Foro dedicado a Kristin Kreuk que interpreta a lana Lang

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


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- Beauty and the Beast - Video BTS Kristin Kreuk & Jay Ryan Making Out in Toronto on set, EtalkCTV (10-04-13):

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- Kelly Souders sobre “Heart Of Darkness” y más (Ksitetv.com):
Kelly Souders sobre “Heart Of Darkness” y más
Por Craig Byrne 11 de Abril 2011

Shortly before the Wondercon panel for Beauty And The Beast, we were able to interview series lead Kristin Kreuk and Executive Producer Kelly Souders, both veterans of Smallville who are now staking their own new highlight for Thursday nights on The CW. While we are sad to say that the show is a repeat tonight, there will be new episodes starting again April 18 with “Heart Of Darkness.”

To make up for that one-week-longer wait, how about an interview?

Here are some highlights of what Kelly Souders had to tell us about what’s coming up as well as some of what’s come in the last few episodes of the show, which seems to be getting better with every episode:

Was it always the intention for Vincent and Catherine to kiss as soon as they did? “You know what, I will admit: No,” Kelly confirms. “We had been thinking of that kiss, but we actually ended up pulling it forward a little bit more. I think in a way what it did, was it allowed us to open up some of the story for the back half. We work really closely with CBS Studios and the CW Network; ot’s a big discussion with them, working with them as partners, and we all kind of agreed together: ‘Let’s just move it a little closer up because it’ll allow us to blow out some things in the back’.”

But, really: Was the “VinCat” resolution a way to make up for the bad fan reaction to Alex on the Internet? “I can’t say that, because we end up breaking stories so much of ahead of when they air,” Kelly tells us. “Quite a bit of time passes [in the process]… although we did read all those comments,” she laughs.

What has sparked the move away from the show being so procedural? “[Cat] being a cop is such a critical part of her character, but it was great to have a few of the episodes up top where you were with her and her character a little bit more, as this mystery was unfolding,” Kelly says. “I think all of us…. you get footage in ,and you start looking at scenes and things, and you start seeing Cat and Vincent together, and you see them on the run from Muirfield, or whatever it is… all that stuff is compelling, so it was nice when we were able to shift a little bit. After people kind of knew the characters, we started weaving the world a little differently,” she confirms.

On being wowed by Kristin Kreuk: “She’s really phenomenal, in ‘Heart Of Darkness’ in particular, I think because there are a lot of moments where she can’t say the thing that she’s thinking. As an actor, it’s really hard to portray those inner dialogues without even being able to say one word, because the people you’re talking to are the people you’re trying to hide everything from,” Kelly says. “There was once scene where I literally was watching it and thinking, ‘She’s become this incredible, multi-layered actor.’ She never disappoints you. You write something and it always comes out as you hope it would, and I think for whatever reason, when I was in the editing room for this episode, I really got these moments of being able to see it from a much more objective view and removed a little bit more, I don’t know why… but it was a really great experience. I feel like after watching this episode, there’s nothing that I could throw at her that she won’t nail and elevate. She was great on Smallville, I loved her performance, but what I think is great about this show for her is that, because it is about her, you see a lot more of the sides of her life than you do when it’s a character who’s on for 12 minutes out of the 40-some minutes [of an episode].”

When are we going to learn more about Gabe? “You’re going to learn a lot,” she says. “It’ll start unraveling more and more. The last couple episodes of the season in particular, he becomes… you’ll understand a new place that he has in the show.”

Will we learn more about Cat’s mom? “That’s definitely going to come into play and how she comes to learn more about her mother is kind of interesting and more will unravel, all the way, really, up until the finale,” Kelly says.

Will that finale involve a cliffhanger? “Of course! There’s a couple cliffhangers. There’s multiple cliffhangers that we’ve got in the finale,” Kelly promises.

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/bea ... more/21509

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- "Beauty and the Beast" - 1.18 "Heart of Darkness" Sneak Peek:

- Imágenes BTS (12-04-13):

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(thanks to @Airwin33, @CaraCostumes, @JayRyan & @christinaaa28).

