"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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- Grant Gustin dice que habrá un Barry Allen más "engreído y seguro" en la S2 de "The Flash" (comicbook):
Grant Gustin dice que habrá un Barry Allen más "engreído y seguro" en la S2 de "The Flash"
Por Lucas Siegel 19/05/2015

Grant Gustin was brought up and down the red carpet at The CW’s 2015 upfronts in New York last Thursday rather quickly. He answered questions rapid-fire, and was one of – if not the – most in-demand talents there, with Hollywood blogs, Comic Book websites, and TV news shows alike vying for his attention.

As the titular lead of The Flash, Gustin told ComicBook.com that it’s easy to relate to Barry Allen’s joy in embracing his alter-ego.

“I just innately have fun doing this,” the actor said.

While Barry has been put through quite a bit this season, especially in the last month or so of the show, Gustin hopes that he’s holding onto that sense of fun, and he talks with the folks in charge about it regularly.

“I had actually gotten to a place where I talked to [EPs] Andrew Kreisberg and Greg Berlanti about it, because I felt like Barry had gotten to this really dark place, and he maybe wasn’t having fun anymore,” he told us, expressing his concern. “They promised me that Barry was still having fun, and he’d still get those moments.”

As for next year, Gustin thinks that as Barry grows as a hero, he’ll get further away from that “dark place” and into a position that more mimics the Barry Allen of the printed page at DC Comics.

“I want to be able to, next year, get a little more cocky with it and confident with the super powers. I want to be a little bit closer to the Flash from the comics,” he said.

One thing that can help cure the “dark first season” blues as he described it, is the camaraderie with his castmates. With Wells presumably out of the picture, or at the very least off of “Team Flash,” Gustin hopes he’ll get to show how Caitlin, Cisco, and Barry spend more of their downtime.

“Cisco and Barry I’ve always wanted to explore more since the beginning; we did just a little bit in the first season, and that was because we [Grant and Carlos Valdes, who plays Cisco Ramon on the show] had brought that up to the writers,” said the star.

He also noted that he “loves working with Danielle Panabaker” and thinks the down moments with the three of them (Barry, Caitlin, and Cisco), outside of any superheroics, should get their due in season 2.

“I think it’s fun, even just as friends and not a superhero team, to just kind of have those three do more socially next year. Like the karaoke scene this year, we had a lot of fun doing that.

http://comicbook.com/2015/05/15/grant-g ... coming-to/

- El Final de "The Flash" Va a haceros "Lorar de lo lindo" (EOnline):
El Final de "The Flash" Va a haceros "Lorar de lo lindo"
Por Tierney Bricker 29 Mayo, 2015 8:00 AM PDT

We're officially issuing a flash flood warning for tonight.

Why? Because The Flash finale is about to cause a rainstorm of tears amongst its unsuspecting and totally unprepared fanbase. After a breakout freshman season, the CW hit's season finale, "Fast Enough," is going for the full-on ugly cry effect, even getting its entire cast to have a mass breakdown during the table-read.

"There were four scenes in this finale that I not only couldn't read without crying, but I couldn't talk or think about them without crying hard. Hard. Like ugly-crying," Grant Gustin tells E! News. "Our table-read was hilarious. We were crying in scenes and it wasn't like, 'Oh, we're almost done,' it was about the story and about the characters and about what was going on. It's heartbreaking. It's crazy."

Carlos Valdes continues the flash-flood warning, promising, "It's definitely going to make you cry."

His proof? His own tears! "I rarely cry at anything and just at the table-read...I had already read the script twice before the table-read, and at the table-read, just reading those scenes, I was breaking down," he says. "We were all breaking down."

Highlighting one scene in particular in the finale that brought everyone to tears, Valdes offers up one small hint: "Barry Allen is in it."

Unfortunately, there's just no way of readying yourself for what's about to go down, with Gustin saying, "There's no preparation for this finale." Gulp.

And Candice Patton adds, "[Fans are] not prepared. You're just going to cry the entire episode. Just cry, cry, cry. It's very good, but it's very heartfelt." She did offer up some advice to fans: Bring tissues, have a support system."

As for whether or not some of the tears come from Iris' (Patton) relationship with Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett), after their breakup in last week's episode, Patton says, "Despite what the future says, she knows that she loves Eddie and she's going to fight for that relationship until the very last moment. So I don't think she's going to give up as easy as that. I think she loves Barry and I think that's her one true love, but I don't think she's ready to go there yet. She's going to see her relationship with Eddie until the very end."

http://uk.eonline.com/news/658039/the-f ... u-ugly-cry

- The Flash: Candice Patton sobreel nuevo conocimiento de Iris' y la "Catastrófica" Finale de la Season 1 (IGN):
The Flash: Candice Patton sobreel nuevo conocimiento de Iris' y la "Catastrófica" Finale de la Season 1
Por Eric Goldman 19 Mayo 2015

IGN: So Iris knows! How great is it for her to know?

Patton: So relieved. I think the fans are relieved. I’m relieved, Iris is relieved. It’s just a good feeling because now we can kind of move on with that and see what Iris does with that information and kind of see her use whatever tools and knowledge she has to help the team, so to speak, so I’m happy for that to be done.

IGN: Immediately, she’s kind of right in the thick of it. She got to help save Caitlin last week.

Patton: I think that what we see now is that when we give Iris the knowledge and the ability to really help, she’s actually great at helping and she comes in handy a lot. She’s always there to save someone or have some piece of knowledge and going into Season 2, I’m hoping we see more of that.

IGN: What can you say about the season finale? Obviously Wells has been captured but we don’t think that’s going to go swimmingly.

Patton: You never know with Wells. He’s very slippery, that one. The finale is very heartbreaking. I just remember going to the table read and I don’t think anyone left that table read with a dry eye. It’s very emotional. It’s very heartfelt and it’s also very epic. It’s catastrophic, I’ll say.

IGN: Iris wasn’t just learning Barry is The Flash, which is huge on its own. She’s learning so much so quickly with not a lot of time to process. Is she just moving forward because she has to?

Patton: I think so. I think there’s so much happening in the city and there’s so much that she’s forced to deal with that I don’t think she has time or we don’t really see her have time to process all of that information. I’m very aware of it, as an actor, but it’s a lot. It’s a lot of information from one person to deal with. Barry Allen is the Flash. She’s hearing from Eddy that Barry and her are supposed to be married in the future. There’s just so much for her to take in. It’s kind of crazy.

IGN: Fans have loved how the show has not held back on comic book elements and delivered a lot of big things very quickly. Have you enjoyed that as well?

Patton: I love it. Andrew [Kreisberg] said from the beginning… Because I was like, “Are we doing too much too soon?” And he said, “Write the best idea. Put that on TV right now. More ideas will come. Better ideas will come. Use your great ideas now. We’ll just keep coming up with better ideas.” And I think that’s a really smart way to do things.

IGN: Have they given you any hints about Season 2? Are there things you know that you’re excited about?

Patton: Yes, they have. There are thing that I am very excited about. I am not allowed to say a single thing, but it’s going to be good. There’s going to be a lot of good stuff.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/05/19/ ... n-1-finale

- Jefe de The Flash sobre la 'emocional' y 'satisfactoria conclusión' de la season 1 (EW):
Jefe de The Flash sobre la 'emocional' y 'satisfactoria conclusión' de la season 1
Por Natalie Abrams 19 Mayo 2015

The Flash boss has a message for fans going into the season finale: Stock up on tissues. At least that’s what the cast was in dire need of when reading the season finale, which sees Wells (Tom Cavanagh) present Barry (Grant Gustin) with a life-changing choice as the Reverse Flash’s ultimate plans are revealed.

“It’s incredibly emotional,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW. “When we had the table read for that episode, everybody just started crying. Usually when we have the table reads, I read the stage directions, and after a while I just stopped because everybody was in tears and quiet. We’ve worked really hard to build up these believable relationships between everybody throughout the course of the season. We did the greatest hits of all the scenes that made us cry over the season and put them all in the finale again.”

Even before the show’s debut, when Barry stumbled his way over to Starling City, fans of The Flash have known that Barry was on a collision course with his nemesis, Eobard Thawne. But what they never could’ve imagined is that Thawne had taken on the identity of Harrison Wells, who not only created Barry’s alter ego, but had been nurturing him into the fastest man alive in a bid to fulfill his quest of getting back to his own time—a quest that could come to fruition in the finale.

“The full measure of Wells’ plan, why he’s doing what he’s doing and what really fully happened that night that Barry’s mother died, all of those things are going to come to fruition,” Kreisberg says of the finale, which also includes nods to Caitlin’s (Danielle Panabaker) Killer Frost and answers why Cisco (Carlos Valdes) is able to remember the other timeline in which Wells killed him. “I hope people will feel like it’s a satisfying conclusion to this year’s story. It really wraps up season 1 in a complete way, while at the same time helping to launch what’s going to be the storyline for season 2.”

