(Thanks to @accesshollywood, @clocwrk, @EntKaleidoscope, @etalk, @FlashTVNews, @geoffjohns, @grantgustbr, @grantgustbw, @heather_alicexx 01, @Hollywoodzoomin, @jolielash, @ksitetv, @male_criss, @marissaroffman, @meghanm2012, @mileysarrow, @msalondra, @MzKatieCassidy, @NatalieAbrams, @NerdReactor, @paleycenter, @PattonUpdate, @rickcosnett, @seat42f, @SmoakingWest, @SuperheroNewsCB, @That_Gyrl, @TheeSocialGuru, @TheFlashPodcast, @TVWatchtower, @VladaGelman, @Wandering_Lily, @EmilyBettSpain, JustJared)
The Flash - Paleyfest 2015 - Sizzle Reel Promo [HD]
Grant Gustin THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)
Jesse L Martin THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)
Tom Cavanagh THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)
Candice Patton THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)
Danielle Panabaker THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)
Carlos Valdes THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)
Rick Cosnett THE FLASH Interview PaleyFest 2015 (seat42f)
Andrew Kreisberg ARROW THE FLASH PaleyFest Interview 2015 (seat42f)
The Flash star Danielle Panabaker (Dr. Caitlin Snow) - PaleyFest 2015 (AfterBuzz)
The Flash star Tom Cavanagh (Dr. Wells) - PaleyFest 2015 (AfterBuzz)
The Flash star Candice Patton (Iris West) - PaleyFest 2015 (AfterBuzz)
The Flash star Grant Gustin (Barry Allen / The Flash) - PaleyFest 2015 (AfterBuzz)
Grant Gustin Isn't Worried About 'Flash' Getting Too Dark (HitFix)
Tom Cavanagh Reveals the Moment He Found Out He Was Reverse Flash (HitFix)
Danielle Panabaker has a Buffy-esque hint for when 'Flash' may be ready for Killer Frost (HitFix)
Greg Berlanti Addresses the Question Upcoming DC Spinoffs (HitFix)
Grant Gustin at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)
Danielle Panabaker at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)
Carlos Valdes at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)
Candice Patton at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)
Jesse L. Martin at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)
Tom Cavanagh at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)
Andrew Kreisberg at PALEYFEST LA 2015 for Arrow and The Flash Event #PaleyFest (Mingle Media TV Network)
THE FLASH: Tom Cavanagh on Putting on Reverse Flash's Suit (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)
THE FLASH: Grant Gustin on Wells' Secrets (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)
Grant Gustin Teases a Bump in Barry's Plans (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)
THE FLASH: Danielle Panabaker on Wells' Secrets (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)
THE FLASH: Carlos Valdes on Wells' Secrets (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)
Jesse L. Martin on Geeking Out Over 'Tricksters' Guest Mark Hamill (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)
Gran Gustin On Working with Original Trickster Mark Hamill (GiveMeMyRemoteTV)
Flash @ PaleyFest: Tom Cavanagh On Wells & Reverse-Flash (ksitetv)
The Flash at PaleyFest 2015: Grant Gustin Interview (ksitetv)
The Flash at PaleyFest: Candice Patton Talks WESTALLEN! (ksitetv)
Danielle Panabaker of The Flash Talks Firestorm & SnowBarry (ksitetv)
The Flash at PaleyFest: Carlos Valdes (Cisco) Interview (ksitetv)
The Flash at PaleyFest: Rick Cosnett Interview (ksitetv)
'The Flash': Cast Hint At New Twists! (AccessHollywood)
'The Flash': Cast Previews Debut Of Lisa Snart! (AccessHollywood)
Jesse L. Martin & Rick Cosnett Talk Short Film (AccessHollywood)
Grant Gustin On Working With Original Trickster Mark Hamill (AccessHollywood)
THE FLASH at Paleyfest 2015 | Grant Gustin Talks Barry Stepping Up As a Leader | The Flash Podcast (The Flash Podcast)
THE FLASH at Paleyfest 2015 | Danielle Panabaker Talks Caitlin's Next Big Challenge | Exclusive (The Flash Podcast)
THE FLASH at Paleyfest 2015 | Candice Patton Talks About Secrets Kept From Iris | The Flash Podcast (The Flash Podcast)
THE FLASH/ARROW at Paleyfest 2015 | EP Andrew Kreisberg Talks the Theory of Multiverses | Exclusive (The Flash Podcast)
THE FLASH at Paleyfest 2015 | Tom Cavanagh Talks the Evolution of Reverse-Flash | The Flash Podcast (The Flash Podcast)
The Flash - Paleyfest 2015 Red Carpet Interviews (The CW)
Arrow & The Flash Stars Reveal Most Anticipated DC Movies (Clevver Movies)
A little kid recited the whole #TheFlash intro
- Barry Allen estará intentando descubrir qué está pasando con Harrison Wells, quién es realmente Reverse Flash y por qué hizo lo que hizo, todo ello mientras sigue manteniendo la ciudad a salvo.
