Noticias Erica

Foro dedicado a Erica Durance que interpreta a Lois Lane

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡Confirmado: Erica Durance se une al universo de Twitter!:
Así lo acaban de anunciar la estilista Sima Kumar y Kristin Kreuk en twitter, con ocasión del seguimiento de los "Canadian Screen Awards".

Su primer tweet:


Esta es una ocasión única para los fans de Smallville de dar la bienvenida a su Lois Lane más querida.

¡Seguidla y jugad limpio! :wink:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Erica Durance contesta a las preguntas de los fans en Twitter:
Apenas hace unos días, tuvimos la confirmación de que Erica Durance se había creado una cuenta en Twitter y la actriz ha recompensado a los fans con una rueda de preguntas.

Aquí tenéis el resumen:

@ED_DURANCE: I have a son named Lazslo, he is hilarious and inspiring

@ED_DURANCE: Lazslo is 13 going on 30. He is an old soul

@ED_DURANCE: Get my skin from my Dad. Keep it clean and hydrated. When I have a problem I see my dermatologist. Lots of water.

@ED_DURANCE: I keep in touch with Kristin, Cassidy, and Laura. Awesome ladies

@ED_DURANCE: Shout out to international messages of support!! Thanks for your loyalty

@ED_DURANCE: Love working on Saving Hope. Fly to TO next week.

@ED_DURANCE: Off time. Catch up with Friends, Family. Travel, Snowshoe, Mom duty, the most challenging and rewarding work

@ED_DURANCE: no facebook account. this is quite enough for me

@ED_DURANCE: You will see Alex out of the hospital this year. She will let her hair down. Maybe even laugh a time or two. HAhA

@ED_DURANCE: We have sold Saving Hope internationally. Will keep you updated as to where. Fingers crossed!

@ED_DURANCE: I am not nearly as pragmatic as Alex. I have a tendency to feel everything first, then translate to the logic.

@ED_DURANCE: Smallville, comedic moments, and the fight scenes, were my favourite times.

@ED_DURANCE: Shout out to Brazil. want to go there some day

@ED_DURANCE: love Kings of Leon, Zac Brown Band, Maroon 5,.....endless. I walk around with a musical soundtrack in my head.

@ED_DURANCE: Lois And Alex..I am so lucky to play these characters.. I am pretty mercurial, it really depends on my mood. They are both so fun

@ED_DURANCE: Havent read the comics, but I bet they are great and all people are cooler in comics.

@ED_DURANCE: would love to guest on Justified, Game of Thrones, New Girl, Sons of Anarchy, Mad Men, Good Wife.

@ED_DURANCE: Big Hello to Allison Mack

@ED_DURANCE: Enjoy the cast and crew of Saving Hope. We are big rowdy bunch of kids

@ED_DURANCE: Havent considered directing. Such a huge task. I have wonderful directors on this show. Maybe in a couple of decades

@ED_DURANCE: 18 Episodes planned for the second season

@ED_DURANCE: Wonder Woman. I feel so lucky to have played Lois. That may be pushing my luck...Although she is awesome too

@ED_DURANCE: Inspiring women, Malala Yousufzai, Gabrielle Giffords, Michelle Obama, Janet Napolotano, Hilary Clinton, Ellen Degenes, Christianne Amanpour

@ED_DURANCE: I am throwing the answers out in this format. I have repeat questions.Bless

@ED_DURANCE: Most about being an actress, the ability to play, get lost, and express fully without judgement.

@ED_DURANCE: All of Episode 8. I was able to play the culmination of the angst my character was feeling. Exhausting, challenging.

@ED_DURANCE: Shout out to Nadia at DM. The Curb Girls, And Luke. Love the positivity

@ED_DURANCE: Miss the simplicity and goodness of my life in Three Hills, oh and the yummy food. old school

@ED_DURANCE: Stargate was so much fun, I was new to acting and was overwhelmed in a good way

@ED_DURANCE: Dreams, Travel the world with my Husband and son. Learn a language. Go back to school and study History

@ED_DURANCE: Challenge as an actress. Trust my instincts

@ED_DURANCE: I am signing off for now. Had a blast. Will be on next Friday for 30 min at 9 east coast time. Send your questions and I will prep.

@ED_DURANCE: Hope you all have a wonderful weekend. Be good to yourselves and those around you.BLESS

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 2ª rueda de preguntas de Erica Durance con los fans en twitter (15-03-13):

@ED_DURANCE: Forget injuries,never forget kindnesses. Confucius.

@ED_DURANCE: Don't be like a birch tree,immovable, be like a willow able to bend without breaking. (Mom)
@HoldingOn2SV: @ED_DURANCE very wise words :-)
@ED_DURANCE: @HoldingOn2SV mom.... So wise... And so....funny

@policalmon: I was watching @ED_DURANCE in butterfly effect 2 yesterday (One More Time) she's always amazing!!!!
@ED_DURANCE: @policalmon that was a fun show. Thanks

@blackdashund: @ED_DURANCE did u enjoy fiming I Me Wed in my homecity of Ottawa?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @blackdashund I did. Such a great group of people

‏@ED_DURANCE: Congrats to Laura for her new show. Fantastic. Shout out to Kristin, still killing it. You go girl
‏@lady_fun_rock: @ED_DURANCE #smallville girls love Awww :D :D
‏@ED_DURANCE: @lady_fun_rock women that actually support each other. How great is that
@Gottara: @ED_DURANCE hey some flowers to you too!! you are kicking ass on your show too saving lives lol
‏@ED_DURANCE: @Gottara thanks for the support
@Gottara: @ED_DURANCE oh my god always Erica!! be sure of it!

