"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.03 “Restoration”:
4.03 “Restoration” (21/10/15): LAUREL LLEVA A SU HERMANA A NANDA PARBAT — La creciente tensión entren Oliver (Stephen Amell) y Diggle (David Ramsey) pone sus vidas en peligro cuando van tras Damien Darhk (la estrella invitada Neal McDonough) y un implementadometa-humano de H.I.V.E. Mientras tanto, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) habla con Thea (Willa Holland) para regresar a Nanda Parbat y pedirle a su padre (John Barrowman) que ponga a Sara (la estrella invitada Caity Lotz) en el Lazarus Pit. Sin embargo, Laurel se ve sorprendida cuando Nyssa (la estrella invitada Katrina Law) se niega a hacerlo. Wendey Stanzler dirige el episodio escrito por Wendy Mericle & Speed Weed (#403).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-spoil ... scription/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelado título y créditos del episodio 4.08 (2ª parte del crossover con "The Flash & "Legends of Tomorrow"):
Marc Guggenheim ha compartido el título y créditos del episodio 4.08 coincidiendo con el inicio de la producción de mismo que, como recordaréis marca la segunda parte del crossover con "The Flash" y prepara la llegada para el spinoff de las series "Legends of Tomorrow".


https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 5003166720

El episodio 4.08 tendrá por título “Legends of Yesterday”. Tiene historia de Greg Berlanti y Marc Guggenheim con guión de Brian Ford Sullivan & Marc Guggenheim, con dirección de Thor Freudenthal.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 4.02 "The Candidate":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW| Emily Bett Rickards Season 4 Interview | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la S4 de "Arrow" (ETOnline):
Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la S4 de "Arrow"
Por Philiana Ng 7:00 AM PDT, 05 Octubre, 2015

It’s almost here!

Arrow returns with a vengeance for its fourth season, and things are about to get greener than ever. It’s been five months since Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) rode off into the sunset, saying goodbye to the crime-fighting life. But even in their new suburban norm (their biggest worry is what to cook for brunch the next day), their pasts manage to come back around in the unlikeliest moment.

With the powerful Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) stirring up trouble in the city they used to call home, will Oliver’s return to Team Arrow be the inspiration Star City needs?

ETonline screened the premiere early, and we’re bringing you 12 of the biggest things you need to know for the new season. (Warning: You're heading into spoiler territory!)

1. Star City is in major trouble

Things are even worse in Starling City (renamed in memory of Ray Palmer) ever since Oliver left town for greener pastures. Though Diggle (David Ramsey), Thea (Willa Holland) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) are doing a pretty good job of keeping Star City safe-ish, they need Oliver’s expertise when “Ghosts” suddenly start to infiltrate the town. When Oliver reluctantly returns for what he thinks is a temporary visit (his first mission in months has him sporting a ski mask), it takes one person close to him to ultimately persuade him to stay for good.

2. Oliver and Felicity get serious, but someone’s keeping a secret

The trailer gave a glimpse into the couple’s new norm in Suburbia USA, a.k.a. Ivy Town, and the first episode takes their relationship to a whole new level. Talk of marriage – the engagement ring in the soufflé?! – and even talk of kids – a funny moment with a married Ivy Town couple – show just how far their romance has gone. But, and it’s a big but, one of them is keeping a secret from the other (and we’re not talking about the ring, either) that prompts the two to have one of the most realistic arguments and moments in the pseudo-lair. More importantly, will Oliver pop the question?

3. Oliver and Diggle’s friendship is a work in progress

Don’t expect Diggle to turn a blind eye to Oliver’s betrayal last season – it’ll be a while before they’ll be pals again. At one point, Oliver tries to smooth things over in the premiere, but Diggle has the harshest response – and he uses the word “dark.” Ouch. “It’s something we want to explore – seeing them at odds and really honoring what Oliver did at the end of season three, which was pretty egregious,” Arrow co-showrunner Wendy Mericle tells ETonline. “It’s going to take some time, but they will get back on the same track.”

4. Damien Darhk is the baddest villain of them all

Team Arrow has gone up against formidable foes in the past, from Ra’s al Ghul to Deathstroke, but Damien Darhk (played brilliantly by McDonough) is one villain they’ve never encountered before. As Oliver and the gang will soon see, it’s impossible to beat him in typical Arrow fashion, with his mysterious magical powers and H.I.V.E. connection. “There’s a real glimmer in his eye whenever he puts the screws to someone,” Arrow co-showrunner Marc Guggenheim says. “Damien really could give a f*** whether you think he’s noble.… He’s really enjoying having no conscience – it’s very freeing for him.”

5. Team Arrow will be a democracy

No more Oliver dictating tasks to his fellow crime-fighters, instead it’ll be a much more even playing field – which should lead to interesting strategy sessions this season. “It’s going to be more democratic for sure,” Mericle explains. “Oliver can’t walk away and then come back and expect that Dig and Laurel and Thea have not found a new dynamic and a new way of working. It’s a very different way of doing the show and it puts Oliver in a different position vis-à-vis the team, which we found interesting.” Guggenheim adds that "the biggest fracture point on the team" will be Oliver and Digle. Oliver, for his part, will try to mentor the newest member of the club, Speedy, whose aggressive fighting tactics may be too close for comfort.

6. Oliver’s humor is back

Remember season one Oliver Queen, with his offhand quips and deadpan delivery? He’s back in a big way this year, thanks in part to his new Green Arrow identity and his new lease on life. “It is deliberate,” Mericle says of the lightened tone. “He’s happier now. He’s in love with Felicity. He’s no longer the post-traumatic stress disorder-suffering soldier he was in the first three seasons. That’s really where it’s coming from.” In fact, a few LOL-worthy jokes are sprinkled throughout the premiere, including this one, which Oliver adoringly tells Felicity, “You have failed this omelet,” or when he points out the exact spot Ra’s stabbed Thea and jokes, “We could get a rug.”

7. Laurel’s family drama ramps up

This will be a big year for the Black Canary, who, at the start of the season, embraces her vigilante identity and proves a capable member of the team, as well as mentor to Thea. But with her sister Sara’s impending resurrection via the Lazarus Pit -- the core focus of episode three, titled “Restoration” -- Laurel has a lot on her plate. To make matters worse, she may have to deal with another unforeseen betrayal from a family member. “The overarching theme of the season is about chosen family versus blood family,” Mericle teases, “and she’s really going to be dealing with Sara coming back but also with the family on the team.”

8. New blood will shake things up

A slew of new faces are coming to Star City, and they’ll be sure to make things interesting. In the second episode, titled “The Candidate,” Jeri Ryan makes her debut as mayoral candidate Jessica Danforth, who is an old pal of Moira’s (R.I.P.). In the same hour, we’ll meet Curtis Holt, a.k.a. Mr. Terrific (Echo Kellum), a Palmer Tech employee whom Felicity befriends, a character the producers had nothing but praise for. “He’s somebody for Felicity to talk to and have scenes with,” Mericle says. “It’s very magical. They’re great together.” Plus, with Roy Harper “put to bed,” as Mericle puts it, Thea will be gaining a new love interest in political consultant Alex (Suburgatory’s Parker Young).

9. Ray Palmer’s presumed death will be addressed

While Star City and Team Arrow believe Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh) died in the Palmer Technologies explosion, we know that’s not the case. On Arrow, his assumed passing will be dealt with – except it won’t be a focal point. “It’s acknowledged,” Guggenheim assures, “But it’s acknowledged in the way it would be. If Ray died yesterday, it would be acknowledged in a very different way than if he died five months ago.”

10. Malcolm is back to his evil ways as Ra’s

Though Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) is not in the premiere episode, Mericle assures “you’ll see him early.” His arc this season, she says, “is revolving around Thea and him trying to be a good father, while also being very evil” – which will have its complications. “He’s going to be different with Thea we hope and we would like him to find a way to be a father – he doesn’t know what that means as a character,” Mericle says. “That [said], we do want to restore him to more of the season one Malcolm, who is going around messing up Oliver’s plans.” With Malcolm taking the helm in Nanda Parbat as Ra’s al Ghul, expect Nyssa (Katrina Law) to return early in the season – and she’s still not happy about her new superior. “She’s definitely not going to be on board with Malcolm as Ra’s and we’re hoping to take that in a [fighting] direction,” Mericle hints.

11. Felicity's new life as CEO

Felicity will be operating as CEO (in absentia) of Palmer Technologies, a powerful new role she's still not fully used to. Early in the premiere, she even jokes to Oliver while the couple is in bed, that she gift him his company back as an early Christmas present. Though The Flash hinted that Oliver would one day get his company back in a future headline announcing a Queen Consolidated/Wayne Enterprises merger, he won't be CEO for a while. "Not this season," Guggenheim reveals.

12. Constantine crossover will be everything fans want it to be

John Constantine’s (Matt Ryan) upcoming visit in episode five, titled “Haunted,” is one to circle on the calendar. (Don’t worry Constantine fans, producers assure that the former show's original props and costumes were used.) “For us, when we finished watching the first cut of it, we were like, ‘You know what, this feels like a legitimate crossover,’” Guggenheim says. “It feels like we’ve crossed over with the other show and not just the other show crossing over with us.”

http://www.etonline.com/tv/173285_arrow ... _spoilers/
- Productores ejecutivos de "Arrow" sobre la transición a 'Green Arrow' y la maldad pura de Damien Darhk (CBR):
Productores ejecutivos de "Arrow" sobre la transición a 'Green Arrow' y la maldad pura de Damien Darhk
Por Albert Ching 05 Octubre, 2015

For the past three years, one of the biggest questions comic books fans have had surrounding DC Comics-based CW series "Arrow" was when -- if ever -- Oliver Queen (played by Stephen Amell) would start to actually call himself "Green Arrow," in keeping with the source material. That question was answered this past July at Comic-Con International when Amell appeared in character in Hall H, referring to his "Arrow" character as "the Green Arrow" -- and given the title of this week's season four premiere, "Green Arrow," viewers won't have to wait long to hear those words on the show.

Previously on the show, Queen's costumed vigilante was referred to as "the Hood" or simply "Arrow." Now, he's funny embracing the "Green Arrow" name -- which, along with elements like using a mask rather than face paint and introducing superpowered metahumans, have brought the show -- which started in fall 2012 in a fairly grounded place -- much closer to the world of the comics. Co-showrunner and series executive producer Katie Cassidy) taking on the Black Canary identity last season, it's not about doing things simply because they exist in comic books -- it has to be for a reason that makes sense for the show.

"There's just been a slow, organic incorporation of the comic book elements," Guggenheim told CBR. "We don't ever bring in the comic book elements just to bring in the comic book elements -- we don't sit here with a checklist.

"I think a lot of fans think we've got a checklist of the comic book tropes, like the chili, and the jokes, and the romance with Black Canary, and go, 'OK, we've got that, we've got that, we've got that,'" Guggenheim -- himself a successful comic book writer -- continued. "It's really just, we've got the comics in the back of our mind, we know where we're headed with the character -- the comic books are there as inspiration, but not as a to-do list."

Speaking of comic book-y elements: While the arrival of Barry Allen (the future "Flash," played by Grant Gustin) ushered in an age of superpowered activity in the "Arrow"-verse back in season two, this season's villain, Damien Darhk (played by Neal McDonough and based on a somewhat obscure comics character that debuted in 1999 from creators Devin Grayson and Mark Buckingham), very quickly exhibits impressive abilities that are birthed by mysticism -- not science. That makes for a different type of antagonist, as evidenced by McDonough's performance -- much more unabashedly sinister than the show's past major villains.

"We found ourselves writing more and more to him," Guggenheim told CBR. "The thing we said to him was, 'You're not only evil, but you enjoy being evil.' There's a real glimmer in his eye whenever he's putting the screws to somebody. It is something we haven't seen on the show before. That's one of the reasons why we wanted to go in this direction. In Malcolm, in Ra's, in Slade -- they all thought they were doing the right thing. They had their own nobility. Not so much with Damien. Damien really could give a fuck whether or not you think he's noble."

"He has no conscience whatsoever," co-showrunner and executive producer Wendy Mericle added.

Also unusual: Rather than going for a slow reveal of the season's major bad guy, McDonough is seen quickly in the season premiere, as hinted at by prior trailers released to promote the new episodes. Guggenheim said that while McDonough isn't in every episode, the writers have enjoyed getting him involved as much as possible.

"He's really enjoying having no conscience," Guggenheim said. "It's very freeing for him. There aren't a lot of actors who could pull that off, and make it compelling, and make it interesting to watch, each and every week -- the moment we saw Neal on screen, we just found ourselves in the writers' room going, 'Oh yeah, Damien's in this episode.'

