10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos.

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10x21-22 FINALE Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

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Episodio #10-21/22: Finale
Fecha de emisión: 13 de Mayo de 2011
Estrellas invitadas: Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor), Annette O´Toole (Martha Kent), Allison Mack (Chloe Sullivan), John Glover (Lionel Luthor)
Director: Kevin Fair/Greg Beeman
Escritores: Al Septien/Turi Meyer (1ª Parte) , Kelly Souders/Brian Peterson (2ª Parte)

Descripción oficial: ESTAD ALLÍ CUANDO SMALLVILLE CIERRE EL VIAJE DE CLARK KENT DE DIEZ AÑOS ES UNA ÉPICA FINAL DE LA SERIE DE DOS HORAS — La historia de Clark Kent (Tom Welling) culmina en esta épica final de la serie de dos horas cuando Clark Kent sa el último paso hacia convertirse en el Hombre de Acero. Con apariciones invitadas sorpresa, guiños a las primeras temporadas de la serie y Michael Rosenbaum de vuelta como Lex Luthor, este episodio final cierra una historia de una larga década siguiendo el viaje de un hombre en convertirse en el más grande superhéroe del mundo. Erica Durance, Allison Mack, Justin Hartley, Cassidy Freeman, John Glover, Annette O’Toole y John Schneider también aparecen. Kevin Fair dirige “Finale Part 1,” que fue escrito por Al Septien & Turi Meyer y Greg Beeman dirige “Finale Part 2,” escrito por Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders

- ACTUALIZADO 12/01/11: (Michael Ausiello, TVLine) Los productores son "cautelosamente optimistas" con que Lex regrese, pero Kristin Kreuk (Lana) definitivamente no va a regresar.

- ACTUALIZADO 14/01/11: (Brian P. y Kelly S. , TCA tour) Nuavas informaciones.
Un affair épico de dos horas podría encajar con una serie que está acabando 10 años de trayectoria — y de hecho esa es “una posibilidad,” le cuenta el productor ejecutivo Brian Peterson a TVLine. “Nos encantaría eso, y se siente como la forma correcta de terminar.”

En esta temprana etapa, sin embargo — la premiere de la mitad de la temporada llega el Viernes, 28 de Enero — “No lo sabemos aún,” dice la productora ejecutiva Kelly Souders. Pero sea lo que sea lo que decide la CW, “Lo bonito es que los últimos dos episodios van juntos,” apunta, “así es que no importa lo que pase, será un evento.”

En cuanto al título, ¿Será Supermán"?: “Eso no es seguro el decirlo,” comenta Souders. “Todavía no tenemos un título y con la cantidad de cosas que tenemos que cerrar para ese episodio, el título es el menor de nuestros problemas”

“Puede ser uno obvio [como el de "Supermán"], se permite, “pero no estoy segura.” (Como Peterson sabe, el conferirle al final un título tan potente e importante es “una discusión mucho mayor.”)
- ACTUALIZADO 31/01/11: (Keck´s Exclusives, TVGuide) "También estoy oyendo que el final puede que sea una despedida de dos horas — ¡con una última visita de Supergirl!"

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Kecks-Exclu ... 28716.aspx

- ACTUALIZADO 03/02/11: (K-Site) Pistas sobre el título... hasta el momento no parece que vaya a ser "Supermán," y tampoco parece que vaya a ser "Metrópolis" tampoco.

- Primicia: La Finale de Smallville Toma el Vuelo el 13 de Mayo (TVLine.com, Zap-2-it, IGN.com):
Primicia: La Finale de Smallville Toma el Vuelo el 13 de Mayo
Por Michael Ausiello 7 de Febrero, 2011 12:50 PM PST

ESTO ACABA DE ENTRAR: Smallville concluirá su camino de 10 años con una finale de serie de 2 horas el Viernes, 13 de Mayo. Un anuncio formal se espera por parte de la CW más tarde en el día de hoy.

http://www.tvline.com/2011/02/scoop-sma ... ht-may-13/

En una declaración, los productores ejecutivos Kelly Souders y Brian Peterson han dicho, "Rendirle homenaje a 10 temporadas no es una pequeña tarea, y redondear cada personaje y cada arco argumental ha sido extremadamente importante para todos los que están involucrados en la serie. Estamos excitados de ser capaces de hacer de los momentos finales de Smallville un evento televisivo, a medida que el personaje con el que hemos crecido hace su legendaria transformación."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... nales.html

La nota de prensa enitida por la CW para el final de Smallville dice, "Encargarse de Darkseid y luchar contra el más oscuro de sus demonios, este evento de dos horas enviará a Clark volando hacia sus derechos de nacimiento para asegurar su lugar en la historia como el más grande protector del mundo."

- Nota de prensa de la CW sobre la Finale de Smallville:
7 de Febrero, 2011 (Burbank, California) – La CW will presenta el final de la serie de SMALLVILLE como un épico evento televisivo de dos horas el Viernes, 13 de Mayo (8:00-10:00 p.m. ET.)

La historia de un joven Clark Kent (Tom Welling) y su viaje hacia convertirse em al Hombre de Acero ha cautivado a la audiencia desde hace una década. En esta temporada final, Clark intenta encontrar su equilibrio entre salvar al mundo, que se convierte incluso en algo más difícil ya que el Acta de Registro de Vigilantes separa a una nación, y el pasar tiempo con su nueva prometida Lois Lane (Erica Durance). Tanto si es poniéndose unas gafas como disfraz, cambiándose en una cabina de teléfono o aprendiendo a cómo volar, esta temporada ha puesto a Clark más cerca de su destino que nunca. Encargándose de Darkseid y luchando contra el más oscuro de sus demonios, este evento de dos horas enviará a Clark volando hacia sus derechos de nacimiento para asegurar su lugar en la historia como el más grande protector del mundo."

"Rendirle homenaje a 10 temporadas no es una pequeña tarea, y redondear cada personaje y cada arco argumental ha sido extremadamente importante para todos los que están involucrados en la serie", dijeron los productores Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders. "Estamos excitados de ser capaces de hacer de los momentos finales de Smallville un evento televisivo, a medida que el personaje con el que hemos crecido hace su legendaria transformación."

Please note SUPERNATURAL will be pre-empted on May 13 but will return with a two-hour season finale on Friday, May 20 (8:00-10:00 p.m. ET.)

http://www.ksitetv.com/5221/smallville- ... es-finale/
- ACTUALIZADO 07/02/11: (K-Site) El capítulo se tratará de los episodios 21 y 22 unidos y su título será "Finale"

- ACTUALIZADO 08/02/11: (Ausiello, TVLine) Please tell me Smallville‘s two-hour series finale is not going to be titled “Finale Part 1″ and “Finale Part 2,” as is being reported. —April
Ausiello: I’m 97 percent certain those are placeholders. My advice? Chillax! (FYI: Still no news re: Rosenbaum. And no news continues to be bad news.)

("Por favor dime que la final de la serie de Smallville de dos horas no va a ser titulada “Finale Parte 1″ y “Finale Parte 2,” como se ha informado. —April
Ausiello: Estoy seguro al 97% que ésos son provisionales. ¿Mi consejo? ¡Relajáos! Para vuestra información: Siguen sin haber noticias relativas a Rosenbaum. Y ninguna noticia continúa siendo malas noticias".)

http://www.tvline.com/2011/02/ask-ausie ... -and-more/

- ¡Exclusiva de Smallville! Michael Rosenbaum Regresa para el Final de la Serie: 'Lo Estoy Haciendo Por los Fans' (TVLine):
¡Exclusiva de Smallville! Michael Rosenbaum Regresa para el Final de la Serie: 'Lo Estoy Haciendo Por los Fans'
Por Matt Webb Mitovich y Michael Ausiello 11 de Febrero, 2011 07:45 PM PST

El mitos de Supermán de la pequeña pantalla acaba de dar un enorme respiro de alivio.

Tras casi un año de especulaciones de lo hará o no lo hará, Michael Rosenbaum ha firmado el trato de repetir su papel como el Lex Luthor de Smallville en la final de dos horas que se emitirá el 13 de Mayo, según ha sabido TVLine.

“Estoy encantado de regresar para el final de la serieI,” Le dice Rosenbaum a TVLine en exclusiva. “Estoy simplemente haciéndolo por todos los fans que hay ahí que hicieron que Smallville sea el éxito que es. Aprecio toda su pasión, su implacabilidad, e incluso sus amenazas. Ha ha.”

El actor continúa, “No puedo esperar para abrazar al antiguo equipo en Vancouver una última vez y ver a todos mis viejos amigos de nuevo. Oh, y para que Lex se convierta en el villano que está destinado a ser.”

Los productores ejecutivos Kelly Souders y Brian Peterson dicen del regreso de Rosenbaum, “Parece que las estrellas se han alineado, literalmente. No podríamos estar más excitados. Y en cuanto a la manera en la que regresa... no habrá duda sobre cómo Lex se convierte en el gran rival de la vida de Clark. Él es el villano de la historia".

El regreso de Rosenbaum era considerado por muchos como la pieza que faltaba en el camino final de la 10ª temporada de la serie, que le ha dado la bienvenida a miembros como John Schneider y Annette O’Toole (como Jonathan y Martha Kent) y John Glover (Lionel Luthor), y más tarde esta temporada a Laura Vandervoort (Kara/Supergirl) y Callum Blue (Zod).

Pero el tener a Lex de vuelta en persona — dado el cierre de la serie y una temporada cuya historia ha apuntado fuertemente al regreso del supervillano — parecía casi imperativo. En el momento que la temporada final de Smallville fue anunciada, la estrella de la serie y productor ejecutivo Tom Welling expresó que le gustaría “definitivamente” tener a Rosenbaum de vuelta, diciendo, “Con Clark impulsado hacia ser Supermán, ¿cómo lo harías sin un Lex Luthor? Eso no tiene sentido para mí.”

Ya lo creo.

Rosenbaum apareció por última vez en Smallville en Mayo del 2008, para el final de la 7ª temporada. Antes de este regreso como Lex, podemos verlo en un papel recurrente para la comedia de la Fox Breaking In, que se estrena el 6 de Abril.

Smallville fans, ¿hace esto un poco más fácil el despedirse de la serie sabiendo que el final mostrará lo que es seguro un icónico enfrentamiento?

http://www.tvline.com/2011/02/smallvill ... ies-finale

El actor ha añadido en su twitter: “Estoy excitado por regresar una última vez. Tan sólo prometedme que veréis todos mis nuevos proyectos. Entonces estaremos en paz. Haha. ¡A por todas amigos!”
- ¡CONFIRMADO! Greg Beeman dirigirá el capítulo final de Smallville junto a James Marshall:
Sábado, Febrero 12, 2011
Queridos fans -

Tan sólo quería lanzar algunas noticias que me hacen muy feliz.

Hace un par de semanas, de forma completamente inesperada, Kelly Souders y Brian Peterson me llamaron y me preguntaron si estaba disponible para dirigir el final de la serie de SMALLVILLE. Lo estaba y... Tras hacer un par de volteretas... ¡dije que sí con mucho gusto!

Algunas veces siento que debo de haber hecho algo muy bueno en una vida pasada - porque, más veces que no, las cosas van en mi favor en esto. Desde que dejé SMALLVILLE, ahora hace casi seis años - siempre tuve el sueño de completar la serie. Realmente adoro la serie, al elenco y al equipo.

Cuando dejé la serie tras la temporada 5ª le supliqué a Miles y a Al que se acordaran de mí para el episodio final cuando llegara el tiempo de hacerlo. Pero ellos se marcharon también, y la vida siguió, y luego SMALLVILLE siguió y siguió también. El suficiente tiempo y circunstancias habían pasado como para que empezara a olvidarme sobre la posibilidad de ser capaz de estar involucrado con el final de la serie.

Mi programa es frenético y este negocio es loco y la naturaleza de mi trabajo, en general, es que nunca sé en lo que voy a estar trabajando en un tiempo dado. Además, en este punto, estaba completamente fuera de mi control - Kelly y Brian toman todas las decisiones - y no tenía ni idea de lo que estaban pensando... Así es queeee -- tras terminar el final de la temporada 9 el año pasado, decidí dentro de mí que ese era probablemente el último episodio de SMALLVILLE que jamás haría. Estuve realmente contento de de haber regresado para hacer el final de la 9ª temporada y de tener, lo que pensaba que era una última oportunidad con mi vieja familia.

Pero el destino es algo divertido. Habían algunos otros proyectos que estaba empujando el que se hicieran en Enero y, aunque lo intenté lo que pude, no sucedieron. Este es el negocio de la TV. Así es que - literalmente el día que estaba teniendo una frustrada aceptación sobre el no conseguir lo que quería - ¡el teléfono sonó y eran Kelly y Brian!

Realmente quería quitarme el sombrero ante ellos. Ya que, como estoy seguro que los fans de SMALLVILLE estaréis de acuerdo, esta 10ª temporada ha sido realmente excitante. Cada fan de SMALLVILLE que conozco dice que la serie se dirige hacia una increíble conclusión y que todos los personajes y los arcos se están moviendo hacia su perfecta posición. Kelly y Brian han ciertamente conducido la nave maestramente.

Habiendo dicho todo esto - e incluso aunque empezaré a rodar relativamente pronto - no sé nada sobre el guión ya o sobre cómo será presentado por la CW. ¡¡¡Aunque estoy seguro que será increíble!!!

También - como estoy seguro que todos habéis escuchado a estas alturas - mi buen amigo, Michael Rosenbaum acaba de anunciar que regresará para el final también. Así es que - el cosmos se mueve en perfecta sincronía. Hemos hablado y ambos estamos realmente entusiasmados de reunirnos. ¡Realmente quiere hacer lo correcto para los fans! ¡Se siente tan bien! La vieja banda estará junta de nuevo. Estoy feliz.

¡Gracias a todos los que me me han apoyado y seguido a lo largo de los años! ¡¡¡Prometo hacer todo lo que esté en mi poder para hacer este final de la serie estupendo!!! ¡Os lo merecéis, chicos!

Consideradme abrumado -

Greg Beeman

P.S. -- Como fue anunciado por la CW - El final de la serie se hará en dos partes. Hasta este momento James Marshall dirigirá la primera mitad y yo la segunda. James y yo somos almas gemelas. También, James y yo co-dirigimos una vez antes, en la temporada 3 en un episodio titulado HEREAFTER. A mitad de la grabación tuve una pulmonía y James se hizo cargo y terminó el episodio por mí. Compartimos el crédito en ese episodio.

- Rosenbaum regresa a 'Smallville' para el final de la serie (courierpress.com):
Rosenbaum regresa a 'Smallville' para el final de la serie
Por Gordon Engelhardt 13 d eFebrero, 2011 at 3:32 p.m.

Tras siete años y 160 episodes, Michael Rosenbaum pensó que había terminado de interpretar al diabólico villano Lex Luthor en “Smallville.” Incluso aunque eso fue hace tres años, los fan han estado clamando por su vuelta desde entonces.

Rosenbaum finalmente cedió, acordando aparecer en el final de dos horas de la serie de la CW el 13 de Mayo.

“Sentía que era lo correcto,” dice Rosenbaum, un graduado del Instituto Castle High School y de la Universidad de Western Kentucky.

“Sentí que los fans crearon la serie y me siguieron a tal nivel que no podía decir no. Estaba empezando a oir voces. Sentí que tras 160 episodes, había acabado. Pero los fans no pensaban así. Lo estoy haciendo por ellos. Tengo que hacer felices a los fans. Lex es una parte integral de la serie. Nadie espera que una serie dure 10 años. Les di siete años y pensé que fue bastante encomiable. Ahora ha estado en el aire tres años más. Clark está empezando a verse como si estuviera en sus 30.”

Lex y Clark Kent, interpretado por Tom Welling, se espera que se encuentren en un enfrentamiento final.

“Obviamente hay asuntos sin resolver entre Clark y Lex que tienen que ser resueltos,” dice Rosenbaum, quien dejó la serie hace tres años por razones personales. “Nuestro futuro depende de ello.”

A diferencia de sus anteriores apariciones, planea llevar una prótesis de la calva.

“Hay otros proyectos en los que estoy trabajando y que requieren el pelo,” dice Rosenbaum, riendo. “Lleva cuatro meses el que crezca de nuevo.”

Rosenbaum ha aparecido en varias películas, incluídas “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil,” “Sorority Boys,” “Sweet November,” “Urban Legend” y “Bringing Down the House.”

http://www.courierpress.com/news/2011/f ... es-finale/#
- ACTUALIZADO 14/02/11: (Herb Sommerfeld, twitter) Heard some buzz on set about the #Smallville finale. The crew thinks it's going to be great! "The fans are going to love it!"
("Escuché algunos rumores en el set sobre el final de Smallville. ¡El equipo piensa que va a ser genial! '¡Los fans la van a adorar!' ").

- ACTUALIZADO 14/02/11: (Michael Rosenbaum, twitter) Happy V-Day to all of us single bastards out there.A few more days til I fly up to Vancouver.Maybe I'll take a few pictures on set for ya.
("Feliz día de San Valentín a todos nosotros bastardos solteros que estamos ahí. Unos cuantos días más hasta que vuele a Vancouver. Quizá tomaré algunas fotos en el set para vosotros")

- Nota de Prensa Oficial de la CW sobre el regreso de Lex:

16 de Febrero, 2011 (Burbank, California) – Michael Rosenbaum repertirá en su papel como Lex Luthor en el final de la serie de SMALLVILLE el Viernes, 13 de Mayo (8:00-10:00 p.m. ET.)

“Estoy encantado de regresar para el final de la serie,” dice Rosenbaum. “Estoy simplemente haciéndolo por todos los fans que hay ahí que hicieron que Smallville sea el éxito que es. Aprecio toda su pasión, su implacabilidad, e incluso sus amenazas. Ha ha. No puedo esperar para abrazar al antiguo equipo en Vancouver una última vez y ver a todos mis viejos amigos de nuevo. Oh, y para que Lex se convierta en el villano que está destinado a ser.”

Los productores ejecutivos Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders añadieron, “Parece que las estrellas se han alineado, literalmente. No podríamos estar más excitados sobre el tener a Michael de regreso. Y en cuanto a la manera en la que regresa... no habrá duda sobre cómo Lex se convierte en el gran rival de la vida de Clark. Él es el villano de la historia".

Rosenbaum salió al final de la séptima temporada después de Lex confrontara a Clark (Tom Welling) en la Fortaleza de la Soledad. Años de secreto llegaron a su culminación cuando el antiguo amigo de Clark finalmente descubrió el origen extraterrestre de Clark. La rivalidad entre los dos culminó en un enfrentamiento final y en un derrumbamiento, literalmente, bajo una avalancha de hielo cuando la Fortaleza cayó. El cuerpo de Lex nunca se encontró. Ahora, Lex ha resurgido de sus cenizas para cumplir con su lugar en el destino como el mayor enemigo de Clark Kent.

SMALLVILLE fue desarrollada para la televisión por Alfred Gough & Miles Millar (“Shanghai Noon,” “The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor”), basada en los personajes de DC Cómics. Kelly Souders & Brian Peterson actúan de productores ejecutivos, junto con James Marshall, Mike Tollin, Brian Robbins, Joe Davola y Tom Welling. La serie está producida por Tollin/Robbins Productions, Millar/Gough Ink yWarner Bros. Television. SUPERMÁN fue creado por Jerry Siegel y Joe Shuster.
- ACTUALIZADO 18/02/11: (@pursuit23, twitter) Hmm it appears Michael Rosenbaum drove past me on his way to the #smallville set..
("Hmm parece que Michael Rosenbaum me pasó con el coche en su camino hacia el ser de Smallville")

Also not sure if its true, but was told Kristen Kreuk just got back into Vancouver the other night...just puttin that out there #smallville
("También no sé seguro si es cierto, pero me dijeron que Kristin Kreuk acaba de regresar a Vancouver la otra noche... sólo lo dejo caer")

- ACTUALIZADO 18/02/11: (@mrosenbaum711, twitter) Guess who's on the SMALLVILLE set right now? Good to see some familiar faces. What a day!!!!!!!!
("¿Adivináis quién está en el set de Smallville ahora mismo? Qué bueno es el ver algunas caras familiares. ¡Qué día!")

- ACTUALIZADO 19/02/11: (@pursuit23, twitter) Últimos datos sobre el rodaje de Michael Rosenbaum.
- @pursuit23: Lex Luthor has left Vancouver ...nice dude signed 2 #autographs did a picture with...pics in a bit.
("Lex Luthor ha dejado Vancouver... Un tío agradable, firmó 2 autógrafos y me hice una foto con él... fotos en un rato")

- @pursuit23: Michael Rosenbaum said it was nice to see the ol' gang...such a nice guy...#smallville
("Michael Rosembaun dijo que fue agradable el ver a la vieja banda... qué tío tan agradable")

- @pursuit23: Michael Rosenbaum before leaving Vancouver after shooting Smallville Finale http://www.flickr.com/photos/pursuit23/5461035756/ #smallville
("Michael Rosenbaum antes de dejar Vancouver tras rodar el Final de Smallville")

Imagen Imagen
- ACTUALIZADO 02/03/11: (Al Septien, twitter) Nuevas informaciones.
@AlexaKent: Bueni dia al Me podrias decir si lex tendra escenas con tess pleasee....
@alseptien: No puedo descubrir nada. Stay tuned. : )

@Sam_Green_: any news on if Chloe will return for the finale, a stay tuned would even make me squee xD
@alseptien: 5 stay tuned.
("¿Alguna noticia sobre si Chloe regresará para el final?, un sigue en antena me haría gritar - 5 sigue en antena")

@princemel73: is there any chance that we will see clark fly before the two part finale?
@alseptien: You saw him fly in Collateral!
@princemel73: i know, but what about in the real world?
@alseptien: Stay tuned. ; )
("¿Hay alguna oportunidad de que veamos a Clark volar antes del capítulo final de dos partes? - ¡Lo vísteis volar en Collateral! - Lo sé, ¿pero qué pasa en el mundo real? - Sigue en antena")
- ACTUALIZADO 03/03/11: (K-Site) Al parecer, la primera parte del capítulo final ha sufrido un cambio, pasando el mismo a ser dirigido por Kevin Fair (visto anteriormente en los episodios Siren, Odyssey, Abyss, Turbulence, Stiletto, Savior, Roulette , Escape, Sacrifice, Lazarus y Abandoned).

- Michael Rosenbaum de Smallville sobre el trabajar con Tom Welling de nuevo: 'Tenía una lágrima en el ojo al final' (Zap-2-it):
Michael Rosenbaum de Smallville sobre el trabajar con Tom Welling de nuevo: 'Tenía una lágrima en el ojo al final'
Por Carina Adly MacKenzie 4 de Marzo, 2011 2:49 AM ET

La estrella de Smallville Michael Rosenbaum deleitó a los fans cuando confirmó que volvería a la serie como Lex Luthor por última vez en el final de dos horas del 13 de mayo.

Zap2it se encontró con el ex-némesis de Clark Kent en la fiesta Top 12 de "American Idol" el jueves por la noche. Rosenbaum acababa de llegar de su primer día en el rodaje de “Breaking In”.

“¿No queréis hacerme realmente la gran pregunta?: ¿Por qué estás en una fiesta de “American Idol” ¿Cuando tengo 38 años?” preguntó inmediatamente. “Mi respuesta es porque es una fiesta de la FOX. Ni siquiera sabía que era para “American Idol”. Acabo de aparecer, y está J.Lo (Jennifer Lopez) pellizcándome las nalgas.”

Después de responder ésta, llegamos a la gran pregunta. ¿Por qué tardó tanto tiempo antes de aceptar el volver a Smallville? Fue una dura espera no sólo para los fans, sino para los productores y para su viejo amigo Tom Welling.

"Siempre quería hacerlo funcionar”, dice, “pero estaba realmente ocupado. Adam [F. Goldberg], el creador de “Breaking In” – él y yo estábamos creando una serie que yo creé, que vendimos a SyFy, así que aún la estamos desarrollando. También escribimos una película de terror juntos. Así que estábamos trabajando mucho y yo estaba haciendo una película aquí o allí”.

Suspira. “Es curioso cómo los fans pueden ponerse tan intensos”. Pone más grave su voz con un tono enfadado. “¿Qué está haciendo para que no pueda volver? ¿George Clooney volvió a “Urgencias” y él no puede? ¿Cómo es de importante?” Y yo “Chicos... Dios, calma”. No se trata de eso. Así es que un día, llamé a los productores y les dije “Hey, ahora estoy haciendo esta nueva serie, pero me encantaría regresar y acabar con lo que empecé”. Hace una pausa y ríe. “Cosa que pensé que había terminado hace tres años, por cierto, pero, hagámoslo. Y ellos hicieron que sucediera.”.

Rosenbaum fue a Vancouver hace dos semanas para filmar sus escenas finales, y se lo pasó muy bien metiéndose en el personaje... con la ayuda de un nuevo accesorio. “Llevaba una calva postiza que se veía estupenda,” dice. “No podía afeitarme la cabeza porque estaba en “Breaking In””.

Confiesa que tenía inicialmente algunas reservas sobre el volver al set de Smallville. “Hubo motivos personales por los que dejé Smallville sobre las que nadie sabe realmente, de las que nunca he hablado realmente. Eran sólo asuntos personales, de los que nunca hablé. No eran del asunto de nadie. Pero nunca dejé de escucharlas”, dice riendo. “Mira, siempre dije que nunca pensé que duraría 10 temporadas. Apenas puedo tener una relación que dure 10 días. ¿10 años en una serie de televisión? Eso es mucho tiempo. Pero entonces empezaron a llamarme. Finalmente dije “¿Sabéis qué, chicos? Quiero hacerlo. Hagámoslo.” Quería hacerlo bien, quería hacerlo por los fans. Juro por Dios que lo hice por los fans. Nunca quiero escuchar un “¿Por qué no volviste?” Quise terminarlo del modo que debería".

Ahora que está todo dicho y hecho, Rosenbaum dice que piensa que las escenas finales entre Clark y Lex son “excelentes”. Fue recibido afectuosamente en el set por los viejos amigos. “Fue tan genial. Fui allí y los chicos que ni siquiera trabajan en la serie ya vinieron al set a pasar el tiempo. Un tipo me trajo un porro, bromea. “Es decir, es una familia de verdad".

Rosenbaum y Welling pasaron un tiempo estupendo trabajando juntos de nuevo. “Tom y yo pasamos un tiempo maravilloso juntos”, nos cuenta. “Nos reímos mucho. Rodé un par de escenas con él”.

Aunque no todo fueron risas. Los fans van a tener una experiencia final muy emocional en Mayo, y no son los únicos. “Rodé durante 19 horas y, sinceramente, al final tenía una lágrima en el ojo al final. Fue como “tío, esto es todo”, dice Rosenbaum con nostalgia.

Lo hizo por vostros, fans de Smallville, y cuando “Breaking In” se estrene el 6 de abril a las 21:30, tendréis la oportunidad de devolverle el favor. “Hey, he regresado, así que ahora todo lo que pido es que mis fans y todo el mundo sintonice la nueva serie”, dice Rosenbaum. “Creo que “Breaking In” es muy divertida. Pienso que es una serie realmente divertida. Creo que es una serie realmente graciosa. Me encanta una buena comedia de intriga."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... e-end.html
- Michael Rosenbaum Teases His SMALLVILLE Return (Givememyremote):
Michael Rosenbaum Teases His SMALLVILLE Return
March 4, 2011 by Marisa Roffman

After months of anxiety about whether original series star Michael Rosenbaum would return before the show concluded, SMALLVILLE fans were thrilled to learn last month that he will indeed reprise his role of Lex Luthor.

I caught up with Rosenbaum last night at the AMERICAN IDOL Top 13 party — where he was promoting his new series, BREAKING IN — and couldn’t resist asking him a few questions about SMALLVILLE. So who did Lex interact with in the series finale?

“Well, everyone is hoping I work with Tom [Welling (Clark)],” he teased. “I’m not going to say. You’ll watch the promos.”

One thing he was much more willing to talk about was his reasoning for coming back to the show.

“Fans. I wanted to do it for the fans,” Rosenbaum said. “I never wanted to hear ‘why didn’t you come back?’ [The show] started off with Lex Luthor and Clark when they were friends and Lex is going to go off and be the world’s biggest villain and Clark is obviously Superman. It had to end with them. It started with them as friends, it had to end with them. I had to do that. I think I did the right thing [coming back].”

I’m pretty sure we can all agree with him there, right?

What do you hope to see from Lex in the series finale?

http://www.givememyremote.com/remote/20 ... le-return/
- ACTUALIZADO 04/03/11: (Annette O´Toole, twitter) @JimmyJindo: Guess where I'm going next week? Starts with a V.
("¿Adivináis dónde voy la semana que viene? Empieza con una V.")

- Matt's Inside Line: ¡Primicia sobre Smallville, V, Bones, CSI: Miami y Más! (TV.Line.com):
Matt's Inside Line: ¡Primicia sobre Smallville, V, Bones, CSI: Miami y Más!
Por Matt Mitovich 7 de Marzo, 2011 09:29 AM PST

El Final se Acerca | Los fans de Chloe de Smallville estuvieron un poco disgustados al ver a su chica salir tranquilamente al final del episodio del 25 de Febrero, para trabajar (¡fuera de cámara!) en el Star City Register. Pero ya que Allison Mack sólo firmó para cinco episodios esta temporada y ese fue el final de su tanda, ¿qué puedes hacer? Bueno, para empezar, puedes tener de vuelta a Mack. Aunque ni la CW ni la Warner Bros. TV ha confirmado nada sobre el final de dos horas más que que su emisión es el 13 de Mayo y que Michael Rosembaum repite como Lex Luthor, una fuente bien situada me dice que Mack – también un miembro original del elenco – volvió a hurtadillas al set y que también será parte de la gran despedida. Y eso, amigos, es súper.

http://www.tvline.com/2011/03/matts-ins ... ison-mack/
- ACTUALIZADO 07/03/11: (Spoiler Chat) E!Online confirma el regreso de Chloe.
TheDylanWinter: Please tell me that Chloe will be back for the series finale of Smallville?
Yes, it's true, Chloe will be back for the series finale of Smallville. Woot!

("Por favor ¿dime que Chloe regresará para el final de la serie de Smallville?
Sí, es cierto, Chloe estará de regreso para el final de la serie de Smallville ¡Hurra!")

http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_wi ... osome.html
- ACTUALIZADO 07/03/11: (@Mrsacho, twitter) Going to be a reporter on the #Smallville series finale on May 13th! Filming in the Daily Planet was surreal and the cast was just amazing...
("¡Voy a ser un reportero en el final de la serie de Smallville el 13 de Mayo! Filmar en el Daily Planet fue surrealista y el elenco estuvo increíble...")

@Massena1: Saw you got to meet SV cast. Could you say who was really nice in person?
@Mrsacho: I met Erica and Tom specifically and both were funny, down to earth and superb at what they do. Crew/director/producers included:)
("Veo que conociste al elenco de SV. ¿Podrías decir quiénes son realmente agradables en persona? - Conocí a Erica y Tom específicamente y ambos son divertidos, tienen los pies en la tierra y están extraordinarios en lo que hacen. Equipo/director/productores incluídos")

- Michael Rosenbaum revela detalles del final de 'Smallville', y le paga homenaje en 'Breaking In' (Zap-2-it):
Michael Rosenbaum revela detalles del final de 'Smallville', y le paga homenaje en 'Breaking In'
Por Tierney Bricker 8 de Marzo, 2011 9:36 PM ET

Michael Rosenbaum no puede escapar de "Smallville."

No es que se esté quejando. Más bien lo contrario, en realidad. Su nueva serie de la FOX "Breaking In," que se estrena el 6 de abril, tiene un próximo episodio que tiene lugar en el Comic-Con. Zap2it estuvo en el set y le echó un vistazo a todos los trajes.

¿Adivináis lo que el personaje de Rosenbaum Dutch llevará puesto? Lo adivináteis -- una camiseta de Supermán. Antes de que penséis que está disfrazado como el Hombre de Acero, en realidad está vestido como un querido personaje de los 80 que resulta que lleva puesto una camiseta de Supermán. ¡Especulad!

"Es un pequeño homenaje. Adam Goldberg, el creador, realmente pidió mucho y dije, 'Lo que quieras,'" dice Rosenbaum sobre el meta momento. "Es comedia, riámonos de nosotros mismos. Me pondré una camiseta de Supermán, haré cualquier cosa."

hablando de cualquier cosa, su personaje Dutch parece estar triste por cualquier cosa, algo que Rosenbaum aborda. Le decribe como "un completo asqueroso en el exterior, pero un chico agradable en el interior," que lleva Uggs, se tiñe el pelo y lleva puestos dos relojes al mismo tiempo.

Los fans de "Smallville" que estén buscando a su favorito y calvo anti-héroe están en shock, por decir lo menos. Así es que ¿cuál es la reacción inicial que Rosenbaum piensa que tendrán sus fans sobre Dutch? "La primera reacción de los fans sería como, 'Me gusta más como Lex. Se ve mejos calvo. No debería de estar en esta serie. Debería de ser Lex para siempre,'" bromea afectuosamente. "Esa sería probablemente su primera reacción. Con suerte algunos de ellos dirán , 'Oh, es en realidad gracioso. Esto es bueno,' o quizá no. Pienso que una cosa que apreciarán es que sea cual sea el personaje que haga, tendré narices."

Obviamente, teníamos que ser codiciosos y preguntarle a Rosenbaum por incluso más primicias sobre el final de la serie de "Smallville," y aunque no quería revelar mucho -- como si grabó alguna escena con alguine más que Tom Welling -- dijo que veréis más de Lex Luthor de lo que puede que originalmente pensárais.

"Hicimos mucho. Sé que la gente pensó, 'Oh, sólo estuvo para un día.' Hicimos 19 horas," explica. "Okay, para todo el que está ahí afuera que dice, 'Oh, sólo estuvo allí durante un día,' Estuve allí durante 19 horas."

Continúa, "Hicimos cuatro cosas diferentes. Dos estupendas escenas y otras dos cosas especiales que no te contaré. Soy parte del final y pienso que es importante."

Contad con ello, chicos. Son cuatro escenas de Lex/"cosas especiales" las que podéis esperar. Ahora os dejaremos a debate cuáles son esas cosas especiales.

Finalmente, le preguntamos a Rosenbaum lo que "Smallville" ha significado para él personalemente. Se tomó un momento antes de contestar. "La serie es una gran parte de mi vida. Hice 7 años y sabes, comozco a los maquilladores y a los peluqueros -- bueno, no a los peluqueros [risas] -- pero conozco a los maquilladores mejor de lo que conozco a mi propia familia. Pasé dos horas al día con ellos durante siete años, sabes, con todo el equipo. Tenía motes para todo el equipo."

"Es parte de la vida, una parte de mi vida que siempre recordaré y a la que miraré orgulloso," dice. "¿Qué puedo decir? Estupenda época. Es agradable que esté dinalmente acabando, el terminar ese capítulo de tu vida."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... nbaum.html
- Brian Q. Miller confirma el regreso de Chloe (boosterpack.org):
Brian Q. Miller ha confirmado que las noticias dadas por TVLine eran ciertas y que Chloe regresará, aunque no puede decir por qué o qué hará (minuto 19:00)

- John Schneider habla sobre el trabajar con el cast y da su opinión sobre la aparición o no de Lana en la finale (twitter):
Q)How was it working w/Kristin Kreuk,@mrosenbaum711 & Tom Welling?
@therealtrueshit: Tom and I have a relationship very much like you would expect. Especially in the beginning when he was so new to the TV game. Working with him is easy, refreshing and rewarding. Kristin is delightful. A very sweet girl.

("¿Cómo fue el trabajar con Kristin Kreuk, Michael Rosenbaum y Tom Welling? - Tom y yo tenemos una relación tal y como la esperáis. Especialmente al principio cuando era tan nuevo en el juego de la TV. Trabajar con él es fácil, refrescante y gratificante. Kristin es encantadora. Una chica muy dulce")

Q)Don't u think Kristin/Lana should be in the Finale like Lex?
@therealtrueshit: I think that only those who have a part in turning Clark into Superman should be in the final episode. His charachter is formed by love and adversity. The love of his parents and the adversity of the Luthors. For that reason I think the story is better served if Lana isn't there. She made him Clark. The others make him Superman.

("¿No crees que Kristin/Lana debería de estar en el final como Lex? - Pienso que sólo aquellos que han tenido parte en que Clark se transforme en Supermán deberían de estar en el episodio final. Su personaje se ha dormado por el amor y la adversidad. El amor de sus padres y la adversidad de los Luthor. Por esa razón pienso que la historia está mejor servida si Lana no está allí. Ella le hizo Clark. Los otros le hicieron Supermán")
- ACTUALIZADO 10/03/11: (Al Septien, Turi Meyer, twitter) Desvelado los escritores de la primera parte del capítulo.
@alseptien: Turi and I are writing episode 21, or the 1st half of the FINALE. We're thrilled to be part of such a momentous (albeit bittersweet) event.
("Turi y yo estamos escribiendo el episodio 21, o la primera mitad de FINALE. Estamos entusiasmados con ser parte de tan memorable evento, aunque agridulce")

@Turimeyer: Al & I will be writing Part 1 of Smallville's series finale. We are honored to be part of this monumental moment in the Smallville legacy.
("Al y yo estamos escribiendo la Parte 1 del final de la serie. Nos sentimos honrados de ser parte de este momento monumental del legado de Smallville")
- ACTUALIZADO 10/03/11: (Al Septien, twitter) Nuevas informaciones.
@mizdozmama: Awwww Congratz! I know the Finale will be EPIC! Any good Clois moments?!?
@alseptien: I'd say it's a safe bet.
("¡Awww Felicidades! ¡Sé que el final será ÉPICO! ¿Algún buen momento Clois? - Diría que es una apuesta segura")

@BrianG1227: How far along are you in terms of writing the episode?
@alseptien: It's in preproduction.
("¿Cómo váis en términos de escribir el episodio? - Está en preproducción")

@kakazinhowww: can you tell if Lana will be back, even if in a photo or mentioned by someone?
@alseptien: Can't tell.
("¿Puedes decirme si Lana estará de regreso, incluso aunque sea en una foto o que la mencione alguien? - No puedo decirlo")

@Maddieville: Remember: THINK CLARK FIRST! It's the end of HIS series after all!
@alseptien: understood.
("Recordad: ¡PENSAD PRIMERO EN CLARK! ¡Es el final de SU serie después de todo! - Entendido")

@__paperdreams: hoping that the finale is as good as Homecoming and Salvation were for Clark. A love letter to a hero :) Good luck and congrats!
@alseptien: I think you'll be happy.
("Espero que el final sea tan bueno como Homecoming y Salvation fueron para Clark. Una carta de amor para un héroe. ¡Buena suerte y felicidades! - Pienso que estaréis contentos")
- ¡Kristin Kreuk Revela Por Qué Ella No Verá El Final de ‘Smallville’! (hollywoodlife.com):
¡Kristin Kreuk Revela Por Qué Ella No Verá El Final de ‘Smallville’!

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n8f_GQVH ... dded#at=20[/youtube]

Los fans de Smallville de todo el mundo estarán pegados a sus pantallas de TV cuando el final de la serie se emita este Mayo, pero hay una fan de siempre que tristemente tiene que perderse su emisión: la antigua co-protagonista Kristin Kreuk.

“Probablemente no la veré,” le dijo a HollywoodLife.com el 10 de Marzo en los 31st Annual Genie Awards. “Quizá más tarde — como, en DVD o algo.”

“No veo la serie más,” nos contó. “Estoy súper excitada por ellos, y pienso que son estupendos, pero probablemente lo veré después de que se emita en algún momento.”

http://www.hollywoodlife.com/2011/03/11 ... lana-lang/
- ACTUALIZADO 11/03/11: (Al Septien, twitter) from what I heard they all asked her to come back but Kristin didn't want to. - @xPaleBlueEyesx
@alseptien: that is correct.
("Por lo que he oído, todos le pidieron que regresara pero Kristin no quería - Eso es correcto")

- ACTUALIZADO 11/03/11: (Al Septien, twitter) Would you say Tess is a big/important part of the finale, without giving spoilers? - @canada_bear
@alseptien: Yes ;)
("¿Dirías que Tess es una gran/importante parte en el final, sin dar spoilers? - Sí")

- ACTUALIZADO 11/03/11: (@Evancschulte, twitter) It's confirmed. Jeff will be back! Can't say anything more!
("Está confirmado. ¡Jeff regresará! ¡No puedo decir más!")

- Respuesta de Kristin ante la polémica surgida por su video (facebook):
KristinLaura Kreuk
Pensé que esto sería un problema para alguna gente... Para clarificarlo, adoro a la gente de Smallville: Kelly, Brian, Erica, Tom, el elenco, el equipo, etc. Pienso que son maravillosos y que hacen una gran serie. Y, como todos sabéis, es también increíble y raro el construir una serie de TV que dure 10 años. Estoy bastante segura de que veré el episodio final en algún momento. La forma en que la pregunta fue expresada en la entrevista la contesté sinceramente. No significa nada sobre el cuánto adoro/respeto a la gente que está involucrada en la serie (o los fans de la serie).
Si tenéis alguna pregunta sobre esto, ¡lanzádlas aquí!

KristinLaura Kreuk
Okay, voy a contestar esto... Por favor apreciad lo delicada que quiero ser con esto. Hay mucha gente que está tan sólo esperando que diga algo por lo que puedan odiarme. Y hay mucha gente que realmente quiere lo mejor para Lana. Y ... hay mucha gente que quiere lo mejor para la misma Smallville. Como yo. Quiero lo mejor para la serie y para el personaje que interpreté.

Parte Una de mi respuesta: Para ser sincera, no creo que hubiera alguna vez una oferta real para mí para regresar. Aunque, estoy muy segura de que si hubiera mostrado interés en regresar Kelly y Brian habrían encontrado la manera de encajarme.

Parte Dos de mi respuesta: Puede que esté en la minoría, pero pensé que la historia de Lana terminó bien. Me gustó que adquiriera fuerza interior y que fuera capaz de de manejar el metafórico poder de su traje. Que tuviera el coraje de alejarse de Clark, que su compromiso con un bien mayor es mayor que su muy humano deseo de estar con Clark. Que ella viera que su amor por Clark nunca disminuiría, incluso si no pudieran estar en el mismo lugar. Y que si ella no hiciera lo mejor para el mundo, que si ella no hace lo mejor que pudiera para la humanidad, eso se habría opuesto a una de las muchas razones por las que ella quiso a Clark en primer lugar. Ella amaba su nobleza, fuerza de propósito, amabilidad y motivación de ayudar a los otros. El negar eso en sí misma habría sido el negar las muchas cosas que ella encuentra bonitas. Encontré eso bonito y trágico.
Así es que, lo que estoy diciendo es... que pienso que su historia está acabada. No estoy segura cómo su vuelta cambia más la historia de Clark. Él ha seguido adelante. Como siempre se suponía que tiene que hacer. Como Lana hubiera querido que hiciera.
Puede que me esté perdiendo algo, pero esos son mis largos pensamientos.

¿Alguna pregunta más?

KristinLaura Kreuk
Una cosa: cuando dije que no había una oferta real para mí de regresar, me refería específicamente para el final de la serie.

Paul Sandhu
¿Cuál es la razón de que no veas más la serie? ¿Falta de tiempo, no te gusta la dirección o calidad de la serie? ¿O es más una razón personal?
KristinLaura Kreuk
Paul: Difícil pregunta de responer...
No hay una razón personal por la que no esté viendo Smallville semanalmente. Sinceramente, nunca lo hice. Veía los DVD cuando me los daban (parte de nuestro contrato como actores, conseguimos los DVD de los episodios después de que se emita el capítulo). Sé que la gente quiere hacerlo un drama porque los fans de Smallville estñan tan divididod, pero realmente no hay drama...
¿Contesta eso tu pregunta?

KristinLaura Kreuk
Este es mi último post de la tarde...
Shelly: Totalmente entiendo y estoy de acuerdo contigo en muchos puntos... Especialmente: "hoy en día somos muy afortunados de tener la tecnología como los ordenadores e internet que nos permite el usar estas redes sociales para conectar con gente que normalmente no podríamos, y por ello, ahora que PODEMOS conectar y comunicarnos, deberíamos esforzarnos por hacerlo de forma respetuosa y sincera."

Erica, Allison y yo hemos hablado sobre la intensidad de los fans en muchas ocasiones. Es absurdo porque nos quermos las unas a las otras mucho. Sé que el odio no es por mí, y que no es por ellas... Sé que hay alguna gente con intensos sentimientos sobre la serie y por lo que sea que significa para ellos. Sigue apestando. lol. Preferiría que no hubiera odio. Eso sería probablemente más sano para todo el mundo, especialmente para la gente que siente todo el odio en primer lugar. Pero sñe que es poco realista en este punto.

También: ¡También soy totalmente una fan de Erica Durance! Ya sabéis esto, pero, sois fans de una increíble mujer. Realmente la adoro y sé que tiene un vibrante futuro por delante, que vosotros chicos deberíais seguir con orgullo. Estoy intentando elaborar una gran serie/película para que ella esté antes de que esté muy ocupada trabajando en otras cosas.

¡Okay! Adiós por ahora.


http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?s ... 2080937526
- ACTUALIZADO 14/03/11: (@Mrsacho, extra de SV, twitter) we´ve heard such nice things about how well Tom and Erica get along with each other, joking around and etc on set did u see any of that? - @blackdashund
@Mrsacho: DEFINITELY, they were having so much fun it was contagious! I loved watching them work together; they were pros.

("Hemos escuchado cosas tan bonitas sobre lo bien que Tom y Erica se llevan el uno con el otro, bromeando y etc en el set. ¿Viste algo de eso? - DEFINITIVAMENTE, ¡se lo estaban pasando tan bien que era contagioso! Me encantó verlos trabajar juntos; fueron unos profesionales")

- ACTUALIZADO 14/03/11: (Annette O'Toole, twitter) @JimmyJindo I'm going to the airport tomorrow. Hope it's not as crowded as Jim Beaver reported it was today. Cause it's the same terminal, you know.
("Voy al aeropuerto mañana. Espero que no esté tan lleno como Jim Beaver dijo que estaba hoy. Porque es el mismo terminal, sabéis")

- ACTUALIZADO 14/03/11: (John Schneider, twitter) @therealtrueshit Flying out to do the final episode of "Smallville". Hard to believe it's been ten years! You are going to LOVE the final episode!
("Volando para hacer el último episodio de "Smallville". ¡Qué difícil es creer que han sido 10 años! ¡Váis a ADORAR el episodio final!")

- ACTUALIZADO 15/03/11: (@pursuit23, twitter) Más detalles sobre el final.
@pursuit23: Few old faces arriving back into Vancouver today for last episode of filming for #smallville...hoping they stay for wrap party as well..
("Unas cuantas caras antiguas están de vuelta a Vancouver hoy para filmar el último episodio de Smallville... espero que se queden para la fiesta del final también")

@_Blenz_ Karen: Who arrived??
("¿Quién llegó?")

@pursuit23: John and Annette and I'm told Allison is coming in as well. Callum is here until the party and he is going to it ..
("John y Annette y me dijeron que Allison viene también. Callum está aquí hasta la fiesta y va a ir")
- ACTUALIZADO 15/03/11: (extra, tumblr) Sorry, no spoilers. 17 hours on the set of smallville today, and I’m exhausted. No spoilers, but I did get to see Tom Welling accidentally break a stuntman’s nose!
("Lo siento, nada de spoilers. 17 horas en el set de Smallville hoy, y estoy exhausto. Nada de spoilers, ¡pero conseguí ver a Tom Welling rompiéndole accidentalmente la nariz a un especialista!")


- ACTUALIZADO 15/03/11: (extra, tumblr) Smallville is going to kill me...Well, looks like another 17 hour day on the Smallville set. Everyone is sooo exhausted. I have definitely gained a lot of respect for Tom and Justin. Those guys work their asses off!
("Smallville va a matarme... Bueno, parece que son otro día de 17 horas en ek set de Smallville. Todo el mundo está taaan exhausto. Definitivamente he ganado mucho más respeto por Tom y Justin. ¡Esos chicos se dejan el culo trabajando!")


- ACTUALIZADO 16/03/11: (@MJMcKean, twitter) Smallville fans: I can say no more. We'll talk later.
("Fans de Smallville: No puedo decir más. Hablaremos más tarde")

- ACTUALIZADO 16/03/11: (@jlamcdougall, twitter) Tom Welling on Campus!? ... filming smallville outside Sauder...TOOO SICKK *drool*
("¿¡Tom Welling en el Campus!?... filmando smallville fuera en Sauder... DEMASIAAAADO MAREADA *babas*")

- ACTUALIZADO 16/03/11: (@evancschulte, twitter) Just got back from wardrobe fitting. Can't wait to get on set in a few days and see everyone!
("Acabo de regresar de una prueba de vestuario. ¡No puedo esperar a estar en el set unos cuantos días y ver a todo el mundo!")

- ACTUALIZADO 16/03/11: (titirominet, DI) Justin Hartley and Allison Mack were filming on the studio today, I meet Brian Peterson and I saw them too. Apparently when Allison Mack and Justin Hartley were filming their scene on the studio, Tom Welling was Filming in the UBC in the same time, so I didn't see him or other characters.

("Justin Hartley y Allison Mack estaban filmando en el estudio hoy, me encontré con Brian Peterson y les vi también. Aparentemente cuando Allison y Justin estaban filmando su escena en el estudio, Tom Welling estaba filmando en UBC - campus universitario - al mismo tiempo, así es que no pude verle a él o a otroa personajes")

- ACTUALIZADO 16/03/11: (Al Septien, twitter) Nuevas informaciones.
@ILoveLois: Will Lois fans be happy with the finale? I'm wondering if there will be room for her to have a story since its so jam packed. :\
@alseptien: I hope so.
("¿Estarán los fans de Lois contentos con el final? Me estoy preguntando si habrá sitio para ella de que tenga una historia al estar tan colapsado - Eso espero")

@maytflores: Good afternoon Al, the final episode is gonna be so awesome and legendary for us? how do u feel whit this?
@alseptien: very excited.
("Buenas tardes, Al. ¿el episodio final va a ser tan increíble y legendario para nosotros? ¿Cómo te sientes sobre esto? - Muy excitado")

@Nick3580: Hey Al! Ate the runoff true that this is the last week of filming for Smallville????
@alseptien: And no, this week is not the last week of filming.
("¿Me tengo que creer el rumor de que esta es la última semana de filmación de Smallville? - No, esta semana no es la última de filmación")

@TravelerGLG: Is there a certain prop or keepsake you want to have from the set of Smallville when it ends?
@alseptien: Conner's shirt. It's first ep I directed. I'd also love a Daily Planet keepsake, but I don't think I'll be getting that one
("¿Hay algún objeto o recuerdo que quieras tener del set de Smallville cuando termine? - La camiseta de Conner. Es el primer episodio que dirigí. También me encantaría un recuerdo del Daily Planet, pero no creo que consiga eso")

@Lilynns: We hear the last day on set is next week. Can you share with us when the last day will be for everyone in the writers room? :)
@alseptien: come and gone. : (
("Hemos oído que el último día en el set es la semana que viene. ¿Puedes decirnos cuál será el último día para todos en la sala de escritores? - Vamos y venimos")

@Lilynns: It's over for you all? :( #shocked
@alseptien: Yes. The writers room closed up shop about three weeks ago. Some writers were still writing, but all are done now.
("¿Ya se ha acabado para todos vosotros? Estoy en shock - Sí. La sala de escritores se cerró hace unas tres semanas. Algunos escritores estaban aún escribiendo, pero todos hemos terminado ahora")

@Clark_Advocate: Hey Al. Do you know if Tom Welling will do some press for the finale?
@alseptien: I assume so... but not sure.
("¿Sabes si Tom Welling hará alguna rueda de prensa para el final? - Eso asumo... pero no estoy seguro")

@BraintreeQuincy: I've been doing a series rewatch. I loved APOCALYPSE & BRIDE. Does FINALE, Part One include any elements of these episodes?
@alseptien: yes, Clark and Lois are in all three ; )
("He estado haciendo una revisión de la serie. Me encantó Apocalypse y Bride. ¿Incluye el final, parte 1, algunos elementos de estos episodios? - Sí, Clark y Lois están en los tres")

@TourOfTheGalaxy: Will Shelby be in the finale? :-)
@alseptien: I want that to happen so much... guess we'll both have to wait and see if our dreams come true.
("¿Estará Shelby en el final? - Me gustaría tanto que eso pasara... supongo que ambos tendremos que esperar y ver si nuestros sueños se hacen realidad")
- ACTUALIZADO 16/03/11: (durancemagazine, twitter) To those wondering *as far as we know* #Smallville's last day, is likely Thursday, March 24th.
("Para aquellos que estaban preguntando, hasta donde nosotros sabemos, el último día de Smalllville - de filmación - es con toda probabilidad el Jueves 24 de Marzo")

- ACTUALIZADO 18/03/11: (Twitter) Nuevas informaciones.
@MJMcKean: The Missus is shooting the last ever episode of Smallville today. End of an era; happy wrap, SV!
("La señora está grabando el último episodio de Smallville hoy. El fin de una era; ¡Feliz final, SV!")

