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Publicado: Mar Mar 17, 2009 4:26 pm
por Alvaro
Anoche echaron en telecinco CSI Las Vegas y en una escena de unos 2 minutos aparece nuestro Davis




Publicado: Mar Mar 17, 2009 11:05 pm
por Akkane
:smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 ¡¡Muchas gracias Alvaro!!!

Manita, acá está la prueba de que te acordaras de mi anoche :smt002 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Publicado: Mié Mar 25, 2009 2:27 pm
por Shelby
Bueno, pues Sam Witwer ha dado una entrevista en "Hollywood 411", en la que habla un poco de la evolución de su personaje, de cómo Davis es un buen tipo que se resiste a creer que realmente es Doomsday y no su parte humana y que en lucha con esto, descubre que matando a la gente "que se lo merece" consigue evitar convertirse en la bestia a la que tanto teme. Que se siente atraído por Chloe, pero que también se siente muy mal porque sabe que es el culpable de que Jimmy esté en el hospital. Y, aunque no nos puede contar mucho sobre la "finale", nos comenta que realmente todos sabemos quién es Doomsday, así es que no tendría mucho sentido el que hubieran traído al personaje si no hubiera a haber una pelea final con Clark y que seguramente eso sea lo que veamos:


PD: ¡Por cierto, manita, no somos los únicos que pensamos en el aire Dexter que tiene Davis, él mismo ha hecho referencia a ello en la entrevista! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Publicado: Mié Mar 25, 2009 3:21 pm
por Akkane
:smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 ¡¡Y... no se le podía pasar!!! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Eso sí, como siempre digo hermanita, este Dexter me gusta muuucho más :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb :bb

Publicado: Vie Abr 03, 2009 10:10 am
por Shelby
Nueva entrevista de Sam con Jason C. de "CW Source":


Publicado: Lun May 04, 2009 7:27 pm
por Lore
Tema fijo al igual que con el resto de personajes/actores :smt002

P.D. Es la segunda vez que escribo estoy hoy :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Re: Noticias sobre Sam Witwer

Publicado: Sab Jul 25, 2009 3:53 am
por Shelby
¿Sam Witwer ¿posible película con Lucas?:

Tras escuchar a miles de fans parece que George Lucas va a ceder y nos ofrecerá otra película más de la saga Galáctica. Gracias al gran éxito en ventas de El Poder de la Fuerza para diversas plataformas parece que su magnífico guión y banda sonora se harán realidad en la película del mismo nombre.

Pronto sabremos cómo se formó la alianza rebelde y todo lo que hay detrás de la organización presidida por Bail Organa.
Como actor confirmado está por supuesto SAM WITWER, rostro y voz de StarKiller/Galen Marek aunque han negado que Juno Eclipse la vaya a interpretar Nathalie Cox por su escasa experiencia. También hay rumores, aunque de poco fundamento, de que Lucas puede ir tras Sean Connery para hacer de General Kota y así dejar la carrera de actor con éste personaje. Vuelve Lucas, vuelve Star Wars...

SAM en los ùltimos años, se ha proclamado como fanático de Star Wars, trabajando con Lucasarts en un video juego. En el mismo, titulado "The Force Unleashed", interpreta el rol del aprendiz del emperador.

Nueva película para Sam:

¡¡EXCLUSIVA!! ¡Sam está rodando una nueva película!
Ya se puede confirmar que Sam Witwer está Milwaukee, y ha empezado a rodar la película WI, “No God, No Master” con el Ganador del premio de la Academia y nominado a los Globos de Oro David Strathairn.

Podéis ver la página de la película aquí:


Re: Noticias sobre Sam Witwer

Publicado: Lun Jul 27, 2009 4:50 pm
por Super_House
¿De verdad? ¿Una nueva película de Star Wars? Aunque me parece extraño que ahora Lucas ceda ante los fans y vaya a crear, de nuevo, una película de la saga después de un tiempo... personalmente, me parece una gran idea. No sé, quizás sea interesante este proyecto. Aunque creo que no estoy siendo totalmente objetivo y hablo desde las ganas de ver una nueva película de Star Wars y saber más de la historia :smt044

Con respecto al papel principal de Sam Witwer, creo que sería lo más justo. Además que como hemos visto es un gran actor, veremos si esa noticia se hace oficial. ¡Gracias!

