"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 5.20 “Underneath”:
5.20 “Underneath” (03/05/17): OLIVER Y FELICITY SE QUEDAN ATRAPADOS — Las cosas se ponen intensas cuando Oliver (Stephen Amell) y Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) estén atrapados en el búnker juntos. Mientras tanto, , Lyla (la estrella invitada Audrey Marie Anderson) y Diggle (David Ramsey) tratan con sus temas maritales. Wendey Stanzlerdirige el episodio escrito por Wendy Mericle & Beth Schwartz (#520).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-descr ... nderneath/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de la S5 por Trevor Hanowski:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 5.21 “Honor Thy Fathers”:
5.21 “Honor Thy Fathers” (10/05/17): CHASE CONTINÚA ATORMENTANDO A OLIVER — Oliver (Stephen Amell) regresa a la oficina del alcalde y se enfrenta a uno de sus problemas más apremiantes – la liberación forzada de docenas de violentos criminales procesados por Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra). Mientras tanto, se entraga una caja a la oficina de Oliver que contiene un misteriosos cuerpo recubierto de hormingón. Laura Belsey dirige el episodio escrito por Marc Guggenheim & Sarah Tarkoff (#521).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-honor ... scription/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Desvelados detalles de la final de la S5 de "Arrow":
TVLine ha desvelado detalles sobre las finales de la presente temporada de varias series, entre ellas la de la final de la S5 de "Arrow":
SEASON FINALE (24 MAYO): Chase sigye yendo 10 pasos por delante del Team Arrow, obligando a Oliver a enfrentar su violento pasado y contestar a la pregunta de una vez por todas: ¿Es un asesino, o un héroe? Para contestar a eso, Oliver se verá obligado a dejar ir el destino con el que su padre le cargó y aspirar a un nuevo legado. Y a medida que llegan a su final los cinco años merecedores de flashbacks de Oliver, veréis cómo planeó su fuga de Lian Yu — mientras que en el presente, Oliver le ofrece a dicha isla un adiós final.”

http://tvline.com/gallery/may-sweeps-sp ... e-flash-2/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | Season 5 Spring Recap | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Jefa de Arrow adelanta las dificultades que están por llegar antes de la última batalla con Prometheus (EW):
Jefa de Arrow adelanta las dificultades que están por llegar antes de la última batalla con Prometheus
Por Natalie Abrams - 25 Abril, 2017 a las 4:11pm EDT

When Arrow returns after its long hiatus, Felicity will find herself going up against Team Arrow.

With Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra) still on the loose, mysterious hacker organization Helix offers Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) a way to track him down in exchange for her services involving something illegal. Needless to say, Oliver (Stephen Amell) & Co. won’t be happy.

But Ollie and Felicity will be forced to face their divide head on next week when the duo gets trapped in the bunker together. Will this actually bring them closer together? EW turned to executive producer Wendy Mericle to get the scoop:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What can you tease of what Felicity has gotten herself into? And will we get more info on Helix?
WENDY MERICLE: We will definitely get more info on Helix. We’re super psyched about this episode because it is really Felicity’s Dark Night of the Soul. We’re not going to wrap it up here, but we’re definitely going to take her to one of the darkest places we’ve ever seen her character go. Because she’s gone down this rabbit hole with Helix, she’s going to find out that — as per usual when people get themselves involved with these organizations — things aren’t always as they seem. Even though she has been really blinded by her drive to get Adrian Chase, I think she’s going to come out of this asking some pretty tough questions about herself and her moral decisions, and there’s a pretty big fight with Oliver, too.

How might this actually bring Oliver and Felicity closer?
We’re also very excited about next week’s episode. We haven’t done a lot of bottle [episodes], and this is one of the few that we’ve done. I think it turned out so well. [Director] Wendey Stanzler hit it out of the park. They’re stuck in a bunker together, and they’re not in a good place. They’ve taken their individual paths, which is was exactly what they wanted at the top of the season. They’ve gone down these different roads. Oliver’s tries to pull her back from this brink and has failed. All that fallout is going to happen right there in the bunker where they have nowhere to run and there’s no escaping that conflict.

And yet the sizzle trailer seems to indicate they’re on the road to reconciliation. Is that true?
They are definitely on the road toward — well, the interesting thing about taking her down this road with Helix is she is going to come out of it with this, the same way Diggle came out of it when he killed his brother — new understanding and appreciation for where Oliver’s been and what he’s been through. No matter whether they end up together or not (sorry, all Olicity Twitter fans), this is going to absolutely deepen the relationship. It has to. She’s now gone through her own island in a way.

Speaking of Diggle, an upcoming episode features Diggle and Lyla dealing with some marital issues. What’s going on there?
We’ve always wondered, ever since Lyla stepped up and took over A.R.G.U.S., the interesting thing about her character is she, in a lot of ways, is very similar to Oliver in that she’s now in the position of making some really hard decisions and having to constantly justify the means by the end. Dig’s going to find out about some of these things that she’s been doing, and he’s going to really wonder where did his wife go? It’s rich territory because they’ve always been such a solid couple. They’ve had their ups and downs, but I think this is the first time where Dig has looked at her and wondered that this person that he sees in front of him doesn’t really resemble the person that he fell in love with. That’s an interesting question for anyone in a marriage situation to be asking themselves.

It’s interesting because there was an episode where Diggle and Dinah were working really closely together, and fans noticed some chemistry between them. Does that play into this at all, or was that just two good actors working off each other?
It’s two great actors working off each other. [Laughs.] That said, I think that part of the fun of having the team there is it’s going to create theses different dynamics. If, down the road, there’s a little misunderstanding here or there, I’m not saying that might not happen. But right now, that’s not the case.

With Chase still on the loose, how much danger is the team in?
It’s safe to say, without teasing too much, they’re in the most danger they’ve ever been in.

How will the team — most of whom are relatively new and have not faced an ultimate showdown with a big bad before — deal with heading into the final battle with Prometheus?
Each character is going to have a different reaction to it. Dinah is very much on the page of, “This guy just needs to be taken down.” Rene is too, but he’s going to have other stakes; we’ve met his daughter before in episode 513. The people who have potential for collateral damage, if you will, the people with families who have more at stake are going to have different attitudes about that. Everyone is going to be on the same page of wanting to take this guy down. Nobody has really been left unscathed by Adrian Chase. They’re going to be all in, and all in in a way that newbies would be. There’s no doubt that Oliver is going to have a much more profound sense of the dangers ahead, but by the same token, he’s come to rely on this team and he needs them.

Malcolm Merlyn popped up in the sizzle reel. What role will he be playing in these last episodes?
Malcolm is going to be doing exactly what he’s always done. Part of the fun of him is that you never know exactly where he stands. One thing that is absolutely clear is he’s always there for Thea. He and Thea are going to have some pretty cool scenes together because she’s going to come back and he’s going to be there. She’s not happy to see him. Oliver is going to be pulling at any possible help, whether he can trust that help or not; he’s going to be calling in every reinforcement he has to take down Chase. I think Josh Segarra has done an amazing job at really making Chase one of the scariest villains that we’ve seen on the show.

Are Oliver and Slade actually aligning then?
That’s a great question. With Deathstroke, you never really know who you’re dealing with, in a similar way with Malcolm, but with a little bit more of an edge, because the history between Slade and Oliver is as deep and troubled as the one between him and Malcolm. Slade is definitely coming back. We’re definitely going to be thinking he might be on Oliver’s side. That’s all I’m going to say about that, to quote Forrest Gump. [Laughs.]

