La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine - 1.09 "The Saint of last resorts Part 2" Promo (new eps on Jan 9):

Añadidos los rátings del 1.08 "The Saint of Last Resorts". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine, Fecha de regreso de los nuevos episodios y nuevo horario:
La NBC ha anunciado que la serie "Constantine" regresará con los nuevos capítulos de la S1 tras el parón de Navidad el 16 de Enero del 2015.

La serie también empezará el año con un nuevo horario: los viernes a las 8/7c PM.

Aunque la serie no consiguió que la ampliaran a los 22 capítulos de una temporada completa, tanto el estudio como la cadena parece que están tras de ella y quizá el cambio de horario pueda ayudar a conseguir asegurar una segunda temporada para la adaptación de los cómics de DC Hellblazer. ... -8pm/50131

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine, Descripción oficial del 1.09 "The Saint of last resorts Part 2":
1.09 "The Saint of last resorts Part 2": JOHN PONE SU VIDA EN JUEGO A MEDIDA QUE SE ACERCA MÁS A LA FUENTE DE LA OSCURIDAD CRECIENTE – CLAIRE VAN DER BOOM Y EFREN RAMIREZ ESTRELLAS INVITADAS – Con el fin de ahuyentar un feroz ataque, John (Matt Ryan) convoca a un demonio en su interior. Chas (Charles Halford), Zed (Angélica Celaya) y Anne Marie (la estrella invitada Claire van der Boom) corren a contrarreloj para salvar a John antes de que sea demasiado tarde. ... /?a=112726

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33260
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine - To Hell and Back: The Mill House Featurette (Digital Exclusive):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33260
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.10 "Quid Pro Quo", Mark Margolis será 'Felix Faust':
1.10 "Quid Pro Quo" (23/01/15): CHAS SE ENFRENTA A LA PEOR PESADILLA DE UN PADRE -- MARK MARGOLIS ESTRELLA INVITADA COMO 'FELIX FAUST' -- Miles de personas por todo Brooklyn have n caído en un misterioso coma, incluída la hija de Chas' (Charles Halford). John (Matt Ryan) debe de encontrar y derrotar al demonio que hay detrás de ello antes de que consuma la ciudad. Angélica Celaya también aparece.

Entre los anteriores trabajos de Margolis, están "El luchador", "Daredevil", la película de "Noé" protagonizada por Russell Crowe, "American Horror Story" o "Breaking Bad".

Faust es un poderoso místico que ha amenazado el Universo DC durante décadas, y es uno de los primeros y peligrosos villanos de la Justice League. En loc cómics, este villano también ha cruzado batallas recientemente con Constantine. ... aust/51675

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33260
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.09 "The Saint of last resorts Part 2":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33260
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.11 "A Whole World Out There":
1.11 "A Whole World Out There": UN EXPERIMENTO VA TERRIBLEMENTE MAL CUANDO UN GRUPO DE ESTUDIANTES PRUEBA UNA PERTURBADORA TEORÍA -- JEREMY DAVIES Y WILLIAM MAPOTHER ESTRELLAS INVITADAS – Manny (Harold Perrineau) manda a John a ayudar a un viejo amigo, Ritchie Simpson (la estrella invitada Jeremy Davies), en la Universidad Ivy University donde un grupo de estudiantes han descubierto una manera de meterse en una dimensión alternativa sólo para encontrarse con un asesino maníaco (la estrella invitada William Mapother).

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33260
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Entrevista con Daniel Cerone sobre la S1 (AssignementX):
Entrevista con Daniel Cerone sobre la S1
Por ABBIE BERNSTEIN 12 Enero, 2015 / 03:20 PM

In NBC’s CONSTANTINE, Fridays at 10 PM, Matt Ryan plays the title character from the HELLBLAZER comics, an antihero with a damned soul who fights demons and hopes for redemption.

Executive producer and showrunner Daniel Cerone developed CONSTANTINE for television with fellow exec producer David S. Goyer. Cerone, who has also been a writer/producer on MOTIVE, THE MENTALIST, DEXTER and CHARMED, to name a few credits, is happy to talk about his work in the hell-blazing field.

ASSIGNMENT X: You’re on right after GRIMM, a show that also deals with monsters and people who combat them. How does that work for CONSTANTINE?

CERONE: GRIMM is fantastic for us. That’s the bottom line. Because obviously, they are both horror-based shows. Constantine is all humanity, he’s all heart, he’s all broken hero and completely fallible and acknowledges his own mistakes. So we’re excited that we can still be dark and edgy and scary – that’s our goal – but at the end of the day, we’re telling human stories. And as we break our stories, we break emotional arcs along with our stories. So we want to do the scares, but we want to do it with feeling aspects, too, more full-bodied, more well-rounded.

