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Publicado: Mar May 12, 2009 6:14 pm
por Shelby
¡Ah bueno... ya creía que es que no querías saber nada de mí! :smt002 :smt003 :smt058 :smt058 :smt058 :smt058 :smt058

Entrevista de Cassidy para "Mania.com":
Cassidy Freeman causes chaos on SMALLVILLE

Season 8 of 'Smallville' began with tumult and upheaval the show's architects Alfred Gough and Miles Millar left the series, as did fan favorite actor Michael Rosenbaum, whose compelling Lex Luthor was a top draw for the show. Yet, instead of crumbling the show has been reinvigorated, with new characters and a inexorable build-up to one of the greatest comic books slug-fests of all times.

Chief among the new is actress Cassidy Freeman who has taken on the unenviable task of filling the void left by Rosenbaum. As Tess Mercer, the primary villain on a show filled with superheroes, her powers are an intellect equal to Luthor's, ice water in her veins, and a set of eyes that could pierce a hole through even Clark Kent's Kyrptonian hide.

All season she's been meticulously plotting to bring Clark into battle with his monstrous opposite number. On Thursday, her plan will come to horrible fruition with the season finale episode "Doomsday". Season-long tensions will finally explode. Some will live. Some will die.

Mania.com sat down to talk with Freeman in an exclusive interview to sort through the rubble of the Smallville season finale.

Rob M. Worley for Mania: For season 8, they got rid of Lex Luthor and they brought in Doomsday and Tess Mercer and I have to tell you I'm not sure which one I'm more afraid of.

Cassidy Freeman: [laughs] I know. I know. He's got the bone spurs but I've got the stare.

Mania: How daunting has it been to step into the shoes of the beloved character played by Michael Rosenbaum, Lex Luthor?

Cassidy Freeman: It's super-daunting because he's a really talented actor and it's a really well-known and well-respected role in the mythos but also because I know what a huge fan base he has. He's often talked about on set as just the most charismatic, fun guy. And that also is daunting because I'm like, "well who wants the new kid?" But it worked out really well I think. It gave me great shoes to file.

Mania: Have you had any contact with him at all?

Cassidy Freeman: He called me when I got the part. He called me, "this is Lex," and joked around with me. But then said "congratulations, I hope you have fun." But I've never met him.

Mania: Were you a big fan of the show before you started?

Cassidy Freeman: No, I wasn't. I had only seen it a couple times. I have a problem with starting shows if I haven't started at the beginning, you know? Like trying to start 'Lost' in season 3 and I was like, "This is bad. They're not lost. I'm lost."

So I didn't start at the beginning because I was in college. But I caught up and now I'm a huge fan. And I'm proud to say I've gotten some other people into being huge fans as well.

Mania: Awesome. What's been the biggest surprise working on the show?

Cassidy Freeman: That's a great question...

You know what. I think it's...you can do movies that are more realistic but to know that you, as a person on this earth, where everything's mortal and normal, can then go into a sound stage and play some scenes and do some work, and then on Thursday night you turn on the television and it's like this totally different world where Kryptonite rocks exist and people at super speed.

I think that was pretty surprising: the first time I saw it I was like, "Whoa! That really seems real. It looks like it's supposed to!"

Mania: What's been the most difficult thing about the show?

Cassidy Freeman: Um...

Mania: It's Tom Welling, isn't it?

Cassidy Freeman: He's such a pain in my ass. I can't tell you how difficult he is. [laughs]

No. Honestly (because I was going to speak to you dishonestly) the most difficult part is really believing what you're saying sometimes. It's easy to do a scene with someone where you're breaking up or falling in love and it's something you could actually say in real life. To say things like -- you know what I have to say – sometimes it's hard. Sometimes you laugh at yourself and you're like, "Did I really just say...something about a crystal?"

Mania: "I shattered the crystal from the fortress of solitude so now you have to kill Doomsday..."

Cassidy Freeman: Right? [laughs]

It's not easy sometimes, but everyone also knows that and everyone is trying together. So we support each other.

Mania: It seems in her early days, Tess was kind of idealistic and a little bit like Lex was when we first met him on the show. Is the idealistic Tess Mercer gone forever?

Cassidy Freeman: No. She's not. She's not at all. What's funny is that she was idealistic until she met Lex. I think Lex brought out a very vindictive side to her. Now that he's kind of out of the picture I think she's trying to find her way back to that person.

Now, what's going on – everyone thinks that she's screwing Clark over, but she really believes that this is going to be better for the world. To kill Doomsday. To have this stuff happen. To be the catalyst.

I think she's going to find that idealistic girl again.

Mania: I think that's the makings of a classic villain, for her to have motives that you can empathize with even when you don't agree with their tactics.

Cassidy Freeman: Yeah, exactly.