What’s next for Thea?
Thea is going to be going through a very similar emotional journey — Oliver’s going to maybe arrive at his conclusion emotionally a little bit sooner than she does, but it’s the same idea of really grappling. The last time we saw her, she was going away to try to figure herself out, because she had gone down this very Moira-esque road and started to pull these antics that were really morally questionable. She sees that, so when she comes back, it’s not going to be because she’s ready, it’s going to be because she has to. She’s going to be working that out. Eventually, she’s going to get to a place where she can put the past behind her, but it’s going to be a pretty hard road for her.

Will Oliver ever be able to operate as Green Arrow again? And if not, what does that mean for the future of the show? Are we going to see a new legacy for him?
He’s questioning his legacy; he’s been doing it all season. The fact that we’ve put the Green Arrow under the microscope to such an extent, we are definitely setting some stuff up for season 6. We will definitely see the Green Arrow again, but in what capacity? That’s a really good question. That’s a premiere question.

Stay tuned for much more scoop on the Arrow finale from Wendy Mericle. Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/04/25/arrow-seaso ... -spoilers/

- Juliana Harkavy habla sobre 'Icónico' papel de Canary y la Posible pelea de las Black Siren (TVLine):
Juliana Harkavy habla sobre 'Icónico' papel de Canary y la Posible pelea de las Black Siren
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 12 Abril 2017, 3:56 PM PDT

When The CW’s Arrow resumes Season 5, it will be all hands on deck as Oliver & Co. set out to find Adrian Chase aka Prometheus, who brutally bested his WITSEC detail upon realizing his jig as a mild-mannered D.A. was up.

Now among Team Arrow’s hodgepodge of assets is Dinah Drake, who slowly but surely has assumed the role of Black Canary (about a year, in real time, after Laurel Lance’s tragic death). TVLine spoke with newcomer Juliana Harkavy about whipping herself into crimefighting shape, the secret to the Canary Cry, Dinah’s dynamic with her teammates and the prospect of a showdown with her predecessor’s devious doppelganger.

TVLINE | When did your journey to Arrow begin? And what did it involve?
It began in October, and it was a really quick process. It was basically an audition on Tuesday, the callback was Wednesday, and at 4am Friday I had a car pick me up to take me to Vancouver. I had just moved back to L.A., so it was all sort of a whirlwind when it all did happen.

TVLINE | Did they tell you that your character ultimately would be inheriting the mantle of Black Canary? Which is kind of a big deal.
After I booked it, they sort of told me everything that the role entailed. I had no idea that it was this big or this iconic or this epic, so it was very exciting when I found out. I had no idea going in.

TVLINE | Caity Lotz of course brought dance and some martial arts skills to the role, and Katie Cassidy was no stranger to the gym during her run. Do you bring anything innately physical to the table?
Well, I was always an athlete; my grandfather and my dad are basketball players, and I played sports my whole life. I have done dancing as well. Not really much martial arts, but I felt confident in the gym. And when I got here, they instantly started to teach me all the techniques and put me with trainers…. But I did feel confident, physically, going in.

TVLINE | Had you ever thrown a punch in your life? Smacked somebody?
No. [Laughs] I joke but I’m sort of serious: I’ve always wanted to get into a fight. I know that sounds horrible, but I always had the desire to see what it’s like. There’s something that seems so fulfilling about punching somebody. It’s good that I got this role, so I don’t end up hurting anyone for real. [Laughs]

TVLINE | How has your fitness regimen changed since joining Arrow? I cruised your Instagram, and you seem to have a healthy perspective on the whole thing, how it’s not about being “skinny” but “strong.”
That’s exactly right. One of the things that happened after I got this job and learned I’d be training and learning bo staff, is they said, “We don’t want you to be skinny. We dont want you to lose weight and restrict food.” Bam, our stunt coordinator [James Bamford], has been my biggest supporter when it comes to that. He said, “I would almost rather you have no neck because you’re so muscular than come to me and be unhealthy because you’re trying to be skinny. Superheroes have muscle, they’re strong. You don’t have to worry about a number on a scale.” From that moment on, it wasn’t stressful, it wasn’t like I have to work out because I have look a certain way. It was because I want to be strong, I want to be a superhero, to be able to stand up there with these big guys. It’s been probably the most healthy I’ve felt, because mentally I feel healthier as well going into it.

TVLINE | I liked one photo you shared, showing off your new lats….
Thanks! I’m working on it. It’s just so fun to wake up in the morning and have new muscles on your body. It does make you feel like a bigger, better version of yourself.

TVLINE | Now a couple of months into your run, how would you describe Dinah’s relationship with Oliver, with Diggle?
I think that these are the people she’s allowed herself to get closest to in a very long time. This is the first group that she’s allowed herself to be vulnerable with. Oliver was the one who sought her out and let her in, so her connection to him in particular is a special one. She has a particular fondness for Oliver — not in a romantic way, but as a partner. And with Diggle, he’s the second in command, and that appeals to Dinah. She likes to sort of team up and go on runs with him. He’s a competent fighter and so is she.

TVLINE | It’s kind of like whereas Oliver brought Dinah in, Diggle has been the one who got her settled in and showed her how to be a team member.
Exactly. That’s such a good way to put it. It’s a really nice dynamic, and it does make it feel like a big family where we’re all working together and helping each other.

TVLINE | Well speaking of “family,” I almost feel like Dinah is a smart-ass big sister to Rene and Curtis.
[Laughs] For sure. I think Dinah is sort of used to being “one of the boys,” so she’s not afraid to tease them or play with them a bit and mock them. That’s definitely part of her character.

TVLINE | Burning question: On set, are you actually screaming when doing the Canary Cry, or just popping open your mouth?
That’s a good question. In the shot that you’re talking about (right), I was definitely just mouthing it. A silent scream. But when we’re fighting and it already has that energy behind it, I will scream. You have to pick and choose your screams so you don’t blow your voice out.

TVLINE | I think it was Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.‘s Chloe Bennet who said that it’s almost ridiculous to watch the filming of such scenes without the effects, where Daisy is just jutting her open palm at someone, looking angry.
It is! But one cool thing that they do on set is “blow people back.” So, nothing will come out of my mouth, but they’ll launch these dudes back like 15, 20 feet, which is really exciting. It does sort of feel like your really doing it in the moment.

TVLINE | Can we talk about the impracticality of Dinah’s wallet chain? I know it makes her look tough, but in close-quarters combat I’m just grabbing that and yanking her around.
[Laughs] You know, at a certain point it just gets annoying when you’re fighting dudes all day and you keep losing your wallet, misplacing your license. She’s over it. She’s a very practical, smart girl.

TVLINE | Whats the team’s next move against Adrian Chase? He just whacked the WITSEC guys and is now in the wind….
They’re on it. They’re on it. He’s in the wind, but something tells me that Team Arrow will find a way. They want to get him, and I hope that they do.

TVLINE | There’s been talk that the next episode (airing Wednesday, April 26) could just as well be titled, “Team Arrow vs. Team Felicity.” Talk about that a bit. How does that conflict manifest itself?
Felicity has a lot of really good ideas, and I think that she might want to exercise them — regardless of what the team thinks. Felicity is always helping out, she’s always doing what the team wants and she’s always a team player, but sometimes we have differences in opinion. She’s extremely intelligent, so…

TVLINE | Is this about Team Arrow and Felicity and the Helix kids having different ideas about how to get Adrian?
It does involve all of that, yeah. But it’s more than that. Helix is definitely involved in Felicity’s approach to how she thinks we can best catch Adrian Chase.

