"SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Poster promocional del 2.19 "Alex":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | 2.19 "Alex" Promo:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.19 "Alex" Extended Promo:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.19 "Alex" Inside the episode:
https://twitter.com/TheCWSupergirl/stat ... 7110950913

- SUPERGIRL | 2.19 "Alex" Clip #1:


- SUPERGIRL | 2.19 "Alex" Clip #2:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Desvelados detalles de la final de la S2 de "Supergirl":
TVLine ha desvelado detalles sobre las finales de la presente temporada de varias series, entre ellas la de la final de la S2 de "Supergirl":
SEASON FINALE (22 MAYO): Además de conocer al infame General Zod, los espeactadores deberían mantener los ojos abiertos para el regreso de algunos favoritos a medida que la temporada llega a su clímax. “Con el regreso de Supermán y Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart reaperece por primera vez el 15 de Mayo), estamos preparados para nuestro mayor y más emocionante episodio de la temporada,” dice el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg. “Grandes peleas, grandes estrellas invitadas, gran emoción — va a ser increíble.”

http://tvline.com/gallery/may-sweeps-sp ... e-flash-2/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.21 "Resist":
2.21 "Resist" (15/05/17): CAT GRANT REGRESA – Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) lucha con si obedecer o no las órdenes de la Presidenta (la estrella invitada Lynda Carter) relativas a las últimas acciones de Rhea (la estrella invitada Teri Hatcher). Mientras tanto, Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) regresa a National City. Millicent Shelton dirige el episodio escrito por Jessica Queller & Derek Simon (#221).

http://www.kryptonsite.com/supergirl-re ... t-returns/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Supergirl: Mientras que Alex lucha por su vida, Kara y Maggie se unen para el rescate (TVLine):
Supergirl: Mientras que Alex lucha por su vida, Kara y Maggie se unen para el rescate
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 28 Abril 2017, 10:48 AM PDT

Two wildly different scenes were unfolding during TVLine’s recent visit to the set of The CW’s Supergirl.

Upon our arrival, you heard orders being barked throughout the DEO, as frantic agents swung into crisis mode. A half-hour later, the scene at hand was much quieter, the words being spoken much… warmer. The calm after a perilous storm?

In the episode being filmed — airing this Monday at 8/7c — one of the DEO’s human heroes is blindsided by a blast from the past, setting the stage for a well-meaning but at-times tense team-up.

“This episode is called ‘Alex,’ and there’s a guy who comes back from Alex and Kara’s past,” Chyler Leigh shared with TVLine in between scenes. “In the [Supergirl] pilot, you saw a young Kara miraculously save a girl from car. Well, this one guy saw her do it, and knowing that she had these powers, he figured out that Kara is Supergirl.”

Seeing an opportunity, this man puts in motion a “big, elaborate setup” that targets Alex and compels Supergirl to spring a dangerous individual from prison. When Alex goes missing during this ordeal, it will take the combined efforts of two of the people closest to her to hopefully save the day.

“Maggie and Kara have to team up to try to figure out what’s happened to me, and that sets up a lot of interesting conversations between the two ladies,” Leigh previews. “It’s almost like a peeing contest, you know what I mean? Like, ‘Who can do this better? Who knows Alex better?’ And it comes to a head at one point.”

As Melissa Benoist puts it, “[Kara and Maggie] are both women who are very strong and opinionated and stubborn, and they very much have their own way of figuring out a problem.” So as they join forces, “They don’t necessarily agree on how to deal with the fact that the person that’s the most important to both of them is missing and in danger.”

Representing Alex’s first-time love and longtime sister, Maggie and Kara “both have such strong feelings for Alex,” affirms Floriana Lima, who plays the NCPD detective. “And yeah, they’re both strong, opinionated women who really are passionate about their work, so they’re going to butt heads a bit — but not in any aggressive, bad way.”

Instead, Lima says the conflict is more along the lines of, “‘I want to go this way,’ and Kara, Supergirl, wants to go another route. And we’re both telling each other, like, ‘No, that’s not the safest plan.’ We both think we know Alex more than the other.”

That said, this bit of “quality time” together does allow for some bonding between Kara and Maggie, who ever since the latter started dating the former’s sister — and amid all the drama that’s been going on in National City! — haven’t had much of a chance to really know each other.

“That’s inevitable,” says Benoist. “When you feel like you could lose someone that important to you, the woman she loves and the sister that she’s always had, it’s impossible not to feel closer after an ordeal like that.”

Alex, meanwhile, is no submissive captive. Far from it. Rather, she will bust out some moves of her own in the name of trying to save her bacon. In one instance, she uses a credit card to perform some ersatz surgery (“It’s pretty badass, I’m not going to lie,” Leigh says with a wink), while in another she employs a Navy SEAL trick to contend with a sink-or-swim situation.