The Flash’s season finale airs Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/05/18/fl ... 81a4f7d893

- The Flash introducirá Múltiples Universos (TVGuide):
The Flash introducirá Múltiples Universos
Por Adam Bryant | 18 Mayo, 2015 7:55 PM EDT

On The Flash's Tuesday finale, Barry (Grant Gustin) travels back in time to try and save his mother's life, and thus also save his father from a life in prison. That seems like a fairly noble mission, until you take into account all the repercussions traveling that far back in time could have on the world.

Gustin admits Barry's trip to the past "doesn't necessarily go as planned," and that everything we knew about his future -- including his future marriage to Iris (Candice Patton) -- is now up in the air. But that might not be the biggest news. "What's fun about this show is that there's going to be multiple timelines as we move forward," Gustin says. "I think we're going to start showing Earth-One and Earth-Two in the near future. There will be kind of different dimensions going on."

Why we need the Arrow-Flash spin-off

In DC Comics, Earth-One and Earth-Two are only a few of the parallel universes that make up the elaborate multiverse. Having an Earth-One and Earth-Two within The Flash would open up radical new possibilities for the show, including alternate versions of characters we already know or even new versions of the same superheroes, such as Jay Garrick's The Flash or perhaps the superhero or villain sides of Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) and Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker).

However, having parallel universes could make the future cross-overs with Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow that much trickier. "It gets a little Rubik's Cube-y in terms of keeping consistency between all these timelines and whatnot," Valdes says. "But the writers have their stuff together. If I were to trust anyone, it would be them."

The Flash's first season finale airs Tuesday at 8/7c on The CW.

http://www.tvguide.com/news/mega-buzz-t ... universes/

- Grant Gustin sobre la Finale de la Season 1 y Mirror Master como posible villano para la Season 2 (IGN):
Grant Gustin sobre la Finale de la Season 1 y Mirror Master como posible villano para la Season 2
Por Eric Goldman 19 Mayo, 2015

The Flash’s first season is coming to a close Tuesday night, with a big finale episode. Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) may now have captured the Reverse-Flash – revealed to be his mentor, Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) – but that doesn’t mean things are slowing down. A defining moment for Barry was seeing his mother killed in front of him as a child, but now that he can travel through time, can he save her? Should he save her?

IGN has an exclusive clip from the episode, as Barry speaks to his father Henry (John Wesley Shipp) about his wish to try and stop his mother's death and learns how Henry feels about that.

IGN: You caught Wells, so I’m guessing the finale is just you guys all hanging out and having some drinks?

Grant Gustin: Playing cards, yeah. Exactly!

IGN: So you’ve got Wells, but now what? What is Barry’s next move now that he’s finally captured this guy?

Gustin: I think Barry feels sad and he feels a little empty still when he catches him. The episode is going to open with them. Barry’s got him in a containment cell and they’re going to monologue at each other and go back and forth with what their motives have been. Wells is going to get into Barry’s head a little bit and send him down the road that Wells wants him to go down and make Barry feel like it’s his decision. So he’s going to manipulate Barry a little bit in the finale.

IGN: The previews also show that Barry is going to speak to his mother. I know you can’t say if he'll actually save her, but how emotional is that regardless of the outcome?

Gustin: Those are crazy circumstances when you really think about it as an actor. They crafted it really well. I couldn’t think about that scene for a while without crying a lot. Even when we read it, it’s a really well crafted moment. Barry goes back and he’s with his mom the night that she was murdered and he’s there to save her. It’s really emotional.

IGN: Fans have really been impressed by how The Flash has gone all in so quickly with the time travelling, the psychic Gorillas and so much from the comics. Have you enjoyed seeing how fast -- no pun intended-- this show moves?

Gustin: You know this from last year - I didn’t know too much about the comics, as far as The Flash and everything. So I learned about a lot of these guys that we’re introducing as we've introduced them. I’ve read the comics now and seeing them in there, it’s exciting. It’s fun. I’ve been looking forward to Grodd all year and I didn’t even know about Grodd until two years ago. I’ve been looking forward to it the whole season. I think it delivered and there will be more of it next season, I think in a bigger way. It’s been really fun. I know we have more next year. I don’t know who but Mirror Master hopefully is maybe coming in, which opens a whole new world that we can have on the show. These guys know what guys to bring on and they know how to do it and they’re giving them cool origins stories in their own way, which I think is awesome.

IGN: As the person who was the new addition last year, is it fun for you now to help launch another new series that’s coming out with some of the characters that were first in your show?

Gustin: Yeah. I don’t really know what the Legends of Tomorrow show even is yet. I don’t know that anyone really knows [Laughs] but some of those actors that are on that show, it’s kind of crazy that they’ve assembled them all on one show. Victor Garber, Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell... It’s crazy. So I’m excited. I know I’m going to be a part of it in some capacity, which is fun. I get to play The Flash on at least three shows now so it’s pretty cool.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/05/19/ ... -2-villain

- Grant Gustin Echa un vistazo atrás a su primer año como superhéroe (BuzzFeed):
Grant Gustin Echa un vistazo atrás a su primer año como superhéroe
Por Jarett Wieselman 19 Mayo, 2015, at 1:48 a.m.

On May 15, 2014, Arrow star Stephen Amell took the stage at Manhattan’s New York City Center to reveal the first look at his show’s spinoff The Flash at The CW’s 2014-2015 upfront presentation. After the trailer rolled, the actor who would take on the eponymous role — Grant Gustin — stepped onto the stage in a suit and tie and waved to the crowd. Flanked by his co-stars Jesse L. Martin, Tom Cavanagh, Candice Patton, Rick Cosnett, Danielle Panabaker, and Carlos Valdes, Gustin visibly vibrated with excitement — The Flash after all marked not only his first time as a series regular, but more significantly, his first time as the lead of a series.

On May 14, 2015, Gustin returned to the City Center stage for The CW’s 2015–2016 upfront presentation, this time standing beside Amell. And, in addition to his relaxed untucked button-down shirt and blazer, Gustin was wearing the confidence of a star whose show produced the network’s highest-rated premiere ever and became The CW’s most-watched show of all time.

In fact, the combined power of The Flash and Arrow led The CW to its most-watched season in seven years, prompting the network to embrace the potential of this franchise and greenlight another spinoff, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, which is what brought Gustin back to the City Center stage. Only this time, Gustin, at just 25, was an internationally recognized star of The CW’s most popular show and tasked with introducing what could become the network’s next wave of superstars. In one year’s time, he had gone from recipient to bestower in this de facto passing of the baton — a fact that’s still hard for him to grasp.

“When you’re doing 23 episodes, every single day feels like the longest day in the world. But being here today — in that exact same room — it does feel like that was just a month ago,” he told BuzzFeed News, tucked into a corner booth inside the bar at The London Hotel shortly after this year’s upfront presentation. “I mean, I feel the same in almost every way possible to be honest, except that I’m more tired. It’s been a crazy year; it’s been a crazy year for sure.”

It was announced in September 2013 that Gustin had been cast as Barry Allen for the second season of Arrow. The three-episode arc was designed as an introduction to the character, who had long been eyed as potential for his own spinoff.

“It was scary,” Gustin said of landing the coveted role. “That immediate feeling of being so, so happy to — maybe not even five seconds later — feeling so much fear. My stomach dropped and I wondered if they’d made the biggest mistake ever, making me a superhero. Those fears creep in and I felt like, ‘This is The Flash. If it fails, that’s my fault.’”

But Gustin found himself surrounded by people who instantly put him at ease while working on The Flash pilot, which filmed in March 2014. He cited producers Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, and Geoff Johns; the pilot’s director, David Nutter; and co-stars Jesse L. Martin and Tom Cavanagh as grounding influences in those anxiety-filled early days. “I met David, I met Jesse, I met Tom, and suddenly I felt less pressure,” Gustin said as he removed his blazer and laid it across his lap. “I immediately realized I was surrounded by people who knew what they were doing and were going to take care of me and we would have fun.”

Relaxing into the role also allowed Gustin to recognize the opportunities The Flash afforded him. “I felt myself grow in every episode,” he said. “I think I became a professional actor in the last year as opposed to just a guy that was hoping to get jobs. Now I feel confident that this is what I do and I’m good at it and I’ll continue to grow and get better. The show pushes me and I love it.”

Despite his young age, Gustin had been the “guy that was hoping to get jobs” for nearly two decades, and the success of The Flash is the direct — if unexpected — result of those years of hard work. “It is surreal that I get paid to be an actor on a superhero television show. I thought, for sure, that right now I would be a waiter, living in New York, and I’d be working in theater,” said Gustin, who began taking tap lessons at 8 years old before attending a performing arts high school in his home state of Virginia and majoring in musical theater at Elon University in North Carolina. “My friends and I used to joke, ‘Let’s go be movie stars first and then get a lead in a Broadway show that way.’ What’s funny is that’s more likely as far as my Broadway career is now concerned.”

Gustin said the career he has is “very different” from the one he thought he’d have. “I knew I would be pretending to be somebody else for entertainment, and that’s about the only thing that’s turned out the way I thought it would,” he said.