@evancschulte: Heading to set shortly. It's a little bittersweet-- all coming to an end, but excited to be back.
("Dirigiéndome al set en breve. Es un poco agridulce --- todo llegando al final, pero excitado de regresar")

@JimmyJindo: Having a great time with my Smallville family. Thanks to everyone who has loved/supported the show for a decade & to amazing crew behind it.
("Pasando un tiempo genial con mi familia de Smallville. Gracias a todos lo que han amado/apoyado la serie durante una década y al increíble equipo tras ella")

@cassidyfreeman: I love my smallville family
("Adoro a mi familia de Smallville")

@Victor_Lucas: I just interviewed Lois Lane on the Smallville set!
("¡Acabo de entrevistar a Lois Lane en el set de Smallville!")

jbshmdfb (K-Site): hey guys, sorry I did not post here last night when Titirominet and I came back from the set. For those who were worried about Tom and Erica not having a big part in part one, worry no longer. Erica was there shooting all day and night and Tom the same, when we left we were told he would not be done till 4am and I would bet that it will be a GREAT Clois episode. BTW, Erica is THE nicest person I have ever met. She came straight to see us and talked with us.

("Hey chicos, perdonad por no postear aquí la pasada noche cuando Titiroment y yo regresamos del set. Para aquellos que estábais preocupados de que Tom y Erica no tuvieran una gran parte en la primera parte, no os preocupéis más, Eroca estuvo allí grabando todo el día y la noche y Tom lo mismo, cuando nos marchamos nos dijeron que él no terminaría hasta las 4 de la mañana y yo apostaría a que será un GRAN episodio Clois. Además, Erica es la persona más dulce que jamás me he encontrado. Vino directa hacia nosotros y habló con nosotros")
- ACTUALIZADO 18/03/11: (twitter) Nuevas informaciones.
@evancschulte: Just got home from shooting. It been a long but terrific day. Now I need sleep. Goodnight!
("Acabo de llegar a casa de filmar. Ha sido un largo pero fenomenal día. Ahora necesito dormir. ¡Buenas noches")

@Mrsacho: @therealtrueshit JS you are inspiring! It was a true honor having a cpl lines in the finale; I just wish we could have met! Congrats and... hope to see you in much much more in the future! (You should get your own "CSI" haha, I'm going to petition)
("¡John Schneider eres inspirador! Fue un verdadero placer el tener unas cuantas líneas en el final; ¡Sólo desearía que pudiéramos habernos encontrado! ¡Felicidades y espero verte en mucho mucho más en el futuro! Deberías conseguir tu propio CSI jaja, voy a hacer una petición")

@LaNe_Pixie: It must have been exciting being in the finale!!! Looks like you had great time :)
@Mrsacho: A moment I won't soon forget. AMAZING cast, great show, best Superhero of all time.
("¡Ha debido ser excitante el estar en el final! Parece que pasásteis un tiempo increíble - Un momento que no olvidaré pronto. INCREÍBLE elenco, gran serie, el mejor Superhéroe de todos los tiempos")

@iliana_1: Hey! I'm just wondering did you get to meet Allison on set at all?
@Mrsacho: I did not unfortunately; it was Erica And Tom who my scene was with.
("Me pregunto si conseguiste en contrarte con Allison en el set - No desafortunadamente; fue sólo Erica y Tom con los que era mi escena")

@HmmWildCherry2: So you were able to meet Erica Durance, Tom Welling and even John Schneider? Wow!!! Is that all? Or were there more?
@Mrsacho: haha just Erica and Tom unfortunately not John. Yah, I only had an actor role so it was a one day shoot cpl weeks ago :)
("¿Así es que fuiste capaz de conocer a Erica Durance, Tom Welling e incluso John Schenider? ¡WoW! ¿Es todo? ¿O hubieron más? - Sólo Erica y Tom desafortunadamente no John. Sí, sólo tenía un papel de actor así es que fue un rodaje de un día hace unas semanas")

@Mrsacho: #smallville fans are the greatest!
("¡Los fans de Smallville son los mejores")

@HerbSommerfeld: Possibly the best day ever on set today...ever! #SMALLVILLE FOREVER
("¡Posiblemente el mejor día de todos en el set hoy... de todos! Smallville para siempre")

- ACTUALIZADO 19/03/11: (twitter) Nuevas informaciones.
@JimmyJindo: Sad about #Smallville goodbye.Sat next to JAckles on plane home.Reminiscing w/him was SO comforting.What a lovely person heis
("Triste sobre la despedida de Smallville. Sentada junto a Jensen Ackles en el vuelo a casa. Recordando con él fue TAN confortante. Qué persona tan encantadora es")

@JimmyJindo: Couldn't face more good-byes @ wrap party. I chicken. Besides, tomorrow is Mikey's & my anniversary. Home is where my He is.
("No podía enfrentar más despedidas en la fiesta. Soy una gallina. Además, mañana es el aniversario de Mickey y yo. Mi hogar es donde él está")

@pursuit23: Just ran into Jonathan Kent our enjoying the #Vancouver sunshine...#smallville
("Acabo de toparme con Johnathan Kent disfrutando nuestro sol de Vancouver")

@pursuit23: John Scheinder super nice as always, made some small talk did pictures with and signed #autographs...#Smallville
("John Schneider súper agradable como siempre, hablamos un poco, me hice fotos con él y frimó autógrafos")

@adiam25: Had a blast on SMV yesterday! I don't wanna say bye! :(
("¡Me lo pasé increíble en Smallville ayer! ¡No quiero decir adiós!")

@beavertalk: Long day on #smallville yesterday back again Monday Morning early~What a great looking #cast ALL of them (#JohnSchneider classy & handsome)
("Largo día en Smallville ayer . De vuelta el lunes temprano por la mañana. ¡Qué guapos son TODOS! John Schneider con clase y guapo")

- jbshmdfb (DI): nope yesterday was not the last, we were told by John he is shooting again on monday or tuesday, he was not sure which, had to look it up again.

Allison and Justin were both filming yesterday but IMO it was group stuff. I think it is possible to have been the last day for Allison because she left with a big flowers and was the last one to leave of the cast. Anyways unfortunately this is all I can share spoiler wise. I do not know if they had moments alone in the scene or anything because they were shooting inside.

I do not want to diminish your hopes but from what I saw of clothes of extras, what they were filming could not have possible dancing. Unless the extras were on and off at times but still do not think for that particular shooting.

("Nop, ayer no fue el último, nos dijeron que John está filmando de nuevo el lunes o el martes, no estaba seguro de cuándo, tenía que verlo de nuevo.

Allison y Justin estaban los dos filmando ayer pero fue temas de grupo. Pienso que es posible que haya sido el último día de Alliosn porque se marchó con un gran ramo de flores y fue la última del cast en marcharse. De todas formas desafortunadamente esto es todo lo que puedo compartir sin spoilers. No sé si tuvieron momentos solos en una escena o algo porque estaban filmando dentro.

No quiero bajar vuestras esperanzas pero por lo que vi de la ropa de los extras, lo que estaban filmando no era posible que fuera un baile. A menos que los extras iban y venían a ratos pero aún así no pienso que para esa particular grabación")

- "Wrap up Party" (19/03/11):
@djleanne: Playing the Smallville wrap party tonight, how many times in your life do you get to say that Superman danced to your trax? lol.
("Voy a pinchar en la fiesta de Smallville esta noche, ¿cuántas veces en tu vida consigues decir que Supermán bailó con tu pista")

@Srei22: I JUST MET JUSTIN HARTLEY!!!! http://yfrog.com/h4s2exoj
("Acabo de encontrarme con Justin Hartley")

@JonnyPicture: Shooting the Smallville series wrap party tonight! http://www.cwtv.com/shows/smallville #Smallville #TV
("¡Grabando la fiesta del final de la serie de Smallville esta noche!")

@tiva_clois: so the SV event pics will prolly be private right?
@JonnyPicture: Possibly. If they're public I'll post a link once they are up!
("¿Así es que las fotos del evento de DV serán probablemente privadas, verdad? - Posiblemente. Si son públicas postearé un link cuando estén subidas")

@iliana_1: Yay! So there will be footage? Lots of Allison Mack please!
@JonnyPicture: Yes there will also be video footage. I'm only shooting stills. Not sure if they will be public or not.
("¿Así es que habrá material? ¡Montones de Allison Mack por favor! - Sí habrá también material de video. Yo sólo estoy sacando fotos. No estoy seguro si serán públicas o no")

@MetroVanFilms: Heading to the #Smallville Wrap party tonight at the Vancouver Club. http://vancouverclub.ca/
("Dirigiéndome hacia la fiesta del final de Smallville hoy en el Vancouver Club")

NOTA: Smallville filmó la fiesta de disfraces de Lex en "Wither" (S6) en el Grand Ballroom del Vancouver Club.

@canadagraphs: Just got an autograph from #Smallville's Lex Luthor... Yep, Connor Stanhope is here
("Acabo de conseguir un autógrafo de Lex Luthor de Smallville... Síp, Connor Stanhope está aquí")

@pursuit23: Mini Lex has arrived...
("Mini Lex ha llegado...")

@canadagraphs: Just got more #autographs from #Dmallville stat John Schneider upon arrival
("Acabo de conseguir más autógrafos de John Schneider a su llegada")

@pursuit23: John Schneinder has now arrived...got a nice pic...#smallville
("John Schneider ha llegado ahora... conseguí una bonita fotos")

@canadagraphs: Alessandro Giuliani (sp?) And thomas Dekker just arrived #Smallville
("Alessandro Giuliani y Thomas Dekker acaban de llegar")

@pursuit23: The Blur just blew into the party...hoodie up and never seen someone move so fast...#smallville #TomWelling no pics...
("El Borrón acaba de entrar volando a la fiesta... encapuchado y nadie vi a alguien moverse tan rápido. No hay fotos")

@canadagraphs: Tom Welling arrives w 2 or 3 friends. No acknowledgement, wearing a hoodie #Smallville
("Tom Welling lega con 2 ó 3 amigos. No reconocimiento, llevando capucha")

@pursuit23: He was on the stairs before anyone could say Tom...he can take some big strides...waiting on Erica and Justin now..#smallville
("Él estaba en las escaleras antes de que nadie pudiera decir Tom... puede dar grandes pasos... esperando a Erica y Justin ahora")

@pursuit23: John Scheinder left the wrap party as Tom was arriving...#Smallville
("John Schneider dejó la fiesta cuando Tom llegaba")

@djleanne: #Smallville party just getting started lotsa gorgeous peeps here!
("¡La fiesta de Smallville acaba de empezar, mucha gente guapa aquí!")

@canadagraphs: Got an autograph from #Smallville star Keri Lynn Pratt
("He conseguido un autógrafo de la estrella de Smallville Keri Lynn Pratt")

@pursuit23: Cassidy Freeman has now arrived...#smallville
("Cassidy Freeman ha llegado ahora")

@canadagraphs: Cassidy Freeman arrives. At least she waved at the crowd #Smallville
("Cassidy Freeman llega. Al menos saludó al público")

@pursuit23: Erica Durance the belle of the ball...only member of the main cast to come take pics and sign #autographs #smallville
("Erica Durance la bella del baile... el único miembro del cast principal que vino a hacerse fotos y firmar autógrafos")

@pursuit23: Got lots of pics of Erica Durance...#smallville
("Conseguí un montón de fotos de Erica Durance")

@pursuit23: Justin Hartley arrived ignored the group but has arrived...pics were taken...#smallville
("Justin Hartley llegó e ignoró al grupo pero ha llegado... se tomaron fotos")

@canadagraphs: Erica Durance and David Palffy show up for #Smallville wrap party. ED signed for most everyone.
("Erica Durance y David Palffy aparecieron para la fiesta del final de Smallville. ED firmó para la mayoría el mundo")

@canadagraphs: Justin Hartley and Kristen Kreuk also arrived #Smallville
("Justin Hartley y Kritin Kreuk también llegaron")

@MetroVanFilms: Entire Smallville cast from past & present have shown up to the party
("Todo el elenco de Smallville del pasado y del presente han aparecido en la fiesta")

@pursuit23: Ok Smallville fans that's it from me...left the wrap party venue...pics will go up at some point tomorrow...
("OK fans de Smallville esto es todo para mí... dejo la fiesta... las fotos las pondré en algún momento de mañana")

@canadagraphs: Doesn't appear Allison Mack is coming #Smallville
("No parece que Allison Mack vaya a venir")

@AppleEl: Does it look like a big party? Bigger than the 200 or smaller?
@pursuit23: bigger
("¿Parece una fiesta grande? ¿Mayor que la del 200 o menor? - Mayor")

@canadagraphs: Jessica Parker Kennedy just left the #Smallville party. She's in town doing a TV pilot
("Jessica Parker Kennedy acaba de dejar la fiesta de Smallville. Está en la ciudad haciendo un piloto para la TV")

@djleanne: Supaman and Lois in da Hizzzzay! Tom wearing a Boston Red Sox hat. Represent lol! #Smallville #TomWelling
("Superman y Lois en la casa. Tom Welling llevando puesta una gorra de los Boston Red Sox")

@pursuit23: Just realized Kristen Kreuk and Erica Durance arrived together..#smallville
("Acabo de darme cuenta de que Kristin Kreuk y Erica Durance llegaron juntas")

@tinobre: Any pics of those two lovely ladies together?
@pursuit23: Nah Kristen runs from cameras
("¿Alguna foto de las dos encantadoras damas juntas? - Nah Kristin salió huyendo de las cámaras")

@RebecaValdez: Were you going over your pictures and saw it? Or how did you not notice before? #Smallville
@pursuit23: No totally realized I saw her but was focused on Hartley at the time...
("¿Habías dejado de hacer fotos y la viste? ¿O no te habías dado cuenta antes? - No me di cuenta de que la vi pero estaba enfocando a Justin en ese momento...")

@pursuit23: Ok I lied I did get a pic of Kristin Kreuk arriving to the party...#smallville
("Vale, mentí, conseguí una foto de Kristin Kreuk llegando a la fiesta")

@djleanne: yfrog.com/h3j47avj

@djleanne: Supaman told me he may cut his hair short now that he is "semi-retired" for a minute (till da next project) what a dreamboat! ;)
("Superman me contó que puede que se corte el pelo corto ahora que está 'semi-retirado' durante un poco, hasta su próximo proyecto. ¡Qué guapo!")

@pursuit23: So shooting pics in a group of 15 people @ party was tough...not the greatest pics...but will be up at @linzbarker s blog today #smallville
("Así es que sacar fotos en un grupo de 15 personas en la fiesta fue duro... no son las mejoeres fotos... pero estarán subdas en el blog de @linzbarker hoy")

@canadagraphs: Cassidy Freeman left #Smallville didn't sign
("Cassidy Freeman se marchó de la fiesta de Smallville. No firmó")

@canadagraphs: Just got #autographs fron Erica Durance and Kristen Kreuk leaving the #Smallville wrap party
("Acabo de conseguir autógrafos de Erica Durance y Kristin Kreuk dejando la fiesta")

@canadagraphs: Its 1:20 AM and Connor Stanhope is just leaving #Smallville
("Es la 1:20 y Connor Stanhope está marchándose")

@canadagraphs: Party wrapped. Tom & Justin snuck out the back. Anyways, not much else to say about it. I didnt take a single pic btw.
("Fiesta acabada. Tom y Justin se fueron a escondidas por detrás. De todos modos, no hay mucho más que decir sobre ello. No saqué ni una sola foto")

@Troy_Rudolph: Had a good time at the party. All in all, tonight was very bittersweet for a few reasons.
("Pasé un buen tiempo en la fiesta. Aunque por todo, hoy fue muy agridulce por varias razones")

@JonnyPicture: Had a great time shooting the #Smallville wrap party tonight. Sorry fans, the photos are private ;)
("Me lo pasé genial sacando las fotos en la fiesta de Smallville esta noche. Lo siento fans, las fotos son privadas")

KristinKreuk (facebook): Smallville's final wrap party ever. Had a lovely time with my gals. Good to see some people I haven't seen in a long time!
("La última fiesta del final de Smallville. Pasé un tiempo encantador con mis compañeros. ¡Es bueno ver a alguna gente que no había visto desde hacía mucho!")

titirominet (D.I.): I was there and John Schneider was the first member to arrive. He talked with us, sign and take picture. Brian Petersen came with Kelly Sounders and other people. He told us "hello". Cassidy Freeman arrive with Payton List and another girl. She just smile to us. Keri Lynn Pratt come with her boyfriend, she didn't really want to stop, but she made it. She sign one or two autograph. She didn't really want to make picture. Erica Durance arrived with her husband, we didn't see Kristin with her. Because people stop Erica Durance, she took picture and signed. Her husband talk with people. Tom Welling arrived and he went out fast from the car and go fast to the building. He weared a cap and a hooded. It was hard to reconized him. I think he didn't stop because of some paparazzi. He went really fast. Al Septien and Turi Meyer were here to, Al Septien talked with us.

John Schneider left when Tom Welling arrived. Cassidy Freeman left because something happen to a girl who was with her. Erica Durance, left with her husband, Kristin Kreuk and someone. Tom Welling, Brian Peterson, Justin Hartley and Kelly Sounder left by another side, I think by the parking. So we didn't see him.

Allison Mack, Laura V, Jensen A and MR were nott here. Allison Mack left Vancouver, like AOT.

I could take picture with Erica Durance, with her Husband, with them too, Kristin Kreuk, Little Lex, Jeff the intern and Al Septien.

("Estaba allí y John Schneider fue el primero en llegar. Habló con nosotros, firmó y se sacó una foto. Brian Peterson llegó con Kelly Sounders y otras personas. Nos dijo 'hola'. Cassidy Freeman llegó con Payton List y otras chica. Nos sonrió. Keri Lynn Pratt vino con su novio, no quería pararse, pero lo hizo. Firmó uno o dos autógrafos. No quería realmente hacerse fotos. Erica Durance llegó con su marido, no vimos a Kristin con ella. Por la gente Erica Durance se paró, se sacó fotos y firmó. Su marido habló con la gente. Tom Welling llegó y salió rápido del coche y entró rápido al edificio. Llevaba una gorra y una capucha. Era difícil reconocerle. Pienso que no quería pararse por algunos paparazzi. Entró realmente rápido. Al Septien y Turi Meyer estaban allí también, Al Septien habló con nosotros.

John Schneider se marchó cuando Tom Welling llegó. Cassidy Freeman se marchó porque algo le pasó a la chica que estaba con ella. Erica Durance, se marchó con su marido, Kristin Kreuk y alguien más. Tom Welling, Brian Peterson, Justin Hartley y Kelly Sounder se fueron por otro lado, creo que por el parking. Así es que no los vimos.

Allison Mack, Laura V, Jensen A y MR no estaban aquí. Allison Mack dejó Vancouver, como Annette.

Pude sacar la foto con Erica Durance, con su marido, con los dos también, Kristin Kreuk, Little Lex, Jeff el interno y Al Septien.

@OLTV: Some of my Tour guests spotted the Stars of #Smallville arriving at their party last night at the Vancouver Club. They saw Erica and more.
("Algunos de mis invitados del Tour vieron a las estrellas de Smallville llegando a su fiesta la pasada noche en el Vancouver club. Vieron a Erica y más")

Kristin Kreuk (facebook): A lot of comments! I had dinner with Erica, Justin and the hair/makeup team. The party was at the Vancouver Club, and it was fun. It wasn't a fancy party, no press, no speeches, like a normal wrap party... Just people hanging out. Did a bit of dancing...

("¡Un montón de comentarios! Cené con Erica, Justin y el equipo de peluquería/maquillaje. La fiesta fue en el Vancouver Club, y fue divertida. No era una fiesta formal, no prensa, no discursos, como una fiesta normal de despedida... Tan sólo gente pasando el rato. Bailé un poco...")

Kristin Kreuk (facebook): Allison had to fly home Saturday, so she couldn't make it. I was not wearing a dress... Super casual actually. There a some pics, don't know when they will release them. Have a great Sunday!

("Allison tenía que volar a casa el sábado, así es que no pudo ir. Yo no llevaba puesto un vestido... Iba super informal en realidad. Hay algunas fotos, no sé cuándo las emitirán. ¡Pasad un buen domingo!")

titirominet (D.I.) : It was really sucks that Tom Welling didn't want to stop, but we understand too. I think it was not because fans, but because of paparazzi. We think that Tom Welling learned that paparazzi were here before to come, so he decided to didn't stop. When he went out from the car he was so rushed to go inside the building that he slamed the door on his friend's legs. Kristin Kreuk and Erica Durance come together and they left together; It was so funny, because people stop Erica et Kristin when they left, but Erica stay longer than Kristin and Kristin leave with someone and Erica's husband. Erica asked us to wait her and when she finished she run until them with her shoes. It was really funny. They left by walk not by car.

("Realmente apestó que Tom Welling no quisiera pararse, pero lo entendimos también. Pienso que no era por los fans, sino por los paparazzi. Pensamos que Tom supo que los paparazzi estaban allí antes de llegar, así es que decidió no pararse. Cuando salió del coche fue hacia dentro del edificio tan rápido que golpeó las piernas de su amigo con la puerta. Kristin Kreuk y Erica Durance llegaron juntas y se marcharon juntas; fue muy divertido porque la gente paró a Erica y a Kristin cuando se marchaban, pero Erica se quedó más tiempo que Kristin y Kristin se marchó con alguien y con el marido de Erica. Erica nos pidió que la esperáramos y cuando terminó corrió hacia ellos con sus zapatos. Fue realmente divertido. Se marcharon andando, no en coche")

Smallville Wrap Party (lindsaylovesherbike.com):

Siempre es un momento triste cuando actualmente admites que es el final, pero tristemente para los fans de Smallville, el tiempo de la serie se ha acabado.

La pasada noche el elenco y el equipo tuvo su fiesta de fin de serie en el Vancouver Club, un edificio muy histórico y de alto nivel que solía ser un club de caballeros.

John Schneider fue el primero en llegar y estuvo encantado y complaciente con los autógrafos como siempre. Hico una pequeña y agradable pose en lo alto de la alformbra roja y entró a la fiesta. Antes en el día fue visto alrededor de la ciudad y se paró contento para los fans y los cazadores de autógrafos.

Cassidy Freeman no se paró para firmar autógrafos en absoluto, pero sonrió y saludó a los fans que estaban esperando.

Uno de los siguientes en llegar fue Tom Welling. Tom llegó en un taxi con 3 emigos. En el instante en que la puerta se abrió se puso su capucha sobre su nueva gorra y básicamente corrió hasta la puerta. Le llevó como unos 5 pasos antes de que hubiera pasado de largo a las 17 personas que estaban esperando. Una fan incluso se paró directamente delante de él para llamar su atención pero ni siquiera se molestó en mirarla.

Justin Hartley, Kristen Kreuk y Erica Durance todos llegaron juntos. Justin y Kristen entraron inmediatamente a la fiesta pero Justin se quedó momentáneamente en las escaleras para esperar a Erica. Erica llegó con su marido y fue directamente hacia el grupo que estaba esperando. Firmó 1-2 autógrafos para todos los que estaban esperando menos a una persona y habló con unos cuantos fans que reconoció. Estuvo invcreíblemente guapa y educada, todo lo que puedes esperar de una buena chica canadiense.

http://www.lindsaylovesherbike.com/2011 ... l?spref=tw

@linzbarker: For all those asking, Erica Durance was amazing. A delight to speak to and very kind. She even stated "I hope you aren't too cold out here!"
("Para aquellos que están preguntando, Erica Durance estuvo increíble. Uns delicia por así decirlo y muy amable. Incluso dijo: '¡Espero que no tengáis demasiado frío aquí fuera!' ").

@evancschulte: Had a great time at the wrap party last night! Was a joy to meet some of the fans who stood outside in the cold. You guys rock!
("¡Pasé un tiempo genial en la fiesta de anoche! Fue un placer el encontrarme con algunos fans que estaban fuera en el frío. ¡Chicos sois geniales!")

@connor_stanhope: hey!!! i just woke up last night was so much fun it was great seeing everyone!
("¡Me acabo de levantar. La pasada noche fue tan divertida... Fue genial ver a todo el mundo!")

@Connor_stanhope: this would be better without the demon eyes lol http://twitpic.com/4borxl
("Esto habría sido mejor sin los ojos de demonio")

@Connor_stanhope: http://twitpic.com/4boweg

@Connor_stanhope: I tried to make my video as private as poss so that's why it is short and you can't see anyone but me.
("Intenté hacer mi video tan privado como es posible, por eso es por lo que es corto y no podéis ver a nadie más que a mí")

@Connor_stanhope: Video: http://www.twitvid.com/OMWWG

@Elena_Rotatori: Smallville Wrap Party http://twitpic.com/4c017r
("Fiesta de despedida de Smallville")

@Elena_Rotatori: Kristin Kreuk , Smallville wrap Party

@Elena_Rotatori: Erica Durance, Smallville wrap Party

@alseptien: Wrap party was a lot of fun. But Bittersweet. I'll miss working with all those Vancouverites. They are all REALLY awesome people!
("La fiesta de despedida fue muy divertida. Pero agridulce. Echaré de menos el trabajar con todos los de Vancouver. ¡Realmente son gente increíble!")

@acare_ : que pena que se acabe ya todo.os vamos a echar mucho de menos.fueron muchos actores?quien te hubiera gustado que fuera y no fue?
@alseptien: Fueron la mayoria. Tom, Erica, Cassidy, Justin, John Schneider y hasta Kristen!! Todos muy hermosos! y buena gente

@Elod64: do you have some pictures to share with us?
@alseptien: I do, but can't do so at the mooment. In a few days.
("¿Tienes alguna foto que compartir con nosotros? - La tengo, pero no puedo hacerlo en este momento. En unos cuantos días")

@costas_22: Hi Al. Glad to hear you enjoyed your party. Did Cassidy sing by any chance? :)
@alseptien: No, but she was there and they played the clips from FORTUNE where she did sing. Oh, and there were a few more actors too...
("Me alegro de oír que disfrutaras de tu fiesta. ¿Cantó Cassidy por casualidad? - No, pero estaba allí y pusieron los clips de Fortune en los que ella cantaba. Oh, y había unos cuantos actores también...")

@alseptien: Other actors at wrap party: Glorious Godfrey, Conner Stanhope, Lex clone from LAZARUS, Plastique (Jessica Parker Kennedy)
("Otros actores en la fiesta de despedida: Glorious Godfrey, Connor Stanhope, el clon de Lex de Lazarus, Plastique")

@ginnytwin: Godfrey (Michael Daingerfield) was at the party? Nice. I enjoyed him this season. It'd be cool to see him again. Finale maybe?
@alseptien: Actually, I almost forgot, Dr. Alessandro "Emil Hamilton" was also there.
("¿Godfrey estaba en la fiesta? Genial. Disfruté de él en esta temporada. Sería genial el verle de nuevo. ¿Quizá en el final? - En realidad, casi me olvido, El dr. Alessandro 'Emil Hamilton' estaba también allí")

@alseptien: And Smallville directors galore. Kelly, Brian, Morgan, Glen, Kevin Faire, Turi, me...
("Y un montón de directores de Smallville. Kelly, Brian, Morgan, Glen, Kevin Fair, Turi, yo...")

- Blog de Canadagraphs con más detalles:

http://canadagraphs.weebly.com/1/post/2 ... on-10.html

- Fotos:

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- ACTUALIZADO 21/03/11: (Durance Magazine, twitter) #Smallville Erica Durance's last filming day is Wednesday [March 23th]
("El último día de filmación de Erica Durance es el Miércoles, 23 de Marzo")

- ACTUALIZADO 21/03/11: (@reallipeviana, twiiter) Nuevas informaciones.
@reallipeviana: #Onset #Smallville Last time people will be walking on these streets after 10yrs #TV #CW http://yfrog.com/h7nxejij http://yfrog.com/h4ynahlj
("La última vez que la gente estará caminando por estas calles tras 10 años")

@_julierae_: it's so upsetting. When's the last shooting day?
@reallipeviana: Tomorrow :)
("Es tan triste. ¿Cuándo es el último día de filmación? - Mañana")

@_julierae_: that's even more upsetting , it's really over :( what role are u playing?
@reallipeviana: hint on new twit ;)
("Eso es incluso más triste, realmente se termina. ¿Qué papel interpretas? - Pista en un nuevo twit")

@reallipeviana: Someone is attending a Wedding Ceremony... http://yfrog.com/gzn7hquj
("Alguien está atendiendo a la ceremonia de una Boda")

Imagen Imagen Imagen
- ACTUALIZADO 22/03/11: (@Elena_Rotatori, twitter) Nuevas informaciones sobre el más que posible evento.
@Elena_Rotatori: Justin Hartley, Smallville set http://twitpic.com/4c065f
("Justin Hartley, set de Smallville")

- ACTUALIZADO 22/03/11: (@sweetestsinxo, twitter) Holy... F!!! I just saw a top secret wedding dress!! Not quite as big as Kate Middleton's... But some would think so! Ha!tsbd
("¡Madre de Dios! ¡¡Acabo de ver un vestido de novia top secret!! No tan grande como el de Kate Middleton... ¡Pero algunos pensarían así! ¡Ha! Pronto de determinará")

- ACTUALIZADO 22/03/11: (@therealtrueshit, twitter) That's it.Series wrap for Jonathan Kent. Just finished my last scene. Bitter sweet. So ends another chapter
("Ya está. El final de la serie para Johnathan Kent. Acabo de terminar mi última escena. Agridulce. Y así termina otro capítulo")

- ACTUALIZADO 22/03/11: (Al Septien, twitter) Nuevas informaciones.
@heroicfarmboy: Hey Al. Sad to hear it's all coming to an end. Give me good news: Is Glen Winter the DP on Finale Part 1 (shooting now)?
@alseptien: Glen Winter is the DP on both halves of the Finale : )
("Es triste oir que todo está llegando a su final. Dame buenas noticias: ¿Es Glen Winter el director de producción de la parte 1 del final, que se está grabando ahora? - Glen Winter es el director de producción de las dos partes del final")

@BraintreeQuincy: It was sad to read @therealtrueshit (John Schneider) tweet about his last day. Is his final appearance more LAZARUS or KENT-like?
@alseptien: stay tuned.
("Es triste leer que John Schneider envió un tweet sobre su último día. ¿es su aparición final más como Lazarus o como Kent? - Sigue en antena")

@heroicfarmboy: Also, we know John and Annette filmed scenes for part 1, but will they be in part 2 also? I don't think that's a big spoiler.
@alseptien: Frankly... can't remember.
("También, sabemos que John y Annette filmaron escenas para la primera parte, ¿pero estarán en la parte 2 también? No creo que eso sea un gran spoiler - Francamente... no puedo recordarlo")
- ACTUALIZADO 22/03/11: (Connor Stanhope, twitter) Nuevos detalles sobre los últimos días del rodaje.
@connor_stanhope: Back from my visit to the SV set . Last day for most ppl kinda sad :(
("De regreso de mi visita del set de SV. Último día para la mayoría de gente. Triste")

@77sunshine: Words can not describe how sad I will be to say goodbye after 10 years! How was the mood on set?
@connor_stanhope: It seemed just the same as ever but it was kinda weird to see stuff torn down
("¡Las palabras no pueden describir lo triste que estaré al decirle adiós tras 10 años! ¿Cómo estaba el ánimo en el set? - Parecía el mismo que siempre pero fue extraño el ver las cosas apagadas")

@brianne1017: Do you know if the crew people already have new jobs?
@connor_stanhope: my mom asked a few people and some do and some are just taking some time off
("¿Sabes si la gente del equipo ya tiene nuevos trabajos? - Mi madre le preguntó a unas cuantas personas y algunos lo tienen y otros se están tan sólo tomando un descanso")

@darryl_duerden: Is SV completely over???
@connor_stanhope: almost
("¿Está SV completamente terminado? - Casi")

@robertreuhl: how was it??
@connor_stanhope: good I took one last walk around the sets
("¿Cómo fue? - Bien di un último paseo por los sets")

@brianne1017: I guess they had plenty of notice that they were losing their jobs! I still kind of feel bad for them though.
@connor_stanhope: I'm sure they'll all get work again and stay in touch
("Supongo que tebían muchos avisos de que iban a perder sus trabajos. Aunque aún sigo sintiéndome mal con ellos - Estoy seguro de que todos trabajarán de nuevo y que mantendrán el contacto")

@brianne1017: Did you get to see/talk to the actors?
@connor_stanhope: just Erica she stopped on her way to set to say bye to me
("¿¿Pudiste ver/hablar con los actores? - Sólo a Erica. Se paró de camino al set para despedirse de mí")

@brianne1017: That was nice of her. I guess you never had any scenes with her?
@connor_stanhope: no I didn't but I used to talk to her in hair and make up
("Eso fue muy dulce por su parte. ¿Supongo que nunca tuviste escenas con ella? - No, pero solía hablar con ella en peluquería y maquillaje")

@_julierae_ Jules: hey connor, did u or any of the other cast members take a momento from set?
@connor_stanhope: I don't know about other people but I got a sword when I was there in s8
("¿Guardásteis tú u otro miembro del cast algún recuerdo del set? - No sé por los demás pero yo guardé una espada cuando estuve allí en la s8")

@hairymonster55: Im sure you get this alot, but how was it working with the cast of smallville?
@connor_stanhope: it was pretty amazing :) everyone in the cast and the crew are really nice people
("Estoy seguro de te lo han preguntado muchas veces, ¿pero cómo fue el trabajar con el elenco de Smallville? - Fue totalmente increíble. Todo el mundo del elenco y del equipo son personas realmente estupendas")

@hairymonster55: That is awesome! Whats one of the best experiences you had playing young lex?
@connor_stanhope: everything really :)
("¡Eso es maravilloso! ¿Cuál fue una de tus mejores experiencias cuando interpretaste al joven Lex? - En realidad, todo")

@FriendsOfYAA: Someday, they will have a reunion for the cast of Smallville..... Something to look forward to:)))
@connor_stanhope: yes I hope so :)
("Algún día, tendrán una reunión del elenco de Smallville... Algo por lo que esperar - Sí, eso espero")
- ACTUALIZADO 23/03/11: (Cassidy Freeman, Connor Stanhope, twitter) Nuevas informaciones sobre el final del rodaje.
@connor_stanhope: last time walking onto the lot :( http://twitpic.com/4co1v9
("La última vez andando por el estudio")

@Troy_Rudolph: that's a cool picture
@connor_stanhope: thanks :) are you finished now?
@Troy_Rudolph: thought I was, looks like I've got another day though.
@connor_stanhope: cool :)
("Esa es una estupenda foto - Gracias ¿has terminado ya? - Eso pensé, pero parece que tengo otro día - Genial")

@connor_stanhope: Hey guys did I tell you that Erica stopped to say bye to me yesterday? She is ssssoooo nice...... and pretty too, and she told me how much she enjoyed watching my episodes ;)
("Hey chicos ¿os dije que Erica se paró para decirme adiós ayer? Ella es taaaaaaaaaaaan dulce... y guapa también, y me dijo lo mucho que disfrutó viendo mis episodios")

@RogueHunter65: wow that is amazing =] ... you were so lucky to be on this wonderful show & with this wonderful cast =)
@connor_stanhope: I was I know ! I got very lucky to get the role and to be Lex Luthor !!
("Vaya eso es increíble... fuiste muy afortunado al estar en esa maravillosa serie y con ese maravilloso elenco - ¡Lo fui, lo sé! ¡¡Tuve mucha suerte al conseguir el papel de ser Lex Luthor!!")

@carola_hoo: hey connor, you have any pic with Erica?
@connor_stanhope: I wish but she was going to set and I forgot to ask her :(
("Hey Connor, ¿tienes alguna foto con Erica? - Desearía, pero ella iba hacia el set y a mí se me olvidó pedírselo")

@cassidyfreeman: Final day on smallville tomorrow...a bowl of emotions...mostly: thankful. #smallville
("Día final de Smallville mañana... un montón de emociones... mayormente: agradecida")
- ACTUALIZADO 24/03/11: (The TV Addict) SMALLVILLE scoop would be super. — Lindsay
The TV Addict: You know those rumors flying around about a wedding in the highly-anticipated SMALLVILLE series finale? Consider them upgraded to fact.

("Una primicia de Smallville sería súper - Lindsay
The TV Addict: ¿Sabes de esos rumores que han estado revoloteando sobre una boda en el altamente anticipado final de la serie de Smallville? Considéralos elevados a hechos")

http://www.thetvaddict.com/2011/03/24/a ... 0210-more/

- ACTUALIZADO 24/03/11: (Cassidy Freeman, twitter) @cassidyfreeman: And that's a wrap! Smallvile...what a run!
("¡Y eso es un final! Smallville... ¡qué viaje!")

- ACTUALIZADO 25/03/11: Mensajes de algunos miembros de Smallville ante el último día de rodaje.
@alseptien: A GIANT SHOUT OUT to Smallville's illustrious cast and crew on their LAST DAY OF SHOOTING : ( Thanks for 10 AMAZING YEARS!!!!!
(Un GIGANTE SALUDO al ilustre elenco y equipo de Smallville en su ÚLTIMO DÍA DE GRABACIÓN. ¡¡¡Gracias por 10 años INCREÍBLES!!!")

@alseptien: And a special SHOUT OUT TO our showrunners: Brian Peterson, Kelly Souders for leading us up, up and away...
("Y un saludo especial a nuestros productores: Brian Peterson y Kelly souders por liderarnos, hacia lo alto y hacia lo lejos...")

@RealBrianRudlof: Last day of filming on #Smallville ever. 10 years of Tom Welling. Respect.
("Último día de grabación de Smallville para siempre. 10 años de Tom Welling. Mi respeto")

@kryptonsite: I've heard that some of the iconic #Smallville sets are already coming down :-( Somebody save something for me up there!
("He oído que algunos de los icónicos sets de Smallville están siendo derribados. ¡Que alguien salve algo para mí de allí")

@evancschulte: Last day of shooting on Smallville. Thanks to all the wonderful cast and crew who made it a terrific experience. Honored to be part of it!
("Último día de grabación en Smallville. Gracias a todo el maravilloso elenco y equipo que ha hecho de esto una magnífica experiencia. ¡Me siento honrado de ser parte de ello!")

@evancschulte: Special thanks to ALL the writers-- @Turimeyer @alseptien for getting me in one more time. Of course @bryanQmiller -a father of sorts to me!
("Gracias especialmente a todos los escritores --- A Turi meyer y Al Septien por traerme de nuevo una vez más. Y por supuesto a Bryan Q. Miller por ser como un padre para mí!")

Glen Winter (K-Site):

Hi everyone,

It is with a heavy heart that I want to tell you all that today is the last day ever of shooting on Smallville. This show has been one of the the best things to ever happen to me, and the past 10 years have been an incredible adventure. I want to thank you all so much for faithfully supporting the show all these years. We would not have come back year after year had it not been for you.

While excited to move on to something new, I will always look back at this time with great affection, and will never forget it.

All the best

Glen Winter

("Hola a todo el mundo,
Es con gran pesar en el corazón que quiero deciros a todos que hoy es el último día de grabación de Smallville para siempre. Esta serie ha sido una de las mejores cosas que me han pasado, y los 10 últimos años han sido una increíble aventura. Quiero agradeceros tanto a todos por el apoyo fiel a la serie durante todos estos años. No habríamos regresado año tras año si no hubiera sido por vosotros.

Aunque excitado de seguir adelante hacia algo nuevo, siempre miraré atrás a este momento con gran afecto, y nunca lo olvidaré.

Os deseo todo lo mejor

Glen Winter")

@connor_stanhope: Ok peeps are you ready for this? Get your kleenexes out ....... I just heard that they JUST finished filming the last scene. It's done :(:(
("¿Vale, estáis preparados para esto? Sacad vuestros kleenex... Acabo de oir que ACABAN de terminar de filmar la última escena. Se ha acabado :( :( ")

@Jessica__Newman: Today was the last shoot day of #Smallville. Forever. Going to miss everyone on set :(
("Hoy fue el último rodaje de Smallville. Para siempre. Voy a echar de menos a todo el mundo en el set")

- Michael Daingerfield (Gordon Godfrey) en facebook (26/03/11):

Shooting Smallville series finale today - the last shooting day for the series. Interesting energy on set. Very grateful to be here.

("Grabando el final de la serie hoy - el útimo día de grabación para la serie. Interesante energía en el set. Muy agradecido de estar aquí")

Just got home from Smallville 'series finale' shoot - I was the last actor to be shot in the series after 10 years of filming...crazy...as the director yelled cut the 1st AD yelled out "and that completes 10 years of Smallville" and the cheering, clapping and hugging soon began.

("Acabo de llegar a casa del rodaje del final de la serie de Smallville - Fui el último actor en rodar en la serie tras 10 años de filmación... loco... cuando el director gritó corten y el primer ayudante de director gritó 'y esto completa 10 años de Smallville' y las felicitaciones, aplausos y los abrazos pronto empezaron")

- Glen Winter (K-Site):

"Hi again,

I have spent that past few days checking in from time to time and am blown away by your heartfelt messages. It really means a lot.
I will definitely pass on all your good wishes to any cast or crew member I talk to.

By the way, the finale is gonna be awesome.

Glen Winter "

("Hola de nuevo. He pasado los últimos días mirando de vez en cuando y estoy completamente abrumado por vuestros emotivos mensajes. Significa mucho.
Definitivamente les pasaré todos vuestros buenos deseos a todos los miembros del elenco y del equipo con los que hable. Por cierto, el final va a ser increíble. Glen Winter")

@thephilmorris: Throwing out love to the "Smallville" crowd. We will all miss the adventures of the man in blue, when it goes off the air. Love ya' Tom!
("Mandando amor a la gente de Smallville. Todos vamos a echar de menos las aventuras del hombre de azul, cuando lance el vuelo. ¡Te queremos Tom!")

- ACTUALIZADO 26/03/11: (Alaina Huffman, twitter) Will we see more of you in #Smallville when it returns next month? - @duplicatehelix
@AlainaHuffman: Unfortunatley no... I believe they are done and I haven't been back. Hope you enjoy the rest of the series.
("¿Te veremos más en Smallville cuando la serie regrese el mes que viene? - Desafortunadamente no... creo que ya han terminado y no he regresado. Espero que disfrutéis el resto de la serie")

- Visita de un fan a los estudios de Smallville durante las grabaciones finales:
Indy McFly ha visitado el set de Smallville durante los últimos días de rodaje de la serie y ha compartido con todos algunas de las fotos que sacó durante su estancia. Os dejo tanto el comentario, como las imágenes que ha subido hasta el momento.
On March 20th, I flew to Vancouver to visit the set of Smallville. I watched them filming on one of the last days of 1st unit shooting for the series finale.

Although I took several spoiler-filled photos, and took home a call-sheet, I will not be posting that information until after the finale has aired, out of thanks for the cast and crew's hard work and dedication!
("El 20 de Marzo, volé a Vancouver para visitar el set de Smallville. Los vi filmando en uno de los últimos días del rodaje de la 1ª unidad para el final de la serie.

Aunque tomé muchas fotos llenas de spoilers, y me llevé a casa una hoja del rodaje, no voy a postear esa información hasta después de que se haya emitido el final, en agradecimiento al elenco y al equipo por su duro trabajo y dedicación").

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http://www.flickr.com/photos/31151918@N ... 297790406/

- John Schneider Habla sobre "Smallville" (supermanhomepage.com):
John Schneider Habla sobre "Smallville"
Por Billy Hogan 28 de Marzo, 2011

En la pasada MegaCon, John comentó durante su panel algunas cosas sobre Smallville:

- John respondió una pregunta sobre ek episodio de Smallville en el que Tom Wopat participaba, junto con un Dodge Charger de color verde. Dijo que algunos fans consideran ese episodio como su favorito, mientras que otros pensaron que "eso era cuando los agentes iban a entrar y calentar al tiburón." Los productores habían estado hablanco sobre el hacer un episodio como ése, pero John no estaba seguro de que lo dijeran realmente en serio. Los productores originales no tenían el mismo tipo de sentido del humor. Estaba sorprendido, pero encantado, cuando hicieron la serie con un Dodge Charger de 1969 que tenía una puerta rota, y también por todas las referencias a The Dukes of Hazzard. Nadie penséo que Smallville duraría cinco años más tras ese episodio. Pensaron que estaban empezando a aproximarse al final de la serie, y decidieron que si iban a hacer algún episodio que le hiciera homenaje a the Dukes of Hazzard, mejor que lo hicieran.

- En respuesta a una pregunta sobre su recuerdo favorito de Smallville, John dijo que fue tan sólo hace una semana. Fue cuando estaban filmando una de las escenas finales de la serie. Schneider dijo que Jonathan Kent era uno de esos tipos que podía ayudar a Clark a dar el siguiente paso para convertirse en Supermán. En la escena, en la parte una del final, John describió una de las escenas más emocionales en las que jamás ha estado involucrado. John y Tom Welling tenían una escena, parecida a la del tío Jesse hablando con los chicos Duke, donde estaba, "diciéndole algo que no puedo contaros," y besándole la frente a Tom. Tom es tan grande como John, pero había algo en esa escena, en donde Tom se llenaba de orgullo por el hecho de que su padre creyera en él. John Scneider compartió con la audiencia que sentía que Jonathan Kent era un logro supremo para su carrera. Y luego añadió, "Buena suerte, Kevin Costner."

- A John le preguntaron si alguna vez había llevado a su familia con él cuando estaba filmando Smallville. Dijo que lo hizo unas cuantas veces, pero que sus hijos lo encontraban un poco aburrido. Y que era más fácil viajar para trabajar solo que llevar a su familia con él, y que se quedaban igualmente satisfechos quedándose en casa cuando él tenía que grabar en alguna localización. Sus hijos preferían estar en casa donde estaban sus amigos.

- Otra pregunta de la audiencia fue si a él y a algún otro de los miembros del elenco de Smallville les gustaba imitar el papel de los otros sólo por diversión. John contestó que hubo una grabación en la que dijeron que la "Lex Luthor-izarían." Normalmente, cuando un actor está hablando, se aproxima a la cámera. Pero lo que hacía Lex era apartarse de la cámara cuando estaba hablando con alguien y hablarle a la pared. Pero fue todo el alcance. A John le gustó el episodio en el que Jonathan Kent tenía superpoderes y tuvo que salvar a Clark.

- Un caballero del público le preguntó a John si se veía a sí mismo en algún papel de cualquier futuro proyecto que involucrara a los personajes de la Liga de la Justicia de Smallville. John piensa que no, pero que no sería una mala idea el que otros personajes hicieran una serie. Mencionó que el coste para la próxima película de Supermán era de alrededor de los 100 milllones de dólares. Y que en 10 años de producción, Smallville costó producirla 800 millones de dólares.

- Otro hombre del públkico mencionó que dos hombres habían sido elegidos para interpretar a Supermán en las películas durante los diez años que Tom Welling había interpretado a Clark Kent en Smallville. Y le pregunó a John si era cierto que avisó a Tom de que no audicionara para el papel de Supermán en la película. John confirmó que era cierto. Que sentía que no habría mejor Supermán que Tom Welling, pero que el papel de Supermán podría no ser bueno para la carrera de Tom Welling. No por ninguna maldición de Supermán, sino porque sería un error en su carrera. John Schneider dijo que había buenas cosas por delante para el ya no tan joven Tom.

- La misma persona preguntó si Tom era tan bueno tras la cámara, y John dijo que Tom era un gran director. Que había ganado mucha experiencia en diez años en la serie y que trabajaba bien con los actores.

- En respuesta a otra pregunta, John dijo que no vió a Tom con el traje de Supermán, pero que consiguió ver el uniforme de Supermán. Que lo tocó, y comparó la textura con el sujetar una anaconda. El material del que está hecho es un material muy resbaladizo. Es un traje muy caro y se sentía muy espeluznante.

- La siguiente pregunta fue si Michael Rosenbaum estaba en el episodio final. John no estaba seguro, porque no trabajó con Michael en ninguna escena, ni lo vio en el set. Pero esperaba que estuviera en el final de la serie, pero que honestamente no lo sabía.

- En respuesta a la pregunta sobre las tomas falsas de Smallville, John contestó que Michael Rosenbaum es el que hace más. John sabe que cuando Michael está en el set, los productores añaden una hora a la agenda de grabación para todas sus locuras. También mencionó el calor que hace en el granero, no importa lo bien refrigerado que el equipo lo mantenga, especialmente cuando papá Kent tiene que llevar puesta su habitual chaqueta. Pero no tenía más que elogios hacia los diseñadores del set. Comparó los sets con las pinturas de Norman Rockwell. Y dijo que fue divertido el estar en el set a nivel intelectual en colaboración con el elenco, y a nivel creativo al producir una serie de televisión.


Y también ComicsContinuum.com le hizo una entrevista en video:

http://www.comicscontinuum.com/stories/ ... neider.htm
- ACTUALIZADO 30/03/11: (Matt Mitovich, TVLine) @MattMitovich FYI, #Smallville fans: Allison Mack is officially confirmed for series finale - not that anyone doubted me :D
("Para vuestra información, fans de Smallville: Allison Mack está oficialmente confirmada para el final de la serie - no es que nadie dude de mí")

- ¿Finales de Series - O No?: La mayores finales de temporadas de TV del 2011 (entertainment.ca.msn.com):
¿Finales de Series - O No?: La mayores finales de temporadas de TV del 2011
Por Kim Linekin, 31 de Marzo, 2011


Nuevas series están aún apareciendo cada semana - "Body of Proof" de Dana Delaney acaba de empezar, "Breaking In" de Christian Slater debuta el 6 de Abril, "Happy Endings" de Elisha Cuthbert empieza el 14 de Abril. Pero el 5 de Abril es probablemente nuestra última oportunidad de ver "No Ordinary Family." Michael Chiklis y Julie Benz han sido contratados para otras series ya. No se ve bien para "Human Target" o "Lie to Me," entre las otras series que se debaten y que hemos mencionado. La única serie que va a acabar en sus propios términos es "Smallville." Tras diez temporadas, Clark Kent (Tom Welling) completa su destino como el Hombre de Acero en la final de dos horas que se emite el 13 de Mayo. Pero primero tendrá que luchar contra Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum), quien está de regreso para la pelea más calurosamente anticipada entre el superhéroe y el villano. Papa Kent (John Schneider) también regresa, así como Chloe (Allison Mack). Pero Lana Lang no - Kristin Kreuk ha dicho que está demasiado ocupada y que está feliz con cómo Lang dejó la serie ya. Con los rumores de que Clark y Lois Lane (Erica Durance) se casan al principio del final, probablemente es mejor que no aparezcan ex-novias de todas formas.

http://entertainment.ca.msn.com/tv/gall ... ocid=tweet

- Portada, scans e informaciones del artículo de "TVGuide" 2011:
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Clark Kent y Lois Lane se dirigen hacia el altar, Lex Luthor regresa, y puedes creer que un hombre puede volar a medida que Smallville concluye su heróica Odisea de 10 años
Por Rich Sands

SUPER-PAREJA: Welling llama a Durance "una fantástica pareja. Nos divertimos mucho cuando trabajamos -- pienso que eso se refleja. Hemos desarrollado esta idea realmente loca de que nuestros personajes disfrutarían en realidad el uno del otro". Durance, quien se unió a la serie en la 4ª Temporada, dice que "desde el principio, Tom ha sido increíblemente amable conmigo y me ha hecho sentirme como en casa, y tú no olvidas de eso."

