"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Planes de la WBTV y DC Comics sobre Gotham, Flash, Arrow, Constantine & iZombie para el SDCC:
¡Fans de DC!

Preparáos para una espectacular noche de sábado en el Comic-Con 2014, cortesía de Warner Bros. Television (WBTV) y DC Entertainment (DCE). Por primera vez en la historia del SDCC, WBTV ay DCE presentarán un evento especial de tres hotas durante la noche del Sábado, 26 de Julio en el Hall H, diseñado especialmente para los fans de DC Comics y que mostrarán a algunos de sus mayores personajes. Abriendo la exclusiva noche está el screening público de la premiere del muy anticipado drama Gotham (el único screening de Gotham en el Comic-Con de este año), seguido por el screening del piloto completo de la nueva serie de acción-drama The Flash, y exclusivas video presentaciones del éxito Arrow y del nuevo thriller Constantine. Miembros del elenco y productores de las cuatro series harán apariciones especiales durante la noche.

Los pilotos de Constantine, iZOMBIE y The Flash también se mostrarán en su totalidad el Miércoles, 23 de Julio, durante la Preview Night.

Gotham World Premiere: Por primera vez en la historia, los fans de DC Comics entrarán en el peligroso y absorvente mundo de Gotham con el screening del episodio piloto, seguido de una aparición del elenco y los productores.

The Flash Pilot Screening: Tras el screening del piloto completo de The Flash, el elenco y los productores dejarán de correr el tiempo suficiente como para subir a escena.

Constantine Exclusive Footage: El enignático John Constantine hace su debut televisivo en el Comic-Con con material de la próxima serie, y los fans serán premiados con una visita del elenco y del equipo creativo.

Arrow Season Three: Arrow regresa al Comic-Con con un teaser nunca antes visto con matrial de la próxima tercera temporada seguido por las preguntas más destacadas de los fans al elenco y los productores.

Además, las series contarán con sus paneles individuales, confirmánsose fecha e invitados que asistirán a los mismos:


11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. — iZOMBIE (Midseason en la CW): iZOMBIE hace su debut en el Comic-Con con un screening del piloto completp, seguido por una sesión de Q&A con las estrellas de la serie Rose McIver (Once Upon a Time), Malcolm Goodwin (Breakout Kings), Rahul Kohli y Robert Buckley (One Tree Hill), y también con los productores ejecutivos Rob Thomas (Veronica Mars) y Diane Ruggiero-Wright (Veronica Mars). Room 6BCF

5:30–6:30 p.m. — Arrow (Miércoles 8/7c The CW, season premiere 8 de Octubre): Las estrella de Arrow Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, David Ramsey, Emily Bett Rickards, Colton Haynes, Willa Holland, Paul Blackthorne y John Barrowman — con los productores ejecutivos Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim y Andrew Kreisberg — apuntarán a San Diego con una presentación espcial de video y un panel en el que adelantarán la muy anticipada tercera temporada de la serie. Ballroom 20


5:15–6:15 p.m. — Constantine (Viernes 10/9c NBC, series premiere 24 de Octubre): Basada en los personajes de DC Comics, Constantine refleja la tradición de un favorito de los fans de los cómics, combinando una historia oscura con la evolución de la mitología de John Constantine, un personaje retado moralmente que no puede encajarse ni el el lado bueno ni malo... pero que al final puede ser nuestra única defensa frente a las fuerzas oscuras del más allá. Los asistentes verán un screening del episodio piloto al completo, seguido por una Q&A co las estrella de la serie Matt Ryan (Criminal Minds: Suspect Behavior), Harold Perrineau (Lost) y Charles Halford (True Detective), junto con los productores ejecutivos Daniel Cerone (Dexter) y David S. Goyer (Man of Steel, The Dark Knight films). Room 6BCF

http://www.ksitetv.com/green-arrow/wbtv ... tine/34042
http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2014/07/02 ... -tv-panels

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash - "Detective Pretty Boy" Interview:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash - BTS Vid "LA Screenings Pilot EPK":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Robbie Amell será "Firestorm" en "The Flash":

El actor Robbie Amell, a quien pudimos ver en la serie cancelada por la CW "The Tomorrow people" y primo del actor Stephen Amell, portagoista de "Arrow", ha sido el escogido para interpertar un personaje recurrente principal en la nueva serie de superhéroes de la CW que se estranará este otoño "The Flash".

Robbie dará vida a 'Ronnie Raymond', más conocido en el universo de DC Comics como "Firestorm". En la serie, Ronnie es un trabajador de manteniemiento de S.T.A.R. Labs y el prometido de la Dra. Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), cuyo destino es mucho más complicado de lo que se imaginço en un principio. Ronnie juega una parte integral en el accidente del acelerador de partículas que transforma a Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) en The Flash.

"Geoff Johns, Andrew Kreisberg y yo mismo diseñamos el piloto y la serie para incluir a Ronnie (aka Firestorm) -- y tener a alguien con el talento de Robbie interpretando el papel es mucho más que emocionante'," dice el productor ejecutivo Greg Berlanti en una declaración. "No podemos esperar a que los espectadores y los fans del personaje lo vean."

Amell, quien aparecerá por primera vez en el tercer episodio, añadió: "Estoy muy emocionado por unir fuerzas con Greg Berlanti y la CW de nuevo en The Flash. El ser traído al Universo de DC es un sueño, ¡no puedo esperar a empezar!".

En los cómics, Ronnie está fusionado a otro hombre (el físico Martin Stein) para formar al superhéroe con poderes nucleares 'Firestorm'. Stein se encontraba insocnsciente durante el accidente, así es que Raymond está predominantemente al control de su forma de Firestorm, mientras que Stein es como la voz de la razón en su cabeza. Como dato curioso, Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) es su madrastra.

El personaje rara vez se ha visto en TV y películas, aunque ha salido en numerosas series y películas animadas tales como "Super Friends: The Legendary Superpowers Show", "The Super Powers Team: Galactic Guardians" y "Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths". Esta será la primera vez que el personaje ha sido visto en una serie de acción.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Flash-Robbi ... 84084.aspx
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... nie-717319
http://variety.com/2014/tv/news/the-fla ... 201259682/
http://tvline.com/2014/07/09/the-flash- ... firestorm/

- Revelado el título y créditos del episodio 1.02:
Gracias al actor Rick Cosnett en twitter, ahora sabemos que el episodio 1.02 tendrá por título "Fastest Man Alive", con historia de Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg, guión de Andrew Kreisberg y Geoff Johns y será dirigido por David Nutter.


