La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Exclusive interview with Harold Perrineau from NBC’s hit TV show Constantine (DCAA 235):

- Entrevista Exclusiva Charles Halford llevanta el infierno (assignementx):
Entrevista Exclusiva Charles Halford llevanta el infierno
Por ABBIE BERNSTEIN 28 Noviembre, 2014 / 03:37 PM

In NBC’s new Friday-night 10 PM series CONSTANTINE, based on DC Comics’ HELLBLAZER, the title character (Matt Ryan) battles demons in the hope of possibly saving his own soul. One of Constantine’s few allies is his friend Chas Chandler, played by Charles Halford.

Halford recently tangled with demons of a different sort as the unnerving Reggie Ledoux in TRUE DETECTIVE. The Utah-born actor has also appeared in features including DARLING COMPANION and FLUTTER and has had recurring roles on THE EVENT and AGENTS OF SHIELD.

At an event held by NBC for the Television Critics Association, Halford talks about what it takes to be the best bud of a cranky enemy of Hell’s minions.

ASSIGNMENT X: Can you talk about your character?

CHARLES HALFORD: I play the character of Chas, who is John Constantine’s oldest and longest-surviving friend, seeing how [Constantine] has really bad luck with surviving friends. He is Constantine’s muscle and moral support and he also keeps him on track, because John is quite the reluctant hero. I mean, demon-fighting is not the funnest job in the world, so he’d probably rather not do it. But Chas understands that he has the ability to essentially save humanity from what’s coming, and he tries to stoke that fire and keep it going and keep him on track.

AX: Does Chas have any better idea of what’s coming than John does?

HALFORD: No. He just knows that it’s going to be a wild ride. Any day with John Constantine, you never know what’s going to come at you, so he knows it’s serious.

AX: How did you become involved in CONSTANTINE?

HALFORD: I had to go in and audition for it. I’d read the breakdown and read the pilot script, which I absolutely loved and was very excited about, but moreover, I’m six-and-a-half feet tall, so when I saw in the breakdown, outside of the character’s name being Chas and the property being something I was familiar with, the way he was described, something felt so right about it to me. I said, “This is really right for me.” And then the rest was just good fortune.

AX: At that time, were you familiar at all with the HELLBLAZER comics?

HALFORD: I was. Growing up, I was a fan of comic books and comic books of the darker ilk. I was a fan of BATMAN and I really enjoyed those comics, but HELLBLAZER was not something that was really accessible to me. It was for mature readers, and so when somebody would slip me a copy of HELLBLAZER, it was like a dirty little comic, and that was a lot of fun, but when this opportunity presented itself to me, I was familiar enough, and once I started reading it, I fell in love with it all over again for a whole slew of different reasons that I didn’t even understand when I was a child, [such as] how complex and human this character was. It wasn’t just bad language, gore and sex. He’s complex.

AX: Can you liken Chas to anybody, either like an undercover police officer, or an AA sponsor, or …?

HALFORD: I think Chas is your best friend, anybody’s best friend, a person who would do anything for Constantine. He’s a family man without a family, so to speak, and so Constantine is very much a long-lost brother, or a brother he never had. So I would say if you were to liken him to any type of character, it would be just a brother and best friend.

AX: Have you researched anything in order to play Chas?

HALFORD: Well, I’ve researched a lot of the comics. I’ve read most of the library of HELLBLAZER at this point. And growing up, I was sort of fascinated with the darker elements of things, [like] necromancy, and I was always drawing monsters and stuff when I was a kid, so I do have a pretty good working knowledge of the other realms of reality, if you want to call it that. So I’m digging more into that, but for the most part, I’m just sticking to the comics and the scripts and getting to know Matt and getting that chemistry down.

AX: What is that chemistry like? Constantine is, as they say, a smartass. Is Chas wounded by the smartass-ery, does it roll off him, or does Chas ever to out-smartass Constantine?

HALFORD: Yeah, I get to have some fun. I get to razz him quite a bit. You can’t just sit and be punched without punching back. But I think that he has grown some calluses to Constantine’s coarse behavior, and just coarse behavior in general. He’s very used to picking Constantine off a barroom floor and nursing him back to health, and there’s no doubt that Constantine makes Chas’ life infinitely harder than it has to be [laughs]. And so that’s going to wear on anybody. And yeah, he has his moments of outburst where he gets to throw a little bit back at him.