While the actor still dreams of a career on stage, it’s a goal that — given the time commitment live theater requires — will likely have to wait until his time on The Flash ends. And that reality that doesn’t bother Gustin. “I have pinch-myself moments every single day on set,” he said. “I feel so lucky to be on a show that has some of — if not the — best special effects that have ever been on television, really smart writing, and really good characters. We make people cry and then have them laughing one second later. As an actor, you can’t ask for a better show. … I want to continue making sure I’m doing the best job possible on the job I already have before I’m worried too much about something else.”

Putting his initial passions on the professional backburner has been made even easier now that producers have told Gustin about Barry Allen’s arc in Season 2. “The finale doesn’t reset things, but it is a little bit of a new show next year,” he teased of the Season 1 finale, which airs May 19. “There are no scripts yet, but [the producers have] broken the second season to me and it’s going to amazing. It’s going to be even more comic book-y, which is fun, and it’s going to go in the direction I want to go with Barry, which is a little more confident and cocky with his powers. Tonally, I think we’ll have even more of a brighter show.”

Then there’s DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, which Gustin said will feel less like a spinoff and more like the third hour of a single, interconnected story. “It’s all one show in some ways,” he said of Arrow, Flash, and Legends, which has yet to be scheduled for The CW’s 2015–2016 season. “Like, I’m on Flash, but as far as a lot of those other characters are concerned, they’re just on three TV shows at one time, which is really cool. Wentworth [Miller, who plays Captain Cold] and Dominic [Purcell, who plays Heat Wave] are on Legends, but they’ll be on Arrow and Flash, too. It’s like a revolving door for all three shows.”

To some — including Gustin, a year ago — that might sound exhausting. But now, he has a plan.

“When I was doing the Arrow crossover for the first time, I thought, I’m going to die at some point this season,” he recalled. “But we pushed through to Christmas and that was the moment I was like, Oh good, I’m not going to die. And now I know for next season what it’s going to take, I know how to pace myself, and I don’t have to come out of the gate so strong. I put a lot of pressure on myself this time last year, and I’m not doing that to myself now because I trust Andrew, Greg, Geoff, and my cast. We all do it together.”

That wasn’t something Gustin realized this time last year. “I felt like it was my job to carry the show, and now I know it’s not,” he said. “If I could talk to myself one year ago, I would say, ‘You’re going to live, you’re not going to sleep much, but you’re going to have the most fun you will ever have at work and meet the most amazing people you’ve ever met,’ and not to be so anxious.”

“I’m an anxiety-driven person,” he continued. “But I think this year has made me less anxious because I proved a lot to myself. … I think that’s the biggest change in me, for sure: I feel proud of myself and I’ve never really felt that way before.”

http://www.buzzfeed.com/jarettwieselman ... .fm4pQG7OY

- Candice Patton adelanta el destino de Iris West en The Flash (comicbook):
Candice Patton adelanta el destino de Iris West en The Flash
Por Lucas Siegel 19/05/2015

Candice Patton has a lot to live up. Playing Iris West on The Flash is a responsibility – and a pressure – she doesn’t take lightly. Just ahead of the season 1 finale on Tuesday, The CW held their upfronts in New York to talk about the 2015-2016 TV season, which will see their DC TV Universe lineup expand by one, plus new seasons of hit series The Flash and Arrow.

We caught up with Patton on the red carpet, with a special guest appearance by her TV dad, and found out what she thinks of Iris’s role going forward, now that she knows the truth about Barry Allen (in more ways than one). She even gave us an exclusive tease that will make some fans ask big questions.

Candice, you were put in a unique position, with Iris finding out Barry’s identity twice. What was it like doing that episode, then rewinding time and having to play your character as if she didn’t know again?

Candice Patton: It’s hard, because I think, shooting episode 15, and having Iris find out, I was just like “Oh, I just want her to know, then we can move on from that!” So having that reversal happen was frustrating for the fans, and a little frustrating for me, but it makes for such great television. I feel like, even in that moment, people were more concerned that Iris and Barry kissed, rather than the fact that she found out who the Flash is! (laughs)

Oh, here’s dad!

CP: Oh my gosh! (hugs Jesse L. Martin, her dad on the show).

Jesse L. Martin: How are you baby?

So, there’s no familial love in the West family here, huh?

JM: No, not at all! (laughs) Okay, sorry!

CP: (to Jesse):Okay, I love you!

(to me): Sorry!

No, it’s nice to see that! So obviously there’s a real bond that’s formed there.

CP: Oh my god, I love Jesse. He is one of my closest, dearest friends now, and I’ve really lucked out being able to work with him every day. He’s such a titan as an actor, and I’ve learned so much from him. On top of that, he’s an incredible person and I’m so lucky to have him as a friend.

So obviously Iris has been a little more on the outside this year, but who are you looking forward to exploring her relationships with in season 2, now that she’s more a part of the inner circle?

CP: Yeah, I’m hoping, I’d love for her to have a friendship with Cisco. I think they have a really interesting dynamic. Cisco is so fun, and I think there’s some of that in Iris, too, that we haven’t gotten to see. I think she’s actually a little bit light-hearted and fun and happy-go-lucky, and I think it’d be interesting to see those two interact, specifically with each other!

Grant actually said Cisco as well to me…

CP: Yeah, I think Cisco is the go to character! He’s the fun one!

Obviously, there’s now this overwhelming sense of destiny that comic book fans already knew and thought about, but now the characters have to think about. How does that change the way that you approach Iris in day-to-day life? Isn’t that something that’s just hanging over her now?

CP: Yeah. It is and it has been for me since I knew I was going to be on the show. I think everyone knows Iris West iconically from the comic books as the future wife of Barry Allen! So that’s always been over my head. Whether or not we’ll ever get there on our show? I don’t know.

But I don’t live with that everyday, thinking about that. I kind of take the scripts as they come and deal with that challenge. So who knows? I think it would be nice to see us stay true to the comic books; I think that’s what fans are hoping for. I don’t know though, we’ll see!

What has been the biggest surprise for you, coming into this comic book show, this superhero series, and this bigger superhero world that DC Entertainment and The CW are building?

CP: It’s the fans. I had no idea that The Flash already had such a built-in fandom that was so huge and so passionate, and then to have the new fans, people who knew nothing about The Flash who came into it through our show.

It’s just, it’s interesting to walk outside and have people call me Iris West! It’s amazing!

It’s also amazing for me, as an African-American actress, I will forever be known as Iris West to a lot of young girls, and that is amazing. That’s amazing. Not only that, but she’s been reimagined in the comic books as African-American, and Wally West has, too. That gives access to comic books to such a diverse group of people and that’s everything I can hope for.

Very cool. Can you give us one little tease for the finale? We still have one more episode of this season to air!

CP: Ohhh… Um, maybe I can say this and not get in trouble… Things are not that done with Eddie and Iris.

http://comicbook.com/2015/05/15/candice ... the-flash/

- Amell adelanta campanas de boda, tragedia y temas de manipulación en la season finale de "The Flash" (CBR):
Amell adelanta campanas de boda, tragedia y temas de manipulación en la season finale de "The Flash"
Por Bryan Cairns, 18 Mayo 2015

One of more recent additions to The CW's ever-growing pantheon of DC Comics-based superheroes, Firestorm, joined the Flash and Arrow in taking down the Reverse-Flash in last week's episode of "The Flash." This week, Robbie Amell returns to Central City, where he'll discover that Barry Allen's (Grant Gustin) personal hero's journey will continue to impact his own life, in ways he never would have -- or could have -- expected.

Ahead of tonight's massive finale, Amell spoke with CBR News about what he's learned of the consequences of time travel, Firestorm's evolving powers and why his ability to change matter came this close to making it to air in the finale. We also discuss him walking down the aisle with Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), and Ronnie's absence from the trailer for upcoming spinoff, "DC's Legends of Tomorrow," which just so happens to star Firestorm's literal other half, Prof. Stein (Victor Garber). Plus, Amell opens up about his current project "Nine Lives," and reveals a few items on his action hero bucket list.

CBR News: In "Fallout," Ronnie and Prof. Stein left Central City to learn about their abilities. In what ways do you feel they had a better handle on their powers when you returned to deal with Reverse-Flash?

Robbie Amell: In the finale, you were going to see a scene where Caitlin and I are talking. I tell her, we do have a better handle on our powers, [and] I show her a new trick. They introduced matter manipulation in the finale -- but the finale was also thirty minutes too long, because it's such a huge, incredible episode, [the scene] was one of the things that could go. You won't see it, but originally I turn a thermometer into a flower for her. It was a very sweet scene that showed some matter manipulation. Maybe they will release it on the DVD/Blu-ray set.

While we were away, we've just become more comfortable with our abilities. At the end of the other episode, when we flew away, as long as we accepted the transformation and we were both on board, it went a lot smoother. In the finale, there was going to be a scene when we turn into Firestorm. We literally step towards each other and turn into him. There isn't any difficulty. And, now, we get to do matter manipulation -- but nobody gets to see it yet.

