"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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"PALEY FESTIVAL", L.A. (14-03-15)

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(Thanks to @accesshollywood, @clocwrk, @EntKaleidoscope, @etalk, @FlashTVNews, @geoffjohns, @grantgustbr, @grantgustbw, @heather_alicexx 01, @Hollywoodzoomin, @jolielash, @ksitetv, @male_criss, @marissaroffman, @meghanm2012, @mileysarrow, @msalondra, @MzKatieCassidy, @NatalieAbrams, @NerdReactor, @paleycenter, @PattonUpdate, @rickcosnett, @seat42f, @SmoakingWest, @SuperheroNewsCB, @That_Gyrl, @TheeSocialGuru, @TheFlashPodcast, @TVWatchtower, @VladaGelman, @Wandering_Lily, @EmilyBettSpain, JustJared)

Paley Festival (Full Panel) - Youtube Version

The Flash - Paleyfest 2015 - Sizzle Reel Promo [HD]

Grant Gustin THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)

Jesse L Martin THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)

Tom Cavanagh THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)

Candice Patton THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)

Danielle Panabaker THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)

Carlos Valdes THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)

Rick Cosnett THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)

Andrew Kreisberg ARROW THE FLASH PaleyFest Interview 2015 (seat42f)

The Flash star Danielle Panabaker (Dr. Caitlin Snow) - PaleyFest 2015 (AfterBuzz)

The Flash star Tom Cavanagh (Dr. Wells) - PaleyFest 2015 (AfterBuzz)

The Flash star Candice Patton (Iris West) - PaleyFest 2015 (AfterBuzz)

The Flash star Grant Gustin (Barry Allen / The Flash) - PaleyFest 2015 (AfterBuzz)

Grant Gustin Isn't Worried About 'Flash' Getting Too Dark (HitFix)

Tom Cavanagh Reveals the Moment He Found Out He Was Reverse Flash (HitFix)

Danielle Panabaker has a Buffy-esque hint for when 'Flash' may be ready for Killer Frost (HitFix)

Greg Berlanti Addresses the Question Upcoming DC Spinoffs (HitFix)

Grant Gustin at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)

Danielle Panabaker at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)

Carlos Valdes at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)

Candice Patton at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)

Jesse L. Martin at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)

Tom Cavanagh at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)

Andrew Kreisberg at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)

THE FLASH: Tom Cavanagh on Putting on Reverse Flash's Suit (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

THE FLASH: Grant Gustin on Wells' Secrets (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

Grant Gustin Teases a Bump in Barry's Plans (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

THE FLASH: Danielle Panabaker on Wells' Secrets (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

THE FLASH: Carlos Valdes on Wells' Secrets (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

Jesse L. Martin on Geeking Out Over 'Tricksters' Guest Mark Hamill (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

Gran Gustin On Working with Original Trickster Mark Hamill (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)

Flash @ PaleyFest: Tom Cavanagh On Wells & Reverse-Flash (ksitetv)

The Flash at PaleyFest 2015: Grant Gustin Interview (ksitetv)

The Flash at PaleyFest: Candice Patton Talks WESTALLEN! (ksitetv)

Danielle Panabaker of The Flash Talks Firestorm & SnowBarry (ksitetv)

The Flash at PaleyFest: Carlos Valdes (Cisco) Interview (ksitetv)

The Flash at PaleyFest: Rick Cosnett Interview (ksitetv)

'The Flash': Cast Hint At New Twists! (AccessHollywood)

'The Flash': Cast Previews Debut Of Lisa Snart! (AccessHollywood)

Jesse L. Martin & Rick Cosnett Talk Short Film (AccessHollywood)

Grant Gustin On Working With Original Trickster Mark Hamill (AccessHollywood)

THE FLASH at Paleyfest 2015 | Grant Gustin Talks Barry Stepping Up As a Leader | The Flash Podcast (The Flash Podcast)

THE FLASH at Paleyfest 2015 | Danielle Panabaker Talks Caitlin's Next Big Challenge | Exclusive (The Flash Podcast)

THE FLASH at Paleyfest 2015 | Candice Patton Talks About Secrets Kept From Iris | The Flash Podcast (The Flash Podcast)

THE FLASH/ARROW at Paleyfest 2015 | EP Andrew Kreisberg Talks the Theory of Multiverses | Exclusive (The Flash Podcast)

THE FLASH at Paleyfest 2015 | Tom Cavanagh Talks the Evolution of Reverse-Flash | The Flash Podcast (The Flash Podcast)

The Flash - Paleyfest 2015 Red Carpet Interviews (The CW)

Arrow & The Flash Stars Reveal Most Anticipated DC Movies (Clevver Movies)

A little kid recited the whole #TheFlash intro

- Cisco conocerá a Laurel durante el episodio en el que él y el Detective Joe West tendrán un crossover con Arrow. Cisco decubrirá que Laurel es Canary.

- Barry Allen estará intentando descubrir qué está pasando con Harrison Wells, quién es realmente Reverse Flash y por qué hizo lo que hizo, todo ello mientras sigue manteniendo la ciudad a salvo.

- Kreisberg sabe que en el episodio 9 (en el que vimos por primera vez a Reverse Flash) hay cosas que parecen imposibles, pero “muy pronto, los espectadores sabrán cómo fueron capaces de ver lo que vísteis.”

- Patton dice que 'si' y 'cuando' Iris descubra el secreto de Barry, “Va a tener un gran sentimiento de traición,” sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta que su padre también le guaradaba el secreto. “Esa es la base de todo. ¿Cómo puede tu familia... mantener en secreto algo tan grande hacia ella?. Va a cambiarlo todo.”

- Hay una "increíble" próxima escena entre Joe y Harrison que tocará eñ misterio de la madre de Iris, un tema que se tratará más directamente en próximas temporadas.

- El equipo de S.T.A.R. Labs se verá obligado a confrontar su moralmente cuestionable rol de "juez y jurado" con los metahumanos que tienen atrapados. También descubriremos quién se ha ocupado de mantenerlos enjaulados.

- Sobre su la serie tocará uno de los mayores arcos de DC, el de las Crisis de las Tierras Infinitas, Kreisberg reveló que “Hay una gran historia de Flash de los cómics que vamos a tocar en el futuro.”

- En cuanto si aparecerán otros miembros de la "familia" de Flash tales como Wally West (Kid Flash y finalmente el tercer Flash de los cómics) o Bart Allen (el segundo Kid Flash), Berlanti dijo “Esa es nuestra esperanza. Ya nos han renovado para una segunda temporada. Si fuéramos a hacer algo como eso, lo haríamos el próximo año”.

- Descubriremos finalmente cuál es el último objetivo de Harrison Wells’: “Harrison Wells es tan sólo alguien que quiere llegar a casa,” dijo Cavanagh crípticamente. “Pienso que todos podemos identificarnos con eso en algún aspecto. Si tuvieras que quitarte a un par de personas de en medio... ¡Ninguna de ellas eran buenas personas de todas formas!”

- Sobre los viajes en el tiempo y sus ramificaciones: “Definitivamente estamos hablando sobre las ramificaciones de los viajes en el tiempo. Hay episodios que están por venir en donde hay una preocupación por que si se cambian ciertos eventos en el pasado, eso podría afectar a quiénes son las personas ahora y sus relación con los demás. Si el pasado cambia, ¿cambia el presente también?. Lo que es interesante para nosotros es la parte emocional de ello”, dice Andrew Kreisberg. “Está empezando a hacerse confuso,” admite Gustin. “¿Sé eso? ¿O no sé eso? ¿Dejé de saberlo en algún momento?”.

- El cambiar el pasado, puede ser la explicación del cambio tan radical que se ve en Eddie durante el trailer que se emitió en el Paley. En él se ve a Eddie disparando a quemarropa a dos policías y también pegarle un puñetazo en la cara a Barry al confrontar éste sus sentimientos hacia Iris. ¿Se habrá convertido finalmente en Reverse Flash" como se sospechaba en un principio?. “Eddie tiene un arco increíble hacia el final de la temporada. Váis a sorprenderos tanto sobre lo que está pasando... Las cosas se desenmarañan y darán sus frutos,” adelanta Cosnett. Ahora sabe que hay meta-humanos, pero no conoce aún el secreto de Barry Allen.

- En cuanto a los otros miembros de S.T.A.R. Labs, tendremos que esperar aún un tiempo antes de que Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) o Cisco (Carlos Valdes), presenten tendencias superhumanas. “Aunque algunos lo haremos antes que tarde,” adelanta Panabaker. We will also finally learn who has been tending to the metahumans locked up in the pipeline, while Berlanti teases an upcoming episode will also deal with the moral ramifications of the S.T.A.R. Labs team playing judge and jury with the villains’ futures.

- La season finale se está escribiendo ahora mismo y Kreisberg asegura que contestará con creces a todo lo que se ha ido introduciendo desde el principio, “Todos los elementos del episodio piloto van a ser saldados,” dice.

http://tvline.com/2015/03/14/the-flash- ... lls-fight/
http://www.ew.com/article/2015/03/14/fl ... b733947106
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... two-781532
http://www.etonline.com/tv/161154_the_f ... _season_1/

Entrevista con el elenco (collider):
Collider: Have you finished breaking the seasons for both The Flash and Arrow?

ANDREW KREISBERG: We’re breaking the finales of both shows, right now. We’re getting towards the endgame. We’ve already started doing some of our planning for next year, too, which is what we start to do, around this time of year.

How do you feel about where both shows are ending this season, and did they really stay on track from what you thought they would be, at the beginning?

KREISBERG: We’re very big planners. We always leave room for improvisation and inspiration, but for the most part, we mapped out the seasons, on both shows, for every season that we’ve done. We don’t believe in throwing everything up into the air and figuring it out, as we go. So, things are ending exactly where we thought they were.

How much does what the fans say online actually influence anything with the shows?

KREISBERG: We really don’t pay that much attention to what people say online. The truth is there are things that we had in the planning stages that, when they come to fruition, people on Twitter go, “Oh, they finally listened to us!” But for the most part, we’re captains of our own fate. We decide for ourselves what we like and what interests us, for the characters and for where we want to see them go. Hopefully, everybody goes along for the ride.

What did you learn from this first season of The Flash that you think will really help with Season 2?

KREISBERG: I don’t know. With Arrow, it took us a lot longer to figure out what the show was, and what a paradigm episode of Arrow looked like. I feel like we got onto The Flash a little faster. I think the biggest learning curve was with the effects, and figuring out what we could do, what we could do well, and what we could do for cost. All of Season 1 was [a test] for Season 2, so that Season 2 can be even bigger, visually.

There have been some great team-ups on the cross-over episodes. Is there anyone you haven’t gotten to pair up yet that you’d love to see interact?

KREISBERG: Well, I really did want to see Detective Lance and Detective West together, which we’re actually doing in an upcoming episode. That’s been really fun. Every time we cross the shows over, it just feels like that feeling you get when you read a comic book where you’re like, “Oh, Batgirl is hanging out with Supergirl.” It’s so much fun to see people together. Anytime we can think of anything, it’s always fun.

Grant and Candice, Barry Allen made a declaration of his feelings to Iris that she’s been stewing in for a bit now. Would you, personally, like to see something romantic develop between them, or do you like playing with the anticipation more?

GRANT GUSTIN: I don’t know. A lot of people like the slow burn to the relationships on TV, and in some ways, it’s necessary so that there’s time to deal with the other plotlines, but it can also start to get painful. There are going to be a lot of dynamics for that relationship. It’s going in a fun direction, when we come back. Barry will start to learn more of the exact truth about how Iris feels. But time travel is also being incorporated, so a whole day that takes place on the show, it’s as if it didn’t happen. That’s going to be a big factor for the rest of the season, after this next episode.

CANDICE PATTON: I enjoy the anticipation of it, just from an audience standpoint. You can’t give it away too soon, or you really don’t have a show. But overall, I would like to see them end up together, in some capacity, because they are such an iconic comic book couple that there’s gotta be a pay-off there for fans.

Grant, have you been rooting for Iris to find out Barry’s secret?

GUSTIN: I went into the season, wanting most people to know. I think that does get old, even faster than a slow burn relationship. It’s hard to do that schticky, “You don’t know it’s me” thing, especially when you’re face to face in scenes. At some point, she’d put two and two together. So, I was hoping that she would eventually find out, and she will, before the season is over. That changes things.

Candice, how much fun is it to more deeply explore the investigative side of Iris?

PATTON: It gives Iris something to do, other than just being a love interest, and that’s who she is in the comic books. She’s much more than just a love interest. In her own way, she is helping to save the city that she loves. Maybe it’s not working at S.T.A.R. Labs, and maybe it’s not working at the police department, but she has her own way of contributing to figuring out what’s going on in her city.

If she does figure out what’s going on and uncovers some of those secrets, will she be reluctant to tell Barry, or will she want him to know?

