"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | 2.14 "Escape From Earth-2" Promo | The CW:

- The Flash | 2.14 "Escape From Earth-2" Extended Promo | The CW:

- The Flash | 2.14 "Escape From Earth-2" Producer´s Preview | The CW:

- The Flash | 2.14 "Escape From Earth-2" Clip #1 | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.14 "Escape From Earth-2" Clip #2 | TVLine:

http://tvline.com/2016/02/16/the-flash- ... iron-mask/

- The Flash | 2.14 "Escape From Earth-2" Clip #3 | Nerdist:

http://nerdist.com/the-flash-exclusive- ... the-flash/

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S2 de Tierra-2 y el crossover con "Supergirl" (12-28 Feb / 04 Marzo 2016):

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(@dpanabaker: Let's go to Earth 2. You ready?
@grantgust: Earth 2 gonna be like...
@grantgust: Dale got me on my way to Supergirl land like.. See ya soon Flash. Hold it down without me. Miss youuuu
@grantgust: Hey Flash producers... I've already got a fancier chair on Supergirl than I've got on Flash. Just saying
@AliAdler: But too cute not to show his face. @grantgust #supergirl #flash #crossover…
@aliadler: The most literal flashback ever typed. @grantgust @melissabenoist #Supergirl #flash
@grantgust: Those two emblems look pretty good together... @melissabenoist
@teddysears: No #fanart this week. I'm just gonna post this pic of me hugging Hubert
@CavanaghTom: I don't know, she was just right here. @dpanabaker @grantgust
@grantgust: Finding gems on set that we've never noticed. @tha_los y @cavanaghtom
@KeiynanLonsdale: My awesome mum came to visit Earth 2 & she got to meet some pretty cool ppl
@candicekp: Distinguished Gentlemen @grantgust @CavanaghTom
@FlashProdOffice: We had multiple Flash mannequins for #kingshark to munch on. And some meat. Natch. #TheFlash
@FlashProdOffice: We had multiple Flash mannequins for #kingshark to munch on. And some meat. Natch. #TheFlash
@therealvictorgarber: The Letter Carrier screening. Well done Jesse
@teddysears: Well, this is a complication...
@CavanaghTom: Star Lab. @Tha_Los #JesseLMartin @dpanabaker #TheFlash
@CavanaghTom: @candicekp Us Just waiting for sandwiches. #theFlash
@candicekp: Yesterday. Tom and Grant low key hating on Carlos for getting J's in Cisco's closet. I like your converse though G. #CiscoFresh)

http://canadagraphs.weebly.com/the-flas ... 2-episodes
http://www.justjared.com/2016/02/12/gra ... crossover/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32849
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.14 "Escape from Earth-2":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32849
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | The Visual Effects of The Flash: Part 4 | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32849
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | Zoom's Coming Extended Trailer | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32849
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Candice Patton se alegra de la 'rompedora' Iris de Tierra-2 y el progresivo apoyo para 'WestAllen' (TVLine):
Candice Patton se alegra de la 'rompedora' Iris de Tierra-2 y el progresivo apoyo para 'WestAllen'
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 15 Feb 2016, 1:25 PM PST

The Flash flipped its world upside-down with Barry’s arrival on Earth-Two, where both Caitlin and Cisco are evil and Iris is the “Detective West” tasked with wrangling metahumans.

As the CW hit’s well-watched walk on the wilder side continues this Tuesday at 8/7c, TVLine invited Candice Patton to share her reaction to Earth-Two’s Iris (“This is everything that I have wanted”), preview “nerdy” Barry’s rise to the occasion and reveal how a “seed” is planted for the future of Earth-One’s “WestAllen.”

TVLINE | When did the buzz first start hitting the set that this visit to Earth-Two was coming down the pike?
I think it might have been a few episodes before we started shooting, that we knew we were definitely going to Earth-Two. But I don’t think people knew which characters were going, which doppelgängers would show up… so we were all kind of speculating in our heads — “Am I going? Will there be a doppelgänger of me? Am I going to be a villain? Will I be the same kind of person?” The possibilities are really endless on this how, so you can imagine our minds were just making up all sorts of stuff!

TVLINE | Had there been any whispers about what the other Iris would be like?
No — and I’m an actress who doesn’t really dig for information. I don’t call up [showrunner] Andrew [Kreisberg] and ask what’s going on. I kind of just let it unfold as it unfolds, so by the time I finally got the first draft of the script, I texted Andrew like, “You’re kidding me. Earth-Two Iris is a badass cop??” He was like, “Pretty cool, huh!” I thought, this is awesome, this is everything that I have wanted for Iris. For me, it was one of the coolest episodes I’ve gotten to play with and shoot.

