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- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.02 "Freakshow" Promo | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.02 "Freakshow" Extended Promo | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.02 "Freakshow" Inside the episode | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.02 "Freakshow" Clip #1 | The CW:


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- Legends of Tomorrow | "Time Machine" S3 Promo | The CW:

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- Victor Garber abandonará "Legends of Tomorrow" en la S3:
El actor Victor Garber va a decir adiós al Arrowverso.

Según informa Deadline, Garber – quien interpreta a Martin Stein, una de las mitades de Firestorm – va a salir de "Legends of Tomorrow" durante la actual temporada. Su marcha ha estado rumoreándose desde hace meses, y pareció inminente cuando se reveló el pasado mes de Septiembre que iba a regresar a Broadway en la obra "Hello, Dolly!".

La noticia dice que la salida de Garber ha sido planeada meticulosamente para darle a Stein una apropiada salida. También se dice que seguirá siendo personaje regular durante toda la tercera temporada, que se ha estrenado esta semana, aunque no es probable que regrese para rodar más episodios de los que ya ha rodado. Esto significa que Jax necesitará encontrar otra mitad para seguir siendo el héroe 'Firestorm'.

Si bien actualmente no hay planes para que el actor regrese en futuros episodios, dada la naturaleza de la serie de viajes en el tiempo, siempre existe la posibilidad de que los personajes sean traídos de nuevo.

No obstante, esto parece casi improbable si tenemos en cuenta de que empezará en Broodway en Enero y ello conlleva su traslado a New York de nuevo para preparar la obra antes de su estreno y que, posteriormente, una obra en Broodway está en cartel durante 6-7 días en semana.

http://deadline.com/2017/10/dcs-legends ... 202186307/

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- Descripción oficial del 3.04 "Phone Home":
3.04 "Phone Home" (31/10/17): AYUDANDO A UNO DE ELLOS MISMOS — Las Legends descubren que Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) morirá porque rompieron el tiempo, haciendo que corran de nuevo a 1988 para intentar salvar su vida. Cuando llegan, se sorprenden por saber que el joven Ray Palmer se ha hecho amigo de un niño Dominator refugiado poniéndole en peligro con el Gobierno y con la madre del Dominator. Nueva a la nave y a las misiones, Zari (Tala Ashe) debe encontrar su hogar y aprender a confiar en el equipo. Mientras tanto, Stein (Victor Garber) empieza a trabajar en un proyecto secreto en la nave que hace sospechar a Rory (Dominic Purcell) y a Jax (Franz Drameh). Caity Lotz, Maisie Richardson-Sellers y Nick Zano también aparecen. Kevin Mock didge el episodio escrito por Matthew Maala (#304).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/10/legend ... phone.html

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- Stills del 3.03 "Zari":

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- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.03 "Zari" Promo | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.03 "Tala Ashe - Welcome Zari" Interview | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.03 "Zari" Inside the episode | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.03 "Zari" Clip #1 | The CW:


- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.03 "Zari" Clip #2 | The CW:


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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.05 "Return of the Mack":
3.05 "Return of the Mack" (07/11/17): AYUDANDO A UNO DE LOS SUYOS — Cuando Nate (Nick Zano) piensa que ha encontrado un patrón para los anacronismos, lleva a las Legends a Londres en 1897 para capturar a un vampiro viajero del tiempo. Cuando llegan a Londres, se topan con Rip (la estrella invitada Arthur Darvill), pero no todo el mundo le da la bienvenida tan rápido, dejando a Sara (Caity Lotz) teniendo que tomar una dura elección al final. Amaya (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) intenta conectar con Zari (Tala Ashe), pero ella está aún lidiando con ser parte del equipo. Mientras tanto, Stein (Victor Garber) descubre lo que Ray (Brandon Routh) y Jax (Franz Drameh) están haciendo y no está totalmente contento. Dominic Purcell también aparecen. Alexandra La Roche dirige el episodio escrito por Grainne Godfree & Morgan Faust (#305).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/10/legend ... eturn.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelados título y créditos del 3.09:
El productor Marc Guggenheim ha compartido en su cuenta de twitter el título y los créditos del noveno episodio de la S3 de "Legends Of Tomorrow", cuya producción acaba de comenzar:


El episodio 3.09 tiene por título "Beebo the God of War", está escrito por Grainne Godfreee & James Eagan, y dirigido por Kevin Mock.

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- Tala Ashe adelanta la nueva incorporación al equipo (ew):
Tala Ashe adelanta la nueva incorporación al equipo
Por Natalie Abrams, 23 Oct, 2017 a las 10:30am EDT

The Legends of Tomorrow will soon be expanding.

During Tuesday’s episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, Tala Ashe makes her debut as Zari Adrianna Tomaz, a Muslim-American hacker from the future who is being hunting by our new baddie, Kuasa (Tracy Ifeachor).