- Kreisberg sabe que en el episodio 9 (en el que vimos por primera vez a Reverse Flash) hay cosas que parecen imposibles, pero “muy pronto, los espectadores sabrán cómo fueron capaces de ver lo que vísteis.”
- Patton dice que 'si' y 'cuando' Iris descubra el secreto de Barry, “Va a tener un gran sentimiento de traición,” sobre todo si tenemos en cuenta que su padre también le guaradaba el secreto. “Esa es la base de todo. ¿Cómo puede tu familia... mantener en secreto algo tan grande hacia ella?. Va a cambiarlo todo.”
- Hay una "increíble" próxima escena entre Joe y Harrison que tocará eñ misterio de la madre de Iris, un tema que se tratará más directamente en próximas temporadas.
- El equipo de S.T.A.R. Labs se verá obligado a confrontar su moralmente cuestionable rol de "juez y jurado" con los metahumanos que tienen atrapados. También descubriremos quién se ha ocupado de mantenerlos enjaulados.
- Sobre su la serie tocará uno de los mayores arcos de DC, el de las Crisis de las Tierras Infinitas, Kreisberg reveló que “Hay una gran historia de Flash de los cómics que vamos a tocar en el futuro.”
- En cuanto si aparecerán otros miembros de la "familia" de Flash tales como Wally West (Kid Flash y finalmente el tercer Flash de los cómics) o Bart Allen (el segundo Kid Flash), Berlanti dijo “Esa es nuestra esperanza. Ya nos han renovado para una segunda temporada. Si fuéramos a hacer algo como eso, lo haríamos el próximo año”.
- Descubriremos finalmente cuál es el último objetivo de Harrison Wells’: “Harrison Wells es tan sólo alguien que quiere llegar a casa,” dijo Cavanagh crípticamente. “Pienso que todos podemos identificarnos con eso en algún aspecto. Si tuvieras que quitarte a un par de personas de en medio... ¡Ninguna de ellas eran buenas personas de todas formas!”
- Sobre los viajes en el tiempo y sus ramificaciones: “Definitivamente estamos hablando sobre las ramificaciones de los viajes en el tiempo. Hay episodios que están por venir en donde hay una preocupación por que si se cambian ciertos eventos en el pasado, eso podría afectar a quiénes son las personas ahora y sus relación con los demás. Si el pasado cambia, ¿cambia el presente también?. Lo que es interesante para nosotros es la parte emocional de ello”, dice Andrew Kreisberg. “Está empezando a hacerse confuso,” admite Gustin. “¿Sé eso? ¿O no sé eso? ¿Dejé de saberlo en algún momento?”.
