9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos.

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Clark Kent
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Registrado: Vie Ene 12, 2007 9:27 pm

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por Vader_el »

La vi sin subs,y a priori me encantó 8i need subs para un veredicto mas concienzudo xD), aunque no podía ser malo un capi que comienza poniendo a Chloe justo donde se merece y corresponde: en la basura xD

me encantó el doctor fate (lastima su final) este personaje puso a Lois y Lex donde corresponden en la vida de clark ella como soulmate (al decirle segun entendí que ella era la llave y lo que clark necesitaba y viceversa)y a Lex (aparte de confirmar a la audiencia y a Clark de que esta vivo)como unico gran némesis de Clark (ni zod-kete ni dumbdsday y familia-valga la redundancia al ser esos 2 "padre e hijo"-, lex luthory y nadie mas)

tb fue interesante lo que le dijo a chloe, le dijo algo asi (necesito subs para confirmarlo) que "ella acabaría como él" ¿que quiso decir con eso? ¿loca? ¿muerta? ¿o ambas cosas? xD

me gustó como todos trataron a clark, definitivamente este capi puso a todos los personajes en el lugar que les corresponde (clark lider, lois la mas importante para clark (lana & chloe who?) lex nemesis, guisante verde uno mas, zod uno que pasaba x ahi y chloe una petarda en la basura xD), sobre todo a clark que ya va siendo consciente el rol que debe ocupar

tb me gustó el regreso de MM ya era hora que le retornasen los poderes ya pensaba que ese asunto iba a ser como lucy lane o lucas luthor de quienes nunca mas se supo xD (fue bueno ver aunque fuese un nanosegundo su verdadera forma aunque pareciese con los efectos a piccolo de DB XD)

Y Amanda waller genial, me sorprendió el final al ver que Tess no es solo aliada de esta sino que tb es un miembro de checkmate, la cosa promete

este 2º capide GJ me ha gustado infinitamente mas que legion, del que solo disfruto las partes de chloniac (tal vez sea x ese mal gusto que tuvieron de que a legion santificase a Lana,eso le qito muchos enteros y credibilidad a ese capi que comparado con este, queda claro xq legion nome entusiasmó fue bastante descafeinado comparado con ese)

pd x cierto si es cierto lo de chlollie, será cada vez mas patético sobre todo tras lo de hoy de ella espiandole los mails y el diciendo que su correo con dinah es privado o sea pffff xD


Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por Shelby »

Aunque ya se ha emitido, os dejo más entrevistas:

- Entrevista de Geoff para "MTV":
Geoff Johns On 'Smallville: Absolute Justice' Easter Eggs, Character Decisions And Costume Changes
by Rick Marshall in DC Comics, News

"Smallville: Absolute Justice" airs tonight (February 5), featuring the live-action debut of several members of the Justice Society of America. Written by comics veteran Geoff Johns, the two-hour special introduces Hawkman, Dr. Fate, and Star Girl (among others) to the long-running series' cast of flesh-and-blood DC heroes.

MTV News caught up with Johns for an extended chat about "Absolute Justice," including the characters making the jump from comics to screen, the decisions that went into the show's lineup and costumes, and the fan-friendly nods you'll find to the greater DC Universe.

MTV NEWS: You're certainly familiar with the process of taking existing characters and freshening them up for a new audience, but I have to ask: why the Justice Society of America? Whose idea was it to bring the JSA into Smallville?

GEOFF JOHNS: I did episodes for them last season with Legion and they went over really well and they were happy with it, so I had lunch with the showrunners, and they said, "Hey, do you want to do another episode? Do you have any ideas?"

I thought the Justice Society of America would be really interesting to play against the characters. I did the team from the future, so how about a team from the past? They really liked the idea, and liked the idea of Hawkman quite a bit, so we chatted about what the story would be and they signed on pretty quick.

MTV: From what we've seen thus far, it looks like the regular cast of "Smallville" end in both an adversarial relationship with the Justice Society, but are also helped out in some fashion. How do you characterize the relationship between the "Smallville" crew and the Justice Society?

JOHNS: Well, it’s tenuous at first. They don’t know who these guys are, and because of the circumstances of the story, they’re led to believe a few things that aren’t exactly true about them. So, it starts off tense. And it remains tense with Hawkman and some of the other characters for most of the show.

MTV: Hawkman tends to have that effect on people.

JOHNS: [Laughs] He does. He has that effect on just about everybody, though Clark’s not intimidated by him.

