"BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Foro dedicado a Laura Vandervoort que interpreta a Kara.

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, porre, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

"BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »


- Día de emisión:


Sábados a las 9 p.m. ET en @SpaceChannel y Lunes, 8/7cPM ET en @Syfy

- Fecha de estreno:

11 de enero del 2014 en Space Channel a las 9 p.m. ET y el 13 de enero en SyFy a las 10 p.m. ET

- Sinopsis:

Como alguien que pasó la mayor parte de su niñez en el sistema de adopciones, Elena (Vandervoort) siempre había deseado el tener una vida "normal" y pensó que finalmente la había encontrado con su novio Clayton Danvers (Holt). Pero su vida secreta que esconde termina cambiando su vida para siempre. Con un mordisco, Elena se ve forzada a sobrevivir dentro de la manada como un hombre lobo. Todavía deseando la vida normal que perdió, Elena se refugia en Toronto trabajando como fotógrafa y saliendo con un nuevo hombre. Escondiendo su existencia como mujer lobo de su novio Phillip McAdams (Greene), Elena es arrastrada a su vida anterior cuando empiezan a aparecer cuerpos en los bosques de Stonehaven, la mansión rural que ha sido el hogar de la manada durante generaciones. Atrapada entre dos mundos y dos amores, Elena regresa a Stonehaven por obligación, ofreciéndole su apoyo al padre adoptivo de Clay y líder de la manada Jeremy Danvers (Bryk). Pero una vez que está de regreso, Elena se da cuenta de que cuando se ve presionada, no parará ante nada por defender y proteger a su manada.

Un thriller cargado de emotividad, BITTEN examina la vieja batalla entre el hombre y la bestia mientras que las fuerzas humanas e inhumanas se ven forzadas a enfrentarse en un pequeño pueblo - con Elena en el centro.

El elenco se completa con Greg Bryk (A History Of Violence, ROOKIE BLUE) como el Alfa de la Manada Jeremy Danvers, Greyston Holt (ALCATRAZ, DURHAM COUNTY) como Clayton Danvers y Paul Greene (THE CLIENT LIST, WICKED WICKED GAMES) como Philip McAdams. También se unen a ella Paulino Nunes (THE FIRM, CRA$H & BURN) y Steve Lund (HAVEN, ALPHAS) como los padre e hijo hombres-lobo Antonio y Nick Sorrentino; Natalie Brown (BEING HUMAN, HAPPY TOWN) como Diane, la hermana de Philip y la mejor amiga de Elena en Toronto; Michael Xavier (THE BEST YEARS, NIKITA)como el hombre-lobo Logan; Genelle Williams (WAREHOUSE 13, THE LISTENER) como la novia de Logan, Rachel; y Joel Keller (MEN WITH BROOMS, DURHAM COUNTY) como el hombre-lobo Peter.

BITTEN está producida ejecutivamente por J.B. Sugar (THE COLLECTOR, JPOD) para No Equal Entertainment, y John Barbisan y Patrick Banister (WHISTLER) para Hoodwink Entertainment. Daegan Fryklind y Grant Rosenberg son productores ejecutivos y los co-show runners. eOne distribuye la serie internacionalmente.

- Personajes:
Elena Michaels (Laura Vandervoort): Todo lo que quiere Elena Michaels es vivir su vida como una fotógrafa independiente en Toronto y novia del ayudante ejecutivo sexy e inteligente Philip McAdams. Desafortunadamente, eso no está en las cartas, porque Elena tiene un pasado secreto: es la única mujer lobo conocida del mundo y antiguo miembro de la manada norteamericana de Stonehaven. Cuando el cuerpo desgarrado de una chica aparece en el norte de New York, Elena una vez más de ve forzada a regresar a la vida de su manada, y de su ex-novio Clay Danvers.

Clay Danvers (Greyston Holt): Clay Danvers es el hijo adoptivo y guardaespaldas del Alfa de la manada Jeremy Danvers, y ex-novio de Elena. Sus afectos le complican la vida a Elena cuando regresa a la manada y se da cuenta de que él nunca dejó de amarla. Clay es amigo de sus amigos y leal a la manada.

Jeremy Danvers (Greg Bryk): El intenso Jeremy Danvers es el actual macho Alpha de la manada de los hombres lobo norteamericanos North American, y una figura paterna para Elena y su hijo adoptivo y guardaespaldas, Clay, a quien rescató de los bosques de Louisiana. Es el descubrimiento de un cuerpo desgarrado lo que hace que Elena regrese de nuevo a su vida de mujer lobo.

Nick Sorrentino (Steve Lund): Nick es el nieto de un antiguo alfa de la manada y un amigo cercano de Clay Danvers. Alto y guapo, tiene poco interés en hacerse cargo de los asuntos de la familia. Tiene una estrecha relación con su padre, pero tiene muchas preguntas sobre su madre y su paradero.

Logan Jonsen (Michael Xavier): Logan Jonsen es un hombre-lobo hereditario y amigo de Elena. Está fuera de la manada, pero sigue siendo un confidente de Elena. Es una persona leal y en la que se puede confiar.

Puedes encontrar todos los links de los capítulos de la serie AQUÍ

- Guía de Episodios:

- S1 -
1.01 “Summons”: Elena, mordida y convertida en mujer lobo, huye a Toronto, pero es arrastrada de regreso al norte de New York cuando empieza una guerra sin cuartel entre lobos solitarios y su manada.

1.02 “Prodigal”: En Stonehaven, Elena sigue al perro solitario asesino mientras que evita los avances de Clay Danvers; torturada por su propio pasado como asesina, Elena está desesperada por recuperar su vida humana.

1.03 “Trespass”: La vieja química resurge cuando Elena y Clay trabajan juntos para rastrear al hombre lobo asesino; Elena amenaza al perro solitario llevándolo a cambiar cuando luchan con él en su forma de lobo, pero no todo el mundo sobrevivirá al baño de sangre.

1.04 “Grief”: Elena y Clay investigan por qué una serie de asesinos psicóticos están sienco convertidos en lobos, sólo para descubrir que se están enfrentando a un plan organizado contra la Manada.

1.05 “Bitten”: Elena trata de defender a Clay contra las sospechas de asesinato; un antiguo miembro del pack tiene información sobre el alzamiento.

1.06 “Commited”: Santos irrumpe en la fiesta de la boda de la hermana de Phillip, afectando a la vida humana de Elena; Jeremy debe luchar por mantener su estatus de alfa.

1.07 “Stalking”: Con el líder del alzamiento revelado, el Pack comenta la posibilidad de una tregua; Elena y Clay van al ataque.

1.08 “Prisoner”: Jeremy tiene dificultades para recuperarse de sus heridas porque es envenenado, forzando a Clay a interrogar brutalmente a un perro solitario en la Sala de Guerra, mientras que Elena confronta a una mujer que no quiere nada más que ser como ella.

1.09 “Vengeance”: Todo el mundo intenta dejar a un lado sus temas personales cuando Santos recluta a un asesino para aniquilar a la Manada.

1.10 “Descent”: Elena regresa a Toronto para su exposición de arte; los perros solitarios obligan a Elena a enfrentar los horrores de su niñez.

1.11 “Settling”: Los perros solitarios lanzan un ataque en Toronto; Elena rompe una regla de la Manada para salvar la vida de Philp.

1.12 “Caged”: Elena desobedece las órdenes de su Alpha para liberar a Clay; Philip se enfrenta a Elena sobre el quién, o el qué es ella.

1.13 “Ready”: Elena se reune con la manada para prepararse para la pelea contra los perros solitarios.
- S2 -
2.01 "Bad Blood" (07/02/15): En la premiere de la Season 2, Elena y La Manada están a la caza de Malcolm. Mientras tanto, de regreso a Stonehaven, Jeremy recibe un ultimátum del Consejo de los Alfas Internacionales que reta su liderazgo sobre Norte América.

2.02 "Scare Tactics" (14/02/15): Clay investiga un misterioso símbolo que puede estar relacionado con la brujería mientras que el resto de La Manada interroga a un cautivo Malcolm. Sin embargo, cuando ambos interrogatorios llevan al mismo destino, La Manada se ve enfrentada a una perturbadora verdad – las brujas viven entre nosotros.

2.03 "Hell's Teeth": Una nueva amenaza prueba ser más poderosa que lo que se enaticipaba; la manada y el aquellarre sufren grandes pérdidas.

2.04 "Dead Meat": Elena se despierta para descubrir que es el objeto de dolorosos tests en un recinto escondido dirigido por el maníaco y poderoso líder de un culto. Mientras tanto, la Manada y las brujas deben recurrir a la magia negra en un esfuerzo por rastrear a sus miembros desaparecidos.

2.05 "Rabbit Hole": Para seguir viva, Elena guía a la Dra. Bauer a través de su primer cambio mientras que la Manada y el aquelarre intentan averiguar quién es Aleister, y dónde está localizado su complejo.

2.06 "Nine Circles": Aleister lanza un hechizo que causa alucinaciones a Elena, forzándola a luchar contra sus más oscuros miedos y demonios.

2.07 "Bad Dreams" (21/03/15): Cuando el nuevo Alfa Español intenta chantajear a Jeremy para que mate al Alfa Ruso, la Manada tiene las cosas bajo control hasta que una visita sorpresa de Savannah cambia drásticamente sus planes. Nick y Paige van a una misión secreta.

2.08 "Dark Arts" (28/03/15): Las brujas se apresuran por aunar esfuerzos para la ceremonia de iniciación de Savannah con la esperanza de que el tener un talismán la ayude a dominarse a sí misma para controlar los poderes, el prometido de Elena merodea sobre los preparativos como si tuviera otros motivos superiores en mente. Lo que realmente tiene en la mente es Aleister. Literalmente. Poseído por el brujo solitario, el cuerpo de Clay es un Caballo de Troya escondiendo el mayor peligro que la Manada jamás pueda imaginar — un peligro contra el que el verdadero Clay tendrá que luchar para sobrevivir.

2.09 "Scavenger's Daughter" (04/04/15): Con el hrchizo de Aleister del Undoing en progreso, Elena, Clay, Paige, y Nick intentan encontrarle, antes de que sea demasiado tarde. Mientras tanto, Jeremy ayuda a Ruth a adentrarse en la magia de la Mano Izquierda para derrotar a Aleister desde lejos, y Logan escala hacia su propia esquina oscura después de que Rachel le de noticias devastadoras.

2.10 "Fine Temporum" (11/04/15): La Manada y el Aquelarre permanecen codo con codo en la guerra contra Aleister, Clara, y su asesino Undoing, cada lado continúa sufriendo los efectos de la mano izquierda mágica que Aleister desató y contra la que Ruth contraatacó. Ambos lados convergen en el edificio Delphi determinados a emerger victoriosos sea cual sea el costo.
- S3 -
3.01 "Family, of Sorts" (Viernes, 12 Feb. a las 10 p.m. ET): Para solidificar su poder, un endurecido por la guerra Jeremy les ha encargado a Elena, Clay, y Nick el que recluten a todos los lobos Norte Americanos en la Manada. Pero, cuando un desconocido hombre-lobo francotirador le dispara al Alfa, la Manada debe ajustarse para rastrear a los responsables. Mientras tanto, Elena es acosada por un misterioso extraño quien la reta con una impactante afirmación.

3.02 "Our own blood" (19/02/16): Elena lucha por tratar con el nuevo descubrimiento sobre su pasado. Clay prepara Stonehaven por un posible ataque del Español llamando a los nuevos miembros de la Manada. Lo que no sabe es que uno de ellos es un traidor. Mientras tanto, Jeremy y Nick encuentran una pista del escondite del Español que al final los lleva a regresar corriendo a Stonehaven.

3.03 "Right behind you" (26/02/16): Mñas soldados de Roman descienden en Bear Valley mientras que Elena lucha por proteger a su familia contra el Alfa Ruso, y su cruzada para matar a Sasha. Mientras tanto, Nick usa sus contactos y dotes como detective para descubrir lo que Roman y sus hombres lobo están tramando.

3.04 "A quiet dog" (04/03/16): Jeremy intenta empezar una negociación para terminar la reyerta familiar entre Sasha y Roman. Mientras tanto, Elena vigila al prisionero de la Manada, quien intenta deducir por qué está ella protegiendo a Sasha.

3.05 "Of Sonders Weight" (11/03/16): Jeremy debe lidiar con los efectos secundarios de las negociaciones fallidas entre Roman y Sasha. Cuando Elena atiende a un convaleciente Sasha, él le cuenta la verdad sobre el por qué la abandonó hace 30 años. Clay y Alexei deben rastrear a la víctima del ataque del joven lobo.

3.06 "Rule of Anger" (18/03/16): Elena y Clay se enfrentan con un nuevo enemigo mortal para salvar al apresado Marsten. Katia hace un desesperado movimiento por salvar a su familia.

3.07 "On the brink" (25/03/16): Nick, Paige y Rachel usan la magia para rastrear a Katia, quien ha secuestrado al bebé Rocco. Elena invita a Konstantin a Stonehaven, pidiéndole su ayuda para terminar esta venganza de sangre y cancelando al asesino Ruso. Clay y Jorge mantienen un ojo en el Albino, pero termina en más baño de sangre.

3.08 "Tili Tili Bom" (01/04/16): Como la recién asignada Alfa, el primer objetivo de Elena es eliminar al Albino. Pero cuando ella y Clay se enfrentan al asesino ruso, rápidamente descubren que siempre va dos pasos por delante. Cerca, Nick y Katia son capturados por los hombres de Roman y deben luchar por escapar, o convertirse en las próximas víctimas del Albino. Mientras tanto, Jeremy consigue la ayuda de un sorprendente aliado en su búsqueda como lobo solitario para matar al Alfa ruso, Roman.

3.09 "Shock the system" (08/04/16): Como la nueva Alfa de la Manada, Elena dirige a las tropas, pero cuando intenta apoyar a un afligido Sasha, son atraídos hacia el bosque y son apresados por el Albino. Jeremy libra una guerra psicológica contra su captor, Roman Navikev en un intento desesperado por intentar liberarse a sí mismo y a Elena. Y Clay, Nick y Alexei corren a contrarreloj para salvar a su nueva Alfa de un destino peor que la muerte.

3.10 "Truth, Changes, Everything" (15/04/16): Mientras que Elena lucha por salvar su Manada, un evento impulsa el mundo de Bitten hacia una dirección completamente nueva...

- Direcciones de Interés:

- Trailers:

- Primer Trailer Promocional de "Bitten", que se estrenará el 11 de Enero en Space Channel (9e 6p):

- Bitten Season 1: Launch Trailer (SyFy):

- BITTEN Trailer (Wolf Paw Edition):

- Second Bitten Trailer:

- Syfy's All New Mondays: Lost Girl, Being Human and Bitten:

- Syfy's All New Mondays: Lost Girl, Being Human and introducing Bitten:

- "Bitten" Premieres January 11 at 9e 6p (Space Channel):

- Bitten 1.01 Sneak Peek "Summons":

- Bitten 1.02 "Prodigal" Promo:

- Bitten 1.02 "Prodigal" Sneak Peek:

- Bitten S1 Series Supertrailer:

- Bitten 1.03 "Trespass" Promo:

- Bitten 1.03 "Trespass" Sneak Peek:

- Bitten Season 1: Mondays at 8|7c:

- Bitten 1.04 "Grief" Promo:

- Bitten 1.04 "Grief" Sneak Peek #1:

- Bitten 1.04 "Grief" Sneak Peek #2:
http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/02/bitten ... -peek.html

- Bitten 1.05 "Bitten" Sneak Peek:

- Bitten 1.05 "Bitten" Sneak Peek 2:

- Bitten 1.05 "Bitten" Promo:

- Bitten 1.05 "Bitten" Sneak Peek 3:
http://tvline.com/2014/02/07/bitten-vid ... flashback/

- Bitten 1.06 Promo "Committed" (HD):

- Bitten 1.06 Sneak Peek "Committed" (HD):

- Bitten 1.07 "Stalking" Sneak Peek (HD):

- Bitten 1.07 "Stalking" Sneak Peek #2 (HD):

- Bitten 1.07 "Stalking" Promo (HD):

- Bitten 1.08 "Prisoner" Sneak Peek:

- Bitten 1.08 "Prisoner" Promo:

- Bitten 1.09 "Vengeance" Promo:

- Bitten 1.09 "Vengeance" Sneak Peek:

- Bitten 1.10 "Descent" Promo:

- Bitten 1.10 "Descent" Promo #2:

- Bitten 1.10 "Descent" Sneak Peek:

- Bitten 1.10 "Descent" Sneak Peek #2:

- Bitten 1.11 "Settling" Sneak Peek:

- BITTEN 1.11 "Settling" Promo:

- BITTEN 1.11 "Settling" Sneak Peek (SyFy version):

- Bitten 1.12 "Caged" Sneak Peek:

- Bitten 1x12 "Caged" Sneak Peek #2 (SyFy version):

- Bitten 1.12 "Caged" Promo:

- BITTEN 1.13 "Ready" (Season Finale) Sneak Peek:

- BITTEN 1.13 "Ready" (Season Finale) Promo:

- BITTEN 1.13 "Ready" (Season Finale) Sneak Peek #2:

- "Bitten" S1 Deleted Scenes:

- Primer vistazo a la S2 de "Bitten! - Video- (EW):
http://community.ew.com/2014/10/09/bitt ... ive-video/

- Space Channel ha anunciado que la S2 de "Bitten" regresa a nuestras pantallas el Sábado, 7 de Febrero del 2015 a las 9 p.m. ET/10 p.m. PT.:

- Bitten S2 Teasers:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kgZ2Xm7Jgo (Elena)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=am0ixTIr02s (Clay)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nEjryHXKbA (Jeremy)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-m-jEihYSU (Nick)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIkTMhPK3JQ (Logan)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xNZ61dOIFEI (Rachel)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DcXwsorh9E (Ruth)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-4MqbTHcoA (Paige)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H52dUa6TC8 (Clay & Elena)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yqw7jh05gRo (The Destroyer Comes)

- Bitten: Returns February 7th on Space:

- Trailer del 2.01 "Bad Blood":

- BITTEN, 2.03 "Hell´s Teeth" Promo:

- BITTEN 2.04 "Dead Meat" Promo:

- BITTEN 2.06 "Nine Circles" Promo:

- BITTEN 2.06 "Nine Circles" Sneak Peek:

- Bitten 2.07 "Bad Dreams" Promo:

- 2.08 "Dark Arts" Promo:

- 2.09 "Scavenger's Daughter" Promo:

- Bitten 2.10 "Fine Temporum" Promo (Season Finale):

- Bitten 2.10 "Fine Temporum" Sneak Peek (Season Finale):

- BITTEN Exclusive Video: "Bitten Season 2 Gag Reel":
http://cms.springboardplatform.com/prev ... 1047/0/0/1

- BITTEN Season 2 "Featurette":

- BITTEN Season 2 "Deleted Scene Ep. 2":

- BITTEN Season 2 "EXCLUSIVE Stunts Clip" (Ep 6):

- BITTEN Season 2 "EXCLUSIVE Stunts Clip" (Ep 10):

- BITTEN | The Final Season | 1st Sneak Peek:

- "Bitten" Season 3 Teaser "Dust in the Wind":

- Syfy's "Bitten" Season 3 "Burning" Promo (TVLine):
http://tvline.com/2016/01/03/bitten-sea ... romo-syfy/

- "BITTEN" New S3 Promo (Space):
https://www.facebook.com/SPACEchannel/v ... 5/?fref=nf

- "BITTEN" 3.01 "Family, of Sorts" Clip #1:

- "BITTEN" 3.01 "Family, of Sorts" Clip #2:

- Syfy | "Bitten" S3 Supertease:
https://twitter.com/i/videos/6996577602 ... e=facebook
https://amp.twimg.com/v/227c70e1-d32f-4 ... 759aa3ee91

- Bitten Official Season 3 Trailer | Syfy:

- Bitten Backstage: Season 3, Episode 1 | Syfy:

- Bitten Backstage: Season 3, Episode 2 | Syfy:

- Bitten Backstage: Season 3, Episode 3 | Syfy:

- Bitten Backstage: Season 3, Episode 4 | Syfy:

- Bitten Backstage: Season 3, Episode 5 | Syfy:

- Bitten Backstage: Season 3, Episode 6 | Syfy:

- Bitten Backstage: Season 3, Episode 7 | Syfy:

- Bitten Backstage: Season 3, Episode 8 "Tili Tili Boom" | Syfy:

- BITTEN Backstage: Season 3, Episode 9 "Shock the system" | Syfy:

- BITTEN Backstage: Season 3, Episode 10 "Truth, Changes, Everything" | Syfy:

- BITTEN 3.02 "Our own blood" Clip #1:

- BITTEN 3.02 "Our own blood" Clip #2:

- BITTEN 3.03 "Right behind you" Clip #1:

- BITTEN 3.03 "Right behind you" Clip #2:

- BITTEN 3.03 "Right behind you" Clip #3:

- BITTEN 3.04 "A quiet dog" Clip #1:

- BITTEN 3.04 "A quiet dog" Clip #2:

- BITTEN 3.05 "Of Sonders Weight" Clip #1:

- BITTEN 3.05 "Of Sonders Weight" Clip #2:

- BITTEN 3.05 "Of Sonders Weight" Clip #3:

- BITTEN 3.05 "Of Sonders Weight" Clip #4:

- BITTEN 3.06 "Rule of Anger" Clip #1:

- BITTEN 3.06 "Rule of Anger" Clip #2:

- BITTEN 3.06 "Rule of Anger" Clip #3:

- BITTEN 3.07 "On the brink" Clip #1:

- BITTEN 3.07 "On the brink" Clip #2:

- BITTEN 3.07 "On the brink" Clip #3:

- BITTEN 3.08 "Tili Tili Boom" Clip #1:

- BITTEN 3.08 "Tili Tili Boom" Clip #2:

- BITTEN 3.08 "Tili Tili Boom" Clip #3:

- BITTEN 3.09 "Shock the system" Clip #1:

- BITTEN 3.09 "Shock the system" Clip #2:

- BITTEN 3.09 "Shock the system" Clip #3:

- BITTEN 3.10 "Truth, Changes, Everything" Promo:

- BITTEN 3.10 "Truth, Changes, Everything" Clip #1:

- Bitten - A Look at the Final Season Featurette:

- Imágenes promocionales:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Stills:

1.01 Summons:
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

1.02 Prodigal:
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

1.03 Trespass:
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

1.04 "Grief":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

1.05 "Bitten":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

1.06 Committed:
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

1.07 "Stalking":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

1.08 "Prisoner":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

1.09 "Vengeance":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

1.10 "Descent":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

1.11 "Settling":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

1.12 "Caged":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

1.13 "Ready" (Season Finale):
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

2.01 "Bad Blood":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

2.02 "Scare Tactics":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

2.03 "Hell´s Teeth":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

2.04 "Dead Meat":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

2.05 "Rabbit Hole":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

2.06 "Nine Circles" Stills:
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

2.07 "Bad Dreams" Stills:
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

2.08 "Dark Arts" Stills:
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

2.09 "Scavenger´s Daughter":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

2.10 "Fine Temporum" (season finale):
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

3.01 "Family, of Sorts":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

3.02 "Our own blood":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

3.03 "Right Behind You":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

3.04 "A quiet dog":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

3.05 "Of Sonders Weight":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

3.06 "Rule of Anger":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

3.07 "On the Brink":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

3.08 "Tili Tili Bom":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

3.09 "Shock the system":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

3.10 "Truth, Changes, Everything (series finale)":
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Imágenes BTS:

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

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Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- Recap de las fotos de la rueda de entrevistas promocionales de la S1: AQUÍ

- Videos BTS:

- Video del anuncio de la serie en el Toronto ComicCon 2013:

- Laura Vandervoort hablando sobre su papel en "Bitten" en el Toronto ComicCon 2013:

- Entrevista de radio:
http://mindreels.podomatic.com/entry/20 ... .wordpress

- Laura Vandervoort, video BTS de "Bitten" para InnerSpace:

- Laura Vandervoort, videos BTS de "Bitten" para InnerSpace (27-05-13):

- Preview de la entrevista con E!Talk:

- Entrevista de Laura Vandervoort sobre "Bitten" (E!Talk, 30-Mayo-2013):

- Laura Vandervoort con el cast de "Bitten" en las CTV Upfronts 2013 en The Sony Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto (06-06-13):

- Laura Vandervoort junto al elenco de "Bitten" en los "MuchMusic Video Awards 2013", Toronto (16-06-13):

- "Bitten", BTS Photoshoot (InnerSpace):

- Videos en la "Fan-Expo Canada 2013" con el equipo de "Bitten" (25-08-13):
http://www.theartsguild.com/interview-w ... tten-cast/
http://video.ca.msn.com/?mkt=en-ca&vid= ... epermalink:
http://www.citynetmagazine.com/laura-va ... interview/

- Laura Vandervoort's interview for Bitten at Mipcom in Cannes:

- MIPCOM 2013 Opening Cocktail Red Carpet (07-10-13):

- Video Interview: Bitten's Laura Vandervoort & J.B. Sugar (MIPCOM):

- JB Sugar & Laura Vandervoort tell C21TV about making the show (THE C21):
http://www.c21media.net/screenings/C21T ... ets-bitten

- Laura vandervoort, Greyston Holt and Greg Bryk en "CTV Canada AM" (08-01-14):
http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2710 ... tPageNum=1

- Laura Vandervoort, "CTV Toronto" (08-01-13):
http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2713 ... tPageNum=1

- Laura vandervoort, Greyston Holt and Greg Bryk en "InnerSpace" (08-01-14):

- Laura Vandervoort, "Etalk" (08-01-13):

- Laura Vandervoort, "The Social CTV" (08-01-13):

- Greyston Holt and Greg Bryk en "CP24 Breakfast" (08-01-14):
http://www.cp24.com/video?clipId=271615 ... tPageNum=1

- Laura vandervoort on "George Stroumboulopoulos" (08-01-14):

- Bitten on Etalk with Laura Vandervoort (10-01-14):

- Laura Vandervoort on "Young Hollywood" (10-01-14):

- Laura Vandervoort, "Time Capsule" Episode 138 by #SciFitalk Podcast:
http://ec.libsyn.com/p/f/e/a/feaa6c5d3d ... id=6649540

- Murtz On The Scene: Behind-The-Scenes Of Bitten With Laura Vandervoort:

- Laura Vandervoort, TV Time Machine radio interview:

- 'Bitten' on-set interview with Laura Vandervoort (Gate Magazine):

- BITTEN Exclusive Interview with Laura Vandervoort (voicesofkrypton):

- Bitten Behind the Scenes - Interview with Laura Vandervoort:

- Bitten Behind the Scenes - Interview with Greyston Holt:

- Bitten Behind the Scenes Interview - Nick:

- Bitten Behind the Scenes Interview - Philip:

- Bitten Behind the Scenes Interview - Jeremy:

- Bitten Behind the Scenes - The Sorrentinos:

- Bitten Behind the Scenes - The First Change:

- Bitten Behind the Scenes - Visual Effects:

- Bitten Behind the Scenes - Recap:

- Greyston Holt on 'Bitten' (Gate Magazine):

- Video BTS del 1.07:

- Behind The Scenes of BITTEN - "Fights" :

- Behind The Scenes of BITTEN - "Secrets" :

- Laura Vandervoort Talks About Becoming A Sci-Fi Fan And Loving Her New Role As Werewolf Elena On "Bitten" (SplashNews):

- Bitten Episode 1.11 "Settling": Innerspace on the set (BTS vid):

- Laura Vandervoort and Paul Greene at "The Baub Show" radio (28-03-14):
http://www.ubnradio.com/message.aspx?pa ... 589c275962

- Time Capsule Episode 148: Interview w/ Laura vandervoort, GreystonHolt and Greg Bryk (@scifitalk):

- Bitten S1 "Split Screen Stunt Choreography":

http://instagram.com/p/rQPkC4IF7k/ (@jotabey)

- Divertido video BTS de Laura y Steve Lund (19-08-14):

- Entrevista BTS en "Inner Space" - Bitten On Set (17-09-14):

- Laura Vandervoort nos recuerda el panel de "Bitten" en la NYCC (9-10 Octubre):

- Innerspace on the Set of Bitten Season 2 (15-10-14):

- Greyston Holt & Steve Lund from Bitten @ACCC14 (GVTV: GeekVengers Television):

- Videos BTS del especial de "Bitten" en ETCanada (03-02-15):

- Greyston Holt Interview | AfterBuzz TV's Spotlight On:

- Steve Lund Interview | AfterBuzz TV's Spotlight On:

- Interview with Michael Xavier and Steve Lund | AfterBuzz TV's Spotlight On:

- InnerSpace "Bitten" Laura Vandervoort S2 Interview:

- InnerSpace "Bitten" Greyston Holt S2 Interview:

- InnerSpace "Bitten" Greg Bryk S2 Interview:

- InnerSpace "Bitten Witches":

- InnerSpace "Alister´s Story":

- Video-bts ensayando una escena de lucha:

- InnerSpace "After Bite":
http://www.space.ca/InnerSpace?vid=546517 (Episode 1)
http://www.space.ca/InnerSpace?vid=550252 (Episode 2)
http://www.space.ca/InnerSpace?vid=555839 (Episode 3)
http://www.space.ca/InnerSpace?vid=555842 (Episode 4)
http://www.space.ca/video/player?vid=563412 (Episode 5)
http://www.space.ca/video/player?vid=568317 (Episode 6)
http://bitten.space.ca/afterbite/inners ... isode-7-2/ (Episode 7)
http://www.space.ca/video/player?vid=577933 (Episode 8)

- Laura Vandervoort, InnerSpace: Geeky Feminism:

- Interview: ‘Greg Bryk’ Talks The New Season Of Bitten (redcarpetcrash):
http://redcarpetcrash.com/interview-gre ... of-bitten/

- "Movie magic", S2 bts vid with Greyston Holt:

- "Movie magic", S2 bts vids with Laura Vandervoort:

- "Gate Magazine" Interview with 'Bitten' star Sean Rogerson (31-03-15):

Geek Hard Presents: Chattin' with the cast of Bitten at the Toronto ComiCon (March 2015):

- The Point Broadcast: BITTEN añade a algunas molestas brujas [radio-entrevista a Laura y Greyston] (getthepointradio):
http://www.getthepointradio.com/wp/2015 ... y-witches/

- Laura Vandervoort Interviewed on Mix 97FM:

- Laura Vandervoort is Back on The Bobby D Show:
http://thebobbydshow.com/interviews/lau ... by-d-show/

- Laura Vandervoort returns as the world’s only female werewolf in Syfy’s hit series Bitten (bluefunkbroadcasting):
http://bluefunkbroadcasting.com/twiamer ... -9pm-etpt/

- Laura Vandervoort, Michael Xavier, Greggory Bryk, Greyston Holt, Steve Lund – Bitten (moviehole):
http://moviehole.net/201588414bitten-la ... und-bitten

- Interview: ‘Steve Lund’ Talks The New Season Of Bitten (redcarpetflash):
http://redcarpetcrash.com/interview-ste ... of-bitten/

- "Bitten" Season 2 Gag Reel:
http://cms.springboardplatform.com/prev ... 1047/0/0/1

- The star of "Bitten" Laura Vandervoort stopped by to talk about season three of the show, Comic-Con, and a little Supergirl rumor (Monkeys Fighting Robots):
https://soundcloud.com/monkeys-fighting ... andervoort

- Laura Vandervoort Radio- Interview on @Arroecollins (99.7 The Fox):
http://www.spreaker.com/user/arroe/laur ... rom-bitten

- Radio-entrevista de Laura Vandervoort de “Bitten” en "The big wakeup call":
http://thebigwakeupcall.com/laura-vande ... om-bitten/

- Video bts de la S3 (08-09-15):

- Divertido video de Laura y Greyston en el set de la S3 (21-09-15):

- El elenco y el equipo felicitan a Laura por su cumpleaños (22-09-15):

- Divertido video de Laura y Steve Lund (29-09-15):

- Video bts de la S3 (26-10-15):

- Nuevos videos dubsmash de Laura con Greyston Holt (05-11-15):

- Video bts de la S3 de Steve Lund durante un ensayo (07-11-15):
https://twitter.com/leven_stund/status/ ... 7482099712

- Nuevo y divertido video BTS de la S3 con Laura Vandervoort y Greyston Holt (17-11-15):

- Nuevos videos bts del final del rodaje de la S3 (27 Nov 2015 - 15 Abril 2016):
https://twitter.com/Vandiekins22/status ... 8811458560
https://twitter.com/Vandiekins22/status ... 7832427521

- Nuevo video bts de la S3 poniéndole banda sonora a la serie (09-01-16):

- "Behind the Scenes at Bitten's Season Three Photoshoot" (InnerSpace):

- "Behind the Bite" BTS Featurette (Space):

- Laura Vandervoort on all the changes ahead for her character on "Bitten" (etalk):

Montajes de Jay Bee Sugar de la serie:

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

"BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Laura Vandervoort, nuevo papel protagonista en la serie "Bitten":
Durante su asistencia al "Toronto ComicCon 2013" este fin de semana, el mayor anuncio ha sido que la actriz ha sido elegida para interpretar el papel protagonista de "Elena Michaels", la única mujer-lobo del mundo, en la próxima serie de Space "Bitten", cuya historia está basada en la aclamada serie de novelas de Kelley Armstrong, "Women of the Underworld", y que será producida por No Equal Entertainment, Hoodwink Entertainment, y Entertainment One (eOne).

La serie está previsto que empiece a rodarse próximamente en Toronto en el mes de Abril, constará de 13 episodios y tiene fijada como fecha de estreno a principios del 2014. El elenco para la misma empezará a revelarse próximamente.

Una niña de acogida, Elena, pensaba que finalmente encontraría su "felices para siempre" con su nuevo amor Clayton, pero con un pequeño mordisco, su vida fue cambiada para siempre y se ve forzada a sobrevivir una vida con el Pack como mujer-lobo. Años después, Elena ha encontrado refugio en Toronto, trabajando como fotógrafa y saliendo con otro hombre. Pero cuando se encuentran cuerpos en los campos remotos de Stonehaven, la mansión rural que ha servido de santuario para los hombres lobo durante generaciones, la perfecta vida que Elena ha contruído empieza a desmoronarse. Con la Manada siendo amenazada por un predador desconocido, acuden a Elena para que les ayude. Atrapada entre dos mundos y dos amores, Elena regresa a Stonehaven por deber, pero una vez que regresa al campo se da cuenta de que cuando la presión empieza a empujar, como cualquier verdadera hembra alfa, no parará ante nada para defender a su familia.

"Laura tiene la complejidad y la fuerza, y también te identificas mucho con ella, haciendo la persona perfecta para encajar en un personaje que está debatiéndose por mantener la vida que desea, mientras que lucha contra quién es realmente, y por aquellos que ama," dice Corrie Coe, Vice-Presidente Senior, de Independent Production, Bell Media. "Bien conocida por los fans del género, el poder del protagonismo de Laura seguro que va a levantar incluso más excitación por esta ya comentada serie."

"Laura posee el perfecto equilibrio de belleza, fuerza y encanto," dice J.B. Sugar, Productor Ejecutivo, de No Equal Entertainment. "Ella ha estado en nuestro radar de cásting desde que empezamos a desarrollar la serie y estamos encantados de tenerla como nuestro personaje principal."

Un thriller cargado de emotividad, BITTEN examina la vieha batalla entre el hombre y la bestia mientras que las fuerzas humanas e inhumanas se ven forzadas a enfrentarse en un pequeño pueblo - con Elena en el centro.

El elenco se completa con Greg Bryk (A History Of Violence, ROOKIE BLUE) como el Alfa de la Manada Jeremy Danvers, Greyston Holt (ALCATRAZ, DURHAM COUNTY) como Clayton Danvers y Paul Greene (THE CLIENT LIST, WICKED WICKED GAMES) como Philip McAdams. También se unen a ella Paulino Nunes (THE FIRM, CRA$H & BURN) y Steve Lund (HAVEN, ALPHAS) como los padre e hijo hombres-lobo Antonio y Nick Sorrentino; Natalie Brown (BEING HUMAN, HAPPY TOWN) como Diane, la hermana de Philip y la mejor amiga de Elena en Toronto; Michael Xavier (THE BEST YEARS, NIKITA)como el hombre-lobo Logan; Genelle Williams (WAREHOUSE 13, THE LISTENER) como la novia de Logan, Rachel; y Joel Keller (MEN WITH BROOMS, DURHAM COUNTY) como el hombre-lobo Peter.