- El cambiar el pasado, puede ser la explicación del cambio tan radical que se ve en Eddie durante el trailer que se emitió en el Paley. En él se ve a Eddie disparando a quemarropa a dos policías y también pegarle un puñetazo en la cara a Barry al confrontar éste sus sentimientos hacia Iris. ¿Se habrá convertido finalmente en Reverse Flash" como se sospechaba en un principio?. “Eddie tiene un arco increíble hacia el final de la temporada. Váis a sorprenderos tanto sobre lo que está pasando... Las cosas se desenmarañan y darán sus frutos,” adelanta Cosnett. Ahora sabe que hay meta-humanos, pero no conoce aún el secreto de Barry Allen.
- En cuanto a los otros miembros de S.T.A.R. Labs, tendremos que esperar aún un tiempo antes de que Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) o Cisco (Carlos Valdes), presenten tendencias superhumanas. “Aunque algunos lo haremos antes que tarde,” adelanta Panabaker. We will also finally learn who has been tending to the metahumans locked up in the pipeline, while Berlanti teases an upcoming episode will also deal with the moral ramifications of the S.T.A.R. Labs team playing judge and jury with the villains’ futures.
- La season finale se está escribiendo ahora mismo y Kreisberg asegura que contestará con creces a todo lo que se ha ido introduciendo desde el principio, “Todos los elementos del episodio piloto van a ser saldados,” dice. ... lls-fight/ ... b733947106 ... two-781532 ... _season_1/
Entrevista con el elenco (collider):
ANDREW KREISBERG: We’re breaking the finales of both shows, right now. We’re getting towards the endgame. We’ve already started doing some of our planning for next year, too, which is what we start to do, around this time of year.
How do you feel about where both shows are ending this season, and did they really stay on track from what you thought they would be, at the beginning?
KREISBERG: We’re very big planners. We always leave room for improvisation and inspiration, but for the most part, we mapped out the seasons, on both shows, for every season that we’ve done. We don’t believe in throwing everything up into the air and figuring it out, as we go. So, things are ending exactly where we thought they were.
How much does what the fans say online actually influence anything with the shows?
KREISBERG: We really don’t pay that much attention to what people say online. The truth is there are things that we had in the planning stages that, when they come to fruition, people on Twitter go, “Oh, they finally listened to us!” But for the most part, we’re captains of our own fate. We decide for ourselves what we like and what interests us, for the characters and for where we want to see them go. Hopefully, everybody goes along for the ride.
What did you learn from this first season of The Flash that you think will really help with Season 2?
KREISBERG: I don’t know. With Arrow, it took us a lot longer to figure out what the show was, and what a paradigm episode of Arrow looked like. I feel like we got onto The Flash a little faster. I think the biggest learning curve was with the effects, and figuring out what we could do, what we could do well, and what we could do for cost. All of Season 1 was [a test] for Season 2, so that Season 2 can be even bigger, visually.
There have been some great team-ups on the cross-over episodes. Is there anyone you haven’t gotten to pair up yet that you’d love to see interact?
KREISBERG: Well, I really did want to see Detective Lance and Detective West together, which we’re actually doing in an upcoming episode. That’s been really fun. Every time we cross the shows over, it just feels like that feeling you get when you read a comic book where you’re like, “Oh, Batgirl is hanging out with Supergirl.” It’s so much fun to see people together. Anytime we can think of anything, it’s always fun.
Grant and Candice, Barry Allen made a declaration of his feelings to Iris that she’s been stewing in for a bit now. Would you, personally, like to see something romantic develop between them, or do you like playing with the anticipation more?
GRANT GUSTIN: I don’t know. A lot of people like the slow burn to the relationships on TV, and in some ways, it’s necessary so that there’s time to deal with the other plotlines, but it can also start to get painful. There are going to be a lot of dynamics for that relationship. It’s going in a fun direction, when we come back. Barry will start to learn more of the exact truth about how Iris feels. But time travel is also being incorporated, so a whole day that takes place on the show, it’s as if it didn’t happen. That’s going to be a big factor for the rest of the season, after this next episode.
CANDICE PATTON: I enjoy the anticipation of it, just from an audience standpoint. You can’t give it away too soon, or you really don’t have a show. But overall, I would like to see them end up together, in some capacity, because they are such an iconic comic book couple that there’s gotta be a pay-off there for fans.