AX: Where do you shoot?

HALFORD: We’re shooting in Atlanta, Georgia, but I do believe we’ll be traveling around a little bit.

AX: How is it working there?

HALFORD: I like it. There are a lot of winding roads and a lot of cicadas and fireflies. Fireflies are awesome – I’d never seen fireflies before I got down there, so that was nice. Everybody’s been really nice, the food’s exceptional and the city’s very, very cool.


HALFORD: It was an awesome show and so that was a really great experience.

AX: Can you contrast the vibe between the two shows?

HALFORD: I think with TRUE DETECTIVE, it did deal with the occult and it dealt with some darker elements, but not so obviously as in CONSTANTINE. In CONSTANTINE, you actually get fleshy demons that are there to fight. But I think the notion of demons is very fascinating, because you look at TRUE DETECTIVE and there’s no doubt a darkness is there and they tease the supernatural elements, but when you have people making really horrible choices and hurting other humans, who’s to say that there’s not a darker power behind it? And so in that regard, they’re similar I think it’s just a lot more in your face in CONSTANTINE.

AX: Is there anything else you’d like to say about CONSTANTINE right now?

HALFORD: I just think it’s going to be a really, really great show and it’s barely scratching the surface of what’s going to be a huge supernatural DC universe. And I think it should be suspenseful and scary and funny and people should really to check us out. I’m just looking forward to taking this as far as we can take it. ... interview/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.07 "Blessed are the damned":

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- Nuevas imágenes BTS en el set durante el rodaje del 1.13 (26-11-14):

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(@EmmettScanlan: 3 reasons why ep.13 @NBCConstantine is gonna be dynamite, @CamWelsh_ @HaroldPerrineau @DanielVCerone
@DanielVCerone: Harold Perrineau & Emmett Scanlan meet 1st time today on #Constantine set. Id we´re canceled WHY ARE WE SHOOTING? :) )

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 1.07 "Blessed are the damned" Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes BTS del 1.06 "Rage of Caliban":

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Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.06 "Rage of Caliban". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- BTS Stills del 1.06 "Rage of Caliban":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Angelica Celaya habla sobre el llevar a 'Zed' a la vida y el futuro de "Constantine" (CBR):
Angelica Celaya habla sobre el llevar a 'Zed' a la vida y el futuro de "Constantine"
Por Bryan Cairns 05 Diciembre, 2014

The star of NBC's new horror/drama, John Constantine (Matt Ryan) doesn't hang around with ordinary folk. On the one hand, there's his closest friend Chas (Charles Halford), who seems to possess one hell of a set of supernatural survival skills. Then there's Manny (Harold Perrineau), an enigmatic angel sent to watch over Constantine.

Of course, viewers know that this inner circle expanded in "Constantine's" second episode, "The Darkness Beneath," when the British mage bumped into a psychic known as Zed. Since then, her visions and premonitions have proven invaluable in Constantine's war against the Rising Darkness and its forces.

CBR News spoke with Angelica Celaya, Zed's real world incarnation, about her character's developing relationship with Constantine and Zed's history, both in comics and on the small screen. We also discussed NBC's decision to halt production on the first season at 13 episodes -- even while the actors were reading the script for episode 15 -- and the cast and crew's reaction to the subsequent outpouring of fan support.

CBR News: The "Hellblazer" comic always had a loyal cult fan following. What interested you about John Constantine's journey and the TV adaptation?

Angelica Celaya: John is the true anti-hero. He's dealing with so much mess. There's the whole thing with his mom and the way his dad brought him up. He's trying to save his own soul, but he's really trying to save people, without actually trying. He doesn't want to be the hero. That is really cool. Instead of being like, "Hey, yeah, I'm that guy," Constantine has a sassiness to him. He's a little cocky.

The whole adaptation that executive producers David Goyer and Daniel Cerone brought to "Constantine," they nailed it right on the head. Before I got on this project, I had seen the adaptation for the film. That was totally different than whatever Constantine really is. What we're doing right now is taking stories from different volumes of "Hellblazer" and bringing them to homes across America.

The TV series was originally designed to follow Constantine and Liv (Lucy Griffith) until the producers switched gears. Were you in line to guest star and they expanded your role, or did you come in knowing Zed would essentially be replacing Liv?

