Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Foro dedicado a Laura Vandervoort que interpreta a Kara.

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Laura Vandervoort será "Blue Fox" en la serie web "Captain Canuck":

Laura Vandervoort, quien recientemente consiguió el papel protagonista de la serie de SPACE Channel "Bitten", también prestará su voz próximamente en la serie web basada en el popular libro de cómics canadiense "Captain Canuck".

Nota de prensa con más detalles:

La serie Web Captain Canuck añade a la Supergirl de Smallville

Laura Vandervoort completa el elenco de la serie animada del Superhéroe

Toronto, Canada – 9 de Mayo, 2013 -Captain Canuck Inc. y Smiley Guy Studios anuncian la suma de Laura Vandervoort al elenco de la serie web del superhéroe canadiense como la voz de la enigmática Blue Fox.

Vandervoort (Smallville, V, ay el próximo thriller supernatural, Bitten) se une a Kris Holden- Reid (Lost Girl, Underworld: Awakening, The Tudors) y Paul Amos (Lost Girl, Murdoch Mysteries, Warehouse 13) para llevar al cómic a una nueva vida en la serie web animada que se estrenará el 1 de Julio del 2013.

“Estamos encantados con que Laura se una a nuestro elenco. Añadirla a el equipo de talentos de voces con Kris y Paul es un sueño hecho realidad,” comenta Dean Henry, Director Creativo de Captain Canuck Inc. Él está igualmente emocionado con el progreso de la serie web: “Los guiones están en buena forma y hemos lanzado una producción formal. Es muy gratificante el ver cómo algo producto del amor realmente empieza a unirse”.

El personaje de Vandervoort, Blue Fox, es una mercenaria elusiva y mortal. Poco se conoce sobre su historia pasada, pero el aspecto más peligroso de su personaje quizá sea su cambiante lealtad, lo que atrajo a Laura al papel: “Estoy realmente intrigada con el misterio que hay detrás de este feorz personaje femenino. Definitivamente le dará al Captain una dura competencia.”

La serie animada de cinco partes hará su debur online en el 1 de Julio del 2013 y está siendo fundada por completo por el apoyo de los fans en el popular portal, Indiegogo. Se pueden hacer contribuciones en: ... web-series

Sobre Captain Canuck Inc: Captain Canuck Incorporated (CC INC) fue fundada en el 2012 por Fadi Hakim. Encomendada con la patriótica creación de Richard Comely, CC INC tiene en sus filas a veteranos de la industria de la televisión tales como Dean Henry y Paul Gardner como Directores Creativos para re-imaginar al Captain Canuck para una nueva audiencia.

Sobre Smiley Guy Studios: Smiley Guy Studios (SGS) es una compañía de producción todo-servicios ganadora de premios con experiencia en animación, diseño, guiones, sonido, música y medios interactivos. Fundada en 1998 por graduados en el Norman Jewison’s Canadian Film Centre, SGS ha crecido en tamaño y potencial, con experiencia en la animación vectorial, imágenes generadas por ordenador y producción multi-plataforma. Produce su propio contenido original mientras que también colabora con clientes en una variedad de proyectos animados de TV, cine y proyectos de nuevos medios.

Video sobre la revelación del personaje: CC Blue Fox Reveal ... ries/22323 ... -blue-fox/ ... -back.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Laura Vandervoort Habla sobre el estar deslumbrado por la estrella (
Laura Vandervoort Habla sobre el estar deslumbrado por la estrella
Por Ilana Rapp 29/05/2013 3:28 pm

Actress Laura Vandervoort is a werewolf in the upcoming 13-episode Space series "Bitten." You also know her as Supergirl from "Smallville," the alien lizard Lisa from "V" and now she's voicing the animated character, Blue Fox, master of disguise and stealth, in the soon to be released webseries "Captain Canuck."

Fadi Hakim, President of Captain Canuck Inc., describes how Laura was cast as the dangerous assassin Blue Fox:

"It was after a panel interview for 'Bitten' hosted by Space's Ajay Fry. We met shortly after in the green room along with Kris Holden-Reid and Paul Amos (both from the Showcase / SyFy hit TV series "Lost Girl.") She got excited immediately and we were in talks shortly thereafter.

I always thought Laura would be a brilliant fit for the role of Blue Fox. Her work as Supergirl in 'Smallville' and Lisa in 'V' proves that she has the range and moxie to voice the mysterious character.

On a side and personal note, she voiced Mary Jane Watson in the video game, 'Spiderman: Edge of Time,' a game I played non-stop with my nephew when he was nine years-old. These times were of course very near and dear to my heart.

Laura will be in the studio early-mid June and I can't wait to get a shot of her in a Captain Canuck Club Member t-shirt!"

And now some questions and answers with Laura Vandervoort!

Where'd your dimples come from?

Hahahah. I don't know where they came from. Usually they apparently disappear as we get older. Mine seem to have stuck around. Likely from the Vandervoort side of my family. My mom always told me that my dimples were from two little angels that came into my room at night and kissed in my cheeks. Hahaha kinda creepy now that I think about it. Hahaha.

Why did you move from Canada to California?

I made the transition once "V" and "Smallville" were completed. It is an important move as an actor. Trying a new market, getting the American market and industry to take notice. I had been going to Los Angeles since I was a teen for pilot season but officially moved two years ago.

Do you enjoy doing appearances such as conventions or is it just a hassle at this point?

I have been doing conventions for years now. It all started when i was cast as Supergirl and "Smallville" threw me into San Diego ComicCon. It was definitely overwhelming but an incredible experience. The SciFi fans are the most dedicated fans out there. I love meeting them and chatting one on one. I love meeting the young girls who look up to me as a strong female action hero. I never want to disappoint them. I know what it's like to have someone you admire. I know how much it means when you get to meet them and make that connection. Thus conventions are just as important to me as they are to the fans.

Are you starstruck at all?

I do get star struck. I'm really not that slick or smooth. One of my first crushes was Mark Wahlberg. I had the pleasure of working with him in the feature "Ted." I had a few scenes with him and literally just tried to make it through and not forget my lines. He was so kind. I must say I stayed professional and never really flipped out (in front of him.) He did improvise with me at one point and it completely threw me. I went beet red but recovered. Lol.

On average, how many auditions do you go on per month?

It truly depends on the time of year. Pilot season can be insane. Anywhere from one to four auditions a day sometimes. So many actors work their butts off during pilot season. I often look over on the freeway and see them rehearsing while driving...or changing wardrobe in their car. It's a crazy speed and we all want to be 100% prepared for each. It's exhausting. Other times auditions can be far and few between. It really depends ,as well, on the "theme" of the year. i.e. Are the 20-something age range TV shows and guest stars popular that year? Or is it the "Desperate Housewives" and "Army Wives" that are popular.? It all depends on script intent, age, look etc. When actors aren't working, they're looking for work. It never stops if they're driven.

Describe your relationship with your family.

I am very close with my family. I am extremely blessed. My sister and I talk daily as do my mom and I. I've started getting my dad into texting so that's great. I'm my father's son so he and I often workout together and hit the driving range. My Mom has always been my center of support and where I go for advice or to vent. She supports and celebrates everything I do. I really am blessed. My sister recently married and so we have welcomed a new brother-in-law into the family... Mike! It's amazing. I finally have a big brother. My sister and I didn't always get along as kids but now we are really there for one another. Family is the most important thing in the world. A home base for the heart and soul in this crazy industry where we are traveling all the time. Family is really a sort of emotional roots.

Is "Bitten" a first for you where you're playing a werewolf?

"Bitten" is a wonderful series based on Kelley Armstrong novels. A Canadian series with a strong female lead. I always look for strong female roles. This one came to me. It is my first time playing a wolf... And Elena Michaels is so complex and a real joy to play. We try to always find an animal side to every scene. Whether it be how I move in a scene, how I fight or how I do love scenes... There's always an animal touch.