Es adecuado que cuando un visitante llega a Burnaby, British Columbia, set de Smallville, es rápidamente escortado a la Zona Fantasma. La prisión extra-terrestre creada para los peores criminales del planeta Krypton es conocida por ser casi imposible de escapar de ella - una perfecta metáfora para el deseo de la serie de prevenir filtraciones sobre el argumento del próximo final de la serie. Tras 10 años en el aire, hay, por decirlo suavemente, una intensa anticipación del viaje final de Clark Kent hacia el convertirse en Supermán, fijado el 13 de Mayo (la última tanda de los nuevos episodios empieza el viernes, 15 de abril). La gran pregunta , por supuesto, es "¿Lo será o no lo será?" ¿Se pondrá el icónico traje de la leyenda de los cómics? ¿Aprenderá finalmente a volar? ¿Será llamado Supermán?

Tom Welling conoce las respuestas, pero tras una década interpretando a la identidad secreta más famosa de la cultura pop, a aprendido una cosa o dos sobre mantener la boca cerrada. "Esta serie, para mí, siempre ha sido sobre Clark Kent--no ha sido sobre Supermán", dice, mientras se toma un descanso de rodar una secuencia en la Zona Fantasma para el episodio del 29 de abril. "Y es muy importante al final que estemos seguros de cerrar la historia de Clark Kent."

Eso no quiere decir que puede que no consigamos la sorpresa del vestido de rojo-azul-y amarillo. "Tan sólo diré que sigáis viendo durante todas las dos horas" dice la productora ejecutiva Kelly Souders sobre el final. "Hay un momento muy, muy especial que amamos, y todo el mundo que ha estado esperando para ese momento no se sentirán defraudados."

Aunque Smallville ha sido la historia de Clark antes de que se convierta en el Hombre de Acero, un superfinal fue parte del plan original. "La última escena del último episodio siempre iba a ser Clark poniéndose el traje y volando hacia su destino", dice Al Gough, quien creó la serie con Miles Millar allá en el 2001. "Y supongo que, cuando todos veamos el final, será alguna versión de eso". Desde que Gough y Millar se marcharon de la serie al final de la 7ª temporada han seguido manteniéndose de forma amistosa con Souders y su compañero productor ejecutivo Brian Peterson. "Lo maravilloso de la serie es que la gente que trabaja en ella están tan apasionados con ella hoy como lo estaban hace 10 años", dice Gough, ahora trabajando con Millar para otra readaptación de una franquicia, el piloto de los Ángeles de Charlie para ABC. "Kelly y Brian encontraron un motor para la serie y la han hecho funcionar. Sé que no es fácil. Estoy ciertamente agradecido a ellos de que fueran capaces de hacer eso".

"LA AUDIENCIA ha tenido que crecer junto con Clark", dice el productor ejecutivo Brian Peterson. "Él se ha convertido en un personaje muy diferente de lo que era en el piloto"

Antes de que podamos contemplar el final del notorio edicto de la serie "no mallas, no vuelos" (establecido por Gough y Millar antes de que la serie se estrenara), Clark tiene que mantener una atareada agenda, incluído el hacer una mujer honesta de su prometida Lois Lane (Erica Durance). "El ritmo entre los dos [Lois y Clark] nunca ha sido fácil," dice Souders. "Y hay definitivamente algunos altos y bajos que van a darse antes del final." Si consiguen casarse, sería una satisfactoria culminación a su con frecuencia complicada pero siempre entretenida relación, que fue largamente entorpecida por la presencia del primer amor de Clark, Lana Lang (Kristin Kreuk), y los propios problemas de compromiso de Lois. "Cuando fuimos introducidos por primera vez a [Lois], ella estaba sola y tenía un montón de inseguridades y ásperos filos," dice Durance. "Luego a medida que ha descubierto lo que está destinada a hacer convirtiéndose en periodista, y quién es, empezó a calmarse y hacerse más madura. Ella se encuentra con este loco y maravilloso Clark Kent, y pienso que él la ayudó a hacerse quien es también."

“He estado maravillado con lo bien que los escritores han sido capaces de mantener esa relación avanzando sin que en realidad estuvieran juntos,” dice Welling sobre el viaje de Clark y Lois.

Otra pregunta caliente para los fans es cómo se terminan las cosas para Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack), la amiga de siempre de Clark, superheroína genio de los ordenadores y uno de los pocos personajes que no nació originalmente de la mitología de DC Cómics. Una regular de la serie durante nueve años, Mack firmó para tan sólo cinco episodios en esta temporada. Aunque completó su obligación este invierno, decidió regresar para el final. “Era importante para mí el rendirle tributo al personaje, a la gente con la que he trabajado, y a los fans,” dice Mack. “Me di cuenta de una cosa, mientras que estaba haciendo los cinco episodios de la mitad, de que esto ha sido una gran parte de mi vida y que he sido muy bendecida y muy afortunada de haber tenido la oportunidad. Quería estar segura de que yo era respetuosa con eso.”

Mack no dirá mucho sobre el destino de Chloe aparte de, “ella termina de una manera muy sana y equilibrada. Pienso que los escritores han respetado a mi personaje durante mucho tiempo, y se va con el mismo cariño con el que llegó.” (Otros antiguos miembros de la serie que aparecen en las próximas semanas incluyen a John Schneider y
a Annette O´Toole como los padres adoptivos de Clark, Johnathan y Martha Kent, y Laura Vandervoort como su prima Kriptoniana Kara).

No todo son alegres reuniones para Clark, quien debe derrotar al villano de esta temporada, el misterioso Darkseid. El déspota extraterrestre ha estado usando a sus secuaces para sebrar el miedo y el odio entre la gente de la Tierra. “Estoy realmente excitado con la manera en que la historia de Darkseid llega a su clímax,” dice Peterson. "Porque no aplasta la línea argumental en estos últimos episodios—permanece en la retaguardia y golpea directa cuando lo necesita.”

Más recientemente, Darkseid alcanzó a Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (Justin Hartley), cuyo último desafío llega en la Zona Fantasma. Allí, él y Clark se encuentran con el nuevo aliado de Darkseid, el poderoso Kandoriano Zod (Callum Blue), que no ha sido visto desde la final de la última temporada. Sabiendo que Ollie se está debatiendo con la oscuridad, Zod intenta tentarle hacia el camino de la maldad. "Es una situación espantosa para él en la que estar, así es que tiene que encontrar una manera de luchar contra esta cosa", dice Hartley quien hace su debut como director en el episodio. “Todo lo que todo el mundo ha sido capaz de decirle, incluído Clark, es que tú realmente no puedes ganarle. Ollie tiene que encontrar una manera —o morir.”

Por supuesto, Clark se ha enfrentado a la muerte en muchas ocasiones—y puede que lo haga una vez más. “Hay algunos momentos bellos, reconfortantes y emocionales, y hay un par de momentos trágicos que podemos prometer,” adelanta Peterson sobre la final.

Desgraciadamente, la Señora de la Guadaña no tiene nada que ver con Lex Luthor, el más notorio enemigo de Clark, quien hace su largamente esperado regreso en el final. Michael Rosenbaum, quien interpretó al una vez mejor amigo Clark durante las primeras siete temporadas de la serie, finalmente acordó el aparecer como invitado tras un largo y dramático cortejo. “Hice todo lo que podía,” dice Welling quien también es productor ejecutivo en la serie. “Le mandé mensajes, le llamé, fuimos a cenar.” Aunque Rosenbaum una vez dijo en twitter que una intervención invitada “no iba a suceder,” cambió de opinión en Febrero. “Estuvimos en constantes conversaciones con él durante el último par de años porque obviamente lo adoramos y le queríamos de vuelta,” dice Souders. “Para el crédito de Michael, pienso que él quería ser parte del capítulo final de la historia". (En esta ocasión, sin embargo, optó por usar una calva en lugar de raparse la cabeza. Tiene un papel recurrente en la nueva comedia de la Fox Braking In, donde su personaje lleva puestas unas modificadas Mohawk).

EL TENER A ROSENBAUM DE VUELTA EN EL SET por primera vez en tres años “fue muy divertido,” dice Welling.” Fue como si nunca se hubiera ido, pero fue también como si hubiera estado fuera para siempre.” Sobre a la romántica pareja de Ollie y Chloe, Mack dice que "Ambos son superhéroes sin tener ninguna habilidad de superhéroe que los haga un equipo realmente dinámico, excitante y sexy.” Tess “se hace mucho más profunda, especialmente en la 10ª temporada,” dice Freeman. “Ha sido un giro total y me ha encantado el poder ser capaz de interpretar todas las facetas de eso.”

Rosenbaum estuvo en el set tan sólo para un día de filmación. "Estuvo cargado", dice Cassidy Freeman, quien interpreta a Tess Mercer, la antigua asociada de Lex y, como hemos sabido el pasado otoño, su secreta medio hermana. "Habían contado tantas historias [los del elenco y los del equipo] que sentía como su pudiera dibujarle de memoria".

Aunque ella es ahora un miembro de confianza de la Liga de la Justicia, Tess tiene a algunos fans preguntándose si su oscuro pasado está realmente tras ella. "Desde que descubrió que era una Luthor, ha estado forcejeando con a qué lado va a caer", dice Souders. "A medida que nos dirigimos al último final, esa lucha aumenta". Añade Freeman: "Ella realmente quiere alguien a su lado. No puedo decirte hacia qué lugar va Tess, pero diré que es su elección".

Claramente hay mucho camino por cubrir en las próximas semanas, y el elenco y el equipo sabe de la inmensa presión que han sentido para satisfacer a sus fans. "La manera en que planeamos el final", dice Souders, "fue esa que todo fan de la serie - tanto si es alguien que fue fan en la primera temporada, o en la tercera o la sexta - consigue ver el Smallville que ellos amaban, y también consiguen ver hacia dónde está saltando la serie [para alinearse con] la mitología de Supermán".

Una cosa es segura: ¡La batalla por la verdad, la Justicia y el sistema de vida Americano nunca terminará!

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Smallville- ... 31454.aspx

http://loisclark.proboards.com/index.cg ... 9&page=716
- ACTUALIZADO 04/04/11: hey, how are you? so are you sure that the justice league is not back for the next episodes of smallville? please - @josemiguelm92
@AlainaHuffman: well if the JL is back BC wasn't invited...;(

("¿Estás segura de que la Justice League no regresa para los siguientes episodios de Smallville? - Bueno si la JL está de vuelta Black Canary no fue invitada")

- ACTUALIZADO 05/04/11: (InsideTV, EW.com) Smallville! Will we finally get to see Tom Welling in the “suit”? There are rumors that they have filmed substantial scenes of him in the tights for the last minutes of the series. — Wade
That would be a huge spoiler, of course, and you can understand why Smallville is locking its doors as we move closer to the finale. But I will, however, point you to a little something exec producer Brian Peterson told me last week about the finale: “At the heart of [every episode] is a very important step in Clark’s journey,” he said. “[So] while the finale wraps up storylines with the other characters, it is very, very much about Clark and his big moment of transformation.” Catch that? Key word: transformation.

("¿veremos finalmente a Tom Welling con el 'traje'? Hay rumores de que han filmado escenas sustanciales de él con las mallas para los últimos minutos de la serie - Wade.
Eso sería un spoiler enorme, por supuesto, y puedes entender el por qué Smallville está cerrando todas las puertas a medida que nos acercamos al final. Pero, no obstante, te apuntaré hacia algo pequeño que el productor ejecutivo Brian Peterson me contó la pasada semana sobre el final: 'En el corazón de cada episodio hay un muy importante paso en el viaje de Clark', dijo. 'Así es que mientras que los episodios finales terminan historias con los otros personajes, se trata mucho, mucho sobre Clark y su gran momento de transformación' ¿Has pillado eso? Palabra clave: transformación")

http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/04/05/super ... iler-room/

- Bienvenida de nuevo, Chloe: Allison Mack Habla sobre el regresar a Smallville una última vez (TVGuide):
Bienvenida de nuevo, Chloe: Allison Mack Habla sobre el regresar a Smallville una última vez
Por Rich Sands 6 de Abril, 2011 11:22 AM ET

Los apasionados fans de Smallville no son los únicos que están pasando un duro momento diciéndole adiós a la serie, que termina su camino de 10 años el Viernes, 13 de Mayo. Allison Mack, quien interpreta a Chloe Sullivan, la amiga de toda la vida de Clark Kent convertida en una superheroína y genio de los ordenadores, decidió que no podía marcharse son una aparición final. Una regular de la serie durante los primeros nueve años, Mack firmó tan sólo para cinco epiosodios esta temporada y cerró ese compromido en Febrero. Ahora en New York City, donde recientemente terminó una intervención en la obra Apple Cove en las afueras de Brodway, Mack habló con TV Guide Magazine sobre su decidión de regresar una última vez, sus fervientes fans y el siguiente capítulo en su vida.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿En cuál de esos episodios dinales apareces?
Mack: Estoy en el final, que tiene dos partes, así es que técnicamente estoy en los últimos dos.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Cómo fue el filmar tus últimas escenas?
Mack: Fue realmente increíble, fue emocional y tierno y dulce y nostálgico. Está terminando de una forma que pienso que es muy honorable dado que hemos estado ahí durante 10 años. Así es que fue realmente dulce.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Por qué fue importante para tí el regresar una última vez? Ya cumpliste con el número de episodios por los que firmaste, ¿verdad?
Mack: Lo hice. Era importante para mí el rendirle triburo al personaje, a la gente con la que he trabajado y a los fans. Me di cuenta de una cosa, mientras que estaba filmando los episodios de la mitad, de que esto había sido una gran parte de mi vida y he sido muy bendecida y muy afortunada de haber tenido la oportunidad. Quería estar segura de que era respetuosa con eso. Así es que el regresar tan sólo parecía tener sentido dado todas esos pensamientos e ideas que tuve durante toda la experiencia.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Cómo te sientes sobre cómo Chloe termina tras 10 temporadas?
Mack: Pienso que es genial. No quiero desvelar nada, pero pienso que termina de una manera muy sana y equilibrada. Pienso que los escritores han respetado mi personaje desde hace mucho, y se va con el mismo cariño con el que entré. Estoy realmente orgullosa de ello.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Qué puedes decirnos sobre el papel de Chloe en el final?
Mack: No vas a sacar nada de mí.

TV Guide Magazine: ¡Vamos! ¿Nada? ¿Va a haber alguna referencia a cómo le va vida de casados a Chloe y Ollie?
Mack: Hay alguna referencia, sí.

TV Guide Magazine: Wow, no estás desvelando nada. ¿Que me dices de su búsqueda para encontrar y ayudar a incipientes héroes?
Mack: Tendras que verlo.

TV Guide Magazine: OK, veo cómo va esto. Seguimos, ¿por qué piensas que tienes los fans más rabiosos de cualquier personaje de la serie?
Mack: Soy afortunada. [risas] Pienso que es un número diferente de cosas. Mucho de ello tiene que ver con que mi personaje es muy accesible y cercano, porque es muy real. Comete errores e intenta arreglarlos y comete más errores e intenta arreglarlos. Es realmente fácil conectar con ella de una manera que se siente muy genuina y auténtica. Y pienso que no es algo común que veas en la televisión, especialmente no para las mujeres jóvenes. Así es que el hecho de que sea una chica joven que es fuerte y apasionada y agresiva y que admita que comete errores y que trata de madurar a través de ellos, eso la hace sentir como alguien a quien te sientes cerca, como un amigo.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Cómo te sientes sobre su amistad con Clark [Tom Welling]? Han pasado por tanto juntos, pero hay definitivamente cierta tensión en su relación en el último par de años.
Mack: Son los mejores amigos. Y cuanto más conoces a alguien, más consigues ver sus partes buenas y malas. Y pienso que no tienes una amistad verdadera o una relación verdadera hasta que hayas sobrevivido algún tipo de pelea en cierto momento. Pienso que el hecho de que Chloe y Clark hayan pasado por tantos altos y bajos juntos — que se odiaran el uno al otro, pero se amaran el uno al otro todo el tiempo — tan sólo significa que su relación es increíblemente fuerte y que soportará cualquier cosa.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Cuál es tu punto de vista sobra la dinámica de la relación de Chloe con Ollie [Justin Hartley]?
Mack: Ambos son testarudos y pasionales y leales y pienso que hacen realmente un buen equipo en ese sentido. También pienso que se retan el uno al otro intelectualmente. Ambos son realmente inteligentes y realmente ingeniosos, y creo que eso los hace un equipo realmente dinámico, excitante y sexy.

TV Guide Magazine: Chloe fue uno de los pocos personajes de Smallville que no provenían de DC Comics. En una serie en donde tantos personajes — Lana, Lois, Lex — eran partes sagradas de la mitología de Supermán, ¿nunca fue una preocupación para tí que sin ese legado que la "protegiera", Chloe podría haber sido matada en cualquier momento?
Mack: Nunca fue una preocupación, pienso que fue siempre una excitación. Lo que hago es increíblemente creativo y cuantas más oportunidades tengo de crear algo fresco y nuevo y dinámico que nunca se haya hecho antes, más excitante es para mí. Así es que el hecho de que tuviera la oportunidad de determinar mi propio destino, en cuanto a mi personaje se refiere, y realmente trabajar con los escritores, y con DC, en desarrollar todas las diferentes direcciones a las que quería ir fue realmente un honor y muy satisfactorio.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Qué es lo próximo para tí?
Mack: Ahora mismo estoy tomándome un poco de respiro. Estoy concentrándome en el teatro y pasando más tiempo en desarrollarme a mí misma y viendo lo que voy a hacer con mi vida, porque 10 años en un lugar es realmente mucho tiempo. Pero al final lo que realmente me gustaría hacer es continuar haciendo proyectos en los que crea y por los que me sienta apasionada.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Smallville- ... 31512.aspx
- ¡La Productora Ejecutiva de Smallville Kelly Souders Ofrece Pistas sobre el Final! (K-Site):
¡La Productora Ejecutiva de Smallville Kelly Souders Ofrece Pistas sobre el Final!
Por Craig Byrne 07 Abril, 2011

KryptonSite fue uno de los muchos medios que acaban de hablar con la productora ejecutiva Kelly Souders sobre los capítulos finales de la serie.

La última tanda de episodios empieza el 15 de Abril con un episodio titulado "Kent." Desde aquí hacia delante, tendremos nuevos episodios hasta el 13 de Mayo cuando el viaje de 10 años de la serie llegue a su final.

Postearemos la entrevista completa con Kelly Souders la próxima semana, pero porque la mayoría de vosotros en twitter me prometísteis que veríais la re-emisión del piloto si había posteado algo antes, tenemos algunos detalles sobre el final de la serie que no podíamos resistirnos a postear.

En la que postearemos la próxima semana, discutiremos muchas cosas, incluídas las próximas apariciones de Jonathan Kent, Kara, y Zod; la llegada de Booster Gold y the Blue Beetle; y por supuesto, más sobre el final.

He aquí algo de lo que conseguimos sacarle sobre la super-secreta final:

"Fue la bomba," dijo Kelly sobre el conseguir escribir para el Lex Luthor de Michael Rosenbaum de nuevo en la final de la serie del 13 de Mayo. "Tengo que decir que es uno de los personajes más divertidos para los que he escrito, porque es tan inteligente, tan manipulador, y aún así tiene un corazón, y de alguna manera muy extraña, se las arregla para mantener parte de él todo el tiempo. La manera en la que todo se desarrolla, él en realidad juega un muy importante papel en ayudar a que Clark se convierta en Supermán."

Y para una final de Smallville que tiene a Clark Kent, Lois Lane, y Lex Luthor, ¿cuáles son las oportunidades de que al menos escuchemos mencionar a Perry White y Jimmy Olsen? "Pienso que si eres un fan de verdad de los cómics, Supermán con los personajes de Perry White y Jimmy Olsen y todo ese mundo, te marcharás con un sentimiento cálido y borroso," bromea.

Finalmente, una reciente promo de la CW para la repetición del piloto de Smallville que se emite el 8 de Abril tenía algunos tonos familiares de la banda sonora clásica de la película de Supermán de John Williams. ¿Podremos oirlo el 13 de Mayo cuando veamos el episodio final? "Tan sólo diré que eso me haría más feliz que nada," ríe. "Lo que adoro de ese tema es que casi refleja a tu corazón cuando estás excitado por conseguir ver a Supermán."

Cuando se refiere a Supermán, ¿puede contarnos si veremos a Clark con el traje o no? Souders estuvo vaga, pero derramó algunas pistas. "Todos sabemos que Smallville ha sido sobre el viaje hacia convertirse en Supermán, pero pienso que definitivamente tendrás el sentimiento de quién es cuando la serie se haya acabado," dice.

http://www.kryptonsite.com/finaleinterv ... uders1.htm
- ACTUALIZADO 07/04/11: (Al Septien, twitter) Nuevas informaciones.
@CloisFansUnited: Hey, Al! Can you amuse us Clois fans and give us *one* word that may describe Clois in the finale? Thanks!
@alseptien: memorable!
("¿Puedes deleitarnos a los fans de Clois y darnos *una* palabra que pueda describir a Clois en el final? - ¡Memorables!")

@CloisForever23: Will we get a Clois flight in the series Finale? If yes, give me a happy face lol
@alseptien: stay tuned.
("¿Tendremos un vuelo Clois en el final de la serie? Si es que sí, ponme una cara feliz - Sigue en antena")

@LoisLaneLovers: One last question, if you don't mind, what message did you all want to send about Lois Lane and *her* individual role in Clark's life, future, and in the overall mythology? Can you please answer that? Thank you!
@alseptien: I think she centers him and keeps his heart human
("Una última pregunta, si no te importa, ¿qué mensaje queríais todos mandar sobre Lois Lane y su papel individual en la vida de Clark, su futuro, y en toda la mitología? ¿Puedes contestar eso? - Pienso que ella lo equilibra y mantiene humano su corazón")

@valenzana: Clark will soon learn to fly?
@alseptien: I'd bet on it.
("¿Aprenderá Clark pronto a volar? - Apostaría por ello")

@seeyaroundsv: I know you can't give spoilers, but I wonder if we have guests in store in the last 6 eps that will remain secret til eps air?
@alseptien: I think just about everyone has been announced.
("Sé que no puedes dar spoilers, pero me pregunto si tendremos más invitados para los ultimos 6 episodios que permanecen en secreto hasta que se emita el episodio - Creo que todo el mundo ha sido anunciado")

@alseptien: Just came back from a brief appearance at #Smallville's final LA crew party. A good (albeit bittersweet) time was had by all.
("Acabo de regresar de una brve aparición en la fiesta del final de Smallville del equipo de L.A. Todos pasamos un buen rato, aunque agridulce")

- ACTUALIZADO 07/04/11: (KSite) Granny Goodness estará de regreso antes del final de la serie.
- Aunque no veremos a Conner Kent antes de que la serie termine, tendremos una actualización de lo que está haciendo.
- No parece que vayamos a ver muchos miembros de la Liga de la Justicia, ya que el centro del final permanecerá en nuestros regulares favoritos de la serie desde hace mucho.

- Detalles sobre la boda en una próxima entrevista para E-Talk de Erica durante el Mondo Shoot:
Lo primero, destacar que la entrevista fue realizada en Febrero, antes de saberse la confirmación de la boda.

- Erica específicamente pidió que por favor no hubiera lazos en el vestido de boda de Lois o algo pomposo.

- Espera que el vestido sea algo simple y muy chic.

- Sugirió que no fuera sin hombros porque ha sabido que, en el proceso de edición cuando se usan vestidos sin mangas parece que estás desnuda y eso es una distracción.

- No le han dicho si va a haber una boda pero spera que Clark y Lois se casen en una iglesia y no en el granero.

Mensajes: 33241
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

... continuación

- ACTUALIZADO 11/04/11: (Spoilerchat, E!Online): Smallville scoop? Lois and Clark: Super-powered couple? - davidkretschmar
Ha! Super-powered couple. We see what you did there. We'll have an extensive Q&A post with writer/producer Kelly Souders about the end of Smallville later this week, but for now just know that she promised fans that they'll be happy with all the moments in the season finale, and that includes the Lois and Clark ones.

("¿Primicia de Smallville? ¿Lois y Clark: pareja super-poderosa?
¡Ha! Una pareja super-poderosa. Veamos lo que hiciste aquí. Tendremos un extenso reportaje con preguntas y respuestas de la productora ejecutiva Kelly Souders sobre el final de Smallville más tarde esta semana, pero por ahora tan sólo que sepas que ella le prometió a los fans que estarán felices con todos los momentos del final, y eso incluye los de Lois y Clark")

Can we please get some Clois scoop? #Smallville - CloisForever23
We bugged Kelly about finally seeing Lois and Clark make it down the aisle, and while she insisted she had to keep her lips tightly zipped on that subject, she did offer this: "We will certainly be seeing a lot of white, taffeta, some silk and some flower boutonnières and all that sort of stuff." Sounds like things are about to get fancy!

("¿Podemos conseguir alguna primicia de Clois?
Le pinchamos a Kelly sobre finalmente ver a Lois y Clark yendo al altar, y aunque insistió que tenía que tener los labios bien apretados con respecto a ese tema, nos ofreció: 'Estaremos ciertamente viendo un montón de blanco, tafetán, algo de seda y algunas flores en los ojales y todo ese tipo de cosas'. ¡Parece que las cosas están a punto de ponerse de gala!")

http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_wi ... _your.html

- ACTUALIZADO 14/04/11: (Matt Mitovich, TVLine) Nuevos datos sobre la final.
¿Asumirá Darkseid su forma física hacia el final de la temporada | El rumor de que la corruptora esencia aparecería en algún momento como hace en los libros de cómics parece haberse ido con el humo, sin intención de doble sentido. (OK, vale, lo era.) “Darkseid no vive exactamente por las mismas reglas físicas de nuestro universo, pero no hay duda de cuándo su presencia se siente,” explica Souders. A medida que la temporada se termina, “Si miras cuidadosamente, veréis algunos restos visuales.”

¿Hizo el hecho de que la película de Supermán de Zack Snyder está ahora con el elenco y cercana a la producción incapacitado a Smallville de alguna manera, en cuanto a lo lejos que se puede u no se puede mostrar en el final? | Aunque en el pasado, la película de Supermán, por ejemplo, llevó a tempranas limitaciones en cuanto a cuánto podía Smallville usar el personaje de Lois Lane, la última aventura en pantalla del Hombre de Acero no tiene impacto en que Clark el la TV se encuentre con su destino. Dice Souders, “Trabajamos muy cercanamente con DC Comics, y todo el mundo sabía que este arco final lanzaría el concepto de Supermán, pero también es mucho el capítulo final de Smallville. Así es que no, no hubo nada que nos retuviera. Todo el mundo ha estado maravilloso.”

Así es que, ¿podemos atrevernos a esperar a que el tema de Supermán de John Williams se escuche en la final? | “Eso ciertamente me daría escalofríos,” adelantó Souders… justo minutos antes de que la CW emitiera una promo que mostraba la heróica sintonía. Eso parecía como un super augurio.

Hablando de la final de dos horas que se emitirá el 13 de Mayo: ¿Por qué le dijo Tom Welling a CBS Watch! Magazine que el último momento final le puso “la piel de gallina”? | “Hay un montón de grandes momentos,” comparte Souders, “pero ese último... Incluso cuando estábamos hablando de él en la preparación, ¡a todos se nos puso la piel de gallina!”

http://www.tvline.com/2011/04/smallvill ... questions/

- Primicia del Final de Smallville: ¿Van Lois y Clark Realmente a Casarse? (TVGuide):
Primicia del Final de Smallville: ¿Van Lois y Clark Realmente a Casarse?
Por Natalie Abrams 14 de Abril, 2011 09:00 PM ET

A medida que Smallville calienta motores para su viaje final hacia el destino de Clark Kent, Lois (Erica Durance) y Clark (Tom Welling) se prepararán para ir hacia el altar en el final de la serie. ¿Pero se darán finalmente el "Sí quiero"?

La boda "pone a prueba su relación, y ambos separadamente están pasándolas negras," le dice la productora ejecutiva Kelly Souders a TVGuide.com. "Al final del día, con todos los malabares que están haciendo en sus vidas, la pregunta es si sienten o no que casarse es realmente la cosa más responsable."

El anticipo a la inminente boda será tumultuoso, aunque puede que no comparado al desastre de la boda de Chloe (Allison Mack) y de Jimmy en la temporada 8 (en serio, ¿qué podría?). "Es tan sólo la realidad de las bodas," dice Souders. "Hay siempre drama, de hecho, hay, muchas veces, mucho más drama fuera de pantalla de lo que podrías jamás mostrar en pantalla. Tan lejos como van los dos, [las bodas] siempre traen problemas, no sólo con la gente que se va a casar, sino con la gente de su alrededor, y eso definitivamente tiene un efecto en todo el mundo."

Entre aquellos afectados por el gran día están Jonathan (John Schneider), Martha (Annette O'Toole) y Chloe, y también "algunos maravillosos guiños a personajes queridos."

Souders dice que la final será sobrecogedora, tanto si has estado viendo cada momento de la historia de Smallville como si no. "Una década es mucho tiempo, y pienso que fue realmente importante para nosotros que sabemos que hay fans acérrimos que han estado ahí desde el principio, y luego hay mucha gente que han ido y venido," dice. "En nuestra mente este era el final para todo el mundo, que hubiera monetos claves cruciales que esperamos que rindan tributo a cualquier fan y lo que era lo más importante para ellos."

Ciertamente para los fan de cualquier nivel del mito, el ver a Clark usar una cabina telefónica por primera vez para cambiarse a su super traje en un próximo episodio es como la guinda del pastel de boda. Souders dice que los productores están "tratando absolutamente" de encajar en más de esos momentos antes de que la antigia serie de la WB, ahora de la CW diga su adiós.

Cuando le preguntamos que describiera la final con una palabra, Soudres, quien ha trabajado en la serie desde la 2ª temporada, le supera la emoción. "Wow," dice. "Debería de ser 'Wow' en realidad. Hay un millón de cosas que están corriendo por mi mente. No sé si puedo darte una respuesta, porque está la respuesta para el fan, pero también está la respuesta para todo el que ha dedicado casi una década de cinco, seis, algunas veces siete días a la semana".

"Digamos que 'emocional' cubre a ambas, pero podría lanzar un montón de otras diferentes: 'Edificante', 'reveladora' y diría la palabra 'inmensa' ahí también."

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Smallville- ... 31826.aspx
- Esperando por Supermán: Tom Welling Reflexiona Sobre la Odisea de 10 Años de Smallville (TVGuide):
Esperando por Supermán: Tom Welling Reflexiona Sobre la Odisea de 10 Años de Smallville
Por Rich Sands 15 de Abril, 2011 11:02 AM ET

En una visita al set de Smallville en Burnaby, British Columbia, el mes pasado, había pequeñas indicaciones de que la serie de 10 años estaba en sus últimos días de producción. Aunque la hora final de la serie (que se emite el 13 de Mayo) se había filmado unas semanas antes, fue trabajo como el noemal para el elenco y el equipo ya que ellos aún tenían que rodar un par de episodios anteriores. Pero había una pista de que la largamente esperada transformación de Clark Kent en Supermán se estaba aproximando. Cuando la estrella de la serie Tom Welling filmaba una escena en la Zona Fantasma con Justin Hartley (aka Oliver Queen, aka Green Arrow), la cámara hizo un zoom en la cincelada cara de Welling, revelando un bien colocado mechón de cabello formando lo que se parecía mucho al más icónico rizo de la cultura del pop. (El episodio, dirigido por Hartley, se emite el 29 de Abril. Los nuevos episodios regresan esta noche a 8/7c en The CW.) Unas cuantas horas después, llevando puesta una camiseta azul real, vaqueros negros y botas negras, un relajado Welling se tomó un descanso de la filmación para hablar con TV Guide Magazine sobre eta larga odisea de una década como el hombre de sería Súper.

TV Guide Magazine: Habéis filmado el dinal de la serie ya y os quedan sólo un par de semanas. ¿Qué te pasa por la mente cuando estás tan cerca del final?
Welling: Me encuentro a mí mismo muy emocionado por, de alguna manera, graduarme. Cada verano durente los últimos 10 años, justo tras el 4 de julio, he regresado aquí. Y este año, no lo haré. Estoy anticipando que sobre esa época es cuando probablemente voy a empezar a hacer más reflexión. Porque estamos tan ocupados ahora que no hay mucho tiempo para pensar sobre eso. Así es que estoy esperando un reflexivo Julio.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Qué estabas pensando cuando filmaste la última escena?
Welling: No estaba pensando que era la última escena, porque aunque es el final de Smallville, es el nacimiento de esta siguiente fase de la vida de este personaje, lo que es muy excitante. He dicho esto como un disco rayado, esta serie, para mí, ha sido siempre sobre Clark Kent — no ha sido sobre Supermán. Y era muy importante al final que nos aseguráramos de que cerrábamos la historia de Clark Kent. Espero que la gente haya disfrutado la historia que hemos contado.

TV Guide Magazine: La serie tiene tantos fans, con tantas expectativas por cómo debería acabar. ¿Qué tipo de presión habéis estado sintiendo, chicos, para satisfacerles
Welling: ¿Cuál es la unidad de medida que va más allá de las toneladas? No sé qué sería, pero es enorme. Hablas de un elefante en el pecho, ¡esto es más como un 747! Te sientes obligado, te sientes inspirado, te sientes aterrado, sientes un montón de emociones. Nos metimos a planear el final hace casi un año antes de tiempo y todo aún fue en ascenso hasta el último segundo. Aún estábamos cambiando cosas en el set, intentando hacerlo mejor. Es tremenda la cantidad de peso que va con lo que estamos sintiendo.

TV Guide Magazine: Cuando firmaste para esta serie, ¿cuánto pensabas que duraría?
Welling: No tenía manera de ni siquiera conceptualizar o suponer. A pesar del éxito que teníamos, cada año había sido esa espera, espera, espera por ver si íbamos a ser renovados. Realmente vas escena a escena, episodio a episodio, año tras año, intentando quedarte en el momento y hacer el mejor trabajo que puedas y esperar que la gente responda a ello.

TV Guide Magazine: La serie se ha visto sometida a muchos cambios del elenco a lo largo de los años, y ha mantenido una base leal de seguidores. ¿Cuál ha sido la clave del actual éxito de Smallville?
Welling: Una perspectiva a la que me subscribo es la idea de que la evolución de esta serie ha coincidido con el viaje de Clark Kent. Cada vez que un personaje ha salido de nuestra historia, eso era otro paso que Clark tenía que hacer para madurar. Al principio [los creadores de la serie] Al [Gough] y Miles [Millar] hicieron un trabajo realmente bueno descubriendo dónde empezar con este personaje. Han habido un montón de otras series que han salido donde los personajes están casi tan evolucionados que realmente no tienen donde más que ir. Clark tenía mucho que aprender y le ha llevado 10 años el aprenderlo. Perder a sus padres, Lex, Lana — esos eran todos grandes momentos que le han empujado más abajo en el camino de convertirse en quien todos pensamos que va a ser.

TV Guide Magazine: A medida que los personajes han dejado la serie, el papel de Lois Lane en la vida de Clark ha aumentado. Ha funcionado tan bien porque Erica y tú tenéis una gran química. ¿Cómo ha sido el trabajar con ella?
Welling: Es estupendo. Es una compañera fantástica. Nos divertimos mucho cuando trabajamos — pienso que eso es lo que se transmite. Hemos desarrollado esta loca idea de que nuestros personajes en realidad disfrutarían el uno del otro. El hecho de que él es un idiota, eso es lo que ella ha aceptado sobre él. He estado maravillado de cuánto han sido capaces de alargar los escritores el mantener esa relación continuando sin que en realidad estuvieran juntos.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Con 22 episodios al año durante 10 temporadas ha sido un reto el mantener la regla de "no vuelos, no mallas"?
Welling: No sé si esto va a tomarse de forma equivocada, pero, no. Desde el principio, con el concepto de la serie, nunca fue una opción. Han habido veces en las que la gente quería que nosotros lo hiciéramos, pero nunca ha sido lo que la serie iba a ser. Algunos dirán que tras la temporada 7 nos convertimos en realidad en Supermán, o alguna gente se refiere a ella como Metrópolis. Cierto, puedes llamarla como quieras. Pero para mí, tan sólo no era sobre lo que era esta serie. Es extrañamente simple para mí.

TV Guide Magazine: Michael Rosenbaum finalmente accedió a regresar una última vez como Lex Luthor. ¿Cómo fue el trabajar con él de nuevo?
Tom Welling: Fue divertido. [risas] Fue muy divertido. Fue como si nunca se hubiera ido, pero fue también como si hubiera estado fuera por siempre. Pero se metió de lleno en ello de nuevo. Michael es extremadamente divertido, tiene esa habilidad única de entretener y de ser una versión completamente opuesta de Lex hasta que encienden la cámara y entonces se mete de lleno en ello. No pienso que haya perdido ni lo más mínimo, y fue una de las cosas destacadas de la temporada el pasar un día con él.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Cómo de involucrado estabas en las negociaciones para conseguir que regresara?
Welling: Oh, ¿bromeas? Hice todo lo que pude. Le mandé mensajes, le llamé, fuimos a cenar. Estoy realmente contento de que fuéramos capaces de encontrar una manera de que regresara. Pienso que es totalmente fantástico para la serie y para los fans.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Qué es lo próximo para tí?
Welling: Seguid en antena. He sido parte de Hellcats y están acabando su primera temporada y esperamos que regresen el año que viene. Tienen un grupo realmente sólido de estrellas por allí también. Así es que me gustaría continuar ese camino, y también hacer películas.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Alguna oportunidad de que puedas aparecer de invitado en Hellcats si consigue una segunda temporada?
Welling: Bueno, sabes, estando desempleado, eso puede que sonara como una buena oferta. [risas]

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Estás buscando pilotos ahora mismo?
Welling: No. No creo que esté buscando pilotos, pero al mismo tiempo, lo primero soy actor y cualquiera que sea la historia, cualquiera que sea el proyecto que encuentre más atractivo y eso me tendrá, eso es lo que seguiré. Podría ser una serie, podría ser películas, podría ser dirigir, producir, desarrollar.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Waiting-Sup ... 31881.aspx
- ACTUALIZADO 19/04/11: (MegaBuzz, TVGuide) Please tell me you have spoilers on Chloe's return to Smallville! ­­— Andy
NATALIE: Chloe (Allison Mack) returns to Metropolis in the series finale, after her big move with Oliver. "Chloe's definitely still a reporter in Star City, but she has really got her hands full as she comes back for the wedding," executive producer Kelly Souders tells us. "She's got a lot going on."

("¡Por favor dime que tienes spoilers sobre el regreso de Chloe a Smallville!
Chloe, Allison Mack, regresa a Metrópolis en el final de la serie, tras su gran paso con Oliver. 'Chloe es aún definitivamente una reportera en Star City, pero tiene realmente las manos llenas cuando regrese para la boda', nos dice la productora ejecutiva Kelly Souders. 'Le están pasando muchas cosas' ")

http://www.tvguide.com/News/MegaBuzz-Ca ... 32052.aspx

- Michael Rosenbaum Habla Sobre Romper de Nuevo En la Comedia y Recuperar su Lex Appeal (TVLine):
Michael Rosenbaum Habla Sobre Romper de Nuevo En la Comedia y Recuperar su Lex Appeal
Por Matt Mitovich April 20, 2011 10:26 AM PDT

TVLINE | Turning to your Smallville encore: Tom Welling told me that it was if you had never left, that you both just jumped right back into the whole Clark-Lex thing.
I have to say, that was the most amazing time, going back. There were people who worked on that crew that aren’t even working on the show anymore that came to see me. It was like a family I hadn’t seen in a while. People don’t know this, but I got nervous. I was really nervous. To jump back into that role and start quoting Sun Tzu, and I’m looking at Tom…? It felt so surreal. I was going, “Can I do this?” And finally you just do it! And believe it or not I’m actually glad I shaved my head all those years, because the bald cap [used in the series finale] is a bitch! It took like 2-1/2 hours to get on, and it is not the most comfortable thing.

TVLINE | Regresando a tu repetición en Smallville: Tom Welling me contó que fue como si nunca te hubieses marchado, que los dos os metísteis directamente de nuevo en todo el tema de Clarl-Lex.
Tengo que decir, que fue el tiempo más increíble, el regresar. Hay personas que trabajaban en el equipo que ni siquiera están trabajando en la serie más que vinieron a verme. Fue como una familia a la que no había visto desde hace tiempo. La gente no sabe esto, pero estaba nervioso. Estaba realmente nervioso. ¿El meterme de nuevo en este papel y empezar a citar a Sun Tzu, y estaba mirando a Tom...? Se sintió tan surrealista. Decía, "¿Puedo hacer esto?" ¡Y finalmente tan sólo hazlo! Y lo creáis o no estoy realmente contento de que me afeitara la cabeza todos esos años, ¡porque la calva que usé en el final de la serie es un coñazo! Llevó como 2 horas y media el ponérmela, y no es la cosa más confortable.

http://www.tvline.com/2011/04/michael-r ... mallville/
- ACTUALIZADO 21/04/11: (CW) Descripción oficial.
BE THERE AS SMALLVILLE WRAPS UP CLARK KENT’S TEN-YEAR JOURNEY IN AN EPIC TWO-HOUR SERIES FINALE — The story of Clark Kent (Tom Welling) culminates in this epic two-hour series finale as Clark takes the last step to becoming the Man of Steel. With surprise guest appearances, nods to the first few seasons of the series and Michael Rosenbaum’s return as Lex Luthor, this final episode wraps up a decade-long story following one’s man’s journey to becoming the world’s greatest superhero. Erica Durance, Allison Mack, Justin Hartley, Cassidy Freeman, John Glover, Annette O’Toole and John Schneider also star. Kevin Fair directed “Finale Part 1,” which was written by Al Septien & Turi Meyer and Greg Beeman directed “Finale Part 2,” written by Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders

ESTAD ALLÍ CUANDO SMALLVILLE CIERRE EL VIAJE DE CLARK KENT DE DIEZ AÑOS ES UNA ÉPICA FINAL DE LA SERIE DE DOS HORAS — La historia de Clark Kent (Tom Welling) culmina en esta épica final de la serie de dos horas cuando Clark Kent sa el último paso hacia convertirse en el Hombre de Acero. Con apariciones invitadas sorpresa, guiños a las primeras temporadas de la serie y Michael Rosenbaum de vuelta como Lex Luthor, este episodio final cierra una historia de una larga década siguiendo el viaje de un hombre en convertirse en el más grande superhéroe del mundo. Erica Durance, Allison Mack, Justin Hartley, Cassidy Freeman, John Glover, Annette O’Toole y John Schneider también aparecen. Kevin Fair dirige “Finale Part 1,” que fue escrito por Al Septien & Turi Meyer y Greg Beeman dirige “Finale Part 2,” escrito por Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders
- Primer Vistazo Exclusivo de Smallville: ¡Lex. Está. de Regreso! (TVLine.com):
Primer Vistazo Exclusivo de Smallville: ¡Lex. Está. de Regreso!
Por Matt Mitovich 22 Abril, 2011 06:00 AM PDT

“Dicen que cada hombre tiene un lado oscuro…. Yo no soy cualquier hombre. ¡Soy Lex Luthor!”

Y… escalofríos. Smallville de la CW Smallville acabará su andadura de 10 años y de la única manera que realmente podría, con Michael Rosenbaum repitiendo en su papel como el aechi enemigo de Clark Kent, Lex Luthor — y tenemos un video exclusivo promocionando la gran pelea.

Tener a Rosenbaum de vuelta para el gran final de la serie “fue absolutamente fantástico”, se entusiasma la estrella de Smallville Tom Welling, “porque fue como si nunca se hibiera marchado. Nos metimos de nuevo directamente en ello.”

Coordinando el bis, sin embargo, fue un trabajo muy auténtico para ya-sabéis-quién, viendo cómo el acuerdo fue hecho tan tarde en la temporada y que las agendas tenían que ser sincronizadas. Como Rosenbaum recuerda, “Les llamé un viernes, diciendo: ‘Mira, quiero hacer esto, pero tengo que filmar esta otra cosa [Breaking In de la Fox] — así es que voy a ir [a Vancouver] el próximo Jueves.’ ¡Y empezaron a escribir!”

Sobre el reescribir, como parece ser el caso. “Habíamos empezado ya a escribir el final,” cuenta la productora ejecutiva Kelly Souders a TVLine. “Pero es muy fácil y perfecto el mover esa historia más rápido.” Después de todo, apunta: “¡Es Lex!”

Aunque Clark reacciona un poco tarde en el clip de arriba, Souders nos dice que la segunda llegada de Lex “no va a ser un completo shock” para auquellos que lo conocen y se han resistido a él. De hecho, inyectarlo en este latido final del viaje de Clark “será muy divertido,” promete.

Diversión es precisamente lo que Rosenbaum tuvo cuando se puso la calva y regresó a sus malas, malas maneras. “Realmente no quería que el día terminara,” comparte el actor sobre su torbellino y maratoniana grabación. “Una vez que estás ahí, siempre quieres más. Es como, ‘Oh vamos, esto es divertido. ¡Escribid algo más!’”


http://www.tvline.com/2011/04/smallvill ... x-is-back/
- Las 12 Finales que no te puedes perder (Yahoo.com):
"Smallville": A decade after crash-landing onto our TVs, Clark Kent is ready to fly off into the sunset. The CW's teen superhero drama ends its 10-season run with a two-hour series finale that reportedly features the wedding of Clark and Lois Lane. Plus, a formidable foe makes his return: Three years after leaving the show, fan favorite Michael Rosenbaum reprises his role as villainous baldie Lex Luthor. A superhero wedding and a climactic Clark-Lex showdown? A speeding bullet couldn't keep us from watching this one."

"Smallville: Una década tras aterrizar en nuestra TV, Clark Kent está listo para volar hacia el atardecer. El drama del adolescente superhéroe de la CW termina su andadura de 10 temporadas en una final de serie de dos horas que mostrará según se informa la boda de Clark y Lois Lane. Además, un formidable enemigo hace su regreso: tres años después de dejar la serie, el favorito de los fans Michael Rosenbaum repite en su papel como el villano calvo Lex Luthor. ¿Una boda del superhéroe y una climática lucha Clark-Lex? Una bala no podría evitar que viéramos esto".

- Primer Vistazo al Final de Smallville: La Boda de Clark Kent y Lois Lane (TVGuide):
Primer Vistazo al Final de Smallville: La Boda de Clark Kent y Lois Lane
Por Rich Sands 25 de Abril, 2011 10:13 AM ET


El final de la serie del 13 de Mayo de Smallville promete grandes cambios para Clark Kent, y no sólo su transformación en Supermán. Como se ve en esta foto exclusiva, Clark (Tom Welling) y Lois Lane (Erica Durance) se dirigen a la iglesia — pero hay drama en el camino. "Hay un muy, muy largo camino a ese altar," insinúa la productora ejecutiva Kelly Souders. "Hay algunos buenos momentos, algunos momentos desgarradores y algunos momentos sorprendentes en su boda."

Souders dice que "si mantienes los ojos abiertos verás algunas caras familiares" entre los invitados, incluído Ollie (Justin Hartley) como el padrino y Chloe (Allison Mack) como la dama de honor. "Ellos siempre han estado ahí para nuestra querida pareja y estarán en todo momento hasta el final."

Dado que este es el episodio final, ¿deberían los espectadores estar preocupados de que Clark pueda no besar a la novia y sellar el compromiso? "Pienso que los fans estarán encantados como cómo se desarrollarán las cosas," dice Souders, "pero nunca es lo que esperas. Tan sólo diré que hay momentos directamente antes y después de esta foto que, incluso viendo el montaje 50 veces, aún sigo llorando un poco."

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Smallville- ... 32249.aspx
- ACTUALIZADO 25/04/11: (Matt's Inside Line, TVLine.com) Smallville Finale RSVPs! | The truth is now out there: Lois and Clark will be heading for a wedding when the CW series’ grand finale airs May 13, and TV Guide Magazine has a first-look photo from the ceremony. With the big day promising big drama, Clark should be content to know that not only will his mother, Martha (played by Annette O’Toole), be on hand for the ceremony, but so will dad Jonathan (John Schneider) – talk about your very special guests! Speaking of curious finale reunions, I see that many fans are expecting the returning Lex to have at least one scene with his also-”resurrected” father, Lionel. Alas, a source tells me that although John Glover is in the series finale, he and Michael Rosenbaum in fact did not get to share any scenes.

("¡Invitaciones finales a Smallville! La verdad está fuera: Lois y Clark se dirigirán para una boda cuando el gran final de la serie de la CW se emita el 13 de Mayo, y TVGuide Magazine tiene la primera imagen de la ceremonia. Con el gran día prometiendo un gran drama, Clark debería estar contento de saber que no sólo estará su madre, Martha (interpretada por Annette O´Toole), a mano para la ceremonia, sino también su padre Johnathan (John Scneider) - ¡hablando de tus muy especiales invitados! Hablando de las curiosas reuniones de la final, veo que muchos fans están esperando el regreso de Lex para tener al menos una escena con su también 'resucitado' padre, Lionel. Así, una fuente me dice que aunque John Glover está en el final de la serie, él y Michael Rosenbaum de hecho no consiguieron compartir escenas")

http://www.tvline.com/2011/04/matts-ins ... mallville/

- ACTUALIZADO 25/04/11: (Spoiler Chat, E!Online) You were kind enough to provide Smallville spoilers last week, so how about some more? - ginnytwin
Your wish, our command. Cassidy Freeman is super excited about her scene with Lex (Michael Rosenbaum) in the finale, and she thinks you should be too! "Their scene is epic," she tells us giddily. "But I think even if we were just having tea and crumpets it would be epic, because we have never met before."

("Fuiste lo suficientemente amable como para proporcionarnos spoilers de Smallville la semana pasada, ¿Qué me dices de algunos más?
Tu deseos son órdenes. Cassdy Freeman está super emocionada sobre su escena con Lex, Michael Rosenbaum, en el final, ¡y piensa que vosotros deberíais estarlo también! 'Su escena es épica', nos dice alegremente. 'Pero pienso que incluso si estuviéramos tan sólo tomando té y pastas sería épica, porque nunca nos hemos encontrado antes' ").

http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_wi ... _prom.html

Scan de TVGuide de la boda:


- Tom Welling: 'Las tomas finales de Smallville 'me pusieron los pelos del los brazos de punta' (Zap-2-it):
TTom Welling: 'Las tomas finales de Smallville 'me pusieron los pelos del los brazos de punta'
Por Carina Adly MacKenzie 26 de Abril, 2011 9:01 PM ET

La estrella de "Smallville" Tom Welling y su esposa Jamie estuvieron al teléfono de su amigo Robert Dover en su programa de radio el martes por la tarde para hablar sobre la vida después de Clark Kent. Tanto Tom como Jamie estaban abrumados por el número de fans que estaban llamando para desearle a Tom un feliz cumpleaños - era su 34 - desde algunos lugares tan lejanos como Jordania y Australia.