BITTEN está producida ejecutivamente por J.B. Sugar (THE COLLECTOR, JPOD) para No Equal Entertainment, y John Barbisan y Patrick Banister (WHISTLER) para Hoodwink Entertainment. Daegan Fryklind y Grant Rosenberg son productores ejecutivos y los co-show runners. eOne distribuye la serie internacionalmente.

Imagen del elenco:


Video del anuncio en el panel en el Toronto ComicCon 2013

Laura Vandervoort hablando sobre su papel en "Bitten" en el Toronto ComicCon 2013: Video 1 Video 2

Entrevista de radio: http://mindreels.podomatic.com/entry/20 ... .wordpress

http://www.newswire.ca/en/story/1126651 ... nal-series
http://spaceblog.ctvdigital.net/post/20 ... miCon.aspx
http://oneredleafentertainment.com/laur ... al-series/
http://thebittensource.tumblr.com/post/ ... nced-today
http://bellmediapr.ca/space/releases/re ... &yyyy=2012
http://bellmediapr.ca/space/releases/re ... &yyyy=2013
http://news.boxofficebuz.com/article/bi ... now-so-far

Última hora: Se confirma el estrno para el 11 de enero del 2014 en Space Channel a las 9 p.m. ET y el 13 de enero en SyFy a las 10 p.m. ET

http://ctvmedia.ca/Network/Space/Press/ ... nal-Series
http://www.theloop.ca/showbiz/article/- ... miere-date
http://www.tvequals.com/2013/11/22/syfy ... ere-dates/?

Facebook oficial de la serie:


- Syfy Adquiere los derechos del Drama 'Bitten' en USA:
La cadena que pertenece a la NBCUniversal ha adquirido el drama sobre hombres lobo "Bitten".

Basado en las novelas "Women of the Otherworld" de Kelley Armstrong, el thriller supernatural está protagonizado por Laura Vandervoort de Smallville como Elena Michaels, la única mujer lobo. El drama de 13 episodios de una hora de duración se emitirá en Syfy en USA y en la cadena Space de Bell Media en Canada en el 2014.

La serie sigue a Elena mientras que intenta escapar de un mundo del que nunca ha querido ser parte (y también del hombre que la convirtió en mujer lobo), dejando a su manada y refugiándose en una nueva ciudad, donde trabaja como fotógrafa y esconde su existencia de lobo a su novio. Cuando empiezan a aparecer cuerpos en el patio trasero de su manada, se encuentra a sí misma de regreso a Stonehaven, el dominio ancestral de los hombres lobo, donde no se parará ante nada para defender a su manada.

"Bitten es una fatástica mezcla de acción supernatural, intensas emociones, ardiente drama y una historia de amor tortuosa que adapta ingeniosamente a los personajes queridos desde hace más de una década por millones de lectores de todo el mundo," dice Chris Regina, programadora senior vp de Syfy. "Es un escelente complemento a nuestra parrilla de programación y no podemos esperar a compartir a Elena, su manada y sus historias con la audiencia de Syfy."

Bitten, co-protagonizada por Greg Bryk, Greyston Holt y Paul Greene, es de No Equal Entertainment, Hoodwink Entertainment y eOne en asociación con Space y Bell Media. J.B. Sugar de No Equal, Patrick Banister y John Barbisan de Hoodwink y Tecca Crosby, John Morayniss y Margaret O'Briende de eOne, serán los productores ejecutivos. Daegan Fryklind y Grant Rosenberg serán productores ejecutivos y serán los co-showrunners.

"Nuestros socios de No Equal Entertainment, Hoodwink Entertainment y eOne han traído a la vida una nueva serie sexy e intrigante, y estamos encantados de que Syfy la haya encontrado igualmente de convincente para su audiencia," dice Corrie Coe, vicepresidenta senior de producciones independientes de Bell Media. "Con una fuerte protagonista femenina en su centro, sabemos que las audiencias de ambas partes de la frontera serán unos fans acérrimos de Bitten."

Carrie Stein, vicepresidenta de producciones globales de eOne añade: "El equipo de eOne respondió con entusiasmo a Bitten porque es una fuerte pieza de género con una única premisa -- la primera mujer lobo en una manada de hombres. Es un drama sexy lleno de acción con un triángulo amoroso en el centro -- todo muy atractivo para la audiencia global.”

Por eOne, el acuerdo de Bitten continúa la relación del estudio independiente con Syfy donde tiene el drama Haven actualmente emitiendo su cuarta temporada. La serie también marca la última entrada de eOne en USA, uniéndose a la comedia de la CW Seed, Rookie Blue de ABC, Hell on Wheels de AMC, Rogue de DirecTV y la próxima y primera miniserie original de Discovery, Klondike.

La serie marca la última importación canadiense a Syfy ya que la cadena de cable busca el firmar su lista de programación con guiones originales del 2014. Además de la segunda temporada de Defiance, Syfy también regresará con Continuum y la premiere de Helix de Ron Moore, entre otros.

"Como alguien que pasó la mayor parte de su niñez en el sistema de adopciones, Elena (Vandervoort) siempre había deseado el tener una vida "normal" y pensó que finalmente la había encontrado con su novio Clayton Danvers (Holt). Pero su vida secreta que esconde tarmina cambiando su vida para siempre. Con un mordisco, Elena se ve forzada a sobrevivir dentro de la manada como un hombre lobo. Todavía deseasndo la vida normal que perdió, Elena se refugia en Toronto trabajando como fotógrafa y saliendo con un nuevo hombre. Escondiendo su existencia como mujer lobo de su novio Phillip McAdams (Greene), Elena es arrastrada a su vida anterior cuando empiezan a aparecer cuerpos en los bosques de Stonehaven, la mansión rural que ha sido el hogar de la manada durante generaciones. Atrapada entre dis mundos y dos amores, Elena regresa a Stonehaven por obligación, ofreciéndole su apoyo al padre adoptivo de Clay y líder de la manada Jeremy Danvers (Bryk). Pero una vez que está de regreso, Elena se da cuenta de que cuando se ve presionada, no parará ante nada por defender y proteger a su manada".

Página oficial: http://www.syfy.com/bitten

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ama-630511
http://bellmediapr.ca/Network/Space/Pre ... N-Acquired

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

"BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Hottest Werewolf on the Block! - Laura Vandervoort is back with a Bang!!! (Flair Magazine):

http://flair-magazine.com/features/icon ... -the-block

-Anuncio de las fechas de la premiere en SyFy:

http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2014/0 ... rl/226456/

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes BTS de la S1 de "Bitten":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@wilzmak: Just six more sleeps until #Bitten airs in Canada (eight for the USA)
@daeganf: #BITTEN in 6! Flashing back to a flashback @Vandiekins22 & @greystonh Elena/Clay in happier times (w/@jaybeesugar)
@wilzmak: Shhh… go back to sleep @Vandiekins22 only 4 more until #Bitten
@daegant: #BITTEN in 3 days! A viewing party of sorts w @Vandiekins22 @paulgreenemedia @AceyHicks @boyfrombayfield)

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El lobo que hay en Laura Vandervoort (NYT Syndicate):
El lobo que hay en Laura Vandervoort

Laura Vandervoort sounds smitten with Bitten. "I was covered in blood, sweat and tears 'all of the above' every day doing Bitten", the actress says with a bemused chuckle. "That was great as an actor".

"I love mixing it up. We did dramatic scenes and then we would go into fight sequences".

"I grew up doing martial arts, so the physical side of the character, of the show, it was an amalgamation of everything I've wanted to do,'' Vandervoort says. "I did all the stunts. And the romantic scenes".

"My character keeps up with the boys,'' she says. "It was draining in every way, but also one of the most wonderful parts of the experience. I'd go home and my body would ache and my eyes would be puffy from crying, but it was definitely fulfilling, and I was challenged by it more than I've ever been challenged on any other show.'' Vandervoort, a gorgeous Canadian actress with huge blue eyes and cascading blond hair, is not new to sci-fi, fantasy and horror fare. Best known for her stint as Kara/Supergirl on 'Smallville' (2007-2011), the 29-year-old also has appeared in Goosebumps (1997- 1998), Mutant X (2001), The Dresden Files (2007), Riverworld (2010) and the recent update of V (2009-2011).

Based on the Women of the Otherworld fantasy novels by Canadian author Kelley Armstrong, 'Bitten' casts Vandervoort as Elena Michaels, a young woman who has had it rough in life.

Elena grew up in the foster-care system.

She did her best, eventually attended college and fell in love with Clayton (Greyson Holt), one of her professors "only to have him turn out to be a werewolf and ... bite her".

Conversing by telephone from her home in Los Angeles, Vandervoort speaks in the past tense about 'Bitten' only because she wrapped production on the first season's 13-episode run some time ago. Season 1 was made for Canadian television, then snapped up by Syfy to run in the United States as well. 'Bitten' will debut on January 13 on Syfy.

"Elena feels betrayed by Clay and has to fight to survive her way through what's called the first change,'' Vandervoort says. "Most people die or commit suicide because of the torture of the first change, and she's the first female who's survived it. So part of what we get into in the first season is her dealing with what's happened, but she actually also loves that she now has this family, this pack that will look out for her".

"She's got people she can confide in and a home that she finally belongs to,'' the actress says, "but she's torn because she hates being an animal. She finds it horrific. She doesn't want to kill or eat meat. So she tries to have a normal life in Toronto, with a human boyfriend (Paul Greene) and a real job. She's a freelance photographer".

"Elena just tries to pretend that it never happened and tries to push the animal down,'' Vandervoort continues.

"She's torn between the two worlds, though, and trying to come to terms with who and what she has become.'' The show represents Vandervoort's first go-round as a series star. She stands front and centre in all the 'Bitten' promotional posters, and it's her name at the top of Syfy's press materials.

She appears in nearly every scene of the series, which also stars Greg Bryk as werewolf-pack leader Jeremy Danvers.

"I started acting when I was 13,'' Vandervoort says, "so I've been working toward having a series like this where I'm the lead and I'm playing a strong female who's leading the pack".

"I'm loving it. Going into it I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to handle the workload or hours, because I really haven't had the opportunity to be in every scene on a show before, but everyone's been great and I love the creators, producers and writers".

"It's just been a perfect combination of project and people, and it makes me want to go to work every day,'' she says.

"So it's going really well".

"And I'm really proud of 'Bitten", Vandervoort adds. "It's not just a job I took. It's a show I'm proud to do. You don't have to know the books or like sci-fi or horror to enjoy the show. Everyone can tune in and find something that they'll relate to. The show isn't just about werewolves and transformations, it's about the relationship and family and obligation".

"I can't wait for people to see it.''

http://www.qatar-tribune.com/viewnews.a ... out2&pge=1

- Laura Vandervoort interpreta a una mujer lobo en Bitten (Thestar.com):
Laura Vandervoort interpreta a una mujer lobo en Bitten
Por Sean Tepper 06 Enero, 2014

With the success of shows like True Blood, The Walking Dead and American Horror Story, vampires, zombies and witches have become small screen staples. But one iconic movie monster has been mostly left out, as werewolves have yet to break into the TV mainstream.

Enter Bitten, a sexy supernatural series that is hoping to help werewolves shake the shadow cast by the rest of their mystical brethren.

It premieres Saturday, Jan. 11 at 9 p.m. on Space and on Syfy in the U.S. Jan. 13 at 10 p.m.

Based on the bestselling novel of the same name by acclaimed Ontario author Kelley Armstrong, Bitten stays true to its Canadian roots: the Space original series features a predominantly Canadian cast with Toronto native Laura Vandervoort in the lead role.

Vandervoort plays Elena Michaels, a young woman who becomes the world’s only female werewolf after she’s bitten by her afflicted boyfriend, a University of Toronto professor. As a member of The Pack — a powerful family that monitors werewolves from their upstate New York mansion — Elena is trained to hunt and find Mutts, a group of rogue wolves who broke the heavily structured rules of the werewolf society.

The series premieres a year after Elena broke away from The Pack after being forced to kill a human. She has established a non-lycanthropic life as a freelance photographer in Toronto, but is torn between the life she’s created and her loyalty to The Pack, who are on the brink of an all-out war with the Mutts.

“I mean obviously vampires are huge right now . . . but werewolves haven’t really been touched upon,” explains Vandervoort. “We’re not dead, we’re not bloodsucking. We’re living, breathing, warm-blooded creatures so there’s more to draw on.

“(The show is) about their heart and their relationships and how the animalistic side gets in the way of their romance.”

At 29 years old, Vandervoort is no stranger to the sci-fi/horror genre and she has a history of portraying strong-willed women on TV.

After landing her first major roles on the children’s series Goosebumps and Are You Afraid Of The Dark? at the age of 13, Vandervoort has gone on to play the daughter of an invading alien lizard queen on ABC’s V and the heroic Kara Zor-El (better known as Supergirl) on the Superman-prequel series Smallville.

But Bitten will mark the North York native’s first time in series leading role, facing the pressure that goes along with anchoring a new show.

“It’s funny when people ask me what I’ve done I sort of joke and say that I’ve been Supergirl, I’ve been a lizard princess and (now) I’m a werewolf,” she said. “There’s always pressure when you’re the lead of a show. This was my first time really handling that so at the beginning I think I was a little stressed.”

Traditionally, male actors have portrayed werewolves, most recently highlighted by Joe Manganiello’s portrayal of Alcide on HBO’s True Blood and Benicio Del Toro’s lead role in The Wolfman, a 2010 remake of the 1941 horror classic. The series Teen Wolf, starring Tyler Posey, is into its third season on MTV.

“Elena is a character that has everything a woman would want to play in this industry: she’s strong, she’s got flaws, she’s had a horrible past,” Vandervoort said. “I think namely for audiences (the biggest difference is that) it’s a female lead and they haven’t really seen that in the werewolf genre.”

Another area where Bitten is looking to break the mould is in its portrayal of the werewolves, which, according to Vandervoort, are more akin to real wolves than the hulking two-legged beasts from fairy tales.

In scenes with more than one wolf, each has been altered to help viewers tell them apart.

“They’re not magical creatures, they are the size of a wolf or a German shepherd . . . they can wander the streets and people would think they are a stray,” explains Vandervoort. “They’ve taken all of the actors’ eyes and are going to put them on to the visual effects wolfs so you know it’s us and, as far as that human quality, you can see what we’re feeling in our eyes.”

Also starring in the series are Winnipeg’s Greg Bryk (Rookie Blue) as pack leader Jeremy Danvers; B.C. native Greyston Holt (Alcatraz, Durham County) as Dr. Clayton Danvers and Alberta’s Paul Greene (The Client List) as Elena’s human boyfriend, Philip McAdams.

As for Vandervoort, 2014 is shaping up to be a big year for the Canadian actress as she negotiates starring in two projects that she says completely contrast her role in Bitten. Additionally, Vandervoort is hoping to help bring her own live action children’s superhero series to fruition, which she hopes can be a positive influence for young girls interested in the increasingly popular superhero genre

“I actually wrote a book for children called Super Duper Delia and it (came) from meeting these young girls at Comic-Con and thinking that they don’t really have a superhero that doesn’t show her midriff,” she said. “So I came up with this concept and sold it to Shaftesbury Films in Canada and we’re turning it into a live action children’s TV series.”

Following the adventures of a young girl who discovers she has superpowers, Super Duper Delia is still in its early stages of development but could air in 2014.

For now, Vandervoort is eagerly anticipating Bitten’s premiere and hopes that genre fans will feel as passionate about it as she does.

“To be able to play that and have a darker, more adult show than I’ve ever been a part of is what I’ve been looking to do,” she said. “I’m more vulnerable and raw than I have been before, and I feel maybe in the past I’ve played characters and I’ve been acting and it was great, but this is the first role that I really connected to.”

http://www.thestar.com/entertainment/te ... itten.html

- Laura Vandervoort Returns to The Bobby D Show (radio-interview):

http://thebobbydshow.com/interviews/lau ... by-d-show/

- Conferencia con Laura Vandervoort y Kelley Armstrong (spoilertv):
Following in the tradition of launching strong female characters in science fiction genre shows like Being Human, Lost Girl, and Continuum, SyFy is about to launch another: Bitten. I had the good fortune to sit in on a conference call today with star Laura Vandervoort, who plays Elena, and the Kelley Armstrong who wrote the series of books that the show is based on. What follows is a quick summary of some of the conversation. A complete transcript will be up in a day or two. You can also check back for my preview of the first episode which will also be appearing before the series premiere on SyFy on Monday, January 13 at 10pm.

The show is filmed in Canada with a largely predominant Canadian cast and Armstrong is also a Canadian. If you too are Canadian, you can see the first episode on Space two days earlier. The episode will air on Saturday, January 11 at 9pm ET and 6pm PT.

Q: Kelley, you’re listed on IMDb as the writer of “unknown” episodes. Have you written any or will you be writing some in the future?
KA: I haven’t written any, but may write some in the future.

Q: What inspired the story?
KA:Many years ago, I was in a writing group and watched an episode of The X-Files. It was about the traditional werewolf. A big guy gets bitten and goes on a rampage, turning into a monster. I thought that’s not how I would do it, and essentially wrote the opposite as a short story for my writing group.

Q: How does Bitten compare to Being Human or Teen Wolf?
KA: Our werewolves are down to earth and as realistic as possible. When they change, they’re no different than a typical wolf. They have the same hair color and eyes as when they’re human. The story was written in the ‘90’s so, I didn’t have to worry about other similar stories. No one knew how to sell a story back then about werewolves who weren’t bad. I use a lot of folklore, but put it in a contemporary context so these wolves could have existed with no one knowing for centuries. This show is more for adults than shows aimed at teenagers or a younger audience.

Q: Is there an innate sense of connection between members of the pack?
KA: When I was creating the werewolves, I based them on a real wolf pack. Their bond just strengthens that instinct. Elena is drawn to the idea of being in a tight knit group. There’s nothing supernatural about it.

Q: How much influence did you have on the show? Has the show stuck with the books? Has anything surprised you about the adaptations?
KA: I had no influence, and I felt that was the correct amount. They were reconstructing the story for another medium. I’d spent too much time in Elena’s head and the story needed to be seen by new eyes. I was thrilled with the early scripts and the great writing. I didn’t have any concerns with the adaptation and John Barbisan (executive producer) reassured me at every step. It’s a lot of fun to see what the other characters are doing because the books are told in first person from Elena’s point of view, so of course, you don’t see anything that she doesn’t see.

