"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 2.02 "Flash of two Worlds" Clip#1 & Teddy Sears´interview on KTLA:

http://ktla.com/2015/10/09/teddy-sears- ... zgFw8LgzOe

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Se confirma el regreso de Mark Hamill como "The Trickster":
Uno de los muchos momentos estrella de la primera temporada de The Flash fue el ver a Mark Hamill repitiendo en su papel como 'The Trickster' lo que pudimos ver décadas después de interpretar originalmente dicho papel en la serie de los '90s del velocista escarlata protagonizada por John Wesley Shipp.

Han estado circulando rumores sobre que el actor podría regresar de nuevo en esta segunda temporada, después de que apareciera una nueva fotos de él en lo que parecía ser el set de rodaje de "The Flash":
Comicbook.com se ha puesto en contacto con la The CW/WB, y han confirmado que, efectivamente, Mark Hamill regresará en la segunda temporada de la serie de la CW, aunque aún no se sabe en qué episodio o episodios regresará. Season 2.

Ante lo evidente, el mismo Mark Hamill en twitter no ha podido más que confirmar la noticia a la pregunta de un fan:

@HamillHimself: Se suponía que tengo que mantener mi regreso a @CW_TheFlash en secreto pero nunca me niego a una petición de selfie. ¿Cuenta "oops" como una excusa?

https://twitter.com/HamillHimself/statu ... 4608479232

http://comicbook.com/2015/10/10/mark-ha ... ash-seaso/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "DC Comics: First on Foxtel FOX8" Promo:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/57941832-76f0-4 ... cd32f588a2

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH 2015 New York Comic-Con Sizzle Reel:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Productores de The Flash y Teddy Sears adelantan la llegada de otro speedster, y la introducción de Patty (TVLine):
Productores de The Flash y Teddy Sears adelantan la llegada de otro speedster, y la introducción de Patty
Por Vlada Gelman / 12 Octubre 2015, 12:24 PM PDT

After making his presence known at the end of last week’s The Flash, Jay Garrick officially unveils his identity and origins to the S.T.A.R. Labs team in Tuesday’s episode (The CW, 8/7c). While Barry and Co. aren’t aware of the character’s history, comic book fans are very familiar with the iconic persona, which made stepping into the role all the more exciting for his portrayer, Master of Sex alum Teddy Sears.

“It’s thrilling, but I didn’t anticipate how thrilling it was going to be when I said, ‘Yes,'” Sears says. “Besides the obvious stuff — suddenly I’m eight years old, running around in my backyard, playing superheroes with my friends — what I didn’t anticipate was how important it felt when I was doing it. It’s weird and hokey and maybe very actor-y, but there was something very important that began happening.”

The significance of the role was sealed when Sears donned a very distinctive part of Jay’s ensemble. “There’s that scene where I’m reunited with the helmet for the first time, and I remember shooting it,” he says. “There was a real awe and reverence for seeing this thing. That was absolutely not acted at all. There was such substance in that moment.”

There was also plenty of detail put into the prop by the production team. “If you look at the helmet,and we’ll certainly have enough opportunities to, it’s been around,” Sears says. “It’s beaten up, it’s got the dings, it’s seen its share of battles. To have it arrive with a story and a history and a past, that’s really what made it work for me.”

But Jay Garrick is about more than just his costume; he’s also got a big mission. “Jay’s biggest rival is Zoom, and he needs Barry’s help to defeat this guy,” Sears previews. “When we see him, he arrives without his speed and he knows what Zoom is capable of, so he very much needs to enlist Barry and he needs to have Barry harness these powers and these depths that he didn’t know he could reach. He needs Barry to achieve these things in order for him to defeat Zoom.” In partnering up to take on the Big Bad, the two (good) speedsters develop a “wonderful mentor/mentee” dynamic.

Adds Todd Helbing, who co-wrote the episode, “Last year, [Barry] didn’t really have anybody that he could speak about being a speedster with. It’s not like he could go out and have drinks with Wells and talk about being a speedster, but he can with Jay. And Jay can mentor him in some of the powers that he has and figure out the best way to use them.”

Jay won’t be the only memorable comic book figure coming into Barry’s life in this Tuesday’s installment. Science-minded cop Patty Spivot (One Tree Hill‘s Shantel VanSanten) will make a play for Joe’s metahuman task force… and possibly Barry’s heart.

“We wanted to make her this very strong, hardcore female cop who has a purpose,” Helbing shares. “Originally, we talked about how she’s kind of like Felicity [from Arrow], but the second we started writing her, we felt like we had to make her quite a bit different. We wanted to have her feel part of the show and part of the universe that we’ve set up. Just somebody that was in this for the right reasons, hellbent on stopping…metahumans and somebody that could feel like she was part of the metahuman task force and hold her own.”

http://tvline.com/2015/10/12/the-flash- ... ty-spivot/
- Conoced a Jay Garrick en “Flash Of Two Worlds” (seat42f):
Conoced a Jay Garrick en “Flash Of Two Worlds”
Por Tiffany Vogt 12 Oct, 2015

Comic fans have known this moment was coming for some time, but for television fans, meeting Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) is all new. This week THE FLASH reveals everything there is to know about Jay Garrick, a man literally from another world. In his world, Jay is The Flash, but in the world, he is just a man– and, fortunately, not a man who is willing to stand by and let our heroes and their city get pulverized by a menacing new threat known as Zoom. Not only is Zoom not of our Earth, but he has a startling ability that threatens more than just Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) — for Zoom controls the power of the portals between the two worlds.

But after misplacing his trust in Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) last season on THE FLASH, Barry is not so quick to trust strangers offering to help. He feels that trust must now be earned.

In chatting with press, producers, writers and brothers Aaron Helbing and Todd Helbing, along with star Teddy Sears, talked about what Jay Garrick brings to THE FLASH universe and the big introduction of the multiverses.

What was it like bringing Jay Garrick to life on screen?
TEDDY: I didn’t anticipate how thrilling it was going to be when I said yes. Beside the obvious stuff that I’m suddenly 8 years old and running around in the backyard playing superheroes with my friends, that is sort of a given. But what I didn’t anticipate was sort of how important it felt when I was doing it. It’s weird and hooky and maybe very actory, but it was something very important that began happening — more specifically, putting on that helmet. There’s that scene where I’m reunited with the helmet for the first time and I remember shooting that and there was a real awe and reverence for seeing this thing that was absolutely not acted at all. There was such substance in that moment. I just keep coming back to this feeling that, “Wow, this just feels really important.” . . . It feels wonderful. It is such a tremendous honor. The goal is to make this guy a 100% human being who has a past, a history and conflicting feelings — all the things that make humans so wonderful and complex to watch.

There seems to be a bit of spark between Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) and Jay in this episode. Is there something going on there?
TEDDY: There’s sort of a connection that these two have — a comfort level. Sort of an instant comfort level. That wonderful thing that you don’t get with too many people in life that I believe these two experience. So I think they are going to explore that a little bit. Jay and Caitlin are part of this bigger team of S.T.A.R. Labs and they are going to have a series of interactions that we’re going to explore.

What is Jay’s motivation at this point? Does he want to get home?
TEDDY: Jay’s biggest rival is Zoom and he needs Barry’s help to defeat this guy. He knows his speed and he knows what he is capable of. So he very much needs Barry. He needs Barry to harness these powers and depths Barry didn’t really know he could reach. He needs Barry to achieve these things in order for him to defeat Zoom. So it’s kind of a mentor-mentee kind of thing that you start to see develop. His larger goal? I don’t know. I just think he wants Zoom gone and he certainly can’t do it by himself.

It seems like Jay might be hiding something. Is he hiding a secret?
TODD: There is something he is struggling with that you will start to learn in the next couple of episodes. That is partly where Cailtin comes into play.

Does Jay want to get his powers back?
TEDDY: It’s something that is definitely on his mind, but right now he is focused on stopping Zoom.

Is Jay frustrated by his lack of powers in being able to help the way he is used to helping?
TEDDY: I would certainly say there are frustrations to not being able to do what he is used to doing and helping the way he is used to helping. But given his background as a scientist, he is able to put that into play. So even though he is not able to physically do what he is used to doing, he is absolutely able to help through knowledge. Because of that, he cannot do it himself, so he might as well use what he knows and push Barry to go further and go deeper and farther. It also deepens and strengthens the coach-athlete dynamic.

What kind of villain is Zoom? Why is he sending all these guys after Barry?
TODD: He’s a speed demon. Last season Reverse Flash/Wells had to hone Barry to get what he wanted. But Zoom is like your worst nightmare. If Zoom can’t get these guys to do what he wants, he will eventually show up and start taking care of things himself. He’s the scariest speedster on the planet.
AARON: Where Wells had a bit of a conscience now and then when it came to Barry, Zoom just wants him dead.

Can you talk about the decision to kill off Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell)?
TODD: That is more of an Andrew [Kreisberg] and Greg [Berlanti] decision. We, obviously, love Robbie. He was amazing as Firestorm. But there is a LEGENDS [OF TOMORROW] aspect that we’re taking into consideration. We just love working with Robbie. I can’t say anything more than that.

How is Dr. Stein doing now that Ronnie is gone?
TODD: Obviously, with what happened to Ronnie, he’s missing a side of him that he’s had for quite a while now and that is going to start to sneak up on him.

Can you say if Ronnie is actually dead or if he could be on Earth 2?
AARON: We’re in THE FLASH verse, so there is Earth 2 and there is the multiverse. So there is always the possibility to see him come back.

How much are we going to see of Earth 2?
TODD: Since we introduced Earth 2, there is always the possibility we’ll go there, but not necessarily early on. But you’ll see more of it.

