"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell durante una grabación nocturna de Arrow en un restaurante italiano en Vancouver, Canadá (03-10-12):

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http://www.justjared.com/2012/10/05/ste ... ht-scenes/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Video de Stephen Amell en Acción para "Arrow" (E!Online):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes de Stephen Amell durante las sesiones promocionales en las oficinas de DC en Burbank:

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- Katie Cassidy Dice que Espera "Patear algunos Traseros" en Arrow (popsugar.com):

http://www.popsugar.com/Katie-Cassidy-I ... o-25315569

- Currie Graham Líder de la Royal Flush Gang (tvguide.com):
El actor Currie Graham ha sido escogido para liderar a la Royal Flush Gang en Arrow.

El alumno de NYPD Blue ha sido escogido como King, cuyo villano alter ego en la nueva serie es Derek Reston. En los cómics, Derek era inicialmente Ace, aunque en esta adaptación, Ace va bajo el nombre de Kyle Reston y será interpretado por Kyle Schmid de Copper.

Al hablar con la prensa el lunes, el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg dijo que todo en la serie estaría asentado en la realidad — incluída la Royal Flush Gang de Reston. "Veréis... la dinámica de la familia y la iconografía de las cartas que se juegan van a estar ahí pero sin la inclinación supernatural," dijo. "Creo que hemos ideado una manera realmente inteligente de interpretarlos."

The Royal Flush Gang aparecerá en el sexto episodio, al que Kreisberg llama "uno de los más exitosos intentos de alquimia que hemos realizado. ... La Royal Flush Gang eran los más descabellados villanos de los cómics, pero han resultado ser nuestros villanos más asentados. La relación que Oliver tiene con King, el líder de la banda, estamos realmente orgullosos de ella."

Graham, cuyos otros créditos incluyen Raising the Bar y Boston Legal, se une a las otras estrellas invitadas John Barrowman, Tahmoh Penikett, Jeffrey Nordling, Michael Rowe y Jessica de Gouw.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Curri ... 54387.aspx

- Los productores de Arrow hablan aniertamente sobre los títulos de crédito y “Starling City” (greenarrowtv.com):
Los productores ejecutivos de Arrow Marc Guggenheim y Andrew Kreisberg, el actor principal Stephen Amell, y Geoff Johns de DC Entertainment estuvieron hablando con la prensa en las oficinas de DC offices en Burbank, California, días antes de la premiere de la serie.

Sobre los títulos de crédito:

“Tenemos una carta créditos genial,” dice Andrew Kreisberg.

Marc Guggenheim ahondó en la decisión, añadiendo que pensaron mucho sobre ello, e incluso trataron con unas cuantas secuencias de título. “Lo que estamos realmente intentando hacer desde el punto de vista de la producción es proporcionar una experiencia cinemática a la hora de verla. Queríamos que se viera y sientiera como una película, y al final del día, encontramos una carta de créditos genial. Lo hacía sentir más cinemático, y te ponía en la mentalidad de ‘oh, voy a ir en este viaje realmente genial que me hace sentir como si estuviera viendo una película.’ No podía estar más emocionado, en realidad,” dice Guggenheim.

- En cuanto al nombre de “Starling City”:

Marc Guggenheim dice que era otro de los cambios destinados a mantener la serie asentada. “Star City, suena un poco a ciencia ficción. Es divertido; ha resultado ser, creo, una de las decisiones más controvertidas que hemos hecho”, reconoce.

No obstante, “Star City” seguirá siendo parte de Arrow. “Hay pósters en el piloto en donde puedes ver ‘Starling City es una Star City.’ Es el apodo de la ciudad, de la misma manera que la Gran Manzana lo es de New York,” dice. Esto puede confirmarse en el primer número del cómic de Arrow, que será distribuido pronto en las tiendas y en el New York Comic Con, que tiene un anuncio mencionando “Starling City es una Star City” en el primer panel. Estos pequeños guiños son importante para los productores de la serie para que tanto los seguidores de toda la vida como los nuevos teleespectadores disfruten igual de la serie.

“Si tú nunca vez cogiste un cómic, si no tienes ni idea de quién es Green Arrow, si no tienes ni idea de lo que es DC Comics, puedes ver la serie, meterte en él, y realmente disfrutarlo, y si eres un gran fan de los cómics y de Green Arrow, veréis el SDN de los cómics, y lo suficiente de lo que hace especial el cómic,” dice Kreisberg. “Para nuestra delicia y sorpresa, nos sentimos como si hubiéramos encontrado esa fórmula mágica que permite a la gente llegar, y también rendir tributo a la gente que ha sido fan desde siempre. Esperamos que podamos continuar eso. Starling City era sólo una de esas cosas en la que no queríamos alienar a todo el mundo haciéndoles pensar que la ciudad sonaba demasiado estrafalaria, pero no obstante, haciéndola el apodo de la ciudad, y al oirlo durante la serie, honramos a la gente que han sido fans desde siempre.”

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrows-prod ... city/11934

- Stephen Amell habla sobre ARROW, cómo consiguió el papel, la evolución de la dinámica de la familia Queen, las apariciones de otros personajes de DC Characters y más (collider.com):
Stephen Amell habla sobre ARROW, cómo consiguió el papel, la evolución de la dinámica de la familia Queen, las apariciones de otros personajes de DC Characters y más
por Christina Radish 08 de Octubre, 2012 a las 10:27 pm

The CW’s highly anticipated new drama series Arrow tells the story of billionaire playboy Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), who has returned home to Starling City after being missing and presumed dead for five years, following a violent shipwreck. His devoted mother Moira (Susanna Thompson), much-beloved sister Thea (Willa Holland) and best friend Tommy (Colin Donnell) welcome him home, while his former girlfriend, Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy), is not so happy. Now, along with reconnecting to those closest to him, Oliver has secretly created the persona of the vigilante Arrow, to right wrongs and restore the city to its former glory.

During this recent exclusive interview with Collider, show star Stephen Amell talked about how he won the role, the challenge of taking on such an iconic character, what it’s been like to already get such positive feedback from fans, how quickly the chemistry happened with the cast, how the Queen family dynamic will evolve, how quickly fans will get to see some of the other DC characters making appearances, and the level of physical training he has to do for the show. Check out what he had to say after the jump.

Collider: How intimidating was it to take on a role like this, or was that challenge part of the attraction for you?

STEPHEN AMELL: The challenge was part of the attraction for me, as an actor. As far as the role being intimidating, that’s stuff that people who can look at the big picture of the series can think about, and that the people who can look at how people are going to consume it can think about. I can’t think past the day because I’m in almost every scene. They are kicking my ass, right now. I don’t have the luxury of any long-term thinking, at all. I felt pressure to get the pilot picked up, and then I felt pressure to make Episode 2 awesome because I thought the pilot was awesome.

What was it like to take the show to Comic-Con and already get feedback from fans?

AMELL: I did this Hollywood Reporter thing where Jennifer Carpenter from Dexter was like, “You’ll go to Comic-Con and it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been in the business or how many seasons you’ve done, it will give you whatever fuel you need for long days and arduous outdoor shoots. You’ll know that that response is waiting for you, at the end of it.”

How did you come to this show? Were you just making the rounds for pilot season, or did you specifically pursue this role?

AMELL: I had five years in the business in Canada, and then I came down to the States in February of 2010. I had a good pilot season. I started getting guest star work. I started to get bigger stuff. I shot Hung for HBO, which took me out of pilot season for 2011. I was there one day, and then I got cast in Hung. I auditioned for Once Upon A Time and was going to test for it, but then I was on Hung. So, when Hung got canceled, I did Private Practice. I was having a really great year. It was the best year of my career, by far. So, when Hung got canceled, I was available for pilot season, and Arrow was the first thing I auditioned for. It wasn’t the first script that came to me, but it was my first audition. My friends were laughing at me because the unofficial start of pilot season is February 1st, and February 1st is the day I got cast. They were joking and were like, “So, how was your pilot season? Was it good? It took you until noon to get cast, you jerk!” It was funny.

Did you have to do a chemistry read with Katie Cassidy?

AMELL: No. I did not chemistry read with anybody that ended up in the cast. I had a chemistry read with a couple of prospective people for Colin Donnell’s character Tommy, but that was it.

Did it just click pretty instantly then?

AMELL: Yeah. When I shot Private Practice, Amy Brenneman made a point of really befriending me before we started shooting. The first scene we had to shoot was this really intimate scene where two people have sparks fly, for the first time. I was really taken with how she connected with me, person to person, before we tried to connect, actor to actor. So, I made a real point to do that. It helps that everyone in the cast is a super human being. Colin and I hit it off, and that stuff pops on screen. And Katie and I hit it off, and Willa [Holland] and I hit it off. I think that you can see that, so it’s important to me. If you have to put your hand on somebody’s shoulder, if you’ve done it before, it makes it easier to do. Sometimes it’s imperceptible, but I think it’s what takes things from good to great, or from 2D to 3D.

With this being a different version of the character, especially after what people have just seen of him on Smallville, what can you say about who Oliver Queen is, when this show starts?

AMELL: What we’re going to start to see, in the first season, is that Oliver’s biggest threat is himself. He’s coming back from the island with post-traumatic stress disorder. He has to have that, based on what he saw on the island. We’re presenting a damaged individual. He’s somebody who is, for lack of a better word, a ticking time bomb. We get to see him do super things, but we’re also going to get to see him fall, every once in awhile, and see him fail. I hope that really human element will connect people to him.

How difficult is it for him to return as such a changed man?

AMELL: It weighs on him to have to present himself differently. It would be easy, if he could come back and say, at the first family dinner, “Hey guys, FYI, I have a list of people in the criminal underworld that I’m going to obliterate, and I’m not a skilled archer and this huge list of other things.” That would be easier than presenting himself as the person that he was before, especially because the person that he was before was a jerk. He was an entitled jerk.

How will the relationship between Oliver and his mother (Susanna Thompson) and sister (Willa Holland) evolve?

stephen-amell-arrow-tv-showAMELL: I think his mother is happy that he’s back, but the Queen’s didn’t become billionaires without having a few skeletons in the closet. Whatever their kingdom has become, Oliver coming back is a threat to it. I think that it would be wrong to assume that his mother is evil, but it would be correct to assume that she has motivations that she’s not explaining, as of yet. As for Thea, she idolized Oliver before he left, but he was a 22-year-old jerk. She has morphed into that person at 17, and he can’t just come back and say, “Don’t be like that,” because it’s the only thing that she’s ever known. In the pilot, she says that she basically had to fend for herself, and she thinks that she’s done a pretty good job. So, who am I, at this point, to come back and say, “You can’t live like that.”

Just how long is this list of people Oliver Queen will be going after?

AMELL: That’s a good question. I don’t know.

Will he be adding names, along the way, so that you don’t finish the list before the series is over?