The DC Comics character will end up joining the team, much to her own consternation. Hailing from a dystopian future, Zari is not at all impressed with the Legends fixing anachronisms and instead wants them to actually fix time for the better, even if she has to hack it herself. Why is Kuasa hunting her? Could it have to do with the totem Zari has been spotted wearing? EW sat down with Ashe on set to get the scoop.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Tell us about Zari and who she is as a person.
TALA ASHE: So Zari’s from the future. She’s from 2042 and she has had a very challenging life at the point when we meet her. She’s living in a sort of dystopian world and basically has her family, and feels like she needs to protect her family, and is really defensive of her family, so she’s not an obvious choice to join the Legends in a way, and to be part of a team. In the early episodes of Zari, you’re going to see that she’s for fighting the narrative of being a superhero, but also being part of a team and trusting people, because I think that’s something that has burned her in the past. Because of her upbringing, it’s not something that she easily adheres to. She is brilliant in that sense, and says what’s on her mind, and I think it’s quite funny. It’s a different tone to bring to the group of Legends. She shakes them up and I think challenges their mission.

The producers have mentioned before that she doesn’t just want the Legends to fix anachronisms, but fix time for the better.
Well, yeah, to improve time. We’re going to see instances of that where she’s a hacker, so I think she’s going to see if she can almost hack time. That’s going to create friction, and also challenge the Legends in an interesting way.

You’re playing a Muslim superhero in a very interesting era in America’s history right now.
I think it’s a worldwide narrative.

What kind of responsibility or pressure do you feel to really honor this role?
I mean, it’s an immense pressure that I gladly take on. Any time I’m playing any character, really, but especially if it’s a marginalized character, or a character that’s often portrayed in a stereotypical way, I feel that way even more so. Because of my own background, I very much want to portray this character sensitively and accurately, and with an eye on what the narrative is worldwide, certainly in America, but also worldwide right now around Muslims and Islam. It’s really important, and really wonderful, that Legends has taken on the task of showing this woman; I also think what’s really cool about Zari is that she’s not like any other Muslim American that you’ve seen on TV, or that I’ve seen on TV, and I think she’s going to subvert expectations in a cool way. Marc [Guggenheim] and Phil [Klemmer] spoke to this more eloquently than I will, but they said that not only is it sort of a function of the show to bring new characters and shake things up, but also because of the climate, and because of our recent election, I think it was a great opportunity to bring this character into the world right now.

What’s been the best part about suiting up as a superhero? Because you’re just getting into your costume, right?
Yeah, I am, and we’re still sort of actually figuring it out, where Zari’s look and Zari’s identity as a superhero is something that we’re navigating. Again, she fights the superhero narrative. She’s fighting all of it a little bit, and also fascinated because time travel is new to her. Yeah, it’s also very cool to her.

What is the catalyst for bringing her onto the team?
Well, it’s related to an anachronism. What actually brings the Legends to 2042 is one of our baddies, who you’ll see more of this season, and the baddie is after me, so that’s how our paths kind of intersect, all of us. I think that’s all I can say.

What can you tease of your dynamic with the members of the team? Is there anybody she gravitates more toward?
Well, I think that she and Ray sort of have a similar tech background, so there’s a little bit of overlay there, but very different perspectives on the world, so there’s going to be some friction there. She’s also going to bond with Amaya. There’s a larger thing that’s bringing us together, the two of us, on some journey that I don’t even quite know where we’re headed.

Is there anything you can tease of why Kuasa is hunting Zari?
Actually, what I can tease is that it’s a mystery. It’s something that I think is going to shake out through also Amaya’s relationship with Kuasa, so it’s something that I don’t actually quite know. There’s actually a lot of, “Why are these people after me?” in the first few episodes for Zari, but then something happens in the first episode that Zari appears where it gives her the impetus to join the Legends, and she has her own sort of mission in mind, but there is enough of an incentive to leave 2042 at that point.

We know Zari’s a hacker, but what can you tease of her powers?
She does have powers. What I will say, actually, is that she’s learning her powers, so she has this power that she’s a little bit ambivalent about, and I think the journey of this for Zari is also going to be about her owning the power, and owning being a superhero, and also figuring out how to harness that power.

Zari has been spotted wearing a totem. What can you tease of what’s going on there?
It has lots of powers in it. The totem is something that she associates with the great power it has and also with her family. It is a kind of — I don’t know if heirloom is quite the right word, but it’s something that is in her family, so taking it on also entails carrying that torch for her family, which is tricky and I think she feels sort of not worthy in certain ways and maybe not even capable of carrying that amulet forward for her family.

Is it connected at all to Amaya? We know Kuasa has a totem and she’s related to Amaya, so are they all family?
No, no, no. We don’t actually know how we’re connected, but it seems like just the fact that there are two totems, we are the totem bearers, so there’s some link between us. Amaya catches onto it before I do, and has to convince saying like, “There’s a connection between us, there’s a destiny that is bringing us together, even though we don’t quite know what it is.” Our totems are getting stronger because of it, by our proximity.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/23/legends-of- ... interview/?