PATTON: Big mouth Iris? No. I think she’s one of those girls who says it like it is. So, anything she finds out, she will confront people with, immediately.

Danielle, Caitlin Snow has really opened up, since we first met her. How have you enjoyed playing her journey, so far this season?

DANIELLE PANABAKER: It’s been great. Caitlin started off the season very dark, very sad and a little more closed off. It’s been very fun to get to see her open up and really share her heart with Cisco and Barry and Dr. Wells.

Now that she’s found Ronnie, she’s also been able to get some closure with that relationship, in a way that she couldn’t before.

PANABAKER: That’s true, yes. Obviously, she’s sad because they can’t be together, but it’s a different kind of sad. She knows that he’s out there. The timing just isn’t right.

There’s been a really fun chemistry between Barry Allen and Caitlin. Would you like to explore that more deeply?

PANABAKER: I think life is long and they clearly have a chemistry together. We’ll see where it goes. They have a lot to explore. They’re co-workers. That can get a little sticky. So, we’ll see what happens.

GUSTIN: I love Danielle Panabaker, and working with Danielle Panabaker. She’s the best. I love that storyline. The karaoke scene was one of my favorite scenes to shoot, and one of the funniest things that’s been on the show. That’s really fun, and I hope we do more of that, in the future. But things really do buckle down, in the later half of the season, and get really serious. They interact plenty, but there’s less of that fun separate storyline stuff.

Caitlin has had some great moments with both Felicity and Iris. Are you hoping for some more girl time?

PANABAKER: Absolutely! On the one hand, it’s nice being the only girl in S.T.A.R. Labs. I get to boss them around a little bit. But on the other hand, I love it when Felicity comes to town. There was a moment that I actually thing got cut from the cross-overs, where Caitlin says, “It’s so nice to have another woman to talk to!” And it is. It’s great. It’s nice to have that energy. I would love to see more of that.

Candice, we know that there’s a long history between Barry and Iris, since they grew up together, but we haven’t gotten to see any of that history yet. Will we get any of Iris’ past, at some point?

PATTON: I think so. It won’t happen so much this season, but we are in talks to deal with some of those questions for Season 2, for sure.

Grant, which storyline are you looking the most forward to seeing the resolution of, what really happened to Barry’s mother, freeing his father or who Dr. Wells really is?

GUSTIN: I don’t know. It’s all connected. When you find information out about one thing, you find information out about all things. All of that will conclude before this season has ended.

- Rick Cosnett adelanta el regreso de The Flash, y el futuro de Eddie con Iris (tvfanatic):
Rick Cosnett adelanta el regreso de The Flash, y el futuro de Eddie con Iris
Por Jim Halterman 16 Marzo, 2015 9:00 am

Is it almost time?

Ever since The Flash Season 1 Episode 1, we've been wondering if and when the comic book trajectory of Eddie Thawne would be a part of the new series.

While Rick Cosnett wasn't spoiling exactly what's coming as The Flash Season 1 returns with new episodes this week, he did tease that we may be seeing a different side of Eddie soon, which will affect his romance with Iris and his place in the world of Central City.

Also, with co-stars Jesse Martin, Carlos Valdez and Patrick Sabongui, Cosnett has started a Kickstarter campaign for a short film that the group will start shooting as soon as they wrap filming on the drama. Read on to see what the actor had to say about everything...

TV Fanatic: You’ve been asked these questions since the show began last year so let me ask will fans see a different side of Eddie soon?

Rick Cosnett: I can say that I think things come to a head and they get a lot darker including the Reverse Flash and that pans out in a very interesting way. I think everyone’s been waiting with bated breath based on my name and the history of the comics. I hope they’ll be satisfied. Let’s just say it’s going to be an absolutely crazy season finale. I get excited just thinking about it.

TVF: Do you feel as an actor that you’ve been challenged differently based on these last few episodes you’ve been shooting.

RC: I have. I’ve been challenged as an actor for sure. It’s been very fun. I’ve worked with people that I haven’t worked with on the show so that’s been thrilling.

TVF: In terms of the physicality, are you doing more stunts and action-packed stunts than you have before?

RC: Yeah, that’s been nuts! I should say my stunt double Brent has been doing some crazy ass things. I’m surprised he’s alive! There are cranes and wires and, yeah, it gets pretty crazy.

TVF: For fans of Eddie and Iris, should we be concerned what’s coming? Where is their relationship heading?

RC: You know, Eddie is the type of guy not to ignore anything. He’s very grounded in that sense and he notices there are some feelings between Barry and Iris. He’s no dummy. So they do get into deep water with that whole Barry/Iris/Eddie situation and things get a little messy.

TVF: How did the Kickstarter project come about? There’s obviously quite a bit of pedigree from the cast of The Flash.

RC: There is! It came from just hanging out with all these wonderful, creative people around. It really started with Jesse Martin. It was a story originally that his aunt told him when he was growing up. Over the years, he’d developed these incredible songs. He started by writing this beautiful poem about this letter carrier, a legend that his aunt had told him about their mail man when they lived in the woods in Virginia. It’s a foreboding tale and it was the most beautiful poem and he read it to me one night and I was like, ‘we have to do something with it.’

He originally wanted to do a play but I’ve always wanted to direct film and I wanted to do a short film because I’m hopefully developing a project about Zimbabwe with an author who I’ve become good friends with. It’s my favorite book so this is very much in the same vein. Also, what drew me to it is it’s a story about people of color and we don’t have enough of those stories. Growing up in Africa, we were very close to those kinds of issues and he really came up with the backbone of the story and he just made it into a ten-minute short film. He wrote the script pretty quickly because he had all the elements in place, in a way.

It’s just sort of turned out to be amazing. We’ve got a great team together, the [Director of Photography] and the production designer…it’s all come together and it’s been quite stressful but it’s been amazing just how many have responded and how many people want to do something for art’s sake and as a passion project.

TVF: And the story is told through music and visuals, right?

RC: Yes. There’s a spoken poem and they happen to use song as an expression in their world. It happened a lot in Africa when I was growing up, too. Song is such a joyous expression and also an expression of grief and as human beings it fascinates me that they use it in their little world. It’s not like they start a musical number. It’s more layered and interpretive and that’s also the great thing about this. There’s a lot of meaning about it because of the historical backdrop during the last years of slavery.

TVF: Have you picked up quite a bit about directing from the work you’ve been doing in television, even in The Flash?

RC: I’ve been shadowing the directors on The Flash and learning as much as I could. Before that, I’ve had experience obviously in front of the camera but this is going to be my first shot at directing and producing. As terrifying as it is, I’ve always wanted to do this since I was very young. In Africa, I always wanted to tell stories, I’ve always written and I’ve always had an innate instinct for doing it my way. I think Jesse and I are both on the same page and we’re not really following any rules and just going purely on instinct. We have a great [director of photography] for the technical stuff...it’s also an inspiration and we want it to be groundbreaking only because we’re doing it from a place of instinct and originality.

http://www.tvfanatic.com/2015/03/rick-c ... -with-iris
- Entrevistas con el elenco (superherohype):
Grant Gustin

SHH: Barry’s been on a hell of a journey so far. As far as what’s motivating him, is it still his mother’s murder death? Or are there other factors in play now?

Grant Gustin: I think it’s like this: Barry is someone who obviously wears his heart on his sleeve, at least the way that I have played him. That’s what’s ultimately driving Barry. Now he’s got Caitlin in his life, he’s got Cisco in his life. A lot of times, they’re [the ones] who are driving him to get involved in a situation and it depends on what he’s focusing on… what’s right in front of him. Really, what’s driving Barry is finding Reverse Flash and being ready and strong enough to face him and saving his mother.

SHH: And once Reverse Flash is found, will Barry have to redefine himself?

Gustin: Yeah, I guess that’s how TV series generally work. There will be a new motive and tone, I guess. After that, I’m sure that Barry will find some more confidence and be one step closer to being that Flash we know from the comics.

SHH: Is there more karaoke in the future? If so, are we talking Saturday Night Fever soundtrack? Or any John Travolta?

Gustin: I don’t know. I hope so. We definitely get further away from the fun stuff in the second half of the season. It’s not darker… I mean the show is never dark, but the show gets more serious.

SHH: What’s coming up in the last few episodes of The Flash Season 1?

Gustin: Well, time travel is about to be introduced for the first time, which is about to change the game in a big way in general. But before that happens, a lot of information will be revealed to some of the characters and to the audience about characters on the show. I mean, by the end of that episode, the audience will know more about the Harrison Wells situation than the characters know because the slate is going to be wiped clean.

SHH: The only downside of that storyline is that Tom Cavanagh is so great that I’ll miss that dynamic once he finally gets exposed as Reverse Flash to the rest of the cast.

Gustin: Yeah, I know. There have been times even this season when we’ve had to take him away. He’s still in every episode, but he starts to become a little more mysterious as the season develops. But I don’t think that Tom Cavanagh is going anywhere. He’s gonna be a part of the show moving forward.

SHH: What’s your favorite moment from Season 1?

Gustin: We’ve been talking about it a lot, but I love the karaoke moment. There’s a moment in episode 12 between Caitlin and Barry, but there’s a moment coming up in episode 15… 15 is my favorite script that I’ve read this season. It’s a great episode and it’s got one of the coolest visual moments I think we’ve had on the series.

SHH: Last question: I think one of the stranger elements of The Flash’s mythology is the Cosmic Treadmill. Are we gonna see that at some point?

Gustin: The treadmill that we’ve introduced at STAR Labs will someday become the Cosmic Treadmill. Yeah.

Candice Patton

SHH: What’s coming up with Iris in the rest of the season?

Candice Patton: You’ll see her investigating more of STAR Labs and what’s going on with Dr. Wells. And of course, the issue of her love triangle with Barry and Eddie and we’ll delve into a little time travel. There’s a lot.

SHH: Are we gonna get an alternate timeline at some point?

Patton: I don’t know about that, but we will definitely play with the idea of the possibility of time travel in this season.

SHH: Where would you like to see Iris go as a character?

Patton: I would like to see her join in with the STAR Labs team and help work to save the city she loves.

SHH: I’ve heard that Iris is actually going to get into STAR Labs this season. Is that right?

Patton: To some degree, she kind of wiggles her way into STAR Lab. Yeah.

SHH: But that’s not quite joining the team?

Patton: No.

Rick Cosnett

SHH: I’m sure that you’ve been asked this before, but have you been fitted with a yellow costume yet?

Rick Cosnett: I can’t answer that question! I wish I could. Honestly, that’s the question that I get asked the most. And of course I have the last name Thawne… I wish I could answer your question, but I’m just gonna dance around it and say that the season finale is gonna be massive and you all are going to be shocked and delighted and surprised.

SHH: What’s coming up for Eddie in the next couple of episodes?

Cosnett: Where are we now? I think at Weather Wizard… Eddie realizes the power of the metahumans in the episode coming up and to follow. He really starts to unravel in a very wonderful way as he feels very powerless as a cop because his guns don’t work anymore. He was such a great cop and always so popular because he is so able… but now he’s not, because the metahumans are kind of coming at them in full force. So he really needs the help of The Flash and there’s a whole storyline of The Flash and him together. And there’s of course the wonderful love triangle, because Eddie doesn’t know that Barry is The Flash… so it’s almost as if The Flash, Barry and Eddie are all in some kind of weird love square with Iris. That will unravel in the next few episodes.

SHH: When are Eddie and The Flash going to come face-to-face again?

Rick Cosnett: Very soon. We saw them working together in the episode with Captain Cold and Heatwave. That was the start of something that continues and Eddie very much gets in with The Flash and Joe, but I can’t say how.

http://www.superherohype.com/features/3 ... est-2015/2
- Grant Gustin dice que hay un sorprendente giro de Reverse-Flash que nadie va a ver venir (cbr):
Grant Gustin dice que hay un sorprendente giro de Reverse-Flash que nadie va a ver venir
Por Scott Huver, 17 Marzo 2015

Grant Gustin is living the dream: a recent visit to Los Angeles' Paleyfest for a celebration of his hit CW series "The Flash" not only played to a packed house, one young fan who perfectly recited the show's "My name is Barry Allen..." weekly opening narration assured him that "You are my Flash" -- meaning that in less than a full season season Gustin has already perfectly embodied the Scarlet Speedster for a particular generation and will only grow as a superhero icon as time goes by.

But The Flash himself, warns Gustin, won't be racing down such a smooth road as the show heads into the home stretch for Season 1. Chatting with CBR News on the red carpet, the actor revealed that Barry Allen has plenty of obstacles ahead, including a literal 5,000-lb. gorilla, a Golden Glider, a very familiar Trickster -- and a surprise twist that's going to hit the show like a lightning bolt.

CBR News: Everything's about to hit the fan in Central City, it appears, so give me a sense of how that changes the tone or the scope of the show as the show starts hurtling toward the finish line.