AMELL: Of course! We see that almost immediately. We see that in Episode 3. If you just had a finite list, you’d be like, “Oh, I’ve got one more guy on the list. Can’t find him!” We’re not married to any type of storytelling technique. He doesn’t have to cross out a name on the list in Act 5 of every episode, but I would assume that it’s a pretty long list.

Will viewers start to see some of the other comic book characters pretty quickly?

AMELL: Yeah. There’s a clear lineage with Katie’s character, Willa’s character and Colin’s character. We showed the Deathstroke mask. I would assume we will see Deathstroke, either on the island or otherwise. In Episode 2, we have China White. In Episode 3, we have Deadshot. The guys that are writing the show are huge comic book fans and they’ve just been waiting to pull from the DC universe, so we’re going to do that, all the time.

Just how crazy is the physical training you have to do?

AMELL: The biggest thing is going to be up-keep. It’s good, though. I get to steal time at the gym. I only need 40 minutes, though, and then I do stuff on set. I’m doing so much active stuff on set.

Is it fun to get to add the skill of shooting a bow and arrow to your resume?

AMELL: Yeah, 100%. I want to shoot the show for awhile, and then go into archery competitions and see how good I can get. The bow that I’m using is theoretically the bow that I made on the island. I’ve used some of the newer bows and they’re awesome. You have to relax when you’re shooting an arrow. You can’t be tense. And that just helps, in your day-to-day life.

http://collider.com/stephen-amell-arrow ... ew/201026/

- Los Showrunners y la Estrella de "Arrow" Hablan sobre Huntress, Villanos & y el misterioso personaje de John Barrowman (comicbookresources.com):
As the recent promotional push for "Arrow" has been telling us, the new CW show is not your average superhero story.

In fact, Oliver Queen isn't technically a superhero at all. The series' protagonist doesn't have superpowers, his enemies don’t have supernatural abilities and his weapon is a bow and arrow. But that's exactly the type of superhero story showrunners Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg and Greg Berlanti want to tell.

Comic Book Resources was invited to attend an "Arrow" press event at DC Comics' Los Angeles headquarters where Guggenheim, Kinsberg, leading man Stephen Amell and DC Entertainment's Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns were on hand to answer questions about the debut season of "Arrow." One thing they all drove home repeatedly is that the show is grounded in reality to make it accessible to all audience members.

"We want everybody to like this show," Kinsberg explained. "If you've never picked up a comic book, if you have no idea who the Green Arrow is, you have no idea what DC Comics is, you can watch this show, come into this show and really enjoy it. And yet, if you are a huge fan of the comics and Green Arrow, you see enough of the DNA in the comic books and enough of what makes the comic book special."

OF course, this means the secondary characters need to be accessible as well. Chief among them is Jessica De Gouw's Huntress, who is written as a darker version of Green Arrow, with a similar origin story. In fact, Amell said the first season of "Arrow" will be as much an origin story for Huntress as it is for his character. Kinsberg added that he believes De Gouw will be one of the show's breakout stars.

"The whole reason for bringing the Huntress on -- it isn't so we can just throw in a new DC Comics character, even though she's very cool. It's really about having an emotional effect on Oliver," Kinsberg explained. "When we meet him in that storyline, he's lonely and he's feeling a little lost, and then, in comes to his life this girl who's the darker version of him who he thinks he can save."

In addition to his female counterpart, there's his sister Thea and mother, both of whom are part of the showrunners' attempt to populate "Arrow" with characters close to Oliver. Instead of alienating the character upon his return to civilization after spending five years stranded on an island, the show's producers are making certain their hero is constantly surrounded by people whom his decisions effect.

This extends to Arrow's enemies, Kinsberg explained, saying Deadshot is tied to Oliver in a really interesting way, adding that the Royal Flush Gang will become entangled with Arrow later on in Season 1. They'll have what Kinsberg described as a "very effective episode" where it becomes clear that they are a different breed of villain from what fans are used to from the comics.

"We're really proud of that episode, because we think it's one of the most successful attempts at alchemy that we performed, " Kinsberg explained. "The Huntress was pretty much straight out of the book because she's such a grounded character. The Royal Flush Gang are probably the most outlandish villains from the comics, but they turned out to be our most grounded villains, and the relationship that Oliver has with King [actor Currie Graham], the leader of the gang, we're really proud of it."

"Arrow's" supporting cast is designed to give Oliver Queen relationships affected by his decisions

There has been a lot of mystery surrounding the "well-dressed man" "Torchwood" actor John Barrowman was cast as in "Arrow." All four men grew coy when Barrowman's name was brought up, Amell simply stating that the actor is a "force of nature" on set, while Guggenheim called him "magnetic."

"This is a completely different character, and he's just such a tremendously talented actor. It's one of the things we're most proud of with this show," Kinsberg said. "We have this incredible cast of other actors who have done other things who we hope will make people realize that this isn't just a standard superhero show, that we're really trying to do something special."

A new "Arrow" trailer is set to debut at this week's New York Comic-Con that will "very definitively" show how the scope and production of "Arrow" has evolved beyond its pilot, which was screened at Comic-Con International in July. The new offering includes teases of the first eight episodes of season 1, which the "Arrow" team has recently completed filming.

Guggenheim explained that there was never a discussion of "Arrow" being made as a movie rather than a TV show, if only because he and Berlanti felt that the story would work best serialized. The creative team said they were excited about the opportunity to explore Oliver's backstory through the flashback dynamic of the show.

"Arrow" is ultimately "two series in one," with each episode telling parallel stories between Oliver's time shipwrecked on the island and his time as a superhero vigilante in the present day. Episode 2 opens with Oliver setting foot on the island for the first time, underscoring the series' intent for the flashbacks to continue through the entire series.

"Ideally, however long this series runs, the last flashback in the last episode of the series will be Oliver seeing the boat that rescued him in the pilot," Kinsberg said.

The "whole DC Universe" is brought into that island, the showrunners explained, with the first season focusing on the deconstruction of Oliver Queen as a character. The stories told on the island will parallel the present day action as the series delves into social, ethical and political issues.

"I had really hoped that we'd take the character and we'd beat him down to nothing before he rises back up again, and that's what we're doing," Amell said, citing episode 9 (airing Dec. 12, the last episode before the midseason break) as his favorite thus far. "That episode is everything that I want from this series. It's what I had hoped that we would have. At the end of the episode, it's just one of those things where there are just so many questions and there are so many balls in the air -- I was so pumped!"

Fans can expect a number of familiar faces from the DC Universe to drop in on "Arrow"

When developing "Arrow," Guggenheim and Kinsberg drew influence from everything from "Battlestar Galactica" to Christopher Nolan's "The Dark Knight" trilogy to DC Comics' recent New 52 reboot, with Guggenheim emphasizing fans will see influences of the latter in the second half of this season. In episode 9 there is a heavy Asian influence, inspired by the work Ann Nocenti has done on the new "Green Arrow" comics. In her honor, the name "Nocenti" will be featured prominently in episode 2. Also among the nods to the show's comic book roots, though "Arrow" is set in Starling City, the nickname of Starling will be "Star City" and the location will repeatedly be referred to as that throughout the series.

Instead of a title sequence, each episode of "Arrow" utilizes a title card that's apparently so cool, Guggenheim couldn't stop talking about it. The decision to go that route rather than the traditional opening sequence was largely inspired by their desire to make the series feel like a film instead of a TV show.

But it is a TV show, and because of that, each season will feel like a different arc. In fact, Kinsberg explained that every few episodes will feel like their own "chapter," with episodes 1 through 5 being the first, 6 through 9 the second and so on. Of course, throughout the chapters, seeds will be planted that won't pay off until the end of season 1, season 2 or even season 5, which is something Guggenheim and Kinsberg are really excited about.

There will be several villains introduced over the course of the first season -- a "Bad," a "Badder" and a "Baddest" -- and Kinsberg was really thrilled to share the worst of them with "Arrow's" audience. Fans will be "excited and surprised by their identity," he said. And though Oliver is the "star of the show," Johns emphasized "never say never" about the chance of seeing other DC characters one day come into the "Arrow" universe.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=41446

- Arrow de la CW no tiene el "Codigo de Batman" (ign.com):
Arrow de la CW no tiene el "Codigo de Batman"
Por Matt Fowler 9 de Octubre, 2012

With Christopher Nolan's Batman/Dark Knight trilogy coming to end this past summer, DC Comics fans will most certainly want to check out Arrow, The CW's new series based on Green Arrow - airing Wednesday, October 10th at 8/7c.

Following the tragic exploits of billionaire heir Oliver Queen, Arrow definitely has some built-in parallels to Bruce Wayne/Batman in 2005's Batman Begins, but with one defining difference: Arrow won't hesitate to shoot an arrow right into a criminal's heart. I had a chance to talk to Arrow himself, star Stephen Amell, up on the show's set in Vancouver, and asked him his opinion on Arrow's code, or lack thereof, when it comes to killing his enemies in combat.

"He bends towards justice," Amell said. "And he just understands, along the way, that there can be collateral damage. He’s going after people that are not being responsible with power. See, I was a fan of wrestling growing up, and a fan of wrestling heels growing up. I’m actually kind of hoping that it pushes in that direction. I’ve said it a couple of times, that I don’t need everyone to agree with Oliver’s tactics as long as you respect his overall goal. He has to get his hands dirty a little bit."

"I’ve always felt like that’s where a character really resonates with people," Amell continued. "Whether that’s in a positive way or a negative way solely depends on the viewer. But this to me is not a popularity contest. As long as the television is compelling, then I don’t really care if people like him or dislike him."

In the Arrow pilot, Oliver returns to Starling City after five transformative years, stranded on an island. Does Amell have any personal hang-ups about playing a ruthless vigilante? "You mean me as an actor? No," he revealed. "I’m a very small piece in this machine, despite the size of me on the poster. And I trust [creators/executive producers] Andrew Kreisberg and Marc Guggenheim and Greg Berlanti implicitly, and I also trust them because I don’t know what their overarching plan is necessarily. We’ve had discussions but they haven’t said to me, 'In episode 22, if we get there, this is what happens. And if we get to come back for a second season, this is what happens.' The hope that I had coming into the series is that [Oliver's] experience on the island would be really brutal and that it would strip him down to basically nothing so that he could be reformed with no traces whatsoever of the person that he was before he went there. And, so far, that has happened. The island stuff is awful. I mean, it’s rewarding, but those days are long and hard."

Arrow isn't all, well, arrows, of course. No, he's returned to his home with top-level hand-to-hand fighting skills. Something that Amell admits is pretty visceral. "We have a fight scene in an earlier episode [in the season] that is just simply brutal. It’s just very violent and there’s not a huge spectrum of moves. It’s just fists and elbows repeatedly. And it’s not pretty, which is one of the things I like."