TVLINE | In photos, Helix is all uniformed up, Felicity herself has on a fetch cap…. Will there be a physical skirmish, or more a war of minds?
It’s going to be a bit of everything, because we have the whole physical aspect, where we’re obviously going to be fighting, while Helix is more into mental games. It’s going to be interesting. There are a lot of layers to the conflict.

TVLINE | And what can you tell me about the season finale? I heard Marc [Guggenheim] say it doesn’t even take place in Star City.
It does not. And it is epic. It is so much bigger than I thought, than I imagined it would be. It’s just amazing. When I read it, it almost felt like doing a film. It’s really exciting.

TVLINE | Does Dinah get to bust out any new moves? Are there any “firsts” for you as an actress over these last few episodes?
Yeah, there actually are! She’s coming into her own. She’s getting stronger, she’s getting better.

TVLINE | Katie Cassidy Arrow Season 6 Katie Cassidy Sirenof course is due back by season’s end, and will be a regular for Season 6. Safe to say we’re fated for a Black Canary/Black Siren face-off at some point?
I actually don’t know if a face-off is in store, but that would be epic!

TVLINE | Lastly, how do you feel your reception from the fans has been? They can be a pretty particular bunch, and yet I actually feel like they’re OK with you — which often can be the highest praise.
They are, they really are. They’ve been incredibly welcoming and accepting…. I didn’t know what to expect after I found out what this job was, because it was bigger than I realized. The fact that they have been so gracious has been a blessing, because this goes back a long time, this story and these characters. They’ve been wonderful.

http://tvline.com/2017/04/12/arrow-seas ... ry-finale/

- La cacería humana de "Arrow" enfrenta al Team Arrow vs. Felicity: ¡Contestadas preguntas de los fans! (TVLine):
La cacería humana de "Arrow" enfrenta al Team Arrow vs. Felicity: ¡Contestadas preguntas de los fans!
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 26 Abril 2017, 9:20 AM PDT

The CW’s Arrow returns tonight at 8/7c with the first of Season 5’s final five episodes, kicking off with a manhunt that will pit Team Arrow against Felicity and her increasingly sketchy Helix pals.

When last we tuned in, Adrian Chase — having been publicly outed as Prometheus — whacked his WITSEC detail and drove off into the night. This week, as Oliver, A.R.G.U.S. and the cops launch an expansive search for the duplicitous and deadly D.A., Felicity will be tempted to avail herself of Helix’s considerable resources, though what they want in return (“something big, and illegal”) proves a steep price to pay.
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“This is the episode where Felicity really finds out what Helix is up to, and who’s she’s gotten into bed with,” co-showrunner Wendy Mericle tells TVLine. “We’ve dropped a lot of hints throughout the season, and Oliver definitely has seen it coming, but everyone has been powerless to keep her from making these decisions.”

“Bent on revenge” and “still mourning the loss of Detective Malone,” Felicity will be forced to “think long and hard about the decisions that she made — and the moral consequences of those decisions.”

Adrian Chase, meanwhile, is not so much hiding as doing what he has done best, all… season… long. “He is always 10 steps ahead, despite the fact that the team got took a big chunk out of him in the previous episode,” Mericle warns. “He’s really good at this chess game, and like any grand master, he’s got a million contingency plans. He’s going to be making his moves regardless.”

Prior to speaking with Mericle, TVLine invited you via Twitter to email InsideLine@tvline.com with any burning Arrow Qs. Here are some of the ones we got answered:

What’s going to be discussed in Episode 20, “Underneath” (airing May 3)? –Athena
That episode entraps Oliver and Felicity in the Arrowcave, where the latter is “really upset” about what Oliver does this week. “Oliover truly cares about her, and doesn’t want her to go through what he’s gone through [once allying with Bratva],” Mericle notes. “But from where Felicity is sitting, that’s total hypocrisy, and she’s going to call him on that.” As the ex-lovers in turn revisit their Season 4 split, Felicity “is going to come out of this with a new understanding of who Oliver is. Everything that happens with Helix is going to force her to reframe everything that happened at Season 4, especially when she looks back at when she walked away.”

Will Felicity’s paralysis ever be revisited? Her plans for the chip? —Danyelle
“You’ll see bit of that in Episode 20,” Mericle says.

Is Oliver and Felicity’s honest, present-day conversation in Episode 20 going to reflect in their interactions from then on? —Menna
“It has to,” Mericle affirms. “She’s been through something now, and she sees him in a different light — and he also sees her in a different light. There’s a lot more mutual understanding, and even though I think it’s hard to top the mutual respect they already have for each other, that goes up as well.”

So far Prometheus has gone after every team member one way or another, except for Felicity. Are there any Chase/Felicity interactions you can tease? —Cynthy
“You will see that happen,” Mericle says, “towards the end of the year, absolutely.”

Will Helix be around possibly into Season 6? —Stephanie
“It’s a thread we leave dangling,” says Mericle.

I know Vigilante won’t be unmasked this season, but will we see him again this season? —Knight of Ren
“Maybe” is all Mericle would offer.

When Thea finally returns, will we she take the Speedy mantle again? —Jenny
“Not this season, no,” Mericle reports. “But she’ll be in the action, for sure.”

What can you tease about Oliver’s birthday party? —S. Rita
“We’ve never celebrated his birthday, though it was one of those ideas that we always talked about doing,” Mericle explains. “We celebrated Thea’s birthday in a very dark way in the past — she crashes a car and then gets under the influence, all kinds of things — but let’s just put it this way: [Oliver’s birthday party, in Episode 22] is a lull in the storm, and it’s a nice moment with the team.”

http://tvline.com/2017/04/26/arrow-seas ... -spoilers/

- Productora ejecutiva de "Arrow" adelanta el regreso de Deathstroke, la rivalidad de las hermanas al Ghul y más (CBR):
Productora ejecutiva de "Arrow" adelanta el regreso de Deathstroke, la rivalidad de las hermanas al Ghul y más
Por Meagan Damore - 26 Abril 2017

As “Arrow” hurtles towards its Season 5 finale, Oliver Queen and his team are in more trouble than ever. They may have dealt Prometheus a major blow, but he’s still at large. Meanwhile, Felicity is knee-deep with the mysterious hacker group Helix, which has some dubious intentions. Even as Team Arrow deals with these threats on two fronts, the return of Katie Cassidy’s Black Siren looms in the distance, threatening to kick off with an emotional gut punch.

Nevertheless, executive producer Wendy Mericle is looking forward to “Arrow’s” future with a lot of hope. Speaking with CBR, Mericle addressed all of the threats facing Team Arrow. She also explained how Season 1 characters like Deathstroke and Yao Fei will return, delved into Felicity’s relationship with Oliver, teased Malcolm Merlyn and Artemis’ important roles in the Season 5 finale, discussed how the show will fill the gap left by the flashbacks in Season 6 and more.

CBR: First, let’s get the topic that everyone’s talking about out of the way: how did Deathstroke’s big return come about?

Wendy Mericle: Well, he’s a big character on the show! I mean, obviously, Oliver’s had a long history. We always said we were going to be closing out the first five years and ending it with a bang, and ending it with Oliver looking back at his past, and there’s no real way to tell that story without Deathstroke being a part of it.

Deathstroke isn’t the only big Season 1 character to return. How does Yao Fei factor into Season 5?

Yao Fei, on the show, has always operated as Oliver’s conscience. It’s not going to be any different this time. He’s going to be there at a crucial moment for Oliver, where he’s going to make a very big decision about his future. Yao Fei knows him and understands him in the way he knew who he was when he was on the island when he was first moored there and couldn’t get off and was a lost castaway. I would definitely be thinking about, “Who was Oliver when he met Yao Fei?” and Yao Fei is going to be reminding him of that and reminding him of who he’s become at a very crucial point in the flashback story.