Will we get to see the other Jay Garrick, the one from our world?
AARON: Possibly.
TODD: Keep watching. It’s always a possibility.
TEDDY: I hadn’t even considered that. We are in a world of doppelgängers after all.
TODD: Anything is possible.

What is Jay and Barry’s relationship going to be like?
TODD: It’s more of a coach-athlete relationship. Jay is the older brother that Barry never had. He’s more experienced and his attitude is a little bit more confident. So he is a teacher to him. . . Last year Barry didn’t really have anybody that he could speak about being a speedster with. It’s not like he could go out and have drinks with Wells about being a speedster, but he can with Jay, and Jay can sort of mentor him about the powers that he has and figure out the best way to use those.
TEDDY: I like the older brother analogy too versus a father-figure. That is a very different dynamic. There are certainly going to be some overlap, but there’s some things you can only talk about with an older sibling about than you can talk to a dad character about. And I really like Grant — as a person, I really like Grant — so there’s a lot of that. It’s hard not to like Grant. But for Jay and Barry, that translates. There’s a real desire to be around him and want to lend help, which is also fun to play.

How long before we get to see a bit more of Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) and her storyline?
AARON: That will be answered a little bit down the line. But I can’t tell you exactly when you’re going to see that.
TODD: We thought about it and we definitely talk about it. It’s just that everybody’s powers manifest at different times. So we’re going to focus on Cisco.

What can you share about Cisco’s (Carlos Valdes) secret? How is that going to affect the team dynamic and how will we see things escalate?
TODD: I think like Cisco says: Wells gave this power to him and Wells was very evil, so he is just a little freaked out. So I think as the season goes on, you’ll see him deal with that problem of: How do I tell these guys? When do I tell them? And to sort of figure out this power that he has.

This episode introduces Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten). What impression do you want her to make?
TODD: We wanted to make her this very strong, hard-core female cop who has a clear purpose. Like the Mark Marden (Liam McIntyre) story, we wanted to make her somebody who — like originally we talked about how she’s kind of like Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) — but the second we started writing her, we felt like we had to make her quite a bit different. To have her be a part of the show and the universe that we set up, Patty had to be somebody who was in this for the right reasons hell-bent on stopping Mark Marden and metahumans, and somebody who felt she could be part of the Metahuman Task Force and hold her own.

Barry and Iris (Candice Patton) have a history, but from this episode, we see that Barry has a spark with Patty. Can you talk about that relationship and balancing it with Iris and Barry relationship?
TODD: Iris is always Barry’s lightning rod — his best friend and first love of his life — but she just lost Eddie (Rick Cosnett). So as she is dealing with that. So Barry and Iris are slipping back into that friendship mold and it leaves an opportunity to explore a relationship with Patty and see how that develops. But Iris and Barry are childhood friends and loves, that is always going to be there.

Is Barry’s dad still part of the show?
TODD: He’s still part of the fabric. He still provides an emotional support for Barry and he will make an appearance.

The portal breaches, how big a threat are those?
TODD: It’s not good for them. But they figure out a way to sort of control it. It’s very bad. There’s 52 breaches and Zoom can come through any of them with whoever he wants. They have to figure out quickly how to manage the biggest threat to them.

Since the portals are a two-way street, can anyone go between Earth 1 and Earth 2?
TODD: Theoretically you could do that, but for right now, Zoom is the only one who has figured out how.

http://www.seat42f.com/the-flash-previe ... orlds.html
- Teddy Sears está a punto de darle a ‘The Flash’ un gran vuelco (mtv):
Teddy Sears está a punto de darle a ‘The Flash’ un gran vuelco
Por Alex Zalben 12 Oct, 2015

Teddy Sears is ready to change the world of “The Flash” — forever. The veteran actor (“Masters of Sex,” “666 Park Avenue”) showed up briefly at the very end of the second season premiere as an alternate universe speedster named Jay Garrick, warning series star Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) that incredible danger was coming to his world.

But that’s just the beginning of the changes Garrick — and Sears — is bringing to the show, as MTV News found out when we hopped on the phone in advance of this week’s episode. The jovial, engaging Sears discussed the differences in two guys both named The Flash, his secret history playing Batman — and how shippers of Snowbarry (that would be Caitlin Snow and Barry Allen) might not want to ring wedding bells just yet.

MTV News: Big, burning question first: how do you keep the helmet on your head?

Teddy Sears: [Laughs] It’s been getting the greatest attention! I’ll say, it’s a work in progress. We have what’s called the Hero Helmet… The heavy, the real deal, the one that we use for close-ups. And then we have a bunch of others for fighting that look exactly like the Hero Helmet, but a little lighter: plastic, rubber, etc.

We’re still not 100% dialed in. You’re going to see a lot of fighting in episode two between myself and Sand Demon, and that was our first crack at putting the helmet in some real, live-action fighting. It wasn’t without its challenges, but the props department, they have it pretty dialed in.

Listen, we’ll circle back and we’ll talk again for the next time, because I think there’s going to make some tweaks. But I will say this: the helmet they use predominantly, it’s heavy. It’s a real, heavy helmet that they have beaten up, that they’ve given a really beautiful weathered look. The helmet tells the story of the battles that Jay Garrick’s been in prior to arriving on Earth One.

MTV: Certainly the implication is that Jay has far more experience than Barry does, when it comes to those battles… I know a lot of this is up to FX, but is there a difference in fighting style between Barry’s Flash and your Flash?

Sears: That’s a really good question. It’s sort of a two-hander… On the one hand, yeah I think you’re right. One is a difference in age, one is a difference in experience. And FX is definitely going to have their hand in keeping distinct their two fighting styles.

But on the other hand, these are two human beings who punch like people, kick like people, run like people. So it’s a yes, and no.

But Barry being younger, you know how when you’re younger you have so much more enthusiasm, sort of leaping out of your skin to go and fight? I think one thing Jay brings to Barry is a sense of, “You need to discipline yourself. You need to focus what you can do. You need to hone these things you can do. And I’m here to teach you things you didn’t know you could do.”

Things that Barry doesn’t even realize he could do, or was capable of doing here on Earth One. Which is another sort of cool thing that speaks to trading methods. That’s really fun. Definitely sort of a coach, mentor/mentee relationship.
Cate Cameron/The CW

MTV: It’s interesting to hear you say that, since I know you’ve discussed before that Jay isn’t really a fourth father figure for Barry, as much as an older brother. And not that Barry’s had the smoothest rides with all of his father figures, but older brothers — being one myself, I can speak to this — definitely implies an occasional adversarial relationship.

Sears: Fathers and sons will lock horns invariably at some point in their lives, but brothers do it probably more consistently, and in a way that a father and a son could never do. When you’re close in age, within a decade or younger, you’re absolutely sharing the same experience, you’re sharing the same generational experiences — even if you come from a different Earth.

You’re still close enough in age where you can relate to the other person like they’re someone you want to hang out with. It’s not someone father-to-son that you need to discipline, so much as someone who you see perhaps making the same mistakes you did or — I have two younger brothers personally — “Hey, I figured this out and I would love to impart this to you guys, whether you want to hear it or not.”

And that of course is the second part. I mean sometimes, the younger brother just does not care, and needs to figure it out for himself. So there’s an interesting dynamic that we start to see develop in this upcoming episode.

MTV: The first experience that Barry had with Earth Two, with Atom-Smasher in the previous episode, was… Not great. I wouldn’t say he was evil per say, but it really wasn’t them hanging out and trading different Earth stories, either. Is Jay Garrick in line with Atom Smasher, or is he more purely good?

Sears: Jay Garrick is purely good. Yeah, he’s just a victim of having his speed stolen by Zoom, which we’ll get into in episode two, and finds himself here on Earth One, and is looking to get home. But by and large is looking to defeat his arch-nemesis Zoom, which he simply cannot do without Barry’s help.

MTV: Talking about another arch nemesis, at the end of the last season there was certainly a tease that Jay has mixed it up a bit with Eobard Thawne. Is that something we’re going to be getting into?

Sears: I don’t know if I’m even privy to that! Yeah, that’s the truth of it. I haven’t been let behind the curtains.

MTV: I saw you were joking on Twitter with Nick D’Agosto about him being on “Gotham” and you being on “The Flash.” So, any chance we’re going to see Michael Sheen as Zoom?

Sears: Michael Sheen would be a phenomenal Zoom! For a guy who has such depth as an actor, and can really chew up the scenery… He really would be a fantastic Zoom. I just want to see him in head-to-toe black. Wasn’t he in “Underworld” once upon a time?

MTV: He was!

Sears: And he had this sort of sinister character running around in all black. I gotta see that again.

MTV: This actually isn’t your first experience as a superhero… You played Batman and Blind Justice years ago on the “Late Show,” right?

Sears: [Laughs] That was a lesson in trying to keep a straight face as the camera rolled. Anything that Letterman was doing — especially these clips — we’re just goofy, and silly, and off the wall, and it’s completely my sense of humor as well.

So probably the biggest thing was just poking fun at. It wasn’t even poking fun at a genre. The next “Batman” was about to come out, this was actually the first one with Christian Bale, and there was this idea of, well Batman has no powers, he just has this suit. There was a sketch that never aired where Batman gets mugged on the street, and this mugger realizes, “Oh this guy’s Batman. Oh wait, he can’t actually do anything to me. He’s just wearing a suit, you know. I guess he has a utility belt.” Anyway, it didn’t make it to air, but it was a good swing.
Cate Cameron/The CW

MTV: Looking forward, other than Barry of course, who else are you looking forward to mixing it up with the most?

