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Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Jue Oct 22, 2015 2:22 am
por Shelby
- ARROW | 4.04 "Beyond Redemption" Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.04 "Beyond Redemption" Extended Promo | The CW:
https://amp.twimg.com/v/9595e5dd-6620-4 ... 6a5cc1c3aa

- ARROW | 4.04 "Beyond Redemption" New Zealand Promo:

- ARROW | 4.04 "Beyond Redemption" Australian Promo:

- ARROW | 4.04 "Beyond Redemption" Asia Promo:

http://sinceriously-melodiful.tumblr.co ... asia-promo

- ARROW | 4.04 "Beyond Redemption" Canadian Promo:

- ARROW | 4.04 "Beyond Redemption" Producer´s preview:

- ARROW | 4.04 "Beyond Redemption" Clip #1:

http://nerdist.com/watch-arrows-felicit ... exclusive/

- ARROW Stills del 4.04 "Beyond Redemption":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Jue Oct 22, 2015 10:30 am
por Shelby
- Guitar Hero Live | BTS: David Ramsey and Candice Patton | The CW:

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Vie Oct 23, 2015 12:17 am
por Shelby
- Scans de la revista TVGuide con el primer vistazo a 'John Constantine' en "Arrow":

Imagen Imagen

En el artículo, Ryan reveló que hay una historia pasada entre Oliver Queen y John Constantine: "Hay una pequeña historia entre [John y Oliver] … No diría que son amigos. Diría que son conocidos que tienen un pasado. John le debe una."

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Vie Oct 23, 2015 2:36 am
por Shelby
- Descripción oficial del 4.06 “Lost Souls”:
4.06 “Lost Souls” (11/11/15): RAY PALMER REGRESA DE ENTRE LOS MUERTOS — Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) está frenética cuando descubre que Ray (la estrella invitada Brandon Routh) está vivo y está siendo retenido por Damien Darhk (la estrella invitada Neal McDonough). La culpa de Felicity por no haber encontrado a Ray antes causa tensión entre ella y Oliver (Stephen Amell). Mientras tanto, Sara (la estrella invitada Caity Lotz) se une a Laurel (Katie Cassidy), Thea (Willa Holland) y el equipo en una misión de rescate para Ray. Sin embargo, los efectos del Lazarus Pit toman el control y amenazan con arriesgar toda la operación. Donna Smoak (la estrella invitada Charlotte Ross) regresa a Star City. Antonio Negret dirige el episodio escrito por Beth Schwartz & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#406).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/10/the-cw ... of_23.html?

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Vie Oct 23, 2015 11:05 am
por Shelby
- Visita de la prensa al set de Vancouver (22-10-15):

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(@greenarrowtv: #tbt #SCPD #Arrow
@greenarrowtv: Look who's here!!
@greenarrowtv: More of the fun and jovial @EmilyBett tonight up at #Arrow
@greenarrowtv: The incredible @JamesBamford told us about his directing the upcoming episode 'Brotherhood'
@InsideDCTV: @amellywood on #Arrow set.
@tvline: Does Lance look Smoak'd #Arrow
@tvline: Echo Kellum is terrific #Arrow
@tvline: I didn't realize Star City is in the South. #Arrow
@tvline: Just chatted with Emily Bett Rickards about papa Smoak #Arrow
@tvline: Not Stephen Amells´s sandwiches!
@tvline: One more Stephen Amell photo, anyone #Arrow
@tvline: Talking to @JamesBamford about the #Arrow episode he directed, which sounds awesome
@tvline: The suits are back!
@tvline: Watch out for Big Bad Damien Darkh #Arrow
@tvgoodness: Hi Emily Bett Rickards! #Arrow #VancouverChronicles
@tvgoodness: Stephen Amell expressing excitement over the first nine episodes of #Arrow Season 4. #VancouverChronicles)


- 'Arrow's' Stephen Amell On Constantine, That Engagement Ring & Donna Smoak (accesshollwood):

- 'Arrow': Stephen Amell On Oliver's Run For Mayor (accesshollwood):

- 'Arrow': Stephen Amell On Oliver & Diggle, H.I.V.E. & More (accesshollwood):

- Neal McDonough: Damien Darhk 'Really Loves Messing With Everybody' On 'Arrow' (accesshollwood):

- Emily Bett Rickards on Her Reaction to the "Grave Scene" (TV Diehard):

- Stephen Amell from the CW's Arrow Talks Season 4 (TV Goodness):

- Arrow Set Visit 2015 - Stephen Amell (thetvaddict):

- Arrow Set Visit 2015 - Emily Bett Rickards (thetvaddict):

- Arrow Interview: Emily Bett Rickards on Set - Season 4 (ksitetv):

- Arrow: Stephen Amell on Oliver's Run For Mayor, Olicity Ring, Crossovers & More (ksitetv):

- Arrow on Set: Paul Blackthorne Interview (Ksitetv):

- Arrow on Set - Echo Kellum (Curtis Holt) Interview (Ksitetv):

- ARROW: Stephen Amell on Matt Ryan's Guest Spot as Constantine (GiveMeMyRemoteTV):

- ARROW: Emily Bett Rickards Previews Ray's Return (GiveMeMyRemoteTV):

- ARROW: Brandon Routh Previews Ray's Return (GiveMeMyRemoteTV):

- Emily Bett Rickards teases Arrow Winter Finale, "Dark Waters" (TV Goodness):

- Neal McDonough Teases Arrow Winter Finale, "Dark Waters" (TV Goodness):


Stephen Amell: ‘Arrow’-‘The Flash’ crossover is a ‘pinnacle achievement for both shows’ (zap2it)

Arrow: Stephen Amell Previews This Year’s Crossover (greenarrowtv)

"Arrow": Oliver Will Use Darhk's Personal Life Against Him & More (cbr)

Arrow's Stephen Amell On Revealing Oliver's Identity: We Want To Keep Those Two Things Separate (comicbook)

- Arrow's Emily Bett Rickards On the Threat of Damien Darhk (comicbook)

- Arrow's Echo Kellum Confirms "Fair Play" Will Appear On the Show (comicbook)

‘Arrow': 13 Secrets We Learned While Visiting The Super Set (mtv)

Arrow Season 4: Stephen Amell Previews What’s Coming Soon (TV Goodness)

‘Arrow’ Cast Talks Damien Darhk, Crossovers, Relationship Shake-Ups, More (collider)

'Arrow': Stephen Amell Says Ring Will Be Seen Again 'Sometime During The Season' (access hollywood)

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Mar Oct 27, 2015 1:53 am
por Shelby
- ARROW | Stunts: 4.02 "The Candidate" | The CW:
https://amp.twimg.com/v/f58229e5-d572-4 ... 3d4b3bedf6

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Mar Oct 27, 2015 4:41 pm
por Shelby
- Cómo Paul Blackthorne justifica la relación de Lance con Damien Darhk (TVGuide):
Cómo Paul Blackthorne justifica la relación de Lance con Damien Darhk
Por Sadie Gennis | 27 Oct, 2015 11:27 AM EDT

Arrow fans were shocked to discover in the Season 4 premiere that perennial good guy Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) has been working with Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough), possibly the most dangerous villain Star City has ever seen.

So how did Lance get involved with Darhk? And why does Blackthorne say Lance doesn't need to forgive himself for his deal with the devil? Check out our full interview with the actor below:

How did you feel when you first heard Lance was going to be working with Damien Darhk?
Paul Blackthorne: Well, he seemed like a nice enough fellow to begin with. From my point of view, when you find your character working with someone like that, who's quite opposite in nature of my character, it's interesting. But of course when Lance went in with him, from his point of view, Darhk was offering great things for the city. He was a positive force. He wanted to help the city out and clean up the mess in the Season 3 finale. So in Lance's eyes, Darhk was a very positive presence to begin with. Of course, things shifted a little bit. His actions shifted. His intentions shifted. And as soon as Lance called him out on that, he was going to kill his daughters if he did otherwise. So Lance dug a bit of a hole.

What can you reveal about exactly how Lance got involved with Darhk?
Blackthorne: Given the state the city was in and in the absence of the Arrow after the Season 3 finale and the limited resources that Lance was working with, Lance was approached by Darhk and considered it thinking out of the box and used this man's resources in exchange for a few favors here and there. One of which particularly laid heavy with him.

Lance has always been the moral center of the show. So how is he handling this position he's now in?
Blackthorne: Once he's confronted on that, it's a struggle. But as villains often do, they will do bad things for what they identify as good reasons. Lance thought he was doing a good thing here because that's how Darhk presented himself at first. That he would be a positive force for the city and all he needed was a few favors here and there in various areas. Sort of gray stuff, shady stuff, but nothing life-threatening or destructive. And yet that's the area that Darhk went into ultimately. And when Lance started questioning Darhk on what he was truly doing, he threatened his daughter. And he's already been through the middle of that with his other daughter Sara, so the last thing he wanted to do was be the reason for Laurel (Katie Cassidy) being killed.

Lance finds out that Laurel resurrected Sara (Caity Lotz) this week. How does he react to this?
Blackthorne: In good old-fashioned Arrow style, there's lots of neurosis going on with it. Because of course it's an incredible thing that he's seeing his daughter in front of him, returned from wherever she may have been, but he can detect instantly she's not there in spirit. And what a dreadful thing for a father to realize that his daughter's there, but not there. All he can see is the pain and suffering that's going on with her. And if that's the case, then what could you do? Do you keep this girl alive in this state with the pain she's in? Or do you do something about it? And that's what we see in this forthcoming episode.

Is Lance angry at all with Laurel for resurrecting Sara?
Blackthorne: I don't think angry is the right word. He's mystified as to what's happened here. This supernatural world is not one that he's familiar with and not one that he's able to understand. So whether he's angry with Laurel is probably not the case, but certainly mystified and obviously frustrated that here she is back like this. And yes, Laurel, you've brought her back, but what the hell is this? You've brought her back, but you haven't brought her back. What's going on, you know? And it's interesting the places Lance turns to in order to resolve the situation because Laurel doesn't seem to know what to do with it at this stage.

How would you describe the Lance family dynamic going forward?
Blackthorne: The family dynamic's great because there's so much baggage now. ... Laurel and Quentin are getting to this point now where both of us have done so many things over these recent years, some negative things and desperate things, and kept secrets from each other. But I think they're reaching a maturity in some way that they can understand, given the complexity of this city and the characters in it, that it's just the corners they've been forced into. It's almost like they're in this new place now, the situation with Laurel and Lance. It's not necessarily that they'll take things personally.

Lance and Oliver's (Stephen Amell) relationship is already fairly contentious. So what happens when Oliver discovers Lance has been working with Darhk?
Blackthorne: It's a bit of a moment in their relationship. Obviously the tables have turned somewhat. Lance has taken the moral high ground for much of their relationship and at this point, Oliver finds himself in this position. To me, it's been one of my favorite scenes actually, given three and a half years of history culminating in this particular moment when everything between them shifts.

Will this shift open up room for a better relationship between Lance and Oliver?
Blackthorne: It certainly changes the dynamic. It's just a case of whether what has happened can be forgiven. And that's up to Oliver, really. So we'll see about that, whether Oliver can reconcile with what Lance has done here with Darhk.

Can Lance forgive himself for working with Darhk?
Blackthorne: Totally, yeah. Because he had to think outside the box. The city was in a mess. The Arrow was gone and Darhk stepped up as a positive force. Yes, he wanted a few favors and shady stuff in there. But Darhk was going to do right by the city. And certainly, the things that Lance cares about the most in the city are his daughters. ... He was led to believe by Darhk that this would have a positive outcome. Of course that started changing, at which point Lance called him out on it. But at that point, Darhk was then threatening Laurel.

http://www.tvguide.com/news/arrow-paul- ... ien-darhk/
- Paul Blackthorne sobre la traición de Lance y la resurrección de Sara (EW):
Paul Blackthorne sobre la traición de Lance y la resurrección de Sara
Por Natalie Abrams 27 Oct, 2015

One of their own is working against them.

