Foro dedicado a Kristin Kreuk que interpreta a lana Lang

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- BatB Stills del 1.22 "Never turn back":

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- Beauty and the Beast 1.21 "Date Night" Sneak Peek #2:

- Beauty and the Beast 1.21 "Date Night" Producer´s preview:

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- Sendhil Ramamurthy sobre la historia pasada de Gabe, los ojos amarillos y más (tvfanatic.com):
Sendhil Ramamurthy sobre la historia pasada de Gabe, los ojos amarillos y más
Por Jim Halterman 9 de Mayo, 2013 11:10 AM

Ah, those yellow eyes.

While Beauty and the Beast fans recently found out that Gabe knew Catherine’s mother and was a Muirfield guinea pig as a child, it was also revealed that the Assistant District Attorney has more in common with Vincent than previously imagined. But what’s the big picture with him and his secret agenda?

I jumped on the phone yesterday with Sendhil Ramamurthy to get the lowdown on what Gabe really wants and what we can expect in the last two episodes of Beauty and the Beast Season 1...

TV Fanatic: How much of Gabe’s journey did you know going in or have you been learning as scripts have been coming in?
Sendhil Ramamurthy: I kinda knew the general arc that they were going for. When they first started talking to me about the show, I hadn’t seen the show so they sent me a bunch of episodes and I watched them and I was like ‘this is great but I don’t understand where an Assistant District Attorney fits into this whole thing. I’m not sure of the whole point of the character is.’ That’s when they explained to me that they were moving away from the procedural element of the show and it’s becoming more serialized. Gabe is an ADA but that’s not what his agenda is, that’s not what he does. And then once they told me that then I was on board.

TVF: First we found out that Gabe knew Cat’s mother and now we know he has a connection to Vincent. Is all this going to play out in this week’s episode or the finale?
SR: You get info in both episodes about that. Kind of how things went down and you get more insight into Gabe as far as how it was growing up like this and you get that sense that he’s a survivor first and foremost. He’s always had to fend for himself because he’s always been alone and an outcast. His human instinct and his beastly instinct is to survive at all costs. That’s what he knows. So you get an insight into that and a little bit more about the relationship with Muirfield as well as what they were up to and what they did.

TVF: Gabe now is a step closer to Vincent, but are his intentions good or bad at this point or are we not supposed to know yet?
SR: You find out in the next episode what his intention is. Also at the end of the next episode you find out about how difficult it’s going to be for him to achieve what he wants to achieve. The last scene of the episode there’s a big wrench that’s thrown into his plan. He wants to just meet Vincent and see if they can help each other. That is his initial intent but then then this wrench gets thrown in there that could change it.

The finale is how you see those circumstances change what Gabe has to do and how he has to go about doing it. We find that he’s got this corrupted DNA and he’s slowly but surely dying…[but] he’s a survivor and he’s going to do whatever it takes and it can and will lead to some kind of precarious situations and not necessarily what Gabe wants to do but what he’s been forced to do because of the circumstances surrounding his illness and sickness. You really do get the sense of the rock and the hard place that Gabe has been put in by Muirfield.

You also get a little glimpse into what his family like was like with these adopted parents, which I really enjoyed playing…and they’ve done a great job with these flashback sequences and we get a bit more of that, which really helps explain Gabe’s backstory.

TVF: Catherine has been reassuring Vincent that there’s nothing going on romantically between she and Gabe but is there something there on Gabe’s side?
SR: Listen, purely on a superficial level, she’s an attractive woman so Gabe thinks she’s attractive but he’s got much bigger fires to put out right now and the romance thing is not at the top of the list. That’s addressed, actually, in a roundabout way but it’s just not really in the realm of his thinking right now. But you get to see what his take on relationships in general are through stuff and his interaction with Tyler, Shantel VanSanten’s character.

They do a really great job of showing the different aspects of his life and how this whole beast situation he’s been dealing with his whole life permeates every aspect of his whole life. I’m really happy the writers covered that. You get to see how he is in relationships and how all the experiments that Muirfield has done on him [affects] how he deals romantically with people and how he dealt with his family and how it affected his family life. We haven’t really seen whether Gabe has any friends and I think the guy is really alone in the world and it’s kinda sad and it really informs all his decisions.

TVF: Your last few projects – Heroes, Covert Affairs and BATB – is that personally what you like when you’re watching TV or do you go for something different?
SR: For me personally, there are only a handful shows that I really watch. I tend to go for more realistic storytelling but, having said that, Game of Thrones has kind of blown my mind and that is over the top with dragons burning people but I really responded to that. But, in general, my TV tastes is more in the Breaking Bad vein and The Wire and Homeland and those kinds of shows.

http://www.tvfanatic.com/2013/05/beauty ... z2SoaGZK6i

- Sendhil Ramamurthy Adelanta una gran noticia bomba y un enfrentamiento final Feroz (TVline.com):
Sendhil Ramamurthy Adelanta una gran noticia bomba y un enfrentamiento final Feroz
Por Matt Webb Mitovich 9 de Mayo, 2013 06:37 AM PDT

Beauty and the Beast Finale PreviewTonight on Beauty and the Beast (The CW, 9/8c), in the series’ penultimate freshman episode, Gabe shows his true colors to Catherine — and they’re a yellow-green (depending on how the light hits his beastly peepers). That reveal sets in motion a chain of events that feed into what Sendhil Ramamurthy calls an “intense” and “torturous” finale featuring a beast-on-beast brawl. Here, the Heroes/Covert Affairs alum speaks about what drew him to the drama and shares the secrets behind his “Beast 1.0.”