Sears: Jay and Caitlin begin to spend a little more time together. There’s sort of an instant comfort there between the two. You know, Caitlin’s just lost her husband of eleven minutes, I don’t know how many minutes, but it wasn’t that long. And Jay is a stranger in a strange land.

And it was just something that these two have that’s going to be explored. So these two characters will spend a little more time together, certainly in episode three. I don’t think I’m in episode four, but you’ll begin to see a real camaraderie begin to blossom — and then we’ll see what the writers have in store. I actually have not been behind the curtain there either.

MTV: Have you guys come up with a ship name already?

Sears: No, we haven’t! I’m curious to see what the fans come up with — and then I will embrace whatever, like I have a choice.

MTV: Probably not Snowjay. That sounds a little dirty.

Sears: [Laughs] We’ll see. Especially if the writers take it down that path. I’m sure we’ll have our pick of fun ship names.

http://www.mtv.com/news/2346938/teddy-s ... re_twitter
- Teddy Sears adelanta el último rival de Jay y la "Conexión" con Caitlin (THR):
Teddy Sears adelanta el último rival de Jay y la "Conexión" con Caitlin
Por Sydney Bucksbaum 13 Oct, 2015 8:00am PT

Is Central City big enough for two speedsters?

Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears), aka the original Flash, made his much-anticipated debut at the end of The Flash's season two premiere. He walked right into STAR Labs despite all the new security features and introduced himself to Barry (Grant Gustin) and the rest of the STAR Labs team, before warning them that their world was in danger.

When episode two kicks off Tuesday, both Barry and the audience are going to learn much more about Earth 2's Flash and the danger he's there to warn them about.

Sears, who cut his teeth playing lawyers, cops and doctors on many different TV shows including Masters of Sex, The Defenders and Raising the Bar, couldn't be more excited about playing the first ever live-action Jay Garrick.

"It's thrilling but I didn't anticipate how thrilling it was going to be when I said yes," Sears told a small group of reporters following an early screening of episode two. "Besides the obvious stuff, where suddenly I'm eight years old, running around in the backyard, playing superheroes with my friends -- that was a given that that would happen. But what I didn't anticipate was how important it felt when I was doing it."

Sears reveals that it was when he first got to hold and put on Jay's winged helmet that he truly grasped how big of a role it was.

"It's weird and hokey and maybe very actor-y but there was something very important that began happening, especially and most specifically putting on that helmet," Sears says. "There's a scene where I'm reunited with the helmet for the first time and I remember shooting it. There was a real awe and reverence for seeing this thing, and that was absolutely not acted at all. There was such substance in that moment. I keep coming back to that moment of, 'Wow, this feels really important,' and I can't sum it up any better than that."

But what does Jay hope to accomplish by outing himself to Barry and the rest of the STAR Labs team?

"Jay's biggest rival is [season two villain] Zoom and he needs Barry's help to defeat this guy," Sears says. "He arrives without his speed and he knows what Zoom is capable of. He very much needs Barry and needs to enlist Barry and have Barry harness these powers and reach these depths he didn't know he could reach. He needs Barry to achieve these things in order to defeat Zoom. It's a wonderful mentor/mentee thing that we start to see develop. His larger goal? I think he just wants Zoom gone and he certainly can't do that by himself."

Sears explains that while Barry has his fair share of father figures, Jay is going to play a role more like an older brother to him.

"I like the older brother analogy better than father-son," Sears says. "It's a very different dynamic. There's certainly going to be some overlap but there are some things that you could only talk to an older sibling about that you wouldn't feel comfortable talking to a dad character about."

And even though Jay has arrived in Earth 1 without his speed or his powers, he is still going to prove to be helpful to the STAR Labs team. "Given his background as a scientist, he's able to put that into play," Sears says. "So even though he's not able to physically do what he's used to doing, he's absolutely able to help with his knowledge."

And that scientific background and expertise is going to bring him close to one member of the STAR Labs team in particular: Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker). "I will say, there is a connection that these two have, an instant comfort level, that wonderful thing you don't get with too many people in life," Sears says. "They're going to explore that a little bit. Jay and Caitlin are a part of this bigger team at STAR Labs and they're going to have a series of interactions that we are going to explore a little bit."

As for Jay's superhero uniform, Sears loves what the costume department came up with based on the original comic book look.

"I wasn't really sure what they were going to do," Sears says. "You look at the 1940, when he was introduced, was it like his old football jersey that he puts on? It's very red, very yellow, and I wasn't sure how they were going to handle it. So they have successfully modernized it in this cool, motorcycle jacket aesthetic. The jacket is wonderful, the pants, the boots, it's all great, but it's really the helmet, you know? The helmet caps the whole thing off."

He continues, "I love what they did to the helmet too. If you look at the helmet, it's been around. It's beaten up. It's got the dings. It's seen its share of battles. The detail that the team put into those things to have it arrive with a story and a history and a past, that's really what made it work for me."

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ce=twitter
- Teddy Sears sobre la lucha de Jay Garrick para ganarse al Team Flash (accesshollywood):
Teddy Sears sobre la lucha de Jay Garrick para ganarse al Team Flash
Por Jolie Lash 13 Oct, 2015 11:58 AM EDT

The Crimson Comet made his "The Flash" debut in the Season 2 premiere last week, warning the team about impending danger.

When the show resumes Tuesday night on The CW, though, don't expect everyone to take Jay Garrick (played wonderfully by actor Teddy Sears) at his word.

"Jay spends the bulk of the episode winning over each member of S.T.A.R. Labs -- including Joe and Iris -- one by one, and I think he has to do that in order to convince Barry that he's on the level and he is who he says he is and his intentions are good," "Flash" newcomer Teddy told Access Hollywood.

Barry and the team are understandably apprehensive when meeting the newcomer (following their experiences with Harrison Wells/Eobard Thawne), and they'll each have their guard up to different degrees.

"They put me through the ringer," Teddy said of Jay's less-than-welcome reception. "I'm on the cosmic treadmill, you know? I'm hooked up and there's actually sort of some funny lines about that."

Jay's warning at the end of the show's season premiere was a dire one, so he will need to work fast to get Team Flash on board and up to speed about what exactly is going on.

"Where Episode 1 ends, Episode 2 begins literally with the same moment, so you'll see it's sort of a nice overlap as Jay Garrick walks in and says the exact same thing, and then he begins to explain what he means by saying, 'Your world is in danger,'" Teddy said.

"When they created the singularity above Central City… essentially they created a bridge between the two worlds," the actor explained of the problem facing Team Flash in Central City.

Sand Demon is this week's metahuman villain, but he's from Jay's world, someone who slipped through the bridge. Jay, a metahuman speedster on his own earth, has some experience with Sand Demon, and has invaluable advice. His immediate goal is to help the team tackle the latest challenge, and get ready to take on the Season 2 big, bad villain – Zoom.

"He's here to mentor Barry and to team up with these guys to help keep everybody safe, and ultimately to help bring down Zoom, so it's certainly a challenge," Teddy said.

Zoom is a powerful villain, but on Earth 1, Jay has an additional challenge that is prompting him to work with Team Flash – in their world, he is super-speedless.

"It makes him a lot more cautious," Teddy said. "It also makes him extraordinarily vulnerable and I think he has a bit of an identity crisis. We'll get into it more in Episode 3 -- we get the back story of how he came to get his speed in the first place and his struggle since he's arrived on Earth 1 to reconcile who he is now that he doesn't have that speed -- especially as a scientist, someone who was dedicated to helping people and saving the lives of people."

Teddy is finding it thrilling to play Jay Garrick on The CW superhero series, a character with a rich, comic book history and even his own arch nemesis.

"It's pretty cool. I don't one in life, so I can't sort of draw on any real life experience," Teddy laughed, when Access asked how it feels to have an arch nemesis on a TV show.

"It's humbling, it's motivating," he continued. "If I'm Jay Garrick and I know there's a guy out there who is just as capable, if not more so than I am, there's no [time to] sit back and relax and I imagine it's like that if you're any superhero in the JSA [Justice Society of America] -- that you are constantly under threat of some moustache-twirling villain who is trying to take over the world. … But I will say this, so let me just distill it down -- it's a lot of fun."

http://www.accesshollywood.com/the-flas ... qW6UTQc.02
- Teddy Sears y el productor ejecutivo Todd Helbing hablan sobre ‘The Flash’ Season 2, y más (collider):
Teddy Sears y el productor ejecutivo Todd Helbing hablan sobre ‘The Flash’ Season 2, y más
Por Christina Radish 13 Oct, 2015

In the “Flash of Two Worlds” episode of The CW series The Flash, written by Aaron and Todd Helbing, viewers will get to know Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears), a mysterious man from Earth-2 who appears at S.T.A.R. Labs with a dire warning about an evil Speedster named Zoom, that’s set on destroying The Flash. As a result, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and the team must quickly decide if they can trust this stranger, as they face yet another powerful meta-human.

Collider was recently invited, along with a handful of other press outlets, to screen Episode 2 of the series and learn a bit more about what’s to come with Jay Garrick and his relationship with Barry Allen. During the interview, actor Teddy Sears and executive producer/writer Todd Helbing talked about bringing this character to life on The Flash, whether we might see more universes with so many breaches, what Jay Garrick’s ultimate goal is, how Zoom is different from Reverse Flash, making the costume work, and whether Jay is being entirely truthful with the team. Be aware that there are some spoilers.

Question: Teddy, what’s it like to get to bring Jay Garrick to life?