Grant Gustin: Yeah, I mean, I don't want to say it gets darker because that's misleading, I think. I keep saying Barry has to get better at lying once he discovers more of the truth about Wells. Because he's got to face this brilliant person he's always looked up to, and he's got to not reveal that he knows the truth when he's with him. So that changes things -- that's a big dynamic change for Barry, obviously.

But there's more: I mean, Grodd coming back, Snart and Heat Wave are going to be back, with Lisa Snart this time. There's a lot that Barry's dealing with in the second half of the season, and there's not as much time for fun as we move forward.

Is there room for romance in all of that craziness, with either Linda or Iris?

There is not necessarily romance, but relationship and heart drama that's just kind of sprinkled throughout all of the Flash's ventures.

The Trickster's coming too! Tell me about working with Mark Hamill.

It was amazing! It really was. It really was. Everyone grew up watching "Star Wars." Everyone. Yes, I grew up watching "Star Wars." It was surreal to meet Mark Hamill. He was amazing. He was so excited about being a part of this. He really busted his ass. No part of him just showed up and phoned it in. He delivered a really interesting character. And he's so humble and grounded and easy to talk to.

Did you fully nerd out with? Did you give him a couple "I always wanted to know this..." questions?

Yes! It was all surreal. Little snapshots I'll never forget. Yeah. We each had Luke Skywalker "Star Wars" moments with him. He signed a lightsaber for Jesse [Martin].

Tell me about the Grodd experience and shooting that, working opposite a character that is actually going to be put in there later. That's not something you guys have done a ton of.

I haven't done it yet, actually -- I have not worked with Grodd yet. But I have seen him at work. Eventually, in the next part of the season we're seeing the multiple stages of his life: as a younger Grodd, an older Grodd. Some of it is just a guy in a suit that's, like, amazing. It can actually seem like he's a gorilla. And then the other one, there's still a guy there on stilts, in a suit, and then they lay a CG layer on top of that, so he's there with us, acting. And he's amazing.

Is there a big, game-changing shock still to come in the rest of the season?

Yes. There's a twist with Harrison Wells and the Reverse-Flash storyline that no journalist has guessed -- I've never seen it online. It's going to I think really surprise everyone. And it's an original twist to the character that doesn't mess up the mythology.

But you can't dig through the comics and find it?


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash 1.15 Out of Time" Canadian Promo:

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash 1.15 Out of Time" Clip #1:


- The Flash 1.15 Out of Time" Clip #2:


- The Flash 1.15 Out of Time" Clip #3:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El equipo de Flash habla sobre la agenda de Wells, los problemas amorosos de Barry y el nuevo Weather Wizard (TVLine):
El equipo de Flash habla sobre la agenda de Wells, los problemas amorosos de Barry y el nuevo Weather Wizard
Por Vlada Gelman / 17 Marzo 2015, 6:45 AM PDT

The Flash is spilling villainous secrets and stirring up romantic feelings this Tuesday to make for “the best episode we’ve done,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg proclaims.

“It’s everything that The Flash can do as a TV show,” raves the EP, noting that the hour is directed by Thor Freudenthal, who also helmed Arrow‘s fall finale “The Climb.”

“The episode delivers in spades. It’s got amazing special effects you just don’t see on television. It’s full of heart. It’s full of romance. It’s full of genuine scares. It’s really the best version of the show.”

The aforementioned heart comes in the form of some developments in Barry’s love life — awkward double date alert! — while the metahuman Weather Wizard (played by Spartacus‘ Liam McIntyre) brings the fright.

Read on as Kreisberg and the cast preview S.T.A.R. Labs’ reaction to Wells’ identity, “WestAllen’s” future and more.

NOT-SO-MELLOW YELLOW | When Cisco realizes that not everything is adding up about the day that Dr. Wells battled Reverse-Flash, the S.T.A.R. Labs team will be forced to confront the idea that their mentor is more foe than friend. “Caitlin doesn’t want to hear it,” Danielle Panabaker shares. “Caitlin sees Wells through rose-colored glasses. Any [information] that he is not that perfect is going to be very difficult for her to believe.” Her colleague Cisco also “does not take very well to it,” Carlos Valdes describes. “It’s bad. And it’s kind of a snowball [effect] that starts” on Tuesday’s hour, which marks “the beginning of the end.”

But one person will remain in the dark about Wells’ true nature even as more intel is uncovered. “Barry doesn’t find out in this next episode,” Grant Gustin reveals. “People discover, and the audience discovers, a lot, but remember, time travel is also introduced in this episode… The audience learns a lot that they will continue knowing that characters might not necessarily know.” And whatever you think you know right now, forget it; Gustin promises “a twist with the Reverse-Flash storyline that no one has guessed yet. It’s going to surprise everybody.”

MATTERS OF THE HEART | “Eddie is not a jealous person,” Rick Cosnett argues, but he’s also “not stupid.” So when he and Iris run into Barry and Linda at the bowling alley, both the detective and the reporter will notice a little spark of something between their significant others. With Iris and Eddie’s romance “getting a little rocky, this is definitely another arrow in that pinboard, if you will. It unravels towards the end of the season in a very interesting way [that] people are not expecting at all.” As for Iris and Barry, “they will each be more honest with each other and it will complicate things for Barry,” Gustin reveals, “which will then complicate things between Barry and Linda, which will then also complicate things between Barry and Iris, which complicates things more between Barry and Linda.”

THE WEATHER WIZARD, TAKE TWO | Spartacus hero Liam McIntyre’s Mark Mardon is out for revenge for his brother’s death, which is very bad news for Joe West but a treat for fans of the former gladiator. “I think people will probably be surprised at how good [Liam] is at playing the dark, evil character,” Kreisberg says. “We wanted a Weather Wizard who was more in control of his abilities and less beset by them… We’ve been really blessed with the Rogues, with the people that we’ve found and, hopefully, building up to one day having a real Rogues episode.” Because Mark is driven by his devotion to his brother, “it speaks to what Wells is going through,” Kreisberg adds. “You can be bad and do bad things and still care about people and still have relationships and still have love for other people. It’s why this episode feels so primal. Because everybody is acting out of love, in their own way.”

http://tvline.com/2015/03/17/the-flash- ... me-travel/

- Andrew Kreisberg dice que el episodio de esta noche es “el mejor que hemos hecho” (collider):
Andrew Kreisberg dice que el episodio de esta noche es “el mejor que hemos hecho”
Por Christina Radish 17 Marzo 2015

In Episode 15 of the hit CW series The Flash, called “Out of Time,” Joe West’s (Jesse L. Martin) life is in danger when Mark Mardon, aka The Weather Wizard (Liam McIntyre), appears in Central City with the singular focus of avenging his brother Clyde’s death, and Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) does everything he can to protect him. Meanwhile, Cisco (Carlos Valdes) looks into the night the team captured the Reverse Flash and begins to wonder whether Joe was right about Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh), and Iris (Candice Patton) starts to dig deeper with her own investigation.

After a screening of the jaw-dropping episode, held at The CW, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, along with co-stars Tom Cavanagh and Candice Patton, talked about how this episode is the best possible version of this show, the approach to this Weather Wizard and his motivations, that Iris’ interest in Dr. Wells will make up a large part of her arc for the rest of the season, what’s in store for Iris and Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett), that we’ll get a flashback story from Tom Cavanagh’s point of view, and that an upcoming episode will flashback to the time when Barry Allen was in his coma. Be aware that there are some spoilers.

Question: How would you preview this episode for fans?

TOM CAVANAGH: #GameChanger

ANDREW KREISBERG: With no disrespect to any of the other directors or episodes that we’ve produced, I think this is the best episode we’ve done. It’s everything that The Flash can do. And I don’t mean Barry Allen, as the hero, I mean as a TV show. I feel this episode delivers in spades. It’s got amazing visual effects that you just don’t see on television, it’s full of heart, it’s full of romance, it’s full of genuine scares. It’s the best version of the show. Between this and Arrow, there’s only a handful of episodes that, amongst ourselves, we say that about, and I feel like this is it.

What can you say about this approach to the Weather Wizard?

KREISBERG: When we were doing the pilot, we wanted to have one of the Rogues ‘cause we just felt like it was important to say upfront that we were doing The Flash show. Fortunately, in the comics, Mark Mardon has a brother, Clyde, so we were able to devise it with one, and then the next one. Liam [McIntyre] is so great as Spartacus, but he’s so great as the villain in this. I think people will probably be surprised at how good he is playing the dark evil character. We wanted a Weather Wizard who is more in control of his abilities and less beset by them. We love the way Chad [Rook] played it. He was always shaking, and he couldn’t quite control it. It was fresher and newer for him. Mark has obviously had a little bit more time to control it. We were just so excited to get Liam. He’s coming back this season. He’s in Episode 16, as well, but he’s also coming back, later in the season. We’ve been really blessed with the Rogues and the people that we’ve found [to play them]. Hopefully, we’re building up to one day having a real Rogues episode, the way we would all love to see it.

What is this Weather Wizard’s motivations?

KREISBERG: It’s pretty simple. It’s revenge for his brother, which is always really compelling. The scene where he’s talking to Joe and Joe says, “Your brother was a murderer and a thief,” he says, “Yeah, but he was my brother.” That speaks to what Wells is going through. You can be bad and do bad things, but still care about people and still have relationships and still have love for other people. This episode feels so primal because everybody is acting out of love, in their own way. Everybody is hit at the heart, and that includes Mark. It just makes for a much more compelling villain than somebody who just wants to rob a bank or knock over another unfortunate Black Hawk armored car.

As the investigation into Dr. Wells intensifies, will Iris feel trapped between her mentor and her best friend?

CANDICE PATTON: I think the wheels are turning for Barry, as far as what’s going on with Dr. Wells, and Iris is going to continue to go after that story because Mason has piqued her interest. Barry wants to keep her out of harm’s way, and this directly puts her back into harm’s way, by going into a situation with Dr. Wells that he’s not even quite clear about.

KREISBERG: Iris’ interest in this article and in Wells makes up a large part of Iris’ arc for the rest of the season.

With Iris’ investigation, will Iris and Dr. Wells get to share more scenes together?

CAVANAGH: I enjoy it when we have scenes together. It felt like we went a half season with almost none of them. We do have a pretty significant one, I think in the next episode. We’re in the same scene, finally.

KREISBERG: The trajectory of the season is obviously all of these characters coming into each other’s orbits.

What can you say about what’s in store for Iris and Eddie, and their relationship?

PATTON: I think their relationship continues to be complicated. Eddie will always see that there’s a relationship between Barry and Iris that he can’t compete with, to some degree, and that’s unfortunate. Eddie is strong-willed, in keeping Iris in his life. He loves her. He’s a good mate for her. He’s kind and loving. He’s everything that I think a woman would want in a man, and I think Iris knows that. We’ll continue to see their relationship blossom, and also have typical relationship falters.

KREISBERG: It’s always interesting ‘cause people forget that Eddie and Iris dated for nine months without Barry being around. They’ve been together for a long time, in terms of when people date and when they decide to move in together. For Eddie, all of a sudden, this guy appeared, back in her life, and it’s caused all these problems. I don’t think Eddie gets enough credit for being, in some ways, the most emotionally stable one. He sees the two of them together and he’s like, “Yeah, I’m not good with this.” He sees it, even if she doesn’t. We always thought it was so interesting that he’s the one who’s like, “Did you ever suspect that Barry might have feelings for you?” And she’s like, “No!” I just think it’s fun that the tough, gruff cop is the one that’s most in touch with everybody else’s feelings.

But then, he shoots two cops, point blank, in the PaleyFest trailer.

KREISBERG: Well, you don’t know why he’s doing that yet. Maybe that’s because he’s so in touch with his feelings.

When will we get some backstory on Dr. Wells, and will there be some flashbacks with some of the other characters coming up?

KREISBERG: In Episode 17, we’re going to get a flashback story from Tom’s point of view, which we’re really excited about. And then, in a future upcoming episode, everyone is going to flashback to the time when Barry was in a coma. You’ll see that time from Wells’ point of view, Caitlin’s point of view, and Joe and Iris’ point of view, and you’ll get to fill in a little bit more of the backstory. It’s things we’ve always had in our heads, but you’ll get to see it on camera. We leave it all on the table, every season. Towards the end of the season, a whole bunch of new questions will pop up, and that will drive the series forward. But most of the questions we proffered at the beginning of the season will be paid off.

After seeing him in the PaleyFest trailer, what can you say about the return of Grodd?

KREISBERG: He’s coming back. And he’s mad. He’s really mad.

http://collider.com/the-flash-future-ep ... -dr-wells/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes bts de la S1 (17-20 Marzo 2015):

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

(@grantgust: The break is over.. But we never actually took a break up here in Vancouver. #TheFlash
@grantgust: Everyone's talking about the newest Flash episode but I ain't seen it and I'm over here at work like...
@rickcosnett: Nothin but secrets #TomCavanagh #TheFlash
@rickcosnett: This makes me happy)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash 1.16 Promo "Rogue Time" Promo:


- The Flash 1.16 Promo "Rogue Time" Extended Promo:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Jefes de Flash sobre la impactante muerte y las ramificaciones del viaje en el tiempo (EW):
Jefes de Flash sobre la impactante muerte y las ramificaciones del viaje en el tiempo
Por Natalie Abrams 17 de Marzo, 2015

It’s the moment The Flash fans have been waiting for basically since the show’s inception: Time travel.