Do you dream in color?

I believe all dreams are symbolic and a message to us. I often have very vivid dreams. I believe our dreams are trying to tell us how we are feeling externally and internally. It is our body and mind talking to us. I do have a few dream catchers in my room above my bed. Some I want to catch. Some I want to forget. ... _hp_ref=tw

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Super Duper Deelia" Nuevo Projecto para Laura Vandervoort:
La productora y distribuidora "Shaftesbury" ha anunciado que se ha unido a la actriz, escritora y productora Laura Vandervoort (Bitten; Smallville) en "Super Duper Deelia", una nueva serie dirigida a niñas de entre 6 y 12 años creada por la actriz. Producida por Shaftesbury en asociación con John May y Suzanne Bolch de "Heroic Television" (How to be Indie; Connor Undercover), la serie de acción de media hora sigue las aventuras de una niña que descubre que tiene superpoderes el día de su 10º cumpleaños.

“Fui una marimacho y una entusiasta de las artes marciales mientras crecía, no me gustaban las princesas, los ponies o el rosa,” dice Vandervoort. “No había ninguna serie de televisión que quisiera ver cuando era pequeña. Con mi background de Supergirl y mis fans, pensé que podría ser genial el desarrollar una serie que hable a niñas como yo. Con Super Duper Deelia, establecí el crear un personaje único que usara su cerebro y brazara su individualidad como una mujer fuerte que tomara decisiones. Pero la serie también atraerá a los chicos, especialmente a través de la ayuda y la experiencia de John May.”

“Super Duper Deelia es sobre el abrazar tu individualidad y el aprender el cómo ser tú mismo en el mundo,” dice Christina Jennings, Chairman y directora de Shaftesbury. “Laura ha creado un personaje único e inspirador para las niñas en Deelia, quien se debate en cómo usar mejor los superpoderes que de pronto desarrolla en su 10º cumpleaños. Afortunadamente, tiene un grupo de buenos amigos, una sabia abuela y habla con un perro como confidente.”

Deelia siempre ha sido súper – una súper amiga, una súper creadora de los trajes más originales y una súper humana para su perro. Pero en su 10º cumpleaños, descubre que no es tan sólo súper de una forma normal – tiene verdaderos súperpoderes. La gran pregunta: ¿qué hago con ellos? Deelia quiere usarlos para cambiar las cosas para mejor, pero sus ideas de cómo hacer eso no siempre funcionan de la manera en que ella espera. Afortunadamente, no está sola ahí afuera haciendo de súper-heroína. Deelia viene de una larga tradición de súper mujeres incluyendo a su abuela, que tiene un montón de buenos consejos que compartir con ella. Además el perro de Deelia, Shadow, no es tan sólo una dorable mascota. También es su compañero y tiene sus propios poderes, incluyendo la habilidad de hablar. Super Duper Deelia es una serie sobre la diversión, los retos y las tentaciones de crecer con superpoderes - y el descubrir que el último poder es realmente la habilidad de pensar diferente.

Super Duper Deelia está creada por Laura Vandervoort y producida ejecutivamente por Vandervoort, Christina Jennings, John May y Suzanne Bolch. ... velopment/ ... -for-girls ... ls-series/ ... tes-642055

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡Laura Vandervoort se compromete con Oliver Trevena!:
¡Laura Vandervoort ha sido mordida por el bichito del amor! La actriz de 29 años, quien actualmente protagoniza la serie de SyFy "Bitten", se ha compormetido con su novio Oliver Trevena, según ha confirmado una fuente cercana a la pareja a Us Weekly.

Vandervoort mostró su deslumbrante anillo de compromiso de diamantes en la fiesta de "Vanity Fair Young Hollywood" en L.A. el martes, 25 de Febrero. La actriz, quien también protagonizó la serie Smallville y V, ha estado saliendo con el actor Británico y presentador de "Young Hollywood" Oliver Trevena desde mediados del 2013.

Un amigo de la pareja le cuenta a la US Weekly que Trevena le pidió la mano mientras que estaban de vacaciones en Inglaterra el 31 de Diciembre: "La pareja estaba visitando un castillo en Inglaterra y era un entorno realmente romántico," comparte el amigo. "Oliver le pidió a Laura que cerrara los ojos a las 11:11 a.m. (un importante número y hora para ella), y cuando abrió los ojos, él estaba de rodillas."

Vandervoort gustosamente aceptó la romántica proposición de Trevena. "Ella estaba totalmente sorprendida, y él le regaló un anillo con un diamente de estilo vintage," comenta la fuente. "Ella se encuentra en las nubes y muy feliz." ... z2udKTBxg9

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 5 consejos de Laura Vandervoort para vivir en LA, "Hello! Canada Magazine" (April 2014):
Toronto-born bombshell Laura Vandervoort was bitten by the acting bug at a young age, graduating from children’s shows like Goosebumps and Are You Afraid of the Dark to features with the likes of Jeff Daniels and Mark Wahlberg and, finally, the starring role in the Space series Bitten.

With the season one finale of the supernatural series fast approaching (Apr. 5 on Space), the newly engaged Maxim cover girl shares her thoughts – in her own words – about the city she’s made her new home: Los Angeles.

Nearly three years ago, I moved my life to Los Angeles, California: Palm trees, sun, surfing and that enigmatic Hollywood sign. But I quickly discovered there were many more important aspects to Tinsel Town. Here are the five majorly important things I have learned from living in LA:

THE “IN” CROWD AND CAFFEINE: Hipsters endorse only one place for a proper caffeine jolt: Intelligentsia Coffee. All else apparently does not compare. (Oh… I also discovered what a “hipster” is, and that they dwell in packs in Silverlake.)

HIP TO BE FIT: Living in L.A. has given me more options when it comes to staying fit. Hiking at Runyon or Fryman canyon, exploring Malibu (I've recently tried surfing) and taking the spin classes and hot yoga classes offered everywhere has been amazing!

STAYING CONNECTED: I am so thankful for FaceTime and Skype. As I've travelled growing up, I’ve always stayed in touch with my family and friends. It is so crucial and important to me. Family has always been and will always be a priority. My sister had a baby four months ago and seeing him grow up is one of the greatest things I've experienced thus far. Even if he doesn't understand that the woman in the little screen is his aunt yet, I think hearing my voice is important. My mom and I WhatsApp every day – it makes us feel close. We discuss our day and I catch up on all the family.

ON THE ROAD: You do need a car… but you never have to park. Insanely, valet is everywhere and usually the only option (street cleaning is a daily battle). Most people are very skilled at multitasking while driving in L.A. They’re on the phone, doing makeup, learning lines and talking to themselves in the rearview mirror. I've even seen one playing a ukulele. Dangerous entertainment everywhere… not to mention all the partially nude clothing advertisement billboards on Sunset to distract the male drivers around you.

ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW: …Take Fountain. It’s generally a great option as it’s a vein here in L.A. to the major streets and rarely busy. But Bette Davis was quoted saying the same thing when asked what advice she would give to young actors. I thought it was hilarious when someone passed it along to me. You expect some serious deep advice and you get: “Honey, take Fountain.” ... ving-in-la

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Fecha de estreno y sinopsis de la película de Laura "Coffee Shop":
Coffee Shop - UP Original Movie

Premiere: Domingo, 14 de Septiembre del 2014 a las 7 P.M. EDT/4 P.M. PDT

Coffee Shop, es un drama romántico con humor, honestidad y corazón protagonizado por Laura Vandervoort ("Smallville," "V").

"Coffee Shop es un divertido drama de solteros modernos que tiene su personaje principal en Donovan -- interpretada por la bella super-actriz Laura Vandervoort -- en una particular encrucijada en su vida, personal, profesional y espiritualmente," dice Sophia Kelley, vice presidenta senior de programación de UP. "Los icónicos actores Jon Lovitz y Kevin Sorbo realmente brillan en sus divertidos papeles en la película. Además, Coffee Shop presenta una reunión entre Rachel Hendrix y Jason Burkey, quienes protagonizaron el éxito October Baby."