TEDDY SEARS: It’s thrilling, but I didn’t anticipate how thrilling it was going to be when I said yes. Besides the obvious stuff, where suddenly I’m eight years old and running around in the backyard playing superheroes with my friends. It’s a given that that would happen, but what I didn’t anticipate was how important it felt when I was doing it. It’s weird and hokey and maybe very actor-y, but there was something very important that began happening, most specifically when putting on that helmet. There’s a scene where I’m reunited with the helmet for the first time, and shooting it, there was a real awe and reverence for seeing this thing, and that was absolutely not acted, at all. There really was such substance in that moment. I just keep coming back to this feeling of, “Wow, this just feels really important.” I can’t sum it up any better than that.

With so many breaches, will we see more universes than just Earth-1 and Earth-2?

TODD HELBING: Right now, I think it would be a little confusing to have Earth-17, so we’re just going to keep it at two.

SEARS: I love the possibility that an Earth-17 exists. We’re only in Season 2 right now, but with 52 different choices, the possibilities really are limitless.

HELBING: There are a lot of fun things to explore, down the line, potentially.

What is Jay’s goal? Does he want to get back home?

SEARS: Jay’s biggest rival is Zoom, and he needs Barry’s help to defeat this guy. He arrives without his speed and he knows what Zoom is capable of, so he very much needs to enlist Barry and have Barry harness these powers to depths that he didn’t really know he could reach. He needs Barry to achieve these things, in order for him to defeat Zoom. That’s where the mentor-mentee thing starts to develop. I don’t know what his larger goal is. I think he just wants Zoom gone, and he certainly can’t do it by himself.

Is there a specific reason why Zoom doesn’t just try to kill Barry himself, instead of bringing these meta-humans into Barry’s world to do it for him?

HELBING: Yeah, there is a reason, but you’ll learn that down the line.

How is Zoom different from Reverse Flash?

HELBING: He’s a speed demon. Wells had to hone Barry to get what he wanted, but Zoom is just your worst nightmare. If he doesn’t get these guys to do what he wants, he’s going to eventually show up and try to take him down himself. He’s the scariest speedster on the planet.

Will we ever see Jay get his powers back?

HELBING: The thing that Jay wants more than anything is to get his powers back. It’s something that’s definitely on his mind, but right now, he’s focused on stopping Zoom.

This Flash has such a retro costume, but it really works. What was it like to put it on and make it work?

SEARS: That was really fun. I wasn’t sure what they were going to do or how they were going to handle it. They have successfully modernized it with this really cool motorcycle jacket aesthetic. The jacket is wonderful. It’s all good with the pants and the boots. But, it’s really the helmet. The helmet caps the whole thing off. And I love what they did to the helmet. If you look at the helmet, and you’ll certainly have enough opportunities to, it’s been around. It’s beaten up and it’s got the dings. It’s seen its share of battles. So, the detail that the team put into those little things to have it arrive with a story, a history and a past, is really what made it work for me. They took my measurements, and it just fit.

How has it been for you to go all-in with this superhero world?

SEARS: It’s very exciting, just in that it’s a character that’s no longer in the courtroom or wearing a lab coat. He’s got a uniform, like a handful of other characters that I’ve played, but it feels wonderful. It feels like it’s such a tremendous honor to try to attempt to fill this guy out and give him a real third dimension. And that aspect of a third dimension is a little bit different than playing the foil in a three-piece suit on a law show. The goal is to make this guy a human being who has a past, a history, conflicting feelings, and the things that make humans so wonderful and complex to watch.

How would you describe the developing relationship between Jay and Barry?

HELBING: It’s like a coach-athlete relationship. Jay is the older brother that Barry didn’t have. He’s more experienced and his attitude is a little bit more confident. He’s the teacher to Barry. Last year, Barry didn’t really have anybody that he could speak about being a Speedster with. It’s not like he could go out and have drinks with Wells and talk about being a Speedster, but he can with Jay. And Jay can mentor him on some of the powers that he has and figure out the best way to get him to use those.

SEARS: I like the brother analogy versus father. That is a very different dynamic. There are certainly going to be some overlaps, but there are things you can only talk to an older sibling about that you wouldn’t talk to a dad character about. And I really like Grant [Gustin], as a person. It’s hard not to like Grant. And for Jay and Barry, that translates. There’s a desire to want to help, and it’s just fun to play with him.

Even though Jay doesn’t have his powers in this world, is there anything for him to learn in this world?

SEARS: That’s a really good question. Jay has dialed in with his abilities in a way that he’s able to use to teach Barry some things he didn’t know he was capable of doing, but I don’t know if it works in reverse.

HELBING: It’s like as an older brother, you feel like you can teach your younger brother a lot, but every so often, you find yourself learning something from him.

Are there any lingering frustrations with Jay’s inability to use his powers to help the team?

SEARS: I would certainly say that there are frustrations to not being able to do what he’s used to doing and not being able to help in the way he’s used to helping. But given his background as a scientist, he’s able to put that into play. So, even though he’s not able to physically do what he’s used to doing, he’s absolutely able to help with his knowledge.

HELBING: He still has a brain that he can use, and it’s a really good brain.

SEARS: And because of that, he can’t do it himself, so he might as well use what he knows and push Barry to go further and deeper. Maybe he would have just jumped to do it himself, but he’s got this young guy, which strengthens that coach-athlete dynamic.

Caitlin is clearly interested in Jay. How will that develop?

SEARS: There’s a connection that these two have, and an instant comfort level that you don’t get with too many people in life. I think they’re going to explore that a little bit. Jay and Caitlin are part of this bigger team at S.T.A.R. Labs and they’re going to have a series of interactions that we’re going to explore a little bit.

Is Jay keeping any secrets, or is he being entirely truthful?

HELBING: There’s something that he is struggling with that you’ll start to learn about in the next couple of episodes. That’s partly where Caitlin comes into play, to help him with something.

Will we see any flashbacks to Jay’s life on Earth-2?

HELBING: That’s a good idea. Not right now, but possibly.

SEARS: That’s a fantastic idea! Put that on the list. I’m all for it.

http://collider.com/the-flash-season-2- ... interview/
- Teddy Sears sobre su papel como Jay Garrick (TVInsider):
Teddy Sears sobre su papel como Jay Garrick
Por Damian Holbrook 13 Oct, 2015 1:27 pm

Two Flashes? Well, the CW hit does have a lot of awesomeness going on these days, and with original Speedster Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears, Masters of Sex) popping up at the end of last week's season premiere with bad news for Barry (Grant Gustin) and company, we might need to double up on heroes. And with Sears psyched to start helping to save the day, it was a breeze to get the easygoing actor to open up about his time-traveling character—who made his comic-book debuted back in a 1940 as the original Speedster—and how Jay fits into the current world of The Flash.

Welcome to the timeline!
[Laughs] I am so excited, you have no idea. This is so cool.

Jay Garrick is a major icon from the history of comics. How did all of this come together for you?
I think I auditioned for it in early June. I was actually working on Nine Lives, the same movie that Robbie Amell [who played Ronnie Raymond] was doing this summer with Kevin Spacey, Jennifer Garner and Christopher Walken. And this was even before The Flash came up for me. Small world, right? But I didn’t even know who I was auditioning for. It was just laid out as this season 2 multi-episode guy who was going to be a mentor to Barry, maybe an older brother-type who’s been around and has had some experience.

Well that is pretty much who Jay is.
Exactly! And had I know the comic book mythology better, I probably could have ascertained a guess. But I just went in thinking that it was fun writing and The Flash is such a fun show, so why don’t I take a swing? Then they gave me the opportunity.

So tell us about this version of Jay Garrick.
This Jay is very much the guy who seen some things, he’s been around and had some battles. He has more years on him, so he has a different approach to what it means to be a Speedster. He’s got a good 10 years on Barry Allen.

Why has he been lurking around Central City?
Jay showed up because he very much needs Barry’s help in defeating Zoom, who is his arch-nemesis. He’s been fighting him for years on Earth 2, but Zoom stole his speed, so he arrives needing help.

He literally has the need for speed?
[Laughs] Yes! There is your headline right there!

So Jay has been a Flash for a while?
Yeah, we actually get into how long he’s been doing this and yeah, without revealing too much, it’s not as long as you think. And in episode 3, Jay will tell more of his story about how he became The Flash, his recollections of it, and also his struggles to reconcile who he is now without his speed. I was able to do all of this stuff before, but now I don’t have those powers, so who am I?

He misses being a hero?
He certainly does. He was a scientist before and was slowly chugging away at being able to help people by developing things and then suddenly he was able to do it much faster. So now that it’s been taken away from him, Jay is still a scientist, but he’s having a hard time reconciling that.

He is not taking forced retirement well.
[Laughs] No he is not! This is not the old, silver-templed Jay Garrick from the comic books…he could probably take retirement well.

What is Earth 2 like?
That is a very good question. We are going to start to see, to literally see, what Earth 2 looks like. You are going to kill me for saying this, but it’s the same and different. There are things that have been perfected on Earth 2 that haven’t on Earth 1, and vice versa. Certain technologies. There are still cities and streets and buildings, but it will look different, the tones will be different. But we are just starting to see the tiniest pieces now, and my hope is that the writers will send us all there. God, I really want that to happen.

Does Jay have people back home?
I have not been privy to what they have in store for him, but I believe that he is a lone wolf. There is no Joan like there is in the comic books. He has been a pretty much a one-man operation.

When I spoke to Grant Gustin this summer, he mentioned that Barry isn’t feeling this guy at first.
Right. Jay has to win everybody over. And that’s not some manipulation where he thinks if he can win them over, he can get to Barry. He is trying to win the whole team over at once because he needs to impart to them how important it is to fight Zoom. Barry is extraordinarily skeptical especially because of what he experienced last season with Harrison Wells [Tom Cavanagh]. He is very protective and not quick to lend trust to anyone right now. That makes sense based on what he went through.

