"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32829
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La WB anuncia que emitirá llaves de hotel de "Arrow" en el "San Diego Comic Con 2012" (comingsoon.net):

Warner Bros. Entertainment ha creado una vez más una serie de llaves de hoteles limitadas de coleccionista, que serán usadas en los principales hoteles del área de San Diego durante el Comic-Con 2012. Este marca el quinto año consecutivo del popular programa de llaves, dando a los fans acceso instantáneo a piezas de arte que pueden usarse y coleccionarse de series próximas tales como "Arrow," "666 Park Avenue" y "Revolution."

Más de 40,000llaves de habitación estarán disponibles para los fans en los 38 hoteles que participan en el área de San Diego, cortesía de Warner Bros. Worldwide Television Marketing.


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Svmarines »

La CW nos informa la fecha de estreno de la serie que sera el 10 de Octubre y nos da una nueva foto



Mensajes: 32829
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen de Stephen Amell como "Arrow":


(gracias a Entertainment Weekly)

- "Arrow" se emitirá en el Reino Unido (greenarrowtv):
Sky1 HD ha anunciado que han conseguido los derechos para emitir Arrow en el Reino Unido, empezando el otoño del 2012.

“Estoy encantada de que hayamos asegurado los derechos para una de las series más comentadas de los screenings de L.A. de este año,” ha declarado Sarah Wright de Sky1. “Arrow lanzará la ya envidiable pizarra de la programación de los EEUU, y combinado con nuestra programación original ganadora de premios, servirá a nuestra promesa de llevar el mejor contenido exclusivo a nuestros usuarios.”

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-gets- ... time/11239

- Comic-Con: la estrella de ‘Arrow’ Stephen Amell pone sus miras en San Diego (herocomplex):
Comic-Con: la estrella de ‘Arrow’ Stephen Amell pone sus miras en San Diego
Por Geoff Boucher 03 de Julio, 2012 | 8:17 a.m.

Stephen Amell hará su intento este Octubre — eso es cuando el actor canadiense de 31 años tome el papel del título de "Arrow" de la CW los miércoles por la noche. Amell interpreta a Oliver Queen, un insensible playboy billonario que sobrevive a un terrible naufragio y entonces encuentra un nuevo lado de sí mismo — y una nueva y peligrosa misión en la vida — en una remotta isla del Pacífico. La serie es una nueva aproximación del clásico personaje de DC Comics Green Arrow (no está conectada de ninguna manera a la versión de “Smallville” del extraordinario arquero) así es que no es una sorpresa que Amell y Warner Bros. Television irán al Comic-Con International la próxima semana para un panel que adelantará el viernes un vistazo a la serie en la Ballroom 20.

“Arrow” es la serie de televisión número 14 basada en un personaje de DC Comics pero está en su propia liga (¿la ”Liga de Sólo Nosotros”?) ahora mismo tras el vuelo de despedida de “Smallville,” el cierre de la andadura de “Human Target” y la calamidad de ”Wonder Woman,” que resultó ser exactamente como el jet invisible de la heroína — todo el mundo oyó hablar de su piloto pero nadie nunca lo ha visto en el aire. ¿Será anunciada otra serie de DC en el Comic-Con? El tiempo lo dirá, pero mientras tanto, son todo ojos para Amell, con el que nos reunimos para hablar sobre San Diego.

HC: Green Arrow celebró su 70 aniversario en los cómics el año pasado. Cundo oyes eso ¿te recuerda sobre las posibilidades y la atracción del personaje o subraya cuánta presión hay de hacerlo de forma correcta?

SA: Cien por cien lo primero. Cuando tienes un personaje con una historia tan rica le da al equipo creativo un gran material para hacer las historias. Y más allá de eso, hicimos en realidad un guiño al debut del personaje en el piloto. Todo eso es divertido.

HC: Comic-Con International es el Martes de Carnaval para los fans de lo fantástico, el Cannes de las capas. ¿Has estado allí antes?

SA: Nunca he estado y no podría estar más emocionado de que mi primera vez sea en mitad de interpretar a un personaje que la gente conoce y disfruta. ¿Y en cuanto a qué esperar? La gente sigue diciéndome que "me Prepare" y que "va a ser una locura". Supongo qie tendré que hacerme mi propia opinión.

HC: La flecha es importante este año – Katniss, Brave, Skyrim, Hawkeye, etc — ¿son esas buenas o malas noticia para vosotros, chicos?

SA: El que la flecha esté teniendo un momento cultural es increíble para nosotros. Si podemos atraer espectadores casuales porque son unos nuevos entusiastas de la arquería, estamos confiados en que podremos mantenerlos porque hay una sustancia real en la serie.

HC: Tu personaje no es la persona más sana o cosiderada del mundo y luego atraviesa por una poderosa transformación tras un naufragio. ¿Tienes alguna preocupación de que el comportamiento gamberro pueda crear un reto para vosotros en cuanto a manetener a una nueva audiencia de vuestro lado desde temprano?

SA: Mantener a la audiencia a mi lado es secuandario al estar seguros de que el personaje es real. Sería estúpido, en el mundo que hemos fijado para Oliver, el pensar que podría intentar hacer algo tan virtuoso sin provocar dalos colaterales. Con suerte, eso retará a la audiencia a seguir decidiendo si están del lado de Oliver o no. Sería un particular logro para mí si hubiera un grupo de espectadores a los que no les gustara particularmente Oliver, pero respetaran lo que estaba tratando de hacer.

HC: Los trajes de los Superhéroes no son las cosas más fáciles de llevar a la pantalla pero el aspecto de tu personaje es más sutil y realmente basado en la realidad que las usuales mallas y máscaras. ¿Qué te gusta del traje y es su aspecto una especie de evolución? ¿O fue bastante fijado desde el primer día ?

SA: El aspecto fue fijado por Colleen Atwood dsde el primer día. Ella es la mejor en lo que hace. En términos de evolución, queríamos tomar su diseño y hacerlo lo más funcional posible. Funcional era definitivamente la palabra clave. Para mí, quería ser capaz de ponerme el trahe por mí mismo. Si podía hacerlo, eso significaba que funcionaba y que con suerte la gente se lo creería.


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32829
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El escritor de 'Arrow' apunta a más héroes de DC: 'Mirad muy cuidadosamente' (digitalspy.com):
El escritor de 'Arrow' apunta a más héroes de DC: 'Mirad muy cuidadosamente'
Por Morgan 9 de Julio, 2012, 7:23am EDT

El escritor de Arrow Marc Guggenheim ha apuntado que más héroes de DC podrían aparecer en la serie.

Los fans de los cómic vieron la máscara del popular villano Deathstroke en un trailer del nuevo drama de DC, que está basado en la serie de DC de Green Arrow.

"Esa es más que definitivamente la máscara - Animaría a la gente a que vuera la serie, particularmente que vieran futuros episodios," Guggenheim dijo en un podcast con The Outhousers.

Y al preguntarle si aparecerían más personajes de DC, añadió: "Diría, que miréis muy cuidadosamente y que veáis más que el piloto."

Guggenheim también reveló que el equipo de escritores de Arrow tienen "planes" para lo que involucraría una segunda y tercera temporada.

"Fuimos escogidos para 13 episodios," explicó. "Lo normal de la cadena es ordenar el piloto+12 y eso es hacia lo que hemos estado escribiendo.

"Pero tenemos planes para lo que sería el episodio 22 [el final de la temporada], sobre lo que iría la temporada dos y tres, y con suerte, coseguiremos contar todas esas historias."

http://www.digitalspy.com/tv/s206/arrow ... fully.html

- Warner Bros revela sus bolsas promocionales para el SDCC 2012, entre las que se encuentra "Arrow":



- Sinopsis del episodio 1.02 - "Honor Thy Father" de "Arrow":
1.02 - "Honra al Padre": Poniendo sus vidas en riesgo, Laurel y Oliver ponen su objetivo en un corrupto hombre de negocios que permire a la mafia China a hacer contrabando de drogas en la ciudad.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/07/arrow- ... ather.html

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32829
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow: Video BTS sobre la Banda Sonora de la serie:
Ayer la CW emitió un nuevo video BTS aobre Arrow mostrando el proceso de creación de la banda sonora de la serie. En él se pueden encontrar entrevistas al productor ejecutivo Marc Guggenheim iy también al compositor Blake Neely:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5Cl65yS ... e=youtu.be

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Svmarines »

- Arrow: Fotos BTS del 1.01 Pilot:

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(Gracias a THR)

- Imágenes Promocionales de Arrow en el Comic-Con:

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han hecho una especie de bicicletas con las inscripción de Arrow ¿estan chulas no?

- 4 nuevas fotos promocionales de Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen, a.k.a. the Arrow:

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http://www.greenarrowtv.com/new-promo-p ... rrow/11119


Mensajes: 32829
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes de "Arrow" en el SDCC 2012:

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- The Darkness & Light party Comic-Con 2012:

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- EW’s 6th Annual Comic-Con Celebration at the Hard Rock Hotel in San Diego (14/07/12):

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- Nuevo Sneak-Peek del 1.01 Pilot de "Arrow" (TVLine):

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/07/arrow- ... -peek.html

- Video entrevista de Stephen Amell y Katie Cassidy en el SDCC 2012 (TVLine):

http://tvline.com/2012/07/12/arrow-cw-v ... e-cassidy/

(Los protagonistas de "Arrow" hablan sobre las escenas físicas de Amell en el piloto y aseguran que, a pesar de lo fantástico que es el primer capítulo, el segundo es incluso más "fantástico" y "atrevido").

