Foro dedicado a Erica Durance que interpreta a Lois Lane

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primeras stills del episodio 1.05 "Out of Sight":

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- Entrevista a Huse Madhavji: Cuando el actuar es una operación de cerebro (mytorontotoday.ca):
Entrevista a Huse Madhavji: Cuando el actuar es una operación de cerebro
Por Ann Ruppenstein 14 de Junio, 2012

To prepare for his role as a neurosurgeon on the new CTV original series Saving Hope, Huse Madhavji witnessed brain surgery firsthand at Toronto Western Hospital.

“It was unreal,” he says. “I thought I was going to be squeamish because everyone kind of tells you, ‘Oh you’ve got to have a paper bag around you.’ Even the nurses were like, ‘If you get nauseous, Huse, it’s okay, you can walk out, it’s not a big deal,’ but to be honest I was more in awe.”
The doctor is in the hood

Although Madhavji started acting and taking part in musical theatre when he was growing up, he made a compromise with his parents to pursue broadcasting instead and studied Radio and Television Arts at Ryerson University, he says.

Even after landing his first on-air gig in Winnipeg and going on to host Star! Daily in Toronto, he acted whenever he could.

Eventually, he says, when the station transitioned to E! Canada he decided to follow his first passion, landing roles in films and television shows like Call Me Fitz, The Border and Combat Hospital.

“Instead of just going to the next broadcasting gig, I thought I’ve always wanted to do this, this is the time,” he says.

As Dr. Shahir Hamza on Saving Hope, which premieres on June 7 at 9 p.m., Madhavji shares the screen with Erica Durance (Smallville), Michael Shanks (Stargate SG-1) and Daniel Gillies (The Vampire Diaries) as a brilliant neurosurgeon who continually misses certain social cues.

“He’s super smart and he’s very truthful,” he says. “He sort of just tells it like it is and because of that he comes across as a little blunt and a little rough around the edges.”

Set in Toronto, the show follows doctors at Hope-Zion Hospital after chief of surgery Charlie Harris, played by Shanks, winds up comatose after an accident with his fiancée, fellow surgeon Alex Reid, played by Durance.

“I think the show really is about the thing that goes right after what’s factual,” he says.

“You can have all the studies and all the research right in front of you but sometimes even that can be proved wrong and it’s that little bit of faith and a little bit of hope — not to sound hokey because the show is called Saving Hope — but it’s that little bit of hope that is so important to hold onto.”

While most of the show is taped on set in Mississauga, he says the pilot episode was also shot around Toronto and Richmond Hill. The cast is really supportive and he enjoys the atmosphere on set so much he never wants to leave, Madhavji says.

“It’s great,” he says “Everyone gets along, everyone hangs out and everyone compliments you at the end of each scene.”

http://www.mytorontotoday.ca/2012/06/wh ... n-surgery/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Breve sinopsis del 1.06 "The Great Randall" (spoilertv):
1.06 "The Great Randall": Cuando un hipnotizador es llamado al hospital para ayudar a un paciente que no puede recordar su identidad, el hombre usa su habilidad psíquica para conectar a Charlie y a Alex.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/06/saving ... ndall.html?

- Nuevos stills del 1.03 "Blindness":

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(thanks to ctv.ca)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- CTV - Saving Hope Episode 03 Promo:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCS-n5Id ... e=youtu.be

- Al Dr. Joel Goran del Hope-Z le gusta jugar a Dios, dice el Daniel Gillies (ctv.ca):
Al Dr. Joel Goran del Hope-Z le gusta jugar a Dios, dice el Daniel Gillies
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 21 de Junio, 2012 9:45:04 AM

Orthopedics is more than setting broken bones and making splits and no one knows that more than Daniel Gillies who plays “Saving Hope’s” hot shot orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Joel Goran.

“There’s something about orthopedics that delves into the realm of futuristic sciences and I imagine Joel likes playing God to a certain extent,” Gillies says. “There’s a certain omnipotence about the idea of replacing limbs and such and I think that’d be one of the most appealing things!”

Watch the Supertrailer of Episode 3 now

To prepare for his role, Gillies met with various surgeons and asked them everything. “And I’m reading my fourth book written by a surgeon,” he says.