So how does they wind up on the same page?
Well Barry is very leery of this Jay Garrick character, so he puts him through a series of tests and does what he needs to do to see if he can trust Jay. Also, Barry is struggling whether he should march to the beat of his own drum now because the people he’s around end up getting hurt or worse. Maybe he’s better off not listening to anybody and that is very emblematic of someone trying to figure out what being an adult means. He was burnt pretty badly in Season 1.

Sounds like Jay is the guy who ends up helping him navigate that?
Yeah, Jay will be one piece of the puzzle. He does find himself embraced by the S.T.A.R. Labs family eventually, but I don’t think Jay’s voice will be louder than Joe’s. He will just be one spoke in the wheel.

So last question…how is your costume?
You will see it up close and personal in episode 2, helmet and all! It is extraordinarily comfortable. You know, as they do, they took all the measurements and it fits to a T. Grant has to wear a cowl and it’s cumbersome. Mine is a gorgeous leather jacket, some great pants, boots, gloves and the helmet. That is probably the least comfortable thing and it’s not even uncomfortable, so that should tell you how nice the costume is. It’s heavy, but who cares, right? [Laughs]

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/46974/ ... y-garrick/
- Sears Explica la Crisis de las Tierras Alternativas de Jay Garrick de "The Flash" (CBR):
Sears Explica la Crisis de las Tierras Alternativas de Jay Garrick de "The Flash"
Por Bryan Cairns 13 Oct, 2015

Known to DC Comics aficionados as the Flash of Earth's 2, the World war II era hero possesses superspeed, can vibrate his body at high frequencies, and create vortexes, among other impressive tricks.

On "The Flash," however, Jay no longer has his superspeed abilities as his powers have been stolen by the villainous Zoom, Now, the once super hero has found himself stuck on Barry Allen's Earth, with no apparent way to return home.

As Jay Garrick, actor Teddy Sears sheds his "Masters of Sex's" persona of Dr. Austin Langham for one a little bit more heroic. Ahead of tonight's episode, "Flash of Two Worlds," Sears spoke told CBR about his blind audition for the role, just how similar his character's TV incarnation is to his comic book counterpart, the challenge he'll face in winning over Team Flash, one person at a time, and the challenges of running and fighting while wearing the iconic helmet.

CBR News: What did you know about the Flash and his legacy before joining the show?

Teddy Sears: I was very familiar with the Flash in his various iterations as I was growing up. You couldn't be a boy in sports and not want to be like the Flash, not be the fastest guy out there. I didn't know the depth of the mythology or the legacy that the Flash had behind him, but I knew Jay Garrick and the silver helmet with the gold wings without knowing the guy's name. I was thrilled when I found out that this was the character I was going to be playing. When I auditioned, I didn't know who I was going out for. I auditioned for this character in Season 2, and then they told me who it was going to be. I said, "Oh my, God. Let's do this."

Were there specific elements from the comic books that helped shape your performance?

Yes -- and no. Andrew Kreisberg and the other writers insisted, "Go ahead and read as much as you want, but we really want you to bring what you brought when you auditioned." That was a sense of this guy having been around for a while, having had some years on him in relation to Barry Allen and someone who was a bit more battle-tested and world-weary. I had a prototype in mind when I went in, but I have been reading a lot of comic books just because I want to get a sense of Jay Garrick's world, who his friends are and how he conducts himself. That's been real educational. I love Jay Garrick in that he feels like an upstanding, old-school hero. My job has been to try to nail that sensibility into modern day 2015 and keeping him modern, but also giving him that historical feel.

Jay delivered a cryptic warning at the end of the Season 2 premiere. How much does Team Flash immediately buy into what he's telling them?

Not at all. Jay has to win over each member of S.T.A.R. Labs, one at a time. There's no agenda to that. There's no, "OK, let me win over Cisco so I can get to Barry." There's absolutely none of that. Each person is dubious of who this guy is when he walks in off the street and declares that their world is in danger, especially because they are just coming down off the high of closing this portal. I know six months have passed, but there's an instant challenge for Jay when he arrives.

After last season, I think Barry doesn't really want anyone getting close to him right now. He's struggling with, "Everyone around me ends up hurt or worse. Maybe I should not allow anyone to be too close." Barry has a lot of stuff going on that he's fighting, and Jay has an agenda. Jay arrives without his speed that Zoom stole in their most recent fight. He knows Zoom is sending people after Barry. Zoom is going to want to take Barry's speed, too, so Barry has to get ready.

Jay is an old pro when it comes to the superhero game. In what ways will he be mentoring Barry?

Because Jay has had more experience, he's been able to perfect things Barry hasn't. He's going to teach Barry what he's capable of. He's going to help Barry learn some things about himself that he didn't even know were possible. We're going to start to get into that in Episode 2. I think it's actually going to work both ways.

Viewers get to see Jay in his Flash costume very early on. How did it feel the moment you put it on? And then, the first time you had to run in it?

The first time I put it on, I was literally buzzing. I was tingling. I was so in awe of the helmet. It's so iconic. The team did such a great job of making it look battle-tested. I just felt this really great sense of honor, putting on the helmet for the first time and embodying such an iconic character that felt very important. It sounds hokey, but that's how I felt.

As for running, that was a little more of a challenge. There are various helmets. The one that I wear the most often is the heaviest. Then there are identical versions that are lighter-weight material, like plastic, for more fighting stuff. The long and the short of it is, I run in it very carefully because the helmet doesn't always stay on.

Wally West will be cruising into Central City soon. What does it mean to Jay to have another speedster around?

I don't think there's any jealousy. It doesn't become a competition. Jay really needs Barry's abilities to help him regain his own and help him defeat Zoom. I would imagine Jay is relieved to find someone with the same ability as him. It's wonderful, because it could have been, "Who is faster? I am faster," and then it becomes a male ego contest.

What else can you tease about Jay's arc over the next few episodes?

I can tease that Jay finds a friend in Barry. You begin to see Jay and Caitlin [Danielle Panabaker] grow closer as they begin to spend more time together as scientists. You'll see Jay struggle with identity as he begins to wonder, "Who am I without my speed?" He misses it, and he's trying to figure out what life is going to be for him without it.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... ate-earths
- Jay Garrick es la mejor apuesta de Barry para derrotar a los villanos de Earth 2 (zap2it):
Jay Garrick es la mejor apuesta de Barry para derrotar a los villanos de Earth 2
Por Megan Vick at 12:10 PM Oct 13, 2015

Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) has arrived on “The Flash” but he’s come for a lot more than his old helmet. As revealed at New York Comic Con, Garrick has come to help Barry (Grant Gustin) and his friends take down the Earth 2 villain Zoom.

“Jay’s biggest rival is Zoom and he needs Barry’s help to defeat this guy. [Jay] arrives without his speed and he knows what Zoom is capable of so he very much needs Barry,” Sears tells Zap2it and a small group of journalists at an episode 2 preview screening. “He enlists Barry and he needs to have Barry harness these powers and depths that he didn’t really know he could reach.”

Jay’s lack of powers mean that he develops a unique relationship with Barry as he tries to coach him through taking on this new foe.

“It’s not like he could go out and have drinks with Wells and talk about speedster, but he can with Jay. Jay can sort of mentor him on some of the powers that he has and figure out the best way to get him to use those,” Sears says. “I like the older brother analogy versus father. That’s a very different dynamic. There is certainly going to be some overlaps. There’s some things you can only talk to an older sibling about that you maybe wouldn’t feel comfortable about talking to a dad character.”

However, Barry isn’t the only person on the Star Labs team that Jay creates a kinship with. There’s also an instant connection with Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker).

“I will say there’s sort of a connection that these two have. There’s an instant comfort level. That wonderful thing you don’t get with too many people in life that I believe that these two experience,” he says. “I think they’re going to explore that a little bit. Jay and Caitlin are part of this bigger team at Star Labs and there’s an interaction they are going to have that I think we’re going to explore a little bit.”

There’s someone else also shaking things up for Team Flash though — and that’s Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten), who will make her entrance in episode 2.

“I think we wanted to make her this very strong, hardcore, female cop who has this clear purpose,” says writer Todd Holding. “We sort of wanted to have her feel part of the show and the universe that we’ve set up. Someone that was in this for the right reasons — and someone that feels part of the metahumans task force and hold her own.”

http://zap2it.com/2015/10/the-flash-sea ... r-earth-2/
- Teddy Sears explica todo lo que necesitas saber sobre Jay Garrick & el DC Multiverse (ETOnline):
Teddy Sears explica todo lo que necesitas saber sobre Jay Garrick & el DC Multiverse
Por Leanne Aguilera 12:05 PM PDT, 13 Oct, 2015

Let's be honest -- being a fan of The Flash is wildly thrilling, but it can be a bit confusing if you're not armed with the entire DC Comics canon.

And while tonight's episode, "Flash of Two Worlds," is one of the best hours of the series, (Seriously, it's SO good!) it could be a little overwhelming if you don't know the comic book basics.

To help give you the best viewing experience possible, we called up The Flash's newcomer, Teddy Sears -- aka Jay Garrick -- to give you a DC Comics cheat sheet that's jam-packed with everything you need to know before tuning in.

So without further ado -- take it away, Teddy!

Who is Jay Garrick? "So, The Flash started as a comic book in 1940 with Jay Garrick playing The Flash," Sears answered. "Jay Garrick was a scientist who -- after the results of an accident, to put it mildly -- found himself with the ability to run at almost the speed of light. So he found himself with super speed after this accident." Hmm… sounds familiar, eh, Flash fans?