The DEO, too, is doing its own part to resolve this crisis. While Hank/J’onn Jonnz attempts to pull off one of his shapeshifter tricks to get a bead on the baddie’s whereabouts, Winn “is in full nerd-out, hacking-and-scanning records, finding-the-bad-guy kind of mode,” says Jeremy Jordan, the aforementioned barker of orders. “He’s doing his Tech Guy on Crack kind of thing.”

If it all sounds like a super amount of angst for those (viewers included) who love and care for Alex Danvers — “There are a lot of ups and downs, a lot of close calls,” Lima warns — make no mistake, it is. But as a reward for sticking through it all, Lima teases “a moment” awaiting Maggie and Alex, once the dust settles. “A pivotal moment,” at that.

http://tvline.com/2017/04/28/supergirl- ... kidnapped/

- Jefe de "Supergirl" es una misión por salvar la vida de Alex (EW):
Jefe de "Supergirl" es una misión por salvar la vida de Alex
Natalie Abrams - 28 Abril, 2017 a las 4:39pm EDT

When Alex gets kidnapped during Monday’s episode of Supergirl, there’s a race against the clock to save her life — but not everyone will agree on how to get the mission done.

When the kidnapper threatens to kill Alex (Chyler Leigh) unless Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) releases a notorious criminal from prison, Kara and Maggie (Floriana Lima) must work together to save the woman they love. “What’s interesting is it’s really an episode about jurisdiction,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW. “It’s really a Maggie-Kara episode. It starts with them at loggerheads about, where does the police’s jurisdiction end and where does Supergirl’s begin? They’re on opposite sides of that. Maggie is obviously more for the police and Supergirl is more for Supergirl.”

“Who gets to make the decisions to save Alex: The sister or the girlfriend?” Kreisberg continues. “It’s great because neither of them are right and neither of them are wrong, and they both love her and both want her back. It’s just a question of who’s willing to do what to bring that about?”

However, Kara’s traditional approach to taking down bad guys may not work in this case. “It’s a really interesting episode for us,” Kreisberg says. “We wanted to do something a little different, we wanted to do more of a character piece and put Kara in an emotional and moral dilemma rather than putting her up against something physical. She even says in the episode: She can’t punch her way out of this.”

Of course, Alex won’t go silently into the night, either. “When we decided to do an episode about Alex getting kidnapped, we knew that Alex Danvers is nobody’s victim,” Kreisberg says. “Even though she’s trapped, Alex does two very impressive things to try and escape and help ensure her survival, so that’s really cool.”

“It’s one of my favorite episodes we’ve ever done,” Kreisberg continues. “It’s certainly not the flashiest episode in terms of visual effects and in terms of stunts, but just as a character piece, I think it’s so interesting.”

Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/04/28/supergirl-a ... -spoilers/?

- ¿Va Lena Luthor ta ponerse en contra de la Chica de Acero? (EW):
¿Va Lena Luthor ta ponerse en contra de la Chica de Acero?
Por Natalie Abrams - 30Abril, 2017 at 1:53pm EDT

Lena Luthor might finally be forced to decide whether she falls on the side of good or evil during Monday’s episode of Supergirl.

While Kara (Melissa Benoist) and Maggie (Floriana Lima) desperately try to save Alex (Chyler Leigh) after the elder Danvers sister is kidnapped, Lena (Katie McGrath) will weigh an interesting proposal brought forth by vengeful Daxamite Queen Rhea (Teri Hatcher), kicking off a multi-episode story line that goes deeper than just two potential villains aligning.

After Mon-El (Chris Wood) disavowed his family, Rhea has returned to Earth determined to make Supergirl pay. It appears Rhea might be aiming to exploit a wounded Lena, who previously turned on her own mother Lillian Luthor (Brenda Strong) and subsequently lost her former love Jack Spheer (Rahul Kohli) — both ultimately because of Supergirl.

“What’s interesting about it is Rhea has got her master plan and she obviously does not come in peace,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW. “But what’s interesting to us as writers, and what I think Teri and Katie do so beautifully in their story line together, is Lena’s lost her father, she’s lost her brother, now she’s lost Jack. She’s desperate for a mother to come along and help her, protect her, and take care of her; obviously, Lillian is not that person. Then along comes Rhea, who is offering to be this guide, this mentor, and this supporter, and somebody who is truly proud of Lena and truly cares about her. Lena is uniquely vulnerable to what Rhea is offering.”