"No creo que nos diéramos cuenta cuando estábamos en ella," dice Jamie, comentando que los fans de todo el mundo le mandan mensajes a su Facebook a montones. "Ahora que estamos asentados y podemos mirar atrás a todos esos años, es increíble."

El hecho de que la serie se emita en tantos países siempre ha impresionado a Tom. "Siempre me pregunto cómo suena mi voz en otros países", dice.

"Tienes un acento realmente sexy en Alemán Tom, no te preocupes," bromea Jamie.

"¿De veras?", pregunta.


Aunque nunca esperó que la serie tuviera el impacto de una larga década que ha tenido, Tom dijo que cuando el piloto de "Smallville" estaba en producción, tenían el presentimiento de que tenían magia en las manos. "Desde el principio pensé que había mucha gente que pensaban que teníamos algo especial", dice. "[El jefe de Warner Bros. Peter Roth] era un gran defensor nuestro. Incluso ahora hasta el último día de las 10 temporadas, todo el mundo se sentía conectado, como si fuéramos una familia. Incluso al final, es duro creer que en realidad ha llegado al final".

Recordando atrás en su tiempo en la serie, un día en particular destaca para Tom. "Pienso que cuando pude ir a New York, cuando Christopher Reeve estuvo en la serie unas cuantas temporadas atrás", dice. "Ese fue el momento número uno para mí. Tan sólo le estaba permitido por sus doctores el trabajar ocho horas, pero no quería dejarles que se lo llevaran del set, así es que trabajó diez horas y media ese día. Fue una experiencia increíble".

Mirando hacia delante, Clark aún tiene un importante viaje antes de que las puertas se cierren en el último capítulo de "Smallville". ¿Así es que qué hay guardado para Clark en estos episodios finales? Tom dice que la relación de Clark con Lois (Erica Durance) puede no resultar de la manera que los fans esperan.

"En la temporada final, tratamos el futuro entre Clark and Lois. Pienso que lo que veréis en los episodios que llevan hacia el final es que Clark está destinado a estar solo. Es la responsabilidad del héroe," dice. Pero no os asustéis, fans de Clark/Lois. "Veréis en el final que, por supuesto, hay un futuro entre Clark y Lois. Es cómo llegan ahí lo que pienso que será verdaderamente entretenido."

¿Otra gran parte del final? Michael Rosenbaum regresa como Lex Luthor.

"Es el peor secreto guardado de la historia de la televisión," se rie Tom. No dirá mucho sobre el regreso, pero dice que, "La escena entre Clark y Lex es una de mis favoritas, eso seguro."

Cuando le preguntaron sobre el "no vuelos, no mallas" que ha estado ahí durante muchos años -- queriendo decir que Welling no sería visto volando o poniéndose el traje de Supermán en "Smallville" -- Welling se ríe. "es curioso que me preguntes eso. He estado haciendo algunas cosas de prensa durante las útimas semanas... y me llegó un email de la Warner Bros pidiéndome educadamente que no contestara esa pregunta."

No obstante, lo ha hecho, dándonos algunas pistas emocionantes:

"La imagen final que veréis al final de 'Smallville'... me hace sentirme tan orgulloso y me puso los pelos de los brazos de punta. Es algo que la gente ha estado esperando ver durante mucho tiempo y cumplirá con lo que han estado esperando."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... nd-up.html

NOTA: Voy a clarificar lo que dijo Tom exactamente sobre Clois, para que no haya confusiones.

Q: ¿Cómo se siente el terminar casado después de todos esos años de Clark pensando que terminaría solo, especialmente ya que su alma gemela terminó siendo alguien que él pensaba con quien nunca acabaría desde el principio?
A: Pienso que en la temporada finalo tratamos eso, Tratamos que el futuro entre Clark y Kent...Perdón Clark y Lois. Se me ha ido la cabeza ahí. Pienso que, sabes, en los episodios que llevan a eso es que Clark está destinado a terminar solo. Es algo así como la responsabilidad del héroe. Pero, en la final, descubres que hay un futuro entre Clark y Lois, lo que por supuesto todo el mundo sabe en el mundo de Supermán. Pero es el cómo ellos llegan ahí lo que pienso que será muy entretenido.

- Smallville: ¿Durará el matrimonio de Oliver y Chloe? (TVGuide):
Smallville: ¿Durará el matrimonio de Oliver y Chloe?
Por Natalie Abrams 28 de Abril, 2011 10:08 PM ET

No hay secreto en que el matrimonio de Chloe y Oliver en Smallville es una anomalía.

En primer lugar, Chloe (Allison Mack) no existía en realidad en la anterior mitología de Supermán antes de que fuera creada específicamente para la serie que fue una vez de la WB, ahora de la CW. Segundo, Oliver Queen (Justin Hartley) se casó con Dinah Lance aka Black Canary (Alaina Huffman) en la mitología de los cómics. Mientras que los fans adoran el Chlollie, la pregunta permanece: ¿Sobrevivirá su matrimonio el fonal de la serie de Smallville?

Hartley, quien dirige el nuevo episodio de este viernes, habla sobre lo que está por venir para el debacle Chloe-Oliver-Dinah debacle, y también sobre el regreso de Zod y el ominoso símbolo Omega symbol en el cráneo de Green Arrow.

Oliver ha sido marcado con el símbolo Omega de la oscuridad. ¿Qué veremos para él a medida que la serie llega a su final?
Hartley: Al final de "Dominion," Oliver se enfrenta con la fría realidad de que no va a ser capaz de librarse de esta infección tan sólo queriendo que se marche. Tiene que descubrir toda una manera distinta, algo que nunca ha hecho antes. Va en este viaje para intentar librarse de esta cosa.

Oliver y Chloe van a ser el padrino y la madrina en la boda de Lois y Clark. ¿Qué hay reservado para ellos?
Hartley: Se desata el infierno, en realidad. Oliver ha tiene el símbolo Omega y se convierte en una persona totalmente diferente y desagradable. Chloe tiene que descubrir una manera para seguir junto a él. Lo hace. Al final, es interesante porque Oliver tiene que ir para hacer sus cosas, y Chloe tiene que ir a hacer sus cosas, así es que hay un momento realmente dulce y tierno en el final que pienso que os gustará. La forma en que todo se cierra es en realidad realmente bonita. Te deja con el corazón emocionado.

¿Serán tratadas las diferencias entre Smallville y la mitología de Supermán ya que Chloe no existía previamente fuera de Smallville y Oliver se casó en realidad con Black Canary?
Hartley: En cisrto sentido lo es. Se trata de una manera muy cálida y dulce porque las imágenes que váis a ver son cosas que podrían pasar mientras que la mitología de los cómics están pasando, con él y Black Canary. Lo que véis en pantalla en el final, podríais muy bien decir, "Oh, ya veo, eso funcionaría entonces. Eso podría coincidir." Es realmente interesante y una historia realmente inteligente.

¿Qué puedes contarnos sobre el regreso de Zod (Callum Blue) en el episodio que estás dirigiendo?
Hartley: Él no es el más feliz de los tipos. Siente como si hibiera sido traicionado por su hermano, alguien de su propio planeta. Tiene todo el derecho de actuar de la manera en que lo hace. Lo quería un poco más cargado sexualmente en este epsodio y algo divertido, He has every right to act the way he's acting. I wanted him a little more sexually charged in this episode and sort of funny, disfrutando de las cosas. Quería darle un poco más de poder. Callum hizo un gran trabajo mostrando esto. Zod no está contento con Clark [Tom Welling] y pone a Clark en una situación muy comprometida, algo de lo que realmente no puede salir, así es que no le queda más opción que actuar. Vemos algunas cosas bastante desagradables. Es un episodio bastante sangriento en cuanto a lo que se refiere a Smallville.

¿Cómo fue el ponerte al otro lado de la cámara y mandar a tus compañeros?
Justin Hartley: (Risas.) Estaba en realidad deseando el decirle a todos lo que tenían que hacer. Luego me dí cuenta rápidamente, y por supuesto estoy bromeando, de lo seguros que son todos. La cosa de trabajar con todos estos chicos, desde Erica Durance a Cassidy Freeman y Callum Blue y Tom Welling, es que no tienes qe decirle lo que tienen que hacer, ellos saben lo que hacer. Lo peor que se puede hacer como director de una serie que ha estado en el aire durante 10 años es intentar decirle a todos cuál es su trabajo. Eso es ridículo. Para serte sincero, todos me ayudaron tanto como yo a ellos. El quipo de Smallville dirigió esto. ¡Es un montón de cosas divertidas de gladiadores de la Zona Fantasma!

¿Tienes una escena favorita del episodio?
Hartley: Todas en las que estoy. (Risas.) Puse la cámara en un sitio perfecto para mí. Me veo tan bien en este episodio. Espera a verme. No me reconocerás. Estoy bromeando. La primera escena que rodé fue entre Cassidy y Erica. Ambas estuvieron tan geniales, tan preparadas y tan perfectas. La última escena que rodé fue en la Zona Fantasma y ésa fue espectacular.

¿Cómo te sientes ahora que la serie ha terminado para vosotros, chicos?
Hartley: Me siento realmente genial. Vivo en Los Angeles, así es que estoy contento de regresar ahí con mi familia. Me siento realmente orgulloso del trabajo que hice en la serie y estoy agradecido; más agradecido que orgulloso, en realidad. Estoy feliz de haber terminado sólo porque siento como su realmente hiciera un buen trabajo mientras que estuve ahí y que di todo lo que pude, y estoy definitivamente listo para lo sigueinte que venga, sea lo que sea.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Smallville- ... 32489.aspx

- Lois Lane se prepara para decirle adiós a 'Smallville' (siouxcityjournal.com):
Lois Lane se prepara para decirle adiós a 'Smallville'
Por Bruce Viernes, 29 de Abril, 2011 12:00 am

LOS ANGELES – Cuando la temporada final de “Smallville” empezó, Erica Durance se encontró a sí misma poniéndose más que un poco nostálgica.

“Nunca quiero que algo bueno termine,” dice la actriz que interpreta a Lois Lane. “Pero cada capítulo tiene que cerrarse.”

En el final de la serie de la temporada, Lois y Clark Kent están más cerca que nunca; él está asumiendo su lugar como Supermán. ¿Y el episodio final? Tiene que ser bueno, dice Durance. “La gente ha estado viendo esto durante 10 años. Han vivido el viaje.”

Cuando la serie empezó, ningún personaje parecía dirigirse hacia lo inevitable. De hecho, Durance ni siquiera pensaba en al escenario de “Lois y Clark”. “Casi no me permitía a propósito el pensar, ‘Esto es quien ella es al final.’ Quería ser libre de ver a sónde podían ir. No quería poner presión a la relación.”

Aún así, sabía el peso de interpretar un icónico héroe del cómic. En la primera temporad del drama, Durance fue a una convención de cómics y una mujer le puso las manos sobre los aojos a la actriz. “Lo has bordado, chica,” fijo la mujer. “Miré y era Margot Kidder. Me quedé congelada por un momento.”

La lista de mujeres que han interpretado el papel – incluída Kidder, dice Durance, es bastante sobrecogedora. “Pero he conseguido tantas alegrías haciéndolo, nunca huiría de ello. Consideraría un honor si la gente aún se refiriera a mí como Lois dentro de 20 años.”

A diferencia de sus predecesoras, Durance consiguió una oportunidad de mostrar un lado más fuerte del personaje. Además de ser una dura reportera, consiguió enfrentarse a villanos y mantener a Clark Kent a raya.

“Me gusta interpretar a Lois porque es imperfecta... es un poco de todo y quizá hace las cosas mal pero se da la vuelta, se sacude a sí misma y sigue adelante. “

Cuando “Smallville” mostró la “futura” Lois, “sentí hormigueos,” dice Durance. “Fue tan divertido. Pude ver dónde se dirigía esta metamorfosis.”

Sobre su Co-estrella Tom Welling, dice, ha sido una gran compañía en el viaje. “¿Sabes cuando conoces a alguien e inmediatamente tenéis los mismos objetivos y perspectiva? Eso es lo que éramos. Ambos queríamos hacer un gran producto... como un buen vino, la relación ha cambiado.”

Aunque Durance tiene puesto el ojo en la placa de Lois del Daily Planet como recuerdo, no se ha tomado el trabajo a la ligera. “Tengo un álbum de recortes de toda la serie. Cosas que parecen muy inconsecuentes - como mi billete para el primer vuelo a L.A. – están ahí. Así es que cada vez que quiera recordar qué pasó sólo tengo que ir al álbum de recortes.”

¿Y Lois? La interpretación de Durance estuvo siempre inspirada por alguien cercano. “Siempre me pregunté a mí misma, ‘¿Qué haría mi madre?’ Eso normalmente significa algo que se siente sincero y bueno.

“A medida que envejeces, empiezas a mirar atrás a las cosas que has hecho: ‘¿Qué puedo establecer en el universo que sea bueno e inspirador?’ Al final del día, ‘Smallville’ manda un buen mensaje.”

http://m.siouxcityjournal.com/entertain ... 44614.html
- ACTUALIZADO 28/04/11: (Al Septien, twitter) Nuevas informaciones.
@jokerdogg: What was the atmosphere like filming the final Smallville episode?
@alseptien: I wasn't up there, but I heard it was quite sad on set. Ten years is a LONG time and saying goodbye is heartbreaking.
("¿Cuál era la atmósfera al filmar el episodio final de Smallville? - No estaba allí, pero oí que fue bastante triste en el set. Diez años es mucho tiempo y decir adiós es desgarrador")

@silviaPRT: Hey Al! How are you? Wondering if you could give us any hints about Chloe/Oliver in the finale? Maybe one word to describe them?
@alseptien: epic!
("Me pregunto si nos podría dar alguna pista sobre Oliver y Chloe en el final. ¿Quizá una palabra para decribirlos? - Épico")

- ACTUALIZADO (29/04/11): (Spoiler Room, EW.com) Please! I’m dying for some Smallville scoop!! Waiting for Fridays is becoming more and more painful because I want them to come and I also don’t want it to end! Help a confused citizen, please! — Dave
Well, if it’s scoop you’re wanting, you should come back later for my chat with Justin Hartley about his directorial debut. But until then, I’ll tease you with this bit from our quick discussion about Oliver’s future with Chloe: “We send him in a direction with Chloe that makes sense. it kinda ties up that story but also keeps him in line with what’s been told in the comics.” But, he warns, it’s by no means an episode centered on anyone but Clark. “They did a great job of telling everyone’s story without taking away from the main character.”

(¡Por favor! ¡Estoy muriéndome por una primicia de Smallville scoop! ¡Esperar a los viernes se está haciendo más y más doloroso porque quiero que lleguen y también no quiero que termine! ¡Ayuda a un ciudaddano confuso, por favor! — Dave
Bueno, si es la primicia que estabas queriendo, deberías regresar más tarde para mi charla con Justin Hartley sobre su debut directorial. Pero hasta entonces, te daré un poquito de nuestra rápida conversación sobre el futuro de Oliver con Chloe: “Le mandamos en una dirección con Chloe que tiene sentido. De alguna manera termina esa historia pero también lo mantiene en línea con lo que nos han contado en los cómics.” Pero, avisa, no significa que sea un episodio que no esté centrado en nadie más que en Clark. “Hicieron un gran trabajo contando la historia de todo el mundo sin salirse del personaje principal.”

http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/04/29/crimi ... iler-room/

- Primer vistazo de 'Smallville': Chloe y Oliver asisten a la boda de Clark y Lois (Zap-2-it):
Primer vistazo de 'Smallville': Chloe y Oliver asisten a la boda de Clark y Lois
Por Carina Adly MacKenzie 2 de Mayo, 2011 2:03 PM ET

La final de "Smallville" está rodeada de misterio -- la descripción oficial conitiene la menos información posible, y los invitados sorpresas siguen estando bajo secreto. Sabemos una cosa seguro: Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack) irá a la boda de Clark Kent y Lois Lane. Y, ya que es la dama de honor, ¡podemos ver que el gusto de Lois en los vestidos de la madrina no es para nada terrible!

Francamente, Chloe se ve adorable, y estamos encantados de que Mack decidiera regresar a la serie para una última reverencia y que así podamos decirle propiamente adiós a la chica que nos encontramos hace 10 años. "Ella termina de una forma muy sana y equilibrada," ha dicho Mack. "Pienso que los escritores han respetado el personaje desde hace mucho, y se va con el mismo cariño con el que entró."

A ella se unirá, por supuesto, su cita Oliver Queen (Justin Hartley) quien recientemente se convirtió en su marido, aunque su boda fue ligeramente menos tradicional que la de Clark y Lois puede ser.

Ciertamente se ven felices, pero como sabemos, Oliver ha sido marcado con el símbolo Omega. A pesar de su muestra de lealtad hacia Clark en el episodio de la semana pasada centrado en Zod, sigue siendo una bomba de relojería.

Esas suelen explotar en los grandes eventos, ¿verdad? Hmm.

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... dding.html
- Finales que hay que ver: Primicia de 39 Finales de Temporada (TVGuide):

Smallville (CW)
Emisión: Viernes, 13 de Mayo a las 8/7c

Es el momento que lleva haciéndose desde hace 10 años: Clark Kent se convertirá en Supermán, ¿pero volará? "Literalmente el viaje no termina hasta el último paso," dice la productora ejecutiva Kelly Souders. El final de la serie pretende mostrarnos la boda de Lois y Clark, ¿pero dirá la pareja finalmente el "sí quiero"? Además: Michael Rosenbaum regresa como Lex Luthor.

http://www.tvguide.com/special/finale-p ... 59#1032290
- ACTUALIZADO 02/05/11: (SpoilerChat, E!Online) Three episodes of Smallville left! OMG! What happens? - gsierra21
OMG, indeed! Justin Hartley, please respond! "It's kind of an Oliver story to the end. And then of course the Chloe (Allison Mack) thing. Where they end up, do they end up together, do they not. It's neat. It's a hero thing, and then it's a family thing as well," he tells us about Oliver's journey for the rest of the season.

("¡Quedan tres episodios de Smallville! ¿Quá pasa?
¡Justin Hartley, por favor responde! 'Es un poco una historia de Oliver al final. Y luego por supuesto está el tema de Chloe. Dónde terminan, terminan juntos, o no. Es bueno. Es un tema heróico, y luego es un tema familiar también', nos dice sobre el viaje de Oliver durante el resto de la temporada")

Anything Smallville finale-related please! - TheREALSN3
Cassidy Freeman thinks fans will be satisfied, that's for sure. "I think the way they went about finishing this series was really clever," she tells us. "I actually got chills reading the finale and I hope the fans feel the same way. But I think it's really clever and a great launching pad for whatever story each one of us takes from here." We're going to assume she means a Smallville movie is happening. Let's pick the hashtag: #SmallvilleMovie #SmallMovie2012 #BigScreenSmallville

("¡Algo relacionado con Smallville, por favor!
Cassidy Freeman piensa que estaremos satisfechos, eso seguro. 'Pienso que la manera en la que fueron para terminar esta serie fue realmente inteligente', nos dice. ¡En realidad tuve escalofríos leyendo el final y espero que los fans se sientan de la misma manera. Pero pienso que es realmente inteligente y una gran lanzadera para cualquier historia que cada uno de nosotros tomemos desde aquí'. Estamos asumiendo que quiere decir que va a pasar una película de Smallville. Elijamos el tag: #SmallvilleMovie #SmallMovie2012 #BigScreenSmallville ")

http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_wi ... oment.html?

- ACTUALIZADO 03/05/11: (MegaBuzz, TVGuide) How will Oliver get rid of the Omega symbol and the darkness on Smallville? — Dan
NATALIE: We'll have to wait until the finale to find out, but who better than Superman to solve that problem? "Oliver ends up, in the finale, having to ask Clark to help him," Justin Hartley reveals to us. "[The darkness] is overpowering him. He's not in control anymore. Oliver is gone, just disconnected. We figure it out in the finale, to a point. We do the story justice."

("¿Cómo se librará Oliver del símbolo Omega y de la oscuridad en Smallville? — Dan
NATALIE: Tendremos que esperar hasta la final para descubrirlo, ¿pero quién mejor que Supermán para resolver ese problema? 'Oliver termina, en la final, teniendo que pedirle a Clark que lo ayude," nos revela Justin Hartley. "[La oscuridad] le está asfixiando. Ya no está más al control. Oliver se ha ido, está desconectado. Lo descubrimos en la final, en un momento dado. Le hacemos justicia a la historia.."

http://www.tvguide.com/News/MegaBuzz-Ha ... 32657.aspx

- Tras 10 años, 'Smallville' se va volando de la alineación de la CW (Zap-2-it):
Tras 10 años, 'Smallville' se va volando de la alineación de la CW
Por Jay Bobbin | 4 de Mayo, 2011

"Esta no era una serie sobre Supermán."

Eso es lo que la estrella Tom Welling dice "Smallville," que ha pasado 10 años siguiendo la progresión de Clark Kent desde sus años adolescentes hasta su joven madurez, poniendo al nativo del planeta Krypton a punto de convertirse en el Hombre de Acero. Una serie de referencia para la WB Network antes de que se uniera con UPN para convertirse en la actual CW, la aventura inspirada en DC Comics termina su andadura con una final de dos horas el Viernes, 13 de Mayo.

Muchos detalles están manteniéndose bajo secreto, pero los pensamientos de una boda son ciertos ya que Clark (interpretado Tom Welling) está a punto de casarse con su verdaero amor, la reportera Lois Lane (Erica Durance). Sin embargo, su mente también está en dos enemigos: el poderoso Darkseid y el astuto Lex Luthor, el segundo interpretado de nuevo por el antiguo regular de la serie Michael Rosenbaum (y ahora co-protagonista en "Breaking In" de la Fox).

"Grabamos el final real como nuestro antepenúltimo episodio," informa Welling, quien también ha sido productor ejecutivo y director de seis episodios de "Smallville". "Grabamos dos episodios más, y luego grabamos la primera parte del final la última. Nos dio la oportunidad de echar un vistazo a cuál sería la última imagen de la serie en post-producción y hacer cualquier cambio o adaptación de ella. No nos quitó necesariamente la presión emocional, sino la presión de tiempo."

Incluso si la última escena estaba hecha semanas antes de que la producción de "Smallville" terminara, aún tuvo su impacto en Welling.

"Realmente no sabía qué esperar," dice. "Mientras que estábamos rodándola, los sentidos de todo el mundo se elevaron. La gente estaba volando de L.A. (a Vancouver, donde la serie se había hecho) para supervisar y estar seguros de que todo el mundo que tenía que tomar una decisión estaba allí. Todo el munso estaba realmente emocionado, y el nivel de energía se elevó".

"Imagino que es como la última milla de un maratón," añade Welling, "donde la adrenalina te golpea y realmente te permite el terminar fuerte. Al mismo tiempo, fue 'Asegúrate que la toma es buena.' La última imagen, para mí, resume no sólo el final de Clark Kent sino el nacimiento de Supermán. Espero que eso sea lo que la gente se pueda llevar... que Clark sigue ahí fuera luchando por el bien, pero que tan sólo no somos capaces de irnos con él." (El director de la película Zack Snyder planea cambiar eso con el proyectado estreno de "Man Of Steel" en el 2012).

Sus creadores han tenido multitud de avisos de que "Smallville" estaba terminando, ya que Welling anunció en las pasadas Upfronts de Mayo para los anunciantes que el 10º año de la serie sería su último. "Desde el aspecto global de estar seguros de que resumíamos todo tras 10 temporadas, también hubo atención a los detalles," reflexiona sobre el último tramo. "Pienso que esa atención ha sido un gran componente del por qué hemos sido capaces de sobrevivir durante una década."

Fuera de "Smallville" durante las pasadas tres temporadas, Rosenbaum inicialmente dijo que no regresaría para una ronda final de Lex versus Clark, pero finalmente cedió.

"Fue fantástico," dice Welling sobre la reunión. "Fue como si se hubiera ido para siempre, pero fue también como si nunca se hubiera marchado. Las escenas que tuve con él se hicieron todas en un día, y fue probablemente lo más divertido que he tenido desde hace mucho. Él y yo tenemos una gran relación."

Allison Mack cierra su papel de Chloe Sullivan, ya que Welling razona, "Ella es un gran componente no sólo para la serie, sino de la trayectoria de Clark, así es que era importante que ella estuviera allí."

Sin embargo, Kristin Kreuk no repite en su papel como Lana Lang.

"Cuando su personaje dejó Smallville, pienso que todo el mundo sabía que era eso," dice Welling. "Por emocionante que pudiera haber sido para Clark el entrar al Daily Planet y ver a Lois y a Lana teniendo una conversación, y por estresante que eso podría haber sido para él, tan sólo no funcionó."

Por algún tiempo, los productores de "Smallville" declararon a los espectadores de la serie que nunca veríamos a Clark volar ni ponerse el traje de Supermán bajo la así llamada regla de "no vuelos, no mallas". Bueno, ellos lo han visto ahora volar, así es que sigue válido el preguntarse si lo verán en el legendario uniforme azul-y-rojo con la gran "S" en el pecho antes de que la serie termine.

"Para mí, y para mucha gente conectada a la serie, eso no es sobre lo que es la serie," mantiene Welling. "Quizá nos inclinamos hacia eso algunas veces porque era más fácil el ir en esa dirección y sería más fácil escribir sobre ello, pero para mí, la integridad de la serie era sobre Clark Kent en Smallville. Incluso cuando se movió hacia Metrópolis, la esencia del personaje antes de que se convirtiera en Supermán fue siempre importante para mí. Eso es lo que encontré interesante, eso es por lo que firmé hace 10 años, y pienso que es una gran parte del por qué la gente lo vio."

Aún así, Welling sabe que "Smallville" también ha tenido que servir a una mitología mucho mayor, especialmente ya que él considera al trabajar con el fallecido Christopher Reeve -- el cuatro veces Supermán en las películas y la dos veces esterall invitada de "Smallville" -- una de las cosas más destacadas de hacer la serie.

"Pienso que hacen un gran trabajo con Supermán en las películas," dice. "Invierten mucho tiempo y dinero, y para ser sincero, pusieron un montón de restricciones en nuestra serie en cuanto a qué podíamos hacer con Supermán. Siempre teníamos que comprobarlo con DC Comics, y a todo tenía que darse el OK por ellos. Hubo limitaciones en hacer algunas cosas que queríamos hacer, pero otras limitaciones fueron auto-impuestas."

También visto en los remakes de "Cheaper by the Dozen" y "The Fog" durante su permanencia en "Smallville", Welling espera seguir trabajando para la CW como productor ejecutivo de "Hellcats," que aún no ha sido tenovada para una segunda temporada a la hora de hacer este artículo. Por ahora, está satisfecho con la manera en la que "Smallville" está dejando la cadena ... y a los fans.

"Pienso que la gente se sentirá satisfecha, pero va a ser agridulce," se permite. "Si alguien ha estado viendo la serie durante 10 años, está llegando a su final, y eso nunca es algo divertido. Han habido series en las que he dicho, 'Este final mejor que sea bueno, porque he pasado mucho tiempo en esto.' Era un gran fan de '24,' y la forma en que terminaron fue fantástica. Me dieron lo que necesitaba, y fue como una ruptura feliz. Siempre quieres más, pero la realidad es que no puede durar para siempre."

http://www.zap2it.com/news/zap-smallvil ... 0325.story
- Smallville de Lex-iniza para el Final (TV Guide Magazine):
Smallville de Lex-iniza para el Final
Por Damian Hoobrook 04 de Mayo, 2011


"No es que no estuviera escuchando - tan sólo no sabía que habían tantos fans ahí afuera que querían que regresara", dice Rosenbaum (a la derecha, con Welling) sobre su largamente anticipado regreso.

Después de 10 super temporadas, Smallville toma vuelo en el atardecer del Viernes. Para hacer el evento más épico, el favorito de los fans Michael Rosenbaum está de vuelta como Lex Luthor para fastidiar a Clark Kent (Tom Welling) una última vez... y para darle a los fans lo que han estado pidiendo desde que él dejó la serie hace tres años.

¿Qué te llevó tanto tiempo?

Nunca encajó lo bastante, y sentí como que tenía que cumplir con lo que necesitaba. Me siento tan halagado con que los fans quisieran que regresara, pero estaba ocupado. [Risas] Estaba haciendo otras cosas, trabajando en mí, dejándome crecer el pelo.

¿Así es que por qué ahora?

Estaba a punto de hacer la nueva comedia de la Fox "Breaking In" y me di cuenta de que si no hacía esto ahora, nunca ocurriría. Y los fans nunca me perdonarían. Se lo debía a ellos. Y sabes, quería hacerlo.

¿Cómo fue el regresar?

Estoy tan agradecido de que hiciera esto. Fue probablemente uno de los mejores días de rodaje que jamás he tenido. No quería que terminara.

¿Qué hace Lex?

Hmmm... Su plan de clonar sus piezas de recambio funcionó, sólo que hay un gran giro. Y hay una primera escena con mi hermana, Tess [Cassidy Freeman]. También tengo una gran escena con Clark que los impulsará a ambos hacia su destino como adversarios.

¿Es esto las raíces del Presidente Luthor?

Sabes, no voy a contestar eso. [Risas] Tendrás que esperar.

Estás rompedor como Dutch en Breaking In. ¿Estás más cómodo haciendo comedia?

Tengo que decir que sí. Sabes, soy extravagente... me gusta mezclar las cosas. Me encanta interpretar a este personaje imbécil con las puntas decoloradas y Uggs.

¿Tienes un momento favorito de Smallville?

Wow, hay tantos. Pienso que uno de mis favoritos fue la final, estando con el equipo de nuevo, trabajando con Tom una última vez. Fue ciertamente emocional.
- Datos sobre el final (Shoepodcast #172):
En el número 172 del podcast de Shoe, Derek Russell y Damian Holbrook, principalmente, estuvieron hablando sobre muchas cosas, entre ellas sobre el final. Gracias a Ruth, tenemos algunod de esos detalles:

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dE3BcHgi ... r_embedded[/youtube]

DH: Al final, él [MR] quería hacerlo. Quería regresar y hacerlo. Y llamó a Brian y a Kelly y dijo, “Hey, escuchad. ¿Hay alguna manera de que podamos hacer que esto funcione? ”. Y ellos dijeron, “Sí. Ven aquí tan pronto como puedas.” No habían escrito su sección en absoluto—no se había escrito nada—y se rompieron el culo, y en una semana tenían creado este material para él. Y él fue allí, y se refiere al filmar la final como “uno de los mayores días de grabación de toda su vida.”

SG: Wow.

DR: Tengo que preguntarme—no sólo por las imágenes que salieron esta semana de la final, sino también por algunas cosas que Al y Turi sijeron cuando tú y yo hablamos con ellos, Damian—si está sólo en la Parte 1.

DH: No sé nada sobre eso. Él dijo... la única cosa que pudo decirme es que el plan de Lex de clonar piezas de repuesto había funcionado, pero que había un gran giro en ello. […] Está la primera escena que jamás tuvo con su hermana […] y no podía dejar de decir lo increíble que es Cassidy Freeman. La adora. Se enamoró de ella. Estaba como, “Me sentía atraído por ella. Las chispas.” Dijo, sabes, que estaban filmando su escena y el equipo, y aparentemente miembros del equipo que ya no trabajaban más en la serie fueron a verle cuando estuvo allí. Dijo que fue como si estos dos [CF y MR] hubieran estado trabajando juntos durante años. […]

DR: Eso es genial. El habló sobre, en una entrevista no hace mucho, que hizo dos escenas y otras dos cosas más.

DH: Sí.

DR: Pero hay algunos elementos que te hacen preguntarte... Sabemos […] que hay un documental de 90 minutos en el que él tomó parte para una retrospectiva de la serie, hay una escena en LuthorCorp que presumo que va a ser con Tess. [Sabemos ahora que esto es cierto por la preview/entrevista de la CW con Cassidy Freeman]. Está la escena en la mansión en ruinas con Clark, pero está también la escena de él atado a todo, en la que está tumbado en la mesa. Así es que hay tres cosas ahí.

DH: Bueno, conseguiste tu retrospectiva para el DVD, así es que ahí está tu cuarta. Así es que técnicamente tienes el material de Lex enganchado sin interactuar con nadie, y luego dos escenas con diálogo.

DR: Si sólo está en la parte 1, porque Suzanne Gomez dijo el otro día que las fotos de la parte 2 saldrían esta semana, para la Final parte 2. Las escenas de la mansión y las escenas de la LuthorCorp han sido publicadas, y luego Al y Turi dijeron que tuvieron que reescribir una buena parte de la Parte 1 cuando Lex regresó. Así es que lo que deduzco de eso es que él está en la Parte 1, lo que sería... podría ver el teaser de antes del último “Somebody Save Me” estando con los tubos quitándoselo y su cara siendo revelada.

DH: Verás, tengo el presentimiento de que abrirán con esos tubos y su cara siendo revelada, y luego con él teniendo esa escena con Tess en algún momento probablemente a mitad, y luego la escena final de la primera hora, su escena con Clark. Porque por lo que dijo, la escena que compartió con Tom es la escena que los manda a ambos a sus respectivos destinos como adversarios. […]

DR: Y pienso que Prophecy y Finale van a estar unidas más de lo que nadie piensa que estaban sólo por el hecho de que Clark lleva puesto el smoking en algunas de las escenas finales de Prophecy. Quizá va a volcarse en la mañana siguiente y eso. […] ¿Qué lleva a Clark a la mansión Luthor? Sabemos que Rosenbaum y Glover no comparten escenas juntos...

DH: Bueno, si piensas en ello, si tiene una escena con Tess primero, arreglará un encuentro con Clark a través de ella.

DR: Aún sigo vieno a Tess sacrificándose a sí misma; alguien tiene que morir. […] También está todo eso sobre... Damian ¿leíste esta entrevista con Hartley en la que él habla sobre él y Chloe, y lo que les espera durante la final?

DH: He oído rumores sobre eso.

DR: Y de si terminan juntos o no. De nuevo, fue como la novena vez en una entrevista en la que él menciona el enlazar con la continuidad y ese tipo de cosas. [De forma bromista, sarcásticamente] ¿Así es que va a ser Black Canary, entonces?

Co-presentador: Palmada en la frente.

DH: No me sorprendería si vemos un salto hacia el futuro.

DR: Sí, tengo el presentimiento de que no sólo vamos a ver el futuro, sino que me refiero a lo que ya sabemos por parte de un narrador o a lo que sea con lo que tenemos que tratar además ahí. Va a ser... Va a haber algunos elementos de la historia que usarán en este episodio que nunca han sido usados antes y algunos que puede que hayáis visto antes, pero no que suelas ver semana a semana, supongo que es la forma segura de decirlo.

DH: Cierto. Puede que incluso veamos narración de cosas que ya hemos visto.

DR: Sí. Eso es sobre lo que estoy adelantando. Sí, y hay otras cosas también: el tema de Jonathan/Martha...

DH: Aparentemente habrá un guiño hacia Perry.

DR: Uh, sabemos que va a haber un gran guiño hacia Perry. Michael McKean no estará en el episodio, pero va a haber un gran, gran, gran guiño hacia Perry…. Pienso que todo ha resultado realmente bien. Mis preguntas… Va Lex tan sólo a irse de la cámara, y luego, vale tenemos otra hora, ahora tenemos que tratar con Darkseid. Quiero que todo se mezcle y fluya realmente bien. Pero sabemos lo que está por delante para esos personajes después de que las cámaras dejen de rodar. Así es que es genial, pero al mismo tiempo apesta; sólo le tenemos para dos escenas y media. […] Tengo fe en el guión de Al y Turi—de que el diálogo va a ser increíble entre esos dos personajes de nuevo.

DH: Pienso que va a ser rico con historia y presagios y todas las grandes cosas que estamos esperando.

http://www.smallvillepodcast.com/2011/0 ... -dominion/
- Lo que Merece la Pena ver de la semana (TVGuide):

"Smallville - ¡Mirad a Clark volar! Tras 10 años, un chico finalmente se convierte en (Super)hombre en el final de la serie cargado de acción. Viernes, 13/05, 8/7c, en la CW".
- ¡Michael Rosenbaum Se Abre Sobre el Regreso de Lex a Smallville! (TVGuide):
¡Michael Rosenbaum Se Abre Sobre el Regreso de Lex a Smallville!
Por Damian Holbrook 6 de Mayo, 2011 11:29 AM ET

Después de 10 super temporadas, Smallville toma vuelo en el atardecer del Viernes (13 de Mayo, 8/7c, la CW). Para hacer el evento incluso más épico, el favorito de los fans - y el ladrón de escenas en Breaking In - Michael Rosenbaum está de vuelta como Lex Luthor para fastidiar a Clark Kent (Tom Welling) una última vez... y para darle a los fans lo que han estado pidiendo desde que él dejó la serie hace tres años. En esta entrevista exclusiva, habla sobre lo que podemos esperar de Lex... y del último episodio de la serie.

TV Guide Magazine: OK. ¿Qué te llevó tanto tiempo?

Nunca encajó lo bastante, y sentí como que tenía que cumplir con lo que necesitaba. Me siento tan halagado con que los fans quisieran que regresara, pero estaba ocupado. Estaba haciendo otras cosas, trabajando en mí, dejándome crecer el pelo. [Risas]

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Cómo fue eso para tí?
Rosenbaum: [Risas] Conseguí un agente nuevo hace aproximadamente un año y dije que quería tener una reunión general con cada ejecutivo de la ciudad, porque si tan sólo les dices mi nombre, me asociarán con Smallville. Dejádme ir allí y camelármelos. Y eso es lo que he estado haciendo, intentando reestablecer quién soy.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Así es que por qué ahora?

Estaba a punto de hacer "Breaking In" y me di cuenta de que si no hacía esto ahora, nunca ocurriría. Y los fans nunca me perdonarían. Se lo debía a ellos. Y sabes, quería hacerlo.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Y cómo fue?

Estoy tan agradecido de que hiciera esto. Fue probablemente uno de los mejores días de rodaje que jamás he tenido. No quería que terminara.

TV Guide Magazine: Como un viejo hogar semanal, ¿huh?
Rosenbaum: La gente, antiguos miembros del equipo — que ni siquiera estaban trabajando en la serie más — vinieron a verme. Era como una gran familia, con sus brazos abiertos de par en par y dando la bienvenida. Y yo estaba tan nervioso. He dicho esto antes, pero estaba como "Oh Dios mío, ¿puedo hacer esto? Han sido tres años. Tengo pelo ahora... ¿va a funcionar la calva?" Todo se dio bien, la calva funcionó, las escenas que hice fueron realmente divertidas y buenas y con muchas facetas, y Tom estuvo genial. Fue como si nunca me hubiera marchado. Y es cierto... sé que la gente endulza las cosas, pero te diría si alguien fuera un imbécil.

TV Guide Magazine: Suena estupendo
Rosenbaum: Esta fue en realidad una de las mejores experiencias. Desearía que hubiera funcionado antes, pero este era claramente el momento oportuno. Me marché, y luego regresé para una última vez. Y pienso que a los fans realmente les gustará el episodio. Y nunca tendré que escuchar, "¿Por qué no regresaste?" Pienso que eso me atormentaría.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Qué hace Lex?

Hmmm... Su plan de clonar sus piezas de recambio funcionó, sólo que hay un gran giro. Y hay una primera escena con mi hermana, Tess [Cassidy Freeman]. También tengo una gran escena con Clark [Tom Welling] que los impulsará a ambos hacia sus destinos como adversarios.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Esta fue la primera vez que te encontraste con Cassidy? La adoramos.
Rosenbaum: Sí. ¡Y es genial! Estaba como, ¡atraído por ella!. Estuvimos trabajando en una escena y peleando, ¡y la gente estaba diciendo cómo era que parecía que habíamos estado trabajando juntos durante años! Recuerdo hace tres años, a su agente, que era mi viejo agente, llamar y decir, "¿Hey querrías hablar con Cassidy? Ella te va a reemplazar." Y dije, "Primero de todo, nadie me va a reemplazar." [Risas] Dije, "Ella no es un reemplazo, es un nuevo personaje... y sí, hablaré con ella." Y cuando me pidió consejo, tan sólo le dije que fuera ahí, que todos eran estupendos y que le iba a encantar. Tres años después, finalmente nos hemos encontrado cara a cara.

TV Guide Magazine: Esta escena con Tom... ¿Es esto las raíces del Presidente Luthor?
Sabes, no voy a contestar eso. [Risas] Tendrás que esperar.

TV Guide Magazine: Hey, tenía que intentarlo. Felicidades con Breaking In, por cierto.
Rosenbaum: Aww, Gracias. Eres tan amable. Adoro a ese condenado elenco. ¡Hablando de apoyos! Siempre se ríen de mí, porque cuando estamos en una toma, algunas veces diré, "Hey chico, voy a hacer una serie," lo que significa que voy a hacer una frase tres veces seguidas, de diferentes maneras, cambiándola un poco. Así es que ahora muchos de los del elenco dirán, "¡Voy a hacer un Rosenbaum!" [Risas]

TV Guide Magazine: Bret Harrison dice que eres increíble improvisando.
Rosenbaum: Sabes, eso es muy bonito. Bill Murray es increíble improvisando. Yo soy sólo... eso es muy bonito. Estoy trabajando en ello. Bret Harrison y mi abuela son geniales.

TV Guide Magazine: Estás rompedor como Dutch en la serie. ¿Estás más cómodo haciendo comedia?
Tengo que decir que sí. Sabes, soy extravagente... me gusta mezclar las cosas. Me encanta interpretar a este personaje imbécil con las puntas decoloradas y Uggs.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿De qué episodio recuerdas sentirte más orgulloso de tus alos en Smallville?
Rosenbaum: El de la mujer mayor, pienso que fue en "Hourglass" donde me convertí en presidente en el futuro. El que tenía el presagio, toco las margaritas y se convierten en esqueletos y llueve sangre del cielo. Siempre me gustó eso, lo recuredo muy vívidamente, trabajando con el [director] Greg Beeman, quien es uno de mis amigos más cercanos.

TV Guide Magazine: ¿Tienes un momento favorito?
Wow, hay tantos. Pienso que uno de mis favoritos fue la final, estando con el equipo de nuevo, trabajando con Tom una última vez. Fue ciertamente emocional.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Michael-Ros ... 32760.aspx
- El Hombre de Acero se Despide (nypost.com):
El Hombre de Acero se Despide
La final de ‘Smallville’ trae de nuevo a Lex Luthor y a otros
Por PAIGE ALBINIAK 8 de Mayo, 2011 8:43 AM,

Tras 10 años, El Clark Kent de “Smallville’s” (Tom Welling) finalmente se convertirá en el Hombre de Acero.

“Los fans quieren verle convertirse en Supermán,” dice la productora ejecutiva Kelly Souders. “Los hemos escuchado.”

Eso es todo lo que dice Souders sobre la transformación final de Clark, pero ya sabemos unas cuantas cosas sobre cómo terminará esta larga serie.

* El final de la serie mostrará una boda entre Kent y Lois Lane (Erica Durance), ¿pero serán declarados marido y mujer? Welling le dijo a ScreenRant.com que Clark está “destinado a estar solo. Es la carga del héroe.”

* Dos personajes faboritos — Chloe Sullivan (Allison Mack) y Oliver Queen, aka The Green Arrow (Justin Hartley) — regresarán para la boda. Los fans también tendrán un vistazo a cómo va el matrimonio de Sullivan y Queen.

* El padre adoptivo de Clark, Jonathan (John Schneider), también aparecerá, incluso aunque su personaje murió de un ataque al corazón en la quinta temporada.

* Michael Rosenbaum, quien se afeitó la cabeza para interpretar a la versión del instituto del futuro archienemigo de Supermán, Lex Luthor, regresará. Rosenbaum dejó la serie tras la séptima temporada.

“La final sitúa a estos dos personajes para la batalla que enfrentarán como adultos,” dice Souders. “No sólo es importante para nosotros el ver a Clark Kent y a Lex Luthor una vez más, también queremos rendirle homenaje a el gran trabajo que hubo antes que nosotros y al que habrá después.”

“Smallville” se tomó su dulce tiempo en convertir a Clark Kent en Supermán, incluso aunque sus poderes no terrícolas se revelaron tan pronto como en el piloto de la serie en el 2001. Souders dice que el ir lentamente desvelando el corazón de la historia de la serie no fue tan duro como parece, incluso aunque la serie ha durado mucho más de lo que cualquiera se habría imaginado.

“Tras la séptima temporada, la gente estaban preguntándose cuándo iba a terminar la serie,” dice. “Cualquier serie que pase la tercera temporada es increíble, y pasar la quinta es milagroso. Los fans fueron tan claros que hemos sido capaces de seguir en el aire todo este tiempo.”

Tanto Rosenbaum como Kristin Kreuk, quien interpretaba al amor del instituto de Clark Lana Lang, dejaron la serie tras la séptima temporada, forzando a los productores de la serie a casi recrear el programa. “Realmente nos golpeó fuerte, pero de un gran cambio viene una gran creatividad. De una manera extraña, fue un cambio tan drástico que nos permitió el reinventar la serie,” dice Souders.

Incluso aunque la serie permaneció en el aire durante toda una década, Souders dice que continuar sacando nuevas historias sobre Clark Kent y el amplio abanico de personajes que pueblan la mitología de Supermán no fue tan duro como parece.

“Quedarse sin historias no era una opción. Tan sólo nos forzó a ahondar más profundamente en el personaje. Cuando haces eso, y analizas la psique del héroe, tienes un montón de posibilidades,” dice.

“Superman no es un tipo simple, incluso aunque parezca eso en la superficie. Supermán tiene una confianza en sí mismo, y eso es por todo lo que ha ido pasando. La llamada del héroe en la vida no es un camino fácil. Dedicarte tú mismo al 100% lleva tiempo. Tienes que poner a todos antes que a tí mismo, y puede que incluso ponerlos en peligro. Tienes que ver el lado más oscuro del mundo cada día, y salvar a la gente del aspecto de la humanidad que no querrías enfrentar. Nuestro Clark Kent está aún debatiéndose con todos estos problemas. Supermán tiene que llegar a un lugar tranquilo en donde encaje en el mundo y en el universo.”

Parte de lo que los fans adoraron sobre “Smallville” es que no se enfocó sólo en Clark Kent, sino que también ahondó mucho en todos los otros personajes. Chloe Sullivan se hizo tan popular que consiguió su propio spin-off en los cómics de DC.

Souders dice que los fans deberían estar satisfechos con la conclusión de la serie. “Queríamos servir a tantos de nuestros personajes favoritos como pudiéramos, y el final está repleto, ” dice. “Queríamos incluir todo en esta temporada final y pienso que logramos eso.”

http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/t ... AALnRdl7OP
- La final aparece mencionada en varios periódicos de hoy (08/05/11):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- ACTUALIZADO 09/05/11: (Spoiler Chat, E!Online) For the last time, after 10 great years, Smallville fans need spoilers, Clark or Clois would be nice! Thanks! - Badgone82
Jeez, way to make us tear up at the reality of the situation. Smallville is almost over! How about this, if we happen to be talking to the entire cast say, oh, we don't know, tomorrow…would you all be willing to send us your questions? Now it's our turn to thank you in advance. Let those Q's rip in the comments!

("Por última vez, tras 10 grandes años, los fans de Smallville necesitan spoilers, ¡de Clark o de Clois sería estupendo!
Dios, qué manera de hacernos llorar ante la realidad de la situación. ¡Smallville casi ha terminado! Qué tal esto... si pasara que vamos a hablar con todo el cast digamos, oj, no sé, mañana... ¿estarías deseando mandarnos vuestras preguntas? Ahora es nuestro turno de daros las gracias adelantadas. ¡Dejad esas preguntas en los comentarios!")

Anything about Smallville's series finale would be good - elisabeth_brj
Just have your Superman patterned hankies ready. If Cassidy Freeman is going to cry, then you know you will be bawling, too. "I will cry! And I hope [the fans] cry tears of happiness," she says to us. "It's emotional. Anything ending after 10 years…It's a long time. But that is why we have DVD box sets!" And that's also why we have box sets marathons.

("Cualquier cosa sobre la final de Smallville estaría bien.
Tan sólo tened preparados vuestros pañuelos de Supermán. Si Cassidy Freeman va a llorar, esntonces sabéis que estaréis balbuceando también. '¡Yo lloraré! Y espero que los fans lloren de felicidad', nos dijo. 'Es emocional. Cualquier cosa tras 10 años... Es mucho tiempo. ¡Pero eso es por lo que tenemos los DVD!' Y eso es también por lo que tenemos maratones de DVD")

http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_wi ... mpire.html?

- ACTUALIZADO 10/05/11: (twitter) Pequeños datos sobre el final en relación a la rueda de prensa de Brian y Kelly de hoy.
@danielletbd: To all of the Chloe fans who sent me questions I have been told there is a "jewel" in the finale for her/the mythology that no one else gets
("Para todos los fans de Chloe que me enviaron preguntas me han dicho que hay una "joya" en el final para ella/la mitología que nadie más consigue")

@kryptonsite: Will the #Smallville finale have any flash-forwards? "That will be answered in the first five minutes of the show," they say
("¿Habrá algún flash-forward en el final de Smallville? 'Eso será contestado en los primeros cinco minutos de la serie', han dicho")

@kryptonsite: & will we hear the J. Williams Superman theme? Brian P. is coy but he answers "that will be answered in the last 5 minutes."
(" ¿y oiremos el tema de Supermán de John Williams? Brian Peterson es reservado pero contesta 'eso será contestado en los últimos 5 minutos")

@kryptonsite: And assuming things don't change, it's Tom Welling who says "and now, the series finale of #Smallville."
("Y asumiendo que las cosas no cambien, es Tom Welling el que dice 'y ahora, el final de la serie de Smallville")
- ¡Los Productores Ejecutivos de Smallville Hablan sobre sus Personajes Favoritos que Regresan en la Finale! (K-Site):
¡Los Productores Ejecutivos de Smallville Hablan sobre sus Personajes Favoritos que Regresan en la Finale!
Por Craig Byrne 10 de Mayo, 2011

El episodio final de Smallville se emite el Viernes, y esta mañana, la CW realizó una rueda de prensa con los productores ejecutivos Kelly Souders y Brian Peterson.

Antes de la sesión de preguntas, mostraron algunos clips de la finale, incluído el regreso de Michael Rosenbaum a la serie, el cual se ve absolutamente fantástico.

Seguramente leeréis mucho más de esta sesión de preguntas en KryptonSite y en otros medios en los días seiguientes hasta el 13 de Mayo. Por hoy, hemos decidido centrarnos en el regreso de los avoritos que están volviendo para el último show - una lista que incluye a Michael Rsoenbaum como Lex, Annette O'Toole como Martha, Allison Mack como Chloe, John Schneider como Jonathan (¿quizás?), y John Glover como Lionel Luthor.

"Realmente queríamos manetener esta dinal de Clark," adelanta Peterson, aunque añade que Lex juega un "muy interesante papel." "Hay un par de grandes giros con Lex," revela Brian, añadiendo que hay más sorpresas más allá de ese clip que nos han mostrado y que implican que Lex quiere ayudar a Clark a derrotar a Darkseid.

