Foro dedicado a Erica Durance que interpreta a Lois Lane

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


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- Benjamin Ayres adelanta un posible romance para Zach (thetvjunkies):
Benjamin Ayres adelanta un posible romance para Zach
Por Bridget Liszewski | 27 enero, 2016

At the beginning of Season 4 of Saving Hope Dr. Zach Miller (Benjamin Ayres) was admittedly struggling. He had taken the unexpected and tragic death of his best friend Joel (Daniel Gillies) very hard and was having a bit of a hard time moving on from that. But over the course of the season he’s slowly found his way, learning that it’s OK to lean on others and seeing his friendship with Dr. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross) grow stronger.

In Thursday’s episode, “Not Fade Away,” written by Waneta Storms and directed by Gregory Smith (Rookie Blue), Zach will get closer to another Hope Zion doctor as he helps Dawn (Michelle Nolden) out with an old college friend who finds her life on the line. Does this mean Zach and Dawn could be headed towards more than just a friendly relationship as Season 4 concludes?

In order to get some thoughts on that relationship, as well as how Zach has handled this season in general, The TV Junkies recently spoke with Ayres. He offered up insight on why he enjoys portraying the Zach and Maggie friendship, why Zach makes such a great mentor to the interns and most importantly, why Zach has been sporting such an updated appearance this season.

The TV Junkies: Zach obviously had a hard time getting over Joel’s death but how do you think he’s doing with that at this point in the season?

Benjamin Ayres: I think at this point of the season he’s doing better. I liked that we jumped ahead off the start by nine months because originally I remember thinking we were going to pick up right where we left off–which there would’ve been some fun challenges as an actor to do–but I like that we jumped ahead to see the effect of what happened with Joel. We now see Zach playing the field and drinking more, being hungover, a little more acerbic and quipy, frustrated. I think he’s slowly finding himself again.

TTVJ: Zach and Maggie’s friendship has really grown this year and they’ve gotten pretty close. Will that be the case over these last few episodes and into next year?

BA: Yes, I think so. Jules and I are really good friends and there’s been times where we’ve had an inkling that they might be trying to put the characters together, and we both dug our heels in and were like ‘Why can’t they just be friends? Why can’t we just have two people on the show that are friends?’ We really fought for it and even in scenes where we’re like ‘we will not play it like lovers. We will play this scene like friends,’ then regardless at the end it’ll just be one look that one of us gives the other and all the sudden online everyone is like ‘oh my god! Zach and Maggie are going to get together!’

So as much as we try to fight that it’s always sort of there, and it’s always playing underneath a little bit, but it’s been really nice to just have an opposite sex friendship on the show. How lucky am I to get to have scenes with Julia and Michelle Nolden? For me it just makes my job so much easier.

TTVJ: Speaking of Zach and Dawn, how does their relationship change this week when he helps her out with an old friend?

BA: I think he slowly starts to discover more about her through helping her friend who starts to get an inkling that maybe there could be something between the two of them. He has no idea what that is at this point or if anything will happen. But I think he sees her true self and not the doctor that Dawn is, which is kind of all he’s familiar with at this point. He gets to know her as a person. Just in that, regardless if anything happens or not, has been interesting for Zach to get to know someone who he’s worked with for a long time but doesn’t necessarily know.

TTVJ: If something were to happen between those two, how do you think Zach and Dawn would be in a romantic relationship?

BA: I feel like they’d be pretty good. They are both very mature and have gone through a lot. I think they both compliment each other in their differences and I’d be really interested to see where it could go–if it did go somewhere.

TTVJ: Gregory Smith is directing again this week, something he’s done several times now on Saving Hope. What’s it like having him behind the camera?

BA: It’s great. He’s an actor first but he’s also very good visually at telling stories. But more than that he’s very specific in notes that he gives actors and can get you to a point, or to think about a choice a little differently, and make you come at it from a different angle and give that direction in a very clear manner, which is sometimes difficult to do, especially with the pressure of the shooting schedule and how fast we move sometimes. But he’ll really take the time to get the nuances of a scene, the small little beats and moments, which I really respect. He’s just great to work with.