But Rhea might also find solace in this potential new partnership. “By the same token, Rhea has been rejected by her child,” Kreisberg says. “So as much as Rhea has her ulterior motives, in Lena, she’s looking at the daughter she never had, because this is somebody who is smart, creative, and looks up to her. While there is the grander plot and scheming going on, you really have a daughter who needs a mother and a mother who needs a child. That’s what makes their pairing together so interesting and nuanced.”

http://ew.com/tv/2017/04/30/supergirl-l ... -spoilers/

- Productor ejecuivo de "Supergirl" habla sobre el regreso de Superáan… y la llegada de Zod (CBR):
Productor ejecuivo de "Supergirl" habla sobre el regreso de Superáan… y la llegada de Zod
Por Bryan Cairns - 01 Mayo 2017

“Supergirl” is about to learn that Hell hath no fury like a Queen of Daxam scorned. After Rhea ventured across the galaxy to reunite with her son Mon-El and bring him home, he chose to stay with Kara over his own family. Mon-El’s father, Lar Gand supported his son’s decision, a siding which ultimately led to Rhea killing him. A vengeful Rhea has now set her sights on Kara, Mon-El and Earth, and woe be to whomever stands in her way.

“Supergirl” EP Andrew Kreisberg recently spoke with CBR about Rhea’s endgame, Supergirl’s moral dilemma, the return of Tyler Hoechlin’s Superman to the show, and the arrival of Mark Gibbons as General Zod.

CBR: Lena has always struggled with being a Luthor. How will Jack’s death impact her?

Andrew Kreisberg: Lena has lost a lot in her life. It’s always interesting to me that the heroes and villains of comic book stories tend to have the same backstory. They just go in a different direction. You look at Kara and everything that she’s lost — she lost her birth planet, her birth parents and world. She lost her adopted father. And yet that brought her closer to the people that she loves and helped mold her into the hero she is. Then you look at Lena, who has lost her father, she’s lost her brother. Now, she’s lost Jake. Even Lena said that she starts to worry about what’s going to happen to her when she loses too much.

She’s actually in a very vulnerable place right now, which makes her perfect prey for Rhea, who is going to come in and become a bit of a mother figure for her. At this time, that’s the very thing Lena wants with her own mom. We’ve been building up to this emotional place for the two of them.

In her anger, Rhea killed her husband and stated she is not finished with Earth. What is her endgame? At this point, is it all about her son, Mon-El?

I don’t want to give too much away because it’s part of the surprise coming in the next few episodes. Her plans definitely include Kara, Mon-El and Lena. She has a master plan. She’s very bright, very dangerous and she’s very ruthless. Rhea is used to getting what she wants. She’s going to set the table for the last few episodes to enact her master plan. What exactly she wants from all those people – you have to tune in to find out.

Kara must team up with Maggie to save Alex from a “Saw”-like trap in tonight’s episode. What does that allow you to explore in terms of these relationships?

We’ve always wanted to do a Kara/Maggie episode. When we were sitting down to think of it, we realized that the thing they obviously had in common is they both love Alex. We thought it was an interesting dynamic. It started from a place of, “Who gets to make the decisions about someone? Is it their family, or is it their girlfriend/boyfriend or husband? Who has a bigger say?” We also really liked the different perspective of what a cop would think of a superhero. We’ve always been a fan of “Gotham Central” and that ground’s-eye point of view of what superheroes do for a living. The more we talked about it, the story started to form. What does Maggie do to stop crime versus what does Kara do to stop crime? Throw Alex’s kidnapping into the mix and then they see very different ways with which they attack it even though they are both doing whatever they are doing because they love Alex and they want to get her back. It was a great way to deepen the bond between Maggie and Kara. For us, it’s a little bit of a departure episode. There are very little visual effects in it. It’s this great moral dilemma. As you watch the episode, what is Kara willing to do to get Alex back?

Mon-El isn’t the same guy as he was at the beginning of the season. How comfortable is he in his own skin now, and what is his arc in the next block of episodes?

Mon-El is very comfortable. He’s grown into himself and is in love with Kara. He’s the best version of himself. For all of Mon-El’s selfishness, he was never quite comfortable being this Prince of Daxam. Being on Earth, and being with Kara, has really allowed him to become the person that he wants to be. They are going to be put to the test in these last episodes when they are faced with some unimaginable choices. Each of them has to evaluate what it means to be a hero. And, can their idealisms survive what they are up against? Is winning more important than values? They are all put in these great moral dilemmas and have to make these choices. Is it love or duty? These are some of the biggest episodes we’ve ever done in terms of scope, visual effects and stunts, but they also have some of our best emotional material. Hopefully, the audience thinks so, but we really bring everything that’s happened this season together in these last few episodes.

What is “Supergirl’s” version of General Zod, and what brings him to Earth?

