Foro dedicado a Kristin Kreuk que interpreta a lana Lang

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


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- Jay Ryan habla sobre el borrado de memoria de Vincent y lo que nos espera ahora para Vincent y Catherine (tvfanatic):
Jay Ryan habla sobre el borrado de memoria de Vincent y lo que nos espera ahora para Vincent y Catherine
Por Tiffany Vogt 1 de Octubre, 2013

The good news for fans is that Season 2 of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST comes back on a high-octane note. When last seen in the finale of last season, Vincent Keller (Jay Ryan) was being airlifted away in a net — so the search for Vincent is on. In the three months that have passed, Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) and J.T. (Austin Basis) have been searching non-stop as they are determined to rescue Vincent before Muirfield can turn him into the super-soldier they always wanted. In a recent press interview from the set, star Jay Ryan candidly shared what that three month time-gap means for Vincent and what challenges lie ahead for him once he is found.

We know that Vincent’s alive and out there somewhere, and presumably being held against his will. What’s next for him?
JAY: He is alive, but he’s not being held against his will. He’s an upgraded version of himself. He is what the people who created him always intended him to be in the first place, which is very much a super-soldier who is to serve, protect and eradicate anything in his way. So he’s very different when we open in Season 2 — physically as well, as the beast prosthetic has changed and the makeup is all changed. So I guess that’s to do with the backstory. This beast has been rewired, therefore everything changes: the way he fights, the way he thinks, and who his loyalties lie with. And he’s got a new haircut and jacket this year.

Since Vincent on a parallel journey in Season 2 and doesn’t connect with everybody right away, does Vincent have any awareness of them looking for him?
JAY: Vincent doesn’t have much awareness of the past right now due to his rewiring. He has lost a lot of himself, as we come to know. So he has a mission which has been supplied by a higher power, which is controlling Vincent and that mission has nothing to do with Catherine or J.T. at this point in time. So when he’s intercepted by these people who love him very much, he has a hard time trying to figure out who these people are.

What is it like to film scenes between Vincent and Catherine and J.T. now?
JAY: There’s a new dangerous element towards Catherine and J.T. in that Vincent can strike at any time, and if he feels like he is being threatened in any way or fooled in any way, then he’s probably going to get them out of the way.

Is Vincent out of control a little bit?
JAY: I think he’s very much in control, but just on a completely different path. I think as the season goes on that control will begin to unravel, and he is trying to figure out where his loyalty lies. Are J.T. and Catherine telling him the truth about his past, or are the people, who are basically running the show now, are they the ones that he should stick with?

We heard that one of Vincent’s old military buddies is joining the show. How is that going to come about?
JAY: There’s always the question of this platoon of soldiers that were turned into these creatures. They were all supposed to be eradicated, but we never really believed that for one second. There was always going to be someone who jumped ship like Vincent. So they show up. But it’s at a critical time for Vincent because he’s started reprocessing himself on who he really is and how Catherine and J.T. belong in that side of his life. So when he is intercepted by an old buddy, it shakes things up a little bit. Because all Vincent is right now is trying to gain memories and to cling on to this new person that he actually realizes he is. He’s a real human being with a life, not this robotic soldier. So it kind of dulls his senses a little bit and puts him in a vulnerable position. So J.T. and Catherine begin to protect Vincent again and Vincent sees that was the relationship that they used to have. That these people are very much about helping him.

What’s the interaction like between Vincent and Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy)? We understand he’s coming back a changed as well and with Vincent having no memory of Gabe, there’s a bit of a blank slate there.
JAY: He does have a blank slate. Gabe is just a little fly to swat away to Vincent right now. He really doesn’t know who this guy is, he just keeps getting in the way. Gabe does kind of come to Vincent with an ultimatum of, “I can help you,” and Vincent takes the bait ’cause it does in a way help him on this mission that he’s on. So Gabe can be an ally to Vincent, in this new sort of road we are taking with this season. But, obviously again, J.T. and Catherine are trying to protect Vincent from what Gabe has done to him before.

At its heart, BEAUTY AND THE BEAST is still a romance. What kind of romance elements are you able to incorporate of that when Vincent does not understand his former relationship with Cat?
JAY: It’s an opportunity for them to fall in love all over again, which is always a good thing ’cause the beginning of love is always the most exciting, probably — for television anyway. That romantic element is obviously the heart of our show. There’s a lot of new beats we can play with Catherine and Vincent’s relationship. They moved very fast in Season 1 and so we want to slow that back down so the romantic element can be there; instead of the more solid relationship where things become a bit more tricky. I think that the audience that we had in the first season will connect to it. Even though Vincent may seem very different in the beginning in that he doesn’t recognize who Catherine is or the love that they had, there is that little twinkle in the eye between them. Its the destiny of the two lovers. I think that’s what starts triggering Vincent to remember who he was and which will pull him back into his old self.

So there was some concern that J.T. may have had to relinquish the Gentlemen’s Club in Vincent’s absence this season.
JAY: Yeah, we upgraded to a new set in the final episodes last season, which was very lavish. But now it’s a gentlemen’s club with only one gentleman in it. (Laughs)

With J.T. is living all on his own in the Gentlemen’s Club, where is poor Vincent living these days?
JAY: Vincent has a new headquarters that is supplied by the people that are now controlling him. That’s about all I can say without giving more away.

http://www.thetvaddict.com/2013/10/01/b ... catherine/

- Austin Basis discusses J.T.'s unexpected bond with Cat and Gabe as they continue to search for Vincent:


- Kristin Kreuk previews a new season of ‘Beauty & the Beast’ (The Morning Show):

http://globalnews.ca/news/875242/watch- ... the-beast/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Kristin Kreuk Adelanta Los Retos a los que se tendrán que enfrentar VinCat en la Season 2 (thetvaddict):
Kristin Kreuk Adelanta Los Retos a los que se tendrán que enfrentar VinCat en la Season 2
Por Tiffany Vogt 2 de Octubre, 2013

Probably the most heartbreaking moment of the first season of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST was when Catherine Chandler (Kristin Kreuk) had to decide whether to inject the man she loved with the serum used to change him back into a beast. Then just minutes later he was ripped from her life as a helicopter airlifted him away in a net. Unable to live with herself for having to condemn Vincent (Jay Ryan) to a life as a beast and letting someone snatch him away from her, Cat is determined to get him back and to save him from a life as a Muirfield lab-rat and military experiment. So when Season 2 opens, Cat is singled-mindedly searching for Vincent. In a recent press interview from the set, star Kristin Kreuk dished on how fractured Cat is in her life now that she feels she cannot move forward without rescuing Vincent and what hope lies ahead for Cat and Vincent when she ultimately does find him.

We’ve heard there is a bit of time jump. How much of a time jump is there between Season 1 and Season 2?
KRISTIN: We’re three months ahead and we pick up and everything is kind of a mess in Catherine’s world. We don’t know where Vincent is. It’s crazy.

So for three months, she’s been going out of her mind wondering what happened to her boyfriend.
KRISTIN: Exactly. As you know from watching the first season, she’s very obsessed with him. She loves him deeply.

So the search is on, or is she moving on?
KRISTIN: She’s not moving on and that’s part of the problem. To the chagrin of her friends, well, she only has one friend. But there’s all this stuff happening in the meantime. Heather (Nicole Anderson) still hasn’t told her about her dad not being her dad.

That’s a bombshell waiting to go off!
KRISTIN: Oh yeah, that’s going to be huge.

Assuming Catherine finds that out pretty quickly in the next season, will that distract her from the search for Vincent?
KRISTIN: That’s going to be a big thing for her at a certain point and it will have effects. Catherine very much does have a full plate and it’s been at the expense of herself.

How’s her job? Is she able to focus on that or is she distracted?
KRISTIN: Tess (Nina Lisandrello) has really picked up the slack at the job, as you’ll see in the first episode. She hasn’t been as focused on cases, and as we’ll see as the season starts to unfold, she’s got her mind in other places. There’s all of these new problems to deal with.

Are we still seeing the counterbalance with the job and her personal life, or is one overtaking the other?
KRISTIN: It’s going to be very much this year about the mythology and, when Vincent is found, what surrounds him. So all of them are dealing with a very different beast, so to speak, than a case thing. It becomes very centered on the mythology.

When they do find Vincent, is there going to be repercussions for that shot Catherine gave him which may bring out more of his beast side?
KRISTIN: No, but there are other things that will be going on.

What about J.T. (Austin Basis)? Is he assisting in the search?
KRISTIN: Yeah, J.T. has obviously been searching too. He has been very focused on Vincent his whole life. I think we’ll find out more about as the season goes on, but he’s been helping Catherine and they’ve been a team. They’ve become actually a lot closer in the last three months. They are not as adversarial.

So Cat and J.T. are starting their own Dream Team to track down Vincent. You and Austin [Basis] must be having a blast doing that.
KRISTIN: Exactly! We didn’t have a whole heck of a lot of scenes together last scene, but when we did, we always bickered. Now it’s still bickering, but Catherine is on a mission and he’s like, “Okay, whatever. We’ll do what you say.”

One of the things we enjoyed is Tess brought in on the secret and she’s a part of everything. So is she part of the trio to track down Vincent?
KRISTIN: Tess is definitely the one for Catherine — who cares about Catherine more than she cares about Vincent. Catherine is her friend and she’s worried about Catherine’s health and her mental health. So while Tess is very supportive, she’s also the voice of reason — always going, “What are you doing? Pay attention to you and your life.”

So would you say that Cat and Tess’ relationship is in a good solid place? They had some rocky moments last season.
KRISTIN: Yeah, they are in a good place, but they are in a very different place — ’cause Tess has dealt with Joe and the relationship ending. So she’s almost further along than Catherine, in a sense, because she’s actually found a sense of herself apart from him, whereas Catherine is completely absorbed.

So the search for Vincent is consuming all their lives at this point.
KRISTIN: Very much so.