TVLINE | You took a flyer of sorts when you signed with Beauty and the Beast, because at the time the show was still finding its legs. What gave you the comfort level to say yes?
They called me, like, two days before Christmas to say, “We’re bringing this character on. What do you think?” I hadn’t seen the show, so they sent me a bunch of episodes and I was like, “It’s good but I don’t see where this character fits in at all.” It’s not like Law & Order where you’ve got the law and the ADA comes in and does the order part. Then they filled me in on how the show was actually moving away from the procedural element and that they were going to serialize it more, and they told me the arc that this character was going on. Then I was like, “Oh, OK. That could be really cool.” Usually showrunners don’t like to give out too much information, but I think in my case they were just kind of like, “We’ve got to tell him where it’s going.” And I’ve been enjoying myself a lot.

TVLINE | Gabe and Cat have bonded some, namely at the cemetery last week. What percent of that do you think was genuine coming from him?
I think most of it. Most of it was genuine. She doesn’t trust him fully and she shouldn’t. He doesn’t trust her fully either. That’s why this week’s episode is so interesting, because she just carries on trying to put that out there. Like, “I don’t know [the vigilante],” and he’s like, “Stop it right now.” They released a clip of that moment, but they cut it right before we really get into it.

TVLINE | Is that when his eyes go yellow for her?
That’s the scene. And actually, though Jay Ryan and I wear the same color contact lenses, because of the natural color of my eyes, mine look green. But that’s the scene where I’m just like, “I know he’s your boyfriend…. All I want to do is meet him.”

TVLINE | But to what end? Now that we know that Gabe’s a beast, it raises a whole new layer to the question: Why is he hunting Vincent?
As it turns out, Gabe has a medication that Catherine’s mother was instrumental in developing that helps him stay normal, but he has to keep taking these pills that give him about four to six hours of “normalness.” And once Gabe tells Catherine that, it piques her interest immediately. Because even though she’s completely against bringing Vincent to Gabe, the fact that maybe he could be normal for a bit is an overriding thing. And that’s what allows Vincent and Gabe to finally meet.

TVLINE | Is it like a lion and a jackal circling each other in the jungle?
A little bit — but I’m fully beasted when I meet him. [After that confrontation] is when we actually establish something that’s really important for this character: the difference between Gabe Beast and Vincent Beast. I’m like “Beast 1.0,” so Vincent is a lot more advanced in the sense that he can remember everything when he’s a beast. But when I wake up, it’s like I totally blacked out. Yet I’m much, much stronger than Vincent, and in a totally animal, uncontrollable way — and that will come into play in the finale.

TVLINE | Is there a lot of action and stunt work in the finale?
There’s a lot. We shot for four days at the location that is Gabe’s mansion — Casa Loma in Toronto. After the public was done roaming around the house, we would take over and shoot all the way through the night. So, there are massive stunts going on, and the last 15 minutes are really intense. It’s “beast-on-beast,” a big, big fight…. I flip a car, and it goes over Vincent and Catherine’s head…. There are helicopters…. It should be fun. This next episode sets all that up, when in the very last scene a big piece of information is released. It’s been established that Gabe wants to meet Vincent because he thinks that he might be able to help him cure himself, but because it’s TV and we need to have some conflict, that isn’t quite how things work out! The way the finale ends certainly is torturous.

http://tvline.com/2013/05/09/beauty-and ... s-vincent/

- Sendhil Ramamurthy Adelanta una épica batalla bestia-contra-bestia en el Final (TVGuide.com):
Sendhil Ramamurthy Adelanta una épica batalla bestia-contra-bestia en el Final
Por Robyn Ross 9 de Mayo, 2013 10:24 AM ET

Beauty and the Beast is finally staging a beast-on-beast fight.

In the concluding moment of last week's episode, viewers learned that Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy), with his glowing yellow eyes, is in fact a beast. On Thursday's penultimate hour of the show's freshman season (9/8c, CW), Gabe and Vincent (Jay Ryan) will meet for the first time — leading to an epic beastly battle in the season finale.

"There's going to be a big beast-on-beast fight that we've been building up to, and the last 10 minutes are mind-blowing," Ramamurthy tells TVGuide.com.

Read on for more about the Gabe reveal, why it could actually be a good thing for Vincent's future and whether or not Gabe is really interested in Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) romantically.

So Gabe's a beast! Will we learn how he is similar to or different from Vincent?
Sendhil Ramamurthy: We'll find out he's an earlier version of the beast and he's less stable. Vincent remembers when he's a beast and everything he does, but it's not that way for Gabe. He wakes up and thinks, "What have I done? Am I OK? Did I hurt anybody?" He has no recollection. He is definitely scarier and stronger and quite a bit more animalistic ... and that scares Gabe the most. [We also learn] his DNA is corrupted and he's slowly dying, so he has to find a way to solve this or that's the end of him.

Tell me about Gabe and Vincent's first meeting.
Ramamurthy: They meet for the first time in [Thursday's] episode. Gabe confronts Catherine about it saying, "Please, I think your fella can help me out, and if I can help him, . I don't want to hurt him or expose him — I just want to talk to him." Catherine's instinct is to protect Vincent at all costs, but then it comes out that Gabe has pills that he takes to keep him "normal" and that interests Catherine very much. So, it opens up this door to Catherine and Vincent that I think, up until now, they didn't really consider.