- Marc Guggenheim sobre si "Legends of Tomorrow'" puede revisitar a Connor Hawke (comicbook):
Marc Guggenheim sobre si "Legends of Tomorrow'" puede revisitar a Connor Hawke
Por Craig Byrne | 23 Oct, 2017

DC's Legends of Tomorrow travel to the future of the year 2042 and pick up a new team member in this week's new episode of the series which is titled "Zari" -- but with a character coming from 2042, and John Diggle having taken on the mantle of Green Arrow in Arrow Season 6, could this all lead to a return of Connor Hawke, as played by Joseph David-Jones in the well-received Legends Season 1 episode "Star City 2046?"

Following a press screening of the Legends of Tomorrow episode "Zari," we asked Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim that very question.

"It would be awesome," Guggenheim admits. "That's totally a bucket list item for us. We've talked about eventually going back there and seeing it. There are still a couple of different ideas that we have related to that time period, but nothing [solid is planned]."

Part of the reason that such an episode is not currently planned is that there are so many other things on the Legends' agenda -- though it does leave the door open for the future.

"We say this on Arrow where we do 23 episodes, but it's especially true on Legends where we are only doing 18: you run through the real estate really, really fast, so we always end every year with stories that we didn't get a chance to do," Guggenheim said.

After "Zari," the Legends will see themselves in an Spielberg-inspired 1980's setting in which, like E.T.'s Elliot, a young Ray Palmer befriends an alien that happens to be a baby Dominator. The episode will include a dance number and "a Billy Joel album is used as a weapon."

After that, upcoming episodes include a ghostly Victorian London story, a Coen Brothers-like "Golden Age of Hollywood" romp, Helen of Troy... and even Vikings in an episode now filming, titled "Beebo, The God of War." Legends will also be approaching a "no-time-period episode" which is something the series has not been done before.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesday nights on The CW.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/10/23/marc ... visit-con/

- Productores y Tala Ashe de ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ sobre el Tótem de Zari y su choque con el equipo (Variety):
Productores y Tala Ashe de ‘Legends of Tomorrow’ sobre el Tótem de Zari y su choque con el equipo
Por Jacob Bryant - 24 Oct 2017

From the time “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” first premiered, its producers were upfront about the fact that the crew of the Waverider – and therefore the cast of the show – would be constantly changing. Early in the show’s run that manifested itself with Hawkgirl (Ciara Renee) and Hawkman (Falk Hentschel) leaving after the first season, while Nate (Nick Zano) and Amaya (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) joined in the second. The time traveling crew’s original leader Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) left, returned, left again. And now in the third season, there is another addition to the team in Zari Tomaz (Tala Ashe), a Muslim-American hacker from the future.

“Since the beginning of the show we recognized that there was not a lot of estrogen on the bridge of the Waverider,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim says. “We really, really wanted to bring on another female character.”

Executive producer Phil Klemmer notes that it’s also just “fun” to have new characters on the show for those who are working on the show, as well as the audience. “It brings a real vitality to us in the room to figure out how this new person will affect the dynamics of the ship,” Klemmer explains.

According to Ashe, Zari – who comes from a future where she was hunted for both having powers and being Muslim – challenges the rest of the Legends with the way she views the world and what she thinks about time travel.

“I think philosophically she’s different than everyone else,” Ashe says. “I think her hacker brain sees a lot of potential in time traveling, not just in fixing anachronisms but possibly improving things. Having come from this dystopian, broken world of 2042 she has an almost humanitarian tilt to it which will clash with certain people on the Waverider.”

However, Zari will also find she has a connection with at least one member of the crew. After all, she and Amaya both possess totems.

“It’s still a bit of a mystery, but I know that the totems are what’s bringing them together and what links them to Kuasa [Tracy Ifeachor], who is also a totem-bearer,” Ashe says. “The connection between the totem-bearers does come to a larger part of the season at a certain point.”

“Legends of Tomorrow” airs on Tuesdays at 9 p.m. on the CW.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/legends ... 202597941/

- El elenco de "Legends of Tomorrow" sobre el nuevo estatus de forajidos del equipo (EW):
El elenco de "Legends of Tomorrow" sobre el nuevo estatus de forajidos del equipo
Por Natalie 24 Oct, 2017 a las 10:00pm EDT

Warning: This story contains major spoilers from Tuesday’s episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Read at your own risk!

The Legends of Tomorrow have a new team member — but in taking her on, the Legends also cemented their status as outlaws!

During Tuesday’s episode, the Legends tracked the resurrected Kuasa (Tracy Ifeachor) to a dystopian future, where both metahumans and religion are outlawed. Hence, it’s not a great place for Zari Tomaz (Tala Ashe), a Muslim hacker who has taken up her brother’s mantle in wearing the Air Totem — much like Amaya (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) wears the Anansi Totem and Kuasa wears the Water Totem. They’re all connected, which is why Kuasa is trying to kill Zari.

But when the Time Bureau steps in, Sara (Caity Lotz) decides not to turn Zari over, knowing she’d just be sent back to a miserable existence living under martial law with a corrupt A.R.G.U.S. prepared to lock her away and experiment on her. Thus, the Time Bureau is once again hunting the Legends.