AX: Lucy Griffiths’ character Liv was originally supposed to be a series regular, and then it wound up that Constantine sent her away. Do you know if you’ll bring her back at some point?

CERONE: There are currently no plans to bring her back.

AX: How do you balance the series’ tone? Do you have to work scene by scene and go, “Is he being too smart-ass here?” “Is he taking this too seriously?” Is that an ongoing concern?

CERONE: Yeah. In the comic books, he’s a very smartass character and downright unlikable at times. We have to toe that line. Because at the end of the day, we do want someone that people are going to root for, so we’re trying to be as honest as we can to the roots of the character in terms of making him snarky. But yeah, we do have to keep an eye on it, because at the end of the day, he’s a hero we have to root for. And also, when somebody’s constantly being sarcastic and constantly being flippant, it takes some of the reality out of the scene and it takes the stakes out of the scene, so the more real we play him, the more real the scares are going to be, and at the end of the day, we want a scary show.

AX: Even though CONSTANTINE as a comic book existed before BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER existed as a TV series, are you aware of the similarities between Constantine and Spike?

CERONE: Oh, yeah. James Marsters in the day would’ve been a great Constantine. He’s a little older now. It is similar. But what I’d ask Joss Whedon is if Joss Whedon was aware of it before he created Spike?

AX: Is there anything else you’d like to say about CONSTANTINE?

CERONE: Yeah. We want to make a scary show. We are designing and crafting set pieces and suspense sequences to be as scary as possible. Because that’s what we miss on television, are scares. So that is a goal for us. ... interview/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33260
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine Stills del 1.10 "Quid Pro Quo":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33260
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Matt Ryan sobre el destino de su atormentado Alter Ego -y su serie- (TVLine):
Matt Ryan sobre el destino de su atormentado Alter Ego -y su serie-
Por Kimberly Roots / 15 Enero 2015, 1:44 PM PST

NXS sang that every single one of us has a devil inside, and boy, does John Constantine know it.

This Friday’s episode of NBC’s Constantine (8/7c) finds the self-proclaimed master of the dark arts inhabited by a demon he summoned to do battle with an even more heinous baddie.

When the initial threat passes, though, John is left with an otherworldly co-pilot who doesn’t want to leave.

Exorcist, heal thyself?

“John has to push himself to an extreme and really go somewhere he doesn’t want to to do this, to save his own life,” star Matt Ryan previews.

He adds: “It doesn’t go very well, put it that way.”

Ryan chatted with TVLine about Constantine’s latest dilemma, the series’ shortened season and the cast’s efforts to cope with what may well be the end of their show.

TVLINE | The last time we saw Constantine, he was bleeding in a sewer, a demon was bearing down on him, and he had been shot by one of his old lovers. I’m imagining that we pick up from there?
Yes, we do. Episodes 8 and 9… are probably my one or two of my favorites.

TVLINE | John summons a demon to go into him to save his life. Can you tease how that goes for him?
It’s interesting [for] an exorcist, who knows all about demons and excising demons and managing them, for him to actually have one inside himself. The most interesting to see is John going through this struggle knowing he only has a certain amount of time before this thing is going to take over him, and then what are his options to survive that? You see him really struggling with that.

TVLINE | It looks like the makeup in this episode is slightly more intense than what you usually have to go through. But maybe not as bad as the pilot
In the pilot it was a demon showing John what he might become. Here what you have is actually John going through this transformation. So yeah, it still gets pretty gnarly.

TVLINE | The episode’s synopsis says that Zed is involved in trying to save John. Does she physically come to Mexico City?
She does, yes.

TVLINE | So that means she and Anne Marie are in each other’s proximity. Can you tell me how that goes?
They do cross paths. Obviously, Anne Marie’s history with John is very unique. She felt she had to make this sacrifice to save kids, but then also she does have a conscience. What happens is they enlist her to help John get through it. It’s like all of the team coming together to help John get through the thing. That relationship is an interesting one: two women from completely different parts of John’s life interacting.

TVLINE | Two women who want, or have wanted, his action at some point.
Exactly, yeah. [Laughs] There’s a great moment yet – I don’t know if I should say it, actually… You see these two women, and John sitting in the middle with a demon inside of him. That’s really funny.

TVLINE | We know that Felix Faust is coming, and in the next episode, there’s a big coma creeping across Brooklyn, and Chas’ daughter is involved. What can you tease?
John has a previous relationship with Felix Faust, but he doesn’t know that Felix Faust is responsible for the goings-on in Brooklyn and New York. The episode really is about Chas’ backstory, and how Chas came about his powers then, and John’s relationship early on with Chas. We have a little flashback which explains a few things about Chas and John and that relationship. Also, [we learn about] John’s relationship with Chas’ family and Chas’ wife not liking John enough and how they have to negotiate that. We really do dig into Chas’ backstory a little bit and get underneath all of that.