He’s got a lot of challenging surgeries coming up this season, but the most challenging so far is the Van Ness rotationplasty in Episode 3.

“It’s a fascinating procedure,” Gilles says, clearly excited by the surgery. “Joel considers replacing a knee with a working ankle to you can attach a prosthetic to it.”

But before he can do the surgery, Joel has to win over acting chief of surgery, Dr. Kinney. Though this surgery is usually only performed on children, the patient is a labourer and Joel understands he’s going to need to be able to be physically active after the surgery.

If it’s successful, Joel would increase his stature as both a risk taker and a top notch member of the Hope-Zion team.

“All the reading and all the academia in the world doesn’t make you a great doctor,” Gillies says about Joel’s transformation. “They have to get good and they have to start somewhere. Practicing being a surgeon makes you a great surgeon.”

It’s a similar process to acting, he reflects. “It’s identical. You spend the first six or seven years being a kind of terrible actor and it’s very difficult to understand how to make something work or not,” he says.

“Great actors still make terrible movies and make some terrible acting decisions, but they’re doing it because they’re taking chances and I love those people.”

http://shows.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles ... rgery.aspx

- Preview 1.03 "Blindness":

http://www.nbc.com/saving-hope/video/Pr ... ss/1406344

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 5
Registrado: Sab Mar 31, 2012 7:03 am


Mensaje por adi_olli »

estos dos capitulos que he visto han estado mas o menos, me ha gustado mucho la actuacion de Erica y Michael,
a mi las series de hospitales no me gustan mucho, un poco triste cuando se acuesta Alex y se pone a llorar, a ver como
sigue, he leido que subio el riting un poco que bien

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Saving Hope 1x04 Promo - "The Fight" (HD):

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQQOlRg6 ... e=youtu.be

- Saving Hope: Ep. 104 *Super Trailer* Clip 1:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6CFw2Weu ... e=youtu.be

- Saving Hope: Alex Reid Has Hope... Again *Web Extra*:


- Entrevista con Kristopher Turner de "Saving Hope" (honestreviewscorner.com):
Entrevista con Kristopher Turner de "Saving Hope"
22 de Junio, 2012

You might remember Kristopher Turner from his role as Jamie on Instant Star, but these days you’re more likely to recognize him as Cam from The L.A. Complex or Dr. Gavin Murphy on Saving Hope. Check out HRC’s interview with him below, and don’t forget to tune in to Saving Hope‘s third episode tonight. If you need to catch up, you can check out last week’s recap here. Trust us when we say that this is one show you do not want to miss.

Did you do anything beforehand to prepare to play a psych doctor on Saving Hope?

Yes I did actually. I got to meet with some actual psych residents here in Toronto at Mount Sinai Hospital – which was really fun. I got to just sit in on one of their group lunch meetings, then I took a few of them aside and did some interviews one-on-one to pick their brains, hear their experiences – and why they do it – sort of hear their stories. It was really interesting.

Are there any similarities between Gavin and you?

Yes, for sure! Any role that you tackle, you look to bring out parts of yourself, you know? I always find that as a funny question because – especially in film and television – when you take on a role – it sort of becomes you. So it’s hard to say “Are you like your character?” because it’s like, “Well yeah. My character is me.” I mean, our living situations are different. When I was studying with the psyc residents and met them – they’re sort of like the artists of the hospitals, as I like to call them. Some of them even were actors and went to med school or painters or writers – they’re the people who like dealing one-on-one, who like the human interaction of healing and being with people on an emotional level – and psychological, obviously. If I were a doctor I would be a psychiatrist or psychologist.

I have to ask – we couldn’t help but notice some looks, which makes us wonder – is your character Gavin in love with Maggie?

Yeah. I don’t think I’m giving anything away by saying he definitely has a connection with Maggie, yeah. You know, I’ve worked with Julia [Taylor-Ross] before – and the funny thing is we’re often put in this situation of my character being in love with her character. We did a mini-series called Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures where I played a schizophrenic patient who was infatuated with her character. But it’s good to be two of the same people and having a regular relationship. They [Gavin and Maggie] certainly go through a lot together.

Given that, how do you think Gavin is going to take the news of Maggie and Joel’s hook-up in the last episode? Is that something we’ll get to see?