@ED_DURANCE: A reflection of my mood today Those who can laugh without cause have either found the meaning of happiness or have gone stark raving mad
‏@danipelicari: @ED_DURANCE I love your high spirits, your good humor!! You are my inspiration! ♥
@ED_DURANCE: @danipelicari thanks. If you can't laugh at yourself what can you laugh at
@AgentKellyGibbs: @ED_DURANCE I went stark raving mad before I was even walking :P 22 years of insanity, heck yeah!
@ED_DURANCE: @AgentKellyGibbs nothing more beautiful than a full belly baby laugh
‏@AgentKellyGibbs: @ed_durance hell yeah, except maybe the first time you feel your baby move inside your womb. xo
‏@ED_DURANCE: @AgentKellyGibbs I bet
@AConti72: @ED_DURANCE Being Canadian helps. You guys are zany by nature.
‏@ED_DURANCE: @AConti72 yes we are. Thought it was our crazy secret
@CrimsonTearTV: @ED_DURANCE Anyone who claims not to be stark raving mad are either liars or can no longer tell the difference between reality and fantasy.
‏@ED_DURANCE: @CrimsonTearTV good one
@giadadetogni: @ed_durance I'm one of them! Thanks for this simple but beautiful thought, I think everyone need to hear something like this sometimes!
‏@ED_DURANCE: @giadadetogni so good to laugh at life and yourself. Life can get to tough otherwise

@ED_DURANCE: Thanks for all the tweeting advice! I still call it the twitter. Ha.all in good time. Have a great night everybody. Peace
‏@MTA_OfTheDay: @ED_DURANCE lol thanks for taking the time to use 'the Twitter' .. Glad you're getting the hang of it ;)
@ED_DURANCE: @MTA_OfTheDay up up and away
@jet0419mateo: @ED_DURANCE You are doing very well, your tweets make me feel connected and less frustrated .Better than to surf on the net for infos.
@ED_DURANCE: @jet0419mateo I knew twitter could do some good.lets keep up the positivity
@RebecaValdez: @ED_DURANCE how has your twitter experience been so far?
@ED_DURANCE: @RebecaValdez interesting. Positive
@feni_chan: @ED_DURANCE can you make a regular live tweet schedule like this.. Every friday 9 pm eastcoast time? :D we will happy if it can happen.. :D
@ED_DURANCE: @feni_chan may not be able to every week because of work. But will keep checked in
@Gottara: I do like that @ED_DURANCE uses her twitter powah to give inspirational words and takes the time to answer us her crazy but lovable fans
@ED_DURANCE: @Gottara got a good positive vibe

@Ado_Dzaferi: @ED_DURANCE Did you see Paris at Night ? It is the most beautiful city when the lights are on, especially on the Eiffel Tower :)
@ED_DURANCE: @Ado_Dzaferi loved Paris and the Riviera

@ED_DURANCE: Don't you feel like someone on the phone going, you hang up, no you first, no you.... Nighty night ‏@kaosfan: @ed_durance Does this mean you're loving Twitter more & more each week? Night!
@ED_DURANCE: @kaosfan hmmm. Will see. Haha

@LoveHurts38: @ED_DURANCE Can't wait for 2nd season of #SavingHope unfortunately live in Texas so dislike @nbc but, thank god 4 the internet to watch :)
‏@ED_DURANCE: @LoveHurts38 keep fighting the good fight to get it to you

@LuaIzzie: Hmm, I think I might start to get used to @ED_DURANCE's daily words of wisdom. #positivevibesalways
‏@ED_DURANCE: @LuaIzzie share some of your too. Smiles
@LuaIzzie: @ED_DURANCE I'll try :P *hugs*

@EricaClois: Where this pic of @ED_DURANCE comes from ? She's adorable !! <3
‏@ED_DURANCE: @EricaClois no idea and that is a little scary
‏@EricaClois: @ED_DURANCE got my answer ! Comic con 2009 :P
@RebecaValdez: @ED_DURANCE @ericaclois comic con 2009 her makeup artist sent that out.
@LemonTreeHill: @ED_DURANCE @ericaclois No worries, you are your usual gorgeous-self on this pic!
@ED_DURANCE: @RebecaValdez ahh thank goodness it was the after pictue
‏@RebecaValdez: @ED_DURANCE ha. You are clearly unaware of how flawless your Durancers know you are! #ProudDurancer

@jenjenrey: if there's gonna be an upcoming justice league movie, I don't want M.Fox to be in it. @ED_DURANCE should be Diana Prince end of discussion.
‏@ED_DURANCE: @jenjenrey hmmm Wonder Woman. Wouldn't mind

@melanie_sv2sh: @ED_DURANCE Ok putting in my question for Friday: Do you have a favorite book you've read? Recommend anything good?
@ED_DURANCE: @melanie_sv2sh I am a book worm. Brent weeks- night angel trilogy(fantasy) Buddha in the attic Wodehouse -funny Sticks and stones

@Loops88: @ED_DURANCE I do love your words of wisdom. I need more inspiration in my life.
@ED_DURANCE: @Loops88 we all need it constantly

@mm_matt: @ED_DURANCE Maybe you might know what @allisonmack us up to these days??
‏@ED_DURANCE: @mm_matt don't know. In New York living the dream I think

@malie751: @ED_DURANCE What kind of sports is your son into right now? xo
‏@ED_DURANCE: @malie751 loves basketball soccer baseball

@seeyaroundsv: @ED_DURANCE Ack! They make me work then, Erica! I'm square! :( In that case I'll wish you a wonderful start to #SavingHope S2 now. :) <3 ya!
‏@ED_DURANCE: @seeyaroundsv I have to work soon and twitter will become harder. It happens to us all

@Gunner1812: @ED_DURANCE Welcome to Twitter. I met you briefly once at FanExpo. It was a honour to meet you.
@ED_DURANCE: @Gunner1812 oh neat. Smiles

@Loops88: @ED_DURANCE What place in the world would you really like to visit? Or/and favourite place you've been to? :)
@ED_DURANCE: @Loops88 many places. Greece, Spain
@ED_DURANCE Would you ever travel to Australia?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @mskarinalouise planning on it. My husband was there and said it was so beautiful

@LapierreMarion: @ED_DURANCE I live in France so here my question: Would you be interested by going on stage, have a role in a play? Do movies?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @LapierreMarion dream of going on stage some day.

@Jennifer_Lynn89: @ED_DURANCE Good morning Erica!! What has been your favorite #SavingHope memory so far?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @Jennifer_Lynn89 hmmm. The mad laughter that came after my crying jags. We have such a fun group

@MelinaSM: @ED_DURANCE Hey Erica when Saving Hope come back?
@ED_DURANCE: @MelinaSM haven't got exact date. I think early summer
@ericwilson82078: @ED_DURANCE Will Alex and Charlie get married in season 2 of #SavingHope?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @ericwilson82078 hmmm. Have to wait and see. You know that. Haha
‏@mskarinalouise: @ED_DURANCE What was your favourite moment of Saving Hope (so far)?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @mskarinalouise loved the journey for Alex season one. Such a different exploration for me
@ED_DURANCE Good morning, Erica. If you could sing any song in Saving Hope, say for a karaoke scene with the girls, what would it be?
@ED_DURANCE: @AJmnz89 Pat Benatar. Shadows of the night
@geekorunique: @ED_DURANCE can we expect more Alex and Joel this season? I love them together, great ‏@ED_DURANCE: @geekorunique lets hope so. Hmm
@ericwilson82078: @ED_DURANCE would there be a #SavingHope movie in the future?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @ericwilson82078 hmmm. Never know.