With this common ground, is there a chance that Gabe and Vincent could be friends?
Ramamurthy: I think that's certainly Gabe's intention. I don't know if there's a bromance brewing. That might be pushing it, but I think Gabe's overriding interest is to meet with Vincent because he feels Vincent can help him.

Will we find out more of Gabe's backstory, specifically the time between being at Muirfield and now?
Ramamurthy: The next two episodes are filled with flashbacks, and you find out a lot more about what's been happening. He's been alone his whole life, fending for himself. His overriding instinct as a human being and later as a beast is to survive, and he'll do whatever it takes to do that. He's not out to hurt people and we touch upon that in the finale. The stuff that happens when he's a beast affects him tremendously, and you can see that it's heartbreaking. This guy has not had an easy life. Gabe needs a big old hug. He hasn't had a lot of caring and loving in his life, and it's affected him.

Should viewers still be worried that Gabe might come between Vincent and Catherine?
Ramamurthy: It's very much up in the air, and there's a lot more to be explored. As far as a romantic thing? I think that's really difficult on a series called Beauty and the Beast when you know that the beauty and the beast end up together. At that point, you know it would just be filler. So I don't think Gabe's overriding interest in Catherine is romantic, but they have a bond through her mother. I really like how the writers handle it over the next two episodes. Cat may not agree with what Gabe has done, but when she finds out about the circumstances of his childhood and what happened, I think there's an understanding and a sympathy there that she didn't have before.

Will others learn that Gabe is a beast?
Ramamurthy: Oh yeah, there are some pretty big revelations. The way it's done with J.T. (Austin Basis) in one scene captures scary, fun and completely messed up. That was a really fun scene to shoot.

What can you say about the finale?
Ramamurthy: It's a huge cliff-hanger for all of the characters, but big time for Gabe. There's going to be a big beast-on-beast fight that we've been building up to, and the last 10 minutes are mind-blowing. We shot for four nights with helicopters, cars flipping, people flying through the air. It's definitely a great way to end the season and nothing is tied up. I think it would've been a really difficult finale for fans to watch if they didn't know there was a Season 2.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Beauty-Beas ... 65206.aspx

- Beauty and the Beast Finale: Bestia vs. Pelea de Bestias, "Vivir en peligro" y más, dice Sendhil Ramamurthy (eonline.com):

Beauty and the Beast Finale: Bestia vs. Pelea de Bestias, "Vivir en peligro" y más, dice Sendhil Ramamurthy
por Tierney Bricker 09 de Mayo 12:01 PM PDT

There's a new beast in town!

Beauty and the Beast pulled its biggest twist yet when it revealed that Vincent (Jay Ryan) isn't the only Beast out there as assistant district attorney Gabe Lowen (Sendhil Ramamurthy) is also one! But let's just say he's a different kind of beast.

We chatted with Ramamurthy about what's next for Gabe, including his first interaction with Vincent, and how he found out he was a beast. Plus, he reveals the three things fans will need to get through next week's finale!

How did you find out that Gabe was a beast and what was your reaction?
It was a surprise! I found out I think on my second day on set. I was talking to Kristin, we were in between scenes, and she's like, "Yeah, so when does Gabe-Beast comes out." And I was like, "Sorry, what? What did you just say?" She's like, "Gabe-Beast." I'm like, "Who the hell is Gabe-Beast?" And that's when she was like, "Well Vincent-Beast and Gabe-Beast. You know you're a beast." And I was like, "I am?" And she's like, "Oh, I thought you knew!" And I'm like, "No, no, I really didn't know that. How interesting!" So that's how I found out, it was actually through Kristin!

So you didn't have any suspicions at all that Gabe might be a beast when you took on the role?
I had no suspicions, cause it was literally on the second day of shooting. It was on the day that I had actually just found out that I was being made a regular character, like an hour or two before. I showed up on set all wonderful, and then I found out I was going to be a beast. I had already seen Jay going through prosthetic makeup, and it's tough. I quite frankly had been kind of making fun of him a bit, and I should have known it was going to come back to bite me in the butt, because now it was me sitting next to him and being beasted up. But I have to say that, the prosthetic guys did such a great job, and my beast looks so cool and scary, and I'm really into it.

How does Gabe-Beast differ from Vincent-Beast?
Well, obviously Gabe is an earlier version of the beast, so this was when Muirfield really didn't know what they were doing. He's just very unstable and I think he's more animal than Vincent beast. Gabe-Beast doesn't remember anything when he's the beast. Like, he doesn't remember what he does, and we actually see that. We'll see how when he comes out of being the beast, he has no idea where he is, he has no idea what he's done—if he's done anything. And that's always his concern when he wakes up, It's like, "What did I do? Did I do something? Did I hurt somebody? Did I hurt myself? What's happened?"
Beauty and the Beast CW

But he has the pills that help him control it, but it seems like they might stop working.
We'll find out his DNA is so corrupted, and the pills that he's taking to keep him "normal," they're actually killing him as well. He's dying because of the medication he needs to take to stay normal, which is why he wants to meet Vincent. He wants to see if there's some way they can help each other, and this information comes out that he's got these pills that the takes that keep him normal. When Catherine and Gabe meet and she finds out that he's a beast, she's curious as to how he controls it, cause he's an ADA [assistant district attorney], he's in courts and high pressure situations. How does he not just beast out and start killing people? And he's like, 'I got medication.'

