Noticias y Videos de Cassidy Freeman

La implacable Tess Mercer, interpretada por Cassidy Freeman

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Longmire 3.06 "Reports of My Death" Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva película de Cassidy Freeman: "DON'T LOOK BACK" - Movie Trailer:

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Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Longmire" Cancelada porA&E, otra cadena podría hacerse con el drama:
La cadena A&E ha cancelado la serie "Longmire" protagonizada por Cassidy Freeman, que terminó su tercera temporada a principios de mes.

“Nos gustaría darle las gracias al fenomenal elenco, equipo y productores de Longmire, junto con nuestros compañeros de Warner Horizon, por su incansable trabajo en tres temporadas de historias dramáricas de calidad,” dice la nota oficial de A&E. “Estamos increíblemente orullosos de lo que hemos conseguido juntos.”

Al parecer, la productora Warner Horizon podría vender el drama a otras cadenas.

Longmire terminó su Season 3 con una audiencia de 3.7 millones de espectadores y un ráting de 0.6 demo rating. ... -season-4/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primer single del nuevo disco de "The Real D´Coy" a la venta el 22 de Septiembre del 2014:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Segundo single del nuevo disco de "The Real D´Coy" a la venta el 22 de Septiembre del 2014:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Netflix En Negociaciones para una posible S4 de "Longmire":
Las plegarias de los fans de "Longmire" puede que hayan sido contestadas.

Según informa Deadline, Netflix parece estar es profundas negociaciones para emitir una cuarta temporada del drama de la A&E.

La cancelación produjo uno de los mayores movimientos de apoyo de los fans, que llamaron a las armas para liderar una campaña masiva para salvar la serie.

La noticia ahora llega dos meses después de dicha cancelación, aunque las negociaciones entre Netflix y la productora de 'Longmire' Warner Horizon han sido complicadas, y aún existe la posibilidad de que finalmente no se llegue a un acuerdo final, aunque hay buena predisposición por ambas partes.

Si el acuerdo se cierra, la producción de la S4 tendría una fecha provisional de inico en Marzo del 2015.

Tras la cancelación por parte de la A&E, Warner Horizon inmediatamente empezó a hacer esfuerzos por conseguirle a la serie un nuevo hogar, aunque Netflix y Amazon parecían los objetivos principales más lógicos desde el principio, siendo Netflix la que se consideraba como predominante ya que el servicio de streaming ya tenía los derechos de las anteriores temporadas como parte de su acuerdo con la Warner Bros. ... 201280496/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡Es oficial: Netflix Revive 'Longmire'!:
"Longmire" vive.

La semana pasada nos llegaba la noticia de que el drama de la cadena A&E que fue cancelado a pesar de su ráting el pasado mes de Agosto, podría tener su oportunidad de regresar a través Netflix para lo que sería su cuarta temporada.

Ahora tenemos la confirmación de que, tras meses se negociación, Warner Horizon Television y la página de streaming online han llegado finalmente a un acuerdo.

La nueva temporada de estrenará a través de dicho portal en U.S., Canada, Australia y Nueva Zelanda en el 2015. La producción de la S4 contará con otros 10 nuevos episodios, cuya producción está previsto que empiece en Marzo.

“Cuando Warner Horizon Television vino a nosotros con la idea de una nueva temporada para 'Longmire', estuvimos intrigados porque la serie es única y consistentemente genial," dice la vicepresidenta de contenido original de Netflix Cindy Holland. "Estamos encantados de ayudar a continuar la historia de Walt Longmire para sus extensos y apasionados seguidores."

A&E hizo que todos levantaran las cejas cuando canceló la serie. Era la serie original de la cadena de cable más vista. Pero los fans de la serie pertenecen a una franja de cierta edad y eso no ayudaba a alentar a los anunciantes. Por supuesto, la publicidad no significa nada para su actual hogar de Netflix.

“Estamos emocionados y nos sentimos honrados por tener la oportunidad de llevar esta serie que queremos tanto a todos sus devotos fans a través de Netflix," dicen los productores ejecutivos de 'Longmire'.

Basada en las novelas de misterio de Craig Johnson, Longmire, la S4 comienza momentos después del explosivo final de la S3. Walt Longmire (Taylor), habiendo descubierto quién estaba tras el asesinato de su mujer, sucumbe ante sus más oscuros impulsos y sale en busca del asesino con la venganza en su mente. Mientras tanto, Branch Connally (Bailey Chase), el sustituto al que Walt despidió por su comportamiento errático y violento, cree que ya ha descubierto quién es el verdadero culpable. Durante su enfrentamiento con el sospechoso, suena un diaparo. Los fans descubrirán lo que pasó, y si Walt puede ser detenido antes de que tome una elección fatal.