Q: Laura, what drew you to the part? What do you like about playing this role?
LV: I relate to a lot of Elena. That she’s strong and can take care of herself and isn’t afraid to put the boys in their place when she needs to. I like the martial arts. There is an epic fight coming up in the finale. There is an animalistic side to the fighting which our terrific fight coordinator brings in. I was offered the part from John Barbisan and was drawn to t he flawed but strong character.

Q: Tell us about Elena...
KA: The creation of Elena goes way back. I wanted to create a character who was a werewolf and uncomfortable with that, but who would eventually embrace it. She comes to accept that what you think you should be is not always what you should actually be.
LV: She’s pushing the animal inside herself down so she can be everything for everyone else. I had no idea at first where they were going, but it’s very layered. It’s all about family and the characters; it’s not just about the supernatural. Elena has always wanted a family. The pack isn’t the family she envisioned for herself, but it’s still her family.

Q:Talk about the special effects.
LV: That’s a wonderful part of the show. It’s mainly all CGI, so the VFX team does it all. Some of them worked on Life of Pi – need the tiger’s hair and so forth. We don’t have long hours in the makeup chair because we don’t use prosthetics.

Q: Has this been a challenging role/how does it compare to your other roles?
LV:This has been my most challenging role. It’s my first time as the lead on a show, and I’ve invested a lot of myself in the character. There was pressure to play Supergirl on Smallville, but there was no room for interpretation. As Lisa on V, I was a minor character in season one and they expanded my role as the show progressed. With Bitten, I fell in love with this character for the first time in my career. Elena is a colorful character! I was able to have lots of input. She’s sad and she’s layered and she’s not perfect. There was pressure on me to be in every scene, every day, and I tried to do all the stunts. There was a real parallel with Elena entering the pack and Laura entering the show, and we’re both trying to earn our place in this group of people.

Q: What is Elena’s relationship like with the werewolf that changed her?
LV: SPOILER! I can’t answer that!
KA: It’s “difficult”...

Q: In the books Elena suffers a lot of abuse...
KA: You have to pile a lot on this type of character! Her overriding need is for family and acceptance. She’s bounced around the foster system. The pack isn’t the family she’s grown up expecting she’d have but it’s the one she has. I have a degree in psychology and I use that background.

Q: Who are your female action role models?
LV: Buffy the movie and the tv show. They were what got me into martial arts. The Alien movies. As actors, people like Meryl Streep.

Q: Have you read the books?
LV: I’ve read Bitten, the first novel. Then I went off the scripts and drew on myself. I think we’re fairly true to the books.

Q: Werewolves seem to eat an awful lot – how do you like that?
LV: The producers love seeing Elena eat on screen. She stress eats. Plus she has to hide how much she eats from her boyfriend. I’m like, you want me to be naked to change AND you want me to eat all the time...

Podéis leer la transcripción completa de la conferencia aquí:

http://www.spoilertv.com/2014/01/confer ... voort.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Laura vandervoort, Greyston Holt and Greg Bryk en "CTV Canada AM" (08-01-14):

http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2710 ... tPageNum=1

- Laura Vandervoort, "CTV Toronto" (08-01-13):

http://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2713 ... tPageNum=1

- Laura vandervoort, Greyston Holt and Greg Bryk en "InnerSpace" (08-01-14):


- Laura Vandervoort, "Etalk" (08-01-13):

- Laura Vandervoort, "The Social CTV" (08-01-13):

- Greyston Holt and Greg Bryk en "CP24 Breakfast" (08-01-14):

http://www.cp24.com/video?clipId=271615 ... tPageNum=1

- Laura vandervoort on "George Stroumboulopoulos" (08-01-14):

- Bitten on Etalk with Laura Vandervoort (10-01-14):

- Laura Vandervoort on "Young Hollywood" (10-01-14):

- Laura Vandervoort, "Time Capsule" Episode 138 by #SciFitalk Podcast:

http://ec.libsyn.com/p/f/e/a/feaa6c5d3d ... id=6649540

- Laura Vandervoort, TV Time Machine radio interview:


- The Point Radio: BITTEN – Who’s Afraid Of The Big Blonde Wolf? (comicmix):

http://www.comicmix.com/news/podcasts/2 ... onde-wolf/

- BITTEN Exclusive Interview with Laura Vandervoort (voicesofkrypton):

Podéis encontrar las fotos de la rueda de entrevistas: AQUÍ

- La estrella de 'Bitten' Laura Vandervoort dice que la figura de un hombre lobo encaja bien con las mujeres (ctvnews.ca):
La estrella de 'Bitten' Laura Vandervoort dice que la figura de un hombre lobo encaja bien con las mujeres
Por Victoria Ahearn 8 de Enero, 2014 7:40AM EST

TORONTO -- Werewolves have been howling loudly at the spotlight in recent years through various films and TV series -- "Twilight," "True Blood" and "The Mortal Instruments" to name but a few.

But the sexy new supernatural thriller "Bitten" offers a rarely seen take on the moon monster mythology: a furry female lead.

The werewolf figure is well suited to women because both are "so affected by mother Earth and the cycles" and face societal pressures concerning image, says Laura Vandervoort, the Toronto native who stars as four-legged fanged protagonist Elena Michaels.

"(Elena is) suppressing this animal inside of her and trying to just maintain this perfect facade, whereas her true self is in New York as this werewolf and just letting loose, and I think a lot of women have trouble being themselves," she said in a recent telephone interview.

"So it's interesting if you think about it from that perspective while watching it, that she's trying to keep this perfect image."

Premiering Saturday at 9 p.m. ET on Space in Canada (and on Monday on Syfy in the U.S.), "Bitten" is based on the New York Times bestselling "Women of the Otherworld" novels by Canadian Kelley Armstrong.

Vandervoort's Elena is an orphan who grew up in the foster care system in the U.S. and became a werewolf when a professor she fell in love with (Greyston Holt) bit her to protect her.

In the series premiere, she's working as a photographer in Toronto and trying to carry on a new life away from her wolf pack in upstate New York. She gets sucked back into life there, though, when a "random mutt" breaks the rules by killing humans for sport and her strong tracking skills are needed to catch the culprit.

Co-stars include Greg Bryk as pack head Jeremy, Paul Greene as Elena's unsuspecting boyfriend Philip and Michael Xavier as Elena's therapist/fellow pack member Logan.

"It's very 'Sopranos'/'True Blood,"' said Vandervoort, who grew up in Toronto's North York area and is the third cousin of acting great Gordon Pinsent. "It's an adult show and it's about the relationships and not just the fact that we're werewolves. It's the family dynamic.

"It's protecting your family at all costs, and if that means murder -- as much as Elena hates who she is -- you protect your pack."

The Los Angeles-based Vandervoort, who's twice made Maxim's list of Top 100 hottest women, came to the series after playing key roles on series including the "Instant Star," "Smallville" and "V."

With a second-degree black belt in Shotokan karate, she did "93 per cent" of her own stunts "except falling down the stairs."

And she had to quickly get used to doffing her duds in front of the camera crew (when Elena is about to become a werewolf, she completely disrobes and folds and stashes her clothing in a safe place -- even if it's outdoors -- so it won't get ruined during her beastly transformation).

"Also, as silly as it is, she doesn't really wear any jewelry because why would I take my time changing if there's an urgent situation? -- 'Hold on, I've got to take my earrings off,"' she said. "So we're being as realistic as we can with the concept."

Vandervoort also had to get used to gorging on a lot of meat during scenes in which Elena's animalistic appetite takes over.

"I don't eat a lot of red meat, so our props guys were amazing in substituting tofu or turkey bacon wherever possible," she said. "The guys love it, because they are working out hard and have this appetite.

"But on the show for me I'm like, 'I can't eat another bite of this, I'm sorry,' and it's just like, 'OK, stuff it into your cheek."'

The wolves are created through CGI. Vandervoort said during shooting, the producer's German Shepherd would stand in for the creatures so the cast and crew could gauge the size.

The creators scanned the actors' eyes and superimposed them onto the CGI wolves so audiences could feel their characters' presence.

"Every day I kind of would hit every emotional obstacle, whether it be a really romantic loving scene or out with a girlfriend, or if someone is dying and I'm covered in blood and I'm crawling on my belly in the dirt," said Vandervoort.

"It's such a vast range for a female to get to play on television that I loved going to work every day and coming home and being exhausted but feeling like, 'Wow, I did that and I didn't think I was capable."

http://www.ctvnews.ca/entertainment/bit ... z2pp0nSJ5S

- Laura Vandervoort se deleita en la temática más ‘adulta’ de 'Bitten' (nationalpost.com):
Laura Vandervoort se deleita en la temática más ‘adulta’ de 'Bitten'
Por Scott Stinson | 8 Enero, 2014 12:12 PM ET

Observations on werewolves, as learned from the early episodes of Bitten: They eat a lot, which is why Elena Michaels, who is lithe enough that she looks like she would be blown over by a stiff breeze, makes a point of jamming two meaty sandwiches in her purse before wrapping up a visit with a friend. They are a close-knit bunch, as evidenced when members of The Pack are reunited: very huggy. And they absolutely do not kill humans. Unless, you know, they have to.

It’s that last part that seems to have become a bit of a deal breaker for Ms. Michaels, who has left her pack behind in upstate New York — they live not in the woods but in a stately old mansion — and started a new life in Toronto, with an unsuspecting ad-agency boyfriend and a nifty condo in the financial district.

“It’s a normal existence,” Elena says to a pack member, “where people go to brunch and they don’t murder to hide their existence.”

Laura Vandervoort, the Toronto-born actress who portrays Elena, the world’s only female werewolf, in the new series produced for Canada’s Space channel, further explains the central tension at the heart of Bitten.

“She can’t really hide or suppress the wolf inside. She’s torn between those two worlds and two lives. It’s kind of like how we have to suppress the wolf inside all of us,” Vandervoort says. So, kind of relatable, then? “She’s trying to do the best she can, without killing too many people, hopefully.” Maybe not so relatable.

Bitten, based on the Women of the Otherworld series of novels by Canadian author Kelley Armstrong, is the latest in a line of homegrown series with a science-fiction bent. And it’s further evidence that Canada is becoming very good at this stuff.

“It’s dark, it’s gritty, it’s not for teenagers,” says Vandervoort, who was previously in Smallville and Instant Star. (She calls Bitten her first “adult” show a few times during our talk, as though she’s happy to have made it to the grown-up table.)

Indeed, the series opens with a sex scene, and by the end of the pilot it’s pretty clear that werewolves do OK in the libido department. There’s also a wolf mauling, and later someone has a vital organ ripped from his body. So, yeah, Pretty Little Liars it ain’t.

To its great credit, Bitten doesn’t spend much time lingering on exposition, which could have been a real trap for a series that quite obviously has a fair bit of mythology to explain. Instead it keeps things moving, depicting, for example, the thing about ravenous werewolf appetites not with any dialogue but by simply having Elena take obvious pleasure in food. Never has someone seemed quite so satisfied by an Egg McMuffin.

The story sees Elena called back to New York, where her former family is dealing with an outsider who threatens to expose their secret. He’s a bit of a lone wolf. (Sorry.) She’s still friendly with the old pack, except for Clay (Greyson Holt), her former lover, who now exists in a state of perma-brood.
‘It’s dark, it’s gritty, it’s not for teenagers’
A note on the human/wolf thing: The characters either appear as humans, or in four-legged wolf form, after a painful-looking transformation that involves a fair bit of grunting. There’s no half-man, half-wolf creature as has sometimes been the case with pop-culture depictions, and full moons do not figure into the equation. The wolves are fully CGI created — Vandervoort says the special-effects team used the eyes of the actors for each of their wolves — and they are quite impressive, with texture to the fur that looks, um, furry.

The switch from human to wolf does create one hairy problem (sorry) that the producers have not quite figured out, which is the tricky business of clothing. Where Bruce Banner once morphed into the Hulk every episode and then back into the mild-mannered doctor and the audience was expected to overlook the fact that his pants and shirt had been restored to their non-ripped state, Bitten has aimed for more realism, such as it is. Elena and her fellow wolves take the time to disrobe and tuck their clothes into a safe place, which they then put on again when they return from being out in the woods and doing wolf things. This is admirable from a continuity standpoint, but raises the obvious question of how these people manage to get starkers in public so often without anyone noticing. (Although it does allow for the butt shot that has become a staple of the cable sci-fi series. So, yes, there are full moons of a sort.)

But perhaps one shouldn’t get too hung up on the details when considering a series that is, after all, about werewolves. And even if the torn-between-two-worlds concept is hardly revelatory, Bitten is a fresh execution of it.

When Elena slithers up behind her unsuspecting boyfriend after he steps out of the shower, he reacts with a start. “You’re going to kill me,” he says, smiling.

Probably not, one suspects, but she might have to consider it.

http://arts.nationalpost.com/2014/01/08 ... es-bitten/?

- Laura Vandervoort y la autora Kelley Armstrong sobre Elena y la serie (examiner.com):
Laura Vandervoort y la autora Kelley Armstrong sobre Elena y la serie
Por Meredith Jacobs 08 de Enero, 2014

"Bitten" is joining Syfy's lineup when it premieres next week, and on Monday, Jan. 6, series star Laura Vandervoort and author Kelley Armstrong spoke to reporters about what to expect from the series, which even non-sci-fi fans should enjoy since, like Vandervoort has said, it's about the characters and their relationships.

While Kelley Armstrong is the original creator of these characters and the world of "Bitten," contrary to any reports, she hasn't written any episodes of the TV series, but it is a possibility in the future. She didn't have any influence on the TV series, something she felt was right because she didn't want the book translated directly to screen, feeling that would have been boring. One such change is the ability for the series to take a look at what's going on with the pack members when Elena's not with them since Armstrong couldn't do that in her book, which is written in the first person from Elena's point of view.

""Bitten" actually came out of an "X-Files" episode," the author shared, explaining that she was part of a writing group and decided to write her take on how she would do werewolves. "I wanted to create a character who would be a werewolf and be uncomfortable with that role but ultimately come to embrace it," she added later. "[It] was about coming to understand that what you think you should be is not always what you're meant to be."

The character of Elena brings another strong female lead to Syfy. She goes to Toronto to hide who she really is and develops this perfect image, all while pushing down the animal inside. "A lot of the skeletons in her closet are explored this season," Vandervoort revealed. "You learn a lot about her history and some of her demons come back." Elena did grow up in the foster care system without a family dynamic, and because of that, her relationship with her pack is "complicated."

"Once she's bitten into the pack, it's conflicted because she is betrayed. It wasn't by her own will, they bit her, and she had to survive it on her own, but at the same time, she finally has a family that she's always wanted and people who will look out for her, so she's torn between what she's always wanted and how she got it, and the life that she should be living in Toronto," she explained. "But eventually within the season you realize that she is very close to the pack and she is their best tracker and she does love them all equally in different ways and wants to help them and help the family." Also complicated, "difficult," "complex" and all those words? Elena's relationship with the werewolf that changed her.

But why the history of abuse for Elena? "For a character like that, you really need to pile as much as possible on them. But seriously, what it was for Elena was looking at the psychology of a character who could have a background and come to be a werewolf and embrace that. And Elena's overriding need is for family and acceptance, and that comes out of this really rotten background. If she'd had great parents and a great support system at home, she would have found that break from the pack much easier," Armstrong, who does have a psychology background, explained. "Because it has been so bad for her and she has no one, that pull for pack, you're combining both the werewolf instinct with her own desires and what she really needs to feel fulfilled. It's both a push and a pull because yes, the pack does offer family. It does not offer the type of family she has grown up expecting, which is get married, have kids, live in the suburbs somewhere."

Armstrong based the werewolf pack as much as possible on a wild wolf pack. Just because you're bitten doesn't automatically bring you in, but it does strengthen that instinct for pack, so Elena is drawn to the idea of needing to be in a close-knit group like a pack, which does lead to an internal pull to be with them when she leaves. "It is tough for her to be away from the pack," Vandervoort admitted, but she wanted to escape and get away from those who betrayed her, especially Clay. That said, the pack does need her. Not only is she the only female to survive the bite, but she's also their best tracker.

With all the werewolves already on TV, the question of how "Bitten" is different did come up, but Armstrong pointed out that she wrote the book in the late '90s, before these other shows like "Being Human" and "Teen Wolf." She built her world and werewolves from folklore and picked what made sense in context so that these werewolves would be believable as the people next door. "Our werewolves are more down-to-earth. They're life-size to any other wolf," Vandervoort said. "It's as realistic as it can be with the situation at hand. The wolf has the actor's eyes and the fur is the same coloring as the hair."

Finally, here's a tease about the finale: there's an "epic fight" coming.

http://www.examiner.com/article/bitten- ... the-series

- Laura Vandervoort revela los secretos de los sexy hombres lobo de "Bitten" (io9.com):
Laura Vandervoort revela los secretos de los sexy hombres lobo de "Bitten"
Por Meredith Woerner 08 de Enero, 2014

Are you tired of watching vampires hump each other's brains out? Are you ready for a totally different set of horny monsters? Well, wait until you get a load of Syfy's hot new Bitten series starring the astoundingly gorgeous Laura Vandervoort and a whole pack of hot, bearded wolf men. We got all the details on this show, straight from Vandervoort herself.

Spoilers ahead...

The series is supernatural soap at the highest level centered around the only female werewolf on the planet — how did she get that way? Because of a guy. Vandervoort plays the spirited Elena, who has ditched her pack for the lone wolf life in Toronto. But suppressing the wolf inside tends to be difficult when every time you get hot and bothered, you want to rip off your clothes, turn into a wolf and run naked through the city streets. Elena is eventually called back to the pack due to a werewolf emergency and there we get to meet her abandoned sexy pack-brothers. Who also spend a lot of time shirtless and running around in the woods naked, and eating sandwiches (because wolves get hungry).

The sex scenes are hot, and everyone is beautiful — so thus far, we are entertained. And thankfully we got to talk to show star Laura Vandervoort to find out what ELSE we should be looking for on this series besides beautiful naked people rolling around like animals in front of a fire.

And apparently, there's a whole lot more. Find out for yourself, below!

You and this pack of guys have such great chemistry? Was that instant or did it take some time to find a vibe between the group? It's very apparent.

Laura Vandervoort: I think we all just got really lucky, everyone is normal and down to Earth. The guys just adore one another. We really didn't have to work with at it, everyone just had great chemistry. Once I had signed on [to the series] I was a part of the chemistry read, so that was great and I also got to be a part of the casting. It was great I was able to be in the room and see who I worked well off of and who I worked well with. And it just all came together.

Let's go ahead and break down the werewolf rules. Every good supernatural monster has a great set of rules, so what are the werewolf rules on Bitten?

