Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Spoilers, teorías, posibles argumentos.

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Las Estrellas Invitadas Más Memorables de Smallville" (TVGuide): ... st-1025467

- ACTUALIZADO 11/11/10: (Al Septien, twitter) Nuevas informaciones.
@diabeticdude202: I know you've answered a LOT of Chloe questions lately. But I only have one - will we see the journalist in Chloe ever again?
@alseptien: Stay tuned.
("Sé que has contestado muchas preguntas sobre Chloe últimamente. Pero sólo tengo una ¿veremos alguna vez de nuevo a la Chloe periodista? - Sigue en antena")

@c_youth: Thanks...and...i hope so =X About Justin Hartley, will be how many episodes this season?
@alseptien: Not sure. In the high teens I believe. 17? 18? 19?
("Sobre Justin Hartley, ¿en cuántos episodios estará esta temporada? - No estoy seguro, En los diecimuchos creo. ¿17? ¿18? ¿19?")

@Jennifer_Lynn89: Hey Al, what episode are they filming now?
@alseptien: 12
("¿Qué episodio están filmando ahora? - El 12")

@Chloe_Queen: Q will Chloe get some focus on her when she returns, at least a episode?
@alseptien: I think that's fair to say.
("¿Se centrarán en Chloe cuando regrese, al menos en un episodio? - Creo que es justo decirlo")

@c_youth: Thanks again! =) and a last question (I swear!) XD When Chloe returns, it will have how many episodes this season?
@alseptien: That info has not been released yet... so I can't say. Sorry : (
("La última pregunta, cuando Chloe regrese ¿cuántos episodios tendrá en esta temporada? - Esa informavión no se ha revelado aún... así es que no puedo decirlo. Lo siento")

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 950
Registrado: Mié May 20, 2009 5:19 am
Ubicación: Viendo mi gif una y otra y otra vez

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por mayiya »

Que? Como? Donde? Clark y Lois comprometidos???

Dios mío, ahora si me puedo ir feliz y satisfecha al cielo... San pedro abre los brazos que ahi te voy!!!

:smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005 :smt005


Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Perry White regresa a Smallville:
Hoy en twitter, Michael ha confirmado que es seguro que regresa a Smallville. No ha dado detalles, pero su respuesta ha sido contundente:

@SV_lover: Hi Michael. you were amazing as Perry White. Is there any chance to see you on Smallville again?
@MJMcKean: Once more, for sure.

("Hola Michael. Estuviste increíble como Perry White. ¿Hay alguna oportunidad de verte en Smallville de nuevo?
Una vez más, seguro")

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 4541
Registrado: Mié Jun 06, 2007 4:43 pm
Ubicación: Roca Casterly

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Bertu »

Tengo que irme a dormir. He leído Betty White. :smt005 :smt005


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 788
Registrado: Sab Sep 04, 2010 3:55 pm
Ubicación: Flotando en el granero...

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por NuLane »

Que bien que vuelva Perry. A ver si así los volvemos a ver trabajando en el Daily Planet, que lo tienen un poco abandonado últimamente. :biggrin:
Bertu escribió:Tengo que irme a dormir. He leído Betty White. :smt005 :smt005
:smt005 :smt005 Betty White no estaría mal, podría haber hecho el papel de Granny Goodness. :smt005 :smt005

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Hawkman: Good, you're here. I've got something for you.
gifs: onebreath

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 612
Registrado: Vie Oct 06, 2006 11:56 pm
Ubicación: donde diga tom welling

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por normita »

me encanta la idea de que vuelva perry a la serie!!! :smt023
a ver si con suerte comparte escenas chulas con lois como las tuvo la temporada pasada!!!


Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Exclusive Interview: Bryan Q. Miller – Part One: Smallville (
Exclusive Interview: Bryan Q. Miller – Part One: Smallville
by Grey Scherl - November 15, 2010

In comics, writers come from all walks of life. Some of them luck into it, some of them work their way from the bullpen up, and others migrate from other writing fields. Beginning as an unpaid intern for Smallville he soon joined the writing team of the show which opened the doors that allowed him to become the current Batgirl scribe, Bryan Q. Miller is a fast growing name in the superhero comics field. He gave me some of his time to sit down and discuss his career, his transition to comics, and what the future has in store. In Part One of this exclusive interview, we find out how he cut his writing teeth on a little show called Smallville.