Are they worried that Vincent may be a different person than who they lost?
KRISTIN: I don’t think Catherine thinks about it at this point, because she can’t. I think that would be too much for her to consider. I think she really does believe that if she finds him, he will be as he was and they will be together and everything will be okay.

Going forward, where is Catherine at in her mindset?
KRISTIN: Catherine is in a dark, dark place. She’s kind of consumed with finding Vincent and it’s become her entire life. She hasn’t paid her bills. She hasn’t taken care of anything. Her sister hasn’t had the opportunity to tell her about her dad not being her dad. All of that stuff is up in the air. And everyone’s kind of in different places. Tess had her relationship with Joe end. She’s trying to get Catherine to move on with her life and everyone’s kind of in different spaces.

Will we be learning a little bit more about Cat’s lineage this season?
KRISTIN: Oh, yes. We will. That’s going to be a big part of it. When she finds out, when Heather finally gets around to telling her — and Catherine’s not really easy to talk to, especially at this point. She’s basically shut everyone out of her life. You’ll start to find out, well, the audience already knows — so there’s this fun thing this season where the audience knows who her dad is and the role he’s playing and everything, but Cat won’t know. So the audience will be able to go, “No, don’t do that!” They will see these moments coming.

With all the cliffhangers at the end of last season, how many will we see resolved in the first episode as the show comes back?
KRISTIN: Most of them. There’s going to be a couple of things that just hang out there. It’s all going to be resolved, if not in the immediate first episode, it will be resolved as we go on. I mean, we’ll deal with Muirfield and all that in the first episode.

Are there any new storylines in Season 2?
KRISTIN: There’s a lot in Season 2. The entire kind of spine of the show has shifted. Like we already phased out the crime and stuff, so that will continue this year, and based on what happened to Vincent, there’s a whole different world we enter into, which opens up the scope of the show. Every episode we’re dealing with something that has to do with the mythology of the series.

What can you share about one of Vincent’s old military buddies coming into the picture?
KRISTIN: That’s a couple episodes in and the whole thing is about people coming back from Catherine and Vincent’s pasts, and she’s at her high school reunion and his old buddy shows up and mayhem ensues.

It seems like there’s now the Dream Team comprised of Catherine, J.T., and Tess all working together in the search for Vincent.
KRISTIN: And Gabe too. Gabe’s involved in their lives, which is explained very quickly.

Is it safe to say that the show is going to be a lot more ensemble focused?
KRISTIN: Yes and no. I think those storylines are going to be fleshed out. The beginning, in my opinion, is really about building the new structure of the show. Vincent is the one who is going to change the most. So you’ll see what that world looks like. Then all of the other supporting characters, their storylines will grow. Like we normally do it, it will be person-by-person. So each character will get their time.

What about Heather? How does she become part of this dynamic? She doesn’t yet know what’s really going on, but she’s surely noticed that her sister is behaving in a very obsessive manner.
KRISTIN: Yeah, because Nicole has RAVENSWOOD and she’s off busy doing her thing, we don’t get to have her as much this year. Heather will play a lot into the beginning, just for her and Catherine and they’ll have an emotional thing and the Nicole will go and do RAVENSWOOD. The thing with Catherine, and she’s always been this way, is she’s focused. So it’s very easy to blame it on work. Heather also knows that Catherine’s patterns of taking an emotional experience and just squashing it. You’ll find out more. There’s more stuff that’s happened in the three months that Catherine hasn’t dealt with at all.

How quickly does Heather reveal to her sister that they have different fathers?
KRISTIN: It will be quick. She wants to in the first episode, but there’s literally no time ’cause it’s very action-packed. There’s a lot going on. So Heather will get her chance very early on.

So it doesn’t cause a rift between them?
KRISTIN: It may for a little bit, but not for long. For Catherine, family is so important.

How long before we see scenes with Catherine and Vincent?
KRISTIN: I think this season is really about them apart in some ways. In the first bit, they kind of fall in love again and you get to experience that. But as you’ll see, there’s so many obstacles and Catherine’s real father is very actively trying to keep the two of them apart. So they still love each other, even with all the obstacles that are in the way. But there’s going to be these struggles.

How does it feel to do scenes with Jay, who you’ve probably gotten pretty comfortable with as Cat and Vincent got close by the end of last season, and then now there’s this estrangement between the characters?
KRISTIN: It’s fine. There’s an estrangement, but there’s also a connection. Like they will always have that romantic pull towards one another no matter what’s going on. So that underlies every single interaction that they have. But, yeah, it’s fun. It gives us something to play.

Do you and Jay block out, like thinking, “maybe we shouldn’t be so close in this scene?”
KRISTIN: No, normally we feel it out and it depends on the scene and it depends on what we are playing because every episode they are in a different place. So there’s a lot of funny dynamics between them.

What’s the theme of this next season?
KRISTIN: The theme of the season is “Who Am I?” So it is unlikely for dramatic purposes for things to be oh so nice and their back together and everything’s good. It’s going to be difficult.

But there will be glimpses of bits of romance in there?
KRISTIN: Absolutely. The romance is there and in some ways it’s more romantic ’cause it’s more tragic.

http://www.thetvaddict.com/2013/10/02/b ... -season-2/

- Sendhil Ramamurthy está de vuelta y habla sobre la S2 (voice.fan.tv):
Sendhil Ramamurthy está de vuelta y habla sobre la S2
Por Jenna Busch | 2 de Oct, 2013 10:10 AM

Fan Voice: The easiest thing we have to ask you about is survival.

Sendhil Ramamurthy: I’m alive!

Fan Voice: Who saved you? What happened?

Sendhil Ramamurthy: You know, I can’t go into all those details of who saves me and how they saved me, but I can say it’s very dramatical, and you will find out how it’s all done. It’s pretty much the opening minute and a half of the premiere. It’s a really cool premiere. So those details will be revealed – it’s literally the first thing on the screen.

Fan Voice: And you being in these clothes… [he's wearing normal ones] Is it easily an indication that your beastliness has maybe subsided or something because you couldn’t fit into those if you were beasting out.

Sendhil Ramamurthy: Well, the scene I’m shooting right now, I am not a beast.

Fan Voice: Well what can you tease then, about how he gets this under control, because he was about to die at the end of last season.

Sendhil Ramamurthy: Yeah, well that’s something that also gets kind of answered in the first five minutes.

Fan Voice: So there’s kind of a patch then for the DNA problem? Like did he need Vincent’s DNA for it?

Sendhil Ramamurthy: It’s something that – no. What it is, is that his beastliness is kind of addressed. It’s an ongoing thing through these episodes, even up until what we’re shooting now as to what, um how his powers… Gabe’s beastliness will be addressed constantly throughout these opening episodes, and how we deal with the beasts because we find out right away that like Gabe and Vincent, there are a lot more beasts out there than just the two of us. We explore that, in depth, which is cool, just to see all the beasts.

Fan Voice: Are there girl beasts?

Sendhil Ramamurthy: Are there girl beasts? That would be really interesting. Uh, not so far, but I hope there are. I have to imagine that at some point there would be. But not yet.

Fan Voice: You’re sort of part of this Scooby gang now. So how are Gabe’s relationships with everyone?

Sendhil Ramamurthy: Gabe kind of takes on a new role, actually, at the opening of the season. He’s still the assistant district attorney, but he comes in and takes over Joe’s (Brian White) job in the interim at the police precinct. So that’s been exciting to play because you’re kind of involved in investigations whereas Gabe might come around and bark orders about what people should do and take off, but now he’s more involved in that, so that’s been really fun to play. But I think the relationship between the other characters is, basically Gabe has got a lot of making up to do. Like, his whole arc here is about redemption and trying to redeem himself in the eyes of the others and his own. The writers gave me this out last season where Gabe has no idea what he does when he’s a beast, so he doesn’t know he did all those horrible things, but when he wakes up, he finds out. And from what you’ll see in the premiere, he gets miraculously saved, and he kind of becomes born again, and he makes it his mission to really kind of redeem himself as best he can. How he does it is a tall order, considering what Gabe got up to last season. And I think it says a lot about him because he could just bolt at this point. He’s alive, he’s super loaded; he could just take off and live in a yacht and have hot chicks in bikinis serving him drinks the whole time. But he doesn’t. He stays and tries to redeem himself in the eyes of these people who clearly don’t want him there and don’t want to forgive him. So the question becomes what does he have to offer that can make them forgive him? And that’s kind of the fun stuff that I get to play with.

Fan Voice: I think it would be great if you could tease about how Vincent (Jay Ryan) gets mad at some point. Last time Vincent and Gabe saw each other, they didn’t really part on good terms. So when they do find Vincent and bring him back in, how do you guys get along?

Sendhil Ramamurthy: We get along famously because Vincent’s memory is completely gone. He has no idea – there’s actually a very funny story about a scene we shot a couple weeks ago where it was just me and him, and we confront each other and I’m like ‘Hey! Sorry I tried to kill you a few months ago,’ and he has no idea who Gabe is and what Gabe does and doesn’t know that Gabe is another beast. He doesn’t know any of that stuff. So I tell him, and that’s a pretty interesting scene.

Fan Voice: How does he react?

Sendhil Ramamurthy: Not great; it’s the beastly equivalent of ‘I slept with your girl,’ and so the reaction isn’t great and the way that Gabe kind of talks his way into or out of the situation is pretty cool. I really enjoyed doing that scene because I really didn’t get a chance to work with Jay that much in the last season. I was with Kristin (Kristin Kreuk) ninety-eight percent of the time.

Fan Voice: So are you in the dude lair with them, hanging out with them?