"For the fight training, it’s all been [stunt coordinator] James Banmford," Amell added. "I learned the basics and then he sort of walks me through the fight. The thing that James does that’s great is that he always makes sure that tension is attached to the move. He made me watch The Raid: Redemption. It’s awesome. The tagline is “1 minute of romance, 99 minutes of action.” It’s an Indonesian film and it’s incredible. All that action has this crazy intention to it, and he’ll always just point out, you know, Jean Claude Van Damme doing a big circle kick that sort of looks like ballet and there’s nothing really behind it. It looks very good but people don’t connect with it in the same way."

While Smallville certainly had its legions of devotees, there are still comic books fans out there who are hesitant to see a series like Arrow land on The CW. "If you come into the series with a certain expectation based on what you expect from this network, just in terms of tone and just in terms of subject matter and the way that we deal with it, I think you’ll be very surprised," Amell insisted. "Not to say that it’s better or that it’s worse. But I think we’re using interesting tactics, and I think that whether you’re a television viewer that’s interested in interpersonal relationships or really kick-ass action, you’re gonna get what you’re looking for. The places that we’re trying to take this and the locations that we’re using and the unflinching nature of the storytelling technique is gonna surprise people."

Since Amell himself had brought up his own love of wrestling heels, I had to ask... Who was his favorite heel growing up? "The Macho Man," he said with a smile.

http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/10/09/t ... atman-code

- Stephen Amell Revela la Mayor Debilidad de Arrow: 'Él va a auto-destruirse' (TVLine):
After being stranded on a remote isle for five years after an ill-fated yachting trip that killed his father, Oliver returns to Starling City as someone who still presents himself as a large-living cad but by dark of night wages war on those who wrong others. TVLine spoke with Amell about what makes Arrow is a “crime drama” like no other.

TVLINE | In your own words, describe what Oliver was like before the boat trip, and what he’s like when he comes back. Juxtapose those two men.
He was oblivious and totally insulated – he’s never had to fight for anything — and then he goes to the island and gets beat down to nothing, to his bare form.

TVLINE | Beat down by the elements…? The isolation…?
By the elements, by the things that are waiting for him on the island, which we’ll explore…. I mean, it’s safe to say he was not alone there, if only based on the tattoos. He certainly couldn’t tattoo the dragon onto his own back.

TVLINE | Will we explore that island existence via flashbacks?
Absolutely. We go back to the island in the second episode and we see his first hours there. It’s shot a bit differently than the pilot; it’s more guerilla-style, because we just don’t have as much time [to block, light and shoot], but it’s awesome. So he goes from oblivious and insulated to painfully aware of everything that goes on in the world, and how it affects people close to him.

TVLINE | He also comes back with a list of people that his father was in business with, most of whom are probably bad sorts. Is he going to be chiseling way at that list each week? Is that the formula, or will we deviate from that?
I do think we’re going to deviate, in the same way we don’t have to go to the island every episode. Or, theoretically, we could spend an entire episode on the island. The producers will call this a “crime drama,” but that doesn’t mean there needs to be a new heavy every week. In the pilot, everything was sort of opened and then shut; in the second episode, we open a couple of things, we shut most of them, but we also leave some open. So he will be crossing names off the list, but that’s not the fifth act every week.

TVLINE | There will also be some larger-than-life villains, right? China White (guest star Kelly Hu), for starters….
We will have “supervillains,” but you should see China White and that outfit [in Episode 2]. Much like the Arrow costume, it’s grounded in reality. You wouldn’t necessarily see her on the street and go, “Hey, there’s a supervillain.” Now when she brings out her knives, that may change your perception a bit. [Laughs]

TVLINE | In addition to China White, the DC Comics character Deadshot will show up, in Episode 3. How do he and Oliver cross paths?
They’re both after bad people, and while Oliver has a code that doesn’t include “no killing,” justice is always the objective. Deadshot doesn’t have a code, and that rubs Oliver the wrong way.

TVLINE | Turning to Laurel Lance (played by Katie Cassidy): Is it intended irony that Oliver is now the kind of guy she probably always wanted….
He is now her dream guy.

TVLINE | …but he can’t be that dream guy for her.
Right. He is everything she has always wanted him to be, except that the person he is constantly showing her now is the worst version of himself, to try and push her away. But what keeps happening is, in spite of himself, he shows her the good things. Or maybe she doesn’t buy into the bad things?

TVLINE | Laurel’s kid sister was with Oliver on the yacht, and was among those who died. Were he and Laurel on a Ross-and-Rachel-like break at the time, or was it outright cheating?
[Laughs] I don’t know what the official backstory is, but in my head, Laurel probably called him on his s—t and he went, “You know what? Not only are you not going to do that, but I’m going to woo your sister and take her on a trip.” In his head, that probably would have brought Laurel closer to him, because he was a narcissist — “She’ll chase after me” and all that. We were probably dealing with a 20-year-old Laurel who hadn’t gone to law school yet and who was probably a little more impressionable, but when he comes back, the tricks that might have worked on her before don’t work now. She’s seen too much of the world.

TVLINE | How would you describe Oliver’s relationship with his mother (Once & Again‘s Susannah Thompson)? He’s quite chilly to her….
As far as he’s concerned, it’s pretty much what it always was. It’s chilly because that’s the type of parents they’d been. They were preoccupied with lording over an empire of billions, so I don’t know how much time they had for Oliver and [his kid sister] Thea growing up. Based on the type of person they let Oliver become — DUIs, attacking paparazzi, all these run-ins with the law….

TVLINE | Not good parenting.
No, I don’t think so. I don’t think that Robert and Moira Queen were exactly the Wayne parents from the [Christopher] Nolan Batman [films], where the father was such a virtuous, wonderful guy. They were mixed up in some bad stuff.

TVLINE | Oliver and Arrow are obviously quite formidable people. What would you say is the greatest threat to what Oliver is doing here?
He has post-traumatic stress disorder, so the greatest threat to him is himself, at this point. If he doesn’t lean on somebody for help… he’s going to self-destruct.

TVLINE | Could that “somebody” be legal activist Laurel Lance?
It could be…. It could also be [Laurel's father] Detective Lance, who’s an ally (played by Dresden Files‘ Paul Blackthorne). The relationship that we are going to explore sooner rather than later, which we didn’t get to do a ton of in the pilot, is with Diggle, Oliver’s bodyguard (Dexter‘s David Ramsey) He is not a patsy; he is a formidable character, and we delve into that relationship immediately in Episode 2.

http://tvline.com/2012/10/09/fall-tv-pr ... hen-amell/

- Conoce al Arrow de Stephen Amell, El Nuevo Y Sexy Superhéroe de la CW (TVGuide):
Conoce al Arrow de Stephen Amell, El Nuevo Y Sexy Superhéroe de la CW
Por Natalie Abrams 9 de Oct 2012 09:19 PM ET

There's nothing super about Stephen Amell.

That is to say, he doesn't have X-ray vision, super strength or the ability to fly, and yet on Wednesday night, he'll have the power to captivate an audience of comic book aficionados and salivating fangirls alike when he debuts as the star of Arrow — and for The CW, that's one hell of a superpower.

Like Smallville's Tom Welling before him, the 31-year-old Canadian actor is about to fill some large shoes by bringing one of DC Comics' Justice League members to life. For Amell, it's the Green Arrow, a superhero without the super.

Amell plays Oliver Queen, a wealthy playboy who survives a boating accident that leaves him stranded on a deserted island for five years. While there, he hones his archery skills to survive, birthing his alter ego, Arrow. Upon his return, he'll have his work cut out for him as he attempts to clean up Starling City (yes, it's not called Star City) and right his family's wrongs.

In that same vein, Amell has his work cut out for him, following in the footsteps of Justin Hartley, who recently portrayed the Green Arrow on Smallville. But Amell insists that there will be few, if any, similarities to that other CW superhero series. Below, Amell shares his thoughts on taking on the role and what's in store for DC Comics fans and newbies alike:

How much pressure do you feel taking on such an iconic role, especially one that was on television so recently?
Amell: I don't feel pressure at all. I felt pressure one time during the pilot when we were doing hair and makeup tests. It's like the first day of school for everybody and all the departments came in. I had been on the set at the production office for a few weeks getting ready and I remember driving into the studio and it felt like there were 12,000 cars there. In my head, I'm just thinking, "All of these people are here for the pilot. They all want it to go to series. I'm in every scene. If I do a bad job, it's not going to go." So I felt pressure then, but as it relates to the character, no. I like where we are with the show. I'd be nervous if I didn't think the show was good, but I think it's really good and I think we're giving people what they want.

Had you read any of the comics to prepare?
Amell: I didn't read any before because the pilot script was all-encompassing and I trusted [executive producers] David Nutter, Andrew Kresiberg and Marc Guggenheim implicitly. Then, I read everything.

Did you ever have childhood dreams of someday playing a superhero?
Amell: No, I wanted to — and continue to want to — play villains. When I realized they were relaunching Superman, but they already cast Michael Shannon as General Zod, I was apoplectic. That's my dream role. If they reboot Batman, I'd love to play the Riddler. I love villains. The cool thing about Oliver is that he wants justice and he wants people with power to handle it responsibly, but he also has an ultimate goal of cleaning up Starling City and he's not afraid of collateral damage. Oliver is not a villain by any means, but he's certainly not squeaky-clean, and that's really enticing for me.

What's your take on Oliver Queen/Green Arrow?
Amell: My take, as it relates to our show, is that we're dealing with an Oliver Queen who is vengeful, but he's also damaged. He has post-traumatic stress disorder. He must, based on what he saw on the island and what he saw before he got to the island. We are dealing with somebody that I wouldn't call entirely stable. That adds an element of danger to our show that people will enjoy.

Superman and Batman both have that code not to kill.
Amell: Oliver has a no guns rule.

But he has no code about killing people?
Amell: Nope. I find this interesting because there's a lot of death and destruction on The Vampire Diaries, but we're talking about vampires, werewolves and witches, so it's almost as though people have agreed that it's OK to kill these people because they're fictional anyway. But on our show, in the pilot, the guy says to me, "You don't have to do this," but I say, "No, I do have to, because the end goal is more important than you are." That's a cool element to this show. That keeps it grounded in reality.

People will obviously draw comparisons to Smallville. How is the series different?
Amell: In totality. Nobody has superpowers on our show. We try to do everything that we can without wires. All the fights, we do them. When I fall on rocks in the second episode, I'm falling on rocks. It hurts. It's a comic book show, yup. It's on The CW, for sure. But I think people will stop drawing the comparisons beyond length of time that it's on the air and viewership because they're extremely different shows.

How do you keep Oliver/Arrow grounded?
Amell: You just have to remove ego from it. One of my favorite performances that I saw was Clive Owen in Children of Men, and I remember reading a New York Times review about that and they said, "Mr. Owen played the part without ego." Oliver is able to do some amazing things physically, mentally, even emotionally, so I can't be afraid to make him vulnerable. I can't make him afraid to fail. If somebody bests him, it's fun to see him rise up and try to defeat that person later. Hopefully that happens.