TTVJ: One of our favorite parts about Zach is when he’s a bit of a smart ass, especially towards the interns. Will that trend continue with him and do you have any say in those one-liners or is it all the writers?

BA: It’s all the writers, but I get lines here and there that I deliver in a specific way that brings a little more acerbic energy to it. Zach has changed a lot. When I originally auditioned for the show he was highly religious and coming off of alcoholism years ago. It’s funny because I’m in LA and it started to air on Ion in October so I watched the first couple episodes, and it was so weird. I forgot that’s who he was. Once Ariel left him we were like ‘OK get rid of the religious thing,’ like he was born again for her and now he’s done with it because she left him.

I really feel like he’s come into his own this season even though he went through something dark. We really tried to change his appearance–I got rid of the ties–and he’s got better fashion. He’s on the market now and dating–rockin’ Tinder–so I’m sure some girls will be like ‘the first thing you have to do is go shopping. You’re a doctor, you make money. Don’t wear dumb shirts!’

TTVJ: Admittedly I’ve teased you on Twitter a few times about Zach’s fancy hair this season.

BA: I have really curly hair so I usually keep it really short, but I came back with longer hair and was originally I was supposed to come back with a big beard. I remember telling Adam [Pettle, Saving Hope’s showrunner] ‘Remember that scene where I said to Joel that I was going to grow a beard for my Armenian heritage?’ He’s said ‘I think you should do it!’ So even though Joel was dead I said ‘even if it’s a subconscious choice we should start the season with the beard.’

That was kind of my plan, but I ended up doing a movie and couldn’t have a beard. I tried to grow it as much as I could the two weeks before we started shooting and there was one line like ‘What’s up with Zach? He’s got more facial hair.’ So we said ‘OK shave it, it isn’t quite working.’

TTVJ: Shave it and give him fancy hair instead.

BA: That’s right! So I said ‘I grew my hair really long what are we going to do?’ Our hair stylist was like ‘it’s going to be hard because your hair is really curly, so for continuity why don’t we just flat iron it?’ She made this awesome coif and I’m like ‘I love it!’ I’ve got the fanciest hair on the show and have to come in two hours early. I’m kidding! [laughs]

TTVJ: Zach seems to be falling into this mentor role, especially with Dev (Dejan Loyola). What makes him so well-suited for that and is something you want to see him continue?

BA: I think it’s great and the interesting thing about the character of Dev is that Dejan lives just down the street from me. So his first day on set we travelled in together, and I felt like I did my best to welcome him on the show and let him know the ups and downs. I tried to take him under my wing a little bit, and then they started writing that my character would be mentoring him a little bit, which I thought was pretty cool.

I think that’s the great new thing about each new season, like I don’t know where we’re starting next season, but I think bringing in the fresh faces in the show and allowing for new residents to come in brings a fresh perspective. I hope that next season we get to see that some more and those characters come back, as well as some new ones. It’s fun for us to get to have the young blood in and get to do some hazing.

TTVJ: Is there anything you’d like to do with Zach next season you maybe haven’t gotten to do with him yet?

BA: Well I know that Zach in his off time is a jazz drummer and a muay thai fighter, so it’d be nice to see some of that happening–maybe all in one episode. [laughs] I would enjoy to finally see that because we talk about it as my motivation for each scene, but we never really see it so it’d be good to get into that.

TTVJ: Is there anything else in particular fans should keep an eye on as the season comes to a close?

BA: It gets so exciting. I’m really just surprised how I, like the audience and fans, didn’t know what to expect after that finale of Season 3 and how it was going to work. I’ve just been really proud of the writers to create a story that is just as gripping–if not more at times–than it was before. I’m really excited for what they’ve done for the end of this season and I think everyone will really like it. Everyone gets a chance to hit some home runs.