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Beauty and the Beast", Descripción oficial del 1.21 “Date Night”:
1.21 “Date Night”: CAT Y VINCENT SE AVENTURAN A IR JUNTOS EN PÚBLICO — Cat (Kristin Kreuk) y Vincent (Jay Ryan) van a una cita en público con la intención de ser una pareja normal, y les sale el tiro por la culata. Mientras tanto, Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy) revela alguna información que le da a Cat la esperanza de que puedan encontrar una cura para Vincent. Austin Basis, Nina Lisandrello y Brian White también aparecen. Kevin Fair dirige el escritorio con historia de Roger Grant y guión de Jennifer Levin y Sherri Cooper (#120).

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... ight/21608

- Beauty and the Beast 1x18 Sneak Peek #2 : "Heart of Darkness" [HD]:

- Hay una posibilidad de que Vincent pueda ser curado -- ¿Pero quiere serlo? (TVGuide.com):
Hay una posibilidad de que Vincent pueda ser curado -- ¿Pero quiere serlo?
por Robyn Ross 17 de Abril, 2013 03:36 PM ET

If Beauty and the Beast's Vincent (Jay Ryan) could be cured of his beastliness, would he do it? Not necessarily, says executive producer Jennifer Levin. "There's a possibility that Vincent can be cured, but [Cat and Vincent's] biggest struggle is what is a good normal for them — which might be him being a beast," Levin tells TVGuide.com. "So Vincent's DNA becomes more of a source of conflict."

When the series returns on Thursday (9/8c, The CW), Vincent's genetics won't be the couple's only struggle. Evan (Max Brown), who caught Cat (Kristin Kreuk) and Vincent kissing, will confront Cat about his own feelings for her. How will she react? Levin answers that question, plus tells us when Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy) will find out and when Cat and Vincent will finally have a date night!

It looks like Evan is going to confess his love for Catherine and also reveal that he tipped off Muirfield. How will she take that?
Jennifer Levin: Her first concern is Vincent. She also feels an incredible amount of guilt. Did she lead Evan on in a way that led to this? Should she haven been clearer before? So it's mixed.

If Evan knows that Cat is with Vincent, why even tell her about his feelings?
Levin: He's human. He's worried for Cat and he's protecting her, but also at the end of the day he's jealous. But in Thursday's episode, he's going to get to meet Vincent in a cool way, and when he realizes he may have been wrong about Vincent, he'll feel incredibly guilty.

Now that more and more people are learning about Vincent, does it make it easier on their relationship?
Levin: It definitely makes it different, but I also think it's going to make it easier and more fun. Now that Tess knows, we get to see the three of them work together, and then pretty soon Tess and J.T. get to work together. We wanted Cat to have a confidant, so it wasn't all about, is she going to get caught? We played that out and now we can bring a friend in and what that means and where her loyalty lies, and we can play those relationship issues.

Will this season delve further into Cat's backstory?
Levin: Cat starts to [suspect] that maybe her mom is actually alive, and the question is, does Vincent know? He was there that night, so that becomes a bone of contention for them. We want to lean into that part of Catherine's life and explore her family life more.

How long before Gabe knows that something is up with his team?
Levin: He figures out who the mole is in this episode and he will also soon figure out Catherine's connection. He'll wants to keep Cat closer now and get from her what he needs.

It seems like the show is shying away from the procedural aspect.
Levin: We started off doing the case of the week and now all our cases are related to some sort of relationship on the show. I think it just organically happened, but it's certainly what Sherri [Cooper] and I were interested in from the very beginning. And it felt like for 42 minutes we had a lot to accomplish.

What would you say is Cat and Vincent's biggest concern as a couple heading into the final episodes?
Levin: There ends up being a possibility that Vincent can be cured, and I think that their biggest struggle is what's normal for them, which might be him being a beast and the good aspects of that and the aspects they've come to depend on. So Vincent's DNA becomes more of a source of conflict. When we started, Vincent had spent 10 years in hiding and he had just given up hope. Now Cat is back in his life and maybe she's triggered hope in his life, but where does that lead?