Rodada en Birmingham y Fairhope, AL, Coffee Shop está producida por Salt Entertainment en asociación con Erwin Brothers Entertainment y Foxfield Entertainment, y está dirigida/producida por Dave Alan Johnson (Doc, Sue Thomas: F.B.Eye, High Incident) con guión de Theresa Preston y Jon Erwin. El elenco incluye a Cory M. Grant ("Nashville," "All My Children"), Rachel Hendrix (October Baby, The Perfect Wave) y Jason Burkey (October Baby, A Long Way Off), con Jon Lovitz ("New Girl," "Saturday Night Live"), y Kevin Sorbo (God's Not Dead, "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys"). La popular cantante/compositora Mandi Mapes, originalmente de New Orleans y ahora asentada en Birmingham, contribuye con una canción original, titulada "In Your Arms."

Sinopsis: "Coffee Shop: Love Is Brewing" es la historia de Donavan Turner (Laura Vandervoort), una mujer veinteañera inteligente e independiente que busca la mezcla perfecta de felicidad en su vida. Es dueña de la cafetería de moda “Donovan’s” de un agradable vecindario en un pintoresco y escénico pueblo de costa y su especialidad es unir a la gente con sus nuevas y perfectas bebidas.

With love and financial ruin bubbling around her, Donovan realizes that her identity and self-worth are not defined by what she can accomplish alone. Instead, Donovan – and her community – can accomplish more together, which leads her to make choices she may not have before.

Mientras que no ha tenido tanta suerte haciendo algo similar con su vida amorosa, Donovan adora su trabajo y tiene el fuerte apoyo de su hermana Becky (Rachel Hendrix), el novio de ésta Kevin (Jason Burkey) y la maravillosa y ecléctica colección de clientes habituales que frecuentan su cafetería diariamente. Son un cariñoso y unido grupo – más familia que clientes y empleados. Desafortunadamente, ella les esconde a todos un secreto. El nuevo dueño del banco, Frank Miller (Jon Lovitz), no extenderá su préstamo y se enfrenta a un inmediato embargo. Las cosas se complican aún más cuando el ex-novio de Donovan, Patrick (Josh Ventura) regresa para declararle su amor justo cuando su encuentro con el dramaturgo de Broadway -- y bebedor de té – Ben Carson (Cory M. Grant) se está poniendo interesante. Ben está en la ciudad escribiendo su nueva obra para su productor (Kevin Sorbo). Con el amor y la ruina económica burbujeando a su alrededor, Donovan se da cuenta de que su identidad y valía no están definidas por lo que puede conseguir sola. En su lugar, Donovan - y su comunidad - pueden lograr más cosas juntos, lo que la lleva a tomar elecciones que puede no haber hecho antes. Puede que sea un buen momento para que Donovan se arriesgue y confíe en que todo lo bueno que ha hecho por los otros, le será devuelto. ... 0slate.pdf ... 0FINAL.pdf

Podéis encontrar las imágenes BTS y stills de la película: AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Laura Vandervoort añadida a la lista de presentadores de los 2014 MMVAs:
La actriz canadiense Laura Vandervoort ha sido anunciada como el último nombre en añadirse a la lista de presentadores para los premios MMVAs de este año.

Además de Laura, entre los presentadores están Serena Ryder, Arkells, Fefe Dobson, Kiernan Shipka, Down With Webster, Nikki Yanofsky y P.K. Subban. Anteriormente también se anunciaron los nombres de Kellan Lutz, Jena Malone, Marianas Trench, Colton Haynes, Victoria Duffield, The Weeknd, SonReal, Mia Martina, y Chloë Grace Moretz.

Con Kendall y Kylie Jenner como anfitrionas del evento, los 2014 MMVAs se celebrarán este Domingo a las 9E/6P en Much, CTV y CTV GO y contarán con las actuaciones de Ariana Grande, Ed Sheeran, Hedley, Imagine Dragons, Kiesza, MAGIC!, Lorde, Sam Roberts Band y Virginia to Vegas feat. Alyssa Reid. ... r-line-up/ ... resenters-

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Entrevista exclusiva de Laura Vandervoort sobre ‘Coffee Shop’:
Laura Vandervoort is set to star in the latest UP Premiere Movie “Coffee Shop“. Laura is perhaps best known for her television work, featuring a successful and extensive career that spans many different genres. Over the years, Laura has appeared in Instant Star, Smallville, V, and most recently, SyFy’s Bitten and the movie “Ted”. The talented Canadian actress can next be seen in the upcoming UP Original Movie “Coffee Shop” in the starring role of Donovan Turner.

“Love is brewing” in the new romantic comedy that also stars Cory M. Grant, Rachel Hendrix, Jason Burkey, Jon Lovitz, and Kevin Sorbo. Directed by Dave Alan Johnson, “Coffee Shop” is set to premiere this Sunday, September 14th on UPTV.

We had the chance to exclusively chat with Laura Vandervoort about her role in the film, working with the cast, what sets this movie apart, and even a little of what fans can expect next from her in the new season of Bitten and beyond.

Read on for our exclusive interview with Laura Vandervoort below:

To start off, for those who may be unfamiliar, can you talk a little about your role in your new film “Coffee Shop”?

Laura Vandervoort: I play Donovan Turner, who is the owner of a hip neighborhood coffee shop. She has this great group of people around her but she lost her true love and she’s sort of given up on love. It’s a romantic comedy. She’s given up on love but at the same time, she’s determined that there’s some sort of science to it and she should study, research, and do her homework before every date to know what the guy wants and likes. She’s sort of on a mission to find love again. At the same time, she’s not told her co workers and family that she’s about to lose her coffee shop. She doesn’t have the money to maintain it and hold on to it. She’s sort of struggling in the small quaint town that she grew up in after her mother passed away and she’s trying to keep this coffee shop in her mother’s name.

She’s got a big heart but at the same time she also wants love for herself. We shot it with Rachel Hendrix, Jason Berkeley, Jon Lovitz, Kevin Sorbo, and Cory M. Grant who plays my love interest. His character comes to town as a playwright trying to get a break from the big city. They don’t really hit it off right away. They kind of rub each other the wrong way and that’s kind of where the comedy ensues. It’s a great cast. We all sort of looked at it like a romantic comedy version of Friends. We had a lot of fun.

What attracted you to this project in particular?

I think for me, I’ve been wanting to do indies. As an actor, you always want to do something different. I’ve spent a lot of time on television playing werewolves and superheros, which is great, but when I wrapped season 1 of Bitten, this came across my plate. This seemed like a really fun opportunity for a couple of weeks to work with some incredible actors and do something that everyone in my family could watch, even young kids. A lot of my other projects, not everyone can watch.

The UP Network is all about uplifting television that’s different than what viewers may usually see on their TV. Did that aspect attract you at all?

UP, I think is in like 67 milliion homes or something like that. It was a network that I had no worries about. My grandma and my mom can watch it. My nephew in a couple years can watch it. It’s about heart and family and making people smile. You don’t get a lot of that anymore. I recently saw the movie ‘Chef’, and that’s the first film I’ve seen in quite awhile where you’re expecting something horrible to happen but it’s just this positive, happy film. And you leave there feeling really good and energized. That’s sort of how I compare it to ‘Coffee Shop’. It’s real life, it’s love, loss and believing in one another as human beings.

How was the experience working with the cast?

Fantastic. Everyone was really eager to just be there and do a great job. It was very light hearted. A lot of the stuff I’ve done in the past has been really heavy on the SyFy and drama and blood, which I absolutely love but this was a nice opportunity for me to slow it down a little bit. To be a little more light hearted and do a romantic comedy. All of the cast involved were young, amazing actors and we all hit it off and hung out. It was an interesting experience as well because even though we were shooting in Birmingham, Alabama, there was a blizzard while we were shooting. The cast had to sleep on set overnight because we couldn’t leave and so we all just slept in our trailers and watched movies. It was quite an experience.