Sendhil Ramamurthy: I think ‘hanging out’ is a strong term. Um, I am in the dude lair. By hook or by crook, I’m in there quite a bit, and yeah, so the interactions have been fun, and slowly, because of what he has to offer. Basically, he’s here and he’s trying to help. He’s trying to help Catherine kind of find a cure for this beastliness that seems to be roaming around. He starts to work on them and slowly he ingratiates himself with Catherine, with Tess (Nina Lisandrello)… J.T. (Austin Basis) is still holding out; he doesn’t like him. I don’t know if that’s going to change but he’s not giving up. I mean, it’s made abundantly clear to him that nobody wants him there on many occasions. It’s ‘poor Gabe’ quite frankly, but in a way he knows he deserves it and that’s what I love about the character. It’s that he could totally leave now, and go and live his beastly life somewhere else and do his thing, and he doesn’t. He doesn’t do that. He sticks around and tries to make it work and tries to make amends and I love that.

Fan Voice: Remember your first scene last year, with Charlotte, in a towel? Will there be a repeat?

Sendhil Ramamurthy: Of me in a towel? No, not yet. So far, I can say that Gabe keeps all of his clothes on. I have no idea if that’s in the cards. I hope they give me a heads up so that I can maybe do a sit up or two.

Fan Voice: How far ahead do you actually get to see the scripts?

Sendhil Ramamurthy: Literally it’s been two or three days before we shoot. It’s tough. They write it, but then there’s so many people who have to give notes on it – the network, studio, these people have to give notes and by the time that it gets to us when it’s in shooting form where we’re going to get to go, and even then, we get green pages, blue pages, pink pages, gold pages throughout the whole thing. It’s tough. I can also say that Gabe and Catherine carry the bulk of letting the audience know what’s going on, like kind of setting up the scene at the beginning of the episodes, and it’s heavy dialogue days and Kristin and I are like ‘we’ve got to get through this;’ we shore each other up to get through it because it’s a lot of talking.

Fan Voice: So the Kristin giggle. How are you managed to get through scenes without cracking up?

Sendhil Ramamurthy: Well, unfortunately, I’m kind of just as bad as her, it turns out and I seem to be the impotence for a lot of that, so I’m trying to rein that in. But it’s hard for me just because it’s fun. The scenes are fun and actually, there’s a lot more humor in this season because it got really dark in the last season and there’s a lot more lightness going on, mainly with J.T. and Tess because they get all those great one-liners, but even for Gabe and Catherine, there’s some lighter moments, which have been a lot of fun to play and very different for this character certainly, and for the Catherine character.

Fan Voice: So you’re going to be in the blooper reel a lot. I usually moderate the panels for the show so I am really there with the blooper reel.

Sendhil Ramamurthy: Yes, the blooper reel. I saw the blooper reel from last season, which was a lot of fun. There’s certainly, even up until now, there’s probably enough material to make a seven minute blooper reel now, and we’re in episode five. So it’s been really fun to kind of do what we get to do and we’re enjoying it.

http://voice.fan.tv/2013/10/02/beauty-b ... -season-2/

- Nina Lisandrello Adelanta la S2 y un romance inesperado para Tess (thetvaddict):
Nina Lisandrello Adelanta la S2 y un romance inesperado para Tess
Por Tiffany Vogt 3 de Octubre, 2013

Last season on BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, Tess Vargas (Nina Lisandrello) had the biggest shock of her life. She found out that her partner’s boyfriend was a beast — literally. In Tess’ world, that should just not be possible. Humans are not beasts. Yet what her brain were telling her and what her eyes told her were distinctly at war. Still trying to assimilate to this new reality where human-beasts are actually possible, Tess returns in Season 2 determined to do two things: (1) help her friend Cat (Kristin Kreuk) any way she can and (2) get their professional careers back on track. This all sounds easier than it is to achieve. Fortunately, Tess is a resourceful woman. In a recent press interview from the set, Nina Lisandrello candidly talked about the hurdles ahead for Tess and whether or not there may be love blossoming in the air for the heart-broken detective.

With Tess now part of the Dream Team in search of Vincent (Jay Ryan), is she trying to rein Cat in or is Tess prodding her on to keep up the search?
NINA: Tess is having a hard time at the beginning of Season 2 because she really does want to help Cat find Vincent. But Tess is also been inundated with all the cases that the D.A. has overturned because they were tampered with. So Joe is gone and now Tess is responsible for fixing all these cases and she’s a little bit buried. She’s like, “Come back and help me solve all these cases because I need some help!” (Laughs) “You’re boyfriend’s cute, but I really need to keep my job!” It’s awkward. Tess has to balance being a really good friend and understanding what Cat has gone through: she’s lost her mother, she’s lost her father, and looking for Vincent. She’s lost everybody and Tess is trying to straddle the fence of being a really good friend and being sensitive, and also trying to help Cat move on with her life.

We also discovered the fun dynamic of Tess and J.T. (Austin Basis) last season. It was unexpected. Are we going to be seeing more of them working together a little bit?
NINA: You will definitely see more of J.T. and Tess working together. It is a very rocky relationship, but they end up discovering that they have more in common than not. They have a lovely, lovely chemistry. It’s just battle of the snark. That’s what it is.

It seems like they bring the layers of comedy to the show.
NINA: Austin and I are from New York, so we just have a way of talking to each other and then when we are in character, it’s like that times ten. It’s fun because we also just chip away at the walls that J.T. and Tess have. He’s very disarming and Tess sees right through him, so I really look forward to the blossoming of this relationship.

J.T. and Tess didn’t interact a lot in the first half of last season, but as soon as they started interacting, it was like, “Wow, those are fun scenes!”
NINA: (Laughs) Like, “Those two got something going on!” Yeah, the chemistry is great. One of the things I loved about this season is comedy is what Austin and I do, and in our roles this season have only been about making the scenes funnier and lighter and trying to just inject energy because the stakes can’t always be so high — so life and death. That’s why we watch. It’s so epic. Then everybody need a break now and then. That’s just also life. You go through really hard times, but then there’s humor in everything. And that’s what Tess and J.T. bring to the show.

Will Tess push Catherine to let loose at all, like have a girl’s outing?
NINA: That is an amazing question. Tess will definitely push Cat to let loose, and Cat lets loose a little too much. So when Cat is letting loose more than Tess, and Tess has to rein Cat in, we’ve got a serious problem. So that’s a really funny episode. That is Episode 204. Good girl’s night.

Where is Tess’ heart at? Is she completely heart-broken or is she protective of her heart right now because Joe is gone?
NINA: Tess is definitely not the most communicative person. She doesn’t like to talk about her feelings, but she will end up yelling at you or having attitude or just hiding behind snarkiness. But deep down she’s completely heart-broken that she’s lost her boyfriend. And she is a woman that leads such a difficult lifestyle that she kind of thinks now that Joe’s gone that she’ll never find someone again. She’s lonely and Cat has this journey, but at the end of the day, Cat is all that Tess has. So Tess is feeling very lonely, very vulnerable, and just desperate to connect with someone who understands her.

Who is Tess turning to with Cat so distracted and in her own world?
NINA: (Laughs) She’s trying to turn to Cat and Cat is not available, and it’s really awful. Like Tess is such a needy girlfriend this season. I feel for her. She needs a big hug and she really needs to connect with somebody because I think in a lot of ways Joe wasn’t what Tess thought he was. So she’s going to have a lot of issues trusting.

Do you find yourself tapping on the writers’ shoulders saying, “I can think of a few things for a man for Tess”?
NINA: The writers usually have much better ideas than I do, but I definitely have helped guide in a way the more vulnerable side of Tess. It’s just really easy to come into scenes and be bitchy and snarky, but why is she like that? At the end of the day, it’s much more interesting to watch someone’s sensitive side and vulnerable side. The writers and all just decided that we’re really going to get to know these characters inside and out. So it’s going to be really exciting.

Are there any plans to bring a new man into Tess’ life?
NINA: There definitely are some prospects on Tess’ radar. Tess doesn’t necessarily know that the person that is meant for her is right in front of her face. (Laughs) I’ll just put it that way. It’s cool. She has no idea.

As an actor, since you may have an awareness of who a potential love interest is, how do you play that on screen?
NINA: It’s one of those things where you kind of don’t want to know. But because I know I just play the scenes from where that character is and whatever stuff you know about the future, it just doesn’t matter. You’re in the moment. That’s my job. It’s to not know all this information. It’s kind of like I’m a lawyer who doesn’t want to know whether or not you committed a crime. Like I can justify why Tess is in this psychological headspace in this scene. You can’t play what’s happening in the future. It doesn’t work.

It feels like the show became a much more ensemble oriented show towards the end of last season. How much did you enjoy getting to interact in that way, rather than just one-on-one type scenes?
NINA: I enjoyed it so much because in watching this show its just this epic, epic love story and it’s amazing. But it was at the point where I would see my scenes and I would be like, “Can you just shut up? Like there’s a lot of stuff going on with Cat and Vincent, okay?” You want as the character to be in on the importance of why the audience is watching this story, and you want to help or in someway involved. And I noticed that for a very long time on the show that Tess was completely unaware, didn’t know, didn’t understand just the vast complexities of what Catherine was going through. Now that she does know and she was allowed in, it was really exciting. That episode where Vincent saves Tess was so exciting ’cause now we can kind of drop the bullshit and now we can really start to have honest conversations. To have a character who is so New York and simple to be let in on the most bizarre, supernatural situation, it was fun to play that. Like, “Huh? Nah? That doesn’t happen.”

That was actually a fantastic episode ’cause she reacted with such disbelief, like “that’s not possible.”
NINA: Yeah, and that follows still into Season 2. I always like to give Tess the viewpoint of “this is not normal, this is not normal behavior for people to turn into beasts.” Cat is so in that world that it’s just not really that odd. But Tess is always going to come from the place of shock and discomfort.

Assuming they are able to locate and reunite with Vincent, will Tess now be Team Vincent or going to say, “The man’s a beast, what are you thinking?!”
NINA: I think that Tess — because Vincent gets taken off with Muirfield and at this point — Tess goes to the negative over anything else. So since he’s been with Muirfield, Tess doesn’t know what the hell Muirfield did to him and at the end of the day she is there to protect Cat. Whether that means saying something that Cat’s not going to like or coming from a viewpoint that Cat is not going to agree with. At the end of the day, she always wants to protect Cat. She comes from a good place. But her loyalty is with Catherine, not with Vincent; and at this point, anything could happen with the storyline and with Vincent she comes from a very cautious place.