There are two types of wolves on Bitten. There are the Mutts, and they are the wolves that don't abide by any pack rule. They run around and kill whoever they want, whenever they want. And a lot of the Mutts are men who are psychotic murderers and just horrible, horrible people who have been turned. They are the people to avoid. They are the pack's enemy and they are the ones who are causing the trouble for us this season.

Whereas, our pack is very civilized. We do not kill humans, let alone kill unless it's to survive and eat. They are very civilized, they live in a home together. They have a pack Alpha (played by Greg Bryk). Wach one of them have their own tasks. Some of our characters their fathers are in the pack. Elena, however, grew up in foster care system. She never knew about this before, eventually (when she goes to University) she falls in love with her professor (it's the first time she let's anyone in) and he ends up turning her by biting her. You don't find out until the end of the season why he does it, but she just feels betrayed. Especially since this was the first time she opened up to someone. She doesn't want to be a part of the pack, and she's trying to suppress the animal within [so she leaves the pack] and moves to Toronto. But she can't deny the instincts within her to be with her pack.

They say over and over again during the pilot that Elena is the "best tracker." What is it about her personality that makes her a good tracker?

I don't know if it's a personality thing as much as just a developed skill or ability. [One member of the pack] is the best hunter, the best killer, the best tracker. I think just because she doesn't want to kill, and she doesn't have the size of the men, some of her other senses are heightened. I think she's the best at taking in her surroundings, putting clues together. She's more methodical than say Craig [from the pack] who is more muscle. But the other asset is that she's the only female in the world that is a werewolf. And no other pack in the world has someone that is like her. So she becomes a desirable werewolf to the Mutts who want to make the most pure bred werewolf with her. Also she's just so rare and unique that people want to be near her. And that causes a danger to the pack. Which is also an asset to them at the same time. They have a woman in the house — she's nurturing but she's definitely a bad-ass momma. She can protect them when she needs to.

Are you glad that the werewolves in Bitten ended up looking much more wolf-like than monsterish? Did you have any input in their creation?

Off the top, I spoke to the Executive Producer before I started with the project and signed on and that was one of the things I asked them. This show is obviously more than werewolves but that is an important aspect to the show, how will they look, how are they doing them? They said right off the bat that they want them to be life size, like any other wolf would be. It's not a mythical show it's not a fantasy or fairy tale show they aren't ginormous creatures. If they were were running down the Toronto street, you might mistake it for a stray dog. That brings it down to reality. Another cool thing is that they also have the actors eyes on the wolf. They scanned our eyeballs and our faces to have them manipulated onto the wolves. And they could maintain our expressions and eyes on the actual wolf.

Every classic werewolf movie or show has a transformation scene. How did you go about finding your transformation scene for your character?

It was a collaboration — none of us had done that before it was obviously new territory. I think it was the first day. I got there, I think all of us had to do a change scene — no pun intended, because we weren't wearing anything. It was a collaboration, asking the producers what it sounds like, what it looks like what stage of her life is she at when she's doing this change? Elena's change is obviously more painful. She can't control it, it's excruciating almost on the verge of wanting to kill yourself. Which is why it's interesting that she survived because any female who had been bitten previously had committed suicide or died during the first change. The first change that we did you think of your appendix exploding and your heart stopping and your back breaking. Thinking about all of those things and vocalizing it and also contorting your body to look like things are shifting around and your spine and your hind legs. So that's the only thing I can relate it to. The other guys, their characters have been doing it for years, so it's more a quick sound of agony and then they're done. But Elena struggles through it. But once it's all done it's a bit of a release it's peaceful [for the character]

Did you read the Otherworld books by Kelley Armstrong to prepare for this?

I read Bitten and then the Otherworlds before sort of deciding [to be in the show, along with] the first two scripts. Because I wanted to know the background for the guys. Bitten really delves into Elena's life which was fantastic and great studying material, but I also wanted to know about the other pack members, because they have this crazy family tree. So I definitely used those as a tool. And our writers went even more in depth with her and her character and her history. It's a really rich character, and there are so many episodes where we go back in time and we get to see what she's been through.

There were a lot of steamy scenes in the first two episodes that I watched in Bitten. Are we going to continue to see more steamy scenes throughout the rest of the series?

The show definitely is more of an adult audience. It's very Sopranos and True Blood. There's definitely a lot of sex appeal to it. You also have to remember that they are animals, there's the animal lust for one another and Elena is trying to suppress that. She doesn't want to be near [one character] but they are very much drawn together. So that's very intense. There will be a lot of that, and you have characters that are very sexual. That's definitely an aspect to the show.

http://io9.com/laura-vandervoort-reveal ... 1497332554?

- Desnudos, Sangre y todo lo que necesitas saber (huffingtonpost.ca):
Desnudos, Sangre y todo lo que necesitas saber
Por Bryan Cairns Posted: 08/01/2014 4:59 pm EST

Elena Michaels craves a normal existence. A Toronto resident with a thriving career, sensitive boyfriend and close friends, she seems to be right on track with that goal. There's just one monstrous piece of baggage weighing her down: Elena is not only a werewolf, but the only known existing female werewolf.

Based on the popular "Women of the Otherworld" series by Canadian author Kelley Armstrong, the freshman TV series "Bitten" follows Elena (played by Laura Vandervoort of "Smallville" fame) as she struggles to distance herself from the lycanthrope curse that governed her life. Elena's torn, however, when her werewolf pack calls for her aid against a mysterious threat targeting them. Now, Elena must journey to the pack's Stonehaven mansion in New York, unleash the beast inside that she's wrestled to supress and confront ex-lover Clayton Danvers ("Durham County"'s Greyston Holt), the man who bit her.

During a Toronto set visit in June 2013, the tension has been ramped up. One of the pack members has fallen. Another is slowly dying of poison. In Stonehaven's massive kitchen, Clayton and a shaken Elena are in the middle of a heated discussion about the current crisis and the unique perspective it sheds on their relationship. Ultimately, a furious Clayton storms off.

"Everything is coming to a head," explains Holt later in his trailer. "Basically Elena finds out there's this other woman, Amber (Eve Harlow), and she's in love with a werewolf. She opened up that the werewolf came and didn't kill her because he truly loved her. This is ammunition for Elena to come back at me and be like, 'Look, he didn't bite her...' There's some stuff Elena doesn't know yet, that I am holding back from telling her."

It's a dramatic sequence that requires a few takes before director Grant Harvey is satisfied. Once cameras stop rolling, Vandervoort, Holt and executive producer J.B. Sugar plunk down to chat with HuffPost Canada TV about "Bitten," adapting an established property and letting the fur fly.

Source Material
Sugar knows a sweet opportunity when he sees it. The Women of Otherworld's strong characters, rich mythology and genre setting were ripe for a Hollywood treatment, so the books were optioned three years ago. "Bitten"'s 13 episodes don't stray much from the first novel, but there were other considerations when crafting the overall arc.

"This is a huge challenge, because you're never going to live up to the expectations of each individual reader," says Sugar. "The reading experience is very different than the visual media that film and TV are. You really have to take into consideration preserving the essence of the stories, characters and the world, knowing when to go off-book, so to speak, so you can expand on storylines that can sustain for a 13-episode arc. Thankfully Kelley has been so open and excited about the project, and respectful of the process in terms of being a different medium. As long as we're staying true to the lifeblood of her characters and her world, she's very happy."

Full Moon Rising
Vandervoort and Holt obviously have chemistry. Pulling up crates to sit on during break, they trade quips, laugh together and yes, even finish each other's thoughts. It's a cheerful environment to witness, but their on-screen dynamic is much more complicated. Those flawed characters and their emotional scars were just a few elements that appealed to the two actors.

"Clayton is strong, impulsive and aggressive at times," says Holt. "I`m the pack beta, protector of the pack and biter of Elena. I brought her into the mix."

"Elena Michaels is everything I've been wanting to play rolled up into one," says Vandervoort. "Having had a very troubled past and some of her foster families abusing her, she`s never really had that family idea in her life. Elena falls in love with her professor (Clayton) at university and he ends up being a werewolf. He bites her and she's pretty upset by that. I don`t know the reason as to why he bit me. I only know he did and he didn`t give me a chance. Elena tries to get away from the werewolf life and she heads back to Toronto. She tries to have a normal life and falls in love with a human."

"She is strong and bullheaded," Vandervoort continues. "Oftentimes she's the dominant one in her relationships. Elena has many weaknesses and secrets and that's what's really interesting about her. She has so much going on, yet she stays strong."

Savage Nature
Capturing the essence and sensibility of fantastical creatures is never easy. Werewolf 101 usually consists of binge-watching classic monster flicks or studying wolf movements and patterns. Vandervoort and Holt skipped those typical paths and chose different approaches for getting into the proper mind space.

"I read this book, Wolves of the Pacific Northwest, that followed them around that area and their behaviour," reveals Holt. "The one thing I learned is how strong pack mentality is and how family-oriented wolves are. That was a big thing for me. And I also ran around the forest naked in Vancouver. I went up this popular hiking trail and just went off it about an hour in. I then took off all my clothes, everything, and just ran around and howled."

"Especially for the fight scenes and scenes that are fairly dramatic, I think about the animalistic side of it," notes Vandervoort. "If I walk into a scene like the one I did the other day, I'll circle the actor like a wolf will circle the prey. Or if you're dominant in the scene, you keep eye contact because the other person will look away. That's how animals treat it. When we're doing fight scenes, I love to grab the nape of the neck because that`s how a mother would dominate. And just the way we stand is very strong and confident."

Altered States
The werewolves of "Bitten" are essentially enormous wolves that run on all four legs -- and not of "The Howling" variety. That's just one of the big decisions the creative team was forced to make. In the developmental stages, they also went back and forth on how to pull off the transformations. Would they be more practical or effects-heavy?

"We made the ambitious decision to go full CGI when our characters are in wolf form," says Sugar. "That's a symptom of how special our action is, and how difficult it is to train practical wolves to do things, as well as the difficulties of creating avatars for our characters. It allows us the ability to specifically design the look of each character when they're in wolf form. Each of the characters, when we see them as wolves, have nuances and ideologies that speak to their human forms."

"Our werewolves are also very unique in that the mythology is not the common mythology you normally associate with them," continues Sugar. "Transformations waxing and waning with the power and cycles of the moon ... we don't have that element in our werewolf lore. When our characters transform into wolves, they actually look like photo-real wolves. They're not bipedal half-wolf/half-man. That's another interesting way we've dealt with the werewolf side of things."

Vandervoort adds, "We always take our clothes off first because we don't want to ruin our clothes or rip them. We put them aside for when we come back to change. It's more of an internal pain. Your bones are breaking and snapping and changing form. You get down to all fours and then really it's the full FX wolf."

Laying The Foundation
At the heart of "Bitten" is a woman being pulled between two different worlds, seeking her own identity and the theme of what defines family. At the same time, fans will be thrilled to delve into a werewolf mythology unique to the Otherworld universe.

"The whole show is about a hero pack," states Sugar. "The notion of the pack, which is the leading group of werewolves, has been around for centuries. There's a device in the novels called The Legacy, which contains all the history of the former pack alphas and the evolution of the rules of the pack. That really helps inform everything we've done in the first season and will do in future seasons as well.

"Their house is called Stonehaven and they have a war room in the basement," adds Sugar. "We took the notion of The Legacy and expanded it into this library where there's scrolls and boxes of evidence and bottles of smells and various evidence they've collected over the years. There are manuscripts and documents that speak to the history of the pack and the ascensions and fall of various packs or alphas, and the whole switching of leadership throughout time."

Mature Content
Forget "Twilight" or those supernatural teen soap operas where romance drives the plot. "Bitten" features darker characters with a grittier tone. In fact, Vandervoort believes the series is more HBO than CW.

"The fact that we're werewolves, there's the erotic side to it," she says. "The animalistic sexual side. They're drawn to one another, especially Clay and Elena. They`ve got that bond that's irresistible. She tries so hard to resist. The show is very sexy. I, as Elena, have two different lives. With my boyfriend Philip (Paul Greene), it's a certain love and attraction. It's more about their relationship and their respect for one another. He just lets her do her thing and doesn't ask questions. But she's just physically drawn to Clay. It's a little more aggressive with the clothes off. There are two different love scene styles when we shoot them."

"I kill a guy," chimes in Holt. "Or that girl getting fed on when her guts are out and a wolf is feeding on her stomach. We're definitely not holding back on the blood."

"Or the nudity," offers Vandervoort.

"Yeah, the nudity," agrees Holt with a chuckle. "My ass makes a cameo."

"It's definitely an adult show in that it's more 'True Blood' than 'Vampire Diaries,'" concludes Sugar. "It's an older take on genre, although it's never gratuitous. It's always in service of the stories we're telling. Space is pushing the envelope in terms of where they're going. We're telling the stories we want to tell and using the visuals to help do that. The show and books are erotically charged and we're staying true to that. It's going to be a sexy, fun, suspenseful thrill ride."

http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/01/08 ... =canada-tv

- Laura Vandervoort se prepara para hincarle los dientes a 'Bitten' (torontosun.com):
Laura Vandervoort se prepara para hincarle los dientes a 'Bitten'
Por Bill Harris 08 de enero, 2014 11:43 PM EST

If Laura Vandervoort feels the need to strip naked and go running through the forest, she can just proceed. She doesn't necessarily have to go to the trouble of transforming into a werewolf.

“I'm sure there's a better way to do it, but we want to be as amazing for the audience as we can, so why not?” Vandervoort replied with a laugh. She was referring to her new supernatural series Bitten, which debuts Saturday, Jan. 11 on Space.

But you know, Laura, I've noticed something through my many years watching TV. Only good-looking people tend to strip naked for jogs through the woods, werewolves or not. It's never some fat, hairy dude for whom the difference between man and beast is subtle.

“Right? Well, some of the guys on the show grow the hair when they're changing,” Toronto-born Vandervoort said. “But I'm glad that TV has been so introspective for you. That's what TV is, it's all fake and smoke and mirrors and not reality.”

Well, the reality for Bitten, which is based on novels by acclaimed Sudbury author Kelley Armstrong, is that Vandervoort is starring as lead character Elena Michaels. Elena is torn between two worlds, as she has built a human life for herself since becoming a werewolf. Now she must weigh just how much loyalty she feels to her secret and unwanted “pack.”

In that sense, Bitten really is about the responsibilities of so-called family. What is reasonable and what is unreasonable to expect of someone?

“Exactly, yeah - I've been comparing this show lightly to The Sopranos, just in terms of the family dynamic and protecting your family at all costs,” Vandervoort said. “Elena hates that she has become this creature, but she also never really had a family before. She grew up in the foster-care system.

“I read the book and fell in love with Elena, everything that she is, both perfect and flawed, strong and weak. I guess I could say I relate to Elena more than most of the characters I've played, and I know that's odd to say because she's a werewolf. But just with her having two different lives and trying to be who people want her to be, there are a lot of parallels.”

Known previously for her roles on TV shows such as V and Smallville, and movies such as Ted, Bitten marks the first time Vandervoort is sinking her teeth into being a series lead.

“I started acting when I was 13 and this was a great opportunity for me to finally get a chance to really challenge myself, day in and day out, in every scene,” said Vandervoort, 29. “And I love action, I grew up doing martial arts, so it kind of had a bit of everything I wanted to do.

“There's a lot more pressure involved. Not only are we bringing a book to life that has a huge fan base, but also just setting the tone. I want to fulfill what they saw in Elena, having chosen me.”

Just be careful with all that running around naked in the woods, Laura Vandervoort. It's cold outside. I worry.

“Thanks,” Vandervoort said. “I will make sure that the hot chocolate and the blankets are on standby for season two.”

http://www.torontosun.com/2014/01/08/la ... nto-bitten

- Laura Vandervoort adelanta la nueva serie de hombres lobo, Bitten (msn.com):
Laura Vandervoort adelanta la nueva serie de hombres lobo, Bitten
Por Sean Plummer 09 de Enero, 2014 9:00 PM

When asked what she does not like about Greyston Holt (Durham County), Bitten star Laura Vandervoort eyes her tall, handsome co-star before turning back to me.

“Everything,” she finally says. “The fact that he’s so muscular and big means that he blocks my light.”

The ensuing laughter puts the lie to Vandervoort’s critique.

Indeed, there is an easy chemistry between the actors on the day last summer that I visit Bitten’s Toronto set. It is a kinship, however, no longer shared by their respective characters. Bitten, which premieres Jan. 11 on SPACE, casts Smallville veteran Vandervoort as Elena Michaels, a young woman who hides a dark secret from her new boyfriend Philip (Paul Greene) and the rest of the world: she is a werewolf. Holt plays Clay Danvers, her ex and the man who turned her into a shapeshifter with his bite, albeit for reasons the angry Elena is not yet aware.

Bitten is inspired by the Women of the Otherworld, a series of fantasy novels written by Canadian Kelley Armstrong. Those novels (there are thirteen at present) detail a larger supernatural world of witches, necromancers, sorcerers, and vampires. Bitten’s first season, however, will just deal with lycanthropes.

“We wanted the audience to make one leap of faith,” says executive producer Grant Rosenberg in a separate interview. “The leap of faith is that your next-door neighbour could be a werewolf.”

Indeed, in the series opener, Elena is enjoying her human boyfriend and career as a successful photographer in Toronto. She is far from Stonehaven, the upstate New York home of her lycanthropic brethren, known as The Pack. (Elena is the only female werewolf known to exist.)

But her bestial nature, which requires that Elena transform into a werewolf periodically, is always there under her skin, waiting to be unleashed. It was this dichotomy in Elena’s character – between her desire for a normal life and her wanting to be part of a family, even a monstrous one – that interested Vandervoort in the part.

“She doesn’t want to be a werewolf,” the actress says of Elena. “She didn’t have any say in it. She was bitten and betrayed by Clay, and so she’s bitter; she’s bitter for quite a few years.

“And she’s never had a family relationship before. She went from foster care to foster care. She was abused, neglected, and sexually abused. The first time she’s ever had anything like a real family is with The Pack. So she’s torn because she hates that they betrayed her and she doesn’t want this life of murder and bloodlust, but she loves the idea of a family mentality.”

Turning Armstrong’s work into a television series began nearly three years ago when executive producer J.B. Sugar (jPod) acquired the rights. He then brought on Daegan Fryklind (Motive) to co-write and act as showrunner. Rosenberg soon joined the production as Fryklind’s co-showrunner, and casting began for Elena. Vandervoort distinguished herself early in the process.