- Video entrevista con Mark Guggeheim sobre "Arrow" (CBR):

http://blip.tv/cbr/cbr-tv-cci-marc-gugg ... ow-6254406

- La estrella de ‘Arrow’ Stephen Amell Habla sobre el Interpretar el Icónico Protagonista: No hay presión (celebuzz):

http://www.celebuzz.com/video-post/comi ... character/

- A Katie Cassidy de "Arrow" los ejercicios sexys de su compañero: ‘Hice que los hiciera sin camiseta’ (celebuzz):

http://www.celebuzz.com/video-post/comi ... -chin-ups/

- Arrow - Will Black Canary Joint the Fight? - Comic-Con 2012 (IGN):


- Meet TVs New Green Arrow - Comic-Con 2012 (IGN):


- Arrow - Arrow's Creators - Comic-Con 2012 (IGN):

http://www.ign.com/videos/2012/07/18/ar ... c-con-2012

- Comic-Con 2012: Katie Cassidy - Arrow Hits All The Right Marks (AccessHollywood):

http://watch.accesshollywood.com/video/ ... 2355227001

- Stephen Amell Talks Performing A Salmon Ladder Pull-Up In The CW's Arrow Pilot - Comic-Con 2012 (AccessHollywood):

http://watch.accesshollywood.com/video/ ... 0005769001

- "Arrow" - Marc Guggenheim - SDCC 2012 (TVwatchower):


- "Arrow" - David Nutter - SDCC 2012 (TVwatchower):


- "Arrow" - Katie Cassidy - SDCC 2012 (TVwatchower):


- Interview with Stephen Amell of The CW's Arrow - Comic-Con 2012 (KsiteTV):


- Arrow Interview: Katie Cassidy At Comic-Con 2012 (KsiteTV):


- "Arrow" Alcanza a la alumna de "Vampire Diaries" Kelly Hu (TVLine):
"Arrow" Alcanza a la alumna de "Vampire Diaries" Kelly Hu
Por Matt Webb Mitovich 13 de Julio, 2012 04:55 PM PDT

Kelly Hu, quien apareció en múltiples episodios de The Vampire Diaries como la compañera vampira de Katherine Pearl, ha sido contratada como estrella invitada del nuevo drama de la CW Arrow.

Hu, cuyos créditos también incluyen Hawaii Five-0 y Army Wives y ha prestado la voz para Young Justice y Phineas and Ferb, interpretará a China White, una villana creada para la serie de novelas gráficas de DC Comics Green Arrow: Year One. En uno de los primeros episodios de Arrow, China será introducida como la líder de un cártel de drogas del Pacífico Sur con la que se encuentra Oliver Queen durante los años que estuvo naufragado en una isla remota.

Hu también interpretó a Lady Deathstrike en X2: X-Men United, lo que es curioso ya que la máscara del adversario de Green Arrow Deathstroke se ha visto en la mencionada isla remota en el piloto.

http://tvline.com/2012/07/13/casting-ar ... -ed-asner/

- Resumen de novedades del panel de "Arrow" en el SDCC 2012:
Las estrellas de Arrow Stephen Amell y Katie Cassidy, junto con los productores ejecutivos Marc Guggenheim (Green Lantern), Andrew Kreisberg (Fringe) y David Nutter (Smallville), quien dirigió el piloto, subieron a escena en el Comic-Con para hablar sobre la serie, después de que una gran multitud viera el piloto.

El equipo tiene altas expectativas para la serie con Amell declarando, "Si todo va bien, estaremos todos trabajando durante la próxima década."

Los productores hicieron énfasis en que su Arrow va a ser más descarnado y oscuro de la versión del personaje que vimos en Smallville.

Guggenheim dijo que el Arrow de Amell es “una parte de la naturaleza de vigilante. Quieres hacer una historia oscura. Quieres tener un héroe oscuro. Quieres ser capaz de explorar esas cosas y no creo que con el tono que se estableció en ’Smallville’ hubiéramos sido capaces de ir tan lejos como fuimos.” "Los superpoderes no existen en nuestro mundo. Es el mundo que está fuera de tu ventana," confirmó Guggenheim.

El director Nutter añadió sobre el traje (diseñado por la ganadora de un óscar Colleen Atwood), "Oliver no lleva un disfraz... lleva puesto un traje que lo pone de nuevo en la mentalidad de cazador" que tenía cuando era náufrago. Empieza con un abrigo de piel y una capucha y “se dearrolla desde ahí.” Va sobre “la funcionalidad por encima de la forma” donde querían realzar su ventaja fídica sobre los tipos malos.

Kreisberg dijo, que estaba deseando producir una serie que se sentía "con base y real" con "todo siendo funcional" en el traje de Arrow y con su arco.

Amell dijo que el tono más oscuro se necesitaba por la naturaleza de temática de vigilante de Arrow. "No podías esperar que Oliver fuera a emprender algo tan monumental sin haber daños colaterales. No tienes que estar de acuerdo con sus tácticas, pero deberíais respetar lo que está intentando hacer. Está intentando limpiar una ciudad... y hay cuellos rotos durante el camino."

"Green Arrow no va a correr por ahí llamándose a sí mismo Green Arrow," se ríe Guggenheim. "No va a decir, "Este es un trabajo para Green Arrow" porque si fueras un vigilante, no harías eso. La gente no se pone motes a sí misma. Pasará bastante en la serie antes de que asentemos un mote consistente. Los policías por supuesto tienen que llamarle de alguna manera, pero cada uno usará nombres distintos. No irán todos inmediatamente y dirán 'Oh, vayamos todos juntos y acordemos llamarle Green Arrow.' De nuevo, no es así como funciona. Estoy maravillado - Superman tenía una realmente buena relaciones públicas, supongo... Ellos estarásn lanzando motes por aquí y por allá."

Los productores revelaron que Amell fue la primera persona que audicionó para el papel y tuvieron grandes elogios hacia Cassidy, de quien dijeron que era "tan buena que ni siquiera ella sabe lo buena que es."

Los productores prometieron que van a hacer aparición otros personajes de DC en la serie y anunciaron que Kelly Hu había sido contratada para interpretar a la villana China White. "Estamos dibujando fuertemente del universo de DC universe," confirma Guggenheim. "No sólo en términos de los personajes, sino en que estoy animando a todo el mundo a que observe detendidamente. Incluso aunque es bastante obvio que no tenemos a un personaje como Deathstroke, hay pequeñas pistas a lo largo de toda la serie que muestran cómo estamos dibujando en el universo de DC y haciéndolo vivo. En el episodio 3, vamos a tener una reunión en una hamburguersería. Realmente quiero usar el Big Belly Burger de los cómics de Superman."

Como se espera, habrán flashbacks donde la serie volverá al momento en el que Oliver estaba atrapado en la isla desierta durante cinco años y los espectadores verán cómo Oliver se convirtió en el hombre que ahora es, aunque no serán necesariamente cada semana. "Vamos a hacer un epiosodio futuro en donde habrá un flashback a la isla y sabréis por qué él usa un arco y el por qué del arco frente a las armas. Hay una razón muy práctica para ello," dice Guggenheim -- e incluso comenta que habrán otras armas: "En sus manos, todo es un arma. Tiene un poco de Jason Bourne en él."

A Cassidy le preguntaron si estaba preparada para ponerse un par de medias de rejilla (signo de que interpretara potencialmente a Black Canary) y Katie dijo que “está definitivamente lista.” Kreisberg añadió que Katie no estará involucrada en ninguna secuencia de acción hasta dentro de algunos episodios, pero “no tan pronto como queréis pero mucho antes de lo que pensáis.”

Amell le dijo a la audiencia que empiezan a rodar el segundo episodio el Miércoles.

Antes del panel, Cassidy y Amell hablaron con Zap2it sobre la relación de sus personajes. Em la entrevista, mencionaron que la primera vez que se conocieron, se sentaron para discutir sobre la historia pasada de sus personajes y para buscar cómo conectaron en una adorable pero en ocasiones tempestuosa relación. Amell dijo que se sivirtieron mucho especulando sobre cómo Oliver actuaba hacia Dinah como un inmaduro estúpido, pero siempre asentado por Dinah antes de que estuviera atrapado en la isla.

"Steven y yo nos sentamos juntos cuando nos encontramos por primera vez, y desarrollamos una historia pasada para ambos, porque tienes que sentir eso," dice Cassidy. "Tienes que sentir una conexión entre estos dos. Es casi como Joey y Dawson en Dawson's Creek. Querías que estuvieran juntos tan locamente, pero nunca lo estuvieron."

Ahora que ha regresado de la isla desierta, los espectadores verán que Oliver ha cambiado y se ha convertido en la persona que tiene un "compás moral" con principios en la que Dinah siempre esparaba que se convertiría. Sin embargo, Oliver tiene que mantener esos "cambios fundamentelaes" en secreto ante Dinah. “Regreso y soy la persona que teóricamente ella siempre quería que fuera, pero no puedo enseñárselo aún,” dijo Amell sobre el mantener al “nuevo” Oliver en secreto ante Dinah. Cassidy añadió, "Creo que la isla le cambió para bien, en mi oponión," -- apuntando que pese a su trauma post-traumático, ha perdido su lado egoísta y la bravuconería de chico malo- . “Realmente veréis que esas dos personas realmente se quieren el uno al otro. Oliver es en realidad una buena persona y un buen chico. Tan sólo se está protegiendo a sí mismo ahora mismo, al regresar de la isla y al mantener a la gente a distancia.”

"Siempre fue nuestro pensamiento el que nos conocíamos el uno al otro desde hacía mucho. Antes de que me fuera a la isla, soy un imbécil. Soy un inmaduro, y soy egoísta, y soy petulante. ¡Soy un gili****!" se ríe. "Y descubrimos que ella fue probablemente la persona que siempre me llamaba la atención, y decía, '¡Hey, âra ya,' o '¿En serio? Oliver, ¿debes hacer esto?' Ella siempre fue la persona que me asentaba."