TVLINE | Did it raise your eyebrows more that she was a cop, than married to Barry?
I think both were a bit shocking. I mean, Barry and I, our thing has always kind of been there, we’re always alluding to the possibility of that — the newspaper says we’re married in the future. Them being married on Earth-Two kind of gives this idea that Barry and I are always connected, no matter where we find them.

TVLINE | When the Earth-Two TV reporter mentioned “Detective West,” I was like, “Hold on a minute, we could zag a bit” — and I was excited when they did.
Yeah, I never would have imagined they would go in that direction because our Detective West on Earth-One is so great. As a result, I felt a bit of responsibility [Laughs] in trying to recreate another kind of kick-ass Detective West.

TVLINE | Do I see you Flash Earth-Two Spoilerscarrying yourself differently as Earth-Two Iris because of that? I feel she has a bit more swagger.
Absolutely. I wanted her to be as strong as her father is on Earth-One. I wanted her to feel very tough and unapologetic and… not hardened. but she has an exoskeleton to do the kind of work that she does. There were days on set that were hard for me, shooting scenes with Floyd Lawton and having Barry in the room, and then there’s me as Detective West…. It was an unusual difference for me now being the “alpha” in the room. It was kind of uncomfortable to play at first — our [“Welcome to Earth-Two”] director, Millicent Shelton, had to come over to me a couple of times and say, “You’re on the right track. Be fierce. Be dominant.”

TVLINE | What can you tell us about Earth-Two’s Barry that we don’t know yet?
I don’t know that I can tell you anything that you don’t already know, but he’s absolutely adorable! [Laughs] He’s absolutely adorable. And it’s sweet because he and Iris are just complete opposites. He’s a bit more reserved and conservative and buttoned-up, and she’s quite aggressive and I’d say even very sexual and proactive….. It’s nice to see how these two opposites really attract on Earth-Two. [This week], you’ll see that Earth-Two Barry, while he is very nerdy and shy and a bit reserved, kind of rises to the challenge. He wants to work alongside his wife to go find Earth-One’s Barry, even though he’s terrified. He wants to do this for Iris and show her that he’s got her back.

TVLINE | What is Iris to make of the showdown she just witnessed, with Killer Frost, Deathstorm, Reverb and the assorted doppelgängers?
She’s a cop so she’s used to metahumans like Killer Frost and Deathstorm, but to have Cisco be there and then his doppelgänger show up, and then this Flash that she has never seen before…. It’s a lot for her to cop brain to process. But it’s just another day on Earth-Two!The Flash

TVLINE | Might the events on Earth-Two ultimately have an effect on Earth-One’s Barry and Iris?
Yes — in the sense that there’s almost a seed planted, at least for Iris. This idea that they are married on Earth-Two and supposedly married in the future makes Iris start to wonder if maybe they are truly destined to be together.

TVLINE | Meanwhile, back on Earth-One: What is Iris up to?
This is the introduction of Scott Evans (played by Tone Bell), her new editor at Picture News, and he’s very anti-Flash. He wants Iris to write a piece on how The Flash may not be the hero everyone thinks he is, which is quite the conflict for her, so she kind of negotiates with him: “Instead, what if I write a piece about this other Flash that’s out there fighting Geomancer?” So she heads over to S.T.A.R. Labs to talk to Jay and Caitlin to try to write a piece about him instead. All the while, they get into the thick of the terror that is Geomancer.

TVLINE | I loved that moment you had a couple weeks ago, strong-arming the guy who runs Wally’s street races. Iris really put her investigative skills to use. Will we get more of that moving forward?
I hope so. I can’t say that it’s heavy as of now, but we keep dabbling in it here and there. Every time we do, I relish those scenes, because that’s Iris West. She’s an iconic reporter and it’s [played] so heavy in the comic books. So I’m hoping for more of that, too. Hearing the fan response from Earth-Two, I think people love seeing Iris have agency and have the aggression to go after what she’s concerned about. They want to see more of that on Earth-One.