What can you tease about the sibling rivalry between the al Ghul sisters?

It’s rooted, as always with siblings, in the parents. The parents always mess it up for the kids! [laughs] And in this case, it definitely goes back to Ra’s al Ghul and how he treated them. We know a lot about his fight with Nyssa and what that was about, but what we don’t know is that he simply had a very similar attitude towards his older daughter as well. When Talia left and Nyssa was stuck basically in a giant castle with Ra’s, it did not sit well with her.

How well is Prometheus going to adapt to his new status quo?

I think he’s going to adapt as well as he’s adapted to everything. Chase is ten steps ahead, as always. I think he anticipated this move. He knew it was going to happen, and he doesn’t have any problem. He’s always one step ahead. He’s playing a game of chess and I think, for the first few episodes of the season, our team was — to some extent — playing checkers. I think the team is smarter than that now. They’re definitely up to speed. They know how to kind of get under his skin, and that outing won’t have no consequences for him, but it’ll be nothing that Chase can’t get past and manipulate to his own advantage.

In the Season 5 sizzle reel released last week, Felicity is right smack dab in the middle of the action. Is that something we can expect to see a lot of in these next few episodes?

Felicity in action is something we all love. The writers love it. We all love to see Emily [Bett Rickards] picking up a weapon and doing something badass. [laughs] I think she wears it really well, and I know the fans love to see it. She’s going to be in the action. We’re heading into the finale. Felicity is always at the center of everything, right along with Oliver. She’s definitely going to be in the middle of the fight, for sure.

Is that indicative of a new direction for this character?

She’s definitely heading towards new directions, especially with what we’re talking about very loosely in the writers’ room with Season 6. She’s going to be taking on some new roles. Whether or not those new roles lend themselves to guns and that sort of fighting, I can’t tell you, but she’s a badass in everything that she does, whether that involves a weapon or not… That’s how we see her, and that’s what we like to see her doing.

We’ve also got an Olicity episode coming up. Will we learn anything new about this relationship that perhaps we didn’t get to see in Season 4?

We’re very excited about this story. We wanted to tell it all year, and we finally found the perfect episode to do it in. We’re going to be telling the story of really what happened between the two of them. We left in them in such an ambiguous place at the end of Season 4 and, when we picked them up in Season 5, they were happen to be working together and not be together. We’re going to tell the story of how that came about, which is fun… We’re going to find out some information about that, and we’re also going to really see their relationship deepen a lot, and not in the romantic way. I mean it in the sense that Felicity is going to be going through something in [episode] 19 with Helix that is going to really allow her to see Oliver’s point of view with some clarity and with personal experience for the first time.

Will Team Arrow as we know it make it through the season finale in one piece?

That is a great question that will not be answered until Season 6.

Word on the street is that the show is moving away from flashbacks. Has there been any talk about how the series will fill this gap?

Here’s the thing. There’s so much story on the show, and it’s really exciting for the writers and for everyone on the creative side to be thinking, “Wow, we really have a lot more real estate to play with.” We always have so much story and we’re always pushing story. It’ll be great to have this extra space to play around in. That said, the flashbacks have worked so well on the show, they’re not going to be gone forever. We’re obviously not going to be going back to Lian Yu and we’re not going to be telling the story of the five years that Oliver was gone, but we might get some glimpses into the backstories of other characters, which would be really fun.

It has been quite some time since we’ve seen Malcolm Merlyn in “Arrow’s” present day, but we got a quick glimpse of him in that sizzle reel. Just how important will he be in the next few episodes?

He’s going to be a huge factor leading up to the finale. This season is all about legacy, and when Malcolm comes into the story, it’s really rooted as much by necessity from Oliver’s point of view as it is about what Malcolm means to him and what Malcolm means to Thea. It’s a great story, because it’s going to have a lot of action but it’s also going to have this kind of emotional undercurrent that is going to lead to a really big, huge series moment for him. I think it’s a great story to tell, and it’s great stuff for John [Barrowman] to play.

Speaking of legacy, can you tease your favorite thing about Black Siren’s return?

What I love the most about Black Siren is seeing Katie Cassidy play a badass. [laughs] I mean, she was a badass before as Black Canary, but playing this other role with this darkness to it… it’s just a very interesting color for her to play, as she did Laurel, which she did an amazing job. She brings so much to this role, and it’s really seeing Katie really nail the ins and outs of this character. I think the other interesting thing about it and my favorite part is the impact that it has emotionally on the people who knew Laurel before she was unfortunately killed in Season 4. What does it mean to see this person who looks exactly like this person you loved and have them come back and be evil? It raises all kinds of questions for the people who knew her best, and that part is just absolutely rich character territory that we can play with and we’re really excited about doing that going forward.

Would you say that, by the end of this season, Oliver will complete his emotional journey of finding himself and be at one with himself?

You know, I don’t know that anyone who has two identities is ever going to be fully a cohesive person, as this season explored. What I do think he is going to end with is this sense of peace about the last five years and what he put himself through. He’s going to go into Season 6 with this degree of experience and this level of wisdom that we’ve never seen him own before. I think he’s always had it, but he’s now at this place where he’s done enough good both as the mayor and as Green Arrow that he can speak from this place of confidence. He’s a little bit older, a little more mileage and a lot more experience. That’s a new role for him to play. That’s something we’re very excited to see him grow into.

Is there any redemption for Artemis in the eyes of Team Arrow?

I think it’s still a question mark. Honestly, I think the jury’s still out on her. Even in the finale, where she does play a pretty significant role, I think that the team is reluctant to give up on her. No matter how dark she goes, she was that innocent person that Oliver met in [Season] 4 [episode] 19 that has been through so much. I think it’s partly what Madison [McLaughlin] brings to the role that makes it hard to give up on her.

http://www.cbr.com/arrow-wendy-mericle- ... -5-finale/?

- El Team Arrow estará ‘Reluctante a darse por vencidos’ con Artemis, dice la productora ejecutiva (CBR):
El Team Arrow estará ‘Reluctante a darse por vencidos’ con Artemis, dice la productora ejecutiva
Por Meagan Damore - 26 Abril 2017

Towards the middle of “Arrow” Season 5, Artemis made a decision that seemed to firmly align her with the bad guys when she teamed up with Prometheus. She reinforced that in the episode “Kapiushon,” where she played a part in Chase’s torture of Oliver. However, according to executive producer Wendy Mericle, Team Arrow isn’t ready to give up on her just yet.

Asked if there was any redemption for Artemis, Mericle told CBR, “I think it’s still a question mark. Honestly, I think the jury’s still out on her. Even in the finale, where she does play a pretty significant role, I think that the team is reluctant to give up on her.”

“No matter how dark she goes, she was that innocent person that Oliver met in [Season] 4 [episode] 19 that has been through so much. I think it’s partly what Madison [McLaughlin] brings to the role that makes it hard to give up on her,” she added.

Two of Oliver’s other New Recruits, Wild Dog and the new Black Canary, have both been upped to series regulars for Season 6. However, Artemis’ future on the show isn’t as clear cut; there hasn’t been any news about a role for Evelyn Sharp for next season, so — like her alignment — it’s unclear what her future in the “Arrow”-verse will be.

McLaughlin debuted as Sharp in the Season 4 episode “Canary Cry,” where she impersonated Black Canary shortly after Laurel’s death; in the episode, she hoped to exact revenge on Damien and Ruve Darhk for her parents’ deaths. However, in Season 5, she appeared in multiple episodes as Oliver’s new recruit Artemis, starting with the second episode of the season.