Amell dice que el interpretar a Oliver Queen significa que habían múltiples aspectos del mismo personaje que interpretar. “Lo genial de esta serie, para mí, fue que leí el piloto, y dije ‘¡oh Dios! ¡Hay cuatro personajes diferentes ahí!’” explica. “Hay un Oliver antes de la isla. Hay un Oliver actuando como el viejo Oliver cuando regresa. Está Arrow. Y luego hay un Oliver Queen sin el traje, y cómo él piensa. Que no es, en realidad, técnicamente tan diferente de él como Arrow, pero como actor, es algo realmente genial,” dice.

“Hubo en día de grabación en donde habían cuatro escenas distintas, y cuatro versiones distintas y distinguibles de Oliver Queen. Eso fue un día agotador. Además, tuve un montón de cambios de vestuario, con pelucas y cosas como ésas,” añade.

Y no va a ser fácil para él el reunirse con su familia: “Es realmente duro para él”. “Una cosa es recibir ese abrazo inicial cuando regresas tras cinco años. Pero es una cosa completamente diferente el lidiar con personas que tienen una expectativa muy diferente de tí. Mi hermana en la serie tiene 17 años. La dejé cuando tenía 12. Tengo una hermana, y la diferencia de edad entre sus 12 y los 17 fue más que pequeña. Así es que, va a ser un reto realmente. Acabo de leer el segundo episodio, y eso es algo con lo que Oliver va a continuar luchando.”

Oliver Queen viene de un lugar interante cuando la serie empieza, y eso, también, afectará a sus relaciones en el presente. “El director del piloto, cuando estaba hablando sobre una de las escenas, dijo – no es su frase, pero es buena – Lo contrario del amor no es odio. Es apatía, y todo lo que él tiene ahora es odio e ira,” explica Amell. “Ni siquiera hemos entrado en la mitología de lo que le pasó en la isla. Él no fue del Oliver pre-isla a Arrow. Él fue del Oliver pre-isla a nada, y luego tenía que ser construído de nuevo.”

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... idy-348267
http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... -hero.html
http://www.greenarrowtv.com/sdcc-interv ... rrow/11297
http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... -2012.html?
http://www.tvovermind.com/arrow/arrow-c ... -spoilers/

- Video del panel:

http://comiccon.thewb.com/2012/comic-co ... dddca373a3

- Descarga gratuita del cómic promocional de la serie "Arrow" del SDCC 2012:

http://www.readdcentertainment.com/Arro ... /DIG001737

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32829
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell back to Vancouver after San Diego Comic-Con 2012:

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- Sinopsis del Episodio 1.03 - "Lone Gunmen":
"Arrow descubre que él no es el único vigilante en Starling City. Hay también un pistolero con un rifle de francotirador que está matando hombres de negocios e industriales".

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/07/arrow- ... opsis.html?

Y... ¡empieza oficialmente el rodaje de "Arrow":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32829
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell Habla Sobre el Piloto LLeno de Acción y la "Escalera de Salmón" de Ejercicios (accesshollywood.com):
Stephen Amell Habla Sobre el Piloto LLeno de Acción y la "Escalera de Salmón" de Ejercicios
Por Jolie Lash 17 de Julio, 2012 9:45 AM EDT

SAN DIEGO, Calif. -- Stephen Amell’s new show for The CW, “Arrow,” hasn’t yet hit the network, but the actor is elated it was an early hit with fans who caught a screening of the pilot at Comic-Con.

“I hear things the way you hear things in 2012: I watch my Twitter feed, and people seem to really like it,” the actor told Access Hollywood at the festival over the weekend.

WATCH: Stephen Amell Talks Performing A Salmon Ladder Pull-Up On The CW’s Arrow - Comic-Con 2012

The show, based on the DC Comics character Green Arrow, sees the former “Hung” and “Private Practice” star playing Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, who after spending five years as a castaway on an island (where he picked up some superhero skills), he comes back for vengeance and crime fighting.

Fans have already been Tweeting about its Batman-like feel (with the kind of fighting action of a “Bourne” film).

“Those are two hugely successful movie franchises and if we are working our way into comparisons with them, one of them, let alone both, then we are doing something right,” Stephen smiled.

The first episode features a lot of action, and the kind of workout scenes that will leave fans shocked – like Stephen doing an impressive series of pull-ups.

“It’s called a salmon ladder… and when I was training, when I was doing Parkour, a lot of guys trained for the ‘America Ninja Warrior’ there and salmon ladder is part of the ‘America Ninja Warrior’ course. The production found out that it was there and they asked me if I could do it. So I did it, I sent a video to them and they built it,” Stephen told Access about how the intense athletic feat made it into the first episode. “We shot that first. had to do it, I wanna say, like seven or eight times and there was a lot of adrenaline involved. It was freezing in there. That steam coming off of me — in that subsequent scene where I’m doing the sit-ups – real.”

For those who haven’t seen a salmon ladder – it’s a pull-up where the athlete moves the bar up several rungs with their feet never once touching the ground.

“No, your feet aren’t on the ground. So you use momentum and then you pull yourself up and then in that sort of brief, brief, brief, brief moment of semi-weightlessness, you yank the bar up,” Stephen continued. “So, it’s a rhythm thing, it’s kind of like a dance move. If you just try to do it through strength, you can’t just muscle your way through it. It’s a rhythm thing. The first one is the hardest. You think that the third one, the fourth one or the fifth one would be the hardest. The first one is the hardest ‘cause… you have that initial moment of fear because you are going higher on each run. It’s really fun.”

Beyond the workout moments, there is plenty of action throughout the “Arrow” pilot, and Stephen said it will only get bigger and bigger.

“It’s our responsibility every single week to ramp it up, to make it more intense, to make the stakes higher, to introduce new people, to bring in new dynamics to the show,” he said. “I just read an episode and it’s — I think that it’s more aggressive than the first one. I think it’s just as much, if not more action. It helps too, because the pilot is one thing and going into the series is another. Now we have an idea of what our camera crew can do, what I can do — physically — you know, what other actors [can do]. So it’s good. We start to play to our strengths.”

“Arrow” premieres this fall on The CW.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/arrow-st ... icle_67279

- Nuevo video: Stephen Amell contesta a los fans:


- Marc Guggenheim Desvela los Secretos y Conexiones de Arrow (greenarrowtv.com):

Marc Guggenheim Desvela los Secretos y Conexiones de Arrow
Por Craig Byrne 19 de Julio, 2012

Marc Guggenheim is a well-known writer and producer whose past TV and movie credits include Law & Order, Brothers & Sisters, FlashForward, Eli Stone, Green Lantern, and No Ordinary Family. In the comics world, you could find his work in the pages of Resurrection, Young X-Men, The Flash, Justice Society, and some especially great issues of The Amazing Spider-Man, where it could be said that his stories hit the “jackpot.”

Now, Guggenheim merges those worlds of law, order, and comics together as a writer and executive producer for Arrow, which — in case you were somehow unaware before reading this — tells the story of Oliver Queen, the man best known to comic book fans as Green Arrow. The show explores the past and shows what happens as the character, played by Stephen Amell, stops crime and chases out corruption in Starling City.

We spoke with Guggenheim last week at the press room roundtable at this year’s Comic-Con in San Diego, and here are some highlights. You can read GATV’s other Arrow Comic-Con interviews here. Look for Katie Cassidy and David Nutter in the coming days!

Please do not copy and paste this interview onto other websites. Instead, just link to GreenArrowTV! Thanks!

“In terms of secrets, for us, the secret is Oliver,” Guggenheim explains when asked to reveal secrets to the journalists at the table. “One of the things we’re doing is, we don’t really consider the show a superhero show. We consider it more like a hero show; more like a crime thriller, and as with any with crime thriller, you’re going to have a mystery. Except unlike CSI where it’s a body drop at the beginning of every episode, the mystery is Oliver. Oliver is the case of the week, basically. Each week we’re peeling back the layers of his character, both in the present and in the past. We’re going to be continuing the flashbacks into the series, so you’ll get to see what happened to him on the island, and it won’t always be the things that you expect. We’re trying to always surprise the audience, so the mysteries and the twists come out of character as opposed to out of plots.”

On the subject of character backstory and flashbacks, will we see what exactly the deal was with Oliver’s father, Robert Queen? “The network asked me the same question,” Guggenheim says. “The network asked me, ‘are we ever going to see flashbacks outside of Oliver’s perspective, in that linear sense?’ And I’ll give you the same answer I gave the network, which is [that] we feel like right now, we’re doing a version of the show where it’s present day into flashback, and we need to set that template and teach the audience to watch the show that way, before we start messing around with other non-linear devices like changing the POV on the flashbacks and going further back than the five years, things of that nature. It’s like if you look at LOST. When LOST premiered, it was very straight forward, present day and flashback, and then once they set that template and taught the audience how to watch the show that way, then they had the freedom to start playing around. So once we’ve developed that freedom, yes. We’re going to mess around quite a bit. I do think one of the mysteries of the show is when Robert says to Oliver on the raft [in the pilot] ‘I’m not the man you think I am.’ Well, hopefully it makes you go ‘what type of man was he? What’s going on there?’ And that’s certainly part of the mystery. But one of the things that you should watch the show for is, there’s other ways of advancing that mystery and answering that mystery, other than seeing flashbacks for Robert,” he says.

Although we know all about Oliver’s parents, and we meet Laurel Lance’s father, the question of Laurel’s mother is left ambiguous. Do the producers have a plan to tell that story? “Yes. Actually, we know exactly what happened with Laurel’s mother. We’re not sure which episode we’re going to do it in — it will probably be in the first ten, and it’s a great question, because a lot of people don’t remember that Laurel has a mother. But she does, and it’s an interesting story that relates to Oliver,” he says. Whether or not Laurel’s mother will share the backstory from the comics remains to be seen, but Guggenheim does tell us that there will be frequent references to comics lore. “In just about every episode, we’re bringing in something from the comics. Sometimes it’ll just be a little Easter egg; other times it’ll be an entire character. There are various different things from the comic books we’ll be bringing in. Stay tuned.”