Mania: Do prefer playing that kind of character or would you rather play a heroine or a straight up good girl?

Cassidy Freeman: No, I prefer playing that kind of character. Heroines are fun. They get to be funny and I sometimes miss being funny. Lois Lane gets to be funny and Erica is so fabulous at that.

But it is more fun, emotionally to play a villain because you really get to play a lot of different a wide spectrum of a person's psyche.

Mania: This Thursday is the DOOMSDAY season finale! Will Tess get her comeuppance?

Cassidy Freeman: Um...we shall see...

I don't know what you mean though. What would be your comeuppance for her?

Mania: I don't know, but she's definitely been manipulating and hurting a lot of people so it seems like she's got something coming back to her.

Cassidy Freeman: Well, we don't know what she wants to happen. She's just trying as many tactics as she can to get her way.

Mania: Are you signed on for the 9th season?

Cassidy Freeman: If I survive!

I'm signed on for three years so if they want me they can have me, but we still don't know what happens this week. At least I'm not allowed to say! [laughs]

Mania: What would Tess do if she finally gets her confrontation with Lex Luthor?

Cassidy Freeman: Oh, man. Well, that's if Lex is alive. Right?

I don't think she's thinking of that right now. She's got bigger fish to fry. Much as fans may hate it, I think Lex is on the back burner right now.

Mania: Do you want to come back for a 9th season? Are you looking forward to it?

Cassidy Freeman: I would love to come back for a ninth season. Would you like to work in a really cool town with really fun people?

Mania: Is Clark gonna bust out the cape and the "S" shield this week?

Cassidy Freeman: This week. No.

Maybe in the future, but this week, no.

Mania: Do you think they're driving towards that? Do you think we'll see it on the last episode of the last season?

Cassidy Freeman: I don't know when the last season will be. Nobody talks to me either, by the way. [laughs] No one tells me anything, by the way.

Mania: If you could play any comic book character on film or in a TV show, who would it be?

Cassidy Freeman: Any comic book character – Unfortunately I'm not that versed in comic books so I don't have a huge set of knowledge to pull from , but I've always really loved Rogue from the X-Men.

Mania: Alright. That's a good draw!

Cassidy Freeman: She's awesome.

Mania: You know, they might make a Gambit movie now, and Gambit was Rogue's boyfriend in the comics..

Cassidy Freeman: I know! The one that threw the cards, right?

Mania: Yes! So maybe if that movie happens they'll recast Rogue for it and you'll be in!

Cassidy Freeman: Maybe! [laughs]

Mania: You should start working on that right now.

Cassidy Freeman: I know. I gotta go call my agent.

Mania: So what is next with for you?

Cassidy Freeman: I'm filming a horror movie in June called 'Yellow Brick Road' and it's gonna be really fun.

Mania: What's it about?

Cassidy Freeman: In 1940, a group from a town in New Hampshire followed a trail head into the forest and were never to be seen again. No one knows why. It's kind of this hush-hush about the town.

Now, eight people have formed a team, they've found the coordinates and they're going to follow the same trail, which is called The Yellow Brick Road, to see what happens. The tag line is "they go to find the evil in the forest, but the forest found the evil in them."

It's a pretty cool premise. It's a horror film and it's also one of those weird, possessed thrillers.

Mania: Sounds cool. Who else is in it? Anyone that we would know?

Cassidy Freeman: My brother!

My brother and I are actually going to play brother and sister, which is awesome.

Mania: Who's the director? Anyone famous?

Cassidy Freeman: This is all a new batch of kids. There's one girl named Vanessa Ramsey who was in a horror movie called 'The Signal'.

Mania: Any message for all the SMALLVILLE fans before we wrap up?

Cassidy Freeman: Just, thank you. You guys have been through eight long years and I'm so thankful that you're gonna be there for another.

También apareció en "Last Call" con Carson Daly:


Y el 3 de marzo en la "L Word Farewell Party" en "La Boheme":



Publicado: Mar May 12, 2009 10:03 pm
por shellbys
:smt002 :smt007 :smt002
Muy buena entrevista aunque entiendo poco alli se va. Cassidy se ve linda con ese sombrero..

Publicado: Mié May 13, 2009 5:37 pm
por Shelby
Y seguimos con la promoción, de nuevo Cassidy para "airlockalpha.com":
"Tess Tendrá Que Cambiar, Al Igual que 'Smallville' lo Hace"

"Obviamente todos sabemos a dónde va," dice Freeman. "Y creo que ahora que los originales creadores no están involucrados hay mucha más libertad para que hagan lo que quieran hacer. Y lo que quiera hacer Tom también".

