Foro dedicado a Kristin Kreuk que interpreta a lana Lang

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 2.10 Extended Promo "Ancestors" (HD):

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 2.09 "Don´t die on me". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS de la S2 (14-15 enero 2014):

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(@roguecam: BATB-the very talented gang rehearsing in the Houseboat. Roguecam figuring out the shot
@roguecam: BATB- a couple of great actors rehearsing. Building the next scene)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.12 “Recipe For Disaster”:
2.12 “Recipe For Disaster”: CUANDO J.T. ES SECUESTRADO, LA COSA TERMINA EN DESASTRE --- Cat (Kristin Kreuk) y Vincent (Jay Ryan) deben trabajar juntos para salvar a J.T. (Austin Basis) cuando es secuestrado, mientras que Tori (la estrella invitada Amber Skye Noyes) intenta intervenir, con consecuencias fatales. Mientras tanto, un extraño (la estrella invitada Tom Everett Scott) del pasado de la Agente del FBI Dana Landon (la estrella invitada Elisabeth Rohm) es rescatado junto con J.T., y puede tener algún tipo de información sobre el pasado bestial de Vincent. Sendhil Ramamurthy y Nina Lisandrello también aparecen. Allan Kroeker dirige el episodio escrito por Brad Kern y Wendy Straker Hauser (#212).

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... nces/27829

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Entrevista con Austin Basis sobre la S2 de "Beauty and the Beast" (spoilertv):
Entrevista con Austin Basis sobre la S2 de "Beauty and the Beast"
Por Lilith Hellfire 15 de enero, 2014

This past Friday, January 10, 2014, I got the chance to do a one on one interview with Austin Basis. As a fan the opportunity seemed like an amazing opportunity, from an interviewer perspective, it was nerve wracking due to the fact that Austin has done so many interviews as of late for various blogs, magazines and podcasts.

Let’s start with the basics that every Beastie should already know. His full name is Austin Lee Basis. He was born on September 14, 1976 (that makes him a Virgo by the way). He grew up in Brooklyn, NY, right near the Coney Island boardwalk. He has two loving parents, Shari and Arthur as well as a younger brother Jeremy.

Austin - The Author

One of the things that I find impressive about Austin is the fact that he is just a creative person in general. He likes to draw and he likes to write poetry. He’s even a published poet. His digital book of poems, An Actor Without An Audience: Poetry For Artists, Lovers and Everymen was published in 2011. The book came out of his need to express himself freely after Life Unexpected ended. He was drawn to writing poetry because poems don’t necessarily need to conform to any rules the writer decides the structure and the next poem can be the polar opposite of the poem on the page that preceded it. The book is only available in a digital format. That decision was decided due to the tablet e-reader boom as well as the fact the poetry publishing circle is quite small and hard to break into.

Living with Diabetes

At an early age Austin was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, which later went on to become an inspiration to want to be a doctor. When Austin was younger it was much harder living with diabetes due to strict scheduling of his meals, watching his insulin levels as well as taking the required series of injections daily, although that never stopped Austin from believing he could do whatever he set his mind.

Now days, it’s not much of a fuss thanks to his handy dandy insulin pump. I think it very refreshing that Austin talks so openly and freely about living with diabetes. It is his hope that his message reaches young people with diabetes so they know that they can still achieve any goal they set for themselves. When he was growing up there were no actors or athletes that had diabetes or at least weren’t publicly open about it so it his hope that he can be for someone what no one was for him.

Austin is a celebrity ambassador for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. The Juvenile Diabetes Research foundation is the leading global organization funding type 1 diabetes research and is the only organization with the scientific resources, regulatory influence, and a working plan to better treat, prevent, and eventually cure type 1 diabetes. They are making some extraordinary breakthroughs on the medical technology front, everything from artificial pancreases to apps that can work with your smart phone to keep track of all you important levels such a blood sugar, insulin levels, etc.

Was acting always the dream?