In the present day, family is an important factor that we will see, as Oliver, now back in Starling City, will be doing a lot of interacting with his mother, Moira, and his sister, Thea. “You’ll see a lot of that, actually, in episode 2, and certainly going forward,” Marc says. “Part of the raison d’etre of the show is Oliver’s relationship with his mother and his sister. With respect to his mother, there’s a lot more going on with Mom than meets the eye, just as there’s a lot more going on with Oliver than meets the eye as Moira’s concerned. So how can you have a relationship where both people are hiding secrets? With respect to Thea, it’s also a complicated relationship. It’s complicated in a different way. Thea’s going out and partying and doing drugs and drinking, and Oliver wants to be the big brother, and to stop her from doing that. The problem is that, in order to protect his identity as the Arrow, he has to pretend to be the guy he used to be. So, she’s constantly saying ‘you’re a hypocrite’ because ‘who are you to tell me not to go out and party and booze it up?’ But he can’t tell her ‘I’m not actually going out clubbing; I’m going out clubbing people on the head!’ He can’t say that. So it’s that complexity. one of the things that is part of the DNA of the show is the emotional complexity, the emotional resonance of the relationships between the characters. It’ll start off with Oliver relating to Thea, and Oliver relating to Moira, etc., but as the show evolves and grows in the series, we’ll start putting other characters together. Like in episode 3, Moira and Thea have their own story. So watching the characters combine and interact with each other in ways that independent of Oliver, I think, is just as interesting as when Oliver is involved. Part of the show is a soap opera. Part of the show is a character drama. And that’s, I think, one of the very importants of the show. It’s not just Oliver beating up bad guys every week.” Oliver will also be having scenes with his new stepfather, Walter Steele, played by Colin Salmon. “I think Oliver and Walter’s interactions tend to be pretty surprising,” Guggenheim says. “They obviously have a little bit of a chilly relationship in the pilot, and watching the two of them find footing with each other is one of the more interesting things that happen in the first three episodes.”

“Not unexpected from the pilot, but also, just a great relationship is the Oliver-Diggle relationship,” Marc Guggenheim says of Oliver Queen’s bodyguard, played by David Ramsey. “That worked very well for us in the pilot. We’re having a lot of fun writing to it. Diggle’s not a dumb guy. I don’t think I’m spoiling anything – it’s not a question of if he is going to find out Oliver’s secret; it’s when and how, and watching these two men who are equals in many respects, in terms of their abilities, and in terms of their intelligence, facing off against each other in this little chess match that they’re having, I think that’s part of the fun of the first three.” And on a Diggle note, Guggenheim spoke a bit about Green Arrow: Year One, the graphic novel by writer Andy Diggle and artist Jock that the producers describe as “proof of concept.” “When we decided that we wanted to tell, basically, five years’ worth of story on the island, we sort of looked to Year One as a great example that you can. You can tell a whole story that’s very fully fleshed out with Oliver just on that island. It’s both proof of concept that our idea in terms of flashbacks can work, but it’s also an inspiration. Tonally, it’s an inspiration. The very grounded nature of Year One, the fact that he doesn’t wear a hood because he thinks it looks cool; he wears a hood to keep himself from getting sun burned… while that’s not a beat we’ve taken and put into the show, that philosophy of ‘what are the real life explanations for some of the more comic booky elements.’ We felt like we were drawing enough inspiration for Year One that we felt we should name a character after Andy [Diggle], and so we did.”

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/interview-m ... rrow/11329

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32829
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- CW´s Network "TV Now" Rebranding Campaign:


http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/t ... ign-353671

- Screencap de la campaña que muestra a un Arrow con antifaz:


- Imágenes del rodaje de "Arrow" en Vancouver (25/07/12):

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(via @pursuit23 & JustJared)

- Y con Graig de Ksite durante su última entrevista en los TCA:


- El Legendario Director David Nutter Habla sobre el Lanzar "Arrow" (greenarrowtv):
El Legendario Director David Nutter Habla sobre el Lanzar "Arrow"
Por Craig Byrne 25 de julio, 2012

Cuando se escuchó que David Nutter dirigiría el piloto de Arrow, la gente que había visto cómo se desarrollaban otros proyectos de cómics en la TV pudieron dar un respiro de alivio.

El muy exitoso director, quien tempranamente en su carrera incluso dirigió para la serie de Superboy, es notable por estar al frente de los pilotos de muchas y bien conocidas series, incluyendo Millennium, Smallville, Dark Angel, Roswell, The Mentalist, Supernatural, y Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. En todos, 17 de los 18 pilotos de Nutter se han convertido en series tras las exitosas primeras horas. Ya, Nutter enlista a Arrow como uno de sus favoritos. ”He hecho montones de pilotos, y ninguno mejor que este. Este realmente salió maravilloso, dice". “Los actores y el guión son tan fantásticos y tan ricos y tan sanos con una gran historia, una inteligente narrativa, una narrativa adulta... es algo muy maduro en algunos aspectos, y la forma en que han tratado esta serie, no es una situación que se de con frecuencia en las series de Tv de los cómics, esto no es ‘la versión de TV de…’ Esto es como una gran película, y se ve como ello también. Tenemos a mucha gente del equipo de la serie de Smallville trabajando en él, así es que va a tener mucho alcance y se expandirá más allá de eso, y los actores… Stephen Amell, quien interpreta al personaje de Arrow, Oliver Queen… Nunca he trabajado con alguien tan inicialmente talentodo y con un instinto tan grande. Realmente es fantástico. Katie Cassidy es tremenda. Ella interpreta a Laurel Lance. Hay gran drama, y su mejor material está aún por llegar, seguro,” dice.

Arrow empieza con una secuencia que evoca la serie de cómics de Green Arrow de Andy Diggle y Jock "Green Arrow Year One", y Nutter dice que las similitudes son "muy" intencionales. “Toda la sensibilidad de la serie está basada realmente en Green Arrow Year One. Lo tomamos como nuestra perspectiva, en algunos aspectos, y el aspecto de esa secuencia es uno que quería realmente mezclar. Quería hacerte sentir como si fueras parte de ello,” dice.

“Soy un gran creyente en que la emoción involucre a la audiencia. En algunos aspectos, va todo sobre el punto de vista,” continúa Nutter. “Va siempre sobre ‘Tengo que conseguir que la audiencia se incline y le importe.’ Y, también, es una situación en donde para hacer eso, tienes que crear un mundo que sea real; un mundo al que la gente pueda acceder y entender, y que sea algo con lo que se pueden identificar. Quieres establecer ese mundo, y entonces consigues que les importe. Y entonces puedes lanzarles lo paranormal, o lanzarles cosas que sean realmente fuertes, y que emocionalmente les afecte. Pienso con respeto sobre el inicio, no teníamos una isla en mitad del Pacífico para rodar esto, así es que es todo sobre el ‘que es lo que no vemos, y cómo podemos afectar mejor a la audiencia y hacerles pensar que él está muy muy lejos,’ y creo que funcionó muy bien.”

Como veremos en la isla, hay algunas lamadas a otros elementos de DC Comics, pero Nutter insiste que cuando los veamos, estrán asentados en la realidad. “Estaréis viendo personajes del Universo DC y personajes de Green Arrow en la serie seguro, pero realmente va a ser una situación de ‘pelar las capas der la cebolla’, Y los veréis en una perspectiva realista. Ellos serán personas reales. No irán andando en el episodio con trajes locos o cosas así. Queremos hacer esto tan real como sea posible, y hacerlo tan creíble como sea posible,” dice. Y añade que no se han establecidos mandatos o reglas por parte de DC Comics o por parte del estudio. “Pienso que, con respecto a la Warner Bros. y a DC juntos como equipo, nunca hubo ningún mandato. Su única regla fue ‘¿cómo cuentas la mejor historia?’ Y Andrew Kreisberg, que fue uno de los creadores, por supuesto, escribió para los cómics de Green Arrow. Mark Guggenheim es muy conocedor de ese mundo, y Greg Berlanti es uno de los mejores productores de Hollywood. Ellos entienden cómo contar una buena historia, y lo que querían hacer es ‘¿cómo hacer una historia que pueda ampliarse más allá de la base de audiencia?’ No tan sólo hacer una serie de superhéroes, y hacerla sobre la justicia. Un área hacia la que nos estamos apoyando es no intentar hacer algo en el aire del mundo de Smallville, sino más como The Equalizer, la vieja serie de TV. Ese tipo de situación, para equilibrar el tipo y el tono de la serie. Pienso que realmente funcionó muy bien, con respecto al guión y la serie y la implicación de todo el mundo. Era sobre el cómo contar la mejor historia, y ellos saben cómo hacer eso,” dice.

Continuando el tema de mantener la serie asentada, Nutter dice que la madurez de la serie “realmente dará un sentido de peso.” “Sé que han habido algunos intentos de series de superhéroes en los últimos dos o tres años, con otra gente, que creo que fueron un poco juveniles en algunos aspectos de cómo crearon al superhéroe. He estado involucrado en la base de la ciencia ficción durante mucho tiempo, y tienes que respetar a la audiencia, porque ellos son los más fuertes y los mejores. Pero también, cerdadero, si no eres verdadero a la hora de intentar contar una gran historia, te lo soltarán en un segundo. Así es que creo que el objeto era realmente admirar la inteligencia de la audiencia, y jugar con eso, que es la parte más importante de ello,” dice.

El piloto de Arrow permitió a Nutter y su equipo el visitar una localización que fue vista en el piloto de Smallville pero que nunca fue realmente usada más allá de los exteriores. – el Hatley Castle en Victoria, British Columbia. En Smallville, el castillo fue usado para la mansión de Lex Luthor; ahora, lo vemos como la residencia de Oliver Queen y su familia. “Lo que pasó este año es que cuando la temporada de pilotos empezó, fui a Vancouver rápidamente, y dije ‘consigamos esta localización, esta localización y esta localización antes de que nadie más pueda conseguirlas y conseguimos esas localizaciones, y tuvimos una oportunidad de hacerlo en el castillo de Victoria que fue realmente de primera,” explica.

