Tom: NO.

Lance: No. You just like to just watch the game.

Tom: No. I got tricked into coming here, but I'm happy I'm here now. This is cool, man.

Lance: Just like we tricked you to be on our show right now. Like come here.

Tom: No. That was more like blackmail but I'm happy to be here now.

Lance: Yes. We know where the bodies are buried with this one I heard.

Lance: So, you wanted to ask him a question about the show.

Drew: Yeah, you have a new project that you just finished called Draft Day. What is Draft Day?

Tom: A movie. Yeah. It comes out next month. [All laugh!] No. I'm teasing. No, it's, you're right. Thank you for knowing. Um, it's a Kevin Costner film about the Draft Day of NFL Football.

Heather And Lisa: [The Girls]: Ahhha! That's what I was wondering if that's what it was about. If it was football or the army?

Tom: You're proud of yourself right now aren't you. You knew. You knew that...

Heather: No. I didn't. I was hoping.

Lance: No, she's just a huge NFL fan.

Tom: Well, actually, like this is true. This is the first movie about football that the NFL has ever endorsed. True story. At least that's what I was told.

Heather: Oh Wow. I believe that.

Drew: So, do you get to play a player?

Tom: Yeah, I'm a quarterback.

Lance: He plays quarterback Brian Drew.

Drew: Oh, nice! He's the quarterback. Ofcourse he is. Oh nice.

Tom: You are informed.

Lance: I am informed, Tom.

Tom: What else do you know about me?

Lance: I know everything about you. What do you want me to tell you?

Tom: I'm sorry to hear that.

Lance: No. I know a lot of it I can't repeat on the air.

Tom: {Laughs} I agree.

Lance: I love it. Yep. I know you're going to have fun here. So, we're going to let you go. Go have fun.

Tom: Thank you.

Lance: Because this is, you know, amazing of it. This is your first time to ever come to this.

Tom: This is my first time, yeah. I just got here.

Ryan: It's his first five minutes. YEAH.

Lance: You chose the perfect year to come to this because this has been the biggest year they've ever had.

Drew: I have one more question.

Lance: Oh, go for it, Drew.

Drew: So, when Smallville ended, what happened to, no I'm just kidding, did you... What happened to Clark Kent after that? No, I'm just kidding. Did you leave the country or did you take some time off or did you just like stay...

Tom: I actually came back to the country. We shot up in Vancouver, so when the show ended... I came back to the United States.

Drew: Ahh. You shot up in Vancouver! I didn't know that.

Tom: Yeah. Yep. {laughs}

Drew: Oh wow, what was that like, then you saw like the transformation of Vancouver kinda being a small very quite place to Vancouver right now.

Tom Welling: Yeah, well ofcourse over ten years, we saw we saw a um transition there. I mean there's so much that they can accomplish now with what didn't happen before we got there...with technology and what not. I mean there were things we were doing in season one that we were figuring out on our own. There were things like superspeed and things like that which sound funny, but we literally had to spend a lot of time trying to figure it out. By season six, season seven, it was just like routine. And, so that's my long winded way of saying, yes.

Lance: Well, we love the show, of course, I mean that to have a show what ten seasons, was it?

Tom: Yeah.

Lance: Holy moly. You'll never have to work again my friend. You asshole.

Heather: Are you in syndication?

Tom: I think so. I hope so.

Lance: It's like that'd be great.

Heather: Yeah, your bank account now.

Lance: It's like business man... [all laugh]

Drew: Well, and our friend Laura Vandervoort, who played Supergirl on Smallville obviously.

Tom: Correct. Yeah.

Drew: She just got engaged to another one of our friends, Oliver Trevena, and she was just on the show the other day...
[Tom Welling cut him off here, so we are unaware of the question he was ACTUALLY going to ask him about Clark and Kara!]

Tom: She was on the show. She has been engaged. I don't know if she's your friend, but... [ALL LAUGH] I'm going to find out. [More laughs]

Drew: Yeah, you can do that.

Tom: No, Laura's great, she's great.

Drew: Yeah, I'll text you; I'll let you know.

Tom: I'd rather not share my number.

Drew: What? [laughs] Wait a minute.

Tom: Did I just say that out loud?

Ryan: Look at that ball girl.

Lance: Oh, wait, who's looking at the ball girl?

Heather: Oh, drink!

Lance: Oh, drrrink! [laughs]

Tom: What's this?

Lance: See we're playing a drinking game. See he knows.

Ryan: He got you.

Lance: Now, he knows the drinking rules, so he's going to be following Ryan Rottman.

Heather: Ryan Rottman!

Giggles Aka Lisa OR as Tom says "Michelle" which is her middle name!: Ryan Rottman, go away. Just kidding.

Heather: Ryan Rottman, for the win.

Tom: Wow, you can read my mind!

Lisa: I know, Tom. I know.

Drew: Tom is spunky today.

Lance: I know. He's delivering the jokes today.

Heather: He might be like that every day, Drew.

Lance: Yeah, maybe he is.

Heather: Yeah, we just met him. We just met him.

Tom: Huh? The what?

Lisa: We go way back, Tom and I.

Heather: How far back?

Tom: Watch your mouth!

Lisa: No, not even a year, yet. Coachella time, maybe.

Tom: That's way back?

Lance: Oh Lord, you guys were up at Coachella together, huh?

Heather: That was a crazy night.

Lance: Or, Giggles? No? Do you not remember Coachella?

Lisa: No! I don't go to Coachella.

Tom: I'm sorry, your honor. No. The answer is no.

Lance: No. That would be a no. So, Giggles you're just lying right now.

Lisa: No, I don't go to Coachella. I said around Coachella time.

Tom: What do you mean, Giggles?