If you're under the impression as a viewer that Green Arrow can never be defeated, then where are the stakes? We need that element of danger. One of people's favorite parts of Game of Thrones is that they killed the Ned Stark character. Wow, he died! Everybody is in play. Anything can happen! We want people to think, on our show, anything can happen.

What other characters from the DC canon are you hoping to see?
Amell: I would love to see Deathstroke. We hint at him. I would like to see Ra's al Ghul actually. There's some connection with the Merlyn (Colin Donnell) character because Merlyn, in the comics, was a member of the League of Shadows. That would be awesome. Batman! Why not? Batman could exist in our world, for sure.

And of course, you'll have Black Canary at some point. How will the relationship between Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Oliver develop?
Amell: As the director of our pilot always said, the opposite of love is not hate, it's apathy. Laurel hates Oliver. She's not indifferent to him. He loves her. He's just afraid of what could happen to her if people that were out to get Arrow found out about his feelings toward her. I'd be amazed if there weren't a few more chapters in the Oliver-Laurel love book.

He calls his little sister Thea (Willa Holland) "Speedy" in the pilot. Would you love to have her as a sidekick?
Amell: I'd be interested to see what they do. If you're to ground it in reality, we wouldn't have Willa — who is a wonderful actress, but not the largest individual in the world — flying around and beating up guys three times her size, but there are definitely things she could do as Speedy to aid Arrow if they choose to go in that direction. Right now, Willa's character is a long way from Speedy. We see in the second and third episode, there's a real strain between her and Oliver. It's one thing for him to come back and hug her hello; it's another thing for them to adjust. She went from age 12 to age 17. That's a formidable change in a young woman's life. Their relationship is a long way from being sound, let alone for him to invite her into his secret identity and to eventually use her as a sidekick or an accomplice.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Steph ... 54453.aspx

- Katie Cassidy es la Black Canary de "Arrow" con una historia compleja (scifipulse.net):
Katie Cassidy is playing the character of Laurel Lance and her back story is that, along with Oliver Queen and their mutual friend Tommy Merlyn, they all grew up together in their youth. This should make watching the show a truly complex and hopefully ‘fiery’ dynamic on screen to watch.

“When I originally had auditioned for this part, I basically came up with a back story that was legitimate to the material that I was given—the pilot,” Katie recalls. “Creating back story to make this person as authentic as possible, I did a little bit of research, but I also, at that point, didn’t consider the Black Canary because I didn’t know. When – if [she becomes Black Canary] is always still a question. “In the first episode, they very quickly seem to like each other.

“Katie also explains. “You never know with these writers; they could do anything. I try not to think about that at this point because I think sometimes I can get in my own way if I over-think it. I think as far as the Black Canary goes, it will probably happen very organically. I know that Laurel is very strong, very tough. She comes from a middle class family; her father’s a cop; she knows how to fight. “

Laurel’s father is Detective Quentin Lance, played by the fantastic Paul Blackthorne and their chemistry seems to spark. “The two of them have become very close because obviously of her sister passing and her mother and his wife not really being in the picture,” Katie explains. “It’s sort of only really been Laurel and her father, so the two of them have a really strong bond and are very close, and you’ll get to see Oliver having a huge impact on that. You’ll see Laurel sort of having an internal struggle as well because she’s caught between the two of them, and her father doesn’t necessarily agree with all of her choices.”

Will their also be a ‘relationship’ with the Arrow himself? “It’s a fun, really interesting dynamic between Laurel and Oliver, and Laurel and the Arrow. She’s curious, you know? Everything she believes in, the Arrow contradicts. But at the same time, he’s trying to do the same thing she is, just in a different way. So I think she sees the parallel.

“I think she starts questioning herself and her own morals and values. She’s become an attorney — she stands for the law — and yet, this person is breaking the law and yet making sure justice is served in a different way. She’s sort of reevaluating,” Cassidy says.

Now, if Katie’s Black Canary isn’t making an appearance too soon, that means that Oliver will have a costumed female to interact with well before him in the Huntress, a.k.a. Helena Bertinelli, who first shows up in the series’ seventh episode. What is the dynamic like between Helena and Laurel? “At this point they have not met, but that’s not to say that they won’t meet soon,” Cassidy says. “It’s going to be one of those situations, I have to say, that I don’t exactly know until I show up in that particular scene. I have a feeling there will probably be a lot that goes on internally with Laurel; but as far as how much she’s going to show, she doesn’t like to show all her cards,” she speculates.

Seemingly riveting with her passion toward her new character role, Katie Cassidy should prove a complex and energetic asset to Arrow and its cast of mystical cast of characters. Premiering this week on the CW – The Arrow should again hit another great ‘mark’!

http://scifipulse.net/2012/10/katie-cas ... x-history/

- 'Arrow' star Stephen Amell: 'I don't have a life, I have a show' (zap2it.com):
La estrella de 'Arrow' Stephen Amell: 'No tengo una vida, tengo una serie'
Por Carina Adly MacKenzie 10 de Octubre, 2012 4:38 PM ET

Stephen Amell is a star in every sense of the word. We're not just saying that because he's half-naked all over every billboard in Los Angeles -- he's also got the talent to back up the gratuitous shirtlessness, as well as an impressive degree of off-screen leading-man charisma.

As the titular lead on "Arrow," Amell plays a few versions of Oliver Queen: the wealthy philandering playboy, the shipwrecked and traumatized fighter, the vigilante with a major vendetta... and, within all that, the woeful romantic, still hopelessly in love with Laurel (Katie Cassidy), the ex-girlfriend he left behind.

We caught up with Amell on a Sunday afternoon, in the middle of a day packed with press obligations. The following day, he'd appear on a morning panel in Los Angeles and be back on set in Vancouver by early afternoon. Because the story of "Arrow" is told mostly from Oliver's perspective, it's rare that Amell get so much as a few hours off. But you won't hear him complaining.

So, in all seriousness... Do you have a life?
No. I don't have a life. I have a show. I have a standing dinner date with cast members on Saturday night. If I ever have more than a twelve hour turnaround, I try to do something, but the short answer is no.

What does your schedule look like on filming days?
I'm in almost every scene in the second episode. I had a morning off once. I remember there was one scene, which was more than 1/8 of a page, or 2/8 of a page that I had off where I had a good solid 2 hour break... but I used that time to go over fight choreography for the following episode, and for a fitting.

And I assume you have to make time to work out for a million hours a day, because you're constantly shirtless and flexing on the show.
I do peek at that on the schedule, and try to get in a workout. I like to give myself a nice run up to a shirtless scene. Physically, it really doesn't make any difference. It's about mentally feeling good about it.

Everybody's talking about the scene in the pilot with the salmon ladder. What does that look like in a script? Does it just say, "Oliver, sweaty and shirtless, heaves himself up a salmon ladder in a warehouse"?
It never says that in the script. I remember in the Caddyshack script, the famous Bill Murray run-on impromptu speech about the Cinderella story? In the script it just says, "Carl tends to flowers." So all that stuff, in the script it's like, "Oliver in foundry, training." Then we'll start talking with JJ, our stunt coordinator, or BamBam, our fight choreographer -- James Bamford -- and they'll be like, "All right, we want you to try this, this, this, and this." For me, I always want some time to try that, because we haven't had to use wires yet, we haven't had to fake anything, and that's important because that's the tone of the show.

If you ever have to fake it, don't tell me.
I won't do that to you. I hope I won't have to.

You must have a stunt guy, on a show like this. I'm sure you want to do all the stunt work yourself, but...
I do have a really good stunt guy. We barely used him for the second episode, but we used him a bit for the pilot. The insurance on the pilot was tougher, because it's a pilot, so if there's a production delay, it's just dead. We had seventeen days to shoot that episode. Now, we have eight days [per episode], and a lot of the shots are more like steady cams and single shots, so it has to be me. There will be some times where it is my stunt double because of scheduling. I can't be in two places at once. It's never me saying, "When is my day over?" It's more, "When do they legally have to get me off of the lot, based on when I have to be back the next day?" The first call is a big thing in the acting world, and in the union world. There needs to be a 12 hour period, and I need it. Although I mentally prepared myself for six day weeks, six-seven day weeks. It's busy. It's good, though. It's definitely good.

There's obviously going to be some comparison to "Smallville." On that show, there was a lot of build-up to Clark Kent wearing the Superman suit. It wasn't really a secret that Tom Welling wasn't psyched about it, and ultimately it didn't happen until the finale, ten years in, and it was CGI. You're in the Arrow costume in Episode 1. Is wearing the suit a perk or an unpleasant part of the gig?
There are certainly days that are logistically tougher than others. Wearing the suit is cool because it means that I'm doing Arrow stuff, and Arrow stuff is cool. I prefer it to the island stuff, because for that, I've got to wear a wig. It's always cold, it's outside in Vancouver, and I know the island days are going to be physically demanding. I can't lie. I do tend to circle days where it's like, oh, we're at the Queen mansion today. It's gonna be nice. I know that I'm gonna be in regular clothes and not have the mask on and in a breathable outfit.

The costume isn't particularly breathable?
It'll keep you warm during winter, I'll say that. It's not winter right now.

You've been working really steadily in TV for the past few years, but this is the first thing you've done where you're the lead, your face is on the posters. Are you feeling a lot of pressure?
I don't feel any -- I have to work so much right now that it is impossible for me to think past the next episode. And to even make that more micro, it's impossible for me to think past day 1 of the next episode. It still hasn't quite dawned on me that the show is actually gonna be on the air. It's one thing to screen the pilot. Katie and I were in the Vancouver airport yesterday, and on the TV, a big promo for Arrow came on, and we were sitting next to a bunch of people who were watching it. I turn to them while it was going on and was like, "The show looks good, doesn't it?" They looked at me like, "Who is this person?" I tried to give them a high five afterwards, and they were like, "What?" They did not make the connection. And at Comic Con all the time, I kept going up to people cuz they had the big Arrow bags, like "Nice bag."

You fit in well at Comic-Con, with your t-shirt.
You like that? I was trying to represent DC.

Let's talk about the character a little. Oliver has spent years marooned alone on an island, and now people expect him to just step back into his life, but he's seen some things and knows some things now that he didn't before. Unlike on "Smallville," where Clark Kent avoided killing people at all costs, "Arrow" racks up a considerable body count right off the bat. Is that going to wear on him?
This is something that David Nutter has said, so I can repeat it. Oliver has PTSD, and we have not seen its full potential yet. It can't be easy. I just saw the new "Dark Knight," and it wasn't as exciting as a movie, but I liked how damaged Christian Bale was as Batman. He never fixed his leg. He's getting older. He's mortal. You see these things, and you can start to root for him a little bit. That stuff is gonna start to weigh on Oliver. He can't do this by himself. He's gonna have to lean on somebody soon, which he will.