Comics Nexus: How did you get started writing professionally?

Bryan Q. Miller: While I was in graduate school for Screenwriting (and holding down a full-time retail job), I took an unpaid internship here on Smallville (Season 5) — that way, while I was was honing my craft over on the academic side, I was watching how a living, breathing production worked in the real world. I got hired up as Writers’ Assistant on the show in Season 7. During my time on the front desk, I submitted to and was subsequently accepted into the WB Writers’ Workshop. Hired onto Smallville as Staff Writer in Season 8. And here we are!

Nexus: So you worked your way all the way up, that’s very inspiring. Were you a fan of the show or comics going in?

Miller: I had watched the pilot when Smallville premiered, but didn’t really steadily watch until Season Three (my favorite season of the show). I used to only catch the last few minutes while waiting for Angel to start. Then, I saw those last few minutes of the Season Two finale (Exodus), and made sure to start catching all the reruns of the second season leading up to that point.

I hadn’t been exposed to the comics side of things much before I got a job working at a bookstore after college. Back home (outside of New Orleans) growing up, there really weren’t that many comic shops around. And even then, I didn’t really have the pennies set aside to get into it. During breaks at the store, I found myself reading comics from the newstand more and more, and then trades. Most of what I knew about the DCU is what I had learned from what I had seen on TV (Super Friends when I was a wee thing, then Superman and Batman Animated when I was a less wee thing, etc.). I’ve filled in a lot of the gaps with reading since then, but some things will always stick — it’s why I insist on Batgirl’s night skies being red. And the appearance of a villain here and there (Roxy Rocket and a version of a Batman:TAS favorite in Batgirl #15).

Nexus: There are far worse way to pick up comics than the DC Animated Universe, I mean, I was raised on that stuff. So you sought out the Smallville internship because you were a fan of the show?

Miller: What happened was my school required an internship for graduation. A friend had forwarded me the UTA job list (a great tool for Hollywood job openings if ou can get your hands on it), wherein Tollin Robbins Productions had intern openings. TRP is the company that helped get Smallville off the ground. I knew they did a handful of 1-hour dramas, which is what I wanted to write for. I interviewed and got an internship position with them. TRP offered to place me on a reality show they were producing at the time, and though I was tempted to take it, I put on my “big boy” pants and asked if I could instead be positioned on one of their dramas. At the time, that would have been between One Tree Hill and Smallville. I swung for the fences and asked for Smallville. So it was kind of a confluence of a few different things at once.

Nexus: And then you never looked back? What was it like coming in as an intern on a show like Smallville? I mean, was there the added pressure of being a fan of the show and then working on it, especially given that it had already been on the air for several years?

Miller: I think I would have felt the same amount of pressure, had it been any other show, too. It helps that I was a fan, but was in no way fanatical. For me, the bigger thrill was to be on the inside of a television show. The bonus was working on a show that I liked. What also helped is how open and welcoming the entire staff was (and still is!), top to bottom. The whole gang was (and is!) very inclusive.

Nexus: When was the first time that they tapped you to write or collaborate on an episode? What was that like?

Miller: We all collaborate on every episode (or on most of them, anyway). It was awesome. And you certainly have thousands of ideas and takes on things, but it IS a collaborative process at the end of the day. We all sit together in the room, and hash out each and every last detail of the script. Then the individual writer turns that somewhat detailed outline into a fill-blown 10-13 page document. From there, it’s off to script, at which point dialogue falls on the writer. The story beats and character turns are all decided by the group before the writer goes out on script. So, there was definitely a learning curve, and I’m sure it would have been much more drastic if I hadn’t already been in the office as an assistant with an idea of how the process here works.

Nexus: I’ve always wondered how all of this works. How big is the writing team?

Miller: Five individuals and four teams, so there’s thirteen heads around the table, total.