The season premiere of Arrow revealed that, while Oliver (Stephen Amell) was away, Capt. Lance (Paul Blackthorne) had turned to another powerful man to protect his city: Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough). Sorely regretting that decision after Darhk slaughtered the city’s leaders, Lance will soon face the truth coming out — though that’s the least of his worries when he discovers that Laurel (Katie Cassidy) resurrected Sara (Caity Lotz) via the Lazarus Pits. EW has the scoop from Blackthorne on what’s next:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How does Lance learn that Sara has actually be resurrected?
PAUL BLACKTHORNE: We’ll find that out specifically on Wednesday, but of course the family is looking out for each other. Obviously Laurel knows an awful lot about what’s been going on with Sara, so it’s fair to say that she’s probably got something to do with how Lance finds out.

How does he feel about his daughter coming back to life?
It’s a bit of a strange situation where you see your resurrected daughter — not for the first time, by the way. Is she dead? Is she alive? Is she dead? Is she alive? It’s becoming old hat now for Lance. But seeing her return in this state is obviously quite a neurotic moment for Lance, because he’s seeing her alive, but immediately sensing something is completely off with her. That does not appear to be his actual daughter in front of him, which is a fairly terrifying realization for him. From that point, it’s how he deals with that that becomes interesting in the episode.

It appears he’s faced with the choice of whether to put her down. What’s going on in his head in that moment?
Well, I think it’s a lot of neurosis, because the last thing you want to do is kill your own daughter, especially when she’s just come back from the dead. However, if she appears to be in a pained and in a terrible state, like how you’d have to put your dog down at some point, it might be the best thing to do, so that’s the choice you have to make.

Is there a part of him that hopes he could actually reconnect with Sara?
Of course there’s a part of him that wants to reconnect with her. She’s back. He’s looking at her in the flesh. But that’s what’s so tragic about this situation, he knows he can’t connect with her, because he knows she’s not truly there to be connected with. From a father-daughter point of view, that’s pretty horrifying.

Is Lance mad at Laurel for bringing Sara back to life?
Again, that’s a neurotic moment for him as well. It’s like, “Great, you brought her back, but what the hell did you bring back specifically? What is this?” Obviously that takes some reconciling between the two of them as well. “Bring her back, but just bring her back properly next time, please, Laurel. That’s all I ask.”

Oliver asks Lance for a favor during Wednesday’s episode. What can you tease in that regard?
There is interesting ground on the way to that favor being asked. This is a shifting moment in their relationship, Oliver and Lance. The way in which it comes about, in true Arrow style, is fantastic. The twisting story lines related to these various plot points are always great writing and great to play. It’s all good stuff. A lot happens on the way toward that moment.

What was your first reaction when you learned that Lance was working with Damien Darhk?
I thought it was interesting. It’s not necessarily the case that if someone does a bad thing, they’re a bad person. Sometimes good people are doing bad things for what, in their mind, are good reasons. That’s how they can justify it in their mind. In this case, at first Darhk was suggesting he was going to be able to help Star City. In the Arrow’s absence during the hiatus, this was a huge thing for Lance, for somebody to help the city after the biological attack in the season 3 finale. It’s a huge incentive to have Darhk work with him.

Also, of course, when he realizes that Darhk is actually particularly dark and not exactly the person he suggested he was going to be, then he’s threatening Laurel, so Lance is pushed into a corner and has to keep working with him to keep his daughter alive. What more incentive motivation could he need? He’s got to keep his daughter alive. He’s lost one. She’s been brought back in this peculiar state. The other one can be killed now. Keep his daughters alive, that’s his motivation for doing this. Not doing great things, but in his mind, for great reasons. As soon as he does realize that Darhk truly is as dark as he is, he does everything he can to back out of that.

It seems that Oliver will soon find out that Lance is working with Damien. What’s the reaction like when people discover the truth?
It’s a big shift in the relationship between Oliver and Lance, with a rather surprising outcome, really. It’s awful. Lance obviously feels a great shame with this situation with Darhk having turned out as did. As things turn out, it’s a little bit difficult for Lance. But, in the end, we’ll see how that dynamic shifts between Lance and Oliver.

Will Lance be able to help Team Arrow being on the inside, or is he too afraid of what Darhk will do?
In those first few episodes, Lance was actually cajoling Oliver to stand up. “This city needs someone is the light, not someone lurking around in the shadows.” I tried to play it in such a way that he wasn’t giving him grief about it, he was actually encouraging him in a subtle way. That, to me, was interesting. It was off-set by Lance’s big secret with Darhk, but he was making up for it by urging Oliver to do it the right way, the way the city needs, to step up into the light.

Mama Smoak (Charlotte Ross) is returning. There are a lot of fans who want to see Lance and Donna together. Is there any chance of that happening?
If there’s one man in the DC comic book universe that needs to get laid, it’s Lance. Let’s face it. #GetLanceLaid. If that turns out the way it does, I think it’s a hilarious pairing. To go from Dinah (Alex Kingston) to Donna is quite the contrast and not something that Lance would be expecting himself to react to, but of course, once that woman walks into the room, I think any man is going to have a reaction, notwithstanding Lance. It’s an interesting combination, the two of them together, it’s a big of an odd pairing. But as long as it ends up with Lance getting laid, I’d be very, very happy about it. Or Lance would be happy about it.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/10/27/ar ... surrection
- Paul Blackthorne sobre la 'Ciudad de Dibujos Animados' de Metahumanos de la Season 4 (screenrant):
Paul Blackthorne sobre la 'Ciudad de Dibujos Animados' de Metahumanos de la Season 4
Por Merrill Barr 27 Oct, 2015

Ever since Harrison Wells set off his particle accelerator in the heart of Central City, things have gotten weird in The CW’s DC universe of The Flash and Arrow. Of course, with over a year gone by, it stands to reason that all the meta-humans aren’t going to remain confined to the boarders of The Flash’s home. Some of them are going to start hitting the road.

Recently, we witnessed one of those meta-humans, dubbed Double Down, hit the streets of Star City in an attempt to take down the Green Arrow. Of course, he failed, but that’s not really the issue. While Oliver and his team seem capable enough to stop the meta-humans that cross their path, what of the leader of Star’s police department? Can Captain Lance fight the growing threat of super-powered people in his city?

In a recent interview we conducted with actor Paul Blackthorne that will run after the upcoming episode of Arrow, the man opened up about how Lance views the new “enhanced” issue taking place in his city:
Obviously Lance would probably be the most skeptical person in Star City when it comes to someone being referred to as a “meta-human” or “magic” and such. When he had that scene with Laurel and said, “we got these crazy guys flying around this city. A guys wearing a mask. This Flash guy,” he rattled off all the various characters and, you know, a few years back before The Arrow turned up, it was mafioso and Triads and Russian gangs, the usual things you’d expect to find in a crime-ridden city. But, obviously the nature of crime and its characters have changed somewhat. So, it is a bit of a head shaker for Lance. He can’t quite see what’s going on.

The whole place, in his eyes, seems to have turned into a bit of a cartoon town with all these people sort of running around dressed up as they do, and I try to keep Lance on the ground in that way. He’s shaking his head as much as anyone else would be shaking their head if this was going on, and it is going on. So, he has to try and deal with it. But, it is a strange thing for him to reconcile that, suddenly, there are people in tight leather costumes and doing rather bizarre things with playing cards. It’s tough on him, but if it’s happening, it’s happening.
As its executive producers have made clear many times, there was never any intention to feature people with powers on Arrow… but that all changed when Warner Bros. demanded a Flash spin-off. Given the two worlds are connected, there’s really no way not to bring up the matter of superpowers when it comes to the residents of Star City. It’s not as if they aren’t going to go there when they know a non-powered vigilante is the one guarding the streets rather than a super-human streak of red light.

That said, the introduction of mysticism last season via the Lazarus Pit has really opened Arrow up into a somewhat grounded take on the supernatural. Now, the show has been re-invented in a way to allow for the appearance of more meta-humans – and if the hype for Batman V Superman has taught us anything, it’s that people love watching powered people square off against non-powered people. Really, Lance is probably the character closest to reality in how he reacts to the situation.

People with powers shouldn’t exist, but they do – and as long as Arrow can keep people like Lance honest in how they view the matter, then there’s no reason the show can’t continue further down this path.

http://screenrant.com/arrow-season-4-bl ... etahumans/
- Blackthorne sopesa las consecuencias de hacer tratos con Darhk y la resurrección de Sara (CBR):
Blackthorne sopesa las consecuencias de hacer tratos con Darhk y la resurrección de Sara
Por Bryan Cairns 28 Oct 2015

"Arrow's" Captain Quentin Lance had the best of intentions when making his deal with Star City's newest devil. But with his city falling apart and Oliver Queen nowhere in sight, Lance felt he had no option but to accept help from the resourceful Damien Darhk (Neil McDonough). Unfortunately for Lance, Darhk turned out to be the leader of H.I.V.E., an organization not dissimilar to the League of Assassins, save for the fact that it appears to exist solely to carry out Darhk's wishes.

As for Darhk himself, his true colors as a man capable of tapping into some serious magical mojo and harboring a desire to destroy the city have been revealed. Now, Lance must play ball with Darhk -- or pay the price with the death of his daughter, Laurel.

Ahead of tonight's "Arrow" episode, "Beyond Redemption," actor Paul Blackthorne spoke with CBR News about Lance's questionable-at-best arrangement with Darhk and how his character could have fallen so far as to strike the deal. We also dig into Lance's reaction to his other daughter Sara's resurrection, the tables turning in his relationship with Green Arrow, and how he feels about Oliver Queen's nascent bid for mayor.

CBR News: Quentin Lance has always had a strong moral compass. Why has he made a deal with this devil, Damien Darhk? What do they both get out of it?

Paul Blackthorne: At first, Darhk wasn't presenting himself in a particularly devilish fashion. The city was in a desperate state, post-Season 3 finale and biological attacks. The Arrow is gone. Budgets are slashed. The town is in tatters and crime is rife. Here comes this man offering to help the city with his resources in exchange for a few favors here and there. He's a little bit shady, a little bit dark, but nothing destructive or life-threatening as Lance perceives it, so he's willing to do something a little bit out of the box.

Of course, once Darhk's intentions start shifting, and his actions, this is something Lance questions and calls Darhk out on. He's told if he causes any more fuss, Lance will find his daughter dead. Lance is in a particular hold at this point. It's been lots of fun to play.

What is Lance's reaction to having his daughter return to him from the dead?

It's a bit of a neurotic one. There she is, alive in front of him, somehow. He can sense right away her spirit isn't there. She's also suffering, hugely. He's in a very troubled state. He can't quite understand his own reaction because, of course, he should be delighted. But he's not. Something is off, and he can sense that. That's what he has to try and deal with.

Lance doesn't approve of Damien's tactics at this point, so why does he turn to him about Sara?

It's a desperate move, isn't it? As much as he's very disapproving of what Darhk has become in his world, Lance recognizes that he does have a handle on the supernatural. If, as Lance has been told, Sara has been resurrected, obviously he knows Darhk, as dark as he is, is the man he could turn to for answers. It's a bit like the scene with Oliver and Lance, where there's a turning around of the moral high ground. The same thing happens with Lance and Darhk. Here he is, having to go to this guy and ask him a favor.

Does Lance have to make a Faustian deal for Damien's help?

Lance would be willing to do so -- that's what it was to begin with, this sort of Faustian pact. But, as I said, it wasn't as dark as Lance thought it was going to be. As soon as it got really dark, Lance wasn't having any of that and confronted him. That's when Darhk threatened Laurel.

With regard to this situation with Sara, we'll see what comes out of that. We'll have to see how Faustian things become.

Oliver calls Lance out on this contempt that he's had for him over the years, especially now that the tables have turned. What did you enjoy about that quarrel and what it meant for the characters?

For me, that scene was the culmination of the three and a half years we've had with the show now, where you'll see the dynamic has shifted to reasonable degrees -- villainous, non-villainous or working against him. There was a huge shift on this one because it was more of an emotional twist between them. That's what was interesting about it. These two men have been running around each other in various forms, as to whether who is good, who is bad and who is doing right by the city.