His love story with Laurel is definitely off to a rocky start -- or a rocky middle -- seeing as he comes back to find out that she's sleeping with his best friend.
Well, Laurel's the love of his life. You know how they say that absence makes the heart grow fonder? Well, he had five years on an island with literally nothing to do but think about her, so I'd say that that's a singular type of love. It'll be interesting to see, because [their relationship will] grate on him, but he's also kind of got to understand. He was dead. People were grieving.

And he betrayed her first... with her sister.
And he totally betrayed her. There's nothing that she can do to him that would be worse than what he did to her.

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... -show.html

- Willa Holland Habla Sobre el ser la Hermana de Green Arrow, Convertirse en Speedy y Más (huffingtonpost.com):
Comic book fans have been looking forward to The CW's "Arrow" (premieres Wed., Oct. 10 at 8 p.m. ET) for months, and the wait is finally over. The new series -- from "Green Lantern" screenwriters Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim, along with "Fringe" and "The Vampire Diaries" writer/executive producer Andrew Kreisberg -- follows billionaire playboy Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), who returns home as a secret vigilante after being stranded on a deserted island for five years.

No one knows what exactly happened to him, but his ex-girlfriend Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy), sister Thea Queen (Willa Holland) and the rest of his loved ones are more than a little concerned.

Below, Holland -- a mainstay of teen TV who has appeared on "Gossip Girl" and "The O.C." -- talks about the pressure of the rabid comic book fans, whether or not she'll become Oliver's sidekick Speedy and what about this show motivated her to return to the small screen.

Were you told any backstory as to what Thea's been up to during the five years Oliver was missing? It seems pretty sad for her in that mansion.
It's been up in the air as of now. It hasn't been written into stone per se. What I've taken from it is that she seems as if she was a very smart girl before everything went down. She was on her way to maybe being valedictorian and very high up in academic world.

But then, when her brother passed, I feel as if something in her kind of wanted to fill his shoes -- the party, playboy kind of role that was left behind when he left. So in those five years, she threw herself in those shoes and now has become someone that lives a life like that. And now that her brother's come back and his whole perspective has changed, there's a level or resentment, like, "Who are you to say what I'm doing is wrong?" Because she was doing it for him.

There are a lot of things to discuss with the writers about what has gone down specifically, but altogether in the last five years, there's been a lot of drama, resentment and trying to fill a pair of shoes that was missing.

Can you tell us more about Oliver and Thea's relationship? They seem really close.
They definitely are. Before he left they were connected at the hip, even when they were kids. They were very, very close. Even though Oliver was this party crazy animal, I feel as if he took some time to spend with his sister and would make her feel special before he disappeared. So their relationship was very, very strong when all that went down. And then when he comes back, that level of resentment puts a struggle in their relationship. But regardless, it's still very strong and they're just trying to find a median.

He's trying to be very overprotective, as is she, because he doesn't even know what he's getting himself into. It's been five years since he disappeared. He doesn't know how the world has changed because it changes drastically even in six months, so in five years, a lot can happen.

Will Oliver open up to her about what he experienced on the island?
She definitely tries. She's very adamant about trying and is very let down when he doesn't open up. She's very hurt over it because they used to have such an open relationship and now it seems like that's not the case. And understandably so because he has this whole secret identity that he's trying to keep under wraps, but she has no idea about that. So all she's seeing is a brother who just comes back after five years and does nothing but judge her. She just feels very insecure.

At the end of the pilot, we learn something horrible happened to Oliver and Thea's dad. Will he tell her the truth about that?
She doesn't know as of yet, as much as we've shot so far. But when it does come to light -- and I have a feeling it will -- I don't think it's going to be taken lightly.

Had you read any of the comic books before filming "Arrow"?
I unfortunately haven't. I wish that I could say that I have. But I had heard about Green Arrow. I mean, it's a very famous comic book character. He's part of the Justice League so how could you grow up in the '90s and not know anything about the Justice League? [Laughs.]

Comic books fans are obviously very excited for this.
They're very enthusiastic, to say the least, about the show. And that's what makes me so excited about this piece altogether. Unlike most television shows, it's something that already from the start has a huge fan base. People are already excited and they don't know anything about it -- but they know what it's based on.

Is there pressure in that, too -- being part of a show with a built-in fan base who want to preserve the original?
Oh, yes. There's a lot of pressure. There's a lot of pressure from the fans, but all I can say is that we've worked our asses off in the last couple months and I think they're going to be quite happy with the pay-off.

I'm sure they will be happy to hear Oliver call Thea Speedy in the pilot. Is that a hint of what's to come?
Yeah, it'd like to say that it is. I don't exactly know because it hasn't come to light yet. The first season of a show, especially when it's the origin of a comic book character, there's a lot of levels that need to be explained and things that need to be put into place before characters are fully formed. So we haven't even begun to necessarily get into Speedy, but I feel like it's around the corner.

Was that part of what excited you about this role -- the possibility of becoming an action hero?
Oh, that's the reason why I was so excited. Before I even picked up the script, they said, "This may be what happens with the Speedy character," before I even got cast in the role. So when I looked at the script, it was already something that was in my mind, like, "Ooh! This character turns into a super hero?" And then when I read the script, I was like, "Oh, yes. I definitely want to be a part of this." Because it's very in depth and I enjoy that. It's taking its time, which I like. It's something that films can't do because they don't have enough time to do and a lot of TV shows don't take the time to. So it's nice to have.

Have you ever shot a bow and arrow before?
I haven't yet, but let's just keep our fingers crossed. [Laughs.]

You had taken a break from TV after being on a lot of different shows. What was it about "Arrow" that made you come back?
Every pilot season since I worked on "The O.C." I get a lot of TV scripts. The last couple years, I've been waiting for something to pop out. There have been a few things, but not necessarily with good enough, solid roles for someone in my age group. I've just been waiting for something to pop and this one, when I put it down, I mean, sure, it's not exactly the biggest character in the series by any means, but I couldn't care less because she's going to kick ass and I cannot wait. The show, regardless, is just amazing. I was enamored with the script and I very much wanted to be a part of it.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/1 ... _hp_ref=tv

- Los Productores de la serie y Stephen Amell Hablan Sobre John Barrowman (ksitetv.com):
The series premiere of Arrow is less than a half hour away in certain parts of the world, and although he isn’t in tonight’s premiere episode, a lot of people took notice of the series when it was announced that Torchwood’s John Barrowman would be guest starring on the series soon as a mysterious character that is known so far only as “The Well-Dressed Man.”

So, potentially as bait to ensure that the loyal Barrowman fan base watches the pilot tonight (8PM on The CW and Canada’s CTV) here’s what show producers Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg as well as Arrow lead actor Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen) had to say about the former Captain Jack Harkness coming onto the show.

“Whenever I see dailies with him, literally the word that always comes to my mind is ‘magnetic.’ He is incredibly magnetic,” Guggenheim says, pointing out that unlike Kreisberg, who was very aware of Barrowman’s past work, he had not seen what may be Barrowman’s most famous role. “Not having seen him in Torchwood, I am like ‘this guy is unbelievable!’ I had come to his performance on my own terms. He lights up the screen, and he really energizes the actors that he has scenes with.”

“He is a force of nature,” Stephen Amell says. “Our first scene together, when I was reading the script, I actually audibly gasped. I went ‘WHOA, that’s great! That’s really exciting!’ It’s a jaw dopper,” he reveals.

Andrew Kreisberg was already well aware of what Barrowman was capable of. “I am a lifelong Doctor Who fan,” Kreisberg admits. “I mean lifelong…. Peter Davison and Colin Baker. Lifelong fan. So when John Barrowman’s name came up for this part, they said ‘you should call him, Andrew.’ So I did, which was amazing. I basically laid out the plan that we had for his character, and who he is, and how he relates to everybody, what’s going on. At the time, we didn’t have a lot of it written. And I said, ‘so I guess I’m asking you to take a leap of faith’,” Kreisberg recalls.

“He said, ‘you know, it’s funny. Seven years ago, Russell T. Davies told me to take a leap of faith with him, and I hear your passion and creativity the way I heard his, so let’s do it.’ That was the best phone call I’ve ever gotten,” Kreisberg says. “It’s so exciting. What’s most exciting is he’s not playing Jack. This is a completely different character. He’s just such a tremendously talented actor, and [the casting is] one of the things we’re most proud of with this show.” Kreisberg relates how people took notice of Batman Begins once actors like Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, and Liam Neeson were cast, and hopes that the population of Arrow with very known talent in addition to its rising stars will help make people take note that Arrow “isn’t just a standard super hero show.”

And now… it’s time to see for yourself if Arrow is “a standard super hero show” or willing to go the distance. Watch the show tonight, come talk about it on our Arrow forum, and then of course spread the word about our Arrow site GreenArrowTV! Our thanks to Team Arrow for talking with us the other morning! Look for John Barrowman to show up on Arrow sooner rather than later.

http://www.ksitetv.com/green-arrow/arro ... wman/16924

- Entrevista de KATIE CASSIDY para "Young Hollywood":

http://www.younghollywood.com/videos/yh ... ssidy.html
http://www.thegreenarrow.net/katie-cass ... ows-video/

- Video: A Few Minutes With... "Arrow" Co-Star Stephen Amell (thefutoncritic.com):

http://thefutoncritic.com/video/2012/10 ... 10_arrow3/

- Por qué Stephen Amell de Amell está de acuerdo con toda la atención de estar sin camiseta (eonlibe.com):

http://uk.eonline.com/news/352983/why-a ... -attention?

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo banner promocional de "Arrow":


(thanks to spoilertv)

- Nuevas imágenes de Amell y Cassidy para el número de TVGuide:

Imagen Imagen

(thanks to Damian Hoolsbrook)

- Desvelado el título y créditos del capítulo 1.09:

El episodio 1.09 de Arrow se titula “Year’s End.” La historia y el guión es de los productores ejecutivos Greg Berlanti & Marc Guggenheim. El episodio será dirigido por John Dahl.