In the comics, Artemis — the daughter of Tigress and Sportsmaster — was an active member of the Injustice Society. However, the animated series “Young Justice” turned her around, and she became Green Arrow’s apprentice following Roy Harper’s exit. As such, “Arrow” could be sticking closer to Artemis’ comic book origin, where she toyed with the idea of being evil before she ultimately deciding to fight on the side of good.

Starring Stephen Amell as the Emerald Archer, “Arrow” airs Wednesdays at 8 pm ET/PT on The CW. The series also stars Emily Bett Rickards, David Ramsey, John Barrowman, Willa Holland and more.


- La historia de Wild Dog no se ha terminado aún -- y eso pueden ser malas noticias para su hija (comicbook):
La historia de Wild Dog no se ha terminado aún -- y eso pueden ser malas noticias para su hija
Por Russ Burlingame - 26/04/2017

During an interview with ComicBook.com earlier this week, Arrow executive producer Wendy Mericle revealed that Rene Ramirez -- the costumed crimefighter known as Wild Dog -- would be getting some more character development as the series winds down, even as things start to get crazier and more hectic for the team.

That's no surprise to fans who just finished watching "Dangerous Liaisons," an episode in which Rene was reunited with his daughter for the first time since he lost custody of her in flashbacks detailed earlier this season. What's arguably more surprising is that Mericle made it sound like that same daughter is very much someone who could be on Prometheus's radar for the rest of the season.

“We are going to get a little bit more under his story, especially with respect to what we set up in 513 where we see his daughter, but it’s going to be in the context of much bigger things happening,” Mericle said.“Our objective was to keep deepening that story. It serves to raise the stakes a lot in terms of what’s happening with Chase and Oliver and the team, and it’s a great platform for us to go into season 6 with.”

When we pressed her regarding whether Rene's daughter, Oliver's son, or other rarely-seen characters might end up chained in a box car or held hostage on Lian Yu, Mericle wouldn't clarify -- but whatever producers have planned certainly sounds menacing.

“I think Chase is going to pull out every stop he has,” Mericle said. “I’m not going to commit one way or another to who he’s targeting, but I will tell you that it will be very much in keeping with what he’s done with Oliver so far, and he’s going to hit him where it hurts the most.”

With the episode's final moments setting up a better relationship for Rene and his daughter, followed immediately by a power play by Prometheus, who is now back in Star City, that might be a bad sign.

Arrow airs Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW. The series returned from a mini-hiatus this week to burn through the final episodes of the season, which ends in late May.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/04/27/arro ... bad-news-/

- Wendy Mericle sobre el acto de equilibrio de Olicity (comicbook):
Wendy Mericle sobre el acto de equilibrio de Olicity
Por Russ Burlingame - 26/04/2017

Last season, Arrow viewers critical of Oliver's relationship with Felicity Smoak constantly complained that the romantic elements of their character story had taken over the show. This season, fans of "Olicity" are mad that they've had next to nothing explaining the nature and reasons behind their breakup between seasons -- and showrunner Wendy Mericle has heard all of it, and knows how difficult it is to balance the differen story elements that she says make the show what it is.
(Photo: The CW/Warner Bros. TV)

Tonight on Arrow, Oliver and Felicity did something they haven't done a lot so far this season: they addressed the elephant in the room that is their breakup, and showed at least a little spark of chemistry between them.

“It is a challenge. That’s what makes the show what it is,” Mericle said of the balancing act she and the other writers have to attempt every week. “Everything we’ve heard in the press is that the people who love it this season were the ones who didn’t like it that much last year. It does make you aware that you really can’t please all of the people all of the time, so what I try to focus on is what’s right for the characters, what are the best stories to tell, and when is it right to bring in these other elements?”

Tonight's episode was billed as "Team Arrow vs. Team Felicity," with Helix attempting to free an ARGUS prisoner that Oliver and company were trying to protect. Ultimately, Felicity "won," but not in a way that brought anyone much satisfaction. Helix left her behind, citing her relationship to Team Arrow as a liability, which meant that she helped free a potentially dangerous black hat hacker in exchange for the information that Prometheus was -- RIGHT BEHIND HER, something she likely would have figured out a minute later anyway.

It was the first time in a while that Team Arrow had to go into a dangerous mission without Overwatch support, and ultimately it all collapsed when Felicity put herself between Oliver's gun and the bad guys. For his part, Oliver not only failed to protect the asset, but came up empty when he tried to talk Felicity out of helping Helix by appealing to her on a personal level -- something that will likely come up in next week's Olicity-heavy episode, "Underneath."

For Mericle, the challenge of deciding how much Olicity versus how much Team Arrow action to include every week enriches the show, but it's not unique to Arrow.

“I think that it’s true of any series that you’re constantly balancing the action stuff with the character stuff, unless you’re on a true character series, which there are honestly very few of these days,” Mericle said. “I think that the bigger thing is always telling the right story for where the characters are going, and we do try to allow the natural progression of where Oliver would be and where Felicity would be emotionally and psychologically at this point in the series and season,a nd let that dictate it more than anything. I think that’s part of what makes the show successful is having all of these various angles. It’s a crime series, it’s a superhero series, it’s got all this action and it has this character component as well. It’s what the show is, and it’s very much in the DNA of it.”

Arrow airs Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW. The series returned from a mini-hiatus this week to burn through the final episodes of the season, which ends in late May.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/04/27/arro ... ncing-act/

- Wendy Mericle dice que Oliver está forjando un nuevo legado en la Season 6 (comicbook):
Wendy Mericle dice que Oliver está forjando un nuevo legado en la Season 6
Por Russ Burlingame - 26/04/2017

Arrow executive producer Wendy Mericle may have told ComicBook.com that the cliffhanger at the end of season 5 won't be totally resolved this season, but the plans for season 6 are for Oliver to put all of that behind him and start something new and hopeful.

The series just wrapped production on season 5, but Mericle, Marc Guggenheim, and the rest of the show's writers and producers are already breaking story for next season.

“Oliver is moving toward forging a new legacy,” Mericle said. “He’s put this past and this burden from his family to rest and he’s moving forward to redefine that in season 6. It’s all new, and he’s got this wealth of experience and knowledge to draw from now, and a team to work with.”

While the final few episodes promise danger, violence, and a small army of cameo appearances, there are some characters -- including Wild Dog and Black Canary, who recently signed on as series regulars for next season, as well as Thea, who has been designated safe by Guggenheim -- who will definitely still be back...and without Oliver's ongoing flashback narrative, Mericle says audiences might get to know more about those characters than they otherwise might have.

“Moving into season 6, we’re not calling it a reboot because the show’s still called Arrow and it’s still about Oliver and his team, so that part’s not changing, but we aren’t going to have the flashbacks,” Mericle explained, saying that eliminating the storytelling device opens up a lot of flexibility in the show's format, while still allowing them to flash back -- to Oliver's adventures or anyone's -- when the story needs it. “It gives us a lot more real estate, a lot more space to hopefully bring in some cool villains and tell some cool character stories — and we have some new characters on the show whose backstories we really haven’t had an opportunity to experience. WE saw a little bit of Wild Dog’s, we haven’t seen that much of Dinah’s. If we bring in anybody new or we’d love to have Ragman back at some point as well, we can use the flashback device to tell other people’s kind of islands, if you will. And that part is very exciting.”