You and your cousin, Stephen Amell, have been aching to work together. How much fun was it, finally sharing some screen time as Firestorm and Arrow?

It was a blast. It was too short-lived in my opinion. It was something they had told me about midway through the season. Andrew [Kreisberg] and Greg [Berlanti] called me and were like, "We're working on it. We're going to figure out how." Then, of course, they told Stephen first. I saw him at a convention and he was like, "Oh yeah. By the way, this is happening. Blah, blah, blah." He's the one who had to break it to me. It was a really special moment. Last year, we got to share Amell Wednesdays for "Arrow" and "The Tomorrow People." It was such an incredible experience. It's rare for two friends to be sharing a night, let alone two family members. Getting to be on the same show, teaming up for a big showdown, was something I'll never forget.

How epic did it feel to have Flash, Arrow and Firestorm together? Was there a bit of a Justice League vibe happening?

It was fucking awesome. The only shitty thing was, the paparazzi got pictures of it. We were doing a night shoot out front of S.T.A.R. Labs. The paparazzi walk around the corner and snap photos. Grant [Gustin] goes, "Really? We couldn't have done anything about this?" Word got back to Berlanti. It was a Friday night. By the time Saturday morning rolled around, all those pictures were online. So, they cut together as fast as they could some professional images and quick little video clips. It looks cooler when they've added their visual effects rather than just some paparazzi shots.

It definitely felt huge. "Flash" is such an unbelievable show, and "Arrow" is so special. "Arrow" is the "Iron Man." It started everything and to be a part of both of those, it felt like our mini-Avengers. Our mini-Justice League. I think we were a few team members short.

Firestorm was in the air quite a bit that episode. What were some of the wirework challenges this time around?

There weren't that many. A lot of it is a digital double. Anytime I'm flying over the city, it's a digital double. Anytime I'm at a semi-reasonable height over the ground, it's going to be me. They will lift me about 30 feet off the ground in a harness. It's a decelerator -- it starts off dropping at full speed of my body weight and gravity. Then, it slows down as I get close to the ground, close enough that it looks like I'm hitting the breaks with my fire.

In tonight's finale, what does the Ronnie/Caitlin reunion look like?

It's nice. I haven't got to play Ronnie much on this show. For the first few episodes, it was this schizophrenic guy who was going through a lot of problems. Then I got to play a little bit of Ronnie, and then I was mostly Firestorm, dealing with Stein. It's good to be back on the show and getting to spend some time with Danielle, who plays Caitlin, and is so fantastic. And, maybe there are some wedding bells in the finale.

Not only that, but -- all I can tell you is, not everyone walks away from the finale. I was reading the script on the airplane, and I started to get teared-up. There are some really great father/son moments with Barry and Joe [Jesse L. Martin], and Barry and his real father. This is really Grant's episode, and he carries it so unbelievably well.

At one point in the teaser trailer, Stein warns, "One different decision, no matter how big or small, impacts everything that follows. Nothing would be as it is today." What kind of consequence does Barry's time travel trip have on Ronnie?

I can't say anything about that. It has consequences for everyone.

Dr. Wells still poses a threat in the present. How much action do we see from Firestorm?

I don't turn into Firestorm once in this episode. The only time I was going to turn into him was to do the matter manipulation.

As far as my character goes, it's really a Ronnie/Caitlin episode, which was nice. It's Flash versus Reverse-Flash. You have your hero and your villain going at each other one-on-one.

The "Legends of Tomorrow" promo features Firestorm and Prof. Stein, but Ronnie is notably absent. How much of that is explained in "The Flash" finale as opposed to the series?

You think more would be explained in the finale, but it's not. I can't tell you anything about "Legends of Tomorrow" other than it's going to be incredible. I can tell you that I will be in Season Two of "The Flash."

On top of "The Flash," you have currently been filming "Nine Lives" in Montreal. How is the humor different than your recent movie, "The Duff?"

It's way different. One of the biggest differences is, I'm playing the straight man in "Nine Lives." A lot of the humor comes from Kevin Spacey being a cat, and just the situational humor. I'm playing a guy who is probably going through some heavier problems for a comedy.

Shooting it has been an absolute blast so far. Barry Sonnenfeld, who directed "Get Shorty," which was one of my favorite movies, and the "Men in Black" trilogy, is an absolute genius. Kevin Spacey is the most intimidating, smartest man in the room, but he couldn't be a nicer guy. Jennifer Garner has been amazing. It's been special so far, and we're only on week three.

One of the biggest helpers coming from "Flash" is all the green screen work. Because we are shooting these big rooftop scenes where we can't actually shoot on a rooftop, we have these huge soundstages, covered in green screen. It's nice coming from the sci-fi background.

You've expressed a desire to do action movies. Is there a particular franchise you would like to be a part of?

How much time do you have? I love being of the DC Universe on television. I would obviously love to do a DC or Marvel movie. Of course, it would be tough because I'm already playing a superhero, [but] history paints a different picture with Chris Evans playing Johnny Storm and Captain America. It would be nice to do something like that.

There are other amazing franchises out there. Anything Tom Cruise has done -- in the past, I've loved his action movies that don't take themselves too seriously. I grew up on "Power Rangers" and "Dragon Ball Z." I'm a giant kid. Anything like that would be a dream come true.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... son-finale

- Tom Cavanagh sobre los planes de Eobard Thawne para Barry (Variety):
Tom Cavanagh sobre los planes de Eobard Thawne para Barry
Por Laura Prudom 19 Mayo, 2015 | 12:05PM PT

“The Flash” has been racing towards a time-traveling climax all season, and the May 19 season finale promises to answer all our lingering questions about Eobard Thawne (Tom Cavanagh) and his vendetta against Barry Allen (Grant Gustin).

Cavanagh told Variety that he and Gustin had the exact same reaction to reading the finale script: “We were actually shooting, but Grant and I were sitting beside each other between scenes and he used an expletive followed by ‘Dude.’ And he just handed page seven over to me, and I’m like, ‘Expletive. Dude.’ I think that the ‘Flash’ writers’ room, and [Greg] Berlanti, [Andrew] Kreisberg, and [Geoff] Johns, have to be congratulated, because once you’ve crafted something over the course of 20 plus hours, there’s a lot that you have to deliver. You’ve earned a lot, but you don’t want to shoot sideways. We all know season finales that have been much anticipated and then don’t seem to hit the pinnacle. I’m not saying that we get to the top of the mountain, but if we don’t, it won’t be the writers’ fault. It will be us as actors.”

A new clip from the season finale, titled “Fast Enough,” sees Barry confronting his nemesis about why Eobard killed his mother, and the answer is simple.

Or is it?

“The way I’ve tried to play Wells is, you can play him as a straight villain, but it’s much more complicated than that, and it’s too simple to do that. It’s not interesting, given the layers that you could take advantage of to just play it that way. And all along, we’ve seen Wells has a vested interest in Barry’s improvement, at increasing his aptitude as The Flash, and his actual personal safety. And Wells’ interest in that is made clear as we step onboard the train of that last episode,” Cavanagh explained. “He’s always cared for Barry. He’s said as much. And in the end, in a strange twist, he is going back to save his mother and we know what the Reverse Flash’s involvement has been in that. And yet his greatest cheerleader in this enterprise is Eobard, for reasons that I won’t divulge — but it makes it that much more complicated … It’s not easy for [Eobard]; he doesn’t despise this version of Barry Allen. In fact, he cares very much for him.”

As for where the season finale leaves us, Cavanagh’s co-star Jesse L. Martin (Joe West) gave us a hint during a recent interview. “So many huge things happen in the episode and I’m not even sure what I can say. There’s so many surprises, but it’s definitely a cliffhanger. By the end of it, you have to imagine that things are just going to be crazy at the start of season two, because I believe that we’re starting season two directly after the last moment you see at the end of the season.”

Can Barry save his mother, and perhaps more importantly, should he? We’ll find

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/the-fla ... 201500289/

- Tom Cavanagh y Danielle Panabaker sobre la Season Finale, Reverse-Flash y Killer Frost (IGN):
Tom Cavanagh y Danielle Panabaker sobre la Season Finale, Reverse-Flash y Killer Frost
Por Eric Goldman 19 Mayo, 2015

The small but driven group at S.T.A.R. Labs were dealt a big blow on The Flash when Barry, Caitlin and Cisco all discovered the man they trusted and looked up to, Harrison Wells, was their enemy, the Reverse-Flash. Last week’s penultimate episode of Season 1 found Wells getting captured, but as the season finale begins Tuesday night, don’t count him out.

As Danielle Panabaker put it, “The good news is we technically have Harrison Wells in our possession. But as we’ve seen, he’s always twelve steps ahead of us, at least, so who knows what he actually has in store and what’s really going on with that particle accelerator.”

Now that Barry can openly confront Wells, Tom Cavanagh promised, “We have a number of heart to hearts upcoming. In these, we’re going to answer the questions that people have been asking all season long and then open up a whole can of worms of new questions. At The Flash, we believe in not leaving stuff unanswered. We believe in trying to give the viewers that satisfaction they’ve been looking for and then doubling down so hopefully that’s what our season finale will accomplish.”