Ever since Austin can remember, he’s loved making people laugh, dressing up and performing. His fondest memories are of Halloweens from his youth where he dressed up as Dracula on more than one occasion. But his wasn’t always sure that he would be an actor. In high school, he thought about playing baseball professionally. Later on in his academic career he was on the fast track to becoming a doctor, for whatever reasons that didn’t work out. Fortunately, he figured out that what he wanted to do and turned his full attention to acting. Taking some sound advice from a mentor he pursued a post-secondary education in theater.

When asked if he ever considered being a teacher, which is the family business by the way, both his mom and his brother are teachers, the answer is yes. He even did a little substitute teaching at his old middle school, Mark Twain Junior High School for the Gifted & Talented once upon a time. Obviously, that was not where his passions took him but he did state that he had wonderful experience while it lasted and reconnected with some of his favorite teachers even becoming close friends with some.

A Scholar and a Gentleman

Something else that I like about Austin’s resume is that he studied acting. He earned a bachelor’s degree in theater from Binghamton University and went on to earn a Masters from The Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University. He is also a lifetime member of The Actors Studio.

Austin has such a lovely educational pedigree, which provoked me to ask which methods of acting he draws from the most during his acting performances. He uses the Lee Strasberg method, which is an adaptation of Constantin Stanislavski’s method that is a group of techniques actors use to develop lifelike performances that focus on drawing from their personal experiences and applying it in some way to the character they are playing.

Fun Fact: Always striving to improve his performance Austin enlists an acting coach, a fellow graduate from The Actors Studio Drama School. They watch his scenes together and breakdown the scenes and evaluate the acting choices. That was a pretty cool tidbit to discover and I applaud Austin efforts in striving for excellence.

Behind the Scenes Dish

Did you know that Beauty and the Beast doesn’t do table reads? I read that mentioned on Sendhil Ramamurthy’s twitter line and wasn’t sure if I read that right or if it was a one-time occurrence. Since I had the opportunity to ask, I did. Turns out Beauty and the Beast haven’t been doing table reads for most of it runs. It was done away with early on during the first season. The show is much action oriented and gets revised a lot so it makes sense, that in order to stay on the tight 8 day shooting schedule something had to give. Some actors like table reads, some actors don’t, most are pretty indifferent. Austin doesn’t mind doing table reads as it offers a chance to see the bigger picture sooner but is perfectly fine with not doing table reads.

The topics of sets came up somehow and while Austin likes the Gentleman’s Club he kind of misses the old dark, dank, warehouse. He also shared that the Gentleman’s Club was originally a location but got recreated into a set. The only thing that got lost in translation during the building of the set was the stain glass roof. It had to go in order to accommodate lighting. He went on to talk about how he likes the subtle progression of the Gentleman’s Club into more a geeky lair now that JT lives alone. If you look close enough you can see more of JT’s personality coming through in the surroundings.

JT is the most relatable character on the show. The character is often the voice of the audience as well as the comic relief. JT Forbes one liners are epic and often touted as highlight of an episode among Beasties. So I was curious to know if the actors in general are allowed leeway and room for a little improv from time to time. Turns out they are in most cases. That’s awesome to know that the writing isn’t rigid and set in stone.

If you are a JT Forbes fan and you have been wondering just when we’re going to get an episode that features JT more prominently, I’ve got the answer, episode 2x12 is basically a JT centric one and the so is the next episode after that, 2x13. Austin says the whole cast, especially and he and Jay had a lot of fun shooting those episodes in particularly. I for one can’t wait to see them interact more.

The bombshell about JT being the one who gave Muirfield Vincent’s name for their trial is not a new development. Austin has known that practically since day one. Hopefully, that plot point will open the door to a plethora of character development for both JT and Vincent. Austin seemed very excited that the truth was out and the open though he couldn’t really go into any further details at the time.