Will we get to see happy times for them too?
Levin: We have an episode called "Date Night," where they get to leave and do something romantic and fun.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Beauty-Beas ... 64152.aspx

- Un gato curioso, una agenda oculta y más respuestas contestadas sobre el final de la temporada (TVLine.com):
Un gato curioso, una agenda oculta y más respuestas contestadas sobre el final de la temporada
Por Matt Webb Mitovich 17 de Abril, 2013 06:27 PM PDT

Beauty and the Beast PreviewThis Thursday at 9/8c, The CW’s Beauty and the Beast resumes its freshman run with the first of five — count ‘em, five! — consecutive episodes, including the sure-to-shock season finale airing May 16. Given the events of the most recent episode, in which Tess learned Cat’s secret and Evan got a beastly eyeful, TVLine invited executive producer Jennifer Levin to field some burning questions about what’s to come.

IS TESS NOW ON TEAM BEAST? | “Down the line, there will be conflicts for her, of course,Heart of Darkness but right now she’s bought in,” Levin assures. “She’s going to be a confidante for Cat, and she’s also going to be able to help them deal with Muirfield and the assorted issues that brings up.” Among them: “What happens when Evan exposes Vincent?”

IS EVAN’S LOVE FOR CAT THE TRUE ENEMY? | Yep, you read that above line correctly. Having spied an extremely agile someone do a five-story leap from Cat’s cradle, Evan “reaches out to Muirfield and basically leads them to Vincent,” Levin shares. That tattling, though, “comes from a place of love,” the EP makes clear. “Evan is always going to first do what he can to protect Cat and be on her side.” Nonetheless, when he professes his feelings in this week’s episode, “Cat’s reaction is one of a little bit guilt, of culpability, like, ‘Oh my gosh,’ because she kind of knew, and she probably should have addressed this sooner.’”

WHAT FAMILY SECRETS WILL SHOCK CAT? | Although an upcoming episode synopsis reveals that Catherine will come to suspect that her famously murdered mother is actually alive, that might — might — be a red herring of sorts. “Cat’s family issues aren’t what you think they are,” Levin cryptically shares. “They’re not what she thinks they are.”Playing with Fire Elsewhere on the family front, we’re going to venture that Heather might not want to buy any green bananas. “I can say, I think, that someone’s life is put in danger,” Levin warns. “Someone that we really care about.”

WHAT IS THE ADA’S BEASTLY BEEF? | Gabe Lowen has been like a dog with a bone in hunting down the city’s cross-species vigilante, who — despite JT and Cat’s best attempt at subterfuge — he knows is still alive and running wild. Asked to explain Gabe’s vendetta, Levin would only say: “He has a personal issue with the beast,” to be revealed by season’s end.

IS THERE NO MORE TIME FOR SEXYTIMES? | (After all, as seen above, there seems to be a lot of drama ahead.) “Oh my God, I hope not!” Levin answers. “No, almost all of the episodes” coming up, she says, have moments to please VinCat fans. Asked to single one out, she thinks for a moment before saying that Season 1′s penultimate hour, “Date Night” (airing May 9), “is a special one that comes to mind.”

http://tvline.com/2013/04/17/beauty-and ... es-agenda/

- Productora de 'Beauty and the Beast' Sobre los sorprendentes giros y la 'Épica' season Finale (hollywoodreporter.com):
Productora de 'Beauty and the Beast' Sobre los sorprendentes giros y la 'Épica' season Finale
Por Philiana Ng 2:30 PM PDT 18/04/2013

Things aren't letting up on Beauty and the Beast.

"Our final episode is bigger and much more of a fairytale," executive producer Jennifer Levin tells The Hollywood Reporter. "We totally go for it. It's huge, sweeping things happen and it's a big cliffhanger. It feels even more epic than what we've done before."

In fact, something comes out before the May 16 episode that will effectively change the game. "It plays in a big way," Levin hints about the surprising development.

The CW drama returns for the last five episodes beginning with "Heart of Darkness," which will see Evan (Max Brown) confessing his love to Cat (Kristin Kreuk) and admitting that he was the one who notified Muirfield to Vincent's (Jay Ryan) whereabouts. To say Evan complicates matters for Cat and Vincent is an understatement. Levin talks to THR about the new wrinkle, chances of a renewal and what to expect in the season finale.