"He's on the show a lot. It's not every week Team Arrow vs. Damien, because that would get really stupid and repetitive, but we found all these really interesting ways to keep the character of Damien involved in the drama of the show. That's really to the credit of Neal, and us knowing that there's really nothing we can write for him that he can't pull off."

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... -pure-evil
- David Ramsey sobre la Season 4 de 'Arrow': 'Siempre hay otro nivel' (yahoo):
David Ramsey sobre la Season 4 de 'Arrow': 'Siempre hay otro nivel'
Por Robert Chan 06 Octubre, 2015

Season 1’s Arrow is not the Arrow we’ve grown to love as we begin Season 4. This year features magic (Damien Darhk), zombies (which, technically, Thea and probably a returning Sara both are), and a very comic book-like version of Diggle, which has already sparked reams of Internet controversy. And yet, none of it feels wrong; the grounded tone of the show has been consistent from the beginning, and that’s the reason it’s become the cornerstone of a growing empire.

We spoke to David Ramsey, the show’s voice of reason in the form of John Diggle. Without him, Oliver Queen wouldn’t still have a mission. Without his genuine response to Barry Allen’s superspeed (“Man, that’s not freaking you out?!”) last season, The Flash lacks believability. In fact, Ramsey is very much looking forward to the upcoming Legends of Tomorrow spinoff. “Remember Diggle’s reaction to the Flash?” says Ramsey. “I can’t wait to see his reaction to Hawkgirl!”

Mending the broken relationship between Diggle and Oliver also plays a big part this season. While working undercover within the League of Shadows last year, Digg’s wife and child were kidnapped, and he has yet to forgive Oliver. On top of that, he’s been running a well-oiled machine in Oliver’s absence. “Diggle is an Army guy, Special Forces. He’s all about the unit.” The Arrow (newly christened Green Arrow this season) has always been a lone wolf, so there are multiple levels of friction, but Ramsey says the bad blood won’t last forever. “Oliver, this season, learns to respect [his leadership skills], and that’s one of the things that brings them together.”

Diggle also is integral to the H.I.V.E. story, which is what brings big bad Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) to Starling City (newly rechristened Star City this season). “Diggle has a personal reason this season to be more involved and more active in the field,” since it was H.I.V.E. that hired Deadshot to kill his brother, Andy.

Executive producer Wendy Mericle told press at an Arrow screening that Diggle’s search to find out why his brother was killed will “take him to a dark place.” He’ll be keeping secrets from the team and, essentially, doing “all the things he once condemned Oliver for. How’s that going to reverberate?” The writers are excited to explore what happens when Diggle is no longer the moral compass Oliver can refer to.

The team also received tech upgrades courtesy of S.T.A.R. Labs. In fact, early promo shots of Ramsey’s new helmet and “smart gun” raised quite a stir online, drawing comparisons to Magneto. Ramsey says that once viewers see it function in real time, though, “I don’t think people will be thinking about X-Men or Magneto at all.” It’s all part of the characters’— and the show’s — evolution. “There’s always another level,” and things like the new costume or the new Arrow Bunker are all expressions of the increasingly complex roles on the show.

“The stories that make [Green Arrow] richer are the stories of the team around him. And that’s what people come back for: the richness of the stories.” Ramsey credits the writers with creating characters that are “interesting enough that you could write half a season on [each of] them,” but — though he’s too humble to say it — it’s the performances that keep the show grounded. And that’s why Arrow already has two spinoffs and room for plenty more.

https://www.yahoo.com/tv/david-ramsey-o ... 54510.html
- Jefes de 'Arrow' adelantan un villano que cambiará el juego en la Season 4, los retos para Olicity (THR):
Jefes de 'Arrow' adelantan un villano que cambiará el juego en la Season 4, los retos para Olicity
Por Sydney Bucksbaum 07 Oct, 2015 7:00am PT

Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) has come a long way from his first days back in Starling City after his time on the island on Arrow.

When season four of The CW DC Comics take picks up after a five-month time jump, the former vigilante has hung up his leather hoodie for good, and is committed to living a life of domestic bliss with his longtime love Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) out in the suburbs of Ivy Town. Instead of arrows, bullets and fists, his new weapons of choice are scrambled eggs, soufflés and brunch. Of course, he still spends a good chunk of his free time running around in a green hood ... but now it's a green sweatshirt, and the running is just for exercise. Get ready to see a totally new Oliver.

But when a new threat becomes too much for Diggle (David Ramsey), Laurel (Katie Cassidy) and Thea (Willa Holland) to handle on their own in the newly renamed Star City, they're forced to pull Oliver out of early retirement.

"When Oliver left Starling City it was left to Dig and Laurel to be Team Arrow without the Arrow," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells The Hollywood Reporter. "You'll see Dig take on a leadership role on Team Arrow in Oliver's absence but Damien Darhk [Neil McDonough] is going to prove to be much more than he can handle on his own, and that's when Oliver is brought back into it. Before, Dig worked for Oliver, and now they are much more equals and they're going to struggle to find their place in this new environment. One of the early episodes, Dig has lost his faith in Oliver so they don't quite have each other's backs and that leads to a mishap. They have to learn to work together again, much more as equals."

And that's going to be necessary, to hear the Arrow showrunners tell it, because Damien Dahrk is a villain much worse than anything Team Arrow has ever seen before.

"We've always referred to Ra's al Ghul [Matt Nable] as the worst thing that can happen to Oliver and his team, but when you see the first two episodes of season four you'll quickly realize that Ra's was in the nursery compared to what Damien's got in store for everybody," Kreisberg says with a laugh. "And a lot of times we won't even get a glimpse of who the big bad of the season is until we're deeper in, and so we thought it would be interesting to see Damien come out swinging and say this season is about the Green Arrow vs. Damien Dahrk right away. The first episode is the first battle between them."

That's right: Oliver is now calling himself the Green Arrow, instead of just the Arrow, and that new moniker will be adopted right away in the season four premiere.

"It felt right for the natural evolution of Oliver's character to become what we know in the comics," executive producer Wendy Mericle tells THR. "We're doing a slight change in the show this year in terms of what kind of superhero he's going to be and close the chapter on the whole soldier coming back from war, PTSD, darkness story we were telling. We'll still have darkness but it's going to be explored in different ways. Oliver himself is going to be in a happier place so it seemed like the perfect time."

Of course, his happiness is going to be tested almost right away when he's told of what Damien Dahrk has been doing to the people of Star City.

"He's a different villain for us than what we've done before," Kreisberg says. "Damien really enjoys being a bad guy. His ultimate motivations, we're going to keep a mystery. He's a bit more colorful, a bit more fun and is very dangerous and commanding and leads an army of followers who would die at his command. But he's funnier, more charming, and fits in with our whole shading this year where we've made things lighter. We made Oliver a little more approachable and let him have some more fun. In a way, the villain mirrors that."

So what does that mean for Oliver and Felicity's relationship, now that they've finally gotten together after years of will-they-won't-they? Kreisberg, Mericle and executive producer Marc Guggenheim all promise that this season will be full of happy "Olicity" moments.

"After the end of season three, which I'd describe as an orgy of plot twists, this is a much more back-to-the-basics approach," Guggenheim tells THR. "We're coming in and the show will feel both new and familiar. People are expecting something like [season three's premiere], where it's Oliver and Felicity in a restaurant and things literally blow up, but it's not going to be that. It feels like a new show in many respects. We're starting a new trilogy, essentially."

Mericle adds that they didn't bring Olicity together only to break them up again.

"They're going to be together this season but it's no secret that he's going to become the Green Arrow," Mericle says. "He's taking up the mission in a different way and that's going to create challenges for them as a couple and as individuals. Watching them navigate those waters and seeing if they make it or not is going to be exciting. They're going to be thrown some big curve balls."

"It wouldn't be Arrow if we didn't toss a few curve balls," Kreisberg adds with a laugh. "But yes, they're happy. They're now very openly a couple and living together. It has a very different feel to see whatever struggles they face, at the end of the day, they're two people who love each other. There will be lighter, nice, heartwarming end-of-episode, curled-up-on-the-couch moments for our two lovers who are no longer star-crossed."

But not every relationship on the newly reunited Team Arrow will be in a good place when Oliver and Felicity return to Star City. Diggle is still holding a very big grudge against Oliver for what he did when he was undercover in the League of Assassins.

"Diggle's been charged with keeping the team alive and keeping the city safe in Oliver's absence," Mericle says. "He's not happy to see Oliver when they're reunited. He's still angry at what Oliver did to Lyla [Audrey Marie Anderson] and the threat he posed to baby Sara. He's also going to dealing with HIVE and what that means to him, and the family history with his brother that we set up in season two. He's got a lot on his plate. He's in a darker head space where Oliver is in a lighter one. It's going to be a different dynamic, and that's going to deepen their relationship over time."

And while Diggle's issues are going to be front and center for Team Arrow right away, it's actually Thea who will be struggling the most this season when the latent effects from being brought back to life via the Lazarus Pit start to surface for the new hero.

"In the intervening months, she's really stepped up as part of the team. She doesn't need to find her feet as a superhero, so she's advanced and we see her as a badass at the start of season four," Mericle says. "We'll explore her needs to deal with the after effects of the pit as well as having some sense of normalcy with having a love interest and pursuing a normal life. It's her version of season one Oliver, trying to discover how to be a superhero and a normal person at the same time."

Expect Arrow to dive deep into how the Lazarus Pit affected Thea in the first half of season four.

"We'll face it head on and it's going to become an important story," Guggenheim says. "And the explanation of why we didn't see anything from her resurrection until season four will also be explained."

One aspect of this season that excites all the showrunners is the flashback storyline, although the reason why is being kept top secret until the premiere airs.

"One of the things we're trying to do with the flashbacks this year is we want them to tie into the present day in a different way than they typically have in the past," Guggenheim says. "In the past, it's always been someone from the flashbacks showing up in present day, so we're going to create a different connection between flashback and present day stories this season."

And just because Oliver was seen getting on a Coast City ship at the end of season three does not automatically mean Arrow is heading to the hometown of Hal Jordan, aka the Green Lantern.

"Hal Jordan is such a cool character and you might see some nods to him," Mericle teases. "But we won't be seeing him on the show. And though it was teased that Oliver might be heading to Coast City, I can't confirm that. There's a little bit of mystery around that."

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ity-829087
- S4 Q&A: David Ramsey sobre el nuevo traje de Diggle, Damien Darhk y más (accesshollywood):
S4 Q&A: David Ramsey sobre el nuevo traje de Diggle, Damien Darhk y más
Por Jolie Lash 07 Oct, 2015 11:19 AM EDT

"Arrow" wrapped up its third season on a lighter note, but Darhk times are ahead when the show resumes Wednesday night on The CW.

Season 4's big, bad villain, Damien Darhk, a former rival to the last (and now late) Ra's al Ghul, is in the early stages of using his organization to cause damage in Team Arrow's town. David Ramsey's John Diggle, Katie Cassidy’s Laurel Lance and Willa Holland's Thea Queen have been doing their best to save their city, Diggle even getting a new suit and helmet to help him out in the fight.

But Damien (Neal McDonough) is about to test their limits. Luckily for Team Arrow, there’s a retired crime fighter and a computer genius not too far away.

With "Arrow's" return imminent, while on a break from shooting this Fall's crossover episodes, David Ramsey previewed the new season, set up how bad things are with Damien Darhk, and explained how Oliver Queen and Diggle might find themselves working together again (yes, please!) to save Starling. But since David mentioned the crossovers…

AccessHollywood.com: Speaking of the crossovers, and I'm going to get into the premiere stuff [in a minute], but I’ve gotta ask you -- are you having a lot of Diggle reactions? Do you get to do a lot of that? That’s one of our favorite things about the crossovers is him seeing metahumans.
David Ramsey: (Laughs) There’s a little bit of that that we just shot. I think it's pretty funny, because he never seems to get used to what Flash can do, so even though we're not beating that [dead] horse again… we do touch on some of that stuff in terms of when he comes in contact with that particular metahuman again. The things with 'Legends [of Tomorrow]' we haven’t touched on yet, so I'm very curious about Diggle's reaction to the Hawk family – Hawkman, Hawkgirl. I’m very curious about that... I mean, that's great stuff (laughs). One of the things I like about Diggle is Diggle says and does kind of the stuff that regular people would do or say, right? He's one of the more regular members of the team, so I relish those reactions.

Access: And we do too. I'm never going to forget you throwing the fries.
David: (Laughs) Yeah, that was awesome.