TVLINE | Are we done with Wally’s drama? Is that sorted out for the most part?
In terms of us being at odds with each other? I think so. I think we’ve dealt with that. Wally’s a kid, still, so he’s always going to be getting into trouble and doing things that Joe and Iris may not think are the best. I think as far as the family dynamic goes, we’ll finally start seeing a unit with those three — four with Barry. They finally embrace each other as a family and can move forward.

TVLINE | What has it meant to you, this past year-and-a-half, to have such strong, passionate support from the WestAllen fans?
Oh, man…. I don’t know if there are really words to describe it. I try not to read too many comments, but when I do it’s overwhelming support — even on days where sometimes you don’t feel it. The haters can be… they can really get on your nerves, I guess. I don’t mind people talking badly about me or whatever; it’s when I feel like it has to do with race that really kind of bothers me. So, having WestAllen supporters and people who are out in the world who are progressive and are willing to see storylines like that really makes me feel better about our society as a whole, that we can have that kind of relationship on television, that we can send positive ideas to young people watching our show. It’s important that we keep moving in that direction on our show.

http://tvline.com/2016/02/15/the-flash- ... interview/
- Robbie Amell habla sobre el posible futuro de Firestorm (heroichollywood):
Robbie Amell habla sobre el posible futuro de Firestorm
Por Kieran Hair 16 Feb, 2016

Be warned that the following article may contain spoilers if you haven’t been keeping up with this season of The Flash.

During his recent Q&A at Dallas Comic-Con Fan Days, actor Robbie Amell talked quite a bit about his role as Firestorm on The Flash. In doing so, he made a running joke of the fact that the character just can’t seem to stay alive. Yet he always seems to be brought back in one form or another. And according to Amell, this is largely his doing.

“I think the producers bring me back so often because I email them repeatedly. Every time they kill me I’m like, ‘So wouldn’t it be cool if this happened?’”

Before he was brought back as Deathstorm in the Flash team’s recent trip to Earth-2, Ronnie Raymond’s ultimate fate in the season opener was something of a mystery. Off-screen deaths are always questionable in shows like this, after all. But in terms of Raymond’s sacrifice to the singularity, Amell notes that this was something of a necessity.

“The main thing behind that was the timing didn’t work out for me for Legends of Tomorrow to shoot it, and…Firestorm had to be a part of that show. And it couldn’t be me, so the idea was that I had to die and they introduced a new Firestorm. And then they just kept getting annoying emails from me asking when I was going to be brought back. So, um…I’m just going to see how long that works.”

If it does work, however, it may have to be in the context of alternate Earths (similar to Earth-2’s Deathstorm). Says Amell:

“I truly believe that Ronnie from Earth-1 is dead. I think you can only sacrifice yourself so many times without actually dying.”

Whether or not we’ll be seeing more of Firestorm, Amell has recently been shooting the Netflix film ARQ in Toronto alongside Jessica Jones’ Rachael Taylor. Amell notes that the film’s premise—which he compares to Edge of Tomorrow—is a bit humorous in the context of his previous role as Firestorm.

“I’m living the same three hours over and over again and I keep getting killed. It’s kind of like being on The Flash.”

Needless to say, some fans found it odd that Amell has managed to play two perpetually dying characters in a row. But when asked why everyone seems to want his characters to die, Amell claimed that Firestorm’s deaths are in some ways a testament to the love that fans have for the character.

“Who said people want me to die in the movies? I think it’s so that…they know that it will break everybody’s heart when I die. You don’t kill the guy people want to die, ‘cause everybody’s like ‘Yeah!’ And then it’s just, like, done for a while. You want people to be like ‘Oh, no! Not Ronnie again! We just got him back!’”

This was more or less the fan reaction on Twitter when Deathstorm departed almost as soon as he arrived. As for whether or not Earth-2’s Deathstorm or Earth-1’s Firestorm are still out there in the ether, it’s hard to say. The big problem with bringing Raymond back would be the lack of a second half, since Martin Stein is currently gallivanting around with Jax on Legends of Tomorrow. But if The Flash wants to bring back Raymond in any way, shape or form, Amell is more than willing to play the part.

“I would always love to go back to that show. I love the cast, I love the producers. A lot of the same crew that worked on The Tomorrow People because it shoots in Vancouver. That show will always have a place very close to my heart, and I’ll go back any time they want me to.”