@SummrLynn: @ED_DURANCE who has been your favorite actor/actress to work with?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @SummrLynn so many. Love Wendy Crewson, girls of Smallville, cast of Harry's law.

@SummrLynn: @ED_DURANCE favorite #smallville episode? Scene?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @SummrLynn so many. First episode for me was mind blowing. Lois was so different in every episode. I loved the her humor
@mskarinalouise: @ED_DURANCE what was your favourite moment on Smallville?
@ED_DURANCE: @mskarinalouise going under cover and all of the funny moments
@geekorunique: @ED_DURANCE what is your favorite Smallville episode? Did you like all the costumes?
@ED_DURANCE: @geekorunique loved the costumes. I loved that Lois was fearless
@LuaIzzie: @ED_DURANCE Is there any Lois' line you are particularly fond of? :P
@ED_DURANCE: @LuaIzzie can't even remember all of them. So many good ones. So lucky to have been able to play her
@BabisKotsis: @ED_DURANCE Hey Erica..What's your favorite season of Smallville?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @BabisKotsis season 4,8,9,10
@Ultra_Humanite: @ED_DURANCE I'm a fan of Michael Ironside, who played ur Dad on SMV. Think u can get him on Saving Hope? What was it like working with him?
@ED_DURANCE: @Ultra_Humanite wonderful
@Terrasha79: @ED_DURANCE how awesome was it to act on smallville with such an outstanding cast? I met John Schneider, he is so cool!!! :-)
@ED_DURANCE: @Terrasha79 great group. Love being Lois. John Schneider was funny
@Ultra_Humanite: @ED_DURANCE Erica, what's it like working with Hawkman aka @Michaelshanks
@ED_DURANCE: @Ultra_Humanite I am always looking for his wings to sprout out of his scrubs
@Chrisluvstom: @ED_DURANCE I don't have a question cause I think you've answered them all but I have to saw u will always be my fav Lois Lane
‏@ED_DURANCE: @Chrisluvstom Lois was so much fun. Thanks
@allysondepuy: @ED_DURANCE do you miss being on smallvile?! I LOVEEE you. have an amazing day, you deserve it.
@ED_DURANCE: @allysondepuy Lois was so much fun. Miss her.
@LuckyBamboo_: @ED_DURANCE if you could have a superpower which one would it be ?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @LuckyBamboo_ to fly. How amazing would that be

@mddeese: @ED_DURANCE What are your favorite tv shows?
@ED_DURANCE: @mddeese house of lies, sons of anarchy, new girl, good wife, homeland, .craving more comedy
@Nora02583: @ED_DURANCE Still curious about which role you'd like to play on 'New Girl'. :D
@ED_DURANCE: @Nora02583 want scenes with Schmidt . Well all of them really. Something very quirky
@C_hrissi: @Nora02583 @ed_durance also: how excited are you about the changes in the nick/jess relationship? :)
@ED_DURANCE: @C_hrissi they do the relationship dance well

@ED_DURANCE Would u like to become producer someday?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @mddeese I am a produce on Saving hope. Really enjoying the education
@tinobre: Good morning @ED_DURANCE :-) any project to this year you could tell us, besides Saving Hope season 2? A movie maybe? Kisses from Brazil.
‏@ED_DURANCE: @tinobre I am working on a documentary. Still in the early stages so don't want to jinx it

@melanie_sv2sh: @ED_DURANCE If you weren't acting what else could you see yourself doing?
@ED_DURANCE: @melanie_sv2sh full time mom. Wanted to study child psychology

@clav111: @ED_DURANCE Hey Erica. What's the last movie you saw that made you cry? Waves from Italy ;)
‏@ED_DURANCE: @clav111 Les Mis. Ahhh I love Italy. So beautiful. Love les mis. Obsessed. Argo was great.
@emma21_x: @ED_DURANCE what’s your favourite movie at the minute??
‏@ED_DURANCE: @emma21_x can't get enough of Jane Erye with Michael F in it
@MCLCloss: @ED_DURANCE You are my favourite Lois Lane :) My Q: Are you going to watch Man of Steel?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @MCLCloss you bet

@EricaClois: @ED_DURANCE Hi beauty :) , as you said last week you want to learn a language , do you wanna learn French ? :)
‏@ED_DURANCE: @EricaClois yes. My son is learning it in school. I would love to understand him. And Italian. Because I am part Italian.
@LuckyBamboo_: @ED_DURANCE Hi Erica, do you know some french word ? Much love from France xo
‏@ED_DURANCE: @LuckyBamboo_ unfortunately know. But I hope to change that

@Claire_Delph: @ED_DURANCE Do you have a character that you regret to have played ?
@ED_DURANCE: @Claire_Delph whether my past roles were all top notch or not I feel that I learned something valuable from each one

@emma21_x: @ED_DURANCE have you ever been to Ireland?? You should come visit!!
@ED_DURANCE: @emma21_x no. But am half Irish. And the music that really gets to menus Celtic

@emma21_x: @ED_DURANCE any advice on studying?? Finding it hard to stay concentrated!
@ED_DURANCE: @emma21_x sometimes when I move as I study it helps. Go for a run.while memorizing

@mskarinalouise: @ED_DURANCE Your greatest achievement so far?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @mskarinalouise hmmm. Tough question. I just keep trying to learn about myself and continue to be good to my friends and family. They haven't given up on me so that's an acheivement in itself

@desichick81: @ED_DURANCE Morning Erica :) I hope this isn't a odd question, lol. But have you ever wished for a fantasy world to be real? Like say Smallville/Superman? I love reading books hence the question, lol. And hopefully you didn't see this tweet twice
@ED_DURANCE: @desichick81 that's why I am book worm. That's why I live reading trilogies. They last forever

@LemonTreeHill: @ED_DURANCE What is your favorite to play, drama or comedy? Love from France! :)
@ED_DURANCE: @LemonTreeHill I actually live comedy and gravitate to that more in real life

@Nicolas_q8Vo: @ed_durance What should I say to you?
@ED_DURANCE: @Nicolas_q8Vo I ask myself the same question. When in doubt send good stuff to people

@mskarinalouise: @ED_DURANCE favourite kind of music?
‏@ED_DURANCE: @mskarinalouise depends on my mood. Loooove music. Play It constantly