Would you say that Tess is like an anchor in reality and very kind of practical?
NINA: I think Tess is very anchored in reality and at the beginning of this season Tess is coming from a place where lying and deceit ended up losing her relationship with Joe and it’s kind of a cautionary tale for Cat. It’s “just be careful because when you don’t have all the information ’cause you don’t know who to trust.” She just wants Catherine to be careful.

With the heightened danger now that Tess is aware of Muirfield and their world, how much physical training do you have to do to keep up with all that as far as how they write the show?
NINA: The funny thing is: I was just saying that Tess is brute in the relationship. Like Tess is Indiana Jones in a sword fight. She just shoots her gun and says, “I really don’t have time for all this.” Cat is a ninja — trained in martial arts. Tess is a New York cop. She’ll punch you in the face and maybe kick you in the groin. It ain’t going to get that sexy with Tess. She’ll break a chair over your head. But the really amazing fight sequences are with Catherine ’cause that is just what Kristin excels at. It’s beautiful and it’s amazing to watch. And Tess will just be there watching, sipping a beer, and just watching the show. There is a scene coming up where Cat has a very intense sequence while Tess is drinking a beer. (Laughs) So there is a lot of fun stuff coming up.

http://www.thetvaddict.com/2013/10/03/b ... -for-tess/

- Beauty and the Beast - Sendhil Ramamurthy Interview (CW):

- Beauty & the Beast is Coming to New York Comic-Con!:

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- Beauty and the Beast Full Gag Reel DVD S1:

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- Interview: Kristin Kreuk chats about 'Beauty and the Beast' Season 2 (TheArtsScene):

- Beauty and the Beast - Kristin Kreuk Interview (CW):

- "Watch Beauty and the Beast" with Kristin Kreuk & Sendhil Ramamurthy:


- Kristin Kreuk & Sendhil Ramamurthy promote the S2 premiere:


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- Stills 2.03 "Liars, Liars":

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- Descripción oficial del 2.03 "Liars, Liars":
2.03 "Liars, Liars": CAT Y VINCENT LUCHAN POR CONFIAR EL UNO EN EL OTRO --- Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) y Vincent (Jay Ryan) siguen a una misteriosa bestia mientras que siguen escondiendo sus agendas individuales el uno del otro en un inteligente juego del gato-y-el-ratón. Mientras tanto, Heather (Nicole Gale Anderson) tiene una revelación bomba para Cat, y Tess (Nina Lisandrello) se enfrenta a Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy) sobre sus motivos reales por ayudar a Cat. Austin Basis también aparece. Bradley Walsh dirige el episodio escrito por John A. Norris (#203).

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... ?pid=19706

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- Beauty and the Beast - Jay Ryan Interview (CW):

- Beauty and the Beast 2.01 "Who Am I Clip?":

- 'Beauty and the Beauty' - Kristin Kreuk Interview (Showcase):

- Real Style Interviewed Beauty and the Beast Star Kristin Kreuk:

- Premiere Promo e-card:


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- Beauty & the Beast ET Canada Season 2 Preview:
http://ca.omg.yahoo.com/video/jay-ryans ... 45873.html

- Exclusive Austin Basis has a message for you! (CWbatb):


- Exclusive Jay Ryan describes Cat and Vincent's relationship in 15sec! (CWbatb):


- Exclusive Kristin Kreuk has a message for you! (CWbatb):


- Kristin Kreuk sobre Catherine Perdiendo el Control sobre el que Vincent esté Perdido (accesshollywood):
Kristin Kreuk sobre Catherine Perdiendo el Control sobre el que Vincent esté Perdido
Por Jolie Lash 6 de Octubre, 2013 7:35 PM EDT

TORONTO, ONT -- When “Beauty and The Beast” returns on Monday night, Kristin Kreuk’s Catherine Chandler will face a series of obstacles involving her romance with Jay Ryan’s Vincent Keller.

When the season starts, Vincent is missing and the normally put together Catherine, a woman who helped raise her sister after their mother’s death, someone who takes care of everyone in her life, is unhinged.

“Tess and JT are both, at the top of the season, very much going, ‘You need to focus on your life. This man is gone. You need to focus on you ‘cause you’re falling apart,’” Kristin explained during an on set chat, after The CW flew us up to the Toronto set, where they made us their guest. “Catherine hasn’t paid her bills; she’s got her bills stacked up; she doesn’t sleep; she drinks coffee; she’s on her computer; she’s constantly trying to find this guy. … She’s not even doing work anymore. She’s got Tess taking care of all the work. She’s so focused on it. She has nothing else.”

Eventually, they will find Vincent, but when he returns, he’s less dysfunctional bad boy, and more “reprogrammed” (a word Jay used) super soldier on a new mission. So how will that affect Catherine and will the bad boy lover still find someone who is less moody attractive?

“That’s an interesting question,” Kristin said when Access asked it during a chat with reporters. “I think that, in some ways, he’s more of a challenge now that he’s back and I think for Catherine, I think she’s maybe a little over her weird things with bad boys.

“I think that it’s kind of like a thing that she’s moving through, although she does love like a crazy person, but I think that for her, it’s more about — there’s this man, who’s the person that she put everything into and she held all of her crap together to try and just find him and when he looks like the person that she knew, he feels like the person that she knew, but he’s not, and she has this moment of being able to emotionally like let go and release all this stuff, but it’s with a man who is so different,” Kristin added.

Beyond her struggles with love, there’s a new group in the picture — the FBI, although Kristin was wary of saying too much.

“That’ll be revealed really quickly too in the first episode, who’s involved with the FBI, what does the FBI know, if they know anything,” she said.

“It’s complicated,” she added, of how the FBI fits in. “It could be that there’s [an] organization at the FBI, it could be that there’s a person that actually happens just to be an FBI agent. It could be a variety of different things.”

One of the trailers for Season 2 seems to suggest that Catherine is going to go after those who took Vincent, not for “revenge,” but for “justice” and Kristin explained the reasoning behind the line.

“Vincent does certain things that are revenged focused,” Kristin said when Access asked about the trailer line during the on set group interview. “He’s a little more like that than she is, but Catherine’s very justice focused and she believes that there’s been a wrong done and it needs to be fixed and it isn’t about getting rid of some icky feeling for her, it’s more about the scales need to be balanced, whether that’s a flawed belief or not, is not necessarily for me to judge.”

http://www.accesshollywood.com/beauty-a ... icle_85120

- Jay Ryan Sobre el ‘Reprogramado’ Vincent Keller (accesshollywood):
Jay Ryan Sobre el ‘Reprogramado’ Vincent Keller
Por Jolie Lash 4 de Octubre, 2013 7:35 PM EDT

TORONTO, ONT -- Jay Ryan in a new promo shot for The CW’s Season 2 of ‘Beauty and The Beast’Caption He exited the first season of “Beauty and The Beast” in netting, captured and whisked away by a helicopter, but in Season 2, while Jay Ryan’s Vincent Keller will return to those who love him, he’s a different man.

The best friend of JT Forbes (Austin Basis) and the love of Catherine Chandler’s (Kristin Kreuk) life isn’t just missing his Season 1 scar when the show returns on Monday, October 7 at 9/8c on The CW, he’s missing his memory. And, as Jay told Access Hollywood when The CW flew us up to the show’s Toronto set and made us their guests recently, his new beast abilities have been supercharged.

“It’s interesting for me because I feel like the reprogramed Vincent is what Muirfield always intended this beast to be,” Jay said of what the secret agency did to his character in the months since JT and Catherine last saw him at the end of Season 1. “This beast is very sharp. He is basically there to serve, protect and ultimately eliminate whatever is on his mission.”

But Vincent isn’t alone. “BATB” will reveal the man behind the curtain, and audiences will come to find out there are a number of beasts roaring around.

“In the first episode, we actually meet the mastermind behind these beasts, the actual guy that created them and we reveal sort of other creations that he’s made as well,” Jay explained.

Among the changes to Vincent’s own programming include the ability to see things in a new way.

“What can I say, you know, the new superpower that is really the big one of this season is… a cinematic storytelling sort of method that we’ve got, which is really cool,” he told reporters on set. “I guess it’s a vision/mental thing that Vincent can do. And it’s almost like a tracking device.

“It’s more based in say like how a tiger would hunt its prey and they could almost foresee, predict patterns,” Jay continued. “Visually, it works really well for television ‘cause we can recap what’s been going on through Vincent’s new power.”

Fans who saw one of the new trailers for Season 2 may have noticed that there appears to be a new group in the picture beyond Muirfield, as a brief snippet showed a man in a room with “FBI” behind him on a wall.

“They need to sweep up Murifield’s mess immediately because it’s starting to leak to the public and it’s starting to get out there a little bit more,” Jay hinted about what’s ahead with the new agency in the game. “Brad Kern, the new showrunner, he wanted to make it very New York, very present, and the threat of media, Twitter, you know, it’s out there so these things will start to be released, so they have to cover it up very quickly otherwise it’s the next hell that’s gonna be on the front cover of the New York Times.”

Another new threat on the show is in the romance department this season. With Vincent’s reprogramming came the loss of all of his memories — including those related to his girlfriend Catherine.

“In a way, Vincent and Catherine have the opportunity to fall in love all over again and there is always that pull between the two characters,” Jay told another reporter. “And, I think for Vincent, that’s what starts to unravel the new him, and [helps him to] realize that before what he is now, he [was] actually a man with a purpose and a love. So that’s what starts to bring him back to the old Vincent that we know and love.”

http://www.accesshollywood.com/beauty-a ... icle_85094

- Cat and Vincent Tienen que Enamorarse de Nuevo (TVGuide):
Cat and Vincent Tienen que Enamorarse de Nuevo
Por Robyn Ross 6 de Octubre, 2013 08:41 AM ET

Beauty and the Beast is hitting the reset button with a revamped beast, a new mythology and a brand new love story.