(@RickCosnett: get ready for #TheFlash)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- DC Entertainment Lanzará nuevas series digitales de cómics de "Arrow" y "The Flash":
La nueva temporada de 'Arrow' y su spinoff 'The Flash' no se estrenarán hasta Octubre de este año, pero DC Entertainment ha decidido darle a los fans algo con lo que entretenerse mientras dura la espera.

La serie de cómics digital de 'Arrow' que está en hiatus desde el año pasado, regresará con nuevos episodios de la vida de Oliver Queen, y también se estrenará una nueva serie de cómics digital basada en su spinoff, que se titulará 'The Flash: Season Zero' que nos llevará a la vida de Barry Allen.

Ambos cómics están escritos por los showrunners de la series de TV, garantizándose la sincronía de ambos.

El productor ejecutivo de 'Arrow' Marc Guggenheim está encantado con expandir el universo de la serie con 'Arrow: Season 2.5'. A diferencia de la original serie de cómics que contenía capítulos, esta versión "nos contará una historia contínua que he separado en dos arcos distintos," dice Guggenheim, que está escribiendo la serie con Keto Shimizu, uno de los escritores de la plantilla de la serie de TV. "Nos llevará desde el final de la Season 2 a justo al principio de la Season 3."

La Season 2.5 está siendo diseñada para encajar sin esfuerzo en la historia de la serie de TV. "Hemos intentado el poner todos los elementos que la gente le gusta de la serie, así es que habrá el tira y afloja entre Oliver y Felicity," promete Guggenheim. "Vamos a ver lo que le ocurrió al Detective Lance después de que se desplomara en la season finale. Una buena parte de las preguntas que se dejaron sin responder serán contestadas en el cómic."

El cómic, con artes de Joe Bennett y tintas de Jack Jadson, también establecerá los nuevos elementos que se verán en la serie de TV. "Particularmente hacia la segunda mitad de la serie, vamos a empezar a introducir los personajes que veréis en la Season 3," adelanta Guggenheim. "Si todo va de acuerdo con lo pIaneado empezaréis a ver los personajes en los cómics antes de que aparezcan en TV."

El antiguo productor ejecutivo de 'Arrow' Andrew Kresiberg, quien ahora es también el showrunner de T'he Flash', está emocionado por darle a los lectores más de la historia pasada de Barry Allen a medida que se establece en su nueva identidad como superhéroe. "Flash: Season Zero tiene lugar entre el piloto y el episodio 2," dice Kreisberg. "Barry ya será the Flash, tendrá su equipo, todo el mundo estará en ese mundo, e introduciremos un nuevo grupo de villanos que no serán vistos en la serie de TV. Tendrá el mismo corazón, humor y espectáculo que el que tendréis al ver Flash."

Season Zero, que será co-escrita por Brooke Eikmeier y Katherine Walczak con artes de Phil Hester y Eric Gapstur, mostrará a todo el elenco de TV, además estos nuevos villanos, un grupo de artistas circenses que consiguieron super poderes como resultado de la explosión del acelerador de partículas de S.T.A.R. Labs que también transformó a Barry (como se vio en el episodio de Arrow "Three Ghosts," así como en el piloto de The Flash). Esta "galería de freaks," como los llama Kreisberg, están liderados por Mr. Bliss, un personaje que apereció por primera vez en la serie de cómics de DC Starman: "Tiene la habilidad de manipular las emociones de la gente. Él y su cuadro de gente del circo han decidido que han sido zaradeados lo suficiente y van a desquitarse con la sociedad."

Aunque The Flash (como Arrow) se sentirá como el mundo real, la compañía de cómics abrazará las coloridas raíces de la franquicia. "Los villanos son un poco más de disfraces - y un poco más estrafalarios," dice Kreisberg. "Necesariamente no tiene que estar tan asentados en la realidad como la serie de TV."

El primer capítulo de 'Arrow: Season 2.5' está previsto que se estrene digitalmente el Lunes 1 de Septiembre, seguido por el primer capítulo de 'The Flash: Zero Year' el Lunes, 8 de Septiembre. Las series irán alternando lanzamientos cada lunes en readdcentertainment.com y via la app de DC Comics, iBookstore, Nook Store y Kindle Store.

La primera collección impresa de 'The Flash' sale a la venta el Miércoles 1 de Octubre, mientras que la de 'Arrow' lo hará el Miércoles 8 de Octubre.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/DC-Arrow-Co ... 84098.aspx

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Portada del especial de TVGuide para el SDCC 2014:


- Nueva figura coleccionable de 'The Flash' a la venta en el SDCC 2014:


Podréis encontrarla a la venta en la convención a partir del Jueves, 24 de Julio a las 10 am. en el stand de DC Entertainment y online AQUÍ

- Nuevas imágenes BTS del rodaje del piloto:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

http://canadagraphs.weebly.com/the-flas ... ice-patton

- Nuevas imágenes BTS del rodaje del 1.02 (11-07-14):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

https://www.flickr.com/photos/49347467@ ... 650542163/

- Nueva imagen BTS del elenco en el Tojo´s Restaurant en Vancouver (12-07-14):


(@ziking11: Flash cast at Tojo's in Vancouver! The very best! After Pilot celebration)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Confirmación del título y detalles del 1.03:
FlashTVNews ha confirmado que el episodio 1.03 de The Flash llevará por título “Things You Can’t Outrun” y está previsto que se emita el 21 de Octubre. Está escrito por Alison Schapker & Grainne Godfree y dirigido por Jesse Warn.

Según parece, el episodio está centrado en Caitlin y en él aparece su prometido, Ronnie Raymond, interpretado por Robbie Amell.

http://flashtvnews.com/flash-episode-3- ... n-credits/

- El actor William Sadler será 'Simon Stagg' en 'The Flash':

El actor William Sadler interpretará al personaje de "Simon Stagg" en el segundo episodio de la serie "The Flash" titulado “Fastest Man Alive” y que se emitirá el 14 de Octubre en la CW y que está ahora mismo en rodaje, como así ha confirmado el propio actor en su cuenta de Twitter:
https://twitter.com/Wm_Sadler/status/48 ... 16/photo/1

Stagg apareció por primera vez en "The Brave and the Bold #57" allá por el año 1965, y su personaje con frecuencia ha estado conectado con "Metamorpho", ya que es el padre de la novia de Metamorpho. Casi en cada versión de la historia pasada del personaje, él es un ejecutivo corrupto y dueño de Stagg Enterprises.