Re: Noticias sobre Sam Witwer

Publicado: Mar Jul 28, 2009 7:28 pm
por Akkane
Bueno, como he dicho, si se hace una nueva película de Star Wras y más basada en el juego The Force Unleashed ¡genial! Aunque todavía considero esta noticia como un rumor rumoroso. Hace rato que le vienen insistiendo a Lucas y... mmmm... como que no sé.
Si el actor principal fuera Sam ¡fliparía! ya que el personaje al que le dá vida en el juego tiene características que ya son muy suyas (por lo que pudimos ver por su personaje Davis en Smallville).
ASí que... a esperar. :smt003

Re: Noticias sobre Sam Witwer

Publicado: Lun Sep 07, 2009 11:40 am
por Dev-Em
Sin duda Sam Witwer es un gran actor y ya lo hizo sobretodo en su papel como el incomprendido Davis o durante sus transformaciones en Doomsday... espero que le vaya genial en su carrera. Se lo merece.
Además siempre le recordaré como Davis Bloome pues ha sido hasta ahora mi personaje favorito en lo que va de las 8 temporadas de Smallville. :smt023
Erica no la cuento porque no sólo no es mi primera favorita... sino que para mí es algo más, jeje. :wink:

Re: Noticias sobre Sam Witwer

Publicado: Vie Sep 11, 2009 11:12 am
por Shelby
Por cierto... Ayer estuve en el cine viendo "Gamer" y cuál fue mi sorpresa al encontrarme con cierto moreno haciendo un cameo en la película. ¡En realidad di un grito en el cine! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

No me lo esperaba, pero salen bastantes actores de series haciendo colaboraciones. Supongo que sabréis que el prota de "Dexter" hace de malo malote en la peli. También aparecen Sam, los protas de "Psyhc" e incluso Petrelli de "Héroes". :wink:

Re: Noticias sobre Sam Witwer

Publicado: Dom Ene 03, 2010 5:56 pm
por Bertu
Shelby escribió:Por cierto... Ayer estuve en el cine viendo "Gamer" y cuál fue mi sorpresa al encontrarme con cierto moreno haciendo un cameo en la película. ¡En realidad di un grito en el cine! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Calla, calla... Yo dije ¿Este no es Sam? Y mi amigo del lado ¿Qué? Yo, nada, nada. Voy a casa, busco IMDB y efectivamente, ese era Sam :smt005
Shelby escribió:No me lo esperaba, pero salen bastantes actores de series haciendo colaboraciones. Supongo que sabréis que el prota de "Dexter" hace de malo malote en la peli. También aparecen Sam, los protas de "Psyhc" e incluso Petrelli de "Héroes". :wink:
Menudo papelón el de Petrelli :smt005

Voy a ponerlo aquí. Me he encontrado con un trailer del último juego de Star Wars y ¿Sabéis con quién me he encontrado?


El momento de la capa me recuerda a "Infamous" cuando Jimmy lo descubre :smt005

Re: Noticias sobre Sam Witwer

Publicado: Mié Ene 19, 2011 12:28 am
por Shelby
Sam ha sido seleccionado como uno de los protagonistas del grama piloto de la CBS "The Quinn-Tuplets" (Mike Kelley), y que trata sobre la crónica dramática de la vida de 5 adultos quintillizos.

http://hollywoodinsider.ew.com/2010/02/ ... -comedies/

Sam Witwer y Aaron Ashmore podrían coincidir de nuevo en otro proyecto, esta vez en el remake de una serie de televisión inglesa llamada "Being Human". Así lo ha comentado Ausiello en su columna, en la que dice que se le han confirmado la noticia del contrato. Al parecer Sam interpretaría el personaje del vampiro Aidan, mientras que Aaron interpretaría al hombre-lobo George.