It honestly caught me off guard. I was in Mexico City and I had just flown back to Los Angeles. I had no idea this was going on. When I went in, I did now then that they were doing this whole transition from following one story and picking up another. I just went in to be Zed. I knew that she was going to be included in the story. Later on, when I was invited to become Zed in this amazing project, I found out all the details.

I don't like this whole thing of "replacing people," because I don't think anybody replaces anybody else. Everybody brings their own magic to the show. The executive producers said maybe Liv will return in season two. I don't think Liv was replaced. It was more of the direction of the story they wanted to go in.

Did the "Hellblazer" comics help you get a better handle or understanding of Zed?

Definitely. I started reading the introduction of Zed in "Hellblazer." She knows she's tough. She doesn't take crap from anybody. In the comic books, she just appeared as this badass chick. I wanted to show the process of how she got like that. There's something beneath all that sass and sarcasm. That's what I wanted to bring to the people at home. Next season, when Zed is becoming a little more sarcastic and a little tougher and playing with her sex appeal more, it will be because we understand exactly where she's coming from.

The episode "A Feast of Friends" saw John sacrifice his friend Gary Lester (Jonjo O'Neill) in order to stop a demon. How did that move affect Zed's perception of Constantine?

Zed did not like the way Constantine was abusing his friend's trust. She could not understand why he would bring harm to anybody, let alone his friend, who came on a plane from across the ocean to be with John. All Gary ever did was look up to John. For John to do that to his friend, Zed was like, "Who are you? What monster are you?" She did not understand that Gary wanted to go out doing something positive for a change. He needed to do this, to go out with a more positive bang, [rather] than under a bridge doing some drugs. At that moment though, it's like, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

She starts to understand John has a bigger load to carry than she thought, and there's a deeper side to him than what he lets people see. That just brought Zed closer to him.

Can you preview this week's episode "Blessed are the Damned" and where Zed fits in?

Zed has these wonderful visions, and she's going to be having a lot more. Zed is questioning whether her visions come from God or the Devil. Are they evil or are they a blessing in her life? She doesn't know, because she's running away from stuff. In this episode, Zed starts questioning a lot of things around her. She starts to realize there is this amazing spiritual war. Whether it be dark or whether it be light, that world does exist.

I've been hinting on Twitter that there's going to be snakes on Zed. I suffered, because I had these two boa constrictors around me. I hope it looks good. I had a dress on and Zed never wears dresses. In this episode, she decided to wear a dress to art class. I was feeling the ice cold blood of the snake all on my skin. I had this one boa who was the laziest constrictor possible. He didn't want to constrict. He was lazy and fat. They were trying to tie him around my waist. All of a sudden, it just flopped on the floor. I really thought, "Oh, my God -- this boa is going to get angry. It's going to bite my leg or fight with another snake. I'm right here in the middle of it." That lazy boa didn't even want to do anything. It just stayed there. But in the episode, there's going to be a lot of angels and baptism and spiritual stuff.

One image shows Zed standing next to Manny. Now, they have not previously interacted, so how does that meeting go down? What's her impression of him?

Well, I can't really say much because as we all know, the only one who can ever see Manny is John. The question is, can that be Manny? Does she even know he exists? There is an encounter, but I can't give you the details because it's so good.

The mid-season finale, "The Saint of Last Resorts: Part 2," is pretty Zed-centric. What were your thoughts on the script? Did anything in it surprise you?

It honestly surprised me that we really went there with "The Resurrection Crusade," that we really went into Zed's past. It was awesome. When I read that script and started playing with T.J. (Scott), the director of the mid-season finale, it was incredible. We played around with who Zed is, what she's running from and exactly how badass Zed is. I guarantee you, viewers think, "Oh, Zed is a tough cookie." You're going to see Zed kick some serious ass. She's going to lay it down good with the violence. You're going to see exactly what she's running away from.

"The Resurrection Crusade" is a story arc directly from the comics, dealing with her father.

Yes, sir. That's exactly what I am referring to. Lots of juicy stuff. For the people who know and have been wondering whether we're going to touch on "The Resurrection Crusade," yes we are. For the people who don't know about it, they are going to understand exactly why she doesn't want to talk about her past and why she's a little sketchy when around certain people.

In the comic books, Zed and Constantine are lovers. Are you enjoying the status quo on the show as it is, or have you been waiting for their relationship to evolve?