Nutter no ve final a las posibilidades de la serie tras el piloto. “En el piloto, hay esa lista. Hay esa situación de episodio de la semana. Hay esa situación en donde cada semana, habrá esa parte de la historia. Pero también, lo que es realmente maravilloso es que también estaremos llevando a la serie de vuelta al mundo usando flashbacks, y viendo, básicamente, lo que lo hizo quien es él hoy. Estaremos regresando a la isla, y realmente tratando con eso, y descubriendo lo que le causó sus cicatrices físicas y emocionales que le convirtieron en quien es hoy, y qué le cambió,” dice, comparando a Oliver con cierto cabellero oscuro que se viste como un roedor volador. “La cosa con Oliver Queen es el hecho que, a diferencia de Bruce Wayne, él era un imécil cuando era más joven. Así es que ahora, tiene que ponerse tantas máscaras diferentes en su nueva vida, que vas a estar lidiando con esa historia emocional también. Es también un drama familiar en algunos aspectos. Estáis lidiando con su hermana pequeña, su madre, y todas las complicaciones, y hacia dónde va eso también. Es muy interesante cómo la serie va a despegar,” dice.

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/interview-l ... rrow/11358

- Deadshot Confirmado para la nueva serie "Arrow" (Ksite):
Se ha rumoreado que un "pistolero mortal con un rifle de francotirador" aparecería en el tercer episodio de la nueva serie de la CW "Arrow", cuyo título es “Lone Gunmen.” Ahora, tenemos la confirmación oficial de que dicho personaje es ciertamente Deadshot, que hizo su primera aparición en los en DC Comics en Batman #59 en 1950 pero no se convirtió en un personaje prominente hasta convertirse en parte del Suicide Squad en la serie de cómics de los '80.

En una entrevista con KSiteTV, el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg apuntó que el tercer episodio tendría “a alguien que habéis visto antes, pero váis a verlo con una luz muy diferente.” Como recordaréis, Deadshot apareció en la décima temporada de Smallville, en el episodio “Shield” siendo interpretado por Bradley Stryker y donde fue mostrado al estilo de un moderno cowboy de hoy en día.

Ninguna palabra aún de qué actor le dará vida en "Arrow"

http://www.ksitetv.com/green-arrow/dead ... rrow/15444

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32829
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Katie Cassidy y Stephen Amell, junto a los actores Jay Ryan, Kristin Kreuk y Mamie Gummer y el presidente de la CW Mark Pedowitz durante la "CW, CBS And Showtime 2012 Summer TCA party" celebrada en el Beverly Hilton Hotel en Beverly Hills, California (29-07-12):

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- Katie Cassidy y Stephen Amell, Panel "Summer TCA 2012", California (30-07-12):

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- 'Arrow' En la CW: Stephen Amell y Katie Cassidy Adelantan el Nuevo Drama (huffingtonpost.com):
Were you both aware of the comic books before taking the roles, or did you have to go back and read up?
Cassidy: I did because I wasn't aware of the character. After I got the role, I went through and did a lot of reading and a lot of research.

Amell: I was equally unaware of the character before I auditioned. The audition went very well and so I thought about going and reading a bunch of the comic books [before filming], but then I was almost worried that I would mess things up. It didn't seem to be broken, so I didn't want to work too hard on fixing it. We had a creative team and they were so connected with the character that I figured whatever they put on the page and however they directed me would be correct. So I waited until after the pilot and then I read everything.

Do you feel any pressure taking on these iconic roles? Obviously there's not the same level of brand awareness as with Batman or Superman, but there's still a loyal existing fanbase to satisfy.
Amell: I feel a ton of pressure, but it's not as it relates to playing a character that people know; I feel that that's actually an advantage. I feel pressure because we want to make a really good show and I'm super hyper-competitive, as Katie knows. I would say to her during the pilot, "Katie I want to win." She'd go, "Stephen, what does that mean?" I said, "Katie it doesn't matter. I just want to win. Whatever that means." So there's pressure from that standpoint, but it's positive pressure.
Cassidy: I feel like there was a little bit of pressure for me, but more so, it's just a little intimidating. But I honestly try not to think about those things because I'll just get in my own way. So I feel as though in those circumstances I sort of rise above as opposed to buckling under pressure.

I love the little nods to the comics, like Deathstroke's mask on the island. Are they just innocent Easter eggs for the fans or will they form concrete storylines going forward?
Amell: Based on my experience talking to Drew [Kreisberg] and Marc [Guggenheim] who are sort of our two head showrunners, I don't think that they're going to drop Easter eggs in there if they don't plan on delivering.

Have you guys heard any feedback from the fans after the pilot premiered at Comic-Con's Preview Night? How is everyone reacting to it?
Cassidy: The response has been amazing -- the feedback couldn't be better. The crowd was really excited. So far, the one thing that everyone consistently has said is that it looks like a movie, which is a huge compliment to us and everyone involved.
Amell: I was talking to someone earlier, and they used the "Batman Begins" and "Bourne" movies combination ... These are hugely successful movie franchises and if you're in that company, that's incredible. The pilot was pretty far reaching and I was a little bit ... worried is the wrong word, but I was curious, going into the second episode, like, "OK, well, are we going to be able to do that again?" And then I read the script for the second episode. I'm like, "Oh, no, we're pushing past this" and it's very big. It's very far reaching.

You haven't started shooting Episode 2 yet, but I know you've read the script -- what can you tease about what's coming up for your characters after the pilot?
Cassidy: As Stephen said, as far as the action goes and the production, the second episode is equal to, if not a bigger production [than the first].
Amell: There's more action in the second episode.
Cassidy: As far as my character goes and the relationship between Oliver and Laurel, you get more of a sense of the two of them and their history together and you can tell that there's definitely a deep connection between these two. There's a lot at risk at times during the second episode. Literally from watching the pilot to the second episode, I feel like everything extends even further. I was literally a page turner.
Amell: The first thing that happened to me when we finished the pilot was like, "I want to see the second episode! I want to read the second episode!" When I read the second episode, now I really want to read the third episode. [Laughs.] In the first episode, we see Oliver get home and it's the euphoria of being home. But then in the second episode, the music stops playing a little bit and he has to reestablish these relationships. How does he do that? How does he present himself? We tossed a couple balls in the air with his relationship with Diggle (David Ramsey) and with his relationship with Thea (Willa Holland) in the pilot and we’re going to see some resolution there and -- as we'll do sometimes on the show, not always -- what happens when he gets to the island.

Nice segue, because I loved the flashbacks in the pilot and wanted to know if we'd see more of his time on the island, and whether we'd be flashing even further back than that?
Amell: I don't know if we’re going to go further back than what we’ve seen, because someone asked us if we were going to see our relationship and our history ...
Cassidy: Like when we were kids?
Amell: Yeah, that would be far back -- but maybe when we were 18, 19 or something like that.
Cassidy: Hopefully it's just pictures!
Amell: Yeah. But we’re going to spend some time on the island, because they take the series and they ground the series in reality and one of the best ways to do that is to see the protagonist get injured, dropped really low. Oliver didn’t just become what he is now, he had to be broken first. So I think we’re going to see that.

Katie, do you know when we should expect Laurel to embrace her superheroic side as the Black Canary? Do you feel like that's something we might see in Season 1 or is it something they're keeping for further down the line?
Cassidy: I have no idea! [Laughs.] They've literally told me up to Episode 3 what's going to happen. We'll have to wait and see.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/2 ... 84478.html

- Stephen Amell despotrica sobre las amenazas de 'Arrow's' (examiner.com):
"It's not going to be every week, act five, cross off, you know? The list is a storytelling technique at the moment...but it's not set in stone. It's written on paper. In pen, but still! There are other things in that book that are very important, other than the list"

"Maybe your game plan works at first, and it doesn't work any more, and you have to change on the fly. Making a plan somewhere in the South China Sea is very different than coming back to Starling City and actually executing it. He's adaptable, so he'll adapt," Amell promised, noting that a few key factors may play into how he has to adapt: his ex Laurel (Katie Cassidy), his sister (Willa Holland), and his best friend from back in the day (Colin Donnell).

"Family does come first. He's going after these people, but he's going after them in the name of his father. "Honor Thy Father" is the name of our second episode, and it's a theme that is carried out in the entire second episode. If Robert Queen said 'What do you want to do? Do you want to wipe out the entire criminal underworld of Starling City or do you want to save Thea?' He'd say 'I want to save Thea'." Additionally, Thea "is basically him," Amell pointed out, in the mistakes she makes and the risks she takes.

"She hates him," Amell smiled. "And there are so many levels of irony because right now Oliver i the kind of person she always wanted him to be. And yet because he's trying to protect her, he's presenting the worst possible version of himself. What we're going to find in the coming episodes is she's too perceptive to not realize that he's putting on a show. She's going to say to him 'Listen, you think you're fooling everybody, but you're not fooling me'!"

About Laurel: She may not be able to conceive his vigilantism right away, but Amell teased that will change eventually. Especially because she has her own alter ego-- Black Canary-- that is on high alert when it comes to such things.

"I think he's be apoplectic that Laurel'd put herself in harm's way more so than he'd be interested in having an ally," Amell admitted.

However, Amell considers Oliver's greatest threat himself:

"He has PTSD from what he saw on the life raft, from what he experienced on the island...He is a ticking time bomb if he doesn't have somebody to put a hand on or somebody to talk this out to."
http://www.examiner.com/article/stephen ... eats-video

- Stephen Amell Habla sobre Deadshot & China White (K-Site):
Earlier today, GreenArrowTV’s Craig Byrne headed to Beverly Hills, to be one of several people to speak with Arrow lead actors Stephen Amell and Katie Cassidy during the TCA Press Tour.