“It plays a role in episode 304, but probably not in the way you’re expecting,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim says. “Without spoiling too much, Rory [Dominic Purcell] has very specific ideas about what it means to be on the run from the law, and that meets some humorous effect in real form. We’re not doing a whole big subplot about them being fugitives. That steps on the fun of the show, but there are little complications.”

Those types of complications are exactly what Zari has been dealing with in her future, so she thrives in this situation. “That’s right up her alley,” Ashe says. “Zari has had to live a very scrappy existence and steal when she has to, so I think she’s very, very comfortable. Actually, I think she aligns with Rory in terms of, ‘Let’s break the rules.'”

If you suspected chemistry between Zari and Mick during Tuesday’s episode, it’s for good reason: The two are more alike than anyone else on the Waverider. “Rory senses that she’s kind of like the new Rory,” Purcell says. “That’s the way he would look at it. She likes to eat, she’s very cynical, sarcastic. Rory is very much like that as well. So, yeah, he recognizes himself in her definitely.” But don’t necessarily expect the two to be romantically involved. “There’s a mutual respect there,” Ashe says. (Both Guggenheim and EP Phil Klemmer note that Zari has great chemistry with basically everyone on the team.)

For his part, Purcell thinks a love interest probably isn’t in Mick’s future, though it would provide a lot of comedy. “Part of Rory’s mystique is that you can’t track him,” he says. “You can’t tame him. So it would be funny to bring in a woman with just as much fire and balls as Mick and to see what happens there. I don’t know. I think it would be funny, for sure. We’ll see.”

The fun of being outlaws will be somewhat short-lived, as the Legends must go back in time to save a young Ray Palmer’s (Brandon Routh) life, who at the end of the hour is seen befriending a time-displaced baby Dominator — the episode is an ’80s-themed send-up to Amblin films like E.T. (More on that next week!)

But Rip (Arthur Darvill) returns the following week as an unlikely ally, actually enlisting the team’s help. “He can’t resist it,” Klemmer says. “Yes, he knows the Time Bureau would probably be better off dealing with all these anachronisms, but by the time we get to [episode] 305, he’s champing at the bit for a little fun. He’s feeling nostalgic for some of the old chaos.” Adds Darvill: “He’s really torn between the two things. They’re two groups that he’s set up. One is a well-oiled machine and works very well. But in a similar way to Time Masters, it’s very official and I think Rip’s got some really big trust issues.”

Speaking of trust issues, Zari isn’t necessarily happy that the team is just fixing anachronisms, and instead wants them to actually fix time for the better. She’ll attempt to hack time, particularly when it comes to saving her brother’s life — he was killed by A.R.G.U.S. for being a metahuman. “In order to hack time, as I understand it, you cannot change the outcome of historical events, so the hacking of it for Zari is about finding loopholes essentially,” Ashe says. “How to improve things without changing major events. It’s more micro than macro.” The Legends bosses tease that episode 306 will provide a good example of her efforts to hack time, while also revealing that we’ll hear from her dead brother in an upcoming hour.

In the meantime, Zari finds a connection with Amaya on the Waverider, as they’re both part of the larger mythology of season 3. “It’s still a bit of a mystery to me, but I know that the totems are what’s bringing them together, and actually also links them to Kuasa,” Ashe says. “The connection between the totem bearers does become a larger part of the season. It is leading up to something.” Guggenheim notes that watching the CW Seed animated series Vixen‘s second season may provide clues as to where the season is heading. For those unfamiliar, Kuasa bore the Water Totem when she was killed by a warlord using the Fire Totem. Of the four elements, that leaves the Earth Totem left to be seen. “That’s crazy you should mention that, that’s the marching orders of our week right now,” Klemmer says, noting that the show will also introduce an additional mystery totem this season.

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/24/legends-of- ... rs-totems/?

- Phil Klemmer adelanta la muerte de un personaje de 'Legends of Tomorrow' (comicbook):
Phil Klemmer adelanta la muerte de un personaje de 'Legends of Tomorrow'
Por Russ Burlingame | 25 Oct, 2017

It has been a while since a member of the Waverider's crew has died on DC's Legends of Tomorrow, but executive producer Phil Klemmer says that does not mean one is not coming soon.

The series was conceived as a kind of Island of Misfit Toys for characters who could not find their place on Arrow and The Flash, but has taken on an identity of its own and welcomed in characters who are unrelated to the parent shows. Still, the attrition that many fans have expected along the way has not really happened.

"All the Legends are not going to be fine," Klemmer told ComicBook.com of season 3. "I think that's something that we said very early on; when we were talking about a show that we hadn't even made at Comic Con three years ago, we said this show was an ensemble, and it was one where we would have a rotating cast, and that when people died, they would die in real life. It's been a long time since Hawkman got stabbed or whatever. It's been a long time since Hawkgirl flew away. Our show really got to be super-funny last year, but I feel like you have to leaven that comedy with some hardcore pathos and some real-world stakes."