MTV: Hawkman can fly, but for the most part, he’s a guy in a costume. With Dr. Fate, however, there’s also this entirely different aspect of the character that's relatively new to "Smallville." The series has been touching on the whole nature of magic in that universe, but with Dr. Fate there’s suddenly a big magic user in the mix. How did you approach bringing him and his magic-based abilities into the "Smallville" universe?

JOHNS: He was actually the most fun, because in the comic books Kent Nelson hasn’t had a whole lot of stories — modern day stories — told about him. So he’s more of a blank slate than the other two. They did the Zatanna episode last season, so magic had already been introduced in the show. But with Dr. Fate, bringing him in and working with the magic was actually... It was fairly straightforward, really. He’s a guy with a helmet that’s inhabited by a mystical spirit that guides him to protect the world from supernatural evil or whatever he’s going to run across.

MTV: When you were deciding which JSA characters to bring into the episode, what were some of requirements? What went into the decision? Please tell me you stood around a table filled with photographs of each character and discussed them one by one...

JOHNS: [Laughs] It was pretty easy, because I knew right away it was going to be Hawkman as the leader and the guy who once led this great team. He'd since retired and gotten out of the superhero business, so to speak, but he was always front and center. He was going to have a very kind of gruff attitude, as he does in the comics.

Having Green Arrow there with his attitude and what he’s gone through in the show, which is a similar attitude in the comics, that was very easy. Right away I knew that and I wanted to have a legacy character to represent where the JSA was going to go next. There was no question it was going to be Star Girl.

I wanted one other character that was going to be an example of how far some of these heroes had fallen. It won’t be very clear until you see what’s happened to Kent Nelson and Dr. Fate. There was discussion about Wildcat, but it felt like Wildcat was a little too gruff, like Hawkman, to be one of the main characters. So we just kind of went through it and Dr. Fate has that great visual — that gold helmet with the eyes glowing behind it— I love it. So he was up there pretty fast.

It really wasn’t that difficult. It didn’t take days to figure out who were going to be the members we were going to use. It fell into place pretty quick.

MTV: In the "Absolute Justice" trailer, I saw some callouts to Sandman and a few other characters — Jay Garrick’s silver Flash helmet, etc. In terms of other little Easter Eggs, who and what can we look forward to seeing? Are we going to see anything from one of my favorite characters, Hourman?


MTV: Excellent. Are there any other Easter Eggs that you want fans to keep an eye out for?

JOHNS: There’s about four dozen. Honestly, it’s that extensive. I went to great lengths in the script to enrich the universe and the concept of the Justice Society. It’s a society, so it’s got to mean something big. It can’t just be a couple guys who used to hang out. And the production people up there went crazy on this thing. They created more props and they research more comic book lore than they ever had before by quite a big margin. So, it’s a lot of fun.

Literally, there’s more Easter Eggs than I could list right now. And a lot of them aren’t just Easter Eggs, they’re just pieces of the story.

MTV: So now you have to tell me how many of these props you took home with you...

JOHNS: [Laughs] None right now... although actually, I do have the painting.

MTV: The painting of the JSA that we see in the trailer? Very nice.

JOHNS: Yeah, I have to figure out where to hang that now.

MTV: You’re going to end up with Jay Garrick’s helmet too, aren’t you?

JOHNS: [Laughs] I’d like that. That would be cool. Actually, I want [Star Girl's] cosmic rod — but I’d give it to my parents. I think they would really like that. But the painting, I think I’m probably going to hang that up in my comic shop.

MTV: You mentioned Star Girl, so I have to ask: what was it liek to see this character that you've nurtured since its infancy brought to life on the screen? I know that's a character you're particularly close to, so it must have been a huge thrill.

JOHNS: It was great. ["Smallville" showrunners] Brian [Peterson] and Kelly [Souders] were so inclusive on this, so I was involved in the casting and the costumes — particularly with Star Girl. The initial pass was a little more "Smallville" ... they initially wanted her in high heels and so on, and it just didn’t quite fit for the character. So we had a big discussion about the character. She’s a fun character. She’s cute. She’s not really sexy — she’s a little young for that.

But she’s just a fun character, so we went through the costume and at the end of the day they made her a costume directly from the comics, and it translates pretty well — especially in action. When you see it, it’s just terrific. The feeling of seeing that and watching her come to life, it’s pretty great. It’s terrific.