Grant, have you been rooting for Iris to find out Barry’s secret?
GUSTIN: I went into the season, wanting most people to know. I think that does get old, even faster than a slow burn relationship. It’s hard to do that schticky, “You don’t know it’s me” thing, especially when you’re face to face in scenes. At some point, she’d put two and two together. So, I was hoping that she would eventually find out, and she will, before the season is over. That changes things.
Candice, how much fun is it to more deeply explore the investigative side of Iris?
PATTON: It gives Iris something to do, other than just being a love interest, and that’s who she is in the comic books. She’s much more than just a love interest. In her own way, she is helping to save the city that she loves. Maybe it’s not working at S.T.A.R. Labs, and maybe it’s not working at the police department, but she has her own way of contributing to figuring out what’s going on in her city.
If she does figure out what’s going on and uncovers some of those secrets, will she be reluctant to tell Barry, or will she want him to know?
PATTON: Big mouth Iris? No. I think she’s one of those girls who says it like it is. So, anything she finds out, she will confront people with, immediately.
Danielle, Caitlin Snow has really opened up, since we first met her. How have you enjoyed playing her journey, so far this season?
DANIELLE PANABAKER: It’s been great. Caitlin started off the season very dark, very sad and a little more closed off. It’s been very fun to get to see her open up and really share her heart with Cisco and Barry and Dr. Wells.
Now that she’s found Ronnie, she’s also been able to get some closure with that relationship, in a way that she couldn’t before.
PANABAKER: That’s true, yes. Obviously, she’s sad because they can’t be together, but it’s a different kind of sad. She knows that he’s out there. The timing just isn’t right.
There’s been a really fun chemistry between Barry Allen and Caitlin. Would you like to explore that more deeply?
PANABAKER: I think life is long and they clearly have a chemistry together. We’ll see where it goes. They have a lot to explore. They’re co-workers. That can get a little sticky. So, we’ll see what happens.
GUSTIN: I love Danielle Panabaker, and working with Danielle Panabaker. She’s the best. I love that storyline. The karaoke scene was one of my favorite scenes to shoot, and one of the funniest things that’s been on the show. That’s really fun, and I hope we do more of that, in the future. But things really do buckle down, in the later half of the season, and get really serious. They interact plenty, but there’s less of that fun separate storyline stuff.
Caitlin has had some great moments with both Felicity and Iris. Are you hoping for some more girl time?
PANABAKER: Absolutely! On the one hand, it’s nice being the only girl in S.T.A.R. Labs. I get to boss them around a little bit. But on the other hand, I love it when Felicity comes to town. There was a moment that I actually thing got cut from the cross-overs, where Caitlin says, “It’s so nice to have another woman to talk to!” And it is. It’s great. It’s nice to have that energy. I would love to see more of that.
Candice, we know that there’s a long history between Barry and Iris, since they grew up together, but we haven’t gotten to see any of that history yet. Will we get any of Iris’ past, at some point?
PATTON: I think so. It won’t happen so much this season, but we are in talks to deal with some of those questions for Season 2, for sure.
Grant, which storyline are you looking the most forward to seeing the resolution of, what really happened to Barry’s mother, freeing his father or who Dr. Wells really is?
GUSTIN: I don’t know. It’s all connected. When you find information out about one thing, you find information out about all things. All of that will conclude before this season has ended.
Por Jim Halterman 16 Marzo, 2015 9:00 am
Is it almost time?
Ever since The Flash Season 1 Episode 1, we've been wondering if and when the comic book trajectory of Eddie Thawne would be a part of the new series.
While Rick Cosnett wasn't spoiling exactly what's coming as The Flash Season 1 returns with new episodes this week, he did tease that we may be seeing a different side of Eddie soon, which will affect his romance with Iris and his place in the world of Central City.