There was something deeply emotional about almost being let down by what happened here. Stephen [Amell] played it brilliantly, and it was great bouncing off all that stuff. It wasn't just, "You're good. You're bad," It was like, "No, man. You let me down." "I feel bad about this. I'm sorry I let you down. I didn't have a choice. Please understand." It was a lot more personal.

What else can you preview about this tonight's episode and the ramifications it has for Lance moving forward?

Like I said, big shifting dynamics between Oliver and Lance. There's a more personal connection between them, now. What's going on with Sara -- what do you do with a daughter that's back, but not back? Then, you throw in good old Damien as well, and how that relationship shifts, too. There's a lot of interesting elements going on.

Finally, Oliver will be running for Mayor. How does Lance feel that?

As much as Lance has been snappy with Oliver, at the same time, beneath that, I believe Lance is urging him to step out of the darkness and into the light. I think Lance recognizes that Oliver Queen is a remarkable man and how much he did miss him when he was gone.

But, if Oliver is going to come back, it's time to mature. It's time to step up and be a different man and not be running around in the shadows. It's time to be what the city really needs. I feel Lance is quietly urging him to do that. I feel there will be a little bit of pride if Oliver does actually step up into that role.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... surrection
- Wendy Mericle sobre los Crossovers, los trajes, Comedia y más (comicbook):
Wendy Mericle sobre los Crossovers, los trajes, Comedia y más
Por James Viscardi 28/10/2015

his season of Arrow has been nothing short of a whirlwind. With new characters and new conflicts fans have been treated to some of the best hours on television this Fall. With the show ranked 4th among ComicBook.com readers in a packed superhero landscape, it's clear the show continues to hit a chord with viewers.

So, with all the changes coming to the show we wanted to catch up with Arrow showrunner, Wendy Mericle about what fans can expect as they ride on through the show's fourth season.

Will someone else get a new costume? Is Damien Darhk Felicity's dad? You'll just have to read on and find out.

Arrow is a show that does interpersonal relationships on TV so well. It's been really fun to watch the cast grow and contract over the past four seasons. With this one, it seems like you guys have thrown a lot more into the mix. For instance, adding a character like Damien Darhk, and tossing in Constantine for an episode. How much of that is a balancing act for you guys to make sure everyone sort of gets appropriate time?

Wendy Mericle: It's tricky. We found, especially in Season 3, that we had so many relationships and so many characters in the lair scenes. That's always kind of the litmus test on the show. When you have a lair scene, and you suddenly have seven people down there, and you're having to service all these different character arcs and different character stories. I think this season we really found a nice balance in that. Unfortunately, Roy left the show and moved on to greener pastures. We still have a good group in the bunker scenes, and we made a conscious decision this season to really focus on Dig and Felicity's relationship. Not just their role on the team and their role as friends of Oliver, but also their own individual back stories. Delving more deeply into their lives and getting to see things we haven't before. We're going to be bringing back Donna Smoak. We're going to be finding out and finally putting to rest, what happened with Diggle's brother Andy.

It's definitely a conscious balancing act. It's something we think about all the time in the writer's room and on the page. I feel like this season we've got it good. We're very excited because we have a good balance going.

Speaking of Felicity and her backstory, we spoke to Emily Bett Rickards and she mentioned that we'll be seeing a bit more of her father. She had mentioned that he was rich and evil. Then a theory popped up here in the office, and among Arrow fans that her dad might be Damien Darhk. Is it?

Mericle: You know, I would hesi ... That's a great idea, and such a great teaser, I almost don't want to spoil it. Unfortunately, no. Damien Darhk is not her father. That's a great theory. Who knows! You guys might have just arc-ed out the rest of the season for us right then and there.

No, that's a great idea, but no, he is not. We are going to bring her father in. He will definitely be evil. He's going to be up to no good, but it's not going to be Damien, unfortunately. Great idea though. Huge props to everyone there. That's amazing.

Everyone seems to be getting new costumes this season. Oliver has a new one, Speedy has one, and at long last, Diggle's getting one. I imagine, too, especially for a show that's as grounded as Arrow, that the idea of people in costumes has to be balanced as well. Are we done for costumed additions this season? When we spoke to Echo Kellum, and he told us he's dying to get into something for Mr. Terrific.

Mericle: Yeah, it did take Dig a while. Dig was very much a conscious decision in that we felt we needed to limit him somewhat in the field in Season 3, because it was just a practicality. If he's out there fighting bad guys, he's going to be identified at one point or another. That would inevitably blow Oliver's cover. That became a necessity. It is fun, it's very cool to see him out there with the mask and the smart gun and all of that. It's just really fun to see that. David Ramsey, I think, in particular, was excited to get that.

That said, we are conscious of not doing that for every character, or too quickly. This season, I think that will be it for new characters in Season 4 getting costumes. Going forward, we definitely have plans for Mr. Terrific. Hoping, you know, if Echo doesn't go off and become a huge superstar somewhere else. It could very well happen because we love him, and he's just amazing. He's so good on the show and brings such a cool element to the show. We're really excited about him.

Given the world that you all have built, and its inter-connectivity with The Flash and Legends Of Tomorrow, is there ever an impulse to do a "Justice League" type episode beyond the crossovers? Or is Legends Of Tomorrow essentially as close to a Justice League we'll get within this universe?

Mericle: I think the crossovers were sort of the first attempt at seeing what it would look like to bring a bunch of different characters together from different shows. It works really well. I think I'm answering your question when I say that, yes, we do talk about Legends as a Justice League of sorts. Sort of our version of it. It is, as you know from everything that's already been released, it's a group of superheroes, or "Legends", so to speak, out there being heroes. It does have a different tone, though. One of the things that's really exciting about it having it come up in this universe, in this context, is how different it is from Flash and from Arrow. It has a very different feel, and the time travel element is completely new to both shows. It's really fun. It's turning out to be just really bad-ass.

Let's time travel back a bit on our own; back to Damien Darhk. We know that he's going to be showing up on Flash and in Legends, did that decision come about because he blew you guys away with his portrayal and you wanted to get him into the mix of everything else? Or was that something that was already planned even from when you had cast Neil as Damien?

Mericle: I think it was kind of ... the cross-pollination that's been happening between the three shows has been really interesting to watch and be a part of. It certainly was very much rooted in what he was doing. Especially in the premiere. From the beginning, he just has been an amazing presence on-camera, but also an amazing presence off camera. He's a great guy to work with. The height of professionalism. I think it was just a combination of the performance and who he is and the fun of seeing someone that we've only introduced just this season on Arrow. Seeing him show up on the other shows so quickly I think was something we hadn't done before. It seemed exciting.

He's been, again, he's just amazing. He's really watchable.

Neil told us that his portrayal as Damien Darhk feels in line with Gene Hackman's Lex Luthor. He especially elaborated on the humor aspect of that character. With a show like Arrow, what's it like balancing humor in this setting? The show has plenty of jokes, especially from Felicity. Is that also something that you guys keep track of?

Mericle: Absolutely. This season in particular, we really wanted to bring that element more to the fore. Mostly because Oliver is in a different place emotionally. We really looked at the first three seasons as Oliver's dealing with the PTSD, and the trauma that he experienced in the five years that he was gone, and also subsequently being back in Star City and taking on this new role as a vigilante. We sort of brought that to a close at the end of Season 3. He's in love with Felicity now, and we wanted to see him happy, essentially.

Along with that, it's opened the door to change a little bit of the dynamic and allow for a little more humor, because it's organically coming from Oliver himself. We, also, when we brought Damien in, there was a definite conscious decision, too. It's interesting that he says Gene Hackman and Lex Luthor. That was interestingly not ever a touchstone in our writer's room for the definition of, and the description of, his character. It's a great one, and it's apt. We wanted to bring in a super-villain who was so confident and so assured about his plans and really rooted so deeply in his own evil that he could make a few jokes. He wasn't worried about taking anyone on. He's not scared of anyone.

That really is Damien Darhk's character. He's a bonafide sociopath. He doesn't have any empathy, he's not really even the hero of his own story. He's no one we, I don't think, as the audience, could ever really empathize with. Humor becomes necessary, not just to humanize him and keep the audience guessing about what his true motives are, but also just because it can get very one-note otherwise. We were excited to have the opportunity to bring someone else in. To bring in this villain and see what it would be like if he was cracking jokes in front of the Green Arrow and in front of, now, Lance. It's fun. Neil does such an amazing job. We couldn't have got better casting.

http://comicbook.com/2015/10/28/arrow-e ... ends-more/

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Mié Oct 28, 2015 3:54 pm
por Shelby
- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S4 (26-30 Oct 2015):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@dpanabaker: Happy birthday to the one and only @CavanaghTom
@Lexialex: And of course, the coolest and best, one @david_ramsey plus Willa photo bombing
@Lexialex: Behind the scenes
@Lexialex: Great art department! #LexiTakesAim
@Lexialex: Never forget the star of the show Diggle's Bizep
@Lexialex: Of course I wore my Keffiyeh at some point #LexiTakesAim
@Lexialex: She's too cute that Willa #LexiTakesAim
@mguggenheim: Damien Darhk’s Christmas card…
@emilybett: Swag #Arrow
@dccomics: Smoak & Darhk #Arrow @emilybett @neal_mcdonough @paulblackthorne #PaulBlackthorneDCPix
@emilybett: Finding Flash @grantgust @davidpaulramsey
@james2bambamford: @katiecassidy and I in a very happy moment. Strange considering the subject matter, and intensity of the scene we had just shot that day......it's coming....#Arrow episode 4.07.....season 4 is exploding into your life and there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
@james2bambamford: When I walk around our new "ArrowCave".....I find myself making comments like Jeff Goldblum in "The Fly" as he discovers new growths on his Human/Fly combination body......"What's this for, I dunno..."....discover all the purpose and method with us together as season 4 of #Arrow unfolds!
@james2bambamford And it begins......Queen for Mayor of Star City....let's do this!!! Photo taken from the set of episode 407-#Arrow
@wilaaaah: he had to run out of the building cause Emily farted
@james2bambamford: Every girl loves her a bundle of tonfas. @katiecassidy @atlinvera
@PaulBlackthorne: And it all seems so peaceful behind the scenes... #Arrow #BeyondRedemption @MzKatieCassidy @caitylotz)

http://www.justjaredjr.com/2015/11/01/g ... tomorehere
http://canadagraphs.weebly.com/the-flas ... orrow-cast

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Jue Oct 29, 2015 11:19 am
por Shelby
- Stills del 4.05 "Haunted":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Imágenes promocionales del 4.05 "Haunted":

Imagen Imagen Imagen

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Jue Oct 29, 2015 11:26 am
por Shelby
- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" Extended Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" Canadian Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" New Zealand Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.05 "Haunted" Australian Promo | The CW:

http://queensarrow.tumblr.com/post/1321 ... lian-promo

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Jue Oct 29, 2015 9:07 pm
por Shelby
- Matt Ryan habla sobre el regreso de 'Constantine' en "Arrow" (Variety):
Durante una entrevista de "Variety" con el actor Matt Ryan con motivo de su próximo trabajo en Broodway junto a Keira Knightley (“Therese Raquin” de la Roundabout Theater Company’), el actor también tuvo ocasión de hablar sobre su próximo regreso en pantalla como 'John Constantine' en el episodio de la próxima semana de la S4 de la serie "Arrow" de la CW:
la próxima semana se emite tu episodio de “Arrow”. ¿Tuviste que ajustar a tu personaje, John Constantine, para que encaje en el mundo de una serie en otra cadena?

Hay ciertas cosas que ellos están haciendo, como el coger una espada y luchar con ella, que son ligeramente diferentes. Y hubo un periodo de ajuste también, cuando me puse por primera vez la gabardina de nuevo. En la primera toma pensé, “¿Qué estoy haciendo?” Pero después de un poco era, “Ah, ahí está. Está la postura. Están las cualidades físicas de él”. Lo que es genial sobre ese episodio es que John llega a este mundo de “Arrow”, y todo el mundo no creee, o no lo conoce, estos mundos ocultos que hay entre nosotros, y John está como, “Mira, esta es la manera que es toda esta mierda”. Y es un maldito arrogante también, así es que todo el mundo está un poco confundido por él.