Just as it seemed like fans’ wildest dreams and a few nightmares had come true—Iris (Candice Patton) professed her love for Barry (Grant Gustin), while Wells (Tom Cavanagh) killed Cisco (Carlos Valdes) after discovering that his mentor is the Reverse Flash—Barry ran so fast that he accidentally jumped back in time, effectively wiping the slate clean and giving him a second chance at the day.

“It’s the advantage of having a show that dabbles in time travel,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says. “This episode allowed us to give people a tease and a taste and make some big reveals.” But the question remains whether those big reveals will hold true once Barry relives the day. “The ramifications of this episode—and the fun of episode 16—is seeing… how much of it still happens and how much of it might possibly change.”

Next week’s episode will delve into how much Barry can actually change time. Would he, for example, be able to go back and prevent his mother’s murder? Barry certainly hopes so, but it may not be as simple as that. “Like Wells said in a previous episode, there are different versions of time travel,” Kreisberg says. “There’s the fixed loop and there’s a version where time is more plastic and mutable. One of the fun things is discovering, like Doctor Who, what’s a fixed point in time? What can’t be changed? What things always have to happen? What things are changeable and are mutable? It’s a mixture of both.”

While that sounds like bad news for Nora Allen, it’s likely great news for Cisco, who met a grim and heartbreaking fate at the end of Tuesday’s episode after Wells shoved his vibrating hand through his chest. First, though, Wells revealed to his protégé that he is actually Eobard Thawne, a distant relative of Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett), who had jumped back in time with a plan to murder Barry before getting trapped in this era. In cultivating Barry’s powers, Eobard aims to find a way home. Fortunately, even the slightest change at the beginning of the day that Barry is about to relive could prevent Cisco from investigating his boss in the first place, likely sparing his life.

“Part of the fun of [episode] 16 is watching when time changes how certain events differ that prevent Cisco from following the same trajectory, and watching how things play out, but in a completely different way,” Kreisberg teases, praising Valdes’ performance in his “final” scene. “We didn’t even script that he cries, and that notion—that Tom and Carlos worked out—that the minute Tom walks in the room, Carlos knows he’s going to die. I get chills just thinking about it.”

But Kreisberg also stresses that Wells’ actions against Cisco still don’t necessarily make him a bad guy. “I think he felt terrible,” he says. “We always talk about if one of us was thrown back many centuries into the past, and it took you 15 years to figure out a way to get home, you wouldn’t be sitting there by yourself. You’d meet people, you’d make friends. Even if intellectually you’ve been understanding that all these people have been long dead, and it doesn’t really matter to me where I come from. Everyone of them could die and my home is still where it is. Eobard Thawne himself is not an evil man. He has a reason for doing what he’s doing. He has an agenda. He thinks of himself as the hero. Bad people can love other people. Bad people are capable of love. This is the truth, there’s nothing that he said in that scene to Cisco that isn’t the truth. He’s sorry he found out, he’s sorry it has to happen, but it does have to happen. There’s a scene in episode 16 which mirrors this scene that really speaks to that.”

“To [Wells], [Cisco is] already dead,” Cavanagh adds. “It’s just a guy trying to get home. What’s good about it is that it’s not exactly [duplicitous]. He doesn’t lie to them, almost never lies. He’s furthering his agenda, but he’s also furthering Barry’s agenda. As he’s working with them, he is appreciative. All that stuff you see is not a mustache twirling villainous starting point. It’s actually genuine. We’re actually trying to accomplish something. For the first season, we’re accomplishing it together. As we see in this episode, it makes it a little more heartbreaking when the next phase of the plan starts to happen. Now that we’ve established that they are a group and a team, to watch that fracture, I find it all the more compelling.”

It appears that it’s not lost on Wells that he just killed a future member of the Justice League—Cisco goes on to become Vibe in the comics—since that will be addressed in an upcoming episode. “There’s a great line that speaks to that,” Kreisberg says. “Wells begins to impart some tidbits about a certain character’s future possibilities.”

As Wells begins to put his plans in motion, however, his secret really will soon come out without time travel trickery, and we’ll even get more insight into his history. An upcoming episode will feature a flashback to the night of Barry’s mother’s murder from Harrison’s point of view, while another flashback will show the time where Barry was in a coma from multiple points of view.

Dashed once before in his plans to kill Barry, will Wells ultimately sacrifice that quest just to make it back to his era? “He wants to get home,” Kreisberg says. “He wanted to kill Barry. He thought it was going to be a neat and easy thing and instead he’s found himself trapped here for the last 15 years. All he wants to do is get back. Every day in this time is an assault on him. He really is trapped. If he can kill Barry in the process, two for two.”

With the day starting over, one of the many other questions that remains is whether the puzzle pieces will once again fall in place for Mason Bridge’s (Roger Howarth) exposé on Wells to soon be released, which ultimately sends Iris into investigation mode. “Iris’ interest in this article and in Bridge and in Wells make up a large part of Iris’ arc for the rest of the season,” Kreisberg says.

Speaking of Iris, as a giant tidal wave caused by the revenge-seeking Weather Wizard (Liam McIntyre)—who will return in an upcoming episode as The Flash bosses eventually aim for a Rogues-filled episode—threatened to drown half of Central City, she finally confessed her true feelings to Barry, who was subsequently forced to reveal his alter-ego so he could save the city. Raise your hand if you actually think that will happen again. Crickets? Same page.

“What’s important about this episode is we finally learn the answer to the question that Barry asks Iris in episode 9,” Patton says. “Iris, when she’s backed against a wall and she realizes they could both lose their lives, it propels her to finally come to grips with how she’s been feeling about Barry. I think it’s important that at the root of how she feels, she loves Barry. But that also makes it very complicated because she goes love Eddie, it’s just in a different way.”

And Eddie… well, that’s just a whole other hurdle to tackle. His descendent is the one causing all this mess! With the spoilery trailer providing a shocking upcoming twist for Eddie—in which he shoots two cops—could he also be turning evil? “There are some great scenes coming up between Tom and Rick that starts to become a storyline, which you might’ve glimpsed a little bit of in the trailer,” Kreisberg hints.

Adding fuel to that fire is the complicated love triangle between Barry, Iris, and Eddie. “Eddie will always get that there’s a relationship between Barry and Iris that he can’t compete with to some degree,” Patton says. “That’s unfortunate, but Eddie is strong-willing in keeping Iris in his life. He loves her, he’s a good mate for her, he’s kind and loving. He’s everything a woman would want in a man and Iris knows that. We’ll continue to see their relationship blossom and also have typical relationship falters.”

But Eddie won’t be too happy with how Barry feels about his girlfriend, as the trailer also featured him punching our hero in the face. You know who else isn’t too happy with Barry Allen? Grodd, the hyper-intelligent telepathic gorilla who will face-off with not just Barry, but also Joe in an upcoming episode. “He’s coming back and he’s mad,” Kreisberg teases.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/03/17/fl ... ime-travel

- Jefes hablan sobre las revelaciones de Reverse Flash y el giro asesino (Variety):
Jefes hablan sobre las revelaciones de Reverse Flash y el giro asesino
Por Laura Prudom 17 Marzo, 2015

Yes, “The Flash” just sent Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) back in time, and the repercussions of that inadvertent act will change the course of The CW series forever — which is just as well, given that the March 17 episode also saw Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) reveal his true identity as the Reverse Flash — aka Eobard Thawne — to STAR Labs tech genius Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) right before killing him. On a more positive note, “Out of Time” also allowed Barry to admit his own super secret to Iris West (Candice Patton), after the two shared a long overdue kiss. But how many of Episode 15’s revelations will remain intact after Barry’s trip to the past?

To get answers, Variety was among a number of outlets that participated in a Q&A with executive producer Andrew Kreisberg and stars Tom Cavanagh and Candice Patton following a screening of the episode, and we also caught up with Gustin, co-star Rick Cosnett (Eddie Thawne) and executive producer Greg Berlanti at the show’s recent PaleyFest panel in Hollywood. Read on to find out how Barry’s new ability will affect the coming episodes, and what Eddie shares with Eobard, besides a last name.

If I Could Turn Back Time
As it stands, Cisco is dead, Iris knows Barry’s secret identity, Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) is probably very suspicious of Wells and Central City is in the path of a tsunami created by the new Weather Wizard (Liam McIntyre), but how much of that will still be true after next week’s episode?

Kreisberg wasn’t telling. “The ramifications of this episode are the fun of Episode 16, and seeing exactly what happened in 15, how much of it still happens and how much of it might possibly change,” he teased. “It’s sort of the advantage of having a show that dabbles in time travel; this episode allowed us to give people a tease and a taste and make some big reveals, because, as always, we try to not keep every secret all the time. We try to dole some stuff out and start giving the audience some of the answers that I think they’ve been craving, because there are still plenty of things that have been unsaid — what Wells really wants for Barry ultimately and how things are going to play out — but this episode just felt like an amazing opportunity to do some crazy stuff.”

Cavanagh admitted that in many cases when a show takes such a big swing, future episodes can seem underwhelming by comparison.
“That is not the case [here], so as we read the next one that comes, you’re like, ‘oh, that happens!’ Much the same way that Cisco moment happens, we have large and small moments that use this as a starting point,” he said. “Our season finale is also something to be reckoned with … it escalates nicely.”

Patton agreed, “I remember when I read this episode I was thinking, ‘where can we go from here? We’ve given everything away, what can we possibly do?’ Andrew always says, ‘use what you have now and we’ll think of new ideas later,’ and I think that’s what’s really great about our show and this episode. If they’re gonna do this in Episode 15 I can only imagine what the season finale is like and that’s exactly how you should feel, you can only imagine what the finale’s going to be like.”

Tough Love
Wells (or should we say Thawne?) might’ve dispatched Cisco pretty brutally, but Cavanagh argued that murdering his STAR Labs sidekick wasn’t a decision his character made lightly. “There’s a genuine affection between them, like when we’re watching the movie. when Thawne is in the current time, he’s wholly invested and he truly cares about Cisco and is truly impressed with him… he sees some of him[self] in Cisco and there’s a protégé-mentor relationship and there’s a genuine relationship. When he says that line, ‘you’ve shown me what it’s like to have a son,’ he’s not saying that idly, he means it. At the same time, the guy’s gotta get home.”

Kreisberg reasoned, “If one of us was suddenly thrown back many centuries into the past and it took you 15 years to get home, you wouldn’t be sitting there by yourself; you’d meet people, you’d make friends. Even if, intellectually, you were understanding that all these people have been long dead and ‘it doesn’t really matter to me where I come from, every one of them could die and my home is still where it is,’ no man is an island … Eobard Thawne himself is not an evil man. He has a reason for doing what he’s doing and he has an agenda and he thinks of himself as the hero. Bad people can love other people; bad people are capable of love, bad people are capable of incredible amounts of kindness and generosity. There’s nothing he said to Cisco in that scene that isn’t the truth. He’s sorry he found out, he’s sorry it has to happen, but it does have to happen, and there’s a scene in episode 16 which kind of mirrors this scene that I think really speaks to that.”

Kreisberg also revealed that the scene’s real emotional impact was a product of a collaboration between the actors and writers. “We didn’t even script that [Cisco] cries; it was a notion that Tom and Carlos worked out where the minute Tom walks into the room, Carlos knows he’s going to die. It wasn’t even something we intended, it’s what they brought to it.”

Thawne’s agenda has now shifted from his initial goal, according to Kreisberg. “He wants to get home. He wanted to kill Barry and he thought it was going to be a neat and easy thing, and instead he’s found himself trapped here for the last 15 years and all he wants to do is get back… Every day in this time is an assault on him… and if he can kill Barry in the process, then he’s two for two.”

For now, though, Cavanaugh says, “he’s furthering his agenda but he’s also furthering Barry’s agenda, and those two agendas are simpatico and so as he’s working with them, he is appreciative. All that stuff is not a mustache-twirling, villainous starting point, it’s actually genuine. We’re trying to accomplish something, and for the first season, we’re accomplishing it together, which makes it a little more heartbreaking when the next phase of the plan starts to happen. And I think that’s just good writing because if he was just a dick the whole time, when he kills Cisco it’d be like, ‘I just hate him.’ But now we’ve established that they’re kind of a group and a team, to watch that fracture, I find it all the more compelling.”

Gustin told Variety that Barry will remain a little behind the curve in terms of figuring out Wells’ secret. “It’s not until 16 or it might even be 17 that Wells says something to make Barry suspicious; it’s not something he does, it’s something he says to him in a moment where he’s trying to provide help, and it makes Barry suspicious for the first time.”