At the end of the CW series' first season, the future for Vincent (Jay Ryan) and Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) looked bleak, as Vincent was captured by a man the audience soon learned was Cat's biological father (played by Ted Whittall). When Season 2 premieres, there will be more noticeable changes than just the three-month time-jump that begins with Cat still frantically searching for her love. Gone is the procedural "case of the week" aspect of the show, gone is the signature scar on Vincent's face and — most drastically — gone is Vincent's memory of his recent life.

"We made the conscious choice collectively to say to the audience right off the bat [that] this is Beauty and the Beast 2.0," new showrunner Brad Kern tells TVGuide.com.

Keep reading to learn more about Cat and Vincent's new love story, how they've changed during the time jump and how long Cat's biological father will be sticking around. Plus: Where did Vincent's signature scar go?

When the season begins, how has Cat dealt with Vincent's capture?
Brad Kern: She's myopic; she's obsessed. The reason we wanted to start the show three months later was because we felt like there was an energy there and a drive for Cat to focus on it and she's not letting it go. We also wanted to kick start the season arc for her which is, "Who am I?" She's sacrificed pretty much everything — her relationship with her sister, her friends, cleaning her own house — to save the love of her life. That's noble and that's wonderful, but it also comes with a cost and that cost we will explore over the course of the season.

Cat often keeps her emotions bottled up. Will she finally just lose it?
Kern: Yes. It's always darkest before the dawn and if we're truly going to explore who she is separate from Vincent then we have to have the wave crash on the shore. But that doesn't come quickly or easily and we'll explore all that in the first eight episodes.

How much of what happened to Vincent in these three months has forever changed him?
Kern: He's forever changed in that what happened to him can never be erased. But forget what happened to him as a beast or what Reynolds wants to use him for — the real point was to try to have him changed so radically that he doesn't even recognize himself anymore. Cat may not even recognize him. There's this line in the first episode where she says, "We get to fall in love with each other all over again." It's going to be fun to watch them fall in love with each other all over again, but in so doing that Cat is going to discover new things and the audience will discover new things about Vincent the man and Vincent the beast.

How will watching them get together again be fresh or new this time around?
Kern: We all collectively got together and said how do we build the show for the long haul? Not just for the next half of the year. The first year is trying to figure out what the show is and keep it on the air. Once you get picked up for a second season you have to figure out new ways of telling the series story not just the season story. You make choices that are both hopefully entertaining for the short run, but also compelling for the long run, and we're looking to build this for the long run. We're banking on success. So can Vincent and Cat be together kissing and hugging and sleeping together every episode for the next five years? No. We want them to earn their relationship. We felt like they came together so fast last year for all the right reasons, but that's not how relationships stand the test of time. They come from such radically different backgrounds yet are joined by a common mythology we'll discover and certainly a common history. Our mantra is that they need to explore who they are separately if they're truly going to get together and stay together.

What changes have you made to Vincent's powers?
Kern: We're trying to be more consistent with what he can and can't do. It felt like last year it was a little inconsistent at times. If you want to take a step away and look at it practically, if you have a beast that has these powers, who is he up against every week that doesn't make it look like an unfair fight? The negative for him is that in order for him to take advantage of his honed skills, he has to give up on some level his human abilities and humanity. His story this year will be, "Am I man or am I beast?" He is both, so he has to find a way to become both, but I think he has to discover each side of his own personality separately to know how best to be who he is.

Why remove his signature scar?
Kern: First and foremost is the creative reason, which is to say that we want Cat, when she finally finds Vincent, to see right off the bat that something is different, something has changed, and that mystery hopefully compels the audience to want to follow and uncover the reasons behind that. There is also a practical reason, which is simply the time it takes for the makeup. Poor Jay. Every day, he's either in beast makeup, which last year took three hours to do, or he's got a scar on his face, which is an appliance. That's a lot to put somebody through who then has action and hot lights on him, and it takes away from our ability to focus our precious resources, which is usually time, on other aspects of the show. So we had a lot of conversations about it, but we made the conscious choice collectively to say to the audience right off the bat this is Beauty and the Beast 2.0.

What can you say about Cat's biological father?
Kern: The Reynolds character is richly complex. He believes he's doing the greater good and he'd love to get to know his biological daughter, but he's also involved with Vincent secretly. It's fun for the audience to watch Reynolds play both sides without Cat or Vincent knowing which will play out over the first eight episodes.

Will he stick around the entire season?
Kern: Our current plan is that he will be there once in a while. Our overarching plan for the mythology of the series is to move past the Muirfield of it all, which is really just a conspiracy, and begin the process of exploring the mythology behind the conspiracy of which Cat's biological father may or may not be privy to.

And now that Sendhil Ramamurthy is a series regular, what's his involvement this season?
Kern: He brings a fun arc and direction. He's had a second chance and he's going to take advantage of that second chance to be devoted to making amends for all the horror he rained down on Cat and Vincent. There's a spiritual quality to his rebirth and he'll want to help Cat save Vincent, and his relationship with Cat, Vincent and Tess will develop exponentially over the course of the series.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Beauty-Beas ... 71589.aspx

- 'Beauty And The Beast' Season 2: La serie Toma un nuevo Camino (huffingtonpost.ca):
'Beauty And The Beast' Season 2: La serie Toma un nuevo Camino
Por Denette Wilford Posted: 10/06/2013 10:02 am EDT

Season 2 of the CW/Showcase series works. Gone is the “procedural and crime stuff,” says series star Kristin Kreuk, while on a break on the Toronto set, and in its place is a “mythology-based show, very much steeped in the beast world.”

The show’s main beast, Jay Ryan, agrees that the break from the random crimes of the week and the transition to what the tale is really about were absolutely necessary.

“The procedural element was really good in the beginning to set up what Catherine did and who she was and lead into Vincent’s life,” says Ryan. “But this year, there's an element of procedural, but it’s really connected to the main characters. It’s part of their lives, they’re working out who their enemies are and trying to overcome what their enemies are doing to them. So it’s more of a whodunit within the present terms of who they are and what’s going on in their lives.”

When we last saw Catherine (Kreuk), she watched Vincent (Ryan) get taken away from her, and Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy) getting shot and presumably killed. We also learned that the only reason Cat was saved from getting killed herself was because the dude who took her beast up into that helicopter was her real father (Ted Whittall).

“For Vincent, he’s in a place in the beginning of this season where he believes he’s a soldier with a purpose,” explains Ryan. “When Catherine and JT (Austin Basis) intercept him, he has an idea that he was someone before he was created into this weapon. And for him, it comes at the perfect time because he just feels like this executioner. So she taps into the true soul of Vincent and she knocks down a lot of his bricks to bring back the Vincent fans know and love.”

So that’s the direction new showrunner and executive producer Brad Kern ("Charmed," "The Adventures of Lois & Clark") is taking the series. EPs Sherri Cooper-Landsman and Jennifer Levin are still there, just in a different capacity. It sounds like a lot of upheaval but as far as Nina Lisandrello (Tess), is concerned, “it was a smooth transition.” She adds that the stories are more complex. “To come off Season 1 where the stakes are so high, and then make the stakes even higher and have it be plausible was not easy and I think Brad is doing a beautiful, beautiful job. And Jen and Sherri, that whole team, their vision for Season 2 is crystal clear.”

Ramamurthy, who's sitting in with Lisandrello, chimes in, “When we had our read-through of the first episode, Brad was like, ‘I have the whole thing plotted out. And part of the first few episodes of Season 3, should there be one.’

“Our hours are definitely easier but we’ve seen a couple of episodes and they look bigger,” adds Lisandrello. “So you would think we were working harder, but everything’s just tighter.”

Aside from the story centring on Vincent and Catherine finding their way back to one another (“His memory’s gone, his scar’s gone, everything’s gone. He’s had a reboot,” says Kreuk), it isn’t all about them. It’s clear that Tess and Gabe mix it up quite a bit this season because during the interview, their portrayers were finishing off one another’s sentences.

“I didn’t have a ton to do with Tess last season, [but] Gabe and Tess’ relationship has changed since Episode 1 of this season,” says Ramamurthy. Chimes in Lisandrello, “So when we start to work with each other, it’s like, ‘What do we mean to each other and in Season 2?’ He replaces Joe, so he means something very specific to Tess. The whole season, for me, is just about the evolution, of course primarily of Vincent and Catherine’s relationship, but you’re going to see every relationship evolve.

“The actors knowing their characters way more and being more solid and us as a group, we’re just more connected,” concludes Lisandrello.

“Brad came in and said this whole season, the mantra is, ‘Who am I?’ (which is perfect, as that’s the title of the season premiere) and that’s for every character,” gushes Ryan. “So it’s about finding themselves within the show’s context. Season 1 was very much about bringing Catherine and Vincent together very quickly. And now they have to go on their own journeys — separately, in a way — and find out who they are before they can come back together.”

So when will the romance be back? Inquiring superfans want to know. Not too soon; they have to work on getting Vincent’s memory back first. It will colour the first part of the season, at least, but all it does is give Vincent and Cat a chance to fall in love all over again. Because, let’s be serious. It’s "Beauty And The Beast" — we all know they're destined to be together. We just have to be patient.

http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2013/10/06 ... _hp_ref=tw

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Kristin Kreuk on Catherine's Obsession and New Direction for Season 2 (buddytv.com):

- ¿Qué es lo próximo para Gabe, JT & Tess? (accesshollywood):
¿Qué es lo próximo para Gabe, JT & Tess?
Por Jolie Lash 7 de Octubre, 2013 11:24 AM EDT

TORONTO, ONT -- “Beauty And The Beast” returns for its second season tonight on The CW.

The Beast – Jay Ryan – previously hinted (here) that his character returns “reprogrammed,” while Kristin Kreuk said Catherine, without Vincent, is unhinged (here).