¿Has saboreado un poco el gusto del fandom de los cómics?

Es una locura. Han sido los fans más increíbles. Incluso ahora siguen usando el hashtag de #BringBackConstantine. Es una pena que no fuéramos capaces de encontrar un hogar para la serie. Esos fans de culto, son muy intensos, sabes. Los adoro. Son tan leales. Tan sólo el ponerme la gabardina para “Arrow,” me entristeció un poco. Hay 300 números de ese cómic, y hay muchas historias geniales para contar. Estábamos tan sólo empezando, tío.

Por su parte, su compañero y estrella de "Arrow" Stephen Amell no hace más que corroborar lo dicho por Ryan y lo emocionado que estaban todos por tenerle en la serie:
“Lo primero de todo, Matt Ryan estuvo realmente fantástico en la serie. La primera escena que rodamos juntos, hicimos la primera toma y entonces él empezó a saltar diciendo, ‘Tengo que encontrarle de nuevo, tengo que encontrarle de nuevo, tengo que encontrarle de nuevo.'”

“Entretejimos a Matt de una manera muy buena y al personaje de Constantine de una manera muy buena”, adelanta. “Manteniéndonos en el marco de nuestra serie, nos prestamos hacia cosas que hacen divertido a Constantine como personajer.”

http://variety.com/2015/legit/news/matt ... 201628932/
http://zap2it.com/2015/10/arrow-constan ... mcdonough/

- Constantine Visita Arrow: un sorprendente vínculo, Oliver vs. Laurel y más adelantos (TVLine):
Constantine Visita Arrow: un sorprendente vínculo, Oliver vs. Laurel y más adelantos
Por Vlada Gelman / 30 Octubre 2015, 5:30 AM PDT

What do you do when your recently resurrected ex-girlfriend has turned into a feral killer? Call Constantine, of course!

Next Wednesday’s Arrow (The CW, 8/7c) finds Oliver reaching out to his old buddy (played by Matt Ryan) for help, and we’re sharing some teasers after viewing the special crossover installment.

First of all, the way that the former NBC player is incorporated into the CW series is surprisingly seamless — and suffice to say, he leaves behind a mark.

Read on for scoop on Constantine’s guest spot, Oliver and Laurel’s relationship, a dynamic new duo and more.

* Oliver and Constantine’s first scene takes place under unexpected and tense circumstances.

* While the purpose of the exorcist’s appearance is to help restore Sara’s soul, he also has a connection to two other storylines. In related news: Constantine gives Oliver a parting gift of sorts — and a warning.

* Oliver and Laurel have a much overdue and heated conversation about all the secret-keeping they’ve both done and the state of their friendship.

* Earlier this month, executive producer Wendy Mericle hinted at an unlikely partnership between Diggle and Lance. “We will have some cool things where Dig and Lance find themselves on the other side of Oliver, going on independent missions,” she teased. This week, viewers will get the first taste of that.

* Naturally, finding and helping Sara is the first priority, so romance takes a backseat in the episode. But Oliver and Felicity do have a nice talk about the people they’ve lost.

* Do not mess with post-Lazarus Pit Sara. Seriously. Just stay away. Especially if you’re Thea.

* For a Bad Man, Damien Darhk sure does provide a lot of helpful answers.

* Those flashbacks that my colleague Matt Mitovich is not a fan of actually feel significant and have purpose this week!

* There is so much action in the episode that about halfway through, I realized I’d forgotten all about Parker Young (Suburgatory), who’s introduced as a political strategist toward the beginning of the hour. “Wow, that feels like ages ago,” I thought. (He eventually popped back up to remind me Ryan Shay is still good looking.)

* Did you know the new lair has a P.A. system? (Oliver is so regretting it.) We’ll also get a peek at the suh-weet garage.

http://tvline.com/2015/10/30/arrow-cons ... -spoilers/
- Matt Ryan habla sobre el llegar a Arrow, Más apariciones de Constantine y responde a las preguntas de los fans (Comicbook):
Matt Ryan habla sobre el llegar a Arrow, Más apariciones de Constantine y responde a las preguntas de los fans
Por Russ Burlingame 03 Nov, 2015

During our conversation with Constantine star Matt Ryan yesterday, we wanted to try something a little bit different.

Since Constantine went off the air at the end of its first season, its vocal fan base kept hope alive for more new content, leading to a guest appearanceon tomorrow's episode of Arrow. When Ryan spoke to us, we got a few questions out of the way and then handed the virtual microphone over to the #Hellblazers hashtag, where a number of fans submitted questions about the character's past and future.

Ryan, for his part, was happy to oblige...

You know, when I spoke to fans to get some questions for this article, there were a number of them who were like "Oh! I saw him outside the theatre yesterday!"

Oh, bless 'em, bless 'em. Do you know what's amazing, man? Lots of Hellblazer fans have been turning up to see the show, and [Therese Raquin] is a show that's a classical piece of theatre and to have fans who are actually fans of a genre TV show and comic actually turning up to see this kind of work that I'm doing right now, is amazing.

I wanted to ask you about the fan experience. Everyone always asks, "How was your first Comic-Con," but after that they kind of lose interest. Is the way fans are following you from the show to other works kind of new to you?

Yeah, it is, man. I've got to say, doing Constantine is something I'd never experienced before. The fans, the Comic-Con scene, the cult following, has been a great experience. It's been great to see the fans who maybe wouldn't see a play like this, coming to see the play because they've taken an interest in me. And that's wonderful I think because they get to actually experience something outside of what they would normally go to see, as well.

How early were you tipped on to Arrow?

I was actually doing a bunch of comic conventions at the time, and people kept saying, "You know, there's this rumor you're doing an appearance on Arrow." And I was like, "Is there?"

It was actually quite late in the process, and what's amazing is that they moved heaven and earth to get me there. The episode we shot was supposed to be shooting while I was doing the play, which would have meant that I couldn't done it. So they actually switched it around to get me there, which is absolutely fantastic. All of the producers and everyone were really keen to see these characters unite.

It wouldn't have been the same if they were just like "Show's over. Let's just bring in anybody as Constantine."

Yeah, absolutely. You know what's great, man? This season, you're introducing magic into the world of Arrow and really, who better in the DC Universe, if you've got access to those characters, than John Constantine to help you out in that situation?

So now that you've done Arrow, do you have any interest in doing another DC show?

Do you know what? At the moment, I'm concentrated on the play. I'm doing this play til January. But I love this character; it's one of my most favorite characters I've ever played and having this chance to play him again has been great. I wouldn't say no to another opportunity of donning the trench coat again.

Obviously, as John you were in Mucus Membrane, and you in fact do sing and play guitar. Is there an album on your horizon someday?

That's an interesting question! Do you know what? I used to be in a band called the Kings of Camden when I was younger. It is something I'd like to do, yeah, is music and writing and stuff. What's funny is that Jonjo O'Neill, who plays Gary Lester on the show, is one of my oldest friends and he plays guitar as well. And we were talking about, if the show got picked up, how we were going to maybe write something for Mucus Membrane as well. Obviously that didn't come to fruition because the show was cancelled. But it is something that I'm interested in. No plans on the horizon as of yet, but it's something that I'd consider.

You're a guy who has varied tastes. Is there any part of you that sees not being locked into a TV series lead forever as a blessing?

In terms of my career, I'm interested in the medium of film, television and theatre, as you know. But as I said, this character has been so enjoyable to play that it's something that I would jump into at any time, to be honest with you. I think that ultimately, in terms of the scope of my career, I'd like to be able to play a wide range of characters, but you're not in control of that as an actor, so we'll see what comes.

Stephen said a few weeks ago that after the first take, you had to step away and kind of shake it off and psych yourself up a little, even though everyone else there thought you were doing great. Was it odd kind of stepping into this same role, but with a different cast and setting and everything?

Yeah, it was strange. On the set of Constantine, we had a team. The crew, you get to know people, and this was doing the same thing in a different environment. But what's great about Stephen and all the cast and crew of Arrow, is how much they made me feel part of their family on their show, and they've been doing it for four years.

And he's great, man. He's been a champion of the show, trying to get it picked up and all those things. So it was great to actually sit there and talk about it and to get to play this amazing, iconic character opposite the Arrow and see how these two characters interact. But it was funny because we were doing this walk and talk shot and I was like, "Oh! What's going on here?" I've been working on this play, thinking about a lot of other things, and then I was on Arrow and it was like "Oh, John Constantine."

And it was great, because he just came back to me after the first take. It was terrific.

If you were to come back at some point down the line, either here or on Legends or whatever, would you want to get Zed and Chas back? I feel like the chemistry you guys had was something special.

Yeah, exactly. I also think that John is someone that -- Chas has a certain skillset, Zed has a certain skillset, and there's a reason that they are around him in his world. So they would be integral to anything that John would tackle, really, because they have these specific useful skillsets.

And also, do you know what would be great? Is just to work with those guys again.

There's a Hellblazer music podcast, and so fans are wondering: if you yourself had a theme song or an anthem, what would it be?

Wow! A theme song or an anthem? I have no f---ing idea, to be honest with you. I listen to a lot of music in my work. At the moment, I'm doing a classical play so I listen to a lot of classical music before I go onstage, but when I was doing John Constantine, I was listening to a lot of rock music. I would listen to the Sex Pistols and the Stones and stuff, to get you into a mood. So I'm so changeable that I couldn't pin it down to one song.

http://comicbook.com/2015/11/03/matt-ry ... ances-and/
- Arrow enlista a Constantine para restaurar el alma de Sara (EW):
Arrow enlista a Constantine para restaurar el alma de Sara
Por Natalie Abrams 03 Nov 2015

With bloodthirsty Sara on the loose in Star City, Team Arrow has to turn to one of Oliver’s (Stephen Amell) allies to restore her soul. Enter Matt Ryan, reprising his titular role from NBC’s short-lived Constantine.

“It just felt organic,” says showrunner Wendy Mericle, noting that Team Arrow will have varying reactions to Constantine’s arrival. “Oliver’s very welcoming. [Oliver has] a deep well of experience with things that don’t make sense and science can’t explain, so he’s very open to the idea.”

But Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Diggle (David Ramsey) are a different story. “Laurel just wants her sister back, so she’s willing to do whatever it takes, and Diggle will be, not a skeptic, but certainly maybe not as welcoming as Oliver might be.”

They have little choice once Oliver discovers that Sara has been resurrected. “He has an interesting reaction,” Mericle says. “He finds out in a very dynamic and interesting way in action. He’s shocked. He did not see that coming. Laurel’s been keeping this very much under wraps. He’s also somewhat relieved to know that she’s out there, but his biggest concern is that he quickly puts two and two together and knows how Laurel and Thea [Willa Holland] pulled this off. He’s worried for the safety of the city and for Sara’s safety as well.”

As he should be. It was recently revealed that those who are healed in the Lazarus Pits come back with pieces of other souls, causing them to be bloodthirsty until they avenge themselves by slaughtering the person who killed them. In this case, it’s Thea, whom Sara will target in Wednesday’s episode. “It gets scary,” Mericle says. “Obviously Oliver knows that and is very concerned. When that starts to happen, it escalates.”

“It makes for a really cool scene between him and Laurel,” Mericle continues. “It interestingly puts their friendship and their relationship on a completely different footing for the rest of the season, which we actually are really excited about.”

But getting Sara’s soul back won’t be an easy feat. “What we typically do in our Act 5 sequence, we have a lot of action,” Mericle says. “This is a different way of doing that. Constantine takes them to a different place, they fight, and they get her soul back. It’s a pretty cool, interesting, very different sequence for us on the show.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/11/03/ar ... b18531b9ab
- Matt Ryan habla sobre el meterse de nuevo en el papel de 'John Constantine' para "Arrow" (accesshollywood):
Matt Ryan habla sobre el meterse de nuevo en el papel de 'John Constantine' para "Arrow"
Por Jolie Lash 03 Nov, 2015 3:46 PM PST

John Constantine arrives in Star City on this Wednesday night's "Arrow."

With Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) a danger to everyone since that magical resurrection in the Lazarus Pit turned her wild, unpredictable and even more deadly, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) is forced to call in a favor from his old friend.

Although actor Matt Ryan had another project in the works on Broadway, producers of The CW show were able to get the Welshman to slip back on the trench coat, loose tie, slacks and button down shirt to once again play John Constantine (from NBC's 2014-2015 drama "Constantine"), for Wednesday's episode of "Arrow."

Ahead of his evening performance in "Thérèse Raquin," on the Studio 54 stage alongside Keira Knightley (in her Broadway debut), Judith Light and Gabriel Ebert, Matt spoke with Access Hollywood about his "Arrow" debut.

AccessHollywood.com: First of all, who called you and said they wanted yto make a Constantine appearance happen on 'Arrow'? When was that call made? How did this all come about?
Matt Ryan: I actually first heard about it when they announced it at Comic-Con and I was hearing rumors from fans on Twitter that – 'Are you going to be on 'Arrow'?' People were asking me and I was like, 'I have no idea.' I had booked another job, so I was like 'Well, no, I'm doing this amazing play.' But then… my UK agent called me and said, 'Look, this is real. They wanna make it work, so let's do it.'

Access: Were you nervous at all about putting back on the trench coat [and] getting back into John Constantine?
Matt: I was excited. He's such an iconic, amazing character and he's so fun to play and he's dark and he's funny and it was great. I was so excited. Obviously, when the show wasn't picked up, I was disappointed and I felt that I still had unfinished business with the character, so to be able to get the trench coat on again was a great thing.

Access: And it's kind of rare to have a crossover like this work so well. Did the experience feel very special because of that, or was it exciting to put it back on no matter what?
Matt: I think, fundamentally, just to kind of get in his skin again was a great thing, but to see these two iconic DC characters interact -- and [the] first thing I thought was how would they interact, what would be their story and how would John react to Oliver Queen and vice-versa? And that's what really excited me about doing it.

Access: Stephen said you were walking around on set saying, 'I gotta find him.' How hard was it to find [the character again]?
Matt: (Laughs) Well, it's funny because the first take I did, I was like, 'What am I doing?' And then… I started jumping around and shaking around and then, actually, it was probably about two or three takes and I was like, 'There he is.' The physicality of him came back and it was great and Stephen's such a joy to work with as well. He's been a champion of the show 'Constantine' since we started and to be able to work with him was fantastic. And he's a wonderful actor and a great man.

Access: What was it like on set working with him and with the rest of the cast?
Matt: It's was great. You know what's interesting – they're on their fourth season now and I think that doing a TV show for so long, people can get jaded, it can wear them out or they can start to take the experience for granted and going on to the set of 'Arrow' was not like that at all. Everyone was so welcoming and so up for doing the work and that was really, really fantastic. And on 'Constantine,' we really did have a family and it was a wonderful experience and to go into the 'Arrow' world, where they have their own family was wonderful because they welcomed me with open arms and I really felt at home.

Access: [Tell us] about the costuming. Was any of it the same from 'Constantine' or how did that work out?
Matt: Yeah, it was actually the same costume that we had for 'Constantine' -- the same trench coat that we used all season. … At the end of the show we changed the jacket to a longer jacket. We didn't use that jacket because I don't think it was available, but we used the same shirt, the same trousers, the same shoes, everything, so it was literally like just putting on your old clothes.

Access: Sara Lance is back from the dead, but not quite right. How far gone is she? How bad is it when John first sees her?
Matt: What's interesting is John is called in by Oliver to help out in this situation. Magic is introduced to the world of 'Arrow' and who better to call when you need to phone a friend than John Constantine. Although that might not be a good thing -- John's the type of person that normally, his friends end up dead, but you know, he's called in and he doesn't have a personal connection to the character, but he ultimately is there just to do a job and help out an old friend…

Access: Can you give us any hints as to what they'll have to go through to make her right again?
Matt: What's interesting is John knows there are worlds beyond ours, and I think that a lot of the characters on 'Arrow,' they don't really know about that universe -- about that world -- and John is someone who lives in it every day so he turns up with his nonchalant kind of quality and knowing that these worlds exist beyond ours, and the rest of the team on 'Arrow' are surprised by that.

Access: Arrow's also known really for its fight sequences. Did you--
Matt: I did. I got to do some fighting. It was great.

Access: How was learning the choreography? Was it difficult? What was that like?
Matt: It was great. I've done a bit of fight work earlier on in my career, but what's great is the guys on 'Arrow' -- it's such a well-oiled machine and because they do so much of it, these guys were literally just teaching me how to do it and I learnt it so fast. And it was great, John picks up a sword and starts swinging a sword around, and that's not something we got to do on our show.

Access: Is it something you would be interested in going back to, either on 'Arrow' or on 'The Flash' or even in any of the other DC shows...?
Matt: I had such fun and such fond memories of doing the show 'Constantine' and all the Hellblazer fans have been so fantastic, and to be able to get the trench coat on again is a fantastic thing and it's not something that I would say no to again.

Access: How are you excited are you for the Hellblazers to see this episode?
Matt: I'm so excited for everyone to see the episode and for them to get to see John interacting with Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow, and all that team. It's a shame I won't be able to kind of watch it live and live Tweet because I'm going to be on stage at the time, but I hope that all the fans enjoy it.

Access: You're back on Broadway for the first time in several years. Has it felt different at all?
Matt: Yeah, it is a different experience. When I was first on Broadway in 2009, I was doing Michael Grandage's production of 'Hamlet,' starring Jude Law, and that was a show that we actually did in the West End, in London, and then transferred. This time, this show was created over here, so we had the whole rehearsal process here. So, it has been a different experience, but a wonderful one at that.

Access: And you're starring opposite Keira Knightley, who is making her Broadway debut. Have you shown her the ropes at all? How is she picking it up?
Matt: Oh, she doesn’t need to be shown the ropes, believe me. She's amazing. She's a true professional and a really giving actress and it's wonderful to work with her on her Broadway debut.

Access: It sounds like a really incredible production too because there are a lot of scenes where you're in the water and they've kind of made that come to life on stage. How does that work?
Matt: We actually are on a rowboat in the middle of Manhattan – it's a huge pool on a stage. It's unbelievable. As you can tell, I've got a little bit of a cold and that's because we're going into the water eight times a week. But it's amazing. You're there on Broadway, and there's a river on stage. It's fantastic.

Access: And tell me a little bit about your character. How are you enjoying playing it?
Matt: I play the character of Laurent, who is basically -- he's a lothario. He's someone who doesn't have much money, he's down on his luck, but he's an opportunist. He's someone who can make the best out of any situation and he comes into the world of the Raquin family and sees an opportunity and he takes that opportunity and seduces the character of Thérèse, [who] is played by Keira Knightley. But then, ultimately, he falls in love with her and they fall in love and they engage in this adulterous relationship. ... And what it's about really is what happens when people give in to their most primal urges without any sense of morality and the consequences of those actions.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... ole-arrow/
- Matt Ryan revela los secretos tras la resurrección de Constantine en "Arrow" (CBR):
Matt Ryan revela los secretos tras la resurrección de Constantine en "Arrow"
Por Bryan Cairns 04 Nov 2015

Matt Ryan recognizes he is one lucky man. Best known for such projects as "Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior" and the "Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag" video game, the Welsh actor landed the coveted role of John Constantine, DC Comics' master of the dark arts in NBC's supernatural drama, "Constantine." Despite Ryan's spot-on portrayal of the character, the series never captured a large enough audience and was cancelled after just one season.

Most actors would have washed their hands to their previous endeavor and moved on, but for Ryan, something extraordinary is happening. The actor is reprising his role as Constantine for one last hurrah on The CW's "Arrow."

Ahead of tonight's episode, "Haunted," Ryan spoke with CBR News about "Constantine's" cancellation, resurrecting the character for "Arrow" and exploring the relationship between John and Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell). In addition, Ryan weighed in on the possibility of more Constantine for him on either "Arrow" or a big screen turn in the long-in-the-works "Justice League Dark" feature film.

CBR News: Even while you were filming "Constantine," how aware were you that "Arrow's" Stephen Amell was championing a crossover?

Matt Ryan: The first I heard of it was through "Hellblazer" fans. I was at a comic con somewhere, and they were like, "When are you going to be on 'Arrow?'" "I have no idea." Then, I got a call from my agent. I was like, "That's amazing."

What's great is Stephen has always been a great champion of the show, from the beginning. When people started #SaveConstantine, he got behind it. I met him for the first time at Comic-Con [International] in San Diego when we launched the show. He's a wonderful man, a great actor and it was a real pleasure to get to work with him on "Arrow."

How was it stepping back into Constantine's shoes for "Arrow?"

It was great. We had such an amazing family on "Constantine," such a great team. When you go on to another TV show, you don't know what it's going to be like. What was fantastic is how welcoming everyone was. Working with Stephen was great. Putting the trench coat back on -- it's the same costume, the same trousers, the same shoes, the same tie. The first time, I was like, "What's going on? What am I doing? Why am I walking like this?" After a couple of takes, I was like, "There he is. There's the physicality." I stepped back into it. But, there was a little moment there where I was trying to find him. It seemed pretty easy, which was great.

What grabbed you about the episode's script when you first received it?

What's really interesting about this episode is magic has been introduced to the "Arrow" universe and who better to tackle the problems, if you need help, than John Constantine? What's great about it is all the characters in "Arrow" are not as familiar with the world beyond ours as John is. It's really great to see these characters interact and worlds collide. You get this arrogant, chain-smoking, trench-coat wearing guy turning up and knowing that there are ghosts and demons and worlds beyond ours. That was a fun element to play with all those guys from the "Arrow" team.

Constantine isn't on most people's speed dial. What kind of history does he share with Oliver Queen?

There's not too much I can reveal about that. What I can tell you is they do have a history. Oliver calls in a favor from John. As you know, John is the reluctant hero. He's not somebody who would go out of his way for anyone really apart from himself. They do have a history and he owes Ollie one, so he steps up to the mark.

Constantine knows better than anyone about the dangers of messing with magic. What kind of advice -- or warning -- does he offer Oliver?

John is called in to do a job. He owes Oliver one, so he goes in to do that job. What's interesting is the people in the "Arrow" universe. Any advice John has to offer concerning those people is important to Oliver.

Team Arrow doesn't understand magic, so how do they perceive Constantine?

I remember looking over to Paul Blackthorne at one point. He was looking at me as if to say, "What the fuck is this guy [Constantine] doing?" That was completely and utterly apt that they would think, "Who is this guy just swaggering in here, saying these spells and doing this stuff?" That's what is really fun about the episode, is seeing those two worlds interact.

Does Constantine come across Neal McDonough's Damien Darhk?

Not in this episode, no.

With a mystical nemesis on the loose in Star City, Oliver could use a helping hand. What kind of discussions did you have with the "Arrow" producers about Constantine returning?

To be honest with you, it was a one-episode deal. That's what I was called to do. I'm actually doing a play at the moment. They moved Heaven and Earth to get me here, because I was starting the play when they were supposed to be shooting the episode I'm in. They moved the schedule around, and that just shows the commitment of the producers to get this character into the "Arrow" universe. That's an amazing thing. I loved working with those guys -- I wouldn't say no to it again -- but at the moment, it was a one-deal thing.

"Arrow" is such a physical show. Did you get to stretch any action muscles?

I did, actually. I didn't get to do so much of that stuff on the show "Constantine." It's necessary to what happens in the storyline of this episode. Yeah, you see John get a little bit of the action. That was really fun to do and another part of him, which shows he can pull up his socks and do what needs to be done.

What else can you preview about tonight's episode?

What I can preview is the most fun thing for me was the way the characters interact and seeing the relationship between Constantine and Oliver Queen, and also seeing why they have that relationship. That is something you will discover in this episode, is how they are acquainted. That's the real tease, is how did they come to form this friendship?

By the time the series was cancelled, "Constantine" had really found its groove and gained a passionate fanbase. How disappointing was it to see the series come to an end after only one season?