TTVJ: Do you have any upcoming projects that you’re working on over the hiatus?

BA: I’m actually just heading up to Vancouver on Thursday to shoot a Hallmark movie.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... interview/

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Saving Hope" 4.16 "Torn and Frayed" Promo:

- Descripción oficial del 4.16 "Torn and Frayed":
4.16 "Torn and Frayed" (04/02/16): Una muy ocupada Dra. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) hace equipo con la Dra. Cassie Williams (Kim Shaw) cuando una joven es admitida con una contusión abdominal. Cuando se hace claro que sus heridas pueden haber sido resultado de abusos domésticos, Alex y Cassie deben superar no sólo a un esposo cada vez más dominante, sino a una víctima cada vez más reluctante, para darle a su paciente la ayuda que necesita. En el quirófano, un mediador descontrolado pone la vida de un paciente en peligro y lo fuerza a reconsiderar el nuevo aliciente en la vida que ha adoptado, mientras que la Dra. Dawn Bell (Michelle Nolden) también lidia por seguir adelante mientras que intenta dejat atrás su relación rota con Lane Berkley (Shaun Benson, DEFIANCE: THE LOST ONES) pintando su oficina. En emergencias, tras una noche para recordar por todas las razones equivocadas, el enfermero Jackson Wade (Joseph Pierre) busca atención médica por parte de la Dra. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross) por un síntoma neurológico.

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Saving Hope" 4.16 "Torn and Frayed" Stills:

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Erica Durance sobre su debut como directora (thetvjunkies):
Erica Durance sobre su debut como directora
Por Christy Spratlin | 03 febrero, 2016

There have been quite a few changes for Dr. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) this season on Saving Hope. Sure, she’s still the doctor at Hope Zion that we’ve come to know and love over the years, but she’s also taken on a few new roles. The roles of mother, mentor and unrelenting supporter of Charlie’s (Michael Shanks) ghost world have made her character much more complex, considerably raising viewers’ interest and enjoyment.

In this week’s new episode “Torn and Frayed,” Durance takes her first crack at directing, so we thought it would be a great time to talk her. Read on as we discuss what that experience was like, how she feels about the changes to Alex’s character and what’s to come for Alex and Charlie as the season comes to an end.

The TV Junkies: How did this opportunity to direct come about? Has it always been something you wanted to try?

Erica Durance: It’s something that I have been taking notes on and watching for the last 15 years kind of privately on my own. Then the opportunity arose for me to chat with Ilana (Frank), she’s our boss, and just see if that was a possibility. So we went through and figured out how it would all play out. I wanted it to be an experience that I could learn from, but wouldn’t really affect anyone else around me. The situation was a really smooth transition and I really enjoyed it a lot.

TTVJ: What was the most challenging part of directing?

ED: As an actor a lot of the work is introspective and you don’t have to disseminate those feelings to anyone else. It’s all you working in your own private way. So the experience of putting all the work that is in my head out there so that it can be carried out was probably the most challenging for me.

TTVJ: Is it harder to direct the scenes that you’re in?

ED: I don’t know that I really noticed that, but what ends up happening when you’re in a scene is that you end up focusing on every one except yourself. I made a joke where I said as long as I’m in focus and did a relatively good job I was like ‘OK, let’s move on.’ So what ended up happening is I was just so excited about everything else that was going on, and everybody else’s performances, that I kind of put myself on the back burner a little bit.

I personally like being behind the camera quite a bit. One of the reasons that I fell in love with the business is all of the work that it takes to get that one moment. I find everything that’s happening behind the scenes quite fascinating. So me being behind the camera experiencing it all, and having all of their help and support and seeing all the things from that perspective was awesome. Then seeing the whole project through editing, and how important the whole process is, it gives you a whole other perspective of things. It was really great.

TTVJ: What was it like co-directing the episode with Steve DiMarco?