Also, with co-stars Jesse Martin, Carlos Valdez and Patrick Sabongui, Cosnett has started a Kickstarter campaign for a short film that the group will start shooting as soon as they wrap filming on the drama. Read on to see what the actor had to say about everything...
TV Fanatic: You’ve been asked these questions since the show began last year so let me ask will fans see a different side of Eddie soon?
Rick Cosnett: I can say that I think things come to a head and they get a lot darker including the Reverse Flash and that pans out in a very interesting way. I think everyone’s been waiting with bated breath based on my name and the history of the comics. I hope they’ll be satisfied. Let’s just say it’s going to be an absolutely crazy season finale. I get excited just thinking about it.
TVF: Do you feel as an actor that you’ve been challenged differently based on these last few episodes you’ve been shooting.
RC: I have. I’ve been challenged as an actor for sure. It’s been very fun. I’ve worked with people that I haven’t worked with on the show so that’s been thrilling.
TVF: In terms of the physicality, are you doing more stunts and action-packed stunts than you have before?
RC: Yeah, that’s been nuts! I should say my stunt double Brent has been doing some crazy ass things. I’m surprised he’s alive! There are cranes and wires and, yeah, it gets pretty crazy.
TVF: For fans of Eddie and Iris, should we be concerned what’s coming? Where is their relationship heading?
RC: You know, Eddie is the type of guy not to ignore anything. He’s very grounded in that sense and he notices there are some feelings between Barry and Iris. He’s no dummy. So they do get into deep water with that whole Barry/Iris/Eddie situation and things get a little messy.
TVF: How did the Kickstarter project come about? There’s obviously quite a bit of pedigree from the cast of The Flash.
RC: There is! It came from just hanging out with all these wonderful, creative people around. It really started with Jesse Martin. It was a story originally that his aunt told him when he was growing up. Over the years, he’d developed these incredible songs. He started by writing this beautiful poem about this letter carrier, a legend that his aunt had told him about their mail man when they lived in the woods in Virginia. It’s a foreboding tale and it was the most beautiful poem and he read it to me one night and I was like, ‘we have to do something with it.’
He originally wanted to do a play but I’ve always wanted to direct film and I wanted to do a short film because I’m hopefully developing a project about Zimbabwe with an author who I’ve become good friends with. It’s my favorite book so this is very much in the same vein. Also, what drew me to it is it’s a story about people of color and we don’t have enough of those stories. Growing up in Africa, we were very close to those kinds of issues and he really came up with the backbone of the story and he just made it into a ten-minute short film. He wrote the script pretty quickly because he had all the elements in place, in a way.
It’s just sort of turned out to be amazing. We’ve got a great team together, the [Director of Photography] and the production designer…it’s all come together and it’s been quite stressful but it’s been amazing just how many have responded and how many people want to do something for art’s sake and as a passion project.
TVF: And the story is told through music and visuals, right?
RC: Yes. There’s a spoken poem and they happen to use song as an expression in their world. It happened a lot in Africa when I was growing up, too. Song is such a joyous expression and also an expression of grief and as human beings it fascinates me that they use it in their little world. It’s not like they start a musical number. It’s more layered and interpretive and that’s also the great thing about this. There’s a lot of meaning about it because of the historical backdrop during the last years of slavery.
TVF: Have you picked up quite a bit about directing from the work you’ve been doing in television, even in The Flash?
RC: I’ve been shadowing the directors on The Flash and learning as much as I could. Before that, I’ve had experience obviously in front of the camera but this is going to be my first shot at directing and producing. As terrifying as it is, I’ve always wanted to do this since I was very young. In Africa, I always wanted to tell stories, I’ve always written and I’ve always had an innate instinct for doing it my way. I think Jesse and I are both on the same page and we’re not really following any rules and just going purely on instinct. We have a great [director of photography] for the technical’s also an inspiration and we want it to be groundbreaking only because we’re doing it from a place of instinct and originality. ... -with-iris
SHH: Barry’s been on a hell of a journey so far. As far as what’s motivating him, is it still his mother’s murder death? Or are there other factors in play now?