La serie trata sobre "Tres compañeros de cuarto que intentan encajar a pesar de que son un vampiro, un hombre-lobo y un fantasma".

http://ausiellofiles.ew.com/2010/06/28/ ... am-witwer/

- Sam Witwer habla sobre Doomsday y Smallville (CBR.com):
“Smallville was interesting,” he reflects. “It was definitely a little bit stressful, because when they announced they were bringing Doomsday in and word got out…. Well, people looked at my picture and said, ‘He doesn’t look anything like a 6-foot wide, 8-foot tall creature with bones coming out of his head.’ The fan reaction was quite negative, so I was walking into a situation where everything I read on the Internet was, ‘Who is this guy and why is he coming into our beloved franchise?’ The good news is that once we started airing episodes, the opinion changed and that was really heartening. You work on it for a while and you don’t know if people are going to like it, but you have some notion that maybe it should go in a certain way. It’s really rewarding when people respond to it.

“We worked really hard to not just do our own thing, but also honor the source material,” he continues. “The important thing is that we weren’t negating what the comic book said, we were just adding a piece of mythology to it that might be interesting.”

The role, he explains, came out of the blue. The producers began telling him about the character of Davis Bloome, an EMT who’s suffering through black-outs. He’s considered a great guy and morally upright, but then he learns that during these black-outs he’s hurting people.

“By the end of it,” Witwer continues the scenario, “you find out he’s Doomsday. I had just seen the animated film Superman: Doomsday about two weeks earlier, and my response was, ‘You want me to play THAT guy?’ I didn’t think I was right for it, but they did.”

One question is whether or not the actor thought the ending of his arc on the show worked, where Davis, who has been tried to maintain his humanity, abruptly turns dark and homicidal.

“You know what’s funny?” asks Witwer rhetorically. “I said in one interview that I didn’t necessarily agree with the ending, and the next day I was quoted all over the Internet with, ‘Sam Witwer hates the ending.’ I want to say this respectfully, because as an actor it’s not my job to do anything but what I’m given. Having said that, I hope that when people watch that they see I’m kind of going for it with what it was they wanted me to do. But my personal take was, I thought it would end differently for that character. I’m going to be completely honest with you – yes, there are many valid ways you could end that character. I wasn’t sure that the way we ended the character was something we’d earned. I think you could have done a few different things that would have made more sense, considering that he was sacrificing himself. He even tried to kill himself at one point. He did some bad things, but he was mostly trying to do the right thing. Even when he would murder those criminals, he was doing that to protect whole city blocks, realizing that he couldn’t die. He was completely aware of the fact that he was impervious, so what do you do? The bad things he did, he really had no choice. The lying, the dishonesty, was really preferable to giving in and killing everyone in the entire city. So my take on it was that until the very end, this is an honorable man put in a terrible situation, and I think the audience responded to that. At least I hope they did. I think we needed to stick with what was established. I’m not saying we can’t deviate, but if we’re going to turn him into a maniac at the end, we should set that up a little bit. But it’s not my place. Please emphasize that point: it’s not my place to fight it. Did I raise concerns when the script came out? Yes, I did, but my job is to do what they’ve given me as well as I possibly can and bring it to life in a way that creates, hopefully, a dramatically satisfying moment.”

http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/ ... ter#int109

- Actualizado 18/01/11 -

- Sam Witwer habla sobre "Being Human" y menciona a Smallville (collider.com):
Did the work you did as Doomsday on Smallville, and the exposure you had to sci-fi and genre fans through that show, help to prepare you for the attention that you’ll get for Being Human?

sam-witwerWITWER: Smallville was a really awesome opportunity. I can say, probably with certainty, that this job wouldn’t have happened, if it weren’t for the opportunities I had on Smallville. That character was going through something very similar. He was dealing with being a monster and not wanting to be one. On this show, because I’m #1 on the cast list, we get a lot more opportunities to explore all the different facets of that type of problem. But on Smallville, Davis Bloom didn’t really have a sense of humor. He didn’t have time, but Aidan does.

In terms of the fans, I really hope that genre fans dig this because I’m one of them. (...)