Lance: Oh, around Coachella, then.

Tom: Shit, I thought it was Michelle.

Lance: It is Michelle. That's the middle name.


Lisa: My middle name is Michelle, Tom.

Tom: I know you better than you think I do.

Lance: I know. I mean like Tom knows her middle name. Maybe they do know each other.

Tom: The question is why'd you have to think about that.

Lisa: I know. That was bad.

Tom: Well... You gotta ask yourself.

Lance: That's a question we ask ourselves everyday. It's even in her E-Mail address, and she had to think about the middle name.

Lisa: Yeah, I did. I did have to think about it. Oh, whoops, Sober?

Tom: Why? [All laugh]

Lisa: Because I just started drinking.

Ryan: It won't be long.

Tom: If you move this closer to you, it's easier to reach.

Lisa: Thank you.

Lance: Are you going to see Boys To Men and Nelly and Red Foo perform tonight at the concert?

Ryan: Yes.

Lance: Yes.

Heather: His publicist Ryan Rottman.

Lance: You're under oath right now, I want you to...

Tom: Yes.

Lance: Okay. Very good. And, were you or were you not drinking just a few hours ago, and now, you're a little buzzed?

Tom: Uhhh, no comment! [ALL LAUGH]

Lisa: He takes [pizza hutt] or whatever you do.
[I am NOT exactly sure what she says here. That's just what I hear. If anyone can understand better or has more information about this subject, please do let me know!]

Tom: Michelle, stop reading my mind!

Lisa: It's Lisa! [ALL LAUGH]

Tom: Oh, is it?

Heather: [laughs] Ahh, drink!

Drew: Drink! He doesn't know what her name is!

Lance: They go way back! Actually, Tom doesn't know her name!

Lisa: He knows.

Tom: This always happens! [ALL LAUGH]

Heather: I love that Tom went headphone free when he came over here too like 'I don't need this'.

Lisa: He did.

Tom: But, wait, how do you this?

Lance: So, he's basically free balling is what your saying?

Heather: Ahh, ball boy joke!

Lance: Ball boy joke! Drink!

Tom: You guys really only wear those to hear yourself right!

Lance: Yes. We love listening to our own voices.

Lisa: Well, if it's too loud if I have them off then I don't concentrate!

Tom: What does that tell you?

Lisa: I don't know what does that tell me.

Drew: What does that tell you? Think about it!

Heather: Michelle?

Lisa: [laughs] I don't know! What does it tell me?

Tom: If you're only wearing them to hear yourself, and you're saying it's too loud! I'm just doing math here!

Ryan: Oh! Oh! Uh! Ho! Ho!

Lisa: You know what...

Ryan: You're all hinky right now!

Lisa: I'm speechless. I'm speechless.

Tom: I'm sorry. I should say I'm not kidding! [All laugh] I know to be clear about this.

Lisa: I know you're not kidding. That is the sad thing that I know he's not kidding!

Lance: Okay, Tom, you need to...

Tom: It's not actually not that sad!

Heather: Oh, Tom, please come back to the show! [more laughs]

Lance: When we moved the show back to the basement you have to...

Tom: Hey, she knows my name!

Lance: Well, who doesn't, Tom? Who doesn't really?

Tom: Well, ...

Lance: Come on. Come on.

Tom: Hopefully, he doesn't!

Lance: Maybe that should be the new drinking game. Who does not know his name in this movie?

Tom: Oh, you're going to get down really quick!

Lisa: Yeah, no!

Tom: No, you won't! [ALL LAUGH!]

Lance: I'm lost!

Tom: Shit, are these on?

Lance: No, we're not live at all. We're not live all over North America at all.

Heather: I think that...

Lance: But, Tom,... Tom, you know...

Tom: Go For Tom!

Lance: This event has amazing rich cougars around. Are you in the market for a rich cougar?

Tom: Does it sound expensive?

Lance: Well, it doesn't cost you anything!

Tom: I don't want cats! I don't want cats. I don't have space!

Lance: No?

Tom: No!

Lance: Okay, yeah. Alright.

Tom: We should go to the zoo, like...

Lisa: I want to go to the zoo.

Ryan: Are you asking him out on a date?

Tom: You know, those headphones. You can hear yourself with those headphones, right?

Heather: But, how do you feel about Llamas?

Lisa: There you go!

Drew: Oh, that's what got everything started with another guy!

Lisa: You know what, Drew...

Heather: This is a very similar conversation.

Lance: That's the very reason it got started with somebody else!

Tom: And, how'd that work out?

Heather: Uh, pretty good!

Tom: You going to lead with that?

Drew: She led with that one time, and it changed her life!

Lisa: Unfortunately, not for the better!

Tom: I'm sorry to hear that.

Ryan: Not, for the better, but it changed!

Lisa: But, it changed!

Ryan: Changed all of our lives, actually!

Tom: What's up with you and llamas?

Heather: I look down...

Ryan: She's got a thing for llamas?

Tom: Actually, I don't wanna know.

Lisa: No. No, you don't wanna know!

Ryan: No, you really don't .

Tom: That's what I just said! [All laugh!]

Lance: No, we don't wanna know either.

Tom: Do those? Those headphones work, right? Let me try it on.

Heather: Wow! Tom is a really...

Tom: No. It's not! No. It's not.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Videos de Tom (Entrevistas, películas y encuentros)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Welling en el programa "Titulares y Más" de Telemundo, Miami (24-03-14): (Preview) (Preview, Youtube Version) (Tom Welling plays football) (Full Interview, Youtube Version)

Puedes encontrar las imágenes de la entrevista: AQUÍ

(thanks to @TitularesYMas & @edgarlopezlive)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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