TVLINE | Have you wrapped Episode 13?
We have wrapped, yes.

TVLINE | What was the mood on set as you shot that episode, knowing that it may be the last?
It’s always sad when you come to the end of any job. But there was a real kind of upbeat spirit as well and [executive producer] Daniel [Cerone] was on set, and it was great. We all kind of dived into that last episode and gave it our all and just enjoyed it. It was great. ... cellation/
- Charles Halford sobre la lealtad de Chas a John, la familia y el desafiar a la muerte (buddytv):
Charles Halford sobre la lealtad de Chas a John, la familia y el desafiar a la muerte
Por Carla Day Viernes, 23 Enero 2015

BuddyTV spoke with Charles Halford about those topics and the differences between Chas and Constantine's approaches, the outlook for a Constantine Season 2 renewal, and how Chas has defied death. Read on for edited excerpts of the conversation.

For more from Halford, follow him on Twitter @Charlie_Halford and #AskChas questions between 6-8pm ET on Friday, January 23. He will also be live tweeting "Quid Pro Quo."

Chas and Constantine seem to have an unbreakable bond. Why is Chas loyal to him?

Some of that gets explained on Friday. Beyond that, I think you have to go beyond the show. Before we had the show, we had the comics. There's a loyalty in that relationship in the comics is due to Constantine sort of rids Chas of his mother problem. When they were much younger, Constantine had a lot to do with Chas becoming his own man and in so doing becomes Chas' sort of only real family.

This is all from the comics. It's one of those things-- Chas is indebted to Constantine. ... In the show, they have taken it even further. There is this sort of familial tie or this pseudo-familial connection between the two of them. There's a responsibility that Chas feels to fight by John's side and hopefully save as many lives as possible.

On Moral Differences

It's challenging because Constantine obviously can lay to waste lives as well, it's that fine line because Chas is that moral compass to a degree, but it's tricky. I feel like Chas is always trying to do the right thing and is having to stomach the fact that John's doing the same thing but on the wrong side of what might be the standard conscious. Chas is challenged by John's moral compass, but he's obligated to stand right by his side and fight along side him.

On Outlook for Constantine Season 2

We're all maintaining serious optimism. We know the show we're making and the fans resonate that. It's all okay. If anyone can fight their way out of a really hairy situation, it's John Constantine. If anyone can have their back against the wall and the odds against him, then John will figure his way out of it. And, I'm a big fan of universal poetry, so I think we're okay. I know that everyone involved creatively isn't done with the show. As long as the fans stick by it and like what we're doing, we should have a nice steady future ahead of us.

We find out Chas has a daughter.

Mmm hmm. Isn't that sweet? It's true to the comics. Chas has a daughter and he's got a wife who hates Constantine like any wife I think would if their husband's best friend was John Constantine. In the show, he has a wife and a daughter and they're estranged. The reasoning there gets explored this week. Not surprisingly, it has to do with our title figure. I really loved the family they found for me.

I think should the show should go forward, that is a big part of who Chas is and that he has this life that he would like to live. It's the life he had before Constantine interfered. He's a little conflicted there about doing what he thinks is right and what he feels he's obligated to do and just being normal and living a happy normal life with his beautiful wife and daughter.

It also brings this really great think to the show. You take this ragtag team of loners: John's on his own against the world. Zed is on her own against the world. Chas is alone alongside them. And then you find out that he's a family man.

Chas has "died" on the show at least three times that I can remember off the top of my head. Will be get more insight into how he's been able to stay alive or come back to life?

It's all coming out this week. This episode is chock full of answers. All of those questions will be answered. The immortality thing, the family issues, the marriage thing, the daughter, the Chas' endearment to John. There's a lot of good stuff this week. ... 55533.aspx

- Entrevista exclusiva con HAROLD PERRINEAU (comicbookmovie):
Entrevista exclusiva con HAROLD PERRINEAU
Por EdGross - 23/01/2015

Constantine is fighting for its life on NBC, its first season order having been cut by the network to 13 episodes with the promise of a potential second season renewal. For this to happen, though, people absolutely need to watch the last few episodes and prove to the powers that are that there is indeed an audience clamoring for more.

As big a fan of Constantine as any audience member, is actor Harold Perrineau (Oz, Sons of Anarchy, Zero Dark Thirty) who portrays Manny, an angel who happens to be the guardian angel (against his better judgment) of John Constantine (Matt Ryan). In the following exclusive interview, Harold shares his feelings on Manny's evolution and the series itself - which airs at 8PM Friday nights on NBC.

VOICES FROM KRYPTON: This show is so good, and it's a series that's improving as it's going on.

HAROLD PERRINEAU: We're on to something. I think we've been on to something from the beginning.