So far, the humor has been coming again in season three: characters got drunk out of their mind while hanging around with Billy Zane's P.T. Barnum in episode 2, and last night's episode 3 saw Nate and Amaya get high in order to go on a vision quest, with Nate attempting to break out of his trance-state to fly a time machine.

(It did not go well.)

With Victor Garber already having announced his departure from Legends, the obvious choice for a character death is Professor Martin Stein, although it might be more narratively satisfying to allow him to retire and spend time with the grandchild he just learned is coming. Last season's finale saw nearly every character die briefly, only to be revived by time travel, magic, and the plot.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/10/26/phil ... ter-death/

- Brandon Routh sobre el cómo interpreta a 'The Atom' de forma diferente que a 'Superman' (comicbook):
Brandon Routh sobre el cómo interpreta a 'The Atom' de forma diferente que a 'Superman'
Por Russ Burlingame | 31 Oct, 2017

Even if he had not made himself a household name by playing Superman in Bryan Singer's Superman Returns, Brandon Routh's all-American, bright-eyed superhero Ray Palmer/The Atom would naturally draw comparisons to DC's Man of Steel. Routh says, though, that there are things he can do on DC's Legends of Tomorrow that he was unable to do during his time as the Last Son of Krypton.

The role, for instance, is definitively Routh's. Whereas Superman was a pop culture phenomenon with several previous memorable incarnations, Routh's take on Ray Palmer is the first time the character, first created for comics in 1961, has had a memorable role in outside media. This gives Routh leeway as a performer that Superman actors do not typically have.

"I'm proud to give Ray Palmer and the Atom more recognition. [He's a] character that deserves it," Routh told ComicBook.com. "To bring somebody that we haven't seen a million times to life is awesome; I got to bring my own stuff to it. Playing Superman was an amazing opportunity, and I take great pride and gratitude in being able to follow Chris, in his footsteps and all the other gentlemen who played Superman prior to me. But I had to kind of walk in their path a little bit. In this, I got to create it myself which was very satisfying."

He also told us that after two and a half seasons of Legends of Tomorrow and an introduction on Arrow, he is beginning to get fans of his Atom who may not even remember Superman Returns.

"A lot of people only now know me as that. They're like 'Oh you played Superman?'" Routh said with a laugh. "It's great because that means, even if it's another comic book character, I've redefined myself in another way, which is again good for actors to be able to do."

DC's Legends of Tomorrow airs on Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. ET/PT on The CW, following new episodes of The Flash. Routh's Ray Palmer takes center stage in tonight's episode, titled "Phone Home."

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/10/31/lege ... -superman/

- Brandon Routh reflexiona sobre el pasado de Atom, el presente y el futuro (cbr):
Brandon Routh reflexiona sobre el pasado de Atom, el presente y el futuro
Por Meagan Damore - 31 Oct 2017

Though he has been a part of the Arrowverse since 2014, Brandon Routh’s Ray “Atom” Palmer hasn’t revealed very much about his past — until now. In “Phone Home,” the latest episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, the team will travel back in time to the 1980s to save young Ray from being killed by a Dominator. When they arrive in Ivy Town in 1988, they discover young Ray has befriended a baby Dominator, and they need to reunite the Dominator with his mother before things take a murderous turn.

Speaking to CBR, Routh weighed in on the Ray-centric episode and recalled what it was like to relive the ’80s for a little while. He described how the episode will show a new side of Ray and why this personal mission will show newcomer Zari’s softer side. He also offered some insight into Ray’s family life and more.

CBR: You’ve been a part of the Arrowverse since Arrow Season 3, but this is the first time we’ve really delved into Ray’s childhood. Were you excited to tackle his backstory?

Brandon Routh: Yeah! It was definitely cool to add more layers to Ray and understand him better and let the audience see that, and then also get to visit the ’80s, which is a fun time period for us.

What was your favorite part about filming the show in the ’80s?

Ah, just everything! I mean, a lot of my childhood was in the ’80s, so it was fun to reflect that and also bring all the movies that we were not spoofing, but endearingly bringing into our show and referencing. It was great fun. We got to have a faux Halloween before it was Halloween, which is also great. They made up this whole cul-de-sac with Halloween decorations on all the houses and it was kind of like an early Halloween celebration. It was fun!

How does the Halloween setting impact the episode?

At the end, we have Halloween, and the Legends are able to kind of be out and visible and just pretend that they’re in Halloween costumes. [laughs] So that’s kind of a fun bit that happens at the end, and also young Ray does his best at creating an Atom costume, which is pretty fun to have young Ray and adult Ray in an atom suit.

What was it like to work with a younger actor, who is effectively trying to play a younger version of you?

Yeah, he was great! Jack [Fisher] did a fantastic job working with us and he had a lot of stuff to do. It was long days for him and a lot of emotional stuff, a lot of crying and being chased by the bad guys and working with a green screen and he really did a great job and I’m excited to see the episode. I think he brings a lot of charm as a young Ray to the character.

Ray has always been one of the most upbeat, happy-go-lucky members of the team. Will we get to see another side of him in this episode?