(...) With Smallville, I didn’t want to let down any of my fellow Superman fans.
http://collider.com/sam-witwer-intervie ... man/70634/

Re: Noticias sobre Sam Witwer

Publicado: Mié Ene 19, 2011 10:58 pm
por mariesv
Entrevista con el cast de Being Human

Re: Noticias sobre Sam Witwer

Publicado: Mar Feb 22, 2011 1:01 pm
por Shelby
- Entrevista de Sam Witwer con IGN.com, en la que habla sobre su participación en Star Wars: The Clone Wars:
Star Wars: The Clone Wars -The Dark Side Personified
The Force Unleashed's Sam Witwer talks about going from Starkiller to another integral (and incredible powerful) Star Wars character.
by Eric Goldman US, February 3, 2011

In-between a busy career in TV that has taken him from Battlestar Galactica to Dexter to Smallville and now his new series Being Human, Sam Witwer has made an impact in the Star Wars saga via his performance as Starkiller in The Force Unleashed and its sequel. Now Witwer has returned to Star Wars with The Clone Wars, where he voices the role of "Son," part of an extremely powerful trio of Force-wielders, with Son embodying the Dark Side, while his sister "Daughter" embodies the light side – in a storyline that is introducing some major new elements to the entire Star Wars universe. We met Son, Daughter and their Father last week and their story continues this week in Friday's new episode, in the second of the three-part Mortis trilogy.

I spoke to Witwer, a fellow lifelong Star Wars fan, about taking on this big new character, how it related to The Force Unleashed and more.

IGN: Having already played Starkiller in The Force Unleashed games, what was it like getting this call asking if you'd like to play a completely different Star Wars character?

Witwer: My agent calls up and goes, "Hey, so they want you to do an episode of The Clone Wars…" And I said, "YEAH!" And they're like, "They say it's a really cool role." I said, "Yes. Done!" No one had told me what I'm playing and then someone calls me from Lucasfilm and they go, "Hey, so listen, we'd like you to do this thing. It's a great character," and this and that. And I go, "You guys know I said yes, right?" I keep hearing this thing about, "It's a great character," and I'm like, "Wait… I think they might actually mean this. They might actually think this is an awesome character." But hey, I'm doing it no matter what. I assumed I was just coming in and going to do a few lines and it was going to be like a little Force Unleashed plug and reference and that was it. So then I get the first script, which was the day before we're supposed to go in and perform it, and I've been told a little bit about, "Oh, this is kind of a big cave of evil story." And I discover it's three episodes. So I go, "Oh, I guess the character's going to be a little bit bigger than a few lines. Alright!" I take a look at the first script and I just freeze, because I realize, oh my god, I'm playing The Dark Side of the Force! So then at that point, I kind of panic, because this is not a character you want to mess up! This is not really a character you can afford to mess up!

IGN: Yeah, it's certainly presented as something very important.

Witwer: Right. This is an iconic element of the entire Star Wars saga. And if you were to get it wrong, that would be extremely disappointing. And in the first episode, he didn't show up that much. He's introduced and then it's really the Father that takes over. So I'm walking around, trying to figure out what the hell this character is. And actually, that worked to my advantage – the fact that the character didn't show up that much in the first episode. Because I was with Dave Filoni on that first day and we were doing some of the lines and I said, "Listen, are you concerned that I'm going to sound a little bit too much like Starkiller in this?" And he goes, "Well, actually, that's kind of why I hired you. If your character is the Dark Side of the Force, then you might hear a little bit of Starkiller's voice in him." And when Dave said that to me, I said, "Well, then you should hear everyone in my voice. You should hear all of the different characters in my voice. You should hear Darth Vader at times. You should hear the Emperor at times. You should hear Starkiller. Darth Maul. You should hear elements of all these different Star Wars dark side characters, because in a sense, this character is all of those characters. So the next day we come back and we're doing the next episode and I started doing that in the studio and Dave Filoni kind of looks at me and goes, "I know what you're doing!" I ask, "Do you want me to not do that?" And he goes, "No, do it more!"

IGN: It's a great touch.

Witwer: There were times where we were concerned. "Is it too referential?" And we made the decision that no, if this is sort of a dreamlike world and the events that happen here kind of represent all of the events that happen throughout all of the six movies and all of The Clone Wars and it's all condensed into three episodes, then it makes sense – that you must reference those moments. It's actually not cheesy, it's actually completely appropriate. And now that I've seen them, I'm confident we made the right decision, because I felt like it worked.

IGN: I've gotta tell you, even with just a couple of words here or there, you do a great Emperor!