Access: One of the classic moments. All right, let's go back to the beginning though – the beginning of [this] season. We pick up several months later. I must ask you -- where did Diggle's new fighting look come from?
David: It is a combination of what makes sense to him – his background is Army Special Forces, Army Ranger, urban tactical warfare, there's Kevlar, there’s camouflage, there’s a gun, there are a couple of weapons – and the most talked about element... so far, has been the helmet. These are S.T.A.R. Lab creations. S.T.A.R. Labs had a lot to do with this, and obviously I would suspect, although I don’t know this for sure, Diggle probably had some input in it. But certainly, S.T.A.R. Labs had a great hand in it, and we'll see as the season progresses everything that the gun and the helmet can do, and I think it probably makes sense for Diggle to have some sort of concealment in the field, everyone else does. But it also makes sense that it's not as assassin-y, if you will, as the Canary outfit, or Arrow's outfit or Speedy's outfit, which are all kind of connected to the kind of more covert, assassin type of apparel and Diggle's background is urban warfare, which makes sense in Starling City. The outfit absolutely makes sense, which is what I like about it. It probably, in some ways… just maybe, it makes more sense than a bow and arrow, in an urban environment.

Access: Tell me how Diggle feels about Oliver having left town when the season begins.
David: Well... I don't know if he's mad at Oliver. He's at a place where he understands that Oliver is a person that doesn't work well with a team and [Diggle] is a military guy, right? Special forces, Army Ranger, he's all about [the unit], he's all logistics and sharing with the squad and you're only as good as your weakest link. This is Diggle's background. This is who he is, so Oliver learned just the opposite on the island. He learned to trust his instincts and do everything by himself and not to trust people, not to trust a team, so this has been very difficult for these two men to kind of come together and meet for the past three years. They both have needed each other a great deal, however. So, I think at the beginning of the season, you're going to see that Diggle has a certain mind about Oliver. It's not anger, but it is, at this point, an almost indifference.

Access: So we have Neal McDonough in as Damien Darhk and obviously ['Arrow' Executive Producer] Marc Guggenheim has said quite a bit about him, but I’m just curious from your perspective what kind of energy he's brought to the show as Damien?
David: Yeah, that’s a good question. He's so cool. His coolness is chilling, right? … That's part of the edge that he brings to the character is that he's incredibly confident, and incredibly cool as Damien Darhk. Nothing really rattles him, and it's a different type of sinister then Ra's had and a different type of crazy than Deathstroke, but still just as sinister and just as crazy. Maybe even more than both. The writers have done a good job, I think, just kind of each year kind of upping the ante. I didn't know how you'd do that [after] Ra's, like how you would get even higher… in terms of sinister and the crazed part of it, but they have, and just in the first few episodes, you see a very determined, very cool, very collected, very chilling Damien Darhk, so the ante's been upped in terms of just how formidable the bad guy has been so far. His control of H.I.V.E. and what he does with that organization – it's just crazy.

Access: Is Diggle equipped to battle Damien this season?
David: Not by himself and that's one of the reasons why Team Arrow, in its current position at the top of Season [4], which is a well-oiled machine, even without Oliver, has to go to Oliver and Felicity to talk about what they are now encountering because they're not equipped and even when they get together with Oliver, that's the question of the season, right? Are they equipped? What other help will they need? The help of Flash? The help of Legends? What help will they need? Or even the League of Assassins? What role will they play because there's a backstory with Damien Darhk and the League as well, so there [is going to] be different elements that come into play here, in terms of how we face Damien Darhk because no one has faced this before.

Access: Finally, let me ask you this – had you been bugging the producers to give you some new gear — a new kind of look — for a while?
David: I don't know if I was bugging them, but I was certainly saying, 'Diggle has to have something, right?' Flash cuts of any of the action scenes of the season and you have the Arrow in green leather coming and fighting crime, you have Black Canary in all black, and [then] Speedy comes — she's in all red, and then you’ve got Diggle in a bomber jack, jeans and Glock, right? And he’s cool... because you have to be a certain amount of cool to be able to fight crime with these guys and still be formidable, and still look good, so I give it to Diggle that he pulled off something a lot of people couldn't pull off. But, that being said, it was ridiculous (laughs) that he didn’t have some type of concealment. And I think Oliver had a very good line, I don't know if it was last season or the season before, where he said the costume -- the mask -- is not for him, but for the ones he loves. And if anyone has something to protect in terms of family, it's Diggle, so I think all this kind of makes good story sense.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/arrow-se ... cle_113403
- Productores de "arrow" revelan los grandes planes de la S4 para el Oliver de Stephen Amell, Felicity, Damien Darhk (thewrap):
Productores de "arrow" revelan los grandes planes de la S4 para el Oliver de Stephen Amell, Felicity, Damien Darhk
Por By Linda Ge 07 Octubre, 2015 @ 11:43 am

It’s taken four seasons, but Oliver Queen is finally making the transition from vigilante to Green Arrow in Season 4 of The CW’s DC comic-book adaptation “Arrow.”

The revelation comes early in the season, and it’s a change that will set the tone for the year, which will see Oliver (Stephen Amell) lose some of the darkness that has plagued him since that catastrophic boat journey that kicked off the show.

“We definitely did want to come into the season and change the tone — it is the fourth season and we did want to change things up — but we’re kind of excited that it’s grown out of who Oliver is,” said executive producer Wendy Mericle. “He’s happier now, he’s in love with Felicity, he’s no longer the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder suffering soldier he was in the first three seasons, and that’s really where it’s coming from. We want it to still play very much as part of the fabric of the show.”

Below, Mericle and fellow EP Marc Guggenheim tease the season’s big bad, changes for Team Arrow and the annual crossover event with “The Flash.”

1. Damien Darhk
“Arrow” has a tradition of slow-burning their season-long villains, who are often cast in shadows, with their true intentions hidden until several episodes in, but Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) is a far cry from that.

Season 4’s Big Bad is revealed in the very first episode to have completely nefarious plans for the newly renamed Star City, and he revels in just how evil he really is.

“The thing we said to him was, ‘You’re not only evil, but you enjoy being evil,'” said Guggenheim. “There’s a real glimmer in his eye whenever he’s putting the screws to somebody. It is something we haven’t seen on the show before. That’s one of the reasons why we wanted to go in this direction. In Malcolm, in Ra’s, in Slade – they all thought they were doing the right thing. They had their own nobility. Not so much with Damien. Damien really could give a fuck whether or not you think he’s noble.”

2. This is the season of Green Arrow
Oliver Queen’s transformation from the Hood, to Arrow, to now Green Arrow, has been a four-season long process.

“Last year it was ‘Am I the Arrow or Oliver Queen?’ This year’s it’s, ‘Okay, I’m the Green Arrow and I’m Oliver Queen. How can I be both at the same time?'” said Guggenheim.

“We’re hoping it will be a change and [the Star City public] will embrace him,” added Mericle. “But it’s not going to be easy, we can’t make it easy for him. It’s speaking to him trying to be more of an inspiration and less of the judge, jury and executioner we’ve seen in the past.”

3. Felicity Smoak
After a third season in which she had to watch the man she loved confess his love to her, only to become an enemy she despised, Felicity Smoak’s trademark sunny personality is back, “with a vengeance,” said Guggenheim. It’s quite fitting, in keeping with the lighter tone of the season.

“I mean, she’s so funny,” the EP continued. “Emily is on the top of her game; she’s hysterical. We’re definitely writing jokes for her, but she’s finding humor in lines that aren’t intentionally humorous. She’s really dialed in.”

4. A more democratic Team Arrow
With Oliver’s abandonment of his post as the vigilante watching over Star(ling) City at the end of Season 3, Laurel, Diggle and Thea have had to step up in his absence.

“Oliver can’t walk away and expect that Diggle and Laurel and Thea have not found a new dynamic, a new way of working,” said Mericle. “They’re all very capable, so that creates a very different way of doing the show, it puts Oliver in a different position vis a vis the team, which we found very interesting.”

5. The “Arrow”-“Flash” crossover is officially an annual event
While all EPs initially downplayed the possibility and frequency of crossovers when “The Flash” first premiered, it seems they’ve embraced them as something that really works for both shows and that fans love.

“We will certainly do our annual big crossover, which will be episode 8,” said Guggenheim. “It’ll be like last year’s in the sense that we’re crossing over both shows and a big chunk of both casts. It’ll be a bit more of a two-parter than last year’s was, but beyond that we’ve made deals for all the different actors for crossing over characters and crossing over moments… you saw Barry in the season premiere, so we’ll sort of find our spots… we really try to do it when its motivated by a story, when you got a good reason to do it. If you do it all the time these crossovers become less special. These last ones nearly killed us.”

http://www.thewrap.com/arrow-producers- ... ien-darhk/
- Ramsey Avisa, No llaméis al "Camuflaje Urbano" de Diggle disfraz (CBR):
Ramsey Avisa, No llaméis al "Camuflaje Urbano" de Diggle disfraz
Por Bryan Cairns 07 Oct, 2015

After three seasons on the air, almost everyone on "Arrow" sports a super suit and goes by a codename. And when the Season 4 airs tonight, it'll be David Ramsey's turn to join the club when Diggle gets geared up.

In the Season 3 finale, Oliver and Felicity drove off into the sunset to live a normal life. From there, it was up to Diggle, Laurel and Thea to pick up the slack. For Diggle, part of that required assuming a new alias. However, with Damien Darhk threatening Star City and Diggle's mounting personal problems, Team Arrow's united front may no longer be enough, not just to save the city, but to survive.

Ahead of tonight's season premiere, Ramsey spoke with CBR News about Diggle taking charge of the team. We also talk about his character closing in on his brother's murderer, potential conflict with Lyla, and his hopes for more time spent with the Arrowverse's Suicide Squad.

CBR News: Team Arrow has functioned without Oliver before, obviously, though under different circumstances. At this point, how well-oiled is this machine, and what kind of leader is Diggle?

David Ramsey: Diggle has always been a competent leader. One of the best qualities of leadership is objectiveness. Diggle has probably been one of the more objective members of the team. His objectivity is what helps Oliver. He gets to see every side, see every angle, and see the weak links.

As a whole, the team -- in the five-months of absence from Oliver since he's been living the suburban life -- has been a well-oiled machine. You'll see that at the top of the premiere. They are a very competent team. They work well together -- but they come against some things that are going to require a specific set of skills that they just don't have. It's going to require Oliver's expertise. How they come together again and figure out this new paradigm, this new leadership shift, is part of the challenge. There's also mending old wounds. That is part of the story in the first couple of episodes.

How does Damien Darhk stack up against past adversaries Ra's al Ghul, Deathstroke or Malcolm Merlyn?

The writers have done a really good job this season. I don't know what they are going to do next year. They are going to have to bring in Batman or Superman. Every season, they up the ante in terms of how formidable the enemies have been. I would say Damien Darhk takes it even a step further than Ra's. There was some mention of that -- there was a story between Ra's and Damien that they had talked about last season. Ra's al Ghul was very aware of how formidable Damien Darhk was. Damien has a legacy in terms of who he is and what damage he can bring to the table. The ante has been upped, even from Deathstroke and Ra's.

We spoke in the past about Diggle possibly becoming Wildcat or Green Lantern. Now, he's adopted a new secret identity. What motivates him into getting a costume?

I don't think Diggle would call it a costume. Diggle would call it a necessary urban concealment of some sort. And it is. How does Diggle come about it? He has a child and a wife and there needs to be some kind of concealment in the field to protect the ones he loves.

It's very urban. It's not the assassin-y wardrobe of Oliver or Speedy or Black Canary. There's Kevlar, there's camouflage, there's a helmet and a gun. There's armor. It's very connected to his military and Special Forces roots. It makes sense that Diggle would be dressed in this type of urban camouflage.

How pleased were you that they got Diggle's heroic journey off the ground and running in the season premiere?

I'm very pleased. A lot of fans have been saying, "Oh, we want to see more Diggle." Obviously, as an actor, I love getting stuff you can sink your teeth into. At the end of the day, I want to get into the game like any other player. I don't want to sit on the bench. I don't know if that's fully the correct analogy -- I don't want to say Diggle was on the bench. His stories weren't as prominent as other characters. Obviously, every character's story facilitates our hero. Outside of Oliver, I think Diggle's story wasn't as pushed as other stories.

As an actor, and someone who has been in this business for a long time, I totally get that. Writers write for the long haul. They are writing for five or six seasons. We can only be so lucky to do something like "Supernatural" or "Smallville" with 10 or 11 seasons. Writers are writing for the long-haul story. I always knew Diggle's time would come and there would be an evolution of his character that people have been waiting for.