I am waiting for that relationship to evolve. I like playing around with it, too. Anne Marie (Claire van der Boom) comes in from the Newcastle Crew, and Zed doesn't like it. She's extremely territorial, and vice versa. There are a couple of guys that come into Zed's life, and John isn't happy about it. I like that we're stretching it out. That's what happens in the real world. You don't just jump into bed with someone. You sort it out, but Zed is infatuated with John.

Episode 13 caps off the season and brings back Jim Corrigan (Emmett Scanlan). What are you excited for viewers to see?

I'm excited for the fans to see exactly what plays out with the Spectre, with Jim Corrigan. I'm so excited we're touching on one of the original stories from "Hellblazer," with the three young brides. That's a creepy, creepy story that I'm pretty sure everybody at home will be cheering on. But the thing I'm most excited about is, we're going to see what this whole Rising Darkness is and who, or what, is causing it.

It must be rewarding that the show keeps getting better and stronger as it goes on.

Yeah, it is. I'm glad people out there are responding to it. It's not just because I'm on the show and I love what I am doing, but honestly, every single episode the writers get a little more inspired or they get a little more license to take it there and do more. The stories are getting crazier, and we're really pushing the envelope towards the end of the season.

You were filming when NBC announced they were scaling back on season one and ending production with episode 13. What was your, Matt's and the cast and crew's reaction?

We have up to episode 15 in our hands, and we wish you guys could see what a riot that would have been. That's going to get reworked for season two. I got contracted for 13 episodes. I didn't get contracted for 15, 19 or 20. The funny thing is, everybody got scared. "They are canceling Constantine." Well, according to my contract, I was only scheduled for 13. According to my timeslot, I knew I was going to have January and February and so on free. The true diehard fans got really scared saying, "Oh, my God. What happened?"

It's like, "Wait a minute. There are other series that started off a little slow, trying to see what they were doing." You see our episodes and the money going into those graphics and CG. When you are spending a pretty dime making these graphics look like you are going to the movies, it adds up.

Nonetheless, there have been quite a few "Save Constantine" campaigns. How does it feel to have the fans rallying and giving that kind of support?

Honestly, it's so humbling. As of right now, we have very few episodes on the air because we started late in the season. To have fans out there rallying and voting for People's Choice and making #SaveConstantine a trending topic on Twitter is very humbling. It only makes us want to get back into the groove, get back into the stories. All of us on set, when we saw the fans screaming and stepping up, we were like, "We have got to make this good. Forget us. Forget whatever the actors want. No, no, no. We have fans we need to please, so we better step this up." ... e&id=57558

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS (03-12-14):

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(@DanielVCerone: Harold Perrineau & Michael James Shaw worked together 1st time last nite. They were badass. #Hellblazers #Constantine
@mattryanrea:l give a big shout out to @ONeillJonjo for his amazing performance as #GaryLester let's get him some more followers
@mattryanreal: Thanks @MacaTrim for the clean energy don't think I could have don't season 1 without it #Constantine #lastdayonset)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine - 1.07 To Hell and Back: "Blessed are the damned" Featurette (Digital Exclusive):

- Constantine - 1.07 Heart of Darkness (Episode Highlight):

- Constantine - "Comic Book Origins" Featurette (Digital Exclusive):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine - 1.08 "The Saint of Last Resorts" (Winter Finale) Promo:

Añadidos rátings del 1.07 "Blessed are the damned". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- BTS Stills del 1.07 "Blessed are the damned":

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- Stills del 1.08 "The Saint of last resorts":

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Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine - 1.08 "The Saint of last resorts" Clip #1:

- Constantine - 1.08 "The Saint of last resorts" Clip #2:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS (10-12-14):

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(@clairevandboom: John having his way with yet another bird. Friday @NBCConstantine @mattryanreal @TJScottPictures #Constantine
@mattryanreal: This Friday meet #AnneMarie @NBCConstantine #Constantine @clairevandboom @Charlie_Halford
@mattryanreal: Bhts of tonight's ep. Mid season finale. @NBCConstantine @clairevandboom #Constantine
@JohnConWriters: #BehindTheScenes @mattryanreal chilling on set! #Constantine
@JohnConWriters: More #BehindTheScenes #Constantine
@Watsonxo: #BTS with @mattryanreal and @clairevandboom #Constantine #SaintofLastResorts @NBCConstantine #BehindtheScenes
@TJScottPictures: Me & @mattryanreal hanging on the @Constantine set filming tonights' episode. #goodtimes)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Exclusiva de CONSTANTINE: Entrevista con Matt Ryan (voicesfromkrypton):
Exclusiva de CONSTANTINE: Entrevista con Matt Ryan
Por Ed Gross 11 Diciembre 2014