Witwer: [Laughs] Thank you! Again, I'm a huge Star Wars geek, and considering that the Son's motivations are not unlike the Emperor's, it made sense to go there. But it was a ridiculously fun character to perform.

IGN: It occurs to me that when you get to play a Star Wars character, it's always the most powerful character imaginable! You're not The Dude in the Cantina.

Witwer: [Laughs] Yeah, that's a very good point. I tend to get these roles of not just bad guys, but very adept bad guys. Someone forwarded me an old article from when I was hired for Smallville and it said, "Darth Vader's Secret Apprentice to kill Superman," which I thought was hilarious. I guess I've been typecast as the big bad. Aside from Being Human, I guess – that guy is good with some bad in him.

IGN: Well, another interesting throughline with a lot of characters you've played is they have walked the line between good and evil.

Witwer: Yeah, psychologically damaged, exactly. They take one look at me and they go, "Yeah… this guy's got problems!"

IGN: What did you think when you found out they were bringing your Force Unleashed costar Adrienne Wilkinson [Maris Brood in TFU] in to play Daughter?

Witwer: It was great. All of the Force Unleashed people, we keep in pretty close contact and we see each other every now and then. So I'd seen Adrienne here or there at dinner and stuff like that. I don't think I was aware she was hired as well until I arrived at the studio and I thought that was great. And as a Star Wars geek, I thought about the fact that we were fighting in this and she was trying to talk me down saying, "No, we don't have to fight," and in Force Unleashed, it's the opposite – We're fighting and I'm trying to talk her down. I thought that was kind of neat.

IGN: Suffice to say then, you'd be up for more appearances on The Clone Wars if the opportunity presents itself?

Witwer: Oh absolutely. The thing is I really love working for those people. Dave Filoni really not only knows his stuff but really cares about his job. He really loves his job. When I've just been in San Francisco passing through, I've stopped at the ranch and had lunch with the guy. He's an extraordinary talent. I don't think any of us realize how lucky we are to have him be the guy that's running the show – that's taking George's vision and making it literal. Having worked with him and talked with him at length several times, just on a social basis, I realized that I don't know if there's anyone else that could have done the job as well. So yeah, Dave Filoni, I'm a huge fan of that guy at this point. And I was before. If you watch The Clone Wars, you get the sense that we're being taken care of, right? But the actual deal and the things that he's been fighting for and the things that he has in store – the little tidbits that he's shared with me – yeah, fans just have no idea what's coming. He's just a wonderful, wonderful guy and he's so talented. And everyone on that whole crew… You really get this feeling from everyone that everyone really wants to be there. And just on any job, you want that. You want everyone to be super excited about what they're doing and everyone working really hard.

Being Human was another wonderful group of people. Every one of them really, really wanting to give their all. And having been on one or two sets where it wasn't like that, or more than that… I've been really lucky. I've done some projects where people were extremely excited about it, but it's not every day that you get people who are that talented firing on all cylinders. So Clone Wars, that's a hell of a show.


- Actualizado 21/02/11 -

- Entrevista de Sam Witwer paea Multipleverses.com en la que habla sobre su papel de “Aidan” en “Being Human.”:
Multipleverses was invited on a conference call with Sam Witwer about his role “Aidan” on SyFy’s “Being Human.” Here are the highlights from call. You’ll be able to read more of the transcripts in Issue four of OSCK magazine, coming out next month.

Question: In what ways are you most like and least like your character of Aidan?

Sam: Well, I’m a little bit more of a goofball than Aidan is I think. He’s a little bit more cool and collected and I supposed that comes from him being a little bit older than I am. He’s 250-something years old, so I’ll give him that. We look a lot alike. I’ll give him that as well. We virtually look exactly alike, me and Aidan. We’re about the same height. He’s a little bit faster of a runner than I am, but I also play video games better than he does. So, there’s a lot of similarities, a lot of differences.

No, but really I think what I related to in this character was the fact that he was a man of conscience and I loved that. I really loved that at the core of this guy who’s been really a terrible person for the past 200 years there was a conscience at the center of all that, and I liked how the script dealt with those issues.

Question: How do you feel Aidan stacks up against the other vampires on TV and in film right now?