- Descripción oficial del 1.04 "An Innocent Man" (greenarrowtv.com):
ARROW RECLUTA A LAUREL PARA AYUDARLE CON UN CASO (31-10-12) — Oliver (Stephen Amell) aún no ha descubierto como hacer que Laurel (Katie Cassidy) lo mire de nuevo con buenos ojos, pero una sesión nocturna tardía en la que vuelve a conectar con Thea (Willa Holland) le da la inspiración que necesita. Mirando en un sosprechoso caso de crimen, Oliver se da cuenta de que un hombre inocente, Peter Declan (la estrella invitada Lane Edwards), fue inculpado por uno de los objetivos de su lista. Como Arrow, le pide a Laurel que lo ayude a probar la inocencia de Declan. Mientras tanto, Walter (la estrella invitada Colin Salmon) le pide a una de sus empleadas, Felicity Smoak (la estrella invitada Emily Rickards), que investigue en los to 2.6 millones de dólares que Moira (Susanna Thompson) ha hecho sin su conociemiento. David Ramsey y Paul Blackthorne tambiñen aparecen. Vince Misiano dirige el episodio escrito por Moira Kirland & Lana Cho (104).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-episo ... tion/11968

- 1.02 Promo Trailer: “Honor Thy Father”:

- CW: Katie Cassidy Answers Your Questions:

- Arrow : Producers' Preview Part 2 (CW):

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- LINKS DEL EPISODIO 1.01 PILOT. Puedes encontrarlos AQUÍ

- Rátings del 1.01 Pilot: 1.3 entre adultos 18-49, 3.4 de Share y 4.017 millones de espectadores (Viewers Live+SD)

- Stephen Amell aparición en "Extra! at The Grove", L.A. (08-10-12):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Amell junto a Geoff Johns en los estudios de DC en Burbank, L.A. (08-10-12):


- Imagen BTS de Stephen Amell junto a Sarah Hansen, uno de los miembros del equipo (11-10-12):


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos banners promocionales de los November Sweeps:

Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Arrow : Secret Preview:

- Stills del episodio 1.04 "An Innocent Man":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Primeras imágenes de John Barrowman y de Deathstroke en el episodio 1.05 "Damaged":

Imagen Imagen Imagen

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ell-378657
http://www.ign.com/articles/2012/10/12/ ... eathstroke

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 138
Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por heli »

muy bueno el episodio piloto!! lo que mas me ha llamado la atención a sido que utilicen emplazamientos que se usaron en Smallville jaja


"Unos pueden leer Guerra y Paz y cerrar el libro creyendo que han leído una novela de aventuras, otros pueden leer los ingredientes de una pastilla de chicle y descifrar los secretos del universo"

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

A mí sobre todo me hace gracia que los usen, al igual que a los extras y plots de Smallville cuando se han empeñado por activa y por pasiva en querer desligarla de ella. En cualquier caso, me gustó el piloto.

- Arrow en el NYCC 2012 -

"Arrow" ha estado presente en la New York Comic Con 2012, en la que presentó un panel introducido por Geoff Johns el último dia de la convención (domingo 14 de Octubre). Representando a la serie estuvieron las estrellas Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen), Katie Cassidy (Laurel Lance) y Willa Holland (Thea Queen) junto con el productor Marc Guggenheim, presentando un video especial y contestando las preguntas de la audiencia.

- Imágenes:
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(Thanks to Jim Halterman, i-heart-katie, athena606, k4kimber, videogaymers, @tbgmiguel, greenarrowtv)

- Informaciones:
- Sobre la influencia de los cómics en la serie: "Obviamente, Andrew [Kreisberg] y yo escribiemos cómics. Nos acercamos a cada episodio como fans," dice. "'Longbow Hunters' y 'Year One' son grandes influencias en nuestra versión." Guggenheim también lo describió como al estilo de "Nolan".

- Amell sobre su entrenamiento para la serie: el actor vio un video de 45 minutos sobre todas las pobres maneras que la arquería se ha hecho en el cine y la televisión incluso antes de coger un arco. "El mundo de la arquería tiene un término -- se llama Legolasing," dijo. "No quería ir a lo Legolas." Amell comentó que siempre había tenido mucho entrenamiento físico en su vida, ya que interpretó a deportistas y también participó para un papel en la serie "Spartacus." Después de entrar a "Arrow," se sometió a un régimen de entrenamiento más duro que incluyó la arquería y el parkour.

- Sobre la conexión de Thea Queen y la Speedy de los cómics: Holland comentó el hecho de que fue llamada "Speedy" en el piloto y dijo que estaba lista para coger el arco. Guggenheim dijo que hay una escena cortada en la que Thea está rompiendo unas pastillas y que usa un pequeño trofeo de arquería para usarla como herramienta para hacerlo. Holland, admitió que aún no ha tenido una escena con Oliver con su traje de Arrow, y que el tema del compañero no se ha introducido hasta el momento. "No hemos llegado tan lejos ya, pero me encantaría que pasara. Eso es todo lo que puedo decir de ello hasta ahora," dice Holland. "A ellos les gusta mantenernos en la oscuridad. Es básicamente como si cada guión que conseguimos es casi como el ver un nuevo capítulo para mí. No tengo ni idea de lo que va a pasar en el próximo, así es que ocho días después lo consigo, y entonces es como , 'Ooh, Dios, oh Dios mío, sí.'"

- Sobre la relación de Oliver y Thea: "La relación entre Oliver y Thea es muy dinámica. Desde principio, puedes decirlo casi desde el piloto pero para el resto, su relación antes de que él desapareciera era muy fuerte," explica Holland. "Ella era la única cosa que le mantenía con los pies en la tierra -- no es que estuviera con los pies en la tierra en ningún sentido de la palabra -- pero probablemente la única cosa que lo mantenía en casa." Pero Thea, cuyo apodo es Speedy, ha cambiado mucho desde que perdió a su hermano mayor. Se volvió hacia las costumbres fiesteras y de consumo de drogas con las que Oliver solía vivir antes de su desaparición y, según Holland, "ella intenta de algún modo meterse en sus zapatos y llenar lo que estaba perdido." "Hay cosas que irán encajando lentamente pero, seguro que Oliver y Thea van a tener problemas durante un tiempo," bromea. "No va a ser tan fácil como eso. Es similar, no en un aspecto romántico, a lo de Laurel y Oliver. Las cosas están muy difíciles en este momento. Va a llevar un tiempo el que las cosas rehresen a donde todo podría estar."

- Sobre Moira Queen: "The thing about Moira is she's got a lot more dimensionality to her than that very last scene in the pilot. For us, it's not about resolving that storyline as it is about twisting it, and twisting it and then twisting it again," the writer said. "She's the most nuanced character, I think, on the show because of the position that she's in and the choices that she's had to make. One of my favorite sayings is the villain is the hero of their own story. It's very, very true in real life. No one thinks of themselves as a bad guy. Everyone's got their reasons for doing things." As for whether she'll be one of this season's array of Big Bads, Guggenheim said the answer wasn't quite that cut and dry. "That's very much in the eye of the beholder. Hopefully you'll tune in in one episode and you'll be like, 'Oh my God, she's absolutely the big bad,' and the next episode you'll go, 'Oh wait a minute, maybe I misjudged her,' and keep twisting it and twisting it, because I think that's one of the fun aspects of her character."

- Sobre Laurel: Cassidy dijo que su experiencia al interpretar a Laurel Lance es "increíble." "¿Hacia dónde voy a verla ir? ¿Marc? ¿Tienes respuesta a esa pregunta?" preguntó. "Creo que el episodio 3 da una muy buena indicación de los que puedes ser capaz," dijo Guggenheim. "Yo vería el episodio tres." "Definitivamente decubriréis mucho sobre Laurel y su historia y hacia dónde está yendo," dijo Cassidy.

- Sobre la relación de Laurel y Oliver: Cassidy dijo que no ve a la antigua pareja retomando su relación pronto considerando que él la había estando engañando con sus hermana menor Sarah cuando su desaparición. Sarah murió como resultado de estar con él esa noche, y Cassidy dice que ella no cree que eso pueda ser perdonado. "Creo que él es el amor de su vida, y ellos tienen una enorme historia juntos el uno con el otro, y creo que ella encontrará en su corazón la manera de perdonarle en a su debido momento, es tan sólo una cuestión de cuándo," dice Cassidy. "Creo que ella lo ha aceptado, y han sido cinco años y el tiempo ha pasado y ella es capaz de curar sus heridas. No sé. Estoy personalmente interesada en la relación y hacia dónde va a ir, porque no sé si regresarías de eso. No sé si puedes regresar del perder a un hermano a un ex-amor, o amor." Cassidy añadió que ella personalmente cree que Laurel y Oliver están hechos el uno para el otro, incluso aunque no lo estén ahora.

- Sobre la relación de Laurel y su padre: Fue el código moral que su padre le enseñó cuando niña lo que la llevó a convertirse en abogado, y la muerte de su hermana y el abandono de su madre lo que les llevó a unirse. Esa relación entre Laurel y su padre es algo que los espectadores verán expandirse a lo largo de esta temporada. "Definitivamente conseguiréis el sentido de la relación entre estos dos e incluso más. Conseguiréis historia, conseguiréis una relación," dice Cassidy. "Paul Blackthorne, no puedo decir lo bastante, es un actor tan fantástico y, como actor trabajando con otro actor, aprecio totalmente todo lo que hace. Siento como que quiere desarrollar la historia pasada, quiere trabajar en ella, quiere hablar sobre las cosas, y tan sólo lo lleva a la vida y lo hace más vivo."

- Sobre los villanos: Guggenheim dijo que habrá unos cuantos "grandes villanos" y un "villano mayor" durante la temporada. "Estás contando una historia multi-capitular muy larga," dijo. "Cada unos de esos capítulos necesita construirse sobre algún gran evento. Véis esos chicos con las máscaras de hockey y son la Royal Flush Gang. Los veréis en el episodio seis."

- Sobre la aparición de más personajes de DC: Johns apuntó que muchos de los personajes de calle de DCU aparecerán en la serie. "Es algo sobre lo que hemos estado hablando mucho últimamente," dijo Guggenheim. "Nos encantaría crear algunos personajes nuevos y poner algunas piezas nuevas en el tablero." El escritor describe el proceso de escribir episodios y que todo empieza con la pregunta, "¿Por qué está pasando Oliver esta semana?" What storyline in terms of the crime story can we tell that will reflect that character arc, that emotional journey?' And then the supervillain of the week, the DC character, that's the very last thing we think about," he said. "In episode 3, which is when Deadshot first appears, it's all about can Oliver complete his mission alone? He came back from the island, he always planned on being this lone gunman, which is why the episode is called 'Lone Gunman,' and he discovers whether or not that's true."

- Sobre The Huntress: "Veréis que Helena llega a la serie en un momento en el que Oliver realmente necesita a alguien como ella," dice Guggenheim. El séptimo episodio de la temporada tratará sobre Helena y está escrito por Kreisberg, Guggenheim y Johns. "Estoy realmente desearos enseñaros a Huntress, chicos," dice Guggenheim. "Si reaccionásteis como lo hicísteis con Deathstroke, esperad hasta que la veáis."

- Sobre el concepto de la isla: "El primer flashback en el episodio dos empieza donde lo dejó el flashback del episodio uno," dice Guggenheim, quien dice que los flashbacks continuarán a través de toda la serie. "Para nosotros como productores, una de las mejores partes de la serie es francamente la oportunidad de ir cada semana y hacer esos flashbacks. … Cada flashback, incluso aunque estamos yendo en orden cronológico, tiene algún tipo de resonancia con los que está pasando en nuestra historia principal." Amell sijo que tuvo que someterse a una hora y media de maquillaje para hacer las secuencias de la isla y que la pelúca dolía pero, "Realmente lo disfruté." "Cuando nos convertimos en serie, estaba esperando que Oliver cuando fuera a la isla fuera derribado a casi nada antes de que se levantara de nuevo," dijo Amell. "Oliver en el presente es inquebrantable y hace algunas cosas que son difíciles de entender. La isla explica por qué tiene que hacerlas."