"Creo que esta temporada ha sido realmente estupenda mostrando en cierta forma esa salida de la era del instituto. Y dejando de lado los culebrones y realmente tratando con temas importantes... La idea completa del tema del súper héroe es lo que es realmente épico. Lo que se siente como algo realmente grande. Y se utilizan esos detalles realmente grandes para hablar sobre la vida de cada día. Creo que es especial y una manera realmente fabulosa de hacer televisión".

Los productores Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders se han embarcado en esa metamorfosis de "Smallville". Freeman está animada por su buena disposición de hacer peligrar ese mandato original de la serie de "no vuelos, no mallas".

"Me gusta que se hayan tomado una pequeña licencia creativa a la hora de cómo contar la historia", dice. "Creo que eso lo hace un poco más interesante. Pienso que es por lo que lo vemos todo otra vez. Es como ¿por qué vemos 'Romeo y Julieta' de nuevo? Sabemos lo que va a pasar. Lo vemos porque queremos ver cómo alguien lo interpreta. Y aplaudo su carácter valiente y que hayan tomado la línea del mito de Supermán".

"De cara al futuro, sé que Kelly y Brian... están estusiasmadísimos. Y eso es lo mejor. No importa lo demás, su entusiasmo por contar la historia es lo que me inspira. Estoy emocionada por ellos".

Con una novena temporada de "Smallville" confirmada, Freeman no puede revelar su lugar en ella hasta que se emita el final. Pero si regresara, hay algunos cambios que le gustaría ver.

"Si Tess vuelve, creo que tendría que ser un poco distinta a lo que ha sido este año. Porque sabe demasiado. Debería ser una evolución muy distinta incluso aunque haya estado bajo la sombra de Lex todo el tiempo. Espero que pueda empezar a mostrar incluso más de su propio carácter".

Y en cuanto al final de temporada "Doomsday," escrito por Peterson y Souders, Freeman sólo puede adelantar sus impresiones sobre el guión.

"Realmente me sorprendí cuando lo leí."
¡Olé por Cassidy... eso es hablar sin pelos en la lengua! :smt041

Publicado: Mié May 13, 2009 5:41 pm
por smallet
Por lo visto se está haciendo un raid notero..bien por ella :smt005

Publicado: Mié May 13, 2009 5:49 pm
por Restart
Mejor no se podía decir fuera culebrones y más mitología.

Publicado: Mié May 13, 2009 8:56 pm
por --[Sacred-Kripton]--
Shelby escribió:Y seguimos con la promoción, de nuevo Cassidy para "airlockalpha.com":
"Tess Tendrá Que Cambiar, Al Igual que 'Smallville' lo Hace"

"Creo que esta temporada ha sido realmente estupenda mostrando en cierta forma esa salida de la era del instituto. Y dejando de lado los culebrones y realmente tratando con temas importantes... La idea completa del tema del súper héroe es lo que es realmente épico. Lo que se siente como algo realmente grande. Y se utilizan esos detalles realmente grandes para hablar sobre la vida de cada día. Creo que es especial y una manera realmente fabulosa de hacer televisión".
¿Que se ha fumado esta mujer para afirmar que han dejado de lado los culebrones en la 8ª temporada? Como no tuvimos de vuelta a Lana ¿verdad? Ni nos estuvieron mareando (en especial en estos últimos capítulos) con el tema Chloe/Davis... Y cuando afirma que han tratado temas importantes es que me parto de la risa... :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 Si llaman temas importantes a meter a Doomsday por ejemplo pues, menuda importancia le han dado, porque hemos visto más a Shelby que al propio Dooms... en fin, supongo que lo dice un poco por tratar el tema de la doble identidad de Clark, como siempre plasmada a medias pero sinceramente, esta temporada comenzó bien para acabar muy mal...

Publicado: Mié May 13, 2009 10:57 pm
por small06
Es cierto lo de Lana, o "Superlana", que a mí me ha parecido la mayor estupidez que ha tenido esta serie en toda su larga vida (y será por estupideces :smt005 ). Pero tienes que reconocer Sacred que esta temporada ha resultado un GRAN paso en cuanto a calidad en comparación con las dos nefastas temporadas anteriores, que bien se las podrían haber ahorrado.

A mi desde luego me está causando un sentimiento bastante más dulce que amargo, a pesar de su dosis de imbecilidades, que haberlas haylas, pero se ve que los nuevos mandos que dirigen el cotarro tienen una visión muy distinta que la de los infumables Gough y Millar, que perdieron la total objetividad posible. En esta temporada se ha explorado también los temas amorosos sin remedio, pero me vas a comparar: Lois y Clark, por un lado, y la relación bella-bestia de Chloe y Davis, que resulta hasta interesante gracias al buen hacer de Allison Mack y Sam Witwer, de lo mejorcito que tiene la serie en actores.