I don’t really want to say too much about Zod. How and why it happens is a fun surprise. As far as his costume is concerned, we took a page out of the older, Nazi uniform that he used to wear, which was very cool. That name instantly means something to fans of Superman and Supergirl. It’s a bit of a cameo surprise in the episode.

Superman returns for the finale. How crucial is he in the upcoming battle?

He’s incredibly crucial. I love Tyler in the part — he’s so good. It’s a bit of a different interpretation of Superman than you’ve seen. In our show, Superman has been [a superhero] for a decade, and he’s pretty comfortable with being Superman. A lot of interpretations are of him getting his start, at the beginning. For us, he’s so comfortable in the role, but the show is called “Supergirl,” so our Superman is here in service of Supergirl. He’s her family. He’s her conscience. He’s her mentor.

There’s also some very cool scenes between the two of them. As for wanting him to come back, we would have him back all the time, but the show is called “Supergirl.” You really want it to be about her. Our partners at DC and Warner Brothers have been very generous to us, letting us have that character appear on our show. We’re grateful for every opportunity we get.

What else can you tease about the finale and what it sets up for season three?

We have amazing guest stars in the finale. We are bringing back people we’ve had all season. We have Calista Flockhart coming back. In the last two episodes, we have Lynda Carter returning as the President, Sharon Leal is coming back as M’gann. Obviously, there’s Tyler as Superman. These are some of the biggest episodes we’ve ever done. We’re so proud of Teri Hatcher, and so amazed she’s on our show and killing it as Rhea. There is a feature film quality finale, with huge guest stars, stunts and visual effects. We will get a glimpse of the Season 3 villain in the finale, which we’re also excited about.

http://www.cbr.com/interview-supergirl- ... neral-zod/?

- La madre de los giros de "Supergirl" amenaza con enfrentar a Kara contra Lena y Mon-El (TVLine):
La madre de los giros de "Supergirl" amenaza con enfrentar a Kara contra Lena y Mon-El
Por Andy Swift / 01 Mayo 2017, 6:56 AM PDT

Supergirl‘s Rhea and Lena might seem like an unlikely duo at first, but if you strip away the ladies’ stoic exteriors, their potential partnership actually makes perfect sense.

“Lena has just suffered a great deal of loss; she lost her brother, she just lost Jack and she’s in a very fragile emotional state,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg reminds TVLine. “What she could really use is a mother, and her own mother is sadly not up to the task. So along comes Rhea, who’s eager to fill the role of the supportive mother. They become this newfound family, as Rhea’s needing to be a mother, and Lena is needing to be mothered.”

Following last week’s end-of-hour meeting, Rhea will continue to sink her claws into Lena on Monday’s episode (The CW, 8/7c). And although Kreisberg can’t say exactly what Mon-El’s menacing mother is up to, he promises that it will have major repercussions for Kara and Lena’s friendship as we head towards the show’s May 22 season finale.

“[Kara and Lena’s] loyalty to each other is certainly put to the test,” he says. “Lena is very firmly on Kara Danvers’ side, but is she on Supergirl’s side? That’s an interesting question that gets asked. We love their relationship, and we think they’re great together. We have some great plans for next season in terms of exploring that relationship and having it travel in new places.”

Also on the chopping block: “Karamel”!

“By design, [Kara and Mon-El] have always had this tumultuous relationship, but they finally settled into a good place,” Kreisberg says. “His parents definitely complicated things for the two of them, but now they seem even more firmly committed to each other, thinking that Rhea has left the planet. Little do they know, she’s up to something sneaky. One thing we’ll ask is: Where exactly do Mon-El’s loyalties lie? He’s already made the decision to stick with Kara over his family, but is he going to be able to abide by that as Rhea’s plans unfolds?”

And here’s one final note on Rhea: You can, sadly, stop holding your breath waiting for former Lois & Clark stars Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain to share the screen.

“Storywise, it became difficult to make that happen, much to my, Dean and Teri’s dismay,” Kreisberg says. “There’s an episode in which they both appeared, and even though they weren’t in any scenes together, just to see their names together in the credits blew my mind.”

http://tvline.com/2017/05/01/supergirl- ... interview/

- Andrew Kreisberg sobre la pelea de Kara & Maggie para salvar a Alex; el encuentro entre Rhea & Lena Luthor (accesshollywood):
Andrew Kreisberg sobre la pelea de Kara & Maggie para salvar a Alex; el encuentro entre Rhea & Lena Luthor
Por Jolie Lash - 01 Mayo, 2017 8:52 AM PDT

Alex Danvers is in grave danger on Monday night's "Supergirl."