Grant Gustin: I think it’s like this: Barry is someone who obviously wears his heart on his sleeve, at least the way that I have played him. That’s what’s ultimately driving Barry. Now he’s got Caitlin in his life, he’s got Cisco in his life. A lot of times, they’re [the ones] who are driving him to get involved in a situation and it depends on what he’s focusing on… what’s right in front of him. Really, what’s driving Barry is finding Reverse Flash and being ready and strong enough to face him and saving his mother.
SHH: And once Reverse Flash is found, will Barry have to redefine himself?
Gustin: Yeah, I guess that’s how TV series generally work. There will be a new motive and tone, I guess. After that, I’m sure that Barry will find some more confidence and be one step closer to being that Flash we know from the comics.
SHH: Is there more karaoke in the future? If so, are we talking Saturday Night Fever soundtrack? Or any John Travolta?
Gustin: I don’t know. I hope so. We definitely get further away from the fun stuff in the second half of the season. It’s not darker… I mean the show is never dark, but the show gets more serious.
SHH: What’s coming up in the last few episodes of The Flash Season 1?
Gustin: Well, time travel is about to be introduced for the first time, which is about to change the game in a big way in general. But before that happens, a lot of information will be revealed to some of the characters and to the audience about characters on the show. I mean, by the end of that episode, the audience will know more about the Harrison Wells situation than the characters know because the slate is going to be wiped clean.
SHH: The only downside of that storyline is that Tom Cavanagh is so great that I’ll miss that dynamic once he finally gets exposed as Reverse Flash to the rest of the cast.
Gustin: Yeah, I know. There have been times even this season when we’ve had to take him away. He’s still in every episode, but he starts to become a little more mysterious as the season develops. But I don’t think that Tom Cavanagh is going anywhere. He’s gonna be a part of the show moving forward.
SHH: What’s your favorite moment from Season 1?
Gustin: We’ve been talking about it a lot, but I love the karaoke moment. There’s a moment in episode 12 between Caitlin and Barry, but there’s a moment coming up in episode 15… 15 is my favorite script that I’ve read this season. It’s a great episode and it’s got one of the coolest visual moments I think we’ve had on the series.
SHH: Last question: I think one of the stranger elements of The Flash’s mythology is the Cosmic Treadmill. Are we gonna see that at some point?
Gustin: The treadmill that we’ve introduced at STAR Labs will someday become the Cosmic Treadmill. Yeah.
Candice Patton
SHH: What’s coming up with Iris in the rest of the season?
Candice Patton: You’ll see her investigating more of STAR Labs and what’s going on with Dr. Wells. And of course, the issue of her love triangle with Barry and Eddie and we’ll delve into a little time travel. There’s a lot.
SHH: Are we gonna get an alternate timeline at some point?
Patton: I don’t know about that, but we will definitely play with the idea of the possibility of time travel in this season.
SHH: Where would you like to see Iris go as a character?
Patton: I would like to see her join in with the STAR Labs team and help work to save the city she loves.
SHH: I’ve heard that Iris is actually going to get into STAR Labs this season. Is that right?
Patton: To some degree, she kind of wiggles her way into STAR Lab. Yeah.
SHH: But that’s not quite joining the team?
Patton: No.
Rick Cosnett
SHH: I’m sure that you’ve been asked this before, but have you been fitted with a yellow costume yet?
Rick Cosnett: I can’t answer that question! I wish I could. Honestly, that’s the question that I get asked the most. And of course I have the last name Thawne… I wish I could answer your question, but I’m just gonna dance around it and say that the season finale is gonna be massive and you all are going to be shocked and delighted and surprised.
SHH: What’s coming up for Eddie in the next couple of episodes?