I kind of relished in the fact that you got pieces of Diggle here, and pieces of Diggle there. It kept people's appetite whet. Some of that will be sated this season. Not all of it, because Diggle has a long, complicated story. And, unlike the other characters that have canon, Diggle has none. There is no back story.

Speaking of Green Lantern and Wildcat, I was one who really kept talking about John Stewart. It whet my appetite as an actor. John Stewart and the Green Lantern Corps -- are you kidding me? How awesome would that be? But, there's something to be said about a character that we're making up as we go along and is now part of the DC canon. Although I love John Stewart, I'm certainly proud I'm able to write the history of Diggle.

Characters don't become a masked -- or in Diggle's case -- a helmeted crimefighter without consequences. What changes are in store for Diggle? What is his arc this season?

H.I.V.E. has been big for Diggle. He's been on the trail of H.I.V.E. because they were the organization that hired Deadshot to kill his brother. That story is coming to its closing and is part of Diggle's arc. The other part is his relationship with Lyla and her relationship with A.R.G.U.S. We're going to get deeper into that in the second half of the season, including where that goes in terms of Lyla's involvement with A.R.G.U.S. and just how these different philosophies clash, like how Diggle and Oliver fight crime versus how A.R.G.U.S. fights crime with the Suicide Squad.

Lyla is going to have an interesting position with A.R.G.U.S. Where, exactly, that goes is part of Diggle's arc as well. I would say his two pieces would be closing the chapter on tracking down his brother's killer and the beginning saga of the conflict with his wife and her involvement with A.R.G.U.S.

Viewers can never get enough of the Suicide Squad. Why hasn't Diggle used that ace in the hole more? Would you like him to step up as their leader again?

Excellent question. That is probably more of a producer question than it is for me. I would say, "Let's see how the movie does." All these things are wrapped up together. It's all part of the DC family. One piece affects another in ways that are way above my pay grade. So, I'm not exactly sure.

For me, personally, Diggle as the leader of an organization he fundamentally disagrees with is great drama. Are you kidding me? And when he was on missions with the Suicide Squad, that was some of the best stuff that Diggle got to play with. He got to be with these guys he really didn't agree with. We saw some humanity between him and Deadshot, who he always just saw as a rogue assassin. Diggle really got into his brain and saw that Deadshot was a military guy, just like him, who was troubled. All of that is meaty material. I would love that for Diggle.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... -a-costume
- Emily Bett Rickards sobre su dieta televisiva y por qué Chandler Bing debería ser el mejor amigo de Felicity (vulture):
Emily Bett Rickards sobre su dieta televisiva y por qué Chandler Bing debería ser el mejor amigo de Felicity
Por Sarah Caldwell 07 Oct, 2015

Oliver and Felicity may have spent all summer (or the five-month time-jump) in domestic bliss, but we know their happiness away from Starling City can’t last for long. In the run-up to the new season, we've learned that Damien Darhk, Mr. Terrific, and John Constantine are coming to the show. We saw Diggle's new suit (in pictures and in action). We were given explicit promises (in the form of a new show) that Sarah and Ray weren't dead dead. Ahead of tonight's season-four premiere, we had a few questions of our own for scene-stealer Emily Bett Rickards, from her TV diet to which couple is more likely to make it: Olitz or Olicity?

What was the first superhero movie you ever saw?
Probably Batman, with Adam … Why am I blanking? Sorry, it was a really early morning. Scott? West. I’m thinking Adam Scott, who I love, who I don’t know personally. It’s so old, and it’s really funny if you watch it now. But I was a kid when I saw it.

Would you rather have Felicity’s computer skills or Oliver’s archery skills?
Felicity’s computer skills, because they’d help me out more than I think archery would.

What TV shows were you obsessed with five years ago?
Veronica Mars was a big one for me. Popular, Grey’s Anatomy. Pushing Daisies. I loved that show! I don’t know how old that is now. What was wrong with that show? Nothing was wrong with that show!

Are you caught up on Scandal?
I have watched four seasons of Scandal. I might try and stop myself. But since it keeps popping up in my brain, I don’t think it’s gonna happen. It’s really hard to say good-bye to Shonda Rhimes.

At the end of last season, both Olitz on Scandal and Olicity ended in a very happy place. Which couple do you think has a better chance of working out?
Probably Oliver and Felicity! We’re not in a White House drama, [so] there’s less politics, but also we’re dealing with metahumans. So, I mean, one of us may die, but the relationship will stay strong. But [Olitz are] so connected, they’re like soul mates. Oh, I don’t know. Poor Olivia Pope!

What movie or TV show do you think that Oliver and Felicity could agree on watching for a date?
How to Get Away With Murder. They would probably watch The Flash [laughs]. My dad’s a doctor, and he’d watch Grey’s Anatomy, and he’d be like, “This is not okay. This isn’t what it’s like.” And we’re like, “Shut up, it’s not about that. That’s not why we’re watching it.” So I feel like Oliver and Felicity, watching a superhero show, would be like, “That’s not right!”

What about a great movie or TV show that you and Stephen Amell agree on?
House of Cards. We watched the premiere of season two at the end of our season last year. It broke at midnight, and we were in his trailer at midnight trying to start it. We were just sitting there, waiting, hoping they wouldn’t call us back to work.

Besides characters on Arrow, what other TV show or movie character would you want to train with?
Do you remember Nikita? Maggie Q’s moves are dope in Nikita. I just remember watching her and being like, “Whoa!” And I remember researching her and just being like, “What? She’s fight training! How cool would that be to do for work?” And this was before Arrow. And then I was like, “Oh my God, I’m doing that for work!”

In past seasons, Felicity has had a few problems when it comes to love. Who do you think would be a good best friend for her?
Chandler from Friends would be a solid add-on to her life. He’s goofy. Nobody knows what he does. And he’s also very dedicated to the job at hand.

Your show has a lot of pretty heartbreaking deaths. What TV or movie or book death really affected you?
Oh my God. So heavy. I’m trying to think of the last time I was sobbing. I usually sob in Scandal, and I don’t even know what it is. I just sob. 'Cause I usually watch it alone, too, and I’ll binge-watch it. I think that’s probably the recipe [for] complete exertion of emotion. Grey’s Anatomy used to be my Thursday night cry, too. I remember joking with my mom every week, just being like, “Ready to cry.” I was in high school when that first season was out. We watched it together.

Would you rather have super speed for a day, or get to use the A.T.O.M. suit for a whole month?
Super speed. Cause the suit’s a lot of work. I’m all about minimal effort for maximum results.

Would you rather spend a month in Nanda Parbat or a year on the island?
Oh fuck, both of those suck. A month, 'cause, like, again, I’m all about minimal effort for maximum results.

Felicity’s pretty badass, but what one superpower do you think would make her unstoppable?
Shapeshifting. She’d be like, “I’m a lamp,” and then she’d just become a lamp.

Can you just give us a quick tease for the premiere?
As we left off in happiness, we start in happiness, and then we get into rough, treacherous turmoil and danger right off the bat. The city is in grave danger. It has a massive threat. It has been compromised by a large group of individuals.

http://www.vulture.com/2015/10/arrow-em ... er_vulture
- Emily Bett Rickards: Felicity es una heroína y de armas tomar (buddytv):
Emily Bett Rickards: Felicity es una heroína y de armas tomar
Por Carla Day 07 Octubre, 2015

Oliver and Felicity opened their hearts to each other at the end of last season and escaped Starling City to spend time together in their own paradise. In Arrow Season 4, this "normal" life will come to an end and they will be drawn back into the fight.

This summer, Emily Bett Rickards spoke with reporters about portraying fan favorite Felicity, Oliver and Felicity's relationship, Felicity's personal struggles and how Felicity is a hero. Read on for edited excerpts from the interview.

Is it a bit overwhelming seeing what a fan favorite Felicity has become?

That's a hard question, because it's awesome, but Felicity, for me, there's more of a definitive line . My life has changed a lot because of her, but I've learned so much from her. Also, she's become a fan favorite and I'm a fan of her.

I'm happy that people are able to relate to her, because I find that when you can relate to something and when you escape into whatever it is, you're learning something about yourself. I hope that's potentially what she is doing to a certain aspect. But, yeah, it's shocking. It's interesting. It's a little bit -- it's rewarding. It really is.

Are you happy that Oliver saw the light that he could be happy with Felicity?

I think that it's awesome that someone could recognize that they're happy. I don't find that that's something that people actually say like "Oh, I'm happy." I'm like "How are you?" "Good." Auto-pilot, move on. But I think the acknowledgement for himself, finding out that he was happy and possibly grounded more than he has been in the past ten years, because now he's maybe safe or secure with people he loves. I think that is really important and a big life hurdle for Oliver.

Felicity had to deal with a lot of drama in Season 3. Are we going to see a return of a lot of the levity in Season 4?

I am hoping and I think so. I mean, we did leave the end of Season 3. Starling City is not exactly in the best shape. That is something that you can expect. But her emotional security is stronger than it was. I think this whole push/pull thing with Oliver and Ray on top of the secret life was a little bit too taxing on her sense of self, hence why she was crying a lot and maybe didn't feel as strong - that's how I personally felt about that.

I believe that she's a really strong, independent woman and she's caring and she's generous. I feel that is her innate ability, but you also need to be able to pump yourself up and I feel like she was really taxing herself and accepting a lot of scenarios that weren't exactly giving her energy. They were taking a lot of it away. And she wasn't aware of it, which we aren't on a regular basis.

Is it frustrating to see everyone around you suiting up in some sort of suit? You got to wear the ATOM suit, but it there any costume envy on set?

I don't think Felicity really wants a suit. You've gotta give respect to her that she loves her computer. She really does and I think she's a hero behind it. She's all geared up in all this tech. They don't get the tech. I mean, they have cell phones and bluetooth, but who cares? I do believe that she feels like she's a hero there and she's playing her part. Just because she doesn't have a suit doesn't mean she's not kicking ass.

Could she get a moniker like Oracle?


Driving off into the sunset seems like a great idea and it would be fun, but it could also eventually be kind of boring. Do you think that she'll want to get back into the grit of things?

I feel like when we find her again, we see her with a void and I don't know if she necessarily knows exactly what it is yet. I do feel that this life that she's chosen in this Arrow realm - before she left her day job - she didn't realize how much she appreciated her purpose and what strength it was giving her to have this new dynamic in helping people and how that good that was making her feel.

I think that when you go away and you live your happy life for a little bit and escape, you can get bored because there's not the testing or the obstacles and maybe she's not helping people in the way she wants to.

http://www.buddytv.com/articles/arrow/a ... 57676.aspx
- David Ramsey defiende el traje, habla sobre la 'nueva relación' de Oliver y Diggle (zap2it):
David Ramsey defiende el traje, habla sobre la 'nueva relación' de Oliver y Diggle
Por Chris E. Hayner 07 Oct, 2015

In the five months that have passed since Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) left Starling City — now Star City — on “Arrow,” quite a bit has changed for Team Arrow. With the Arrow out of the picture, the team is flourishing as they find their new balance of power.

Of course, that can only last so long with an evil force like Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) moving in to rain down terror.

Zap2it spoke with Ramsey about what’s to come in Season 4 of “Arrow” and how the balance of power will shift once Oliver and Felicity are back in the picture — especially considering Diggle and Oliver’s Season 3 falling out. Plus, what exactly does Ramsey think of Diggle’s new costume?

Zap2it: First thing’s first, we have to talk about Diggle’s new costume. This is a big change for Diggle. How are you liking it and how different is it shooting action scenes in a superhero costume and helmet, as opposed to street clothes?

David Ramsey: Well, I think Diggle wouldn’t see it as a costume. He would see is as some type of necessary urban concealment — and it is. There’s Kevlar, armor, a gun, a utility knife, another weapon, fatigues, combat boots. It’s very connected to his special forces combat roots.

How do I feel about it? I feel good about it! There’s been a lot of ruckus about the helmet and the Magneto likeness. You’ll see it when you watch the show, but when it’s in action, you won’t be thinking X-Men. But it’s a legitimate complain and I don’t mind any scrutiny at all, in fact I welcome it.

I feel it’s awesome. It’s a long time coming. There were several times last season where Speedy, the Canary, Oliver, they were all there in their leather assassin gear and here comes Diggle in a bomber jacket and jeans with a Glock.

And we’re going to get into what the helmet can do, what the gun he has can do. These are STAR Labs creations. So we’re going to get into some logical explanations of how this stuff works.

Again, this is a season-long thing. The fans wants answers now but the writers are writing for syndication. They’re writing for five, six, seven seasons. A show can only be so lucky to have “Smallville” or “Supernatural’s” longevity.