In the new episode, titled "Alex," Kara's Earth sister has been kidnapped by someone who is threatening to kill her if Supergirl doesn't free a dangerous criminal from prison.

Both Kara and Alex's love -- Maggie Sawyer -- will spring into action. And although both of them will fight to save Alex, there will be conflict as they both approach trying to save her in different ways. How do they make good decisions when the life of the person they love is on the line?

"That's where the episode came from. We've done a lot of big episodes with fighting spaceships and aliens and we really wanted to do something just very grounded and very emotional," "Supergirl" Executive Producer Ander Kreisberg told AccessHollywood.com, noting that Monday's new episode, puts "Kara in a position where she can't fight her way out of the problem she's in. She can't hit it, she can't fly fast enough, she can't heat-vision it. It really is a moral dilemma."

The episode also came out of wanting to tell a Kara/Maggie story.

"[T]he other thing that episode tackles, which is interesting to us, is the whole episode is sort of about who has jurisdiction? And it starts as a conversation about who has jurisdiction, like in terms of crimes between the police and superheroes," Kreisberg said.

Also on "Supergirl," Lena Luthor is about to get to know Mon-El's mom, Rhea, who approached her at the end of last week's episode.

It's a tough time for Lena, who just lost her ex-boyfriend Jack, following the biomax incident.

So, how vulnerable is Lena as Rhea approaches her?

"I think she's very vulnerable. I always think it's so interesting that heroes and villains, especially on our shows, kind of have the same backstory, it's just one took all the tragedy and sadness that happened to them and [it] had them become a force for good, and the other … [it] leads them down a darker path," Kreisberg said. "You look at Kara and she lost her birth parents and she lost her world, and she's lost her adoptive father and all those things have only strengthened her into becoming the hero that she is. You look at Lena whose lost her brother and she's lost her father and now she's lost Jack and she's desperately needing a mother to sort of like help her through it, and her own mother is not up to the task, and along comes Rhea, who herself is suffering the loss of a child, and they sort of become this bizarre mother-daughter duo, which obviously Rhea's got machinations, but actually, the emotions that they're providing for each other are actually real. It sort of makes their relationship very interesting."

Rhea ditched the black robes and Daxam crown when she made her reappearance in last week's episode, walking into Lena's office looking like a powerful businesswoman.

"The best villains are the one who are really smart and the best villains are the ones who you really can see the humanity behind them and when we meet her she's sort of this very regal figure and she's like the big space queen and she's a fighter and she stabs her husband and all this sort of like very big space opera kind of stuff. So we thought it was sort of interesting that the next time you see her, she's the sort of like powerful, fashionable, Earth businesswoman. It's like, what's going on? What is she doing?" Kreisberg said, when we brought up Rhea's new look. "And we just thought it was such a neat twist. And to pair her up with Lena, again, we timed it so that Lena was in a very vulnerable place emotionally so that she would be in a position to possibly fall prey to this very cunning woman who is offering her – well, you'll see what she's offering her vis-à-vis business, but she's also offering her the thing which Lena doesn't have right now, which is sort of – a mother figure, and somebody who's there to tell her how great she is and somebody who's there to support her emotionally in a way her mother isn't and I think that -- it makes Lena sort of the perfect prey at the moment for Rhea's machinations."

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... q5CmAvg.02

- Andrew Kreisberg no está preocupado por que Supermán y Zod ensombrezcan a Kara (cbr):
Andrew Kreisberg no está preocupado por que Supermán y Zod ensombrezcan a Kara
Por Russ Burlingame - 05/01/2017

Superman is back on Supergirl -- but don't expect him to steal the spotlight when the Maid of Might heads into the final few episodes of her season.

During a recent interview with ComicBook.com, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said that while Superman and General Zod are characters that loom large in popular culture, bringing them onto Supergirl is designed to enhance the story they're already telling with Kara Zor-El, not overshadow it.

"The show is called Supergirl. Everything, every character, no matter who it is, is there to service Supergirl and Kara," Kreisberg said. "I don't think any of us has ever really worried about him coming in and overpowering her or overshadowing her, especially the Superman that we've embraced for ourselves. And that's sort of the best part of getting to play with these characters. You get to do your own interpretation. Like with any of these characters, no matter who it is, there's been a Superman before us and they'll be a Superman after us. We just kind of get to do our own leg of the journey."

Part of it, it seems, is simply a character thing. The way the show has decided to approach Superman is to make him a seasoned, beloved hero who has nothing to lose and would rather inspire others like him than be the guy getting all the credit.

"Our Superman...he's a little bit older. He's been doing it for a long time," Kreisberg explained. "So, he's kind of settled in. Since Kara is the one who's the newer hero and trying to figure things out, she is the more interesting character. So, he's there to support her. I don't really think we ever really worry that he's going to overshadow her, or his mythology is going to overshadow hers. The show just isn't really structured that way."