Cosnett: Where are we now? I think at Weather Wizard… Eddie realizes the power of the metahumans in the episode coming up and to follow. He really starts to unravel in a very wonderful way as he feels very powerless as a cop because his guns don’t work anymore. He was such a great cop and always so popular because he is so able… but now he’s not, because the metahumans are kind of coming at them in full force. So he really needs the help of The Flash and there’s a whole storyline of The Flash and him together. And there’s of course the wonderful love triangle, because Eddie doesn’t know that Barry is The Flash… so it’s almost as if The Flash, Barry and Eddie are all in some kind of weird love square with Iris. That will unravel in the next few episodes.
SHH: When are Eddie and The Flash going to come face-to-face again?
Rick Cosnett: Very soon. We saw them working together in the episode with Captain Cold and Heatwave. That was the start of something that continues and Eddie very much gets in with The Flash and Joe, but I can’t say how. ... est-2015/2
Por Scott Huver, 17 Marzo 2015
Grant Gustin is living the dream: a recent visit to Los Angeles' Paleyfest for a celebration of his hit CW series "The Flash" not only played to a packed house, one young fan who perfectly recited the show's "My name is Barry Allen..." weekly opening narration assured him that "You are my Flash" -- meaning that in less than a full season season Gustin has already perfectly embodied the Scarlet Speedster for a particular generation and will only grow as a superhero icon as time goes by.
But The Flash himself, warns Gustin, won't be racing down such a smooth road as the show heads into the home stretch for Season 1. Chatting with CBR News on the red carpet, the actor revealed that Barry Allen has plenty of obstacles ahead, including a literal 5,000-lb. gorilla, a Golden Glider, a very familiar Trickster -- and a surprise twist that's going to hit the show like a lightning bolt.
CBR News: Everything's about to hit the fan in Central City, it appears, so give me a sense of how that changes the tone or the scope of the show as the show starts hurtling toward the finish line.
Grant Gustin: Yeah, I mean, I don't want to say it gets darker because that's misleading, I think. I keep saying Barry has to get better at lying once he discovers more of the truth about Wells. Because he's got to face this brilliant person he's always looked up to, and he's got to not reveal that he knows the truth when he's with him. So that changes things -- that's a big dynamic change for Barry, obviously.
But there's more: I mean, Grodd coming back, Snart and Heat Wave are going to be back, with Lisa Snart this time. There's a lot that Barry's dealing with in the second half of the season, and there's not as much time for fun as we move forward.
Is there room for romance in all of that craziness, with either Linda or Iris?
There is not necessarily romance, but relationship and heart drama that's just kind of sprinkled throughout all of the Flash's ventures.
The Trickster's coming too! Tell me about working with Mark Hamill.
It was amazing! It really was. It really was. Everyone grew up watching "Star Wars." Everyone. Yes, I grew up watching "Star Wars." It was surreal to meet Mark Hamill. He was amazing. He was so excited about being a part of this. He really busted his ass. No part of him just showed up and phoned it in. He delivered a really interesting character. And he's so humble and grounded and easy to talk to.
Did you fully nerd out with? Did you give him a couple "I always wanted to know this..." questions?
Yes! It was all surreal. Little snapshots I'll never forget. Yeah. We each had Luke Skywalker "Star Wars" moments with him. He signed a lightsaber for Jesse [Martin].
Tell me about the Grodd experience and shooting that, working opposite a character that is actually going to be put in there later. That's not something you guys have done a ton of.
I haven't done it yet, actually -- I have not worked with Grodd yet. But I have seen him at work. Eventually, in the next part of the season we're seeing the multiple stages of his life: as a younger Grodd, an older Grodd. Some of it is just a guy in a suit that's, like, amazing. It can actually seem like he's a gorilla. And then the other one, there's still a guy there on stilts, in a suit, and then they lay a CG layer on top of that, so he's there with us, acting. And he's amazing.
Is there a big, game-changing shock still to come in the rest of the season?
Yes. There's a twist with Harrison Wells and the Reverse-Flash storyline that no journalist has guessed -- I've never seen it online. It's going to I think really surprise everyone. And it's an original twist to the character that doesn't mess up the mythology.
But you can't dig through the comics and find it?
No! ... een-coming