Made for Each Other
Whether or not Iris still knows Barry’s secret when the time travel dust settles, Patton said we’ll have to wait and see, but pointed out, “I think what’s important about this episode is we learn the answer to the question that Barry asks Iris in Episode 9: ‘I feel this way about you, how do you feel about me?’ When she’s backed against a wall and realizes they could both lose their lives, it propels her to finally come to grips with how she’s been feeling and I think that’s so important that at the root of how she feels, she loves Barry. And that also makes it very complicated because she does love Eddie, but it’s just in a different way.”

Iris’ mentor at the Picture News, Mason Bridge, has his suspicions about Dr. Wells, and that will draw Iris further into his orbit, Patton teased. “The wheels are turning for [Barry] as far as what’s going on with Dr. Wells and Iris is going to continue to go after that story because Mason has piqued her interest. For Barry, he wants to keep her out of harm’s way, and this is directly putting her back into harm’s way by going into a situation with Dr. Wells that he’s not even quite clear about.”

Kreisberg added, “Iris’ interest in this article and Bridge and in Wells makes up a large part of Iris’ arc for the rest of the season.”

Love is a Battlefield
We now know that Eobard Thawne is somehow related to Eddie, but Kreisberg was reluctant to give too much away about how their storylines intersect — or whether that relationship is the reason why Eddie can be seen turning his gun on a couple of fellow CCPD cops in the PaleyFest teaser trailer.

“There obviously is a family connection between the two of them, and there’s some great scenes coming up between Tom and Rick,” he hinted. “That starts to become a storyline that you might have glimpsed a little bit of in the trailer. It’s cool stuff.”

Cavanagh weighed in, “I feel like in the pilot, from the moment Candice and Rick get together and they say his name — you hear Thawne for the first time — people who are even semi-knowledgeable are like ‘aha, here we go,’ like clearly that’s going to be reckoned with at some point, so we’re getting there.”

Cosnett agreed when Variety spoke to him on the PaleyFest carpet: “Eddie Thawne is his name, so we always have this disconcerting feeling whenever Eddie’s really good, right? Even I do. I always have a very evil voice. But let’s just say that things unravel with the good and evil side of ‘The Flash'; things come to fruition with Wells’ storyline and Eddie’s storyline and Barry’s, and Iris’ storyline. She is [a catalyst] and she’s the last one to find out about metahumans and all that so she keeps that world alive. But we’re gonna see a whole lot of things change, and what we’ve already filmed, things have really escalated in a big way and our characters have had this wonderful arc already, so there’s gonna be a huge thing happening at the end of this season.”

For Kreisberg, part of the fun of the season and the eventual reveal about the Reverse Flash was the opportunity to misdirect the comic book fans who thought they had it all figured out. “There are the people who read the comics and know everything, and then there are the people who know nothing and you have to make the show for both of those people and that’s one of the things we did very early on: oh, if we name Eddie ‘Eddie Thawne’ then immediately a whole bunch of comic book fans are going to go ‘obviously he’s the Reverse Flash,’ so I get it and hopefully they were surprised when that turned out not to be the case,” he explained. “And for the people who didn’t know the comics, they were just going along for the ride anyway. As always, we’re not trying to purposefully trick the comic book fans but sometimes I think, being one myself, you can be upset when it’s like ‘that’s not quite the way it was in the book,’ but the show has to live on its own and be for everybody, it can’t just be an adaptation of comic books that people have already read and know so well. So we’ve thought about this from the very beginning and it’s been leading up to this.”

Despite that ominous connection, Patton said that Iris and Eddie aren’t breaking up any time soon. “I think their relationship continues to be complicated. Eddie will always see that there’s a relationship between Barry and Iris that he can’t compete with to some degree. That’s unfortunate, but I think Eddie is strong-willed about keeping Iris in his life; he loves her and he’s a good mate for her. He’s kind and loving, he’s everything I think a woman would want in a man and I think Iris knows that, so we’ll continue to see their relationship blossom and also have typical relationship falters.”

Cosnett echoed that sentiment. “Things get more and more tense between Eddie and Iris; it’s hard to talk about without giving too much away, but it’s difficult for them and they find a way to make it work and I think Eddie is just so madly in love with Iris that he’s willing to do whatever it takes to keep her.”

Kreisberg added, “People forget that Eddie and Iris dated for nine months without Barry being around — they’ve been together for a long time in terms of when people date and when they decide to move in together. And for Eddie, all of a sudden, this guy appeared back in her life and it’s caused all these problems. I don’t think Eddie gets enough credit for in some ways being the most emotionally stable [character]. He sees the two of them together and he’s like ‘I’m not good with this’ even if she doesn’t [see it].”

Revenge of the Rogues
The Flash has one of the most iconic Rogues’ Galleries in DC Comics canon, and the introduction of Liam McIntyre as Mark Mardon/Weather Wizard is one more step along a path that was laid by Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and Heat Wave (Dominic Purcell).

“Liam is coming back this season, he’s in episode 16 but he’s also coming back later in the season,” Kreisberg said. “We’ve been really blessed with the Rogues and hopefully building up to a real Rogues episode the way we would all love to see it.”

Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
As executive producer Greg Bertlanti told Variety at PaleyFest, “You can’t do a Flash show without doing time travel, I think, because so much of the nature of the character is about that.” Because of that, he promised, episodes 15 and 16 were designed as a way of “laying down the groundwork and laying down the rules for our audience. Every time travel show has its own rules and we divide it up that way and explain those things and have in the past episodes. So it’s about laying down those things, and they’ll become really essential to how we evolve the series by the end of the year and then hopefully in future years, because there’ll be some other big switches too.”

For Kreisberg, the important thing was to make sure their rules were consistent. “Like Wells said in a previous episode, there are different versions of time travel: there’s the fixed loop and there’s the version where time is more plastic and mutable and I think one of the fun things is discovering what’s a fixed point in time and what can’t be changed — what things always have to happen and what things are changeable and mutable. It’s a mixture of both. None of us knows how time travel really works, but we’ve come up with what we feel are our rules and we try to stick by them. A lot of what we’re doing now is a lot of stuff that was set up in the pilot.”

Blast from the Past
In addition to time travel, Kreisberg said that the show will also be utilizing flashbacks again this season, with Episode 17 featuring a flashback story from Wells’ point-of-view (which could technically make it a flashforward). And in another episode this season, everyone’s going to flash back to that time when Barry was in the coma, so you’ll see that time from Wells’ point-of-view and Caitlin’s point-of-view and Joe and Iris — you get to fill in a little bit more of the backstory, things we’ve always had in our heads that we get to see on camera,” Kreisberg said. “Towards the end of the season, a whole bunch of new questions will pop up, and that’ll drive the series forward. But most of the questions that we proffered at the beginning of the season will be paid off.”

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/flash-o ... 201454604/

- Las estrellas y productores ejecutivos de 'The Flash' sobre la sorprendente muerte y el plan maestro de Reverse-Flash (THR):
Las estrellas y productores ejecutivos de 'The Flash' sobre la sorprendente muerte y el plan maestro de Reverse-Flash
Por Aaron Couch 6:00 PM PDT 17/03/2015

Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) is officially a man out of time.

Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanaugh) murdered Cisco (Carlos Valdes) for discovering his Reverse-Flash secret in Tuesday's episode of The Flash. In an emotional scene, Wells revealed that his real name is Eobard Thawne, and that though he loved Cisco like a son, he had to kill him. Things were also bad for Joe (Jesse L. Martin), who was been kidnapped by the vengeful Weather Wizard (Liam McIntyre). Even worse: the villain created a massive tidal wave that could wipe out Central City.

But Barry will now have the opportunity to stop Cisco's murder before it happens. In the final moments of the episode, Barry ran so fast that he traveled through time to several days before everything went very wrong.

The big episode leaves plenty of burning questions, and executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, Cavanagh and Candice Patton (Iris) answered some of them after a press screening Monday, which The Hollywood Reporter attended.

How much will Barry fix?

Kreisberg teased that "the fun" of next week is seeing the ramifications of Barry's actions and how they will change what viewers have already seen. Not everything will be undone by the time travel (though it's safe to assume Cisco will be saved, as he's been shown in previews for future episodes).

"This episode allowed us to sort of give people a tease and a taste and make some big reveals," said Kreisberg.

Who is Eobard Thawne?

Wells confessed to Cisco that his real name was Eobard Thawne, and that he'd been stuck in the past for fifteen years. He called Iris' boyfriend Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett) a "distant" relative, which Kreisberg confirms was not a lie.

"There's some great scenes coming up between Tom and Rick, that starts to become a storyline," said Kreisberg.

The revelation puts to rest a fan theory that Eddie might actually be Eobard Thawne (AKA Reverse-Flash and Professor Zoom), who in comic book lore is a man from the 25th century who gets stuck in our era.

What does Wells want?

Wells killed Barry's mother, but as he told Cisco, he actually wanted to kill Barry that night 15 years ago. Viewers do not know why Wells wanted to kill Barry, but at this point, all he cares about his getting home, though if he can kill Barry in the process that's a bonus.

"Imagine if one of us was transported back into the past with no antibiotics and no internet and no indoor plumbing,' said Kreisberg. "Every day in this time is an assault on him."

Is Wells evil?

Kreisberg said Wells is not an "evil man" and that he even has reason to see "himself as a hero."

"There's nothing he says in that scene with Cisco that isn't the truth," said Kreisberg. "He's sorry he found out. He's sorry it has to happen, but it does have to happen and there's a scene in episode 16 which kind of mirrors this scene, that I think really speaks to that."

Cavanagh sees Wells as a man is just "trying to get home." He has genuine affection for the STAR Labs team and their mission — at least while it serves his own purposes.

"As we see in this episode, it makes it a little more heartbreaking when the next phase of the plan starts to happen," said Cavanaugh.

Will Iris uncover Wells' secret?

Iris' journalism mentor Mason (Roger Howarth) is poised to publish an expose on Wells, connecting him to a number of murders around town.

"For Barry, the wheels are turning for him, as far as what's going on with Dr. Wells. Iris is going to continue to go after that story because Mason has piqued her interest," said Patton. "For Barry, he wants to keep her out of harm's way and this is directly putting her back into harm's way by going into a situation with Dr. Wells that he's not even quite clear about."

What's next?

Wells had future knowledge about these characters, and will start to share some of that knowledge. Episode 17 will also flashback to the beginning of the series, and show it from different perspectives, including Wells'.

"Toward the ends of the season, a whole bunch of new questions will pop up and that will drive the series forward. Most of the questions that we proffered at the beginning of the season will be paid off," said Kreisberg.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... son-782088

- Los jefes y el elenco de THE FLASH diseccionan el impactante final de esta noche y adelantan lo que está por llegar (collider):
Los jefes y el elenco de THE FLASH diseccionan el impactante final de esta noche y adelantan lo que está por llegar
Por Christina Radish 17 Marzo, 2015

After so many jaw-dropping moments throughout Episode 15 of The CW series The Flash (read Dave’s full recap right here), thankfully, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, as well as co-stars Tom Cavanagh (“Dr. Harrison Wells”) and Candice Patton (“Iris West”), were available to talk about it all. After some big character reveals, and moments of hope and heartbreak, it will be very interesting to see how it all plays out, by the end of the season.

While chatting with press, Andrew Kreisberg, Tom Cavanagh and Candice Patton talked about the ramifications of Episode 15, how they’ll be spring-boarding off of what happened, that their season finale is going to be something to be reckoned with, the affects of time travel, what Dr. Wells’ quest will be now, where all of this leaves Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) and Cisco (Carlos Valdes), and how Iris will choose between Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett) and Barry Allen (Grant Gustin). Be aware that there are some major spoilers.

Question: Are you worried about how the audience will react, giving them everything they want, and then jumping back in time and taking it all away?

TOM CAVANAGH: It’s just Episode 15.

ANDREW KREISBERG: The advantage of having a show that dabbles in time travel, this episode allowed us to give people a tease and a taste, and make some big reveals. We try to not keep every secret, all the time. We try to dole some stuff out and start giving the audience some answers that they’ve been craving. There are still plenty of things left unsaid, like what Wells really wants for Barry, and how things are ultimately going to play out. This episode just felt like an amazing opportunity to do some crazy stuff. Hopefully, as people were watching it, they didn’t see the ending coming, so it was all happening for them as, “Holy crap, this is all happening.”

This episode felt more like a finale. Is every episode after this going to feel that way now, for the rest of the season?