That sounds like a big sleepover.

It was sort of like summer camp, only you’re getting paid. You’re challenging yourself as an actor and it’s fun. It was funny because this was not a challenge in a way that I’m used to. I let myself loosen up a little bit and not take it so seriously. It was interesting for me.

You have had an incredibly successful and extensive career that spans many different genres and themes, from Instant Star, Smallville, and Bitten. Do you find you enjoy the many different types of characters or are some more challenging than others?

I think every character has its own pros and cons for me. It’s hard to really get into all of them. But every character I’ve played has taught me a lesson about what I do and don’t want to do in the future. A lot of the Sci Fi stuff gives an opportunity as women in this industry. They write women strong. I have a lot of fun playing that. That’s what I enjoy. Sci fi roles like Smallville and Bitten have been great but then movies like ‘Ted’ and bigger budgeted things, that’s also fun as an actor to get the opportunity to be a part of those. Taking things as they come and different things. ‘Ted’ was comedy and improv and that terrified me with these larger name actors. You throw yourself into it and try to stay afloat.

Are you more comfortable in a movie atmosphere like this as opposed to a series?

It’s very different. In a first season, you have butterflies and jitters and you’re hoping they don’t fire you. You’re trying to prove yourself. As the series continues, you relax and it becomes a family environment and it’s a lot of fun. You know your character and you can relax and do your job and enjoy it.

With movies, it’s a month or two months and you’re done. It’s an intense situation where you’re with these actors for 24 hours a day for 2 months. You build a relationship quickly and you open up quickly with them. It’s less of an opportunity to get to know your character long term. It’s a very different style, I would say.

What would you say sets this movie apart from similar movies out there? What are you most excited for people to see?

I think, like I said, just a film that warms your heart. Not to be cheesy, but the kind of film you sit down, get a blanket, and watch with your family and loved ones. It’s so tough to turn on the television and watch a movie that doesn’t have violence or a negative message. This is just one that everyone can enjoy. It has a great deal of faith and I think all the actors did a fantastic job.

Finally, what else may fans look forward to from you next?

I wrote and created and produced a children’s series with Shaftesbury films called ‘Super Duper Deelia‘. That’s sort of in prep right now. It’s a live action kids series.

Are you currently working on the new season of Bitten?

Bitten is my life right now til November. I’ve been talking about some projects recently that sound very exciting for me. This is blood, sweat and tears, literally, to play Elena and I love Elena so much. I think when we wrap I’m going to take a little vacation maybe. If the right role comes along that I can fall in love with then that will be what I’m doing.

I can’t give away a lot or I’ll get in trouble but Elena has finally accepted who she is as a werewolf and she’s sort of on a mission right now for revenge. The pack has a big thing that they have to deal with this season. Clay and Elena are back together and in love but that doesn’t mean that things won’t be thrown in their path to take them apart. We’ve got some great new actors on the show playing our witches and it’s just darker this season. It’s definitely a darker show. ... exclusive/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Entrevista de Laura para "Naluda Magazine":
Laura Vandervoort is a versatile actress who not only crosses over genres, but also changes from character to character flawlessly embracing the essence of every role she plays. From being listed in Maxim’s Top 100 hottest women two years in a row, to being their April cover girl in 2014, to recently spearheading two national PETA campaigns, to starring in an upcoming studio film alongside Mark Wahlberg, Laura has been having an amazing year full of momentum. Best known for her roles on the television shows “Smallville” and “V,” she has built an international fan base of men and women of all ages. Between her beauty, experience and stellar acting chops, Laura has been consistently working as an actress since she was thirteen years old.

Born on September 22, 1984 in Toronto, Canada, Laura Dianne Vandervoort contracted meningitis after only six weeks of life and was hospitalized for weeks. She fought through the illness as an infant and has never stopped fighting for what she believes in since. A tomboy for years to come in her childhood, Laura was drawn to athletics, studying martial arts and playing on several school sports teams: soccer, karate (second- degree black belt), basketball, tennis, gymnastics, and baseball. She was always “the entertainer” as well, acting out characters and putting on shows for family and friends.

Growing up, Laura admired the work of Meryl Streep, the class Grace Kelly held, the off the wall twist of Tim Burton, the ever-so-compelling Canadian icon Gordon Pinsent, and Dustin Hoffman’s incredible craft. She first began her career in background work on Canadian commercials and TV shows, “Road to Avonlea” and “Harriet the Spy.” Laura landed her first speaking role at the age of thirteen, for the children’s series “Goosebumps” and then “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” She went on to take acting classes and book other TV guest star roles, such as Disney movies of the week “Mom’s Got A Date With A Vampire” and “Alley Cats Strike.” At nineteen, while attending York University under the concentration of Psychology and English, Laura landed the lead role of “Sadie Harrison” on the CTV TV series “Instant Star,” a popular series that ran for four seasons.

In 2006, Laura shot her first feature film “The Lookout” starring Jeff Daniels, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Mathew Goode and Isla Fisher. Several TV appearances afterwards such as “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” led Laura into the hands of The CW network. Landing the coveted role of “Supergirl” AKA “Kara” on the hit The CW series “Smallville,” Laura became the main focus of the 7th season of the popular sci-fi drama. Following “Smallville,” Laura booked the sequel to the Jessica Alba/Paul Walker feature film “Into The Blue” titled “Into the Blue 2: The Reef.”

Laura has since continued on her superhero path voicing “Mary Jane” in the new Spiderman video game, which would be her second voiceover gig after doing three episodes of “Family Guy.”

Laura has guest starred on several series including “Haven,” “CSI-NY,” and “White Collar.” She has starred in Independents, most recently “Coffee Shop,” “Cubicle Warriors,” and the American film “Finding Mrs. Claus.”

Laura ventured into new territory, writing a children’s book series for young girls and boys between the ages of 7-12. It has since been developed with Shaftesbury films into a live action children’s series with exciting progress. Laura is the creator and executive producer of the project titled “Super Duper Deelia.”

Currently, Laura is the lead of the series “Bitten” for Syfy and Space., which is filming the series second season. ‘Bitten” is based on the New York Times Best selling series of novels by Kelley Armstrong. Laura plays ‘Elena Michaels’ the only female werwolf in existence. With high praise critically and a large fan following the series gained strength and praise for both performance and cinematography.

When did you first know you wanted to become an actress?

I was about 12 years old. I had mostly done sports and martial arts up until that point. I was shy and awkward but would put on plays for my parents with my cousin. One day I was watching the movie “My Girl” and the movie moved me. As a kid this was new to me. To cry and feel pain for the characters. The young girl in it was about my age at the time. It wasn’t long after that I asked my parents if I could try acting and they supported the idea. I took classes and did background work growing up in Canada. After some time learning the ropes, I was finally auditioning for speaking roles and doing children’s televisions series and Disney movies basically learning as I went along.

What was the first role you ever did?

First role would have to be an episode of “Goosebumps”. I was thrilled because I watched it myself and I was terrified as well. I thought “Wow, they have no idea that I’m a fraud! I really do not know what I’m doing.” Years later I realized no one truly does. We are all hoping we aren’t found out to be frauds.

What has been your favorite role so far?

Most roles I have had the opportunity to play have taught me one thing or another. Some have challenged me, some have not…but I somehow always learn a lesson. “Bitten” is likely my favorite role to date. First of all, it’s my first leading role in a series. My character Elena is a complicated cocktail. Strong, confident, stubborn, broken, tormented, flawed, powerful and yet a loving and generous woman. Physically and emotionally, our writers and producers have given me such incredible opportunities to show all of her sides. I’ve felt challenged and fulfilled portraying her.