¿Por qué querría el Gran Malo de Smallville hacer algo que parezca ser bueno? "Cuando estábamos pensando sobre el regreso de Rosenbaum y cuál era nuestro propósito de Lex en Smallville, siempre no es como esperabas, y mucho más humano y emocional," dice Kelly Souders. "Realmente queríamos regresar al piloto y sabíamos que había ese chico que apareció y que era totalmente agradable, y super simpático, y tan sólo queríamos agradecerle a ese chico por salvar su vida.' Van a ir hacia ser grandes enemigos, así es que ¿cuál es ese momento central de nuestro Lex Luthor y nuestro Clark Kent, y cómo cerramos la relación que ha estado tan complicada y tan mezclada de emociones surante diez años?" adelanta.

Otro gran regreso en el final es John Schneider, viéndose mucho más que vivo como Jonathan Kent en algunas de las stills promocionales del episodio. ¿Qué tipo de papel jugará en el final? "Pienso que se hará realmente claro, qué papel juega Johnathan y por qué él aparece de la manera en que lo hace en este episodio. Cada vez que veo ciertos momentos con Jonathan, definitivamente tengo lágrimas en los ojos," dice Kelly.

"Nosotros le pusimos muy a propósito la plataforma a su papel en el final con lo que hicimos en la premiere este año, con esa escena final que Clark tuvo con él en Lazarus. Todo el punto era el terminar la temporada final con Jonathan," añade Brian.

También regresa tras lo que muchos pensaban que sería su último episodio en "Fortune" Allison Mack como Chloe Sullivan. Brian Peterson está al tanto de que muchos de los fans de toda la vida de la serie quieren saber dónde terminará su personaje. "Hay muchas maneras distintas en las que la gente quiere que termine Chloe, y así servimos a su personaje de una manera que es correcta para quién es y en quién se está convirtiendo," dice Brian, añadiendo que "ella tiene un gran momento con Clark en donde la vemos brillar."

Kelly Souders añade que el episodio también explicará cómo Chloe interactúa con toda la mitología. "Los fans de Chloe definitivamente deben estar en antena durante toda la serie," bromea.

"Hay una cierta cosa que le damos a ella que nadie consigue," añade Brian.

Una persona que no estará presente para el episodio final es Kristin Kreuk como Lana. 2Pienso que su papel habría estado mucho mejor en el episodio 200, porque era sobre reuniones y era sobre el instituto y todo eso," explica Brian. "Una vez que aquello pasó y que nos dimos cuenta de que no íbamos a tenrala para eso porque no estaba disponible, no seguimos el hilo de Kristin."

http://www.kryptonsite.com/finale-kelly ... urning.htm
- Final de la Serie de SMALLVILLE: Spoilers y Especulaciones (Daemonstv.com):
Final de la Serie de SMALLVILLE: Spoilers y Especulaciones

Esta mañana di un viaje a la CW no sólo para echar un vistazo al final de la serie (snif) de SMALLVILLE, sino también para hablar con los productores ejecutivos Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders sobre el altamente anticipado final.

El sneak peek era una promo especial de la final preparada específicamente para la prensa que atendía al evento (lo siento no es algo que llegaréis a ver), pero dicho esto puedo hacer lo mejor que sigue, hablar de lo que vi.

Me han dado luz verde para compartir con vosotros algunas cosas de las que fueron mostradas en la promo, así es que he aquí algunos spoilers y especulaciones sobre la final de la serie de Smallville basados en lo que se mostró. No es necesario decir, que su quieres que todo sea una sorpresa, ¡para de leer ahora!

- El apocalipsis de Darkseid no está viniendo, ¡ya está aquí!

- Un planeta oscuro y en llamas se está aproximando a la Tierra para engullirla.

- Fans de Lois y Clark, no os preocupéis, él no dejará que Lois se vaya tan fácilmente. De hecho, puedo deciros que veremos a Lois vestida de novia. Sin embargo, parece que algún disturbio puede cortar pronto la boda.

- ¡Chloe está de vuelta! E intenta convencer a Lois de que esté con Clark.

- Habrá algún tipo de lucha entre Oliver y Clark, al menos Oliver golpeará a Clark a través de una ventana.

- Descubrimos que mucha gente tiene el símbolo Omega señalado en ellos, cuando Clark usa su visión para escanear a la gente en el Daily Planet. Es una imagen bastante espeluznante de ver.

- En algún momento, un avión cae. (¡Juro que tuve un flashback de Lost cuando vi eso!)

- Jonathan Kent hará una aparición y por lo que Peterson y Souders dicen, su presencia será explicada.

- Lionel Luthor hace una aparición y parece ser parte de lo que ayuda a Lex Luthor a regresar. Desafortunadamente, hemos jurado mantener el secreto en cuanto a qué es lo que exactamente ayuda a traer de vuelta a Lex, así es que eso es lo único que puedo decir sobre eso.

- Tess verá a Lex.

- Por supuesto, después de que todas las previews se muestran, sabemos que Lex regresa en el final, pero lo que puede que no sepáis es que él llama a Clark, Kal-El…

- Quote de Lex: “Todo villano es sólo tan grande como su héroe.”

- ¡¡¡¿Es eso Clark volando?!!! Ok puede que no, pero estoy muy seguro de que era él flotando, lo que me lleva a decir... que volará.

- La preview termina con una voz muy dramática diciendo “¡Hijo, es el momento!” mientras que nos muestran el traje de Supermán en el hielo.

¡¡Tengo escalofríos!!

Y esto es sólo parte de ello. Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders tienen muchas más cosas que decir, pero eso se pondrá más cerca del final. espero que lo que os he dado sea suficiente para digerir.

http://www.daemonstv.com/2011/05/10/sma ... culations/
- 'Repleta' Primicia del Final de Smallville: ¡Una 'Joya' de Despedida! ¡Grandes Regresos! ¡¿Flash Forwards?! (TVLine.com):
'Repleta' Primicia del Final de Smallville: ¡Una 'Joya' de Despedida! ¡Grandes Regresos! ¡¿Flash Forwards?!
Por Megan Masters 10 de Mayo, 2011 02:21 PM PDT

With just a few days remaining between now and Smallville‘s two-hour series finale (Friday at 8/7c), the showrunners behind The CW’s superhero epic took some time on Tuesday to talk to reporters about what to expect when all is said and done. Which moments will “wow” when Clark and Lois walk down the aisle? What’s really behind Lex’s return? Will Chloe get the sendoff she deserves? And what deleted scenes might make it onto DVD? Here are the slightly-spoilerly teases Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders were willing to part with.

QUESTION | Having just seen a snippet from the finale, it’s safe to say it was huge undertaking with tons of story to tell. How would you describe it?
Souders: It’s two hours, jampacked. You don’t feel like you’re just waiting for the last two minutes of the episode.

QUESTION | Besides the more recognizable ones, were there any small standout moments in the finale?
Souders: There are a couple of moments in the church, particularly when Lois is about to walk down the aisle. Actually, I’m just going to say I have a couple of favorite moments on the actual aisle.
Peterson: And there’s a very good scene with a door that is probably one of everybody’s favorite scenes in the show. There’s one shot, and that is the Smallville shot — you’ll see it and you’ll know it immediately. We needed it in the finale.

QUESTION | Can you talk a little about the emotional impact of the finale. What do you expect fans to come away with?
Peterson: We didn’t want to just do an ending, we wanted to do a beginning. What we were aiming for was giving people the emotion of what’s to come since the end of this show lines up with every movie and a lot of other things. Unlike other shows, we know where the story goes, so it’s a hand-off to those other pieces of mythology, rather than just an ending.

QUESTION | Will there be any glimpses into the future in the finale?
Peterson: That will be answered in the first five minutes of the show.

QUESTION | Will we hear the John Williams “Superman” score?
Peterson: That will be answered in the last five minutes of the show.

QUESTION | After previewing a few of Lex’s finale scenes, he appears to be a changed man.
Peterson: Lex plays a very interesting role, and there are big twists with him that will surprise you.
Souders: Obviously, because Michael Rosenbaum hasn’t been on the show for the past couple of years, we needed to tie up a lot in this one episode. So for us, Lex’s purpose [in the finale] was much more human and emotional than any of us would have expected. We went back to the pilot to look at that guy who was totally personable and sympathetic, and just wanted to thank someone for saving his life.

QUESTION | How did your plans for the Lex storyline change once you knew Rosenbaum would return?
Souders: In some ways it was pretty similar. He just would have been a puppeteer behind the scenes.
Peterson: It would have been a reveal at the end of the show, rather than seeing a good scene with him and Clark.

QUESTION | Talk a little about Jonathan Kent’s return.
Souders: It will become really clear what role Jonathan plays and why he shows up the way he does in this episode. Every time I see certain moments with Jonathan, I get a tear in my eye.
Peterson: We purposely platformed Jonathan’s role in the finale with what we did in “Lazarus,” the premiere of this season. The whole point was to bookend the season, and he’s introduced in that same type of way.

QUESTION | What can you tease about Chloe’s Smallville sendoff?
Peterson: There are a lot of different ways people want Chloe’s story to end, so we service her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she’s becoming. And she has one big moment with Clark where we get to see her shine.
Souders: Also, how she interacts with the mythology. And I will say that Chloe fans should definitely stay tuned through the whole show. There’s a jewel.
Peterson: There’s a certain thing we gave her that nobody else got.

QUESTION | What does Oliver’s final journey consist of?
Peterson: He has a big heroic moment, a big arc, and some complications.
Souders: The finale defines Clark and Oliver’s relationship, and what it means to both of them. There’s a really great moment where you see their friendship and that bond, and that’s what’s going to keep them going in the future.

QUESTION | So much has been said and written about the finale…. Is there any particular reveal that you’re surprised hasn’t leaked out yet? And if so, any hints?
Souders: I’m kind of surprised everything hasn’t leaked!
Peterson: There’s one shot that leaked, in the Fortress, that I wasn’t surprised about because it’s a great shot. But we didn’t like that it leaked.
Souders: There’s a lot of moments throughout that we wanted to be sure people were watching for the first time. You know, once you see something, you start speculating, and when you get to that moment, it may not be anything like what was represented in that shot. It’s the last two hours, and we just want people to enjoy it.

QUESTION | Did any time or money constraints hold you back from including certain things in the finale?
Souders: We would have liked to see the Justice League more. But what it came down to was that the finale had a lot of people in it, and at a certain point, you tip the scale and are no longer servicing the people who are onscreen. There were a lot of beloved characters we would have loved to see again, but weren’t able to bring back. In general, we were pretty happy with everything we were able to do.
Peterson: That said, I think the finale hits 80 to 90 percent of what everyone will want, more so than any other episode we’ve done.

QUESTION | Are there things you would have liked to include in the finale, or had to cut short, that may be a part of the Season 10 or complete series DVDs?
Souders: This [complete series] DVD set is insane! I think it’s the biggest one Warner Bros. has ever put out.
Peterson: We’ve seen the whole series and it’s really cool looking. They’ve gone back and interviewed people who were on the first season with us. We thought at one point that we would be short on footage for the finale, so we wrote a couple of scenes with some of the Darkseid mythology, which ended up not making it into the finale. So, those might end up on the DVD somewhere.

QUESTION | Is there any talk of a Smallville spinoff floating about?
Souders: We haven’t talked about it, to be honest. We’ve had our head pretty buried in the show. But obviously it’s a bunch of beloved characters or they wouldn’t been around for a decade.

QUESTION | What do you hope people take away from Smallville?
Souders: I think it’s the theme that emerged this year: Believe in heroes. That’s become incredibly important to us.

http://www.tvline.com/2011/05/smallvile ... ale-scoop/
- ¡Jefes de Smallville Bosses Revelan Secretos del Final de la Serie! (E!Online):
¡Jefes de Smallville Bosses Revelan Secretos del Final de la Serie!
Por Jenna Mullins 10 de Mayo, 2011 1:48 PM PDT

If we don't write about the final episode of Smallville, does that mean it's not really happening? No? Damn.

Unfortunately, TV doesn't quite work that way. But on the plus side, ending a fan-favorite show like Smallville after 10 seasons means that the two-hour send-off is going to be epic. Just how epic will the finale be? Executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson talked to the press today about what's coming up for Smallville's exciting conclusion, and we know this scoop will only get fans more excited for Friday...

Favorite Moments from the Finale
Kelly Souders: When Lois (Erica Durance) is about to walk down the aisle...I'll just say I have a couple great favorite moments just on the aisle.
Brian Peterson: And there's a very good scene with a door. It's probably one of everybody's favorite scene in the show. There's one shot that is just like the Smallville shot. You'll see it and you're like, 'this is what we needed in the finale.' And you'll know it the second you see it.

Lex Luthor's Return
B.P.: We really wanted to keep this Clark's (Tom Welling) finale. But Lex (Michael Rosenbaum) plays a very interesting role and there a couple of big twists with Lex.
K.S.: They're going to go on to be huge enemies, so [we'll answer] what's pivotal in this moment that's our Lex Luthor and our Clark Kent? And how do we wrap up the relationship that's been so complicated and so mixed with emotions for ten years?
Smallville, Alison Mack, Justin Hartley Jack Rowand/The CW

Chloe's Storyline
B.P.: I think there are a lot of different ways people want Chloe (Allison Mack) to end, and so we, I think, serviced her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she's becoming. And she has one big moment with Clark where we get to see her shine.
K.S.: And I will say that Chloe fans should definitely stay tune through the entire show. There's a jewel.
B.P.: Yes, there's a certain thing that we did for her that nobody [else] got.

Oliver's Storyline
B.P.: He has a big heroic moment, he has a big arc, he has some complications. Hopefully people feel satisfied with the little conclusion in the finale.
K.S.: You really see what an impact that these heroes coming together has made on him and having Clark as a friend. It's very clear in this episode…it defines that relationship and what it means to both of them. And there's a really great moment and you really see their friendship and that bond, and that's what's going to get them through a lot of hard times in the future.

B.P.: That will be answered in the first five minutes of the show.

The John Williams Score?
B.P.: That will be answered in the last five minutes [of the finale].
Smallville, Tom Welling Jack Rowand/The CW

What to Put into the Finale?
B.P.: We know we'll never hit anything. It's impossible. I think the finale hit 80 to 90 percent of what everybody is going to want. More than almost any other episode we've done, I think.

The Final Moments
K.S.: I still get really choked up, just because it feels like there is such a history. You're ending a whole period of your life that you know you will never ever get to go back to that just had highs and lows, but was just so spectacular in every way. It just won't ever be duplicated in that same way, so it's pretty emotional.
B.P.: We also didn't just want to do an ending; we wanted to do a beginning a little bit. And so I think what we were aiming for was giving people the emotion of knowing what's to come because the end of this show lines up with every movie, a lot of comic books, a lot of other things. Unlike a lot shows, we know where this story goes. And so it's kind of a handoff to those other pieces of canon and those other pieces of mythology, rather than just an ending.

Smallville fans, we were lucky enough to see some footage from the finale, and we are so happy to report that we hit every emotion on the TV-watching scale: chills, tears, smiles, gasping, laughing, goosebumps and more tears. And that was all from only three minutes of footage!

How are you all celebrating/mourning the ending of Smallville? Let's all head down to the comments to speculate...one last time.

http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_wi ... inale.html
- 'Smallville' terminará con la promesa de muchos nuevos comienzos (examiner.com):
'Smallville' terminará con la promesa de muchos nuevos comienzos
Por Danielle Turchiano 10 de Mayo, 2011 1:13 pm PT

You've already seen the promotional photos. You've already seen the trailer. How much more teasing from Smallville's series finale could you possibly need!?

Okay, we're just kidding. We know that as diehard fans, many of whom who have been with the show since before the pilot ever even aired, you want to gobble up as much information as possible. And we can't blame you. But before we offer you this series finale preview, we want to preface it by saying that sometimes the moment you see in a clip or a photo is not what it appears to be. You see just a single image, and as a fan with theories and hopes ruminating in your own mind, you begin to apply context-- what you think it means, what you hope it means, maybe even what you fear it means. And then when you see the actual result, well, it might not live up to your expectations.

We warn you to consider that before reading any further. But even with that warning, we must admit: we have a feeling just about every fan of Smallville is going to be left thinking the ending was as strong and solid as Superman himself. After all, it's not really an ending anyway; it's just the beginning of his heroic saga.

Earlier today Warner Brothers and The CW invited members of the entertainment media out to Burbank CA to screen a specially cut promotional trailer for the two-hour series finale which will air on Friday, May 13th.

"This was a huge endeavor, and there were a lot of challenges, so in a way a huge weight has been lifted," series executive producer Brian Peterson laughed, kicking off the mini press conference.

Peterson and his showrunner partner Kelly Souders obviously have their own favorite moments from the episode, which very few in the room could discuss without getting a little misty-eyed, but they were reluctant to give away too much and ruin the beauty of just seeing it play out.

"There's a couple of moments in the church-- there's one when Lois is about to walk down the aisle. The aisle is quite-- I'll just say the aisle. I have a couple of great, favorite moments there."

"And then there's a very good scene with a door!" Peterson piped up, laughing again. "There's one shot; it's like "the [quintessential] Smallville shot". You'll see it, and you'll know it the second you see it."

Though many of the interpersonal moments between characters are being hidden until the episode airs (and the final cut is still being mixed as we print this anyway), there are a few things we can report that we know you will enjoy:

First and foremost, regardless of who has come and gone over the years, the finale is truly Clark (Tom Welling)'s story. That means that yes, we will see him fly (or at least hover, as the case may be), and of course we will see the iconic Superman suit. Look for the latter to have a pivotal moment that seems to come in the last five minutes of the finale, along with some very emotional John Williams score (could we expect anything less!?).

"It is jam-packed!" Souders promised. "I think there was a lot of prep that went in with the mindset that it was challenging. It was challenging when the first script went out, and people kept adding more to the table. Our crew, our cast, they're just tireless about wanting to make something the greatest it can be."

And this meant that, yes, a whole bunch was left on the cutting room floor, including a couple of Darkseid mythology scenes that in the end couldn't make the episode because it was straying too much from Clark's journey and Clark's story. But perhaps they'll find a home on the DVD...

But more than that, Clark is at a point in his life that many, even those who are not superheroes, can relate to. He was a boy turned man who is now about to become Superman, and this means he is looking around at his life and relationships and trying to see exactly where and how he fits.

"I think that final step of trying to figure out, as an adult, like, are you friends with your parents or are your parents still your parents-- he's really trying to figure out his relationships as he finally takes his steps to complete his manhood or his Superman-hood. It's a complication in his life," Souders said.

Enter one major complication: a long-beloved Smallville villain!

Though the production only had Michael Rosenbaum for one day, they made that day count! Lex' return is soon-to-be iconic for its how, but also of course, its why. He may have once declared that he was the "villian of this story," but things have become so much bigger than him in his time away. For once he and Clark kind of, sort of find themselves on the same side-- at least when up against the impending Darkseid apocalypse.

"What is his purpose was always not quite what you expected and always sort of more human and emotional than any of us starting out on the Smallville series would have expected, and we really went back in the pilot and thought 'Here's that guy who showed up and was really personable and super sympathetic and just wanted to thank a guy for saving his life' and so when we looked at having him back in the finale, it was the same thing. They're going to go on to be huge enemies, but what is it that is pivotal Lex Luthor and Clark Kent and how can we wrap up the relationship that's so complicated and mixed with emotions for ten years?" Souders previewed.

But of course it can't end with a hug and a handshake!

"There are a couple of big twists with Lex," Peterson promised.

Chloe (Allison Mack) is back for the wedding, but more than that she has a hand in helping Lois (Erica Durance) see the error of her ways canceling the wedding in the first place. With a classic Chloe quip, an earnest smile, and a genuine interest in seeing her friends end up happy, she ultimately succeeds in getting her pals to the aisle and then stands up for them in the church.

"I think there a lot of different ways people want Chloe to end," Peterson pointed out, "but I think we service her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she is becoming. And she has one kind of big moment with Clark where we get to see her and how she interacts with the overall mythology."

But Souders also said that Chloe fans are in for a larger treat because she will have a "jewel" in the finale (stay tuned through the whole show!) that no one else does. Cryptic, yes, of course, but seeing as how things aren't looking so good for Oliver (Justin Hartley), who has been marked, it's still nice to see quite a few of these characters have happy moments, isn't it?

The first five minutes of the episode will flash into the future to show off what happiness may look like for the good people of Smallville. Well, a few of them anyway.

http://www.examiner.com/tv-insider-in-l ... beginnings
- Mega-Preview del Final de Smallville (IGN.com):
Mega-Preview del Final de Smallville
Vimos material del episodio final y conseguimos un montón de información sobre lo que podemos esperar del regreso de Lex Luthor y más.
Por Eric Goldman US, 10 de Mayo, 2011

In just three days, Smallville comes to an end, after an incredibly impressive ten-season run. Today, I was among a group of press who went to The CW offices to get a special sneak preview of the finale and get some info from executive producers/showrunners Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders about what to expect in the two-hour conclusion.

Keep in mind, we were not shown the entire finale, just a quick montage of scenes, lasting a few minutes, nor anything from the end of the episode. But obviously, if you want to go in completely blind, you'll want to look away now, because there are going to be some spoilers ahead – though producer-approved ones!

The clips included:
Tess speaking to Granny Goodness, telling her she'd never join her. Granny then brings up the coming of Apokolips, saying, "It's not coming, Lutessa. It's upon us.'

Martha telling Clark that when she sent him the deed for the farm, she didn't mean for him to sell it. Clark argues with Martha, telling her they need to put aside their past. We see Clark looking at a photo of Martha and Jonathan and Jonathan's face appears in the reflection in the glass… and as Clark walks away from Martha, we see (but Clark and Martha don't) Jonathan standing there, looking concerned.

Lois telling Clark, "Some things you just can't fix," and Clark telling her if she really intends to call off the wedding, "You're going to have to leave me at the altar."

At the Daily Planet, Chloe trying to convince Lois to go through with the wedding. When Lois brings up all the people Clark needs to help, Chloe tells Lois, "He can't listen all the time, Lois. He's not God." She says that when Clark finally takes flight, he'll need Lois "to ground him."

In a busy room at the Planet, Lois asking Clark, "How many are marked?" Clark uses his X-Ray vision and sees almost the entire room has the omega symbol on their head and tells Lois, "More than you want to know."

Lionel telling Tess, "When the day is done, the Luthor name will be resurrected," and that Lex has a survived via a clone, made up of the best parts of himself. There was also another thing Lionel revealed here about Lex that is the one thing we saw in the footage we were asked not to talk about… (Sorry, guys!)

Lex Luthor confronting Clark in the burnt out Luthor mansion, telling him, "I can't say I love what you've done to the place." Lex tells Clark, "Out story hasn't been written yet, Kal-El," adding, "Every villain is only as great as his hero." Lex then reveals he knows about Darkseid and Apokolips and that Clark is needed to stop it – insinuating he wants Clark to save the day for all of Earth, before the two of them can commence their own battle. He tells Clark the Veritas journals spoke of a "chosen savior." When Clark says he alone can't stop Darkseid, Lex replies, "We both know who can."

While driving, Tess's car is run off the road and she is surrounded by men with guns. We also see her in a lab, showing her formidable fighting skills as she fights a man, pinning him down with her leg. We also see Tess walk into her office and her chair swivels around in front of her, revealing Lex sitting waiting for her.

At what looks to be Lois and Clark's wedding, Oliver hits someone, sending them smashing through a window – it was a quick shot, but it may have been Clark. We also see what appears to be Oliver (in his full Green Arrow costume) and Granny Goodness facing off.

There are a lot of appropriately apocalyptic shots for the aptly named Apokolips, as the entire planet approaches Earth – and the sky above the Daily Planet becomes red and hell-like, as a plane careens towards the ground.

The clips ended with some very intriguing shots – including one of Clark floating (flying?) high above the ground, and another of Clark running up the stairs at the Daily Planet, unbuttoning his shirt. Lastly, we hear the voice of Jonathan saying, "Son, it's time," over a shot of the Superman costume inside the Fortress of Solitude. So what else was revealed during the subsequent Q&A with Peterson and Souders? Let's take it topic by topic…

Lex Luthor
I asked the showrunners just how down to the wire it came to signing Michael Rosenbaum to return for the finale and Souders joked, "It was over the wire. It was past the wire," with Peterson noting they had written a version of the finale without him in it - though they would have always revealed Lex was orchestrating certain events behind the scenes, even if we never got to see him again on screen. Peterson also revealed, "There were a couple of things we had planned on planting in the season that we didn't, because we didn't know that we were going to have him."

As for what fans should expect now that Lex is firmly back in the finale, Peterson noted, "We only had Michael [Rosenbaum] for one day, so there was only so much we could do with him in the story. We really wanted to keep this Clark's finale. But Lex plays a very interesting role and there are a couple of big twists with Lex that we didn't show you."

Added Souders, "When we were thinking about Rosenbaum coming back and Lex, our Lex, what his purpose was, it was always kind of not quite what you expected and much more human and emotional than I think any of us starting out Smallville would have expected. We really went back to the pilot and thought, 'There's that guy who showed up and was totally personable and super sympathetic and just wanted to thank a guy for saving his life.' So when we looked at having him back for the finale, it was the same thing, which is they're going to go on to be huge enemies, so what is it that's pivotal in this moment that's our Lex Luthor and our Clark Kent and how do we wrap up their relationship, that has been so complicated and mixed with emotions for ten years?"

Jonathan Kent
Jonathan's presence is obviously pretty confusing at face value. Said Souders, "I think it'll become really clear what role Jonathan plays and why he shows up the way he does in this episode. Every time I see certain moments with Jonathan, I definitely get a tear in my eye after all these weeks of watching the footage." Peterson recalled how Clark spoke to Jonathan at the end of the Season 10 premiere and explained, "The whole point was to bookend the final season with Jonathan. So he's introduced [in the finale] in that same kind of way."

Chloe Sullivan
Peterson noted, "There are a lot of different ways people want Chloe to end, so I think we service her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she's becoming." Peterson promised a big moment for Chloe and Clark in the finale, which Souders said shows, "how she interacts with the overall mythology. And I'll say that Chloe fans should just definitely stay tuned through the whole show. There's a jewel." Said Peterson, with a smile, "There's a certain thing that we gave her that nobody [else] got."

Green Arrow
When it came to Oliver's role in the finale, Peterson remarked, "We wanted to service him, but this show is about Clark and Chloe and Martha. It started as one thing and we kind of wanted to end it [with that]." That being said, Peterson noted, "He has a big, heroic moment. He has a big arc. He has some complications, clearly."

Said Souders, "You really see what an impact that these heroes coming together has made on him and that having Clark as a friend. It's very clear in this episode… it defines that relationship and what it means to both of them. And I think there's a really great moment where you just see their friendship and that bond and that's what's going to get them through a lot of hard times in the future." Peterson also said that because Oliver wouldn't have as much time or focus in the finale, they purposely gave him a large role in "Dominion" and "Prophecy."

What You Won't See
Discussing elements they didn't get to include, Souders revealed, "We probably would have liked to have seen the JLA a little more this season. John Jones was somebody we really wanted to bring back and I think it just came down to was the finale had a lot of people in it and at a certain point, you tip the scale and you're not servicing the people that are on screen. But there were a lot of beloved characters that we wanted to see again that we didn't get quite to bring back." Added Peterson, "The VRA was supposed to be a vehicle to get as many people back as we could. But with the 200th episode and 'Booster' and the finale, our resources were maxed out."

Last week's "Prophecy" showed a glimpse of the Smallville version of the Legion of Doom, including characters like Captain Cold and Black Manta, but don't look for them in the finale. Explained Peterson, "We kind of saw this last run not as individual episodes, but kind of as a lead up. So we wanted to not try and pack everything into the finale. So that was kind of our cap off of villains, so we could have the villains in the finale be Darkseid and Lex and Lionel. That was to kind of show that villains will go on, heroes will go on, Kara will go on to her destiny… And kind of wrap up all of that to protect Clark and everything that was in the finale."

Peterson also noted that they were told definitively at the beginning of the season that Kristin Kreuk wouldn't be available to reprise her role as Lana Lang, but had she been, they would have incorporated her into "Homecoming," the 200th episode, with its high school reunion theme.

Facing Expectations
Superman has a history going back decades and decades, and Peterson noted, "The end of this show lines up with movies, a lot of comic books, a lot of other things. Unlike a lot of shows, we know where this story goes. So it kind of is a hand off to those other pieces of canon and those other pieces of mythology, rather than just an ending."

However, fans shouldn't look for everything to match up exactly with the comics, as Souders said, "Some things get reconciled and then some things, we worked with DC and DC said, 'This is Smallville, and there's a few things that don't quite get reconciled because it's its own mythology.'"

Peterson noted that with the comic books, there have been many incarnations of the Superman story. "There have been different artists, different writers. There have been many Crisis! So it's hard to pinpoint exactly one thing that you're supposed to line up to, so I think we're just one more of those different variations. But I think we have all been very reverent to the source material, even though we've taken slight liberties, we haven't gone way off the path."

Peterson and Souders are aware that after ten years, the passionate Smallville fandom has a lot of expectations for the finale, but Peterson said, "I think the finale hits 80-90% of what everybody's going to want. More than almost any episode we've done I think." As to how much all the expectations of others influenced them, Souders pointed between herself and Peterson, saying, "The pressure is just here. There's nobody calling us going, 'You better do this!' It's that we just don't want it to suck!"

What to Look out For:
Peterson was coy on a couple of specific questions. Asked if we might see any flash forwards, he replied, "That will be answered in the first five minutes of the show." And might we hear the John Williams Superman theme? Peterson laughed and said, "That will be answered in the last five minutes!"

Regarding their personal favorite moments from the finale, Souders said, "When Lois is about to walk down the aisle… I'll say I have a couple of great, favorite moments just on the aisle." Peterson meanwhile kept even more secretive, saying, "There's a very good scene with a door that is probably one of my favorite scenes in the show."

He also added, "There's one shot that… It's like the 'Smallville shot.' You'll see it and you're like, 'This is what we needed in the finale.' And you'll know it the second that you see it."

- Productores Ejecutivos de 'Smallville' sobre el final de la serie: 'Este es el Final de Clark' (zap-2-it):
Productores Ejecutivos de 'Smallville' sobre el final de la serie: 'Este es el Final de Clark'
Por Tierney Bricker 10 de Mayo, 2011 7:12 PM ET

When we arrived at the press Q&A with "Smallville" executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson on Tuesday, May 10, there was a letter waiting on our chairs which read, "Thank you again for all your interviews, reviews and general good will about a boy on a farm... who is all grown up now."

No, we're not crying. We have something in our eye.

While there has been a lot of talk on who -- cough Michael Rosenbaum cough -- will be returning for the final episode, Souders and Peterson want to make it clear that this finale will ultimately be about the boy we've slowly watched grow up to become Superman over the last ten years: Clark Kent (Tom Welling). Peterson says, "We really wanted to keep this Clark's finale."

Fans will still be watching Clark grow up on Friday, May 13, when "Smallville's" journey comes to a close. The boy has now sold the farm he grew up on -- much to his Martha Kent's chagrin -- and has pulled away from Jor-El, which Souders and Peterson explain is all part of Clark taking his final steps into Supermanhood.

"I think looking at his last step for us it was about the fact that sometimes your mentors and the people that you look to for help can also sometimes be holding you back or it can be your imagination that they're holding you back," Souders says. "He's still trying to figure out all those last relationships as he finally takes his step into complete manhood. It's still a complication in his life that he has to make peace with."

Peterson says the most challenging part of the show has always been "finding problems and character flaws for Superman because he's perfect," and in the series finale, "some of the problems he's facing are about him trying too hard to decide who he is and be hero and not kind of let it happen at the pace it should."

By now, fans know John Schneider is set to return as Jonathan Kent in the finale and Peterson says, "We purposely platformed Jonathan's role in the finale with what we did in 'Lazarus,' the premiere of this season. The whole point was to bookend the season, and he's introduced in that same type of way."

Regarding Jonathan's appearance, Souder teases, "It will become really clear what role Jonathan plays and why he shows up the way he does in this episode. Every time I see certain moments with Jonathan, I get a tear in my eye."

When asked what they hope the people will take away from the show, Souder's answer was so amazing that we are just going to post the whole thing because we love it that much.

"I honestly think it's the theme that emerged this year, which is believe in heroes. I think that has become incredibly important to us that we were able to work on a show that had such a positive message. I think the fact that we have such hardcore fans that have followed the show, I think that's why they watch. It's not because we're doing to have the biggest visual effects they'll ever see on a screen and it's not really anything other than they want to believe in heroes."

Peterson continues, "I think Superman was born out of a very tumultuous time in our history and I think we're facing a lot of other challenges right now and we will in the future. To me, it's inspiration."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... inale.html
- Smallville le da el adiós a Vancouver — y al mundo (The Vancouver Sun):
Smallville le da el adiós a Vancouver — y al mundo
La madura saga del superhéroe termina con la final de dos horas
Por Alex Strachan, Postmedia News 10 de Mayo, 2011 3:02 PM

VANCOUVER — Smallville was never a big deal on the primetime TV landscape, not in the same way Friends, ER, NYPD Blue and The West Wing were in October 2001.

That was the month Smallville, loosely based the DC Comics character Superman, debuted on the WB Network, home of teen-oriented dramas like Gilmore Girls, Charmed and Dawson's Creek.

Smallville, shot in Vancouver and environs, may not have made that deep an impression in the culture-at-large, but it will leave behind a sizable footprint behind just the same.

As Smallville prepares to fly off the TV landscape for good this week, the TV landscape itself has changed. The comic book-themed drama about Clark Kent's coming-of-age in the small town of Smallville, Kansas outlasted an entire TV network — The WB merged with UPN to form the present CW network in 2006 — and made it possible for superhero-themed dramas like Heroes, The Event, The Cape and No Ordinary Family to find a home on network TV.

Smallville never flew high in the ratings charts. It didn't win any mentions in high profile, prestigious categories of the major TV awards, despite a brace of Emmys for its sound editing. And TV historians rarely mention it in the same breath as similarly themed series like Lost, The X-Files or even Fringe.

It leaves a lasting legacy, though.

The Cape and No Ordinary Family face almost certain cancellation when the U.S. network unveil their fall schedules the week of May 16, but it appears equally certain that other action-driven remakes will replace them, including a reboot of Wonder Woman from veteran TV producer David E. Kelley, and a redo of Charlie's Angels, ironically from the same producers who created Smallville.

In its early, formative years, Smallville didn't change TV's rules as much as it adapted to them. It was only nominally about the Superman myth, despite its special effects and supernatural underpinnings. It was, first and foremost, a family drama, about friendship, loyalty and everyday challenges in a bucolic, small-town setting. Smallville was a rural, male-oriented version of Gilmore Girls and Dawson's Creek, and it earned praise from unlikely sources, such as the socially conservative Parents Television Council.

The late Christopher Reeve, who famously played Superman in Richard Donner's 1978 film of the same name, praised Smallville in the 2004 companion book Smallville: The Official Companion. Reeve told writer Paul Simpson that he was skeptical initially, but found himself won over by Smallville's writing, acting and special effects.

Smallville was at the vanguard of a sea change in TV technology: Reeve noted that what would have taken a week to film for the big screen in 1977 now only took a day or two on the small screen, thanks to advances in computer-generated imagery and the post-production process.

Reeve, too, had praise for actor Tom Welling. Reeve said Smallville did "a really good job following the mythology," and added, "Tom is doing a good job following the tradition."

In recent interviews, Welling — who was just 24 when he landed the role of Clark Kent — has said Smallville was never a show about Superman. In tracking Kent's progression from young adulthood to the Man of Steel, the series had much to say about personal growth, maturity and accepting new responsibility.

Details of Smallville's final two hours are being kept secret, but it's likely the series will end with a wedding, that of Kent with his one true love, reporter Lois Lane, played by Erica Durance.

Off-screen, Welling has matured, too: He directed half a dozen episodes, and ends the series as one its executive producers. In interviews, Welling likened filming the final scenes — in Smallville's hometown of Vancouver — to running the last mile in a marathon.

The final image, Welling says, symbolizes both the end of Clark Kent and the beginning of the Man of Steel.

Smallville's end is symbolic of just another TV show, but also something more: A drama of modest means that appealed to a small but loyal and devoted core of followers, that somehow found a way to cling to life even as the whole business model of network television changed. That's the wave of the future.

http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainme ... story.html

- ACTUALIZADO 10/05/11: (Ask Ausiello, TVLine) This is it Mike. Your last chance ever to give out Smallville scoop. Make it a good one worthy of the Man of Steel. —Joel
Ausiello: OMG, the pressure! OK, I’ve got two words for you Joel: Surprise. Cameo.

("Esto es Mike. Tu última oportunidad de darnos una primicia de Smallville. Haz que sea merecedora del Hombre de Acero. —Joel
Ausiello: ¡OMG, la presión! OK, tengo dos palabras para tí Joel: Sorpresa. Cameo").

http://www.tvline.com/2011/05/ask-ausie ... -and-more/

- ACTUALIZADO 10/05/11: (Megabuzz, TVGuide) Can you tell us anything about the Smallville finale? — Brad
NATALIE: Here's what we can tell you: As Darkseid's Apokolips speeds toward Earth, Clark and Lois will attempt to walk down the aisle — with a little help from Chloe and a little what's-the-opposite-of-help from Oliver. But it won't be that easy! Lois will find herself in peril yet again, in a scene that fantastically recalls one of the Superman movies. Meanwhile, back at the barn, you'll see another scene that will make your spirit positively... float.

("¿Puedes contarnos algo sobre el final de Smallville? — Brad
NATALIE: He aquí lo que podemos contarte: A medida que la Apokolips de Darkseid se dirige hacia la Tierra, Clark y Lois intentarán ir al altar — con una pequeña ayuda de Chloe y una pequeña lo-que-es-lo-opuesto-a-ayuda de Oliver. ¡Pero no será tan fácil! Lois se encontrará de nuevo en peligro, en una escena que fantásticamente recuerda a una de las películas de Supermán. Mientras tanto, de vuelta al granero, veréis otra escena que hará que vuestro espíritu positivamente... flote")

http://www.tvguide.com/News/MegaBuzz-NC ... 32933.aspx

- Productores de ‘Smallville’: ‘¿Dónde encajamos dentro de la gran mitología?’ (herocomplex.latimes.com):
Productores de ‘Smallville’: ‘¿Dónde encajamos dentro de la gran mitología?’
Por Geoff Boucher May 10, 2011 | 8:12 p.m.

The end is near for “Smallville.” The two-hour series finale this Friday brings an end to the decade-long saga of Clark Kent, as portrayed by Tom Welling, a young man in search of a future that is, well, super. The rural youngster has grown up — he’s even sold the family farm — and the show’s final flight will be a major moment for The CW. Our Geoff Boucher caught up with executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson to talk about a show that is going up, up and away.

GB: This must be a bittersweet week for you. You must be going through a lot of complicated emotions right now.

BP: That is absolutely correct. It’s very sad to see it go but also there’s just great pride in seeing what everybody has accomplished in 10 years and over the course of the whole show — people who are here and people who may not be here right at the very end but have been a part of it.

GB: The show had different chapters to its run and as it went on we saw a widening of the hero and villain ranks with more and more characters from the DC universe. What were the challenges as you went along?

KS: The challenge is trying to bring two-dimensional characters to life. Sometimes it’s more successful than others. It’s very difficult to make a costumed character who can fly — or whatever it may be – seem organic to a television show that is being filmed on Earth with gravity and things like that. Luckily, we have been able to rely on our amazing wardrobe department and our incredible cinematographers that we’ve had and fantastic directors and fantastic actors who could really get in the head space of making this a real world. It’s one thing to sit there and imagine what Metallo is going to come to life as but it’s very different to see it on a screen and it’s always a huge risk and we’ve been very lucky to have great people we can lean on to make it fantastic and somewhat believable.

GB: The show moved away from “Smallville” in emphasis quite a while ago and even Tom Welling has said that the show’s title could have switched to “Metropolis” in a way. Was that a concern as you balanced your brand with the necessary trajectory of the story?

BP: In a weird way “Smallville” wasn’t just about where it was set even though he did live on the farm for almost the whole series. It was more about the coming-of-age birth of a hero and the spirit and growth of a hero. He was not ready to become the hero that everyone knows as Superman. We tried to stay true to a lot of the themes and the visual palette of the pilot but as he grew and Clark became a different person and came into his own the show had to do the same. We took all of that in. In the finale, in fact, Lois calls him [by the nickname] “Smallville” again.

GB: What sort of pressure did you feel as far as this finale — did you feel the need to put Clark in the Superman suit and tie up every single loose end or did you approach more from the idea of “What’s the best story we can tell?”

BP: At the heart of it, it’s always about Clark and his journey so that took the forefront of any other issues. But I think that, facing the finale, we had the season to wrap up, we had the series to consider and the more earnest, farm-bound origins of the show; and then we had to think about where do we fit into the greater mythology. At the heart of it, luckily, was Clark and Tom was a really good partner with us in finding that balance.

GB: Superman has become like ”Swan Lake” or Shakespeare, every generation revisits, remakes, revises and revamps the source material again and again. There’s going to be a new Superman film coming but then also a “Justice League” film and there may be a Superman television project down the line that connects back into this one. Would you be surprised if you saw Tom Welling in one of these other endeavors wearing the red-and-blue suit of Superman? Or do you think he will walk away for good?

KS: It’s funny I actually never think about the two [television and film] crossing over, in a strange way. “Smallville” had such a life of its own. So oddly, I never really think of it in that way.

BP: It’s interesting because he makes such a great Clark Kent and would make a great counterpart as well but I think he’s dedicated 10 years of his life to this era, in that story, and I feel like with this finale he’s really done it justice.

GB: He’s owned the role of Clark Kent longer than anyone, which is interesting since, onscreen, the character goes all the way back to the early 1940s. That’s impressive in and of itself, isn’t it?

BP: It’s not the easiest character to play. He’s the most amazing person on earth.

KS: It’s really difficult to write a character, too, that is so earnest and to do it without making him boring, honestly. I think it’s very easy to say, “Oh he always tells the truth” and “Oh, he’s always polite,” but Tom and the writers did an amazing job making him a well-rounded, three-dimensional character without making him a caricature of a simpleton. A lot of that was Tom and what he brings to it, who he is as a person. He has a sense of humor and all of those things went into making him the perfect Clark Kent and that’s something that is hard to duplicate.

BP: And the whole cast. What’s so funny is that, of course, sci-fi isn’t exactly a front-runner in the Emmys ever, but their performances have to bridge such an amazing range. They go to the Phantom Zone, they go to Earth 2, they die from kryptonite, they’re hung from wires — the range with which our actors have to embody their characters always impresses me. The way they rise to the occasion, from Erica Durant to Cassidy Freeman to Justin Hartley and Allison Mack — everybody on the show has done an amazing job.

http://herocomplex.latimes.com/2011/05/ ... vrit=63378
- Entrevista A Los Productores Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders sobre el Final de la Serie de SMALLVILLE (Collider.com):
Entrevista A Los Productores Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders sobre el Final de la Serie de SMALLVILLE
Por Christina Radish 11 de Mayo, 2011 9:42 am

The story of Clark Kent (Tom Welling) culminates in a two-hour finale this week, as the shy teenager from Smallville, that viewers met 10 seasons ago, finally takes the last steps to becoming the Man of Steel. Of course, with any finale, it’s difficult to please all of the fans, but when dealing with a mythology as popular as the story of Superman, it’s nearly impossible. However, executive producers/showrunners Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders are clearly proud of what they were able to do, in wrapping up as much as they could – whether it was with a Lois (Erica Durance) and Clark wedding, Clark’s friendship with Chloe (Allison Mack), the relationship between Chloe and Oliver (Justin Hartley), the threat of Darkseid and Apocalypse, and the return of Lex Luthor (Michael Rosenbaum) – and hope that the fans who have followed the series will get what they are looking for in this final Smallville episode.

At a recent press event for the finale, Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders talked about viewers finally getting to see the finale, balancing wrapping up the various storylines of 10 seasons with the journey of Clark Kent, the return of Lex Luthor and how close it came to not happening, the possibility of future glimpses of the characters, special features and extras that will be on the complete series DVD box set, and the emotional impact of the final moments of the series. They also said that, although there has been no talk yet of any spin-offs, they do think there will be a Smallville comic book, at some point. Check out what they had to say after the jump.

It’s one thing to talk about the final episode for so long, but how do you guys feel, now that it’s upon you?

BRIAN PETERSON: It’s a wash of stuff. This was a huge endeavor and had a lot of challenges, so there’s a big weight that’s been lifted. To be honest, I think we won’t know until it really airs and it’s done forever.

KELLY SOUDERS: It’s strange.

PETERSON: It’s very strange, but most importantly, I think we’re really proud. Everybody put 110% into the finale – all the actors. People did things they probably wouldn’t have done before. Visual effects has thrown in some extra stuff. Everybody’s gone above and beyond the call of duty.

Besides the plot elements you have to hit, what were your favorite smaller moments to include?

SOUDERS: There are actually a couple moments in the church. I’m not saying what it is, but there’ e one when Lois is about to walk down the aisle. And, there’s just the whole aisle. I have a couple great favorite moments, just on the aisle.

PETERSON: And, there’s a very good scene with a door that is probably one of everybody’s favorite scenes in the show. There’s one shot that is the Smallville shot. You’ll see it and you’ll be like, “This is what we needed in the finale.” You’ll know it the second you see it.

What can you say about the return of Lex Luthor?

PETERSON: Well, as he already revealed, we only had Michael [Rosenbaum] for one day, so there was only so much we could do with him in the story and we really wanted to keep this Clark’s finale. But, Lex plays a very interesting role and there are a couple big twists with Lex.

SOUDERS: The other thing that’s interesting, obviously because Rosenbaum hasn’t been on the show for the last couple years, was that we needed to tie up the last couple years and the season. We had Darkseid looming out there, but when we were thinking about Rosenbaum coming back, and the Smallville Lex and what his purpose was, it was always not quite what you expected, and much more human and emotional than any of us starting out on the series would have expected. So, we really went back to the pilot and we thought, “There’s that guy who showed up and was totally personable and super sympathetic, and just wanted to thank a guy for saving his life.” When we looked at having him back in the finale, it was the same thing. They’re going to go on to be huge enemies, so it was about what’s pivotal at this moment, for our Lex Luthor and our Clark Kent. We had to wrap up a relationship that has been so complicated and so mixed with emotions for 10 years.

How down to the wire was it, in finding out that he was coming back? Did you have a non-Lex version of the finale as back-up?

SOUDERS: It was over the wire. It was past the wire.

PETERSON: We had prepped an entire finale without him in it, not that we didn’t want him, but we just thought that was never going to happen. Honestly, there were a couple things we had planned on planting in the season that we didn’t because we didn’t know if we were going to have him. So, we wrote the scenes, I won’t say hurriedly because we spent all weekend writing these two big scenes for him, but it did change a couple of the other storylines a little.

SOUDERS: But, we were very happy to do it.

PETERSON: Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, we were thrilled.

Did you have versions for if Kristin Kreuk came back, or any other versions?

PETERSON: Well, we were told at the beginning of the season that Kristin would never be back. I think her role would have been much better in the 200th episode because it was about reunions and high school, and all that. Once that passed and we realized we weren’t going to get her for that because she just wasn’t available, we didn’t follow the Kristin thread. But, we always kept the Lex thread partially alive.

What would the alternate Lex story have been, if Michael didn’t come back?

SOUDERS: In some ways, it was pretty similar. It’s just that he would’ve been a little bit of the puppeteer behind the scenes.

PETERSON: You just wouldn’t have seen him as much.

SOUDERS: We would’ve known he was more involved in Tess Mercer’s (Cassidy Freeman) life and, obviously, with Lionel Luthor (John Glover) coming back.

PETERSON: It just would’ve been more of a reveal at the end of the show, rather than seeing a good scene with he and Clark.

SOUDERS: If that was ever going to happen, we wanted to save that for the finale.

What was it like to finally get Clark Kent (Tom Welling) in the costume? Did you take extra time for that special moment?

SOUDERS: The finale is two hours, and we had to cut quite a bit out, actually. It is jam-packed. You won’t sit there and go, “Okay, nothing’s happening. There’s no relationships going.” Hopefully, you won’t feel like you’re just waiting for the last two minutes of the two-hour. A lot of prep went in. It was a really challenging episode. It was challenging when the first script came out, and people just kept adding and bringing more to the table. Our crew and our cast were just tireless about making it the greatest it could be. I would say pretty much every moment in this had a lot of hours behind it, not just that one.

PETERSON: It’s fair to say that we thought, at one point, that we might not have enough footage for the finale, so we wrote a couple extra scenes with some of the Darkseid mythology, and with Granny (Christine Willes) and Godfrey (Michael Daingerfield), which ended up not making it into the final cut because the original script did fit. So, those might end up showing up on the DVD or somewhere. They fleshed out the story a little, but because they weren’t our main characters, they were the first to go.

Was this two-hour finale done like a feature?

PETERSON: I’m always scared to say feature because that’s probably 20 times our budget, and that’s probably conservative. I don’t want to be compared to a feature after seeing Thor.

SOUDERS: Peter Roth has been the biggest fan of the show, from the beginning. It’s usually not the network’s job to pitch in on that stuff, but everyone gave us a lot of support because no one wanted to leave things off the screen.

PETERSON: It definitely has a feature scope and feel. There’s a plane and the Apocalypse heading to Earth. There’s probably just fewer of those shots than you would get in a movie.

Will we have any explanation for how Jonathan Kent is back?

SOUDERS: Yeah, I think it’ll be really clear what role Jonathan plays and why he shows up the way he does, in this episode. Every time I see certain moments with Jonathan, I definitely get a tear in my eye, after all these weeks of watching the footage.

PETERSON: We very purposely platformed his role in the finale with what we did in the premiere this year, with that final scene that Clark has with him in “Lazarus.” The whole point was to bookend the final season with Jonathan. He’s introduced in that same type of way.

Were there any things you thought you’d be able to do, in the beginning of the season, that didn’t work out?

SOUDERS: I think we probably would have liked to see the [Justice League of America] a little bit more this season. John Jones (Phil Morris) was somebody we really wanted to bring back. What it just came down to was that the finale had a lot of people in it. At a certain point, you tip the scale and you’re not servicing the people that are on screen. There were a lot of beloved characters that we wanted to see again that we didn’t get quite to bring back, but in general, we were pretty happy with everything we were able to do.

PETERSON: It’s always hard when another hero shows up because every minute that other hero’s on screen, it takes time away from Clark, just by its nature. The [Vigilante Registration Act] was supposed to be a vehicle to get as many people back as we could, but with the 200th episode and the finale, our resources were maxed out.

Will selling the farm and pulling away from Jor-el be a problem for Clark?

SOUDERS: Sometimes your mentors and the people that you look to for help can also be holding you back, or it can be your imagination that they’re holding you back. I think it’s about that final step of trying to figure out, as an adult, whether you are friends with your parents, or if your parents are still your parents. Clark is really trying to figure out all those last relationships, as he finally takes this step into complete manhood, or shall we say, Supermanhood. I think it’s still a complication in his life that he has to make peace with, in the finale.

PETERSON: Finding problems and character flaws for Superman has always been a challenge of this show because he’s perfect. What we purposely chose to be his stumbling block this year is the fact that he’s actually trying too hard to be a hero and trying too hard to force his destiny. So, some of the problems that he’s facing, at the top of the finale are about him trying too hard to decide who he is, and to be a hero, and to not let it happen at the pace it should.

SOUDERS: One of the things that’s difficult, and it really started a bit in the 200th episode, is when you’ve seen your future, how does that start adjusting what you do, on a daily basis. You have a mind-set of, “Oh, I’ve got to do this,” or “I’ve got to do that, to be this person.” I think all of us would have that. If we just jumped 10 years into our future and spent a day there, I can’t even imagine what sort of impact we’d come back with. It’d be a real challenge, just to stay in a present mind-set. That’s not easy.

How will you wrap up the Chloe (Allison Mack) storyline?