I asked Panabaker if Caitlin was hoping to confront Wells, given his betrayal, and she remarked, “She absolutely wants to confront him. I think if you look at her emotional state, her world has been turned upside down. Now that Ronnie is back you’re going to see her trying to grasp some stability.”

When it came to getting to actually play a costumed supervillain, Cavanagh said, “I love it. It’s the reason I signed on to do this show. When you’re dressed in a yellow super suit, you cannot take yourself too seriously. It’s in a strange way a very humbling thing. You’re like, ‘Okay, well now you’re just having fun,” because if you take it seriously, you’re an idiot. Both Grant and I, we love the suit stuff. It’s the raison d'etre of the show. I guess the best word to describe it is we proceed from gratitude.”

Of course in the comics, Caitlin Snow has a suit of her own, as the supervillain Killer Frost. I asked Panabaker if she’s talked to her producers about how they could take the kindly Caitlin to such a place and she replied, “Absolutely. It’s in a constant dialogue. I trust them and they do an incredible job, as they have done all season just developing characters’ arcs and I trust that they’ll do that with Killer Frost as well.”

Several of The Flash stars had told me recently that there were moments in the season finale script that had them fighting back tears and Panabaker reiterated that, saying, with a laugh, “There were tears pretty much every day. It’s nice that we all love each other so much because there were moments where you’re going, ‘Ugh, I just need a hug.’”

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/05/19/ ... ller-frost

- Expectativas reversas: coniciendo a Tom Cavanagh de "The Flash" (dccomics):
Expectativas reversas: coniciendo a Tom Cavanagh de "The Flash"
Por Tim Beedle Tuesday, 19 Mayo 2015

With the The Flash’s breath-taking season finale upon us, it’s only natural to look back on all of the episodes that preceded it. The Flash’s debut year found Barry Allen testing the limits of his abilities while uncovering the truth about his mother’s murder and sparring with some of his most well known villains. There were ups and downs, surprises, double-crosses and plenty of spectacular showdowns, most of them due to the secret machinations of one man—Harrison Wells, otherwise known as Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash.

With a story as gripping and propulsive as The Flash, it’s all too easy to overlook the strength of individual performances, particularly when we’re talking about a character we’ve been rooting against. But let’s look at Harrison Wells for a moment. Brought to life by actor Tom Cavanagh, the role has shifted from a mentor and ally to the Flash, to Barry Allen’s nemesis. It’s an adjustment that has found Cavanagh’s character befriending and aiding someone whom he purportedly hates, only to have the tables turned on him after the heroes unearth the truth about Wells.

The result is a truly complex relationship between the show’s hero and villain, and that depth has come across onscreen. While Wells has said many times that he hates and intends to kill the Flash, there’s a part of you that doesn’t believe it. It’s clear that whether he likes it or not, Wells cares about Barry Allen, and that sense of respect is also reluctantly shared by Allen. It’s a unique twist on the familiar friends-turned-enemies storyline that we see so often in super hero stories, but it wouldn’t work without this season’s phenomenal performance by Cavanagh.

But if you’re thinking Cavanagh plays a great villain because he has villainous tendencies in real life, think again. In fact, the actor is affable, fun and…dare we say it…heroic in real life, leading impromptu singing and dancing breaks on set and donating quite a bit of time and effort to the charitable organization, Nothing But Nets. At least, that’s what we discovered when we sat down to talk to him about his life on The Flash and outside of it.

Let’s start with a question I was talking to Grant about earlier. It’s funny that for two guys who are on opposite sides of this thing, you two actually have a lot in common. He’s a young guy, early in his career, anchoring a big show, and you were in a similar situation. What kind of advice have you given him?

It’s funny, we both kind of come from a little bit of the same world. The profile that you’re talking about happened to me a lot later than it did for Grant. Grant is in his 20s. That whole decade, I was just doing theater, and a lot of it was musical theater, and Grant has that background too. It’s nice to run into a guy whose dream, like mine, was essentially, I just want to get a role on Broadway!

When I started, some of the bigger roles I got in theater, I got through auditioning. Nowadays, there’s much more like, “Let’s get the star of The CW show The Flash into this Broadway role.” That’s going to be a great thing for Grant. Both of us have thought, you know, we could maybe use this platform to get some theater jobs, which is kind of nice because you don’t always run into that [in Hollywood] but it’s certainly how we feel. I live in New York and one of the reasons I live there is to get immersed into the theater.

Jesse Martin also….

At four o’clock in the morning, Jesse and I were on set doing a scene and the whole conversation was just about some of our favorite New York theater gigs. He was telling me about one of his earliest jobs—this is like, in the 80s—and he was running through the cast members and we just knew everybody. All these people that are familiar to us but would maybe not be familiar to somebody who spent their entire career in Los Angeles. There’s also many an impromptu tap dance break on set.

That’s awesome. Grant mentioned that too.

We’re always singing and dancing. I know this isn’t the most macho thing, but we have between Carlos, Graham, Jesse and myself, a nice four-part harmony of “Somewhere Over The Rainbow”!

Let’s talk about super heroes in general. Did you grown up with any kind of affinity? You’re Canadian, right?

I am, but I spent part of childhood in Africa and we had no TV or film, but we did have comic books. The Flash is and was one of my earliest favorites and I remember thinking at the time, the thing that made it relatable for me was the fact that he’s fast. When you’re eight or nine years old, you’re not Batman-tortured. Well, hopefully you’re not! You clearly can’t leap buildings in single bounds, but you can be fast, or at least be in the ballpark of fast. Also, there’s an innocence—there’s always been an innocence to Barry Allen. As a compliment to Arrow, the two of them are very different in that respect, and I think Grant brings just the right amount of resolve mixed with innocence to this role. And genuinely so. Sometimes there’s an ephemeral sense that translates to the screen when it’s genuine and I feel like he brings that.

If you could have a super power, what would it be?

It’s funny—I was asked this question recently and I had a couple of answers. The first one was unapologetic honesty, and the second one was to be able to eat as much pizza without it doing any physical harm. Then I think the person next to me said that he would like to create world peace and solve disease, and I’m like, oh yeah that’s good too.

So, high carb man?

I’m not one of those guys whose like, “Well, I’m on a kale diet!” Literally we’re talking and I’ve got the Starbucks coffee in front of me and a chocolate bar.

And you have the podcasts about snacks!

Oh, you know about that? Mike & Tom Eat Snacks. Yeah, a guy who is earning his wares in the snack game can’t really be an opponent of carbs.

That must be fun to do. Michael Ian Black’s a comic genius too.

He’s amazing. We’ve done movies and television shows together and one of our favorite times was always lunch, and then at lunch we’d just sit and talk over the grub and the food so we managed to parlay that into a podcast. It’s shocking that it has become semi-popular, but then it says a lot about the humans in North America that they are like, “Yeah! What are you going to review this week?”

Where in Africa did you grow up?

West Africa, in a coastal fishing village that happened to have a teacher training center for secondary institutions, which is where my father worked. It didn’t seem exotic at the time, but I look back on it now and have a massive amount of gratitude that that was a part of our childhood.

You were running at some point, a foundation, or an exercise—Nothing But Nets.

When I was a child, I had malaria, and my sister had quite a severe case of malaria. Nothing But Nets is essentially a very efficient pipeline to getting mosquito netting to those in need in Africa. It’s almost ironic how malaria is such a killer and how good an opponent a simple mosquito net is. [The group] was the brainchild of Rick Reilly, who wrote this article in the back pages of Sports Illustrated essentially saying, if all of us donate $10, we could probably save a village, and it turned into this massive thing where they raised more than enough to save a village. It’s grown and is now partnered with the UN.

We went over there a little while ago and gave nets to these refugee camps. You talk to the doctors there and just the gratitude they have with that simple act—you can drop the mortality rate by like 80%. It’s insane! People are dying and then you put these nets up. Everyone there that receives them, they understand how helpful it is to have that. It’s extremely simple and effective. The next generation has a decent shot at defeating one of the greatest killers of the continent. We’re hopeful. There’s a ways to go, but it feels like we’re on the right path.

http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2015/05/19 ... m-cavanagh

- Andrew Kreisberg sobre la "Desgarradora" muerte de la Finale, y los speedters y villanos de la Season 2 (THR):
Andrew Kreisberg sobre la "Desgarradora" muerte de la Finale, y los speedters y villanos de la Season 2
Por Aaron Couch 19 Mayo, 2015 6:03pm PT

A member of Team Flash's has made the ultimate sacrifice.

Eddie (Rick Cosnett) took his own life in order to stop his descendant Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash (Tom Cavanagh) in Tuesday's finale of The Flash, realizing if he killed himself, Eobard wouldn't be born. The plan worked, and Eobard vanished from existence after Eddie shot himself, leaving Barry (Grant Gustin), Eddie's former girlfriend Iris (Candice Patton) and the rest of the team to mourn.