Nexus: What are some of your personal highlights from your time writing on the show? Any episodes or moments that you’re especially proud of?

Miller: A lot of it has to do with a combination of the writing and how our wonderful actors and production have added to those bits, completing the whole. It’s just words until cast and crew work their magic. Committed – Clark expecting to get electrocuted when Lois says she loves him… and then nothing happens. Tom’s reaction really sells the moment. Hex – Chloe’s speech to Clark, breaking not only the spell placed on her, but on the hero. The Man-love scene at the end of Echo between Oliver and Clark, post suicide attempt. Warrior – the soup can. Sacrifice – Zod and Faora’s final scene together. And easily 95% of the forthcoming “Luthor” airing in December.

Nexus: Man, now I’m getting the urge to go sit back and watch a lot of Smallville! How closely did you work with the cast?

Miller: We actually don’t get up to Vancouver (where set is) all that often. I did however get a chance to work fairly closely with Justin Hartley and his writing partner Walter Wong when we wrote “Sacrifice” together last year. All of our actors have a really great sense not just of their own characters, but of the show itself. And our crew is top notch.

Nexus: What led you to start writing for comics?

Miller: Geoff Johns came through the show during Season Eight (“Legion”). We had lunch one afternoon, and I asked how someone like me could get involved in the comics world. He suggested I find a way to get some face time with some of the folks in DC editorial, and that the NYCC (which was rapidly approaching) would be a great way to do that. So, I went out, hung around after the Sunday Afternoon panel and met Ian Sattler. We played phone tag for a little while after that. There was a vignette in a Superman anthology that almost happened, but never materialized – so I thought my adventure had come to an end. Then, one morning, I get an email from Brian Cunningham about doing some fill-in issues on Teen Titans. Naturally, I said “yes!” The Teen Titans scripts put me on the Bat-group’s radar when Batgirl was getting kicked around. I got a call from Mike Siglain (who wound up being my first editor on the book) asking if I could put together a pitch for Batgirl. They were taking some from several writers, and mine was chosen.

Nexus: It seems as if a lot of creators try to go back and forth between TV and comics, to mixed results. What do you find to be easier as well as more difficult about the differences between writing for the two formats?

Miller: I actually find them to be remarkably similar. In place of “can we afford to spend money on this sequence/gag” (on the TV side), you now have “can we afford to spend page space on this sequence/gag” (on the comic side). The writing staff on the TV side works with production and the director to help get their vision to the screen. In much the same way, the comic writer works with his or her artist to make sure their ideas translate to the page. The artist on a given book (in addition to the inkers and colorists and letterers, who should ALWAYS get mention!) acts in many ways as the “director” — placing the camera, getting the right “emotion” out of the actors/characters. So, though on the surface the medium are very different, the approach (I think) is quite similar. ... mallville/

- ACTUALIZADO 15/11/10: (Kristin, E!Online) Kristin, I hate how boring Smallville has become since no Chloe's in it. In what episode is she going back? - @nutripato (via Twitter)
Are we watching the same show? Chloe fans of the world rejoice: Sources confirm Alison Mack will be back in episode 13, called "Collateral," airing in January. But trust me: There's some crazy good stuff happening before she returns, too. In oh, say, December. You don't want to miss a single ep!

("Kristin, odio lo aburrido que se ha convertido Smallville desde que Chloe no está. ¿En qué episodio regresa?
¿Estamos viendo la misma serie? Alegráos fans de Chloe del mundo: fuentes me confirman que Allison Mack aparecerá en el episodio 13, llamado 'Collateral' (Nota: Collateral es el episodio 12), que se emitirá en Enero. Pero creédme: Hay un montón ce cosas increíbles que pasarán antes de que ella regrese, también. En, oh, digamos, Diciembre. ¡No váis a quereros perder ni un sólo episodio")

Darren: The engagement you've been spoiling is so obvious now. Just come right out and say it's Chuck and Blair!
You'll get the final answer on Wednesday morning as planned/promised. Some of you will be surprised, while others of you have already seen the light. Thanks for playing and for your patience! It's been fun.