The Deadshot news came last night and Amell seemed a bit hesitant at first to say much before confirming that yes, Deadshot will be on in the series’ third episode, “Lone Gunmen.” How will things go down between Oliver and Deadshot? “Unfavorably, for Deadshot, I would suspect. I can tell you that they are going to be after some of the same people. Oliver does have a code. Obviously, it doesn’t include ‘no killing,’ as we’ve established so far, but there is a code. I don’t think Deadshot has it. I don’t think he respects his methods, which puts him in Oliver’s sights,” Stephen says.

Before we see Deadshot, we’ll be seeing China White from the Green Arrow Year One comics in the second episode, which just wrapped filming. She will be played by Kelly Hu.

“It was awesome, man,” Stephen enthuses about the chance to work with Kelly Hu in Episode 2. “I had seen her in X2, and I had seen her in Vampire Diaries, and she came up, we did some cool fight training… she’s enthusiastic. I get to speak to her in Mandarin, which was fun. She’s great. It’s cool, because we took the Arrow costume and tried to make it as functional and as real as possible, so it was cool to see the next iteration of a villain. Her character’s costume… the idea that these would be real people, so seeing her in costume looks great. She’s awesome.”

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-scoop ... hite/11372

- Los productores de 'Arrow' explican por qué Justin Hartley no fue elegido (EW.com):
The new show for the CW (played by Stephen Amell), it’s just a very different take on the character and a much more physical role than the Smallville´s one (played by Justin Hartley). In words from executive producer Marc Guggenheim: “We certainly wanted to chart our own course and destiny,” he told reporters at the Television Critics Association’s semi-annual press tour Monday. “Justin is a terrific Arrow.”

Guggenheim, noting he was borrowing the following comparison, added: “Michael Keaton [as Batman] doesn’t affect your love for Christian Bale and Christian Bale doesn’t affect your love for Adam West … multiple iterations are possible.”

For the role, Amell trained for the physically intensive role on a course often used to prepare athletes for Ninja Warrior (with the guy who was Henry Cavill's stunt double in Man of Steel) and also learned free-running (parkour). And, of course, the actor learned archery, with his instructor starting off by showing him a 45-minute video of all the ways the archery had been executed poorly in TV and movies in the past.

After training for the role, Amell and company sent exec producer Greg Berlanti footage of what he was able to do -- which led to the salmon ladder scene depicted in the pilot. "It's a chin-up with a dance move," says Amell, who does a lot of his own stunts. "As a producer, it's a little frightening when your star is doing a quarter of his stunts; it's a little daring but it's what makes the show unique," Berlanti notes.

Though Guggenheim made the comparison to Batman, one notable difference between the two comic book characters is that Green Arrow deliberately kills bad guys (pretty tough to use an bow and arrow and always aim for the leg).

“We’re exploring the nature of vigilantism … and well get into those [moral] issues,” Guggenheim said. “The Arrow always gives the bad guy the opportunity to do the right thing … when he kills, he kills for necessity … it’s not just random violence … we’ll face the issues of his morality head on…that’s part of the fun quite, frankly, when telling a story about a vigilante.”

Expect Oliver Queen’s liberal side from the comic books to not be entirely dumped either, though it sounds like it will be a bit toned down. “The people that Oliver is targeting are the wealthy and corrupt,” Guggenheim said. “There’s some echos of the 1 percent and Occupy Wall Street … he’s man of the people and taking it back for the little guy.”

Producers also gave a hint of how the series will end — now there’s something you don’t often get during an interview before a show has even premiered! Arrow‘s pilot features flashbacks to Queen being stranded on an island where he morphed from selfish rich kid to vigilant hero. Those flashbacks, producers say, will continue in every episode for the entire series. "Every episode will be telling the chronological story of the island".

"Ideally by the last episode of the series, the last shot will be the boat coming for Oliver and being rescued," said executive producer Andrew Kreisberg. “Every week is telling the origin story.”

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ges-355824

- Arrow de la CW se Establecerá Fácilmente a sí misma lejos de Smallville (tvguide.com):
This iteration will pull more directly from the comics, "We're taking a lot of inspiration from the comics, specifically Green Arrow: Year One and Green Arrow: The Longbow Hunters." "It's really a point of inspiration that sets up our world," executive producer Marc Guggenheim told reporters at CW's Television Critics Association fall TV previews on Monday. Though he readily admits the show does indeed depart from the comics in a few crucial ways: "We've already taken a fair number of liberties with the character. For example, in the comics both his parents are dead, but we're keeping Oliver's mother alive. Oliver didn't have any siblings and we gave him a sister. But Green Arrow has an origin that's subject to a lot of interpretation, it's been reinterpreted a lot over the years". However, the writers room will make an effort to keep the character's roots in mind: "We always start with the comic as our source of inspiration."

"I think the audience these days is savvy enough to recognize that there are multiple iterations possible for any given character," Guggenheim says, recalling the recent influx of Spider-Man films.

The producers noted that Amell was the first, and really only choice for the job. "We certainly wanted to chart our own course and chart our own destiny" Guggenheim says. "After we met Stephen and he auditioned, everyone else paled by comparison," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg said. "Every step of the way it was Stephen … he was always Oliver Queen to us." "Justin is a terrific Arrow. Michael Keaton doesn't affect your love for Christian Bale and Christian Bale doesn't affect your love for Adam West."

To be fair, it's also not the same show at all. "We're certainly exploring the nature of vigilantism," Guggenheim says. "One of the things you'll see in the early episodes is the Arrow, like in the pilot, always gives the bad guy of the week the opportunity to do the right thing, and that's only one of the moral guidelines that we're establishing. But also, when he kills, he'll kill for necessity, for a reason, it's not random violence. He'll constantly have characters entering the universe questioning those decisions. We'll face the issues of his mortality head-on, because that's part of the fun, quite frankly, of telling a story about vigilante, is being able to explore all the different facets of that." Guggenheim is making the point that Arrow “has the opportunity to explore the consequences of violence that maybe other shows cannot — because we’ll be looking at all facets of vigilantism and taking the law into your own hands and I hope going forward we’ll provide social commentary alongside the action in the show.”

Each episode will feature flashbacks to Oliver's time on the island in chronological order. "He's coming back from this island and he clearly has post-traumatic stress disorder," Amell says. "That's a serious subject. All the talks of supervillains and potential nemeses for the Arrow; I think the most imminent danger to Oliver is himself."

Dinah "Laurel" Lance (Katie Cassidy), Oliver's girlfriend, will, at least initially, be unsympathetic. (For the record, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says that Laurel might, as in the comics, become the Black Canary at some point in the future.

Until then, Oliver has work to do. He has a list of those he needs to take down to rectify his family's past mistakes. "While he has this list, [which] is the jumping-off point for stories, the bad guys of the week are not always the same, circumstances are not always the same," Guggenheim said. So, rather than a pure revenge story, the creators are hoping to lead our hero into purer endeavors."Part of Oliver's evolution as a hero is moving from this mission of revenge to a mission of redemption. That means moving off of the list and starting to help people and stop crimes and move away from just the agenda of righting his father's wrongs to a more broad local agenda of 'I have to save the city'"

Kreisberg admitted his lead character’s liberalism (culled from that of the comic version of Green Arrow) is embedded in the DNA of the show. “People that Oliver (Amell) is targeting are the wealthy and the corrupt,” he said. “There are some echoes of the one-percenters and Occupy Wall Street within the show. He’ll have that sort of man-of-the-people, stick-up-for-the-little-guy aspect.”

http://www.tvguide.com/News/CW-Arrow-St ... 50849.aspx
http://www.tv.com/news/arrow-at-tcas-ar ... nte-29239/
http://www.deadline.com/2012/07/arrow-c ... ress-tour/
http://www.examiner.com/article/arrow-e ... e-morality

- "Arrow" - Katie Cassidy - TCA (2012):


- Stephen Amell talks 'Arrow' episode 2 and the biggest challenge of Oliver Queen (examiner.com):

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Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Exclusiva: ¡Arrow Escoge a su Deadshot! (TVGuide):
Arrow de la CW aún no se ha estrenado, y ya su lista de enemigos del Universo de Dc está creciendo. En primer lugar, los fans tuvieron un vistazo de la máscara de Deathstroke en el piloto que se mostró en el Comic-Con de San Diego, seguido por el anuncio durante el panel de la serie de que Kelly Hu interpretaría a la jefa del cartel de drogas China White en el segundo episodio. Ahora, se informa de que el actor canadiense Michael Rowe interpretará el previamente anunciado papel de Deadshot en el episodio 3, titulado "The Lone Gunman."

"Deadshot no habla mucho, así es que tiene que tener esa cualidad física," dice el productor Marc Guggenheim (FlashForward) del miembro del Suicide Squad que puede que sea más conocido por luchar contra Batman en el mundo de los cómics. "Y Michael ciertamente tiene eso. Él tiene ese aspecto." Y en cuanto a si Deadshot es un papel de tan sólo un capítulo, el compañero de Guggenheim Greg Berlanti (Political Animals) y Andrew Kreisberg (Warehouse 13) ambos están de acuerdo con que el Arquero Verde de Stephen Amell cruzará caminos muy seguramente con el recién llegado pistolero de Rowe más allá de su primer encuentro. "Pienso que eso es muy posible," apunta Berlanti.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Casts ... 50903.aspx

- Los productores de Arrow hablan sobre el aspecto de Deadshot y contestan a la pregunta de Justin Hartley (greenarrowtv):
Tras el anuncio del cast de Deadshot, GreenArrowTV ha publicado una breve entrevista con los productores de la serie en la que hablan sobre el personaje y sobre Justin Hartley:

En cuanto al episodio 1.03 "Lone Gunmen":

“El episodio – pienso que es bastante increíble,” comenta entusaismado Marc Guggenheim. “Especialmente como un tercer episodio, porque ya toma el paradigma existente y juega con él. Y también, Tan sólo la naturaleza de un personaje como Deadshot, quien es el igual de Oliver en muchas, muchas maneras, o formas, y quizá incluso superior a él en ciertas maneras... crea la oportunidad de una increíble acción muy, muy al principio de la serie.”