Speaking of the bromance, we can look forward to more JT and Vincent screen time during which JT will continue to be the voice of reason and a hardcore member of Team Catherine while VinCat is separated. He will be the loud and constant reminder that Cat and Vincent are meant to be together.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/01/beauty ... basis.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes BTS de la S2 (16-01-14):

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(@LoriFischburg: The Premier visits Beauty & The Beast! @stugillard @BatBNews)

- Productor ejecutivo de "Beauty And The Beast" ofrece palabras esperanzadoras para los “Beasties” (ksitetv):
Productor ejecutivo de "Beauty And The Beast" ofrece palabras esperanzadoras para los “Beasties”
Por Craig Byrne 16 enero, 2014

If the comments sections on recent Beauty And The Beast posts here at KSiteTV are any indication, the show's sizable fan base is a bit worried. The show will be leaving the network schedule between March and May, and the series' titular couple doesn't seem to be together, and they don't look like they're even close to being back together.

So, when we ran into BATB Executive Producer Brad Kern at a CBS event that is part of this year's television critics' press tour, we asked him flat out: Is there any encouraging news coming for those "VinCat" fans who are a little worried lately, especially with Tori hanging around?

"It's something I'd said before; this season is a journey," he told us. "It was always my feeling, and the writers when we got together at the beginning of season 2, [we] talked about that; that we felt that to give the series legs, Vincent and Cat had to split apart, to find themselves separately. It's always painful to split apart, but the plan for that, the long-term plan, was for them to be able to come back together again, stronger and better than ever, individually, which would also make their relationship stronger. Obviously if you do the math on that, Tori would be the 'odd man out'."

So, it sounds good that things will get better for Jay Ryan's beast and Kristin Kreuk's beauty. But for those fans who don't want to wait until the end of the season, might there be good things to come BEFORE the March hiatus? "Oh, definitely," Kern assured. "Because The CW has changed the air order, and Episode 16 basically the last show that will air, to my understanding, before we find out if there is a Season 3, we're building our show up to basically Episode 16 being our big season finale. So, our last episode we air in March before we go on hiatus will be a big one."

Our conversation also covered the devotion and loyalty that we have seen between characters; specifically, the recent revelations of J.T.'s guilt over what happened to Vincent. "This season, its theme is 'Who Am I?' Its sub-theme is redemption and making amends. Much like Gabe's been trying to make amends, certainly Vincent's going to start trying to make amends for frankly, the poor choice he made in Episode 8. J.T. is trying to make amends, first by admitting what he did. Admitting what you did is only the first half of the journey. The se"Ancestors"cond half of the journey is trying to make living amends for what he did. So, his help for Vincent through his journey, certainly once he's separated from Cat, is going to be part and parcel with him trying to make amends for what he feels very guilt-ridden about. We have a very important scene in Episode 12 that brings all that out," Kern explained.

With "Who Am I" being a theme for Season 2, might Kern and the show's writers have a plan for Season 3 if there should be one? "I have the question to ask, which is 'Who Are We?' Because if Season 2 was all about 'Who Am I' as far as separate individuals finding themselves separately and coming back together again: Look, it's no big spoiler that Vincent and Cat get back together again. It's called Beauty and the Beast. But the point was to take them apart to bring them back together again to make them stronger, separately as well as a couple. Therefore, Season 3 now becomes 'Who Are We'," he declared. (On the subject of "we"s, by the way, we asked if there's a chance for J.T. and Tess as a couple. Kern replied with "I will say.... Yes.")

In the end, the producers of Beauty and the Beast are aware that the fan base has their worries. "Obviously, we're aware of their concerns. We're aware that they don't like Vincent and Cat separate, but I think the faith that we as writers and producers are asking them to take is that when you break something apart, you build it back together again, bigger and stronger and more romantic than ever, and that's why we look at it as a season story. I mean, in this era of instant gratification, the challenge in doing a series is to make loyal audiences feel rewarded for their investment and their time, and you really can't do that by giving the candy every week. You have to do it, again, thinking of the big picture: Grow with the characters, have faith that we're going to reward you, the audience, with your patience and sharing the journey with us, and that's a promise I can assure them that we will be keeping," Kern said.