("El compromiso que has estado diciendo es muy obvio ahora. ¡Tan sólo di claramente que son Chuck y Blair!
Tendréis la respuesta final el Miércoles por la mañana como planeé/prometí. Algunos os sorprenderéis, mientras que otros ya habéis visto la luz. ¡Gracias por jugar y por vuestra paciencia! Ha sido divertido") ... ns_of.html

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 2216
Registrado: Vie Sep 19, 2008 7:49 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Nitta »

Lo de "Tan sólo di claramente que son Chuck y Blair" és con ironía o la pregunta la ha hecho un fan de la otra serie? Porque si algo está clarísimo y és obvio a estas alturas, és que son Lois y Clark la pareja que se va a comprometer, a no ser que Kristin nos haya engañado y sean dos parejas las que se comprometan, que no creo.... :roll:

Por cierto, que gran noticia el regreso de Perry White! :biggrin:

Gracias por toda la info, Shel. :smt023

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Hasta siempre, Smallville...

Lana Lang
Lana Lang
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Registrado: Mar May 11, 2010 2:20 pm
Ubicación: A medio camino entre Gotham y Metrópolis

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Ashnan »

Igual es que en la otra serie la otra pareja también están a punto de comprometerse, pero al final no lo harán, y de ahí la sorpresa. No sé :smt005

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 788
Registrado: Sab Sep 04, 2010 3:55 pm
Ubicación: Flotando en el granero...

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por NuLane »

Yo es que no veo la otra serie así que no tengo ni idea de cómo está esa pareja.
Menos mal que mañana Kristin dirá quienes son y así ya nos quedaremos tranquil@s. :biggrin:

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Hawkman: Good, you're here. I've got something for you.
gifs: onebreath

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 634
Registrado: Mar Dic 08, 2009 2:21 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Lau90 »

Shelby escribió: ("Kristin, odio lo aburrido que se ha convertido Smallville desde que Chloe no está. ¿En qué episodio regresa?
¿Estamos viendo la misma serie? ")
Eso mismo digo yo... :doubt:


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 788
Registrado: Sab Sep 04, 2010 3:55 pm
Ubicación: Flotando en el granero...

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por NuLane »

Lau90 no te preocupes, los ratings de esta temporada hablan por sí sólos. :biggrin:

Si la serie se hubiera vuelto "aburrida" no tendría los datos de audiencia que tiene. Pero bueno, parece que no todo el mundo piensa lo mismo. Es una lástima porque se van a tener que conformar con lo que hay. :smt077

Imagen Imagen
Hawkman: Good, you're here. I've got something for you.
gifs: onebreath

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 634
Registrado: Mar Dic 08, 2009 2:21 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por Lau90 »

Preocuparme? de qué? lo que pasa es que me j*** mucho que la gente por defender a su personaje favorito se ponga a decir chorradas y a mentir, o si no decidme quién más se aburre desde que Chloe no está? Bueno y además que se aburra porque ella no está?...


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 835
Registrado: Lun Jun 19, 2006 5:34 pm

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por lane-kent »

Lau90 escribió:Preocuparme? de qué? lo que pasa es que me j*** mucho que la gente por defender a su personaje favorito se ponga a decir chorradas y a mentir, o si no decidme quién más se aburre desde que Chloe no está? Bueno y además que se aburra porque ella no está?...
Pienso igual.

Perry White de regreso, yupi!!!!!


Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 788
Registrado: Sab Sep 04, 2010 3:55 pm
Ubicación: Flotando en el granero...

Re: Información y renovados para la Décima Temporada

Mensaje por NuLane »

Lau90 escribió:Preocuparme? de qué? lo que pasa es que me j*** mucho que la gente por defender a su personaje favorito se ponga a decir chorradas y a mentir, o si no decidme quién más se aburre desde que Chloe no está? Bueno y además que se aburra porque ella no está?...
No, si yo te entiendo, a mi también me toca las narices. :smt013

Pero por mucho que se quejen la serie gira alrededor de Clark (y no de Chloe) por lo tanto, se van a tener que aguantar. :smt077

Imagen Imagen
Hawkman: Good, you're here. I've got something for you.
gifs: onebreath


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