It takes a while to flesh all these stories out, but you’ll see as the season moves forward everything the helmet can do.

When we pick up the season, Oliver and Felicity are off making Olicity fans’ dreams come true. Meanwhile, Diggle, Thea (Willa Holland) and Laurel (Katie Cassidy) are keeping the streets of the newly re-christened Star City safe. What’s the Team Arrow dynamic like without the Arrow?

I think we’ve grown closer as a team. We do find at the top of the season that they are a well-oiled machine. And they aren’t crippled. They are not crippled without Oliver. They’re fighting crime, they’ve been doing it for the past five months and they’re effective.

They just so happen to come up against a very well-organized organization that they’re going to need Oliver and Felicity’s help with. Before we get to that point, we’re going to have to figure out how these two leaders — Diggle and Oliver — sort out their differences.

At the top of the show, you see a team without Oliver that’s doing quite well, actually. And Diggle is a competent leader of that team. I’m glad they went that way. I’m glad you find out they’ve been fighting crime for the last five months and they’re doing well.

However, there’s some things that Oliver brings that probably only four other top people in the world bring — Bruce Wayne being one of them and maybe a couple others. So they need him. Also they need him emotionally, as well. There’s an emotional thing they need from him.

Touching on how Oliver will fit back into this team, Season 3 left things dangerously severed between Oliver and Diggle. As these two start working together again, is there a way to rebuild that trust and get back to where they once were, in terms of friendship?

I don’t think so. I think they’re going to have to get to a new place, a place they haven’t been before in terms of their levels of respect and trust for each other — which I think they always had.

Oliver, because of what he learned on that island and subsequent places he went connected to the island, learned to do things by himself, go out on a limb and not really answer to anyone. It’s been three years of Dig and Felicity just trying to get through that armor.

Now Diggle, coming from the type of background he comes from, is all about the unit. He’s a military guy and it’s all about the unit and the unit is only as strong as its weakest link. To deal with someone like Oliver, there’s only so much a man like Diggle can take.

I don’t think they can get back to that place again, I think they’re going to have to find new ground, a new level of respect, and they do. Ultimately this relationship is mended, but it’s a new relationship. It resembles the old one, but it’s even more respect and even more giving. Both of these men are natural alphas, but they have to learn to respect each other and they do.

Lastly, in all the chaos of Season 3, something that may have been forgotten was that Diggle was a newlywed. After the way things shook out in the Season 3 finale, are we going to see the effect it had on Lyla (Audrey Marie Anderson) or their daughter Sara?

That’s a writers question. I suspect you’ll get to see some of that during the season. We’ve touched on that a little bit up to this date. We’re on our sixth episode, or seventh now.

You will see, however, I can tell you this. You will see Lyla’s perspective on this and what happened and how she feels about it. though you may not go in depth in terms of hearing things from Oliver and what he felt about it, you will hear a perspective from Lyla very early on that will help give you an idea of where she is and to some degree where she’s going.

There’s a particular arc with Diggle that involves Lyla this season and her involvement with ARGUS. So there’s some places emotionally that this couple will be going as well.

http://zap2it.com/2015/10/arrow-season- ... er-helmet/
- ¿Qué querido personaje será
en la Season 4? Las 7 Mayores teorías (ETOnline):
¿Qué querido personaje será
en la Season 4? Las 7 Mayores teorías
Por Philiana Ng 07 Oct, 2015 6:00 PM PDT


Arrow gave its fans a collective heart attack with a shocking jaw-dropper in the final moments of the season four premiere: One of the characters will die, and it will stick.

The show broke tradition, flash-forwarding six months and settling on a cemetery just outside of Star City for the episode’s last scene. A distraught Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) is seen kneeling in front of a freshly dug grave unable to contain his grief – it’s clear the victim is someone he intimately knows.

“I'm going to kill him,” Oliver coldly says, possibly referring to Damien Darhk, as a tear trickles down his face with his mentee Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), who raced in after fighting Zoom, looking on.

“It’s not a fake-out. That’s not how we roll,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim says of the season opener’s dramatic reveal.

“They will stay dead,” executive producer Wendy Mericle confirms, adding that the glimpse ahead is a way “to bring stakes back to the show.”

Even so, Guggenheim assures that the death will be handled with care.

“It’ll feel organic and very earned,” he promises. “It’s actually very elegant.”

If Guggenheim and Mericle know which Arrow character will eventually find themselves buried six feet under, they aren’t letting on.

“We don’t necessarily know who it is right now,” Mericle claims. “We’re still figuring the plan out for the season, but we want it, obviously, to have resonance. If it doesn’t mean something to the characters, it won’t mean anything to the audience either.”

Fortunately, there will be time for the characters and audiences to grieve, though Guggenheim was mum on when in the season the death will occur – only to say that “there will be time afterwards” to deal with the aftermath.

But the final scene did offer up clues on who may be the unlucky victim. Let’s dig into our theories, shall we?

Felicity Smoak

The easy pick would be Oliver’s possible future fiancée, but frankly, we think it’s too easy of a choice. Plus, would the writers really dare tear Oliver and Felicity apart after they established a season-long engagement mystery? We don’t think so.

“When Oliver hides the ring, we’re also dramatizing the fact that, ‘OK, he’s with Felicity, they’re together, but things are not the same as they were back in Ivy Town,” Guggenheim says. In the end, Barry’s reaction -- he wasn’t exactly crying -- may be the most telling sign. If it really was Felicity, wouldn’t he be just as devastated as Oliver?

Thea Queen

With the younger Queen going down the same dangerous path as Oliver when he first became a vigilante, it would make sense for Speedy to fall victim to her ways. And, as devastating as it would be, it would create so much drama and conflict that the possibilities would be boundless. But how much familial loss could Oliver really deal with?

Mericle hints of Thea’s journey, “Our intention for her this season is not only the side effects of the Lazarus Pit, but also to talk about her life as Speedy and how does she balance a personal life with being a vigilante.”

Laurel Lance

Star City’s Assistant District Attorney has gone a long way since season one, and at the start of the new season, she’s fully embracing her role as Black Canary. With her father making a deal with Damien Darhk and her sister Sara coming back from the dead (again), it could be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for Laurel.

“She’s really going to be dealing with Sara coming back, but also … her dad and what’s in the premiere,” Mericle hints, adding this ominous tease. “There are going to be ramifications for her and him, as well.”

Quentin Lance

Could this be it for Captain Lance? All signs are pointing to a very strong maybe. He’s working with Damien Darhk in secret and it’s bound to cause problems for him, his family and his relationship with Oliver. Once the moral compass of the show, Lance’s dance with the devil may serve as the character’s be all end all – though we’re just not buying that Oliver would be crying over his demise. But, a lot can happen in six months.

John Diggle

We really hope Oliver’s brother from another mother isn’t the one buried six feet under because that would be a loss so great we’re not sure how Oliver could ever recover. Unfortunately for him, Lance isn’t the only one keeping secrets, as Diggle has decided to keep his family’s H.I.V.E. connection from the team.

“It’s cool to see Oliver finally have a little moral high ground to stand on and it’s also interesting to see both those characters go to a dark place,” Mericle says of Diggle and Lance. “We haven’t really seen Dig, for lack of a better term, dig deep to find out what he’s capable of in the name of finding his brother[‘s murderer].”

Malcolm Merlyn

Oliver and Malcolm always did have a tricky relationship, and it seems a far stretch to think Oliver would shed a tear over the new Ra’s al Ghul.

Sara Lance (Again)

If Sara dies, it’ll be the fourth time she’s bitten the bullet – and hey, she’s certainly survived before!

Someone Else

Six months is a long time for someone else to rise to the top of the victim list. Could it be Lyla, or Nyssa, or worst yet, Mama Smoak? What about a new character we have yet to meet, like Felicity’s new employee Curtis Holt, or political consultant Alex, or mayoral candidate Jessica Danforth? We wouldn’t put anything past the Arrow producers!

Early predictions: Our money’s on Thea or Laurel.

http://www.etonline.com/tv/173462_arrow ... _is_dying/
- Productores de "Arrow" sobre la fallida proposición de Oliver, un giro de Flashback y ese matador final (TVLine):
Productores de "Arrow" sobre la fallida proposición de Oliver, un giro de Flashback y ese matador final
Por Vlada Gelman / 07 Oct 2015, 5:59 PM PDT

It seems you can go home again, and Oliver did that in more ways than one — not all of it willingly — in Arrow‘s Season 4 premiere.

While he and girlfriend Felicity were lured back to Star City in the present day, Flashback Oliver was captured by Amanda Waller in Coast City and sent back to a familiar terrain to assess a threat: Lian Yu!

Back in Star City, Damien Darhk’s reign of terror unveiled a surprising (but reluctant?) alliance between the new Big Bad and Captain Lance.

But the biggest shock came at the close of the season opener, which found Oliver getting a visit from The Flash‘s Barry Allen as the former vigilante stood over a grave six months later (in show time, per the producers), vowing to “kill him.” (I guess we know whether they’re dressed for a funeral or wedding now.) The reveal came after present day Oliver had broadcast a message to the city’s citizens as Green Arrow, proclaiming about finding light in the darkness.

Below, showrunners Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle talk about the upcoming death, what awaits Oliver on the island, that thwarted engagement and much more.

RIP, WHOEVER YOU ARE | Somebody is definitely dead — “It’s not a fake-out,” Guggenheim confirms, while keeping mum on whether the producers know who is in that cemetery plot — and he or she will stay that way, despite the existence of Nanda Parbat’s magical hot tub. “We want to bring stakes back to the show, and so, we’ll be finding a way to handle the Lazarus Pit… in a new, inventive way that I can’t reveal,” Mericle shares. “But it’ll be cool.” Adds Guggenheim: “It’ll feel organic and very earned. It’s actually very elegant.”

BACK TO THE ISLAND | Proving Lian Yu might really be Fantasy Island — “We’ve always said that there’s actually a hotel on the other side of the island they don’t know about,” Guggenheim jokes — Oliver will meet and “fall in love with” Elysia Rotaru’s character on the isle. “He’s also going to encounter a lot of magic and mysticism,” Mericle adds. “That is going to inform what he is dealing with in Star City in the present day with Damien Darhk.”

A DARHK ALLIANCE | Even though Lance agreed to work for Damien, “you’ll see later in the season that he did not know what he was necessarily signing up for,” Mericle previews. “We’re going to play it really as a crisis for Lance in terms of why he chose to do it and what it means for him. He’s always been the moral center of the show and someone who’s lorded his morality over Oliver’s. When this all comes to a head, it’s going to be very interesting to see how those two characters work it out.”

PUT A RING ON IT | While Oliver’s proposal got interrupted by Thea and Laurel’s arrival, his desire to pop the question to Felicity is significant — as is his hiding the ring once they return to Star City. While breaking the premiere, executive producer Greg Berlanti planted the seed by saying, “‘I wish there was some way we could dramatize where their relationship was,'” Guggenheim recounts. “Wendy and I were like, ‘Well…’ When we threw it out, I don’t think either one of us really thought Greg would go for it. Greg was like, ‘That’s awesome! Totally do that!’

“It does dramatize, in a very clear way, not only where they are,” Guggenheim continues, “but when Oliver hides the ring, essentially, we’re also dramatizing the fact that, OK, he’s with Felicity, they’re together, but things are not the same as they were back in Ivy Town.”

SECRET KEEPERS | Dig’s decision to keep his knowledge of H.I.V.E. and its connection to Andy’s death from the team is “tied to his inability to make any headway,” Mericle explains. “It’s his brother’s murder that he’s been trying to solve, and the fact that he himself has been unable to get anywhere has made him feel slightly ashamed. Also, he’s run into so many dead ends. There hasn’t been anywhere for him to go until now. He will eventually talk about it, but up until this point, there hasn’t been a lot of reason to do so.” Meanwhile, it’s not lost on the producers that the show’s most upright citizens, Dig and Lance, are both keeping major secrets. “It’s cool to see Oliver finally have a little moral high ground to stand on, and it’s also interesting to see both of those characters go to a dark place,” Mericle says. “They’ve both been through a lot of things, but we haven’t really seen Dig have to, for lack of a better term, dig deep to find out what he’s capable of in the name of finding out about his brother. It’s a cool thing to take these characters on this journey and see where they end up and to really challenge them in that way.”