Well, I already know how he’s going to take the news. There’s a lot that goes into it. For people who are interested in that storyline, I think this episode is definitely a good one to watch – it comes on tonight – because we start to deal with that a little bit more. You will get to see that.

Now you’ve gotten to play both sides of the psychology field – a psyc doctor on Saving Hope and a schizophrenic on Rookie Blue. What was that experience like – was it difficult to get into the mindset of a schizophrenic patient?

I actually did it twice – on both Bloodletting and Miraculous Cures and Rookie Blue. That was really interesting – I worked with David Wellington who’s directed a lot of episodes on Saving Hope and he’s also an executive producer on that and on Rookie Blue – so it’s great working with him. Again, [the preparations for a character with schizophrenia involved] a lot of research online – and you try to understand where someone’s coming from. And that’s the scary part about what I was talking about before – the character becomes you – you bring yourself to be like “Okay, I’m not schizophrenic – I don’t think this way – but in what circumstances would I think this way?” You scarily find things in all of us that are actually relatable. You find that schizophrenia is not something that’s different than us but it’s actually part of us and it scarily comes out.

Now let’s switch gears a little bit and talk about LA Complex. The new season starts next month – we ended with Cam and Kevin getting (and almost immediately losing) a backer for their movie. So will the show pick up right where it left off?

Yes, it is picking up where it left off, for sure. In terms of our [Kevin’s and Cam’s] storyline, in a way we have to go back to square one. We left off with that whole thing with Raquel [Jewel Staite], getting her to fund this movie, but at the end of the last episode she pulled that out from under us and our movie no longer has any money. So we’re starting from square one – and try to get that made again – and a lot of the characters are starting from square one after this. Yeah, it picks up where it left off and a lot more drama starts to happen after that. There’s also some great new storylines that start to develop from some new characters and some old characters going into some fun directions.

Ellen Page has been sort of a hot topic between your characters. Are you an Ellen Page fan?

Absolutely! I have huge respect for her. I’ve never met her in person, but certainly from her work, a Canadian girl who’s gone out and made it big – I have huge respect for that. I think she’s a very unique talent and it’s fun just to talk about her even if it’s only in the third person – to pretend to get to work with her.

It seems like you guys are a pretty close cast. Who are you closest with on that show?

Definitely with Jordan [Johnson-Hinds] who plays Kevin. It’s hard not to be, you know – as the dynamic duo on screen, every single one of our scenes are together. It’s like a two-headed monster in a way, for better or for worse. He’s been such an awesome guy to work with. He has a fantastic performing background – but certainly for film and TV, he’s sort of new and excited to learn. Myself, I’ve been doing this for over 10 years, and I don’t necessarily call myself a veteran, but there’s a lot more experience I can share with him, and at the same time, to see someone with fresh eyes on set is kind of contagious. We all sort of feed off of that fun energy. I love my job and love going into it every day, but it’s always a fun reminder when somebody’s seeing it for the first time, and you remember how awesome it is – the job you get to do.

Let’s talk about your latest film A Little Bit Zombie. It seems like it’s going to be a bit of a comedic take on the Zombie genre.

Yes, it is. Because Casey [Walker], our director, owned this movie and was a director that had complete control over it, we got to make the movie on our own terms. We didn’t have notes coming down, and people telling us how we should do things. It was a very collaborative process and, at first, we didn’t know the kind of movie we were making, if that makes sense? In terms of the tone of it, we just started throwing stuff against the wall, and trying different things – and it found its voice as we went along. It was a really fun process. I mean, I was covered in blood and gunk and mud – everything splattered on me and falling into things. It was the most fun you can have as an actor.

Did the humor make it difficult to stay serious on set?

Yeah, we had a ball making that – it was one of the most fun [times] I’ve had on set. Casey would often – instead of calling cut – would just let allow us to start laughing. We’d try to hold it in during the scene, trying not to ruin the take, but at the end we’d just let it go and start laughing.

Your character is a zombie in the movie, right?

I’m a little bit zombie; that’s it. Like the title of the movie, I’m just “A Little Bit Zombie”. It’s about a guy who’s on his bachelor party weekend with his fiancé, his best friend, and sister, when he gets bit by a mosquito that previously had bit a zombie, and so he slowly starts to become a little bit zombie. But he still remains the nice guy that he is and still tring to plan his wedding – and be okay for that – while satiating his new craving for brains.