That obviously hooks Catherine and opens up the possibility that her and Vincent could have a normal life. That's something we explore in the next two episodes for Vincent and Catherine is what's the possibility of that? How great or not great would that be? Gabe being there and taking these pills opens up a lot of questions for them as a couple, which is really interesting to kind of watch. That's where we explore over the next two episodes, but we don't by any means answer it.

Fans are really excited for Vincent and Gabe, the two beasts to finally meet. Can you tease their first interaction?
When they meet it's pretty cool because Gabe is not feeling quite himself when Gabe and Vincent meet, and Vincent is feeling himself. So I think that when they meet, and it's Gabe beast meeting human Vincent, it really floors Vincent cause he's incredulous at this point. He doesn't know that there's any more beasts out there, and he doesn't believe that Gabe is really a beast, he thinks that there's some other motive there.

Can we expect a beast vs. beast face-off?
When they come face to face as Gabe as a beast and Vincent as a beast, that whole scene is really cool. The way it's done, I think the fans will really dig it; they'll really be into it.

After Evan's death, we learned that no one is really safe on the show. Can we expect to see another major death by finale's end?
There are reasons to be concerned for characters in the show between [tonight's episode] and the finale. I sent out a tweet that said, 'You'll need oxygen, and a blanky, and a hanky,' for the finale. There's a lot that goes on and people's lives are in danger, absolutely, and I'll leave it at that!

http://uk.eonline.com/news/416751/beaut ... ramamurthy?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 1.22 "Never Turn Back" Promo (Season Finale):

- Beauty and the Beast 1.22 "Never Turn Back" Extended Promo (Season Finale):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.21 "Date night". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 1.22 Sneak Peek #1 "Never Turn Back":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 1.22 Sneak Peek #2 "Never Turn Back":

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Beauty-Beas ... GvR2mFo9Le

- Sendhil Ramamurthy Talks 'Beastly' New Role:

- Imágenes BTS de Sendhil Ramamurthy caracterizado como la bestia para el episodio final:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 1x22 "Never Turn Back" Producers' Preview:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Beauty and the Beast" en la CW Upfronts 2013 en el London Hotel, N.Y. (15-16 Mayo 2013):
- Imágenes


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(@simakumar, @PAMgmt, @mandyanissa, @saveeachotherbatb)

- Kristin y Jay Ryan en la CW Upfronts party (15-05-13):

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(@cwnetwork, @dobrevlooch, @austinbasis, @cbstvstudios, @kimmisars, cjewel1974, @TVGuideMagazine, @saveeachotherbatb, @natz_in3, @iHeartDobsley, @simakumar, @KatherineDayne, @Fella_Bentuomi, @kwangfunnylady, batbfan, @TrajonTVD, @EmilySilver29, @VladaGelman, @poisonkeyblade, @GotNoPants, @_BeautyBeastBR, Fan-Girl.org, @Tomi1190, @shailav7, @alliheathe, @kalel919, @emilybett, @thequeenofpogo, @MCCsGirl, @neenzlooch, @ohsnapsit_evelyn, @Rudytudev3)

- Videos:


(Thanks to @simakumar)

CW - Fall 2013/14 Preview Sizzle

The CW Network Upfront 2013

Kristin Kreuk Talks "BATB" Game-Changers (E!Online)

Jay Ryan Wasn't Ready for "BATB" Fans (E!Online)

Jay Ryan Gives Us the Scoop on Vincent & Catherine's Future in Beauty and the Beast Season 2! (celebified)

Jay Ryan Greeting Fans & Signing Autographs (Getty Images)

Jay Ryan Greeting Fans & Signing Some More Autographs (Getty Images)

Kristin Kreuk Arrival with the fans

Kristin Kreuk and Jay Ryan with the fans at the 2013 CW Upfronts (MistayaTWU)

Jay Ryan Talks Beauty and the Beast Season 2 (TVFanatic)

Austin Basis and Nina Lisandrello - Beauty and the Beast - CW Upfronts (TVFanatic)

TV beauty Kristin Kreuk talks show season finale and why she roams the streets of the big apple (PIX11)

- Entrevistas (radio):

Kristin Kreuk radio-interview with "The Morning Buzz NH"

Kristen on Pittsburgh Y108

Kristin Kreuk on "Sports Town Chicago"

- Nuevo Horario para la S2 de"Beauty and the Beast"
Con ocasión de los CW Upfronts que se están ceñebrando esta semana en N.Y. se ha anunciado que habrá un cambio de día para lo que será la segunda temporada de "Beauty and the Beast", que ahora pasará a emitirse los lunes junto a la serie "Hart of Dixie" a las 9:00-10:00 p.m.

8:00-9:00 p.m. Hart of Dixie (New Night)
9:00-10:00 p.m. Beauty and the Beast (New Night)

http://www.tvovermind.com/thecw/the-cw- ... ule-214578

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Jay Ryan adelanta el 'desgarrado' final de Beauty and the Beast, y apunta a un 'Gran Momento OMG' (TVline):
Jay Ryan adelanta el 'desgarrado' final de Beauty and the Beast, y apunta a un 'Gran Momento OMG'
Por Matt Webb Mitovich 16 de Mayo, 2013 05:00 AM PDT

Among the many reasons Jay Ryan is thankful that The CW’s Beauty and the Beast earned a Season 2 pickup, a major one is that fans would be besides themselves come 9:55 pm Thursday — “hanged by the nails” is the way he puts it — given how the finale ends. Here, the actor reflects on the evolution of the Beast, talks us through the shooting of that scene, and teases the finale’s beast-on-beast action and “heartbreaking” aftermath.