The Man of Steel will be along in just a few weeks, but tonight will see Kara strugging with a different kind of family dynamic, as her adopted sister Alex is kidnapped and held in a deathtrap.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/05/01/supe ... an-and-zo/

- Alex Danvers es el personaje original del que Andrew Kreisberg está más orgulloso (comicbook):
Alex Danvers es el personaje original del que Andrew Kreisberg está más orgulloso
Por Russ Burlingame - 01/05/2017

It might be pretty difficult to out-charm John Diggle, but as far as Arrow and Supergirl executive producer Andrew Kreisberg is concerned, that's exactly what Chyler Leigh's Alex Danvers has done.

Saying that his previous favorite original character -- one who didn't appear in the comics, not one who was merely drastically changed like Felicity Smoak or Maggie Sawyer -- was John Diggle, but that Alex has managed to unseat Oliver's right-hand man.

"I had previously been most proud of Dig. Now, it's definitely Alex," Kreisberg told ComicBook.com. "I think that we're just the lucky guys and girls who get to tell this leg of the characters' journeys. You sort of just hope that you can add to it and add to the collective story that is told over so many decades. The idea, like with Green Arrow, that John Diggle has become part of his universe. Now Diggle is in the comic books not written by us. People have just embraced that character."

And he expects that to happen with Alex, too, considering how much the audience has warmed to her.

"And that future generations of Green Arrow storytellers might have John Diggle as part of his world is just so cool to us," Kreisberg added. "Similarly, with Alex, that Supergirl has never really had a sister before and yet hopefully now people feel like that relationship is almost indispensable to interpretations of her. And I think Alex is one of my favorite characters I've ever gotten to write. I think that what's so interesting about her is that Alex would be the star of her own show, except for the fact that her sister is Supergirl. She's a doctor and an alien fighting secret agent. If she played an instrument, she'd be Buckaroo Banzai. She's this amazing character and she's only overshadowed by the fact that her sister is the Girl of Steel. And I think that's so interesting that she's both her sister's protector, and teacher, and confidant. But then can't do half the things that Kara can do and yet is so resourceful on her own. I just think she's just such an amazingly interesting, complex, and funny, and deep, and emotional. And just the journey that she went through regarding her own sexuality this year. She's never not interesting. There's no situation you can put her in where I don't think she's the most interesting person in the room."

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/05/02/supe ... w-kreisbe/

- Productor ejecutivo de "Supergirl" habla sobre el debut del General Zod (comicbook):
Productor ejecutivo de "Supergirl" habla sobre el debut del General Zod
Por Adam Barnhardt - 01/05/2017

Between her adoptive dad breaking bad and her sister getting kidnapped, Kara Danvers has had her hands awfully full in the past few episodes of Supergirl — and that’s not including the Luthors, Project Cadmus, or Rhea (Teri Hatcher), the bigger of the bads this season.

Bad news for Kara, the bad guys aren’t going to be easier defeats as the season begins to wrap up, General Zod is on the way to making his Arrowverse debut.

Up Next: Supergirl Recruits Guardians of the Galaxy Actor For Villain Role

The former Kryptonian general — who’s set to be played by Mark Gibbon (Smallville) — is slated to appear before Supergirl season two wraps up, and showrunner Andrew Kreisberg certainly isn’t hiding his exciting.

“I don’t really want to say too much about Zod. How and why it happens is a fun surprise. As far as his costume is concerned, we took a page out of the older, Nazi uniform that he used to wear, which was very cool,” Kreisberg told CBR in a recent interview. “That name instantly means something to fans of Superman and Supergirl. It’s a bit of a cameo surprise in the episode.”

When Zod debuts in the Arrowverse, it won't be Gibbon's first rodeo in pop culture. The actor previously held roles in Smallville, Arrow, and The X-Files while lending his voice to Marvel in several different animated projects as the Incredible Hulk, The Thing, and Nick Fury.

Zod's Supergirl appearance will also be the fourth time the villain has been seen in live action behind Michael Shannon (Man of Steel), Callum Blue (Callum Blue), and Terrence Stamp (Superman II).

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/05/02/krei ... neral-zod/

- Chyler Leigh y Floriana Lima se abren sobre el momento 'Sanvers', y el profundo impacto de la historia LGBT (TVLine):
Chyler Leigh y Floriana Lima se abren sobre el momento 'Sanvers', y el profundo impacto de la historia LGBT
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 01 Mayo 2017, 6:02 PM PDT

The following contains spoilers from this Monday’s episode of Supergirl.