That sounds like it’s going to be hilarious. We can’t wait to see it. Any news on when the film will be available?

Yeah, you know, we’ve played it at a lot of film festivals and just to sit in the audience and hear everybody howl with laughter just makes that whole process worthwhile. We’re going to have, I believe, a DVD & Blu-Ray release either late this summer or early Fall. I don’t have specific dates for it but you can certainly go to the website and they keep updates going. We still have a few film festivals coming up soon as well.

Sounds like you’re keeping pretty busy filming – but what do you like to do when you’re not shooting?

Good question; that seems so long ago now…. No, I’m kidding. I certainly like reading and [watching] movies, exercise, going out to the beach. I had a day off the other day and I was on the Toronto Islands. I’m also a big wine guy; I like to go wine tasting. My idea of a perfect vacation is being able to go out and drive – or I should say ride to the vineyards – have somebody else drive you to the vineyards – and do a wine tasting. Eating is a big hobby of mine too, cooking and going out to nice restaurants. Nice food, nice wine, cooking stuff at home.

Oh so you cook. Can you cook well?

Oh yes. I think so, anyway. My mother is a holistic nutritionist, and she taught me everything I know about cooking and eating well. The best part of going home is getting to taste Mom’s cooking.

Do you have any pet peeves?

Yeah. What’s the right word for it? I guess, people faking things is a big pet peeve of mine. You know, people who like to posture, to pretend that they’re not who they are. I think so much of our work as actors is to understand who we are – for better or worse – just to explore it and accept it. Nothing annoys me more than people who try to pretend be something that they’re not.

What’s the last movie you saw in theaters?

Prometheus – I liked it; it was pretty epic.

What is your favorite song right now?

Right now? I should go to my iTunes and see what’s been played the most. You know what I listen to a lot right now? I listen to – it’s not really a new song, but I just sort of, discovered it – is Florence + the Machine. A couple of her songs have been played a lot on my iPod, like “Dog Days Are Over” and “What the Water Gave Me”.

Do you prefer coffee or tea?

Tea. I’m making some iced tea right now, actually.

Last question: What’s your favorite movie quote?

The last line in Back to the Future, when doc comes back and then Marty and his girlfriend are in the car, and he says: “You know what doc, you better back up. We don’t have enough road to get up to 88,” and Doc responds: “Roads? Where we’re going… we don’t need roads.”

http://honestreviewscorner.com/2012/06/ ... er-turner/

- Por primera vez en la temporada, 'Saving Hope' empieza con... esperanza (ctv.ca):
Por primera vez en la temporada, 'Saving Hope' empieza con... esperanza
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 22 de Junio, 2012

For the first time all season, “Saving Hope” begins with…hope!

After Charlie responded to Coma Arousal Therapy and moved his hand at the end of the last episode, hope has returned for Alex. A relief, says Erica Durance who plays the fiancée to comatose Charlie.

“It’s a refreshing (positive energy) compared to the first two episodes,” Durance says. “She’s so elated and so desperate for (Charlie moving his hand) to mean something.”

“Against the odds and the stats, against what they're all saying, he's getting better,” Alex tells one of her patients.

Even though Joel and Maggie try to warn Alex that it might not mean anything at all, Alex must hold onto the blind faith she requires to get her through her grief.

“The only thing that's certain is that nothing is ever certain,” she snaps at Maggie.

So where’s the line between hope and blind hope that isn’t rooted in reality?

“Alex is challenged because she is very pragmatic. She is very much about what she can see and touch and feel – the evidence in front of her,” explains Durance and Charlie moving his finger is tangible evidence of at least the potential for his recovery.

But her desire to be at Charlie’s bedside begins encroaching on her work as a doctor. After passing off patient Benjamin Munk to Maggie, it turns out the patient’s seemingly minor symptoms are indicative of something much more severe and the patient begins collapsing and vomiting up blood.

But Benjamin’s symptoms are once again not what they seem and eventually Alex pieces together that he’s a con-man. “You bled yourself to present as anemic and then drank the blood so it'd show up in your stool,” she says, calling him out.

In reality, all she wants to do is be sitting with Charlie, coaxing him to move his finger again. “She’s getting frustrated with him and she’s irritated because she really wants to wrap it all up and really be with Charlie,” explains Durance.