The Flash airs Tuesdays on The CW at 8/7c. For the current incarnation of Firestorm, check out DC’s Legends of Tomorrow at 8/7c every Thursday.

http://heroichollywood.com/home-1/2016/ ... ble-future

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32849
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Póster Oficial de 'Zoom':


- Nuevo póster promocional de la S2 de "The Flash":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32849
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | 2.15 "King Shark" Promo | The CW:

- The Flash | 2.15 "King Shark" Extended Promo | The CW:

- The Flash | 2.15 "King Shark" Producer´s Preview | The CW:

- The Flash | 2.15 "King Shark" Clip #1 | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.15 "King Shark" Clip #2 | The CW:

http://www.eonline.com/videos/246051/th ... king-shark

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32849
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | Season 2: Keiynan Lonsdale Interview | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32849
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.15 "King Shark":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32849
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Concept Arts de 'Dr. Light', 'Geomancer' y 'Jay Garrick' por Andy Poon:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32849
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts del rodaje del crossover con "Supergirl" (22-02-16):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32849
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos pósters promocionales para el 2.15 "King Shark":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32849
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH Scoop: Entrevista Con Violett Beane (seat42f):
THE FLASH Scoop: Entrevista Con Violett Beane
Por Tiffany Vogt 23 Feb, 2016

No matter what universe we find him, Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) is a bit of a cipher wearing a protective facade for a variety of reasons. Yet the one person who seems to have cracked that facade and reached his otherwise stony heart is his daughter Jesse (Violett Beane) — at least, the Dr. Wells from Earth-2. One of the most heart-wrenching and compelling storylines this season on THE FLASH has been watching Dr. Wells aka Harry –as Barry Allen and friends have dubbed him so as to not confuse him with the Dr. Wells aka Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne from our Earth. After all, what parent would not do everything in their power to rescue their child from the evil clutches of Zoom? Even Jesse herself seems a bit surprised to find out that her father holds a soft-soft in his heart for her and has crossed over into another universe and back just to save her.

In an exclusive interview, star Violett Beane talks about the joy of landing such a plum role on a hit show and where the possibilities may lie ahead for her character as THE FLASH universes expand.

So now that Jesse has been rescued, are you allowed to share how many more episodes you will be in this season?
VIOLETT: I think you will be seeing a lot of her. As you saw in last week’s episode, she finally got free from Zoom and now she’s on Earth-1. More or less for the rest of the season, you will be able to get to know Jesse and seeing her assimilate to life on Earth-1 and getting to know all the people on the Flash Team and this whole other Earth. So you’ll be seeing her getting used to this new life.

What is going to be the hardest adjustment for her?
VIOLETT: Imagine if you were 17 years old and you had to leave all your friends and had to move to a new city or state, and she moves to a whole new Earth. Like she doesn’t have any friends. She only has her dad. She loves him, but he is her dad. So she is just sort of getting to know everyone and being okay with how her life is on this new Earth. I think it will definitely be challenging at times, but I think she can handle it.

Is she going to be homesick or will she make the adjustment kind of quickly?
VIOLETT: I think she will be homesick for a while. She loves her dad, but she is going to be missing everything. They ran out of there so fast that she didn’t get to say goodbye or anything. So she will be homesick for a while, but as she meets the Flash Team and as stuff starts to happen, she will get more used to it and you’ll be able to see these relationships build with each person on the team.

Is Jesse going to be job-hunting? After all, this is a whole new life for her.
VIOLETT: [Laughs] I know, right?! She needs to get a job! She’s crazy smart, so she is going to be able to help the team in ways that maybe they didn’t think. She had five majors when she was in college and she was in college when she was 16 years old. So she has a lot to offer. I think slowly but surely everyone will start to realize that. She is going to be a good part of the team.

She is also the person who has spent the most about of time with Zoom, whether she wanted to or not. She might have some insight into what makes him tick.
VIOLETT: You would think so, but he is one of the most vicious villains that I have ever seen on TV and there is no sign of him cracking or letting anyone know anything about him — besides the fact that he has that need for speed. I think she is just so happy to finally be away from him.

What was it like to film those kind of intense scenes where you are face-to-face with some actor behind a mask like that?
VIOLETT: I know! The stuntman who was in the Zoom suit is an amazing guy. He was not personally an actor. At first, he was just a stunt guy and then he started to get more into acting. I think he was really able to embody that. Then when I hear the voice on screen — that’s Tony Todd’s voice — it all sort of came together. It is a little hard when you don’t have that person there with you, but that is when our acting kicks in. You know what the writers are wanting as an actor. So it’s easier than you might think when you’re in front of the camera and you are doing it. It just sort of flows out of you.