What is the scariest part of an audition?

Falling in love with a role and then the rejection. Hands down.

What is the strangest thing a role required you to do?

I’d have to say eat my boyfriend. In “V” my character Lisa (Who was a lizard princess) discovers her mother made a replica of her. An evil twin if you will. Lisa’s twin seduces her boyfriend and post mating, fangs and all, bites into his jugular…licking her lips afterward. That was rather new for me haha. It was also the actors last day and last scene on the series. I felt terrible being the one to kill him but had a sense of enjoyment in playing evil.

If you could choose, what three actors/actress would you really want to work with?

Gosh, well the obvious one is Meryl Streep. I, like most of the world idolize her. I also would have loved to work with Bette Davis or Audrey Hepburn. Both such risk takers and incredible to watch.

Why do you think so many aspiring actors/actress end up giving up on their dream?

It’s sad but it happens to all of us. This business is brutal at best. Rejection runs rampant. It is a daily occurrence no matter how well you do. It is a business that rarely and doesn’t always honor or reward those who work the hardest, prepare and study. It’s a business of “Do you fit what I have in mind?”, “Are you tall enough?”, “Are you brunette enough?” , “How many twitter followers do you have?” I mean it really is a gamble. I’ve given up a few times to be honest. You have to step away. The only way to handle it all is to stick it out, take a break and breather when needed, stick to your guns… move forward and continue to grow. I have never had a thick enough skin to deal with the constant criticism. You just have to develop tactics that help you move forward and onward.

How do you memorize so many lines?

Haha. I have no idea. Sometimes I find that when the pressure is on (Which it often is in television with very little time to memorize), I just memorize that much faster. But with auditions, I run the scenes several times alone and underline specific lines in every sentence that stand out. Then I run them in my head. I almost always hate reading them with someone else to prepare. I only truly do it out loud the day of the audition. It helps to also create a path. When I say path, I mean in your mind drawing a map of symbols that lead you to the next line.

Where do you see yourself in a few years?

Ugh, no idea. Lol. Planning in this business just isn’t possible.

Now can you tell us a little about your role as Elena Michaels in Bitten?

“Bitten” is based on a series of novels by Kelley Armstrong. I play Elena Michaels, a 30 year old girl who truly hasn’t had it easy growing up. From growing up in the orphanage and different foster care families to putting the man that molested her as a child in jail. She has grown into a strong woman. A photographer in Toronto. She falls for her professor at University, Clay Danvers. Without knowing it, Elena finds herself in the midst of what she sees as a nightmare. Clay is part of a family of civilized werewolves. To protect her, Clay has no choice but to bite her, turning Elena into the first female in the world to survive the bite. Season one Elena is torn between trying to live a normal life in the city with her human boyfriend or following her animalistic instincts to be with her new “family.’’ Because she’s truly never had a family, the pack is an enticing and welcoming concept. This season, which we are shooting now…. Elena has accepted her fate as a woman holding a savage animal within. She’s blood thirsty, angry and seeking revenge for her human boyfriends murder. I’ve lost myself in Elena so many times while filming. The raw emotion of her past, her love and connection with Clay. Her anger and aggression. She truly is an amazing woman that I honestly admire. She plans to come out on top no matter what life throws at her.

How is working along with great and very handsome actors in Bitten?

Hahahah great. They are all wonderful men. Truly. I now have 4 brothers watching my back.

Finally, where we can follow you?

Twitter: vandiekins22

Instagram: Supervandie

What’s your favorite place to eat?

Depends on what city I am in. In Los Angeles I’m a fan of Izakaya. I also really enjoy Real Food Daily lately.

If you were a dog, what would you be?

Wow, I’ve been told my dog Frankie and I are very similar? Hahaha. So I guess a Shih Tzu, Lhasa Apso? Honestly probably nothing pure bred. Hahaha. A mutt who appreciates a good home, a scratch behind the ear and cuddles. I also probably wouldn’t pass dog training. Too stubborn.

Book: “Quiet”- Susan Cain

Quote: “ For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love”- Carl Sagan

Bar or Nightclub: Neither… I just don’t even bother hahaha.

Holiday Destination: I haven’t been there yet but dream location would be Maldives or Bora Bora.

Day or Night: Day and Night. For different reasons. Day because it is a chance to start over and there is always the unknown of what the day will bring. Night because it is my time to be alone and think about EVERYTHING! A chance to relax and get into my ‘bubble’ of quiet. A Hitchcock movie or my favorite series on TV and some comfy pajamas. ... ndervoort/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 15 Minutos con Laura Vandervoort (shedoesthecity):
15 Minutos con Laura Vandervoort
Por SheDoesTheCity 02 Febrero, 2015

Toronto’s Laura Vandervoort is best known for her roles on Smallville and V. Currently, Vandervoort is the lead of the Space original series Bitten, which recently finished filming the series second season. She plays Elena Michaels, the only female werewolf in existence.

SDTC: What spaces in Toronto do you find inspiring?

LV: I grew up in North York and rarely travelled downtown but once I started living downtown, I fell in love with Trinity Bellwoods Park for lounging and walking with the dog. Cherry Beach is a great escape from the city as well.

What aisle do you spend the most time in at the grocery store?

Haha. I would have to say the fruit section. I always want my fridge stocked with berries and fresh fruits to keep me going throughout the day!

Which virtue do you try to cultivate within yourself?

Patience. I’m horrible with patience but it is something I’ve been trying to work on. It is a virtue I admire in people and I am slowly progressing. I just need to work on the patience to get there! Vicious cycle.

The receipts in your wallet would indicate what?

You would find many receipts to the pet store. I am obsessed with my dog and spoil her. Perhaps receipts to Earth Bar, a great and healthy spot in Los Angeles to get your smoothie on. Receipts for my drop-in classes at Hot Yoga for some Zen and likely receipts for my dinner dates to sushi with my girlfriends.

If you could reinvent your career and be something totally different, what would that be?

I grew up wanting to be a writer. Writing poetry and short stories. Oddly enough always on the darker said. Very Tim Burton. I was an odd little girl. I went to York University for English and Psych. I suppose I was hoping to better understand human nature for my writing. Acting picked up and I began pursuing that and loved every moment but I still had the desire to create. Over the past few years, I wrote a children’s book and am thrilled it is currently in production to become a live action children’s series! Stayed tuned for that! Super Duper Deelia will follow the adventures of a young quirky girl, who discovers she is more then meets the eye!

When you dream about travel, what place in the world comes to mind?

So many places! I’ve traveled in the past but mostly for work. My dream vacation would be Bora Bora or Greece. I am about to embark on an incredible journey and opportunity with World Vision Canada. I will be traveling to Africa for 10 days with their team to educate myself on their work in the field and experience it first hand!

What makes you happy?

Cuddling. Coffee. My dog. My family and my adorable nephew Asher. Expressing myself and challenging myself through art and acting and finally exercise!

What makes you cringe?

Needles. Speaking to live audiences. Snakes. Spiders and those who wish to show off in superficial ways.

What quality do you loathe most in others?


What, in your opinion, is overrated?

Wealth and fame.

How do you feel about life at this moment?

I feel empowered and feel like the best is yet to come.

What quality do you value most in a lover?

The ability to look into their eyes and see complete honesty and comfort.

What is your favorite thing to do on a Saturday?

Take a spin class or hike with my dog, grab a coffee and lounge, read or watch a movie.

What is your comfort food?

I’ve always been a sucker for a fresh croissant.

What word should we all use more?

Serendipitous. ... andervoort

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Laura Vandervoort y Oliver Trevena rompen su compromiso:

Parece ser que se han parado las campanas de boda para Laura Vandervoort y Oliver Trevena. US Weekly ha confirmado que la pareja ha roto su compromiso.