CAVANAGH: We have table reads and read-throughs, and what you’ve put in the bank beforehand is one of the greatest things about television. Instead of two hours, we can put 15 hours in, prior to this, so we have investment. And then, you read something like this, and you get to pay it off, a little bit. The danger is, it is a precipice, or is it the slippery slide of a slope. It was a really strong episode of television, but in the ones to come, we’re spring-boarding off of it. The danger is that, you do something like this, which is a pinnacle, and then you slide down, but that’s not the case. We read the scripts and the next thing comes and you’re like, “Oh, that happens!” Much like the way the Cisco thing happened, we have large and small moments that use this as a starting point and build toward our season finale, which is also something to be reckoned with. It feels like this episode, for me personally, and the season feels a little bit like – to use a racing analogy – when the bell lap goes off and this is the start of the first turn, and then we’re down the back stretch and we keep going. It escalates nicely.

CANDICE PATTON: I remember when I read this episode, I was thinking, “Where could we go from here? We’ve given everything away! What could we possibly do?” Andrew always says, “Use what you have now. We’ll think of new ideas later.” That’s what’s really great about our show and this episode. You’re watching it and you’re like, “Well, if they’re going to do this in Episode 15, I can only imagine what the season finale is going to be like.” And that’s exactly how you should feel. You can only imagine what the finale is going to be like.

KREISBERG: Even as we write it, we can’t imagine it coming to life the way it does when you’ve got [this cast]. There’s the way Iris looks at Barry, at that moment when he says, “Then who is right for me?” In the scene between Tom and Carlos [Valdes], we didn’t even script that he cries. The minute Dr. Wells walks into the room and Cisco knows he’s gonna die, I just get chills even thinking about it, and it wasn’t even something that we intended. It’s what they brought to it. It really is this massive collaboration between everybody, and that isn’t always the case. We’re so proud of the scripts, but then we get these dailies back and we’re even more blown away.

What happens when you interrupt the space/time continuum on The Flash?

KREISBERG: Like Wells has said in a previous episode, there are different versions of time travel. There’s the fixed loop, and then there’s the version where time is more plastic and mutable. One of the fun things is discovering what’s a fixed point in time, what can’t be changed and what things always have to happen, and then what things are changeable and are mutable. It’s a mixture of both. Obviously, none of us knows how time travel really works, but we’ve come up with our rules and we try to stick by them. Not to pat ourselves on the back, but a lot of what we’re doing now is stuff we set up in the pilot. You can go back and watch the pilot and go, “Oh, I get it! That’s why that stream of things is happening!”

Is there a parallel universe now, where there is no Flash?

KREISBERG: Is there?

CAVANAGH: Is there? Answer a question with a question.

Will Barry still have to stop Mark Mardon (Liam McIntyre) again?

KREISBERG: The ramifications of this episode are the fun of Episode 16, and seeing how much of what happened in Episode 15 still happens and how much of it might possibly change.

Cisco is a very smart guy. Will he still be suspicious of Dr. Wells, even though they’ve gone back in time?

KREISBERG: Part of the fun of Episode 16 is watching that when time changes, certain events will occur that prevent Cisco from following along the same trajectory. You’ll see how things play out, but in a completely different way.

Now we know that Harrison really is Eobard Thawne. How will that tie into Eddie Thawne, and what will their connection be?

KREISBERG: You can take him at his word that there obviously is a family connection between the two of them. There are some great scenes coming up, between Tom and Rick [Cosnett], that starts to become a storyline. It’s cool stuff. We’re not trying to purposely trick the comic book fans. Being one myself, you can get upset when it’s not quite the way it was in the book. But, the show has to live on its own and it has to be for everybody. It can’t just be an adaptation of comic books that people have already read and know so well. Obviously, we’ve thought of this, from the very beginning, and it’s been leading up to this.

Will we be conflicted about how we feel about Dr. Wells?

CAVANAGH: He’s just a guy trying to get home. I think you can all appreciate that, emotionally. There are many ways to play a guy that is, from the starting point, already that rich and already has this many layers. The decision, by Andrew and the gang, to evolve how we see him and when we’re going to see him and where we’re going to find out more information about the different sides of his character, are always fun to play. For me, personally, playing the character, the starting point has always been that he’s a guy trying to get home. The starting point has always been Eobard Thawne, and then Harrison Wells is layered upon it. What’s good about it is that it’s not exactly duplicitous. There’s an element of that, but he doesn’t lie. He doesn’t lie to them. He almost never lies. He’s telling the truth. He’s furthering his agenda, but he’s also furthering Barry’s agenda, and those two agendas are simpatico. As he’s working with them, he is appreciative. All that stuff that you see is not a mustache-twirling, villainous starting point. It’s actually genuine. We’re trying to accomplish something, and for the first season, we’re accomplishing it together. As we see in this episode, that makes it a little more heartbreaking when the next phase of the plan starts to happen. I think that’s just good writing. If he was just a dick the whole time, when he kills Cisco, you’d just hate him. But now that we’ve established that they are a group and a team, to watch that fracture, I find it all the more compelling.

KREISBERG: We always talk about, if one of us was suddenly thrown back many centuries into the past and it took you 15 years to get home, you wouldn’t be sitting there by yourself. You’d meet people and you’d make friends. Even if, intellectually, we’re understanding that these people are long dead, or that every one of them could die and your home is still where it is, no man is an island. Eobard Thawne, himself, is not an evil man. He has a reason for doing what he’s doing, and he has an agenda. He thinks of himself as the hero. And bad people can love other people. Bad people are capable of love. Bad people are capable of incredible amounts of kindness and generosity. This is the truth. There’s nothing he said in that scene to Cisco that isn’t the truth. He’s sorry he found out. He’s sorry it has to happen. But, it does have to happen. There’s a scene in Episode 16, which mirrors that scene and really speaks to that.

What is Eobard Thawne’s quest now? Will he give up his quest to kill Barry Allen, if it means getting back home to his time?

KREISBERG: He wants to get home. He wanted to kill Barry, and he thought it was going to be a neat and easy thing. Instead, he’s found himself trapped here, for the last 15 years, and all he wants to do is get back. Imagine if one of us was transported back into the past, with no antibiotics, no internet and no indoor plumbing. These are the kinds of thoughts that he has. Every day in this time is an assault on him. He’s in the wheelchair, but he really is trapped. Getting back is his priority, and if he can kill Barry in the process, it’s two for two.

How much did Caitlin find out before time reversed?

KREISBERG: Well, she certainly knew that her boss, who was supposed to be in a wheelchair, skedaddled pretty fast. She probably surmised as much as Cisco had, but whether or not she retains that is to be determined.

What can we expect to see from Cisco and Wells now?

CAVANAGH: Wells killed a dead guy. It’s not a big deal. But, there’s a genuine affection between them. That is not fake. In the current time, Thawne is truly invested, truly cares about Cisco, and is truly impressed by him. When we saw the two of them meet, he was on his side. From the moment, he knew this guy had a spark. Wells/Thawne is smart enough to go, “This guy has it,” and he’s smart enough to bring him on board because he’s truly a wunderkind. He’s a genius. He seems some of himself in Cisco. There’s a protégé/mentorship thing happening. There’s genuine affection when he says, “You’ve shown me what it’s like to have a son,” he’s not saying it idly. He means it. At the same time, the guy has gotta get home.

Is Wells aware that, by killing Cisco, he’s killing a future member of the Justice League?

KREISBERG: There’s a great line in Episode 22, that speaks to that. Wells begins to impart some tidbits about a certain character’s future possibilities.

Even though this day has been reset, are Barry and Iris inevitable?

PATTON: We’ll have to wait to see what the time travel does to all of these characters, including Barry and Iris. But what’s important about this episode is that we finally learn the answer to the question that Barry asked Iris in Episode 9. He said, “I feel this way about you. How do you feel about me?” Iris, when she’s backed against a wall and she realizes they could both lose their lives, it propels her to finally come to grips with how she’s been feeling about Barry, and that’s so important. At the root of how she feels, she loves Barry. That also makes it very complicated because she does love Eddie. It’s just in a different way. It was so great to finally have that pay-off.


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional adelanta el regreso de "The Rogues":

Imagen Imagen

Añadidos los rátings del 1.05 "Out of Time". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Lois Lane
Lois Lane
Mensajes: 512
Registrado: Sab Mar 28, 2009 5:06 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Galen »

Vaya, vaya... hablando el otro día de como arruinan a los personajes y zas!! Iris y Barry le pegan los cuernos a sus "queridos"... :smt076

Supongo que será anulado por Barry viajar al pasado, al igual que lo de Cisco evidentemente. Hablando de éste, esa escena con Wells fue la mejor del episodio en mi opinión, Carlos Valdés demostró que tiene tablas y Tom Cavanagh buenísimo como siempre. Y pensar que algunos decían que Wells no era tan malo... sí Pepe!! :smt018

Oye Muna, el dueño del foro es Huesario o Ficus?? No entiendo por qué no quiere actualizarlo, que sentido tiene mantener un foro fantasma que solo tiene actividad gracias a ti!! Además, tenéis gastos no?? Este foro podría ser el K-site hispano en vez de morirse a cámara superlenta, el día que dejes de actualizarlo, ahí quedará el pobre. En fin, a ver si el jefe hace algo porque la situación actual del foro es penosa, el spam acabará por destruirlo como ha pasado con otros foros, así que ojo!!

Bueno guapa, besos y cuídate vale!! :super14

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

¡Ahhhhhhhhh, me has chafado el capi, que no había podido verlo aún! :smt005 :smt005

Pues era de Huesario, pero desapareció en época de Smallville, así es que Ficus se encarga de él. No es que no quiera, sino que las cosas de la vida diaria te hacen que vayas retrasando el hacerlo...

No te preocupes por el spam, lo tengo controlado y está pendiente una actualización (al menos del foro) que lo pondrá aún más a raya :smt077

Y puedes comentar cuando quieras, siempre es de agradecer el ver otros puntos de vista de las cosas :wink: :smt058

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33240
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El 'Deathbolt' de Doug Jones también amenazará a "The Flash":
El mes pasado, supimos que Doug Jones se dirigiría a Starling City para interpretar al supervillano 'Deathbolt' en el episodio 3.19 de la serie de la CW "Arrow" que tiene por título “Broken Arrow”.

Este fin de semana, Jones a través de su cuenta de Twitter ha revelado que una sóla serie de DC Comics no será sufciente para contener a este villano.

'Deathbolt' también aparecerá en “The Flash” en el episodio 1.22 “Rogue Air”, cuyo título también nos ha sido revelado por el actor.
https://twitter.com/actordougjones/stat ... 4335407106

Además en su cuenta de facebook ha puesto:

“Desearía poder deciros lo que el guión de este episodio de The Flash tiene reservado para mí como el supervillano de D.C. Comics “Deathbolt” (que será introducido primero en el episodio 319 de Arrow) … Pero me temo nque tendréis que esperar a que se emita — Episodio 122 “Rogue Air”.

https://www.facebook.com/10464456290823 ... =1&theater

Creado por Roy Thomas y Jerry Ordway en All-Star Squadron #21 (Mayo, 1983), Simmons tenía la habilidad de controlar los rayos y la electricidad y fue apodado “la batería viviente.” En “Arrow,” su personaje en su lugar tendrá la habilidad de controlar la energía de plasma. Esto lo convierte en el primer meta-humano que hará su debut en “Arrow” en oposición a la serie más amiga de los super poderes “The Flash.”

El episodio 3.19 de “Arrow” “Broken Arrow” se emitirá el 15 de Abril, mientras que el 1.22 de “The Flash” “Rogue Air” se emitirá el 21 de Abril.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Concept Art de "Reverse Flash" por Andy Poon:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash 1.16 Promo "Rogue Time" Producer´s Preview:


- Stills del 1.17 "Tricksters":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágen bts de la S1 (23-03-15):

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(@grantgust: I got Dave. #SorryNotSorry #ThanksForKeepingMeSafeThough)

http://www.justjaredjr.com/2015/03/25/g ... flash-set/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Peyton List habla sobre la Season 1, Lisa Snart, y el Captain Cold (collider):
Peyton List habla sobre la Season 1, Lisa Snart, y el Captain Cold
Por Christina Radish 24 Marzo, 2015

In Episode 16 of the fantastically fun CW series The Flash, entitled “Rogue Time,” The Flash (Grant Gustin) learns that Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and Heat Wave (Dominic Purcell) have returned to Central City. This time, Leonard Snart has brought along his baby sister, Lisa (Peyton List), to help wreak havoc on the city.

During this exclusive phone interview with Collider, actress Peyton List (who played Cara on The CW series The Tomorrow People, also from The Flash executive producer Greg Berlanti) talked about leaping at the opportunity when she was offered this role, doing her comic book research on the character, how she views Lisa Snart, how fun it is to balance flirty with sadistic, finding her place with co-stars Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell, reeling in Cisco (Carlos Valdes), her interactions with The Flash, and how cool it is to have her own specially designed weapon to play with. Be aware that there are some spoilers.

Collider: How did you get involved with The Flash? Obviously, you and executive producer Greg Berlanti established a working relationship on The Tomorrow People, and he knows that you can kick ass with the best of them. Did you just get a phone call from him about playing this character?