- Sobre John Barrowman en la serie: "John interpreta a un personaje rodeado de misterio," dice Guggenheim. "Aún queríamos tenerlo en la serie y fuimos realmente afortunados de tenerle en la serie … Él es increíble. La palabra que me viene a la mente es magnético. La parte divertida de su personaje es que es un tipo de agente cambiante para la serie. Casa vez que habla con un miembro de nuestro elenco, afecta a esos personajes de forma distinta. Tendréis la oportunidad de experimentarle en una variedad de escenas diferentes."

- Sobre Tommy Merlyn: "Empezando en el episodio siete, empiezan a ocurrir cosas para él que son tanto buenas como malas," dice Guggenheim. "Es esa mezcla lo que le añadirá un interesante nivel de complejidad."

- Amell sobre el interpretar a Oliver y la evolución de su personaje: "Oliver tiende a mantener mucho el contacto visual y me basé para ello en Gus de 'Breaking Bad,'" dice Amell. "Estamos rodando el episodio nueve ahora mismo y no he visto tanto esa evolución, pero sé que el episodio nueve es todo lo que quería para la serie," dice Amell. "Jugamos con la idea de que Oliver es sólo un chico normal y por lo tanto es vulnerable. Decimos eso mucho, pero en el episodio nueve lo probamos."

- Sobre el aspecto favorito de Amell al interpretar a Oliver Queen: "Vi cuatro personajes distintos en el piloto," dice Amell. "Es realmente divertido el ir hacia delante y que casi todo lo que digo en la serie tenga un doble significado." Amell dijo que esperemos un guiño a DCU entre él y Cassidy en el episodio cinco. "Cuando tenemos esos momentos podemos darle un guiño a la audiencia, me encanta hacer eso."

- Sobre Roy Harper: "Definitivamente hablamos sobre Roy y tenemos una idea bastante guay para él," dijo Guggenheim. "Todo a su debido momento. La versión de Roy que tenemos bajo la manga es bastante rompedora."

- Sobre el intentar que "Arrow" no se convierta en el típico programa de TV: "Oliver no es un chico bueno, Oliver no es un chico malo. Oliver es un chico con una misión. Me encantan los personajes de televisión que no se comprometen. En las series que disfruto, todos los personajes -- como personajes masculinos principales -- tienen un tipo de ideales. No están tratando de ganar un concurso de popularidad. Quiero que la gente esté enteresada en lo que hago y se involucren en ello."

- Sobre el cambio del nombre de "Star City" a "Starling City": "Star City nos parecía una ciudad menos real para nuestros oídos," dice Guggenheim. "Tomamos esta decisión creativa de que fuera Starling City. Al mismo tiempo, queríamos quitarnos el sombrero al origen de los cómics de Star City." El escritor también dijo que en la mitología de "Arrow", el apodo de Starling City es "Star City," como se vio en la preview del cómic de "Arrow" que se dio en CCI 2012.

- Sobre el cómic digital de la serie: "El segundo capítulo que será publicado el miércoles te da la historia pasada de China White," dice. "Está firmemente integrado y está escrito por mí mismo, Andrew y otros miembros del equipo de escritores. Todo se hace en la casa, así es que está con la serie de forma fuertemente unida."

- Sobre si veremos la flecha con el puño de boxeo de Green Arrow: "Veréis una variación de eso," dice Guggenheim. "Golpeo a los chicos en la cabeza," ofrece Amell.

- Sobre el uniforme de "Arrow": "Puedo ponérmelo yo mismo, lleva 5 minutos el ponérmelo, es totalmente funcional, es totalmente real, todo en él tiene un propósito," dice Amell. "Todo tiene una función," dice Guggenheim. "Cuando Stephen dice que es un disfraz, realmente se está refiriendo a él en el sentido de la industria … Oliver debería der capaz de quitarse la capucha y de llevar puesto una chaqueta" y debería ser capaz de andar por la calle. El propósito del traje es darle un matiz estratégico como cazador. Guggenheim dijo que más cosas sobre el uniforme ocurrirían en los flashbacks del episodio dos.

- El episodio 1 fue sobre el situar dónde estaban esas personas ahora que Oliver ha regresado, Holland dice que el Episodio 2 va sobre el ampliar sobre eso: Ella promete que np será un "fácil regreso" para ninguno de los personajes que fueron afectados por la ausencia de Oliver, "El episodio 2, es sobre realmente describir sus relaciones realmente mostrar cómo van a ser sus vidas ahora durante un tiempo. Es un pequeño bocado de lo duras que van a ser las cosas," dice. "No regresas de la muerte por cinco años y todo vuelve tan sólo a la normalidad. Va a ser un camino pedregoso durante quizá un tiempo." "Episode 5 is probably our both emotional, character-based episodes, but it also has Deathstroke in it, so it has that huge, kick-ass fanbase factor," Guggenheim teased. "We talk a lot about the secret sauce of the show is appealing to the die-hard fans as well as the people who typically wouldn't watch a superhero show, and I think 5 is a prime example of, it never feels schizophrenic, but it provides great stuff for both of those categories of audience members."

- Sobre la respuesta de los fans a la serie: "We are like super psyched," Guggenheim said. "It's weird, you start the pilot process about a year out, and that's a long time to spend without any sort of audience feedback or sense of whether the show's going to be a success or not, and it's hugely exciting. We were really blown away."

- Sobre el mantener el nivel de acción del piloto: "The action in the series is even stronger because we have an incredible stunt team and they keep upping their game, and they've almost had to," he said. "You run out of tricks one episode, you've got to come up with new tricks in the next episode, so honestly there are action sequences that are coming up that I think dwarf the pilot pretty significantly. If you sort of think about yes, there's more time and money in the pilot, but there's also less experience, and give me more experience and less time and less money and I'll give you something better".

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=41623
http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=41662
http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=41688

- Videos:
- ARROW New York Comic Con 2012 Reel:

- NYCC: Arrow - Marc Guggenheim (IGN):

http://www.ign.com/videos/2012/10/14/ny ... guggenheim

- NYCC: Arrow - Stephen Amell (IGN):

http://www.ign.com/videos/2012/10/14/ny ... eathstroke

- NYCC: Arrow - Katie Cassidy (IGN):

http://www.ign.com/videos/2012/10/14/ny ... ie-cassidy

- NYCC: Arrow - Willa Holland (IGN):

http://www.ign.com/videos/2012/10/14/ny ... la-holland

- A Few Minutes With... "Arrow" Co-Star Willa Holland at the New York Comic-Con (The Futon Critic):

http://www.thefutoncritic.com/video/201 ... 4_holland/

- A Few Minutes With... "Arrow" Co-Star Stephen Amell at the New York Comic-Con (The Futon Critic):

http://www.thefutoncritic.com/video/201 ... 014_amell/

- A Few Minutes With... "Arrow" Co-Star Katie Cassidy at the New York Comic-Con (The Futon Critic):

http://www.thefutoncritic.com/video/201 ... 4_cassidy/

- NYCC 2012 - Arrow Press Room - Stephen Amell:

- NYCC 2012 - Arrow Press Room - Marc Guggenheim (Executive Producer):

- NYCC 2012 - Arrow Press Room - Katie Cassidy:

- NYCC 2012 - Arrow Press Room - Willa Holland:

- Stephen Amell NY Comic-Con Interview (TVFanatic):

http://www.tvfanatic.com/videos/stephen ... interview/

- Katie Cassidy NY Comic-Con Interview (TVFanatic):

http://www.tvfanatic.com/videos/katie-c ... interview/

- Willa Holland NY Comic-Con Interview (TVFanatic):

http://www.tvfanatic.com/videos/willa-h ... interview/

- Stephen Amell at NYCC 2012 (TeleVixen):

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell, aparición promocional en "Much Music show New.Music.Live." en Toronto, Canadá (12-10-12):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

http://www.justjared.com/2012/10/14/ste ... ppearance/

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El elenco apunta lo que está por venir y si el secreto de Oliver será revelado (tvovermind.com):
El elenco apunta lo que está por venir y si el secreto de Oliver será revelado
Por Clarissa 15 de Octubre, 2012 10:33 am

Arrow premiered to stellar ratings for The CW and it looks like the show is off to a terrific start. During a recent visit to the Vancouver set*, we sat down with stars Stephen Amell (Oliver/Arrow), Katie Cassidy (Laurel Lance), Colin Donnell (Tommy Merlyn) and Will Holland (Thea Queen) to talk about the show, upcoming storylines and the big question: how long can Oliver's vigilante persona really stay a secret?

How Will the Story Play Out? Stephen Amell assured us that some of the show's story arcs will pay off right away, while others will be like a slow burn. "I was noting the other day that it seems like we are advancing the story and that a lot of stuff is happening but we haven’t had a great deal of resolution so far. The one thing that I do enjoy is that there is not a ‘push you all the way this way at the end of episode 1 and then bring you back all the way that way at the end of episode 2’. You could sit through the first seven episodes that we’ve shot and you are now more and more interested. You would feel, I hope, like there is an overarching plan. Maybe that’s the advantage to not being on the air yet pat the time of the interview], is that we can tell the story the way we want to and not feel pressured by anything."

Oliver's Book of Names. In the premiere, we learned that Oliver's father had given his son a list of names of people who had contributed to the corruption and degradation of Starling City. Last week Oliver was able to cross one name off the list: Adam Hunt. But don't worry, Arrow won't be like the first few episodes of Revenge. Oliver won't be crossing a name off the list in every single episode, nor will the show follow a specific formula. "There are big baddies and there are sort of incidental guys on the list and [some] names have been crossed off in act 1 [of an episode], names have been crossed off at the end of an episode, names have been considered and not crossed off," Stephen explained. "And there have been episodes where the book hasn’t even been opened. I like that we’re not married to one idea because that makes it more interesting"

Island Flashbacks. Stephen explained that they won't be flashing back to the island in every episode, although we will see Oliver's first hours/days on the island in episode 2. "Whenever I’ve spoken with [producers] Andrew and Marc, they really like where the character is on the island, and I really enjoy playing him because he’s kind of ... he hasn’t totally found his legs yet. He’s sort of petulant and he’s a little bit of a brat, and there was one instance where I got to scream and I didn’t have to worry about, you know, embodying it with all this masculinity. The hope that I had coming into the series is that his experience on the island would be really brutal and that it would strip him down to basically nothing so that he could be reformed with no traces whatsoever of the person that he was before he went there. And, so far, that has happened. The island stuff is awful. I mean, it’s rewarding, but those days are long and hard."