It was disappointing and sad. There was a little bit of me that was sad putting the trench coat on again. It was an amazing experience. I feel like I have unfinished business with the character. There are 300 issues of the comics, and we were just scratching the surface. As an actor, I feel like I was just scratching the surface and we had so far to go.

I do feel a show takes a while to find its feet -- our show did take a while to find its feet. Fans of "Hellblazer" were patient. What's amazing was they were actually turning around. By the middle of the season and the end, we were hitting our stride. I felt we were really getting close to the source material and the DNA of the character in the comics. Such is the business of television. It's a numbers game, and we were in a difficult time slot. NBC tried their best and put everything behind it. But, at the end of the day, it's a number's game and television is a tough business.

Guillermo del Toro's "Justice League Dark" movie script prominently features Constantine. If the opportunity arises, what are your thoughts on reprising the character for the big screen?

I'm a huge fan of Guillermo del Toro. He's an amazing director and I love all his work. The "Justice League Dark" comics were amazing as well. I don’t know how often TV characters cross over to a movie. This is a character I love, but when you do something for TV, you do it for TV. When you do it for a movie, it's different. It's a wonderful character, but I don't know if it would ever happen

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... surrection
- Productores de ‘Arrow’ adelantan la llegada de Constantine, l crossover con ‘The Flash’ y la resolución de la impactante muerte de la Season-Premiere (TheWrap):
Productores de ‘Arrow’ adelantan la llegada de Constantine, l crossover con ‘The Flash’ y la resolución de la impactante muerte de la Season-Premiere
Por Linda Ge 04 Nov, 2015 @ 6:00 am

In a rare turn of events, Matt Ryan will reprise his titular character from NBC’s canceled “Constantine” on CW’s “Arrow,” and making it happen was every bit as tricky as you might think.

“We always planned to explore mysticism and magic this season [on ‘Arrow’], and we have obviously been huge fans of Constantine as a character and the series, so we really felt we had this opportunity… it just sort of all came together,” showrunner Wendy Mericle told TheWrap. “I’d say it was a combination of some planning on our part and a lot of good luck and serendipity on getting Constantine.”

The mysticism and magic on “Arrow” this season has stemmed from the arrival of Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough), the season’s big villain who openly dabbles in the dark arts.

Further enveloping Team Arrow in the world of magic is the return of the Lazarus Pit, which was used — perhaps misguidedly — to bring back Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) from the dead.

Unfortunately, Sara came back to life without her soul, so enter Constantine, who will attempt to help rectify that situation.

Below, Mericle discusses honoring the Constantine of the canceled NBC show, spills some scoop on the upcoming crossover with “The Flash,” and teases when the show will return to the big death hinted at in the season premiere.

Constantine’s appearance on “Arrow” right now seems very serendipitous. How much of that was planning and how much of it was luck?
Wendy Mericle: We always planned to explore mysticism and magic this season on the show, and we have obviously been huge fans of Constantine as a character and the series, so we really felt we had this opportunity when we had this storyline where we needed to have Sara have her soul restored. It just seemed like he was the perfect DC character, Matt Ryan was available and DC was excited to have him do this episode with us, and it just sort of all came together. I’d say it was a combination of some planning on our part and a lot of good luck and serendipity on getting Constantine. There are obviously a lot of other characters in the DC universe who could do something like this, but we were lucky enough to get Constantine.

Do you think this appearance would have happened if “Constantine” hadn’t been canceled?
That’s an excellent question. I know that we have an expanded universe over here with “Legends” and “The Flash” and I don’t know how much DC wants to have other bring in networks – it probably would have been more of a CW-NBC conversation. I actually don’t know what would have happened if the show was still on the air. My gut instinct is it would have been less likely, because of scheduling and availability and whatnot, but creatively it obviously would have been a different conversation.

Did you try to keep him the same character as he was on his show, or did you see this as a chance to reinvent the character a bit?
No, we wanted to honor the NBC show. Brian Ford Sullivan and Oscar Balderrama, who wrote the episode, I think did an outstanding job of really capturing his voice on the show and bringing it over to our universe. We were also lucky enough to contact people from “Constantine” and have his lighter and his wardrobe and just really honor the show by having it as close as possible to what existed on the NBC version.

Are there going to be any references to storylines from “Constantine”?
There really aren’t. That’s one one thing we tried to do, keep it as part of our universe, and not overcomplicate matters by bringing over what had happened on NBC. There are a couple of lines with nods to a couple of episodes, but that is it. We tried to really keep it within our universe.

Barry Allen brought a very different tone to “Arrow” during his first appearance. Is that going to be the case here as well with Constantine?
Absolutely. Matt Ryan knows this character inside and out, and he really brought it to the show. He has a lot of charm and a lot of swagger and brings a very different tone, that is also in keeping with the direction we’ve been going in this season. It’s a little bit lighter, we’re writing a few more jokes here and there, which is fun, and Constantine and Matt Ryan’s portrayal of him really fit into the new context of the show this season.

Obviously I have to ask if we’ll see more of him, whether returning to “Arrow” or even on his own series again.
Obviously so many fans would love to see him come back [on his own show]. That’s not something we can do. We’d love to have him back. Right now it’s just this one episode this season, but you never know what the future’s going to hold. This is what we have for right now, and we feel very lucky with that.

So maybe it’s a matter of fans rallying behind the idea and then maybe something could happen?
Yeah, I don’t know, that’s a good question. I know we listen to fans, I know DC listens, Warner Bros. I don’t know what the response would be to a campaign of that sort, but obviously there’s always that symbiotic relationship because we know our fans are really devoted. We know how much they love both “Arrow” and “Constantine,” so who knows?

You just finished shooting this year’s big crossover with “The Flash” and “Legends.” How did it go, what can you tell us?
The crossover went amazing. It’s probably one of the biggest in terms of scope and ambition and sheer number of characters we’re putting on screen and interacting together. The last time we did this was obviously last year in 308 and obviously Barry in 208 in Season 2, and this is bigger than all of that. It’s really exciting. It’s very much in the “Arrow” universe, but it’s cool, we’re doing some fights in daylight and it has a different feel to it. It really does feel like an extended universe in a way that I don’t know that we’ve experienced yet. It’s going to be fun.

We’re all expecting the crossover to really set up “Legends” but will it also have repercussions for the rest of the season of “Arrow” and “Flash”?
Absolutely. Like with Constantine, part of the reason we did was it fit in with one of the storylines we wanted to do with our characters and that is the same here. Oliver will have a very emotional and surprising storyline with Felicity in 408 that will have huge repercussions the rest of the season. And on the “Flash” side, the same goes for Barry as well.

We haven’t gone back to that flash-forward in the season premiere since that episode. When will we pick that storyline back up again?
We will see a little bit, a hint of it in 409 and possibly 410. And then, towards the end of the season, it will all be revealed.

http://www.thewrap.com/arrow-ep-teases- ... esolution/
- Productores de "Arrow" hablan sobre el enfrentamiento Oliver/Laurel, el futuro de Sara, la 'herida' de Dig y más (TVLine):
Productores de "Arrow" hablan sobre el enfrentamiento Oliver/Laurel, el futuro de Sara, la 'herida' de Dig y más
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 04 Nov 2015, 5:59 PM PST

This Wednesday on The CW’s Arrow, Oliver stumbled upon — and was incensed by — the truth about Laurel and Thea’s “spa weekend,” then called in a favor from the mystical John Constantine (played by Matt Ryan, star of NBC’s short-lived series).

Elsewhere: In helping Lance with one of his Darhk deeds, Diggle ultimately discovered a disheartening truth (or “truth”?) about his brother Andy, while Curtis deciphered Ray’s “farewell” message for Felicity — in which Palmer revealed that he was alive! (Which is very good news for the upcoming CW spin-off.)

TVLine spoke with Arrow co-showrunner Wendy Mericle about Constantine’s easy fit into Oliver’s world, Sara’s return to “normalcy,” Dig’s sense of closure and more.

TVLINE | Which came first, the want to find a way to get John Constantine on Arrow, or the need to fix what’s wrong with Sara?

It was the second one. We love to have other DC characters cross into our universe, as you know, but we always want to do it in a way that’s true to our characters. And when we were talking about bring Sara back — it’s been a pretty open secret that she had to come back, to go over to Legends of Tomorrow — we wanted to do it in the most interesting and dynamic way. We needed someone to bring her soul back, Constantine was our top choice of the characters in the DC universe that could do that, and we were lucky enough to get Matt Ryan, who was actually available.

TVLINE | Were you almost surprised by how organically it all fit together?
Yes, actually. We were. It was one of those things where we were really excited about the episode, because we knew it was going to be emotional and powerful to bring her back. To then have Constantine on top of that was just very exciting — in breaking that episode as well as writing it.

TVLINE | Will we get a chance to see quote-unquote “normal” Sara before she gets segued off to the other show?
As normal as Thea is now, that will be our version of “normal” Sara, which is to say she will still be dealing with the aftereffects of the Lazarus Pit and a her own version of bloodlust. But yes, we’ll get an opportunity to see her, and to see her reunited with her family — with Laurel, in particular.

TVLINE | Aside from the Constantine of it all, the other thing I really enjoyed about the episode was how you gave yourselves a moment to address the long-standing Oliver/Laurel issues. How important was that for you, to touch on these unspoken resentments?
That was a huge priority for us, coming into this season. Laurel and Oliver have arguably the longest history of any of the characters on the show, and with her becoming Black Canary and Oliver’s sort of constant push-and-pull about whether or not he approved or disapproved of that, and also his ongoing drive to protect everyone he cares about, it felt like this needed to get out there and come to a head. We are proud of those scenes because we wanted to put their relationship on different footing, and those scenes really accomplished that. They aired their grievances, he’s heard her point of view, and being “new Oliver” this season — a kinder, gentler version of himself now that he’s in love with Felicity and trying to be more Green Arrow than Arrow — we’re excited to see where that friendship goes.

TVLINE | What is possibly Felicity’s first move after hearing the full message from Ray?
My first move would be to try to go find him! [Laughs]

TVLINE | But she’ll at first probably look for a full-sized Ray.
Right. She’s trying to figure out where that message came from and how to help him. He’s her friend and that’s going to be her first impulse, to help.

TVLINE | I questioned the other week why you didn’t just have a teeny-tiny Ray hopping up and down on her keyboard, typing out a clear message,
[Laughs] I thought about that…. Yeah, it’s always a balance of you don’t want it to be comedic.

TVLINE | Damien Darhk by way of Lance dropped a big bombshell on Diggle. Will John feel closure or he not quite accepting what he has been told?
He’s been given some pretty powerful evidence [of what got Andy killed]. That said, it was coming from Damien Darhk, so…. Even though the sources seemed somewhat legitimate, he still has to consider that all of the information was channeled through somebody that was ultimately responsible for Andy’s death. So there’s some closure, but it’s also opening up a whole new wound in that his brother isn’t who he thought he was. It’s one of those situations where he’s going back and rethinking every last moment he had with his brother, and every moment in their childhood even. Dig’s undergoing a serious rethink of that relationship, with his entire family.

TVLINE | And my last burning question: Does the woman on Lian Yu have a name?
She does! Her name is Taiana. I don’t know if we’ve heard it [on-screen] yet. Maybe not. But you will hear it in future episodes.

http://tvline.com/2015/11/04/arrow-seas ... ray-alive/
- Wendy Mericle sobre el llevar a 'Constantine' a Star City (comicbook):
Wendy Mericle sobre el llevar a 'Constantine' a Star City
Por Russ Burlingame 04/11/2015

John Constantine has made his way to Star City, and Arrow and Constantine fans are rejoicing.

But...how did that happen? Following the cancellation of NBC's Constantine last season, it could have been that we didn't see the character -- especially as depicted by fan-favorite Matt Ryan -- again anytime soon. Instead, less than a year later, here he is.

Recently, ComicBook.com's Viscardi had a chance to speak with Mericle about the state of the series -- and ask a couple of questions about tonight's Constantine crossover episode.