MTV: You're in a great place to really understand the difference between the universe of "Smallville" and the comics side of the DC Universe. Does it require a different approach to wrap your head around the characters in "Smallville" and their motivations and those of their comic book counterparts? How do you shift gears when you’re going back and forth between them?

JOHNS: Ironically, in this case, Hawkman is Hawkman, and Star Girl is Star Girl... and Dr. Fate’s slightly different, but you’ll see what I mean by that when you see it. He's slightly different from the Dr. Fate you know in the comics, but they’re the same characters.

Writing Green Arrow [in "Smallville"] to me was just like writing Green Arrow in the comic books, though I haven’t done it much. He’s just a little younger, and more inexperienced. And the same goes for Clark Kent and Lois Lane. It wasn’t that different. Although "Smallvill" has strayed from the mythology and kind of done its own completely new spin in the past, throughout the last two seasons it’s gotten more and more in line with the comic book mythology and the characters. To be honest, the only difference for me was budget and time.

MTV: Still, the parallel seems especially unique for you, since you’re also writing the "Secret Origins: Superman" comics. You’re basically working on two origin stories for Superman simultaneously.

JOHNS: Yeah, I guess so. I look at this two-hour "Smallville" TV movie as the origin of the modern day Justice Society of America. That’s really what it is. It definitely puts Clark in a different mindset, as well as Green Arrow, and Martian Manhunter. Quite frankly, the whole Justice League is in a different mindset from where they started, but essentially it’s more of an origin of them and of what the JSA will mean today... and going forward.

Again, much like the comic books. I wanted to introduce the characters. If we’re trying to introduce our characters from off the comic book page into a bigger audience, there’s a reason Hawkman’s appealed to people for 50-60 years. You want to keep that alive. You want to keep who he is alive. And you want to translate that out to the audience, because otherwise what’s the point of adapting it? You might as well create something new. The same goes for Star Girl and Dr. Fate and everybody else.

http://splashpage.mtv.com/2010/02/05/ge ... e-changes/

- Entrevista de Geoff para "Comic Book Resources":
Geoff Johns On "Absolute Justice"
by Kiel Phegley

When word went out that this season of The CW's long-running superhero drama "Smallville" would feature an episode co-starring members of the legendary DC Comics superteam the Justice Society of America, comic fans everywhere knew only one man could be building the story behind the scenes – DC's all-star scribe Geoff Johns. While Johns helped establish the team's resurgence in the DC Universe by co-writing the "JSA" title from the end of the '90s through its 2007 reboot as "Justice Society of America," the writer also wrote the "Smallville" episode "Legion" last season, which introduced the Legion of Super-Heroes into the Superman-themed drama's expanding cast of supporting superhero players. In advance of tonight's 8:00 PM Eastern and Pacific debut of the two-hour "Absolute Justice" episode, CBR News caught up with Johns on how he brought his considerable knowledge of the JSA to bear in the form of co-starring heroes Hawkman, Stargirl and Doctor Fate.

Aside from his high-concept action epics like the current chart-topping "Blackest Night," Johns is perhaps best known for his ability to weave decades of comic history seamlessly into character-driven stories, and as the CW's previews have shown, "Absolute Justice" contains more than a few comic Easter Eggs. "Everything was in the script," Johns explained of items including Green Lantern's lantern. "I wrote as much detail as I could, and then we talked about every single prop. We talked about the car that Sylvester [Pemberton] drives and the Star-Rocket Racer, what that would be. And they were great about it. I tried to put in as much as I could because this is the live-action JSA. I don't know when we'll get another chance to see the live action JSA, so I wanted to do as much stuff as possible – the painting, the table...everything.

"And there's tons of stuff throughout the whole episode. In dialogue there's mentions that make you see that there's really a society behind all this. These three guys aren't the only members. There's a big history behind it, and quite frankly what you guys have seen – even though they've shown a lot of it – there's still a whole lot more. I'm excited for people to see it because comic fans are going to go ballistic, and people who are just fans of 'Smallville' I hope are going to become fans of the JSA after this."

The story hook that Johns and the series producers employed to get new fans on the JSA page involves the death of longtime society member Wesley "The Sandman" Dodds. "It's a little bit like how we relaunched 'JSA' way back when," the writer said. "There's an adversary that is targeting the JSA, and the JSA hasn't been active in a very, very long time. What this essentially is is a story about legacy. It's about what the JSA was and through this story what the JSA becomes – what it means today. In the comics, it means ushering in the next generation with guidance from the original heroes that started it all."