ED: I basically did all of the legwork and all of the other stuff myself because I wanted to prove that I could do it. Steve was gracious enough to be there and kind of oversee things and have my back. He just helped to make it a really smooth transition. He was wonderful and gracious and I bounced ideas off him. He was really great to have but I was determined to do it all myself and take this step on my own.

TTVJ: There are some pretty emotional storylines in this week’s episode. What is it like directing those?

ED: What I loved from seeing it from this perspective–in the direction world–is that you are able to tell the story from a visual medium, so there’s a totally different mechanism to tell the story on an emotional level versus the technical stuff like we show in the ER and in the OR. And definitely understanding it from an actor’s perspective, what they’re going through in those moments, so you need to be able figure out what you can do to help the situation. So those moments were great, but they were all very exciting for different reasons. I personally love working in the ER and the OR because it’s so spontaneous and last minute. You’re working with the crew to catch the little things that are happening. So that was a different kind of flow for me and I found that really interesting.

TTVJ: More specifically there’s a scene with Zach (Benjamin Ayres) and Dawn (Michelle Nolden) that I really loved how it all ended up coming together.

ED: Yeah they did such an excellent job with it. There were some things that they were both really uncomfortable with and we talked through it and I fought for some things that I thought were really important to tell their story. It’s so fun to work in such a collaborative way. Theirs is a surprising relationship really. There’s something that’s similar about them, but also so different, and they work very well, and maybe it’s because it’s not something that was so predictable.

I tried to have a bit of a theme with the episode and our writer Patrick [Tarr] put it out there as ‘How do we break people free from being trapped in some way?’ Sometimes we can break ourselves free and sometimes we need someone to help us break ourselves free. I kind of feel like Zach and Dawn have set each other free from the turmoil that they went through. Now they’re starting to walk together into this new chapter of hope. Those kind of things for me are one of the reasons that I love the show, so I try keep pushing for them however I can.

TTVJ: Since you did direct, I have to ask about the blue lights. Can you explain their meaning for viewers who’ve not figured it out yet?

ED: The blue lights are representative of spirits. When we first started the show they were everywhere and I loved it because I feel like that’s how it is in real life. But it became invasive for people visually to see that all the time, so they have now tried to limit it to the experiences where there’s more life and death situations or where Charlie is working with a ghost, and it’s representative of that on a different level.

TTVJ: We know that the lights are actually there when you’re filming and are not put in in post production so is it part of your job as a director to figure out where they are going to go in a scene?

ED: Yes, that’s right. You have to figure out when you want them, where you want them and how you want them to play out. And of course our technicians and our DP [Director of Photography] heads that up and our camera operators work with that as well. It’s a collaborative effort to figure out how you want to tell that story of life and death, and what it means to you. For me, if I had my way, they would be everywhere, but that’s not everyone’s cup of tea so you just have to go with what you can do at the time.

TTVJ: Alex has played many roles other than just doctor this season–mom, mentor, friend. Have you enjoyed the new direction of your character and her journey this season?

ED: You know I have, and I am fighting for her to continue to go that way and show different sides of herself as we all have. Next year I’m looking forward to pushing her in some different directions. Every year I fight for it, and I continue to fight for, her to show real humanity. Where she can make mistakes and pick herself up again. I’m hoping for next year to have a little bit of that as well. Who knows where she’s going to end up, but I want to play someone that is relatable and sometimes that means that she does things that not everybody likes at first, because we do that in life. So that’s one of the directions that I’d like to take her as well.

TTVJ: Romantically things have been very stable this season. Is it safe to say nothing can come between Alex and Charlie at this point or is there still some drama to come?

ED: There’s always drama, nothing is safe. You always have to work for that in your own life too really. It’s always when you just sit back and think everything is OK is when you take the best people in your life for granted. So it’s important to tell those stories too.

TTVJ: Although she’s been supportive, will Charlie’s ghost seeing abilities continue to affect their relationship?