Lo que si que resultaba un culebron venezolano en toda regla y además casposo era la inaguantable relación Lexana de la 6ª temporada y la ya mítica a la vez que repulsiva relación compuesta por la ya desaparecida Lana (Dios existe) y Sosoman, como diría un colega del foro. :smt005

Publicado: Jue May 14, 2009 11:44 am
por --[Sacred-Kripton]--
Hombre small es cierto que las dos temporadas anteriores han sido nefastas y que en cierto modo, la 8ª ha estado mejor, sobre todo por las referencias justitas a la mitología que hemos podido ver pero, como siempre digo desde que comenzó esta temporada, Clark da un paso hacia delante para luego dar dos hacia detrás. No he visto evolución, tramas interesantes y mucho menos, coherencia en el desarrollo de la temporada. Es cierto que a comienzos de la 8ª empezaron de lujo, muy buenas historias y la llegada de Davis y Tess dió un soplo de aire fresco a la serie, pero como siempre...defraudaron, trajeron a Lana y ahí la cosa se tornó mas oscura que la kriptonita negra, remontaron un poco en Bride sacando por fin a Dooms pero tras ese capítulo, la temporada a mi gusto personal fue cuesta abajo y sin frenos. Estamos ante el final de temporada y Smallville va dando tumbos...con lo cual, si hubiesen seguido la linea de comienzos de temporada, la 8ª hubiese sido mejor que la 6ª y 7ª pero sinceramente, a la 8ª junto con el Dooms de goma, los meto en el mismo saco que sus dos antecesoras temporadas. Lo siento señores, pero el nivel no vuelve a subir desde la 5ª.

Publicado: Jue May 14, 2009 9:19 pm
por Shelby
¡Hala... y tres entrevistas más de Cassidy!

¡Madre, a este ritmo se me acumulan las traducciones y encima son más largas que un día sin pan! Pero no os preocupéis, que de traducirlas, las traduzco... ¡como me llamo Shelby! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

- Cassidy Freeman para "BuddyTV":
Exclusive Interview: Cassidy Freeman From 'Smallville'

Will tomorrow night's Smallville eighth season finale be Tess Mercer's personal "Doomsday?" Since joining the cast earlier this season Cassidy Freeman has really gelled, portraying an ambitious and at times ruthless woman who is, beneath it all, not so bad. She's fun and human and definitely in deep.

We spoke with Cassidy Freeman about her time on Smallville, Tess' relationship with Oliver and whether or night she's a villain. But we were unsuccesful at prying any hints out of her about tomorrow night. I guess it will just have to be a surprise!

This is John from BuddyTV and I'm talking with Cassidy Freeman from Smallville. How's it going?

It's going awesome, John. Thanks!

Some of the fans are a little confused. I wondered - could you shed any light on the final scene where Tess is apparently in contact with the orb from Kandor?

Yeah, yeah. The orb was lost in the arctic. So I've had it this whole time, not really knowing what it was or what it meant. Then it started to talk to me. It started to tell me to do things and I do them because I honestly believe that it will bring to fruition the destiny of these two people. In a way I'm kind of possessed by the orb but she also knows what she's doing. She knows that it's for the greater good of mankind, and I think she really believes that.

All season people have asked is Tess a villain or isn't she.

Yeah, it's funny. I don't think she thinks of herself as a villain. But what I really like about this season of Smallville specifically is you don't really know what people are. [For example] last night in the episode when Oliver says, "I'm not your enemy!" Clark says "Then what are you?" I like all of this modeling. It may be frustrating for fans but I think it's really interesting because it raises the question of "What is a hero?" and "What is a villain?" Clark's always going to do the right thing no matter what because he's Clark. I think one of the reasons Tess and Oliver have a relationship to begin with is because they're both driven by passion. They're driven by what they want. Oliver is more likely to ere on the side of doing things the right way when he can. When the wrong things happen he'll do it. Where as I think Tess is a little more loose in her morals in terms of what needs to happen to get things done. So I don't know what Tess is. Tess is one of those villains that's not really driven by evil or by good. She's driven by passion and she'll do what she needs to do to get it done, and a lot of times that's kicking someone's face in. Fortunately.

We also asked our fans for questions and quite a few of them - MarissaAlleyne2 in particular - wanted to know about the Tess and Oliver relationship. Is she just playing hard to get? Is she genuinely not interested in him?

Hopefully Oliver will not be reading this interview. Of course she's attracted to him. Of course she shared with him a part of her life that was a real building step for her. I think that she was very vulnerable in front of him and I don't think that ever dies. I don't think that ever dies in ourselves when we share ourselves with people. But I think she knows that if that door opens it's going to be messy. Right now her focus is on getting Clark to get out of his shell and do what needs to be done. She's pulling the obstinate card and she's holding up the hand because she knows that if she gets in there she may not get out for a while and she has other fish to fry. I think also she knows Oliver and knows that maybe all of his motives aren't genuine in the word of love. So she's being very skeptical, which I think is a smart move for her.