@bronyia1: @ED_DURANCE are you on set now getting motivated for the day? :-)
‏@ED_DURANCE: @bronyia1 about to go study. Work Monda

@ED_DURANCE: So, it stopped letting me tweet. I think it blew up. Thanks for the questions support and positivity Lets spread it around Great weekend

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Erica Durance asistirá a los "2013 WGC Screenwriting Awards":
Erica Durance será presentadora invitada en los "2013 WGC Screenwriting Awards", que se celebrarán en Toronto el 22 de Abril en el "Uniun Nightclub" y en el que "Saving Hope" está nominado en la categoría de:

TV Drama
Saving Hope “Bea, Again”
Written by Esta Spalding

Podéis encontrar la información completa sobre el evento AQUÍ

Podéis comprar las entradas para asistir al mismo AQUÍ ... ng-awards/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Erica Durance asistirá al "Wizard World Austin Comic-Con", Texas:

Erica Durance asistirá al "Wizard World Austin Comic-Con", Texas que se celebrará durante los días 22-24 de Noviembre del 2013 en el Austin Convention Center.

Los tickets VIP incluyen la entrada de los 3 días a la Convención, entrada al mismo 30 minutos antes que los asistentes normales el Sábado y el Domingo, entrada preferente a la sesión de fotos y autógrafos con Erica Durance, una litografía de la actriz, un autógrafo en una foto de 8" x 10" de tu elección (u otro objeto que elijas), la podibilidad de hacerte una foto con Erica, asiento garantizado en el Panel de la actriz. Además todos los asistentes que tengan el pase de 3 días se les obsequiará con una edición limitada con una portada alternativa de The Walking Dead #1! El artista estará prsente para firmar los ejemplares.

El programa de la actriz está aún por confirmar, aunque se sabe que estará presente los días 23 y 24.

Nota de prensa:
Stan Lee, Norman Reedus, WWE® Superstar John Cena®, William Shatner and Scott Bakula are among the top celebrities scheduled to attend Wizard World Austin Comic Con, Nov. 22-24 at Austin Convention Center. Bruce Campbell, Erica Durance, Jewel Staite, Ralph Macchio, and top comics creators also highlight the pop culture festival.


Eisner Award Hall of Famer Stan Lee, Norman Reedus of “The Walking Dead,” WWE® Superstar John Cena® and “Star Trek” captains William Shatner and Scott Bakula are among the top celebrities scheduled to attend Wizard World Austin Comic Con, November 22-24 at the Austin Convention Center Center. The standout roster will also include Bruce Campbell of Evil Dead, Erica Durance of “Smallville” and “Saving Hope,” Jewel Staite of “Firefly,” The Karate Kid Ralph Macchio and many others. It is the eighth and final event in the 2013 series produced by Wizard World, Inc. (OTCBB: WIZD) and will also feature a top-drawer collection of well-known artists and writers and a variety of activities, exhibitors and special attractions.

Lee and Shatner will both appear on Friday evening, Nov. 22, and all day Saturday, Nov. 23. Reedus, Bakula, Durance and Staite are scheduled for both Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 24. Campbell and Cena will be on site on Saturday only, and Macchio will attend all three days.

Additionally, all full price attendees will receive a free copy of the Exclusive Variant Cover of The Walking Dead #1 comic, available only at Wizard World Austin Comic Con.

Superstar comics creators scheduled to attend include Eisner Award Hall of Famer Neal Adams (“Batman,” “Green Lantern”), Greg Capullo (“Batman,” “Spawn”), Mark Bagley (“Fantastic Four,” “Utimate Spider-Man”), Kenneth Rocafort (“Superman,” “Action Comics”), Barry Kitson (“Thor,” “Iron Man,), Mike Grell (“Green Arrow,” “Green Lantern”), Phil Ortiz (“The Simpsons,” “Muppet Babies”), “Zombie King” Arthur Suydam (“Marvel Zombies,” “Army of Darkness”) and Michael Golden (“Hulk,” “Daredevil”).

Other celebrities on the Austin Comic Con roster include Ian Ziering (Sharknado, “Beverly Hills, 90210”), WWE® Divas The Bella Twins™, Michael Rooker, Laurie Holden and Chandler Riggs (“The Walking Dead”), Kelly Hu (“Arrow,” “The Vampire Diaries”), Spencer Locke (Resident Evil: Afterlife, Monster House), James Marsters (“Buffy The Vampire Slayer,” “Caprica”) and many others.

Wizard World Comic Con events bring together thousands of fans of all ages to celebrate the best in pop-fi, pop culture, movies, graphic novels, comics, toys, video gaming, television, sci-fi, gaming, original art, collectibles, contests and more. Wizard World Austin Comic Con show hours are Friday, Nov. 22, 3-8 p.m.; Saturday, Nov. 23, 10 a.m. – 7 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 24, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

A first-class lineup of topical programming takes place all three days at the event, with celebrity Q&A’s, comics-themed sessions, costume contest, movie screenings, evening parties and more. Sunday, Nov. 24, is also Kids Day, with an array of activities and programming specially designed for the younger Wizard World fans.

Austin Comic Con is also the place for cosplay, with fans young and old showing off their best costumes throughout the event. Fans dressed as every imaginable character – and some never before dreamed – will roam the convention floor, often stopping by the Cosplay Stage, the ideal place to see and be seen.

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Podéis conseguir los tickets para las fotografías con Erica Durance: AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Erica Durance aparecerá en distintos programas para la televisión canadiense:
La actriz Erica Durance co-presentará en episodio de programa de la CTV “The Social” el Martes 7 de enero a las 1 p.m. ET.

Durance se sentará junto a Melissa Grelo, Cynthia Loyst, Lainey Lui y Traci Melchor para hablar sobre las últimas noticias de la cultura pop y cubrir una variedad de tópicos, incluyendo un segmento sobre el cómo perder la depresión invernal.

También aparecerá en "CTV Canada AM" y "CP24 Breakfast" el Miércoles 8 de enero.

Asímismo grabará en sendas entrevistas en los programas de "Strombo" (martes 7 de enero, 3pm en Toronto) y "The Marilyn Denis Show" (Jueves 9 de enero) para promocionar "Saving Hope". Aún está pendiente la confirmación de la fecha de emisión de estas últimas. ... nTheSocial

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Painkillers", nueva película para Erica Durance:
Hace unos días, la actriz Erica Durance confirmó durante una entrevista en el programa "The Marilyn Show" que iba a empezar a rodar una película en Calgary en este mismo mes.