La pareja empezó a salir a mediados del 2013 y se comprometieron en el Año Nuevo del 2013 durante unas vacaciones en la tierra natal del actor, Inglaterra, en la que el actor se declaró durante una visita a uno de los castillos ingleses a una hora que tiene un significado muy especial para la actriz, las 11:11.

La pareja parecía estar muy feliz con el compromiso e incluso celebraron una fiesta de compromiso con su familia y amigos el pasado mes de Marzo del 2014.

Ahora, parece que ambos han tomado caminos separados. El representante de Vandervoort así confirmó la noticia a la publicación:

"Ellos rompieron antes de las vacaciones", añadiendo que el compromiso estaba roto.

Aunque ni la actriz ni Trevena hicieron ningún tipo de comentario en el momento de la ruptra, Vandervoort publicó una foto muy emocional en instagram el 31 de Diciembre del 2014, un año después de que Trevena se le propusiera:

"No limites quien eres y quien puedes ser... Happy New Year xo," fue lo que la actriz escribió junto con el tesxto de la imagen:

"Por nuevos comienzos con viejos y leales amigos. Por ser joven e imprudente sin importar la edad que tengas. Por escribir tu propia historia de amor, en los momentos más espontáneos. Por ser lo suficientemente valiente de soñar en grande, y de convertir esos sueños en realidad. Por conocerte a tí mismo un poco mejor y quererte a tí mismo un poco más. Por tí." ... off-201523 ... engagment/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Entrevista con Laura Vandervoort: "Sentía que necesitaba hacer algo más que tan sólo ser una acrtiz egoísta" (samaritanmag):
Entrevista con Laura Vandervoort: "Sentía que necesitaba hacer algo más que tan sólo ser una acrtiz egoísta"
Por Sean Plummer 18 Marzo, 2015

Canadian actress Laura Vandervoort, who spent several years on TV shows Smallville and Instant Star, and now stars in werewolf drama Bitten, has long been involved with charity work. She has participated in ad campaigns for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), donated to North York General Hospital’s neo-natal unit (where she was born), and, most recently, spent 10 days in Kenya with World Vision's Starting Strong.

Starting Strong is a program which provides pregnant and nursing mothers with proper sanitation and nutrition.

“I feel connected to Starting Strong because a) I am a woman, and I was sick as a child,” Vandervoort tells Samaritanmag from her home in Los Angeles.

At one-month old, she had meningitis and says, “I was able to get this amazing medical care in Canada and I was taken care of. These children don’t really have that option. It can start from the day of their birth; they can be in trouble and be sick. I wanted to be involved and try to understand what we can do to help.”

World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.

According to information provided by Vandervoort’s publicist, the Starting Strong program’s mandate is to keep women healthy and strong through their pregnancy and to encourage proper nutrition for their children, especially in their first two years of life, to prevent stunted development.

World Vision estimates that globally 178 million children younger than age five are chronically undernourished, with another 18 million severely wasted. That lack of nutrition impacts their strength as adults, as well as their ability to learn and find work. It also increases their chances of raising children who face the same challenges.

“Some of the women tend to only breastfeed for a short period of time because they’re tired or they can’t make the milk,” Vandervoort says of mothers at risk. “They have four other children, and they end up feeding the children food that ruins their internal organs and end ups causing stunting, which is irreversible after two.”

To that end, World Vision helps build hospitals and medical centres in African communities at risk. They also encourage local governments to spend money on the ground to help their most vulnerable citizens. Hygiene is also an important lesson taught to new mothers.

“It was shocking to me. A lot of these women didn’t know about washing hands,” Vandervoort says. “I expected they might have a lack of knowledge of certain things. But washing hands, that’s such a simple thing that I didn’t expect they would be unaware of it. It starts from a very minor level like that up to how to prepare food and getting their birthing charts, tracking and monitoring their [children’s] height and weight and all of that.”

Vandervoort started working with World Vision a decade ago, through their child sponsorship programs.

“Originally, when I decided to sponsor, I was younger and acting and had a bit of money finally at a young age and felt the need to do more than just be a selfish actor. And I was 20, and I don’t know if I saw a commercial or it was something I was already aware of, but I decided I wanted to sponsor one child. And I looked into it and decided to sponsor a girl, Rita, in India. And then a year later, I decided I wanted to do this again, and sponsored another girl [named Boipelo] in Africa. It really doesn’t take much and it makes such a difference.”

Vandervoort says that the World Vision trip came at a point in her personal life when there have been a lot of difficult changes.

“I just wanted to take this amazing opportunity to go and appreciate what I have and try to help and understand” more about World Vision’s operations.

Vandervoort approached World Vision Canada about helping. Initially they offered to make her an ambassador for the organization; she declined.

“I thought, ‘I don’t deserve that title. I don’t want to be an ambassador when I haven’t done anything. I’d like to be more involved.’ And they said, ‘Maybe you could come to Africa with us.’ And I said, ‘Done.’”

To prepare for the February 2015 trip, which saw Vandervoort talk to women in the villages and observe their conditions, she went over hundreds of pages of information and statistics to understand the communities she was going into. Those communities included Nairobi, the district of Marakwet, and various small and isolated Kenyan villages.

“One of the villages we went to was a three-hour drive and a 40-minute hike and we were on the top of a mountain. So very remote villages that do need the medical help.”

Vandervoort is also an animal advocate, having participated in two PETA ad campaigns, one protesting the killing of reptiles for their skin in the manufacture of handbags and the other an anti-captivity campaign aimed at raising awareness of orcas captured and confined for entertainment purposes.

Most recently she teamed up with Humane Society International and Animal Alliance Canada for their online #BeCrueltyFree initiative. She appears in an ad with her rescue puppy Frankie Blue Eyes which encourages the Canadian government to ban the testing of cosmetics on animals. So far 800,000 Canadians have signed the online #BeCrueltyFree Canada petition, according to HIS.

“If we stopped buying products that were tested on animals then those companies would realize that the only way those products would sell is to stop and to ban this,” she says. “It’s just such a silly thing; there are options out there. I would just ask that people be aware of these labels and research. There are options.”

While Vandervoort does her best to only use cruelty-free cosmetics in her personal life, professionally she says she has to walk a “fine line” between wanting to stay true to her principles by insisting upon their use on her sets and getting along with her co-workers.

“It’s difficult because you don’t want to come across as a demanding person,” she says. “But I think if I sort of explain the situation and explain the cruelty that happens and how the animals are treated, most of the makeup artists are very understanding. It’s a slow process, again, but I just try to implement it when possible in my own life. And, in the [Humane Society] shoot, all the products were cruelty-free.”

Vandervoort is passionate about her causes but does not want to come off as self-righteous.

“I know people don’t always like when an actor stands up for a cause,” she says. “And everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, but I just ask that they actually try to understand. And I’m entitled to my opinion as well, and this is something that I believe in, and I’m happy to talk about it.” ... fish-actor

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- IN BLOOM: Laura Vandervoort habla sobre su carrera, su rompedor papel en "Bitten" y más (iconvsicon):
IN BLOOM: Laura Vandervoort habla sobre su carrera, su rompedor papel en "Bitten" y más
Por Jason 31 Marzo, 2015

Over the past decade, Laura Vandervoort has poured her heart and soul into each project, establishing herself as one of the most versatile actresses in the entertainment industry. She not only crosses over genres, but also changes from character to character flawlessly embracing the essence of every role she plays. From being listed in Maxim’s Top 100 hottest women two years in a row, to spearheading a national PETA campaign, to starring in a hit studio films, it is evident that Laura’s career is blossoming into something wonderous. Best known for her roles on the television shows “Smallville” and “V,” she continues to turn the heads of genre fans and critics alike.