ED: Oh yeah, it’s a big deal. Can he see things or is he crazy? We don’t know.

TTVJ: What can we expect to see for Alex over the last few episodes this season?

ED: She’s still struggling in how to help Charlie with everything that he’s going through. Is it a medical issue or is it actually something that he can see? So there’s some life and death stakes coming up in seventeen and eighteen.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... interview/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


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- Nueva imagen promocional:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Saving Hope" 4.17 - 4.18 Season 4 Finale Promo:

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Saving Hope" Descripción oficial del 4.17 "Anybody seen my baby" / 4.18 "Let me go":
4.17 "Anybody seen my baby" / 4.18 "Let me go" (14/02/16): El Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) se queda impactado al descubrir que la enfermera Kristine Fields (Nicole Underhay, MURDOCH MYSTERIES) ha tenido un infarto. Después de que la Dra. Alex Reid (Erica Durance) descubre que el pasado de la enfermera puede que no sea como recordaba, ella y Charlie deben hacer equipo para encontrar la manera de darle paz al ya atormentado espíritu. En la sala, la Dra. Maggie Lin (Julia Taylor Ross), el Dr. Jeremy Bishop (Peter Mooney), y la Dra. Cassie Williams (Kim Shaw) tratan a un paciente de la lista de transplantes por un agudo fallo hepático cuando se revela que sus síntomas enmascaraban un pronunciado embarazo. A medida que se amontonan las complicaciones, los doctores deben luchar una batalla cuesta arriba para salvar la vida de su paciente y de su bebé milagro. Mientras que la selección del Fellowship Award sigue en progreso, la creciente relación del Dr. Zach Miller (Benjamin Ayres) con Dawn (Michelle Nolden) se enfría después de que Maggie le de a Zach unas sorprendentes noticias. Mientras tanto, los intentos de Alex de “normalidad” durante la cirugía de Charlie se hacen pedazos cuando sus peores miedos se convierten en realidad. Luchando contra el protocolo y cada vez más complicaciones, Alex salta a salvar al hombre que ama. ¿Pero tiene suficiente tiempo? ¿Y será el mismo hombre si se despierta? En el mundo de los espíritus, Charlie vaga por los pasillos del Hope Zion Hospital en un intento por encontrar el sentido de su vida. Sin embargo, es sólo cuando su vida se pone en el filo, cuando se da cuenta de que todo es para nada sin el amor de Alex.

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- "Saving Hope" Stills del 4.17 "Anybody seen my baby":

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- "Saving Hope" Stills del 4.18 "Let me go":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope Finale Preview: ¿Qué está por venir entre Alex y Charlie? (thetvjunkies):
Saving Hope Finale Preview: ¿Qué está por venir entre Alex y Charlie?
Por Bridget Liszewski | 12 Feb, 2016 |

It’s time for a role reversal on Saving Hope as Dr. Charlie Harris (Michael Shanks) prepares to go under the knife. The medical drama will wrap up its fourth season on Sunday night, February 14, with back to back episodes starting at 8 p.m. on CTV. While Alex (Erica Durance) and Charlie’s relationship has been solid all season long, it’s no question that his ability to see ghosts has caused a fair bit of strain at times. However, that could all be a non-issue after the surgery, as removing the tumor may cause him to lose his ghost-seeing abilities.

After a shocking end to Season 3, that saw the death of Daniel Gillies’ Joel, the show has shifted focus a bit this season–leaning away from a love triangle, and focusing more on how Charlie’s abilities affect his relationship with Alex. Others, like Dr. Zach Miller (Benjamin Ayres), have felt the repercussions of Joel’s death, but have turned things around as the season has worn on. Saving Hope showrunner Adam Pettle spoke exclusively with The TV Junkies about the show’s new focus, the threat to Charlie’s abilities and why now is the perfect time for a certain pair.