Who is Jesse as a person? How do you see her?
VIOLETT: There was a couple of scenes with her dad early on and I kind of gathered her personality and how she would handle situations, and a little bit of what’s in the comic books. I think she is a pretty strong-willed girl, but even though she is strong and empowered, when you are behind locked bars and there is this creepy Zoom guy, anyone is bound to crack a little bit. Like in last week’s episode when she was talking to Barry (Grant Gustin), she wants to get out but she had kind of lost hope. She had been in there for 3-4 months and she didn’t think anyone was coming to save them. But as she begins to understand the new world and her new life, her personality is able to shine out more and you will get to know her a lot more and I’m really excited for that. And then as I grown more into the character, it will be nice to have scenes where she is not just scared and afraid for her life.

What do you most admire about her?
VIOLETT: How strong she is. She is really sassy and she is not afraid to talk back and hold her own. I think there needs to be more figures like that for girls and I think the show does a really good job creating those characters that younger kids can look up to — both with the toughness of the women in the show and seeing Barry cry. That’s a new thing for kids to see: boys with emotions and girls that are empowering. So I think adding Jesse to the team is going to be really good. It’s going to be good for the kids. She’s a role model and I really like that.

At this point, what is Jesse’s relationship with her father like?
VIOLETT: She’s grown up with just him and I can relate to that too because my mom raised me as a single mother. You love them and you are close to them, but if one thing happens, you feel like you can’t trust them anymore. I think Jesse loves him and trusts him and she obviously wants to get away from Zoom so she will listen to him, but finding out that her father created the particle accelerator — that’s kind of like a stab in the back. Like why didn’t she know this if they were so close? It’s just a little bit more difficult when you are so close to someone to always trust them and always agree with what they have to say. So I think we will see a little bit of her backlash, but also out of love and out of feeling hurt.

What is it like working with Tom Cavanagh, as your quasi-father on the show?
VIOLETT: [Laughs] He is crazy! He is so talented. Honestly, like if I have any questions about anything or if I’m feeling weird in a scene, he’s always right there to give me advice. And he’s hilarious! Between him and Grant and Carlos, they go back and forth and always cracking jokes. It’s a nice environment to work in. Tom definitely lightens up the mood and he’s been an awesome partner in scenes we’re in. So I look forward to more and for the fans to see our work that we have done so far.

Had you watched the first season when Tom played the alternate version of Dr. Wells?
VIOLETT: Yeah, I’ve seen it all. I think it is an interesting choice on his part. He’s still so hardened, but in a different way, and he’s definitely getting a soft-spot for the whole Flash Team — but he won’t admit it — and I think his character needs that. I think he wants to love and to have these friends. I think Jesse will take on some of that too, but she only knows him and she doesn’t know these other people yet. She is going off of him as she doesn’t know what his relationships are with them.

Is Jesse going to be open to making friends or is she going to be the reluctant new person on the team?
VIOLETT: I think she will be open to it. Being 6 or so years younger than the other characters, she kind of looks up to them in a way. Like Iris (Candice Patton) and Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker), they both are also very strong women and they have earned this place in their lives with their jobs and careers. So I think she looks up to them and they help her out and make her feel a bit more like she is a part of this Earth and a part of what they are creating and doing. So I think that will be nice.

What have you learned working on the show? What is something that surprised you or that you enjoyed?
VIOLETT: I had worked on another television series before, THE LEFTOVERS, but I was not doing as many scenes and I was not taking it as far with my character. So I’ve learned so much about the filming process during all of this. I feel like I have learned way more than I could have doing anything else. I did not go to college because I kind of always knew that I was going to be a performer in some way and I think for certain career paths that college is not necessarily the right thing and I don’t think I could have learned nearly as much about film if I was in a classroom. Being so hands-on and doing what I love to do and having that be my career is such a happy feeling, and for it to be happening so soon in my life is a really great feeling.

Did you have a clue when you joined the show that your story arc would be expanded so much?
VIOLETT: I didn’t. For my audition process, I sent in a tape. I never even came up and met anyone. They just chose me. I don’t think they really expected my character to go where it did. But I guess just the chemistry on screen and all that, it just made sense for this character to keep growing the way that she is and I’m so grateful for it.