Ahora, gracias a "The Calgary Herald" tenemos algunos detalles más sobre la misma.

"Painkillers" es un thriller independiente de ciencia-ficción que está previsto que empiece a rodarse en Calgary y Drumheller el 20 de enero, con un período de grabación de 15 días.

Narra la historia de un grupo de soldados confinados en una remota instalación de rehabilitación con tan sólo unos leves recuerdos de una misión en Afganistán que “fue horriblemente mal.”

La desmantelada instalación de Carewest en Bridgeland servirá como el remoto y escalofriante hospital. Drumheller se usará para las escenas sobre Afhanistán.

Junto a Erica, la película está protagonizada por Colm Feore (Revolution, The Borgias) y Tahmoh Penikett (Battlestar Galactica). Feore interpretará al misterioso psicólogo "Dr. Troutman", mientras que Penikett interpreta al "Major John Cafferty", un soldado que se despierta en el extraño hospital de Troutman. Le dicen que él y sus antiguos compañeros soldados están sufriendo de un desorden de estrés post-traumático debido a sus actividades en Afganistán. Tiene muy vagos recuerdos de la campaña militar y empieza a sospechar que algo anda mal en las instalaciones.

“Estamos definitivamente fusionando géneros, pero está muy metida en el género de la ciencia ficción-thriller psicológico,” comenta el productor Andrew Ferns. “Tiene un tono muy claustrofóbico y desorientador que encaja con nuestro estilo visual y de rodaje. En el fondo, al ser... un mercenario, es tan sólo un hombre que está intentando llegar a casa con su familia y que se siente muy desconectado con el mundo.”

Entre el 'grupo central de actores' de Alberta, probablemente la nativa de más alto perfil es Durance, quien interpretó a Lois Lane durante 6 temporadas en Smallville y actualmente protagoniza el drama médico de la CTV Saving Hope. Curiosamente, a pesar de haber nacido en Calgary y criada en Three Hills, la actriz nunca había rodado en Alberta antes.

Habiendo filmado todas sus escenas de Painkillers en dos días (como la mujer del "Major John Cafferty"), su calendario estuvo incluso más comprimido que el de Feore. Pero fue bueno el estar en casa, aunque sólo fuera brevemente.

“Es realmente encantador el estar alrededor de paisanos de Alberta de nuevo,” dice. “Toda esa idiosincrasia que pensé que era única en mí cuando estaba fuera, llego a casa a Alberta y digo, ‘Eso es por lo que hago esto.’ Todo el mundo es tan amigable, amable y considerado. Todas las cosas por las que bromeaban conmigo en los otros sets, todo el mundo lo hace aquí. Todos son unos caballeros. Es un buen ambiente.”

Lesley Ann Brandt, Julia Voth y los actores de Calgary Tom Carey, Roger LeBlanc y Travis Friesen completan el reparto.

"Painkillers" está escrita por Jason Groce, Kirk Roos y Peter Winther, quien también la dirige.

Ferns dice que los productores esperan que haya un estreno en cine y apuntan a un spot en el Festival Internacional de Cine de Toronto del próximo año.

Descripción oficial: “Un grupo de marines enviados en una misión clasificada en lo profundo de las montañas devastadas por la guerra de Afghanistan descubren el misterioso objeto para el que fueron enviados... pero no es lo que ellos estaban esperando. Lo siguiente que saben, es que el Mayor Cafferty (Tahmoh Penikett, Battlestar Galactica) y los miembros supervivientes del equipo se despiertan en una instalación médica militar sin memoria de lo que pasó o incluso de quiénes son. Usando una droga experimental, los doctores intentan “resetear” los recuerdos de los soldados, pero uno a uno caen presos de bizarras alucinaciones y ataques de ira homicida. Sólo a través de fragmentos de recuerdos que resurgen Cafferty empieza a cuestionarse los verdaderos motivos del personal del hospital y descubre la impactante y mortal realidad detrás del artefacto de otro mundo que encontraron.“

- Twitters oficiales de la película y del elenco:



- Puedes ver los tráilers de la película: AQUÍ

- Pósters e imágenes de la película: AQUÍ

La película se estrenará el 05 de Marzo del 2015.

"Painkillers" estará disponible en DVD y de forma digital el 12 de Enero del 2016. ... story.html ... r-mankind/?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Erica Durance, entrevista en el número de Primavera de "Real Style Network" (2014):

Erica Durance
EDAD: 35
Con tu papel en Saving Hope, ¿has adquirido alguna destreza extraña o especial?
“Bueno, puedo sonar como si fuera un médico-¡incluso aunque no sé cómo hacer nada de eso! Y supongo que estoy aprendiendo algunas habilidades médicas reales, cómo ponerle a la gente intravenosas e inyecciones. ¡Y sé cómo abrir a la gente! Sé dónde están sus órganos; podría abrirlos sin dañar sus órganos internos, ese tipo de cosas. ¡Habilidades inútiles y espeluznantes!”

Cuando trabajas en otro sitio, ¿hay algo que te caracterice como Canadiense?
“Soy particularmente alegre. Normalmente soy la más vivaracha del grupo, y estoy trabajando en ello pero seré la primera en disculparse si, ya sabes alguien me pisa el pie. Y eso normalmente es una buena señal.”

¿Cuál es tu programa favorito de la TV Canadiense?
“Mi amiga Laura [la chica de la portada de Real Style, Laura Vandervoort] está haciendo una serie que se llama 'Bitten' ahora mismo, y la estoy viendo y estoy muy contenta por ella. Y me gusta mucho 'Suits' - esa es una buena serie también.”

¿Cuál es tu papel de ensueño?
“Me gustaría estar en un musical. Solía cantar cuando era niña. Lo hice durante 10 años, y competía y todas esas cosas. Ahí es donde me enamoré de la interpretación. Así es que cualquier papel en el que pudiera combinar las dos cosas sería fantástico.” ... .html#44/z

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primeras imágenes promocionales, sinopsis y fecha para "Wedding Planner Mystery" (Veiled Threats):
Hace unos meses nos llegaba la noticia de que Erica Durance tenía una nueva película para la TV "Veiled Threats" junto a la primera foto BTS de la misma.