Her distraction doesn’t go unnoticed, not by her fellow doctors, the nursing staff, and most unfortunately, not by the new Chief of Surgery, Dr. Kinney. Dr. Kinney questions her handling of Benjamin’s case, wondering if she would’ve been more on top of his diagnosis before Charlie’s accident.

“You're distracted. There doesn't seem to be any room for anybody but Charlie,” Dr. Kinney says.

“She’s devastated with that concept that she’d lose that focus and part of herself. She lets her patient (Benjamin) have it a bit, which is also not very professional,” Durance says.

Alex promises to get focused and keep her “head in the game,” but when Shahir runs tests on comatose Charlie, Alex’s worst fears are re-confirmed.

“The numbers don't lie, Alex. There's been no improvement,” he tells her. “The finger movement was involuntary. It was a random firing of the neurons. It's a reflex. It means nothing.”

“She’s taken for quite a loop,” Durance says. “She has to go back again in her mind and start at square one again. Here, you see more of a window into her desperation – how much she wants to (trust) that if you believe hard enough, something will come to fruition.”

It’s Joel who reminds Alex that her faith and her hope in Charlie’s recovery is just as essential as any medical procedure.

“You're not his doctor,” he reminds her. “You're his lifeline. And right now you're all he's got.”

http://shows.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles ... _hope.aspx

- Más stills del 1.03 "Blindness":

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(thanks to ctv.ca)

- Ask Gavin (103) "Anatomically Correct" *Vlog*:

http://shows.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Ask_Gavi ... clip705125

- Letters to Charlie #3:


- Música del 1.03 Blindness:

"Judgement" (Half Moon Run)
"Down The Road" (C2C)
"Hotblack" (Oceanship)

- Rátings:

1.03 Blindness 2.6 million viewers (NBC), demo 0.7 on NBC and 1.44 Million Viewers on CTV (TVbythenumbers & cvtmedia.ca)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »


Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills 1.06 "The Great Randall":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »

- Aquí les dejo unas imagenes del capitulo de 1.04 "The Fight":

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- En HQ:

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(Thanks to @lovedearest)


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »

Última edición por Svmarines el Sab Jun 30, 2012 11:19 pm, editado 2 veces en total.


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »

les dejo el trailer del capitulo 1x05


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »

El rating del cappitulo 1x04

es de 3.29 millon NBC todavia no salio el rating de canada

NBC numbers: Saving Hope garnered a 0.7 adults 18-49 rating, up 40% from last week's 0.5 (3.29million)

http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2012/0 ... ce=twitter


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 871
Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent


Mensaje por Svmarines »

Erica Durance quería enviar una nota a los fans que la visitaron la semana pasada en Toronto:

"Thank you to everyone for visiting us on set and travelling such long distances to support us. It was great re-visiting and meeting all of you. I am always appreciative of the support and warmth shown by our fans. I had a good time chatting with you around the picnic table. Until the next time, stay safe and well. Love Erica"
via (@ericadurancetv)

("Gracias a todos por su visitarnos en el set y por viajar a distancias tan largas para apoyarnos. Fue genial volver a encontrame y conoceros a todos. Siempre estoy agradecida por el apoyo y la calidez mostrada por nuestros fans. Pasé un buen rato charlando con ustedes en la mesa de picnic. Hasta la próxima vez, cuidaros. Con cariño, Erica ")

Bueno mi ingles no estan bueno0 como el de Shelby asique cuando ella regrese de una mini vacaciones lo traducira mejor :smt008


Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Ben Ayres Online Fan Shoutout! (SavingHopeTV):

- Kristopher Turner and Julia Taylor Ross Ask Gavin Shoutout (SavingHopeTV):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mmqjPYm ... e=youtu.be

- Saving Hope: Making Medical Sense *Web Extra*:

Ask Gavin (104) "Monogamistress" *Vlog*:


- Letters to Charlie #4:


- Música del 1.04 "The Fight":

"C’mon Y’All (Klubjumpers Mix)" (Salme Dahlstrom)
"Fresh Pair of Eyes" (Brooke Waggoner)
"Body Language" (Melody Cross featuring Mr.Robotic)
"Higher" (DJ Kentaro)
"Dancing in London" (Adriiana)
"The World Won’t " (In-Flight Safety)

- Alex tiene que luchar por la vida de Charlie, y Shahir apenas evita una Competición al 'Mejor Trasero' (ctv.ca):
Though she’s not afraid of her carriage turning into a pumpkin and her gown turning into rags, Alex (Erica Durance) has something much larger to lose when the clock strikes midnight.