The Man in the Iron Mask who was in the cell next to Jesse in Zoom’s lair, can you offer any information about him?
VIOLETT: I don’t even know who he is because the characters didn’t talk to each other. The only thing that were exchanged were: J-A-Y. So I don’t know if he knows who Jay is, or if he is saying Jay could have saved them or what he was saying. Just like Barry and Jesse, we don’t know who he is. I know the writers are going to do something crazy. They always do. I’m exciting to find out who he is.

That’s the crazy thing about Zoom: he seems to collect people and just leaves them in these cages. It’s like, “dude, why are you collecting people?”
VIOLETT: [Laughs] I know! He kind of judges how great his based on these people he captures and does nothing with. It’s like, “Why?!” But he must have a plan.

What can you share that the future may hold for Jesse?
VIOLETT: At some point she is going to get speed because it has been hinted at a few times — Jesse Quick. Hopefully that happens this season. I think that will be interesting. Just to see how another speedster would work with The Flash. Wally West is a speedster in the comics too. So just to see that whole Speed Force will be really, really cool. I know that everyone that has tried on their suits before has been like, “When I put that suit on, I feel like a superhero.” So hopefully that will happen soon for me too.

Are you worried they will make you do a ton of running scenes after that?
VIOLETT: [Laughs] I know, right?! And it’s so awkward because I have the weirdest run ever!

This next episode features the return of King Shark. What teasers can you share?
VIOLETT: They bought back King Shark because it did so well. People really liked it. The special effects were amazing. So it’s going to be cool to see another villain that we have seen before come back. They don’t do that very often. There’s some guest-stars from ARROW, which is really cool. As far as Jesse goes, you will see her slowly coming into this Earth and finding her place. So stay tuned and watch “King Shark”!

http://www.seat42f.com/the-flash-scoop- ... beane.html
- ¡The Flash revela la identidad de Zoom! (EW):
¡The Flash revela la identidad de Zoom!
Por Natalie Abrams 23 Feb 2016

Warning: This story contains major spoilers from Tuesday’s episode of The Flash. Read at your own risk!

The Flash finally unveiled Zoom’s identity during Tuesday’s episode, likely leaving fans shocked and confused.

The closing moments of the King Shark-themed hour caught up with Zoom as he unmasks himself in the wake of killing Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) at the end of last week’s episode. Ready for it? No turning back now!

“Zoom’s identity has been revealed: He is Hunter Zolomon, a.k.a Jay Garrick,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW.

But… but… how?! As postulated in one of our many (many, many, seriously many, many) theory stories, Jay seemed like a likely candidate to be Zoom after the reveal that his Earth-1 doppelgänger was actually Hunter Zolomon, the alter-ego of Zoom in the comics. Even so, how could Jay Garrick (ugh, Hunter!), who apparently arrived on Earth-1 with no powers, be zipping back and forth through the universes, or even be stabbing himself in the chest like we saw last week?! For now, that remains to be seen.

“How all of that plays out and what’s actually happening, we’ll leave for after the break,” Kreisberg says. “But we wanted to go out on this run of episodes with a big reveal, just the same way we did at the end of episode 9 in season 1, where we revealed that Harrison Wells was the man in the yellow suit. Zoom’s identity is finally revealed.”

In a lot of ways, history is basically repeating itself. In the absence of the original Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), Team Flash looked to Hunter Zolomon (née Jay Garrick!) as a leader, who helped to nurture everyone involved. Sound familiar? Eobard Thawne, under the guise of Wells, literally molded his nemesis Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) into The Flash all in the name of using him to get home. “It’s an even larger betrayal than last year in some ways, because they’re all going to feel like they should’ve been inoculated against it,” Kreisberg says. “Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.”

“They let this person in,” Kreisberg continues. “Part of the reason he was able to do that was because there was a hole in the center of their group, and he knew that. He was able to step in because they wanted it so desperately. Barry was missing his mentor, Wells, and here comes Jay offering to be his mentor. Caitlin [Danielle Panabaker] had lost Ronnie [Robbie Amell], and then here comes Jay offering to be her new knight in shinning armor.” (Seriously, poor Caitlin Snow!)

In this case, letting the past color their future actually worked against them. “The irony, of course, is the one person who has been saying, ‘Don’t trust this guy! Don’t trust this guy! Don’t trust this guy!’ has been Harry, who’s the one that none of them trusted,” Kreisberg says. “For us, there was all of this great, delicious irony to the whole thing. It happens in a way that didn’t make them look stupid, that the reason he was able to manipulate them was because he was playing on their emotions. It wasn’t because they were gullible. They actually took precautions in the beginning — Barry locked him up right away — but all of them had that need for a center and for a new star to right their ships by. Jay’s one charming, smooth guy and he was able to manipulate them in that way.”