“She can really move... like a werewolf would,” Rosenberg says. “She comes to us also with a sci-fi fanbase after having been on Smallville, and the fact that she was Canadian helped as well. We did a very extensive casting search, and she was head & shoulders above. She was a first choice for us early on. We went out and cast our net very wide, and we came back to her. I’m really happy that we got her.”

As of the day last summer when these interviews were conducted, neither Vandervoort nor Holt had yet met Armstrong, who is listed in Bitten’s credits as an executive producer. Both have discovered the passion of the writer’s fanbase through Twitter, though, and Vandervoort has read some of the Otherworld novels.

Asked to explain the series’ appeal, the Toronto-born actress says: “I honestly think right now people love the love story and being caught between two worlds. I think in this industry we really love a strong female lead; someone who is flawed and the audience can relate to.”

She adds: “I think that sci-fi is such a big thing right now – and fantasy – that it allows for sort of out-there storylines and really great guest stars. I think people just really connect with the fantasy world; it’s an escape, especially the love story. Young women always seem to have the 50 Shades of Grey mentality. You always want that dreamy caught-between-two-lovers thing.”

As for the werewolves themselves, Bitten’s beasties are computer generated, although Vandervoort, who counts Teen Wolf (1985) as her favourite werewolf movie, is seen onscreen stripping (to avoid wrecking her character’s clothing) and enduring the pain of transformation.

Asked the key to selling a good werewolf transformation, Vandervoort says: “Really believing what you’re doing and not thinking about it being cheesy; just genuinely feeling the pain or relating to something else. And obviously our visual effects will sell it.”

http://entertainment.ca.msn.com/tv/msn- ... how-bitten

- Conoced al elenco de ‘Bitten’ (theloop.ca):
Conoced al elenco de ‘Bitten’
Por Samantha Sobolewski, 10 de Enero 2014 12:00:54 PM

Space is offering viewers a chance to sink their claws into something new this January.

Based on best-selling Canadian author Kelley Armstrong’s novels, Bitten centres on photographer Elena Michaels, the only female werewolf in the world, as she struggles between maintaining her human side and being called back to help the werewolf pack. The show’s lined up to not only be full of intense action, but develop real human connections as we see the two sides of each character.

Over the past several months, TV Guide Canada got to visit the ornate Stonehaven studio set in Toronto, watch some filming and talk with the cast about their roles, showing skin, and the more grounded, human-side of their show.

Laura Vandervoort as Elena Michaels

Having your second degree black belt and being a horror fan over sitcoms are just two of the advantages Laura Vandervoort had going into her role as Elena Michaels.

“When we have fight scenes I’m one of the guys,” Vandervoort tells TV Guide Canada. “I get very excited and it’s like, the best part of my day is getting to do that. They often — so far– have been letting me do quite a bit of it and hand to hand combat is really great.”

It certainly is a testosterone-filled environment being the only female werewolf, although Vandervoort isn’t complaining.

“There’s some days that they forget I’m on set and I’m a girl and some of the discussions are things I don’t need to hear,” Vandervoort says. “I grew up a tomboy and being one of the guys, so it’s fun because we get to joke around and be sarcastic and have our dirty little jokes and it’s great.”

Playing Michaels gives Vandervoort the chance to explore two very different sides of one character. Some days, she says she’ll be in heels shooting elegant wedding scenes, while others are filmed in combat boots covered in blood. It’s something she calls the “perfect situation” as she’s caught between the worlds of Toronto and New York with the pack.

“This is very gritty and real and character-based and it’s more like a True Blood sort of feel for adult audiences,” says Vandervoort. “It’s just as real as we can make it and I love that, and I love the shadows that we’re shooting with and the gore factor in every episode where I have blood right down to my elbows, so that definitely drew me to it for sure.

Although she couldn’t pinpoint one specific thing about Bitten she’s excited for viewers to see, Vandervoort says she knows fans will be quite excited to see Stonehaven, the gothic-styled werewolf pack house.

“When you step into Stonehaven and New York for the first time it’s like a whole new world,” she says. “You haven’t really seen something like that on TV before.”

Greyston Holt as Clayton Danvers
“I was eating noodles in a bowl, I had no money, I was sleeping on the street and I would’ve taken anything,” Greyston Holt jokes when asked what it was that first attracted him to the role of Stonehaven’s resident enforcer and pack beta Clayton Danvers, someone he describes as “impulsive,” “aggressive at times but passionate” and “intelligent.”

In actuality, as a native of a rural area in Calgary, it was the outdoorsy aspect of being a werewolf, as well as Clayton’s dual-sided role of being both a professor at a university in New York State and the werewolf in Stonehaven that made him want to sign on.

“It’s cool in this show because I guess there’s a supernatural element to it but it’s really grounded,” he says. “When we’re not wolves we’re normal people. It’s a very real world we live in and are acting in.”

Danvers is the werewolf that turns Elena, meaning there’s plenty of history between the former student and teacher.The human connections between characters is actually what Holt’s most excited for viewers to check out.

“I’m really excited for people to watch the whole first season and see the relationships develop and where they go. That’s the main thing that’s really cool about the show, but for little bonuses the action sequences are amazing.”

Holt’s well-known for his role as the introverted son of a serial killer on Durham County, a complete opposite to his role as the pack beta.

“In this I’m this impulsive, more out there type of character, more extroverted in ways, so it’s been fun all the action we get to do,” he says. “And we get to be naked all the time.

Paul Greene as Philip McAdams
Being the only regular guy on a show full of wolves may seem like a bit of a buzzkill, but for Paul Greene, playing Elena’s human boyfriend Philip McAdams just makes him a special character.

“Everyone else has superpowers and I’m different,” Greene says of the werewolf cast. “A lot of people ask what my super power is but I think my superpower is patience, and waiting for all these things for Elena to get through, all the crazy things she goes through.”

Working alongside the writers, the character of Philip has been slightly morphed from the books, where he’s only seen near the beginning and end, giving him more work to do on the show and a chance to form his own portrayal of the character. That being said, he assures the show is staying very close to Armstrong’s original story.

“We’ve had some great meetings in the beginning of what the moral compass for Philip was, and he’s very high integrity and all about family, so that’s my starting point is there.”

The moral compass and the protective side of Philip are part of what reeled Greene in to the part.

“I’m a father and there’s a lot of protective elements Philip has over Elena because of her past,” he says to TV Guide Canada. “She has some disturbing past and there’s an act of natural protectiveness that Philip has over her, and I feel that for my own son, so there was some parallels to my own life with that.”

Viewers may have to wait until the end of Season 1 to see some serious interaction between Philip and Clay with Elena. Greene was filming near the end of the season when he said he first started working with Greyston, but only had positive things to say about his castmates.

“It’s so fun to work with [Laura and Greyston],” Greene says. “They’re all Canadian, so everyone’s really charming and kind and really the whole crew, every single person’s has just been incredible, especially just being here in Canada.”

Steve Lund as Nick Sorrentino

The first time viewers see Steve Lund’s Nick Sorrentino they may be getting quite the eyeful.

“I think the first time you see me on camera is possibly my favourite,” Lund says. “I’m a little concerned what my mother would say about it, but I think for my friends and family that will be watching it I’m just licking my chops waiting to see their reactions from that.”

Lund, who originally auditioned for the role of Clay, describes Sorrentino as “a playboy with responsabilities.” Sorrentino’s easy-going nature is a natural part of Lund’s personality, making Nick’s role appeal to him slightly more than being the “serious dude all the time.” That being said, the Sorrentino name isn’t one taken lightly in the Bitten universe.

“My grandfather was the former pack alpha and my father is the book keeper, I’ll say,” says Lund. “I’ve never really felt the pressure to follow in the family business per se. I’ve lived a pretty privileged life but I’ve always understood the rules and guidelines of being a werewolf and follow them strictly, but have been fortunate enough to enjoy the fruits of life a little bit more than some of the other werewolves perhaps.”

Sorrentino also plays the right hand man to Danvers, a friendship that’s both seen on-screen and off for Lund.

“Greyston, I call him the nicest man in Canada,” he tells TV Guide Canada. “He’s just a lover of life and that energy is infectious. Him and I had a really, really great time [filming] and a really great friendship.”

It’s the same type of pact-mentality that Lund says sets Bitten apart from other shows, and what others were telling Lund made filming Bitten–one of his biggest roles to date–unlike other shows on TV.

“I kept hearing from the crew and the cast that the camraderie that we all shared collectively was very unique apparently,” he says.

“Every guest character or guest director that came in was just part of the family we really enjoyed our time together, and as a relatively new actor it was definitely a dream come true. My expectations were greatly surpassed and I just can’t wait until that first day of Season 2.”

http://www.theloop.ca/showbiz/tv-guide/ ... of-Bitten-

- Steve Lund nos cuenta por qué deberíamos ver esta serie y mucho más (tvequals):
Steve Lund nos cuenta por qué deberíamos ver esta serie y mucho más
Por Sabienna Bowman | 8 de Enero, 2014

This Monday, Jauary 13th, Syfy is premiering an all new take on the werewolf genre with Bitten, a drama based on the book series written by Kelley Armstrong. The series follows the only known female werewolf in existence played by Laura Vandervoort, and we recently got a chance to talk with one of the stars of the series, Steve Lund.

Lund is best known for his guest appearances on hit series like Haven where he played the famed Colorado Kid, Hemlock Grove and Beauty and the Beast. Now Lund is taking on the pivotal role of Nick, a werewolf whose family is deeply entrenched in the pack and who is reluctantly being groomed for the role of pack leader. During our interview Lund discussed Nick, the show’s unique take on the werewolf mythology, why you should watch Bitten and much more.

What is Bitten and what can our readers expect from the series?

Steve Lund: Bitten is a– initially it was a novel series based on the only female werewolf in known history, Elena Michaels (Laura Vandervoort) and the story follows her struggle between wanting and struggling with a human life, while also balancing her responsibilities to her own kind and the undeniable circumstances she finds herself in as a werewolf. And so the story sort of kicks off when a band of rogue werewolves try to overthrow the order of things. They start killing off the werewolves and the humans in the town that we live in, a trying to send a message kind of thing, and the pack is called together and that includes Elena, a very important part of our tracking process because she has the keenest sense of smell out of all of us. So we get the band back together and fight this problem.

Why is Elena the only female werewolf and what does this mean for her?

Steve Lund: It’s a huge responsibility for her. The reason there aren’t more female werewolves is that they don’t normally stand the initial change. They can’t survive it. It’s a very grueling, very painstaking process and the majority of women that are bit die from the full transformation and Elena is, remarkably, the only one to have survived it.

She’s a pretty cool chick. What’s important about her life is how she is desired by other werewolves, whether they’re pack members or not. To have that stigma of being the only female werewolf is a very coveted thing. A lot of people want to get their hands on her– or their claws, if you will. She’s the unicorn essentially, the myth, the whole mystery of the entire species, so she’s a very sought after individual.

It seems that Nick is reluctantly on the path to becoming the pack leader. Can you tell us a bit about how he fits into this world? Is he Elena’s guide?

Steve Lund: Nick’s family has been in the pack for generations. You could say he is slowly being groomed into becoming a pack member of great responsibility. But as you say, reluctantly; he sort of chooses to live his own life as he has very easily considering the things that have been provided for him. He’s lived a very privileged life, but he has always understood that someday, and he doesn’t know when, but that responsibility would come knocking and he would have to answer the call.

In terms of his relationship with Elena, they’re very close friends. I think Nick has an understanding of women. He definitely has a deep fondness for the opposite sex, but it stems further than anything sexual for him. The guy loves to shop and he has an understanding of style. That is an area that Elena, being the only female around, she lacks, so I think her and I have found some common ground where we’re able to go shopping or do things of that nature that keep her sane, keep her grounded. She’s very much a sister.

How are the transformation scenes? Is there a mindset you have to get into to prepare for those as an actor?

Steve Lund: It’s really cool. It’s computer-generated and all done post-production so we don’t see a whole lot of that until the final product, but it does look super rad. It’s such a huge part of the show, so it is important to us that the wolf graphics and all of that stuff looks really good because it dominates a high percentage of what you’re seeing on the screen, so it needs to be quality and it needs to match the attention to detail we have in every other area of making this series.

As an actor, they sort of break it down for us. They have their guidelines and their specifics that are all outlined in the novels by Kelley Armstrong. For instance, we don’t change at midnight or when the moon comes out, or stuff like that. We sort of eradicated a lot of those myths and made them more of an everyday kind of thing, so we can change on command or we can change when we feel threatened. It’s a skill to be able to harness your changes. It’s a very vulnerable, exposing process.

There are so many genre shows on television today, what sets Bitten apart and why should our readers watch it?

Steve Lund: It’s a very family driven tale. I think for us as werewolves, it’s almost secondary. We understand that we have responsibilities to our species and our kind and the rules associated with having such an exceptional way of life. But we try very honestly and very deliberately to live normal human lives. Obviously, there comes a time every day that you’re reminded that you’re not so human, but we’re just existing, just staying alive. We’re a proud people, but at the end of the day we’re living in a human world.

I think our show casts a wide net. We’re going to be able to reach a lot of different audiences. It’s a very sexy show, it’s a very violent show, it’s a very emotional roller coaster. One demographic I think we will succeed in reaching is that of the superwomen; those women who understand the struggles of living in the modern world as a woman. It’s very metaphorical for today’s society, her (Elena) living as a werewolf with all of these secrets, and inhibitions and self consciousness–all of these things women encounter every day. I think they will be able to root for her very easily.

If you could guest star on any show which would it be and why?

Steve Lund: I’d have to say Game of Thrones at this point and I don’t think I need to explain why, but I will say because I hope to ride a horse and wield a massive sword and kill an amazing dragon or something mythical of some kind. That’s why I love sci-fi, it’s just endless, there are no boundaries and just so many possibilities. But Game of Thrones is badass, and you know it.

http://www.tvequals.com/2014/01/08/excl ... much-more/

- El drama canadiense "Bitten" tiene los componentes para estar en lo más alto (theglobeandmail.com):
El drama canadiense "Bitten" tiene los componentes para estar en lo más alto
Por John Doyle 11de enero 2014, 12:00 AM EST

On a big weekend with a glam awards show and all, we must pay attention to a hot new Canadian drama that arrives with lots of buzz and anticipation. Let’s assess.

Bitten (Saturday, Space, 9 p.m.) is about “a sultry and intelligent female werewolf,” which is a grabby premise right there. Not only that, this female werewolf is the only one of her kind in the whole wide world. And her home base is Toronto.

Based on Canadian Kelley Armstrong’s novels, Bitten is actually a lot more than a grabby premise. Great populist TV with smarts, it’s loaded with layers of meaning that you can notice or merrily ignore as you watch the gothic entertainment unfold. The first episode is mighty sexy.

Laura Vandervoort plays Elena, the female werewolf. As things open, she’s having excellent intimate time with her boyfriend. (There are lots of bare bums and barechested, strapping fellas here, take note. There’s even an eye-popping threesome in a hotel room.) Then she feels certain physical urges and must leave. This is the female werewolf kicking in. Doesn’t happen often, apparently, but it must be curbed. What then begins to spin is the story of Elena’s connection to a secretive group of studly male werewolves. The Pack is under pressure because a rogue werewolf is scaring people in their area, and they are worried about their secret identities being revealed. They want Elena’s help. She’s way reluctant.

What we’ve got here is a drama about the “beast within us,” except the beast is a young woman. She’s tortured by her state. She’s worried about “wolfing out” and becoming ravenous, always on the prowl for prey. She’s a big meat-eater, something she tries to hide because it doesn’t look good on a comely young woman of her age.

And the subtext is clear: Elena is always fighting urges and those urges are really about men, sex and food. She’s trying to keep the beast within from breaking loose. The drama is lightly charged with images of sex and food. She works as a photographer and, in one scene with her boyfriend’s sister (Natalie Brown), she looks admiringly at photos of men’s tight torsos and thighs. You can cut the erotic tension with a knife.

There’s an awful lot to admire in Bitten. Screenwriter Daegan Fryklind has done a fine job adapting the overwrought novels for TV, keeping the tone playful but fraught and sexually aflame. Vandervoort is great as Elena, a character who is a toxic mix of steeliness and fears. Downtown Toronto looks chic in the show, and there’s even an effort to make it emphatically local – when Elena says Toronto is her home, she pronounces it “Toronna.” Nice.

Bitten matches the expectations and, as it starts airing in SyFy in the U.S. next week, we’re looking at a good, deserved international hit.

http://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/tel ... e16254115/

- Laura Vandervoort Habla sobre BITTEN, el unirse a la serie, el ganar percepción de las novelas de Kelley Armstrong, cambiar a mujer lobo y el impactante final (collider.com):
Laura Vandervoort Habla sobre BITTEN, el unirse a la serie, el ganar percepción de las novelas de Kelley Armstrong, cambiar a mujer lobo y el impactante final
Por Christina Radish 12 de enero, 2014

The new series Bitten, based on the first of best-selling author Kelley Armstrong’s Women of the Otherworld novels, tells the story of lone female werewolf Elena Michaels (Laura Vandervoort), a woman desperate to escape a world she never wanted to be a part of. The betrayal of having been turned sent her running to try to lead a normal life away from her pack family, until she’s pressured to return to help track down a killer that threatens to expose the secret existence of werewolves.

During this recent exclusive phone interview with Collider, actress Laura Vandervoort (Smallville, V) talked about how she came to be a part of the show, what drew her to this role, the questions she had before signing on, using the novels to get insight about who Elena is, whether she might come to terms with who she is now, how they approached the werewolf change, how the relationship between Elena and her former love Clay (Greyston Holt) might progress this season, how much she loves the physical work on her show, what she most admires about Elena, and the shocking epic finale. Check out what she had to say after the jump, and be aware that there are some spoilers.

Collider: How did you come to be a part of this show?

LAURA VANDERVOORT: I was actually called by J.B. [Sugar], our executive producer, and he and I had a phone conversation for an hour and a bit, just about what he wanted from the project, how it would look visually, the character, the books, and the background. I guess he had me on his radar when he got ahold of the books and optioned them into a series. He saw me with George Stroumboulopoulos, on his Canadian talk show, and it just sealed the deal for him. I was talking about PETA and my love for animals, and it just clicked for him. So, we spoke on the phone. I had read Bitten and Men of the Otherworld, just to get the background of the pack, and I loved the idea. It was my first opportunity to be the lead of a series. And I love a challenge, so the fact that I was going to be one of the only females and would get to do stunts, and it’s such a layered character with her background and history, was great. In the first season, we do get into how she was bitten and where she’s coming from. She has so many skeletons in her closet that it’s a lot of fun for me when we go deeper into her past.