Laura first began her career in background work on Canadian commercials and TV shows, then landed her first speaking role at the age of thirteen, for the children’s series “Goosebumps” and “Are You Afraid of the Dark?” She went on to take acting classes and book other TV guest star roles and at nineteen, while attending York University, Laura landed the lead on the CTV TV series “Instant Star,” a popular series that ran for four seasons.<

Landing the coveted role of “Supergirl” AKA “Kara” on the hit The CW series “Smallville,” Laura became the main focus of the 7th season of the popular sci-fi drama. Following “Smallville,” Laura booked the sequel to the Jessica Alba/Paul Walker feature film “Into The Blue” titled “Into the Blue 2: The Reef.” Following “The Reef,” the in-demand actress went directly into filming “The Jazzman,” “Out of Control,” “Damage” and s miniseries that was the SyFy channel’s re-launch of Philip José Farmer’s “Riverworld.” Laura also booked a series regular spot for ABC’s sci-fi series “V” amongst Elizabeth Mitchell (“Lost”) and Scott Wolf (“Party of Five”). After “V,” she booked and shot five feature films back to back: the psychological thriller, “The Entitled” starring Ray Liotta, followed by McG’s romantic comedy, “This Means War” starring Reese Witherspoon and Chris Pine, the lead in “Desperately Seeking Santa,” with Nick Zano, “Broken Trust,” and the hit side-splitting comedy, “Ted” directed by Seth Macfarlane, starring Mark Wahlberg.

Laura Vandervoort’s latest project is her most ambitious and challenging to date; allowing her to push her limits as an actress. Based on the ‘Women of the Otherworld’ novels by #1 NY Times best-selling author Kelley Armstrong, ‘Bitten’ is an emotionally charged supernatural thriller where she stars as Elena Michaels, the lone female werewolf in existence. Desperate to escape both a world she never wanted to be part of and the man who turned her into a werewolf, Elena has abandoned her pack and taken refuge in a new city. There, she works as a photographer and hides her werewolf existence from her new boyfriend. When bodies start turning up in her pack’s backyard, Elena finds herself back at Stonehaven, the werewolves’ ancestral domain. Torn between two worlds and two loves, she quickly realizes that – when push comes to shove – she’ll stop at nothing to defend her pack.

Jason Price of Icon Vs. Icon recently caught up with Laura Vandevoort to discuss her blossoming career, the challenges of bringing her character from script to screen and what the future might hold for both on-screen and behind the camera!

I wanted to give our readers a bit of background on you. They say a career in the entertainment industry isn’t for the faint of heart, what made you choose to go in this direction?

I know they say it takes a thick skin to be in this industry but I don’t have that! [laughs] That is something I struggle with on a day to day basis. I can’t say the industry isn’t for the faint of heart because that is me! It is never an easy process being in this industry. I am competitive, I challenge myself and I strive to do my best. I also grew up doing martial arts, so I was very motivated and dedicated to whatever it was I was doing at the time. When I decided to become an actor, it was something that I decided to do at the age of 13 and I asked my parents if I could try it. It was tough and I don’t do well with rejection but I just developed an outer shell. I wouldn’t say it is a thicker skin but an outer shell to deflect negative comments or the ongoing rejection you experience as an actor. I am much better at handling that than I used to be, especially as I have gotten older. Yet, it is still not easy! That’s for sure! [laughs] It is tough for everybody!

Who would you cite as your biggest influence when it comes to being an actor?

I have a distant relative that is a Canadian actor, Gordon Pinsent. He is my third cousin or something like that. He was really the only person I knew who was an actor when I decided to be one or to try it. He is older than I am and he was my mentor in many ways. He visited me on my first set and we would write letters and he would tell me to stay true to myself and work hard. He was definitely my first mentor. Like most actresses, I look up to a lot of people I see when I go to the movies or watch television. Obviously, Meryl Streep is everything! [laughs]

Where do you look for inspiration these days as a working actor?

It hasn’t happened a lot lately but if I go to a film and I am truly enraptured with the script, the characters or the female actors, that is something I find very inspiring. I get truly inspired when I leave a movie feeling I need to do something different or step outside of my comfort zone, along with working with other incredible actors who encourage you to do better than you have been doing. I am just inspired to create. I have a lot of Canadian friends who are here in Los Angeles now who are producing their own projects where they are also writing, starring and improvising in them. Taking comedy classes is another thing that has encouraged me to maybe do something like that as well. I have created a kids show that we are working on that will be a TV series. That is something that came from me having a year off and I wasn’t super busy. In that time, I wrote a book and was inspired to create. Now, it will be a live action kids series called “Super Duper Deelia!” That has allowed me to be a producer/creator, which is also inspiring to me. I am learning about everything on the other side of the camera!

That is awesome to hear. I was curious if you wanted to explore the world behind the camera but clearly you already started down that path!

Yeah! It is definitely a little scary because I have been on only one side of the camera for a long time but I’m hoping it goes well and isn’t too terrifying for me. At the same time, I hope that it is and I am constantly learning, that’s for sure!

It’s important to note you are still very busy in front of the camera, as well. One of your projects is “Bitten” and it is back for its second season. What can you tell us about how you got involved with the project?

“Bitten” was a project that came to me. I had done a show in Halifax, Nova Scotia called “Haven” with eOne. I did a guest star on the show as sort of an evil villain that killed women and wore their skin. It was a creepy character! [laughs] After that project, I think eOne had me on their radar. They had “Bitten” optioned and J.B. Sugar had me in mind for Elena. I was actually at a friend’s viewing party for “Haven” when I was approached by one of the people from eOne about the project. I read the script, spoke to my agents and our executive producer about how he envisioned the show to look, along with Elena herself. I had a great creative conversation with him and the last thing on my mind was the werewolf aspect. I was more interested in how she became who she was and what she had been through. It was a great story and a really strong female lead that I was really excited to be a part of, so that is sort of how I got on board. We did a chemistry reading with a lot of the guys and now we are onto Season 2! It has been a great ride!

How did you prepare for the character in the series?

With Elena, it was trying to understand what is going on in her heart and in her head. Obviously, having the books as source material was helpful but for me it was about understanding where the character is coming from, where they have been and where they are going. Then I try to find what part of me relates to or connects with what that character has going on. With any character, I try to find some sort of parallel with myself and try to inject that wherever possible without changing too much of the character. Physically, I had to be in fighting condition and had to train for it. The majority of the character is being mentally where she is at the moment. In the beginning of the first season, she was rather torn between the human world and the wolf world. She was very confused. She came from a foster care system and had been abused as a child, so I always want to keep those things in mind when she is dealing with people, relationships and trust issues.

As an actor, you bring something special to each character you play. What did you bring to this character that wasn’t on the written page?

That is a good question. There was so much about Elena that I could relate to and it was within me to play. Perhaps I brought a bit of a sensitivity, a softer side or a more motherly, nurturing nature to her when it comes to the pack and the boys. I think that is what I brought to the role, especially this season. With our new young witch that nurturing side of her is coming forward. Ironically, Elena was born the same day I was born in Toronto on September 22nd. She has twins in the book, which is interesting because my mom is a twin and it skips a generation. There was definitely a weird alignment of, “Maybe this was meant to be!”

That is interesting! You mentioned the novels “Bitten” is based on and you were aware of those but were you aware of the dedicated fan base the books developed? How has the response to the show affected you?

I knew about the books and I knew there was a fan base but I definitely didn’t know the extent or to what extreme the fans were fans of the book but we were definitely determined to make sure they were happy with our portrayal of the characters, the scripts and the look of the show. That is really important because if you are a fan of the books, you have existed within that world before we have, so you have the right to your opinion. We just wanted to make them happy and I think in the end they were. There were a few surprises that they weren’t quite comfortable with or differences in casting but in the end they seemed very happy. It has been great meeting them at conventions and getting a chance to talk to the die-hard fans. They have been so fantastic and supportive! We are definitely hoping for a third season!

There is a great team bringing this show to life. What has it been like to work with everyone behind the scenes and what is the biggest thing you have taken away from this experience?