PEYTON LIST: Actually, it was a complete surprise. I got a call a couple of weeks before the character started on the series, to see if I wanted to do it. I’m familiar with the more widely known comic book characters. I’m not an expert in comic book characters. I had an idea of who The Flash was, but I didn’t know the character, going into it. Even though I’m not quite as familiar as some, I still really enjoy it. So, I leapt at the opportunity. It was an awesome surprise.

Were you told much about Lisa Snart, up front? Did they give you specific research to do, or direct you to any comics to guide you toward who she is on the show?

LIST: I immediately started to look it up, and I saw that there are so many different stories about her. Over the years, they’ve taken her in different directions. What I also knew about this show is that they tell their own story. They develop the stories as they want to see them. So, I made myself as familiar as I could with the majority of the stuff out there, but then I threw all of that away and went with how they’ve made her. They’ve been great. It was very well-written, so I got a sense of who she is, just from the script, alone, which is very helpful. And there are many opportunities to play with that, too.

How do you view who Lisa Snart is, and how would you say Team Flash views who she is?

LIST: She’s good, in some ways, and she’s very bad, in some ways. You see her team up with her brother, and she’s constantly trying to prove that she can be a baddie, too, and that she can be as kick-butt as he is. I think she’s constantly trying to seek his approval. But because he doesn’t always give that approval out freely, it frustrates her a lot. She wants to be part of that team. She also can be quite flirty, and quite sadistic, at the same time. It’s a really fun, crazy balance to play with because she can be all over the place in a scene.

How was it to be the new girl joining this partnership with Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell, who clearly have a history, even before doing this show together? Were you worried, at all, about holding your own with them, or did you fall into a very natural dynamic with them?

LIST: In the beginning, it was incredibly intimidating, of course. I had been a huge Prison Break fan. There’s so much history there, and you already know that they have great chemistry. Trying to just find where you belong, in all of that, can be daunting. But actually, after my first day of work, I just found a place with them. They’re so welcoming to work with and so open to work with that it wasn’t as hard as you would think. It felt very natural. I just felt myself enjoying it. Before I knew it, I wasn’t worried about it anymore.

Since this is a character who isn’t afraid to use her sexuality to get what she wants, and we’ve seen that she’ll have some interactions with Cisco, how easily does he fall for her manipulations?

LIST: He falls pretty quickly. It’s also the circumstances, of course. She goes after him hard. She’s not really taking no for an answer, anyway. It’s not his fault. That character dynamic was a lot of fun because it was almost like hypnosis. To get him to the other side, he’s practically in a trance. It’s really funny. I hope people enjoy it because we certainly had a blast.

What was it like to work with Carlos Valdes, who is always so funny and gets so many great one-liners?

LIST: I can’t describe it other than fun. He does have these wonderful one-liners and great jokes. It was nice to be a part of his storyline, as well. You learn stuff you haven’t known about him, up until now. I thought it was a treat to explore with him. Obviously, because he’s a really funny guy, it makes for an easy day of work, for sure.

Did you enjoy getting to go blonde for the episode?

LIST: I really enjoyed it. I was really intimidated by it because I have been blonde once, and it was not supposed to be a good-looking blonde. I’m not someone who’s changed my hair color a lot, over the course of my life. I was like, “I really hope I don’t look silly like this.” The strange thing is the my mother is blonde and, once we found the wig and put it on, it was bizarre. I was looking in the mirror and going, “I never thought I looked like my mother until this moment.” I started to see some similarities. It was totally bizarre, and really fun. It changes how you feel. I had a different air when I had the wig on, which helped with the character. In the episode, I’m laying a trap, and it felt like I had this disguise on. It all really helped me. It was more fun than it should have been. It’s amazing what a wig can do.

Your character also crosses paths with The Flash. What does she think of The Flash, and what can we expect from that interaction?

LIST: As of right now, a lot of her view of The Flash is similar to her brother’s view. I think she’s assumed whatever her brother thinks of The Flash is the truth. She enjoys that he’s a fun nemesis to have. Deep down, she doesn’t think they’re supposed to be on the same team, but she does enjoy the battle, going head-to-head, and she enjoys winning or helping win the battle. Obviously, she’s relatively new in this world, so she’s also just learning it as it comes. But she defers all of her opinions, for the most part, through her brother.

We’ve seen that Captain Cold and Heat Wave each have their own special weapons, and your character does, too. How cool is it to have your own specially designed weapon to play with?

LIST: Oh, it’s so cool! Coming from The Tomorrow People, which is the most action-packed thing I’ve done, we didn’t have guns. This is so different because my specialty is the gun. It feel so different and it changes so many of the things that you’re doing. And to have one that’s personalized for you, with its own personal holster, you feel like something out of a comic book. It’s really cool. It’s really special.


- Peyton List Adelanta su debut en The Flash: ¡Es mala, rubia y morena! (tvfanatic):
Peyton List Adelanta su debut en The Flash: ¡Es mala, rubia y morena!
Por Jim Halterman 24 Marzo, 2015 8:00 am

Some families have more than one bad seed, don't they?

While we've already seen Leonard Snart in his guise as villainous Captain Cold, on The Flash Season 1 Episode 16, we'll meet Snart's younger sister, Lisa, who happens to be on the same bad path as her brother.

But is Lisa Snart (who comic books fans know as Rogue member, Golden Glider) as evil as she appears? And how is she going to use her feminine wiles with some of the men on The Flash? And does she have her own agenda outside of her brother's plan to bring down The Flash?

To find out the answers to those questions and more, we talked with Peyton List, last seen on The CW as one of The Tomorrow People. Does she view Lisa Snart as a villain through and through? Let's find out...

TV Fanatic: I know the show sometimes sticks to the comic book origins but other times veers away a little. Would you call Lisa Snart an all-out villain?

Peyton List: It’s hard to say. She’s someone that I don’t think is completely, totally all the way at the end of the spectrum like baddie-baddie. I think her moral compass is really herself and her brother. I think whatever makes her happy and her brother happy, that’s what she decides to do and that’s how she makes decisions.

I wouldn’t say she’s completely not compassionate but she’s thinking of her immediate world first. I think she does like breaking the rules. I don’t think she’s an evil villain but I think she gets joy out of being bad, breaking some rules and getting away with things. I think there’s something fun in playing that kind of character where that’s where she gets her kicks.

She can be slightly sadistic, she does have that side to her. As I’ve watched the show, some of the villains are really, really bad and I don’t know that I would put her that far. She’s definitely having a good time being bad. Sometimes you see villains and you’re like ‘why are they doing that? They are just evil.’ But I think you can see her motives more.

TVF: Is she just following her brother’s lead? Or does she have her own agenda as to why she’s in town and helping her brother.

PL: She’s following her brother in most things but that doesn’t mean she won’t do what she wants to do sometimes or rebel within the ranks. As far as I know right now, she doesn’t have a terrible problem with her brother being a leader and her following what his plans are. He’s the planner and I think she’s the one who goes off sometimes and improvs. I think she’s okay with that dynamic and, if anything, she’s spending a lot of energy trying to prove that she can keep up with him and that she needs to stick around and she’s valuable.

TVF: I noticed from the photos released for the episode, you’re wearing some sleek, leathery outfits and you also seem to have both blonde and dark hair. Can you talk about Lisa’s look?

PL: [laughs ] Oh yeah! Very cool, very kick ass outfits. The hair was funny because as soon as I got the role, I remember I was doing the research and everything I came across…she is really blonde! It’s not like half the comics are one thing. It’s every single one! I just thought ‘they have a plan, I’m sure’ and I was going to go in and see what they say. And, sure enough, they said ‘We’re going to do some of it blonde and some brunette’ and there was a wig and that was so much fun.

I think it was such a fun thing because for some reason I haven’t shot with a lot of wigs before and it’s kind of a costume and it changes you and makes you feel a little bit differently. It did really help me with the character for the scenes I did have the wig on because it gave me an extra something that I didn’t know I was looking for with the character so I went with it. I liked it.

TVF: Does Lisa use her sexuality to get what she wants in the episode? Do we see some of that?

PL: Absolutely! She definitely knows how to talk to men to get what she wants and to use her sexuality in that way and I think for her it’s whatever works. ‘If my normal way of going about this doesn’t work, let me try this angle.’ She’s open to whatever she has to her disposal and her sexuality is one of them. And her brother is just like ‘do whatever you need to to get the job done.’

And I think in that, a little bit, she enjoys the fact that that gives her power. In a way she has the upper hand in that moment and that’s a way she feels strong. We definitely see her utilize it coming up. And I think it makes her feel pretty good, honestly!

TVF: I know in the comics, Lisa, as Golden Glider, is a skater and she’s very fast. Does that come into play on The Flash?

PL: I can’t speak to the future but the ice skating thing is not something that we’ve tackled. I’m not sure how you shoot that on a TV show. The skating thing is a little complicated so we haven’t touched on that yet but that’ snot to say that we won’t but I don’t know. She has not starting gliding yet.

TVF: You did your share of action and stunts on The Tomorrow People but did you get to do some of that on The Flash and were you challenged differently if you did?

PL: Yes. It was very different. In The Tomorrow People, pretty much everything we did was hand-to-hand combat. We never had guns or anything like that so this was different and it changes how fights go. Luckily, on The Tomorrow People we did a lot where we were being shot at so I am very familiar with that. On this it was very different because [Lisa’s] brother and Heat Wave, they have weapons of their own and that changes how fights are. It was fun to be back in the action but also not doing some kind of crazy close up hand-to-hand combat things.

TVF: Is it safe to say the Greg Berlanti connection with both shows helped you get this role? Or maybe Robbie [Amell, List’s co-star on The Tomorrow People] put in a good word for you since he’s been on The Flash.

PL: I have no idea, actually. I literally got a call from my agent that said ‘Do you want to go do Flash?’ And I was like ‘Yes! When?’ I actually have no idea how it came about it but whoever it was, I am super grateful. But it’s been a blast and it’s been such a treat. Everything I was craving and missing from The Tomorrow People I’m finding at The Flash with being back in the action and the larger than life world. It’s been so much fun!

http://www.tvfanatic.com/2015/03/peyton ... d-brunett/

- Peyton List sobre el llevar a Lisa Snart a 'The Flash' (accesshollywood):
Peyton List sobre el llevar a Lisa Snart a 'The Flash'
Por Jolie Lash 24 Marzo, 2015 12:22 PM EDT

Captain Cold and Heat Wave are back, but they have a new villainous helper in their fight against The Flash – Miss Lisa Snart.

"Tomorrow People" alum Peyton List, who plays Lisa (in the comics Golden Glider) was teamed up with Wentworth Miller, who plays her brother, Leonard Snart/Capt. Cold, and Dominic Purcell, who plays Mick Rory/Heat Wave for this Tuesday's episode. The actress admitted it was a little intimidating to work with the two of them at first, as the "Prison Break" alums have known each other for so long and have a close bond as actors, but she quickly found out she fit right in.

"I tried to just jump right in," Peyton told Access Hollywood. "In the beginning of the first day, it was a bit scary but by the end of it I kind of felt like I found my place amongst them, so I found where this character fit in."

Golden Glider in the DC universe does hit the ice, but in "The Flash" TV universe – so far – Peyton hasn't had to strap on the skates.

"They said, 'You're gonna be playing Golden Glider.' I said, 'OK!' So I wait for the script. There wasn't any ice skating in the script, so I was going, big sigh of relief and then, I was going, 'I'm not gonna worry about that right now. I think I should just worry about what's in the script, what they're alluding to in terms of back story, what they're not and how this character fits into this world,' because with these comic book things, they are [kind of like] of accordions -- you can just open them and more story is filled in and goes backwards, but when you're not a writer, you don't know what story they're going to tell, so you kind of just have to go with what you have and leave the door open, so that's sort of how I approached [it], because you just don't know, maybe they will do ice skating down the line, I don't know," she told Access. "The ice skating costume in the comic books looks amazing, but in this world, it'd be a little cold to wear that costume on a daily basis."

As previews of Tuesday's episode have shown, Leonard Snart/Captain Cold wants to find out The Flash's real identity and Peyton's character, Lisa, is part of that storyline.

"I am trying to help my brother. I think that I'm smart enough that I know that he has a grander plan for everything and I have a job in that plan, so I need to do the job that he delegated to me, and especially if I want to prove that I can be a baddie like my brother, I'm gonna try and do my job well," she explained. "The sort of weapon Lisa is, in the trio of Cold and Heat Wave, is that you may not see her coming and they realize [they should try a different tactic than their usual one]. Maybe try and lure someone out and because we haven't seen Lisa yet, she's the perfect person for that. … Try to get them to come to them instead of trying to force it out of them, so that's really how we meet her, is sort of in disguise."

Lisa Snart will be putting on a blond wig and setting her sights on Cisco Ramon, the S.T.A.R. Labs employee with a big heart (which we assume is still beating because The Flash ran back in time at the end of last week's episode).