Ahora, gracias a TheFutonCritic, Reel One Entertainment y, hemos sabido que la película ha cambiado su nombre a "Wedding Planner Mystery" y tenemos las primeras imágenes promocionales, la sinopsis, cadena y fecha de emisión de la misma:

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Hallmark Movie Channel Original World Premiere
Sábado, 16 Agosto (9pm ET/Pt, 8C) -Nota: se retrasa la fecha hasta Octubre, día aún por determinar-
Elenco: Erica Durance, Andrew Walker, Brandon Beemer y Chelan Simmons

Sinopsis: La organizadora de bodas Carnegie Kincaid (Erica Durance) que acaba de conseguir el trabajo que podría impulsar su pequeño negocio a la fama - el matrimonio de Nicky Parry (Chelan Simmons) con el concertista de piano Ray Ishigura (Kevan Ohtsji) que promete ser la mayor boda de la alta sociedad de la temporada, pero cuando alguien muere en un sospechoso accidente de coche y la novia es secuestrada, las inminentes nupcias se convierten en una pesadilla. Confiando en su aguda intuición, su humor y su activa imaginación, Carnegie intenta erradicar al culpable. Basada en la novela de Deborah Donnelly 'Veiled Threats',

Gracias al actor Brandon Beemer, también tenemos una nueva foto BTS de la película:


(gracias a Luke Tucker por la info) ... ery/375114 ... nel/273116

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡Erica Durance anuncia su embarazo!:
La noticia nos pillaba por sorpresa este fin de semana: ¡nuestra Lois Lane va a ser mamá!.

Así lo anunciaba la actriz en su cuenta de twitter:
Captura.JPG ... 6125998080

Éste será el primer hijo de su matrimonio de nueve años con David Palffy, aunque la pareja cuenta con un hijo del anterior matrimonio de David, al que Erica considera como propio.

Sin duda, una buena noticia personal para Erica que se encuentra actualmente en plena producción de la tercera temporada de su serie "Saving Hope".

¡Felicidades a la familia!

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Un poco de misterio para Erica Durance (arcamax):
Un poco de misterio para Erica Durance
Por Marilyn Beck y Stacy Jenel Smith 9 Oct, 2014

After seven years of comic book adventures as Lois Lane in "Smallville," Erica Durance was glad for a shift into more serious territory with her medical drama, "Saving Hope." Now the beautiful Canadian actress is trying something different again with the Oct. 19 Hallmark Movies & Mysteries romp, "Wedding Planner Mystery."

"It was fun. That's one of the reasons I picked it," she tells us from her home in Vancouver. "It's a mixed bag of different things, a little bit of a spy and kind of who dunnit feel, more funny than what I've been doing. My heart is in a lot more comedy and that's how I do life -- with a lot more positivity."

The movie is based on Deborah Donnelly's novel "Veiled Threats," about a wedding planner named Carnegie whose work with a rich and notorious family in the midst of a fraud scandal leads to her becoming a suspect when a member of the wedding party is murdered and the bride is kidnapped. This being Hallmark, there's a suave and oh-so-handsome and wealthy friend of the family who is romantically interested in our girl, and a pesky but oh-so-handsome reporter dogging her footsteps.

Might there be more movie tales of the daring, tulle-wielding Carnegie? "I know that it's part of a series of books. There wasn't a lot of heavy discussion about it at the time, but I know that they have other material they can pull from," she replies. "I never make assumptions. I always come away thinking this is a one-off, a great experience. I'd never say never, but the industry is a little too fickle for me to say 'I want to do more of these.' I just want to enjoy this one, and then we'll see where we're all at." She would love to do more work with Hallmark.

Married since 2005 to Canadian actor, writer and director David Palffy, Durance's life revolves around her professional pursuits. She currently tied up shooting "Saving Hope." The series that began life in 2012 as a CTV/NBC offering went on to success in Canada, while NBC pulled its first season from the air with two episodes to go. Now Durance and company is beginning season three, and the show will be making its way back to American audiences via a newly closed deal with the ION channel.

"They haven't worked out the schedule yet, but I believe we're starting in January sometime," Durance reports. "It's been so gratifying, the people who have been loyal to the show and have found it in a variety of ways despite the fact that it's not airing in the U.S. It's pretty incredible -- they tracked it down, found different places that it's streaming from and got a hold of it. I'm really grateful for that kind of tenacity and that kind of support."

Especially given its unusual beginning, Durance is pleased that "Saving Hope" has kept going. She notes that CTV "loved the show and kept it and pushed it and the fan base continually keeps growing. So I kind of think of us as 'The Little Engine that Could.' We keep plugging away and people find it and fall in love with it, and I'm really enjoying it. It's certainly a different type of thing for me to be doing," she says of the paranormal-infused medical drama in which the spirits of the comatose and the dead roam the hospital halls.

Not only does she star as Dr. Alex Reid, Chief Surgical Resident of the fictional Hope Zion Hospital in Toronto, she is one of the series' producers. "I wanted to be able to study the art of storytelling from many different perspectives, not just the acting side. Being in more of a leadership position, learning a little bit more about the other side of things has been really interesting. You realize more fully how every single part of this working mechanism is crucial. One thing that for me was quite new was the editing -- to get into that whole other world and just witness just how different your story can be depending upon how you choose to edit. It's really fascinating." She feels, "I'm getting paid to go to film school." ... /s-1573996

- Erica Durance está de nuevo en el caso en 'Wedding Planner Mystery' (starpulse):
Erica Durance está de nuevo en el caso en 'Wedding Planner Mystery'
Por Brittany S Frederick 17 Octubre, 2014 12:02pm EDT

Erica Durance has a knack for playing problem-solvers. On CTV's Saving Hope, she faces life and death medical situations. In The CW's Smallville, she was the ultimate investigative journalist, Lois Lane. This Sunday, things aren't quite as serious as doctors and superheroes, but Erica's still on the case in the Hallmark original movie Wedding Planner Mystery.

Stepping into the stylish outfits of wedding planner Carnegie Kincaid, who finds herself suspected following a murder and kidnapping, Erica sat down with us last week to discuss the movie based on the Deborah Donnelly novel Veiled Threats, and what it's like to play the character who gets to dive into the mystery.

"It's been a while since I got to do anything a little bit lighter," she explained. "And for me, the subject matter appealed to me. She's a strong woman, and it's a bit tongue in cheek. It's got that light-hearted feel to it and I wanted a chance to play something where I could have some fun with the material and some fun with myself."

As things go awry, Carnegie has to contend with a detective on the case (played by Rick Ravanello, Nikita), a slippery reporter out for headlines (Andrew W. Walker, When Calls The Heart), and a lawyer who's trying to win her affection (Brandon Beemer, Days of Our Lives), all while trying to prove her innocence. There's a lot going on, and for Erica that was part of the fun.