We do a little bit! Ray gets a little bit judgmental and worried about himself. He sees young Ray not acting how adult Ray remembers him acting. [laughs] And there is a reason for that! It’s because he’s harboring the baby Dominator, so he’s kind of doing things out of character, which Ray then kind of understands but is worried about and is concerned for young Ray’s safety, obviously, because his life is tied in with young Ray’s life. He becomes a little more harsh than maybe he would want to with young Ray and speaking to him and Zari is there effectively to help calm adult Ray down and help the situation.

Zari’s first mission with the Legends is unusually personal. How does that impact her relationship with Ray?

Yeah, I mean, she’s really helpful in balancing Ray’s anxiety and then worry about himself and his young self and the Dominator possibly killing young Ray and then maybe he’s making a bad decision by trying to help the baby Dominator and Zari’s there to kind of play referee and calm adult Ray down and say, “You know what? Just calm down. He’s just a young you version” and she helps keep the peace a little bit and help adult Ray realize he’s being a little too harsh with young Ray and she’s very comforting and caring for young Ray and adds a lot of heart to the episode.

How does this episode impact the way the rest of the team sees Ray?

I think maybe they understand when they see him being bullied a little bit. They understand him a little bit more, that he has had some challenges and struggles as well. You know, if you see somebody who is all happy-go-lucky all the time, you don’t necessarily expected them to have had bad times or challenges in their life, so it balances his character out a little bit more, possibly, to know that everybody has good and bad challenges in their life.

Will we learn anything more about Ray’s brother Sydney?

I don’t think we learn that much, except that he wasn’t the best older brother to Ray, which we already knew. [laughs]

What does that look like?

I don’t think it’s a big part of the episode. I think it’s just that Sydney’s friends, who Ray thinks are his friends as well, are not really Ray’s friends. They’re kind of making fun of him and bullying him a little bit, but Ray doesn’t necessarily realize that when he’s a young kid or tries to deny that that’s happening and thinks they’re just, you know, having fun, it’s all a joke, but they’re actually really kind of bullying Ray.

In the trailer for the episode, it looks like Ray’s mom might be getting mighty cozy with Nate. What can you tell us about that?

Yeah! Ray’s mom, I guess, is maybe not having the best time with Ray’s dad or something’s going on, which we don’t really talk about in the episode! [laughs] Well, there’s a reason for that actually, now that I remember… There’s a reason why she’s kind of after Nate, because she’s kind of not in her right mind. But that being said, Ray’s mom was a pretty lady, and you can’t necessarily blame Nate — although you can, because we’re buddies, so you know… He’s also sad because he’s having trouble with Amaya. So it’s understandable, but still! Come on, dude! It’s my mom!

The Dominators are back! How are they different this time around?

Well, we’ve got a baby Dominator, which is a much cuter version of a Dominator alien. [laughs] It’s kind of the central part of the episode, as young Ray is trying to save him and protect him, and then we have to unite him with his mama Dominator, so we have to balance saving the baby without being eaten or taken over — dominated — by the adult Dominators too much.

Is Ray ready for love again in Season 3?

I think that Ray is always kind of ready for love! They’ve had a long time to resolve his feelings about Kendra, and I think — even when that happened, when she broke up with him — he already knew going in that relationship was always going to be strained, because of her attachment to the many lifetimes with Hawkman. So I think Ray is pretty good at rationalizing that and understanding what was happening there. So Ray is always ready and open for love. If he does have a love interest, it’d certainly be great if there wasn’t a third wheel attached.

As you’ve mentioned, Ray gets the opportunity to speak with his younger self. If you had that opportunity, what would you say to your younger self?

Well, I think it’s the cliché thing, but it’s because it’s so true, that — if you’re having a hard time — life does get better and it’s easier to make friends as an adult a lot of the time, because kids are so cruel and just trying to understand themselves and figure each other out. It takes time for kids to learn how to be sociable and kind to each other, so I think that’s an important message and just honoring what it is that you love to do and just follow that and don’t worry about what anybody else thinks about it. Just follow the things that you’re passionate about and put your effort and your love into that.

How would you describe the episode in three words?

’80s love fest.

https://www.cbr.com/legends-of-tomorrow ... interview/

- El elenco de "Legends of Tomorrow" adelanta una épica visita a los '80s (EW):
El elenco de "Legends of Tomorrow" adelanta una épica visita a los '80s
Por Natalie Abrams - 30 Oct, 2017 a las 7:44pm EDT

Ray Palmer is going to die. Don’t worry, you don’t need a spoiler alert here, folks.

As teased at the close of last week’s episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, a young Ray Palmer has befriended a baby Dominator, the same mind-controlling aliens who invaded Earth during last season’s big crossover event. Thus, the Legends must go back in time to the ’80s during Tuesday’s hour in a bid to prevent Ray’s (Brandon Routh) death.

“He basically disappears, and we find out that he was killed as a kid, and so we’re like, ‘What the hell is going on?!'” Caity Lotz tells EW. “We have to go back to his childhood the day before he goes missing, and then figure out what killed him, and stop it from happening.”