Esta no es la primera vez que Sadler se adentra en el mundo de los cómics, ya que recientemente interpretó al Presidente de los Estados Unidos en "Iron Man 3".

The second episode of The Flash, titled “Fastest Man Alive,” airs October 14 on The CW.

http://flashtvnews.com/roswells-william ... the-flash/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Posible crossover de Felicity en la S1 de "The Flash":
TVGuide en su sección "Megabuzz", ha contestado a una de las preguntas que llevan haciéndose los fans desde hace mucho.

Durante una entrevisya con el productor Greg Berlanti, se le planteó la pregunta de si Felicity aparecería en la S1 de "The Flash", a lo que éste respondió:

"Nuestra esperanza es conseguir hacer algunos crossovers pronto antes que tarde con todas las series."

También comentó que los productores han discutido sobre la posibilidad de que Felicity y Barry estén saliendo en las dos series pero parece que tienen algo más en mente:

"Tenemos todo tipo de posibilidades románticas para ambos en ambas series," dice. "Con suerte, la primera vez que Felicity llegue a la ciudad, lidiaremos con todas esas cosas."

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Mega-Buzz-B ... 84448.aspx

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SDCC 2014 Official Bag:


- Entertainment Weekly Magazine! (July 2014):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "The Flash" Descripción Oficial Detallada":
Barry Allen tenía 11 años cuando su madre fue asesinada en un bizarro y terrorífico incidente y su padre fue falsamente acusado por el asesinato. Con su vida habiendo cambiado para siempre por la tragedia, Barry fue acogido y criado por el Detective Joe West, el padre de la mejor amiga de Barry, Iris. Ahora, Barry se ha convertido en un brillante, determinado y encantadoramente frikiinvestigador de CSI, cuta determinación por descubrir la verdad sobre la extraña muerte de su madre le lleva a seguir cada leyenda urbana sin explicación y avance científico que surge.

La última obesión de Barry es un puntero acelerador de partículas, creado por el físico visionario Harrison Wells y su equipo en STAR Labs, quien afirma que su invención traerá consigo inimaginables avances en energía y medicina. Sin embargo, algo va terriblemente mal durante la inauguración pública, y cuando la devastadora explosión provoca una tormenta eléctrica, muchas vidas se pierden y Barry es alcanzado por un rayo. Tras nueve meses en coma, Barry se despierta para descubrir que su vida ha cambiado una vez más – el incidente le ha dado el poder de la súper velocidad, otorgándole la habilidad de moverse por Central City como un invisible ángel guardián.

Barry siempre ha tenido el corazón de un héroe y ahora tiene unas piernas que lo acompañan, pero rápidamente descubre que el ser un superhéroe no es tan fácil como parece -- y que no puede hacerlo solo. Mientras que Barry lucha por entender sus nuevas habilidades, la gente a su alrededor tiene que ajustarse a una nueva realidad. Joe West, el padre adoptivo de Barry, está haciéndose a la idea del hecho de que el mundo de lo extraordinario en realidad existe. Joe pensaba que entendía lo que significana el perseguir a los criminales, pero ahora se enfrenta a oponentes que pueden hacer mucho más que simplemente robar un banco, pueden controlar el tiempo. Aunque sabe que este destacable giro de los acontecimientos es el destino de Barry, cada vez que Barry se enfrenta al peligro, Joe está aterrorizado por su hijo adoptivo. Mientras que Joe se preocupa por Barry, Barry se preocupa por la hija de Joe Iris, y cómo su nueva vida como The Flash cambiará su relación. Iris y Barry crecieron juntos, y ella siempre ha creído en la convinción de Barry de que fuerzas desconocidas actuaban la noche en que su madre fue asesinada. Barry ha mantenido sus sentimientos románticos hacia Iris ocultos, y ahora siente que debe protegerla manteniendo su nueva identidad en secreto también. E Iris también tiene un secreto -- ha estado saliendo con el compañero de su padre, el Detective Eddie Thawne, quien es un buen tipo, tanto que incluso Barry encuentra difícil el odiarle. Aún así, hay tendión entre Barry y Thawne, quien está celoso de la nueva fascinación de Iris por The Flash y está decidido a desenmascararlo. Barry se da cuenta de que el mantener el secreto de su nueva identidad le separa de Iris, incluso aunque su creciente obsesión con descubrir la verdad la lleva incluso a estar más cercana a The Flash.

Barry ha encontrado otro tipo de familia adoptiva en el equipo de Harrison Wells en los S.T.A.R. Labs. El mismo Wells se está convirtiendo rápidamente en una segunda figura paterna para Barry, quien aprendió sobre la moralidad y la justicia de Joe, y ahora está aprendiendo sobre ciencia y tecnología de Wells. La agenda final de Wells sigue permaneciendo de alguna manera como un misterio, pero Barry está emocionado por la grandiosa visión del mundo que se ha abierto para él, y la amistad que está construyendo con los miembros del equipo de S.T.A.R. Caitlin Snow y Cisco Ramon. Para Caitlin, quien perdió a su prometido en la catastrófica explosión, el trabajar con Barry le está proporcionando un muy - necesitado sentido de un propósito y una manera de lidiar con su dolor. La emoción de Caitlin al ver a Barry aprender a usar su nuevo poder está equilibrada con su creciente preocupación por su seguridad – ella y Cisco ambos han aprendido que los accidentes tienen consecuencias devastadoras. Cisco era un amigo íntimo del prometido de Caitlin y secretamente se culpa a sí mismo de la tragedia. Un genio mecánico que viene con increíbles gadgets que ayudan a Barry a controlar su velocidad, Cisco está feliz de tener de pronto un nuevo proyecto –- y un nuevo amigo –- en Barry.

Mientras que lidia por combinar estos dos muy diferentes grupos de personas en una unidad contra el crimen, Barry sigue estando emocionado día a día por sus recién descubirtos poderes. Pero también está impactado por descubrir que no es el único “meta-humano” creado tras la explosión del acelerador – y no todo el mundo está usando sus poderes para hacer el bien. En los meses desde el accidente, la ciudad ha visto un fuerte incremento de las personas desaparecidas, muertes inexplicables y otros extraños fenómenos. Barry ahora tiene un propósito renovado – usar su regalo de la velocidad para proteger a los inocentes, mientras que nunca deja su búsqueda por resolver el asesinato de su madre y de limpiar el nombre de su padre. Por ahora, tan sólo unos muy pocos amigos y asociados saben que Barry es literalmente el hombre más rápido del mundo, pero no tardará mucho hasta que el mundo sepa en lo que Barry Allen se ha convertido…The Flash.

http://www.comicbookmovie.com/fansites/ ... /?a=103779

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Wentworth Miller será el "Captain Cold" en "The Flash" y más detalles sobre la S3:
Durante el panel de "The Flash" en los Television Critics Association, se ha revelado que el actor Wentworth Miller, más conocido por su papel protagonista "Prison Break", ha sido el escogido para interpretar un papel invitado como "Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold" en la serie que se estrenará el próximo otoño en la CW.