The Hollywood Reporter: What should we expect in the return episode?

Jennifer Levin: After he’s seen Vincent and Catherine making out on the fire escape in the last episode, Evan leads Muirfield to Vincent and when Catherine finds out, she’s obviously upset but feels a bit of culpability because he proclaims his feelings for her. “I love you,” basically. She realizes that maybe she led him on a little bit. We explore that. Through the episode, Evan realizes that maybe he might have been wrong about Vincent, yet he put things in place, so he has some big decisions to make. We get to go inside Muirfield and see what's going on.

THR: How does Evan's profession of love affect the Cat and Vincent of it all?

Levin: Vincent’s pissed: “You say you love her but then you did this whole thing.” It does bring up a lot of issues between them. Now, Muirfield knows about Vincent so they can’t just talk about their relationship. They have a problem they really have to solve.

THR: Is it safe to assume that not everybody will survive or there may be major shifts by season’s end?

Levin: Big things, big decisions are made. Evan realizes he’s made a mistake and there’s definitely consequences.

THR: How successful does he get in terms of redeeming himself?

Levin: He does. Catherine is a really compassionate person so I think she gets it. She understands why Evan did what he did. From the point of view from the characters, he does redeem himself in Catherine and Vincent’s eyes. As far as the viewer, that’s for you to decide.

THR: What conflicts will Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy) continue to stir up?

Levin: He’s trying to find the vigilante and find Vincent. He gets a sense that Catherine has something to do with it, he tries to pull Catherine in and get closer to her, so that’s an issue in Catherine and Vincent’s relationship. But it’s not necessarily in the way that you would think though; [Gabe affects it] in a surprising way.

THR: Going back through the season, have there been story lines or arcs that you thought would play that didn’t quite match expectations?

Levin: The whole arc with Alex (Bridget Regan) played out how I thought it would. People were really mad at Alex but we kind of knew that. We thought, “Oh that’s good! They don’t want anything between Catherine and Vincent.” We knew people were angry but we thought that was a good thing, it indicated a concern for our couple. The arc of Tess (Nina Lisandrello) finding out -- Tess and Cat having a friendship dilemma -- I wish we could have spent more time on that. We haven’t been able to explore J.T. (Austin Basis) as much as we wanted to and we intend to. There hasn’t been anything where we’ve been “Gosh, that really was a bad idea,” so far – luckily.

THR: How are you feeling about a second season?

Levin: I'm very confident about it. That doesn't mean I know anything, but I feel like it's such a good show and our fanbase is so incredible. I don't know how they would say no to us. We're hoping!

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... sts-442202

- Productora ejecutiva Revela Chocantes Giros Finales Reveals Shocking Finale Twist (hollywood.com):
Productora ejecutiva Revela Chocantes Giros Finales Reveals Shocking Finale Twist
Por Sydney Bucksbaum 1:52pm EDT

Going weeks at a time without Beauty and the Beast is hard enough. But when we’re left with a cliffhanger as juicy as Evan witnessing Cat kissing Vincent, then Vincent jumping off her roof, revealing himself to be the cross-species DNA beast killer the police have been searching for? The wait is downright torturous!

Good news for all BATB fans: the drama returns tonight with an all-new episode, "Heart of Darkness," and according to executive producer Jennifer Levin, we won’t be left hanging much longer. "Evan goes straight to Muirfield and lets them know, 'I know where this guy is,'" Levin reveals to Hollywood.com. "He exposes Vincent right away."

But the strange thing is that Evan doesn’t expose Vincent for malicious reasons. "He hopes to protect Cat," Levin says. "He obviously knows that Catherine is in love with this guy but he thinks that [Vincent] is a force of evil. And he also hopes to get Cat. He’s jealous."

We wouldn’t hold our breath for a relationship with Cat if we were Evan, however: Cat won’t be feeling too warm towards her work friend after his actions lead to Muirfield successfully capturing Vincent. That’s right, we said capture — not kill. Vincent’s life won’t be in danger, contrary to what he and Cat have always thought. "There’s more that they can learn from him by studying him, since he survived out there for a long time," Levin explains. "We get to see inside Muirfield. We get to learn about what they’re up to, and [we learn] that they’re active... It’s not just about cleaning up the past. So perhaps Vincent could help them in their active endeavors."