The TV Junkies: The show no longer has the central love triangle from the first few seasons. Was being free of that something that you and the writers really enjoyed?

Adam Pettle: Yes, it really was. It was so huge, not only because of the love triangle, but also because Joel and Charlie were both orthopedic surgeons. So it bound us medically, just trying to come up with two bone stories a week. Daniel is a wonderful actor, but not having him in the show has allowed there to be more room and breath and space for it to be more of an ensemble. People like Michelle Nolden (Dawn), Huse (Madhavji, Shahir) and Ben Ayres–these are all great characters that we love and who have had more screen time this year because Joel is not there.

TTVJ: There was a bit of a new triangle that developed though between Alex, Charlie and the ghost world. Why is that such an obstacle to their relationship?

AP: It’s something that he has that he doesn’t share with her. It makes him incredibly unique, but with that there’s half truths, such as not telling the whole truth about a ghost that may not have been such a pleasant experience. I often look at it like an addiction–not that it has the same negative connotation–but it has the same kind of hold on him and something he’s compelled to do. I often think of it as a thing that you don’t fully share with your partner and the inherent tension in that.
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Bell Media

TTVJ: Some ghosts this season have been a bit hostile, which is a change from previous seasons. Why did you decide to explore that?

AP: Everyone really loves the ghost element of the show, but after four seasons and as the show has evolved, it has felt like the “ghost of the week.” We all love that idea of Charlie helping someone, but we felt like in order for there to be any tension, and for those stories to not become predictable, we needed to explore a more malevolent, darker side. It’s a blessing but it’s also a curse, and what is the dark side of this gift he has? It gives us more of an opportunity as writers to have Charlie be destabilized by the ghost world and to tell different kinds of stories.

TTVJ: Why was now the right time to pair up Dawn and Zach? What makes them so good for one another?

AP: They were both on an arc this season of post-trauma and being broken and cracked open a bit, and they found solace in each other. Zach was there when Joel died and felt partially responsible, and Dawn’s sexual assault with Lane means that they are both people with walls up. They deal with their vulnerability in different, deflecting ways, but in each other they found an ability to make themselves vulnerable, and in each other’s woundedness they have come together. Because they both aren’t open books and wear their hearts on their sleeves, that’s what makes it so satisfying for them to be together and have each other. Because it’s not easy for either of them.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... e-preview/?
- Saving Hope Postmortem: La Season 4 termina con un bombazo (thetvjunkies):
Saving Hope Postmortem: La Season 4 termina con un bombazo
Por Bridget Liszewski | 14 Febrero, 2016

*** Warning: This article contains spoilers about the Season 4 finale of Saving Hope. ***

Season 4 of Saving Hope literally ended with a bang on Sunday night as an unexpected visitor made a surprise visit. Tom Crenshaw (Rookie Blue’s Travis Milne), the man who Charlie (Michael Shanks) discovered earlier this season had killed his wife, made a shocking return as he crashed the Hope Zion gala, gun in hand, and took a shot at Charlie and Alex (Erica Durance). Just as the audience was able to breathe a sigh of relief at Charlie recovering from brain surgery to remove a tumor, they must now wait until next season to find out the outcome of the shooting.

In happier news, Dawn (Michelle Nolden) and Zach (Benjamin Ayres) worked through a misunderstanding and seemed happier than ever, and Dana (Wendy Crewson) reappeared and is doing well with her cancer treatments. Meanwhile, Maggie (Julia Taylor Ross) may still be unlucky in the love department, but seems to be doing well professionally after sharing a fellowship award with Alex.

The TV Junkies recently spoke with Saving Hope showrunner Adam Pettle to exclusively discuss Tom’s reappearance and what it means for Alex, Charlie and everyone else at Hope Zion. Pettle, who is already back at work with the Saving Hope writers breaking Season 5, confirmed that while Crewson’s Dana will return next year, this unfortunately was the end for Peter Mooney’s Dr. Jeremy Bishop who headed back to LA.