You’re right! Our team is phenomenal! I don’t think I have been on a show where I love every person involved, both onscreen and off, from the crew to the writers and producers to the stunt people. I think we have been very lucky and blessed in that sense. Deagan Fryklind is an amazing writer and a female powerhouse! She is the Holy Grail to me when it comes to dynamic, empowering female themes! J.B. Sugarman, our executive producer, is phenomenal as well and very much one of us. We are all sort of our own little pack and are very supportive of each other. It is sort of rare to have these fairly young, handsome young actors on a set where they all get along and adore each other. I adore them and the entire experience has been fantastic. I think I come away from this show knowing we are doing the best we can, the fans are happy and we are all butting in 100% every day. In the end, I know I have made family and friends for life because of this show!

What has been the biggest challenge for you on the series so far? Does anything stand out to you?

I think I would definitely have to say, in Season One, it was getting comfortable within my own skin. The show is a sexualized show, it is racy and it is about the relationship between a man and a woman, a werewolf and a human. They are very animalistic. I think this was the first role where I had to be more physically comfortable within myself. I love doing stunts and action and all of that but when it came to the more emotional and physical scenes with someone, I was terrified! [laughs] I definitely have gotten to a place where that is easier for me and I trust the people I am working with. I think since hitting 30, a weird switch went off and I am comfortable with who I am and it is what it is! [laughs] This show definitely helped me get there!

When it comes to the action and physicality in the show, what has that experience been like?

We have a great stunt coordinator, John Stead, who is phenomenal. He knows all the actors abilities and knows how determined we are as actors to do our own stuff, so he allows us to do a large portion of it. We have great choreographed stunt sequences that we get to learn on weekends or the day before a shoot. I grew up doing martial arts, so it is something I love to do. It mixes up the day a little bit. Often times, I am very happy with the final product. All of the boys are amazing with their sequences as well!

As an actor, you worked quite a bit in the world of sci-fi. I was curious if there was another genre or dream project you were anxious to tackle in the short term?

Definitely! There is a list! [laughs] Outside of the sci-fi realm, I would love to do a period piece. I would love to do a Victorian era film, something along those lines. I would love to do a blockbuster Marvel film! I would love to do a great indie and completely change the way that I look. Westerns and action films are also on that short list!

You can serve as a great inspiration to young actors. What is the best piece of advice you have been given that you can pass along to those looking to make a career in the entertainment industry?

Honestly, it is fairly simple and certainly not a revelation but it is what Gordon Pinsent had said to me when I was young. He said, “Don’t let the business get to you. Don’t let it change you and remember where you came from!” I think if you follow that advice, people will respect you, love working with you and want to work with you, which will lead to you being a continually working actor. If you are difficult and your head gets too big, you can still be working but you won’t have the respect you would want as an actor. I think remembering where you come from and having respect for everyone, no matter how big or small the project might be, is the key. It’s all about respect!

You have given voice to some truly deserving causes with PETA and the Humane Society International. How did you get involved there?

I worked with PETA a while ago to do two of their campaigns, Exotic Skins and banning Seaworld. Those are things I very much believe in and am involved with. I have always been an advocate for animals. The Human Society International is something I wanted to be a part of and help support for all of the amazing work they do. We are trying to spread the word on a petition signed for banning cosmetic testing on animals in Canada and around the world. In my personal life, I also try to enforce that and on set whenever possible. I think people need to educate themselves on the options for products that are out there that are cruelty free!

Absolutely! Thank you for your time today, Laura! It has been a pleasure and, as a fan of your work, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in the years to come!

Thank you, Jason! Take care! ... -and-more/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Laura Vandervoort: Ser inspirada para cambiarte a tí misma y el fortalecimiento femenino (originmagazine):
Laura Vandervoort: Ser inspirada para cambiarte a tí misma y el fortalecimiento femenino
Por Robert Piper 22 Abril, 2015

Robert Piper: What inspires you?

Laura Vandervoort: In terms of acting, we go through phases of being really inspired by film and television and actors and works that we’ve read. For me, it’s that odd movie that I go and see and I’ve been feeling inspired. The performances make you want to get back out there and try something new and challenge yourself.

I work a lot with different organizations. Those inspire me in my personal life—animal rights and cruelty-free products with PETA and The Humane Society. I’ve started working with World Vision Canada. I’m actually going to Africa for ten days to do volunteer work; that’s something that really inspires me to give back and educate myself on what they’ve been doing in the field, in the villages. As a person, you want to feel like you’re giving back. That’s something I’ve always enjoyed doing.

RP: What activism work have you done?

LV: I worked with PETA, saving the exotic skins for their campaign. At the time, I was working on a show called V where I was playing a lizard, so it actually worked out well with timing to protect exotic skins of snakes and lizards.

And The Humane Society, I just worked with some cruelty-free products in Canada and all over the world. Being in this industry, you wear makeup a lot, and it doesn’t hurt the show for the team working on it to try to be cruelty-free and look for those products.

With World Vision, I’m one of their ambassadors. I’m going out right now to educate myself about the amount of supplies and things that they’ve been doing to work with mothers and children in Africa, in Nairobi, so that I have better knowledge and firsthand experience. I’m a bit of a feminist and very “female empowerment,” and women should be able to do what they please.

RP: What projects are you working on?

LV: We just wrapped season two of my series Bitten, which is on Space and Syfy. That was six months of filming in Toronto. We worked our butts off; it’s a very physical and emotional show. I’m really proud of it. It airs on Space right now. We’re waiting for Syfy’s airdate.

Then I’m working on my children’s series. I’m the executive producer and creator of that. We’re going back and forth and in the process of starting production.

Laura Vandervoort, an actor, activist, and producer, plays the leading role on the hit show Bitten. ... powerment/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Laura Vandervoort/Kara

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Ayuda a Laura Vandervoort y HSI a terminar con las pruebas cosméticas en animales:
Como ya sabéis, la actriz Laura Vandervoort está muy involucrada en las campañas a favor de los animales y, este año, está colaborando con HSI en la campaña "Be Cruelty Free", contra el maltrato a los mismos.

Ahora la actriz nos pide una vez más que nos movilicemos, esta vez en una campaña que quiere terminar con las pruebas cosméticas en animales con una carta dirigida a todos:
1 Junio, 2015

Querido Amigo,

Ahora mismo en los laboratorios de todo el país, animales están siendo forzados a ser inyectados con químicos en dolorosas pruebas de toxicidad—químicos que pueden encontrar su camino en convertirse en jabones, champús u otros productos cosméticos de los que usas cada día. Esto necesita detenerse.

Mis amigos de la Humane Society International/Canada están en Ottawa llevando a cabo críticas reuniones con el Gobierno de Canadá para que baneen los cosméticos crueles, pero necesitan vuestra ayuda para hacer posible su trabajo de salvar vidas. Por favor, haced una donación urgente hoy »

Con más de 500 marcas libres de crueldad como LUSH, H&M y Lippy Girl, que producen un fabuloso rango de productos de belleza seguros y éticos sin dañar a los animales, simplemente no hay excusa para la cosmética en seguir haciendo pruebas en animales.

Progresivas jurisdicciones como las de la Unión Europea, la India y Nueva Zelanda ya han prohibido esta práctica cruel, y ya es tiempo de que Canadá siga su ejemplo.

Como orgullosa Canadiense y amante de los animales, no puedo quedarme sin hacer nada. Una vida animal es más valiosa que un nuevo desodorante o nueva sombra o pintalabios. Podemos hacer que nuestros líderes políticos escuchen y hagan algo, pero sólo si trabajamos juntos.

Por favor, donad lo que podáis, y juntos haremos de Canadá el próximo país en estar libres de crueldad #BeCrueltyFree »

Gracias por todo lo que hacéis por los animales.


Laura Vandervoort
Estrella de #BittenTV
Amiga de Humane Society International/Canada ... teId=55302

Podéis encontrar más detalles e imágenes de la campaña: AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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