TVLINE | Beauty and the Beast admittedly stumbled a bit in the beginning. But as it found its legs, the show developed a great social media presence, an incredibly passionate fan base and now you have a Season 2 order. What was it like for you and Kristin Kreuk, weathering that rough patch at the beginning?
It was really hard, because Kristin and I had a really strong vision of what we expected the show to be when we signed on, and maybe it wasn’t quite in line with what a lot of the other creatives on the show were thinking as well. It took some time for everyone’s vision to merge into making it the strongest it could be. There was a lot of to-ing and fro-ing at the start, to get everyone comfortable with what they were putting into the show in terms of character, story and everything else. But that was kind of an exciting time, because we did have the pressure of the feedback from audience and critics. With that, we sort of put our backpacks on and went to work.

TVLINE | One early fix was to dial down the procedural aspects and delve more into the overall mythology. But did they also fast-track the romance, to get the audience buzzing more?
Kristin and I always saw the procedural element as a “merge” that connected Vincent and Catherine by finding something that they’re good at, where they can solve problems together. But the problems or the crime always needed to be connected to them or someone in their relationships to make more weighted and raise the stakes. So it was good that that sort of ironed out. [As for the romance] we and our writers were in agreement that we didn’t want this “Are they/Aren’t they?” right through the first [season]. Everyone loves the heart of the story of Beauty and the Beast, no matter what setting or timeframe, and we always know those characters are going to be together. And because we did have such a huge social media voice out there from the fans and they were really egging for it, it was like, “Well, we want to give it to them in due time.” The characters are much stronger in a relationship together than tiptoeing around each other. As a team, it’s more dynamic. And we can make it more steamy on screen, too.

TVLINE | We had Connie Britton in our office a couple weeks ago, and she talked about how incredibly choreographed a recent and important Nashville love scene was, how several people had a say in it about what to do, “more of this,” “less of that”…. You and Kristin sold the hell out of Vincent and Catherine’s first “I love you” and what came after. Was that sequence similarly well-discussed?
First, thank you for saying that. Kristin and I seem to click really well in those emotional relationship scenes, and I guess our instincts are right in line with what the showrunners are after. But a lot of our stuff, because we’re on night shoots — that particular scene came at the end of a 16-hour day, at about 9 am — so we’ve got to shoot fast, and there’s not a lot of time for producers to come in and say, “Let’s go more with this.” They really rely on the director and us as the actors to get it right on the first go. We were given the range and the freedom to make those moments work, and the moments preceding it the producers loved, so they let us go for it.

TVLINE | Speaking of choreography, tell me about this monster fight coming up on the finale. Sendhil Ramamurthy said it’s off the charts.
It is. We really sort of threw the budget and everything at it. Rick Bota, who is our producer/director, did the finale and he’s really a “monster man,” so he’s been pushing to highlight the differences between these two beasts. So, there’s a 10-minute finale [sequence] that is huge. It’s sort of “beast on beast” and he reallyNever Turn Back highlights all those physical traits and the different strengths between Sendhil’s character and my character through this choreography of this fight.

TVLINE | Is it a case of Gabe getting the drop on you?
Vincent’s been taking Gabe’s medication, to subside this beast within him, so at the time that this fight starts, Vincent’s beast qualities are really, really mild.

TVLINE | Yikes. Bad timing, man.
Definitely. [Laughs] It’s really bad timing, and it really makes Vincent realize how much of this beast character is a part of him now and how much he needs it with the world that he lives in.

TVLINE | How would you describe the closing moments of the finale? What kind of emotions will people be going through?
It’s pretty heartbreaking, and I could see how if we didn’t get another season that the audience would be sort of hanged by the nails and with one or two tears dropping. It’s lucky that we got another season so we can carry on where we leave off, but it’s still pretty heartbreaking. Also, in the final 30 seconds, we discover a new character who is very close to one of our lead characters — and that is a big OMG moment as well.

http://tvline.com/2013/05/16/beauty-and ... tbreaking/

- Jay Ryan: Logramos algo ‘Especial’con la Season 1 de Beauty And The Beast (accesshollywood.com):
Jay Ryan: Logramos algo ‘Especial’con la Season 1 de Beauty And The Beast
Por Jolie Lash 16 de Mayo, 2013 11:36 AM EDT Credit: The CW

BURBANK, Calif. -- It’s the end of a long, tough and very physically demanding television season for “Beauty and The Beast” star Jay Ryan, and with the finale of the show rolling out tonight on The CW, the actor is in very good spirits.

“It feels great,” Jay, who plays Vincent Keller/The Beast in the show, told AccessHollywood.com of completing his first “BATB” season.

“I’m kind of enjoying doing nothing and sleeping in at the moment and just being an everyday slob, which suits me perfectly,” he continued, with a laugh. “But yeah, it feels great. It feels like we achieved something as a cast that feels kind of special. We kind of came through the troubled patches at the beginning of the series and ‘teething problems,’ so to speak, of the story and the tone of the show and [we’ve] come up with something really good and strong and especially in this finale, I think it’s all there and [we’re] ready to [go] headstrong into Season 2.”

Jay was (as he told Access at the end of last summer when we profiled him as one of our Fresh Faces of Fall TV) “living in a little beach shack on the coast of Auckland, [New Zealand], basically becoming a little reclusive,” when he got the call that they wanted to see him for the role of Vincent last year.