The question remains: Who is the man in the iron mask, who tapped out the message “Jay” to Barry and Jesse (Violett Beane)? Sorry, Kreisberg is staying mum on the mystery man locked up in Zoom’s lair. “Just when we solve one mystery, we like to set up another one,” he says coyly. “The identity of the man in the [iron] mask is, in some ways, probably an even bigger surprise than this one, if you can imagine it. It’s a new mystery to pull you through the season. Barry swore he wasn’t going to leave him behind. Something tells me Barry’s going to make good on that promise.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/02/23/fl ... er-zolomon?
- Jefe de ‘The Flash’ sobre la impactante revelación de Zoom: "Él jugó con todos" (Variety):
Jefe de ‘The Flash’ sobre la impactante revelación de Zoom: "Él jugó con todos"
Por Laura Prudom 23 Feb, 2016 | 06:02PM PT

Spoiler warning: Do not read on unless you’ve seen “The Flash” Season 2, Episode 15, titled “King Shark.”

Fans have been speculating about the identity of “The Flash’s” villainous Zoom since Season 2 began, but the truth proved to be even more shocking than we could’ve predicted: the man we’ve come to know as Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) — beloved by comic book fans as the first iteration of The Flash in the Golden Age of comics — was revealed to be Zoom, aka Hunter Zolomon… Seconds after dumping the body of the man who appeared to be Jay Garrick on the ground back on Earth-2. But how? For that reveal, we’ll sadly have to wait until after “The Flash” returns from its mini-hiatus on March 22.

Our suspicions were raised after Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) attempted to track down Jay’s Earth-1 counterpart in the Jan. 26 episode “The Reverse-Flash Returns” (a title that has now taken on a poetic double meaning) only to discover that “Jay Garrick” didn’t exist on our Earth, and instead, Jay’s doppelganger was a man named Hunter Zolomon — the alter ego of Zoom in DC Comics canon.

While fans may be forgiven for thinking that the Zoom storyline seems eerily reminiscent of last season’s twist, which revealed that the Reverse Flash, Eobard Thawne (Matt Letscher), had assumed the identity of scientist Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) in order to gain the trust of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells Variety that the parallel is entirely by design.

“For us, it could only happen because of what happened last season,” Kreisberg explains. “For Barry and the others, as much as they were stung by Wells/Thawne’s betrayal, he had been their mentor and friend and they all felt that vacuum when he was gone. Jay had been watching them and knew that so he was able to masterfully step into the role each of them needed. He became a friend and mentor to Barry. A love interest to the heartbroken Caitlin. He skillfully played them all.”

The twist is particularly surprising given Jay’s iconic status in the DC universe, but Kreisberg says that fan expectations helped conceal their master plan for Zoom. “We knew there’d be a fair amount of the audience who would know who Jay Garrick was and would take the character and anything he said at face value because of his past history,” he points out. “With this, we were better able to hide the ball as it were as to Zoom’s true identity. Who would suspect the big bad was the classic hero from the comics?”

To learn more about Zoom’s endgame, we’ll have to wait until “The Flash” returns to The CW with all new episodes on March 22.

http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/the-fla ... 201713314/
- Danielle Panabaker sobre el ser una mujer en el género de superhéroes (marieclaire):
Danielle Panabaker sobre el ser una mujer en el género de superhéroes
Por Mehera Bonner Feb 25, 2016

If binge-watching The Flash has taught us one thing (other than the fact that we need to step up our running game), it's that that women are the real MVPs of the superhero canon. Danielle Panabaker plays Caitlin Snow on the CW series, a brilliant scientist without whom The Flash would just be a dude who runs super fast.

We spoke to Danielle about what it's like to play a kick-ass woman in a typically male-centric genre, her favorite picks from New York Fashion Week, and the totally unexpected reason she's rocking bangs. (Spoiler alert: a Harry Potter-level scar is involved.)

Marie Claire: Historically, women have been sidelined as damsels in distress in the superhero genre, but Caitlin is in many ways the brains behind The Flash. Did that draw you to the part?

Danielle Panabaker: Absolutely, it was so enticing from the beginning to be this woman who was entrenched in The Flash's world. She's not there to just tell him what a great job he's doing, she's also there to push him further and help him to be the best that he can be. She's often the first person to be a little bit skeptical of him, which is kind of nice. She really challenges him.