Smallville was already picked up for a season nine. Do you know whether or not you'd be coming back, or whether there's the potential of you coming back for another season?

Well there's always potential. You know? They have me if they want me. I do know but I can't tell you because that would ruin next week.

Looking back at this season how has it changed from the beginning to now, and what is your fondest memory of the season on Smallville?

It's changed so much. I can't believe how quickly nine months just went by. It was actually really fun watching the episode last night with my dog to see where Tess is going. The actors get a distance from it because what's airing now we filmed two months ago, so you do it and then you take a step back and when you watch it it's like you see it new for the first time. I like how this character has come into her own and made more of a footprint than just filling in for Lex. At least I hope that she's done that for fans. My fondest memory is probably just being part of a family. They really are a family up there. It's hard not to when it's been going on for some like with the same people, and I think there's a reason it's been going on for so long. They're such good people.

Is there any difference when you're being directed by a costar?

Absolutely! There's absolutely a difference. I think a lot of the directors we bring in have worked with the other actors before, so they know them better. Most of the directors I've worked with this season - it was the first time I was working with them and it was also the last time. It's hard to really create a relationship in a few days of really intense work. You do but it's different. Being directed by [my costars] - we share a vocabulary that you only share after you've been working with someone for a while. Also, to be directed by an actor - that relationship has already been done. You understand where they're coming from acting-wise and you can kind of use less words, and sounds more so than words. There's a certain ease to it. Tom did such a good job with last night's episode. There's a certain shine to that that's different than anybody else. I get along very well with Tom, and he's just really a calm and kind director.

Another fan question. KathyL108 wants to know what character on the show would you like to have had more scenes with, or like to have more scenes with that you haven't really gotten a chance to share the screen with?

You know what? Aaron Ashmore! I want to hang out with Jimmy, d*mn it! I've never met him! I think I've actually met Aaron Ashmore two or three times total, and it's funny because every time we meet each other it's always like, "Hey, you're the one who's always in the episodes I'm not in!" So I want to hang out with Jimmy Olsen!

The season's over. You've finished wrapping. So what are your summer plans? Do you have any other projects? What are you going to do this summer?

Yeah, I'm actually filming a horror movie in June called Yellow Brick Road. It's a very small independent movie - thriller/horror - and I'm super excited for it.

- Cassidy para "sfuniverse.com":
Smallville’s Cassidy Freeman Gives Destiny a Push

It’s been a “TV year” since Cassidy Freeman joined Smallville as Tess Mercer, the new editor of the Daily Planet and foil for Clark Kent. But even after all this time, there are still quite a few mysteries surrounding this tough, no-nonsense lady. We know she has ties to Lex Luther (she’s living in his mansion, for heaven’s sake!) and we know she had a steamy romance with Oliver Queen and she seems to have a handle on Clark Kent. But the big question still remains — is Tess only out to save Tess, or is she secretly one of the good guys?

I went right to the source for the answer and here’s what Cassidy Freeman had to say.

Cyn: So, flat out, is Tess a good guy or a bad guy?

Cassidy: She’s a tricky one, isn’t she? It’s funny because people always ask; is she a hero or is she a villain, and I don’t think that she’s either. I think that she’s passionate; I think that she’s someone that’s driven by what she wants and how she feels. They did such a good job of making her quite ambiguous which makes her very frustrating, but it’s also fun to play.

Cyn: It’s interesting that you say she’s driven by how she feels, because there are times when it seems like she doesn’t feel anything! She’s one tough lady.

Cassidy: I think it’s really cool that they’ve got this hardcore woman that everyone thinks is supposed to be very hard-shelled, very business and actually all of her motives are born out of her emotion. She genuinely wants the best for Clark and I think that kind of tough love is her point. She wants him to be what he’s supposed to be and maybe not for him, maybe for herself, maybe for humanity, but she needs for that to happen. She’s willing to kill people to do it, obviously.

Cyn: We have seen a few glimpses of her softer side, particularly in her relationship to Oliver. Does Tess have an Achilles heel?

Cassidy: Yeah, absolutely. It’s all in the timing - someone has to hit it and she has to be willing to let it be hit, because I think that she is very strong. She’s very in control of herself. She’s able to put up those walls, but I definitely think that someone could hit it, Oliver has hit it. That that’s why he seems to be her Achilles heel and then she has to so tightly grasp it back together because he was a part of her life when she was most vulnerable and being vulnerable is not something that she’s used to being.

Cyn: This season you have the pleasure of being directed by two of your co-stars. Last week Tom Welling directed you in “Injustice.” How was that?