DC seems to be nailing it where TV is concerned, as evidenced by the dual success of Arrow and The Flash on the CW, Gotham on FOX and Constantine on NBC. Of them, it’s the latter, based on the Vertigo Hellblazer comic, that’s struggling the most in the ratings. It’s season one order has been reduced to 13, although the network insists that the show is a prime candidate for a second season renewal. The irony is that as it’s progressed, it’s captured the flavor of the comic in many ways and is proving itself to be a highly innovative series. The trick to shore up the opportunities for renewal, of course, is that the fans watch the last batch of episodes and spread the word about the show (which airs on Fridays immediately after Grimm).

Starring as John Constantine (exorcist, supernatural detective and dabbler in — formerly self-described as master of — the dark arts) is actor Matt Ryan. Born on April 11, 1981 in Swansea, Wales, Ryan joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 2004 and, outside of the stage, went on to appear in a number of television series and feature films, as well as voicing and providing motion capture for the character Edward Kenway in the video game Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.

What follows is an exclusive one-on-one interview with Ryan, in which he discusses the debut season of Constantine.

VOICES FROM KRYPTON: This is probably a dopey way to star this conversation, but are you enjoying the show as much as we are?
MATT RYAN: Yeah, man, I’m loving. I’m just about to watch the last episode [“Blessed Are the Damned,” episode seven] tonight, because I was actually flying back to the UK while it was airing over there with you guys. But I think as it’s gone on, we’re getting better and better and stronger and stronger. As we hit episode four, the Gary Lester episode [“A Feast of Friends”], I think that’s where we really pinned down what the show was. In the first season of a TV show that tends to happen, but we’ve been going from strength to strength and some of the stuff coming up as well I’m really excited for everyone to see.

VOICES FROM KRYPTON: When word came out that they were ending production on season one after 13 episodes, my reaction was, “No, not now! They’re getting it right!”
MATT RYAN: I know, right? It’s one of those things, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing, to be honest with you. Thirteen episodes for a first season, lots of cable shows do that. Sometimes when you do 22 episodes, there’s lot of stuff in there you’re just kind of getting through. Hopefully if we got picked up for a second season, even if it was for 13, I’d be very happy with that. Also, I think from a production point of view and the point of view of the actors, if you’re doing 13 episodes, they’re going to be 13 great episodes, rather than 22 episodes where there are likely to be a few in there that aren’t that good.

VOICES FROM KRYPTON: You mentioned that episode four really pinned down what the show should be. With that in mind, what should Constantine be?
MATT RYAN: I think it’s the juxtaposition of the balance between it being a very dark and serious story, but the tone being able to maneuver within that. And the humor and the wit being set against that. It’s those two things that make the show unique; you’ve got the central character cracking a joke in the middle of something that’s really fucking serious. I think that earlier on, as an actor, I found the character had a little more dark humor. But if the stories are based in that reality and the stakes are so high because there’s all this serious stuff going on, then you can have John being John and counteracting it with humor. That dry humor works really well. And what I think was also great about episode four is that it was personal for John. You’ve got an old friend coming back and the situation is brought to him. In the comic he always stumbles across things, and I think that early on it was kind of John going out to find it and hunt it down for hopefully a chance for redemption. Later on, though, it comes to him, and I think that’s more in the Hellblazer game.

VOICES FROM KRYPTON: How has John evolved as a character from the beginning, and I’d love to know if you feel that you’ve evolved as a performer and in terms of connecting with this character.
MATT RYAN: Definitely. Again, episode four is where I really connected with him, and what helped is that it was a personal story with Gary Lester. What also helped is that Jonjo O’Neill, who played Gary Lester, is a friend of mine. We worked at the Royal Shakespeare Company ten years ago and there was just a moment where it all clicked. At our wrap party one of the producers said, “There was a moment when it was like you got older; your face changed and it was as if something just dropped in you.” And I felt that, actually. I think it’s a kind of ease with the character when you stop trying to play it and are just doing it. It’s a strange thing to explain, but it’s kind of when you really get under the character’s skin and you are him. And it’s progressed from there as well.