PETERSON: I don’t want to give anything away. Allison was doing a play, so we got her for half of the show. I think there are a lot of different ways people want Chloe to end, and I think we service her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she’s becoming. She has one big moment with Clark, where we get to see her shine.

SOUDERS: I will say that Chloe fans should definitely stay tuned through the whole show. There’s a jewel.

PETERSON: There’s a certain thing that we give her, that nobody got.

And, what about with Oliver Queen (Justin Hartley)?

PETERSON: Because Oliver came in so late in the series, we wanted to service him, but this show is about Clark. It started as one thing, and we wanted to end it there. He has a big heroic moment. He has a big arc, and he has some complications, clearly.

SOUDERS: One thing that I really enjoy about watching Justin [Hartley] and getting to wrap up the Oliver Queen story is that you really see what an impact these heroes coming together has made on him, and having Clark as a friend. It’s very clear, in this episode. It defines that relationship and what it means to both of them. There’s a really great moment that you just see their friendship and that bond, and that’s what’s going to get them through a lot of hard times, in the future.

PETERSON: We purposely had the last couple episodes be a little Oliver heavy because we knew we wouldn’t be able to have as much time for him in the finale. So, the one that Justin directed, called “Dominion,” and “Prophecy” had a lot of Oliver in them. Hopefully, people feel satisfied with a little conclusion in the finale.

Will there be any flash forwards or any glimpses into the future?

PETERSON: That will be answered in the first five minutes of the show.

SOUDERS: That’s good. I like that answer.

Is there anything that you were surprised hasn’t leaked about the finale?

SOUDERS: I’m surprised everything hasn’t leaked, to be honest.

PETERSON: Given how much leaks about this show, I can’t imagine how the Amazing Race does it. They must have ironclad contracts. I wasn’t surprised that there’s one shot that leaked, in the Fortress, because it’s a great shot.

SOUDERS: But, we didn’t like that it leaked. There are a lot of moments, all the way throughout, that we wanted to be sure that people were watching it for the first time and they weren’t seeing so much. Once you see something, and you see one shot or frame of it, then you start speculating and everybody has an opinion about it, and then you get to the moment and it may not be anything like what was represented in that shot, so that’s part of why we’ve tried to be really careful. It’s the last two hours, and we just want people to enjoy it.

PETERSON: Rather than being on top of it, before it even airs. And, the real honest answer is that half of them are visual effects and they’re not done yet, so luckily, they can’t leak.

Will there be any more mentions of the Legion of Doom in the finale?

PETERSON: We saw this last run, not as individual episodes, but as a lead-up, so we wanted to not try to pack everything in the finale. That was our cap-off of villains, so we could have the villains in the finale be Darkseid, and Lex and Lionel [Luthor]. That was to show that villains will go on, heroes will go on, Kara (Laura Vandervoort) will go on to her destiny, and wrap up all that, to protect Clark and everything that was in the finale.

How long did you know you were going to have Apocalypse come into the finale?

SOUDERS: A long time. In the writers’ room, Darkseid and Apocalypse were what we were all talking about, at the beginning of the season. They go hand-in-hand. It was something that just slowly evolved.

PETERSON: It was part of our pitch. Every season, we have to pitch the arc to the studio and the network, and it was part of our initial pitch.

Given how long the show has been on, and how a lot of fans have been watching since the pilot, did you feel additional pressure trying to reconcile what you felt fans might want versus what you wanted versus what the source material says happens, in that last two hours?

PETERSON: Well, the good thing is that we’re as big of fans as anybody else.

SOUDERS: The answer is yes, there’s a lot of pressure. Just to do a finale every season takes everything out of everybody who’s working on it and people just collapse. The next day, everybody is on planes trying to get to a beach, as far away as they possibly can. So, to try to do that for 10 years, and really wrap up 10 years, there was a lot of pressure.

PETERSON: We know we’ll never hit everything. It’s impossible. But, I think the finale hits 80% to 90% of what everybody is going to want, more than almost any other episode we’ve done.

SOUDERS: I should say the pressure is just between us. There was nobody calling us going, “You better do this.” We just don’t want it to suck, at the end of this run.

Was there anything that you wish you could have gotten to in the finale, but couldn’t?

PETERSON: The biggest part is that we really wanted a little bit more John Jones (Phil Morris) and a little bit more JLA in these last few episodes, but it’s not their story. It’s Clark’s story, but it would have been great to pull in a couple of people from the past. That’s really it. I think all the other moments with Clark and with Chloe and with Lois and with Lex and with Lionel are all there. I don’t think there’s anything that was skimped on or sacrificed there.

Was there anything from the time you started the show where you thought, “Oh, we’ll never get to do that,” that you actually got to do, over the years?

SOUDERS: Lois and Clark together. That was the big one. That was probably the biggest, out of all of them.

PETERSON: The “S” shield. I didn’t think we’d ever have access to that.

SOUDERS: Some of the characters from the DC world, like Metallo, Darkseid and Zod, were not something that we really approached in the early seasons, so we weren’t sure if that was ever going to come to fruition, but DC has been very excited to have us use the characters, and they’ve been great for us to get to play with.

When was the last time you guys went back and watched the pilot? Did you watch it recently, since the finale is basically a bookend to it?

PETERSON: We’ve seen a lot of episodes recently. Honestly, you would be hard-pressed to say anything from the pilot and I wouldn’t be able to say exactly when that happened and where it happened. We’ve seen it so many times. We’ve never wanted to lose track of where we started, so we went back to the pilot at least once or twice a season.

The series has veered off the path of the comic book a bit, like with having Lois and Clark together before he becomes Superman, and he’s just started wearing glasses. At this point, do you not have to reconcile the two?

SOUDERS: I’ll just say that some things get reconciled, and then with some things, we worked with DC and DC said, “This is Smallville.” There are a few things that don’t quite get reconciled because it’s its own mythology.

PETERSON: That’s the whole point of the idea of reconciliation. From every movie to every comic book, there have been different Earths and there were many crises. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly one thing that you’re supposed to line up to, so we’re just one more of those different variations, but we, along with a lot of the movies, have been very reverent to the source material. Even though we’ve taken slight liberties, we haven’t gone way off the path.

A lot of the CW’s promotion has used the John Williams score. Will that be in the finale?

PETERSON: That will be answered in the last five minutes.

What is the emotional impact of the final moments of the last episode, and how did that affect you?

SOUDERS: At this point, when I see the footage, even though we’ve seen it a hundred times, I still get really choked up just because it feels like there’s such a history, and obviously we have such a history with it, too. It feels like high school, like you’re ending a whole period of your life that you know you will never, ever get to go back to, that had highs and lows, but was just so spectacular, in every way. It just won’t ever be duplicated, in that same way, so it’s pretty emotional.

PETERSON: We also didn’t want to just do an ending. We wanted to do a beginning, a little bit. So, what we were aiming for was giving people the emotion of knowing what’s to come. The end of this show lines up with every movie, a lot of comic books, and a lot of other things. Unlike a lot of shows, we know where this story goes, so it’s a hand-off to those other pieces of canon and mythology, rather than just an ending.

How did you celebrate wrapping the show?

SOUDERS: Brian was on set, but I was not there.

PETERSON: I got on a plane from set and had a Scotch. What’s hard was that everybody trickled out. A lot of the actors had gone. It wasn’t just this big moment on set where it was the final scene because of the way the schedule was, so you had a big moment with this person, and then they left. Annette O’Toole would wrap and you’d clap, and then she’d go. And then, [Allison Mack] would wrap. Poor Tom [Welling] was like, “Everybody’s gone, for my last moment.” But, he was a trooper. He had to work the second to last day.

SOUDERS: And, Cassidy [Freeman] was there the last day.

PETERSON: And, he sent a nice email to everybody and said thank you. He’s a mensch.

What will you guys be doing on Friday for the finale?

PETERSON: We’re just having a few really close friends over to my house, and maybe taking the writers out for a drink.

SOUDERS: It’s strange because the bulk of the people who work on the show in production are all in Vancouver, and then our office down here is 30 people. It’s a small office. We wish we could all be together, but that only happens about once every two years.

Are there plans to continue in any other mediums, after the series ends?

SOUDERS: I think they’re planning to do a Smallville comic book.

PETERSON: Beyond that, I don’t know. Their hands are very full with a lot of features right now, over at DC.

Have you thought about doing a spin-off at all?

SOUDERS: We haven’t talked about it, actually. To be honest, we’ve had our heads pretty buried in the show, especially this last year. There wasn’t much time to even think about it. But, obviously, it’s a bunch of beloved characters, otherwise they wouldn’t have been around all these decades.

PETERSON: I’m actually glad, at this point, that nothing has been spun off because, when that starts to happen, a lot of the focus goes to that, rather than the actual source show. I’m glad that we don’t have that right now, honestly. If something does happen, which we’ve had no conversations about, it will be its own thing.

What special features and extras are you planning for the final DVD set?

SOUDERS: Oh, my gosh, this DVD set is insane. I think it’s the biggest one Warner Brothers has ever put out, for the whole series.

PETERSON: It’s really cool looking. They’ve gone back and interviewed people that were on those first seasons with us, like Al [Gough] and Miles [Millar]. Some of the stuff is still in negotiations right now. They did two featurettes that are going to go on this season. There’ll be lots of extra features.

What do you want the one thing people take away from the show to be?

SOUDERS: Honestly, I think it’s probably the theme that emerged this year, which is believe in heroes. I think that has become incredibly important to us that we were able to work on a show that had such a positive message. The fact that we have such hardcore fans that have followed the show, I think that’s why they watch. It’s not because we’re going to have the biggest visual effects they’ll ever see on a screen and it’s not because of really anything other than I think they want to believe in the heroes.

PETERSON: I think Superman was born out of a very tumultuous time in our history and I think we’re facing a lot of other challenges right now and we will in the future. To me it’s inspiration for sure.

How do you want Smallville to be remembered?

SOUDERS: What I would hope is that what Smallville did was make one of the most recognizable heroes in the world accessible and made him human to people, so that they could relate to him and be inspired by him. That would be my hope.

PETERSON: With Batman, we see his angst on a daily basis. He literally wears it on his sleeve. Superman is this larger-than-life, poppy, red and blue, almost perfect inspiration. So, for me, it’s that we got to see the immense struggle it took to get to that point because he doesn’t wear it on his sleeve every day. We filled in the space from when he arrived on Earth to the point that he decided to be that inspiration for people.

Have you considered going to Comic-Con to celebrate the finale of the show?

SOUDERS: That would be fun.

PETERSON: That would be awesome.

SOUDERS: If we get an invitation, we’ll show up.

PETERSON: Maybe we could promote the series box set. I don’t know.

What is your favorite memory from working on the show, for so many years?

PETERSON: The 100th episode, just personally and for the show and for Clark, with the moment that Jonathan died and then his scene with Martha afterward. And, the end of the finale.

SOUDERS: I’m right there with you.

http://collider.com/smallville-series-f ... ers/90172/
- 10 Cosas que Hay Que Saber Sobre la Final de la Serie de Smallville (TVGuide):
10 Cosas que Hay Que Saber Sobre la Final de la Serie de Smallville
Por Natalie Abrams 11 de Mayo, 2011 01:31 PM ET

The moment Smallville fans have been waiting 10 years for has arrived: Clark Kent is finally becoming Superman. As the future Man of Steel prepares to take on adversary Darkseid, who is determined to corrupt Earth and its inhabitants, he will have to face the return of another foe and the challenge of realizing his destiny.

With the end approaching, here are the 10 things to know about the series finale from executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson:

Clark's Evolution into Superman: In the final episodes, Clark (Tom Welling) has taken the necessary steps to achieving his destiny, including severing ties with Jor-El in the Fortress. "It was about the fact that sometimes your mentors and the people that you look to for help can sometimes also be holding you back," Souders says. "He's really trying to figure out all those relationships as he finally takes this step into complete manhood, shall we say, super-manhood." Adds Peterson: "He's trying too hard to be a hero and trying too hard to force his destiny." Witnessing his future in the 200th episode is a factor in that. "When you've seen your future, how does that start adjusting what you do on a daily basis?" Souders says.

Lex's Return: Michael Rosenbaum was a last-minute — but welcomed — addition to the series finale. But Lex's return does not deter Clark from taking down Darkseid. "There was only so much we could do with him in the story and we really wanted to keep this Clark's finale," Peterson says. "But Lex plays a very interesting role and there are a couple of big twists." Had Rosenbaum not returned, Souders says his character "would have been a little bit of a puppeteer behind the scenes."

Reconciling the Mythology: In the comics, Lois (Erica Durance) and Clark were not married before he became Superman, and Lex did not initially know his true identity. Souders says some of those differences will be reconciled, but some are left open-ended. "From every movie to every comic book, there have been different Earths," Peterson adds. "So, it's hard to pinpoint exactly one thing that you're supposed to line up to. We're just one more of those different variations. ... We haven't gone way off the path."

Chloe's Future: Among the differences from the mythology is, of course, Chloe (Allison Mack). Though her character didn't exist before the CW series, Peterson says, "We service her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she is becoming. She has one kind of big moment with Clark where we get to see her shine. ... There's a certain thing we gave her that nobody else got."

Jonathan Kent's Return: Though Papa Kent (John Schneider) has been dead since the 100th episode, Jonathan will play a crucial role in the finale. "We very purposefully platformed his role in the finale with what we did in the premiere" when Jonathan appeared to Clark on the farm, Peterson says. "The whole point was to bookend the final season with Jonathan. He's introduced in that same type of way."

Oliver's Transformation: Last seen digging up gold Kryptonite, which would permanently strip Clark of his powers, Oliver (Justin Hartley) is heading down a dark path in the finale — one that includes shoving Clark through a window at his wedding. It's Clark and Oliver's strong bond that may save his life. "You really see what an impact that these heroes coming together has made on [Oliver]," Souders says. "There's a really great moment that you see their friendship and that bond. And that's what's going to get them through a lot of hard times in the future."

Clark and Lex Face Off: In the lead-up to Clark's battle with Darkseid, Lex will call upon Clark in a surprising way. In setting up the eventual enemies meeting, Souders says they played off Lex's personality in the pilot, where he was "totally personable and super-sympathetic and just wanted to thank a guy for saving his life. When we looked at having him back in the finale, it was the same thing, which is, they're going to go on to be huge enemies."

Favorite Finale Moments: While the producers were unable to fit everything they wanted into the series ender, Peterson says it "hits 80 to 90 percent of what everybody's going to want." As for their favorite scenes, Souders says, "There are a couple of moments in the church, particularly when Lois is about to walk down the aisle. Actually, I'm just going to say I have a couple of favorite moments on the actual aisle." Adds Peterson: "There's one shot, and that is the Smallville shot — you'll see it and you'll know it immediately. We needed it in the finale." Supersuit, anyone?

Missing From the Finale: Because Souders and Peterson initially thought they didn't have enough material, they produced extra scenes that will hopefully end up on the DVD. "We wrote a couple extra scenes with some of the Darkseid mythology with Granny and Godfrey," Peterson says. "It flushed out the story a little, but because they weren't our main characters, they were the first to go."

Why You Should Watch the Entire Finale: The producers hinted that the first five minutes may feature a flash-forward, while the last five minutes may include the John Williams score from the Superman films.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Smallville- ... 32952.aspx
- Los Mundos Chocarán en el Final de "Smallville" (comicbookresources.com):
Los Mundos Chocarán en el Final de "Smallville"
Por Josie Campbell, 11 de Mayo, 2011

After a decade in which viewers followed Clark Kent's pre-Superman adventures, the tenth and final season of The CW's "Smallville" comes to an explosive end this Friday night.

The longest running comic book-based series in television history, "Smallville" debuted on the then-new WB network in 2001 with the goal of retelling Superman's origin, from the rocket crash all the way to his decision to don the cape and tights. On Friday, the ten-year-long saga ends with the rise of Darkseid with a two-hour long finale that brings back old friends, older foes and sees Clark finally wearing the iconic red and blue suit.

In preparation for the end, executive producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders spoke with CBR News and members of the press about the final episode, beginning with a screening of an unfinished promo for the two-hour finale. Without gong too far into spoiler territory, the promo highlighted the return of Chloe, Oliver Queen punching someone (possibly Clark) through a window, the planet Apokolips rapidly advancing on a collision-course towards Earth and Lois Lane decked out in full bridal gear, running down the aisle -- in the wrong direction. The promo also showed Granny Goodness attempting to get Tess to join her side and a very quick shot of what appeared to be Clark's first flight, sans Superman suit.

Most importantly, the promo featured the return of Lex Luthor, played once again by Michael Rosenbaum, confronting Clark in the ruins of the Luthor mansion and insinuating that without help against Darkseid, Earth is doomed.

"We were thinking about Rosenbaum coming back and what Lex, our Lex, what his purpose was. It was always not quite what you expected and much more human and emotional than I think any of us starting out on 'Smallville' would have expected," said Souders. "We really went back to the pilot and thought, 'There's that guy who showed up and was totally personable and super sympathetic and just wanted to thank a guy for saving his life.' So when we looked at having him back for the finale, it was the same thing, which is, they're going to go on to be huge enemies. So what is it that's pivotal at this moment is, that's our Lex Luthor and our Clark Kent, and how do we wrap up their relationship that has been so complicated and mixed with emotions for ten years?"

Interestingly, according to Peterson and Souders, this last and biggest reveal almost didn't happen.

"We only had Michael for one day, so there was only so much we could do with him in the story," said Peterson. Souders explained they were unsure whether or not Rosenbaum would come back, and thus wrote and prepped a version of the finale without him, just in case.

"There were a couple of things we had planned on planting in the season that we didn't because we didn't know that we were going to have him," Peterson added.

Yet another character reappearing in the finale is Jonathan Kent, who died of a heart attack in season five and has shown up in subsequent episodes as a spirit. Played by actor John Schneider, Jonathan's part in the finale is unclear, though the executive producers promised not to leave fans hanging.

"I think it will become really clear what role Jonathan plays and why he shows up the way he does in this episode," said Souders, adding, "Every time I see certain moments with Jonathan I still get a tear in my eye, even after all these weeks of watching the footage."

Rounding out the returning cast members is Allison Mack who reprises her role as Chloe, a character who has not been seen since "Fortune," the fifth episode of the current season.

"I think there are a lot of different ways people want Chloe['s story] to end, and so we, I think, serviced her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she's becoming. She has one big moment with Clark where we get to see her shine," said Peterson, commenting on Chloe's role in the finale.

Added Souders, "I will say that Chloe fans should definitely stay tuned through the whole show -- there's a jewel!"

While "Smallville's" entire cast has undergone tremendous change throughout the show's history, the executive producers agree that Clark (played by Tom Welling) has changed the most, both to his benefit and detriment. Peterson and Souders pointed specifically to Clark's choice to sell the Kent farm against Martha's wishes as part of his growth process.

"I think that final step of trying to figure out as an adult if you are friends with your parents, or are your parents still your parents -- I think he's really trying to figure out all those last relationships as he takes this step into complete super-manhood. It's still a complication in his life he needs to make peace with in the finale," said Souders.

"He's trying too hard to be a hero and too hard to force his destiny. So some of the problems he's facing at the top of the finale are about that; trying too hard to decide who he is and not letting it happen as it should," added Peterson.

Though neither Peterson nor Souders know of plans for a "Smallville" spin-off, they believed there may at least be one more "Smallville" related comic book miniseries in the works, though they said they were not privy to further details.

Overall, when it came to summing up "Smallville's" legacy, the executive producers admitted they were huge fans of the Superman mythos and that the show represented a spectacular time in their lives, one "never to be duplicated," stated Souders.

"What I would hope is what 'Smallville' did was make one of the most recognizable heroes in the world accessible, made him human to people so that they could relate to him and be inspired by him," she added.

"I think, to me, we got to see the immense struggle it took to get to that point, and to fill in the space to when [Clark] decided to be that inspiration for people," said Peterson. "We didn't just want to do an ending, we wanted to do a beginning."

Ultimately, Peterson and Souders feel that fans and those working on the show would take away from "Smallville" is a simple idea: its OK to have faith in heroes.

"Honestly, I think it's the theme that emerged this year, which is 'believe in heroes.' That has become incredibly important to us that we were able to work on a show that had a positive message," said Souders. "That's why [the fans] watch. Not because we have the biggest visual special effects you'll see on a screen or because of anything else. I think they want to believe in the heroes."

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=32282

- Michael Rosenbaum, habla sobre su regreso a la serie (nypost.com):
PopWrap: After playing Lex Luthor for so long it has to be nice to try out a 180 degree different character.
Michael Rosenbaum: Oh my god, it’s such a treat. With Lex, it was Armani suits every day. Now I can just frost my tips and tuck my jeans into my Uggs and go to work. I like mixing it up, which is what was so hard playing a character for so long. I was itching to do something else – that’s why I got into this business: to be anyone but me.

PW: When did the acting bug bite you?
Michael: I did "Grease" senior year where I played Vince Fontaine. I’ll never forget it, I was so nervous, but it got me out of my shell. I remember the next day this popular kid goes, “hey, you were pretty funny.” Now that was a big deal because I was nerd. It was my "ah ha" moment. When I realized, if I’m not myself, that’s better [laughs]. It took that to really catapult me to the next level where I knew I wanted to do it. So I went to college and focused on that. It definitely resonated and made me feel accepted at something. It gave me enough confidence to do it again. And again. And again.

PW: A lot of funny people say that painful childhoods made them funnier -- would you agree?
Michael: I remember always knowing there was something odd about me, and in fifth grade we had a talent show. If you did it, you could get three A’s in any subject. And I wasn’t very good in school. My dad was really smart. 1420 SAT’s and I wanted to take music 10 times. So my mother dressed me up as Pat Benatar for the talent show, and I sang “Shadows of the Night.” She put lipstick on me and fake boobs -- now remember, I'm a Jew in Indiana. The class just sat there, mouths agape, while I sang. They just didn’t know what to think of me. I thought it was funny, no one else did. But come one – it was fifth grade and I just sang "Shadows of the Night" in full drag.

PW: So we have your mother to thank for "Sorority Boys" and "Sweet November?"
Michael: [laughs] Right! She contributed for sure. I was always a bit of an extravert and for a long time people didn’t get it, but eventually – thank god, they did.

PW: Oh, I think people more than "get it" -- especially after eight years on "Smallville." Did the endurance of that show surprise you?
Michael: I never would have expected it in a million years. If you looked up irony in the dictionary, you’d see a picture of 100 pound me in high school next to the name Lex Luthor. I think anyone who knew me, thought it was a joke. I remember shaving my head and learning the lines and thinking, “they’re going to fire me. No one will believe me as Lex Luthor. No way! This evil genius? Come on. There’s no way.” I was nervous also because fans of the genre stuff are so fiercely loyal. They don’t like when you mess with history. But I was fortunate that they created this character so well for so long. It’s pretty crazy to think that we’re at the end of it now. But it’s great because thanks to “Smallville,” I’ll never just be “the funny guy.” I think if I did it backwards, it wouldn’t have worked. Had I done all this comedy and then tried to play Lex, people might not have bought it.

PW: There was some question as to whether you'd come back for the finale -- did you finally say yes for the fans or because you wanted to be involved?
Michael: Both. Partly because I didn’t want to let them down. I never wanted to hear “why didn’t you go back?” At the same time, a big part of me just wanted to go back, wrap it up and say good-bye. For a long time, I didn’t know when the show would end -- I kinda thought I’d be getting Medicare by the time “Smallville” actually ended [laughs]. But once it hit me that this was the series finale, I had to be a part of it. This show started with Lex and Clark, it had to end with Lex and Clark. I always thought deep down it would work out so I could return. And that was one of the best days of my life. Emotional & nerve-wracking -- it felt like day one again.

PW: Are you happy with how the show ends?
Michael: Very. But at the end of the day, it’s amazing that we get paid to do this – acting is such a gift. The fact people want to see me play a mythological evil superhero genius is incredible. I feel very lucky.

Tenéis la entrevista al completo aquí:

http://www.nypost.com/p/blogs/popwrap/m ... ZuN1NZ9NuN
- Preview del final de Smallville: Aviones cayendo, el apocalipsis y el regreso de Lex (The CW source):
Preview del final de Smallville: Aviones cayendo, el apocalipsis y el regreso de Lex
Por Catalina Walsh 11 de Mayo, 2011

It's the end of a 10-year era for "Smallville" and expectations are high. Really high. Don't-you-dare-screw-this-up high. It's enough to make even the most seasoned showrunner shudder.

But "Smallville" head honchos Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders say they're confident the series finale will deliver. "We know we’ll never hit everything -- it's impossible." Peterson said. "But I think the finale hits 80 to 90 percent of what everybody’s going to want. More than almost any other episode we’ve done."

That's saying a lot, considering they've got to tie up big storylines involving Darkseid and the apocalypse. Fortunatley, the special effects are up to the task, including a shot of a plummeting airplane and the apocalypse encroaching on Earth. "It definitely has, I think, a feature scope and a feature feel," said Peterson, "just probably fewer of those shots than you would get in a movie... because that’s probably 20 times our budget."

But the finale isn't just an action-packed episode. "We saved a lot of the little interpersonal moments that I think really make the show and there’s one shot that is like the Smallville shot," said Peterson. "You see it and you’re just like, this is what we needed in the finale. You’ll know it the second you see it."

One of the most anticipated aspect of the episode is the return of Lex Luthor, played by Michael Rosenbaum. Lex went through a lot of changes over the course of the series, from Clark Kent's best friend to an unrepentantly evil villain. Which Lex will we see?

"We really went back to the pilot and there is that guy who showed up and was totally personable and super sympathetic and just wanted to thank a guy for saving his life," said Souders. "When we looked at having him back for the finale, it was the same thing. They’re going to go on to be huge enemies, so what is it that is pivotal at this moment to our Lex Luthor and our Clark Kent and how do we wrap up the relationship that has been so complicated and so mixed with emotions for 10 years?"

Then there’s Chloe, a character who was created for the show but gained such a strong following that DC ended up incorporating her into the comic books. "There are a lot of different ways people want Chloe to end," said Peterson. "I think we serviced her character in a way that was right for who she was and who she is becoming. She has one big moment with Clark where we get to see her shine."

"[And you see] how she interacts with sort of the overall mythology," Souders added. "I will say that Chloe fans should just definitely stay tuned throughout the whole show. There’s a jewel."

But what viewers are perhaps most excited about is seeing Clark take that final step into becoming Superman. As the season finale begins, we’ll see Clark struggling with the role his mentors from the past, Jor-El and the Kents, should take in his present. "He's really trying to figure out all those types of relationships as he finally takes this step into complete manhood -- shall we say, superman manhood -- and I think it’s still a complication in his life that he has to make peace with in the finale," said Souders.

After 10 seasons there is one thing that both Souders and Peterson hope the fans will take away from the show. "Honestly I think it’s probably the theme that emerges this year, which is: 'Believe in heroes.'," Souders said.

"Superman was born out of a very tumultuous time in our history," Peterson added. "We’re facing a lot of other challenges right now and we will in the future. To me it’s inspiration for sure."

The two hour series finale of Smallville airs this Friday, May 13, on The CW.

http://blogs.trb.com/network/cwsource/2 ... .html#more

- Video-Entrevista de Michael Rosenbaum sobre la Final (G4tv, "Attack Of The Show"):

http://www.g4tv.com/videos/52880/michae ... es-finale/

- Video Entrevista de Michael Rosenbaum sobre Smallville para "Young Hollywood Studio":

http://www.younghollywood.com/videos/yh ... -game.html

- Los productores se despiden de los medios con una emocional carta y un pedacito de la historia de Smallville:
Los productores de Smallville han concedido una última rueda de prensa con los medios para promocionar la Finale de la serie y se han despedido de ellos con una carta de agradecimiento y parte de la historia de Smallville: un pedacito de distintos lugares emblemáticos tales como el ascensor del Daily Planet o la biblioteca de los Luthors.

"Está finalmente aquí. El momento que los fans han estado esperando durante las últimas 10 temporadas. Queríamos tomarnos un minuto y agradeceros por todas vuestras amables palabras y por el apoyo a la serie durante esta maravillosa aventura. Sin la pasión de los fans, todos sabemos que esta serie no se habría convertido en lo que es hoy, y vosotros habéis sido el conducto que nos ha mantenido tan conectados. Estamos muy orgullosos del final y esperamos que todos disfrutéis este importante momento con nosotros.

Gracias de nuevo por todas vuestras entrevistas, reviews y buena voluntad general para esta pequeña serie sobre un chico en una granja... que ahora ya ha crecido por completo.

Por favor, aceptad este pedacito de la historia de Smallville como un pequeño gesto de nuestro agradecimiento.

Todo lo mejor,

Kelly Souders y Brian Peterson"

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Los Productores de SMALLVILLE Sienten la Presión del Final de la Serie (Newsarama.com):
Los Productores de SMALLVILLE Sienten la Presión del Final de la Serie
Por Jenna Bush 12 de Mayo, 2011

“And now, the series finale of Smallville.' I'm going to have to hear those words twice. I was lucky enough to be part of a small group of Lois Lane-wannabes [reporters] who got a chance to watch a sizzle reel made up of bits of the series finale and speak to producers/show runners Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson. I'm going to be honest. When I heard that voice over from Tom Welling, it was hard to swallow. If you're reading this, the show probably means as much to you as it does to me. Because of that, I'm giving you all the juicy bits of what was a long interview. I know you'll want to know it all.

In that spirit, let me tell you what we saw. Granny Goodness (Christine Willes) tells Lutessa, better known as Tess (Cassidy Freeman) that the Apokolips is upon us. In fact, we see it heading towards Earth. (We even get a glimpse of Darkseid!) Lois (Erica Durance) is still having doubts about marrying Clark, though it will happen. She and Chloe (Allison Mack) share a scene at the Daily Planet where Chloe explains that Clark is not a god. He can't listen to pleas for help all the time. He needs to rest and he needs someone to bring him back to Earth when he “takes to the skies.” (Have you read Mark Waid's Irredeemable? I bet he'd agree.) Martha Kent (Annette O'Toole) lets Clark know that he wasn't supposed to sell the farm, though they're a few days from escrow. She says that you don't have to let go of your past to have your future. Clark disagrees. Oh yes, we do get to see Pa Kent (Jonathan Schneider) again. (More in the interview below.) But the big scenes were really between Clark (Tom Welling) and Lex (Michael Rosenbaum). It seems that Lex has reanimated himself with bits of the clones and he's helping Clark rid the world of Darkseid. (See below for more on that as well.) There is a car chase, a plane crash, Tess and Lex together, lightning during the wedding...and a glimpse of Clark floating. We didn't see it, but I'm going to guess there is flying...in the suit. I don't want to say any more. Seriously though...cut onions or something during the finale so you have an excuse for bawling.

Newsarama: Besides the plot points you have to hit, what were your favorite smaller moments to include in the finale?

Kelly Souders: There are a couple of moments in the church, because obviously you saw the church [in the trailer]. There is one...I'll just say...[Peterson makes shushing noises]...I'm not saying what it is! But when Lois is about to walk down the aisle. Just the whole aisle. I'll just say I have a couple favorite moments, just on the aisle.

Brian Peterson: And there's a very good scene with a door. It's probably one of everybody's favorite scene in the show. [laughter] We wanted to kind of show you the scope, but we saved a lot of the little interpersonal moments that I think really make the show. There's one shot that is just like the Smallville shot. You'll see it, and you're like, "This is what we needed in the finale." And you'll know it the second you see it.

Nrama: What can you tell us about Lex's return? Because he seems to be trying to help stop Darkseid with Clark? But we know that he is the villain.

Peterson: Right. Well, as we already revealed, we only had Michael for one day. [laughs] So there was only so much we could do with him in the story. We really wanted to keep this Clark's finale. But Lex plays a very interesting role, and there are a couple of big twists with Lex that we did not show you.

Souders: And I think the other thing that's interesting...obviously because Rosenbaum hasn't been on the show for the last couple years, we needed to tie up the last couple of years. And obviously the season, so we had Darkseid looming out there. But for us when we were thinking about Rosenbaum coming back, and our Lex, Smallville Lex, what his purpose was, it was always kind of not quite what you expected. Much more sort of human and emotional than I think any of us starting out the Smallville series would have expected. We really went back to the pilot and we thought, there's the guy who showed up and was totally personable and super sympathetic, and just wanted to thank a guy for saving his life. And so when we looked at having him back in the finale, it was the same thing. They're going to go on to be huge enemies, so what's pivotal in this moment that's our Lex Luthor and our Clark Kent?" And how do we wrap up the relationship that's been so complicated and so mixed with emotions for 10 years?

Nrama: How down to the wire was it, finding out that he was coming back and had you prepared the non-Lex version?

Souders: It was over the wire.

Peterson: It was over the wire. I mean we had published and prepped an entire finale without him in it. Not that we didn't want him. We just thought that was never going to happen. And honestly there were a couple of things that we had planned on planting in the season that we didn't, because we didn't know we were going to have him. So we wrote the scenes...I won't say hurriedly because we spent all weekend writing these big scenes for him, but it did throw some of the other story lines for the season into a bit of a tailspin.

Nrama: The promotions have been showing a lot of Jonathan Kent. Can you give us any explanation about his return?

Souders: Yeah, I think it will become really clear what role Jonathan plays and why he shows up the way he does in this episode. Every time I see certain moments with Jonathan, I definitely get a tear in my eye after all these weeks of watching the footage.

Peterson: We very purposely platformed his role in the finale with what we did in the premiere, in “Lazarus,” and that final scene that Clark has with him in “Lazarus” The whole point was to bookend the final season with Jonathan. So he's introduced in that same type of way.

Nrama: With getting all of the Michael Rosenbaum story in...were there things that you didn't get to that you wanted to?

Souders: Yeah, I think we would have liked to see the JLA more this season. John Jones (Phil Morris) is someone we really wanted to bring back. And I think what it came down to was, the finale had a lot of people in it, and at a certain point you tip the scale and you're not servicing the people that are on screen. But there were a lot of beloved characters that we wanted to see again that we wanted to bring back. But in general we were pretty happy with what we got to do.

Peterson: It's always hard when another hero shows up, because every moment that hero is on screen, it takes time away from Clark. By it's nature. The VRA was supposed to be a vehicle to get as many people back as we could, but with the 200th [episode] and Booster (Eric Martsolf) in the finale, our resources were maxed out.

Nrama: What extras are you planning for the DVD set?

Souders: Oh my gosh, this DVD set is insane! I...think it's the biggest one Warner Bros. has ever brought out.

Peterson: It is. I know they've gone back...the whole series...we've seen it. It's really cool looking. They've gone back and they've interviewed people who were on those first seasons with us, like Al (Gough) and Miles (Millar) and there's, I believe...some of the stuff is still in negotiations right now. There is definitely...they did two featurettes that are going to go on this season. One is about fathers....

Nrama: What can you tell the Chloe fans about how you're wrapping her story line? And Oliver...he's been marked.

Peterson: I don't want to give anything away. Alison was doing a play so we got her for half of the show. [laughs] I think there are a lot of different ways people want Chloe to end, and so we, I think, serviced her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she's becoming. And she has one big moment with Clark where we get to see her shine.

Souders: And how she interacts with the overall mythology. And I will say that Chloe fans should definitely stay tuned through the entire show. There's a jewel.

Peterson: Yes, there's a certain thing that we did for her that nobody [else] got.

Nrama: And Oliver?

Peterson: It's hard, because Oliver came in so late in the series, we wanted to service him, but this show is about Clark and Chloe and Martha...it started as one thing and we wanted to end it...he has a big heroic moment, he has a big arc, he has some complications...hopefully people feel satisfied with the little conclusion in the finale.

Souders: You really see what an impact that these heroes coming together has made on him and having Clark as a friend. It's very clear in this episode...it defines that relationship and what it means to both of them. And there's a really great moment and you really see their friendship and that bond, and that's what's going to get them through a lot of hard times in the future.

Nrama: Will there be any little flash forwards? Any glimpses of what's coming?

Peterson: That will be answered in the first five minutes of the show.

Nrama: Many fans have been watching since the pilot. Do you feel additional pressure to make sure you get everything in the fans might want versus what the source material said happens in that last two hours?

Peterson: Well the good thing is, we're as big of fans as everyone else...but yes. There is a lot of pressure.

Souders: Yes. To wrap up ten years...just to do a finale every season is literally...it takes everything out of everyone who is working on it. We just collapse. The next day everyone is on planes, trying to get on a beach, as far away as they possibly can...to try and do that for ten years and really wrap up ten years...yeah, there was a lot of pressure.

Peterson: We know we'll never hit everything. It's impossible. I think the finale hits 80 to 90 percent of what everybody is going to want. More than almost any other episode we've done, I think.

Nrama: Can you describe how the final moments of the episode affected you?

Souders: I still get really choked up, just because it feels like there is such a history. And obviously we have such a history with it too. It feels like high school. You're ending a whole period of your life that you know you will never ever get to go back to that just had highs and lows, but was just so spectacular in every way. It just won't ever be duplicated in that same way, so it's pretty emotional.

Peterson: We also didn't just want to do an ending; we wanted to do a beginning a little bit. And so I think what we were aiming for was giving people the emotion of knowing what's to come because the end of this show lines up with every movie, a lot of comic books, a lot of other things. Unlike a lot shows, we know where this story goes. And so it's kind of a handoff to those other pieces of canon and those other pieces of mythology, rather than just an ending.

Well my friends, it's almost time. I have my red and blue tissues at the ready. And if it helps soften the blow, Peterson and Souders told us that there are plans for a comic book to continue the story.

http://www.newsarama.com/tv/smallville- ... 10512.html?
- Entrevista a Allison Mack sobre su último día de rodaje y Erica Durance (The Everything Film):

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3asF47vh ... ture=share[/youtube]

- Desde Clark Kent a Superman: Una Mirada Atras a 10 años de Smallville (TVGuide):
Desde Clark Kent a Superman: Una Mirada Atras a 10 años de Smallville
Por Natalie Abrams 12 de Mayo, 2011 11:53 PM ET

Smallville started with a story known 'round the world: An alien crash-lands on Earth, where he's found by a couple who have been desperate, but unable to have a child. Little did they know that the child they would adopt as their own would become a superhero and the world's savior.

But first, he'd have to get through high school, the heartache of losing his first love, and 150 or so power-hungry bad guys. Over its 10-year run, Smallville explored the growing pains of the human, not-so-super side of Clark Kent (Tom Welling), while tipping its hat to his future greatness. Executive producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders talk to TVGuide.com about his journey from awkward teen to Superman. It all began with giving the future do-gooder some flaws...

Originally, the plan was to follow the origins of Batman, a superhero who wears his angst and rage on his sleeve. But a film version was in the works, so series creators Al Gough and Miles Millar took on the story of Clark Kent, whose origins story seemed less obviously compelling.
Peterson: Finding problems and character flaws for Superman has always been the challenge of this show because he's perfect... [What we decided to do was tell the story of] the immense struggle it took to get to that point, to fill in the space from when he arrived on earth to the point that he decided to be that inspiration for people.

To keep Superman grounded, literally, Gough and Millar set one rule for the show: "No Tights, No Flights."
Souders: Because we're big fans of Superman, there is always that gut reaction of, "I just want to get to the end!" But what's been most fascinating, for me, is that whole journey to that end. Had they just immediately jumped into tights and flight, we wouldn't have gotten to know Clark Kent. There is something about being able to write about real people, even though it seems insane to say that about Superman, and [have him] experience the kind of moments that all of us experience in our life, and do it with some kind of honesty.

They also gave their teenage hero teenage villains, what the creators fondly dubbed a "freak of the week." These were teens infected by meteor rock — the same stuff that accompanied Clark down to Earth — which heightened their already hormonal issues. A perfect example was Jodi (Amy Adams), whose issues with her weight led her to make a kryptonite-infused diet shake that cause rapid weight loss but came with an insatiable hunger that would not subside -- so she ate people.
Peterson: Al and Miles did a really smart thing in setting up the show in that they didn't immediately choose DC Comics villains to be the villains. It allowed us to tell the more high school stories, which were more based on issues that kids go through in high school. As Clark grew and he discovered his super powers and the greater world, we discovered the greater DC world along with that.

At the same time, Clark was a teenager in love. Lana (Kristin Kreuk) was a girl whose parents were killed by the same comet that brought him to Smallville. Their love culminated in a proposal that was tragically erased when Clark was forced to save her life in the 100th episode. When Lois (Erica Durance) entered the picture in Season 4, fans rooting for Lana were torn.
Peterson: When you see that first love, everybody wants it to last. But the reality with most of us is our first loves are there for a very particular reason; to help us grow and help us mature in to the people we are. A lot of us don't end up with our first love. [In the episode, "Blank,"] where Clark loses his memories and has to learn it all over again, there is a scene where he looks at Lana and he just can't even comprehend what he could have done to screw this up. We've all been to the place where we think, "What if we could go back and do our relationship over again?" [Another] big benchmark for me is in Season 6's "Promise," the wedding episode where Clark actually proactively goes after Lana. He doesn't just sit back. He actually, for one of the first times, goes after something he wants, even though it doesn't end well for him in that episode.
Souders: I would never use the word "cater," however, we really wanted to know what was of interest to fans and it certainly influenced the area that we tried to explore with the characters.
Peterson: We probably didn't change a storyline. We might have de-emphasized something that we were really going to play out. Even though we were trying to give the audience what they wanted, it was really each character that drove the storylines.

The 100th episode, "Reckoning," was a turning point for Clark, whose actions in saving Lana caused the death of his Earth father, Jonathan Kent (John Schneider).
Peterson: Clark had always had a mentor, and then he went through some really hard growing pains. What's interesting is that the show went through some growing pains in that next year as Clark was finding his feet and trying to get on without Jonathan. John Schneider was hugely instrumental in setting the tone for the show and guiding everybody.
Souders: There is also a huge shift in "Reckoning" because he stopped leaning on his family as much and became more self-reliant and had to look inward. I think that began a more psychological investigation into Clark Kent.

Just as Clark lost his mentor, the show lost the voice of its creators, Gough and Millar, who left in 2008 with little explanation other than they never stopped fighting for what they saw as their vision for the show. Enter Peterson and Souders, who had started in Season 2 as writers and worked their way up in the ranks.
Peterson: We started working with Tom Welling really closely. The three of us really were, in a weird way, on the same trajectory that Clark Kent was as far as our mentors moving on and leaving us with all this knowledge and [having to decide what] to do with it.

Welling became an executive producer on the series and even directed eight episodes.
Souders: Watching it makes me feel a little bit like a parent. He's passionate about the show. He wants the quality of the show to be as high as it possibly can be. We're also lucky that our lead was a person who wanted to take on more responsibility instead of getting less and less interested, which can easily happen.

In its later years, fans got restless -- Clark's progression into Superman was now several years in the making. So producers set out to introduce aspects of his DC Comics mythology to appease them.
Souders: DC Comics has been wonderful to work with because they know that it's important for us to see the Superman mythology in its entirety, but they also have been very cautious. It needs to not only be satisfying to the arc of Superman but also just in the context of Smallville. And that means sometimes you have to take liberties, but we always tried to honor, as much as we can, what came before us and what will come after us.
Peterson: We've always been working with Warner Bros. movie projects. But, as we all know, those can change radically, and at one point, ages ago, Lex Luther was from Krypton, and so then we had to try to slightly adjust. Then we would adjust back, depending on what draft of the movie script came in. And so what's been interesting for us is just to realize there are so many slight variations on these stories -- the graphic novels and the comics, and the movies. Everybody treats the material very reverently, but we put a tiny bit of a different spin on it. I feel like this show has been very successful with that.

Bringing in Lois Lane was one of Smallville's biggest gets from DC, alongside introducing supervillains Metallo, Darkseid and Zod, who filled in the void after Michael Rosenbaum (Lex) left in Season 7. The show was even able to take liberties with those characters, from Lois and Clark's premature meeting to the creation of Chloe (Allison Mack), a character not formerly in the mythology. She became a point of debate among fans for years, and eventually made her way into the comics.
Peterson: What was hard for us was that people wanted such completely different things from Chloe because she started off as this awesome, fun sidekick. When it came time for her to grow into her own, and she was no longer a sidekick, it was very tough because she had to find her own destiny. Fans were very, very split on what they wanted that to be. So we just kind of created a path that made sense. In the end, she kind of lined up with where Chloe is in the comic, too.

After nine years of watching Clark Kent inch his way toward his destiny, it was time to become Superman. The CW announced in 2010 that Season 10 would be Smallville's final year.
Peterson: It happened organically because Season 10 was a great benchmark. Clark's character had developed to a certain point. The actors were all very much invested in ending the series on the right note. There were so many people involved in this show, hundreds and hundreds of people over the years, that everybody put so much effort in to creating this world where we got to see Clark mature. I'm hoping Tom and everybody else involved in the show feel like we literally went through every aspect of his maturation to the point when he makes his transformation, and it's completely believable.

To end the series meant closing one chapter of Clark's life while beginning the famous one. But there was one hiccup: Clark's greatest foe, Lex Luthor, was missing in action. Rosenbaum initially held out from returning, but following the fan outcry, he agreed to come back for the final episode.
Souders: I believe there was a massive smile on my face. I felt like 500 pounds had been lifted from my shoulders.
Peterson: This year has been very difficult because we really wanted Kristin Kreuk, who played Lana, just like we wanted Michael, but we also very much respected the fact that these actors put a lot of time into the show. They deserve a chance to go off and explore their own opportunities. We only had Michael for one day, so there was only so much we could do with him in the story and we really wanted to keep this Clark's finale. We had prepped an entire finale without him in it. There were a couple of things we had planned on planting in the season that we didn't because we didn't know that we were going to have him. So, we wrote the scenes, I won't say hurriedly because we spent like all weekend writing these two big scenes for him, but it did throw a couple of the other storylines into a...not a tail spin, but it changed them a little.
Souders: In some ways, [the finale] was pretty similar, it's just that Lex would have been a little bit of a puppeteer behind the scenes those last few episodes.

With his nemesis in place, Clark and Smallville are ready to say farewell.
Peterson: We didn't want to just do an ending, we wanted to do a beginning a little bit. What we were aiming for was giving people the emotion of knowing what's to come because the end of this show lines up with every movie, a lot of comic books, and a lot of other things. Unlike a lot of shows, we know where this story goes, and so, it is a hand-off to those other pieces of canon and those other pieces of mythology, rather than just an ending.
Souders: What I would hope Smallville did was make one of the most recognizable heroes in the world accessible and made him sort of human to people so that they could relate to him and be inspired by him.
Peterson: When I watched [the finale], what's interesting is you have this rush of, "Gosh, that's what I've been waiting for all these years!" And then, immediately following it's like, "Wait a minute. That can't be the end!" We all know he has a whole new destiny and he has a whole future. That's where our show leaves off and where the movies will pick up.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Smallville- ... 33026.aspx
- Los Jefes de Smallville Dan las Gracias por 10 Temporadas de Altos Vuelos (E!Online):
Los Jefes de Smallville Dan las Gracias por 10 Temporadas de Altos Vuelos
Por Jenna Mullins 13 de Mayo, 2011 6:00 AM

Tonight, we have to say goodbye to Smallville after 10 remarkable seasons. And even though we get a two-hour send-off, it's still going to be hard to watch those characters fly off our TV screens for good. And you know what's going to make it even harder? Watching the series finale after reading the heartfelt and touching letter to the fans from executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson.

Seriously, prepare to choke up a bit when you read it. When we spoke to them earlier this week, they were also having a rough time talking about the end. But based on their message to all Smallville supporters, they are both proud of the work they've done and excited about Clark's final moments.

Now, go grab something to mop your face with and let's settle in to read...

Nine years. At times it feels like forever (especially when we look at our Warner Bros. ID badges we received our first week of work and we looked like kids!) and some times it feels like it's only been a few weeks. We will probably measure all time against Smallville for the rest of our lives. As it turns out, we've started measuring a lot against Smallville. We began as wide-eyed freshman. All we could focus on was getting that first big break in television. We used to sit in the writers' room and stare at the beautiful Burbank scenery saying, "Wow, we did it. We're here." Two kids from the Midwest make good. And it was quite a ride. 9/11 had just happened. The world was looking for a hero. Superman always fits that bill. Especially when you're looking for an American hero who is just, not vengeful, home-grown and dare we say earnest.

Then a decade passes. The war falls on a later page in the paper. It's easy to get buried under the thousands of decisions that go into every television season. And you can lose perspective being in such a macro world. But, coming to the end of the show this year, we were able to step back and we were moved by what we saw. In fact, we used that view to help shape the final season of Smallville:


The theme this year was Believe in Heroes. They exist. And not just in red capes. And the fact that a show that's survived two networks, two time slots and four different days of the week proves that people want to be inspired. People want to put their faith in hope and their trust in humanity.

We have been lucky. We got to sit with the writers and think about Superman every day. We got to think about what inspires us. Think about why Superman is the most recognizable character in the world. Think about the most avid fans in television and the reason they tune in every week—not only do they want to believe in good, they actually do. Someone once said that you can only truly appreciate in others what you have the potential for in yourself. Superheroes are a reflection of who we want to become. Whatever impact we've had on the Superman mythos, it pales compared to the impact the fans of Superman across the globe have had on us. It's what makes us believe there's a more peaceful future out there. Being reminded of that every week for a decade has been a gift.

Thank you,

Kelly and Brian

If you can see through the tears by the time you get this far, then you can see this: we'll be posting interviews with the cast and some behind-the-scenes footage from the final episode. So come on back and let's continue celebrating 10 seasons of Smallville!

http://uk.eonline.com/uberblog/watch_wi ... ou_10.html
- Entrevista: Productores Ejecutivos de "Smallville" Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders (The Futon Critic):
Entrevista: Productores Ejecutivos de "Smallville" Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders
Por Jim Halterman 13 de Mayo, 2011 - 12:06 AM]

The end is very near and for anyone who has spent the last 10 seasons enthralled in the journey of Clark Kent (Tom Welling) from high school teenager to full-fledged Superman in the CW series "Smallville," tonight wraps up what undoubtedly has been one hell of a ride. While a few spoilers have leaked out on the web since shooting wrapped on this last installment, during a Q&A session earlier this week at the Warner Brother offices in Burbank, Executive Producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders told a group of journalists (including our Jim Halterman) that there are still more than enough moments that will truly prove to be a surprise during tonight's broadcast.

Peterson was the first to admit that maybe the finality of it all has not quite hit him yet. "This was a huge endeavor and it had a lot of challenges," he said, "so there's a big weight that's been lifted but, to be honest, I think we won't know until it really airs and it's done forever." Souders said the sentiments for her came up during the moment in tonight's episode when someone from the early seasons of the series shows up. "Every time I see certain moments with Jonathan [Kent, played by John Schneider] I definitely get a tear in my eye after all these weeks of watching the footage."

While it's no longer a surprise that Schneider is returning in some capacity, Peterson teased that there is a purpose to the part that he plays in the series finale. "We very purposely platformed his role in the finale with what we did in the season premiere this year with that final scene that Clark has with him... so the whole point was to bookend the final season with Jonathan so he's introduced in that same type of way."

Another return to the final episode that fans have been hankering for all season is that of Michael Rosenbaum, who returns as infamous Superman villain Lex Luthor. Since it looked for a long time like Rosenbaum would not agree to reprise the role, how down-to-the-wire did it come? "It was over the wire!" said Souders with a laugh. Peterson revealed, "we had published and prepped an entire finale without him in it... not that we didn't want him but we just thought that was never going to happen." In fact, Peterson also said they would have done things differently this season if they'd known earlier that he was going to reprise the role. "Honestly, there were a couple of things that we had planned on planting in the season that we didn't because we didn't know we were going to have him so we wrote the scenes... I won't say hurriedly because we spent all weekend writing these two big scenes for him but it did throw a couple of the other storylines... it changed them a little."