Cassidy: It was a lot of fun. Tom was the only director that actually gave me homework before the episode started - he made me watch a Danny Boyle movie called Sunshine. It’s kind of like a team of people who go out and try to reactivate the sun, it’s a really beautiful movie and I don’t know why it didn’t get more press. He made me watch it, then it got me all excited for the episode and then it was all kind of done so amazing. Tom and I get along very well and being directed by a fellow actor, especially for me who maybe doesn’t know all the directors that well, it was really nice to be directed by someone that I had a relationship with prior to the episode.

Cyn: Earlier this year, Allison Mack directed you in “Power.” Tell me about that.

Cassidy: [Power] was the first one that Allison directed, so everything that she lacked in knowledge of camera, she made up for it by really knowing the motive of the characters and really knowing the story that she wanted to tell, even if she didn’t have the ability or the vocabulary to tell it yet on the technical side. Whereas Tom has directed a bunch of episodes, and he’s also just been there for eight years, he’s super savvy and very quick to know how things are suppose to look.

They are a bit different. Allison likes to dig in there and get into the conflicts, and the motives, and the reasons. Tom’s a little more laid back and very linear about his story telling, which then ends up looking beautiful. Also, Tom does this great thing - I don’t know if he always does this, but he did it - we’ll do some takes, we’ll get the coverage we need and then at the end he’ll go okay this one’s for you, and he’ll let the actors just do one for themselves i.e. go for it. And he said nine times out of ten that’s the take he chooses, which is really cool.

Cyn: Incredibly, it’s been almost a year since you started.

Cassidy: Nine months, it’s my baby.

Cyn: So how have thing changed for you, either on set, off set? It’s got to be a big shift.

Cassidy: It is a big shift and it’s funny that you say shift because it makes me think shifting a car. It’s kind of like, now I’ve shifted into second gear, but I’m also kind of on a plateau. You know when you’re looking for a job and you’re trying to find what the next thing is, you often feel like you’re chugging up a hill. Looking for work is work. So now, I went straight from looking for work, into doing work - really hard work.

The beginning of the season, especially, was pretty rough hours and there was so much change, I almost felt like an athlete training for something. When I wasn’t working, I was sleeping - I was so exhausted - but it was really great conditioning and it totally changes my rhythm of life. Now, if I get a week off, I take it off. I don’t stress about what I could be doing, I do the things I wanted to do that I haven’t been able to do, like paint my bathroom. And now, once in a while, I get recognized which is really cool.

Cyn: Are you anything like Tess Mercer?

Cassidy: No, I’m not. People who meet me, they’re like, ‘wait a second… you’re that evil bitch on television?’ I’m like, ‘yes, yes I am.’ I’m also like 5′10, so I try not to wear heels whenever I don’t have to.

Cyn: Tess is surrounded by superheroes. Who are the superheroes in your life?

Cassidy: That’s such a great question! I just got to spend some time with my mom and grandmother in Tulsa, Oklahoma and they are superheroes in my life. They are just so cool. And you know what else? I come home after nine months of living in Vancouver pretty much the whole time, and I get to sit down with my friends for more that ten minutes . . . I get to hear about all that they have done and all that they are doing, and I’m just so thankful to be surround by them. All my friends, they’re doing so well. It’s all just like more fuel for the fire, I feel like we’re all just standing around a big bonfire and just throwing in our achievements and it’s growing bigger and I’m just so proud of them. I’m proud of the people in my life.

Cyn: It’s interesting to note that both Smallville and Supernatural have taken up the question of destiny and if people can be redeemed… what are your thoughts about destiny and whether we can escape our fate?

Cassidy: I think that everything can change, but you have to make it change. You can’t sit back and let things happen. I attempted to learn to surf a year and a half ago. I was okay…. people always say surfing is life and I’m like you’re on drugs, surfing is not life, surfing is a sport. But if you have a surfboard and you’re out there and you’re paddling against the waves, if you wait for the wave to hit you you’re going to get pummeled every time. You have to charge the wave. That doesn’t mean you have to be crazy aggressive and angry and flailing, but you have to have a steady attack on that wave to get through it and I think that is a metaphor for life. You have to know, you don’t have to charge, you don’t have to be aggressive, but you have to be clear and you have to be focused and specific about what you want. And I think that we can do that in our lives everyday, lots of little things - like doing the dishes. I woke up this morning and I said I have to do my dishes and I did them.

As cheesy as it sounds, I always knew that this is what I wanted to do and there were a lot of times where I didn’t think I could, where I had these belief systems of I’m to old, I’m too tall, I’m too whatever. Whatever people try and make you believe because they believe it of themselves. And you really just have to make your own rules for things and then your fate in inevitable and it’s exactly what you want it to be.