Twelve o’clock marks the three week period of her fiancé Charlie’s coma, after which he’ll enter “a persistent vegetative state.”

“You ask any surgeon, they'll tell you, the hardest part is the waiting,” Charlie says at the beginning of the fourth episode.

Alex begins the episode by sitting vigil, and though she’s skeptical, she gives Coma Arousal Therapy a shot, trying to stimulate Charlie’s senses. Desperate to find a way to fight for him, she decides to rely on what she knows best – medicine. “She finds crackly lungs (through her stethoscope) and she knows she’s going to have to fight for his life right from the get-go,” says Durance

To keep herself occupied, Alex decides to pick up a shift in the E.R. There’s no waiting there, as her first patient is a victim of a stab wound and her second is a hockey player (and we find out that Alex is a hockey fan!).

“He’s a fighter, that’s what (the hockey player) does and she tries to get him to look at himself and what he’s doing to his body and that he’s causing so much physical damage that he could die,” Durance says.

While Alex tries to convince hockey player Todd Fahey that he has a concussion, she finds out that Charlie does in fact have pneumonia, and his fever peaks at a dangerous 105 degrees, as the clock keeps ticking down to midnight.

But it’s not all stab wounds and concussed athletes, and gunshots (!) – the rest of the Hope-Zion team is at a drag show for Shahir’s birthday.

(Because nothing says socially awkward neurosurgeon like a “Best Ass Competition” with drag queen, Dyna Thirst…!)

“My boyfriend Victor wants to surprise me and take me to this drag show,” says actor Huse Madhavji, who plays Shahir. “It’s the weirdest thing, not because it’s a drag show, it’s just that there’s a lot of people and lights and it’s too much for him. He wants his hospital – the surgery room and his office. He wants his iPad and to just research things. That’s what he really wants.”

And he gets what he wants and ends up having to head back to Hope-Zee to perform brain surgery. A happy birthday, indeed.

Alex’s E.R. shift finishes and though midnight comes and goes and Charlie doesn’t wake up from his coma, his temperature finally breaks.

And for the briefest of moments, Alex sees Charlie in his tux out of the corner of her eye.

“From every angle, everybody’s fighting for what they love most,” says Durance.

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... _huse.aspx

- Descripción del capítulo 1.07 “Consenting Adults”:
07/19/2012 (09:00PM – 10:00PM): Un procedimiento quirúrgico rutinario sale mal cuando el paciente de Alex, una joven que iba a casarse, entra en coma. Mientras que Alex lidia con un caso que le afecta de cerca, Joel trata a un paciente que se hace a sí mismo modificaciones corporales, y Charlie se encuentra a sí mismo atraído hacia el paciente de Alex en el mundo espiritual.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/07/saving ... nting.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills HQ 1.05 "Out of sight":

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(thanks to @lovedearest)

- El actor Salvatore Antonio se pone su bata de enfermero y aprende cómo pasar los escalpelos... adecuadamente (ctv.ca):
El actor Salvatore Antonio se pone su bata de enfermero y aprende cómo pasar los escalpelos... adecuadamente
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 28 de junio, 2012 7:26:25 AM

If the acting thing doesn’t work out for “Saving Hope’s” Salvatore Antonio, he can always look for work as a scrub nurse.

“The scrub nurse has a really specific job, not only in charge of the sterility of the room, but also the speed with which things are passed,” explains Antonio. “They have to organize the instruments on the mayo tray – that’s what they call that little tray they have all the knives on – making sure they know where everything is all in the name of efficiency.

“The thing about a scrub nurse is you’ve got to be really present and always be thinking two steps ahead of the surgeon. Oh, and by no means getting in the way!”

Though he’s never actually stepped foot in an actual O.R., he’s done his homework, studying the techniques and skills of the two nurses who are on set (and in the O.R. “Saving Hope” scenes, just outside the camera’s view).