So How Did Barry Allen Become The Flash? "In the '50s, The Flash comic was resuscitated and modernized," Sears said. "The wonderful people at D.C. Comics gave The Flash a different identity and they basically just rebooted the whole thing. The Flash was no longer Jay Garrick, he was Barry Allen, who was younger. Barry Allen also has the same abilities as Jay Garrick, and he does nothing but good things in the aid of fighting bad guys, and helping the lives of ordinary citizens."

If Jay Garrick and Barry Allen Are The Flash, How Can They Both Exist? "The Flash that we know on the TV series exists in Earth-One, which is, in other words, our Earth -- the Earth that we live in," Sears expertly explained. "In 1961, in order to satisfy the fans of The Flash who liked the original Flash, Jay Garrick, they created what's known as the multiverse. This consists of multiple Earths, which is how Jay Garrick could join Barry Allen."

How Many Earths Are in the DC Multiverse? "So not only is there an Earth-Two, but there are 52 Earths in total, which allows for greater possibilities in time-travel, and the presence of any number of various bad guys," he said. "It's all very fun. The writers can literally pull from 52 different Earths for material, so it's really cool and very confusing."

What Kind of DC Easter Eggs Can We Expect? "What's really cool is episode two [is inspired by] The Flash [#123] comic book from 1961 that finds Jay Garrick and Barry Allen together for the first time," Sears said. "There's a very famous comic book cover called "Flash of Two Worlds" and we have faithfully recreated that moment. It's on all the posters, it's when both Flashes are called for by Patty Spivot and are running towards her on opposite sides of a big brick pillar."

http://www.etonline.com/news/173900_the ... wo_worlds/
- Grant Gustin espera a un nuevo amor y no ser 'siempre el que está llorando' en The Flash (people):
Grant Gustin espera a un nuevo amor y no ser 'siempre el que está llorando' en The Flash
Por Chancellor Agard 13 Oct, 2015

There's a new Flash in town.

In Tuesday's new episode of The Flash, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) meets Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears), the Flash from a parallel Earth who has traveled to our Earth to warn Team Flash about the villain Zoom (voiced by Tony Todd) and to help them save the world. At first, Barry isn't willing to accept Jay's assistance.

"Barry and Jay don't necessarily hit it off right away," Gustin tells PEOPLE. "Barry's a little bit apprehensive just because of how things turned out with his last mentor in season one, obviously with Dr. Wells."

However, Barry eventually comes around to Jay, and Jay becomes a mentor who teaches him new abilities that will help him defeat the metahumans Zoom has sent from Earth 2 to kill Barry. Gustin, 25, is particularly excited for fans to see one of the new skills he learns in Tuesday's episode – the ability to use the surge of electricity in his body to throw lightning.

Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten), Barry's new love interest, will also make her debut in "Flash of Two Worlds." Based on a character from the comics, Patty is a CCPD cop who wants to join the metahuman task force, for reasons we'll later find out. Gustin promises that we'll see Barry and Patty enter into a relationship sooner rather than later.

"She's really the only character right now with whom Barry completely forgets about his worries, forgets about everything they're doing with Team Flash and just has a lot of fun," Gustin says, noting how much fun he and VanSanten have working together.

Gustin is particularly excited about Zoom, this season's Big Bad. Zoom is a "demonic" speedster from Earth 2, who wants all other speedsters in the universe gone, so that he's the only one. The Glee alum promises that fans will definitely be scared of Zoom. At this point, Gustin, who recently read the script for episode nine, and the rest of the cast still don't know Zoom's real identity.

In addition to fighting Zoom, Barry will also provide emotional support to the West family, who is dealing with some family problems (which may or may not involve the introduction of Wally West or Iris' mother Francine).

Says Gustin, "He's kind of like the emotional anchor this year to a lot of characters, which has been a fun change instead of always being the one that's crying."

http://www.people.com/article/flash-gra ... _peoplemag
- Teddy Sears sobre el llevar a Jay Garrick a The Flash (dccomics):
Teddy Sears sobre el llevar a Jay Garrick a The Flash
Por Tim Beedle Tuesday, 13 Oct, 2015

If your exposure to the World’s Fastest Man comes exclusively from his hit CW series, or from his earlier animated adventures on Justice League and Justice League Unlimited, you may be surprised to hear that Barry Allen isn’t the only Flash. In fact, he wasn’t even the first guy to bear the moniker. That achievement belongs to the man who made an unexpected appearance at S.T.A.R. Labs at the end of last week’s Season 2 premiere—Jay Garrick.

The original Flash first debuted in 1940’s THE FLASH COMICS #1 before being replaced by Barry Allen in 1956. However, after 1961’s landmark story “Flash of Two Worlds” reintroduced Jay Garrick as being alive and well on a different, alternate Earth known as Earth-2, the character came back strong, remaining a vital member of Earth-2’s Justice Society of America to the present day. However, while Jay Garrick did make an episode appearance on Smallville and was a character in the animated series Batman: The Brave and the Bold and Young Justice, he’s never really been developed as a character in live action… until now.

Tonight’s episode of The Flash, “Flash of Two Worlds” (yes, just like the comic—fans should look for a fun tribute to the story’s iconic cover in the episode), begins where last week’s ended and features a much more substantial role for Garrick as well as the first official mention of Earth-2 on the show. It’s a crucial episode, and therefore, the time felt perfect to sit down with the man behind The Flash’s version of the iconic character. Here’s what actor Teddy Sears had to say about bringing a bit of comic’s Golden Age to prime time.

What’s it like helping to bring Jay Garrick to the screen for largely the first time?

I didn’t anticipate how thrilling it was going to be when I said yes. I mean, besides the sort of obvious stuff—suddenly I’m eight years old running around in the backyard, playing super heroes with my friends. That’s sort of a given that that would happen. But what I didn’t anticipate was how important it felt when I was doing it. Most specifically putting on that helmet. There’s a scene [in tonight’s episode] where I’m reunited with my helmet for the first time. I remember shooting it and there was a real sense of awe and reverence for seeing this thing. That was absolutely not acted at all. There was such substance in that moment. You just keep coming back to this feeling of “Wow!”

It’s clear you know a lot about Jay and seem really excited about bringing him to the screen. Were you a comic book fan prior to getting the role?

Very much so. Admittedly, I didn’t read The Flash when I was a kid. I knew who he was, of course. You can’t be a boy and play sports and not known who the Flash is because everyone out there wants to be the fastest. But yeah, I still have some comics. I have the very early Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I have early Wolverines. I have The ‘Nam. I’m a super nerd too—I have also Darkwing Duck in my collection. Stuff that doesn’t make me cool at all, but that I liked when I was a kid.

But I got really excited when I got this opportunity. I don’t want to say I dove into the comics because [Executive Producer] Andrew Kreisberg was really big on saying that we’re not necessarily going to mirror what has been done in the past. There have just been so many iterations. We’re going honor certain things, but we also want to make it fresh. But I did start reading some JSA. I wanted to familiarize myself with his world—who his friends and enemies were. I’ve just been geeking out over it, man. I just love it.

So you’ve been reading up on Jay Garrick, but you really are building your own take on it as well?

Yes, absolutely. While I’m educating myself on the landscape and the mythology, I really am making it my own. That’s one thing that Andrew Kreisberg was really insistent on. Bringing a lot of what the writers’ current intentions are, what I’m feeling about the character, bringing those things and fleshing them out in 2015 and not trying to play 1940s Jay Garrick. But I don’t think you can separate the two necessarily, especially aesthetically. Thank goodness they didn’t try to age up the helmet. They kept it a WWI-era helmet, but they did modernize the suit while keeping the original lightning bolt. So they’re really trying to achieve a balance between the two.

But I also think Jay Garrick is kind of an old school guy. He’s a physicist and chemist who has some years on Barry. He’s got more life experience. He’s a bit more world weary than young, eager Barry Allen. So all of those things I try to keep in mind while also doing what’s on the page and interacting with these wonderful characters at S.T.A.R. Labs.

Speaking of those characters, I was thinking about how so many of the characters on the show have lost something or someone, including now Jay Garrick. What sort of impact would you say that has on the characters’ group dynamic? Is that one of the reasons they’d come to embrace someone like Jay?

Yeah, I think that’s a very good point. Not surprisingly Barry’s not really sure about this stranger who comes in and says he is this person, specifically after what Barry experienced in Season One. But as these guys get to know each other and spend time one-on-one, and as Jay begins to prove his worth and teach Barry some things he didn’t know he was capable of doing, I think there is this sense that he’s one of us. I would imagine that having just lost his speed, something that’s very near and dear to him, that Jay does find himself on this island of misfit toys. He’s one of them, but then again they have all this loss in common. That can’t help but to bond people to one another.

Jay Garrick has such a retro costume, and yet it works onscreen and on you. How did you pull that off?

That was really fun. I wasn’t sure what they were going to do. You look at when he was introduced in the 1940s—is it his old football jersey that he puts on? I wasn’t sure how they were going to handle it, but they’ve successfully modernized it with this really cool, almost motorcycle jacket-like aesthetic. The jacket’s wonderful—it’s all good, the pants, the boots, but it’s really the helmet. The helmet sort of caps the whole thing off.

I love what they did to the helmet. If you look at it, it’s been around. It’s beaten up. It’s got the dings. It’s got a wonderful patina to it. It’s seen its share of battles. So the detail that the team put into it to have it arrive with a story and a history, that’s really what does it. As far as me making it work, they just took my measurements, man!