Arrow's No "No-Kill" Rule. Unlike some other superheroes, the Arrow is clearly not determined to simply beat up the bad guys and throw them in jail. In fact, he killed several goons in the premiere, albeit in self-defense or to protect his secret. When asked about the Arrow's acceptance of killing, Colin Donnell explained that "I love the fact that they're showing the reality and repercussions of violence. It's not gratuitous. It's not just for the sake of showing something violent. It's somebody who's doing something he thinks is necessary to do to save his city. And he's aware of the consequences of it and the consequences are also pointed out to him. And the responsibility is also pointed out to him." Stephen, meanwhile, explained that "I’ve said it a couple of times, that I don’t need everyone to agree with Oliver’s tactics, but as long as you respect his overall goal, how he’s going to get there...I mean, he has to get his hands dirty a little bit. And I’ve always felt like that’s where a character really resonates with people. Whether that’s in a positive way or a negative way solely depends on the viewer. This to me is not a popularity contest. As long as the television is compelling, then I don’t really care if people like him or dislike him."

Donning Their Own Masks. Anyone familiar with the Green Arrow comics will know that Oliver isn't the only one among his circle of friends with a secret identity. Katie's character, Laurel Lance, is the Black Canary in the comics. Does that mean she'll become a superhero in the show? It's likely, but Katie doesn't know when it will happen. "I think as far as the Black Canary goes, it will probably happen very organically. I know that Laurel is very strong, very tough. She comes from a middle class family; her father’s a cop; she knows how to fight. It will be something that happens organically, and it’s probably going to be pretty cool." Willa chimed in that "[the writers and characters] have been calling me Speedy as my little nickname. So, I mean, fingers crossed and knock on some wood that I'm gonna be slinging an arrow soon. I think it would be an awesome sense of release for her, for all of her anger and resentment against her family. It would be a nice outlet, to say the least, running around and kicking some ass. But don't count on Tommy becoming a hero anytime soon. Colin teased that "There is a really fun scene in [episode] three where I may or may not throw a punch. It may be the worst decision that I ever made."

Will Oliver's Secret Identity Be Exposed? The cast confirmed that one member of the cast would learn about Oliver's Arrow persona very soon. Unfortunately, none of them would reveal who learns the truth, but we're hoping this will help with Oliver's loneliness.

http://www.tvovermind.com/arrow/arrow-c ... -revealed/

- Imagen bts de Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy y Willa Holland:


- ¿Aparecerá el villano de Batman "Firefly" en Arrow? (Zap2It ):
Zap2It Ha puesto hoy una serie de detalles que han descubierto del episodio 10 de Arrow, que muy probablemente se emitirá a principios del 2013.

Han informado que en el episodio, Oliver se encuentra con Garfield, un bombero que se quemó gravemente hace tres años y nunca se recuperó del trauma. Fue abandonado por su esposa y sus hijos, y ahora es descrito como un “implacable, vengativo caparazón de hombre.” El Jefe de Bomberos de Starling City está también angustiado por las heridas de Garfield, ya que él es quien tuvo que dejar a Garfield atrás para que se quemara.

Esto es interesante porque “Garfield Lynns” es el nombre real del villano de Batman. ¿Se tratará del mismo personaje? Tendremos que esperar para averiguarlo.

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... -news.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 852
Registrado: Lun Dic 04, 2006 2:16 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por isma20 »

Gracias por las traducciones! Hay muchos datos que no conocía. Parece que los futuros plots tienen buena pinta...
En cualquier caso, el capítulo piloto sí que recoge elementos de smallville. De todos modos, me ha gustado. Tengo ganas de más! :smt005

Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 138
Registrado: Mar Mar 06, 2007 11:56 pm
Ubicación: entre Asturias y Smallville

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por heli »

a mi lo que mas me sorprendio de las cosas smallvillianas que hay es que usen la "casa Luthor" como casa de oliver, lo 1º que pensé como fan de SV es, ¿como ponen esa casa como suya si oliver y luthor no es que se lleven especialmente bien? jajaja


"Unos pueden leer Guerra y Paz y cerrar el libro creyendo que han leído una novela de aventuras, otros pueden leer los ingredientes de una pastilla de chicle y descifrar los secretos del universo"

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos pósters promocionales:

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(thanks to A.)

- Arrow - Generic Promo - vers 3 - 30 sec:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow Vs. China White: Kelly Hu Adelanta la Primera (y brutal) super pelea del éxito de la CW (TVLine.com):
Arrow Vs. China White: Kelly Hu Adelanta la Primera (y brutal) super pelea del éxito de la CW
Por Matt Mittovich 17 de Octubre, 2012 04:45 AM PDT

TVLINE |¿Has oído hablar por casualidad de los ratingsde la premiere de Arrow? Fue el episodio más visto de la CW en tres años.
Oh Dios mío, eso es fantástico. Wow. La serie es un poco más oscura de lo que uno podría esperar, y hay muchos giros y cambios geniales, cosas que no anticiparías normalmente. Está real, realmente bien escrita. ¿Y no hace Stephen un gran superhéroe? Ese chico es tan poderoso, y genial... ¡sin mencionar que es un poco sexy! [Risas] Es difícil de creer que no haya hecho acción antes, porque es muy atlético.

TVLINE | ¿Bajo qué circusntancias nos encontramos con China White?
Bueno, China White en los cómics es un personaje de la isla [donde Oliver estuvo perdido], aunque no han tocado realmente eso en este primer episodio. Hasta ahora he rodado tres episodios y su historia pasada es un poco confusa, así es que quizá en el futuro. Pero sabes que ella está trabajando con la mafia China...

TVLINE | Tengo esa sensación de que está mandada por la Tríada, cuando en los cómics es más como la jefa.
Bueno, si ves los episodios... No puedo decirte lo que va a pasar, pero... ¡Sí! [Risas]

TVLINE | ¿Es fría como el hielo?
Es una mujer de negocios, y es fría como el hielo. Y consigo hablar en chino en esto también. He estado estudiándolo un poco, así es que cuando esto surgió fue como, “Oh en realidad puedo hacer esto.” Lo que ella hace para la Tríada es... lo que sea que necesite hacerse.

TVLINE | ¿Y cuál es su tarea en primer lugar?
En el primero, hay esa increíble pelea con el personaje de Stephen, y todo ocurre en un gran silo. Se ve tan genial, una pelea maravillosamente coreografiada. Son sus flechas, y mis armas — tengo esos cuchillos curvos tan guays con los que es tan divertido el actuar. Soy cinturón negro de kárate, y he estudiado las armas, pero tuve que llevarme los cuchillos a casa y aprender algunos elaborados movimientos con ellos. Pero la coreografía de la lucha, tengo que decir, que es bastante brutal.

TVLINE | ¿Qué más podremos conocersobre China en los siguientes episodios?
En el primer episodio, aparece como una especie de mano derecha de la Tríada China, como un tipo de asesesina a sueldo. No parece como que diga mucho en esos primeros episodios, ¡pero más tarde veréis que hay más cosas pasando con ella!

http://tvline.com/2012/10/17/arrow-prev ... n=referral

- 'Arrow': Stephen Amell adelanta la aparición de Kelly Hu y del villano que no puede esperar a ver (zap2it.com):
'Arrow': Stephen Amell adelanta la aparición de Kelly Hu y del villano que no puede esperar a ver
Por Carina Adly MacKenzie 17 de Octubre, 2012 3:51 PM ET

After debuting to awesome ratings last week, "Arrow" is only getting better. This week's episode, titled "Honor Thy Father," features Kelly Hu as DC villain China White, a featured villain in "Green Arrow: Year One." When China is hired to eliminate Laurel (Katie Cassidy), who is prosecuting the leader of a drug cartel, Oliver (Stephen Amell) steps in. Expect a pretty epic fight scene. We didn't think it was possible, but we hear that Amell seriously upped his stunt work game from the pilot.

They may be facing off on-screen, but behind the scenes, Amell loved working with Hu. "She was awesome," he says. "I got to speak to her in Mandarin. It was really cool. We did some fight training together and she was just super pumped to be there. She's got great energy."

As this was the first episode they shot after the series was picked-up, Amell was still taken aback by the idea that other actors had taken an interest in the show. "The aspect of it that is still a little bit surreal is when an actor that you've seen in other stuff comes on the show and is like, 'Hey, they got me the pilot. I really liked it! I'm really excited to be here!' and you're like, 'Thanks so much! I'm really excited that you're here!' It's overwhelming and flattering. I hope that I always have that feeling. She's great. I hope she sticks around, too."

Perhaps a hint that China White won't be added to Arrow's body count any time soon? Hmm.

After landing the role, Amell read everything he could get his hands on about Green Arrow so that he'd be up to speed with all the DC Comics fans out there. Out of all the villains that have featured in Green Arrow canon, he's looking forward to seeing one in particular: Merlyn.

Of course, we've already met Oliver's best friend, Tommy Merlyn (Colin Donnell). While he's a bit of a sketchy character, he seems to be a pretty decent guy so far... you know, aside from sleeping with his buddy's girl. As fans of the comics know, Tommy is destined to become Oliver's arch nemesis, with his own set of impressive archery skills.

"I hope to see Tommy's transition, just because Colin and I have become such good buddies, and I know that he has a total kickass villain in him," Amell tells us. "The thing that I really like about my character is that he's not perfect. He kills people. He has made mistakes. He's responsible for Laurel's sister's death. That's on him. So if and when Tommy turns against him, there would be a lot of points that Tommy as Merlyn could make that people could be like, 'Oh, he's kinda right, isn't he?' He'd be like Gus on 'Breaking Bad.' I feel like Colin has that capability in him, and that's the one that I'm most excited to see."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... o-see.html

- Photoshoot en el SDCC 2012:

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- Imagen BTS:


- InnerSPACE Interview: Stephen Amell Preview Episode 2:

- Arrow 1x03 Promo "Lone Gunmen" (HD):

- Arrow - Lone Gunman Extended Preview:

- Imágenes de la visita al set (greenarrowtv):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.05 “Damaged”:
1.05 “Damaged”: EL VILLANO DE DC COMICS APARECE EN LA ISLA CON OLIVER — Después de que el Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) arreste a Oliver (Stephen Amell) por asesinato, Oliver le dice a Moira (Susanna Thompson) que el único abogado que permite que lo represente es Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Laurel toma el caso lo que la pone en conflicto con su padre. Oliver se ofrece a someterse al polígrafo delante del Detective Lance pero las cosas se ponen tensas cuando Lance le pregunta su había alguien más en la isla con él. Oliver tiene un flasheback a cuando se hizo su primera cicatriz, cortesía de Deathstroke (la estrella invitada Jeffrey Robinson). Colin Donnell, David Ramsey y Willa Holland también aparecen. Michael Shultz dirige el episodio escrito por Wendy Mericle & Ben Sokolowski (#105)

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-episo ... iler/12147

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