VOICES FROM KRYPTON: And how do you think John has changed? What’s his journey been so far?
MATT RYAN: I think that the relationships he has with everybody on the show has changed. This is something that’s very important about the show — and it takes time as well — the establishing the other characters, to establish John’s relationship with them and how those relationships progress. As we go on, we do progress. In episode 10 we have Chaz’ back story and you see a little bit of John and Chaz back in the day, and how he can have the powers he has. And then there’s the relationship with Manny [something of a reluctant guardian Angel to John]. And there’s his relationship with the rising darkness. At the end of episode 13 there’s a line that he says to Manny which kind of gives away something important about John. I’m not going to say what it is, because it’s quite important in terms of the plot for the end of the season, but there’s a moment where you hear John is moving away from chasing it down. Everything in him is becoming a lot heavier; the burden becomes more difficult for him to handle.

VOICES FROM KRYPTON: The great thing about the evolving relationships is that early on John was so much a loner, saying that everyone close to him dies, yet as the season has progressed we’ve seen the building of something of a “family,” if you will.
MATT RYAN: That’s the interesting thing, then. There’s something gnawing at the back of his head with him knowing that somewhere along the line all of this is going to go to pot. It’s all going to go to shit, and it’s an inevitability, but it doesn’t stop a human being from having connections with other human beings and angels and stuff. It doesn’t stop him feeling, it’s just something that he knows, and that’s a really interesting dilemma that he has in the relationship with Zed and the relationship that develops between Jim Corrigan [the future Spectre] and Zed as well, and how John feels about that. It’s a very interesting dynamic and we deal with that in episode 13 when Jim Corrigan comes back. There are all those things under there, bubbling away and I think it just makes everything more difficult for John. And with the Rising Darkness, the burden on him is getting bigger and suddenly he’s accumulating these people he has feelings for – feelings that are obviously buried deep inside. And then there was the thing with Gary as well; what he had to do with Gary was something that I think was great for us as a show and great for me to kind of tap into that early on so you can carry that forward and build it into the other relationships.

VOICES FROM KRYPTON: As the series progresses, does it continue to dip into the comic?
MATT RYAN: That’s been the goal. Once you start out a new show, there’s a lot of different components in the machine that’s working itself out. One thing that Daniel Cerone and David Goyer and everybody said from the beginning was,“We want to be as close to the comic as possible.” Sometimes we get there and do it better than at other times, but there is the constant drive from the creators of the show. That’s the main thing. We’re on that path. All of the guys from DC have opened that universe to us and there’s so much potential. What we’ve seen this season is some great stuff that’s really close to the comics, and we’ve also seen the potential of what it could be and what we will hopefully be able to make it into. I think that as long as we’re all driving towards that and the fans keep watching, we’ll be back for a second season and trying to up our game and make it better as we bring it closer to Hellblazer. ... matt-ryan/
- Matt Ryan sobre sobre la sociedad 'Realmente Oscura' de Anne Marie (TVLine):
Matt Ryan sobre sobre la sociedad 'Realmente Oscura' de Anne Marie
Por Kimberly Roots / 12 Diciembre 2014, 9:16 AM PST

It’s a good thing Constantine‘s Newcastle mates keep needing his help: Otherwise, we might never find out exactly what happened during the oft-referred-to yet-still-unclear worst night of his life.

Anne Marie, yet another member of John’s old magic gang, surfaces in this week’s episode (NBC, Friday at 10/9c). You remember how Gary Lester turned to heroin after the nightmare of being involved in Astra’s botched exorcism? We find out that Anne Marie has chosen an equally drastic, yet completely different, coping mechanism: She’s become a nun.

Fans of the Hellblazer comics know that, prior to the terrible incident, Ann Marie was a shy psychic who had a crush on John. In Friday’s episode, she beckons him to Mexico City when the Rising Darkness makes itself known.

“We get another side of John’s relationship through that,” star Matt Ryan says during a press trip to the series’ Atlanta set. The story continues into the subsequent installment, and both halves of the two-parter are “my favorite episodes so far, because they’ve got the right balance of being really dark and humorous at the same time.”