And the heroes present in the episode do prove a mix of old school and next generation team members. Aside from Tom Welling's Clark Kent and Justin Hartley's Green Arrow, the JSA members present include Michael Shanks as longtime JSA Chairman Hawkman, Brent Stait as the enigmatic Doctor Fate and Brittney Irvin as Johns's own creation Stargirl. "Everyone's origin in the story is the origin in the comics," Johns promised. "There's not a lot of delineation there. There's a few things that have been altered and changed for both Stargirl and Doctor Fate, though Hawkman's is pretty much the same. Though generally speaking, they're right out of the pages of the comic books. With Doctor Fate, Kent Nelson is at a different place in his life. So he's a slightly different character than he was in the comic books."

Asked whether writing big name heroes like Superman for the younger-skewing "Smallville" was any different than penning their comic adventures, Johns said, "It feels exactly the same to me. That's how I approached it. I wrote Clark like a young Superman, and I wrote Lois like...well Lois is Lois. She doesn't necessarily have a 'younger version.' But I wrote this just like I wrote the characters in the comic. Stargirl and Hawkman are exactly the same. Doctor Fate I had a slightly different take on that is a bit of an amalgam of Doctor Fate and my take on Starman in the comics."

Though Stargirl's involvement in particular was a point of pride for the writer as he launched his solo DC writing career with that character's original series over a decade ago. "Stargirl is obviously a super important character for me – a character I created when I first got into comics and the first character I ever wrote. To see that character come so far and be animated with 'Justice League Unlimited' and made into toys and now in live action, it's amazing. And Britt did an amazing job. My favorite scenes are between her and Allison [Mack] – Stargirl and Chloe. They really define the difference between the JSA and JLA pretty poignantly for me. And you also really see Stargirl come to life when she talks about how she got involved in the JSA and why. It's really great. I can't wait for my parents to see it, to be honest."

The origins of adapting the JSA to "Smallville" came after Johns successful guest spot writing last season. "I guess it started when we talked about the Legion episode. They did exactly what they usually do on Smallville, which is evoke the costumes with colors and stuff, but they don't really go all the way. But this is a different type of thing. When we talked about the Justice Society of America, it's like they're a different generation. Their costumes work because they were from the generation before [Clark and his allies]. So when we were talking in the costume design phase, I made some suggestions about where it could go, and Brian [Peterson] and Kelly [Souders], the show runners, just embraced it completely. 'If we're going to do the Justice Society of America, let's embrace it completely. Let's go crazy and do the costumes and do the museum. Let's do everything, and let's stick closely to the source material.'"

Johns boned up on this season's "Smallvile" story involving the best-known Superman villain General Zod, although the writer explained that any fans who haven't been following along won't need to worry too much about the larger show story encroaching on this two-hour episode. "They sent me all the scripts so I could catch up and see where they were taking it, and on the first day I actually just sat there as they talked about the whole season and where they were going. Then it was a matter of where in Clark's arc did this fit and make sense and what was he going to take away from it. Otherwise, it touches upon what's going on in the season and pushes Clark where they've been taking him, but it stands alone at the same time. I didn't have to make it part of a continuing story. It got to be its own thing."

The expansion of "Absolute Justice" from a single "Smallville" installment to a "two-hour movie event" did free up both Johns and the production team to give the JSA the big screen feel they felt the legends deserved. "When Brian and Kelly decided to make it a two-hour episode, that opened up the door for everything," Johns said. "We were struggling in terms of budget, and they were building all these costumes that are expensive to build – Hawkman and Doctor Fate AND Stargirl – and building the sets like the Brownstone and all that. By turning it into two episodes, it not only allowed the story to get bigger, but it allowed our budget to become bigger. Now all the costs from the props and sets and effects are spread out. There's always an issue when working for TV as compared to comic books. I think the first draft of the script I wrote was twice the budget [it could feasibly be]. I'm not used to writing for a budget, so we had to go back in and make decisions as to which things were important and had to be cut, which they do in every production, but with comics I can afford that luxury. Being live action though is so great. You don't have sound in comic books. You don't have motion. You don't have real human emotion, and so it's a trade off."