The TV Junkies: Last year’s season finale was such a shocker. Did you feel any pressure to top it?

Adam Pettle: We are always conceiving the end of the season not knowing whether the show is going to get ordered or not. We did find out in enough time to try and build in enough of a cliffhanger. We didn’t want to try to compete with Joel (Daniel Gillies) blowing up–because that was so epic–but we wanted there to be a cliffhanger and something to come back to. If it was the last episode of the whole thing we designed it–with Charlie narrating and the tux–to have this feel of coming full circle, but then with a bit of a turn in it when we knew we were coming back.

TTVJ: So who did Tom shoot and does this mean he remembers what happened when he was a ghost?

AP: Yes, he does remember because there’s a look right when he wakes up where he looks at Charlie and you get the sense that he and Charlie have a moment. So yes, he does remember that he told Charlie in the spirit world that he wouldn’t forget. There have been a few ghosts that have remembered or have memories or flashes–like the kid who drew the picture of Charlie–so we have played with the idea that there are certain people who bring stuff back with them.

As for who did he shoot, I don’t know if I want to say that.

TTVJ: In removing Charlie’s tumor there’s a risk that he’ll lose his abilities. But is it safe to assume that we can’t have Saving Hope without the ghosts?

AP: Yes, I think it is safe to assume that. He still sees ghosts and in Season 5 we are exploring that the removal of the tumor might not only mean that he still sees ghosts, but that he sees them even more. In more places or more acutely. It’s going to amp up and not go the other way.

TTVJ: I noticed that Tom referred to Alex as Charlie’s wife, but I don’t think I saw a ring on her finger. Alex and Charlie aren’t married are they?

AP: No, they are not married. He just assumed that they are, but they are not. They’ve never made it to the altar without something horrible happening.

TTVJ: When Alex was praying for Charlie to be alright she mentioned that she’s cursed and said she’d stay away from him. Obviously that’s not the case once we’ve fast forwarded in time, so will we see that brought up again next season?

AP: Yes. She made this pact to keep him alive that she didn’t honor and then this horrible thing happened that Alex might attribute to the fact that she didn’t keep up her end of the bargain.

TTVJ: We saw Dawn and Zach returning from Vancouver. Is it correct to assume that was only a weekend visit? Can we expect more bliss from them as we head into next season?

AP: Yes, they are just doing weekends. They will both be at Hope Zion next year. It will not be without its turmoil, but they’ve just gotten together so we’ll explore that first rush of a relationship and what it means for two busy doctors–one whose family is away, and one who is Chief of Surgery–to manage a new relationship together. So yes, for a little while.

TTVJ: On the other hand, Maggie worked really hard to find herself professionally this season, but she’s still pretty unhappy in her personal life. Is Season 5 the right time for her to find some happiness, and are there any plans to try to get Sydney (Stacey Farber) to return as part of that?

AP: Yes and yes. We hope that she can find happiness in love. I love the character of Sydney Katz and I love Stacey Farber. We would love for her to be on the show. We’ll see.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... ostmortem/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S4 de "Saving Hope" (14-02-16):

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(@noelcarbs: Thx for tuning in. Hope u enjoyed the ride. Back to work writing S5. (We better not screw it all up.) #SavingHope
@BenjaminAyres: Zach made it out to Vancouver to drink beer with Charlie and watch #SavingHope)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primeros detalles e imágenes de la S5 de "Saving Hope":
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(@noldenmichelle: Day One. The amazing Clara doing my hair, Starbucks and all my favourite peeps. So excited we're back!! #savinghope
@BenjaminAyres: #SavingHope night shoot
@BenjaminAyres: @MichaelShanks prepares 'backstage' #SavingHope)

(@SavingHopeTV: Welcome to Hope Zion @JarodJoseph!)