Sam: Oh, you’re going to be very disappointed in me, sir. I have not seen the other vampires. I don’t know what they’re doing. I haven’t seen any of the shows. I haven’t seen any of the Twilight Series. In fact, someone said, “Hey, so you guys sparkle?” And I’m like, “What?” “Do you sparkle?” I’m like, “What do you mean, do we break into dance numbers and use jazz hands? What do you mean?” And they’re like, “No, like the vampires in Twilight.” And I’m like, “I don’t know what that is.”

So, really if – I don’t if I have an original take in it. I heard from a few people that I kind of do, but I’m just kind of crossing my fingers and doing my own kind of unpolluted take on the vampire thing. Because really the last real exposure I’ve had to it is Béla Lugosi from back in the day, and that’s a movie I’ve seen a lot of.

Question: How does Aidan walk around in the daylight?

Sam: Well, it’s uncomfortable, but it doesn’t necessarily harm him. The way that we play it out is, and I think I actually – I talked to Sally about this in, I think, Episode 3, but I – the vampire is just like every living thing on this planet have evolved that early on they may have been Nosferatu or one of those early on visions of the horrible pharaoh vampire, and as they’ve gone on they’ve adapted.

And so yes, they can actually walk around, but they ?don’t necessarily like it, which is why you see our vampires wear sunglasses a lot in the daytime. It isn’t that we’re trying to look like we’re in the Matrix, it’s – we actually need them.

Question: Going back to the kind of character that Aidan is, I love that he’s such a good guy, and (well) what’s happening – everything with Josh and Ray, I just wanted to know where you see their friendship. If it’s coming out of – just unscathed, and how is it that he’s so easy going with werewolves because he brings Ray to Josh at the hospital. So, it says a lot about Aidan’s character that he’s just such an outstanding kind of guy. So…

Sam: Yes, you’re going to see – later in the season you’re going to see context for how vampires truly feel about werewolves. You’re going to see a lot more of that.

It’s one of the things we sometimes don’t necessarily explain a lot of things. And I actually like that about the show that there are very specific rules about how all of this stuff works and we all talked about it on the set, but then we don’t necessarily go out of our way to have an exposition paragraph, you know?

In movies, you’ll see two guys and they’re like, “We’ve been best friends for ten years and you’re telling me that,” you’re just like, “Why would you say that? You don’t have to – we know. You’ve been best friends for ten years. Get on with it,” you know? And we don’t actually have a lot of those moments where we explain what everyone knows.

And therefore, the audience has some room to interpret, which I think is wonderful, but as for Ray and Josh, and does our relationship get frayed by the Ray thing, it does a little bit. And in fact, it gets frayed by a lot of things throughout the season. It’s because Ray is telling Josh some truths actually about the nature of vampires, and while Aidan is an outstanding guy, he is in fact one of these people that fit into the category that Ray is describing and he still has a lot of these traits.

I mean, if you watch closely there are certain moments where you can see Aidan – like for example, in the beginning of, I guess it’s Episode 4, there’s a moment where Aidan is in the bookstore and he sees a – the woman who’s ringing people up and there’s a moment where he’s working out how he’s going to do this. How he’s going to lure her, how he’s going to this, how he’s going to that, and how he’s going to dispose of the body and all of that. He’s working it out like a chess game.

And it – only at the last minute does he go, “Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that’s not – no, I’m – that’s – no, that’s not what I’m – I’m trying to do the opposite.” But, he’s being doing these things for 200 years and the very nature of our vampires are to be deceptive, not necessarily to each other, but to everyone else to hide what they are, to hide what they’re feeling, to hide everything.

And so, Aidan lies a lot to his roommates, all the time in fact. Throughout our entire season he is constantly lying to just about everyone, and you only see what’s really going on with that character when he’s alone or when he’s with certain company. And what I love about that is that it really reinforces the metaphor that we make no secret that we’re actually discussing. No secret about the fact that we are discussing addition, we are discussion a man who is battling drug addiction and trying to stay clean.

And bringing Josh’s friendship with Josh is a friendship of desperation. He has no one who could support him except this guy. And so they move in so that they can kind of watchdog each other, but the fact of the matter is he still doesn’t share with Josh half of what’s going on. And I think that people could definitely relate to that. Something that’s going on in their life that they feel like they can really turn – they can’t turn to anyone for it, and they keep that secret and they hate themselves for it.