"My concern is less the entertainment industry specifically, and more the general problem that women don't get paid as much as men in any industry."

MC: There's been so much talk about the wage gap in Hollywood. Have you experienced sexism in the industry?

DP: I can empathize with women who feel that way. I personally haven't experienced it, and I'm grateful for that. I feel very appreciated on the show I'm on, but I do empathize. My concern is less the entertainment industry specifically, and more the general problem that women don't get paid as much as men in any industry.

MC: We've been loving this new wave of actress activism in Hollywood. What issues inspire you to speak up and fight for change?

DP: I'm grateful for the exposure that being on a show like The Flash gives me, particularly in this generation of social media and how accessible you can be to fans. And I think it's important to use that platform to send a positive message. My parents really raised me with the value that it's important to give back, and I've always gravitated towards non-profits and charities that work with children. The Art of Elysium is a program I've volunteered with for close to ten years, and I work with Unicef and Young Storytellers. My passion is really working with children since they are the future.

MC: Do you feel a social responsibility as a millennial actress who has the ear of so many young fans?

DP: There is an element—particularly on social media—where I want to encourage positivity and kindness rather than negativity and bashing of other people. I think that is a way I try to incorporate social responsibility into my life, but I feel like my day to day is pretty average.

MC: Before you landed The Flash, you had a brief role in Mad Men which is inarguably one of the best shows *ever.* What was it like to work on?

DP: That was an incredible experience. I had been a fan of the show for many years, had auditioned several times, and knew it was coming towards the end of its run. I was just crossing my fingers and hoping that something worked out. It was such a dream come true. I had several friends who were working on the show at the time—Ben Feldman's a very dear friend of mine. Everything about Mad Men is extremely secretive, so to show up at the table read, get to surprise my friends and feel like I was part of something so incredibly cool was so special.

MC: Let's talk beauty. Your bangs are on point, but we all know maintaining them can be a chore. Any tips?

DP: I fell and hit my head about six months ago—I have a scar on my forehead and the bangs were an attempt to cover that. Life sort of pushed a hair change on me, which has actually been really fun to play with. It does add a little bit of maintenance, but I have a teeny-tiny flat iron that I bought on Amazon for $20 and that has been my lifesaver. Even if all I do to get out the door is flat iron my bangs, I feel like I'm good to go.

MC: What makeup items do you keep in your bag for touch-ups on the fly?

DP: I love Nars tinted moisturizer. I'm a big proponent of skincare and it has an SPF in it that I adore. My other go-to product is Fresh Lip Treatment which I have in literally every color up and down the rainbow. I fly almost every week to and from Vancouver, so staying hydrated is super important. They add a little bit of color and they don't dry my lips out.

MC: Your style is a pretty solid mixture of super chic yet super attainable. Who are your go-to designers?

DP: My taste tends to skew a little bit towards the more feminine. Monique Lhuillier, Oscar de la Renta. Some of his wedding dresses in particular have been spectacular. That new line Monse, I was lucky enough to go to their first fashion show last fall and it's been so fun to see them grow. I also love Jenny Packham and Tory Burch.

MC: Did you go to NYFW this season? Any looks you'd nab from the runway and wear in real life?

DP: I went to Mara Hoffman and there was this white jumpsuit that I'm dying to wear. Sometimes I get a little nervous about wearing white, but this jumpsuit was beautiful. I loved it. It could be really chic to wear for a night out or party.

Jenny Packham also had beautiful gowns. Purple's my favorite color and she had this really great short purple mini-dress—I'd wear that in a heart beat, even just to a date night. I'm all about short.

MC: Is there a beauty or fashion risk you've been dying to take but haven't yet?

DP: I was just talking to somebody about bellbottoms. I remember when I was in middle school and those were the only style of jean I had. Now, I have a pair in my closet and I haven't actually pulled them out and worn them yet. I guess I just don't know what shoe goes with them! You can't wear it with a skinny heel because I don't think that looks right. Are you wearing it with a boot? I don't know!

http://www.marieclaire.com/celebrity/ne ... interview/

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Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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- The Flash | 2.16 "Trajectory" Promo | The CW:

- The Flash | 2.16 "Trajectory" Extended Promo | The CW:

- The Flash | 2.16 "Trajectory" Producer´s Preview | The CW:

- The Flash | 2.16 "Trajectory" Clip #1 | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.16 "Trajectory" Clip #2 | The CW:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