- Cassidy para "Los Ángeles Times"
'Smallville' characters will be 'dropping like flies' tonight

he season finale of "Smallville" is tonight and that means we’ll finally learn who gets axed. The cast and crew remain tight-lipped about whose days in Metropolis are numbered. Hero Complex stalwart Yvonne Villarreal snagged a few minutes with relative newcomer Cassidy Freeman -- who, as Tess Mercer, has the tricky task of filling the villainous void left by Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor). Freeman reflected on the season and but played it coy about tonight's big finale.

YV: What was it like trying to fill Rosenbaum’s shoes? He has quite the following.

CF: It was really cool. It was like someone handed me a big present … but they were like, ‘Here, unwrap it … but make sure you do it well.’ It was a lot of responsibility as far as taking over for a character that is so loved on the show. But it was also a really great opportunity, I think. The difference between coming onto a show that’s already been going for so long and doing a new pilot is you don’t have to worry about the same stuff. This is a well-oiled machine. They’ve got everything down and you’re a new additive. So it allowed me to really focus on myself and this character and how I wanted to help this story along. So it’s a huge responsibility but it also gave me a little bit of freedom.

YV: Reflecting on your arrival, how do you think you’ve done after the disappearance of Lex? Do you think your character has managed to hold her own?

CF: I think I’ve done fabulously [laughs]. I’m one of those goofy people on set who likes to have a lot of fun, so I hope that I added to the experience. But I think Tess did a great job. I think that it’s difficult to do. No one wanted Lex Luthor to leave. But they did a very smart thing with the writing. They made the first season about her looking for Lex and her connection to Lex and then they chose that form of betrayal so she got to cut off that connection, at least emotionally, which is really smart because then she started to create her own character.

YV: So ... is that character a good guy or a bad guy?

CF: That’s a difficult thing. I consider myself human, which is equally odd on "Smallville." It’s funny; Tess, because she’s not an actual character from the comics, doesn’t have a destiny like everyone on the show does. Clark has a destiny. Lex has a destiny. Every week I see the script and I’m surprised by what she does. Because it does seem so flip-floppy because it’s like: "Who is she? Why can’t we define her?” What’s interesting is, instead of being ruled by destiny, she’s ruled by her own passion and her life experience, which I think is a really cool juxtaposition against the rest of the characters because she’s living in the now. She’s not living in the past. She’s not living in the what will be. She’s living in the now. She tries to make things happen because of how she feels. I think that’s a cool difference. I think that’s why she fits in so well.

YV: Given that Tess isn’t a character in the comics, how difficult was it preparing for the role? Were you a fan of Superman or "Smallville" prior to getting the part?

CF: I wasn’t. I started watching it, obviously, when I got the part. I was like, "I've got to know what world I’m getting into." And there wasn’t a lot of time. I got the role and three weeks later I started filming. That’s all I did. I went to work and then I‘d come home and watch "Smallville." I knew about Superman. I wasn’t a huge fan … but I am now. I’m totally a fan. I also watched a lot of Michael [Rosenbaum]. I knew that the beginning of this was going to be a lot about Lex. And I wanted to do justice to him and to that character. Also, very smartly, they wrote the role so that she kind of comes out of nowhere so it allowed me a little bit of naivete at the beginning. I come in and I have to put up this super strong front so I seem powerful, but, really, Tess doesn’t know what’s going on, so that was an easy thing to play; it was like art imitating life imitating art imitating life. I also journaled a lot. I would journal as my character and I would talk about how I felt about certain things, what I thought Oliver is doing, our past. You know, I sort of created this other persona.

YV: Speaking of other personas, there was that airplane and parachute incident this season that left viewers wondering … does Tess officially know Clark's secret?

CF: Yeah. She knows … if she believes what she reads. But she wants to hear it from him because she takes people at their word. And I think she’s been let down enough that she expects people to stand up for who they are and what they believe in and that’s the only time she can respect them. And she wants to respect Clark because she finally found a man that does the right thing all the time, which she didn’t think existed. She can’t buy into this belief that there is a Superman until he says it himself.

YV: What’s the motivation behind Tess trying to get Clark to come clean?

CF: I think that she wants goodness, which seems odd because she’s killing people left and right [laughs]. But if there’s a person out there that can actually make things better — there’s a line she says, "I get it, if everyone were a little bit more like you the world would be a better place." I think that’s what she wants. She wants the world to be a better place. She doesn’t want people like Lex Luthor to have this power. The first step in doing that is to have the man, who is the best, to come out and be the example that we all need to see. And she wants him to go and do that. Now, she has all this power so she can sort of be this catalyst. And she’s willing to sort of be this sacrificial catalyst for that, I think.