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/bea ... ties/27977

- Productor ejecutivo de "Beauty and the Beast" habla sobre el destino de VinCat,' el Romance de San Valentín y una reunión 'Satisfactoria' (Tvline):
Productor ejecutivo de "Beauty and the Beast" habla sobre el destino de VinCat,' el Romance de San Valentín y una reunión 'Satisfactoria'
Por Matt Webb Mitovich 17 de enero, 2014 05:00 PM PST

The CW’s Beauty and the Beast (Mondays at 9/8c), which launched with the tagline “How Brave is Your Love?,” now might be more on point to ask of its titular twosome: “How Resilient Is Your Love?”

As if things didn’t already look bleak coming out of the fall finale, which ended with Cat choosing to shoot Vincent to save the father she barely knew, last week’s episode found the ex-lovers essentially electing to write their romance off as a loss and move on with their individual lives.

But all hope is not lost. “Have faith” is the message from executive producer Brad Kern, who here with EP Jennifer Levin previews the episodes to come before its spring hiatus.

YOU ARE MY DESTINY | The skeletal remains discovered by Cat and Tori in the abandoned curios shop represent the literal bones of a meaty new mystery. “We’re trying to explore who Vincent is as a beast and how he’s connected to a deeper mythology,” Kern says. “And ultimately Catherine will be connected to it as well. We’re going to find out over the course of the next several episodes that it’s not just Vincent who’s connected to his destiny, that Cat might be as well, in a different way.” Wait, so “beasts” perhaps were not born in a Muirfield lab but preexisted long before? Says Kern: “We’re going to discover that Muirfield was a Chinese box behind a Chinese box behind a Chinese box… a front corporation” for a whole other entity that perhaps was looking to re-engineer an extinct species.

FOUR’S A CROWD | Of course, “shared destiny” or not, Vincent and Catherine are far from alone in taking this journey. Cat, for one, has ADA Gabe helping her lick her personal and professional wounds. Don‚Äôt Die on Me“Like Vincent having to explore his beast side, Cat has to explore this ‘Mr. Right’ who understands what she’s gone through, because he used to be a beast. She’d be stupid not to, especially after what a jerk Vincent was to her.” (Will this would-be couple kiss? “You’ll have to wait and see,” Levin hedges.) Vincent meanwhile has fellow beast Tori at his side — for now. “As he explores the season-long question of ‘Who am I?,’ he’s got a woman who can connect to him in a way that Cat never can,” Kern notes. Just don’t count on Tori staying around through to the season finale. “That’s not a season-long arc,” Kern makes clear.

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY WEEK! | Fittingly, a Valentine’s Day-themed episode airing Feb. 10 and involving a “vow renewal” will mark the first significant step toward a VinCat reconciliation. Says Levin, “[EP] Sherri [Cooper] and I wrote it and we went for the romance Don‚Äôt Die on Me– hyper-aware of the fact that it would be airing on Valentine’s week.”

KEEPING THE FAITH | But again, that episode is but a first step. There is no one grand gesture that will get the beast out of the dog house. “It’s going to take Vincent a while to earn back Cat’s trust, once he realizes that the path he chose maybe wasn’t the right one. But it was a necessary path for him to explore,” says Kern. “If he’s going to find the balance between man and beast, between heart and soul — which he must do if he is to be a better man for Cat — he must take this journey. It’s a painful path, but we ask the audience to have faith in us and to be with us on the season’s story, so that they can be rewarded with a series of episodes that bring them back together again in a much more fulfilling and foundational way.” That said….