Miller aparecerá en el 2.04 cuyo título es "Going Rogue". "Veremos su historia de origen y el origen de the Rogues," dice el productor ejecutivo Greg Berlanti.

En DC Comics, 'Leonard Snart' es el líder de "the Rogues" (que incluyen a Mirror Master, The Trickster, Weather Wizard y Captain Boomerang entre otros) y es considerado como un enemigo de "The Flash". El personaje y su famosa escopeta heladora ya aparecieron en la serie de Flash de los '90 interpretado por Michael Champion.

Así, Miller se une a un elenco loderado por Gustin, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Jesse L. Martin, Candice Patton, Tom Cavanagh, Rick Cosnett y John Wesley Shipp, que también añadió recientemente a Robbie Amell como la mitad de 'Firestorm'.

En cuanto a esto, Berlanti ha revelado que hay muchas probabilidades de que los espectadores vayan a ver al Dr. Martin Stein, la otra parte de Firestorm, y que insluso el personaje aparecía en uno de los primeros borradores de otra versión del piloto.

En el piloto, hay también un Easter Egg hacia "Gorilla Grodd", un supervillano y némesis de Flash en los cómics. Los espectadores verán una celda rota con una placa colgando que apunta a lo que podría venir en el futuro. Con suerte, "podremos ver exactamente lo que saltó de esa celda," dice Andrew Kreisberg.

"Hemos incorporado casi todo de la mitología y hemos añadido una historia pasada completamente nueva con S.T.A.R. Labs. [The Flash] es probablemente la más fiel adaptación de DC que jamás se ha hecho", comenta Geoff Johns, quien estará abriendo historias y escribiendo para la serie.

“No estábamos buscando hacer la misma serie dos veces,” dice Andrew Kreisberg. “No estábamos buscando el mismo tipo de héroe que interpreta Stephen [Amell]. Queríamos a alguien más normal, que tuviera una grandeza que se hubiera impuesto sobre ellos.” Dice que Grant Gustin fue la primera persona que leyó para el papel de Barry, y que el equipo supo inmediatamente que habían encontrado a su estrella, ya que Barry es un optimista nato frente a las adversidades que ha vivido, y Gustin reflejaba ese optimismo.

Los productores también anuncian que habrán crossovers entre villanos y algunos personajes entre The Flash y Arrow, puesto que comparten el mismo universo. "Entre [Arrow y Flash], tendremos a la mitad de la Justice League en nuestras dos series este año," dice Berlanti.

Además, están planeando un gran evento para más tarde durante la temporada. "Los episodios 8 de ambas series, Arrow y Flash, van a ser un evento de dos horas de crossover," dice Kreisberg. "[También], en el episodio 4, Felicity [Emily Bett Rickards] va a aparecer en The Flash."

“Barry tuvo un gran impacto en esos personajes cuando vino, y luego subsecuentemente, hubo algunas discusiones sobre lo que le había pasado, y después el traer a Carlos [Valdes] y Danielle [Panabaker] a Arrow… habría sido equivocado el no lidiar con muchas de esas emociones, especialmente desde que creo que aunque hay fand de ‘Olicity’, también había fans de ‘Baricity’, así es que realmente queríamos mencionar eso,” comentó Andrew Kreisberg en los TCA.

Kreisberg nos promete que no es un truco. “Es un episodio en el que Barry está empezanco a cuestionar a sus compañeros de equipo, y el que llegue Felicity no es sólo para reconectar con él; realmente sirve para un propósito mayor, que es que Felicity es alguien que sabe lo difícil que es tener compañeros de equipo que luchan contra el crimen. Así es que, ella está ahí para ofrecerle sabio consejo, tanto a Barry como a Caitlin, Cisco, y Wells. Así es que estamos realmente emocionados,” dice.

John Wesley Shipp — quien protagonizó la serie de Flash de los ’90s — era otro cásting seguro para ellos, y decidieron que fuera el padre de Barry porque querían tenerlo lo más posible “en una de las partes más importantes de la serie”, no sólo que fuera una estrella invitada.

El traje de Barry no es tan vibrante como en los cómics. La misma diseñadora del traje de "Arrow", Colleen Atwood, es la encargada del traje de "The Flash" e hizo una serie de looks diferentes, así es que veremos cómo el traje irá “evolucionando con el tiempo... Se hará más vibrante y rojo” a medida que la serie progrese.

En cuanto a si personajes como Green Arrow ó The Flash aparecerán en la gran pantalla, Johns ha dejado las cosas claras diciendo que DC ve los universos del cine y la TV como "mundos completamente separados".

"Es un universo separado de las películas para que los cineastas puedan contar la historia que es mejor para la película," dice Johns. "Mientras que nosotros exploramos algo distinto y en una esquina diferente del Universo DC."

"No integraremos los universos del cine y la televisión," concluye definitivamente Johns.

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- The Flash - New Featurette "Overprotective Dad Interview":


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Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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- Nuevas stills del 1.01 "Pilot":

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- Andrew Kreisberg habla sobre ARROW, THE FLASH, los Crossovers, cómo se diferencia una serie de otra y Más (Collider.com):
Andrew Kreisberg habla sobre ARROW, THE FLASH, los Crossovers, cómo se diferencia una serie de otra y Más
Por Christina Radish 20 Julio, 2014

Viewers were introduced to Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) during Season 2 of the hit CW drama series Arrow, in a way that made the character both likeable and intriguing, and it was easy to see why he immediately got his own TV show. With that drama series debuting on October 7th, he’ll get his own backstory and mythology and villains to fight, while also playing into the bigger DC universe and, at times, characters will cross back and forth between the two shows.