This week on The CW’s Supergirl, 40 minutes of anxiety built up to three little, yet momentous, words, as DEO agent Alex Danvers and NCPD detective Maggie Sawyer mutually declared their love for one another, after the former narrowly dodged death.

“I love you, Maggie Sawyer.”

“I love you, Alex Danvers.”

“I kept asking when this was going to happen,” Chyler Leigh, who plays Alex, shared with TVLine during our recent set visit, “and [showrunner] Andrew [Kreisberg] was like, ‘Oh, we’ll see. We’ll see.’ And then of course this is how it happens.

“It’s a pretty big next step for them,” Leigh continued. On the heels of Alex’s kidnapping, “You have moments of, ‘You don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone,’ but at the same time, they hadn’t gotten this vulnerable with each other quite yet.”

Floriana Lima — who previously teased the ILYs as “a pivotal moment” awaiting the girlfriends — went on to say, “Throughout this season, we’re showing a relationship blossom. Not only did Alex come out, and there’s a lot of emotion in that, but there are so many ups and downs in a relationship, right? And in this episode, a very sweet, loving connection has been developed.”

Leigh referred back to the Nov. 28 episode, where Maggie requited a newly out Alex’s feelings by saying, “We should kiss the girls that we want to kiss” — after which the two indeed locked lips. “There was that moment of, like, life is too short, and you just really don’t know,” she remembered. “That’s one thing that I always kind of laugh at with the show — because you literally could die at any moment, at any moment — but there really is no time for BS. You’ve just got to live.”

The icing on the cake for Leigh? “I love the fact that Alex says [‘I love you’] first,” she said with a warm smile. “I think that’s really cool.”

Supergirl SanversAll told, what has been most important to the actresses in playing out the Alex/Maggie (aka “Sanvers”) storyline, which this year earned a GLAAD Media Award nomination?

“The GLAAD nomination was just so amazing, and wow, surreal for us,” Lima shared. “I think what’s important is just to show this as a relationship and not to focus fully on the fact that these are two gay women. We want to treat it and give it as much thought as any other relationship, right, but also be mindful that we are representing a community that needs more representation. We want to get it right, and we want to really think things through.”

Especially since every LGBTQ story told on TV, on film… in any forum… stands the chance to make life even a tiny bit easier for those who are targeted by bigotry. Take the well-reported story of Dened Rey, a queer screenwriter who during a January plane flight was lambasted by the man seated next to her for exposing passengers to the Alex/Maggie scenes she was watching on her laptop computer — a “gay abomination,” as he put it.

Weeks later, toward the end of a long stretch of filming outside on location, Lima and Leigh went over to greet a group of young women who had been looking on for hours. “It was the sweetest thing. They just went bananas,” Leigh recalled. “We went and hugged every single girl — and one of them was [Dened].”

Lima said they have experienced “so many” stories like Rey’s. Even on the day TVLine was on set, she had read and been “very moved” by the letters sent by some.

According to Leigh, “A lot of them are about young girls kind of hitting this place of self-harm, and pretty deep, deep wounds and issues….. Incredible stories of, like, ‘This is the first time I’ve gone five days without hurting myself.’ It’s because people are feeling like they’re heard, people are feeling like they’re understood and they’re cared about.”

That reciprocity — meaningfully telling an LGBTQ story, and seeing incontrovertible examples of its value — is perhaps the greatest, if slightly unanticipated, reward that Leigh and Lima have taken from this experience.

“These are people that are as invested in us as we are in them,” Leigh remarked. “It’s cool to see those connections and know firsthand that [this storyline] is genuinely doing something profound.”

http://tvline.com/2017/05/01/supergirl- ... interview/

- Productor ejecutivo de "Supergirl" adelanta la llegada de ZOd y su apariencia inspirada en los cómics (TVLine):
Productor ejecutivo de "Supergirl" adelanta la llegada de ZOd y su apariencia inspirada en los cómics
Por Andy Swift / 06 Mayo 2017, 11:00 AM PDT

The “how” and “when” of General Zod’s arrival on Supergirl remains a mystery, but thanks to executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, at least we know what the legendary DC Comics villain will be wearing.

“It’s a bit of a fun surprise,” Kreisberg tells TVLine of Zod’s first appearance. “He doesn’t have a lot of screen time, so I can’t say our interpretation is as nuanced as either [Superman/II‘s] Terence Stamp or [Man of Steel‘s] Michael Shannon, but we did one thing to put our own stamp on it — at least visually.”

He says that Supergirl‘s Zod (played by Smallville actor Mark Gibbon) will be sporting “a little bit of that Nazi uniform look you’d see in the comics in the ’60s. Visually, he has a different look from the mechanical armor that Man of Steel did, or the real spacey clothes Richard Donner’s version had.