I know getting Matt Ryan on board to play Constantine for an episode was something you guys were working to, and were glad to make happen. Is that something we'll see more of? Maybe not necessarily with Constantine, but with other potential characters down the line as they come in for little one-off bits here and there?

We would love to do that. It's always a question of where those characters are in the DC universe. When I say the DC universe, I mean beyond the The Flash/Legends/Arrow universe that we've created here. It's up to DC a lot of the time, and Warner Brothers and what their plans are. It's always a dance of sorts to figure out where those characters are going to be and whether they're available. Absolutely, we were so excited to get Matt Ryan. The episode turned out really well. He's such a breath of fresh air. He brings a completely different vibe and a completely different level of charm and fun to the show. We were very excited about that.

With that sort of success, it's definitely something that we would love to do in future episodes. In addition to the crossovers and having Barry and other characters from The Flash come over, and also from Legends. We'll definitely be looking to do more of that if we can.

What is it about adding a character like Constatine into the mix that got you excited?

What we really liked about how Constantine came into our season was: it was based very much in the world of our characters. It wasn't just, "Hey, let's have Constantine on the show because that would be cool!" It was, "Well, we actually need his particular skill set for this storyline", and he also fits in thematically with the bigger picture stuff that we're doing with Damien Darhk and exploring the seam and the idea of magic and what it means to our universe. It was exciting to have an opportunity to do that.

I think that, more than anything, will drive whether or not he returns to the show, and also any other future DC characters we want to bring in. We always try to keep it grounded and within the world of Arrow, and centered around at least one of our main three characters. Digg, Oliver, Felicity, one of them. This season in particular. It should be tied to one of their story arcs.

http://comicbook.com/2015/11/05/arrow-e ... tantine-t/
- Marc Guggenheim sobre más ‘Constantine’, el Crossover con ‘Flash’ & Tattoos (Deadline):
Marc Guggenheim sobre más ‘Constantine’, el Crossover con ‘Flash’ & Tattoos
Por Dominic Patten 04 Nov, 2015 6:00pm

EXCLUSIVE: An old friend of Oliver Queen’s showed up tonight in Star City to help bring a deceased soul back from beyond. With that mix of the mystical and the bow, the introduction of John Constantine to Arrow is yet another reach into the greater DC Universe that the Warner Bros TV-produced show is making. However, unlike the introduction of The Flash and what will soon be the Legends Of Tomorrow, Constantine showing up on Arrow is more of a rebirth. The Alan Moore co-created demon hunting character from the classic Hellblazer comics saw his own NBC series formally cancelled earlier this year after 13-episodes and no traction in the ratings.

I spoke with Arrow EP Marc Guggenheim, who developed the CW series with Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg, about tonight’s “Haunted” episode and how they were able to pull it off once they got the corporate green light to bring Constantine back. We also chatted about whether the Hellblazer will be back, his role in the Stephen Amell-played Arrow’s backstory and the leaking of the episode earlier this week. With air dates of December 1 and 2, Guggenheim revealed how this year’s Flash and Arrow crossover is going to be different than the first one and the role Legends will play. And yeah, there’s a certain Dark Knight mentioned too.

DEADLINE: So Marc, let’s cut to the chase – are we going to see more of John Constantine in Arrow?
GUGGENHEIM: There’s no plans. This was always designed to be a one off.

DEADLINE: Well, OK, I’ll take that but it would be great to see the Hellblazer back. Now, with his current appearance on Broadway in Thérèse Raquin with Kiera Knightly, how did you pull off getting Matt Ryan on the set up in Vancouver?
GUGGENHEIM: I’ll tell you, to be honest with you, it was tricky because of the play. The play created a variety of scheduling challenges and believe it or not it was starting to look as if we wouldn’t be able to get him or we would only be able to get him for a day. It definitely posed a challenge.

DEADLINE: So what did you do to pull off the Constantine episode and shooting it in August?
GUGGENHEIM: Well, it occurred to us that we’ve got the scripts for Episodes 4 and 5 already written. I went to Greg Berlanti and I said, “So I have a crazy idea for how to make the schedule work,” and I think his response was something along the lines of, “You’re right. That is a crazy idea.” But if we were to switch the production order of the episodes and have Episode 5 shoot in Episode 4’s slot and Episode 4 shoot in Episode 5’s slot then we actually could shoot with Matt as much as we wanted to, so we did.

I have to give a lot of credit to the cast because it’s not easy to act out of order. And a lot of credit to our amazing crew too who really rolled with the punches. But it worked out beautifully and I couldn’t be happier with both episodes, quite frankly.

DEADLINE: Besides the rescue of Sara from what essentially seems like Hell, there is a lot of backstory in the Haunted episode like how Constantine and Ollie met on Lian Yu island that plays such a big role in the show and how Constantine used magic to give Ollie that tattoo of Chinese characters that’s on his torso…
GUGGENHEIM: That was something that writer Brian Ford Sullivan had pitched us with this episode. Originally our intention was to do something different with the tattoo. We were actually going to reveal something completely different, non-mystical about the tattoo last year with the Hong Kong story line.

It’s funny, even though we do 23 episodes a year, you would think our biggest problem would be filling up those episodes. We actually have the opposite problem, which is a lot of ideas don’t make it into a given 23-episode season. So the question of the tattoo was sort of lingering out there, something that we had to cover, and Brian came to us with this really terrific pitch. We instantly loved it and you haven’t seen the last of that tattoo playing an important role in Season 4.

DEADLINE: And using the island as the flashback backdrop seems very deliberate and having Ollie and Constantine going down to that crypt, is it?
GUGGENHEIM: Yes, Haunted allowed us to also get out a bit of exposition about the island. It’s very subtle, it’s buried in there, but it’s really, really important. By having Constantine in the flashbacks we actually had a character who could get out an important piece of exposition about the nature of the island that does explain why the events that we’ve been seeing on the island have been transpiring. It was all just everything very organically all coming into place.

DEADLINE: One thing that did not organically come into place, and I say this as a huge fan of the Hellblazer comics, is NBC’s Constantine series, which started soft last fall and never really recovered. Why do you think the Constantine TV series failed?
GUGGENHEIM: There’s so much television out there, there’s so much content between network, cable, and streaming, that it’s very, very hard to make a noise in this environment. I’m sure that their Friday nighttime slot didn’t do them any favors either. But there’s so many wonderful shows that just don’t find an audience and they have nothing to do with quality.

DEADLINE: Constantine is back with a new comic series now, I know you’re a big comic fan so did you take a look at that for this episode?
GUGGENHEIM: You know, I’ll be totally honest with you, I should say yes because that’s what one says when one is asked these questions, but in all honesty I have not had a moment. It’s been such a struggle to find free time with Arrow and Legends on my plate that I have a stack of comic books on my desk that is like, a mile high, and Constantine is in it, but you know, I’m basically trying to get to Christmas in order to have time to catch up on all my reading.

DEADLINE: In terms of catching up, earlier this week, the Haunted episode got leaked online, what do you think of that and what the impact will be?
GUGGENHEIM: Obviously we’re not thrilled about it. You try to make yourself feel better by saying that there’s no such thing as bad publicity, but this is obviously not how we want people to experience the episode. Particularly since it was pirated off a screener copy without finalized visual effects, sound and color.

That said, I don’t think — knock on wood — it will affect our ratings. Arrow had traditionally been one of the more torrented shows out there and it hasn’t affected us before. Fingers crossed.

DEADLINE: Constantine isn’t the only crossover you guys have in your quiver, there’s another Flash crossover coming in December plus obviously the new Legends Of Tomorrow. How will this year’s Arrow/Flash crossover differ from the first one?
GUGGENHEIM: There’s a lot of things that are really cool about this year’s crossover, one of which is the fact that there really is a true 2-part story unlike last year where it was two interconnected episodes where each had their own beginning, middle, and end.

This is a big two-part event, one single bad guy, and it will very clearly launch Legends Of Tomorrow. But at the same time what I think is a lot of fun about it is that it doesn’t feel like a backdoor pilot for Legends Of Tomorrow. It feels like an episode of Flash and then an episode of Arrow. It truly is a 2-hour Flash/Arrow event that just so happens to introduce us to some new characters who will be a big part of Legends Of Tomorrow.

DEADLINE: There’s been a lot of appearances from the great DC Universe in Arrow, obviously Flash, Legends, Black Canary now part of the crew but who is your dream DCer?
GUGGENHEIM: You know, I love Batman. He’s probably my favorite DC character and of course I’d love to see him on Arrow, but you know, that’s just not in the cards anytime soon. So it remains a fantasy, but we have so many other fantasies and pipe dreams of ours have come true, I really have no complaints.

We always say we never set out to introduce this many DC characters, you know, on the screen. Even by the end of season one of Arrow when we had done Deathstroke much sooner than we planned, we had never planned on doing Huntress, we didn’t plan on introducing Roy Harper so soon. You know, that was all just in Season 1. To look at where we are now, you know, four years, two going on three shows in, it’s like, how did this happen? And we’re always pinching ourselves.

DEADLINE: Do you feel that way looking at Haunted and the appearance of John Constantine now?
GUGGENHEIM: One reaction is that when I saw the episode all cut together it felt to me like this is a crossover episode of Arrow and Constantine. It just so happens we’re not crossing over in the other direction as well. And then my second reaction is wow, that’s really cool.

The God’s honest truth, I think if you were to ask Greg or Andrew, they would tell you the exact same thing, when we do something like this, or when we do the Flash/Arrow crossover, or we do Legends Of Tomorrow or any of these things …every time, quite frankly, that we get a chance to realize these comic book characters in a new way, or bring a new character onto any of the shows, the 10-year-olds in ourselves giggles and gets this little jolt. And we really felt that doing this episode.

That’s fundamentally the reason why we do this because we don’t have to be producing superhero shows. We really do it for the love of the game, and you know, when you get a chance to bring a beloved character played by a beloved actor off of a beloved show into this little world you’ve created that’s really, really special.

http://deadline.com/2015/11/arrow-const ... 201606994/
- Wendy Mericle habla sobre la S4 de "Arrow" (emmys.com):
Wendy Mericle habla sobre la S4 de "Arrow"
Por David M. Gutiérrez 06 Nov, 2015

The fourth year of most long-running shows is typically when a television series can hit its stride.

The cast has gelled. The characters have endeared themselves to viewers. The writing staff finds new and bold directions for the series. In short, it’s when the fun really starts.

Wendy Mericle, the Executive Producer of the CW’s Arrow, is entering new territory as she and Arrow’s cast and crew chart a new and different course for the Emerald Archer.

Arrow based on the DC Comics character, is the story of former billionaire-playboy turned crusading vigilante, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell), and his quest to save and protect the people of Star City as the Green Arrow.

Aiding him are his tech-maven/genius strategist girlfriend, Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), fellow vigilante, the Black Canary (Katie Cassidy), his sister, Thea (Willa Holland), and John Diggle (David Ramsey), ex-military pointman.

Now, with a new costume, modified codename, and a newfound happiness, Queen and company face a threat unlike any other they’ve encountered, a dangerous new enemy, Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough). Additionally, the team must overcome internal secrets, a major betrayal, and an upcoming death.

Firstly, congratulations on making it to a fourth season. What are some of the challenges you and the rest of the Arrow staff have encountered in mapping out the fourth season?

One of the basic challenges is making the show feel different while making it feel the same and keeping true to the characters and world we’ve created. The big challenge is taking this universe and spinning it in a new direction.

One of the ways we’ve done that is by changing the tone, just a little bit. We’ve done that by mirroring where the main character, Oliver Queen, is coming from. He’s with Felicity Smoak, happier now, and in a relationship.

We’ve kind of closed the door on the first three seasons, which were more oriented to his experiences of his past on the island and in dealing with his PTSD from the five years he was gone [from Starling City].

We’re now at a place in what we call a “soft reboot: of the show and are trying to reinvent the show a little bit. Since it is the fourth season, you need to do that keep it interesting for ourselves and for the audience.

What about some of the luxuries of making it this far? Are you able to explore the characters’ relationships more? Are you able to use more of a shorthand?