Arrow airs Wednesday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/04/27/arro ... y-in-seas/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Malcolm Merlyn será un gran factor en la Finale de la Season 5:
Malcolm Merlyn está a punto de hacer su gran regreso en la S5 de "Arrow" y, en una entrevista con CBR, la productora ejecutiva Wendy Mericle reveló que Merlyn jugará un papel crucial en los episodios que llevan a la finale de la Season 5:
“Él va a ser un enorme factor llevando hacia la finale. Esta temporada va toda sobre el legado, y cuando Malcolm entra en la historia, está realmente arraigado tanto por necesidad desde el punto de vista de Oliver como sobre lo que Malcolm significa para él y lo que Malcolm significa para Thea. Es una gran historia, porque va a tener mucha acción pero también va a tener ese tipo de transfondo emocional que va a llevar a una serie de momentos realmente grande para él. Pienso que es una gran historia para contar, y es un gran material para John [Barrowman] por interpretar.”

¿Pero será un aliado o un enemigo para Oliver? Pues podría ser culquiera de las dos cosas, según desvela TVLine en su sección de spoilers:
“La última ves que Oliver y Malcolm se vieron, Malcolm les ayudó al final de la Season 4 — pero él también fue tras el hijo de Oliver a mitad de la Season 4,” recuerda Wendy Mericle. “Así es que siempre con Malcolm, nunca sabes en dónde estás. Siempre estás un poco fuera de equilibrio incluso si piensas que está de tu lado.”

http://www.cbr.com/arrow-wendy-mericle- ... -5-finale/
http://tvline.com/2017/04/26/the-walkin ... lon-abbud/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | 5.20 "Underneath" Promo:

- ARROW | 5.20 "Underneath" Extended Promo:

- ARROW | 5.20 "Underneath" Inside the episode:

- ARROW | 5.20 "Underneath" Clip #1:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 5.20 "Underneath":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 5.22 “Missing”:
5.22 “Missing” (17/05/17): BLACK SIREN REGRESA — Black Siren (la estrella invitada Katie Cassidy) regresa para ayudar a Chase (Josh Segarra). Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) organiza una fiesta de cumpleaños para Oliver (Stephen Amell) mientras que Lance (Paul Blackthorne) está furiosos después de que Rene (Rick Gonzalez) pierda la vista para la custodia de su hija. Mairzee Almas dirige el episodio escrito por Speed Weed & Oscar Balderrama (#522).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-spoil ... scription/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Harkavy habla sobre su futuro en "Arrow" como Black Canary u otra cosa (CBR):
Harkavy habla sobre su futuro en "Arrow" como Black Canary u otra cosa
Por Scott Huver - 03 Mayo 2017

Thus far, the women who’ve donned the mantle of Black Canary on “Arrow” have experienced the life expectancy of their namesake bird in a coal mine. Series Newcomer Juliana Harkavy, however, is hoping her take on Dinah Drake will nevertheless be suiting up soon – as Black Canary or otherwise.

As “Arrow” returns to The CW for the final six episodes of its fifth season, the actress joined CBR for a look inside her tour of duty on Team Arrow. We discusses her dedication to learning everything she can about one of comics’ original superheroines, and her budding interest in graphic storytelling – not to mention her experiences on a pair of other comic book-based TV series

CBR: Whether Dinah ends up becoming the new Black Canary or assumes another identity on Team Arrow, are you looking forward to that first time you get to slip on a superhero costume?

Juliana Harkavy: Oh, yeah! I get so jealous because they all look so cool in their costumes. They just look so awesome. They look like real superheroes. I would love to have one on. I think it would be so much fun.

Once you got the sense of where she was going, and that she may end up as Black Canary, did you do some digging and do some research as to that character from the comics to see what you might be able to take a little inspiration from?

I did. I did a little digging. I want to really go back and read all of the comics and be really well-versed. But what I found was really fun, just little anecdotes, little tidbits that I think about and that help me with her character – like, in the comics, Black Canary was in a band. I’m a musical person in my life, and I think that’s an awesome connection that she has. I use that, and little things like that. Little elements from the original.

She’s got a long history. I discovered her in the ’70s, and just always thought she was an interesting character, always had kind of a fondness for her. It’s nice to see that eventually she became this very mainstream, pop-culture-recognized character after being around since, really, the 1940s.

That’s so cool to hear that. I have not actually spoken to many people that were aware of her back then. Years and years ago, the original. That’s cool — the really retro Black Canary pictures are amazing. The art itself is just so fun.

At this stage of the game in Hollywood, every actor looking for a fun, high-profile role has got to be somewhat conversant in the world of comic books and graphic novels. You’ve certainly had that experience more than once. Did you have a familiarity at any point prior to the necessity of knowing these things to get work? Or are you discovering that art form?

That’s a cool question. I’m really discovering it, I am. I’ve been a fan of comics, but I’ve never been like a diehard like, I’ve never really owned a bunch of comics or anything. But I’ve always been drawn to them, and read them.

There’s something about them that I love. It’s such a simple and effective way of communicating so much in a comic. You don’t have many words, but they really say a lot. That’s a fascinating concept to translate on to screen. I’m really drawn to it. I don’t know. There’s something about the comic book genre that I think is so cool, and artsy, and unique. It’s not like anything else.

Yeah, I think maybe that is why I keep sort of falling into it. There’s just something there I’m really drawn to. Also, the history is cool. You really have a following and a history in these characters, so you can bring them to life, and then go back and look at these really old pictures of the character. It’s just so cool.

Tell me about that first experience with this kind of property, “The Walking Dead.” That’s another fast moving train that you jumped on.

Yeah, seriously! It’s true. It was amazing. “The Walking Dead” was so much fun. It was like the perfect introduction, because it was just a couple episodes. I got to get my feet wet and play, but then sort of come back out again. Yeah, “Walking Dead” was fantastic. It was so exciting. It was the biggest thing in the world at the time – it still is. I just couldn’t believe that I was on it, actually.

Was there a big takeaway from that experience, or a favorite memory from the episodes you were on?

I’ll never forget being at lunch, and just sitting and looking beside me, and there’s a zombie drinking like a Dr. Pepper and eating a sandwich. It shook me. I think the makeup and the effects that I saw on “The Walking Dead,” I’d never seen anything like that in my life. Those guys are just geniuses. It’s incredible to work, it just looks so real, it makes it so much easier because it all looks so real.

I remember getting a little lightheaded on one of my days on set because something looked so real, that I was literally, it had an effect on me, as if it were real blood, or guts, or whatever it was. For me, I’d never done anything like that before. That was so just gory, and real, and graphic. It was really eye-opening, and incredible, and fun.

You also did an episode of “Constantine.” Was there a special memory from that experience? That’s a show that, even though it didn’t last very long, the audience that watched it absolutely loved it.

“Constantine” was just really fun, and I loved it, and I loved the energy. It had a similar energy to “Arrow,” in a way. It was just a very cool, stylistic shoot, and I just really enjoyed it. I was able to get lost in it. The whole shoot was great. That was a quick shoot on “Constantine.” I got to make some friends, and just sort of get deeper into the comic genre. So that was a really nice shoot.

With such a dedicated fandom following these shows, I even before you were on screen probably, the minute you booked “The Walking Dead” and it went public, I imagine you got a bunch of new Twitter followers and a group of instant fans just because of that connection. I’m sure the same thing happened when you came onto “Arrow.”

Yeah, with the “Walking Dead,” it was the first time that I had a group of people sort of start to follow me right away and quickly. Yeah, it was good practice for “Arrow,” because it was a similar thing. But everybody has just been really supportive and kind. So it’s been nothing but positive, the social aspect, the social media aspect.

What’s been fun about when you’ve had a chance – either on social media, when people have recognized you, or you’ve been at an event – to interact with the fans? What’s the fun thing to hear from them, the things they want to know, or the things they want to talk to you about?