La serie está protagonizada por Robert Taylor, Katee Sackhoff, Lou Diamond Phillips, Bailey Chase, Cassidy Freeman y Adam Bartley y todos tenían acuerdos para la S4. Sin embargo, eso no significa necesariamente que todos regresen, sobre todos después del cliffhanger de la S3, que dejó las vidas de los personajes en equilibrio. Además hay rumores de que es probable la salida de alguno de ellos. ... ire-750548 ... 201289364/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Se confirma la fecha para el lanzamiento del BlueRay/DVD la S3 de "Longmire":
Cuando terminó la S3 de "Longmire" y A&E anunció la cencelación de la serie, los fans de todo el mundo de la serie gritaron frustrados y comenzaron una campaña en twitter que llevó al anuncio de la renovación de la misma para una S4, esta vez en Netflix.

Ahora, se ha anunciado que la fecha del lanzamiento para el BLUE Ray/DVD de la Tercera Temporada Completa de "Longmire" será el 03 de Marzo del 2015.
Esta temporada ha sido aclamada por los críticos y ha tenido pegados a sus pantallas a los fans de principio a fin.

Podéis pre-ordenarla ya en Amazon al precio de 29.99$ (el DVD) y 36.89$ (el Blue-Ray): ... s=longmire

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Cassidy Freeman sobre la season 4 de ‘Longmire’, la campaña para su película independiente ‘Cortez’, y el rodaje en New Mexico (cartermatt):
Cassidy Freeman sobre la season 4 de ‘Longmire’, la campaña para su película independiente ‘Cortez’, y el rodaje en New Mexico
Por Matt Carter 17 Abril, 2015

How has the relationship between art and its consumers evolved over the past several years? There are a number of different ways in which we’ve seen it manifest. From one vantage point, you have a series like “Longmire” which was canceled by A&E and due by and large to the support of its fans, was eventually picked up by Netflix. Season 4 of the series is now filming in New Mexico. Following this up from another perspective, you have the rise in crowdfunding, which has enabled many projects the ability to get off of the ground with the help of backers. In turn, this enables the creators to have the freedom that they want without as much overhead interruption.

We have an interesting cross-section of these two different things to discuss today courtesy of Cassidy Freeman. While she is in the process of filming new “Longmire” episodes as Cady Longmire, she is also helping to raise money on Indiegogo for “Cortez,” a movie she is producing that has deep ties of its own to New Mexico. There are a variety of different perks available for your contribution to the project, and above all you get the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping to support a personal, compelling story in the process. We’ve included the Indiegogo video of the film below if you want to check it out.

We spoke with Freeman via email this week to talk a little about the project, along with getting a brief status report on “Longmire” and also to see what the expanding relationship between art and its consumers feels like from her perspective.

CarterMatt – What is it about the story of Cortez that fascinates you? It feels to me like one of those classic character stories about discovering a part of yourself you never knew existed.

Cassidy Freeman – What immediately drew me to Cortez was the theme of second chances and the perspective shaped definition of happiness. I love seeing movies that I can relate to. I love getting to know characters that seem real and like people I actually know. There is a sadness to Cortez. It was described once as Sudade, which is a portugese word defined as a feeling of longing, melancholy, or nostalgia. That person who you never told you loved, or that person you loved, but had to let go. We can all relate to that feeling. And Cortez provides its characters with the opportunity to change the inevitability of that feeling. It’s what we all live for, a chance at fulfillment and happiness…and when we try for it, we find out what really matters.

I am also drawn to Cortez because of the people I’m working with. Too often you meet kindred spirits, that you know you could make beautiful art with, spend your time creating with, and instead you all wait for someone to hire you. I’ve found a group of people (and it keeps growing) with whom I want to make things with. Cortez was born from [writers / stars] Cheryl Nichols and Arron Shiver…and the team keeps growing.

I feel to a certain extent that New Mexico is still overlooked as a filming location, even with Longmire (subbing for Wyoming) and Breaking Bad / Better Call Saul utilizing it. You’ve spent plenty of time there the past few years, so what have you taken away from the scenery and the atmosphere of being there?