In figuring out how to bring Lex Luthor back, Souders offered that having Lex show up as a full-on adversary for Clark was not exactly the Lex they decided to bring back. How did the writers come to that conclusion? "We went back to the pilot and said, 'There's that guy who showed up and was totally personable and super sympathetic and just wanted to thank [Clark] for saving his life,' so when we looked at having him back in the finale it was the same thing. They're going to go on to be huge enemies so what is this pivotal moment which is our Lex Luthor and our Clark Kent and how do we wrap up the relationship that has been so complicated and so mixed with emotions for 10 years?"

Another beloved character that returned for a portion of this final season was Allison Mack's Chloe. While the show has always been grounded in the Superman mythology, fans of "Smallville" cannot deny the impact of Chloe. In thinking of how to wrap up Chloe's piece of the story, though, Peterson said, "I think there are a lot different ways that people want Chloe to end so we, I think, serviced her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she is becoming and she has one big moment with Clark where we get to see her shine." Souders, with a grin at trying not to give away too much, teased an important piece of information for viewers who have always loved Mack's character. "I should say that Chloe fans should stay tuned through the whole show. There's a jewel... " And with all this talk about the returning characters, what about Clark, who may or may not be marrying Lois Lane (Erica Durance) even though she called off the wedding at the end of last week's penultimate episode? Peterson explained that Clark's story culminates after a season-long of a unique problem - his knowing his destiny as a hero. "What we purposely chose this year to be [Clark's] stumbling block is the fact that he's trying too hard to be a hero and trying too hard to force his destiny." Souders said the 200th episode earlier this season was the point where even more pressure was put on Clark. "When you've seen your future," she asked, "how does that start adjusting what you do on a daily basis because you have a mindset of 'I gotta do this, I gotta do that in order to be this person?' I mean if we just jumped 10 years into our future and spent a day there I can't even imagine what sort of impact we'd come back with. It would be a real challenge just to really stay present and stay in your present mindset."

Peterson and Souders did say that as much as they would have liked to service all the heroes, villains and other cast members past and present, it just wasn't possible. "I think what it just came down to was the finale had a lot of people in it," said Souders, "and at a certain point you tip the scale and you're not servicing the people on screen but there are a lot of beloved characters that we wanted to see again that we didn't quite get to but in general we were pretty happy with everything that we were able to do."

As the end came to one of their final Q&As about "Smallville," what did Peterson and Souders hope people have taken from the entire series? "It's probably the theme that emerged this year which is 'believe in heroes,'" said Souders. "It's become incredibly important to us that we were able to work on a show that had such a positive message and I think the fact that we have such hardcore fans that have followed the show... I think that's why they watch. It's not because it's the biggest visual effects they'll ever see on a screen and it's not because of really anything other than I think they want to believe in heroes." Peterson agreed by adding, "I think Superman was born in a very tumultuous time in our history and I think we're facing a lot of other challenges right now and it's inspiration, for sure."

In the end, Peterson teased one last moment that fans of "Smallville" (and I suspect Superman in general) will more than likely enjoy immensely. "There's a very good scene with a door," he said. "It's probably one of everybody's favorite scenes in the show... there's one shot that is just like the 'Smallville' shot. You'll see it and you'll be like 'This is what we needed in the finale!' You'll know it the second you see it... "

http://www.thefutoncritic.com/interview ... mallville/
- Los Productores Ejecutivos de 'Smallville' Showrunners Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders Sopesan el Final de la Serie (TVSquad.com):
Los Productores Ejecutivos de 'Smallville' Showrunners Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders Sopesan el Final de la Serie
Por Laura Prudom, 13 de Mayo 2011 9:00AM

It's the end of an era. A decade-long journey reaches its conclusion tonight, and as one door closes on Clark Kent, farm boy, high schooler, "The Blur," another opens to reveal a much larger destiny: The birth of Superman.

To say that expectations are high would be an understatement, and executive producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders seem well aware that they have a lot of fans to please with the 'Smallville' series finale.

While it's impossible to satisfy everyone, it's clear that no one involved in the creative process of producing 'Smallville' takes this ending lightly, and as emotional as tonight's episode may be, I believe it will also be a fitting climax for one of TV's most enduring genre shows.

AOL TV caught up with Souders and Peterson this week to discuss the challenges of writing such an eagerly anticipated finale, and what fans can expect from tonight's episode. Because I know that some fans are trying to avoid spoilers and others are desperate for clues, I've split the interview into two parts: spoiler-free at the top, and spoilers at the bottom -- so feel free to join us after the jump to preview the finale!


What are your plans for Friday night? Are you doing anything special to mark the occasion?
Kelly Souders: Probably a pretty mellow evening. I think we're just going to watch it together. I think we are kind of partied out -- kind of a mellow night because we know it's going to be kind of an emotional one too.

How did you decide on the final scene of the series? Did you always know what you wanted to end on?
Brian Peterson: We pretty much knew a handful of shots that we wanted in this finale; it was just a matter of which one to end on. Pretty quickly into breaking [the story], we decided we wanted to end the way we did.

At the end of the day, do you feel like you made the finale you wanted to make?
KS: Yeah, I'd say so. I think, considering you're putting on such a massive production with a TV schedule -- which is not exactly like you have months to shoot it -- we're really happy with how it turned out. In fact, everybody on the crew and cast, and all of the effects houses we work with, all of our editors, everybody gave 150 percent, and I'd say it surpassed our expectations.

Now for the million dollar question: After all these years, what does 'Smallville' mean to you personally?
BP: [pauses] That's a really good question. I think what we've been saying, which is very true, is [that it embodies] the ability to believe in the best in people. We've been writing for years about this amazing character that always believes in people, a character we can believe in, and so I think that, to me, is personally what 'Smallville' means.
KS: I think the same thing. I think that we didn't really come to the show thinking that was going to happen, you know, we were just so excited to be here. I think, over the course of the 10 years, we realized how lucky we are to have spent a decade writing about the world's greatest hero.

'Smallville' has always been great about including references to the Superman legacy as Easter eggs for the fans: Did you specifically draw from any of the movies, shows or comics that came before 'Smallville' for the finale?
BP: Throughout the series, we really tried to pay homage to a lot of the visuals, and a lot of the ideas, and all of the materials whether it's a movie or a comic book, but we do definitely have a few things that go back to those in the finale.

When you knew that Michael Rosenbaum would be returning as Lex, but that his availability would be limited due to his commitment to his other show [the sadly cancelled 'Breaking In'], how did you go about deciding which scenes to include and which to cut? You must've had so much you wanted to tie up and address after all his time away.
KS: Honestly, he had been so integral to the show, and the scenes fell into place very quickly and very organically. It really only took a couple of hours, maybe, to figure out how it would work with what we already had planned.

There's a lot of expectation about Clark finally fulfilling his destiny and what that might look like. Can you talk about the process of writing this particular episode and the Tom Welling and Erica Durancebeats that you were determined to hit? Did it require a lot of rewrites or was it perfectly formed in your minds already?
BP: Actually no, of all the scripts, other than some of the typical budget issues, this one really stayed pretty much intact from the beginning. I think we knew for so long how we wanted some of those final moments to play out, and who we wanted them to play out with, and it very much fell into place quickly.

Since you were on set for portions of the finale, I wondered if you could talk a little about Tom Welling's performance in the final episode, and the energy or charisma that he brought?
KS: Well, all we can say is he is fantastic! I mean, for somebody who has been working pretty much every day for 10 years, long hours, and needing to have the energy of a leader on set, I would imagine he would be collapsing at that point, but instead, he kind of brought it with him to the show. He is phenomenal.

What sort of legacy do you think -- or hope -- 'Smallville' will leave behind?
KS: Obviously, we hope people will remember it and watch it over and over again, and maybe people grow up and share it with their kids or friends. Hopefully, it is certainly a timeless show; there's a reason why Superman has been around for many, many decades, and I certainly hope 'Smallville' is as well.


Can you reveal anything new about Chloe's involvement in the finale and what her role is?
BP: Well, she plays a very important part in the show because we give her one of the biggest moments, I think, in the show, and she has a very quintessential "Chloe moment" of being the ultimate sidekick and saving Clark.

Can you elaborate on the "special thing" that she got that no one else got, as you described it to reporters earlier. Is that related to what you just said?
KS: It's just a big moment, you know, sort of a big Superman moment, and it was just something that we kind of wanted. She has been so integral in the show, but her future, obviously, no one quite knows in the same way that people know what eventually happens to Clark Kent, and Lois Lane, and Green Arrow [from the comics canon], so we wanted to be sure that her place in our mythology was solidified.

We know that Martha and Jonathan will be back, and when I last spoke to you, Kelly, you mentioned how important it was for you guys to pay off that part of Clark's history, but can you tell us anything else about their involvement, or whether we'll see them together?
BP: You see them together briefly in a couple moments of the show, yeah. I don't want to give it away!

What's ahead for the Daily Planet staff: Will there be a mention of the original, deceased Jimmy, and will the way be paved for a new one?
KS: Again, we don't want to give much away, but I think you will see the essence of the Daily Planet that everybody knows and loves. There is a long history of Superman. There are just some fun moments that were important for us to try and crowbar in.

http://www.tvsquad.com/2011/05/13/small ... interview/
- Los Productores Ejecutivos Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders Dicuten el Épico Final de esta Noche para un Remarcable Viaje de 10 Años (TheTVAdicct):
Los Productores Ejecutivos Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders Dicuten el Épico Final de esta Noche para un Remarcable Viaje de 10 Años
Por Tiffany Vogt 13 de Mayo, 2011

SMALLVILLE’s momentous journey from man-to-Superman has enthralled viewers for the past decade. For any show, 10 years is remarkable by any measure, and for SMALLVILLE it is a simultaneous passing of the torch and the solidifying of a legacy. Not wanting to leave the fans hanging or wanting for anything, executive producers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson have made it their mission to jam-pack as much of the significant elements of both Superman-mythology and SMALLVILLE into this final season. Then as the show came down to the wire, they tried to squish even more into the two-hour finale. At a special sneak peek screening, members of the press were treated to a glimpse of what that finale will offer. Suffice it to say, fans will be really happy. In fact, there just might be shouts of joy and jubilation as each new surprise is unveiled.

In order to do justice to both the show, which spanned ten amazing years, Brian and Kelly took it upon themselves to re-watch not only the pilot episode, but also watched several other pivotal episodes to make sure that they hit all the right notes. They wanted to ensure a heart-warming and promise-filled send off for a show that touched so many lives and provided countless hours of entertainment for the fans. They also understood that it was not their job to conclude the Superman story, but rather to merge the worlds of SMALLVILLE and the overall Superman mythology. Thus, their job was to build the bridge in the finale, not close the book. The finale will be more of a hand-off between the two worlds – after all, the story of Clark Kent and Superman is just beginning. So in the finale look for some long-lost familiar faces to pop-up and some long awaited iconic moments to finally be fulfilled. That will be Brian and Kelly’s legacy and gift to the fans. Blood, sweat and tears – all because they loved the show and the fans to make it as damn near perfect as possible.

Talking about the finale and how he will feel after it is done, Brian candidly admitted, “This was a huge endeavor and it had a lot of challenges, so if feels as if there’s a big weight that’s been lifted. To be honest, I think we won’t know until it really airs and it’s done forever.” Reflectively Kelly said, that for her, “It’s strange.” Brian also explained, “It’s very strange, but most importantly, I think we’re really proud. Everybody put 110% into the finale – all the actors. People did things they probably wouldn’t have done before — Visual Effects has thrown in some extra stuff. Everybody’s gone above and beyond the call of duty.” Kelly added, “Peter Roth has been the biggest fan of the show from the beginning. It’s usually not the network’s job to pitch in on that stuff, but everyone gave us a lot of support because no one wanted to leave things off the screen.” If anything is missing, it won’t be for the lack of trying. They had a green-light to make the finale exactly as they wanted and they went for it.

When asked are their favorite moments from the finale, Kelly mentioned there is a significant scene in the church as Lois is about to walk down the aisle and Brian alluded to a mysterious “door” scene. He explained, “There’s a very good scene with a door that is probably one of everyone’s favorite scenes in the show. There is one shot that is the [quintessential] Smallville shot. You’ll see it and you’ll be like, ‘This is what we needed in the finale!’ You’ll know it the second you see it.” With a tease like that, we are surely all counting the minutes to find out what THAT is!

Another fun thing to look forward to in the finale is the long-awaited return of Michael Rosenbaum as Lex Luthor. Despite years trying to persuade Michael to do one last appearance for the fans, it ultimately came right down to the wire to make it happen. But after carving out exactly one day to cement Lex into the SMALLVILLE legacy, the stars aligned and Michael was there in the end. As Brian explained, “We really wanted to keep this Clark’s finale — but Lex plays a very interesting role and there are a couple big twists with Lex.” Kelly had a much more illuminating take on the necessity of Lex to wrap the show, as she explained, “Because Michael hasn’t been on the show for the last couple years . . . we needed to tie up the last couple years and the season. We had Darkseid looming out there. But when we were thinking about Michael coming back, and the Smallville Lex and what his purpose was, it was always not quite what you expected – it was much more human and emotional than any of us thought starting out on the series would have expected. So we really went back to the pilot and we thought, ‘There’s that guy who showed up and was totally personable, super sympathetic, and just wanted to thank a guy for saving his life.’ When we looked at having him back in the finale, it was the same thing: they’re going to go on to be huge enemies. So it was about ‘what’s pivotal at this moment for our Lex Luthor and our Clark Kent?’ We had to wrap up a relationship that has been so complicated and so mixed with emotions for 10 years.”

So while they always hoped Lex would be back, as for venturing back into the Lana Lang storyline, Brian and Kelly knew from the beginning of the final season that Lana Lang’s story was done. Brian explained it as, “We were told at the beginning of the season that Kristin would never be back. I think her role would have been much better in the 200th episode because it was about reunions and high school, and all that. Once that passed and we realized we weren’t going to get her for that because she just wasn’t available, we didn’t follow the Lana-thread.” So while Lana’s story did not make it into the final season, they always kept the door open for the return of Lex, which as Brian said, “We always kept the Lex-thread partially alive.”

However much the die-hard romantics may dispute it, the SMALLVILLE story has always been about Clark’s journey which entangles a multitude of key people; and it will one day ultimately come to rest with Superman’s nemesis and arch-enemy, Lex Luthor. To end the story with just a wedding would not be doing justice to the story of the hero – though it’s a beautiful send off for Clark Kent if it comes true. What fans really want to see is Clark shedding the small farm boy persona and slipping into his super suit and become the Man of Steel. No more hiding in the semblance of a normal life – time to take to the skies!

Kelly and Brian were also quick to point out that, in the end, they just could not fit everything into the finale that they wanted. The time constraints were too pressing and they had to make some hard choices. Kelly shared, “The finale is two hours, and we had to cut quite a bit out actually. It is jam-packed . . . A lot of prep went in it and it was a really challenging episode. It was challenging when the first script came out — and then people just kept adding and bringing more to the table. Our crew and our cast were just tireless about making it the greatest it could be. I would say pretty much every moment in this had a lot of hours behind it, not just that one.”

Funny enough, Brian explained, “It’s fair to say that we thought, at one point, that we might not have enough footage for the finale. So we wrote a couple extra scenes with some of the Darkseid mythology, and with Granny and Godfrey, which ended up not making it into the final cut because the original script did fit. So those might end up showing up on the DVD or somewhere. They fleshed out the story a little; but because they weren’t our main characters, they were the first to go.” So be sure to look for all those extras, as well as a lot more on the DVD box set. In fact, Kelly described the DVD set as, “The DVD set is insane. I think it’s the biggest one Warner Brothers has ever put out for a whole series!” Brian also added, “It’s really cool looking. They’ve gone back and interviewed people that were on those first seasons with us, like Al [Gough] and Miles [Millar]. Some of the stuff is still in negotiations right now. But they did two featurettes that are going to go on this season. There’ll be lots of extra features.”

So while Lana will be M.I.A. and Granny’s screen time got cut-down, another familiar face returning for the finale is Jonathan Kent. Despite being the dearly departed, Jonathan has been known to reappear both to remind Clark of his destiny and in the alt-verse from which Lionel Luther’s doppelganger managed to escape. To explain Jonathan’s appearance in the finale, Kelly said, “It will be really clear what role Jonathan plays and why he shows up the way he does in this episode.” Though personally for her, “Every time I see certain moments with Jonathan, I definitely get a tear in my eye — even after all these weeks of watching the footage!” Brian also explained, “We very purposely platformed [Jonathan’s] role in the finale to match up what we did in the premiere this year, with that final scene that Clark has with him in ‘Lazarus.’ The whole point was to bookend the final season with Jonathan. He’s introduced in that same type of way.” After all, what could the finale be without the return of the one man who had the greatest, positive influence on the man that Clark Kent would be as he struggled to be both Kryptonian and human at the same time?

Thus, being able to bring back Lex, Lionel, Martha and Jonathan into the finale was extraordinary good fortune. But there were a few more storylines and long-lost faces that they simply could not weave in. One of which was John Jones and the chance to showcase more of the Justice League of America. Kelly admitted, “I think we probably would have liked to see the [JLA] a little bit more this season. John Jones was somebody we really wanted to bring back. What it just came down to was that the finale had a lot of people in it. At a certain point you tip the scale and you’re not servicing the people that are on screen. There were a lot of beloved characters that we wanted to see again that we didn’t get quite to bring back.” But she added, “ut in general, we were pretty happy with everything we were able to do. Brian also remarked, “It’s always hard when another hero shows up because every minute that other hero’s on screen, it takes time away from Clark just by its nature. The VRA was supposed to be a vehicle to get as many people back as we could, but with the 200th episode and the finale, our resources were maxed out.”

Before fans of Chloe and Oliver worry that the charmed duo won’t be featured, rest reassured. Both of Clark’s stalwart supporters and comrades-in-arms are back in fine fighting form for the big showdown with Darkseid. As Kelly mysteriously hinted, “Chloe fans should definitely stay tuned through the whole show. There’s a jewel.” Brian also cautiously shared, “I don’t want to give anything away. Allison was doing a play so we got her for only half of the show. I think there are a lot of different ways people want Chloe’s story to end, and I think we served her character in a way that is right for who she was and who she’s becoming. She has one big moment with Clark where we get to see her shine. . . . There’s a certain thing that we give her that nobody got.”

Then as for Oliver, Brian noted, “Because Oliver came in so late in the series, we wanted to serve him, but this show is about Clark. [Thus] it started as one thing and we wanted to end it there. He has a big heroic moment. He has a big arc and he has some complications clearly.” Kelly further elaborated, “One thing that I really enjoy about watching Justin [Hartley] and getting to wrap up the Oliver Queen story is that you really see what an impact these heroes coming together has made on him and having Clark as a friend. It’s very clear in this episode. It defines that relationship and what it means to both of them. There’s a really great moment that you just see their friendship and that bond — and that’s what’s going to get them through a lot of hard times in the future.” Brian also added, “We purposely had the last couple episodes be a little Oliver-heavy because we knew we wouldn’t be able to have as much time for him in the finale. So the one that Justin directed called ‘Dominion’ and ‘Prophecy’ had a lot of Oliver in them. Hopefully, people feel satisfied with a little conclusion in the finale.”

Similarly they felt the story involving Kara had been addressed, which Brian explained as, “We saw this last run, not as individual episodes, but as a lead-up. So we wanted to not try to pack everything in the finale. That was our cap-off of villains so that we could have the villains in the finale be Darkseid and Lex and Lionel. That was to show that villains will go on — heroes will go on — Kara will go on to her destiny — and wrap up all that to protect Clark and everything that was in the finale.”

Instead, the finale will focus on bookending the series and concluding the last major battle with evil before Clark fully embraces his destiny and the Superman persona. Just as Clark needs to face the Luthers and his parents in his last final moment as Clark, he must also confront his relationship with Jor-El. As Kelly shared, “Sometimes your mentors and the people that you look to for help can also be holding you back or it can be your imagination that they’re holding you back. I think it’s about that final step of trying to figure out, as an adult, whether you are friends with your parents or if your parents are still your parents. Clark is really trying to figure out all those last relationships as he finally takes this step into complete manhood — or shall we say, Superman-hood. I think it’s still a complication in his life that he has to make peace with in the finale.” Brian also explained, “Finding problems and character flaws for Superman has always been a challenge of this show because he’s perfect. What we purposely chose to be his stumbling block this year is the fact that he’s actually trying too hard to be a hero and trying too hard to force his destiny. So some of the problems that he’s facing at the top of the finale are about him trying too hard to decide who he is and to be a hero, and to not let it happen at the pace it should.” Kelly further explained, “One of the things that’s difficult, and it really started a bit in the 200th episode, is when you’ve seen your future, how does that start adjusting what you do on a daily basis? You have a mind-set of, ‘Oh, I’ve got to do this,’ or ‘I’ve got to do that to be this person.’ I think all of us would have that if we just jumped 10 years into our future and spent a day there. I can’t even imagine what sort of impact we’d come back with. It’d be a real challenge just to stay in a present mind-set. That’s not easy.” So Clark’s journey for this final season was to confront his destiny and not be deterred or boxed in by it. To find a way to live his life amongst all the responsibilities he is assuming and make peace with it.

Then, if there is one thing that Brian and Kelly want fans to take away from the show, it is a belief in heroes. As Kelly revealed, “I think that has become incredibly important to us that we were able to work on a show that had such a positive message. The fact that we have such hardcore fans that have followed the show, I think that’s why they watch. It’s not because we’re going to have the biggest visual effects they’ll ever see on a screen and it’s not because of really anything other than I think they want to believe in the heroes.” Brian added, “I think Superman was born out of a very tumultuous time in our history and I think we’re facing a lot of other challenges right now and we will in the future. To me, it’s inspiration for sure.” In our darkest hour, we turn not to the darkness, but to the light and seek out heroes that will save us from our fears and give us hope for a better future. SMALLVILLE is to remind us of that. It is okay to believe in heroes – to seek out heroes and even achieve to be heroes. That kind of inspiration resonates in our hearts and souls.

Finally, not only do Clark and Superman have a legacy to live up to, but so does SMALLVILLE. When asked what kind of legacy they want the show to have, Kelly said, “What I hope is that what SMALLVILLE did was make one of the most recognizable heroes in the world accessible and made him human to people — so that they could relate to him and be inspired by him. That would be my hope.” For Brian, he explained it as, “With Batman, we see his angst on a daily basis. He literally wears it on his sleeve. Superman is this larger-than-life, poppy red and blue, almost perfect inspiration. So, for me, it’s that we got to see the immense struggle it took to get to that point because he doesn’t wear it on his sleeve every day. We filled in the space from when he arrived on Earth to the point that he decided to be that inspiration for people.” To show the world that Superman is still just a man – albeit a super special one and one with a heart of gold, but a man that we can relate to and embrace. To make him our hero, not because he is supposed to be a hero, but because we watched him become one. To be more than the sum of his abilities and truly become extraordinary – and he did.

In the end, for Brian and Kelly, SMALLVILLE was not only a dream-come-true, it was a gift. They had the privilege of carving out a piece of iconic hero history and making it their own and sharing that fantastic vision with the world. SMALLVILLE will be remembered for its warmth, its humor and its tenacious desire to show the miraculous journey of a man who embraced his destiny and became something more – Superman. For the years of joy, from Brian and Kelly and the rest of the cast and crew, SMALLVILLE is their legacy – a gift to treasure and share. And we are grateful. Thank you!

http://www.thetvaddict.com/2011/05/13/s ... r-journey/

- Tom Welling sobre el Final de la Serie: A La Gente le Va a Gustar Realmente lo que Hicimos'(TVLine):

Tom Welling sobre el Final de la Serie: A La Gente le Va a Gustar Realmente lo que Hicimos
Por Matt Webb Mitovich 13 de Mayo, 2011 08:20 AM PDT

The year-long build-up to the series finale of The CW’s Smallville has been well-chronicled, with mild-mannered reporters such as yours truly doing their best to divine just how super the final two hours airing this Friday at 8/7c are going to be. Even series executive producer Kelly Souders had to remark to TVLine earlier this week, “I’m kind of surprised everything hasn’t leaked!”

Not that Smallville‘s powers-that-be didn’t go to heroic lengths to keep the particulars of the finale under wraps as production got underway in March, in Vancouver. As series lead Tom Welling told me (as part of an interview conducted for the May issue of CBS Watch! Magazine), “We had scripts that were heat-marked, you couldn’t photocopy them, we had to sign them in and sign them out…. It was this really secretive affair.”

Though earlier this season there was the assumption that the finale itself would kinda sorta have to be titled “Superman,” Souders and fellow show runner Brian Peterson kryptonite’d that idea when I spoke to them in January, saying that dropping the S-bomb “is a much bigger discussion” that simply typing eight letters on a keyboard. “It’s not only not that easy,” Welling reiterated to me, “but also it’s kind of not what [the finale] is about.”

What is Friday’s two-hour swan song, simply titled “Finale,” about? We know there’s a wedding. We know there is unfinished business regarding Darkseid and the “darkness” with which Oliver and others have been infected throughout Season 10. And we know that Lex Luthor will be back for a pivotal tete-a-tete with frenemy Clark Kent. But as for precisely how those elements and others meld together into a series ender, you’ll have to tune in and see. From all accounts, however, it sounds sure to satisfy.

“Kelly and Brian did a really great job of wrapping up a 10-year program, which is kind of an impossible task,” Justin Hartley, who plays Ollie/Green Arrow, told me. He then promises, “People are going to fall out of their chairs when they see what happens in the end.”

Perhaps elaborating on that comment, Hartley said, “There’s the question that everyone asks: Is Clark going to fly? Well, either he doesn’t… or he does. That question gets answered.”

Says Welling, “I really think people are really going to like what we did. I mean, when I think about it I get excited. The last image… for me, it gave me goosebumps.”

For much more from Welling, Hartley, Souders and Peterson, Allison Mack, Erica Durance and other series vets — including interesting casting anecdotes, frank talk about the show’s tricky transitions, and tributes to their super fans — check out the oral history of Smallville that I compiled for the May issue of CBS Watch! Magazine, which is sold at Barnes & Noble and Hudson News.

http://www.tvline.com/2011/05/tom-welli ... es-finale/

- El final de 'Smallville' visto por Tom Welling, Erica Durance y Michael Rosenbaum (examiner.com):

El final de 'Smallville' visto por Tom Welling, Erica Durance y Michael Rosenbaum (examiner.com)
Por Danielle Turchiano 13 de Mayo, 2011 9:31 am PT .

"If this series is about one thing, it's about identity-- about Clark finding out who he is," Smallville series star Tom Welling has stated. And tonight, ten years in the making, his Clark Kent is finally ready to embrace the "Superman" he has been destined to be.

To Welling, it is really important that the show wraps up Clark Kent-- as much as they can, considering this is really just the start of his Superman journey-- and this tenth season finale which will act as the series finale ultimately does show the culmination of his journey.

Ten years has certainly given the cast (and crew) a lot of fond memories. Looking back, Welling said one of his favorite moments was getting to work with Christopher Reeve.

"He was just such an inspiration, and it was such a fantastic scene," he recalled. "And even for the show, it was a big moment for Clark that really set him up for the rest of the series. Being able to experience that was very special."

Working with Michael Rosenbaum was also a treat that was taken a bit for granted.

"I realized how much I missed him and what a treat it was to see him again!" Welling admitted, on Rosenbaum's series finale return.

Both men echoed the statement that there is no Superman without his villain, Lex Luthor, so it was really inevitable that Lex was a part of this finale, even though executive producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders admitted that it went "over the wire" when it came to actually getting Rosenbaum back.

"Leave it to Michael to wait until the last few days, and then everybody finds out he's coming back...It's so him; it's so spontaneous; that is the way he is!" Erica Durance laughed.

Rosenbaum said that once the bald cap went back on his head, it was like he had never really left, but he did admit he was a bit scared about his return.

"Of course, typical, they give me, you know, all these monologues! And in between the monologues Clark will say 'Lex, but why?' Give me more time to think of what I'm going to say!" Rosenbaum smiled. "And you know, it was a challenge...it was a lot of lines; it was the whole crew; here he is, go ahead, you haven't done it for three years...I missed the crew; it's good to be back, it really is."

For Rosenbaum, the quintessential Lex Luthor moment came when he killed his own father.

"The realization of what he had done," he said. "There's no going back; there's no looking back. That part of you is always there. You kind of rip the rearview mirror off after that...I think it's important that Clark realize that I won't change; that some people can't change. And I have to realize that with Clark. He hid it for his own reasons for his own reasons; he didn't hide his gift from me to be deceitful...but [Lex doesn't] see it that way."

A big part of who Clark is now is tied up with his lady love and bride-to-be, Lois (Durance). Lois came into the picture a little later than the rest of this gang, and for Durance it became key to then take the role and think of her as a brand new character rather than a comic book icon so that she could bring something original to her. And one of the greatest things she brought to the role, other than the physicality which Durance said she would highlighly miss, was the energy

"I'm always the one who has that kind of really zesty energy, really, constantly. And so I look back and all I can think is about is the laughter; we've had a lot of laughter!" Durance said.

"This year I've had my ups and my downs, and I know change is good and all of those things, but you really start to look around and appreciate all of those great moments and how positive the experience has been and how wonderful the people that I have worked with have been, It's not always like that everywhere. For me, it's like a moment of reflection, and I'm able to look back and go 'Wow, I was so lucky to be able to do that'!"

This season has really showcased Lois' ability to channel that energy into being supportive of her guy, and so in these final moments that are about to unfold, that is very much the case once again. Yes, it is her wedding day, and yes, every wedding day should be all about the bride, but there is so much to this story! Many shows end a season, or even a series, with an event as monumental in characters' lives as a wedding, but what other shows do you know that end with a monumental event for the world: Superman donning his suit and accepting his fate!?

"I think what we find out towards the end is that [Clark] is who he is himself, and that he doesn't have to be anyone else. It's finding that within himself that I think will help him move on to finding who we all know he's going to be."

A perfect note to leave us on, huh, Welling?

http://www.examiner.com/tv-insider-in-l ... -rosenbaum

- Final de 'Smallville' finale: Lee los votos de boda de Clark y Lois's wedding (Zap-2-it):

Final de 'Smallville' finale: Lee los votos de boda de Clark y Lois's wedding
Por Carina Adly MacKenzie 13 de Mayo, 2011 11:25 PM ET

Los fans de "Smallville" han estado anticipando la boda de Lois y Clark durante la mayor parte de la temporada final -- pero nunca les vimos finalmente decir el "Sí quiero" en el evento del final de temporada del viernes por la noche, titulado simplemente, "Finale." Deafortunadamente, cuando eres un superhéroe, salvar el mundo incluso puede truncar tu propia boda.

Pero con suerte, conseguimos tener la oportunidad de escuchar tanto a Lois (Erica Durance) y a Clark (Tom Welling) decir sus votos, lo que fue increíblemente especial, particularmente porque sin esos votos, nuestro destinado dúo puede que nunca hubieran ido finalmente al altar. (Ingnoraremos sólo la parte en donde les ha llevado casi siete años el ir allí.)

Clark es, como siempre, confidente en sus sentimientos por Lois. Sus votos son los que siguen.

"Yo, Clark Kent, te tomo a tí, Lois Lane, para ser mi compañera, para siempre. Contigo a mi lado nunca estaré solo. Aunque el mundo te vea como una mujer fuerte e independiente, nunca he conocido a nadie con tanta dulzura y un corazón más puro. Cuando estuve perdido siempre has estado ahí para traerme de vuelta, así es que en este día, en este momento, entrego el resto de mi vida a tí. Siempre creíste en mí, y yo creo en tí. Cuando crees en alguien no es durante un minuto, o sólo por ahora, es para siempre."

Siempre la perfeccionista, Lois corrigió en rojo su camino hacia sus votos. Y, por supuesto, permaneció sincera a quien siempre ha sido -- la hija del General.

"Quería que estos votos fueran perfectos, pero la perfección es algo difícil de conseguir. Pero la vida está destinada a ser un poco desordenada, y cuando se refiere al amor creo que es como mi padre siempre decía sobre el ejército: Sólo te alistas si es la única cosa que jamás puedes imaginar el estar haciendo. Clark, no puedo imaginar el pasar ni un sólo momento de mi vida sin tí. Prometo que siempre te apoyaré, igual que tú siempre me apoyarás. Eres mi mejor amigo, eres mi hogar, y eres mi verdadero amor, y soy tuya y lo seré para siempre."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... -vows.html

- ‘Smallville’: Los gurús de los efectos visuales que hicieron a Clark súper (herocomplex.latimes.com):

‘Smallville’: Los gurús de los efectos visuales que hicieron a Clark súper (herocomplex.latimes.com)
Por Jevon Phillips 13 de Mayo, 2011 | 7:31 p.m.

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

We’ve heard from the main star of “Smallville,” Tom Welling, producers and even a few heroes (Eric Martsolf and Justin Hartley), but the people that make the show fly — the visual effects team — are also closing a chapter in their lives.

For Entity FX, the visual effects company that has crafted everything from a Metropolis skyline to the expression of Clark Kent’s powers since the second season, it’s a bittersweet ending.

“We did 4,500 visual effects shots across 195 episodes … It was one of the longest-running vfx-centered shows ever. Longer than ‘X-Files,’ ‘Twilight Zone,’ ‘Lost,’ ‘Buffy’ and a whole bunch of others,” said Mat Beck, senior visual effects supervisor of Entity FX.

The show not only taxed them creatively, it also expanded their respect and knowledge of the Man of Steel.

“Over the years, I’ve definitely grown to have much more of an appreciation for it and learned a lot more. Of course, now I feel like I’ve made a mark in history since I’ve contributed to the way those effects are viewed by some individuals,” said Trent Smith, senior visual effects producer of Entity FX.

“I don’t know that this is the first show that’s ever combined teen angst with being a superhero, but it certainly did the most exploration into that. Superman‘s a more rich and complex and conflicted character than I was used to growing up as a kid,” said Beck.

“Smallville’s” look often has a cinematic quality, a mini-movie each week, and those responsible for it know the demands that come from producing a show like this. The company, Beck said, had to grow in how it did things onscreen as Clark’s powers grew.

“They hadn’t been introduced yet … so while he’s trying to figure out what’s going on, we’re trying to figure out how to do it as well,” said Beck. “The challenge was to come up with something that would withstand the test of time but still be capable of evolving as the needs of the effect change.”

And not only did they have to create a certain look for Clark and his powers, but also for the myriad powers that were presented when different guest stars showed up — as with Impulse and his super speed.

“He was a character that we had to take a look at because he moves just as fast as Clark, which we’ve already established a look for, but we wanted it to be different. So, we took our thoughts and our feelings and put it toward what we thought would be the different attributes you’d see on screen if you were going this fast. That’s where we developed something more like a fire trail coming off of him because he’s traveling so fast,” said Smith.

“There’s frozen moments when nothing’s moving; and there’s bullet-time in which things are moving very, very slowly. Then there’s ultra high speed in which the camera is moving faster than [Clark] is; and then there’s super speeding, in which he runs so fast that he becomes a blur and the camera’s in normal speed… It’s like writing, in a way. How do we convey to the audience that at this moment, though Clark is moving in slow-motion, he’s actually moving faster than everybody else in the world,” says Beck.

After all of that, the mood at the effects house is similar to that of many on the other side of the camera: It’s been fun.

“I’ll equate it to graduating high school. You’ve enjoyed those years and you’ve learned and you’ve grown, but it’s time to move on and go on to the next challenge. Working a show this long, I know a lot of the people pretty personally, and I expect to continue keeping that relationship with them,” said Smith.

“It’s true. The best part of any working relationship is not just the cool stuff you churn out, it’s the cool people you get to work with,” says Beck. “This has been really, really great, but there’s a whole world of really cool effects to do that don’t involve a kid from Krypton.”

http://herocomplex.latimes.com/2011/05/ ... t=63378#/0

- El Gran Final de Smallville (cbswatchmagazine.com):

El Gran Final de Smallville
Por Matt Mitovich 13 de Mayo, 2011

As the longest-running superhero series in television history comes to an end, we give it a huge, Daily Planet-sized send-off

“WE DIDN’T FIND YOU, CLARK. YOU FOUND US.” With those words, spoken by Jonathan Kent in the Smallville pilot, a new take on the Superman saga found a home that would last for 10 years.

Developed for TV by Al Gough and Miles Millar, Smallville—which follows the adventures of Clark Kent in the fictional town of Smallville, Kan., before Clark becomes Superman—made its debut Oct. 16, 2001, on The WB. Fronted by Tom Welling and also starring Allison Mack (as Clark’s BFF Chloe Sullivan), Kristin Kreuk (Lana Lang), Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor) and John Schneider and Annette O’Toole (as Clark’s parents, Jonathan and Martha Kent), the first episode drew 8.4 million viewers—breaking the record for a bow on the 6-year-old netlet and proving that no amount of previous adaptations had quelled our fascination with Clark Kent’s story.

“It’s wish fulfillment for every ‘kid’ out there,” offers Kelly Souders, who since Season 8 has served as showrunner with fellow executive producer Brian Peterson. (Both joined Smallville as writers in Season 2.) “So many heroes in mythology are gods or characters that are hard for the everyday person to connect with, but Clark is someone we can all relate to. We want to believe that heroes are made out of people like us.”

With Smallville set to end its decade-long saga this May on The CW, we spoke with many of those involved in getting the young man-who-would-be-Superman off the ground. Herewith, our Kryptonite-free tribute to one of the greatest superhero series in TV history.


In case you’ve been living underneath a Kryptonite rock …

Smallville follows the adventures of a pre-Superman CLARK KENT (Tom Welling), a young man with extraordinary powers, and begins as he navigates the rocky waters of high school alongside romantic interest LANA LANG (Kristin Kreuk) and friend CHLOE SULLIVAN (Allison Mack).

Wealthy LEX LUTHOR (Michael Rosenbaum), meanwhile, becomes fixated on exploring the origin of the meteor shower that has bestowed some Smallville residents with abilities—and, unbeknownst to Lex, heralded Clark’s arrival on Earth, where he was “adopted” by JONATHAN and MARTHA KENT (John Schneider and Annette O’Toole).

Other familiar faces from DC Comics lore paying the series a visit include Clark’s cousin KARA aka SUPERGIRL (Laura Vandervoort), MARTIAN MANHUNTER (Phil Morris), HAWKMAN (Michael Shanks) and ZATANNA (Serinda Swan), while OLIVER QUEEN/GREEN ARROW (Justin Hartley) found a place at Clark’s side from Season 6 on.

As the series progresses, Clark fends off the increasingly curious Lex and a slew of other foes (see “Villains Unmasked!,”) and takes a job at the Daily Planet, where he meets his true love, LOIS LANE (Erica Durance), who came to Smallville to investigate her cousin Chloe’s supposed death.


PETER ROTH (president of Warner Bros. TV): The first time I heard the idea of a live-action story about Clark Kent coming of age, I thought, “Absolutely. We’re doing it.” Having been a fan of the comic books and the original TV series, I loved it.

DAVID NUTTER (director, Smallville pilot): Bringing to this show a sense of reality was the most important thing for me. Too many times shows are so fantastical there’s no bedrock of believability.

TOM WELLING (Clark Kent/Season 10 executive producer): What the show had going for it was that it was going to take liberties as it explored an area [of Clark’s life] that nobody knew much about. That allowed us some wiggle room.

Of the original young ensemble, Kristin Kreuk was the first to be cast (as Lana), while Sam Jones III (Pete Ross) was the last. Allison Mack auditioned twice for Chloe, a character created for the series, while Michael Rosenbaum lobbied to play Lex. It would take months—and some coaxing—to find and sign Tom Welling to play Clark.

TOM: Tom: I took a call from David Nutter, who told me it was going to be about Clark Kent before he became Superman, and I found that to be a lot more interesting [than a Superman series]. Everything happened extremely fast after that.

DAVID: I knew Tom was the perfect guy when Clark runs into Lana Lang for the first time. Lana had a kryptonite necklace on her neck, so Clark tumbled onto the ground, dropping his books. I said to myself, “That’s him.”

KRISTIN KREUK (Lana Lang): I tested with Tom, and he was perfect.

KELLY SOUDERS (executive producer): Tom is very down-to-earth and straightforward, and a lot of that honesty you see in Clark is Tom. Tom was not somebody who got into this because he wanted to be famous, and that really adds to him being Clark Kent.

ALLISON MACK (Chloe Sullivan): I was 18, recently in love and getting ready to go to theater school in London, so my life was going in a very specific direction—and it wasn’t a TV show that filmed in Vancouver! [Smallville casting director] Deedee Bradley, a friend of mine since I was 7, said, “I’m casting this amazing show, but there really isn’t a part for you”—they wanted someone African-American or Latina for Chloe. A week later I got a call [to read for the role] and sure enough, I was the only white girl in the room. Every time they called me in, I was like, “I don’t think I’m what you’re looking for.” It turns out I was.

KRISTIN: I was just out of high school when I auditioned for Lana, and since I had so little experience in the business I had no understanding of how lucky I was.

KELLY: When it comes to playing Lex Luthor, there was something sympathetic about Michael Rosenbaum’s version. He brought humanity to it.

TOM: John Schneider (Jonathan) was a fatherly figure and a mentor, not only to Clark but to me. The first time I met Annette O’Toole [Martha, at a press event] I walked in and she said, “My son!” and she gave me a hug. Right off the bat, she was “Mom.”

JOHN GLOVER (Lionel Luthor): They called me a day or two before they were to shoot the pilot – I think somebody had dropped out. I did about eight episodes the first season, they offered me a contract for the next year, and it turned into seven seasons.


Smallville was filmed in Vancouver, chosen both for cost savings as well as its ability to pass for both Kansas and Metropolis. Production on the pilot began in March 2001, and shooting lasted for nearly a month—beginning just days after the final role was cast.

DAVID: We had a great script and some great talent, and I felt really confident in the story we were telling.

TOM: I didn’t have any experience whatsoever, but David created an environment that was very comfortable, very safe. It was a very collaborative process.

ALLISON: I had been in the business for 14 years already, and I had done four pilots that failed and two TV shows that had been on for only a season, so I was jaded: “This is lovely, but … we’ll see.”

KRISTIN: It was a long shoot, and I was very scared. We had always wanted this show to be about Clark Kent’s normal struggle as a teenage boy and his journey to become a hero. For the metaphor to work powerfully, there had to be a reality supporting the fantasy. That was a big part of the pilot.

ALLISON: It wasn’t until David showed us the pilot on a big screen on the Warner Bros. lot that I was like, “Ohhhh. This is different than anything I’ve seen before.”

JOHN: It was quite magnificent, with all the special effects and everything. It was like watching a film.

PETER: That pilot was magic for us.

Smallville’s Best Guest Stars!

As ranked by Starkville’s House of El, smallvillepodcast.com

Carrie Fisher

(Pauline Kahn, episode “Thirst”)

The Star Wars alumna gave us our first real glimpse at the Daily Planet in Season 5, when editor-in-chief Kahn hired Chloe as an intern.

Lynda Carter

(Moira Sullivan, episode “Progeny”)

Chloe’s mother showed up in Season 6, when this Wonder Woman made her first appearance and boasted the ability to control other meteor-infected people.

Michael McKean

(Perry White, multiple episodes)

The future Daily Planet editor first appeared in Season 3, but shows up six years later, with a surprising woman on his arm: Clark’s mother.

Helen Slater

(Lara-El, multiple episodes)

Clark’s biological mother first appeared in Season 7 as a science experiment brought forth by Jor-El’s brother, Zor-El.

Dean Cain

(Curtis Knox, episode “Cure”)

The heroic half of Lois and Clark appeared as a man who duped meteor-infected patients into believing he would cure them … but killed them instead.

Teri Hatcher

(Ella Lane, episode “Abandoned”)

Since the 1978 Superman movie, it’s been an ongoing bit for one “Lois” to play the mother of another. The Lois & Clark alumna appeared via videotaped messages for her daughter.

Marc McClure

(Dax-Ur, episode “Persona”)

The Superman films’ Jimmy Olsen portrayed an out-of-this-world scientist who, during his life on Krypton, helped create the Brain Interactive Construct—aka Brainiac.

Terence Stamp

(Jor-El, multiple episodes)

Superman II’s General Zod has voiced Clark’s biological father for nine seasons.

Margot Kidder

(Dr. Bridgette Crosby, multiple episodes)

Kidder’s first Smallville appearance was with Annette O’Toole, who played Lana Lang to her Lois Lane in Superman III (O’Toole is Michael McKean’s real-life wife).

Christopher Reeve

(Dr. Virgil Swann, episodes “Rosetta” and “Legacy”)

In the series’ most super-casting move, the silver screen Superman played a scientist who uncovered a Kryptonian transmission that led to his discovery of Kal-El on Earth. That, in turn, enabled him to educate Clark about his home world-and for Reeve to pass the baton to Tom Welling.


Though every Clark needs his Lois, Smallville would run for three seasons before introducing the iconic love interest, here positioned as a cousin of Chloe’s.

KELLY: Lois has to be one of the most difficult characters to play, because she’s superopinionated, extremely bright and a little abrupt, and at the same time she has to be likable.

ERICA DURANCE (Lois Lane): I was a bit frustrated with the business, so when I learned they were casting Lois Lane here in Vancouver, I said to my manager, “I’m sure they’ll just cast out of Los Angeles.” They had to talk me into going out for it.

BRIAN PETERSON (executive producer): The second we saw Erica on screen we knew she was the one.

ERICA: I got it on a Friday evening, and we started on Monday. [Laughs.] Sometimes the less time you have to stress about something, the better. I met Tom the Sunday before, when he came in to read some scenes with me. That made me feel a lot more comfortable.


As the series’ final salvo unspools, kryptonsite.com cites some of the show’s very best hours

10. “Pilot” (Airdate: 10/16/01)

This well-crafted pilot set Smallville on the course it would stay on for the first several years.

9. “Insurgence” (1/21/03)

The classic Superman series narration boasted that the Man of Steel was “able to leap tall buildings in a single bound.” In this episode, we got to see that and our first look at the globe of the Daily Planet.

8. “Rosetta” (2/25/03)

An appearance by Christopher Reeve and a variation on John Williams’ classic score cement Smallville’s place in the Superman pantheon.

7. “Covenant” (5/19/04)

Yes, it featured a pre-Friday Night Lights Adrianne Palicki as the Kryptonian “Kara,” but it’s even more remembered for packing multiple cliffhangers that kept fans speculating for an entire summer about what would happen next.

6. “Crusade” (9/22/04)

One Lois Lane (Erica Durance) makes her debut, as another (Margot Kidder) guest stars. Plus Clark, briefly stripped of his humanity, takes his first major flight.

5. “Run” (10/20/04)

The first Smallville episode to feature another hero from the DC Comics universe, Bart “Impulse” Allen was the first of Clark’s superfriends … and most definitely not the last.

4. “Commencement” (5/18/05)

In this spectacular season finale, Clark’s graduation is interrupted by a second meteor shower. By episode’s end, Clark is on his way to the formation of the Fortress of Solitude

3. “Reckoning” (1/26/06)

The 100th episode puts Clark through numerous emotions, including happiness and loss, as the death of his father turns a boy into a man.

2. “Absolute Justice” (1/18/07)

In the highest-rated drama episode in CW history, the Justice League is formed when Clark teams up with Green Arrow, Impulse, Aquaman and Cyborg.
200th episode!
1. “Homecoming” (10/15/10)

As Brainiac 5 (James Marsters) shows Clark his past and his future, a visit to the year 2017 reveals a Superman and Lois Lane that are right out of the comic books. The final scene between Lois and an enlightened Clark left viewers floating on air.

TOM: I came back a day early from one of our hiatuses, and Erica and I spent four or five hours with Greg Beeman and found the chemistry. That gave us a jump-start.

ERICA: Originally it was just a four-episode arc, to see if people accepted me or not, and then it ended up being seven, then 13 …


Fresh off his run on the NBC soap opera Passions, Justin Hartley was tapped to star as Aquaman/Arthur Curry in the untitled Aquaman pilot.

JUSTIN HARTLEY (Oliver Queen/Green Arrow): I was literally about to pack my bags for a job in Australia when Al Gough called me and said, “Justin, don’t go!”

BRIAN: Justin has this charisma on screen that you want to watch. He popped so much that when we learned he might be available [full-time], we wanted him back.

ALLISON: [Oliver/Green Arrow] brought a maturity, intelligence and danger that our show needed, especially after Michael [Rosenbaum] left.


Smallville faced its trickiest transition when Michael Rosenbaum decided to vacate the role of Lex after seven seasons. Though he would ultimately return for the series finale (calling it a favor to “all of the fans who made Smallville the great success it is”), Cassidy Freeman was the one to lord over LuthorCorp and its illicit endeavors during his three-year absence.

KRISTIN: Michael is a strong actor and Lex is a strong character, so it was hard not to notice when he left.

TOM: Rosenbaum is a good friend of mine, so while it was sad, I knew it was the best choice for him. But I didn’t know know what to expect after that, how they were going to keep the show going with the villain being gone.

BRIAN: As you can imagine, losing one of he most beloved characters on the show and filling those shoes was—for us and for Cassidy—astronomical.

CASSIDY FREEMAN (Tess Mercer/Lutessa Luthor): I didn’t know quite the extent that Tess would be filling Lex’s shoes. I was told that she was a mixture of [the original Superman films’] Miss Teschmacher and Mercy Graves from the DC Comics, and that she was going to be a vixen of sorts. Definitely not a good person.

KELLY: It’s been a lot of fun growing that character, because what Cassidy brings to the show is something none of us expected.

MICHAEL ROSENBAUM (Lex): I had the most amazing time going back [for the finale]. To jump back into that role and start quoting Sun Tzu, and I’m looking at Tom…? It felt surreal. I’m so glad I did it.


Smallville made a big splash from Season 1, debuting to record viewership and leading then-WB co-chair Jordan Levin to tout it as a “cornerstone” of the network’s lineup. Over the years, the show became one of the biggest draws at the annual San Diego Comic-Con convention, and counts among its celebrity fans everyone from Howard Stern to Justin Bieber. Even silver screen Superman Christopher Reeve gave the show his endorsement, guest-starring on it twice.

KRISTIN: When Allison and I were in Paris together a few years in, we couldn’t walk through a museum without being followed by a swarm of teenagers. It was madness.

ALLISON: [Laughs] That was crazy. We were at the Pompidou, and that was the first time either of us had ever really experienced “fame.”

JOHN: It was during the second or third season that people started stopping me on the street, and what I got was a lot of confusion – “We can’t figure out if you’re a good guy or a bad guy,” which was a great compliment. Lex was a bit of a paradox in the middle of these goodies and baddies.

CASSIDY: The first time I saw people sleeping on the pavement[at Comic-Con] at 2 in the morning, in line for us, touched me a lot.

TOM: When I went to Comic-Con for the first time [before Season 9] and walked into that room with, like, 8,000 people, it really hit me. It was a really special, warm and inviting experience to see the look on everyone’s faces.

ERICA: The moment that stands out for me was when I was at a convention and somebody grabbed me from behind, put their hands over my eyes and said, “You hit it outta the park, kid.” I turned around and it was Margot Kidder [Lois from the Superman films]. That I will never forget.


On May 18, 2010, Welling wowed at least a portion of the fandom by letting slip at a party that “Season 10 will be the last.” The CW confirmed the news some 36 hours later, promising viewers a final run full of nostalgia and returning faces, as Clark “overcomes his final trials and forges the iconic identity that will be known for all time.”

TOM: Is that how the news broke? I honestly don’t remember saying that—and no one ever scolded me!

JUSTIN: I thought Season 8 was going to be our final season! And then I thought Season 9 …

KELLY: Every year for the last few years, there’s been a question as to whether or not we’d return. It’s only because of the fans’ dedication to the show that we kept coming back.