"Lisa only cares about that so much," Peyton said of sweet Cisco and his big heart. "She has a couple of scenes where she's flirting with him and I think she's genuinely enjoying herself. I think she likes getting this kind of attention from men and he is a sweet guy and he falls for it immediately, so I think she -- I think she genuinely likes him, but she is up to her own thing. She's really looking after No. 1 and if she has to drop him, she will."

When Access spoke with Dominic earlier this year, as he was still filming scenes with Wentworth and Peyton, he revealed there is an added twist of the romantic nature for his character as well.

"The interesting thing about Peyton's character, it's been suggested -- and in a subliminal way -- that Heat Wave has a thing for [Lisa] and she's about the only person in the world that can tell him to settle down," Dominic told Access. (Wentworth added, from Leonard's perspective, "I'm not approving of the first part, but I see the advantage of the second.")

Asked about this potential flirtation between Lisa and Mick/Heat Wave, Peyton said it was Dominic who was first to notice the chemistry between the characters.

"There is a sort of underlying flirtation between the two of them, and we don't actually know what it is, but we sort of found it while we were doing the episode and we were like, 'This is really cool and this is interesting,'" she said. "He is a very complicated guy, but he tends to go sort of tunnel vision when he wants to beat someone up or he wants to destroy something or he wants to set it on fire. She, for some reason, seems to be the character that can pull him out of that, can sort of take off the blinders and get him back in line and get him thinking straight again and that was a really fun dynamic to play where, if he's losing his cool, she's the one [who]... will say one flirtatious line to him and then he's like, 'Oh, really? Nevermind, I'm done doing what I'm doing. I'm here.' So, that was really fun and he's so talented and he was sort of the first one who like stumbled on it and it was a blast to explore for sure."

At PaleyFest earlier this month, Grant Gustin (Barry Allen/The Flash) said he's glad to have another villain in the Rogues Gallery (the episode is titled "Rogue Time").

"It's adding another like colorful villain to that little mold that they've got going and it's a good core group of villains now, the three of them, and I think they'll continue to come back and grow and this first one that she's in, we don't interact too much, but we do get to -- as you see in some of the pictures, face off at least once, and yeah, it changes the dynamic, Snart having his sister there," Grant said.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/peyton-l ... cle_105750

- Golden Glider de 'The Flash' tiene una 'poderosa' influencia en the Rogues (zap2it):
Golden Glider de 'The Flash' tiene una 'poderosa' influencia en the Rogues
Por Chris E. Hayner 24 Marzo, 2015

Peyton List guests on 'The Flash' as Lisa Snart, otherwise known as Golden Glider.
When Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) went back in time on "The Flash" during the episode "Out of Time," it changed everything. Just the smallest thing can throw the future out of whack, and for "The Flash," that means Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller) and Heat Wave (Dominic Purcell) are back.

However, they aren't returning to Central City alone. In Tuesday's (March 24) episode, "Rogue Time," Captain Cold is bringing his sister -- and newest Rogue -- Lisa Snart (Peyton List) along for the ride, and she's just as dangerous as her fellow villains. Zap2it spoke with List about joining the show and her role withing the Rogues. Plus, does she envision Lisa, known in the comics as Golden Glider, to join Captain Cold and Heat Wave on that spinoff show in the works?

Zap2it: We've seen Heat Wave and Captain Cold -- Lisa's brother -- on "The Flash" already. Where does Lisa fit into this group of Rogues being built, and what does she bring to the table?
Peyton List: Obviously there's so many things from the comics that you can do, and her particular specialty was ice skating, which is a little difficult to do on a TV show. What she brings to that trio, though, is a different sort of weapon.

You have the heat and cold guns, of course. That's their specialty. I think having a young girl as the third person in their band, though, it allows them to attack from different angles. Sometimes people find her less threatening and she can ease her way in, go undercover and lure someone out.

She also isn't as recognizable at this point. Nobody really knows she's out there, and they use that to their advantage. That makes her a different sort of weapon they can utilize. And she's probably going to do what she's told because it is her brother, and she's going to be willing to do more for him than anyone else.

Will we get to see any deeper in the past that they share? Obviously, it's been referenced that life in the Snart household wasn't great, but will that be explored at all?
I think it unfolds very slowly. Obviously the show is mostly about Barry and his life, but we do come along at a time where they're starting to expand on Cisco's (Carlos Valdes) back story and his life. I think we're part of the vessel to get into that story in that episode.

For the most part, I think those things are revealed very slowly, here and there. The focus is mostly on The Flash. However, the back story does have an effect on how Lisa and [Cold] interact, for sure.

You mentioned things about the version of Lisa in the comics, where she's known as Golden Glider. While the ice skating may not be something that necessarily translates to the show, will there be other things taken from previous versions of the character?
I think the gold thing, for sure. On this show they are telling their own stories, but her obsession with gold and how she thinks it's just the most wonderful thing ever -- that's carrying over.

That goes into what kind of weapon she has and how she uses it. It's a very different thing from cold vs. heat. It's completely out of that realm, where they cancel each other out. The more weapons and people they have, and the more diverse they are, the more powerful the Rogues become. I think she also likes having a specialized weapon that's just her own because it makes her feel like part of the gang.

In preparing for this role, did you look to old issues of the comics featuring Golden Glider? She's a character who's been around since the '70s.
What I did was I started looking it up on the Internet. While I was doing that, I knew in the back of my mind from watching this show that they were doing their own take on the world.

So I did look up some stuff online, some from the '70s and some from later, but after that I kind of threw it out. At the end of the day, it's how does that character fit into this specific world?

That's one of the cool things happening with this show -- it doesn't mind deviating from the source material. It's enticing enough for those not familiar with "The Flash," but also a new interpretation for those who know the comics.
It makes it easier for me, someone who wasn't married to a particular way of seeing Lisa or any of the characters. I accept every character as they are on the show, because I get to come in with fresh eyes.

There's also this spinoff in the works, with Captain Cold and Heat Wave playing major roles. Is that a world Lisa could play in on a regular basis?
I have no idea, but I would hope so. If not on a regular basis, at least to drop in and say hi to her bro. I think however it goes, it's going to be so much fun. Those characters are wonderful together, and I think it's going to be awesome that they'll have more time to explore those worlds.

Lastly, this was a bit of a reunion for you and executive producer Greg Berlanti, who you worked with on "The Tomorrow People." What was that like for you?
It sort of feels like coming home, in a weird sense. There were lots and lots of moving pieces that were different and not from "The Tomorrow People," but there is something familiar about it.

It's something where I came up to where they were shooting, and it just doesn't feel like the first day of school. It doesn't feel like a new show and my first day where everything's foreign, you know? It felt familiar, and there's something really wonderful about that and knowing you trust the people involved.

It's been a real treat getting to do another Greg show. You know exactly the quality you're getting and that's really reassuring.

http://www.zap2it.com/blogs/the_flashs_ ... es-2015-03

- Peyton List llama a Lisa Snart "una villana más leve" quien es "Definitivamente escalofriante" (comicbook):
Peyton List llama a Lisa Snart "una villana más leve" quien es "Definitivamente escalofriante"
Por Russ Burlingame 24/03/2015

After the end of The Tomorrow People on The CW, actress Peyton List couldn't have expected that she would work on the same show with her onetime co-star Robbie Amell again so soon.

The pair are both on board for The Tomorrow People co-creator Greg Berlanti's The Flash, with Amell in a recurring role as Firestorm while List plays a new villain introduced tonight, the Golden Glider.

Sister to Captain Cold, the Golden Glider brings sexuality and humor to the world of The Flash, something List says she's felt was missing a bit from some of the previous villains. She says she's excited to step into the world of the DC Comics adaptation and change the dynamic a little bit with her take on the decades-old character.

List joined ComicBook.com to discuss the role, which she'll debut tonight on The Flash at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

In the comics, Lisa Snart is a character very much defined by the men around her, whereas women on the show have had a bit more agency than that. Did you struggle to keep her true to the comics without her feeling out of place on the TV series?

Well, I think with this show, they are telling their version of The Flash. They're telling a particular point of view, starting with Barry not having powers and exploring how he gets them, how he refines his speed, and how they introduce characters. I'm not totally well-versed in the comic book world but as I was watching the show from the fall, when they were introducing the characters, I was thinking, "I wonder if that's how they did it in the comic book or if this is just their way of telling the story."

Once I knew I was coming on to the show, I had in mind already that it was going to be how they chose to write her and how they chose to have her point-of-view be. There's no getting around the fact that she's Captain Cold's sister. That's something that you don't get away from and something that was really a treat for me because I already knew who Captain Cold was and I'd already seen him on the show so for me I was stoked because I already had that tie-in.

How they wrote her to me was, not as her own person I would say. It was more, she's a certain personality. She hangs out with a lot of the bad boys. She does use her sexuality as a weapon at times or to get what she wants, but she likes being one of the guys. She's constantly trying to prove her worth to her brother and that she can hang with the best of them and it's definitely been a lot of fun in that respect.

She definitely enjoys herself when she's flirting to try and get what she wants or toying with boys, and when she actually gets her own specialized, personalized weapon, it's a status marker for her. I think she's somebody who's really out to have fun and enjoy herself and get what she wants, whether that's by evil tactics or mischievous tactics or however that might be. She's just looking out for herself or for her brother and her brother's interest.

We have seen a lot of fairly serious rogues, without a ton of humor. You seem to have a little bit of that, and certainly being onscreen with Carlos has got to help.

It totally does. I agree; I was watching the show and some of the evil characters, you just look at them and go, "Why are they doing that? Oh, because they're evil." That's the motivation behind it is that they want to do evil things. With Captain Cold, and with Lisa especially, their motives tend to be a bit more complex.

With Lisa, she's kind of just doing things that are maybe bad, but she's doing them because it's fun and she likes to do it and it makes her laugh. With Cisco especially, he's the comic relief of the show and he has so many great lines and brings out the humor that when Lisa meets him, you see that in the moment, she is enjoying herself. Whatever her motives may be, she does things tp make herself happy. So it's very different from the sort of straightforward, evil villain if that makes sense.

Besides Robbie and Greg, is there anybody else from The Tomorrow People that you'd like to draft into service?

Oh, man. Everybody, everybody. I want everybody back. I think that we were so close on The Tomorrow People that I feel like you want any chance to work with anybody again. I was so surprised and stunned to think the fact that I get to sort of work with Robbie again so soon.

I think you always hope for it, that you'll get to work with somebody again, but it sometimes takes a while but this came around again so quickly that I was thrilled. It's kind of a special treat.

Was there something specific that you tried to bring to Lisa to make your mark on the character?

I think so, yeah. I feel like with the way they're doing the show and the way they're storytelling, they leave it a bit open for you to put the personality into it. The basic framework is there and what their motives are and how they go about doing it, but how they live in it is sort of up to you a bit. That can be a blessing but it can also be terrifying because you're going "Oh, my gosh, what if I screw it up?"

But with her, it did feel very open. You had this framework that asked, "Who is she to you?" Because there's so much stuff in the comics, you can't do everything all at once. You have to make some choices and for her, I felt like she was an opportunity to be a lighter villain. Definitely scary, definitely dangerous but in how she goes about it, it almost has a childish joy to it, if that makes any sense. She's doing these crazy things but it's like she's at the playground.

I think that's something different that we don't see from many villains. I think it also brings in an interesting dynamic amongst the three of [the Rogues].

Captain Cold is so incredibly methodical that it seems like somebody who's having fun is an opposite of him -- kind of like how they always say that you can't strategize against The Joker because he does whatever occurs to him to do at any moment.

She does. She definitely has an element of that and I think that serves the whole sibling thing when you have one sibling who's very much straight down the line of plans and the other one who's sort of a free spirit.

She doesn't go off-book completely because we also have Heat Wave who can kind of turn off and start doing his own thing. She does realize her role in the dynamic of the three is keeping the glue there and sticking to the task at hand. She picks her moments of being mischievous and rebelling a bit, but at the end of the day, she really does want her brother's approval and want to be a valued asset of his Rogues. She always has that in mind, but she can't help herself and I think that's one aspect of her that you just love, is that she can be just indulging herself and having fun and then get right back to the task.

I always like to ask guest stars: if you were to come back, is there somebody you didn't get to perform with this time around that you'd like to share the screen with?

I think anyone else on the cast. They are very varied [in their characters' tones] and of course, with how the story has been unfolding with Wells and everything, you can't help but be fascinated by what would happen if they matched up.

Of course, the cast is very talented so you can't help but want to work with any of them. You know that any dynamic you'd have would be different from character to character. I think you'd kind of just be interested in what would happen if they ran into Joe West or if they ran into Harrison Wells.

Would they be immediate enemies? Would they team up? Would would happen? I think that's the beauty of this world, is it leaves everything open for what you want to happen.

http://comicbook.com/2015/03/24/the-fla ... in-whos-d/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