New Mexico is very unique place, and one that I think people usually think they get, but they don’t. Not until they spend enough time here. They don’t call it the Land Of Enchantment for nothing. (Some people find it so hard to leave that they call it the Land Of Entrapment.) One thing about New Mexico that is fascinating, and why it’s so good to film here, is its varying landscapes. It’s one of the reasons we can substitute it for Wyoming without too much trouble. There are beautiful mountains here and Santa Fe, where we shoot Longmire, is about 7,000 ft in elevation. We are shooting Cortez in Taos, which is even a bit higher and the high desert provides vistas seen nowhere else. There is a sense of acceptance and authenticity here. You have no idea who you’re going to meet at the coffee shop, but chances are, they’re going to have a good story. It feels human here and tough and breathtaking and old all at the same time. People have been walking this land for hundreds of years. New Mexico feels wise.

There are always other shows and movies filming in Santa Fe while Longmire is in production. The state supports us with incredible crews and very talented people in all fields of film production. I’ve never worked with happier, more goal oriented people. It really feels like a family.

On my days off, I’m so excited to find a new hike, spend time with a co-actor or local friend, eat some AMAZING food or find some shade with my dog in a park and read. I know I’m working, but since I love what I do so much and with what New Mexico has to offer, it feels more like a retreat. That’s why I’m so excited to make a film here. Cortez is as much about love and happiness and second chances as it is about New Mexico. I’m eager to share the magic of this place in film. I feel like with Longmire, we get to partake in its fun, but the audience is left thinking we’re elsewhere.

Is there any emotion or particular thought that you hope potential viewers of Cortez take away from it?

I’d never tell anyone what to feel after seeing a film. One of my most favorite things is how the same film can affect people in such different ways. But something I would hope for people after seeing Cortez is to feel less alone. That is the power of film. Especially in the ways in which we can share film so quickly and so far. It is current day story telling…and storytelling is healing, it is connecting and it helps us see one another. It helps us find empathy and grace. I would hope someone seeing Cortez would feel some of that.

You’ve been back in New Mexico for a little while now working on Longmire season 4. Has the work felt any different to you than it did the first three seasons, now that the show has a new home in Netflix?

We’re currently shooting episode 3, and although that seems like it’s still early, I know it goes by so quickly. Time flies when you’re having fun! And although the bones of this show will always be the same: great stories, strong authentic characters, culture, conflict, etc….it feels bigger now that we’re on Netflix. Although the fans may not love that they have to wait a little bit longer for the season (since it all comes out at the same time early this fall), it give us more freedom and lets us craft the season as a 10 hour movie. Netflix is such a cool platform because of this. They are also real excited about the show and eager for us to let us spread our wings. I think the fans will feel fuller episodes…more organic feeling stories and no commercials!

Whether it be projects in crowd-funding like Cortez, or the widespread campaign to save Longmire on social media, have the past six months taught you anything new about the relationship between art and its fans? Is this a relationship you’ve seen evolve and change in general over your career so far?

I think the connection between art and it’s fans has changed so much…and the rules that used to apply, don’t. Entertainment is becoming a la carte, and people are liberated to choose that which they want to watch and that which they want to spend their money on. The avenues by which we can all intake media is overwhelming…but it is also pretty exciting. We’ve all heard stories of incredible crowdfunding successes and I find them inspiring. People are willing to join up to be a part of something. There is a great Ted Talk with Amanda Palmer about the Art of Asking. In her career as a musician she’s found more success in asking people to pay for her music rather than requiring them to. In a climate where everyone is scared of piracy and over saturation…this is a revolutionary idea. The more we connect with people, share our stories, let them peek behind the curtain that gets more transparent every day, the more people are willing to ante up…share a small amount to make a big difference. Just 10 years ago fans were not able to connect with someone they admired immediately with a 140 character compliment or request to be seen. We can all ask now, hopefully without shame, for the help we need, the content we want to see and to give admiration to those we look up to. I’m always ready to cheer for the things I love and support, and crowdfunding, Twitter, social media etc. gives us the chance to connect and be heard. Side note: don’t forget to go out and smell nature…meet your friends face to face…day dream….we would have nothing to cheer for if we lost our humanity…if we lost the reason to tell stories in the first place: Each other.

First of all, thanks to Cassidy for these answers! There’s some really thought-provoking stuff in here on subjects we’ve thought about a lot over the years, and hopefully hearing from her will allow you to be as excited to support the “Cortez” project as you are to see “Longmire” later this year. If you missed it earlier, the campaign link is here, and you can also follow the film on Twitter.