We can’t reveal what those active endeavors are (or else the powers-that-be at The CW would transform into a beast of their own and come after us!), but believe us when we say that you won’t see this twist coming. We can tell you that you’ll find out this shocking secret before the finale, and that plot is what will drive the story going forward (hopefully into Season 2, if BATB gets a renewal).

If that was too vague for you, here’s something scoop-worthy that is more definitive: there may be redemption in store for Evan, even after his big mistake tonight leads Muirfield to Vincent. "He is going to have to do something drastic when he realizes that maybe that was the wrong move," Levin says.

One character who has already been redeemed is Tess, now that she knows the truth about Vincent. "Tess and Cat are at a good spot moving forward," Levin says. "Tess now knows why and understands why Cat has done what she’s done. Now Tess is going to be brought in to help with whatever Vincent and Cat need to deal with." That’s right: Tess is now a part of Team Beast!

Though her relationship with Cat is on good terms, Tess’s relationship with Joe is another story. Her secret love tryst with her boss is about to hit some bumpy road. "They’re going to have to make a choice soon. He’s her superior and they’re having a relationship," Levin reveals. "At some point in the next couple of episodes someone catches wind of it, so they have a big choice to make. Is she going to stay there, is she going to leave, what are they going to do? How are they going to deal with this?"

http://www.hollywood.com/news/tv/550088 ... ifer-levin

- Kristin Kreuk dice que 'a los fans puede que no les guste' el final de la temporada (zap-2-it):
Kristin Kreuk dice que 'a los fans puede que no les guste' el final de la temporada
Por Jay Bobbin 18 de Abril, 2013 4:00 PM ET

Kristin Kreuk says there won't be an easy way out for "Beauty and the Beast" fans if the show doesn't get a second season.

The CW series starts its last run of new episodes for the current television year Thursday (April 18), with work comrade Evan (Max Brown) coming clean to police detective Catherine Chandler (Kreuk) about his feelings for her. As she films the season finale this week, the former "Smallville" actress confirms story threads will be left untied ... and she's hoping for a network pickup that would resolve them next season.

"It's different, to be honest," Kreuk tells Zap2it about winding down her series' season without knowing whether there will be another.

"On 'Smallville,' we were pretty much sure every single year that it would be going again. It's a different environment when a crew doesn't feel as stable, but we have a really wonderful team. Nobody knows anything for sure, but everyone's staying positive. And I think we're proud of the work that we've done."

That includes the development of Catherine's relationship with the beastly yet hunky Vincent (Jay Ryan), her self-appointed protector with whom she's finally become romantically involved.

"I don't think any of us, including the producers, thought we would go there this season," Kreuk allows. "I feel like them in a relationship is a little more interesting in some ways than them out of a relationship. Their love was clear almost from the start, so I like the struggles they go through in a relationship -- as opposed to the struggle of, 'Are we going to be in a relationship or not?'".

Expect those struggles to continue right up to the last minute of the last scheduled episode Thursday, May 16. "The fans may not like this," Kreuk says, "but there's no way it could be simply a series finale. If we don't get picked up, there's going to be a massive cliffhanger that they're going to have to deal with. Huge cliffhanger."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... nding.html

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 1x19 Promo 'Playing With Fire' [HD]:

- Beauty and the Beast Extended Promo 1x19 - Playing with Fire [HD]:

- Beauty and the Beast Sneak Peek 1x19 - Playing with Fire [HD]:

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Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.18 "Heart of Darkness". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

- TV Now CW Spring Sizzle:


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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast on The CW - 1.19 "Playing With Fire" Producers' Preview:

- Beauty and the Beast on The CW - 1.19 "Playing With Fire" Sneak Peek #2:

http://www.spoilertv.com/2013/04/beauty ... ng_23.html


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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.22 "Never Turn Back”:
1.22 "Never Turn Back”: CAT DESCUBRE LA IMPACTANTE VERDAD SOBRE SU PASADO — Cuando los secretos sobre la familia de Cat (Kristin Kreuk) son revelados, cambiará todo lo que Cat sabía sobre su pasado. Vincent (Jay Ryan) se encuentra a sí mismo mirando a su fallecimiento a la cara; mientras Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy) toma medidas drásticas para conseguir algunas respuestas. Austin Basis, Nina Lisandrello y Brian White también aparecen. Rick Bota dirige el episodio escrito por Kelly Souders y Brian Peterson (#121).