YV: Well, since Clark doesn’t seem to be revealing his secret any time soon, maybe you can reveal a few tidbits from this Thursday’s finale. We know there will be several deaths in the finale...

CF: Uh-huh, dying left and right, dropping like flies.

YV: Will Tess be back next season?

CF: We don’t know yet. I can’t tell you. Well, I know … but I can’t tell you.

YV: Darn! What can you tell us? What can fans expect from the finale?

CF: Lex is not in the finale. There have been rumors that Michael's talked about coming back, maybe next year, I don’t know. But, for the finale, you’re going to see Black Canary. You’re going to see the Justice League. There’s always death. But there’s this really cool, clever twist in the finale that I’m excited about. I wish I could tell you. I wish we could talk about it.

YV: Will fans like it?

CF: You know … I think it’s going to create a little bit of a ruckus. But we’ll see. They'll have to watch.

Publicado: Mar May 19, 2009 8:12 am
--[Sacred-Kripton]-- escribió:Hombre small es cierto que las dos temporadas anteriores han sido nefastas y que en cierto modo, la 8ª ha estado mejor, sobre todo por las referencias justitas a la mitología que hemos podido ver pero, como siempre digo desde que comenzó esta temporada, Clark da un paso hacia delante para luego dar dos hacia detrás. No he visto evolución, tramas interesantes y mucho menos, coherencia en el desarrollo de la temporada. Es cierto que a comienzos de la 8ª empezaron de lujo, muy buenas historias y la llegada de Davis y Tess dió un soplo de aire fresco a la serie, pero como siempre...defraudaron, trajeron a Lana y ahí la cosa se tornó mas oscura que la kriptonita negra, remontaron un poco en Bride sacando por fin a Dooms pero tras ese capítulo, la temporada a mi gusto personal fue cuesta abajo y sin frenos. Estamos ante el final de temporada y Smallville va dando tumbos...con lo cual, si hubiesen seguido la linea de comienzos de temporada, la 8ª hubiese sido mejor que la 6ª y 7ª pero sinceramente, a la 8ª junto con el Dooms de goma, los meto en el mismo saco que sus dos antecesoras temporadas. Lo siento señores, pero el nivel no vuelve a subir desde la 5ª.
Completamente de acuerdo contigo Sacred, salvo en lo de la 6ª temporada (a mí la trama de los zoners me gustó y me tuvo entretenido toda la temporada, así como la introducción del personaje de Green Arrow), que aunque es cierto que no tuvo el nivel de la 5ª, tampoco fue un desastre como la 7ª, ni una terrible decepción final como la que nos ocupa actualmente. :smt006

Publicado: Lun May 25, 2009 3:53 pm
por Restart
Yo la cagada que veo en la septima es lo de veritas, el tema KARA estaba muy bien.


Publicado: Mié Jun 03, 2009 11:30 pm
por shellbys
:smt002 :smt001 :smt002
Contenido y fecha del DVD/Blu-ray de la Octava Temporada
Ya se acaba de anunciar la fecha y el contenido que vendra en el DVD de la Temporada 8 de Smallville. La fecha para su salida a las tiendas del dvd es el 25 de Agosto.

En el contenido extra del DVD nos encontraremos con:
- Comentarios del elenco/creador
- Escenas que no salieron al aire
- Featurette: “Smallville’s Doomsday: La creacion de un monstruo”
- Featurette: “En la silla del director: Detras de la lente y llamando a filmacion con Allison Mack“.

La edicion DVD viene con 6 discos, Video Widescreen, AUDIO en Ingles Dolby Surround 5.1 con opcion para Portugues Stereo, y subtitulos en Español, Frances, Portugues, Chino y Thai.
La edicion Blu-Ray viene en 4 “BD-5D” discos. High-def 1080p widescreen video, con AUDIO Ingles Dolby Surround 5.1; no tiene otras opciones de lenguaje mencionadas en este momento para la BD version.

En Amazon.com pueden pre-ordenar la edicion DVD y la edicion Blu-ray

Publicado: Dom Jun 07, 2009 4:08 pm
por isma20
Me encanta la portada y los contenidos tienen muy buena pinta, Shellbys. Aquí os dejo un vídeo, para mi gusto curradisimo, que resume perfectamente toda la temporada http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShE2dguqbpY :smt001

Publicado: Dom Jun 07, 2009 5:11 pm
por small06
Buen video, Isma. :smt002


Publicado: Mar Jun 09, 2009 10:25 pm
por shellbys
:smt001 :smt002 :smt001
Trailer DVD/Blu-ray de la octava temporada


Warner Bros ya saco un trailer para la promocion del DVD de la octava temporada de smallville el cual sale el 25 de agosto. Aunque bueno en este trailer veran escenas de todas las temporadas hasta hoy..