Eddie wasn't the only one to sacrifice. Earlier, Barry made the decision not to prevent his mother Nora's (Michelle Harrison) death, because doing so would prevent him from becoming The Flash and would mean all the good he's done as the hero would be undone. It's a monumental decision, meaning Barry will go forward fully embracing his identity as a hero.

The finale leaves plenty of questions, among them: Will Eddie or Eobard be on the show in the future?

In a chat with The Hollywood Reporter, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg reveals that Cavanagh will remain on the show as a series regular, weighs in on Eddie possibly returning, and teases "a bunch more villains" as well as additional speedsters for season two.

When did you know Eddie would make this sacrifice?

When we decided to name him Thawne, we hoped the audience would suspect Eddie was the Reverse-Flash because of his last name. We always knew Eddie would be his ancestor, but we weren't quite sure how we would end the season. The way things were moving forward, it felt like it was the best thing to do for his character. Like with Colin Donnell [whose character Tommy died in Arrow's season one finale], it was literally the worst thing we could do to ourselves as writers, producers and friends, because we all love Rick so much both personally and professionally, and we think he's crushed it as Eddie all season. We've all become very close. It's one of those terrible things. The story sort of tells you what it wants to be and as much as it broke our hearts, we knew this was the way the season needed to end.

What was Rick's last day on set like?

Usually the last day on set tends to be something very mundane. The last day on set turned out to be his death scene. It was a very complicated day, visual-effects-wise because of all the things that were going on. It was also a difficult day emotionally. Not only was it the end of the season, and everyone from the crew to the cast have just been killing themselves to make this show as good as it could be, it was also incredibly emotional. Just like Collin Donnell, Rick was told about the plan way in advance, because obviously we didn't want him to read it and be surprised. As soon as he found out, he kicked up his acting level a notch. It was almost subconsciously — his performance got even stronger, which again makes it even worse emotionally for us. Rick has been turning in his best work of the year in these last few episodes just like Colin did. I literally can't say enough about Rick Cosnett.

Will Eddie be back?

The great thing with our show — you saw it with Colin Donnell and with Caity Lotz [whose deceased Sara is returning for spinoff Legends of Tomorrow]— is just because you are dead doesn't mean you're not coming back. Especially in the world of The Flash, which involves time travel and real hardcore science fiction, there's always a way for Eddie to return and we hope Rick will.

How does Eddie's sacrifice works? Eobard disappears — but everything he did up until the finale still happened?

Our time travel, hopefully holds together as much as it can. It doesn't completely obliterate all of their memories of Eddie and everything, but it has the desired effect of "harm to Eddie means harm to Tom Cavanagh's character."

How did you lay the groundwork for Eddie to make this choice?

Eddie has been struggling these last few weeks hearing about the future and about how there is no place for him in the future. He wasn't going to believe in Wells' interpretation of the future. He was going to make his own decision and he basically decided to recommit to Iris, which only makes his sacrifice that much more heartbreaking. He didn't do it because he didn't have anything to live for. He did it because he had everything to live for.

What does this mean for Tom Cavanagh's future on the show?

Tom Cavanagh will be back. That is not in question. Tom Cavanagh will continue to be a regular.

This season was so well planned out in advance. Is that the approach you will take with season two — constructing a big master plan like you had for season one?

Not to pat ourselves on the back too much, but if you watch the pilot, there are clues that got laid out throughout the season. We've done the same thing for season two and hopefully we've created a structure and a scenario for season two that people will find equally compelling and equally interesting. Some of it has already been set up in the events of season one. Just like we do on Arrow, where without even realizing it toward the end of the season we're setting up the next season. Once people come back in season two, they'll look back at some of these episodes in season one and go, "Oh wait a minute, I see where this came from."

You've said season two will introduce more Speedsters. Is that going to be a major theme akin to the Rogues in this season?

Yeah. We are going to introduce a few more speedsters next year and a bunch more villains. How they and those villains come about is part of the surprise of season two. We're really excited. [Executive producer] Greg [Berlanti] and myself and [executive producer] Geoff Johns and the writers, the cast, the crew, the directors — we are so proud of this season of television. It really is a high mark for all of us and we feel a great deal of pressure and anxiety to live up to it, because it's been so well received. As proud as excited as we are about everything we've done this year, we really are just as proud and excited for all the things we are planning coming up and hopefully people will continue to take this ride with us.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... wne-796679

- Jefe de "The Flash" sobre la impactante marcha (EW):
Jefe de "The Flash" sobre la impactante marcha
Por Natalie Abrams 19 Mayo, 2015

One of the newest members of Team Flash finally became a hero in his own right during The Flash’s freshman finale—but he did so by sacrificing his own life.

After Barry (Grant Gustin) decided against saving his mother in the past, the scarlet speedster raced back to the present to prevent the Reverse Flash (Tom Cavanagh) from returning to his own time. Devastated at the destruction of the time machine, Eobard was determined to not only kill Barry, but everyone he cares about. Seeing that the man in yellow was getting the upper hand, Eddie (Rick Cosnett) decided to shoot himself, knowing it would effectively erase his descendant from the timeline. EW can confirm that with Eddie’s death, Cosnett will not be returning as a series regular next season. Why, oh why, did Eddie have to die? We’ve got the scoop from Flash boss Andrew Kreisberg:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What came with the decision to kill off Eddie?
ANDREW KREISBERG: As always with these things, they’re literally the worst decisions you can make for yourself personally. We love Rick so much, both professional and personally. In addition to being incredibly talented, he’s such a standup guy and so beloved by everybody on the cast and crew. This wasn’t always the plan, but it was always a possibility. When we named Eddie’s character and gave him the last name of Thawne, there was a whole subset of the audience that believed he was the Reverse Flash, which was intentional. But then we had to live with: Why did he have that name? One of the sad, surprising things about the finale is that for all the good that Barry does, in the end it’s Eddie who saves the day. It’s hard. It’s a terrible decision to have to make. We’ve been faced with that before, certainly when we made the decision with Colin Donnell on Arrow and Caity Lotz. As with both of those actors and characters, they lived to come back another day. While Rick won’t be a regular, Flash is the kind of show between hardcore sci-fi and time travel that I wouldn’t be surprised if this isn’t the last we’ve seen of Eddie Thawne.

How does Eddie’s death reverberate moving forward?
Obviously his death is going to have a huge impact on the characters. People sometimes forget this, but there was a nine month gap in the pilot. We did a nine month time jump. Iris (Candice Patton) has been with Eddie for a long time and they were living together. He didn’t just die, he died to save her. Obviously Iris is going to be dealing with that. Barry is going to be dealing with the fact that all Barry has ever wanted to do is protect Iris, and in the end it was Eddie who got to do it. Joe (Jesse L. Martin) has lost his partner. One of the great things about Flash—that was always designed to be that way, but has turned out far more emotional and better than we ever could’ve hoped for—was just how much people care for these characters and how much the characters care about each other. To lose somebody like Eddie—who has never been anything but a good guy and is the one who sacrifices himself not just for our characters, but for the world—that’s going to have an impact and it’s not something that’s going to go away right away. Like with a tragedy in any of our lives, every day you get further away from it, it gets a little bit easier, but it’s really about integrating it into your life moving forward.

Even before Eddie’s death, Iris had definitively chosen him. Does his death really put the kibosh on Barry and Iris for the time being?
Yeah. It’s hard after that to try and pick up exactly where they had hoped to be—certainly where Barry had hoped to be. It’s not the easiest thing for Barry to try and get past or even for Iris to get past. It would’ve been very easy for Eddie to sacrifice himself after Wells had told him he doesn’t get the girl and doesn’t have a future. For us, what made it even more heartbreaking is that Eddie didn’t kill himself because he didn’t have anything to live for, he killed himself because he had everything to live for. He committed to Iris and said, “Screw the future. I’m going to make the life that I want for myself.” At the end of the day, all he ever wanted to do was protect her and that’s why he made the ultimate sacrifice.

What does this mean for Tom Cavanagh? Will we actually see him next season, and if so, how?
Tom Cavanagh will continue to be a regular on Flash is all I am prepared to say.

Have we actually seen the last of the Reverse Flash?
On Flash, you’ve never seen the last of anybody, no matter what happens to them.

We got a brief glimpse of Matt Letscher before Reverse Flash fizzled out. Will he be a part of the show moving forward?
Yeah. We hope so. Greg [Berlanti] and I both worked with Matt on Eli Stone. We’re friends. We’re such huge fans. The idea of Eobard Thawne having essentially stolen Harrison Wells’ body was an idea that we came up with midstream. That wasn’t always part of the conception. What’s wonderful about it is now it allows us to have two tremendously talented actors both playing the same villain. When the Reverse Flash returns, the face that’s underneath the hood can be one of two faces now.

Let’s talk about Barry running into the singularity in the final moments of the finale. Are you planning to pickup right where season 1 left off?
We’re mapping out the season. The circumstances in which we come back will hopefully be surprising and entertaining. There are a bunch of questions that were left unresolved at the end of the season and they’ll be resolved in the premiere. But how that happens won’t quite be the way people expect. Hopefully the unexpected is what people have come to expect from us.