La gran pregunta que muchos han tenido es cuánto se parecerá Deadshot a la encarnación de los cómics. ¿Cómo se verá Deadshot? “Pienso que van a haber guiños al personaje de los cómics. Si eres un fan de los cómics, definitivamente reconoces a Deadshot en lo que estamos haciendo,” promete Kreisberg. “De la misma manera en la que el piloto es una interpretación más realista y madura del material, nuestro Deadshot es una ineterpretación del personaje más realista y madura de la del super-villano enmascarado y con el traje que véis en los cómics.”

“Definitivamente ves la pieza del ojo rojo, que es lo más distintivo, la característica más icónica del personaje, y diré que sin intención de faltar a Smallville, es una versión mucho más fiel de Deadshot que el Deadshot que estuvo en Smallville.“

Y en cuanto a Smallville… muchos se han preguntado, y teníamos que preguntar: ¿Podríamos ver a Justin Hartley en Arrow?

“Tenemos algunas ideas divertidas sobre el cómo hacer eso,” revela Andrew Kreisberg, con ambos productores pareciendo que están jugando con la idea. “Más que nada, Justin ha sido tan estupendo y ha apoyado tanto esto. Ninguno de nosotros realmente le conocíamos antes de que trabajáramos en el piloto. En realidad nos encontramos durante la temporada de pilotos, y ha sido tan guay, diciendo ‘Estoy feliz por vosotros, chicos,’ tan genial… y él y Stephen han desarrollado una bonita amistad. Así es que, esperamos, de la misma manera que en las películas de Supermán, en las que vea actores de anteriores encarnaciones uniéndose de alguna manera... si hay una oportunidad más adelante de que Justin juegue con nosotros, eso sería genial.”

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrows-prod ... tion/11392

- Nuevos stills 1.01 "Pilot":

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- Nuevas promocionales:

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Desvelado el título del 4º episodio:
1.4: “Salvage” (Tentative U.S. Premiere Date Wednesday, October 31, 2012 on The CW)

¡Última hora!: El título pasa a ser “An Innocent Man.” El episodio está escrito por Moira Kirland & Lana Cho, y será dirigido por Vince Misiano.


- Imagen BTS de Stephen Amell junto al director Guy Normanbee y el coreógrafo de luchas James Bamford (02-08-12):


- Hablando con los productores ejecutivos de "Arrow" Kreisberg & Guggenheim (greenarrowtv):
GREENARROWTV: Did anything change with your approach to writing later episodes once you had seen the completed Arrow pilot?


ANDREW KREISBERG: One of the fun things about the pilot is that it is sort of like four or five different shows in one, and I think, more than anything, we were just gratified. It felt like they all worked well together, and that when you sit down to break Episodes 2, 3, 4, 5 and so on, there are so many different ways to go, and there are so many different aspects of the show to explore.

GUGGENHEIM: We were very lucky in so many aspects with doing the pilot. One of the ways we were lucky is, you know, you’ve got this property, the studio and the network are so behind it, you’ve got David Nutter shooting it. You really felt like we were not doing a pilot, but the first episode of a series, so going straight into a series and doing the second and third episodes, et cetera, it felt like a really easy transition. We never felt like we were just doing this one thing, and then, “okay, now we’ve got to replicate it.” It was like “this is the first chapter in a long story that we’re telling, so let’s just roll into Chapter Two.”

What can you say about other characters who might be coming in from the DC Comics universe?

KREISBERG: One of the fun things about this show, for us, because we’re both comic book writers, and we’re also comic book fans, is [that] there are so many characters in the DC Universe who haven’t gotten their due in TV and film. We’re so excited to reach into their roster and take some of these lesser-known characters that are beloved by fans, and do our spin on the characters.

GUGGENHEIM: We’ve got Big Belly Burger in Episode Three. [Big Belly Burger is the hamburger franchise that was established in the Superman comics] We’re not just drawing on characters from the DC Universe; everything we can pull from the DC Universe, we’re pulling.

I see your names have been on all of the first three scripts. Who else is on the writing staff?

KREISBERG: We have Moira Kirland who wrote for Castle and Dark Angel; we have Wendy Mericle, somebody that Marc, Greg, and I have worked with for years. She’s an amazing, talented writer. She’s written for Smallville, for Eli Stone, Desperate Housewives… We have two younger staff writers, Ben Sokolowski and Lana Cho. Ben worked on a show called Fear Itself, and Lana was on The Playboy Club.

When we were designing the writing staff, because we don’t think of this as a comic book show… we felt like Marc and I were enough ‘comic book nerd’ and had enough of a knowledge of a DC Comics and that kind of genre stuff, that what we were really looking for were writers who could write character, people who were great with story, and that’s why some of our writers might not have the credits that you would see for a show like this, but it’s why the show is working so well. It’s the family, and the heart, and the emotion are really what’s at the core, and the quote-unquote ‘superhero stuff’ is the icing on the cake.

GUGGENHEIM: Also just a shoutout: We also have a writers’ assistant, Beth Schwartz. She participates in the room like a seventh writer on the staff, and any conversation about the writing staff really should include, even though she’s not technically a writer on the staff, because she’s just so spectacular and a huge help for us.

If Arrow is a success, might this help open up opportunities for other comic book projects?

KREISBERG: I think whenever anything like this becomes a success, it opens the doors for people who want to capitalize on the excitement and the enthusiasm, or simply ‘cash in’ on the prize. But right now, for us, we’re solely focused on Arrow.

GUGGENHEIM: We’re both old enough to remember the Adam West Batman, and the negative effect it had on comic books in general. For me, at least, as much as I loved that series, it stands as a cautionary tale for how a bad or a campy execution of a comic book set comic books back in terms of peoples’ perception of it. So, our goal is to just put the best foot forward, not just for Arrow, but for comic book TV shows in general, and if it spawns other shows, terrific. But this [Arrow] has just got to be great.

How do the island sequences work from a production standpoint? Are you filming them all together?

KREISBERG: We shoot in Vancouver at a place called Whytecliff Park. It’s kind of ironic, because if the camera ever just panned slightly to the right, you would see these ten to twenty million dollar beachfront homes.

GUGGENHEIM: That’s Episode Five.

KREISBERG: Yes. The island is not quite as deserted when you’re standing there. But it’s a huge production, going out there, especially for stuff that doesn’t play in the main body in the show. It requires a lot of pre-planning, and a lot of creativity on our part as writers, and on the production standpoint.

GUGGENHEIM: Stephen has to wear a wig, and his look has to be changed… there’s a lot. It’s actually incredibly ambitious to do these flashbacks every week, every single episode. Because like Andrew said, it’s almost like it’s its own show.

I wish we had the luxury to just write and produce them all back to back to back, but that’s not the way television production works. It’s a huge challenge, but a worthwhile one, because it helps give the show that scope that I think the pilot brought the show.

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/greenarrowt ... heim/11399

- Nueva cara para "Arrow":
Poco a poco, continúan desvelándose más detalles sobre los primeros episodio de "Arrow".

En esta ocasión, se trata de una nueva incoporación para el capítulo 1.03 - "Lone Gunmen" que, como recordaréis, es el episodio en el que aparecerá el personaje "Deadshot".

Al parecer, la actriz EMILY BETT RICKARDS se unirá al elenco del capítulo para interpretar el papel de "Felicity Smoak".

Ella será una “joven prodigio” en Queen Consolidated. El personaje de Felicity Smoak apareció por primera vez en la serie de DC Comics Firestorm.

- Los productores de Arrow Hablan sobre los villanos de DC -- Incluídos China White y Deadshot -- y si Batman Podría aparecer (IGN.com):
IGN TV: We’ve heard some exciting reveals lately, including that Kelly Hu will be playing China White in the second episode.

Marc Guggenheim: First of all, we’re incredibly lucky to get Kelly because she’s obviously someone who’s got incredible comic book cred because of X2. Also, we write the characters and the scripts first, and then we think about casting. You have your pie-in-the-sky ideas, and the first pie-in-the-sky idea for China White was Kelly. To actually get her is a huge stroke of luck. She’s phenomenal. She shot her fight scenes with Stephen Amell. I seriously doubt I’m spoiling anything by saying that, yes, Arrow and China White fight.

IGN: We would hope!

Guggenheim: We would hope. The fight sequences are really spectacular. They were shot beautifully. She can keep up with the choreography. Our stunt guys and the director really beat the crap out of her, and she is such a pro - and her presence on screen.. The white hair is also so stark and cool and exciting. I think people are going to be blown away by her.

IGN: Will it be similar to the portrayal we know from Green Arrow: Year One in the comics?

Guggenheim: Yes. As with everything, we’re using the comics as a jumping-off point. I’d say that, all things considered, it’s very, very faithful. She doesn’t wear the white jumpsuit, just because that doesn’t photograph great. We felt like with the white hair, that was enough. Beyond that, it’s pretty much the character as I think you’d expect -- maybe even with greater martial arts skills than you could necessarily show off in a comic book.

IGN: Will she be a recurring presence on the show?

Guggenheim: That’s our hope. We’re sort of at Kelly’s mercy at that point, but our hope is to bring her back, for sure. She’s a joy to work with, and she totally embodies the character. She just has a camera presence that you just can’t beat.

IGN: We’ve also heard that Deadshot will be in the third episode. Can you talk about his portrayal?

Guggenheim: I’m super excited about Deadshot, actually, because he’s one of the characters I grew up reading. It’s a good example of taking a character from the comics that sort of has a very flamboyant costume and look, and reinterpreting it for our show in a way that’s more grounded and real-world. And yet, I think you’ll at Deadshot and go, “Okay, I see where they’re drawing inspiration from.” We also establish that he never misses. We’re setting him up as an antagonist for Arrow in episode three. I think it sends a very clear message that we’re not fooling around.