Just like what you just said: that you’ve been reading Black Canary comics since the ’70s. Things like that make me feel like I’m part of something really special, and that I really owe it to the legacy of this character to do her justice. I haven’t seen it yet.

Stephen always tells me — he’s like, “The moment that you first see that little girl dressed up in your costume, you’re going to realize what it’s all about.” I can’t wait for that moment. I just get excited when people like the show and when people have a connection with the characters. It excites me, and it makes me want to do a better job.

Are you looking forward to getting an opportunity to interact with some of the heroes on the other DC/CW shows?

Very much so, yeah. Like the crossover episodes, I’m so excited about. Now that they’re doing musical crossovers, I’m more excited. I want to be part of all of it. I started watching “Flash” and “Supergirl.” I love them both. It would be awesome to be able to work with those guys.

http://www.cbr.com/interview-juliana-ha ... ck-canary/?

- Echo Kellum adelanta la última oportunidad del Team Arrow contra Prometheus (CBR):
Echo Kellum adelanta la última oportunidad del Team Arrow contra Prometheus
Por Bryan Cairns - 03 Mayo 2017

In the Arrowverse, Curtis Holt started out as an employee at Palmer Technologies before adopting the codename Mr. Terrific and becoming a full-fledged member of Team Arrow. But despite all the bad guys Curtis has encountered, not to mention all the crazy things he’s witnessed, nothing could have prepared him for Prometheus.

The villain with a vendetta against Oliver Queen, aka Green Arrow, has remained one step ahead of Team Arrow all season long. He’s manipulated them like puppets, planted a mole within their group and enlisted Talia al Ghul – Oliver’s former teacher – to aid in his revenge. In a desperate attempt to give them an edge – or at least level the playing field – Oliver must do the unthinkable and turn to some of his deadliest foes for help.

Echo Kellum, who brings Curtis to life every week on “Arrow,” recently spoke with CBR about his character’s evolution into Mr. Terrific, wielding the hero’s iconic T-Spheres, Evelyn’s betrayal and shaking up the team’s status quo.

CBR: Curtis was a little green at the beginning of the season. How far has he come since Oliver’s early training sessions?

Echo Kellum: He’s starting to get comfortable in his own skin. He’s starting to bring in some of his tech skills into the field with him. That’s helped him to become more confident out there, like he’s an actual asset to the team.

Part of Mr. Terrific’s impressive arsenal are his T-Spheres. How excited were you when the show finally introduced them?

Oh, I was pumped. He’s so synonymous with those things. I was geeking out. I wanted to play with them the whole time. I got to bring one home and familiarize myself with it. They are very cool. The door is wide open on the abilities they will be able to have and acquire. You’ll see over the next couple of episodes, they are a work in progress. Curtis is constantly tinkering with them to get them better. You’ll see a new use come up with them soon. I’m excited about the possibilities of what the T-Spheres can do.

Curtis displays a lot of heart and optimism. How important are those qualities for this team?

I definitely think you need to have someone be the optimist. Sometimes the way Curtis does it is very foot-in-the-mouth. With a lot of darkness, you need to have some light there. Curtis really brings that light into the forefront.

Mr. Terrific often partners up with Wild Dog and the new Black Canary. What have you enjoyed about exploring those dynamics?

I love working with Rick [Gonzalez] and Juliana [Harkavy]. They are both such great people. Curtis is just an opposite to Wild Dog. They are like an odd couple. It adds a lot of silly moments and a lot of interesting dialogue. It really allowed them all to bond as the newbies to the group and that resonated on the screen.

How much will they touch on Curtis’ strained marriage?

The last few episodes are really all hands-on-deck with Prometheus. It’s getting to a place where it’s do-or-die. We’re paying more attention to that at the end of the season. In Season 6, you’ll definitely see more of Curtis’ personal life and some of the shenanigans he gets into outside of the team.

Tonight’s episode finds Oliver and Felicity trapped in the Arrow Cave. How essential are Curtis and Wild Dog to the rescue?

They are very essential. As we said, it’s all-hands-on-deck to get them out of there. You’ll really see the whole team come to the forefront. There’s Curtis and Renee doing their bit in that, too.

The teaser trailer shows Curtis and Wild Dog descending an elevator shaft. Is that you doing the whole “Mission Impossible” bungee cord stunt?

Yeah, we were in those harnesses coming down, but our crew is so professional and they take such good care of us, so we always feel safe. But, yeah, they had us on those cords. The action has been a ton of fun, just to push yourself to the limits. Even when it’s an action sequence that we shoot, or taking care of the gym regimen outside of it, it’s really been something that’s pushed me to a whole other level. I jumped into it guns blazing because it’s awesome to give all of that to these action sequences and stunts. For me, personally, it wasn’t in my wheelhouse, but I’m thankful of the stuff I get to do now. The adrenaline gets pumping because you are actually getting into it.

Oliver recruits former foe Slade Wilson to take down Prometheus. What does Curtis think of that development?

Curtis was obviously there when Slade Wilson threatened to destroy the city. I don’t think he has as personal a connection as Thea or Felicity might have because they were first-hand witnesses to the horrible atrocities that Slade put them through. Curtis has some trust issues because he knows who this person is and what he has done. I think it’s more of a “trust Oliver, wait-and-see approach.”

What can viewers expect from a Curtis and Evelyn reunion?

Her betrayal stings. Evelyn was someone they were very close with. They started on this journey with her, especially with new team 2.0. They all take it personally. Curtis and Evelyn have some unfinished business to attend to.

Arrow’s season finales always contain some monumental cliffhangers. What else can you tease? Will there be any shake-ups to the team’s status quo?

Honestly, we have no clue. The writers haven’t kept us in the loop. There will be some changes in the status quo, but we are as much in the dark as you are. But, the final episodes were a blast to shoot. I really can’t wait for fans to see how we pay it off this season. Fans better buckle up because it’s going to be awesome.

What other aspects of Mr. Terrific would you like the writers to tackle?

I’d really like them to delve more into the physical aspects of the character, and hopefully apply the ability to learn everything really quickly, and for him to start getting out in the field even more. Also, I’d like to see how he relaxes and what his life is outside of Arrow and solving the city’s issues.


- Jefe de "Arrow" adelanta la explosiva pelea final (EW):
Jefe de "Arrow" adelanta la explosiva pelea final
Por Natalie Abrams - 09 Mayo 2017

Arrow is heading for the end — metaphorically speaking, of course.

While The CW super series has already been renewed for a sixth season, the upcoming fifth season finale will close a big chapter in the story of Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell).

After five years as the Emerald Archer, Oliver’s alter ego has become public enemy No. 1, making it all but impossible for the vigilante to help save his city. That’s okay, because the season finale will bring Oliver back to the island he once called home as Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra) sets the stage for ultimate showdown between hero and villain — one that dovetails with the five-year flashback story that will finally reach its climax this season, thus starting a new chapter and maybe even a new legacy for Oliver Queen. EW turned to executive producer Wendy Mericle to get the scoop on the final episodes of the season.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What can you tease about the finale?
WENDY MERICLE: I would say that it’s very much in the same vein as what we’ve been doing so far this season. The ending is going to be very personal to Oliver. It is going to be the showdown between him and Adrian Chase that we’ve all been waiting for. We’re very excited about it because I think Josh and Stephen have just brought this amazing, cool dynamic to those two roles. Not surprisingly, Adrian is going to continue to be several steps ahead of Oliver, but I think Oliver has got his number. So the finale will be full of some pretty big surprises. I think Oliver’s finally going to find a way to do what he’s been trying to do all season and put the past behind him.