FULL THROTTLE THEA | After getting a little taste of the Lazarus Pit’s side effects in the season opener, Thea’s restraint-free behavior will be explored more heavily in upcoming episodes. “We’re going to acknowledge very directly, ‘Like, wait a second, she went into the Lazarus Pit back in Episode 320. It’s been six months. Why is it only showing up now?'” Guggenheim promises.

http://tvline.com/2015/10/07/arrow-seas ... -proposal/
- Productores de "Arrow" hablan sobre la impactante Premiere de la Season 4: ‘No es fingida’ (thewrap):
Productores de "Arrow" hablan sobre la impactante Premiere de la Season 4: ‘No es fingida’
Por Linda Ge 07 Oct, 2015 @ 6:00 pm

“Arrow” kicked off its fourth season with big revelations and one big death — though it looks the identity of the deceased will remain a mystery for the time being.

In the episode’s final scene, a “Six Months Later” message is seen, before Oliver (Stephen Amell) appears, dressed all in black, standing somberly in front of a tombstone. After Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) shows up and apologizes for not making it to the funeral, Oliver drops to his knees and sheds a tear.

The death is real, and it will stick, according to executive producer Marc Guggenheim.

“It’s not a fake out. That’s not how we roll,” he said.

On a show with a magical pit of water able to bring the dead back to life, you can hardly blame skeptics who think dead doesn’t necessarily really mean dead.

“They will stay dead,” said EP Wendy Mericle. “We want to bring stakes back to the show, so we’ll be finding a way to handle the Lazarus Pit portion of Season 3 and Season 4 in a new and inventive way that I can’t reveal. It’ll be cool.”

The showrunners also promised there would be time after the reveal of the deceased to dig into the aftermath, though they stayed mum on a timeline of when it might happen.

Below, the producers weigh in on five more big revelations from the Season 4 premiere of “Arrow.”

1. Oliver (almost) pops the question
Caught up in domestic bliss, Oliver plans a cupcake proposal for Felicity early in the episode, before the crisis in Star City forces him to leave any chance for a “normal” life behind. By the end of the episode, he hides the ring somewhere more inconspicuous, seemingly putting a potential marriage on hold for the time being.

“When Oliver hides the ring, we’re also dramatizing the fact that okay, he’s with Felicity, they’re together, but its not the same as when they were back in Ivy Town,” Guggenheim said. “We wanted to get at that concept that their relationship had changed now that they’re back in Star City, but how do you do that? So that’s how we came up with the ring.".

Having moved into Thea’s old apartment, the lovebirds’ cohabitation also necessitated the building of a new set piece for Season 4.

“You haven’t seen it before on the show, but we built a bedroom – there is a bedroom,” said Guggenheim.

2. Flashbacks return to Lian Yu
With five-years-ago flashbacks rapidly catching up to the show’s timeline, Oliver was unexpectedly returned to Lian Yu, the Chinese island where he spent the first two seasons’ flashbacks, in the Season 4 premiere. And what he encounters there his second time around will affect events in present day Star City.

“He’s going to encounter who we hope is a love interest, a woman he’ll fall in love with,” Mericle teased of what awaits Oliver on the island. “And he’s also going to encounter a lot of magic and mysticism on the show, and that is going to inform what he’s dealing with in Star City in the present day with Damien Darhk.”

3. Lance goes Darhk
Detective Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) is no longer the moral center of “Arrow,” as the premiere revealed Laurel’s dad in cahoots with the evil mystic. But he may be getting in over his head.

“Lance is working with Damien and you’ll see later in the season that he didn’t know what he was signing up for,” said Mericle. “We’re going to play it as a sort of crisis for Lance in terms of why he chose to do it and what it means for him. He’s always been sort of the moral center of the show and someone who lorded his morality over Oliver’s. When all of this comes to a head its going to be very interesting to see how these two characters work it out.”

4. Thea is still reeling from the Lazarus Pit
Oliver’s little sister is a little too aggressive in battle, something he notices immediately but which others seem to be brushing off. But Oliver’s instincts are correct, and her sudden personality shift has everything to do with her brief stay in the Lazarus Pit last year.

“That’s something that’s going to come into play,” said Guggenheim. “We’re going to acknowledge very directly — ‘Wait a second, she went into Lazarus Pit back in episode 320 and it’s been six months, so why is it only showing up now?'”

Meanwhile, her father will try to be there for her. Though Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman) wasn’t present in the premiere, he will return soon, and his new role as Ra’s al Ghul will be a focal point.

“You’ll see him early,” promised Mericle. “His arc for the season is really revolving around Thea, and trying to be a good father while also being a very evil, badass Ra’s al Ghul. I don’t know how you work that out, but if anyone can do it, it’s Malcolm and John Barrowman playing him.”

5. Is Green Lantern showing up next?
In a throwaway shot casual fans may have missed, a faceless man is briefly glimpsed wearing a uniform bearing the name Jordan – as in Hal Jordan, the alter ego of DC comic book character Green Lantern. But showrunners are staying mum on this one, for now.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” joked Guggenheim, laughing. “If certain things happened to have gotten past me while I was watching dailies, I can’t take responsibility for that!”

http://www.thewrap.com/arrow-producers- ... -fake-out/
- Productores ejecutivos hablan sobre ese Cliffhanger (Ksitetv):
Productores ejecutivos hablan sobre ese Cliffhanger
Por Craig Byrne 07 Oct, 2015

At the end of the Arrow season premiere, which aired tonight on The CW, The Flash‘s Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) sped in to join Oliver (Stephen Amell) at the graveside for someone that is apparently special to both of them. Last week at a Q&A with Executive Producers Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle, the executive producers promised that this big moment would be legit.

“It’s not a fake out. That’s not how we roll,” Marc Guggenheim assured.

The show’s chyron read “Six Months Later,” though that might nor be how it will play out for audiences, as the producers refuse to say if that will be happening at midseason or in the May season finale. “We’re not going to tell you when it’s gonna happen, because that would actually be a real big spoiler, because then you’re just waiting for it to happen. Then you’d know, like, ‘Oh! It’s Episode X!’ We’re not going to tell you what Episode X is!” Marc exclaimed.

Another promise made is that whichever character faces their doom, they will stay dead — no Lazarus Pits this time. “They will stay dead,” Wendy Mericle stated. “We want to bring stakes back to the show, so we will be finding a way to handle the Lazarus Pit portion of Season 3 in Season 4 in a new, inventive way that I can’t reveal, but it’ll be cool.” It will also be a character that means something to the characters and the audience.

“We wanted it, obviously, to have resonance, and if it doesn’t mean something to the characters, it won’t mean anything to the audience, either,” Mericle said.

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/arr ... ger/80678/
- Jefes de 'Arrow'hablan sobre los secretos de Diggle y Lance, el giro del Flashback y más (THR):
Jefes de 'Arrow' hablan sobre los secretos de Diggle y Lance, el giro del Flashback y más
Por Sydney Bucksbaum 07 Oct, 2015

Death is coming to Arrow, and this time, the Lazarus Pit won't make a last-minute save.

At the end of Arrow's season four premiere, The CW's DC Comics drama flashed forward six months into the future, showing a grieving Oliver (Stephen Amell) visiting a fresh grave. In a surprise crossover with The Flash, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) showed up to mourn the deceased and Oliver revealed that the person died because of season four's new villain Damien Dahrk (Neil McDonough), and he vowed to kill him once and for all, before any more people died.

Arrow executive producers Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle spoke with a small group of reporters after an advance screening of the episode, "Green Arrow," and revealed that while they don't know which character they're putting in that grave yet, it will be a permanent death.

Here, the showrunners break down the twists and turns, including Captain Lance's (Paul Blackthorne) surprise connection to Damien Dahrk, Diggle's (David Ramsey) decision to keep his connection with Dahrk's HIVE a secret from the rest of Team Arrow, and Thea's (Willa Holland) dormant side effects from the Lazarus Pit starting to come to the surface. Plus why Oliver decided to put his proposal to Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) on hold, the big twist that Oliver isn't in Coast City in the flashback storyline but actually back on Lian Yu and more.

Is there actually someone in that grave? It's not a fake-out?

Guggenheim: Yes, someone is dead. That's not how we roll.

Will this person stay dead?

Mericle: They will stay dead. We want to bring stakes back to the show. We don’t necessarily know who it is right now. We're still planning out the whole season, but we want it, obviously, to have resonance, and if it doesn't mean anything to the characters, it won't to the audience either.

How long will Oliver and Diggle be in a bad place?

Mericle: It is something that we wanted to explore, seeing them at odds, and really honoring what Oliver did at the end of season three which was pretty egregious. It's going to take some time but they will get back on the same track.

Guggenheim: The team was pretty cohesive operating before Oliver gets back into town and you'll see that cohesion continue into future episodes. Obviously, Diggle and Oliver have to resolve their issue, and that's probably the biggest fracture point on the team.

What does that mean for leadership on Team Arrow?

Mericle: It's going to be more democratic. Oliver can't walk away and expect that Dig and Laurel [Katie Cassidy] and Thea have not found a new dynamic and a new way of working. They're all very capable, so it's a very different way of doing the show and it puts Oliver in a different position vis-à-vis the team, which we found interesting.

How long is it going to take Oliver to actually ask Felicity "the question?"

Guggenheim: We were breaking the premiere with Greg [Berlanti], and that came out of something Greg had said about, "I wish there some way we could dramatize where their relationship is." Wendy and I threw it out without either one of us thinking that Greg would go for it, and he was like, "Awesome, totally do that." What it does is dramatize in a very clear way not only where they are but when Oliver hides the ring, we're also dramatizing how he's with Felicity, they're still together, but things are not the same as they were back in Ivy Town. Their relationship has changed now that they're back in Star City.

What is Oliver going to find now that he's back on Lian Yu in the flashbacks?

Mericle: He's going to encounter a love interest, a woman that he's going to fall in love with, and he's also going to encounter a lot of magic and mysticism and that is going to inform what he's dealing with in Star City in the present day with Damien Dahrk.

What is Thea going through right now?

Guggenheim: We are going to acknowledge that she went into the Lazarus Pit and it's been six months, so why is it only showing up now? And we'll be explaining why it's rearing its head now.

Lance is now working for Damien Dahrk. How did this happen?

Mericle: Lance is working with Damien Dahrk and you'll see later in the season that he did not know what he was signing up for. We're going to play it really as a crisis for Lance in terms of why he chose to do it and what it means for him. He's always been the moral center of the show and someone who has lorded his morality over Oliver's and when it all comes to a head, it will be interesting to see how these characters work it out. There are going to be ramifications for [Laurel] and him as well. And we will have some cool things coming up where Dig and Lance find themselves on the other side of Oliver, going on independent missions. It's a lot of fun.

Oliver has officially come out to Star City as the Green Arrow. How is the city going to react to him?

Mericle: We're hoping that this will be a change and they will embrace him but it will not be easy. We can't make it easy for him. It's speaking to him trying to be more of an inspiration and less of the judge/jury/executioner that we've seen in the past.

When will we see Malcolm (John Barrowman) back as the new Ra's al Ghul?

Mericle: You'll see him early. His arc for the season really revolves around Thea and trying to be a good father while also being a very evil, badass Ra's al Ghul. I don't know how you work that out but if anyone can do it, it's Malcolm. That said, we do want to restore him to season one Malcolm who was going around messing up all of Oliver's plans and anybody else he can cross paths with.

Will we see Nyssa al Ghul (Katrina Law) again?

Mericle: Yes, we will definitely see Nyssa. She's definitely not going to be on board with Malcolm as Ra's and we're hoping to take that in a very cool, fighty-fight direction.

Why is Diggle keeping his knowledge of and connection to Damien's HIVE of agents a secret from the rest of the team?

Mericle: That's really tied to his inability to make any headway. It's his brother's murder that he's been trying to solve and the fact that he himself has been unable to get anywhere has made him feel slightly ashamed. And also, he's run into so many dead ends. He will eventually talk about it but up until this point, there hasn't been a lot of reason to do so.

Are we going to see any private moments between Oliver and Felicity now that they're living together in Thea's loft, and Thea is staying with Laurel?

Guggenheim: Spoiler alert, you've actually never seen it before on the show until season four, but we built the bedroom. [Laughs.]

Felicity became a lot sadder last season. Is the old Felicity back this year?

Guggenheim: With a vengeance. I mean, so funny. Emily is on the top of her game. She is just hysterical. We're definitely writing jokes for her but she's also finding humor in lines that weren't intentionally humorous.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... gle-829788
- Productores ejecutivos de "Arrow" sobre el sorprendente final de la Premiere de Season 4: 'No es fingido' (CBR):
Productores ejecutivos de "Arrow" sobre el sorprendente final de la Premiere de Season 4: 'No es fingido'
Por Albert Ching 07 Oct, 2015

Up until the last few minutes, things seemed to going relatively well for Team Arrow in the fourth "Arrow" season premiere, which aired tonight on The CW -- sure, they were dealing with the growing threat of Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough), but Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) returned to Star City as a still-happy couple, with Oliver taking on the more PR-friendly identity of the "Green Arrow" and the team mostly all on the same page, despite some lingering resentment from Diggle (David Ramsey) towards Ollie.