Chalk this up to the humor side, we think: When asked about whether Zed — who’s rather flirty with the trench-coated master of the dark arts — and Anne Marie share any scenes in the episodes, Angélica Celaya chooses her words very carefully. “She gets to meet and interact with Ann Marie,” the actress says slowly, laughing. “Can’t say more than that!” (Intriguing, no?) — With reporting by Andy Swift ... newcastle/
- Matt Ryan está emocionado por que los espectadores vean la Midseason Finale (IGN):
Matt Ryan está emocionado por que los espectadores vean la Midseason Finale
Por Amy Ratcliffe 12 Diciembre 2014

Tonight's Constantine, the eighth episode so far, is key for a few reasons. "The Saint of Last Resorts: Part 1", as you might guess by the name, is the first part of a two-part story and it's the midseason finale, as Constantine will take a four-week break after this week. It introduces another member of the fateful Newcastle group, Anne Marie (Hawaii Five-0's Claire van der Boom), and on top of that, "The Saint of Last Resorts" is Constantine star Matt Ryan's favorite arc of the season.

When we spoke with Ryan during a recent set visit, he explained that episodes 8 and 9 are the episodes he's most excited for viewers to see.

"It's a two-parter, it's with Anne Marie, and you get to learn more about Newcastle and what happened there," Ryan noted. "They've changed Anne Marie slightly from the comics. Her and John had a thing when they were younger; there's something that did go on there. But, what happens and what John has to do... When I read it I was just like, 'F**k man, that's so good.' It was just so much fun to play."

Ryan added, "It was the hardest episode out of all of them in terms of what I had to go through. We shot it in 8-9 days, and I thought it was really ambitious for that amount of time. I don't think I’ve ever seen anything like it on TV before, just in terms of what we do. I was like, 'This is the show, this is the bar, this is what it's going to be like every week.' It's exciting."

As you can see in the below gallery, Anne Marie doesn't look quite like she did in the Hellblazer comics. She is wearing a nun's habit, but she's much younger. She gets in touch with John, and that call leads him and Chas to Mexico City. They'll get closer to the source of The Rising Darkness. The presence of Anne Marie and the photos from the episode hint at the appearance of a certain demon from the comics. Take a look at what's ahead: ... son-finale
- Matt Ryan Cuenta el Por qué el episodio de esta noche es su favorito (ksitetv):
Matt Ryan Cuenta el Por qué el episodio de esta noche es su favorito
Por Craig Byrne 12 Diciembre 2014

Constantine continues to be the underrated gem of the current crop of DC Comics shows, a Friday night NBC series that really deserves some additional eyes watching. Tonight's installment is called "The Saint of Last Resorts" and it's Part 1 of a two-parter that series star Matt Ryan is especially excited about.

"In episodes eight and nine, we're introduced to Anne Marie, who's from the Newcastle group," Ryan told us during our recent visit to the Constantine set. "We get another kind of side of John's relationship through that. That's a two-parter, 8 and 9. They're my favorite episodes so far, because they got the right balance of it being really dark and humorous at the same time, and I think that for the show, it's kind of imperative that you have that. It is rooted in that really dark, twisted world, but at the same time, John can kind of say something completely and utterly irrelevant in the middle of it," he enthused.

"We have all of these different characters that come in, and we see different sides of John. With Gary Lester, with Papa Midnite, with Jim Corrigan, and Anne Marie… what's great is there's all these different parts of John within these characters. So each time there's a new character, there's another part of John to explore. It's more than just him taking on another case and going. That's the stuff that really interests me about this show, and where we go… we really do get into the relationship stuff where there are possible longer arcs of things, rather than the kind of 'demon of the week' thing, which you kind of have to do to set the world and all that sort of stuff, but then we get into some more interesting relationship stuff, which I think is the best stuff, to be honest," he said.

If Constantine should continue beyond its 13-episode first season, we could see more characters from John's past.

"I think what we'll do is, we'll be seeing Judith and possibly Frank, and then I think what we will do is then do a flashback episode about what happened to Astrid. Possibly. That's what I've heard," he said. We also don't need to rule out seeing "punk band" Constantine from John's past. "I don't know. I'd love to do it, man. I've talked to them about it, and I have said 'look, why not?' That would be really good fun," he said. During the pilot, several cast and crew members played music together, which inspired director Neil Marshall to name them "The Constantones."

The only way to get a Season 2 is if ratings go up, so, be sure to check out the show at 10PM tonight. ... rite/49612

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine - 1.08 To Hell and Back: "The Saint of last resorts":

- Constantine - 1.08 "The Saint of last resorts" (Episode Highlight):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- BTS Stills del 1.08 "The Saint of Last Resorts":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