VOICES FROM KRYPTON: I was one of the countless faces at Comic-Con in San Diego when things were still in the early stages and you guys were there promoting it. How would you say the experience for you has evolved over the course of the season so far and how you think Manny's evolved?

HAROLD PERRINEAU: I always had an idea - or at least we talked about Manny being a character that we would slow play. In the beginning we said "He's brand new, he doesn't exist in the comic world. We have to really establish Constantine, so we're going to slow play Manny," but there was always this idea of ramping it up towards the end of the first season. In the beginning it was interesting because there really wasn't anything for me to go on, not much to hold on to beyond my Baptist Church upbringing of what angels are, the King James Bible and doing all of this research about angels and what people thought about the idea. So there wasn't a lot to grasp. We were just making things up as we went along, because there wasn't a lot in the scripts regarding Manny. But since then we've come up with a lot of really interesting things for Manny to do and go through and experience. Now that we've finished these first 13 episodes, I have a much stronger sense of who Manny is and what he wants. I actually feel way more secure now than I did way back when we were first starting up around the time of Comic-Con. I wasn't so secure. I didn't have 20 years of a comic to research through [laughs]. I feel a lot more confident about what he does, what he feels, what he sounds like. It's been really, really good. And the stuff for Manny that's coming up is really interesting. It's exactly what you think: you're just not sure exactly where you land with what Manny is doing as the season is going on. He's doing something and sometimes it feel rights and sometimes it doesn't, but if it stays on that line it's really exciting. Like I said, I feel more secure, but as the audience you probably won't feel more secure. You'll keep going, "What is he doing?" Just because of the way I look, people assume one thing about me that just might not be true. There are a lot of interesting things coming up with Manny but, again, we had to ramp things up quickly because our season stopped at 13.

VOICES FROM KRYPTON: What I find interesting is the evolution of the relationship between John and Manny. In the first few episodes, Manny seems to have a total disdain for John; he had to talk to him. Didn't want to, but had to, but then you get to episode seven and there's...I don't want to say respect, but a better connection between the two of them.

HAROLD PERRINEAU: That's exactly what you're supposed to feel and what we talked about in the beginning. There is disdain. Constantine doesn't like angels, he doesn't like demons either... he doesn't like anybody it seems. So Manny just doesn't like Constantine. I'm not sure he necessarily likes people, but Manny does have a job to do. And of all of the people to have to guard over, this is probably the worst one. He would not have chosen Constantine for himself. So, yeah, at the beginning of their relationship there's a lot of distrust and anger. For an angel, anger is an interesting thing because it's different from people. But as things go on, they find a common place. They find something that becomes really interesting where Manny is John's guardian angel sometimes, and there are times when John becomes Manny's guardian angel. It's really interesting. Look at an episode like "Blessed of the Damned." Manny sees an angel and it's like seeing a kindred spirit. He's only been talking to John as far as the audience can tell, so it's really nice that Manny sees somebody he can actually communicate with. And then Manny needs a little counseling himself and John steps up. I think it's a really interesting relationship.

VOICES FROM KRYPTON: Production wise, have you been impressed with what they've accomplished on the show? I think the show's had quite a scope to it, frankly.

HAROLD PERRINEAU: I understand how pilots go, they have to establish a lot of things, especially with a franchise like Constantine. But I've been really excited about the look of the show from the beginning. It feels small, almost like indie films, but I've loved our production, our special effects team. They've done an amazing job.

VOICES FROM KRYPTON: If you're telling an audience to watch this show, what would you describe as its power? Why should they be watching Constantine?

HAROLD PERRINEAU: If you don't like the supernatural genre, then you shouldn't watch it. But if you do, and you like stories about the possible way that humans and spirits deal with each other; about forces that may be dealing with each other in the world around you when you can't explain shit or what may be happening, that's a reason to watch it. And to watch this one guy, this human being, not a superhero, this smart dude deal with all of these forces swirling around us all the time. It's just a fun ride. ... yg.twitter

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33260
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Sneak Peeks del 1.09 "The Saint of last resorts Part 2": ... st_14.html?

- Constantine - 1.09 To Hell and Back: "The Saint of last resorts Part 2:" Featurette (Digital Exclusive):

- Constantine - 1.09 "The Saint of last resorts Part 2" (Episode Highlight):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33260
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine 1.10 "Quid Pro Quo" Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33260
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes BTS del 1.09 "The Saint of Last Resorts Part 2":

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(Thanks to @mattryanreal & @BlackhawkDesign)

- BTS Stills del 1.09 "The Saint of last resorts Part 2":

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Añadidos los rátings del 1.09 "The Saint of Last Resorts Part 2". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33260
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine BTS Stills del 1.10 "Quid Pro Quo":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33260
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: La NBC se hace con la serie de "CONSTANTINE"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Constantine 1.11 "A Whole World Out There" Promo:

- Constantine Stills del 1.11 "A Whole World Out There":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