While at The CW portion of the TCA Press Tour, executive producer/writer Andrew Kreisberg, who is working on both Arrow and The Flash, spoke to Collider for this exclusive interview about following a villain-of-the-week format while exploring the larger mythology and mythos, how the show will be lighter and funnier than Arrow, that they’re throwing every idea they have at this season while knowing there’s some stuff that they won’t be able to get to until a possible second season, the big two-part cross-over episode that will come in Episode 8 of both shows, just before the Episode 9 mid-season finale, what sort of discussions they have about which characters they can use in the DC universe on TV, as opposed to the films, and how cool it is to get Grant Gustin and John Wesley Shipp in the same scene. Check out what he had to say after the jump, and be aware that there are some spoilers.

Question: Are you looking to follow the same format with The Flash that you do with Arrow?

ANDREW KREISBERG: Yeah. There will always be the villain-of-the-week, but obviously there’s more going on. To add on the pilot, there’s the ongoing mystery of what happened that night, when Barry was a child, with who really killed his mother and the long-terms struggle to get his father out of prison. That hints at a larger mythology and mythos. With Arrow, there’s only so many things the villains can do. They’re either out to kill somebody for revenge, or they’re out to rob a bank. But with The Flash, because these villains have superpowers, hopefully the villain-of-the-week aspect will become stronger. Arrow has become so serialized, and I think that’s what people have come to expect from it. With The Flash, there’s still the typical ongoing mythologies, and there’s probably even more of it than there was on Arrow, initially, but the villains-of-the-week are going to have an opportunity to be even more entertaining than they are on Arrow.

Will that be the biggest difference between the shows, or are there other differences in the approach?

KREISBERG: There are a lot of similarities, obviously, but one of the biggest differences is probably the humor. It’s a lot lighter. It’s a lot funnier. That’s not to say that it’s childish. It still exists in the same world as Arrow does.

But, you’re even filming much more in the daylight.

KREISBERG: Yeah, he’s a daytime hero and he can run outside. With Arrow, it’s always a dark alley at night, or a dark warehouse. The Flash can really run through the city, and that’s certainly been more pleasant to shoot. But, a lot of the structural storytelling is similar. There’s a healthy mix of the personal stories and the crime stories.

How much do you think of the arc of the show, as a whole, and how much are you thinking about just making a really great season?

KREISBERG: That is actually very similar to Arrow, where we have a very clear sense of what this season is about and we’re throwing every idea we have right now, at this season. But then, there are things we know we would like to get to, that we know won’t fit. So, we’re conscious of those things. With Arrow, in Season 1, we laid the groundwork for Season 2. And in Season 2, we laid the groundwork for Season 3. With The Flash, we know that there are going to be opportunities in Season 1, hopefully if there is a second season, to set things up.

You had already established The Flash in Arrow, but you have to re-establish the character and his world again, with his own show. How did you balance that out?

KREISBERG: There was a lot of discussion about how much we needed to tie those two episodes into the pilot. I think that there’s enough mentioned in the pilot with, “How was your trip to Starling City?,” and things like that. Some things were shifted a little bit and some things were left out, but I think it still feels like the events of Episodes 8 and 9 of Arrow are fresh in Barry’s head, in the pilot. If you’ve never seen Arrow before, you’ll be able to enjoy the pilot. But if you enjoyed those two episodes and all the subsequent discussion about Barry on Arrow, and Danielle Panabaker and Carlos Valdes appearing, when Felicity comes to The Flash, we’ll establish that they all know each other because we’ve heard that they all know each other. You won’t feel too much like we’ve violated the audience’s trust.

You’re already crossing over both shows, with the introduction of some of The Flash characters on Season 2 of Arrow, and then the Arrow appearance on The Flash pilot, and the announcement of Felicity in Episode 4. Will you do a two-part cross-over episode, where you have to watch both Arrow and The Flash to get the complete story?

KREISBERG: When Felicity is in Episode 4 of The Flash, it will be Wentworth Miller’s first episode as Captain Cold. And then, both Episode 8 of Arrow and The Flash will be a two-part cross-over. Not to toot our own horns, but I think we’ve designed it in a way that, if you’re not watching The Flash, you can just enjoy it from the Arrow perspective, where these crazy Flash people show up for an episode, and vice versa. We don’t want to be brazen and assume that everybody is watching both shows. Hopefully, they will be. I think it’s one of those things where, if you’re not watching both shows, whichever show you’re watching, it will all make sense to you. But at the same time, if you are watching both shows, you’re really gonna get a fun, cool two-night event.

Is it crazy challenging to set that up, so that they can be watched separately?

KREISBERG: Yeah, and you’ll let us know if we pull it off. If you’re reading The Flash and you get to the last page and Batman is there, watching them cross over from book to book and seeing team-ups are some of our favorite books, and it just feels right to be doing it in the shows. The Flash did spring from Arrow and it is the same world, and Arrow appears in The Flash pilot. So, to suggest that they don’t exist would feel wrong.

Was there any hesitation in doing that so soon, or was it important to immediately establish that they’re both in the same universe?

KREISBERG: We just want to do what’s fun and what makes us excited. Because Barry Allen made such a strong impact on Arrow, there’s a lot of left-over business, especially between Barry and Felicity. So, we really wanted to deal with that, sooner rather than later. And then, when the idea for the bigger cross-over came up, it just felt like every one of these episodes is an event. That’s one of the things we learned over the course of two seasons of Arrow. There are no miss-able episodes. What can you do to make sure that everyone watches an episode? And sometimes that’s the guest star, or the big plot twist. With these first Arrow episodes, and these first Flash episodes, because of the benefit of working on both shows, there’s something amazing and something game-changing in every one of these episodes. And then, because Episode 9 will be the mid-season finale for both shows, and they’ll have their own reasons to tune in, Episode 8 felt like a great opportunity to bring the two shows together.

Because the DC television and film worlds are growing tremendously, at the same time, and are obviously leading towards a Justice League movie in the film world, is there a lot of discussion about which characters you can and can’t use?

KREISBERG: Yeah. There really aren’t that many characters that we’ve asked to use, that we haven’t gotten access to. Fortunately for us, with Arrow, we were able to bring on Deathstroke and The Huntress, and this year we have Katana. It was actually DC comics’ idea for us to use Ray Palmer/The Atom. On The Flash, with Geoff Johns, our partner, we’ve carved out this whole world of characters that we have access to. There are the big ones that fit into the Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman mythos, but since we’re not using those characters, they’re subsidiary characters don’t really feel necessary to us. We never feel like we’re confined. We’re more impressed that we get to play with as many characters as we do. By the end of this season, on both shows, we’ll have Green Arrow, Black Canary, Katana, The Atom, Firestorm and The Flash. We’ve got a pretty good chunk of the Justice League, on both shows. We never look at ourselves as limited. We just look at ourselves as blessed that we get to play with as many of these characters as we do. You always want your lead to be the coolest character on the show. If you’ve got Green Arrow and The Flash, why would you want Batman and Superman around? I think we’ve figured out how to do those characters really well. There’s something very distancing about Superman and Batman that I think works so well in the features, but that I’m not sure would necessarily lend themselves to a weekly series. We’re very happy with the characters that we have.