The star-crossed characters aren’t the only ones neck deep in drama. Sendhil Ramamurthy teased what’s next for Gabe — who, surprise, made it out of the Season 1 finale. Austin Basis revealed that JT Forbes is dealing with feelings of failure in the quest to find Vincent. And, Nina Lisandrello explained just how Tess feels about the influx in Season 2 of more beasts.

Gabe Is Back: Sendhil Ramamurthy’s Gabe character may have ended Season 1 looking as if he was close to expiring, but he’s still breathing in Season 2.

“I’m alive,” the actor told Access Hollywood when The CW flew us up to the show’s Toronto set, and made us their guest. “I can’t go into all those details of who saves me and how , but I can say it’s very ‘dramatical’ and… you’ll find out how it’s all done.”

During the chat with reporters, Access asked Sendhil if, within the show, they’ve found some sort of patch for Gabe’s beast DNA problems (fans will recall part of the Season 1 finale involved Gabe trying to get Vincent’s DNA in order to survive).

“Gabe’s beastliness is addressed,” Sendhil replied. “It’s an ongoing thing through these episodes, certainly even up until what we’re shooting now. … Gabe beast-ness will be addressed constantly throughout these opening episodes and how we deal with the beasts ‘cause we find out right away… there are a lot more beasts out there than just the two of us and we explore that like in depth, which is cool.”

JT & Catherine Are Working Together: They didn’t always get along in Season 1, but Vincent’s kidnap (beast-nap?) in the show’s May finale, has caused Austin Basis’ JT and Kristin Kreuk’s Catherine to work together.

“It’s been three months since the kidnapping and they’ve been searching for Vincent,” Austin said, when Access asked during a chat with reporters, about their relationship.

“I think the quick summary is that they worked together and when we find them in Episode 201, they still are coming up against dead ends,” he continued. “JT has been doing this for 10 years and 3 months. Cat’s been doing this for less than a year and she has that energy, she still has more of that hope, whereas JT is like, he’s a realist and a pessimist. … and so he always thinks the worst is happening and so every time he tries a new way to kind of get to Vincent or find out anything about Vincent it’s like a dead end, it’s a failure, and every time Cat kind of keeps on him and encourages him, it’s shoving that in his face that he failed.”

Tess Is Suspicious About The Expanding Beast Universe: As Sendhil said, there are more beasts than just Vincent and Gabe in Season 2, and it’s about to rock Tess’ world, Nina Lisandrello said.

“Tess always comes from the world of, ‘This is not OK.’ Like, ‘I will allow maybe one beast, but what are you talking about?’” Nina explained of her character’s Season 2 perspective. “She always comes from that pretty grounded in reality place of, ‘What the hell is going on?’ so she is very overwhelmed and very upset by all these beasts and it gets to the point where you can’t trust anyone and what world now is Tess living in where there could be beasts in it. So, whatever she accepted in [the] first season, she has to accept a lot more in second.”

And fans can expect her to have issues with the returned, “reprogrammed” Vincent too.

“I think Tess always has a lot of walls up, she has a really hard time trusting people and I think in this season, you kind of understand even more so why,” Nina said. “It’s just like, ‘Who the hell is this guy?’ He kind of seems to bring more anguish and hurt to Cat than positive things and… Tess is an outsider watching this relationship. Just kind of like how Cat was telling Tess to get out of this relationship with Joe [during Season 1], I think Tess is kind of like, ‘Just please make sure this is worth it, make sure this is all to your benefit instead of your detriment.’”

http://www.accesshollywood.com/beauty-a ... icle_85194

- Beauty and the Beast Regresa con un romance reseteado, problemas parentales y una salida emocional (TVLine):

Beauty and the Beast Regresa con un romance reseteado, problemas parentales y una salida emocional
Por Matt Mitovich 7 de Octubre, 2013 07:42 AM PDT

When Beasties last tuned in, Vincent had been captured are airlifted away from the site of his near-fatal scuffle with Gabe, while all Catherine could do was watch, helplessly. The action picks up several months later, with Cat and JT unable to turn up any leads on Vincent’s whereabouts. But soon enough, a reunion takes place — though Vince is far from the man he once was.

TVLine visited the series’ set in Toronto, where cast members Kristin Kreuk, Jay Ryan, Austin Basis, Sendhil Ramamurthy and Nina Lisandrello shared a taste for the new drama ahead.

TO HAVE LOVED… AND LOST | When Cat next lays eyes on Vincent, his identity is at least figuratively “wiped away,” says Jay Ryan. “But when Catherine throws him a lifeline and lets him in again, he realizes that he has a purpose, other than to follow orders (more on that below). It’s interesting to allow them to fall in love all over again.” As Kristin Kreuk puts it, finding Vincent at first “is a relief – it’s like her own life has been saved, in a way — but then it very quickly becomes challenging.”

HONEST GABE | ADA Gabe survived his shooting by Vincent’s captors — though his “dark” side died in the process. “He feels like this is a new beginning for him as a person. He becomes ‘born again,’” says Ramamurthy. And as such, with Cat anxiously seeking Vincent, “His whole mission” — for the first eight to 10 episodes, at least — “is to make amends. It’s really important for him to make it up mainly to Catherine, but also to Vincent, to try to help her with him.” Provided, of course, that Cat can ever trust the ex-beast. “It’s not an easy road,” Ramamurthy says. Saturn Return“He gets put in his place a lot, and takes it on the chin because he knows he deserves it!”

‘SWEET’ SEND-OFF | With Nicole Gale Anderson now a part of ABC Family’s Ravenswood – and with the Chandler sisters’ bond a bit fractured — “There will be a clear exit for Heather,” says Kreuk. “I’m happy for [Nicole], but selfishly I wish she was around. We have a good episode together that I think the fans will like. It’s emotional and sweet.”

CAT’S ‘EPIC’ WINGMAN |“Thank God!” was Nina Lisandrello’s reaction to Tess finally getting let in on Cat’s wild love life. Alas, it came with a price. “[It] has cost her relationship with Joe, so Tess has been a bit burned.” Even so, the actress says, “She still loves Cat so much and wants the best for her,” and as such will hold things down at the cop shop whenever her partner needs to peel away on beastly business. “Tess knows that their love is so epic,” says Lisandrello. “She just wants Cat to be happy.”

AN ‘AWKWARD’ BROMANCE | Cat is not the only one thrown by Vincent’s return as a changed man. There’s also “an awkward catch-up period” for JT and his best bud, says Austin Basis, though parts of it get played for laughs. Still, “The fact that they’re together does not mean it’s easy peasy. Who Am I?Reestablishing our dynamic becomes part of the struggle, because Vincent’s involved in something else.” Speaking of which….

WHAT IS VINCE INVOLVED IN? | Emerging from his months spent in captivity, Vincent “has been completely rewired to be the super-soldier he was always meant to be,” says Ryan. And as a result, “He’s a lot sharper, physically and mentally, and more in control of this beast.” However, Vincent 2.0 is “now controlled by a new power who’s bigger than Muirfield and is trying to sweep up their mess — and they’re using Vincent to help that along.”

DADDY ISSUES | And that’s where Cat’s biological father, Agent Reynolds, comes in. “”He’s the one running the show,” Ryan reveals. “That may ultimately be because he wants to have his daughter back in his life, and if he can control the guy she’s in love with, he holds the power.” Still, wouldnt a Hallmark card have been simpler?

http://tvline.com/2013/10/07/beauty-and ... e-reunite/

- Sendhil Ramamurthy sobre la resurrección de Gabe y la Season 2 ():

Sendhil Ramamurthy sobre la resurrección de Gabe y la Season 2
por Philiana Ng 7 de Octubre, 2013 8:00 AM PDT

Beauty and the Beast enters season two with several key changes.

After Vincent (Jay Ryan) was captured by Muirfield in the season finale, things didn't look promising for Vincent and Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) and the fate of Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy), presumably dead, was left unclear. The CW drama returns with a three-month time jump, Vincent suffering a (hopefully temporary) bout of amnesia and new villains cropping up. But how does Gabe return to the fray?

Ramamurthy previews the new season with The Hollywood Reporter, touching on Gabe's resurrection and the physical changes it created, his mission to redeem himself and whether his intentions are really true.

Last we saw, Gabe wasn't in a very good place. How does he come back into the fold?

Well, he was kind of dead. (Laughs.) He is brought back to life by one of the least likely people you would think. (Gabe's physical state also changes dramatically.) That’s something that we explore more of as the season goes on as Gabe is trying to figure out exactly how that happened.

Is that his season two mission, to figure out the "hows" and the "whys" of his physical change?

Yeah, that’s basically what he’s up to in this first portion of the season. It’s really about him trying to [redeem himself] in the eyes of the other characters and he feels the best way he can do that is to at least make an effort to make things right to help them find Vincent and try to cure him. And that’s what he does. He doesn’t know if it is going to work or if any of these guys are going to end up being able to forgive him. It’s one of the things I like about Gabe. This season, he doesn’t have to be there. He is a wealthy guy. He could just take off and go live a great life somewhere but he stays when nobody wants him and they aren't particularly fond of him. The writers don’t make it easy. They don’t say "OK, everybody is going to love Gabe now." There are definitely situations where he is there and the [other characters] make it very clear they don’t want him there. He has to take it on the chin because he knows what it is, he knows what he did. I like that about him. I find that endearing.

How drastically different is this version of Gabe versus the one we knew of in season one?

There are drastic changes and differences for all the characters. Look at Vincent. He remembers nothing. It’s kind of like a slight reboot of the characters in a way, but it’s not total amnesia for all the characters. Obviously, they have [memories, otherwise] it will just be a new show. That will really become a question for Gabe -- at least, I hope it is. Is he going to be a saint now? I doubt it. I don’t know the answer to that. So far [this season], he is a pretty good guy. I am waiting for the penny to drop. We’ll see if it does. Right now, his main mission is to save Vincent and to help Catherine in any way that he can.

How far does Gabe go in his attempts to win everyone over?