"My character gets into all kinds of shenanigans and gets herself into trouble," she laughed. "I was able to just get back into more of the comedy, which I really love to do. It gave me an opportunity to explore that. I really do think that people will watch this and enjoy it."

From Lois to Carnegie, Erica's played characters who are good at figuring things out. Is there a certain sense of satisfaction that comes with being the one who gets to solve the mystery? "Absolutely. Yes," she enthused. "It's fun to get to play a lead character that goes all the way through and drives the storyline, and makes the final discovery and catches the bad guy."

And might there be more bad guys getting caught in her future? There's an entire series of Carnegie Kincaid novels, so we asked Erica if there had been any talk of potential sequels to Wedding Planner Mystery. As of now, she's not expected to step back into Carnegie's shoes.

"We haven't had those discussions yet," she told us. "Who knows what's going to happen to [the movie], and where we're all going to be if that comes up as a possibility. For me, this is kind of a one-off, really fun experience."

Any future movies would likely have to contend with her busy schedule, as Erica is currently shooting the third season of Saving Hope, in which she plays dedicated surgeon Dr. Alex Reid. Following NBC's decision to remove the show from its schedule after season one, American fans have been waiting for news on when they can see more episodes, and Erica told us the opportunity is in the works.

"It's on ION now," she revealed, referring to the network that also airs fellow imports Rookie Blue and Flashpoint. "It's in the planning stages. I don't have exact dates, but I'm thinking somewhere [in the] early new year."

So which does she prefer: building characters long-term like Alex and Lois, or playing one-off characters like Carnegie Kincaid?

"They're different beasts," Erica reflected. "I think there's something really positive about getting to explore a character for a long time on a TV show, and live with that character and live with the choices they make, but it's also really great to step in. It was a three week process, and I had a really great time, just a different way of working."

Her approach might be different, but Erica's talent for winning over audiences is still the same. While she's still solving problems, she's excited for viewers to see her in a new and not-so-serious role. "It's just a lot of fun," she continued. "It's a light popcorn movie. It's centered around a strong female character. I think they'll have a really great time." ... _case_in_w

- Erica Durance – Wedding Planner Mystery (starrymag):
Erica Durance – Wedding Planner Mystery
Por starrymag | 19 Octubre, 2014

Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?

A) Right now I’m working on the television show “Saving Hope” and we’re midway through our third season. I also just wrapped wrapping another Hallmark movie. Everything is kind of streaming along and is very busy.

Q) What is the premise for your film Wedding Planner Mystery and how was your character Carnegie Kincaid originally described to you?

A) She is a feisty go-getter who finds all sorts of mishaps, but she is fearless and determined. She is up to the challenge. She is a woman who loves love and found a way to be as close as she can to it by being a wedding planner. She loves the romance of it and the perfection of it, but it doesn’t necessarily coincide with her own life. She is working to balance those things. I liken the movie to a murder mystery with a little romance and a little comedy in it. It’s a fun night and one of the reasons I was drawn to it was because it had a bit of that old school spy aspect to it and doesn’t completely take itself seriously. It was a very fun project!

Q) Was there anything you added to the role that wasn’t originally scripted for you?

A) It was a constant work in process. The director, Ron Oliver, and I worked a lot on the script to keep it flowing and have it all feel authentic and truthful. I think you just bring who you are to the character and add a little bit of spunk and I put that kind of in there, adding a bit more sass than was originally there.

Q) You have been in a wide variety of genre of television shows. Do you have a preference for one?

A) It seems to be that I am rolling around and taking any challenge as it comes my way if, at this point in my life, it seems like the right thing to do. I spent seven years on “Smallville,” which has its dramatic elements and hooked into a lot of fun. It was a romantic comedy that I really loved. Then, I dove into “Saving Hope” for its sense of realism and all the extras. She’s a very driven, very basic woman. There is not a lot of refinery around her. It’s all very intense and dramatic. I wanted to challenge myself, I suppose. I chose Wedding Planner Mystery to step back in and have a little fun. I think, as a person, I actually lean a bit more towards comedy and wanting to laugh and seeing the joke in things more often than the drama. That’s ironic because I’m kind of in the midst of something really dramatic right now.

Q) Was there instant cast chemistry when everyone began working together or did it take some time to bond?

A) It isn’t always the case, but I did find it with Brandon [Beemer] and everyone was nice. I think they all came with a heart to make the best project that they could and the key to me for a lot of chemistry is for people to not take themselves too seriously and to have fun. That was really a theme on set. Everybody was really generous. That was helpful. I enjoyed working with Brandon and Andrew ]Walker] a lot.

Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming Wedding Planner Mystery?

A) I think the day-to-day work was memorable. I loved my director, Ron Oliver. He’s done a lot of films with Hallmark and various other companies and networks. He has such a great tone on set and he is always listening to music. We were watching little synopsizes of old movies between takes, a kind of throwback to the old movies. We were trying to set that tone into our little mystery that we were doing. On a personal level, that was great fun and I laughed so hard working with him. There was one specific scene where I get to dress up as a cat. My character was going to a costume wedding and I had to break into the church, kind of be a cat burglar. I hadn’t done any dressing up since “Smallville,” so that was a lot of fun. On the show, I was often going undercover and they would put me in these scenarios that would be really bizarre and strange. I would have to be dressed up and I’d often get in trouble and Clark would save her. This had a bit of a throw to that. She’s a gal on her own trying to solve this mystery and put things to right. She finds herself in a couple of shady situations.

Q) What makes the movie such a great fit for the Hallmark Movie Channel?

A) It has the balance of fun and intrigue. It’s not too graphic. Hallmark likes to stay in that space for their audience. It’s really nice to watch something with a little bit of mystery and romance. It’s lighthearted and that’s what the demographic likes to watch, as well as having a strong female lead. She is very multilayered and she’s three dimensional. She has strengths and vulnerabilities. She is a bit quirky so she’s very relatable. It’s got that kind of feel to it and I think they are really going to enjoy it.

Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to receiving instant fan feedback when the movie premieres?

A) I am part of social media in the way that I know it is a part of the professional side of things and the way our world is going. I’m certainly not into it to see what people are thinking all the time. I finally went, “Okay, okay. I have to do this.” I’m a pretty introverted person. For me, it’s a way to promote the projects that I’ve done. But as far as sussing out how everybody feels all the time, it is a bit of a blessing and a curse. Everybody is allowed to have their own opinion. I guess that is how everything is going these days with social media. You have to protect yourself form that instant reaction.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) As I often do, I thank them very much for going along this journey with me and for being so supportive. I very much appreciate it.