However, the hour is less doom and gloom, and more ’80s send-up, particularly to a popular film of that era that follows a somewhat similar trajectory. “Anyone who’s an ET fan, there’s going to be some really great Amblin references in there,” Tala Ashe promises. “It was just a very, very fun episode to shoot, from the costumes to the things we got to do to all the references that happened.”

“Set dec, art department, props and locations did an awesome job finding this cul-de-sac outside of Vancouver to turn into this peaceful little neighborhood with 10 different houses decorated and ready for Halloween when we’re shooting it in August,” Routh concurs. “We had a DeLorean and we all had fun hairdos and ’80s clothes. It was fun, it was special. When we do that much for the episodes, it makes it more of an adventure for all of us actors, too, because we don’t have to pretend as much.”

The hour is also very emotional as the rest of the Legends get a glimpse into Ray’s childhood. “It’s great to see his backstory, and it’s actually really sad and quite touching, because you see why he is the way he is,” Maisie Richardson-Sellers says. “He’s been bullied and he’s the outsider, and he’s this nerd who hides out in his bedroom, and becomes best friends with an alien. It’s a cute story, and it’s just so fun.”

Less fun is the conundrum that causes for Ray as he’s forced to, well, make himself grow up. “Both sides of Ray are at odds with each other a little bit, because young Ray is all excited about the baby Dominator, but adult Ray has seen the future, knows something happens to young Ray, and is worried that the Dominator is the cause of it,” Routh says. “It’s like Ray fighting with himself, which is unfair because it’s an adult fighting with a nine-year-old boy!”

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/30/legends-tom ... s-episode/

- Wentworth Miller apunta a su salida del Arrowverso como 'Leonard Snart': 'Ha sido fantástico' (TVLine):
Wentworth Miller apunta a su salida del Arrowverso como 'Leonard Snart': 'Ha sido fantástico'
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 06 Nov 2017, 10:26 AM PST

Ready for a cold, hard truth?

It appears that Wentworth Miller’s multi-year, multi-show run as the Arrowverse’s Leonard Snart aka Captain Cold is coming to an end.

“Currently shooting some of my final episodes” of Legends of Tomorrow and The Flash, the actor shared on Instagram over the weekend.

“I’ve had a tremendous time playing this character,” he added. “It’s been an opportunity, an education, and a f-cking blast.”

Miller first warmed up to the iconic DC Comics role win the fourth episode ever of The Flash. There, he was paired up with Prison Break costar Dominic Purcell (as Mick Rory/Heat Wave), and their time together eventually led to a revival of Fox’s escape thriller.

Both Miller and Purcell were enlisted to help populate The CW’s next Arrowverse offshoot, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, though the former bowed out as a series regular after Season 1. Miller then segued into the first-ever instance of an actor being a series regular across theoretically the entire superhero slate exec-produced by Greg Berlanti. But as of this TV season, he is merely recurring on Legends.

http://tvline.com/2017/11/06/wentworth- ... ard-snart/

- Phil Klemmer sobre el darle a Sara una relación estable (comicbook):
Phil Klemmer sobre el darle a Sara una relación estable
Por Jenna Anderson - 07 Nov 2017

As Legends of Tomorrow enters its third season, could romance be in the cards for the team's captain, Sara Lance/White Canary (Caity Lotz)?

Executive producer Phil Klemmer recently addressed the possibility in an interview with ComicBook.com. As he explained, Sara has grown a lot as a person in the years since her first Arrowverse debut, making a stable relationship a little more likely.

"I think this season she's sort of figured her life out." Klemmer explained. "Season One she got her soul back, for lack of a better expression. Season Two she kind of found her professional life. It's a lot like growing up in the real world. Season Three is about her digging into her personal life a little bit more."

Sara's personal life has made its way into the Arrowverse shows quite a bit, starting with her fling with Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Stephen Amell). In Arrow Season Two, Sara had a fan-favorite relationship with Nyssa al Ghul (Katrina Law), but a myriad of circumstances prevented them from coming back together.

Sara then was romantically tied to her fellow Legends teammate Leonard Snart/Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller), with the pair kissing shortly before Snart sacrificed himself. In the show's second season, Sara did not have a long-term romantic interest, but did hook up with Lady Guinevere and the Queen of France. According to Klemmer, Legends' time-traveling nature made the concept of long-term relationships a little complicated for Sara.

"A thing we realized about the time shift is there is this very Peter Pan element of time never moves forward." Klemmer added. You never have to start a 401K, you know? You never have kids, you never have serious relationships. Sure, that's super-fun. Sara has gotten to sleep with some incredibly attractive women throughout history. This season is about her starting to wonder whether there's a little something more, maybe, and also trying to figure out her own pathology. Is there a reason why she's so quick to love them and leave them? Why can't she have a more sort of, a deeper relationship?"

While Klemmer didn't indicate exactly who Sara would find that deeper relationship with, he said that finding a love interest for her is something the show is taking seriously.