IGN: You’re very quickly delving into these notable villains from the comics. Might Oliver also get some allies from the comics in the not too distant future?

Guggenheim: I would say, “Probably.” One of the things we want to do is roll the show out at the right pace. For the most part, I think we’ve taken the philosophy that things are happening sooner rather than later. I always feel like every time we get the note from the network, “Is this happening too soon?,” I feel like we’re on the right track. I know as a viewer myself, I’m impatient. I want to see stuff. We’re not going to make the audience wait to see characters, plot twists, revelations. I think running out of great characters and great moments is a quality problem to have, and I just want to have them.

IGN: I have to ask the question that will likely plague you for the run of this show, just like it plagued the Smallville showrunners: Bruce Wayne… Is he off limits, or could you use him at some point?

Guggenheim: Oh, my hope is that we can use him at some point. I think that plagued the Smallville showrunners more than it plagues us because, obviously, the Dark Knight Trilogy is over. They’re not available to us yet. My hope is that they’ll be available to us at some point. That would be awesome. No question, that would be absolutely awesome. But I don’t know. That’s above my pay grade.

IGN: Do you think the mainstream, TV/movie audience is getting more savvy with the idea that comic book audiences have been comfortable with for a long time, which is seeing multiple versions of the same character? Because you guys are doing Green Arrow just a couple years after Smallville and Deadshot was on Smallville, and I don’t think people are going to freak out.

Guggenheim: I think so, too. Look at The Amazing Spider-Man. That was five years after the last Spider-Man movie. Audiences have become incredibly savvy about almost every aspect of our business. I think we actually make the mistake when we underestimate what an audience can handle. We never make a mistake when we overestimate it. I think they can totally handle it. Also, our hope is that we’ll get not just Smallville’s audience, but people who didn’t see Smallville. Smallville was certainly more comic book-y than Arrow is. So it’s a big tent. Certainly, Smallville audiences are savvy enough to know, “Okay, our Deadshot’s different than their Deadshot.” Hopefully they’re savvy enough so that one day, I really want to have Justin Hartley on the show in a cameo, and everyone will hopefully laugh and we come up with a clever enough cameo.

IGN: That’s actually a nice thing they’ve done in multiple iterations of Superman, including Smallville, is have the previous actors show up.

Guggenheim: Yeah, absolutely! I love that stuff. As an audience member, that was my favorite thing. Even little things like Dirk Benedict reacting the Cylon in the A-Team or Adam West voicing a character in the Batman animated TV show. Stuff like that is fun, and it’s part of why I think we all enjoy these types of stories. You can have these meta-critical jokes that you can’t do with other types of genres.

[Note: A minor spoiler for the Arrow pilot follows]

IGN: Lastly, as far as Oliver himself, we see in the pilot that he has a list of people he’s going after. Week to week, how much will that list be the focus versus the other threats that come into his world – perhaps by him just being a presence in the city?

Guggenheim: That’s a great question. I think you’ll certainly get an answer to that by episode three. The show is not going to be, “Okay, who’s the bad guy of the week? Let’s just go down the list.” As early as episode three, we start playing around with that paradigm. That said, the first time Oliver decides to go and solve a crime or solve a problem that is completely unrelated to the list, that’s a big moment in his evolution as a hero. It’s the moment when his mission goes from taking revenge to actually doing good. Part of the beauty of a show where it’s his first year as a superhero is watching those evolutions and transitions take place. That’s part of the fun of Season 1.

http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/08/02/a ... lM.twitter

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes BTS y detalles de la grabación de "Arrow" (yvrshoots.com):
La próxima serie de TV Arrow rompió los cristales — literalmente — en CBC Vancouver la pasada noche del viernes (04 de Agosto, 2012). Un doble de Green Arrow saltó a través de una vestana de “cristal de caramelo” del muro este tras haberse escuchado primero el sonido de disparos. El equipo pasó el día preparando todo esto y, en un principio, se esperaba que el mismo Stephen Amell, quien hace el 75% de sus escenas de acción, haría también ésta. Pero parece ser que no cuando hay un cristal involucrado, incluso cuando ese cristal es falso. La grabación duró hasta la madrugada (el mismo Amell comentó en twitter que estuvieron filmando hasta las 4:30 de la mañana) así es que Amell podría haber tenido mucha acción dentro, lo que no se pudo ver, enfrentándose al archi-villano Deadshot interpretado por Michael Rowe, que twiteó que estaba en el set. Es seguro apostar que fue Deadshot quien disparó con un rifle a la ventana. Tendremos que esperar hasta el tercer episodio para descubrirlo.

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http://yvrshoots.com/2012/08/arrow-kick ... ouver.html

- BTS junto a Willa Holland:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32829
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Entrevista con Katie Cassidy, “Laurel Lance” (greenarrowtv):
GreenArrowTV’s Craig Byrne spoke with Katie Cassidy last week for a one-on-one interview at the Television Critics Association Press Tour in Beverly Hills, California:

When you were going out for pilot season this year, what was it that drew you to Arrow?

The reason I picked the script to read was because it was Greg Berlanti. It was David Nutter. It was Andrew Kreisberg. It was Marc Guggenheim. I was like “these are the people I want to work with.” They’re smart, they’re creative, they’re edgy, interesting… I knew we would speak the same language.

After I read it, it was awesome. I loved the character, and after Stephen was attached, I was like “sign me! Sign me up! I need to be in on this show!” And then it sort of just happened, organically. It was nice.

Have you gotten used to shooting in Vancouver yet?

I haven’t yet, just because I haven’t gotten in my apartment. I’ve had to stay at a friend’s house. But August 1st, I move in. So I’m excited about that; then I’ll feel a lot more settled. Calm and collected, like I have a place to go back to that’s my own.

There’s an arc for Dinah Laurel Lance in the comics, and being a multi-season TV show, they’re going to have to take their time. What kind of speed would you like for them to go on the show?

Lightning speed! [laughs] I hope it happens. I hope it happens soon, because I want to kick some ass. I think it would be fun. Everyone asks me if I’ve been fight training, and I’m not. So I don’t know. I don’t think it’s a good question for Andrew Kreisberg.

I know you did Supernatural before, but was it intimidating to take on a project with a sci-fi/genre fanbase?

Yeah, in terms of stepping into a world that there are other people that know far more than you do, who had been Green Arrow fans for years. I have never read the comic books, so it’s intimidating, because I don’t want to step on anyone’s toes. I want to make people happy, and proud, and excited, and I want to do all good things, and do it justice. So yes, it can be a little intimidating, but I try not to get caught up in that.

What was your impression upon seeing the finished pilot?

It looked like a movie. I was beyond impressed. I was excited. I felt like the biggest dork in the world, because I literally was talking to my mom and my dad, and I was like “IT’S SO COOL!” They were just as excited. It’s fun.

Your dad, David Cassidy, played the Mirror Master in The Flash TV series, and your grandfather, Jack Cassidy, was the villain in the It’s A Bird… It’s A Plane… It’s Superman musical. Did you see taking on a comic book role as a bit of a family legacy?

Possibly. It’s very possible. It’s funny you mention that about my dad. I did not know that! It’s good to know.

My grandfather, I did know about. I heard he was amazing in that part. It’s unfortunate that I never had an opportunity to meet him. I hear he was a brilliant actor.

On the subject of relatives, have the producers told you more about Laurel’s mother yet?

No. They have not. I have sort of created my own personal back story, but, no. They have not told me exactly what is going on with her.

Have you able to work with Paul Blackthorne (who plays Laurel’s father, Quentin Lance) yet?

Yes. The man is a genius. We are so lucky to have him. He is a tremendous actor. It’s so nice to work with someone who wants to serve the other actor, and help you get the best performance out of you. He’s very talented, very professional, and it’s really inspiring to watch. He does beautiful work. He’s great.

We only saw CNRI a little bit in the pilot. Can you tell me what exactly they do?

Basically, [Laurel]‘s a pro bono lawyer, and they deal with more of the underprivileged victims who can’t afford a fancy attorney. They are going in with a purpose, to get justice where they feel justice should be served. We get more into that world as the show progresses.

What kind of friendship does Laurel have with Joanna (Annie Ilonzeh)?

She’s great. They are very close. They’re really good friends. I think Joanna’s more like the fun side than Laurel maybe once had, going out and having a good time… but they’re friends.

Do they have differing opinions about the Arrow, or have they not discussed it?

They certainly do have different opinions. Joanna does not want to touch on that. I think she’s careful and delicate with how she deals with that situation.

Do you think that having gone through Oliver’s behavior in the past makes Laurel a bit more tolerant of Tommy Merlyn’s behavior in the present?

She does try to see the good in him, and I think she finds him funny and ridiculous. I have a feeling the three of them grew up together, so she knows him, and his attitude, his arrogance… I think she knows that’s a front for something, and she just thinks it’s a little ridiculous.

What can you say about Episode 2?

It surpasses Episode One in the production of it. It’s so big. It looks like a movie. It totally does. It’s action-packed. You see a little bit of Oliver and Laurel together more. You get to see some court stuff that goes on, and Laurel in that situation. It’s awesome. It’s so great.

Is Laurel going to be involved at all in the China White plot?

It’s certainly a possibility. The two worlds, the corporate world and the action world that you see, they do a nice job in bringing the the two together.

How would you pitch Arrow to someone who has not seen the pilot, and might be thinking about watching on October 10?

It’s action packed, very grounded, very real… it’s a very relatable and character-driven show that you’ll walk away from, feeling very moved, and literally, like you watched a gigantic blockbuster. There’s everything. It’s just really smart, and very well done, and really entertaining.

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/greenarrowt ... ance/11422

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