- Erica Durance actúa desenfadadamente en "Wedding Planner Mystery" (calgaryherald):
Erica Durance actúa desenfadadamente en "Wedding Planner Mystery"
Por Stephen Hunt, 22 Diciembre, 2014 4:55 AM MST

Even though she was on television every week, Erica Durance was a little bit tired of what passes for reality on the tube these days.

Then the Calgary-born and Three Hills-raised actress, the star and producer of NBC’s Saving Hope, got her hands on the script for Wedding Planner Mystery (Dec 29, CTV), a comic murder mystery that hearkened back to another era, and knew it was just the change of pace she was looking for.

“It seemed like it would be a lot of fun,” says Durance, “and I hadn’t played somebody who had that kind of spunk for a while. “

In the telefilm, Durance plays wedding planner Carnegie Kincaid, a Type A perfectionist (think Tracy Flick in Election), who finds herself involved in a murder mystery where she could quite conceivably be the next victim, in addition to being a prime suspect.

For Durance, the lighthearted mystery-romance was a departure from Saving Hope, which is heavy on the life-and-death and light on the laughs.

“I’ve always loved those kinds of movies,” she says, “where there’s a kind of whodunnit aspect, but don’t go too dark.

“For me,” she says, “it was something I wanted to do given what I’ve been doing for the past three years or so, which is something heavier, more realistic — so this was just something that would be a bit of fun and take me back to doing comedy, which I enjoy doing very much.”

Much of that fun came from portraying Carnegie Kincaid, who is nosy, determined, perky, relentless — and quite different than Durance herself.

“I’m a very relaxed person,” she says. “Quiet actually — so maybe that’s why I like exploring that kind of character who has a little bit more tenacity in her character.”

That tenacity comes out through one of those micro-managing perfectionistic personalities that might be a sign of tremendous achievement, or possibly a sign of obsessive compulsive disorder.

The fun, for Durance, is that Kincaid straddles the line.

“She can’t help but look for perfection and alignment in every little situation she’s in,” she says, “which is part of her little journey.

“One of the reasons I liked the take on this character,” she says, “was that she’s forced to face some of these things that maybe aren’t the best (behaviours) and she’s thrown into this whole mix of nonsense and craziness and it’s not up to par with the way she sees her world or wants her life to pan out — and oftentimes, that’s the way life is. I like watching how she dealt with that — and was challenged to change in it.”

That also might describe Durance’s own life. The Vancouver-based actress, who starred for many years as Lois Lane on Smallville and routinely lands on Maxim Magazine’s Hot 100 list, is set to give birth to her first child in six weeks.

She wrapped production on Saving Hope earlier in the month, and doesn’t start the next season until June.

Instead of show business, Durance is taking the plunge into the mom business.

“I’m just getting ready for Christmas,” she says, “and having a lot of family visiting me, and that’s where my focus is now.

There will be no trips home to Three Hills this holiday season, she says.

“No trips for me,” she says. “They (my family) wouldn’t want me to do that and I wouldn’t want that either. They have to come to me.” ... er-mystery

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡Erica Durance y su marido dan la bienvenida a su primer hijo en común!:
La noticia nos llegaba esta mañana.

Erica Durance dio a luz ayer, martes 10 de Febrero, a su primer hijo en común con David Palffy, al que han puesto de nombre Lochlan William Palffy, del que el orgulloso padre ha dicho que es "guapo, como su madre".

La pareja ya contaba con un hijo del anterior matrimonio de David, Lazslo, de 15 años, al que la actriz siempre consideró como suyo propio y que también está encantado con la llegada de su nuevo hermanito.

¡Muchas felicidades a toda la familia!

Para celebrar la noticia, ha creado un libro de firmas para que los fans feliciten a la pareja:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
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Registrado: Sab Sep 05, 2009 3:54 pm
Ubicación: en el tur de la galacia con Clark Kent

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Svmarines »

Felicidades a nuestra querida Erica!!!!!!!!! :badgrin: :lol: :smt007


Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Erica Durance comparte sus secretos de belleza (realstylenetwork):
Erica Durance is Dr. Alex Reid on CTV’s Saving Hope, but even in real life, she’s as busy as the Chief Surgical Resident she plays. Coming to notice as Superman’s girlfriend Lois Lane on Smallville from 2004 to 2011, the Canadian actress has since settled into her leading role quite nicely, thank you very much. Now expecting her first child, Durance is ready to take on another role: that of motherhood. Fortunately, the new mom has a laidback approach to makeup and beauty that keeps things as simple and natural as possible.

I love Chanel foundation. My skin really responds well to it, and it allows my skin to show through, still illuminate, and keeps my face feeling moist. I also like Bare Escentuals, especially with lipsticks and that sort of thing, because you eat so much of your makeup. I like Fresh Sugar lip balms that have tinted moisturizer in them, so it’s not such a strong colour and you’re getting moisture.

You know, when I was younger, I used to wash it every day. Now my thing is I actually don’t wash it that much. It helps the oils build up in your hair, and makes your hair stronger, because my hair would just dry out and frizz. I realized as I got older, you’re stripping your hair of all the natural oils that you need. I sometimes use Moroccanoil, just to give it that shine.

Skin Care
It’s changed at this point, but usually I work with a product called SkinTx, which is a 12-step product line. It adheres to the idea of constant regeneration of the cells in your face, and getting rid of the old ones, exfoliating that off, and then providing a lot of really good moisture and anti-aging creams and vitamin C serum.
But I’m fairly basic; I just keep everything really hydrated, clean and as fresh as possible. When I’m not working, I wear very little makeup, so that my skin can breathe, and I just buy a lot of sunscreen and moisturizer.

This year, being pregnant, I got myself a trainer. I’ve never had a trainer before. I did that specifically because I wanted to train properly and do the proper types of exercises that are needed at this time in my life. This year’s focus is to be healthy and to maintain for my baby. After that, I can get into punishing myself a little bit more!

I’m eating more often during the day now, so I don’t get the huge sugar crashes and then eat things that I shouldn’t be eating. I do have a heavier protein, little bit less carbs, diet but I still believe carbs are necessary because they help break down the protein. My father-in-law says this, “You eat like a king in the morning, a prince in the afternoon and a pauper in the evening.” It’s minimizing those heavier foods to the beginning of the day. Then after, it’s just sticking with a more strict diet of protein and greens and less sugar. ... eous-look/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: Noticias Erica

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Entrevista de Erica Durance para Urbanbaby & Toddler Magazine -winter issue- (Feb 2016): ... in2015.pdf

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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