You have some cool characters come up this season on both The Flash and Arrow. Have you signed those actors for a certain number of episodes, or do you have to just hope that you can get them back when you want or need them?

KREISBERG: Casting on The Flash and Arrow is always very difficult because we only have so many resources. We’ve been really fortunate that the people who we have picked have come on and, first of all, really enjoyed themselves and really enjoyed playing the characters, so they’ve been willing to come back. Sometimes it’s been by hook or by crook that we’ve gotten people to come back. John Barrowman was recurring in Season 1 of Arrow, and this year, we’ve made him a regular. In Season 1, Manu Bennett was recurring and we made him a regular in Season 2. It’s hard to keep people around, but so far, we haven’t gotten jammed too badly. We’ve just gotten really lucky. Even last year, when we had this great idea for The Huntress, we called and Jessica [De Gouw] had just finished filming Dracula, so it was perfect timing.

As a fan yourself, what was it like to get Grant Gustin and John Wesley Shipp in the same scene?

KREISBERG: From the very beginning, we were like, “If we’re doing a Flash show, we have to have John Wesley Shipp.” He is The Flash to so many of us. And he couldn’t have been kinder and more gracious and more excited. He’s such a tremendously talented actor. That scene between Barry and his father in prison is one of the most affecting scenes in the pilot. That relationship, and watching that relationship grow, is great. We have a relationship coming up where it’s really an episode between Jesse L. Martin’s character, Joe, and Henry. They’re the two dads in Barry’s life. We’re thrilled that he’s a part of it, and not just in a cameo, but he’s really the biggest part of the mythos.

http://collider.com/the-flash-arrow-cro ... kreisberg/

- Andrew Kreisberg Habla sobre lo que está por llegar (Ksitetv):
Andrew Kreisberg Habla sobre lo que está por llegar
Por Craig Byrne 21 de Julio, 2014

At the recent CW portion of the Summer TCA Press Day, we sat down with one of the show's Executive Producers, Andrew Kreisberg, to talk a bit about what's coming beyond the pilot. This, of course, should come with a spoiler warning... though the spoilers aren't too detailed and won't ruin anything for you.

KSITETV's CRAIG BYRNE: It was just announced that Wentworth Miller will be playing Leonard Snart/Captain Cold in the fourth episode of The Flash. Can you talk about getting him for the role?

FLASH EXECUTIVE PRODUCER ANDREW KREISBERG: I don't understand how we get the casting serendipity that we get. We're like "oh, hey, you know who would be great? Jesse L. Martin to play Joe!" and we got him. "Hey, you know who would be great to play Wells? Tom Cavanagh!" And then Greg [Berlanti] said "hey, you know who would be great? Wentworth Miller." Greg sat down with him, and he was intrigued by the part, and we got him. We're just so excited, because it feels like the casting on this show… one of the things we always talked about, especially with the modern superhero movies, whether it's the Dark Knight or Iron Man - they're really getting these amazing casts, and I think that lets people know that we're not doing something silly. We're very excited.

Both of your shows seem to be bringing in so many toys from the DC Universe. Should we assume Flash will be bringing in the more sci-fi elements that Arrow couldn't?

There have been some fantastical characters on Arrow that were sort of reduced or stripped of their amazing or supernatural, super-powered abilities, but mostly we were limited to the non-powered people on Arrow, which sometimes was limiting. Now with Flash, we've opened the playbook up to this whole new wide swath of characters. For my money, aside from Batman and Spider-Man, Flash has the best villains. Not just from their abilities, but just the characterization… they're really deep, dynamic, interesting people, and I think there's an opportunity on Flash to have some of the villains be as interesting as some of our regular characters. We'll really let them have a life of their own.

There's a big surprise at the end of the Flash pilot episode. How important was it to have something that big to cap it all off?

We'd done something similar in the Arrow pilot, when we revealed that Moira was behind Oliver's kidnapping. Hopefully it will have that same shock effect, but it's also tied in to the larger mythology of the series, and certainly the events of Season 1, whereas I think with Moira, I think we had a vaguer idea. We have a much more specific idea about what's actually happening. So, there's nothing about that last scene that is not going to eventually play out in one form or another.

Has Iris noticed that Barry has changed since waking up from his coma?

Yeah, and that's actually the redefinition of their relationship that's going to make up a lot of these early episodes. There is that fun in "what's the matter with you? Why are you acting this way?" There's a great scene in Episode 2 where she's questioning Barry, and Barry has a very interesting Flash way of confessing what's going on without her realizing it.

Is Barry Allen one of those characters that's just inherently good?

Yeah. He's a good guy, but as Greg [Berlanti] always says, there's a darkness inside Barry. It's buried, but it's in there. When he was 11 years old, he saw his mother die, and his father went to jail for it. It's not some distant tragedy that he can ignore. It's every day; every day his father spends in that prison is another day of a reminder of what he's lost. Obviously, people have loved him, the Wests and whatnot; but underneath the joy and the happiness and the kindness and the support, there is a touch of anger, which we get to see in the pilot, and watching what happens when somebody who gains the power of almost a god, how they cope with that emotionally is a big part of the show.

Speaking of characters getting a lot of power and how they cope, what can you tell me about Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell's character)?

Ronnie is Caitlin's fiancee. We're going to first see him in Episode 3 in flashback. We're going to flash back to the night of the particle accelerator explosion, and find out what happened that night from the STAR Labs peoples' point of view.

It is our interpretation of the Firestorm character, and we're really excited; especially excited to get Robbie. I didn't work on Tomorrow People, but spending time with Greg, and spending some time up in Canada, I got to know him a bit, and he's a really special kid.

Will we see any hint to Ronnie Raymond's other half?

Well, Firestorm wouldn't be Firestorm without another half, so I don't think fans of the comics will be disappointed.

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/the ... ming/35322

- Primicias sobre 'The Flash' revelan enemigos, amigos, Crossovers y un personaje gay (huffingtonpost):
Primicias sobre 'The Flash' revelan enemigos, amigos, Crossovers y un personaje gay
Por Maureen Ryan 21/07/2014 7:11 pm EDT

Don't expect "Arrow" and "The Flash" to be standoffish with each other this coming season.