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... lers/21762

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.20 "Anniversary":

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast - 1.20 Anniversary Promo[HD]:

- Beauty and the Beast - 1.20 Anniversary Extended Promo[HD]:

- Beauty and the Beast - 1.20 Anniversary Sneek Peek [HD]:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
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Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.19 "Playing with fire". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.21 "Date Night":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Confirmado: "Beauty and the Beast" Renovada para una segunda temporada:
La CW ha anunciado hoy que ha renovado varias series para una próxima temporada, entre ellas a "Beauty And The Beast" en lo que será su segunda temporada el próximo otoño.

He aquí la nota de prensa:


la CW Ordena las primeras nuevas series para la próxima temporada con “The Originals” “Beauty And The Beast” y “Hart of Dixie” que han sido escogidas para el próximo otoño.

26 de Abril, 2013 (Burbank, California) – La cadena CW ha escogido tempranamente tres dramas adicionales para la próxima temporada, que incluyen la nueva primera serie que se ordena para la temporada con THE ORIGINALS, el muy anticipado spin-off de The Vampire Diaries, que fue presentado durante el episodio de la noche pasada. La cadena también ordenó avanzadamente la segunda temporada de BEAUTY AND THE BEAST y la tercera de HART OF DIXIE. Las elecciones fueron anunciadas hoy por Mark Pedowitz, Presidente de la CW.

“Tan pronto como vimos el episodio de la pasada noche de ‘The Vampire Diaries,’ supimos que queríamos más de ‘The Originals’ – Julie Plec y Kevin Williamson han hecho un trabajo fantástico con ‘The Vampire Diaries,’ que está tan bien escrito y tiene mejor ritmo qye nunca, y Julie ha creado un mundo igualmente convincente para ‘The Originals,’” dijo Pedowitz. “Estamos también muy emocionados de traer de vuelta a ‘Beauty And The Beast’ y ‘Hart of Dixie’ para la próxima temporada – ambas series continúan siendo creativamente fuertes y convincentes, y sus fans son increíblemente apasionados. Estoy muy feliz de tener esas tres series en el calendario para la próxima temporada.”

BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, protagonizada por Kristin Kreuk y Jay Ryan,fue el ganador de los People’s Choice Award como Nuevo Drama Favorito, y HART OF DIXIE, protagonizada por Rachel Bilson,i es uno de los mayores activos de la CW en las plataformas digitales, detrás tan sólo de THE VAMPIRE DIARIES.

Las tres series ven grandes aumentos en el Live+7 Day frente al Live + del Mismo Día, con THE VAMPIRE DIARIES subiendo un 52% entre adultos 18-34 y un 56% entre mujeres 18-34 cuando se incluyen todos los cambios de horarios. HART OF DIXIE alcanza un aumento del 53% entre adultos 18-34 y un 61% en mujeres 18-34, y BEAUTY AND THE BEAST ve un aumento del 43% en adultos 18-34 y un 45% en mujeres cuando pasa del Live+SD al Live+7.

La CW ya ha dado luz verde avanzada a ARROW, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES y SUPERNATURAL para la próxima temporada.

http://www.ksitetv.com/hart-of-dixie/th ... nals/21856

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast - 1.20 "Anniversary" Producer´s preview:

- Beauty and the Beast - 1.20 "Sneak peek #2:

- Beauty and the Beast - 1.20 "Sneak peek #3:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 1.21 "Date Night" Promo[HD]:

- Beauty and the Beast 1.21 "Date Night" Extended Promo [HD]:

- Beauty and the Beast 1.21 "Date Night" Sneak Peek:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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