As always, you can visit our “Longmire” archive to find some other stories on the subject of the show. Also, you can sign up here to score some other TV news on all we cover via our CarterMatt Newsletter. (Photos: Netflix, A&E, “Cortez.”) ... o-filming/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Netflix publica la fecha de estreno de la S4 de "Longmire":
Netflix acaba de anunciar la que es poiblemente la fecha más esperada por los fans de "Longmire", que el drama de 10 episodios estrenará su cuarta temporada el Jueves, 10 de Septtiembre del 2015.

Junto a esto, también han publicado una descripción que, entre otras cosas, aclara que la S4 “comienza momenmtos después del excitante final de la Season 3” — lo que sugiere que Branch ha sido disparado por su padre o vice versa — y que encuentra a Walt sucumbiendo antes sus más oscuros impulsos tras saber quién estaba tras el asesinato de su mujer.

En cuanto al elenco, Netflix confirma que Ally Walker será recurrente en un papel sin especificar, uniéndose a los regulares Robert Taylor, Bailey Chase, Katee Sackhoff, Lou Diamond Phillips, Cassidy Freeman y Adam Bartley. Gerald McRaney también repetirá en su papel como Barlow Connally para un arco. ... ease-date/ ... x-revival/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Longmire" Season 4 Teaser Trailer on Netflix:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Longmire" Season 4 - Official Trailer on Netflix:

- Entrevista para la Season 4 de LONGMIRE con el productor ejecutivo y el elenco: Robert Taylor, Lou Diamond Phillips + y más (TVTango):
Entrevista para la Season 4 de LONGMIRE con el productor ejecutivo y el elenco: Robert Taylor, Lou Diamond Phillips + y más
Por Maj Canton - 9 Septiembre, 2015

This Thursday, September 10, 2015 at 3:01am ET/12:01am PT, Netflix releases the entire 10-episode fourth season of LONGMIRE, picking up moments after the Season 3 finale. Walt Longmire, having found out who was behind the murder of his wife, succumbs to his darker impulses and takes off in pursuit of the killer with murder on his mind. Meanwhile, Branch Connally, the deputy who Walt fired for erratic, violent behavior, believes he has already figured out who the real culprit is. But during his confrontation with this suspected killer, a gun goes off. Now the audience will finally learn what happened, and whether Walt can be stopped before he makes a fatal choice.

During the 2015 Summer Television Critics Association (TCA) Press Tour, the LONGMIRE cast (Robert Taylor; Lou Diamond Phillips; Cassidy Freeman; Gerald McRaney; Bailey Chase) and executive producers (Greer Shephard; Hunt Baldwin; John Coveny) answered questions from journalists, revealing themes about the show's fourth season, discussing the Season 3 cliffhanger, and uncovering details about their characters.

Question: You left a lot of things in the open with the cliffhanger at the end of Season 3. When you wrote that cliffhanger -- and when you did it -- how confident were you that there would be a fourth season somewhere? Was there a time in the limbo where you started to have doubts that there would be a fourth season?

HUNT BALDWIN: Obviously, when we wrote that, we had a lot of story left to tell and had every intention of telling that. And we were surprised that there was a period of sort of a purgatory last season when we didn't think we were going to get to finish. So, needless to say, we are thrilled that we got to move to Netflix and finish telling that story.

Question: Robert, what was that purgatory like for you? You must have wanted Walt's story to finish completely, too, just like everybody else. What's it like in the time when you didn't know if it was ever going to finish?

ROBERT TAYLOR: I thought it was a joke. I didn't believe it. I got a text saying they canceled it, and I thought, “Oh, that's great.” I had an interview that I didn't have to do. They canceled it. I was skiing in Australia, so it was cold. It took me a week or so and I reconciled myself to not doing it again, but I always believed we weren't finished. I just felt it in my bones that we weren't done. And with Peter Roth over here and these three [Executive Producers Greer Shephard, Hunt Baldwin, and John Coveny], we're in pretty good hands, so it worked out okay.

Question: How different will the show be on Netflix compared to what we've seen on A&E?

HUNT BALDWIN: I think the show is going to be different in the end, but we're actually still making the same show that we set out to make. One of the biggest differences about our new environment -- our new home -- is that we're not subject to the same time constraints. We're not subject to the commercial breaks. We’re not changing our approach to storytelling very much, but I think the end result feels very different. It feels more cinematic, and the stories feel more complete and more complex, because we're allowed to keep all the stuff that we envisioned at the beginning.