ERICA: Ten is a nice number to end it on, but it’s very bittersweet. It’ll be tough to say goodbye to Lois.

CASSIDY: When we found out that Season 10 was the final one, I was super-excited that A) we got it, and B) that we had the opportunity to craft something special instead of leaving anyone hanging.

ALLISON: I was pleased for the people that were going to stick around, but I did know that I didn’t want to be there for the whole season. I was flattered that they were able to work me in for the episodes I was able to go back and do.

TOM: I thank the studio and the network for allowing us that opportunity [to plan a final season]. It would have been a real shame to just sort of find out I didn’t have a job last July—and it’d be a shame for the fans.


There’s one thing every cast member, past and present, can agree on: Smallville was a super experience.

TOM: I am really thankful for the past 10 years, and I have so much respect for all of the people who have taught me along the way and given me the opportunities to direct and produce and develop other shows [including The CW’s Hellcats].

JOHN: Tom has turned into this amazing producer-director-actor… a vessel of generosity, wisdom and calm.

ALLISON: The most overwhelming element that I have come away from this experience with is the amount of friendships that I built, and the family I created there. I left with a lot of love.

MICHAEL: [Crew members] that weren’t even working on the show anymore came [to watch the finale shoot]. It was like a family I hadn’t seen in a while.

JUSTIN: I’m excited to see how they end it. Knowing the writers, I have a strong suspicion that when it’s over you’re going to go, “That’s exactly how it should have been.”

TOM: People are going to really like what we did [with the finale]. The last image … for me, it gave me goosebumps.

KELLY: I’d describe the final episode as “monumental” …

BRIAN: And “romantic.” What’s been great about Smallville is that from the first frame we all know how this story turns out. These last 10 years have been about taking that journey.

Executive producer Kelly Souders reflects on the best of the bad guys

Lex Luthor Michael
(Seasons 1–7)

“Because we were able to be with him for so many years, we got insight into how he ended up going down the path he was fated to take. At times we were rooting for him … then eventually not so much!”

Major Zod

“Because we knew that when we brought Zod here he wasn’t going to have powers, the primary thing we looked for was a heightened sense of intelligence. He was powerless, but powerful.”

Season 8

“I cannot tell you how many hours we spent talking about that Doomsday suit; we learned a LOT of lessons from that one,” Souders laughs. “But that’s always the trick, trying to make characters from the comics come to life. What we enjoyed about Doomsday was being able to look at both sides of the character.”

Smallville’s only villain created in CGI
Season 10

“We didn’t want to do just one villain again. Because the Darkseid mythology is so rich, it allowed us to bring in multiple characters, like Granny Goodness, the Furies, Gordon Godfrey. … it was a wonderful capper for our final season.”

http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/1hUwXs/cb ... ig-finish/

- Escritores de "Smallville" Dicen Adiós (comicbookresources.com):

Escritores de "Smallville" Dicen Adiós
Por Kiel Phegley 13 de Mayo, 2011

Tonight, ten years of waiting comes to an end when The CW's "Smallville" wraps its network run with a two-hour finale (hopefully) featuring the ascension of Superman on the small screen. The final episode caps 217 hours of superhero drama on TV, an improbable milestone that saw "Smallville" shift from teenage monster-fighting series to epic DC Universe continuity-fest. To celebrate, CBR News reached out to a trio of writers who have each had their own impact on the show's run from start to finish to get their take on how "Smallville" has survived so long and what it's run means for superhero TV.

Michael Green was one of the original writers on "Smallville" when it started its run on The WB back in 2001. In its first year, Green helped pen formative episodes like "Cool," "Craving" and "Nicodemus." Since then, he's gone on to many more comics related projects including a stint as a writer on NBC's "Heroes," the co-writer of this summer's "Green Lantern" screenplay and as a comics writer of titles like "Superman/Batman." Jeph Loeb's work is no stranger to comic fans, but aside from writing books including "Superman For All Seasons" and "Superman/Batman," the current head of Marvel Television wrote some of the earliest fan-favorite episodes including the character-turning "Red." And finally Bryan Q. Miller has been a welcome addition both to the later seasons of "Smallville" as a writer of episodes like "Hex" and this season's alternate reality "Luthor" and as the comic scribe behind DC's acclaimed "Batgirl."

Below, all three writers offer up their thoughts on the show's past success and future influence. From the episodes where they contributed most to the mythology to the DCU guest stars that never made it to the screen and from the difference the early seasons had to hold to the impact the ten-year run will have on superhero TV moving forward, the writers behind the show cover everything "Smallville" before Clark Kent takes the cape of Superman.

CBR News: So "Smallville" is wrapping this week after ten years. That accomplishment is more astonishing every time I say it out loud. As a writer for the show, did you have any inkling that the concept of a young Clark Kent would have so much life in it on TV when you first started working with the team?

Jeph Loeb: No, I don't think any of us did. It was such a miracle, right from the pilot, seeing this show that Al Gough and Miles Millar have so generously spoken of "Superman For All Seasons" as one of their inspirations for the series. Such a great cast, crew and writing staff.

Michael Green: I came on just when the pilot was picked up and worked on the first season. We felt very grateful that we got to play with the greatest comic book character out there and felt grateful to be the custodians of a mythology that people are so emotionally attached to. But also, we were very grateful that this was a version of the mythology that Al Gough and Mies Millar put together that was so fruitful. That pilot put so many worms on the table that could wriggle around forever, and it was just too much fun to do that job and get paid for it.

It was a great group of writers. Over time that room has had a lot more writers and incredibly talented people season after season, and the amazing thing is that with each new season, those writers came in and did different things. What we focused on in the first year – mostly on the WB's request – was standalone "Monster of the Week" stuff. We wanted to do a lot of serialized stuff, and knew that would be the reward for sticking it out. It was great to see the show evolve into something that was serialized and took on much larger arcs. That is what I think kept it so energized for so long – the big stories, mythologies and bad guys that played out episode after episode.

Bryan Q. Miller: I came on in Season Five, so it had already proven to have legs. I honestly don't think anyone was expecting over 100 MORE episodes at that point, however. 218 total. Pretty awesome.

During your time on the series, what was it that made the show connect with you creatively? In other words, what was the core component of the "Smallville" world that you were interested most in playing with?

Green: The world of Smallville was always really intriguing because it was this microcosm where the whole town was a school where Clark could learn how to be this man we all know he's going to grow up to be. What was most fun for me was playing with a Clark who was not yet that man – he wasn't brave, he wasn't strong, and he wasn't wise. He hadn't learned yet the values that were going to make him Superman. It was the ongoing process of teaching him to be that guy. It was really seeing him in his formative years and watching him get molded by experience, by friendship, by trust and mistrust to become Superman.

Loeb: The relationships were things I understood -- so much of it for me was about a boy growing up and not understanding his world or what was happening to him and how Clark related to Jonathan and Martha. And then later, the fun and savvy wit that Erica brought to the show as Lois.

Miller: It was Clark Kent and the long march up that hill to becoming Superman. Also, the challenge of finding ways to translate DCU characters to fit the world of the show. Wildcat and The Question (both versions) came up CONSTANTLY...from me. So did Lobo. There's so many more that we never had a chance to introduce to the world. Even a best-selling comic (at best) only hits 100k readers a month – the show reached (per Nielsen) around a million and a half screens per WEEK. Sometimes more. "Smallville" is/was a great tool for expanding the DC brand to viewers who don't follows comics.

Do you have a personal highlight from one of the episodes you wrote, either on screen or behind the scenes?

Loeb: I got all the good stuff. I got to introduce red kryptonite in "Red" and then have Clark (almost) leap a tall building in a single bound in "Insurgence" while seeing the Daily Planet Globe for the first time. Lois' entrance into the series. As a writer, as a producer, as a comic book fan – it was a very special time.

Miller: "Committed" is, was and forever will be my first and favorite script of the bunch. It and "Luthor" were the two that stayed closest to my original drafts throughout the production process, so I'm very close to both of those. But as for moments? The Clark/Lois elevator scene at the end of "Committed." That the soup can gag and Lois' closet full of costumes survived not being cut throughout prep and production on "Warrior." Not only having the chance to write one of the darkest things I've ever written in Zod's murder of Faora (in "Sacrifice"), but being able to be on set the day it shot to see just how fantastic Callum and Sharon were, over and over and over again. And, of course, getting Clark into glasses by the end of "Masquerade."

Green: There's so much stuff that we all contributed and that we were so proud of. I could take ownership of a particular line or a moment, but they wouldn't have been there without the conversations beforehand.

On the flip side, do you have a favorite moment on the show that you didn't craft directly? What was it and why did it stick with you?

Loeb: Everything everybody else did. It was my first live action TV show as writer and producer. The writing staff was awesome -- from Al and Miles, to Mark Verheiden to Todd Slavkin/Darren Swimmer to Kelly Souders/Brian Peterson to Steve DeKnight to Caroline Dries -- we were young and having fun. That group is so talented.

Miller: Hands, down - the dunk tank scene in Facade. It's amazing and angsty and there's Avril Lavigne and it perfectly encapsulates everything that made the show great in the first half of the series. Second to that -- the Homecoming floaty dance, which captures what makes the second half of the series of very lovely.

Overall, "Smallville" seems to have survived so long in part because it was willing to change things about its DNA as the story and cast progressed over the years. These days, the show seems to be built much more so on direct references and characters from the comics than it did in its early, formative seasons. What do you think that comics universe connection means not just for "Smallville" but for the future of comic adaptations on TV? Will we be seeing more shows heavily indebted to the comics before too long, or is this a rare occurrence on that front?

Green: Absolutely. The fan audience out there should realize that they really owe a show like "Smallville" for teaching not just viewers but executives how to appreciate the source material. Early on in "Smallville," we were working with a network and studio who were very supportive and interested...but they didn't really understand what we were doing. They didn't know great villains. They didn't know Darkseid or Brainiac, and if they did, they were scared of them because it sounded too much like comic book stuff and not enough like what they were familiar with. "Smallville" Was really able to bridge that gap and slowly teach them that you didn't have to just do "Monster of the Week" but you were able to take comic book tropes from the Golden Age, Silver Age and Modern Age and tell not only stories that were television friendly but that were modern and relevant. They felt very of the times. "Smallville" kept doing that over and over again in a way that paved the way for shows like "Heroes" and "Lost" and the big movies coming out like "Green Lantern."

I think it's awesome to appreciate the value of the source material. That source material has a nuclear intensity, but it isn't obvious to someone who doesn't have an emotional connection to the source material how it would play on the big screen. I think seeing it work so well on television helped bridge the gap.

Loeb: Every story, every show is unique. Comics are great source material as we will continue see – especially now that I get to do that at Marvel! [Laughs]

Miller: I think, so long as costume is never placed before character, that any mythos has a shot of making it on TV.

Everyone's got their list of things they'd like to see happen by the end of the show. Is there anything in particular you'll be looking forward to in the finale on Friday night?

Loeb: Only that they go out, the way they came in. It was a show that embraced the good in people and weren't afraid to be that way. Tom, Michael, Erica, Kristin, Allison, John, Annette, Glover – that was the cast in my day – were so superb. Up, up and away!

Green: One of the things that's fun about working in television is that you think you know how things are going to end, and then you surprise yourself. I remember talking about it in the room..."Wouldn't it be great to end the show like this?" But it's now nine and a half years later, so the show wants to be something different. I'm just looking forward to being surprised.

Miller: I wouldn't want to spoil what has yet to be spoiled by international commercials for the finale, so you'll just have to wait and see!

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=32327

- Greg Beeman postea en su blog su despedida final de Smallville:

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Well, there you have it.

It’s rare in my business to ever really have a sense of completion. But tonight I did.

As I posted earlier, I was surprised and excited when Kelly and Brian called and asked me to direct the last ever episode of the series. A few weeks later I got the script. It was Xeroxed on red paper so that it couldn’t be copied. We’d done the same thing with the 100th episode.

Now, as I think you know, I directed only the 2nd hour of the finale. The part that starts with Tess lying on the gurney and ends with the classic logo. Kevin Fair directed the first hour – the Clark and Lois wedding.

Kelly and Brian had decided to re-jigger the schedule so that we would shoot the finale early (in the place where the 20th episode would normally be shot.) The thinking, which was smart, was that if there were any re-shoots or pickup shots needed there would be time to get them before the crew closed up shop. Also, that there would be more time to post-produce the visual effects.

Anyway, so I was directing another show when I got the red script. I went into my trailer during a break and immediately flipped to the last page. I’d long had my own opinion of what I wanted Smallville’s final image to be – in some ways it seemed so obvious – but so many times people can out-think the obvious. I’d always hoped to conclude the series with an image reminiscent of when Christopher Reeve first ripped open his shirt to reveal the logo in the first Richard Donner film. So I flipped to the last page and read the last line and (alone in my trailer) pumped my fist and went “yes!”

Then I read the script.

I try not to do too much work when first reading a script, I just want to experience it once without beginning to work…. but I do keep a pen handy in case any big questions or thoughts pop up. Anyway I didn’t write anything down on that first read-through until I got in the fortress and the script described the suit coming up from the ground encased in a crystal of ice… and then I wrote “F*CK YEAH!!!!!” In very big letters. That was my only note my first time through.

As I write, I’ve JUST finished watching the show. I’ve been working on other projects and haven’t seen the finale since I delivered my cut over six weeks ago. I hadn’t seen any of the final visual effects or heard the music or anything. The cutting pattern was almost exactly as I delivered it – but a number of scenes where shifted around by Kelly and Brian – all to good effect. Originally the scene where Clark gets the suit was much earlier in the show and the plane scene with Lois was much later and continuous. Also one scene I directed was moved into the first hour (The scene where Oliver is given the gold ring by the three baddies) and one scene Kevin directed was moved into the second hour (The one where Clark finds Tess’ car.) All these changes where very good and streamlined the story. But, the point is, I got to have a relatively fresh experience watching the episode along with you.

Of course, the most exciting thing was to have Lex return after all this time. Michael really wanted to come back, but he was on a new show (FOX’s “Breaking In” – which had completed the pilot and was just about to begin filming episodes.) I hope I tipped the scales a bit when I called him and told him that I was directing and how pumped I was. Anyway – he soon committed to doing the finale’ and I’m sure you are all as glad as I was.

Of course, because of his new show he couldn’t shave his head as he had in the past – so a bald cap was in order. We were nervous about it, but it was very well done and I think looked good in the end.

Because of Michael’s shooting schedule on his FOX show he could only shoot for one day – A Saturday, about a week before we started filming the rest of the episode. Lex’s character wasn’t in those first red pages I read – but I know Kelly and Brian had plan “B” just in case. Nevertheless, Kelly and Brian rushed to polish the scenes and Michael showed up on a Friday to test the bald cap and get oriented. We filmed all his scenes in one day – a Saturday. (My favorite cool idea of these scenes was when we pull away from the window and the Luthorcorp logo crashes down revealing the “X” in the support structure)

I have to say – that day with Michael was probably the funniest day I’ve had in my career. Michael and I feel the same way about the SMALLVILLE crew – they are our family and we love them! Michael – over the years had learned to mimic and imitate almost everyone on the crew. We were all in a production meeting when he first arrived to much applause and hugs – and it wasn’t two minutes later before he was doing his famous imitation and the room exploded in laughter.

The scenes were no different. Tom and Michael fell right back into their on screen relationship. Even though the Lex/Clark scene and the Lex/Tess scene are very intense and Michael came up with his usual genius subtle performance – Michael and I are both notorious cutups and together we’re twice as bad - between takes was non-stop, sidesplitting, raucous laughter, including us serenading each other with “Oh Sherry” from opposite sides of a massive soundstage. At one point -Michael in his white "President Lex" suit and black glove was standing in front of a green screen telling off-color jokes. I’m off camera yelling, “We’re rolling Michael…" “We’re rolling Michael.” But he still does, like, a five-minute standup act… Oh my God what a day!!!!

By the way my hat is off to Cassidy Freeman for her scene with Michael. They had never worked together, or even met (as far as I know.) She stepped up and crushed the scene – I think her work in that scene is subtle and intense. A long long time ago I read a quote from Robert DeNiro that, in life people put a lot more energy into hiding their emotions from each other than showing them - and that most actors get this wrong. I agree and I always try to direct performance with this intention - Feel the emotion, but then disguise it or re-direct it. The more layers an actors performance can have the better. Cassidy and I worked on the idea that there was an ongoing relationship with Lex and a great love and gratitude to him from her. But also all the pain and betrayal that she has gone though to get here. We talked about how she was entering the scene knowing she would probably never leave the room alive and that she had to disguise her true intentions throughout. Also, that even in the final moment of her death she still loves Lex. That's a lot of complex stuff in a short scene. What always interests me most is not the dialogue but the moments between the lines - it's in the pauses that you can read truth.

From the beginning, with SMALLVILLE, we always let these moments in performance linger. Most shows cut out the pauses, as the writer's intention is just to get from line to line as fast as possible. But from day one, with Miles and Al - our group philosophy was to let these moments play. It's one of the things that has made the show great. (Ironically, it also results in SMALLVILLE's scripts being very short relative to other shows. The finale script was only 39 pages for 43 minutes. Most shows shoot 50-60 page scripts.)

I also love John Glover. Besides Michael Rosenbaum, I've kept the most off-screen relationship alive with him. But, although I'd talked to him on the phone, I hadn’t seen him since we worked together on HEROES when he played Sylar’s father. He's a brilliant and fascinating man. Despite the years of experience, the accolades and Tony awards - he still goes to acting class and perfects his craft. He has a way of challenging the other actors in a scene. It's all well intentioned and kind, but - in the in-between moments as the actors relax between takes - he says and does certain things that get his scene partners thinking. Inevitably, John Glover brings up everyone else's game.

Also I gained new respect for John Schneider… he REALLY wanted to be the one who gave Clark the suit and he lobbied for this. In the end, despite personal hardship and inconvenience to himself, he showed up on the day we did that scene and did it. I gave him one of the best directions I’ve ever given. I said, “Just look at Clark with all the same feelings you have for Tom, and know that Jonathan has given everything to Clark that he can, the same way you did for Tom.” I swear to God, when I shot the profile-profile shot where Jonathan hands Clark the suit, I cried. I mean it’s one thing to cry at BEACHES or a Hallmark commercial with “We’ve Only Just Begun” playing on the soundtrack - But this was my own episode of my own show as we were filming it in a dusty warehouse and I'm sniffling and tearing up. But the moment was so powerful for me – not just for what was happening on the screen I was watching but for what was happening beyond it!

It was also great to see Alison Mack again. Because of her schedule (she was doing a play in New York) she wasn't available until almost two weeks after I was finished filming. I had to fly back to vancouver to film the scene and I'm glad I did. First of all, it was worth it just to get a hug from Alison. She is so sweet, and I've missed her. But also - I really wanted to work on one moment with her. It's the moment when she turned back into the room to look at the little boy. I told her I wanted her to reflect upon the whole journey that she had gone though for the last ten years - all the good and bad, the heartache and joy and to come to the realization that it had all turned out for the good. I knew this was Chloe's experience and also Alison's and also mine and also, hopefully, yours.

One other great moment came to me while shooting. The little boy was so cute and expressive. He was just 5 years old, which is VERY young. It's hard to get much out of children that young. Pretty much the secret is to talk through the take and tell them to do what you want as you want it.... Anyway, it wasn't in the script, but he was cute and there was this set of bow and arrows set-dressed into the room. So I created the moment where the little boy snuggled up in bed and looked off, hopefully, at the bow and arrows and then, on a separate cut, I pushed into the bow and arrows. I had the idea, in that moment, to paint a picture of the first time one believes in something great and exciting.

The scene I was most nervous about was the Clark/Lois scene, which was the second to last scene of the show (and series.) I talked with Erica and with Tom about how – in that one scene they were no longer the characters that they’d been playing all these years – they now had to embody Clark Kent and Lois Lane - the icons. I think they really got it. I worked with Tom and with the extras, to get the bumbling Clark moment where he's bumping into people and ad-libbing apologies. I also think, in their close-ups on the stairs, where Clark offers the rings and then snaps them back (Tom came up with that “Pretty-Woman”-like beat by the way) we really got to feel the fondness and chemistry that Tom and Erica have always had for each other.

I remember the first day she met Tom. It was just before we started filming season four. Erica had just landed the part and she was SO nervous. I arranged for she and Tom and I to spend a Saturday running scenes and rehearsing. I wanted to make her feel welcome to the show. Anyway, Tom was just coming back from his summer hiatus – I don’t know where he’d been but he came back wearing shorts, an old hat a t-shirt and he had a gigantic beard!!! He looked like a crazy old fisherman!!! Still he was his delightful charming self and he very much did make Erica feel comfortable as we read those very first Clark/Lois scenes.

It was awesome for me to be able to also guide the very last one.

It was about four or five days into shooting when we filmed the final scene on the daily planet rooftop where Clark runs to camera and reveals the logo. It was a hard shot to get right on many levels. The intention was to do it in one shot. Also Tom had to run full speed right at camera but not slam into it. Getting focus right is very difficult on a shot like that. And it took several takes to do so. But beyond all that - I knew it HAD to be perfect... There was no margin for error. I'm usually pretty relaxed and confident on set - but this day I was nervous. It took, if I remember right, about ten or twelve takes to get it right. I consulted with everyone - "Do you think we got it?" "Do you think we got it?" (Which, again, I don't usually do)

After that scene I went right into the final Clark/Lois scene.. Which was equally important - And then right after that I directed the scene with Lois getting off the elevator and going up to Perry White’s office where she meets Jimmy.... Which was ALSO super important. Basically, I directed the last 5 minutes of the series in one day - but in reverse order.

It was a crazy hectic day – BUT… When I went home that night and was laying in bed in my hotel room – a great sense of relief came over me - "OK I thought – I got those scenes right… The last five minutes of the show work!" I felt that even if I screwed everything up the rest of the shoot - the series would be OK with a great last few minutes. I slept well that night.

In general I feel proud of the hour. I feel I did my job. Trust me - it's not that I think every moment is perfect or that no mistakes were made. There is a lot that I flinch at because it's not 100% perfect - and I wish I could have done better or had more time - BUT it's mostly small stuff. In general I believe the episode achieved it's goals and is a satisfying conclusion to this great ten-year story.

Over the years I’ve developed a strong and specific philosophy of filmmaking. First and foremost I believe in performance direction. I believe in subtle but clear directions and subtle but strongly felt and clear emotions. I’ve worked hard to earn how to communicate with actors – always with the goal of using the least amount of words to evoke a strong performance. You’d be surprised – no matter how experienced and talented the actor (or for that matter how novice) if the actor trusts the director and the director knows how to communicate to the actor (and every actor is different) EVERY performance can become better and deeper and richer.

I also strongly believe in the interaction between actor and camera between staging and camera movement to evoke specific emotions. It’s very hard to describe in written words – but I’ve come to believe that if the camera moves in a certain way at a certain speed in relationship to the actor – different emotions are evoked. There is a subtle dynamic in this interface between man and machine that can 100% enhance the desired emotion delivered to the audience.

I believe, tonight, I did a good job tonight in this regard. The camera is flowing and dancing and the actors are moving in harmony. I really love when there is a flow and a harmony and everything smoothly blends together.

I also love doing long masters without coverage… I used to do these all the time on SMALLVILLE and encourage the other directors to do this also when appropriate. There are a couple in tonight’s episode, but I‘m very happy with one in particular. Early in the show, when Clark comes down the stairs of the daily planet and meets up with Louis and the place is chaotic and the radio is talking about the imminent meteor hit – I did a very complex shot that moves through two rooms and circles around 360 degrees. First of all, with these kinds of shots, the actors have to get all their lines right and the tempo has to be right and can’t be aided by editing. Also - We used to shoot on film and the film cameras were independent of cables – but the new HD cameras have long cables that trail after them that greatly add to the complexity. In this take, two crew members had to put on coats and hats, because they were briefly seem in the shot as it spun around. Also at one point, Erica had to hop over the cable that was whipping beneath her feet – that part cracks me up because it was like she was hopping over a jump rope – but she did in a way that kept her in character as she was chasing after Clark and saying lines.

I don’t know what else to say…

Except -- my deepest regards to Tom Welling. He was not-exactly a boy when I met him - but he was wide eyed and unpolished. Don't get me wrong, he was perfect for the part and he's great in the early episodes. But over the years he has grown and developed SO much - and so much more than he needed to. Once he understood that he had to be the quarterback of the team, in front of and behind the camera, he took that role on with a strong intention. In ten years - he became an excellent actor, an excellent director and an excellent producer - and he took all these roles on very seriously. Without question - the series lasted 10 years - mostly because of him. Not only because he had to do it for show to continue - but because there were things he insisted on doing, and there were things he refused to do. These things gave the show it's integrity and that integrity gave it longevity.

I'll tell you one story about Tom that sums up everything about him. There was an episode, I think in season two, about a young girl who turns into a wolf. The character gets wounded late in the episode and when Clark runs up she is laying nude in the woods. Well, we had filmed most of show already - but in editing we felt we needed to pick up one more angle over the naked girl's body towards Clark. So we put together a small pick-up crew, and - because the original actress had gone back to L.A. - we hired a body double. Now this young lady's job was to lay down, nude on the ground on a chilly fall Vancouver night, so that we could film over her torso towards Tom. She wasn't really naked - she had some pads taped on strategically, and she was just arranged to camera to look naked. But she had most of her skin exposed. The crew was working hard, lighting and getting the camera in place for a tricky angle. She wasn't complaining at all - But we were all working and mostly ignoring her. Then I noticed that Tom noticed her, and he could tell that she was cold. He didn't say a word, he just took off his coat and laid it on top of her. He then gave her a small smile and then went back to his start mark. It was so gentlemanly and it told me a lot about him. In the end - he is a gentleman and a good man - and that integrity of character comes across on screen.

A lot of times, watching my shows on the air is rather unemotional for me. I’ve usually moved on to the next thing and it’s more like a final quality control check from me than anything else.

Tonight was different – very different!

This show has given me so much. So much more than I could have ever given it.


Alright - I know you like pictures so for this special occasion we’ve got a lot of them.























































































- Carta de Brian Y Kelly a los fans (K-Site):

Una Carta de Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders a los Fans de Smallville

Los productores ejecutivos Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders acaban de mandar una carta para que las comparta con todos vosotros... los fans de Smallville... en este histórico, emocionante, pero también muy triste día. He aquí lo que tienen que decir:

To the Greatest Fans We Could Have Wished for,

It’s hard to know where to start. We know that we wouldn’t be writing this without you. We wouldn’t have met all the amazing people we’ve worked with over the years without you. We wouldn’t have had a chance to craft our skills, be part of the world’s greatest mythology or make a difference in people’s lives without you. For that, we are forever grateful to your support of the show. This last few weeks have been crowded with press interviews and they all ask what we hope will be the impact of Smallville. And the answer is simple because it’s the same impact the show has had on us: hope. Knowing each week there were millions of people in the world who tuned into this show because they believe in something greater, because they believe in justice, because they believe heroes exist, has humbled us and inspired us both. It’s hard to find anything in the world that is seen as pure good, and to us, that’s what Superman and Smallville is all about. Over the years, we’ve heard from many of you (we just moved into our new offices and there’s bamboo, paper cranes and flowers on our desk to remind us!). Hearing what this show has meant to people means everything to us. We cannot say thanks to fans without saying thanks to the hundreds and hundreds of people who have sunk their heart and a lot of sleepless hours into this show out of passion. No one can understand the sheer force of nature it has taken twenty-two times a year to bring this show to life. No one sees the late-night-caffeined-up hours spent in small offices both in Los Angeles and Vancouver that bring sets to life, costumes to life, words to the page, shots to screen, emotion to the camera and beautiful images that will remain in our memories.

We won’t say “goodbye,” we’ll say “til next time,”

Kelly and Brian and Everyone here in the Smallville family

A los Mayores Fans que Podríamos Haber Deseado,

Es difícil saber por dónde empezar. Sabemos que no habríamos escrito esto sin vosotros. No nos habríamos encontrado con toda esta gente increíble con la que hemos estado trabajando a lo largo de los años sin vosotros. No habríamos tenido la oportunidad de perfeccionar nuestras habilidades, ser parte de la mitología más grande del mundo o marcar la diferencia en la vida de las personas sin vosotros. Por eso, estaremos agradecidos para siempre por vuestro apoyo de la serie. Estas últimas semans han estado plagadas de entrevistas de prensa y todos nos preguntan qué esperamos que será el impacto de Smallville... Y la respuesta es simple porque es el mismo impacto que la serie ha tenido en nosotros: esperanza. Saber que cada semana había millones de personas en el mundo que sintonizaban esta serie porque creen en algo mayor, porque creen en la justicia, porque creen que los héroes existen, no ha hecho humildes y nos ha inspirado a ambos. Es difícil encontrar algo en el mundo que sea visto como de oro puro, y para nosotros, eso es de lo que se trata Supermán y Smallville. Durante los años, hemos oído de muchos de vosotros (¡acabamos de mudarnos a nuestras nuevas oficinas y hay bamboo, grullas de papel y flores en nuestro escritorio para recordárnoslo!). Escuchar lo que esta serie ha significado a la gente significa todo para nosotros. No podemos darle las gracias a los fans sin darle las gracias a los cientos y cientos de personas que han depositado su corazón y muchas horas sin sueño en esta serie con pasión. Nadie puede entender la pura fuerza de la naturaleza que ha llevado el darle vida a esta serie 22 veces al año. Nadie ve las largas horas nocturnas con café empleadas en las pequeñas oficinas de Los Angeles y Vancouver que traen a la vida a los sets, a la vida a los trajes, las palabras al papel, las escenas a la pantalla, la emoción a la cámara y las bellas imágenes que quedarán en nuestra memoria.

No diremos “adiós,” diremos “hasta la próxima vez,”

Kelly y Brian Y Todo el Mundo aquí de la familia de Smallville.

- Pensamientos de Erica Durance, Justin Hartley Y Cassidy Freeman sobre el final de la serie (comicmix.com):

http://serve.castfire.com/audio/595279/ ... 180719.mp3

- La boda de Clois entre las 23 Bodas Maravillosas de la TV (EW.com):


Smallville — 13 de Mayo, 2011

Tras lidiar con la prueba pre-boda de Jor-El — y casos de relativamente insignificantes dudas propias — Lois y Clark finalmente fueron al altar en la final de la serie de Smallville. Como el escritor de EW Jeff Jensen dijo, ''Clark tuvo que darse cuenta de que 'despedirse y marcharse' no significaba ser severo y olividar sus orígenes; Lois tenía que superar su 'No soy suficiente', aunque justificado, y darse cuenta de que ella era la fuente de la fortaleza de Clark, no su talón de Aquiles. Clark terminó acompañándola hasta el altar, y teniendo que decirle que nunca le retendría mientras que ella estuviera a su lado, su compartido camino fue una estupenda metáfora. Y para darle incluso una nota más emocional, Clark vio a su padre fallecidos (John Schneider) sentado junto a su madre. Por favor, pasad los pañuelos. —Abby West

http://www.ew.com/ew/gallery/0,,2030766 ... 69,00.html

- La Final de Smallville entre los "Top Moments" de TVGuide:

3. Most Super Send-off: It only took 10 years, but Clark Kent finally puts on tights (sort of) and takes off in flight in the series finale of Smallville. It culminates with a glimpse into the future, where Lois Lane is the intrepid reporter — with Jimmy Olsen by her side — and Clark strips off his Daily Planet garb for the iconic suit to defuse a bomb. Just another day in Metropolis.

3. La Mayor Súper Despedida: Sólo llevó 10 años, pero Clark Kent finalmente se puso las mallas (algo así) y levantó vuelo en el final de la serie de Smallville. Culmina con un vistazo en el futuro, donde Lois Lane es la intrépida reportera — con Jimmy Olsen a su lado — y Clark quitándose su traje del Daily Planet por el icónico traje para desactivar una bomba. Tan sólo otro día en Metrópolis.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/TopMoments- ... 33347.aspx

- ‘Smallville’: Por qué no vimos a Tom Welling con el Traje (hollywoodreporter.com):

‘Smallville’: Por qué no vimos a Tom Welling con el Traje
Por Lesley Goldberg 7:21 PM 5/27/2011
Los productores ejecutivos examinan el “great debate” sobre las mallas y capa de Supermán.

Los espectadores siempre sabían que la serie de la CW Smallville terminaría con la transformación de Clark Kent en Supermán. Pero ver a la estrella de la serie Tom Welling con el traje completo de Supermán no era sobre lo que se trataba al final la serie.

Los productores ejecutivos Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders pasaron 10 años apoyando la filosofía del “No Mallas, No Vuelos” que finalmente se salió del camino en el final de 2 horas del final de la serie. Pero ¿se puso Welling finalmente el traje completo?

“Ese es un gran debate que está pasando,” le dijo tímidamente Souders a The Hollywood Reporter.

El final incluyó unas cuantas escenas en las que Welling se ve llevando la parte superior del traje de Supermán, la única escena con el traje completo se hizo desde la distancia vía CGI con Supermán finalmente tomando vuelo en el espacio y salvando el planeta.

“Lo que queríamos hacer todo el tiempo era mostrar pistas de hacia dónde estaba yendo porque esa es una historia completamente diferente que aún tiene que ser contada,” le dijo Peterson a THR. “Se sintió como darle lo suficiente sin empezar a contar una historia completamente diferente que queda para todos los otros medios.’

Peterson, quien escribió la segunda parte del final con Souders, comentó que la serie siempre ha sido sobre Clark convirtiéndose en el héroe del famoso mito y que las aventuras de Supermán eran historias que han sido -- y continuarán siendo contadas -- vía otros caminos, incluída la próxima película de Christopher Nolan Man of Steel, para el próximo año. “[Mostrar a Tom con el traje completo] para mí no es súper relevante y no era lo que estábamos intentando hacer,” dijo.

“Estuvimos en realidad encantados de que todo el mundo estuviera de acuerdo y a bordo con las tomas que específicamente escogimos,” añadió.

“Todos queríamos que fuera el final del viaje de Clark Kent porque es una serie sobre Clark Kent,” dijo. “En los días en los que lo vimos con la camisa de franela, el traje era la cosa más alejada de su mente.”

¿Estuviste decepcionado con no ver a Welling con el traje completo?

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... n-t-192811

- La Supergirl de 'Smallville' Laura Vandervoort Desea Haberse Despedido de Clark Kent (splashpage.mtv.com):

La Supergirl de 'Smallville' Laura Vandervoort Desea Haberse Despedido de Clark Kent
Por Rick Marshall, 20 de Junio, 2011

http://www.mtv.com/videos/news/665008/s ... ding.jhtml

"Realmente disfruté estando en 'Smallville,'" dijo Vandervoort cuando se le preguntó sobre el decir adiós a su personaje, Kara, y al resto del universo de "Smallville".

"La Temporada 7 fue el realmente año en que los fans consiguieron conocerme, y pude regresar un par de veces y estoy feliz de cerrarlo todo para los fans y haber podido decir adiós," añadió.

Sin embargo, Vandervoort dijo que había un aspecto de la marcha de su personaje que habría cambiado, si se hubiera dado la ocasión.

"Estoy un poco triste de que Kara no consiguiera decirle adiós a Clark personalmente," dijo. "Ella tan sólo miró desde lejor. Pero sobre todo, 'Smallville' es fantástica e hicieron un gran trabajo."

http://splashpage.mtv.com/2011/06/20/sm ... supergirl/

- Emmys: Cómo los Escritores de 'Smallville' Abordaron su Final de la Serie (hollywoodreporter.com):

Emmys: Cómo los Escritores de 'Smallville' Abordaron su Final de la Serie
Por Lesley Goldberg, Marisa Guthrie 22 de Junio, 2011 10:53 PM

La última escena realmente resume todo lo que es esta serie, que es la amistad. habrá algunas cosas que se dejen abiertas, y el final no será tan fantástico. Al final del día, es una serie feliz, y de cumplimiento de deseos. Esperemos que le de a la gente ese sentimiento de que esperan que sean amigos de estos chicos y que esperan que sus amigos actúen como estos chicos. Estuvimos haciendo una tabla redonda para leer el guión el día en que terminé de escribirlo, y todos los actores estaban ahí, y se lo di a todos allí mismo en un primer borrador. Tenía a 14 actores leyéndolo el primer día antes de que ni siquiera hubiera decidido de que estaba terminado. Fue un momento emocional para todo el mundo, Los actores estaban definitivamente tristes; algunas de las actrices estaban llorando.

Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders
Smallville (The CW)

Peterson: El final era un gran debate porque el verle volar a mitad de temporada habría creado nuevas historias antes de finalmente ver el traje y su real transformación en Supermán para el final. Hablamos de ellos con los ejecutivos, miramos online a lo que querían los fans y Tom Welling (Clark Kent) tuvoi mucho que decir al respecto. Tan sólo se sentía como si quisieras una gran transformación. El momento para mí que siempre había querido no era el despegue; todos sabíamos que eso sería impresionante. Era el momento en el que él se encuentra suspendido en el aire que tuvimos en el granero. Eso, unido a sus imágenes de todas sus pruebas -- queríamos algo que pudiera resumir todas las temporadas y unir todo lo que había hecho junto en un bonito momento.

Porque necesitábamos montarlo pronto y tener a todo el mundo a bordo, empezamos bastante antes de Navidad; empezamos en el otoño. Una vez que tuvimos las historias empezadas para la primera parte de los episodios de la temporada 10, empezamos con el final. Kelly y yo dividimos el guión, y me tocaron los últimos minutos. Estaba escribirnso, "Se apaga" -- ese fue un momento muy importante. Estaba sentado en el mismo sitio en el que escribí mi primer guión. Fue un increíble momento personal y profesional que culminó con ese periodo. Luego, cuando estaba dejando el edificio por última vez, le dije adiós al guarda de seguridad y pensé, "Wow, hemos terminadowe." La series de TV, especialmente una que ha durado 10 años, es con mucho una familia. Pasas más tiempo con esas personas de lo que pasas con tu propia familia. Y entonces de pronto, se han ido.

Souders: Definitivamente estaba teniendo ataques de pánico. Teníamos ya escrito un guión cuando descubrimos que Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor) iba a poder regresar. Estábamos realmente avanzados en la preparación y teníamos que volver y reabrir alguna parte de la historia porque todo necesitaba ser reescrito. Recuerdo que una noche con Brian estaba en el ordenador y yo estaba tumbada en el sofá porque me estaban dando palpitaciones, y no podía hacer que pararan. Fue la culminación del nerviosismo y de la emoción. También, estuvimos jugando con verle volar en el episodio 200; estaba en el guión en un momento dado, y terminamos quitándolo porque se sentía como si eso fuera sobre lo que era toda la serie. Hubo muchas discusiones sobre ello en la sala de escritores. Brian y yo finalmente decidimos quitarlo y guardarlo para el final.

Sobre todo, el número de nuestra preocupación era el rendirle tributo a la serie y atar una década de lealtad de los fans. Esa era sin ninguna duda la cosa más importante para nosotros. Enlazar con la mitología de DC y estar en sintonía con ellos era muy importante. Hubo también muchos momentos emocionales para mí. La escena en la que Clark y Lois (Erica Durance) entraban por la puerta en su boda se hace más emocional cada vez que la veo. Cuando él toma su mano al final del altar -- Dios mío, se me hace un nudo cada vez.

El momento por excelancia de Smallville fue en el granero al final de la Parte 1, cuando Clark va a irse a luchar contra Darkseid (John Glover) y está con sus padres, Jonathan (John Schneider) en la forma de un fantasma, y su madre (Annette O'Toole), y estan en la ventana. la buhardilla de ese granero es tan icónica para los primeros años de Supermán y por cómo recordamos a Smallville. Verles decir adiós y enviarle al dominio de Supermán -- ese fue el mayor momento.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/e ... ers-203814

- Beeman habla sobre el episodio final de Smallville (K-Site):

Was there anything that was really important to you to get to be able to do in that last Smallville episode?

It was wonderful and great that I got to wrap it up and complete things with the family that I had started with. I was very happy with how the show ended and how they turned Tom into Superman, and the final Clark-Lois scenes, I thought were really important. I was very happy with the big picture of that episode. I was really excited when I first read the suit coming out of the ice. John Schneider came in... he wasn't originally in the Fortress, and it was his idea, saying "I really want to be there with the suit." Everyone loved that idea, but that was generated by him. "I really want to give Clark the cape," was what John Schneider said. Everyone loved that. But it wasn't the original idea, and John really made that happen. So I loved that.

I loved the whole scene in the Fortress. I loved the review of the saves, and I really loved everything that happened 7 years in the future. I was really excited to do it, and it was really important to get right. I didn't get any more time than you normally get, so I had to get it right really quickly, but we had very good conversations about it and I definitely directed little details and moments and nuances, but then I think those two actors really jumped on it and did a great job.

I was happy with it. I know some people have issues with the digital Clark, and Tom not wearing the suit, but to tell you the truth, in a weird way, I [also] was coming at it from the outside. I was not part of the show for all those years. I had always been a fan. I watched through Season 7, but I sort of drifted away after that. Not for any reason; I still loved the show, I just got busy with other stuff. So I was coming in clean. I didn't know that much about the Darkseid story, and I didn't really know that much about the Green Arrow story. I wanted to service that story as best I could, but the way that Clark's story wrapped up was always what I expected. It was never important to me to see Tom Welling wear the Superman suit. And it was never something that I thought mattered.

Miles and Al always said "no flights, no tights," and I was really hoping - and I had discussed it with Miles and Al years ago - that the final image of the show should be a replication of the first time we see Christopher Reeve, when he runs across the street and he rips open the shirt. It's funny, because we obviously went and reviewed that scene, and it's a little clunkier than you remember. I think your mind's eye remembers that scene as amazing. But in fact, it's kind of clunky, and the shot's basically out of focus. When he rips his shirt open, it's out of focus, and it's not as amazing as you think it was, but your mind's eye makes it better. But I always thought that was going to be the final moment, and when I read that.... the first thing I did when I got the script was I flipped to the last page, and then when I read that I was like "YEAH!"

http://www.ksitetv.com/ksitetv-intervie ... ge-2-of-2/

- Al Gough Evalúa el Final de Smallville (TVLine):

Al Gough Evalúa el Final de Smallville
Por Matt Mittovich, 7 de Agosto 2011 11:45 AM PDT

Al Gough estuvo en el Television Critics Association summer press tour (TCA) por su nuevos proyecto sobre el remake de los Ángeles de Charlie y le preguntaron por el final de Smallville.

Gough se escabulló con el hecho de no haber estado al tanto de la serie, especialmente durante el último año ya que estaba desarrollando la serie de los Ángeles para ABC, así es que “pensó que mucho del final de la serie fue confuso.” Pero, se permitió el decir, “Es difícil el cerrar cualquier serie que lleva 10 años, y pienso que lo hicieron lo mejor que pudieron.”

Gough me confirmó que cuando él y Miles Millar (también productor ejecutivo en Los Ángeles) lanzaron por primera vez Smallville, “La imagen final fue siempre la de [Clark Kent] vistiéndose [como Superman] y yéndose volando — pero en ese momento iba a haber más cosas con él y Lex (interpretado por Rosenbaum)…. Todo eso venía de la dinámica Lex-Clark.” Gough dijo que incluso aunque “fue siempre un baile” con la división de películas de la Warner Bros. en cuanto a cuánta imaginería de Supermán podía evocar la serie de TV, él y Millar siempre habían tenido luz verde para, cuando el tiempo finalmente llegase, sacaran el Supertraje y enviaran a Clark a los cielos.

http://www.tvline.com/2011/08/al-gough- ... es-angels/

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvSUHrEz ... r_embedded[/youtube]

- Los Mejores Episodios del 2011: El Adiós a los Vuelos y Mallas y el Último Friday Night Lights (TVGuide):

5. "Finale," Smallville
Le llevó 10 años a Clark Kent el convertirse en Supermán, pero el final de la serie se elevó como el Hombre de Acero (¡en su súper traje al final!) tomó vuelo. Como un padre orgulloso, nuestros corazones crecieron mientras que veíamos a Clark conseguor todo su potencial tras una década de merecidas pruebas, y dignamente, sus dos padres (Jor-El y una aparición de Jonathan Kent) se presentaron ante él con la capa antes de que él se fuera a salvar el mundo una vez más.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/2011-Best-E ... 41153.aspx
http://www.tvguide.com/special/best-of- ... 84#1041023

- Las Mejores Series de TV Shows del 2011 (thisisfakediy.co.uk):



Diez años. Diez. Más de doscientos episodios. En lo que es una muy rara ocurrencia, Smallville de hecho se hizo mejor con los años. Específicamente las últimas dos temporadas ahondaron precisamente en los personajes que estaban disponibles del Universo de DC, y los usaron como la fuerza conductora tras la serie en lugar del amor adolescente y los Luthor como villanos. Eso no quiere decir que no se echara de menos a Michael Rosenbaum como Lex, pero ninguna serie puede basarse en un sólo villano central durante 10 años. El adecuadamente titulado 'Finale' finalmente nos dio un vistazo a Tom Welling con el traje de Supermán, el regreso de Lex, y me dejó deseando que fuese este elenco al que le hubieran dado la oportunidad en la gran pantalla en lugar de el constante uso de otros actores (primero Brandon Routh, ahora Henry Cavill). El final puede que no nos diera un montón del actual Supermán, pero cuando piensas de dónde vino la serie, creo que hicieron un muy buen trabajo.

http://www.thisisfakediy.co.uk/articles ... ws-of-2011

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33241
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

... continuación

- Imágenes:

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Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Trailers:
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsbITPnM ... ture=feedu[/youtube]
Tess: Algo me decía que te encontraría aquí.

Lex: Cuánto tiempo, hermanita.

Cassidy: Oí Michael Rosenbaum iba a regresar a la serie por kryptonsite. Y lo leí online. Y me quedé como '¡¿qué?!'

Cassidy: Es curioso porque yo nunca, no me había encontrado con Michael antes de ayer y tan pronto como leí eso, me vino esa extraña sensación de alivio. Fue como si algo que sé que mucha gente quería...

Cassidy: ... fuera a pasar y que se diera un respiro de alivio y pienso que, umm, esperaba y rezaba que fuera capaz de tener una escena con él y trabajar con él. Realmente no se hubiera sentido correcto si no lo hubiera hecho, así es que estoy contenta, contenta de que lo haya hecho.

Lex: ¿Y qué querías, Tess?
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cczita46 ... ideo_title[/youtube]
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrCjDtC3 ... ture=share[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXeYHbm8 ... ture=share[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PoJSpqGH ... ture=share[/youtube]
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LJXD5v3 ... ture=share[/youtube]
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efttczf- ... ture=share[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvcoxspe ... ture=feedu[/youtube]

- Entrevistas en "The Futon Critic":

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtwEneKw ... er&list=UL[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zk2vo2cb ... er&list=UL[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNNFthPy ... er&list=UL[/youtube]

- Tom Welling - MTV "The Seven":

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ucxdvGC ... ture=share[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lRoJOFd ... ture=share[/youtube]

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl ... spsPEISqvI[/youtube]

- Entrevista de Michael Rosenbaum en Howard Stern sobre su regreso a Smallville:

- Entrevista al elenco que será añadida al DVD:

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=04-FG4VT ... ture=share[/youtube]

- Trailer Promocional del capítulo final de E4 (UK):

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Bertu »

Alvaro escribió:
CLASSICS escribió:¡Vaya!... Aún no ha empezado la segunda parte de esta temporada 10 y ya andan liados con el último episodio y que será el que clausure la serie.

Estoy de acuerdo que con todo lo que tienen entre manos para conseguir que sea un super-episodio, ponerse a discutir el titulo es lo de menos. Sin embargo como aporte personal yo propongo usar la famosa coletilla "¿Es un pájaro?, ¿Es un avión? ¡¡Es... Superman!!".

Ahi lo dejo.

:super09 ALUDO :super09

no hay mucha complicacion àra el titulo...SUPERMAN :super09 :super09 :super09

Y que el final del capitulo y de la serie, esos ultimos segundos sean volando como el final de "superman returns" o el de mi firma, pero por lo menos que tras 10 años nos brinden la oportunidad a los fans de verle con el traje.

salu2 :wink:

¿Tenemos director?
Greg Beeman publicó que dentro de poco dará una noticia de Smallville que le incumbe. Bien, yo pienso que repetirá el papel de director en el final de temporada, como hizo con "Salvation".

Puse a prueba mi teoría y obtuve eso...
@alseptien es una pena que Beeman vaya a dirigar el series finale, yo quería que tú repitieras :(
@alseptien dirigir* = direct

A lo que me contestó...

si. Me parece que en espanol se le dice montar una pelicula? O actualizar?
No soy Lois Lane, pero algo es algo :smt005


Mensajes: 33241
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ACTUALIZADO 31/01/11: (Keck´s Exclusives, TVGuide) "También estoy oyendo que el final puede que sea una despedida de dos horas — ¡con una última visita de Supergirl!"

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Kecks-Exclu ... 28716.aspx

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 634
Registrado: Mar Dic 08, 2009 2:21 pm

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Lau90 »

Supergirl vuelve para el final??... no me gusta mucho la idea, como la dije, es quitarle minutos a Clark y luego a Lois y al resto, pero bueno ya veremos como sale. Lo que si me gusta es que lo mismo es de 2h, sería lo suyo :smt023


Mensajes: 2082
Registrado: Lun Oct 02, 2006 11:28 am
Ubicación: España

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Restart »

Tampoco me gusta la noticia de Kara, tendria que ser antes. necesitamos un Final dedicado a Clark, nada más.


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 788
Registrado: Sab Sep 04, 2010 3:55 pm
Ubicación: Flotando en el granero...

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por NuLane »

¿Significa que el capítulo 22 será de dos horas o simplemente que emitirán el 21 y el 22 seguidos? Estaría bien que añadieran una hora extra al 22 pero supongo que no será eso. :doubt:

Imagen Imagen
Hawkman: Good, you're here. I've got something for you.
gifs: onebreath

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 612
Registrado: Vie Oct 06, 2006 11:56 pm
Ubicación: donde diga tom welling

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por normita »

yo espero que el ultimo capitulo sea de 2 horas, no que los junten. mas que nada porque despues de 10 años, es lo minimo que nos merecemos, y es lo minimo que se merece la serie


Mensajes: 33241
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ACTUALIZADO 03/02/11: (K-Site) Pistas sobre el título... hasta el momento no parece que vaya a ser "Supermán," y tampoco parece que vaya a ser "Metrópolis" tampoco.

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 612
Registrado: Vie Oct 06, 2006 11:56 pm
Ubicación: donde diga tom welling

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por normita »

ni superman, ni metropolis.... pues vaya..
a mi me gusta el titulo: "beginnig". por dar ideas, digo :biggrin:


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 634
Registrado: Mar Dic 08, 2009 2:21 pm

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por Lau90 »

Superman no?? pues vaya, a mi me hubiera gustado que fuera, no veo otro título la verdad... :smt102


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 788
Registrado: Sab Sep 04, 2010 3:55 pm
Ubicación: Flotando en el granero...

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por NuLane »

¿Ni Supermán ni Metrópolis? Pues me hubiera gustado que fuera Supermán, pero a ver que título deciden al final. :doubt:

Imagen Imagen
Hawkman: Good, you're here. I've got something for you.
gifs: onebreath

Mensajes: 284
Registrado: Sab Dic 09, 2006 12:32 pm

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por K-Fabio »

Que extraño...veremos que titulo le ponen al capitulo al final...

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 612
Registrado: Vie Oct 06, 2006 11:56 pm
Ubicación: donde diga tom welling

Re: 10x22 ??? Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos

Mensaje por normita »

vaya intriga.... es que no se me ocurre un titulo que pueda ser tan significativo como superman o metropolis....
en fin.. a ver con que nos sprprenden :idea:



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