"I think the challenge for us as writers is she's such a powerful, formidable, self-possessed, kick-ass woman," Klemmer revealed. "Who is worthy of her? Because it's a tall order to find a woman who is deserving of the great Sara Lance. That's what we're going to try to figure out, hopefully by the end of the season."

Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on The CW.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/10/31/lege ... -season-3/

- Legends of Tomorrow: Damien Darhk regresa (EW):
Legends of Tomorrow: Damien Darhk regresa
Por Natalie Abrams - 07 Nov, 2017 a las 10:00pm EST

Damien Darhk has returned!

During Tuesday’s episode of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, the Legends ventured to London 1879, where they discovered an occult group led by Eleanor Darhk (Courtney Ford), an acolyte of big bad Mallus (voiced by John Noble), who helped raise her father Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) from the dead.

Though Damien was a member of the Legion of Doom last season on Legends, his memories were wiped after the events of Doomsworld, so as to not disrupt the timeline in which he eventually died at the hands of Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) during Arrow‘s fourth season. However, his resurrection has returned his memories, making this version of the character much darker and more magically powerful than what viewers saw last season. But he’s also no longer tied to a specific timeline, meaning he’s open season for Sara Lance (Caity Lotz).

“She wants him dead,” Lotz says of the man who killed Sara’s sister Laurel (Katie Cassidy). “If she can kill him without ruining everything, then hell yeah, whatever it takes. She won’t have to deal with Damien Darhk anymore, like he keeps coming back and haunting her, and haunting her, so I’m sure she’d love to end this once and for all.”

But now working under Mallus, Damien is also a much more formidable foe this season. “We’ll see him operating within a new group, and we’ll have to change the way that we fight,” Maisie Richardson-Sellers says. “Every time there’s a new villain, we have to change the whole way that we work as a team in order to combat them. So I think we’ll see him in a new light as well, which will be exciting. I don’t know for sure what the differences are, but I think he will be empowered in new ways.”

Damien Darhk is the second dead villain to be revived this season following the emergence of Kuasa (Tracy Ifeachor), who is Amaya’s (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) granddaughter. As previously revealed, The Flash villain Gorilla Grodd is also set to appear as part of this cabal of villains run by Mallus, whose motives are so far shrouded in mystery.

“We don’t really know the forces we’re fighting,” Richardson-Sellers says. “We’re just seeing these weird things going on throughout history that we’re going to go put together, and then slowly we’re like, ‘Hang on a sec, there’s a pattern here. What’s the linking factor?’ But the powers are so contrasting, which is great, between all the villains. I’m really interested to see how they work together as a team, and also to have some female villains is so exciting, because you haven’t seen that on this show. That’ll change the energy and the dynamic, especially because two of our team have totems, which are linked to one of the main villains. So that’s going to change everything because we can’t kill each other. It’s not straightforward anymore.”

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/11/07/legends-of- ... k-returns/

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- Stills del 3.04 "Phone Home":

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- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.04 "Phone Home" Promo | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.04 "Phone Home" Inside the episode | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.04 "Phone Home" Clip #1:


- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.04 "Phone Home" Clip #2:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.06 "Helen Hunt":
3.06 "Helen Hunt" (14/11/17): UN TIPO DE GUERRA DIFERENTE — Cuando las Legends rastrean un anacronismo en el Hollywood de los 1930s, descrubren que no es otra más que la desplazada en el tiempo Helena de Troya y que acaba de empezar una guerra entre dos estudios de cine. Cuando las Legends intentan arreglar la historia y devolver a Helena (la estrella invitada Bar Paly) a la Edad de Bronce, las cosas se complican cuando son sorprendidos por la aparición de un antiguo enemigo. Sara (Caity Lotz) contempla una oferta que se le ha hecho, que haría que las Legends dejaran tranquilos los anacronismos. Mientras tanto, Stein (Victor Garber) y Jax (Franz Drameh) se encuentran a sí mismos en un inusual predicamento. Dominic Purcell, Brandon Routh, Nick Zano, Maisie Richardson-Sellers y Tala Ashe también aparecen. David Geddes dirige el episodio escrito por Keto Shimizu & Ubah Mohamed (#306).

https://www.spoilertv.com/2017/10/legen ... helen.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 3.05 "Return of the Mack":

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- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.05 "Return of the Mack" Promo | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.05 "Return of the Mack" Inside the episode | The CW:

- Legends of Tomorrow | 3.05 "Return of the Mack" Clip #1:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelados título y créditos del 3.10:
El productor Marc Guggenheim ha compartido en su cuenta de twitter el título y los créditos del décimo episodio de la S3 de "Legends Of Tomorrow", cuya producción acaba de comenzar:


El episodio 3.10 tiene por título "Daddy Darhkest", está escrito por Keto Shimizu & Matthew Maala, y dirigido por Dermott Downs.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32818
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes y videos bts del rodaje de la S3 (02 Nov - 31 Dic 2017):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32818
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- DCTV Crisis on Earth-X Crossover Teaser | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