How would you describe Caitlin’s relationship with Jay? It almost seems like she has something of a crush on him.

There’s sort of a connection that these two have—a comfort level that you don’t get with too many people. I think they’re going to explore that a little bit. Jay and Caitlin are part of this bigger team at S.T.A.R. Labs and they’re going to have this series of interactions that I think we’re going to explore a little bit.

Fans will be pleased to see that the “hard water” origin story is intact! What did it take for you to sell that very Golden Age origin to a modern viewer?

Well, there are two stories—there’s a “heavy water” origin and a “hard water” one. It was hard water earlier in the comic and then it became heavy water. The hardest thing is not selling heavy water or hard water. It’s saying the “particle accelerator exploded.” Just saying that. We all laugh about how that’s just a hard combination of sounds to get out of your mouth. That’s sort of the harder sell.

It wasn’t too difficult imagining that this is who I was and I had that kind of life. Something happened and now I’m this. It wasn’t difficult to internalize it and sell it. There’s a sort of wistfulness that maybe comes from that. Also an excitement and a confusion. I just imagine what that would be like—sitting inside one day and suddenly something happens and your whole life’s different. That’s not too difficult to imagine even in modern day.

We know what Jay Garrick does on Earth-2. But if there’s a Teddy Sears on Earth-2, what do you suppose his story is?

That’s a good question because it wouldn’t parallel what you’re doing on Earth-1, necessarily. Okay, I’ll tell you what. I always wanted to be a professional hockey player and I was never even close to being good enough. So let’s go with that.

So how DOES Jay keep that hat on when he runs?

Duct tape and chewing gum? [Laughs]

It’s very much a work in progress, especially because the helmet is heavy. They really did it right—it’s a really heavy helmet. But since you asked, there are lighter versions. There are clear chin straps that we’ve used for certain fight sequences. There are some little tricks of the trade, but I like to just say it’s the Speed Force. The Speed Force just keeps it on his head.

Do you think when this season’s done there will be some good blooper reel footage involving the helmet?

Oh man, we had a volume after episode two! Trying to do this fight sequence, we had this whole sequence choreographed that we quickly had to chuck because we realized that as soon as Jay Garrick takes a punch and his head snaps back this helmet’s going to fly across the room like a discus. So I think it’s safe to say you’re going to get your fill at the end of the season.

http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2015/10/13 ... -the-flash
- Jay Garrick sobre el cómo hicieron que el traje funcionara (IGN):
Jay Garrick sobre el cómo hicieron que el traje funcionara
Por Joshua Yehl 12 Oct, 2015

Tomorrow's episode of The Flash, “Flash of Two Worlds,” features the debut of Jay Garrick aka the Flash of Earth-2. Well, technically he debuted in the final moment of the Season 2 premiere, but this is our first full episode featuring the Golden Age character. IGN attended a screening where we got to hear from actor Teddy Sears about taking on the role, and writers Todd and Aaron Helbing about how they brought this comic icon to the small screen.

Hear what they tease about tonight’s episode -- including how they made the costume work, what it's like for Sears to play a superhero, and Garrick's role in the show -- then check back tomorrow for a spoiler-filled conversation about what happened.

Making the Costume Work

Sears: That was really fun. I wasn't sure what they were going to do, because you look at the 1940 one when he was introduced -- isn't it his old football jersey or something that he puts on? You know, very red and very yellow. I wasn't sure how they were going to handle it. But they have successfully modernized it in this really cool, almost motorcycle jacket sort of aesthetic. The jacket's wonderful. It's all good -- the pants, the boots -- but it's really the helmet. The helmet sort of caps the whole thing off. I love what they did to the helmet too. If you look at the helmet -- and we'll certainly have enough opportunities to -- it's been around. It's beaten up. It's got dings. It's got a wonderful patina to it. It's seen its share of battles. So the detail that the team put into those little things to make it, to have it arrive with a story and a history and a past, that's really what made it work for me. As far as me making it work, they just took my measurements, man, you know? [Laughs] It just fit.

What It’s Like Going from Playing a Lawyer to a Superhero

Sears: It's very exciting, just in that, it's a character that's no longer in the courtroom or wearing a lab coat or something. It's been a nice sort of progression. But yeah, this guy is a uniform, like a handful of other characters I've played. How does it feel? I don't know, just wonderful. It feels like such a tremendous honor to try to attempt to feel this guy out and give him a real third dimension. And that aspect of a third dimension I think is maybe a little bit different than playing the foil in a three-piece suit in a law show or something, someone who can tend to be two-dimensional. I think the goal is to make this guy a 100-percent human being who has a past, who has a history and conflicting feelings and all the things that make humans so wonderful to watch, and so complex. But yeah, that's an interesting point. It is another getup of a different nature, but this one means a whole lot more to me.

What Will the Relationship Be Like Between Jay Garrick and Barry Allen?

Todd: I think it's going to be sort of a coach/athlete relationship. Jay is the older brother that Barry didn't have. He's more experienced. His attitude is a little bit more confident, and I think he's the teacher to him.

Will Jay Garrick Be a New Father Figure for Barry Allen?

Todd: In a different way, I think. Last year, he didn't really have anybody that he could speak about being a speedster with. It's not like he go have drinks with Wells and talk about being a speedster, but he can with Jay, and Jay can mentor him on some of the powers that he has and figure out the best way to get him to use those.

Sears: Yeah, I like the older brother analogy, too, versus father. That is a very different dynamic. There is certainly going to be some overlap, but there are some things you can only talk to an older sibling about that you maybe wouldn't feel comfortable talking to a dad character about. And I really like Grant. As a person, I really like Grant.

Todd: It's hard not to like Grant.

Sears: It's hard not to like Grant. But for Jay and Barry, that translates. There's a real desire to be around him and want to lend help, which is also fun to play with.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/10/12/ ... stume-work
- 'The Flash' Q&A: dentro de la dramática introducción de Jay Garrick, Crisis en Earth-2 (variety):
The Flash’ Q&A: dentro de la dramática introducción de Jay Garrick, Crisis en Earth-2
Por Laura Prudom 13 Oct, 2015

“The Flash” delved deeper into its comic book roots in the second episode of season two, explaining the concept of multiple earths; introducing new cop Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten); giving us a glimpse of Earth-2 — and an alternate version of Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh); freaking us out about the health of one half of Firestorm, Martin Stein (Victor Garber); letting Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) prove his heroic credentials to Barry (Grant Gustin) and the STAR Labs team — and flirt a little with Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) in the process; and introducing Iris West’s (Candice Patton) mother, Francine (Vanessa Williams), all while paying homage to a historic issue of “The Flash,” number 123, which introduced the concept of the multiverse to DC Comics canon back in 1961.

Sears and the episode’s writers and co-executive producers, Aaron and Todd Helbing, discussed the episode’s many twists with Variety and other outlets last week – here’s what we learned:

Flash out of Water: You weren’t imagining the chemistry between Jay and Caitlin during their lab scenes in episode two, according to Sears: “There’s a connection these two have, almost an instant comfort level — that wonderful thing you don’t get with too many people in life, these two experience. They’re going to explore that a little bit.”

Unfortunately for Jay, he no longer has his own super speed, which creates some issues in his fight against the terrifying Zoom. “Jay’s biggest rival is Zoom, and he needs Barry’s help to defeat this guy,” Sears says. “I would certainly say there are frustrations to not being able to do what he’s used to doing and helping the way he’s used to helping. But given his background as a scientist, he’s able to put that into play, so even though he’s not able to physically do what he’s used to doing, he’s absolutely able to help with his knowledge.”

As for Jay’s larger goals, Sears says, “I think he just wants Zoom gone and he certainly can’t do it by himself.”

According to Todd Helbing, “The thing I think that Jay wants more than anything is to get his powers back,” but he’s also keeping something else hidden from the team. “There’s something that he is struggling with that you’ll start to learn in the next couple of episodes. And that’s partly where Caitlin comes into play, to help him with something.”

Barry has had a number of paternal figures over the course of the series so far, but don’t expect Jay to take one of those spots now that Wells has been erased from their timeline and Barry’s father Henry (John Wesley Shipp) has left Central City. According to Sears, it’s more of a brotherly bond between the two speedsters. “There are some things you can only talk to an older sibling about that you wouldn’t feel comfortable talking to a dad character about. And I really like Grant, as a person — it’s hard not to like Grant — but for Jay and Barry, that translates. There’s a real desire to be around him and want to lend help, which is also fun to play with.”

“Last year [Barry] didn’t really have anybody that he could speak about being a speedster with,” says Todd Helbing. “It’s not like he could go out and have drinks with Wells and talk about being a speedster, but he can with Jay. And Jay can sort of mentor him in some of the powers that he has and figure out the best way to use them.”

Crisis on Infinite Earths: Thankfully, Professor Stein was around to explain the concept of the multiverse to us in this week’s episode, and in the episode’s closing moments, we actually got a glimpse of what life is like on Earth-2, including an alternate version of Harrison Wells. “It’s such a unique opportunity to have a character that everybody fell in love with and everybody hated at the same time and try to reinvent him in a different way,” Todd Helbing says of Wells’ return. “I think that was always the plan, it was just a challenge to figure out how to do that and have it be satisfactory.”

While it’s hard not to be curious about what else is different on Earth-2, the writers admit that we won’t be exploring it in depth just yet. “Since we introduce Earth-2, there’s always a possibility we’ll go there. Not necessarily early on, but you’ll see more of it,” teases Aaron Helbing.

Don’t expect to see any of the other earths that must also exist somewhere out there in the multiverse either, at least at this stage. “I think it might be a bit too confusing to have Earth-17, so I think right now we’re just going to keep it at Earth 2,” says Todd Helbing.