Not only will Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) of "Arrow" appear on the fourth episode of the first season of "The Flash," but the eighth episodes of both CW shows will make up a "mega-crossover event," in the words of executive producer Greg Berlanti.

Berlanti and fellow executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, both of whom work on both shows, actually have three different classifications of "Flash"/"Arrow" interactions: "We have the cameo crossover, the big crossover and then the epic crossover," Kreisberg said. As "The Flash" revs up its engines, there will be "a few mini ones along the way," and then Felicity will be a major presence in Episode 4.

In a lengthy interview, Berlanti and Kreisberg said they understand why there is often hesitation about linking related shows too strongly.

Each drama has to "independently work and be great" on its own, Kreisberg said. But given how naturally Barry Allen, aka Flash, was woven into the second season of "Arrow," and given that the two spring from the DC Comics world, the relationship between the shows feels like a natural progression.

As Kreisberg said, "You want to feel like they live in the same universe."

The majority of my interview with Kreisberg and Berlanti will be posted closer to the Oct. 7 debut of "The Flash" and the Oct. 8 return of "Arrow." But there are a few more tidbits I want to share before the shows arrive this fall.

If you ever thought the "Arrow" flashbacks on the island were "treading water," Kreisberg agrees with you -- in fact, those were the words he used regarding some of the flashback sequences.

There were "just a limited number of characters and a limited number of things that could happen" on the island, Kreisberg said. "There were signposts that we had to avoid or not get to too fast. Some times we treaded water better than others."

But this year, part of the goal with "Arrow" is to bring in new viewers, and having a fresh set of villains and co-conspirators in Hong Kong-set flashbacks will allow the show to engage audiences who haven't checked out the show so far.

"Hopefully people who have heard about the show -- this will give them an opportunity to jump in and not feel so left behind," Kreisberg said.

More elements that new and old viewers can look forward to: Robbie Amell, the "Tomorrow People" star -- and cousin of "Arrow" lead Stephen Amell -- will play Ronnie Raymond, half of the duo Firestorm, and Martin Stein, the other half of that duo, will appear as well. Also, Wentworth Miller will play Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold.

Last but definitely not least, "The Flash" will introduce a gay character at some point in the first 12 episodes of the season.

Berlanti noted that David Singh, a gay DC Comics character, will be part of the "Flash" TV universe: He will recur on the show and will be played by Patrick Sabongui. The producers said that in the episodes sketched out so far, "we haven't dealt with that" aspect of the character, who, in the Arrow comics, is Barry Allen's supervisor in the Central City crime lab.

But Berlanti and Kreisberg added that, in addition to Singh, another gay character will be introduced in the first half of Season 1 of "The Flash" -- a man who already exists in the DC universe (I tried to get them to name the character, but they didn't take the bait). Of course, fans of "Arrow" know that show already has a LGBTQ character in Nyssa Al Ghul (Katrina Law), who was introduced as a former lover of Sara Lance (Caity Lotz).

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/2 ... 07480.html?

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Kreisberg Comenta el que DC esté expandiendo la mitología de TV en "Arrow" y "The Flash" (comicbookresources):
Kreisberg Comenta el que DC esté expandiendo la mitología de TV en "Arrow" y "The Flash"
Por Scott Huver 22 Julio, 2014

Writer/producer Andrew Kreisberg admits he's living out his childhood dream of overseeing the adventures of not one but two iconic DC superheroes in their TV Incarnations as an executive producer both "Arrow" and ""The Flash,"" and now, he reveals what lies ahead for the heroes as their shows launch and re-launch in the fall.

In an one-on-one conversation with Comic Book Resources, Kreisberg hints at an ever-expanding DC mythology as both shows move forward, reveals the role of Ray Palmer on "Arrow" and lays out exactly why Brandon Routh was right for the part. Plus, we get into how the creative team is holding nothing back as "The Flash" races out of the starting gates.

CBR News: How's it been on your side, getting everything off the ground for "The Flash" and still keeping one hand on the wheel for "Arrow?"

Andrew Kreisberg: It's been a whole new experience. It's been great, though. I mean, I was up in Vancouver yesterday, and I walked from one stage where Oliver Queen and Ray Palmer were having a scene and went to another stage where Barry Allen was having a scene. So this is, as hard work as it is, it's literally a childhood dream come true. It's just fantastic.

Let's start with "Arrow." What do you want to say about where the season is going to start?

When Season Three starts, everything's sort of coming up Oliver. He defeated Slade, the police have stopped hunting the vigilante, and crime is down. He's feeling pretty good about himself, and so much of the season is about him wrestling with what sort of a life he can have beyond the hood. That's writ large in the premiere, but it's sort of the theme of the season.

Oliver's love life has always been interesting. Where are his romantic relationships going this season?

I think they're going to get deeper and richer this season. We're not known for treading water on our show, so things will escalate, probably faster than people expect, as always. With whom is always the question. But we feel really good about what's happening this year. When it's the right time to do something, we do it, and we feel like, not just with Oliver, but with all the characters, we're really starting them off in the right place.

Have we seen all the fish in the sea for now, or are there new faces you might strike something up with as well?

Well, don't forget Oliver exists in two timelines. There's the present and the past. So there's new people. There could be potential new people in both areas.

What do you have planned for Ray Palmer -- or, perhaps, The Atom?

We're bringing in Ray as a potential bidder for Queen Consolidated. But I think, in the grand tradition of shows in Season Three bringing in a new character as a game changer, whether it was "Buffy" bringing on Faith, or "Everwood" bringing on Scott Wolf. Brandon and Ray are coming on to really shake up the whole world. Obviously, he's such a different energy, Brandon, from Stephen Amell. Just even the first scenes, it's created a whole new dynamic for the show.

Is there a clear eye on a spinoff, or will you cross that bridge when you come to it?

We will detonate that bridge when we get there. Right now, we are focused on "Arrow" and "Flash."

Was this an easy call, even though he's been a superhero before -- the superhero, in fact -- to cast him?

We felt like what the show had been lacking was more humor. What's funny about Felicity and Oliver is, he's really the straight man and she's sort of the one with all the funny lines. Brandon is such an amazing comedian -- he's so verbally adept, and he has this amazing Jimmy Stewart aspect to him that we knew we weren't bringing on an Oliver clone, because we already have one of those.