And then the episode ended with a "six months later" flash forward, showing a mournful Oliver at the gravesite of -- well, your guess is as good as anyone's right now. It's a deliberate mystery as to who died in the interim period, but it certainly seems like someone who meant a lot to Oliver -- and to The Flash as well, as Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) runs by to pay his respects.

Naturally, that scene raises a lot of questions, and "Arrow" showrunners and executive producers Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle talked to press including CBR News last week at CW headquarters in Burbank to give the best answer they could at this early stage.

One message made clear? It's not a misdirection. "It's not a fake out," Guggenheim said. "That's not how we roll."

Even if the death is "for real," there's still the issue of how "for real" any death can be in the "Arrow'-verse at this point, since there's a Lazarus Pit in Nanda Parbat with the proven ability to revive the dead. That's something that will be addressed, according to the EPs.

"We want to bring stakes back to the show," Mericle said. "We'll be finding a way to handle the Lazarus Pit portion of season 3 in season 4, in a new, inventive way that I can't reveal."

"I'll feel very organic and very earned," Guggenheim added. "It's actually very elegant."

Guggenheim and Mericle also stressed that it's early enough in the season that even they may not be sure yet who's buried in that graveyard -- but they are sure it needs to have a profound impact among "Arrow" fans.

"We want it, obviously, to have resonance," Mericle said. "If it doesn't mean something to the characters, it won't mean anything to the audience, either."

Wednesday's "Arrow" season premiere also delivered a couple more major developments, including a late scene revealing Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne -- captain of the Star City Police Department and father to Laurel and Sara -- is, in what certainly seems like an out of character move, working in conjunction with this season's mystically powered villain, Damien Darhk; though the hows and especially the whys are an open question.

"You'll see later in the season that he did not know what he was necessarily signing up for," Mericle told reporters. "We're going to play it really as a crisis for Lance, in terms of why he chose to do it, and what it means for him -- he's always been the moral center of the show, and someone who's lorded his morality over Olvier's. When all of this comes to a head, it's going to be very interesting to see how those two characters work it out."

While there's plenty of upheaval in the present day, the flashback sequences also ended with Oliver in a less-than-desirable position: Back on Lian Yu, the "hellish island" that helped form him into the violent vigilante he became. Not only is the return to Lian Yu significant in itself, it's also set to have relevance to the present-day action, Mericle shared.

"He's going to encounter a woman he's going to fall in love with," Mericle said of this season's flashbacks. "He's also going to encounter a lot of magic and mysticism, and that is going inform what he's dealing with in Star City in the present day, with Damien Darhk."

This deep dive into magic -- after the rise of metahumans last season on both "Arrow" and "The Flash" -- is definitely deliberate, though it's a far distance from where the show started in 2012. It's certainly changed the show, but Guggenheim told the gathered press that he didn't see it as fundamentally altering what "Arrow" is all about.

"Obviously, we started out with a very clear intention of doing very grounded, no superheroes, no metahumans, no powers, no magic," Guggenheim said. "Then basically Warner Bros. and The CW said, 'Yeah, we really want you to spin off "Flash."' OK! I guess we're doing superpowers now."

"What we've tried to do on 'Arrow' is embrace that as much as possible," he continued. "I don't think it's affected the tone of the show. We always say, when we tone the episodes with the director, that 'Arrow,' as we've created, can sustain these fantastical elements, as long as our characters' reactions are realistic. I think it's the reactions of the characters that ground things. As an example, Diggle last year reacting to Barry's powers. If they react in a way that any of us would react, it makes the fantastical less fantastical -- or at least it makes the fantastical more believable in the context of the show that we've created."

Reading this, things may seem rather grim for Team Arrow, but the episode actually had more lighthearted moments -- like Oliver and Felicity's awkward meal with their suburban neighbors -- than typically seen on the series. That's intentional, said the showrunners, who for months have said this season will have something of a "lighter tone."

"We definitely did want to come into this season and change the tone," Mericle said. "It is the fourth season, you do want to change things up. But it's really grown out of who Oliver is. He's happier now, he's in love with Felicity, he's no longer the post-traumatic stress disorder-suffering soldier he was in the first three seasons. That's really where it's coming from. We want it to still play very much as part of the fabric of the show -- it's not a comedy."

Given how the season premiere ended, it's clear that despite lighter elements, the show will continue to be as serious as it wants to be -- and things are likely to get a lot more dire before long.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... a-fake-out
- Premiere de la Season 4 de "Arrow": el anillo, la isla y la lápida (docbrowntv):
Premiere de la Season 4 de "Arrow": el anillo, la isla y la lápida
Por Laurel Brown 07 Oct 2015

It’s a whole new world in the Arrow season 4 premiere episode. Not only has the Green Arrow risen to take on the evil of Star City, but there are a whole bunch of rather shocking changes set for upcoming episodes.

Will Felicity ever get that engagement ring from Oliver? What will happen to Oliver in the flashbacks, now that he is back again on Lian Yu? Why did Lance betray everyone by aligning himself with Damien Darhk? And who was buried under that gravestone in the final scene?

Arrow executive producers Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle offered some hints to reporters before the premiere. Sure, they’re not exactly answers, but they might offer a guide to where all of this is going.

When is Oliver actually going to propose to Felicity?

Guggenheim: Ahhhh… You’ve got to watch the show.

Why did Oliver hide the ring instead of proposing at the end of the premiere?

Guggenheim: When Oliver hides the ring, essentially, we’re dramatizing the fact that: OK. He’s with Felicity. They’re together, but things are not the same as they were back in Ivy Town. We wanted to get at that concept that their relationship had changed now that they’re back in Star City.

Can you at least say whether or not it’s Felicity buried under the gravestone?

Mericle: We don’t necessarily know who it is now — we’re figuring out the plan for the season — but we want it, obviously, to have resonance. If it doesn’t mean something to the characters, it won’t mean anything to the audience either.

When will the death happen?

Guggenheim: Six months [from now] in show time.

Can we hope for a Lazarus Pit resurrection?

Mericle: They will stay dead. We want to bring stakes back to the show, and so we’ll be finding a way to handle the Lazarus Pit portion of season 3 in season 4.

What will happen to Oliver, now that he is back on the Island?

Mericle: He’s going to encounter what we hope is a love interest, a woman that he’s going to fall in love with. And he’s also going to encounter a lot of magic and mysticism, and that is going to inform the present-day in Star City with Damien Darhk.

Speaking of Damien Darhk, what is Captain Lance doing working with the bad guy?

Mericle: Lance is working with Damien and we’ll see, later in the season, he did not know exactly what he was signing up for. We’re going to play it really as a crisis for Lance — why he chose to do it and what it means for him. He’s always been the moral center of the show and someone who has lorded his morality over Oliver.

Despite all of the dark foreboding at the end of “Green Arrow,” the episode was much brighter and more cheerful that Arrow has been in the past. Why the change?

Mericle: It’s really grown out of who Oliver is: He’s happier now. He’s in love with Felicity. He’s no longer the post-traumatic-stress-disorder-suffering soldier he once was the first three seasons. That’s really where it’s coming from.

http://www.docbrowntv.com/arrow-season- ... ravestone/
- Jefes de ‘Arrow’ hablan sobre Damien Darhk y ese ominoso final de la Premiere (Variety):
Jefes de ‘Arrow’ hablan sobre Damien Darhk y ese ominoso final de la Premiere
Por Laura Prudom 07 Oct, 2015

Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) has finally embraced his comic book destiny and added a long overdue color to his superhero name, signifying his evolution into a lighter, less murderous kind of vigilante this season. But that’s a decision that may come back to haunt him, if the premiere’s chilling final moments are any indication, showing our Emerald Archer standing at the grave of an unidentified casualty with Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), six months after he and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) decided to return to Star City following their attempt at domesticity. Did the villainous Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) kill one of Oliver’s loved ones? Or perhaps the culprit was Darhk’s unwilling new ally, Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne), who has been coerced into helping Star City’s new Big Bad.

Below, “Arrow” showrunners Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle share some hints about that mystery death, Darhk and Lance’s uneasy alliance and what’s ahead for Team Arrow this season.

Grave Threats: In the shared, superheroic world of “Arrow” and “The Flash,” deaths don’t always stick — especially with the introduction of the Lazarus Pit — but the producers insist that whoever’s in that grave at the end of the premiere is staying there.

“It’s not a fake-out. That’s not how we roll,” Guggenheim insisted. “It’ll feel organic and very earned. It’s actually very elegant.”

“They will stay dead,” Mericle promised.” We want to bring stakes back to the show, and so we’ll be finding a way to handle the Lazarus Pit portion in Season 4 in a new, inventive way that I can’t reveal. But it’ll be cool.”

The death will occur in six months within the world of the show, but the producers declined to give specifics about where in the season that will land, only that it will happen before the finale. “There will be time afterwards but we’re not going to tell you when it’s going to happen because that would actually really be a real big spoiler, because then you’re just waiting for it to happen: ‘Oh, it’s episode X.’ We’re not going to say when episode X is,” Guggenheim laughed.

Put a Ring on It: Oliver and Felicity were the picture of domestic bliss for all of 15 minutes, but even if civilian life didn’t work out for them, their relationship has certainly progressed this season, as evidenced by the engagement ring Oliver was toting in the premiere.

“We were breaking the premiere with Greg [Berlanti] actually… Greg had said, ‘I wish there was some way we could dramatize where their relationship was,’ and Wendy and I were like, ‘Well…’ When we threw it out, I don’t think either one of us really thought Greg would go for it. Greg was like, ‘That’s awesome! Totally do that!'” Guggenheim recalled. “What it does is it does dramatize, in a very clear way, not only where they are, but when Oliver hides the ring essentially, we’re also dramatizing the fact that, OK, he’s with Felicity, they’re together, but things are not the same as they were back in Ivytown. We want to get at that concept that their relationship had changed now that they’re back in Star City, but how do you do that? So that’s how we came up with the ring.”

As for when Oliver will finally pop the question, Guggenheim would only say, “You’ve got to watch the show!”

Felicity will make a new friend in Curtis Holt (Echo Kellum) — aka Mr. Terrific — this season, in part to give Felicity a friend outside the team. “He’s amazing. Echo Kellum is just fun and we love him,” Guggenheim enthused. “He really is a way for us to eventually bring on a member of the team who has a tech background, but he’s also somebody for Felicity to talk to and have scenes with. With Ray Palmer, obviously, moving on to greener pastures, we needed somebody and we pulled Mr. Terrific from the comic books and cast Echo and it just turned out to be one of those things that was just everything we hoped for. It’s just very magical. They’re great together.”

On the family front, Guggenheim said, “Felicity’s dad remains a topic… We were talking about it in the room the other day. We’re always talking about it. I think we have to find the right story and the right moment. I guess we trust our own process, that it will come to us when it’s meant to come to us. Just like with the comics, how we don’t sit there with a check list. We don’t sit there with a list of cards we want to turn over. We have a deck of cards we know we can turn over, but it’s about finding the right moment — not just doing it to do it.”

Fantasy Island: The premiere’s flashbacks took Oliver from Coast City (where we were tantalizingly teased with a guy wearing a flight jacket emblazoned with the name Jordan) back to Lian Yu. What awaits him there?

“A couple things. He’s going to encounter who we hope is a love interest, a woman that he is going to fall in love with, and he’s also going to encounter a lot of magic and mysticism on the show and that is going to inform what he is dealing with in Star City in present day with Damien Darhk,” teased Mericle.

That mysticism will help when John Constantine (Matt Ryan) makes an appearance in episode 405. “I can tell you it’s really cool,” Guggenheim previewed. “We’ve got all the props, we got all the original costumes, we got the original Matt Ryan. For us, when we finished watching the first cut of it, we were like, ‘You know what, this feels like a legitimate crossover.’ It feels like we’ve crossed over with the other show.”

Free Lance: Quentin Lance has obviously made a deal with the devil in working with Damien Darhk, but all is not necessarily as it appears. “You’ll see later in the season that he did not know what he was necessarily signing up for and so we’re going to play it really as a crisis for Lance in terms of why he chose to do it and what it means for him,” Mericle said. “He’s always been the moral center of the show and someone who’s lorded his morality over Oliver’s — and when this all comes to a head, it’s going to be very interesting to see how those two characters work it out.”