Although prepping for the Jane Campion miniseries “Top of The Lake” put him in a beastly head space (he was gearing up to play a drug addict and local thug in that project), he wasn’t in a supernatural beastly kind of place. But, because they wanted to see him, specifically, Jay took the chance, tackled a chemistry read with Kristin Kreuk, and after landing the role, spent the season as half of one of TV’s favorite new couples.

“It’s kind of humbling,” Jay said of the incredibly dedicated fan community (search #BATB on Twitter for proof) that sprung up around the show, rooting on the romance between Kristin’s Catherine and Jay’s Vincent. “It’s lovely to know that they are so emotionally attached to the show and that you have people rooting for you and giving you an opportunity to continue it and make the show that we really wanna make. That fan base is just unbelievable. … It’s such a surreal kind of phenomenon to have this massive group of people around the world to click into the show.”

And the “BATB” devotees also extend down into Jay’s native New Zealand. The original version of the show, with Ron Perlman and Linda Hamilton, was a hit with Jay and his friends growing up, and his version too has found an audience — including impressing his pals and the next generation.

“It’s been a really big hit in New Zealand, which has been great. There’s a strong fan base there and I did get one comment from one of my friend’s kids who watches it. He said, ‘Man, it’s like you’re a real American actor,’” Jay laughed. “I guess for him to know me as a kiwi guy and see me playing this very sort of supernatural American character in New York City was kind of a bit of a mind boggle for him.”

There will be plenty of the supernatural side of Jay’s American character of Vincent (the former soldier, who underwent military experiments and turns into a beast when triggered) in tonight’s Season 1 finale. With Sendhil Ramamurthy’s Gabe ready to let Jay’s Vincent die so that he can live, viewers can expect a showdown between the two characters that can Beast out.

“I think Gabe is a good guy at heart, but when Gabe realizes that he’s going to die and the only way that he can continue to live his life is to basically kill Vincent and take Vincent’s DNA and blood, Gabe becomes a very different person very quickly,” Jay explained.

But, with Vincent having recently taken Gabe’s beast-calming pills, and a fight on the way, he will face some serious obstacles.

“When Vincent enters into that [fight], he’s been taking Gabe’s medication so his beast qualities are sort of at level 1, so his strength and his aggressiveness [are] basically at the human level of what he is as Vincent,” the actor hinted.

“Beauty and The Beast” wraps up its first season tonight at 9/8c on The CW.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/jay-ryan ... icle_79551

- Kristin Kreuk y Jay Ryan Hablan sobre el cómo "serán separados" en la Season 2 (eonline.com):
Kristin Kreuk y Jay Ryan Hablan sobre el cómo "serán separados" en la Season 2
Por Tierney Bricker 16 de Mayo, 2013 7:00 PM PDT

Spoiler alert! Do not read the following article if you have yet to watch Beauty and the Beast's season finale! Seriously, no complaining about spoilers in the comments 'cause you've been warned!

Deep breaths, Beauty and the Beast fans: Your beloved Beast, Jay Ryan, is here for you after tonight's game changer of a finale.

"I'm going to change my Twitter account into a personal help line where people can get daily help and information from professionals," he tells us. "I think it might be needed." Ya think?! In the CW breakout hit's season one finale, Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) received one hell of a shocking revelation about her family (her dad isn't her real dad)!

We caught up with Ryan and Kreuk on the red carpet at the CW's upfront presentation in New York City, where they dished on Vincent and Catherine "being pulled apart" in season two!

"Our show is going to go through a lot of changes next year," Kreuk says of next season, which will premiere in October in a new timeslot, Mondays at 9 p.m. "There's so much that's been changed up, which I think is great. The show has so much potential and I hope we can tap into that more."

Of course, that potential also includes major shifts in Vincent and Catherine's relationship, which may experience some rough waters in season two. "It's still early obviously, but I think, I'm guessing, there's going to be a lot more pulling Vincent and Catherine apart," Kreuk reveals. "I don't know if it will be internal personal struggles, more external forces that are moving them apart.

And what did big boss Jennifer Levin tell us about "VinCat" in season two? "We spent this season really bonding Cat and Vincent, and they are so strong together," she previews. "I think next year we want to put some obstacles in their way and really challenge their relationship, so that's what we've been talking about, how to do that."

As for Ryan, he's hoping Vincent has time to take a trip down memory lane, telling us, "I want Vincent to delve into his past. I want to meet some people from his family, people that he didn't get to say goodbye to and really get to know that old Vincent and bring those people into his life and Catherine's."

http://uk.eonline.com/news/419893/beaut ... n-season-2

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.22 "Never Turn Back". Podéis encontrarlas AQUÍ

- 'Beauty and the Beast' Director Bradley Walsh PodCast Interview:

http://blip.tv/tvwriterpodcast/064-dire ... st-6422536

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS de la S1:

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Fecha y título de la premiere de la S2 de "Beauty and the Beast":
La premiere de la S2 de "Beauty and the Beast" se emitirá el LUNES, 7 DE OCTUBRE en la CW
9:00-10:00 PM BEAUTY AND THE BEAST (Season Premiere)

La premiere tendrá por título :"Who Am I?" (2x01)

http://www.spoilertv.com/2013/06/cw-pre ... unced.html
http://www.spoilertv.com/2013/07/beauty ... miere.html?

- Detalles del DVD de la S1 de "Beauty and the Beast" (tvshowsondvd.com):
La detective de homicidios Catherine "Cat" Chandler se une con el misterioso Dr. Vincent Keller, el hombre que salvó su vida años antes y quien tiene un terrible secreto - cuando se enfada, se transforma en una terrorífica bestia, incapaz de controlar su súper-fuerza y aumentados sentidos. Ellos desarrollan una compleja relación, entendiendo que su conexión es extremadamente peligrosa para ambos.