There is definitely a shorthand between the characters – especially between Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity. There’s a lot of history to play on, and there are a lot of places you can go within scenes that can speak to previous episodes and experiences with the characters that help to give the scenes dimension.

We’re reinventing the show in some ways, but we do have a very strong foundation that the show is built upon. And, by the same token, we’re allowed to go to places we haven’t gone to before.

That’s really fun, like having Oliver crack jokes in the lair gives it a different tone; letting him have a more optimistic outlook on his mission and his humanity has been really fun.

And another really fun part has been being able to bring in other characters from the DC Universe. This season we were able to get John Constantine on the show. And that’s something I don’t think we could have done in seasons one or two.

His appearance is a byproduct of [Constantine] only being on NBC for a year. The only silver lining of that was getting to have John Constantine in our show.

While we’re on the topic of other characters from the DC Universe, the season premiere had a scene in a bar that took place in Coast City. In that bar was a guy wearing a bomber jacket with the name “Jordan” stitched on. Was that the Green Lantern, Hal Jordan?

It is a nod to Hal Jordan. Hal Jordan is in Coast City. It’s so funny because when we were at Comic-Con, that was the question of the day – “Is [John] Diggle Hal Jordan? Is Diggle’s brother going to be somehow involved with the Green Lantern?

Or how [is the show] incorporating this character?” And the truth is, that character is way too big. [Hal Jordan’s] in the feature film’s world. We’re going to be able to play around with it, but we’re not going to be seeing Hal Jordan on the show.

We were recently introduced to Curtis Holt, who in the comics is Michael Holt/Mr. Terrific. What have the audience reactions been to Curtis?

It’s been very positive. I think a lot of that is due to our luck in casting Echo Kellum in the role. He’s absolutely amazing. He can do anything . He can do action, he can do comedy, he can do drama.

He’s an amazing, versatile actor. He’s an absolute joy to work with on the set and we love to write for him. We feel very lucky to have him. The fans have been responding very positively.

If it were up to you, and you could see any character from the DC Universe appear on Arrow, who would it be?

There are a couple of characters I really love. I don’t know if they would ever fit in the Arrow universe, but, obviously, Wonder Woman would be a very cool character to bring into it. She is obviously part of the DC World and very tied up in features right now.

The other character that I am just a big fan of is Raven from Teen Titans. She’s very dark, very interesting.

I’m a huge fan of Teen Titans Go! It might sound strange, but it’s one of my favorite DC shows. I just think Raven is an interesting character who would be worthy of being on Arrow or of having her own series.

Every season thus far has had its own thematic arc that stretches over the season. Is this season’s major theme secrecy and its repercussions? And how do you keep that consistent over the year?

We always say the show’s stock in trade is secrets and their repercussions. I would say that’s something for the whole series.

For this season, what we’re really trying to focus on is the idea of family and what that blood family means versus a found family, how does Oliver see himself within his relationship with Felicity and with this sister, Thea, but also within his Team Arrow family.

What we tend to do is have big broad thematics for every season, and then we break every season down into seven episode arcs and talk about what the scenes are for those mini-arcs within the bigger picture.

This season is really about the idea of family, not just for Oliver, but also for Diggle, and solving the mystery of his brother’s murder. And there’s also Felicity dealing with her mom and possibly also her father.

On the topic of family, we also have Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman), one of the main villains who happens to be the father of Oliver’s sister, Thea, and was the father of Oliver’s late best friend, Tommy. Will we see Merlyn’s evolution as a father?

The contrast between Tommy and Thea is an interesting one. I think he’s not someone who loved or embraced his role as a father or understood what it meant when Tommy was alive. And I think Merlyn learned his lesson from that and is trying to rectify his mistakes with Thea.

That said, he really is a bad guy, a super-villain on our show, and not someone who is going to do the right thing. And this season, we are trying to explore how he has evolved as a father. We’re going to see him actually make some very positive decisions with respect to Thea this season.

But at the same time, we’re going to see him go to a much darker place by the end of the year. It’s that contrast and tension between those two parts of his life we’re very excited for.

Since Oliver Queen/Green Arrow exists on your show and in his own monthly comic with a mythology of its own, how do you regard the character’s use in other media? Are you cautious about borrowing from his current and past comic adventures? For example, this year in Arrow, Oliver is running for mayor, something he did in the comics.

It’s a combination. We know the comic books and have people on our staff that are very steeped in the comic book mythology, and we like to do homages and honor the mythology the show is based upon, but at the same time we want the show to be its own entity and to appeal to people who don’t know the backstory of Oliver Queen, who might not know he ran for mayor in the comic books.

Especially, for someone like me, I come from the angle of someone who doesn’t know the comic books as well as a lot of the fans do. It’s a tough something to strike sometimes, but as showrunners, Mark [Guggenhiem] and I really strive to make the stories appeal to those who know that backstory and those who do not.

With that said, the mythology of DC Comics and Green Arrow is very rich and goes back a long way. We hope to honor that as much as possible without stealing from that. We like to take ideas and characters and put Arrow’s spin on them and make the our own.

With The Flash on the air and with a second spin-off, Legends of Tomorrow forthcoming, how are you tonally distinguishing Arrow from its sister shows? If The Flash is steeped in classic science fiction, is Arrow more along the lines of ‘50s pulp/noir with hints of mysticism?

Arrow sort of started it all and we are trying to maintain that tone of the show and the elements that make it different from the other two.

That said, the introduction of the Flash really did change the course of Arrow from how the show was conceived by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg.

It was rooted in the idea that there would be no super powers. It was very inspired by Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy and the gritty, grounded nature of those movies.

Then along comes the Flash, and suddenly we have Central City, crossover episodes, and are in a universe where metahumans exist. It’s been one of those things where we have to be very careful and very conscious of how we calibrate those characters and how we bring them into our universe.

People may not notice, but when we do introduce metahumans on the show, we try to bring in the ones that are more grounded and that speak more to the Arrow-verse than the ones The Flash are allowed to do. We are rooted in much more grounded world and try to keep it that way as much as we can.

What are the unique challenges of writing for Arrow?

This show has been very challenging on the staff in the sense that it has a little bit of everything. It’s one of those shows that’s not easy to pigeonhole because we do dramatic storylines , we have some humor, so it helps to know how to write a joke.

We have a lot of action and have procedural elements every week. I would say just writing this type of show and breaking stories makes you a better writer because you have to become a jack-of-all-trades. It doesn’t allow you to become the master of one.

You can’t rely on one strength when you’re writing this show. You have to have a full range of abilities. Everyone [on the writing staff] is able to do all four of these things and bring those to an episode. As a writer, it’s exciting. You get to learn new things, push yourself, and challenge yourself in ways you might not on a more straightforward show.

Let’s talk about your writing process. What makes a script a “Wendy Mericle” script?

The stories that I like to break are the ones that have very strong emotional underpinnings. One of the things that I wanted to do when I came on the show in an Executive Producer capacity was to make sure that the emotional storylines were really there, and I wanted to bring them to the fore and to explore the relationships in equal parts to the action.

That’s something I feel I bring to the show and try to mine as a writer. Those are also the scenes I enjoy writing the most. The scenes between Oliver and Felicity, the scenes between Oliver and Diggle, especially since those relationships have been around since the beginning of the show and are so rooted with so much water under those bridges. I do enjoy writing those.

Is there a piece of professional writing advice you wish you had received starting out?

From my perspective, having been out [in Los Angeles], having worked as an assistant, and having made my way up the ladder, the advice I’d give is you can’t give up. It sounds very trite and clichéd to say that. But it really is a marathon. It’s not a sprint.

When you start out as an assistant, and you’re in with a group of people all trying to do the same thing, some people will have success very quickly and early. For some, it takes longer. Some people are just doing a steady climb.

It’s dangerous to compare yourself to others, but it’s inevitable because you’re all competitive, and you all want that staff job and to climb the ladder to become an executive producer or get your own show. It’s just important to remember to stay in the game and not walk away.

It’s about finding your voice [as a writer] and your people, and being loyal to the people who understand what you’re trying to say or write.

Was there a television show that helped you make the decision to become a TV writer?

There were two, West Wing and Northern Exposure.

Northern Exposure was on the air earlier than West Wing, but I grew up without television, so I didn’t see it until it was already off the air. I loved that show.

And West Wing was another one that hit me on all the levels. I thought it was an amazing series.

No TV? That’s probably an extremely unique experience for a showrunner. Is that difficult in the writers’ room - especially given how pop culture has become its own shorthand?

My parents took the TV away when I was five. They said I had to go play outside and read books.

Absolutely, [it’s a challenge]. It still is. It’s one of those weird things where people will reference things. My co-showrunner, Marc, who knows television from the 80s, knows every show like the back of his hand, will quote them, knows the theme songs, and has an incredible encyclopedic brain for those sort of things.

I know movies pretty well from that era as we were able to occasionally go to the theater and even rent movies. It is a very strange thing to be able to say to people I’ve never seen an entire episode of The Cosby Show, or that I have no idea [what they mean] when they make jokes about Family Ties.

There’s no baseline for me. But I do have a strong background in literature, in film, and that has served me well. Over time, I’ve tried to watch at least one episode of everything I’ve missed so I can have some sense of it.

Is there a character on Arrow you prefer writing?

love writing for all of the characters, but would have to say Diggle is probably my favorite to write for. He is the moral compass of the show and gets into the more philosophical questions and the ethical issues that Oliver faces.

I like that he’s strong voice with a strong point of view, and one that I think I agree with in a lot of ways. He also served in the military and has a very interesting world view I find intriguing. I like writing to that.

What’s your favorite Arrow episode thus far?

I have a favorite flashback story in “Seeing Red”. It’s also one of my favorite episodes. It’s unfortunately the episode where Moira Queen [Oliver’s mother] was killed.

There’s an amazing backstory where Oliver thinks he’s gotten a girl pregnant, and he doesn’t know it, but his mother has bought the girl off.

The girl calls him and lies to him, she says she lost the baby even though she didn’t. Moira paid her to leave town and not tell the Oliver the child exists.

Stephen Amell gave this amazing performance, it was one of the best ones I’ve ever seen on TV. It was so powerful and moving. When he heard the baby had died, he almost cried. It was just very calibrated and beautiful performance. It was so powerful and I loved it.

Finally, are there any hints for what we can expect to see this season?

We’re taking Oliver to some very dark places, even though the season starts out very light. His fight with Damien Dhark is going to force him into one of the more challenging ethical positions he’s been in through recent seasons.

As seen in the season premiere, we’re going to say good-bye to a very prominent character on the show. It’s going to be a tearjerker at the end.

http://www.emmys.com/news/target-wendy- ... eason-four

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Vie Oct 30, 2015 12:38 am
por Shelby
- Descripción oficial del 4.07 “Brotherhood”:
4.07 “Brotherhood” (11¡8/11/15): JAMES BAMFORD DIRIGE — La batalla en curso del equipo de Green Arrow con Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) se complica por una impactante revelación. La sed de sangre de Thea (Willa Holland) regresa y pierde el control delante de Alex (la estrella invitada Parker Young). James Bamford dirige el episodio escrito por Speed Weed & Keto Shimizu (#407).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-4-7-b ... d-directs/

- Video bts de Charlotte Ross en la WB lot (29-10-15):


Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Dom Nov 01, 2015 12:23 pm
por Shelby
- Arrow 4.09 BTS Vid "Olicity Proposal" (CANADAGRAPHS):

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Lun Nov 02, 2015 6:01 pm
por Shelby
- Revelado título y créditos del episodio 4.10:
Marc Guggenheim ha compartido el título y créditos del episodio 4.10 coincidiendo con el inicio de la producción de mismo.

https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 6276604928

El episodio 4.10 tendrá por título “Blood Debts”. Está escrito por Oscar Balderrama & Sarah Tarkoff, con dirección de Jesse Warn.

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Publicado: Lun Nov 02, 2015 10:19 pm
por Shelby
- Matt Ryan's message for #Hellblazers:

- Matt Ryan On Helping Out Oliver Queen on "Arrow" and his Latest Broodway Run (accesshollywood):