Uniéndose al elenco de la Season 5 en un papel recurrenhte está el actor nacido en Calgary Jarod Joseph (The 100, Misstresses). El joven, encantador y filosófico radiólogo 'Dr. Emanuel Palmer' trae una actitud liberalista al Hope Zion, y también una propensión a retar a sus colegas médicos con sus conocimientos únicos.

La emocional final de la Season 4 vio cómo el Dr. Charlie Harris (Shanks) pasaba por una cirugía cerebral para extirpar su tumor agresivo, lo que podría también afectar a su habilidad de ver a los fantasmas. Tras la cirugía de Charlie y una exitosa recuperación, el final culminó con un vengativo Tom Crenshaw (Travis Milne, Rookie Blue) apareciendo en los Hope Zion Hospital Fellowship Awards y disparando a Alex y Charlie.

La Season 5 empezará con las consecuencias de ese final con el personal del Hope Zion envuelto en la confusión. Sguiendo su promesa de mantenerse alejada de Charlie si él sobrevivía a la cirugía, Alex se enfrenta a una gran decisión mientras que sus compañeros lidian con nuevos retos cuando llegan cambios al Hope Zion que no sólo afectarán a la situación financiera del hospital, sino también a sus doctores y a todo lo que ellos valoran.

“Con los fans aún conmocionados por la pasada season finale, estamos deseosos por regresar de nuevo al Hope Zion Hospital y entregar otra temporada de este adictivo drama a nuestros espectadores,” dice Corrie Coe, Vice-Presidenta Senior, Producción Independiente, Bell Media. “Las audiencias han abrazado esta serie y su excepcional elenco durante las pasadas cuatro temporadas y con nuestros compañeros de producción ICF Films y eOne de nuevo al mando, esta va a a ser seguro otra espectacular temporada.”

Dirigiendo esta temporada están las estrellas de la serie Durance y Shanks, y también David Wellington (Bitten), Peter Stebbings (The Listener), Kelly Makin (Vikings), Gregory Smith (Arrow), Steve DiMarco (Rookie Blue), y James Genn (Call Me Fitz). Entre los miembros del elenco que regresan están la ganadora del Canadian Screen Award y ganadora del Earle Grey Award del 2016 Wendy Crewson (Room) como la Dra. Dana Kinney; Benjamin Ayres (Bitten) como el Dr. Zach Miller; la nominada al Canadian Screen Award Julia Taylor Ross (Gotham) como la Dra. Maggie Lin; la ganadora del Canadian Screen Award Michelle Nolden (Prisoner X) como la Dra. Dawn Bell; Huse Madhavji (Call Me Fitz) como el Dr. Shahir Hamza; Kim Shaw (The Good Wife) como la Dra. Cassie Williams, y Dejan Loyola (The 100) como el Dr. Dev Sekara.

http://www.thetvjunkies.com/saving-hope ... -season-5/?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen bts de Erica Durance en el set de la S5 de "Saving Hope" (05-05-16):


(@presicillauna: On set @erica_durance78 and I, sweetest actress ever #savinghope #tv #star)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen bts de la S5 de "Saving Hope" (07-06-16):


(@noelcarbs: Day 1 of episode 506. #SavingHope)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- La 5ª temporada de "Saving Hope" pasará a emitirse los Sábados a las 10:00 pm. en la CTV

http://www.bellmedia.ca/pr/press/just-c ... -revealed/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

"CTV Upfronts 2016", Toronto (08-06-16)

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(Thanks to @casscoelho_, @CTV_Television, @Daniel_Eliesen, @etalkCTV, @frankrizzowerks, @SarahBumstead, @jdldeleon, @meraki0 01, @Movieman1990, @tatianacordero, @TheTVJunkies, @WildTheme, Magdalena Sleczkowski, Gettyimages, Candid Toronto, @jordanpavic)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts con fans en el set de la S5 de "Saving Hope" (24-06-16):

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(Thanks to @Jennifer_Lynn89 & @melanie_sv2sh)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


Volver a “Lois Lane (Erica Durance)”