La nueva serie del 2013 protagonizada por Kristen Kreuk (Smallville) y Jay Ryan (Terra Nova) ha sido anunciada en DVD oara el 1 de Octubre. El precio es de $49.99 SRP, y el set incluye 3 Contenidos: "Vistiendo a la Bella," "Creaando a la Bestia," y "Tempoarad en Revisión." No se ha anunciado la version en Blu-ray.

Puede pre-ordenarse en Amazon:

http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DTRR43W?tag ... amp=211189

http://www.tvshowsondvd.com/news/Beauty ... on-1/18666

- Ted Whittall se une al elenco de la S2 de "Beauty and the Beast" (DigitalSpy):
El actor Ted Whittall que apareció en Smallville interpretando al Agente Especial del FBI Reynolds, apareció en dos episodios de la primera temporada de "Beauty and the Beast" interpretando al padre biológico de Cat (Kristen Kreuk).

El mismo Whittall ha confirmado en Twitter que se unirá al elenco de la serie a tiempo completo en la segunda temporada, que se estrena el 7 de Octubre en la CW.

http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/ustv/news/a ... n-two.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Beauty and the Beast" se estrena en España:
Los fans de la serie españoles están de enhorabuena. La serie "Beauty and the Beast" protagonizada por Kristin Kreuk y Jay Ryan se estrenó en nuestro país anoche en Cuatro.

La primera toma de contacto con el público español, consiguió sobrepasar los 1.600.000 espectadores.

Podéis ver el trailer promocional oficial AQUÍ

Añadidos los enlaces en español del 2x01, 2.02 y 2.03. Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »


Como todos los años, esta semana se celebra en San Diego el Comic-Con Internacional en el que se presenta un adelanto de las películas y series de la próxima temporada. Los actores y equipo de "Beauty and the Beast" estuvieron presentes en el evento y os dejo un resumen de lo que nos espera para la S2.

- Imágenes:

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- Videos del Panel:










- Entrevistas y videos del elenco:
http://www.thefutoncritic.com/video/201 ... 21_beauty2

http://blip.tv/tvafterdark/kristin-kreu ... rk-6619024

http://watch.accesshollywood.com/video/ ... share-link

http://watch.accesshollywood.com/video/ ... share-link

http://uk.eonline.com/news/442385/beaut ... c-season-2?

Entertaiment Weekly BTS vid

- Candid vids:









- Informaciones:
- El panel comienza con un video sizzle reel y un gag reel de la season 1.

- El DVD de la S1 se pondrá a la venta el 1 de Octubre. El set de 6 discos incluirá los 22 episodios, un audio comentario con las productoras ejecutivas Jennifer Levin y Sherri Cooper, escenas borradas, un gag reel, entrevistas con el elenco y el equipo, una mirada dentro del armario de Cat con la diseñadora de vestuario Catherine Ashton y un especial sobre cómo Vincent Keller es transformado en la bestia con el maquillaje y el vestuario.

- Asistieron al panel Kristin Kreuk (Beauty), Jay Ryan (Beast) y las productoras ejecutivas Jennifer Levin y Sherri Cooper.

- Sobre el por qué decidieron unir a los personajes tan pronto: "Hubo muchas discusiones sobre ello. Sentíamos como que no podíamos hacerlo. Realmente queríamos que la serie fuera sobre el amor y el cómo estos dos personajes eran atraídos el uno hacia el otro."

- Sobre los fans: "Ganamos muchos premios por los Beasties. Son muy apasionados. Ganamos un People's Choice award como mejor serie el año pasado y eso fue muy importante para que nos renovaran."

- Kreuk: "Me encanta trabajar con mujeres y es agradable el ver cómo eso se refleja en cámara. Hay dos mujeres muy fuertes y con defectos que trabajan juntas."

- Ryan sobre el trabajar con estas mujeres: "Estoy rodeado. Es genial. Aunque tenemos más hombres que se unirán al equipo en la season 2, lo que es agradable, el tener hombres escribiendo para la segunda temporada. Así es que llegan muchos retos, incluso un nuevo look para la Bestia."

- El showrunner de 'Charmed' Brad Kern será parte del equipo de la Season 2 como co-showrunner.

- Ryan: "Empezamos la season 2 tres meses después. Han cambiado muchas cosas." Cooper: "Vamos a ver a un Vincent más super". También será más "beastia."

- En el primer episodio de la Season 2, la persona (o personas) que están detrás de 'Muirfield' serán reveladas (¿Quiénes eran? ¿Cuál es su objetivo?) y se descubrirá a alguien incluso más oscuro y poderoso.

- ¿Cómo ha afectado a todos la marcha de Vincent?: "Estamos mirando esta temporada no cómo sólo una temporada, sino como varias temporadas, no vamos sólo arco por arco. Hay una mayor mitología esta temporada." Levin: "Esta temporada va sobre lo duro que es el estar enamorado y el trabajo que ello conlleva. Sentíamos que al final de la temporada, Vincent no era realmente una bestia, tan sólo un chico estupendo. Así es que el tema de la temporada es '¿quién soy?'" Veremos si Vincent es más el amigo o la bestia. "Vincent es el mesías", dice Jay Ryan sobre su personaje. Se van a poner a prueba las relaciones.