And I really love – the entire – our whole mythology for vampires is all based around that metaphor, everything that we’ve done. In fact, even the casting of vampires has been about that. There’s a scene in a later episode where there’s a big gathering of vampires; giant. And we looked around, me and Mark Pellegrino, and we’re just applauding their casting choices because it wasn’t a bunch of dudes and women in like black leather pants and long trench coats.

It was a woman who a mother, and then a guy who looked like a school teacher, and a kid who looked like just an average college student. It was just people. It was just normal people and the point being that any one of these people could have a problem with addiction and hide it from the people that they’re closest with. I thought that was fascinating.

Question: The whole thing with Rebecca to me was really reminiscent sort of like of a Sid and Nancy-type kind of relationship where they’re failing and struggling .. they’re blood addicts, I was wondering, in preparing for the role for Aidan did you look a lot at – into like that addiction and like how did you prepare for playing that kind of a thing?

Sam: That’s exactly – that’s all we talked about. Me and Sarah Allen that’s all we ever discussed was drug parallels and addiction and all that, and that was what the producers wanted. So, everyone is on the same page about this metaphor. We even blocked the scenes and shot them in such a way that they were suggestive of other things. I’ll just kind of leave it at that.

But, because there’s definitely all kinds of stuff going on there, including a very strong sexual element, the tragedy of what happens in that episode and what happens in the episodes following that episode is that she’s sincere in her intention to beat this and so is Aidan. But, they both have the same problem, and therefore maybe they’re not the best people to support each other because if one goes down the other one’s going down with them. And the other problem that Rebecca has is that she is also surrounded by – because one of the things that people maybe didn’t necessarily synapse with is that the first episode takes place over a month. Our Episode 1 is one month. When we catch up with Rebecca she was turned almost immediately after she died, right?
And then, for a month she was forced into this really messed up culture and society where if you look at it from a genre point of view she was forced to murder a lot of people and she was forced to take part in a lot of really messed up things, so she’s out of her mind by the time that we catch up with her in Episode 2.

But, from a metaphor point, she was thrown into this drug thing and has been heavily involved in it for a month straight before Aidan can have any influence. So, Bishop isn’t working on her hardcore, and of course he’s working on her because he knows that this could be a lure to bring Aidan back into the fold. So…

Question: Aidan is a dark guy and we’re – you know, he’s lying to his roommates and his friendship with Josh is strained, you know, upcoming episode is all about some pretty big reveals for Sally and Josh do you think that, you know, your characters are going to become more bonded because of this or more torn apart because of the revelations?

Sam: You see both. You see both, absolutely. They rely on each other more while at the same time certain revelations and I think I’m not spoiling too much by saying that there are moments where Josh and Sally pickup on the fact that Aidan is not being honest with them, and that doesn’t do much for their relationship.

I think one of the themes of the first season though is how these three people resolve their relationships with each other, in terms of working together or apart, because as you see we are quite a bit apart in these early episodes. We are kind of wandering off on our own and exploring these problems and in most cases, in fact maybe in all cases, failing miserably.

And I think one of themes is, are these people going to learn to start working together on this or are they just going to continue to flounder out in there – out in the wilderness by themselves?

Question: I like the way that even though Aidan’s got his own issues, he’s kind of mentoring his younger roommates, with getting them assimilated with their new lives. I was wondering if you could talk to us a bit about his relationship with both Josh and Sally?

Sam: Yes, we’ll you’re dead on. He’s kind of the anchor in a weird way, which is funny because he’s also in many ways the most out of control. He tries to keep that away from them. With Josh, yes, he is kind of an older brother. He’s constantly trying to calm that guy down and it’s not like that their personalities are inherently compatible. In fact, as much as I love Sam Huntington, I think I played Aidan most of the time just that he’s starting to learn to find humor and pleasure in the way Josh is.

Whereas, I think for probably the years beforehand it was severely annoying to him and irritating and really hard to deal with. And actually, we do have, I believe coming up, provided it doesn’t get cut from the episode, some flashbacks where we see them early on in their relationship, and it’s not necessarily exactly the same thing.