GONNA LEAVE YOU HANGIN’ | As previously reported, Beast is going on a spring break — and it’s going out with a bang. “The winter finale promises to give the fans what they’ve been waiting for,” Kern teases, “as well as a shocking VinCat cliffhanger.”

http://tvline.com/2014/01/17/beauty-and ... y-romance/

- Los jefes de Beauty and the Beast: Catherine se merece un chico como Gabe (TVGuide):
Los jefes de Beauty and the Beast: Catherine se merece un chico como Gabe
Por Robyn Ross 19 de Enero, 2014 12:59 PM ET

Is Beauty and the Beast's Catherine really ready to move on from Vincent? She's at least going to try.

When we last saw Cat (Kristin Kreuk), she had finally realized that she hadn't let go of Vincent (Jay Ryan) because he had saved her life all those years ago. With their relationship behind her, and Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy) waiting in the wings, Cat's about to embark on a new partnership — especially when her anger for Vincent is further propelled by his going public.

"They've been under the shadow of having to hide him up until this point, and now there he is, free and out, and that's what she always hoped to have," showrunner Brad Kern tells TVGuide.com. Adds executive producer Jennifer Levin, "And that can fuel her towards Gabe, that upset and anger."

So is there hope for Catherine and Vincent to rekindle what they once had anytime soon? Or will Gabe and Tori (Amber Skye Noyes) continue to be obstacles for the two? Keep reading for more scoop!

Catherine declared she's ready to move on. Is she really going to?
Jennifer Levin: She's trying. If she's going to move forward in her life then she's going to explore other possibilities for sure. There's no bigger VinCat shipper than me, but I have been won over by Gabe a bit. So I'm not upset because it feels like she deserves it.

Brad Kern: The design of this part of the season is for Cat and Vincent to grow as individuals. They came together so fast for kismet, epic reasons, but that's not a long-term relationship. You have to figure out who you are separately which is painful, but also comedic and adventurous. You got the perfect guy right there who's handsome, rich, working hard to make his amends, trying to be protective of her. It's hard for a woman who's been dealing with a beast who's made some really bad choices not to look over at the perfect guy that every mother would want their daughter to marry and give him a second look. It would be inauthentic if we didn't play that. Does that mean that it's at the ultimate expense of Vin and Cat? Well the show is called Beauty and the Beast so we'll end up supporting that.

Will Vincent going public with his identity change everything going forward?
Kern: Yes and no. It changes it fundamentally, but it's New York so it's a big deal for a minute.

JT (Austin Basis) dropped a bomb that he's responsible for Vincent becoming a beast. Why did you reveal that now?
Kern: It seemed like an organic place for it to come out because for JT [he thought], he's dying and 'I'm responsible for that,' or at least JT thinks so. The reveal he gives to Tess (Nina Lisandrello) he has yet to give that reveal to Vincent, which is a scene for a future show.

Fans are not so into Tori. Did you expect that?
Levin: Well yeah, but she serves a really great purpose for us. Tori has a bond with Vincent that Catherine can never compete with and she is worthy competition for Catherine. Do we love her? No, she's the person pushing them apart, the wedge, but she serves a great purpose.

Kern: If he's chosen to go to the beast world, she's beast and so it makes sense to have her help him explore that path. Is that the right path? She'll help them answer that question. Does that come with resistance and conflict and audience backlash? Yeah, but that's what conflict is. [We're asking] the audience to be with us for our season story and telling them to have faith. We're trying to build a better mouse trap in Cat and Vincent's relationship and it's all part of the journey.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Beauty-Beas ... 76341.aspx

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 2.10 "Ancestors" Sneak Peek:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 2.10 "Ancestors" Sneak Peek #2:

http://tvline.com/2014/01/20/beauty-and ... beth-rohm/

- The CW "TV Now" February 2014 Promo:

- Nueva imagen BTS del episodio 2.10:


(Thanks to @Deb38300)

- Beauty and the Beast 2.11 "Held Hostage" Extended Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Austin Basis habla sobre la “salida a la luz” de Vincent (ksitetv):
Austin Basis habla sobre la “salida a la luz” de Vincent
Por Craig Byrne 20 de enero, 2014

On the new episode of Beauty And The Beast scheduled to air tonight at 9PM (ET) on The CW, Vincent Keller reveals himself to the world!