GREER SHEPHARD: I think you'll find, though, the tonality remains the same. Just because there may be more permissiveness on Netflix, there's no more vulgarity or there's no more graphicness, because we did not want to alienate the incredible fan base that we actually consider to be responsible for our survival.

Question: What have you learned about your characters in Season 3 that you didn't necessarily know back in Season 1?

LOU DIAMOND PHILLIPS: Well, for me, what I think is amazing about not only Walt but Henry Standing Bear is if you look at our source material, the amazing novels by Craig Johnson, they're all first person, told through Walt's eyes. Season 3 was sort of an epiphany for me because they were taking Henry Standing Bear into places that I don't think Craig would have investigated in his novels. We're very, very true to those characters. There were times when I had to wrap my head around Henry not being a zen warrior and maybe being a little overly caffeinated at times and dealing with some emotional baggage that is not really introduced in the novels.

ROBERT TAYLOR: I guess I discovered that my character was far from perfect. Everything kept going wrong that could possibly go wrong, which is more than enough, I think. That kept me busy the whole season. It's hard to remember Season 3. We just finished Season 4. And people ask me, “What's your favorite episode?” Well, I can't even think what was what episode. I just think of a scene or a moment or something like that. But it's a constant evolution.

Question: Speaking of Season 4, what can you tell us about general arcs or themes about this season that viewers can look forward to?

GREER SHEPHARD: The theme of Season 4 is second chances. And who you are as a person is defined by how you handle the second chance. There are a lot of ways in which people can rebuild themselves after devastating experiences, and we, sort of, explore that theme through each of our characters. You know, how does Vic Moretti reestablish herself after she has had a divorce? Now that Walt thinks he knows who the murderer of his wife is, how does he go on? It's sort of like Ahab and the white whale. Once you've vanquished that and that has, sort of, been your sole purpose in life, who are you? And so you'll see that thematic played out. With Henry, it's, sort of, like, he's been given this sort of newfound freedom. What does he do with it to, sort of, validate the fact that he's been given a second chance?

Question: Is there a new mystery arc, or is the primary arc waiting for the giant shoe we saw in the last episode to drop on Walt's head?

HUNT BALDWIN: Obviously, we threw a lot of knives in the air at the end of Season 3, and a big part of the story we're telling in Season 4 is what happens when those knives fall. What are the immediate consequences of that? How do people rebuild? How do people go on after all that? But as we've always done, we're always trying to introduce new both short term and longer term stories and problems into the lives of these characters.

JUDY SMITH: I would say one of the big story arenas in Season 4 are the issues facing Native Americans on the reservation. There's a horrific loophole in that tribal police and tribal courts are not able to prosecute non-natives who commit crimes on the reservation. There have been some modifications to that law. Interestingly, a story that we were telling, the law changed while we were writing the story, so we had to modify it. But those injustices and those discrepancies are the subject of several of our stories and are going to put Walt and Henry in opposition.

Question: This has always been a very cinematic show. What does it feel like to you to be able to do a show where you've got these endless vistas?

CASSIDY FREEMAN: Life is a different pace when we're there, and it's such a gift for all of us as actors to get to be there. We get to interact with each other as co-actors. And I think that that land is, in and of itself, its own character. And I think it's important for us to be there and interact with it as well. There's something that changes just in the way that you move through the world when you are there in it and experiencing it, as well as filming in it.

LOU DIAMOND PHILLIPS: There's a huge connection to the land. I mean, when I first started this show four seasons ago and I've been back since I went up to the Lame Deer Reservation in Montana to visit the Cheyenne Nation. I've had the great honor of being adopted into the Nation since then. But this show gets it right. So many of these sets, so many of these locations that we shoot in, have that feeling. They have the history. It is very much inherent in all of these characters and in their connection with their world, and that is yet another, I think, unique aspect of our show that makes us very different from anything else that's on television.

GREER SHEPHARD: There's a lot of the thematics about fatherhood and about being a man. I think one of the big thrusts in Branch's story is the feud over who really is his rightful father and what it is to be a father, you know, the father of a child, a father to a town, you know, a father to the West. And it's definitely it's provides endless story material for us.

HUNTER BALDWIN: And Walt and Barlow are, sort of, these two competing father figures, and they're two guys with distinctly different views of the land and how to develop it and how to protect it and what to do with it. It's I don't think you can tell a story about the West without the land being fundamental.