But yes, it is definitely an older brother, younger brother thing and Aidan is trying to impart pieces of wisdom and knowledge. But, we have to remember that everything that Aidan knows about werewolves is colored from the fact that he’s probably killed a few in his time, and he hasn’t necessarily had a warm relationship with them.

Sally is interesting because I kind of – the way I conceive it is not just younger sister, but kind of a daughter in a weird way, because after all Aidan is an old, old man. I mean, he comes off as a young man by design. We – that me and Mark Pellegrino discussed a lot that these characters should blend into whatever time period that they’re in. And if he appears to be 25 in 2011, then he’s a twenty-first century 20-something, but in the 50’s, he should come off as a 50’s 20-something.

But in any case, there is somewhere between an older brother and a father thing with Sally. And for that reason, I found it interesting that Aidan reveals a little bit more to her than he does to Josh. He’ll actually give her pieces. He’ll never give her a full picture, but he’ll give her pieces of what’s actually happening with him, and actually every now and then discuss certain things and share certain things that he – we just don’t see him share with Josh. And I find that really very, very interesting.

But, he’d like to help both of them, but at the same time he realizes he himself needs maybe more help than either one of them. Anyway…

Question: How difficult is it when you’re working with Meaghan to remember that, because she’s a ghost, not to touch her?

Sam: Very difficult. It’s very tough. I think for the most part we stayed with that, but sometimes you completely forget and they had very strict – they had all kinds of things. They had people – they had like the DP, for example, watching over me to make sure that I don’t stand in direct sunlight because that would be uncomfortable for me. They had people watching the whole Sally, touching thing.

They were very, very serious about this. And then you got us goofballs on the set sitting next to each other maybe sitting just too close and, you know, brushing up against each other and ruining brilliant takes; that type of thing.

Question: For me, one of the best parts of the show Being Human is the dynamic between Aidan and Bishop. We’re seeing the plot lines keeping pretty parallel in spirit to the original series, will this relationship break course and go somewhere different?

Sam: I don’t know, because I haven’t seen the original series. So I have no idea. What I do know is that that relationship is one of my favorite things in our series. And we get to see them in different time periods and learn that they’re perspective and their opinions have been very, very different at times in history.

We – even though there’s so much animosity between these two and things get really ugly, I think you get a sense that these two guys love each other and have been through a lot together. There’s 200 years of a relationship there and a very intense friendship, and Mark and I talked about that a lot. Mark talked about a lot of interesting things. He kind of looked at Aidan as a wayward son. I looked at Mark as my ex-drug buddy who I can’t hang out with anymore.

There was a lot of stuff. He said something very interesting also that Aidan – because Aidan is really disrespectful to Bishop and what we will learn as the series goes on is that that’s even more serious than we’re thinking. You – there’s a code of honor with these vampires and Bishop being Aidan’s maker, Aidan is really pushing it, really, really pushing it. And we may not realize that at first, but he’s really just asking for it and Bishop kind of gives him a wide berth; kind of just lets him do it.

And there are other vampires that question Bishop’s wisdom on that. And one of the things that Mark Pellegrino said to me, which I thought was fascinating, he said, “I feel that even though Aidan is weakened, and he’s not drinking live blood so he’s not as fast, not as strong, not on his game, he’s completely off balance, and one would think he’s less of a threat.”

But, I think Bishop looks at him as even more of a threat, and then so why Bishop gives him a wide berth, but at the same time keeps tabs on him constantly because if Aidan ever decided, this is – as Pellegrino says, “If Aidan ever decided to go against Bishop that would be a major liability to him.” That Bishop really feels like what he’s trying to accomplish would work so much better if Bishop – if Aidan was on his side. However, if Aidan does turn on him and actually tries to undo what’s happening that is a major, major threat that Aidan, even at his weakest, is ridiculously dangerous.

And that’s one of the things that I also enjoy about the Aidan character, which we have not quite seen yet, but we will in the season, Aidan was a lunatic. Aidan was out of his mind. He – Aidan was sociopathic, psychopathic, he was beyond what we – you’d consider sane. And we get to see moments of that breakthrough where our nice Aidan does something that you just don’t see coming, and it’s really, really kind of hard to watch.

And that’s one of the things that we really like to play with on the series.

http://multipleverses.com/2011/02/21/sa ... ing-human/