He goes the distance. There are times when he is in jeopardy, physically. Nobody is safe this season because we have more beasts being introduced. We have a new Big Bad out there and we are all trying to find out who it is or who they are. Gabe is in emotional jeopardy too, which we are getting into right now shooting episode seven. There are things emotionally for Gabe that are making his journey very difficult.

There are some notable scenes between Gabe and Tess (Nina Lisandrello) in the premiere. Do we see them working together a lot more this year?

Gabe and Tess have a lot of fun stuff to do this season. We work together a lot on a lot of these cases and Tess doesn’t let Gabe off the hook. They get all the fun, cutting one-liners. Tess and Gabe actually spend quite a bit of time together this season and so that dynamic has been really fun to play. It’s been cool for all of the core characters, Catherine, Vincent, Tess, JT (Austin Basis), Gabe all in a team together united against something. That’s what looks like right now anyway.

Is he confronted about his motives? Should we be questioning his true intentions about why he's helping Cat?

This is something we start to explore in further episodes: "OK, you want to make amends, you want to be a great guy, but what are the real motives?" You’ll see -- through the situations Gabe is put in -- it’s got to be something else. There has got to be more to it. We will find out as the episodes go on what his true motivation is. Brad Kern, our new showrunner, broke the season into arcs. The first arc is the first eight episodes, where Gabe is trying to make amends and as we get to the last couple of episodes in this first arc, other reasons start to come out. The question will be: Are they good reasons or are they bad reasons? You’ll just have to wait and see.

Is there a scene you’ve shot that we should look out for?

We did one yesterday (Oct. 3), which was a big family dinner-type of situation that Gabe finds himself thrust into the middle of; unknowingly he kind of ends up there. The whole thing goes [haywire] very very, very quickly and it ends up being one of the messiest dinners in the history of dinner. It was a lot of fun to film and a nightmare for the props guys.

Having multiple people together around a dinner table often isn't a good thing ...

Yeah, exactly.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... son-643978?

- Kristin Kreuk Sobre los cambios de la Season 2 (IGN.com):

Kristin Kreuk Sobre los cambios de la Season 2
Por Eric Goldman 7 de Octubre, 2013

Beauty and the Beast returns on Monday, following a busy season finale. The producers keeping it a secret that Vincent (Jay Ryan) will return, after his abduction last season (he is half the title, after all!) – but there’s plenty to learn about the how and why of it.

On a recent visit to the Toronto set of Beauty and the Beast, I was among a group of journalists who spoke to star Kristin Kreuk about what’s to come in Season 2, including an increased sense of humor, a bigger role for Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy), a farewell for Cat's sister, Heather, and more.

Question: What’s the initial interaction like between Cat and Vincent?
Kristin Kreuk: For her, it’s something she’s been wanting desperately. She spent three months of her life sacrificing everything to find him. It’s a relief; it’s like her life has been saved in a way. And then very quickly it becomes challenging. For him… [Laughs] For him it’s shocking. It’s going to be a shocking experience for him.

Q: So is the storyline with Cat’s father on the backburner at first?
Kreuk: She still doesn’t know about her father, so we’ll see Heather struggling with it. Cat will be oblivious for a while, but not too long. Then once she finds out the man she thought was her dad isn’t, that’s going to really throw her for a loop. Because she’s a detective, she’ll start to find out who her dad is fairly quickly… It’s tough for her. She believes that everyone from her past has lied to her… and this man -- who we haven’t discovered yet in our world -- is going to be the only thing that ties her to anything that she was, any of her history.

Q: Nicole Anderson will now be a series regular on Ravenswood. Will we see a goodbye for Cat’s sister?
Kreuk: There will be a clear exit for her. I love her so much. I’m happy for her, but selfishly I wish she was around. But it’ll be clear within the first three episodes. We have a good episode together that I think the fans will like. It’s emotional and sweet. Nicole just brings that light, warmth to the show that none of us have! [Laughs] So, it’s really nice.
Jay Ryan as Vincent and Kristin Kreuk as Catherine in Beauty and the Beast.

Q: We’ve heard there’s more humor this season.
Kreuk: That’s what we’re trying to do. The stakes are higher this season and everything’s really intense. Along with that, we’re trying to make sure that there’s lightness. Everyone’s so funny [in real life].

Q: There are now more beasts on the show. How will that affect things?
Kreuk: It’s going to be a huge issue in everyone’s lives. They’re all different, from different generations with different skill sets… This is hard to talk about because [a lot of this] is revealed in the first episode. But we’ll be dealing with them all the time.

Q: Gabe is attempting to find redemption, but after what he did to her, how is Cat feeling about that?
Kreuk: He has to earn it. In the beginning, she’s pissed that he’s around at all it… This guy is useless and tried to kill us all, and she can’t find the man she loves! Pretty much every scene, from a humor perspective, seems like I’m saying, ‘Idiot. Stupid Gabe!’

http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/10/07/ ... 2s-changes

- Kristin Kreuk sobre lo que se puede esperar esta temporada (insideew.com):

Kristin Kreuk sobre lo que se puede esperar esta temporada
Por Erin Strecker 7 de Oct, 2013 at 1:00PM

Everyone on Beauty and the Beast better watch their backs — because on this show, no one is safe. Last year ended with the scary Muirfield initiative capturing Vincent (Jay Ryan) while Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) watched helplessly. And this season, the show’s heroine has more than (supercharged) boyfriend troubles to deal with: She’ll also learn more about her real father, discover about her mom’s death, and gain new allies — and enemies — in the process.

“Brad Kern [Charmed] has come in as the new showrunner, and he’s working with Sherri [Cooper] and Jenn [Levin]. And he’s got a great vision,” Kreuk told EW this summer. “A lot of the procedural [stuff] that we did at the beginning of season 1 is all gone, and it’s just going to be a really rich, mythology-based show this season. Which I’m really looking forward to.”

This gear shift means big change across the board. “We’re going to delve into the big reveal that Catherine’s father wasn’t actually her father,” Cooper explained to EW. “We’re also going to be quickly answering, when we come back, ‘What happened to Gabe [Sendhil Ramamurthy]?’ Gabe has an incredible arc and direction, not just for the season but for the show. And it’s awesome how he returns.” (It better be — he seemed pretty dead in the finale!)

Fans can also expect more backstory on characters like JT (Austin Basis) and Tess (Nina Lisandrello). And of course, the show wouldn’t be Beast if there weren’t also plenty of romantic drama. “We are interested in exploring some triangles, so we will have another character coming in who will challenge VinCat,” Cooper said. “Just when it seems like things are going well, someone will come in and challenge [that]…and lead them to wonder, ‘Should I be with this person instead?’”

“They will be tested in many ways, the two of them,” Kreuk added. “They’re going to get pulled apart pretty intensely in a variety of ways. And the first episode will reveal one of the biggest [ways].”

But even as Vincent and Catherine are being torn apart, the rest of Beast‘s cast will be more in sync. ”The group of characters we all love will be working together,” Cooper said. “It feels much more like a family this year.”

http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/10/07/beaut ... ri-cooper/

- Jay Ryan sobre la 'nueva' bestia en 'Who Am I?' (zap2it):

Jay Ryan sobre la 'nueva' bestia en 'Who Am I?'
Por Laurel Brown 7 de Octubre, 2013 2:48 PM ET

With the "Beauty and the Beast" Season 2 premiere, "Who Am I?," the CW show gets a whole new direction and a whole new beast. Who better to preview this newness than the man behind Vincent and the Beast himself?

Jay Ryan talked about all of this recently on the Toronto set of "Beauty and the Beast."

When asked exactly how Vincent had changed in the three months since he was kidnapped and disappeared, Ryan had a few specifics to offer. "He's very different this year -- both physically and mentally," the actor explained. "I feel like Vincent is more in control of this beast, but it's for different purposes. It's to protect this beast and it's also to eradicate. And his target is revealed in this episode and following episodes."

It's not just control that defines the "new" Vincent. He will reveal some new, beastly powers before the premiere episode ends. Ryan wouldn't share all of the details, but he did tease "a really great, new trait of this beast -- this new, rewired beast." As the actor put it, "It's very cool what he can do with his mind, this beast. He almost foresees stuff."

Finally, Ryan couldn't help but praise the "Beauty and the Beast" fans for their support in getting to Season 2. He even had a story to show exactly how supportive the "Beasties" are:

"The fans are so dedicated, and I've never really seen anything like it. It's amazing. I just had my birthday recently, and it was really humbling and amazing -- they created this 20-minute video from all over the world. It was like a short film that they all banded together for online and pulled together. And each one made their own -- there's some animation in there and people shouting out and drawing pictures and stop-motion and stuff. And then from each, they would say where they're from and their Twitter handle. There were people from Peru, Israel -- all these countries I never knew I would have some sort of presence in! So that was really amazing to see just how wide the net has thrown, and the show is just sort of reaching out there to all these people in different languages."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... -am-i.html

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 2.02 Promo "Kidnapped" (HD):

- Beauty and the Beast on The CW - 2.02 Kidnapped Preview:

- Beauty and the Beast on the CW: Kidnapped Actor's Preview:

- Beauty and the Beast on The CW - Stone Blind Love Preview:

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.04 "Hothead":

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- Descripción oficial del 2.04 "Hothead":
2.04 "Hothead": VINCENT SE ENFRENTA CARA A CARA CON ALGUIEN DE SU PASADO --- Tras haber sido obstruído por Cat (Kristin Kreuk) en su búsqueda por localizar a una bestia sospechosa, Gabe (Sendhil Ramamurthy) recaba la ayuda de Vincent (Jay Ryan), pero Vincent rápidamente toma las cosas por sus propias manos. Desafortunadamente, la bestia es una ventaja sobre Vincent que requiere la ayuda de Cat, además de la ayuda de alguien más que abre viejas heridas del pasado de Vincent. Nina Lisandrello también aparece. Michael Robison dirige el episodio escrito por Roger Grant (#204).