That choice will also inevitably affect Laurel (Katie Cassidy), according to Mericle. “The overarching theme of the season is about chosen family versus blood family and she’s really going to be dealing with Sara [Caity Lotz] coming back but also with her family on her team and also her dad when she discovers [him working with Damien], there are going to be ramifications for her and him as well.”

Digg-ing Deep: While viewers were no doubt thrilled to see the gang reunite, one member of Team Arrow wasn’t particularly thrilled to have Oliver return in the premiere. Diggle (David Ramsey) is still bearing an understandable grudge over his friend’s actions while Oliver was undercover with Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable) last season, and that friction will continue for some time, according to Mericle: “It’s something we want to explore, seeing them at odds and really honoring what Oliver did at the end of Season 3, which was pretty egregious. So it’s going to take some time, but they will get back on the same track.”

Diggle also kept his knowledge of HIVE and their involvement in his brother’s death a secret from the rest of the team this week, and Mericle said that secrecy is “really tied to his inability to make any headway. It’s his brother’s murder that he’s been trying to solve and the fact that he himself has been unable to get anywhere has both made him feel, I think, slightly ashamed and also he’s run into so many dead ends. There hasn’t been anywhere for him to go until now. He will eventually talk about it, but I think up until this point there hasn’t been a lot of reason to do so.”

But don’t expect flashbacks to Andy’s past with HIVE any time soon, per Guggenheim: “We decided to not be as aggressive with the non-island flashbacks that we were last year… Season one, we broke format and we did a flashback from Moira’s perspective in episode 21. That worked out so well we did more non-island flashbacks in season two, and that worked out so well we thought let’s do more in season three. But I think, for my money, we ended up doing too many. Every time you do a non-island or non-Hong Kong flashback, you stop that story so it prevents that story from gaining momentum. We just haven’t been aggressive. The first non-island flashback will happen in episode eight.”

While Diggle and Lance have both served as Oliver’s moral compass (or at least attempted to hold him accountable) in the past, Mericle said this season will see “Oliver finally have a little moral high ground to stand on. It’s also interesting to see both of those characters go to a dark place. They’ve both been through a lot of things but we haven’t really seen Digg have to, for lack of a better term, dig deep to find out what he’s capable of in the name of finding out about his brother. It’s a cool thing to take these characters on this journey and see where they end up and to really challenge them in that way… We will have some cool things where Digg and Lance find themselves on the other side of Oliver going on independent missions.”

No ‘I’ in Team: Now that Team Arrow has been operating without Oliver for months, we’ll see a shift in power in the team, according to Guggenheim. “I think everyone has learned their lessons from last year. I think the way we’re finding conflict in the show this year is very different from the past three years. It’s not as much about Oliver being angry or people being angry at Oliver. It’s not as based in secret-keeping as it was… I felt the team was pretty cohesive operating before Oliver gets back into town and I think you’ll see that cohesion continue into future episodes.”

“It’s going to be more democratic, for sure,” Mericle added. “Oliver can’t walk away and then come back and expect that Digg and Laurel and Thea have not found a new dynamic and a new way of working and they’re all very capable. It’s a very different way of doing the show and it puts Oliver in a different position vis-à-vis the team, which we found interesting.”

The Devil You Know: Last season saw a new Ra’s al Ghul take control of the League of Assassins: Malcolm Merlyn (John Barrowman). Mericle promises we won’t have to wait too long to see what he’s been up to. “You’ll see him early, and… his arc for the season is really revolving around Thea [Willa Holland] and trying to be a good father while also being the very evil, badass Ra’s al Ghul. I don’t know how you work that out, but if anyone can do it, it’s Malcolm and John Barrowman playing him.”

He probably won’t be winning any father of the year awards, but Mericle noted, “He’s going to be different with respect to Thea, we hope — we would like him to find a way to be a father. He doesn’t really know what that means as a character. That said, we do want to restore him to more of the season one Malcolm who was going around and messing up Oliver’s plans and anyone else he can cross paths with.”

Darhkness Falls: As evidenced in the premiere, Damien Darhk is a force to be reckoned with — and not least because of his own mystical powers. He’ll differ from the show’s previous villains in key ways, according to Guggenheim. “In Malcolm, in Ra’s and in Slade, they all thought they were doing the right thing. They had their own nobility. Not so much with Damien. Damien really could give a f–k whether you think he’s noble… And he’s really enjoying having no conscience. It’s very freeing for him. And there aren’t a lot of actors who can pull that off and make it compelling and make it interesting to watch every week. But the moment we saw Neal on screen we just found ourselves in the writer’s room going, ‘Oh yeah, Damien’s in this episode. Damien’s in this episode.’ He’s in the show a lot. It’s not every week Team Arrow versus Damien because that would get really stupid and repetitive, but we found all these really interesting ways to keep the character of Damien involved in the drama of the show.”

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/arrow-p ... 201612876/
- Arrow Showrunners sobre los grandes giros de la Premiere de la Season 4 y qué es lo siguiente (IGN):
Arrow Showrunners sobre los grandes giros de la Premiere de la Season 4 y qué es lo siguiente
Por Amy Ratcliffe 07 Oct, 2015

Arrow returned tonight with its Season 4 premiere, and "Green Arrow" certainly delivered some surprises. IGN was among a group of journalists that talked with executive producers Marc Guggenheim and Wendy Mericle about the big events, and we discussed the final scene first. Obviously.

Someone is actually dead. Guggenheim said, "It's not a fake out, that's not how we roll." He couldn't answer who the person in the grave is but said that the six months is in show time rather than real time. And no, the person won't be resurrected. Mericle said, "They will stay dead. We want to bring stakes back to the show, and so we'll be finding a way to handle the Lazarus Pit portion of Season 3 in Season 4 in a new, inventive way that I can't reveal but it will be cool." Guggenheim added it will feel organic and very earned and that "it's actually very elegant."

Aside from the looming death on the horizon, Oliver and Felicity returned to Star City to reunite with Team Arrow, Oliver started calling himself Green Arrow, Damien Darhk made his presence known, Oliver's flashbacks found him back on Lian Yu, Captain Lance teamed up with Darhk, and Oliver almost popped the question to Felicity. Guggenheim and Mericle wouldn't say how long it will take for Oliver to ask the question, but that it was a way to sort of symbolize Oliver and Felicity's changing relationship. When they were breaking the premiere, Greg Berlanti wanted a a way to dramatize their relationship. Guggenheim said, "Wendy and I were like, 'Well, you know...' When we threw it out, I don't think either one of us really thought Greg would go for it. Greg was like, 'That's awesome, totally do that!' What it does is dramatize in a very clear way not only where they are but, obviously when Oliver hides the ring, essentially, we're also dramatizing the fact that, 'Okay, he's with Felicity, they're together, but things are not the same as they were back in Ivy Town.' We wanted to get at that concept that their relationship had changed now that they're back in Star City, but how do you do that? So that's how we came up with the ring."

Both Oliver and Felicity returned with a slight spring to their steps, too. The increased humor in the premiere was noticeable, and that was a conscious decision. Mericle said, "It is deliberate. It's really more coming from where Oliver is as a character. We definitely did want to come into this season and change the tone. It is the fourth season. You do want to change things up. But we are kind of excited that it's really grown out of who Oliver is. He's happier now, he's in love with Felicity, he's no longer the post-traumatic stress disorder suffering soldier that he was the first three seasons, and that's really where it's coming from. We want it to still play very much as part of the fabric of the show which is not a comedy, I'm sure you'll be shocked to know."

Not everyone is in a cheerful mood though. Diggle isn't pleased to see Oliver back in town. He's not going to trust him instantly again. Mericle said their relationship will be resolved eventually: "It's something we wanted to explore, seeing them at odds and really honoring what Oliver did at the end of Season 3, which was pretty egregious. It's going to take some time, but they will get back on the same track."

That's not going to be helped by Diggle keeping secrets about HIVE. Mericle said Diggle's decision to hide his HIVE connection is "tied to his inability to make any headway. It's his brother that he's been trying to solve , and the fact he has been unable to get anywhere has made him feel, I think, slightly ashamed. And also, he's run into so many dead ends, there hasn't been anywhere for him to go until now. So he will eventually talk about it, but I think up until this point there hasn't been a lot of reason for him to do so."

And speaking of secrets, Captain Lance is keeping a big one as well. Mericle hinted at the extent of Lance's partnership with Darhk, "Lance is working with Damien, and we will see later in the season that he is not exactly -- he did not know what he was necessarily signing up for. So we're going to play it really as a sort of crisis for Lance in terms of why he chose to do it and what it means for him. He's always been the moral center of the show and someone who has lorded his morality over Oliver's, and when all of this comes to a head, it's going to be very interesting to see how those two characters work it out." Mericle pointed out that Oliver has the moral high ground for once.

Oliver of the present didn't seem terribly surprised by Darhk's abilities. He's definitely seen things thanks to his time with Ra's al Ghul, but there's more, tied to his return to Lian Yu. Mericle listed what awaits Oliver on the island: "He's going to encounter who we hope is a love interest, a woman that he's going to fall in love with. And he's also going to encounter a lot of magic and mysticism, and that is going to inform what he's dealing with in Star City in the present day with Damien Darhk."

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/10/08/ ... whats-next

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts en el set de la S4 (05-10 Oct 2015):

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(@chinoiskai: What's better than @EmilyBett w duck face gettin' ready for #TheFlash Correct answer is NOTHING. #Arrow #Flarrow
@MzKatieCassidy: All @EmilyBett @fantasesay @ColtonLHaynes
@PaulBlackthorne: Dads in suits... @Team_Barrowman #Arrow @CW_Arrow @TheCW
@PaulBlackthorne: #ArrowSeason4Premiere tonight! Meanwhile on the #Arrow set today - Director #JohnBehring
@echokells: Thanks for letting me come down and live tweet tonight @thecw! #arrowseason4premiere
@emilybett: Arrows are sharp protect yourself. #ARROW @infightingburnaby
@MzKatieCassidy Everyday is Halloween on set. #ScenesFromSet #Arrow Looking for the perfect Black Canary costume? Shop my picks
@PaulBlackthorne: KC took this pic on set yesterday. Isn't she just gorgeous & adorable
@emilybett: I found this creeper watching the game last night between takes. @amelladventures #techfortress
@emilybett: WOMAN UP! Power to the ladies. represent.com/womanup Get yours, look awesome, be strong and support Step Up Woman's Network: represent.com/womanup @dpanabaker @katiecassidy #strength #womanup)

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http://yvrshoots.com/2015/10/shoot-the- ... haXNiswqS-

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- New "Speedy" S4 Promo Poster:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | 4.01 "Green Arrow" Clip #1 | TVLine:

http://tvline.com/2015/10/07/arrow-seas ... mcdonough/

- ARROW | 4.01 "Green Arrow" Clip #2 | The CW:


- ARROW | 4.01 "Green Arrow" Clip #3 | ETOnline:

http://www.etonline.com/tv/173455_arrow ... index.html

- Candice Patton promociona la premiere de la S4 y reta a un "Guitar Hero" a un miembro del 'Team Arrow' (07-10-15):

https://amp.twimg.com/v/d5c5ce2e-45af-4 ... e7f3b7029d

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | 4.02 "The Candidate" Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.02 "The Candidate" Extended Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.02 "The Candidate" New Zealand Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 4.02 "The Candidate" Clip #1 | EW:


- ARROW | 4.02 "The Candidate" Clip #2 | Comicbook:


- ARROW | 4.02 "The Candidate" Producer´s preview | The CW:

- ARROW | "Fight" Trailer | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 4.04 “Beyond Redemption”:
4.04 “Beyond Redemption” (28/10/15): LAUREL LIDIA CON LAS CONSECUENCIAS OF NANDA PARBAT — Laurel (Katie Cassidy) debe liadiar con las repercusiones de llevar a Sara (la estrella invitada Caity Lotz) a Nanda Parbat. Mientras tanto, Oliver (Stephen Amell) le pide al Capitán Lance (Paul Blackthorne) un favor y aunque no se sorprende por la respuesta, se sorprende por lo que descubre a continuación. Lexi Alexander dirige el episodio escrito por Beth Schwartz & Ben Sokolowski (#405).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-4-4-s ... edemption/

Añadidos los rátings del 4.01 "Green Arrow". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | ARROW | "Team Arrow vs Team Flash: The Guitar Hero Challenge" Clip | 2015:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "DC Comics: First on Foxtel FOX8" Promo:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/57941832-76f0-4 ... cd32f588a2

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW 2015 New York Comic-Con Sizzle Reel:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | Willa Holland Season 4 Interview | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32861
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash Gets a New Mentor + Green Arrow vs. Damien Darhk + iZombie (DC Entertainment):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