Helping shape the story once Johns finished his script were both "Legion" director Glen Winter and Superman himself, Tom Welling, who's taken a much more active role behind the scenes of the show in recent seasons both directing episodes and earning a co-executive producer credit. "Glen and I worked with on 'Legion,' and he's fantastic. He has an amazing visual eye. And I remember talking to Tom in one of the production meetings about Doctor Fate and the difference between Kent Nelson and Nabu and what Doctor Fate represented, and he grabbed onto it right away. He was somebody who embraced the material and read all the books and got it for what it was, just like everybody else on the show. That's one of the reasons I was so happy because the Legion episode had gone over so well because I said, 'You've got to do the Legion rings' and 'This is why this works.' This time, everybody was geared up to go full on, and that included Tom. It was a lot of fun to work with him on this, and he's obviously taken a much bigger role in the show over the years."

And ultimately, Johns has good feelings about the growing awareness of DC's characters in the Warner Brothers film family, saying that with the creation of DC Entertainment as its own entity, more and more heroes will be jumping from the page to the screen like the JSA in various places. "That's the dream. That's the hope," Johns concluded. "I love Batman, and I love Superman, but I can't wait to see 'Green Lantern' [as a movie]. I've been working on that and hopefully Flash and these other movies, we'll see them come out. The hope is to see all the DC characters reach the mass public. They're aspirational and inspirational, and they're heroes who I think a lot of people would not only enjoy seeing and meeting but would also learn something from. JSA is all about family and why family's important, and Green Lantern is all about overcoming your fears, and the Flash is all about how you get knocked down then get back up and keep moving forward. All of these heroes embody something that's good for us. I think DC heroes stand heads and tales above the rest, and I can't wait to see what the years ahead unfold. I hope it's something big."

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=24735

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 39
Registrado: Lun Oct 05, 2009 9:54 pm

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por tiken10 »

joe pos por como pintais el capitulo, tengo unas ganas inmensas de ver los dos capituloooossss!!!!!!!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 612
Registrado: Vie Oct 06, 2006 11:56 pm
Ubicación: donde diga tom welling

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por normita »

yo me los estoy descargando!!!
en cuiando los vea, comento!!
madre mia que ganas!! :smt055 :smt005


Mensajes: 6956
Registrado: Lun Sep 25, 2006 7:01 pm
Ubicación: California

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por Super_House »

Siento el retraso, aquí teneis ya la encuesta.

Willy, Lore, Lur, Seph, Anna, ancksunamun, meiryan, **** y dare

Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por Bertu »

Un 10. Geoff Johns ha sabido cerrar algunos cabos sueltos que parecía que no iban a terminarse nunca, nos ha introducido a una Liga anterior de una manera muy adecuada y nos ha presentado a Amanda Waller, que dará mucho que hablar en los siguientes episodios... Michael Shanks y Britt Irvin han bordado sus papeles y hemos visto una posible solución al problema de Chloe si el problema se tuerce mucho (a la basura :smt005 ).


Mensajes: 6651
Registrado: Sab Sep 23, 2006 12:16 am
Ubicación: Rivendel

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por porre »

Capitulo de 10.

1- MM recupera poderes

2-Confirman que Lex sigue vivo con lo cual, un mas que posible regreso en la 10ª temporada.

3-La conversacion entre Lois y el Doctor Fate simplemente fantastica al igual que al final con Clark

4-Perfectamente presentada la JSA.

5-Amanda con su retorcido plan de agrupar a los heroes sea como sea para un proximo apokalipsis con Tess metida en el ajo..

6-Las conversaciones entre GA y HM muy graciosas :smt005 :smt005

7-Tambien me ha encantao la ultima conversacion de MM y Chloe y lo que le ha dicho de que son su familia muy tierno.. :smt022 :smt005

7-Buenos efectos especiales y gran banda sonora que por momentos emocionaba y te daban ganas de ponerte una capa y tirarte por el balcon :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Lo mejor de smallville hasta la fecha para mi... :smt109

PD:Con un poco mas de presupuesto para efectos especiales yo creo que sale una mejor pelicula de superman que la de Superman Returns... :smt005 :smt005 :smt005


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 852
Registrado: Lun Dic 04, 2006 2:16 am

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por isma20 »

Esq ha sido alucinante.

Esta tan bien elaborado y al mismo tiempo corrige tantas cosas...