When you were approached about playing a female werewolf, were you immediately intrigued, or did you feel like you needed to ask some questions about it first?

VANDERVOORT: I’ve done a lot of sci-fi, so I was a little hesitant because you get pigeonholed into that genre and world. But at the same time, I love sci-fi because the women are so strong and independent and smart. I do just love the characters in sci-fi, but not necessarily the fact that it’s sci-fi. And obviously, that genre is huge right now. So, I just needed to know a little more about how they were going to do the wolves because that’s a huge aspect of the show. When he said it was more based on the characters and their relationships, and Elena’s issues that she has, being in therapy, that was the more intriguing part to me. The cherry on top is that she’s a werewolf, as well.

Did reading the books help give you insight into who Elena is?

VANDERVOORT: I think reading the novels definitely was a good source for me to study from, and to get an idea of her voice because she does speak from the first person in the books. To understand where she was coming from, in her own head, it definitely helped. We do stay as true as possible to the books and to Kelley Armstrong’s vision, and then the actors bring in their own twist on things. This is the first time I feel that, in a series, I’ve been completely open, honest and raw with my personal emotions, and used them on camera. So, I did use the Elena from the book. We’ve all just thrown in our own twist on it, as well. Personally, I just use my own experiences and try to relate to what she’s going through.

For people who aren’t familiar with the books, who is Elena Michaels and how does she fit into this world?

VANDERVOORT: Elena comes from the foster care system. She hasn’t really ever had a family dynamic. She’s never really had anyone to believe in or rely on or love. She has trouble trusting because she’s had some horrible experiences in the foster care system, which we will get into. She’s just trying to make her way through life. At university, she falls in love with her professor, played by Greyston Holt, and it’s the first time she really lets someone in and is trusting. Sadly, she feels betrayed when she finds out he’s a werewolf. He bites her, and she has no idea why he bit her. No females have ever survived the bite. She’s the first to ever be strong enough to get through the first transformation. Most people commit suicide or just die from the agony of the change.

So, once she transforms, she does her best to leave the pact behind and try to live a normal life. She’s very bitter towards what they’ve done with her, and she goes off to Toronto to try to live a normal life as a freelance photographer. She has a human boyfriend, and she just tries to move forward, but she obviously can’t deny the animal inside of her. And the pack calls her back to help them track. There are some murders back in Bear Valley, and because she’s their best tracker, she has to go back. She has that urge. When the Alpha of the pack calls, you have to go. So, when she’s back, she’s torn between her two loves. This is the first time she’s had a family dynamic, and they do love and care for her. The series is really her trying to live a normal life, but also trying to suppress the animal inside of her.

This is a world that Elena never wanted to be a part of because she didn’t even know it existed, but she seems to also really bring something to it, as well. Will she have less of a hatred for it, as time progresses, or will she always resent what was done to her?

VANDERVOORT: It was a huge betrayal. She’s now no longer human. She can’t live the life that she was working so hard to live. She hates that she’s this brutal killer. At the same time, the pack only kills to eat and survive. They’re made a rule not to kill humans. So, she’s definitely torn because she’s never had a family like this, and that’s the most important thing to her, but this was a huge betrayal. But towards the end of the season, she does find out why he did what he did, and that might change things for her. Maybe she will come to terms with who she is and grow to love it, but it definitely is a huge struggle for the entire season.

What do you think it was about Elena that allowed her to survive the werewolf transformation, when no other woman had, before her?

VANDERVOORT: She’s had to be really strong and on her own for her whole life. She’s just an amazing woman. She wasn’t going to let this be the end of her, and she fought through it. Also, the pack made sure she was in a safe place for her first transformation, so that helped. But, I think it was really up to her and her strength within. She was just not ready to be done.

What is it about Elena that makes her such a good tracker?

VANDERVOORT: I’m not sure what it is. I think it’s more of a DNA thing. She’s the best tracker. Clay is the muscle of the group and gets the job done. They all have their specific abilities, and she just happens to be the best tracker. They need her, and they can’t do anything without her.

Because she clearly fights her wolf side and puts off changing until it forces itself on her, do you know how often she’s supposed to change to make it easier on her?

VANDERVOORT: There’s no number. In the beginning, it’s grueling. It’s the most difficult thing you can imagine, that she’s going through. She’s been holding back this animal. As the season goes on, when she does change, it’s more of a relief for her, so there’s pleasure in it.

How did you decide on the way you would approach the change?

VANDERVOORT: Your bones are breaking and you’re contorting and your spine is growing. It was interesting for us all to collaborate, as producers and actors, as to how it would look and feel and sound. It’s exhausting doing the change because you have to physically and mentally show that. The first change I ever did was in the woods, and you’re not really wearing anything, and you’re down on all fours. We were like, “What are we doing, exactly? How does this look?” And it’s different for the other actors because the other wolves have done this for so long. For Elena, it’s exhausting.

When you signed on to do this show, did you have any idea how often you’d have to be getting naked?

VANDERVOORT: I had an idea. That was one of the things I spoke to J.B. about. It makes the most sense. You see so many movies where the humans change into werewolves and their clothes rip, and then suddenly they’re back in their clothes. That just didn’t make any sense. So naturally, they have to remove that stuff, and there’s no jewelry. It just makes the transition easier.

Do Elena and Clay get on the same page, at all, this season, or will that be more of an evolving process?

VANDERVOORT: I don’t want to give that away. The entire season is them trying to figure out how they feel about one another. Obviously, Clay loves Elena, and she just can’t get passed what he’s done to her. That’s an ongoing thing. But, I won’t say whether or not they figure it out by the end of the season. You’ll have to watch.

How would you describe the difference between pack werewolves and mutts, and why are the mutts so dangerous?

VANDERVOORT: Our pack abide by rules, like to not kill unless it’s necessary. The mutts are really just free range, doing whatever they want rebels. Some are psychotic murders that have been turned into werewolves. The mutts are specifically choosing people who are insane or are serial killers to change, to come at the pack. They’ve got these crazy wolves who just don’t abide by anything. Our pack is very civilized. We sit down and have our dinners. We live in a house together, and we look out for one another. It’s very similar to The Sopranos, in that it’s, “Kill to protect the family, but only if necessarily.” The mutts just are deranged.

Out of this pack, who would you say Elena is the closest to and has the most respect for?

VANDERVOORT: Definitely Jeremy (Greg Bryk). He’s the pack Alpha, and he’s basically the first father she’s ever known. He was there for her through her first change, and he really takes care of her, so she really respects him, in a lot of ways. But also, Logan (Michael Xavier), who’s one of the pack members. He’s the only other pack member that lives in Toronto and tries to live a normal life. He’s a therapist. It’s a great dynamic for her because it’s a friend who knows what she is and what she’s going through. She goes to these therapy sessions and it’s almost like a monologue to the audience from Elena, where she only talks about how she’s feeling. So, having Logan there is just a way for the audience to know how she’s truly feeling because, for most of the show, she’s keeping it to herself.

Do you enjoy all of the physical work you get to do with this show?

VANDERVOORT: Yeah, that’s definitely one of the things that attracted me. I grew up doing martial arts and I’m a second-degree black belt. I always do my own stunts, as much as possible. I’m a little stubborn about it. Even on Smallville, I was doing as much as I could. But, I also have great stuntwomen where, if it’s a really dangerous stunt, they will do it. With Bitten, it’s the first time I’ve had a chance to do hand-to-hand combat and work on these choreographed fight sequences. We’ve got this great finale fight that we shot for three days straight. It’s insane! I didn’t know how out of shape I was when we started to do that. I couldn’t keep up with the stunt double. We had the opportunity to have a character that you haven’t met before, so our stunt guy was the character and did the stunts with me. I was fighting the stunt guy, as opposed to an actor, so I was trying to keep up.

When they’re in human form, these werewolves can listen in on conversations, from a distance, and hear what people are saying. Do you think that would be a positive or a negative, if you could do that, in your own life?

VANDERVOORT: I think it would be a negative. I don’t necessarily want to know what people are saying when I’m not around, especially if it’s about me. I just don’t need to hear extra garbage. I wouldn’t want that.

Now that you’ve played this character for a season, are there things that you most admire about Elena and who she is?

VANDERVOORT: Everything about Elena is admirable. That’s why I wanted to be a part of this show. It’s rare on television to see a lead female. It’s happening more now, and I’m thrilled about that, but the fact that we still have to comment and say, “Wow, it’s a lead female,” means that we still have a ways to go. But in terms of her qualities, I admire that she stays true to who she is, her strength, and that she’s flawed and has been through so much, but still perseveres.

With the way that things are left at the end of the first season, is there a resolution, or are things left open for a Season 2?

VANDERVOORT: It’s definitely left open for a Season 2. I won’t say where we leave off, but it’s pretty dramatic. The pack has to come together. It’s an epic finale. People are going to be shocked with what happens.

http://collider.com/laura-vandervoort-b ... hYzrFyK.99

- Entrevista con GREG BRYK (starrymag):
Q) What do you think it is about "Bitten" that has drawn in so many viewers?

A) I think Laura Vandervoort has a nice built in fanbase and I think there is a duality with the popularity of the books as well. The Bitten series was a New York Times best seller. Also, there is an appetite for that type of show right now. Vampires, werewolves and mythical creatures resonate with an audience because I think we're hungry for something more in the cold computerized world that we live in.

Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?

A) I'm off to Africa in a couple of weeks to shoot a miniseries, which is an AMC series called "The Divide." "Bitten" also occupied six months of my life, happily.

Q) Please talk about the premise for "Bitten" and about your character.

A) The series revolves around Elena, who is the only female werewolf in the world. It pivots between her responsibility and loyalty to the pack and her trying to start a new (more human) life in the city. As the series progresses, there is a mutt uprising and she has to come back and join with the family to try to put down the mutt rebellion. I play Jeremy Danvers who is the pack alpha, the head of the werewolf family and sort of her surrogate father. I struggle with the definition of manhood, what it means to be strong, when to use violence and when you actively guide your packmates or let them explore on their own. Hopefully, they make the right decision more often than not.

Q) Have you based your character solely on how it is outlined in the book or have you brought in some of your own interpretation as well?

A) I think that every actor that approaches a role has to work from themselves otherwise they are doing a facsimile or an impersonation of someone else. The role was a challenge for me and I had some hesitations. In the book he is a very well established character and in the book he is half Asian, his mother was Japanese. I am clearly not that. So, how I had to approach it was, "What was the essence of the character?" The spirit of this character is an alpha who is a strong male with a wonderful maternal side and a sensitivity and empathy that didn't exist in past alphas. So, it's a new definition for what the man is and, for me, I drew a lot from my own life to be a father and what it means to be a man in my own life, my responsibilities, how I can fulfill those responsibilities and also how I can fully realize myself as a man in that role. Also, the television show honors the root of the character. Definitely Kelley Armstrong's books are an important backdrop for our story and television is a different medium. If we want to keep telling stories for a number of seasons and our whole story revolves around the werewolves and it doesn't deal with the other elements of the supernatural that Kelley's books delve into. So, there are going to be similarities for the audience, but also something new and exciting. They are going to have to have characters that will liven their imagines and we hope they fall in love with the character we create as well.

Q) Was there instant chemistry when the cast began working together or did it take time to develop?

A) I've been blessed that I have worked on a lot of different series and a lot of movies and the chemistry with this group was second to none. It was instantaneous and everyone just really connected with each other. We created an atmosphere where people felt safe to take risks. It's a very physical show. As the series progresses, there are some really heavy emotional moments and dramatic moments that deal with issues of lust, family, loyalty and betrayal,. It was very interesting for me to watch the first few episodes because everybody got along and you could just feel that chemistry. The structure of the story is a pack dynamic and the actors followed that closely and genuinely cared about each other. As the show progresses, those relationships got so much fuller and that affection became a real love for each other, a real genuine sense of family. We're all very close with each other, supportive of each other and protective of one another. It just grew and grew and the relationships so fully flowered that I think by the end it is going to be exciting for the audience go on that journey with us.

Q) What kind of stunt training did you do to prepare for the role?

A) The first two episodes of the series really sets the structure. They introduce the character and say what the structure of the world is going to be. After that, the action in the show ratchets up week to week. We had a wonderful fight coordinator named John Stead who I worked with before, but was new to some of the younger actors on the set. He built some extraordinary fight scenes. The thing I liked about the series is that the violence isn't gratuitous. it's very much into the storytelling, but also the nature of us as wolves. It's a very primal existence. The sex is lustful. The violence is brutal and powerful. Each of us has a different style of fighting that is consistent with our personalities. Jeremy is a much more thoughtful and watchful with echoes of martial arts in his combat. Episode thirteen is one of the most extraordinary fight scenes and battle sequences that I have ever been a part of or scene.

Q) What kind of feedback have you been getting from fans via social networking sites and why is it so important for you to connect with viewers that way?

A) It is such a different world now where there is such a connection and immediacy between fans and actors whose work they like and support. What I like most about the medium is it is instantaneous and it is back and forth. A fan can ask you a question and you have the chance to respond. You can talk about a show that you enjoy on a certain day. The shortness of a tweet makes you feel like you get things down to an essence and I think you can sometimes have powerful realizations about yourself in that discipline since you don't have a lot of words to express what you want to express and it creates a nice biofeedback. Fans respond to the episodes and we hopefully can give back in a way that is enjoyable and informative to them. It's a much more personal medium. Without their support, a series has no chance for survival and a chance for renewal. So, it's critical and luckily with Syfy the fans are so passionate that they really lend a strength within program decisions to keep shows like "Bitten, "Lost Girl" and "Being Human" on the air.

http://starrymag.com/content.asp?ID=779 ... ews&PAGE=1

- Laura Vandervoort, “Todos necesitamos un fuerte e icónico personaje femenino al que aspirar” (themarysue):
Laura Vandervoort, “Todos necesitamos un fuerte e icónico personaje femenino al que aspirar”
Por Jill Pantozzi | 2:10 pm, 27 de enero, 2014

Syfy’s latest supernatural series, Bitten, moves to a new timeslot tonight, Monday at 8/7c. The Mary Sue was fortunate enough to grab an email interview with its star, Laura Vandervoort. You may remember her as Supergirl on The CW’s Smallville or Lisa on ABC’s V remake. In Bitten, Vandervoort plays Elena, the lone female werewolf hailing from Kelley Armstrong’s Women of the Otherworld novel series. We asked her about taking on the fan-favorite role, werewolf gender roles, and…the strong female character.

The Mary Sue: Considering how big supernatural creature adaptations have gotten in recent years, was saying yes to this role a no-brainer?

Laura Vandervoort: I was excited at the offer to lead a show and play an incredibly dominant and strong female woman. The hesitancy was truly only the idea of entering back into the realm of sci-fi. Having worked in the genre many times before, I was aware of being pigeonholed and typecast in that genre/world. But after reading the books by Kelley Armstrong and speaking with our executive producer JB Sugar, I realized there was so much more to the show. It was a more adult take on the typical werewolf world, a combination of True Blood and Sopranos. The fact that our cast are also werewolves is really a subplot to the family drama and darkness of the character pasts. The relationships and my character (Elena) dealing with the skeletons in her closet was so enticing to me. I knew it would be a challenging role. Layered and full. Physically, mentally and emotionally.

TMS: Have you already seen reactions from fans of Armstrong’s novel on the show or your portrayal of Elena?

Vandervoort: We were aware of the immense fanbase Kelley Armstrong had for her work, especially the Otherworld series. On top of that, this is a genre people seem to really be responding to right now. After the casting news was announced the fan reaction was wonderful. People truly seemed excited to see how we brought these books to life. We knew people would definitely have strong opinions and ideas of how it looked. After airing, the reaction has been incredible! At conventions, in the media and social media. People really seem to be responding well. We are so grateful for that. I think either way, the cast knew we had given our hearts, souls, blood, sweat and tears to season one. Whether fans thought things were as they imagined or not, we had hoped they would be opened minded to any changes. And they have! We hope to continue to shock them with the content, the characters relationships and the visual depth that is Stonehaven and Bitten.

TMS: Did you read the series to prepare or did you decide to go strictly from the television script material?

Vandervoort: Before signing on, I definitely wanted to read Kelley’s books and research. I wanted to have a true understanding of the world she had created for the fans. I also read “Men Of The Otherworld” to get into the history outside of Elena’s direct world. It was so important for me to read them and understand what we would be creating. The history of the pack, the anthology behind who they are as wolves. For the sake of a TV series, we do have to take some artistic license, so I also read the first two episodes to understand the pace of the show.

TMS: Werewolf stories have been almost exclusively about men, with a few great exceptions (Ginger Snaps, Syfy’s Being Human, to name a few). Do you feel it’s just as easy for women to identify with the “condition?” What parts of Elena do you identify with?

Vandervoort: I think we have seen many adaptations of the “Werewolf” plot… Mostly with men carrying the show and leading the pack. I don’t think it is the same for woman in being able to identify with the “condition” because we haven’t seen it. Woman are complex creatures as it is… Haha. It just adds an entirely new dimension to the traditional werewolf story. There are so many parts of Elena I can relate to. She has a need to belong and be strong. At the same time, she often just wants to blend in and be a part of a world that is often male dominated. Much like this industry I’ve grown up in, I want to be accepted and appreciated and have people trust I can handle the job. But like Elena and most woman… I feel we doubt ourselves on a daily basis and try to “appear” like we have it under control and can take on the world. Elena is constantly searching for who she truly is… I think we all can relate to that.

TMS: Harkening back to some of your earlier work, Helen Slater’s Supergirl was a vivid and vital part of my youth. I imagine there’s a whole other generation of young women who feel that way about your portrayal of the iconic character on Smallville. How does that feel, and did you have a similar connection to a character growing up?

Vandervoort: Helen was and still is an iconic character and Super Hero. I had the chance to work with her on Smallville and receive her blessing for my betrayal of the new Kara Kent/Supergirl. She’s a phenomenal woman with grace and strength. It’s odd for me to think I would have an effect on the new generation of women with Supergirl but if I did/do then I feel honored. There was indeed pressure when I was recreating Supergirl. But fans were wonderful and accepting of what I had done. That was encouraging to see.