Question: Gerald, you've done so many different things, little parts, major parts. Whenever we see you on the screen, you still look like you're so committed to having so much fun. Is that true? Are you still loving being an actor?

GERALD McRANEY: I'm stealing their money. It's that much fun. I am one of the luckiest men you've ever seen in your life. I'll be 68 next month. I've been doing this for 45 years now. To be excited to go back to work every time I do, that's the luckiest thing in the world. And I feel like I've been part of the show from the very beginning. I've worked on a lot of network television, as you know, and quite often, in there, the first thing you want to do when you show up in the morning is "Look, can we talk about this scene?" You want to shorten it, abbreviate it, change it, do something to it to give it some life. It is such a thrill to just walk onto the set in the morning and know that you're going to have a great time because you can trust the script implicitly. They're never going to steer you wrong. Just learn the damn words and get them out; you'll be fine. That has been such a joy on this job.

Question: Can you talk about coming together with Netflix for Season 4?

GREER SHEPHARD: We already had a lovely relationship with Netflix. They already had an investment in us because they had been streaming our previous seasons. And they invited us in to present Season 4 to them and to talk about the show. And I will tell you, never before have I wept in a meeting. I did because there was there was so much at stake. This has become a way of life for us, and we needed to complete and continue our storytelling. It was an appeal for life.

JOHN COVENY: Netflix said, "We want human beings to enjoy this show. We don't care where they live. We don't care when they want to watch, how they want to watch it. We just want people. And the quality is there and the show has some heart and some soul to it, we need that piece in the Netflix family."

GREER SHEPHARD: It's really pretty wonderful. We had an audience of very, very passionate fans, and we get picked up by Netflix, who, I have to say they are so conscious and caring of the consumer and saw this very, very vocal fan base that had basically been disqualified because they were not seen as sexy to advertisers.

HUNTER BALDWIN: The only addition to the story was the fan outpouring and reaction on social media and in the comments sections of disparate places was really, really touching. It was inspiring. And it was massive.

BAILEY CHASE: If I could add, too, just speaking on behalf of the cast, I know all of us were secretly hoping even though we, obviously, aren't involved in these meetings. We're living and dying by the feedback and "Is this going to happen? Is it not going to happen?" It's the right show on the right network at the right time. And everything happens for a reason. So while everybody was bummed and disappointed and "I can't believe this is happening," it's all worked out tremendously so it's a win-win for all of us.

Question: Internationally, American cowboys are always popular and have been a big factor in the appeal of this series. Robert, because you've got the best view of this, did you grow up hearing about American cowboys? Are American cowboys really big in Australia?

ROBERT TAYLOR: Yeah, they're big everywhere. Australia, I mean, I grew up in a place where my home state is three-and-a-half times the size of Texas. So I had no problem relating to wide open spaces and horses and guns. It's different, but the same. But I've always been intoxicated by the American West and the history

LOU DIAMOND PHILLIPS: Or just intoxicated. [Laughter.]

Question: Had the series ended on Season 3, who do you think would have survived the climactic shoot there?



Question: But we only heard one gunshot.

GERALD McRANEY: Well, we could tell you, but then that would be the end of one of the actors. Netflix is very serious about that sort of thing. They keep a sniper in the back of the room for questions like that.

Question: Could you have lived with that cliffhanger?


HUNTER BALDWIN: No, absolutely not. We had no intention of ending at that point.

JOHN COVENY: Yeah. We built to that moment, so we're like, "Well, Season 4 is going to happen," and all that pent up "What happened?" will be delivered in Season 4.

LOU DIAMOND PHILLIPS: it in regional theater and put that out.

ROBERT TAYLOR: We do that, anyway.

CASSIDY FREEMAN: Twitter videos. Would've been great.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Cassidy Freeman, estrella invitada en "Stitchers":
Cuando la serie de ABC Family "Stitchers" regrese para su segunda temporada en el 2016, el equipo contará con la llegada de la actriz de Smallville Cassidy Freeman.

La actriz llegará como estrella invitada en el papel de 'Ellie', una hacker que usa sus “impresionantes habilidades” para burlarse del equpi de "Stitchers". El personaje será introducido en el episodio 2.02. ... eman-cast/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias de Cassidy Freeman

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Cassidy Freeman, #NCIS & #NCISNOLA 2-hour crossover event! (Jan 05, 2016):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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