Lois: Me han encantado las visiones del futuro clois. Su escena con Clark hablando sobre el futuro y especialmente ver su faceta de reportera, investigando a la Sociedad. Es muy probable que me equivoque, pero cada capítulo que pasa me da más la impresión que Lois ya sospecha hace tiempo el secreto de Clark, y que este es el Borrón. :smt023

Chloe: Ahora vemos que su obsesión por mantener todo vigilado, la conducira a la locura. Por lo cuál, todos sus entramados en esta temporada podrian tener su razón de ser, aunque si es cierto, Chloe tendra un mal final. Veremos si a lo largo de la serie, los tiros van por ahi. :smt102

Oliver: Me encanto la mención a sus e-mails con Dinah, y veo que comparte muchas escenas con Chloe. Me hicieron mucha gracia sus roces con Hawkman. :smt044

La sociedad: Me encantaron todos. Los tres lo bordan actuando. Ha sido muy bien introducida. Sus trajes ganan mucho en vivo. Al fin, sus primeras representaciones en carne y hueso. :razz:
Ha sido una pena la muerte del doctor Fate, pero encanto ver como devuelven los poderes a Martian, y ese fugaz momento donde le vemos con su aspecto original. :smt023

Icicle: Respetan la historia del personaje y esta genial caracterizado. Muy buen actor, el chico que lo interpreta. :smt023

Amanda Waller y Tess: Mi debilidad del capítulo. Posiblemente lo que más me ha gustado es ese entramado de Checkmates, tan siniestro e introduce en una nueva amenaza......DARKSEID!!!!!!!!!! :smt026 :smt026 :smt026
Pam Grier, lo ha bordado dando ese aire de tenebrosidad que caracteriza a Waller, y el que Tess halla sido miembro de esa sociedad en el pasado, nos explica, en mi opinión, su cegador empeño la temporada pasada por "empujar" a Clark y "liberar" a los kandorianos. Quizás este equivocado, pero ya se vera. :wink:

La banda sonora: Como siempre, muy acertada y nos envuelve más y más a lo largo del capítulo.

En definitiva, el mejor capítulo de la temporada, puede que de la serie, repleto de guiños, y explicando esas incoherencias que tanto nos mataban.(Lex esta vivo, un rayo de luz con Chloe, Clark liderara la liga, los poderes de Martian, las intenciones de Tess...)

Ya podian tomar nota Singer con " Superman Returns" y todas esas películas de superheroes que con todo el potencial del universo DC, solo se limitan a aburrirnos con noñerias.
Le doy un 10. :wink:

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 634
Registrado: Mar Dic 08, 2009 2:21 pm

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por Lau90 »

Yo también le doy un 10, a falta de verlo otra vez para enterarme de todos los detalles (bueno lo veré 2 o 3 veces más durante esta semana :smt044 )
La verdad que pensaba que no me iba a enterar mucho ya q conozco muy poco del mundo de los comics y sé que es complicado pero han presentado a la JSA increíblemente bien, y a todos los miembros también. Me ha encantado el museo, me ha emocionado ver las armas y las mascaras y tal de todos ellos y también el cuadro q esta genial je :smt023
Buena noticia que MM haya recuperado sus poderes! me alegro muchísimo, se le ve feliz, y asi podrá ayudar mucho mas al resto del “equipo”
De Lois y Clark no voy a decir mucho porq lo poco q an estado juntos han mostrado la misma quimica de siempre y bueno, lo que todos sabiamos, que en el futuro serán lo más importante el uno para el otro. despues de un capitulo tan increible si me llegan a poner una escena clois parecida a la de disciple no se si hubiera aguantado tanto ya... :smt055 :smt044 :smt044 pero siendo un capitulo centrado en la JLA me conformo asi :wink:
Quizá de las cosas q mas m han gustado del capi ha sido Chloe. Ultimamente e estado un poco critica con ella y con razón... hoy se ha visto que tiene un papel muy importante siendo el punto de unión entre ellos y que sin ella no habría ni liga ni valdrían para nada je. Aunq tambien sigo insistiendo en que necesita una vida a parte de watchtower aunq ahora salga a cenary esas cosas :smt044 :smt044
Y lo que le a dicho a Chloe supongo q se refería a q se volverá loca como él y bueno y puede que como consecuencia muerta.. :smt077
am y los efectso especiales me han gustado mucho, en todo el capitulo y sobretodo cuand se enfrentan todos a icicle.
Y bueno, decir que han sido 80min pero que se me an pasado como si hubieran sido 40 igual q siempre, no me a decepcionado para nada. Vamos a ver si esto se mantiene mas o menos (no creo q a tanto nivel pero q no baje mucho.. :doubt: )


Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 85
Registrado: Jue May 17, 2007 8:54 pm

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por friendsita »

Hola a todos!