I think we all need a strong iconic female character to look up to that encourages us to pursue our dreams. Growing up, Buffy The Vampire Slayer really caught my attention. It sounds silly but the film made me believe woman could be feminine and graceful and yet kick ass and be intelligent at the same time. I had grown up doing martial arts and seeing her on the big screen got me excited for the future ahead for all woman in film. In terms of acting, my role model (like many) is Meryl Streep. Meryl Streep has and always will have, a hold on audiences for her incredible portrayal of women who are flawed and broken but also maintain a warmth, strength and unwavering intelligence!

http://www.themarysue.com/interview-bit ... ervoort/#0

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Bitten 1.01 Sneak Peek "Summons":

- Murtz On The Scene: Behind-The-Scenes Of Bitten With Laura Vandervoort:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.02 "Prodigal":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Bitten" US Premiere & live chat with the fans "1337LoungeLive" (13-01-14):

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(@wilzmak: Look at @Vandiekins22 busy tweeting during the US premiere of #Bitten
@wilzmak: Now @Vandiekins22 is busy taking pictures of the screen. Doesn't anybody watch TV anymore? #Bitten
@wilzmak: Holy moly, now @Vandiekins22 is asleep again. What's with this woman? #Bitten
@wilzmak: It's @paulgreenemedia and @Vandiekins22 in 1337loungelive.com talking #Bitten
@Vandiekins22: Live chat right now with @paulgreenemedia 1337LoungeLive.com
@mskarenhill: #Bitten stars chatting online with the fans)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Bitten 1.02 "Prodigal" Promo:

- Bitten 1.02 "Prodigal" Sneak Peek:

- Bitten S1 Series Supertrailer:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS de la S1:

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(@LV_forumfree_it: Special Effects make-up on @Vandiekins22 & art designs from #Bitten)

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.01 "Summons". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 'Bitten' on-set interview with Laura Vandervoort (Gate Magazine):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.03 "Trespass":

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- Bitten 1.03 "Trespass" Promo:

- Bitten 1.03 "Trespass" Sneak Peek:

- Bitten Season 1: Mondays at 8|7c:

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.02 "Prodigal". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidas al post principal las sinopsis de los episodios 1.04 - 1.07.

Añadidos los enlaces del episodio 1.03 "Trespass". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32833
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "BITTEN" (Serie TV)

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Greyston Holt y el productor ejecutivo J.B. Sugar hablan sobre los retos de sy sexy serie de hombres-lobo (thetvaddict):
Greyston Holt y el productor ejecutivo J.B. Sugar hablan sobre los retos de sy sexy serie de hombres-lobo
Por Tiffany Vogt 27 Enero, 2014

Now that viewers have had a taste of the new Syfy werewolf series BITTEN, everyone seems to be clamoring to find out how the show cast its hunky lead, Greyston Holt and more about his character Clay’s sizzling hot relationship with Elena (Laura Vandervoort). In a press conference call, star Greyston Holt and executive producer J.B. Sugar gave the inside scoop on Greyston’s casting, some of the challenges of making the show’s wolves look as real as possible and how sexy they will go on the show.

Could talk a little bit about how you first became involved in a series and your audition process for your role?
GREYSTON: It’s always a drawn out process. It was actually almost exactly a year ago. We sent the tape out to Toronto for the show for Clay, and it sat for a little bit. Then a couple of weeks later, we got some positive feedback and we ended up doing a Skype audition so I could talk to the producers a little bit and J.B. on the phone and Skype. Then a couple weeks after that they flew me into Toronto for a screen test and a chemistry-read with Laura Vandervoort, who plays Elena. Then about a week after that I got the call, and I was a very, very happy boy.
J.B.: Even before Greyston put his first audition for BITTEN onto tape, the writers and I were breaking the scripts for the season, and a couple of our writers were working on MOTIVE and Greyston Holt was a guest star on MOTIVE. So one of the writers literally brought up the dailies when we were in the writing room and had us all take a look at him. From right then we were very excited about the prospect of Greyston bringing Clay Danvers to life.
GREYSTON: Which still shocks me because like I look back at that episode and I feel like I look younger. I’m like super clean and the like nothing like what we eventually shaped Clay into being. So it’s amazing that you saw through that.
J.B.: We saw the beast within.
GREYSTON: (Laughs) You saw the beast within.

In filming the show, what have you found the most challenging?
J.B.: It’s always a big feat as a producer developing a project and being fortunate enough to see it come to life and get finance into production. So I mean it’s a process filled with myriad challenges to overcome. We were so blessed and fortunate to have been able to get the show made and financed through Space, BellMedia’s specialty channel that’s our commissioning broadcaster in Canada and just thrilled beyond belief that Syfy has picked us up for airing in the U.S. So getting the show into production was a huge challenge. And then of course production in itself is one big ball of challenges as well. We’re very fortunate to have assembled just an amazing ensemble of actors to carry the beautiful characters that Kelley Armstrong and her Otherworld series novels layout. To see them brought to life by these dynamic talented actors has just been such a great joy. So other than identifying them in finding them is the challenge. Once they’ve been cast and once they were cast rather, the challenge was alleviated significantly because they just performed and brought these characters to life in such brilliant fashion. I will say one of the biggest production challenges for us had to do with how we were going to portray our characters when they were in wolf-form, and as they are in Kelley Armstrong’s novels, they’re photo real wolves. They look like very large yet very real wolves that you would see in the wild. So to craft a series that honors that and also brings to life the wolves when they have such specific action, one of the biggest challenges was trying to figure out whether or not we should train real wolves, or whether or not we should use puppets and animatronics. Ultimately we decided to go full CGI with our wolves. Most of the talents of a visual site from Vancouver called Atmosphere and they’ve done some truly groundbreaking work in the intelligence space to bring these wolves to life. We’re extremely proud of them and the work that they’ve done.
GREYSTON: One of the main challenges for me was just keeping my clothes on. (Laughs) No, there’s so many small challenges and they’re all fun challenges. I mean, I’m pretty low-key. I’ve never been in a fight in my life, and then this Clay character has this this kind of instant switch to rage, at points. So that was fun and challenging to find that. I did a little research watching wolves and how they can just switch into this aggressive mode and fast. So that was a fun challenge for me. And then down to the fight sequences we did. This was kind of a bit of a learning curve for me because there were some pretty long and intricate fight sequences that were created by our stunt coordinator, John Stead. So he was patient with us and I think the final product was amazing. It was a big challenge. I mean our rehearsals would be eight hours, nine hours sometimes. So by the end of it you’re just dead. But you feel it’s fun.

What was your favorite part the first season?
GREYSTON: Just bonding with our cast. I mean we were super fortunate that we all got along right from the get-go. We had this kind of strong bond in this trust with one another. We go through a lot emotionally and physically, and it’s nice to know that you have this trust in support from your cast mates. So that was an amazing part of it.
J.B.: For me it’s also harder to choose. It was just a series of favorite moments throughout the entire process. But one of the best moments was when we were doing our final casting and doing our chemistry reads. To see Laura Vandervoort and Greyston Holt performing together, as well as Paul Greene who plays Philip, just finally after years of developing the material and just to see it come to life and to see these characters embodied in these amazing actors. It was just a real thrill and bolt of energy.
GREYSTON: I can’t imagine that for you because we come in after you guys have done so much work and we just step into this this world. I can’t imagine that for you, all that waiting and to finally see everyone come together.
J.B.: Absolutely. And then again, most recently one of my personal favorite moments is we were fortunate to have a screening for our cast and crew on the night before the Canadian premiere. To show this work that all these amazing talented craftsmen from our actors of course through our director of photography and the whole camera department in the postproduction team. Just to see everybody come together and watch the fruits of their labor together. It was just a real thrill.
GREYSTON: One of my favorite things is upon reading the scripts in the books is Jeremy, the pack alpha and his love for them. It was great to go love this life basically and their struggle.

Could you talk a little bit about the production of the pilot? What sticks out for you most about shooting that first episode?
J.B.: We had been developing BITTEN as a series for a couple of years even before we went into production and that the first two episodes actually were the first to be written. We had a really healthy amount of time to work on crafting those. It’s always a huge task trying to introduce a huge ensemble cast of characters, as well as establish the unique mythology that’s inherent in the other world and Kelley Armstrong’s books. I think Daegan Fryklind, our creator, and our writing team just did such a great job staying true to the beginnings of BITTEN, as well as calling from the mythology that’s present throughout the entire Otherworld series to make for a satisfying pilot experience. As for the visual effects. That was always a big challenge for us in production. So as we were filming the show in filming the pilot episode, we had all the elements: this beautiful set designed by our production designer Rob Gray and amazing cinematography by Steven Rice. It seems we were able to really see what the show was going to look and feel like. But one of the biggest unknowns was how these CGI wolves were going to look in our place. We’re extremely proud of what’s on screen now.

How did you come up with specific way the wolves see things?
J.B.:Wolf vision, for lack of a better term, is something we worked on and discussed stylizing early on in the process. Then of course once we shot those shots and took them into the color-timing suite, we were able to really play around in kind of subtle on a look and approach for wolf vision. The intention and spirit of design of those shots really are inspired by the K9 color palette and that the way that K9s see the world and have a bit of an enhanced ability to see at night, and contrary to popular belief, K9s are not colorblind. They really don’t see any reds and browns. So we really kind of isolated the blues and yellows and had that inform how our wolves would see when we go into their point of view.

The wolves are really well done. It must be so hard with CGI, especially with hair. Yet these wolves look pretty real.
J.B.: The fur, as you said. I mean fur is one of the hardest things to do in the CGI world and environments, and the technology has evolved so much. We have such talented artists. Three of our core animators and designers on our visual effects team were on the tiger rigging team for the “Life of Pi,” and we’ve got some real the effects rock stars behind the scenes working to bring those to life.

Is it a challenge to kind of keep a level of of not knowing what’s going on with Elena? Does Clay eventually kind of put two and two together?
GREYSTON: That’s acting for you. You read the scripts. You know the ending. I definitely didn’t give much attention to the parts in the scripts that were Elena’s Toronto storyline, because really Clay wouldn’t know that. But I need to know the whole story, obviously. So I read all the scripts. Then I just focus on the world at Stonehaven. Obviously as an actor, you try to just put aside the facts that you know in the script. But that’s just part of acting.

How much of the books did you read? And did you get a chance to talk to Kelley Armstrong at all?
GREYSTON: I hadn’t met Kelley previous to filming. I’ve actually just met her, which was amazing. But leading up to it, I read “Bitten” and I kind of was skimming through “Savage” as we were filming a little bit too. You get the drift from source material a little bit, but we also take some artistic license and kind of try to create our own versions of these characters a little bit. It’s just a suggestive-type of thing reading a book and people’s opinions. I just kind of did my thing. I’m just hoping people like it. But it’s a very contentious subject with book fans.
J.B.: Having a wealth of material to draw from is such a blessing to have when you’re crafting a new show, and the first season of BITTEN follows very closely to the plot of the first novel in the series “Bitten.” Of course there are still some surprises and Easter-eggs and new element introduced just by virtue of translating it to a different medium. But we’ve been very conscious of the how loyal and passionate the Kelley Armstrong Otherworld fans are, and collaborated with Kelley pretty closely during the two-year development period. She had read Daegan’s bible for the show, which kind of outlines the whole first season and character breakdowns and tone and style of the show. We are very pleased to get sanctioned by Kelley, and once we got into production and up and running so to speak, Kelley was focused on her new book series that she was launching. So she was only peripherally involved once we went production. But at the same time we felt very confident that she was pleased with the direction we were headed in.

Elena has a strong female friendship with her boyfriend’s sister in New York. Will we see that character again throughout the season, or is she kind of out of the picture now that Elena went back to Stonehaven?
J.B.: That’s Diane who is played the beautiful and talented Natalie Brown. She will definitely be appearing throughout the season. One of the things that we’ve done in the series, which is a bit of a departure from the book, is really blown out the whole McAdams family, which is Philip, Elena’s human boyfriend. We really worked hard to develop that world so we can really highlight this push and pull that Elena undergoes throughout the first season. Despite her love and affection for Clay, she also has this desire for normalcy. And by casting such great actors in crafting such great characters, are writing really kind of really helped bolster that dynamic and that push and pull of the two worlds. So I’m so happy that you connected with that Diane character. That’s definitely something that you’ll be seeing more of throughout the season.

What kind of creative freedom did you have from Kelley to do the show you want to do?
J.B.: It was an absolute blessing to get that kind of freedom from Kelley. But at the same time our intention is to really satisfy the tremendous and loyal fan base that she’s built over the years. So any time we have that question about what would Kelley do, we are so fortunate to be able to just open up, whether it be “Bitten” or any of the subsequent novels. Particularly “Tales of the Otherworld” and “Men of the Otherworld,” which really goes back into the backstories of each of our characters and the kind of creation stories of how the relationships were built. It’s just such a tremendous resource for us to build upon. Like I said earlier, there’s a lots of little Easter eggs peppered throughout the first season that coal from those later novels and speak to that mythology. So it is such a blessing to get that kind of that freedom from Kelley, and at the same time we have her voice always ever present because she created these characters. We have the resources to go back and look into the way that the stories are crafted in the motivations for the characters. So despite the lack of day-to-day involvement, Kelley was always on the forefront of our minds. Even more so the fan base and playing that balancing act of keeping the show grounded in the source material, and at the same time bring something new for fans who are already familiar with the material and also for fans who are going to be coming to a fresh.

Is there any specific scene that you can think of that you are looking forward to the fans seeing that you can talk about?
GREYSTON: Oh my God, so many. Later on in the series there is this one. Damn it. I’m walking on eggshells here.
J.B.: The origin stories and history that I was alluding to earlier and peppering those in, Episode 5 is one of my favorite episodes. But one of my favorite scenes is the scene that actually takes us to the moment where Elena is bitten into the pack and the circumstances that led to it. The performances are just fantastic and that whole episode. And it features some of the best and most effective CGI shots we’ve built. You get to really see Clay in his full wolf form and it’s just beautiful.
GREYSTON: I had a lot of fun with it. I guess this is in the books so there’s no spoilers there, but when Philip arrives finally, and Clay meets Philip. The flashbacks were fun, playing how Clay and Elena met and fall in love and that whole thing. So that was fun to play for sure.

How much of this first season will be exploring that year that Elena’s been gone? And what did Clay do during that the year that she was gone?
GREYSTON: Clay was at Stonehaven. I mean his loyalty is ultimately to Jeremy. So in this year off, he’d be at Stonehaven wallowing in his sorrow and missing Elena.
J.B.: Much like the book “Bitten,” the series starts off very similarly with Elena already being gone for a year. And neither the book or the series really explores that one year period. There’s a lot of alluding to it and a lot of angst and tension that comes as a result of it. But we never actually flashback and go into the details of what happened within that year period.

Was there kind of a trick to try to balance Elena with the pack versus Elena with her life in Toronto?
J.B.:It’s very much an ebb and flow throughout the entire season. And again, another credit to the great writing and grafting that our writers have accomplished with the show. So some episodes, like the pilot is probably about I’d say 70/30 Toronto to Stonehaven. Whereas Episode 2 kind of reverses that ratio. Episode 3 pretty much stays within that 70/30 Stonehaven to Toronto. Episode 4, kind of the same. Episode 5 still keeps that balance. And then later in the season through Episode 6, we’re actually flipping that again and we’re in Toronto a little more. And then towards the end of the season, the two worlds really do collide. So there’s a healthy balance and ebb and flow of Toronto and Stonehaven.

Clay and Elena seemed to have parted on bad terms. What can you tell us about their relationship, or at least their dynamics of how they interact with each other?
GREYSTON: Yes, Elena was turned into a werewolf by Clay. He bit her for reasons that you will find out as the season progresses. They were good reasons and he had good intentions. But there’s complications in the werewolf world. It’s not like being a human. So it’s not that simple. But it was fun. I mean as far as their relationship and how we were sort of seen. It really played out with the animal side of it. Like a scene with dogs, so much of it so that you don’t have eye contact, and we played with them a lot. We were being very careful and cautious when approached. So we played around with that a lot, especially when Elena and Clay kind of first meet each other just really assessing each other out and feeling their energy and playing off that. So that was really fun.

In terms of trying to portray the romance that Clay and Elena, how much will we see of that arc throughout the season?
GREYSTON: It really is this inner-conflict between Clay’s loyalty towards Jeremy and his love for Elena, and that comes to the forefront as the series progresses. He doesn’t really have another agenda. I mean, his agenda is to protect the pack and be loyal to the pack. And then Elena, she’s his love, his one and only love. But ultimately his loyalty lies with Jeremy. He’s the pack alpha. But as the season goes on you’ll see that loyalty tested for many reasons. For mutts and for Clay’s love for Elena and then Jeremy. But as the season goes on, you’ll see this inner struggle that he have to deal with at every turn basically.

Elena seems to have such a voracious appetite. Is that something that’s going to be portrayed throughout the series as well?
J.B.: I’m very pleased to see how the fan reaction has been to that. I’ve had a lot of women and men for that matter commenting on how that’s a bit of a wish fulfillment like having an appetite like Elena and our other characters have yet remaining as slim and spry as they do. It was definitely something we felt an important to explore throughout the show. It’s certainly accented a little heavier in the first couple of episodes. But the appetites, both sexually and dietary our ever present in our BITTEN universe.
GREYSTON: Yes and it’s just the animal-side of it. Everything is just kind of immediate and urgent: the violence, the fear, the sensual and the sexuality, the hunger. I mean these are very primal feelings that we have that are really fun to play with.
J.B.: Again that’s paying honor to the eroticism that’s just layered into the Otherworld series. And it really does, as Greyston says, inform the primal nature of our characters. It kind of goes hand-in-hand. So it really does work within our world, and it’s organic to our characters. It’s certainly ever present. But it’s never gratuitous. We wanted to keep it sexy. We’ve always, even in the early days of developing the show, always intended to maintain a really sexy, erotic and adult kind of show.
GREYSTON: J.B. put it well. It’s definitely not gratuitous. It’s just primal and it’s real and it’s present — and it’s just the way these wolves are.

What do you think separates BITTEN from other supernatural shows that are on TV?
J.B.: We take pride in the fact that despite the supernatural premise of BITTEN that it’s really a story about the themes that resonate for fans of any kind of genre. Characters that have real dimension, that are grounded in a real-world despite their supernatural abilities to shape, shift into werewolves. At its heart it’s a real character drama and with themes that deal with identity and family and kind of quelling the beast that’s inside of all of us, quite literally and figuratively.

http://www.thetvaddict.com/2014/01/27/b ... lf-series/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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