“I’m always asking questions, like how to hand over an instrument the proper way because I know there’s going to be someone at home who does this (for a living) and I don’t want to be that actor who doesn’t know what he’s doing,” Antonio says with a laugh.

So how do you hand over instruments? “You always make sure the handle fits right into the surgeon’s hand, without any fumbling,” Antonio relays, “and that the curve of an instrument is facing the right direction to so the surgeon doesn’t have to look at the instrument but can feel it and boom, cut. It’s this hyper-efficiency that is learned.”

Antonio loves playing Victor, and especially likes how good he is at his job. “He’s been (at Hope Zion) for a while and he’s gotten to learn how different surgeons work. You try to mimic some of the energy of the surgeon while they’re working so things are seamless. I imagine that’s what would happen in real life as well.”

Alex is very gentle in her surgeries, Antonio says. “I have a half second more to get things to her. Joel jokes around and has a certain cavalier attitude. He’ll throw his hand out in a very casual way.”

Reycraft, on the other hand, is very measured and precise. “There’s no fooling around in his O.R.,” Antonio says.

Where most of the actors have their favourite surgery scenes, Antonio says he doesn’t have a single one, even though he’s been in on some of the doozies.

“I’m actually squeamish. Very squeamish. I’m getting better with it, but the first couple surgeries I had to take a break and do some deep breathing. Everyone thought I was joking, but everything looks so real in person that I just had issues with shattered bones and the hand reattachment surgery. They’re a bit too real for my liking,” he laughs.

“I hate blood. I hate the sight of blood. I wish I had the fortitude that Victor has, but I’m a wimp.”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... ofile.aspx

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción del capítulo 1.08 “Heartsick”:
07/26/2012 (09:00PM – 10:00PM): Alex y Dawn discuten sobre quién debería tomar las decisiones legales sobre Charlie, sin embargo, son pronto forzadas a dejar sus asuntos personales a un lado cuando tienen que realizar juntas un transplante de corazón. Charlie no quiere hablar con un prisionero muerto que proporcionó el corazón para el paciente de Alex.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2012/07/saving ... tsick.html
http://www.chevronone.com/tv/alex-and-d ... heartsick/

- Michael Shanks Hace Brillar el Esmoquin (y sueña con vaqueros rotos) (ctv.ca):
Michael Shanks Hace Brillar el Esmoquin (y sueña con vaqueros rotos)
Por Lindsay Zier-Vogel 03 de Julio, 2012 3:40:16 AM

Para la mayoría de nosotros, el arreglarnos es algo para lo que estamos esperando, pero en estos días, Michael Shanks de Saving Hope está más emocionado por ponerse unos vaqueros rotos y camisetas gastadas.

“Al principio pensé que era realmente guay,” dice sobre el vestir un esmoquin en todas las escenas del hospital de su personaje. “Pensé, si vas a quedarte pegado a una pieza de vestuario, mejor es que te veas elegante en ella, pero a medida que el tiempo ha avanzado, se está volviendo un poco anticuado,” dice.

Su personaje, el Dr. Charlie Harris, sufrió un accidente de coche de camino a su boda (¡de ahí el esmoquin!) y mientras que su cuerpo yace en coma en el hospital Hope-Zion, su ‘espíritu’ vaga por los pasillos del hospital en este elegante vestuario.

“Se suponía que tenía que ir a cenar la otra noche y tenía un traje en el armario e iba a ponérmelo. Pero le eché una mirada al traje y dije, ‘¡De ninguna manera! ¡Voy a llevar puesto unos pantalones rotos y una camiseta!’ Definitivamente, para mí está arruinado el arreglarme durante un tiempo,” dice Shanks con una carcajada.

Él adora, sin embargo, que su esmoquin se haya convertido en una parte tan importante del personaje de Charlie. “Adoro que sea una metáfora – es el tipo que aún sigue dando vueltas tras la fiesta y me gusta ese aspecto de ello. Visualmente, es fuerte.”

Pero incluso si su pajarita está desabrochada, sigue pasando más tiempo vestido formalmente de lo que la mayoría de nosotros jamás lo hará.

“Al principio me sentía como si fuera James Bond, pero ahora, no tanto.”

http://www.ctv.ca/SavingHope/Articles/F ... 5_tux.aspx

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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