Despues de siglossss entro al foro! y lo 1ero q leo es esto:
Vader_el escribió:La vi sin subs,y a priori me encantó 8i need subs para un veredicto mas concienzudo xD), aunque no podía ser malo un capi que comienza poniendo a Chloe justo donde se merece y corresponde: en la basura xD

pd x cierto si es cierto lo de chlollie, será cada vez mas patético sobre todo tras lo de hoy de ella espiandole los mails y el diciendo que su correo con dinah es privado o sea pffff xD
plop... PATETICO!

Bueno me dirijo al resto de los miembros para saludarlos en este nuevo año (un poco tarde pero en fin) y desearles felicidad y prosperidad en este 2010 :smt023

Esta temporada en mi opinión ha sido la mas floja, pero AJ definitivamente fue "EL CAPI" uno de los mejores, sino el mejor de toda la serie.

Lo q mas me gusto:

1. Todos los héroes!! Hicieron mención a todos los miembros de la JSA y a la Golden Age ... me encanto cuando Hawkman hablo de Shayera :smt007 (es mi superheroe favorita)

2. Ame a Dr. Fate... fue lo maximo, el mas verídico, el de los mejores efectos, su actuación "Brillante" :smt023

3. Hawkman, tal y como es en los comics de 10!

4. La dinámica entre Hawkman y GA excelente! de las mejores! los mas graciosos también :biggrin:

5. Chlollie fue genial!!!!! Allison y Justin estuvieron fantasticos! me encantaron todas sus escenas... la del auto y cuando le cura las heridas... :smt055

6. Chlark volvio (solo x este episodio talvez) y su escena en el planet fue genial!!!

7. Ver a JJ como MM uffffffffff sin palabras!

8. Tess volvio y pertenece a Checkmate :eek:

9. Amanda Waller me encanto... estoy segura que aportara harto a la serie!

10. Mencionaron a Lex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

y muchassssss cosas mas, me encanto el capi, Tom "BRILLANTE" el hombre es superman, Chloe como WT, las peleas, los villanos, las conversaciones x fono, los efectos, la música, fue EPICO! Me encanto que la peli empiece con Chloe y termine con Tess!

Todo los actores estuvieron FANTASTICOS! :smt022 :smt022 :smt022

DE 10
Última edición por friendsita el Dom Feb 07, 2010 12:48 am, editado 1 vez en total.

I may not be the one you love today, but I'll let you go for now, hoping one day you'll fly back to me. Because I think you're worth the wait.

Chloe & Clark 4 ever!!!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 658
Registrado: Sab Feb 07, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por Cin »

Bueno, en parte estoy de acuerdo con vosotros:
La liga me ha encantado, todos y cada uno de los personajes, he alucinado con el doctor Fate -me he apenado cuando ha muerto-, me ha encantado Hawkman y cómo ha contado su historia, me ha parecido genial que devolviesen a MM su estatus y verlo de verde ha sido genial...pero:
A Clark sólo le dicen todo lo que será capaz de hacer y siempre están con lo mismo -serás el salvador y blablabla-, he echado en falta verle pelear, estoy harta de que sólo le digan todo lo que hará y siempre estamos a la espectativa porque nada de nada.... es el más potente de todos y nada, sólo unos rayitos por los ojos y ya está, eso sí muy buenos consejos a todos pero siempre acaba despatarrado por el suelo... 9 temporadas y el avance sigue siendo a poquito, que se les acaban las ideas, al menos ya ha plantado cara alguna vez a la todopoderosa Chloe... pero es que yo nunca entendí que estuviese siempre tan amodorrado por la presión de ésta.
Lois, ese gran personaje, a veces parece una secundaria y de milagro la incluyen en el lío, si no es por Amanda ni oye llover. Muy poquitos minutos. Porque no se pueden cargar la historia Lois-Clark, porque a veces parece un lastre para estos guionistas... no lo entiendo.
Olliver y Chloe... lo están haciendo? No tiene el menor sentido. Si Ollie tiene más química con Tess, y aunque en Pandora cuando vio morir a Chloe, sabía que tenían una oportunidad de arreglar el futuro a través de Lois, es que ni parpadeó cuando la vio ensartada como un salmón y se supone que es el futuro. Por contentar a los fans, ¿son capaces de liarlos?
Sí, es un buen capítulo por lo que tiene de sentimental meter a los héroes de nuestra infancia y hacerlo tan maravillosamente, en serio, pero me falta algo de acción para super y algo de minutos y horas para Lois.