- Cooper: "Heather va a estar guardando el secreto sobre el padre de Catherine durante un poco más. Una vez que Catherine descubra el gran secreto, va a impactarle y va a querer saber más. No vamos a bromear con eso mucho tiempo."

- Sobre la muerte de Evan: Levin: "Se siente realmente importante. Por supuesto la Bella y la Bestia están seguros, pero el viviendo en este mundo hay siempre una amenazaI. Con Evan se sentía inevitable para él porque estaba demasiado cerca del secreto y porque era lo correcto."

- Cooper: "JT va a ser una parte integral esta temporada. La última vez no lo usamos lo suficiente. Vamos a explorar el por qué JT es el chico que siempre deja su vida por Vincent. ¿Hay un secreto mayor que no hermos revelado aún?" Levin: "Nos gusta la idea de que él empiece a linearse con Tess, el cómo es el ser el compañero." Cooper también aludió al hecho de que J.T. puede que tenga también un nuevo romance.

- Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy) sobrevive: “El regresa, y Brad Kern vino con esta increíble historia para él, sobre el cómo regresó, y el cómo sobrevivió al tiroteo, y lo que se le ha hecho a su personaje”, adelanta Levin teased. “Es un gran arco para él,” añade Cooper. “Es el tipo de cosas que cuando él lo comentó, fue como ‘¡Oh! ¡Of por supuesto!’”. “Hace a su personaje mucho más complicado,” dice Levin.

- ¿Cómo consigue Kreuk estar tan estupenda?: "Hay una asunción en esta pregunta de que soy estupenda. ¿Cómo puedo contestar a esta pregunta? Realmente no tengo una contestación divertida para eso. No puedo jugar al softball. No puedo jugar al hockey. No soy genial socialmente."

- ¿Alguna vez Ryan se relaciona con ser la Bestia de la versión del cuento? "Intento incorporar tanto como puedo de la vieja mitología en Io que estoy haciendo o intento relacionarlo con los guiones que tenemos delante. Eso lo mantiene emocionante para mí. Así es que la siguiente temporada habrán rosas rojas por todas partes o algo."

- ¿Algo sobre la familia de Vincent esta temporada? Levin: "Sí. Y pronto." "¿¿¿Quién es mi mamá???" dice Jay.

- ¿Alguna nueva habilidad para la Bestia?: Levin: "Sí, la bestia va a evolucionar seguro." Cooper: "Fue capturado por la organización. Ellos le hicieron cosas." Ryan: "Sus habilidades son más perfeccionadas."

- En cuanto a Tess: Levin: "Ella ya no sigue con Joe (el personaje no regresa), y vamos a explorar eso y darle sus nuevos caminos." "Como sabéis, nuestra serie se convirtió menos en una serie policíaca, y realmente queríamos explorar otros aspectos de Tess y sacarla de esa relación. Así es que ella no está saliendo con Joe”. Cooper: "Y eso llegará al ¿quién soy? ¿de quién estoy enamorado? Triángulos geniales. Vamos a meternos en ello porque es una mujer libre al principio de la season 2."

- Levin: "Cath está muy pillada por Vincent y es duro para Tess el ver esto. Hay esa tensión. Al final del día a ella no le preocupa Vincent, ella se preocupa por Cath, y vamos a lidiar con eso."

- ¿Cuánto hacen Kristin y Jay sobre sus escenas de acción?: Kristin dice que es divertido el ir a trabajar y aprender a luchar, que es diferente de un día normal de rodaje. Jay menciona el uso de cables y el cómo se siente como el unirse a un circo. Ambos tienen grandes dobles para las escenas de acción. Depende de lo que haya que hacer y cortar, pero generalmente suelen hacer un 50/50 de sus escenas.

- ¿Historias de ensueño para los personajes?: Kreuk: "Tan sólo me encanta el tema de toda esta temporada, cómo estamos explorando quién es Catherine." Ryan: "Estoy igual. Estamos realmente emocionados sobre el meternos en la season 2, y por el que Vincent tenga una comunidad afuera en lugar de estar tan sólo en el almacén. Se va a saber mucho de su historia pasada, y esa mitología profunda de quién es Vincent va a entretejerse en esta temporada. Hay mucho para mí en lo que morder".

- Cooper: "Habrán nuevos personajes. Sabemos lo que la serie es ahora, sólo que va a ser mejor. Es un 2.0." No comentan nada sobre si habrá más 'bestias' y tan sólo dicen que habrán un chico y una chica estupendos.

- No toman sugerencias de lo que los fans sugieren en internet, pero sí los comentarios sobre lo que no les gustó de la pasada temporada. Siempre es bueno escuhar lo que los fans tienen por decir.

- ¿Han leído algún fan fiction? Ryan: "Cada noche antes de irme a dormir. He leído algunos. Es atrevido. Buen material. Chicos, tenéis unas mentes locas ahí afuera" Cooper: "¿Es como 50 Shades of Grey entonces...?" Ryan: "Sí. Es como Beauty and the Beast pero en HBO."

http://www.sportsmole.co.uk/comic-con/c ... 92961.html
http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... panel.html
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ast-588517
http://www.spoilertv.com/2013/07/beauty ... c-con.html
http://www.screenfad.com/tv/beauty-and- ... -1759.html
http://www.buddytv.com/articles/beauty- ... 50647.aspx
http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... nner/23216
http://www.thelifestylereport.ca/2013/0 ... #more-6089
http://daytimeconfidential.zap2it.com/2 ... -and-jay-r

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