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... tion/25233

Añadidos los links y rátings del 2.01 "Who I am?". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- BatB 2.02 "Kidnapped" Clip:

- Beauty & the Beast 2x02 Sneak Peek 2:

- BatB 2.02 "Kidnapped" Cat tries to help Vincent regain his memory -- EXCLUSIVE VIDEO:

http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/10/09/beaut ... ive-video/

- BatB Video BTS del rodaje (08-10-13):


- Monday on the PIX11 Morning News... (14-10-13):

- Nuevas imágenes BTS (09-13-13):

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(Thanks to @AustinBasis & @NinaLisandrello)

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- New York Comic Con [Pics & Vids] (12-10-13):

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(Thanks to @BreanneNYC, @CBSTVStudios, @DCDsnapshot, @kwangfunnylady, @MikkiC1115 2, @TheRonDizon, @icewitch05, @MCMBuzz, @merjjacobs, @misstejota, @patricialongo, @spasian117, @brianwong, @lu_pattzstew, @eclatlantly, @fvbreath, @realhiphopuncut, @BuddyTV, @LMM1230, @televixen, @thedailyquirk, GeeksofDoom, herdaily)


- Las estrellas de ‘Beauty and the Beast’ sobre un nuevo Vincent y Cat en el NYCC (herdaily.com):
Las estrellas de ‘Beauty and the Beast’ sobre un nuevo Vincent y Cat en el NYCC
Por Allison Nichols on October 20th, 2013 at 5:14 pm

I had the privilege of speaking with two of the stars of Beauty and the Beast, Kristin Kreuk and Jay Ryan, at a press roundtable during New York Comic Con. Beauty and the Beast airs Monday nights at 9/8 central on the CW. Be sure to check back in because I’ve still got an interview with show runners Jennifer Levin and Sherri Cooper to come!

So in the premiere, you two start in completely different places. In the season finale you are both in love. Now Vincent is a totally different person, and Cat is still at that point. Are we going to see a place in the series where it is just going to go negative or turn in a completely different way?

Kristin Kreuk: Very possible that that will occur at some point. If Vincent keeps on the trajectory he is going on, there will be a point where Catherine has to…there are lines that he could cross that would make her stop believing in him.

Jay Ryan: And he does cross a few lines, for sure.

KK: He’s very questionable this season.

He intentionally kills someone, where it was accidental before.

KK: Now it is murder.

JR: Absolutely. I guess for Vincent, he makes it be okay for him because he is on his mission, and he is cleaning up the mess of his makers, so, in reality, he is killing other beasts, not humans.

KK: And those beasts too, if we took Vincent’s view, they are destructive. They are enacting violence towards others.

JR: Innocent people.

KK: So some people may believe that that is justice…he has a mission that is just in his mind.

JR: Yeah. It brings up a great debate between Catherine and Vincent. They challenge each other on what is right, and what is wrong.

KK: That is what starts to get pretty interesting about this season, though. Catherine comes from a more traditional, I guess, moral, justice, law viewpoint, and Vincent comes more from–

JR: An eye for an eye.

KK: And if the law is not succeeding, then somebody must. It’s not okay that these people are allowed to do these things. I have the power to take care of it.

Kristin, you spent many years on Smallville, and a lot of the times you were the damsel in distress. This show, you kick ass. Even though you have someone who could protect you, you kick a lot of ass. Was that part of the attraction to the show?

KK: Yes, very much so. I’m kind of…Catherine obviously can’t do what Vincent can do, so obviously sometimes he has to save her, but I love that she is capable, and that she doesn’t expect that someone will be there, and that she can go into a situation and really handle herself. I love that. It was very important to me.

And Jay, are you happy that you don’t have to dress up like a cat every day?

JR: Yeah, and we’ve even reformed the makeup from what it was last season because last season it was eight prosthetic pieces, and it went right over the body. It took hours, and they never even liked to shoot it. And I was always like, “Look it takes four hours to put on, and you don’t even like to shoot it. Let’s redesign this beast and write it into the season,” so [they] really took the bull by the horns, and rewired Vincent as such. So, now we have a beast that’s very more streamlined. In the series, you can’t even tell if it’s Vincent or the beast sometimes, so it’s a little more dangerous. You’re not sure where he lies.

You are coming together with your antagonist from last season. Can a leopard really change his spots?

KK: That is the question. The answer is we don’t know, fully. He is trying to show that he is different.

JR: And he definitely tries to change his spots, but is it possible?

KK: We don’t know yet. We really don’t know.

What can people expect for the first eight episodes?

KK: Well the 8th episode is our winter finale, so this is all a build up to that point. In episode eight, I really enjoyed reading it. It’s going to be very intense, and it’s going to be very clear what’s going on with Vincent and Catherine by the end of that episode.

JR: Yeah, one to eight is a full arc in itself, so they can expect some sort of conclusion by episode eight.

KK: Which will open up a whole new trajectory.

JR: Unravel the next lot.

http://herdaily.com/entertainment/krist ... mTyWVM9WSr

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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Jay Ryan interview in "PIX II News" (14-10-13):
http://social.newsinc.com/media/json/69 ... CY.twitter

- Jay Ryan Explains the Show's New Direction (PopSugar):

http://www.popsugar.com/Jay-Ryan-Beauty ... o-32153135

- 5 Preguntas con Sendhil Ramamurthy (ETOnline):
5 Preguntas con Sendhil Ramamurthy
14 Octubre, 2013

Last week's Beauty and the Beast premiere answered two big questions: Where's Vincent? and Did Gabe survive? Thankfully the latter was answered in the affirmative since fans of actor Sendhil Ramamurthy had recently been through a very similar situation (ie: his explosive exit from Covert Affairs) and weren't ready to say goodbye, once again.

Neither were the BATB showrunners, who recognized the importance of Gabe to Vincent and Catherine's journey considering he will attempt to replicate his Beastly cure in the first stretch of episodes. ETonline caught up with Ramamurthy to talk about surviving the finale, what's next for Gabe and why this role is giving him Heroes deja vu!

ETonline: Did you know you'd be surviving the finale?
Sendhil Ramamurthy: They told me before we got the finale script that I was going to get shot, but if the show came back, I was also coming back. But I couldn't tell anybody so I just played dumb for three months [laughs]. I'm always OK being a cliffhanger as long as I know first. And I have to say, everything feels kind of different this season. The Beast's movements are different, the action sequences are different, the stakes are higher, everybody is in danger -- including the bad guys. You really don't know what’s going to happen from scene to scene.

ETonline: What do you like about the new direction season two is taking?
Ramamurthy: It's really cool to have our core characters all feel united against one bad entity. It's nice for us, the actors, because we're having proper scenes with all five of us together. That really didn't happen last season, especially with me. I was apart from the cast because no one trusted me. The cool thing for me as an actor is I have a whole new challenge this season. I love this born-again Gabe. He's trying to make amends and ingratiate himself to these people who want nothing to do with him. It's been a real challenge. The writers made sure that Gabe's road isn't easy; no one is willing to cut me any slack. Nor should they considering what he got up to last season.

ETonline: Is Gabe's cure permanent?
Ramamurthy: So far, yes. But we're still exploring it in every episode though because we're still not sure how the cure worked, we just know that it worked. What Gabe is trying to do is find out if he can replicate this in other Beasts that show up throughout the season. Gabe believes the best way to get in with these guys is to do the same thing to Vincent that was accidentally done to him. I like the fact that Gabe stays and helps because he's a wealthy guy and could just jet. He's rich and could easily be living it up with bikini-clad women on a yacht, but he doesn't. He stays in a place no one wants him because he needs to make things right. As an actor, that's a really compelling thing to be playing.

ETonline: What can you tease about tonight's episode?
Ramamurthy: It's all about Vincent and Catherine trying to find love again. They need to fall in love again, and there will be multiple obstacles on that path. And I don't just mean Vincent's lack of memory. Things come up that make it hard for Catherine. She begins to question everything she's doing because she's let this completely consume her. She does nothing else besides try to cure him, which is where Gabe comes in. He spearheads the experimentation on a cure. He's trying to figure out how he became normal again so he can hopefully, possibly, replicate that on Vincent. Because, at the end of the day, none of the Beasts volunteered to become Beasts. They're all innocents in that sense and Gabe really feels for them because he can sympathize with them.

ETonline: Hearing you talk about curing people of an affliction they didn't ask for is giving me Heroes flashbacks.
Ramamurthy: You caught that did you? [laughs] There's one scene coming up where I'm holding a syringe and there were a lot of photos with Dr. Suresh holding a syringe. I've definitely had some Heroes flashbacks with this storyline.

http://www.etonline.com/tv/139495_Sendh ... index.html

- Nueva imagen BTS (14-10-13):


(@Sendhil_Rama: Well I'll be damned. Call the handsome police! Guess who just walked in Its gonna be a fun flight! #batb 14-10-13)

- Nueva imagen BTS del episodio 2.08 (15-10-13):


(@AustinBasis: EPIC lighting- EPIC scene @JayRyan @MsKristinKreuk @Sendhil_Rama Ep208 #BATB #GentlemansClub Directed by @stugillard)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 2x03 Promo "Liar, Liar":

- Beauty and the Beast - Liar, Liar Extended Promo:

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 2.02 "Kidnapped". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- BatB Stills 2.05 "Reunion":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Descripción Oficial del 2.05 "Reunion":
2.05 "Reunion": CAT ES AMENAZADA POR UNA BESTIA QUE ESTÁ BUSCANDO A VINCENT - Cat (Kristin Kreuk) recuerda su pasado cuando asiste a su reunión del instituto, donde descubre más de su pasado de lo que ella jamás hubiera esperado. Mientras tanto, Vincent (Jay Ryan) se encuentra con uno de sus antiguos compañeros militares quien está escondiendo un secreto muy peligroso. Sendhil Ramamurthy, Austin Basis y Nina Lisandrello también aparecen. Fred Gerber dirige el episodio escrito por Eric Tuchman (#205).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2013/10/beauty ... on_17.html

- BatB 2.03 "Liar, Liar" Clip:

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Beauty-Beas ... _OL5JQSeZF

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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