The entire city is being sucked up into this singularity.
I hate when that happens!

Should we be worried about time getting altered in the process of Barry fixing things?
When you open a singularity above a city, you should be worried about anything and everything that happens. Part of the fun of The Flash is when you have people dabbling in sci-fi physics, they’re significantly altering the world. We established in the finale that the entire series of The Flash is, in itself, an alternate timeline that’s been skewed from the real one. Wells setting off the accelerator created all the metahumans, and the results of the singularity will also have long-term effects.

We saw all these different timelines in the speed force. Will you delve more into the other timelines and the speed force next season?

We actually got the first glimpse at Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) as Killer Frost when Barry was running through the speed force. Is it a long while before that’s brought into the storyline again or might Barry mention what he saw?
Yeah, now that people have seen the finale, there were some things we’re letting happen faster than people are expecting and there are other things we’re slow playing. That’s the fun for us as writers, but hopefully for the audience too, that especially with characters like Caitlin and Cisco (Carlos Valdes), there is a certain level of expectation after we very specifically gave them the names we gave them and how that’s going to turn out. You’ve got Wells telling Cisco that he was affected, but when we saw in the speed force, we saw Caitlin really and truly affected. Whether that happens next year or the year after that, we’ll have to wait and see what the speed force tells us to do.

Wells basically instilled fear of the future into both Cisco and Caitlin. How does that affect them next season?
It’s one of the most interesting aspects of the show for us. It’s far more interesting for us to hear about the future than it is to actually see it. Watching Barry, Iris, Eddie, Joe, Cisco and Caitlin all have heard about the future, and have heard about what will happen to them, and then watching how all of them fight against it or submit to it. It was certainly one of the most interesting aspects of the Eddie-Barry-Iris triangle. You have a love triangle, which we’ve seen a million times in movies and television, but to get a glimpse of the future where you actually hear who the two are that are going to end up together, that puts an interesting wrinkle in that relationship. For Cisco, he’s spent an entire year fighting against metahumans, and now to discover that he might possibly be one himself is certainly going to have a big impact on his character moving forward.

Caitlin and Ronnie (Robbie Amell) got married in the finale, but Ronnie is not actually part of the super spinoff DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Should we be worried?
This is me saying no comment.

But we did get to see our first glimpse of Hawkgirl (Ciara Renée) as the singularity is happening.
How cool is that? Honestly, it was a last minute decision. I read somewhere online, it said, “CW confirms Hawkgirl not in Flash season finale.” I said, “That’s so weird that the CW put out this thing about it. I don’t remember anyone asking us about that.” Literally, when I read that, I was like, “Well, why can’t she be in the finale?” It really wasn’t part of it, but we already had this sequence designed where we were going to go around the city and have everybody look up into the sky and see the singularity. We were up there shooting the Legends presentation, so Ciara was going to be there anyway. I asked our line producer, “Look, I know this is last minute, but is there anyway we could stage her as part of the crowd?” We picked up that shot. It’s just so much fun for us because it’s just yet another glimpse at what the future of these characters are going to be. We’re so excited to be working with Ciara. To have that first glimpse of her be here on The Flash was so exciting.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/05/19/fl ... f974a6d965

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Concept arts de 'Grodd' para el episodio 1.21 de "The Flash":

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Añadidos los rátings del 1.23 "Fast Enough". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ.

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "The Flash" Season 2 Teaser (HD):


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | Flashback Tuesdays Trailer | The CW:


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash "Season 2 Pull Forward" Promo:


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | "Secret's Out" Trailer:


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Robbie Amell habla sobre 'Firestorm' en la Season 2 de "Flash" y "Legends of Tomorrow":
Durante una de sus últimas entrevistas sobre su proyecto "The Duff", Robbie Amell tuvo ocasión de hablar con MovieWeb sobre su ausencia en "Legends of Tomorrow" y su nueva aparición en la Season 2 de "The Flash":
"Todas esas preguntas [Legends Of Tomorrow] serán contestadas pronto, pero no puedo contarte nada sobre ello. Lo que puedo decirte es que estoy de vuelta para rodar más episodios de The Flash en Julio."

Cuando le preguntaron sobre qué le gustaría que le pasara a Ronnie en la nueva temporada, el actor comentó:
"No me han dado ningún guión aún, pero empieza inmediatamente donde lo dejó la finale, porque fue un gran cliffhanger, así es que tienes que hacerlo. No sé lo que me gustaría ver. Lo bonito de la finale fue el conseguir realmente interpretar a Ronnie. Viste a Ronnie en mi primer episodio, y luego era ese hombre asustado y esquizofrénido, y luego estaba intentando averiguar cosas con mi otra mitad, y finalmente conseguí interpretar a Ronnie en la finale. Estaba disfrutando ese personaje. Me gustaría interpretar más de eso, y la relación con el personaje de Caitlin de Danielle Panabaker, pero siempre disfruto mucho rodando con Victor, así es que cualquier cosa más que Victor y yo podemaos rodar juntos sería genial."

En cuanto a si la premisa del márketing del "Superhero Fight Club" podría ser incluído alfuna vez en la serie, Robbie Amell dijo:
"No sé de quién fue esa idea, creativamente, pero estábamos tan sólo haciendo una sesión fotográfica, y dijeron, 'Por cierto, hay un escenario.' Glen Winter, quien dirigió un grupo de episodios, lo dirigió, y Bam Bam y todos los coreógrafos de lucha de Arrow y The Flash, todos coreografiaron. Ellos lo hicieron rápidamente como en un día y medio de photoshoots, cogiendo a la gente cuando podían, y fue increíblemente inteligente. No sé más de lo que habéis visto. No han habido conversaciones para implementarlo, pero fue uno de las mejores estrategias de márketing que he visto desde hace tiempo. Fue genial el rodarlo, y me encantaría absolutamente el hacer más cosas delSuperhero Fight Club."

http://movieweb.com/flash-season-2-lege ... bie-amell/

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Barry Allen tendrá un nuevo interés amoroso en la S2:
TVLine acaba de informarnos que nuestro speedster favorito tendrá un nuevo interés amoroso en la próxima temporada.

Al parecer la CW está haciendo cástings para el gran papel recurrente de 'Wendy', una chica “valiente, divertida y graciosa” que será el prócimo interés romántico para Barry Allen.

'Wendy' es una Policía de Central City, y es descrita como una mente brillante y científica — más específicamente, la hoja de cásting dice “Piensa en ‘Felicity Smoak’ de Arrow.”

Wendy será introducida en el episodio 2.

A medida que la season 1 se acercó al final, el secreto de Barry fue revelado a su amor de siempre Iris, justo antes de que ella y Eddie se reconciliaran. Luego, el Detective Thawne falleció (¿o nos dejó?), lo que significaba que había una oportunidad para la pareja de Iris/Barry, aunque quizá es "demasiado pronto" para la serie.

The Flash regresará de nuevo los Martes a las 8/7c en la nueva temporada.

http://tvline.com/2015/06/10/the-flash- ... -felicity/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33041
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡La WBTV anuncia su programa para el SDCC 2015!:
Muchas series de TV llegan al San Diego Comic-Con cada año y el estudio que normalmente suele llevar la mayor cantidad de ellas es la WB. Eso parece que seguirá en la misma línea este año, ya que la WBTV ha anunciado su programa de series para la convención, con un total de 18, entre las que están "The Flash", "Arrow", "Gotham", "iZombie", "Supergirl", "Legends of Tomorrow", "Lucifer" y la nueva serie de animación que comparte universo con Arrow y The Flash "Vixen".

Por segundo año consecutivo, la WBTV tendrá un mega-evento especial en la noche del Sábado dedicado a sus series de acción basadas en DC Comics ("Supergirl", "The Flash", "Arrow", "Gotham", "Legends of Tomorrow" y "Vixen"). Ninguna de las series que están incluñidas en la "Super Hero Saturday Night" tendrá sus propios paneles, manteniendo su presencia centrada en este evento. No se ha dado una lista específica de los invitados que aparecerán en ella aún, pero teniendo en cuenta el precedente del año pasado, es casi seguro el esperar que acudan casi los elencos completos de las distintas series.

También, la WBTV continuará su tradición de mostrar los pilotos de las nuevas series el miércoles por la noche, durante la noche previa de la Comic-Con:


6:00–10:00 p.m. La primera vez es siempre la mejor. Comic-Con y Warner Bros. Television continúan con orgullo nuestra tradición de la Noche Previa, con las premieres exclisivas de los episodios pilotos de nuestras más anticipadas series para la temporada 2015–16 — Supergirl, Blindspot, Containment y Lucifer — así como un episodio completamente nuevo de Teen Titans Go!. Ballroom 20


Nota: Las estrellas y equipos creativos de las series que está previsto que asistan están sujetos a cambios. Se proporcionará más informacion sobre las sesiones de paneles, firmas y otros eventos a medida que se sepan más noticias.