Who Am I?This decision will send ripples through the lives of everyone on the show, and aside from Kristin Kreuk's Catherine, no other might be affected as much as Vincent's best friend, J.T. Forbes, who is played on the series by Austin Basis.

We spoke with Mr. Basis this morning for an extended interview about his role as the loyal J.T.; the entire interview should be posted in the coming days. But for those of you who just can't wait: Here's what Mr. Basis had to say about J.T.'s reaction to Vincent's revelation:

"From what I know of tonight's episode and the next two, I don't think J.T. was on the side of him 'coming out'," Austin said, "but at this point, Vincent has kind of been living his own life, away from J.T., and making choices and not seeking J.T.'s counsel or advice, and so it's a little frustrating for J.T.. One, because that's part of what their friendship was, and what their relationship was, that has been absent; and also, J.T. is still picking up the pieces when Vincent gets into trouble."

Vincent may not be the only one who sees trouble from this new openness. "It also compromises J.T. because he is now connected to this person that was supposed to be dead for ten years and is alive, and so, it makes J.T. vulnerable, in my mind, so I don't think J.T.'s on board with that," Basis continued. "You don't really get to necessarily see his disapproval of it, but I think he also is still in that mindset of that guilt driving him, and it's 'the world according to Vincent,' and J.T. is just a part of it. And so, until J.T. could relieve himself of this secret and this guilt, he's still going to feel obliged to being of service to Vincent, and not to himself."

"It's a lot of loyalty. Everyone has guilt from something in their lives, and to what end does each person go to either deny that guilt, overcome that guilt, make up for that guilt? I think that's all part of it," he said.

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/bea ... -out/28148

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 2.10 "Ancestors". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS de la S2 (21-01-14):

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(@Sendhil_Rama: @MsKristinKreuk #BATB
@Sendhil_Rama: Don't worry #beasties #VinCat is in the house!
@roguecam: BATB-Ms Kristin Kreuk pausing between takes last night on set. Talented and beautiful. Grateful)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.11 "Held Hostage":

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- Stills del 2.12 "Recipe for disaster":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen BTS de la S2 (23-01-13):


(@roguecam: BATB last night. Cat and Vince rehearse their lines. Roguecam)

- Beauty & The Beast 2.11 "Held Hostage" Sneak Peek:

http://watch.accesshollywood.com/video/ ... share-link

- Beauty & The Beast 2.11 "Held Hostage" Sneak Peek 2:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 2.12 "Recipe for Disaster" Promo (HD):

- Beauty and the Beast 2.12 "Recipe for Disaster" Extended Promo (HD):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Christopher Heyerdahl, estrella invitada en la S2 de "Beauty and the Beast":
El actor Christopher Heyerdahl aparecerá en la S2 de "Beauty and the Beast" como estrella invitada, interpretando al 'Dr. Nicholas Markus', el mentor médico de Vincent y respetado médico que tiene un puesto fijo en el antiguo lugar de trabajo de Vincent.

Vincent ceuza su camino con Markus en el hospital St. Benjamin cuando intenta salvar a alguien, efectivamente poniendo al buen doctor en un dilema que podría potencialmente terminar con su carrera.

http://tvline.com/2014/01/27/beauty-and ... ts-mentor/

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 2.11 "Hel Hostahe". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS de la S2 (28-01-14):

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(@roguecam: BATB-Sendhil, Kristin, and 'guest' await some lighting fixes before we shoot a scene. Roguecam today
@roguecam: BATB-Tess in the precinct. Good morning Twitterverse)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32831
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- The CW "Tv Now 2014" Promo:

- Nuevas imágenes BTS de la S2 (30-01-14):

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(thanks to @EmeraldBracken & @roguecam)

- Stills del 2.13 "Til Death":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


Volver a “Lana Lang (Kristin Kreuk)”