“It’s definitely fun for us,” Kreisberg says. “And when you see the context in which he appears, it could only be Zod in that episode

http://tvline.com/2017/05/06/supergirl- ... interview/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.19 "Alex":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Concept arts de Martian, Livewire, Reactron y Master Jailer por Alan Villanueva:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Andrew Kreisberg revela el título del final de la S2:
EW ha revelado en exclusiva que la season 2 finale se titulará “Nevertheless, She Persisted,” según ha confirmado el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg.

El título está inspirado por la negativa de la Senadora Elizabeth Warren a ser silenciada durante el debate para confirmar al Senador Jeff Sessions como Fiscal General. Warren habló contra él, leyendo una carta de Coretta Scott King, durante lo que fue interrumpida en muchas ocasiones antes de que fuera finalmente silenciada.

Tras el incidente, el Senator Mitch McConnell dijo, “La Senadora Warren ha dado un discurso largo. Parece que ha violado la regla. Se le dio una explicación. Sin importar, persistió”.

Kreisberg ha sicho también que tendremos el primer vstazo en el finale de la S3: “Tendremos un vistazo al villano de la Season 3 en el final, cosa con la que estamos muy emocionados.” Kreigsberg told CBR.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/05/01/supergirl-s ... ale-title/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | 2.20 "City of Lost Children" Promo:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.20 "City of Lost Children" Extended Promo:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.20 "City of Lost Children" Inside the episode:
https://twitter.com/TheCWSupergirl/stat ... 9353145345

- SUPERGIRL | 2.20 "City of Lost Children" Clip #1:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Póster promocional del 2.20 "City of Lost Children":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes y videos bts del rodaje de la S2 (01-31 Mayo 2017):

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(@erictcarrasco: Shout out to @chy_leigh and her stunt double, @Lisa__Chandler. Badasses both. #SupergirlCW
@erictcarrasco: The always sensational & fashionable @GreenleaRob directed this episode. Here's a totally unstaged photo of us with @chy_leigh. #Supergirl
@Lisa__Chandler: Had such an amazing time doubling the amazing @chy_leigh during #season2 #Supergirl ! Thanks so much @BurnettSimon #mirrorimage
@davidharewood: Missing my Missess! @chy_leigh @realleal
@realleal: @chy_leigh #supergirl
@chy_leigh: About last night... #SaveAlex #LesbianLives #danverssisters #Sanvers @supergirlcw @melissabenoist @florianalima
@hansumlum: Its all about this killa tonight @chy_leigh on @supergirlcw #cwnetwork #showcase #supergirlcw #supergirl #danvers #deo #demos #dcuniverse
@mehcadbrooks: Caption this. #tbt #guardian #supergirl
@domtoney: Tonight is the night! This cutie and I wreak havoc on tonight's episode of SUPERGIRL. 8 pm on The CW! #VillainOfTheWeek
@davidharewood: Mel and Chy
@davidharewood: Chy gears up. @chy_leigh
@mehcadbrook: How many photo bombs can you spot #supergirl #martianmanhunter #superman #guardian #cw #tbt
@davidharewood: BADMUSS! @strongbrenda #cwsupergirl
@davidharewood: Fortress of Attitude
@davidharewood: Don't go changin. @realleal #missmartian
@melissabenoist: missing these yoyos and all the laughs @chy_leigh @davidharewood
@davidharewood: Boom in shot. #luthors
@davidharewood: Hanging around. #Superman #Supergirl #stuntdouble
@melissabenoist: sg and super duper awesome green screen man who makes all the magic happen
@davidharewood: Katie
@mehcadbrooks: Two bikes! #supergirl #guardian #bikesonbikes
@mehcadbrook: Peace #supergirl #guardian)


https://twitter.com/erictcarrasco/statu ... 3990597632

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.20 "City of Lost Children":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.22 “Nevertheless, She Persisted”:
2.22 “Nevertheless, She Persisted” (22/05/17): SUPERGIRL LUCHA POR SU CIUDAD CITY; SUPERMAN REGRESA — Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) reta a Rhea (la estrella invitada Teri Hatcher) a que luche para salvar National City. Mientras tantoe, Superman (la estrella invitada Tyler Hoechlin) regresa y Cat Grant (la estrella invitada Calista Flockhart) le ofrece a Supergirl un sabio consejo. Glen Winter dirige el episodio con historia de Andrew Kreisberg & Jessica Queller y guión de Robert Rovner & Caitlin Parrish (#222).

http://www.kryptonsite.com/supergirl-se ... persisted/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Supergirl" 2.21 "Resist" Poster:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