Y por cierto, ya me jodería que se liasen a contarnos una nueva historia de amor de Chloe, , porque no sé, el año pasado ya tuve mucho, con una historia de amor basta, y esa debiera ser la de LOIS-CLARK y todo lo demás me parece PATÉTICO, ya debiera ser hora de que contentasen un poco a los que seguimos la serie por ver a superman, no sé ese tipo que hace que esta serie tenga sentido.
Última edición por Cin el Sab Feb 06, 2010 8:47 pm, editado 1 vez en total.


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1128
Registrado: Vie Ene 12, 2007 9:27 pm

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por Vader_el »

friendsita escribió:Hola a todos!

Despues de siglossss entro al foro! y lo 1ero q leo es esto:
Vader_el escribió:La vi sin subs,y a priori me encantó 8i need subs para un veredicto mas concienzudo xD), aunque no podía ser malo un capi que comienza poniendo a Chloe justo donde se merece y corresponde: en la basura xD

pd x cierto si es cierto lo de chlollie, será cada vez mas patético sobre todo tras lo de hoy de ella espiandole los mails y el diciendo que su correo con dinah es privado o sea pffff xD
plop... PATETICO!
Mas patético es el personaje de chloe a cada capitulo que pasa y el no respetar e insultar las opiniones ajenas :smt077
Cin escribió: Sí, es un buen capítulo por lo que tiene de sentimental meter a los héroes de nuestra infancia y hacerlo tan maravillosamente, en serio, pero me falta algo de acción para super y algo de minutos y horas para Lois.
aunque el capi ha sido doble han habido personajes x un tubo normal que no todos tengan una gran participación, cierto lo de clark (aunque es lo que tiene meter tanto héroe de ahi que no me guste GA como regular en la serie) y lo de Lois aunque poco ha cundido bastante, mas vale poco y satisfactorio (lois) que sobredosis de y aburrimiento (chloe oliver) :smt077


Lionel Luthor
Lionel Luthor
Mensajes: 85
Registrado: Jue May 17, 2007 8:54 pm

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por friendsita »

Vader_el escribió:
friendsita escribió:Hola a todos!

Despues de siglossss entro al foro! y lo 1ero q leo es esto:
Vader_el escribió:La vi sin subs,y a priori me encantó 8i need subs para un veredicto mas concienzudo xD), aunque no podía ser malo un capi que comienza poniendo a Chloe justo donde se merece y corresponde: en la basura xD

pd x cierto si es cierto lo de chlollie, será cada vez mas patético sobre todo tras lo de hoy de ella espiandole los mails y el diciendo que su correo con dinah es privado o sea pffff xD
plop... PATETICO!
Mas patético es el personaje de chloe a cada capitulo que pasa y el no respetar e insultar las opiniones ajenas :smt077

iaaa nene... blao!
Última edición por friendsita el Sab Feb 06, 2010 9:53 pm, editado 1 vez en total.

I may not be the one you love today, but I'll let you go for now, hoping one day you'll fly back to me. Because I think you're worth the wait.

Chloe & Clark 4 ever!!!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 658
Registrado: Sab Feb 07, 2009 11:31 pm

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por Cin »

Vader-el, lo que ahora empieza a pasar es que nos van a contar la película de amor de Chloe y Olliver, por fascículos. Y el año pasado ya tuvimos bastante. Sí es cierto que mejor calidad que cantidad en cuanto a Lois, pero es que a veces demasiado parco.


Clark Kent
Clark Kent
Mensajes: 1128
Registrado: Vie Ene 12, 2007 9:27 pm

Re: 9x11-12: ABSOLUTE JUSTICE Spoilers, teorías, argumentos

Mensaje por Vader_el »

Cin escribió:Vader-el, lo que ahora empieza a pasar es que nos van a contar la película de amor de Chloe y Olliver, por fascículos. Y el año pasado ya tuvimos bastante. Sí es cierto que mejor calidad que cantidad en cuanto a Lois, pero es que a veces demasiado parco.
y todo en capitulos de rellenazo, tu descuida que JH estaba como Cassidy freeman para 16 de 22 y ya lleva bastantes gastados (no es como con davis el año pasado que desapareció en los capis de lana y nos lo metieron por ello junto a chloe hasta en la sopa hasta el final) o sea ya lleva 11 de 16 contando warrior..., dejando 5 o menos para "el gran romance" aunque quieran torturarnos, no va ser como davis (mas que nada x eso xq ya tiene menos capis xD)



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