• 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Lucifer (Midseason on FOX): Sexy, oscuro e irreverente, Lucifer hace su debut en Comic-Con con screenings del episodio piloto al completo, seguido por una sesión de Q&A con las estrellas de la serie Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Lesley-Ann Brandt, DB Woodside y los productores ejecutivos. Room 6BCF

• 5:45–6:45 p.m. iZOMBIE (Tuesdays 9/8c on The CW): El cerebral éxito de iZOMBIE regresa a San Diego para su siguiente aparición en la Comic-Con. Tras los impactantes eventos de la season finale, sed uno de los primeros en conocer las primicias sobre lo que está por venir en la season 2 con los productores ejecutivos Rob Thomas y Diane Ruggiero-Wright, junto con las estrella de la serie Rose McIver, Malcolm Goodwin, Rahul Kohli, Robert Buckley y David Anders. Ballroom 20


• 8:00–11:00 p.m. Warner Bros. Television & DC Entertainment Presenta: La Super Hero Saturday Night Ofrece a los Fans un vistazo interior a los mundos de "Arrow", "The Flash" y "Gotham", además del screening del piloto de "Supergirl" y Video Presentaciones de "Legends of Tomorrow" y "Vixen": DC fans … ¡preparáos para otra Super Hero Saturday Night! Warner Bros. Television y DC Entertainment darán de nuevo la bienvenida a los fams en los mundos de algunos de los más grandes personajes de DC Comics durante una super-experiencia de tres horas en el Hall H. El evento exclusivo mostrará los pilotos de la altamente anticipada nueva serie de acción "Supergirl", seguido de una sesión de Q&A con las estrellas y productores; además, video presentaciones individuales especiales y sesiones de Q&As con las estrellas y productores de "Arrow", "The Flash" y "Gotham". También, no os perdáis una sesión especial de Q&A con el elenco y productores de "Legends of Tomorrow" y un vistazo a la nueva serie digital "Vixen". Hall H

http://www.ksitetv.com/general-tv-news/ ... lans/68567

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH está haciendo cástings para encontrar un nuevo personaje para la Season 2:
Ayer, TVLine nos llegaba con la noticia de que "The Flash" estaba haciendo los cástings para 'Wendy', un nuevo interés amoroso para Barry Allen.

Hoy, la misma página nos informa de que la CW está buscando el encontrar el actor adecuado para un nuevo papel en la season 2 de la serie, bajo el nombre de 'John Clark'.

Al parecer la llamada de cástings busca a "un héroe clásicamente guapo, de mentón cuadrado en sus 30s o tempranos 40s, un hombre ligeramente cínico 'con actitud.'"

Aunque no es un personaje en los cómics, 'John Clark' es un rotulista para DC Comics, lo que significa que el nombre podría ser un nombre en clave para otro personaje que aún tiene que ser revelado o que la serie creará un nuevo personaje cuyo nombre rinde homenaje al creador.

Por la llamada de cásting, no queda claro si este nuevo personaje será un amigo o enemigo para Barry Allen (Grant Gustin).

¿Podría ser posible que este personaje fuera nuestro Jay Garrick, al que se apuntó en la finale de la season 1?

http://tvline.com/2015/06/11/the-flash- ... -new-hero/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33041
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Robbie Amell Revela que será introducido un nuevo poder de Firestorm:
En una reciente entrevista, Robbie Amell no pudo explicar su ausencia en el nuevo spin-off de la serie "Legends of Tomorrow", pero lo que sí que dijo es que sí que vamos a ver nuevos poderes de "Firestorm" en TV.

Como ya sabemos, tras el experimento que salió mal y que hizo que el Profesor Martin Stein y Ronnie Raymond se unieran en la entidad conocida como 'Firestorm', controlando cada uno la mente y el cuerpo de la misma, respectivamente, hemos descubierto que ambos pueden unirse o desunirse a voluntad propia coexistiendo pacíficamente, que pueden disparar fuego y volar.

Pero aunque el elemento del fuego sea lo que le da al héroe su nombre, en lo que en realidad son especialistas es en la materia en sí, pudiendo ser capaces de disgregar los átomos de la misma y después reconfigurarlos a voluntad. Cuando Ronnie y el Profesor Stein se marcharon en el episodio 14, se supuso que su investigación sobre la Matriz los vería de vuelta precisamente dominando la materia. Esto no sucedió y muchos temieron que dicho poder hubiera sido eliminado de la serie de TV, pero de acuerdo a Robbie Amell, los fans pueden dejar de temer que eso suceda:

“Lo triste es que había un momento en el final que tuvo que ser cortado – sólo porque fue un episodio tan grande y realmente no tenía nada que ver con el guión – donde introducián la manipulación de la materia. Hay una escena en la que el personaje de Danielle [Panabaker] está comprobando mi temperatura y me echa un vistazo. Yo llamo a Victor y nos unimos, y convierto su termómetro en un narciso. Era una manera realmente bonita y dulce de mostrarlo... porque ella estaba preguntando que su íbamos a estar bien, y yo decía, “En realidad, nos estamos haciendo realmente buenos con todo este tema de Firestorm.” Y nos uníamos sin ni siquiera perder un segundo y yo convertía esa flor. Fue un momento bonito, pero al final no tenía ningún interés en la historia.”

“Así es que, la manipulación de la materia estoy seguro que será introducida, o quizá estará disponible en las escenas borradas del episodio en el DVD. Pero hay mucho más que ellos pueden hacer con este personaje. Mi mayor miedo con él es que sea demasiado poderoso. Pienso que algunas veces eso puede ser un problema. Siento que ése es el único problema que he tenido con los cómics de Supermán, aparte de la kriptonita, ¿cómo puedes detenerle? Pero han hecho un trabajo increíble.”

http://screenrant.com/flash-firestorm-n ... -tomorrow/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33041
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡Joe West tendrá un nuevo compañero en la S2!:
Han surgido nuevas audiciones en vimeo (ahora aseguradas con contraseña), esta vez para "The Flash".

En ellas se revela que el personaje de DC Comics 'Patty Spivot' se unirá a la serie en la S2.

En las audiciones, descubrimos que Patty va a convertirse en la nueva compañera del 'Detective Joe West' (Jesse L. Martin), ya que su antiguo compañero 'Eddie Thawne' (Rick Cosnett) sacrificó su vida para evitar que Reverse-Flash/Eobard Thawne existiera en el final de la S1.

En el primer video, Patty comparte una escena con West, y le dice que puede confiar en ella aunque aún se esté acostumbrando a los meta-humanos. En el segundo clip, Patty habla entusiasmada con Barry sobre lo detallado de su informe forense.

En los cómics, Patty era una analista de sanghre forense en el Laboratorio de Criminalística de la Plocía de Central City. Y algo más importante aún, ella era la asistente de Barry Allen e incluso su novia.

Quizá este sea el nuevo interés amoroso que ya se adelantó para Barry y las chispas surjan también en la serie de televisión.

http://comicbook.com/2015/06/17/the-fla ... w-partner/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33041
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH Blu-Ray/DVD de la Season 1 ¡Box Art, fecha de lanzamiento y extras revelados!:
La primera temporada completa de THE FLASH en Blu-ray se pondrá a la venta el 22 de Septiembre del 2015, y la Warner Bros. Home Entertainment ha desvelado el artwork y una nota de prensa con detalles sobre todos los extras:


Justo a tiempo para su segunda temporada, puedes ponerte al día con la serie #1 de la CW ya que Warner Bros. Home Entertainment y DC Entertainment ponen a la venta "The Flash: The Complete First Season" en Blu-ray y DVD el 22 de Septiembre, 2015. The Flash fue la premiere de una serie más vista en la historia de la CW, y sus episodios originales contaron con una media de 6 millones de espectadores semanalmente durante la temporada. Los fans que compren el set podrán ver todos sus electrificantes 23 episodios, además de tres horas de contenido extra, incluyendo comentarios de los episodios, featurettes, escenas borradas y un gag reel.

Con una imagen y sonido sin igual en Blu-ray, The Flash: The Complete First Season incluirá Video 1080p Full HDcon Audio DTS-HD Master para Inglés 5.1. El Blu-ray de 4-discos contará con una copia en Blue-ray de alta-definición y una copia digital en HD de todos los 23 episodios de la season 1.


The Fastest Man Alive!
Creating the Blur
The Chemistry of Emily and Grant Screen Test
Behind the Story: The Trickster Returns!
DC Comics Night at Comic-Con 2014 Presenting Gotham, The Flash, Constantine and Arrow
Audio Commentary
Deleted Scenes
Gag Reel

Podéis pre-ordenar vuestros packs con un descuento sobre el precio inicial en Amazon:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33041
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primera imagen bts de la S2 con Brandon Routh (17-06-15):


(@FLASHtvwriters: Oh look, our newest writer @BrandonJRouth. #TheAtom #TheFlash)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33041
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "THE FLASH" SDCC 2015 limited-edition hotel key card:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