Obviously, there’s going to be a very physical showdown between Oliver and Prometheus, but can you talk about the emotional showdown?
It’s been such a fun thing to play, such an interesting dynamic to play, especially with respect to Oliver Queen, who is very physical and is a guy who can definitely throw a punch. There will absolutely be fisticuffs. In surprising ways, a lot of the battle will be done in ways that we’ve never done on the show before, which we’re very excited about. But emotionally, Chase has been trying to prove to the world and to Oliver that he is not a hero, he’s a killer. He’s going to pull out one final, big whammo at the end that is going to really leave Oliver reeling and raise a lot of questions. I think Oliver is going to come down on the right side of that question, but not without a lot of risk and a lot of potential heartache.

Will there be death in the finale?
We might lose some people.

How will wrapping up the flashback story dovetail into the present-day storytelling?
We are very excited about that part. We’ve managed to hopefully stick the landing on it in a cool way that allows us to see both some of the moments right before we first met Oliver in the pilot, where he launched that flaming arrow and it lit up the signal fire, and also maybe just a little bit after as well, some of the more emotional moments that we never got to see in the pilot. While that’s happening, we have the opportunity to see the island in the flashback, and we might see a little bit of it in present-day as well.

There are a number of familiar faces returning. What can you tease?
The impetus behind bringing all these people back is this is the end of the first five seasons, the end of this chapter of Oliver’s story, and it’s just fun to have everyone come back. What I can tell you about in terms of motive and story is Chase has been Oliver’s most formidable enemy so far, and he’s going to need some people help him take Chase down.

Prometheus has done everything he can to destroy Oliver’s life, making the Green Arrow public enemy No. 1. Can Oliver come back from this?
That’s one of the things we wanted to do was bring him to his lowest point this year. He’s going to have to, in some ways, let go of all of this, and let go of the past. Really the answer to that question will be in the premiere of season 6, which is how is he going to start rebuilding and what is his new legacy going to look like? He’s going to have to start rebuilding, because Chase has left pretty much everything in tatters.

What can you say for the rest of Team Arrow’s role in the finale?
Well, it’s definitely going to be an all-hands-on-deck situation. Everyone is going to have to do something to help put Chase to bed finally. Everyone’s going to have a huge emotional stake in it, everyone is going to have a very big role to play. Specifically, in respect to our original Team Green Arrow, both Felicity and Dig will play crucial pieces, as well as Slade Wilson — those are the three that are going to have a lot to do with how to get in and out of this situation and how we finally put Chase where he belongs.

You’ve mentioned before that the finale will be about Oliver’s family, but not in the way we’re thinking, and you’ve also said the finale would be explosive. Can you expand on that?
Not without giving away too much. I would stand by both of those things, and I would definitely say that I can expand on the family part in a sense that it’s going to speak to legacy. There’s no way to talk about the end of these five chapters without evoking the Queen family in some way, shape, or form, and really there’s no way in the flashback to sync up with the pilot, which is what we’re going to be doing, without evoking them as well. In that respect, I can tell you a little bit that’s where that comment came from. As for the second one, it’s going to be a big kaboom. That’s as far as I’ll go with that one.

How does the finale set up next season?
We’re going to go out on a big cliffhanger, so that part is definitely going to be helping us galvanize the premiere. Because we’re closing such a big chapter, I think there are going to be some really new and exciting questions. What we’re really trying to do is set up a new dynamic in season 6. That will speak in so many different ways — on the ground level, we’re going to be rethinking how we tell stories because the flashbacks aren’t going to be what they were. We don’t have to service that backstory in the same way that we had to, so the way the show is written and broken is malleable at this point. By the same token, where all the characters are is an opportunity to redefine and for everybody to look back, reflect, and then start to look forward about where they want to go and where do they have the most impact in our lives? How are they going to be the best heroes they can be?

What do you think will be the biggest questions for fans coming out of the finale?
I don’t think I can safely answer that question without giving away the cliffhanger. [Laughs.]

Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW. The finale will air May 24.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/05/09/arrow-seaso ... poilers-2/

- Wendy Mericle explica por qué Prometheus continúa poniéndose tan personal (comicbook):
Wendy Mericle explica por qué Prometheus continúa poniéndose tan personal
Por Russ Burlingame - 10/05/2017

Tonight on Arrow, things got pretty intensely personal as Oliver had to struggle with the possibility that his father, Robert Queen, had actually murdered someone before his death ten years ago.

The episode took Oliver and his sister Thea down an emotional rabbit hole, and they only managed to pull out of it by reciprocating that pain to Prometheus himself...but catching the bad guy only seems to have accelerated his master plan, as the trailer for next week's episode indicates that he had a fail safe in place for if he was caught or killed.

So what's his deal? During an interview last week, Arrow showrunner Wendy Mericle explained why they felt it was time for a villain who challenged Oliver on a personal, human level for the first time since Deathstroke in season 2.

“It’s very personal this year, and we wanted to do that for a number of reasons,” Mericle said. “We’ve done the city in jeopardy a lot, but it’s mostly because that’s the kind of villain that Prometheus is. He understands Oliver. He’s his equal; he’s his dark mirror. He’s the guy who can get inside his head, know exactly what buttons to push and what’s going to hurt the most. The inevitability of him going after Oliver’s loved ones was baked in the DNA of the character. WE’ve done a different villain this year. It’s not that it’s easy, but using violence — which Chase and Oliver still do throughout the season — is sort of the go-to. What’s been interesting to see this year is to see that but the underpinnings of it being so psychological and so manipulative and so built on the underpinnings of what Chase knows about Oliver and who he is. This was the perfect storm — a great way to change up the villain and to get inside of Oliver’s head in a season that we needed to. We needed him to be reflective and talking and looking back at his past, and Chase was the perfect spark to light that fire.”

We'll see the fire ramping up in next week's penultimate episode, "Missing," the title of which now appears to refer to Wild Dog, who went missing during tonight's episode.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/05/11/arro ... ert-queen/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | 5.21 "Honor Thy Fathers" Promo:

- ARROW | 5.21 "Honor Thy Fathers" Extended Promo:

- ARROW | 5.21 "Honor Thy Fathers" Inside the episode:

- ARROW | 5.21 "Honor Thy Fathers" Clip #1:

- ARROW | 5.21 "Honor Thy Fathers" Clip #2:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 5.21 "Honor Thy Fathers":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 5.23 “Lian Yu” (season finale):
5.23 “Lian Yu” (24/05/17): DEATHSTROKE, NYSSA AL GHUL, MERLYN Y DIGGER HARKNESS SE UNEN A LA BATALLA DE OLVER CONTRA PROMETHEUS — La batalla entre Oliver (Stephen Amell) y Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra) culmina en una épica batalla final en Lian Yu. Tras los recientes acontecimientos, Oliver decide reclutar a un grupo de improbables aliados — Slade (la estrella invitada Manu Bennett), Nyssa (la estrella invitada Katrina Law), Merlyn (John Barrowman) y Digger Harkness (la estrella invitada Nick E. Tarabay) — para derrotar a Chase. Sin embargo, Chase tiene a su propio ejército – Black Siren (la estrella invitada Katie Cassidy), Evelyn Sharp (la estrella invitada Madison McLaughlin) y Talia al Ghul (la estrella invitadaLexa Doig) — y las fuerzas chocan en una explosiva season finale. Jesse Warn dirige el episodio escrito por Wendy Mericle & Marc Guggenheim (AR523).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-seaso ... n-lian-yu/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