It's the same thing we have with "The Flash" when we cast Grant. Like we already have a Stephen Amell. We don't need another one. So we have a Grant Gustin. And in a way, Brandon kind of combines the charm and the funniness that Grant has with square-jawed superhero that Stephen has. As always, we're never looking to repeat ourselves, and now we've brought on somebody who can really play verbal tennis with Felicity. It creates a whole different dynamic and a whole different energy for the show.

With "The Flash," there's so many comics and eras to cherry-pick from for the series. What's the show going to be, in your eyes?

It's a more hopeful show than "Arrow." It's a lighter show. It's funnier. Obviously, there's the amazing effects, but Oliver is a very tortured soul, and we tend to put characters on that show through the wringer. On "Flash," just with him as the lead, you just have a much more accessible hero. When "Arrow" started, Oliver was as much a superhero as he ever was going to be. He was a fully-formed warrior, a killing machine. It's his morality that's evolved. With Barry, this is all new to him. It's day one. He's not even Flash 1.0 -- he's 0.0. It's really about watching him evolve and come to accept these powers that he has, watching him learn them and learn what he can do and learning what he can't do. Barry wears his heart on his sleeve. While Oliver can be very stoic with his losses, Barry, dealing with his inability to save everyone is something that's fresh and new in the superhero genre.

Will Season One largely focus on just establishing your Flash universe rather than reaching too far outside other DC properties that you could touch on?

I think we've done very well on "Arrow" sort of reaching out into the greater mythology, and "Flash" itself is an outcropping of "Arrow" reaching out into the mythology. So there's no reason to think we won't be doing more of that.

What can you just not wait to get to in "The Flash?"

Huh! Well, there's a couple of Easter eggs in the pilot that I wouldn't mind seeing. It's so funny -- usually, the kind of storytelling that we do, when we started "Arrow," there was a lot of, ‘Well, we'll do that later. We'll do that at the end of the season. We'll do that in Season Two.' And Greg Berlanti has really taught us, "If you're excited about it now, why wait?" So there's a lot of what I think people will think is accelerated storytelling in those first five episodes of "The Flash." There's nothing I'm sitting there going, "Man, I can't wait until we get to that," because I'm really loving what we're doing now.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=54234

- Grant Gustin Sobre las escenas paternales, los trajes y los Crossovers (ksitetv):
Grant Gustin Sobre las escenas paternales, los trajes y los Crossovers
Por Craig Byrne 22 Julio, 2014

The series premiere of The Flash is only 11 weeks away on The CW, and the show is expected to make a splash at this year's Comic-Con International in San Diego, which is set to begin tomorrow, on Wednesday, October 23, with screenings, collectible bags, and more among the planned Flash fun.

The Flash stars Grant Gustin, who many may remember as the slushie-throwing evil Warbler Sebastian on Glee. We spoke with Grant at the recent 2014 CW Summer TCA Party about the show, and tried to stick to topics he might not have been asked many times before. Enjoy:

KSITETV's CRAIG BYRNE: 1990 Flash TV series star John Wesley Shipp appears in the pilot as your character Barry Allen's father. Have you guys compared notes about your costumes?

GRANT GUSTIN: Not really. From what I understand - I didn't hear from him, but apparently his suit was so uncomfortable, and really hard to work in, so it made me feel a little bit better about my suit. It's pretty comfy now. We've made some modifications, and it's pretty comfy. I like it.

Can you talk about the scenes that Barry has with his father in the pilot?

It's great. I think that's something that there hasn't been too much of in the comics, that relationship. So, it's fun to develop that more… that was my favorite scene to shoot, just because it was such raw emotion, and in Episode 3, we're going to see more of that, and develop that relationship further, and explore the effect it's had on Barry, and we'll find out a bit more of the details of how it's effected him growing up.

You've already had a huge fan base from Glee, and now you have comic book fans coming in and being excited about your work. How different is that?

I really, really love it. It's more guys, which is cool, because most of my [Glee] fans have been younger girls. So, it's cool to get guys that are excited about something that I'm really excited about too, and they're really passionate, and it's cool. Everyone's really excited about the show, and it just gets me more excited.

Some crossovers between The Flash and Arrow have been hinted at - what do you know that you're allowed to talk about?

I know Emily Bett Rickards is going to be in Episode 4 of Flash, and I know - I won't say which episode - but I know [something is coming]. There will be plenty of crossovers - at least one episode, for sure. [Since this interview happened a crossover has been announced for the 8th episodes of Arrow and Flash this season]

Are you excited for Comic-Con?

Yeah. I'm scared and excited. It's going to be fun.

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/the ... vers/35359

- Nuevos spoilers sobre el crossover de "Arrow" y "The Flash" (TVGuide):
¿Alguna información sobre los episodios de crossover de Flash y Arrow? — Leona
He escuchado que los arcos narrativos en geeral de las series estarán de alguna manera relacionados esta temporada, lo suficiente como para que ese crossover tenga sentido. "Algo pasará al final del Episodio 7 de Arrow que enviará al equipo de Arrow a Central City y descubrirán que era una trama mayor, lo que los llevará a todos de nuevo a Starling City," dice Andrew Kreisberg.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Mega-Buzz-C ... 84751.aspx?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Plastique aparecerá en un episodio de "The Flash":
En la columna de Ask Ausiello de esta semana en TVLine.com, Michael Ausiello ha revelado que el personaje DC Comics "Plastique" va a aparecer en la serie "The Flash":
Question: ¿Tienes alguna primicia sobre los héroes o villanos de DC que llegan a Arrow o The Flash? —Michael
Ausiello: Tengo una promicia explosiva con respecto a eso (entenderás por qué dije eso en un minuto): Sgt. Bette Sans Souci – AKA Plastique – llegará a The Flash esta temporada. La encarnación en la serie de la metahumana es una encantadora joven pelirroja que era una especialista en bombas con el Ejército antes de que fuera herida por un terrorista en Iraq. Desde que estuvo expuesta a la explosión de Central City, puede convertir cualquier objeto en una bomba con tan sólo tocarla con la mano – no es una mala camarada para que The Flash la tenga en su equipo, ¿eh?

Los fans de Smallville recordarán que Plastique apareció en unos cuantos eqpisodios, interpretada por Jessica Parker Kennedy.

En los cómics, Plastique con frecuencia era enemiga de Firestorm, quien aparecerá también en The Flash interpretado por Robbie Amell.

http://tvline.com/2014/07/22/flash-plas ... -spoilers/

- Nueva imagen BTS de Grant Gustin y Jesse L. Martin en el set (22-07-14):


(thanks to Grant Gustin)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