“I love that a possibility of an Earth-17 exists, though. Or an Earth-49. What does that look like?” Sears muses. “We’re in season two but the possibilities really are kind of limitless.”

52 Problems: In addition to infinite earths, we learned that there are currently 52 breaches in the fabric of reality scattered around Central City, which means 52 holes where Zoom could pop through and deposit a villain from another world.

“Yeah, it’s not good for them,” Todd Helbing admits. “But they figure out a way to control it… There are 52 breaches and Zoom can come through any of them with whoever he wants, so they have to figure out quickly how to manage the biggest threat to them.”

And they’re unlikely to find many other allies like Jay paying them a visit, Todd Helbing says. “Right now, Zoom is the only one that’s able to bring people through. So he’s not going to bring somebody that helps the team. He’s just going to help somebody that does want things specifically for him.”

As for why Zoom isn’t just attempting to kill Barry himself, the producers played coy: “there is a reason, but you’ll learn that down the line.”

The Helbings promise that Zoom is a very different villain from last year’s Reverse Flash. “He’s a speed demon. I think Reverse Flash/Wells had to sort of hone Barry to get what he wanted. Zoom is just like your worst nightmare,” says Todd Helbing. “He’s going to come in and if he doesn’t get these guys to do what he wants, he’s going eventually show up and try to take him down himself. He’s the scariest speedster on the planet.”

“Yeah, I think where Wells had a bit of a conscience now and then when it came to Barry, Zoom just wants to kill Barry,” adds Aaron Helbing.

In addition to Zoom, there’ll still be the usual breed of Central City metahumans out for Barry’s blood, too, says Todd Helbing. “There’ll be some villains that you saw last year. Different combinations. There’s a lot of new villains. There are still meta-humans running around Central City that we didn’t get to last year so there will be some new people that you’ll be introduced to soon.”

Better Half: Martin Stein has been an invaluable resource in STAR Labs after Wells’ demise, but in this week’s episode, he collapsed — which Todd Helbing attributes to losing Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell). “With what happened to Ronnie he’s missing a side of him that he’s had for quite a while now and that’s going to start to sneak up on him.”

As for Ronnie’s fate following the destruction of the wormhole, Aaron Helbing offered one tease: “We’re in the “Flash”-verse, so anything is possible. There’s Earth-2, there’s the multiverse. There’s always the possibility for Ronnie to come back.”

Good Vibrations: Stein also figured out that something strange is going on with Cisco (Carlos Valdes), but with Stein out of commission, no one in STAR Labs knows what the tech guru is dealing with. Cisco is currently paranoid that Wells has done something terrible to him, and that fear will continue to weigh on him this season. “[He thinks] Wells gave this power to him and Wells was very evil so he’s just a little freaked,” Todd Helbing says. “As the season goes on you’ll start to see him deal with that problem of ‘how do I tell these guys? When do I tell them?’ And then sort of figure out this power that he has and how to control it more.”

We got a glimpse of Caitlin’s potential future as Killer Frost in the season one finale, but that storyline will be a slower burn that will be answered further down the line. “We’ve thought about it and we definitely talk about it and we revealed it,” says Aaron Helbing. “Everybody’s powers manifest at different times. We’re going to focus on Cisco for a little bit.”

New Girl in Town: “Flash of Two Worlds” also introduced the tenacious Patty Spivot, whose determination to join Joe West’s (Jesse L. Martin) metahuman taskforce put her in the crosshairs this week — but that brush with danger didn’t dampen her desire to help get metahumans off the street. “We wanted to make her this very strong, hardcore female cop who has a purpose,” Todd Helbing explains. “Originally, we talked about she’s kind of like [“Arrow” character] Felicity, but the second we started writing her, we felt like we had to make her quite a bit different. We wanted to have her feeling part of the show and part of the universe we set up. Just somebody that was in this for the right reasons, hellbent on stopping Mark and metahumans and somebody that could feel like she was part of the metahuman task force and hold her own.”

Patty also had an undeniable spark with Barry — and certainly seems to speak his language when it comes to forensics. But how will that impact Barry’s relationship with his first love, Iris? “I would say Iris is always Barry’s lightning rod, best friend, first love of his life. But she just lost Eddie, so as she is dealing with this and Barry and Iris are slipping back into that friendship mold, it leaves an opportunity to explore a relationship with Patty,” says Aaron Helbing. “We’ll see how that develops. But Iris and Barry are childhood friends and loves and that’s always going to be there for both of them.”

Iris will have plenty on her plate thanks to the return of her mother, Francine, who made her first appearance this week. “She came back to see her daughter and reestablish this family that she once had,” says Todd Helbing, noting that we’ll learn “why now” in coming episodes. He also previews that we can expect Iris to struggle with her mother’s return: “Iris obviously has this conception about her mother and her being away from her her whole life, and learning that is not the case can sort of turn your world upside down, so that’s the jumping off point that she’s going to be starting with.”

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/the-fla ... 201617261/
- Teddy Sears habla sobre la relación de Jay Garrick con -SPOILER- y quién ganaría en una carrera (ETOnline):
Teddy Sears habla sobre la relación de Jay Garrick con -SPOILER- y quién ganaría en una carrera
Por Leanne Aguilera 6:00 PM PDT, 13 Octubre 2015

After just 42 minutes, The Flash's world as we knew it will never been the same.

Episode two, "Flash of Two Worlds," was jam-packed with iconic DC Comics mythology, and introduced our Central City heroes to the term we've been waiting more than a year to hear: multiverse.

Now that we're armed with the knowledge of alternate universes, and the fact that Earth-Two's Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) is alive and incredibly beloved, it's time to look forward to what's next. So we called up Teddy Sears -- a.k.a. our other Flash, Jay Garrick -- to get the exclusive scoop on what's next.

We saw in the very end of episode two that Harrison Wells is alive and well on Earth-Two. How well does Jay Garrick know Harrison Wells?
TS: Oh, they have history! They definitely have history, which we'll be fleshing out in the episodes to come -- not many episodes from now, actually. That's all I'll say. They certainly know one another because prior to Jay getting the speed force, he was a prominent scientist and Harrison Wells is in that community as well. He's also a known figure on Earth-Two because of that, so we're going to be fleshing that out as we move forward, but he absolutely knows Harrison Wells.

Thanks to your Flash cheat sheet, we know that there are 52-Earths in the DC multiverse, and after episode two, we know there are 52 portal breaches throughout Central City. Does this mean that each breach is connected to a different Earth?
TS: So the writers haven’t specified whether breach 12 goes to Earth 12, but that would be so cool to think about, right? Actually, I had never ever considered that before! But they did choose the number 52 as a nod to the 52 different Earths in the multiverse. Some breaches are bigger than others, some are located underground, some are located up in the sky. It's all very fun and very, very cool.

We saw that it took Barry a long time to believe that Jay was telling the truth. Now that he has Barry's trust, what's the relationship between the two Flashes going to be like moving forward?
TS: Jay finds himself as kind of a regular member of the S.T.A.R. Labs team. He gets along well with everybody, and he becomes a trusted part of the group in helping to rid Earth of all the bad guys and solve problems. So it's safe to say that after episode two Jay wins Barry's trust and they just move forward as a team from there.

Will we see Jay get his Speed Force back while on Earth-One?
TS: Oh God, I hope so! I'm not sure what the writes have in store honestly, and as an actor I try not to ask too many questions. They hand me a script and I say, 'Oh, cool! This is what I'm doing this week!' but I hope so. That's a question I don’t get that often, but I do get asked who do you think is faster?

Well, who do you think would win in a race: Barry or Jay?
TS: I don’t know! I mean Barry Allen is a young pup and I've got some years on him, so I would wager the youngin' might take it, but I don’t know. I would love to get there and see it for myself because that would be really fun.

http://www.etonline.com/news/173929_the ... ultiverse/
- Escritores de "Flash" y Teddy Sears contestan a las preguntas calientes de "Flash of Two Worlds" (cbr):
Escritores de "Flash" y Teddy Sears contestan a las preguntas calientes de "Flash of Two Worlds"
Por Scott Huver 13 Oct, 2015

The only thing that came racing in faster than Barry Allen in tonight's episode of "The Flash" were the questions that it posed.

The introduction of Earth-2's Flash Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) and the enigmatic new big bad Zoom may have been the centerpiece of "Flash of Two Worlds," but the storyline was supercharged with a seemingly endless mysteries and possibilities that will, of course, form the thrust of Season Two. You might have noticed multiple references to the Multiverse and the veritable can of worms that opens up.

The writers of tonight's episode, brothers Todd and Aaron Helbing, recently gathered with Sears, the man beneath Garrick's metal helmet, to face the press and provide some answers -- sometime concrete, sometimes cryptic -- to the burning questions posed by all the new plot twists.

This episode brings in lot of the comic book mythology. How do you balance fan expectations with the show's universe?

Todd Helbing: Well, it's always a balancing act. I guess the way we approach it with every episode is we want people that have read all the comic books to sort of get all the joys that they got from reading those. But we also want the people that aren't fans or that aren't comic book-savvy to get that same experience. So we just try to make them as cool as possible and just swing for the fences every episode.

What were the things in the source material that you knew you wanted to figure out how to translate for the show when bringing in Jay Garrick? There's a nod to the cover of "The Flash" #123, for instance…

Todd Helbing: I mean, obviously, the cover was the most iconic thing, right? And that was a pitch from the beginning, that if we could figure out a way to recreate that, that was definitely something we wanted to do. But other than that, I think we always go from a story sense first, so it has to fit in the story. There's obviously going to be a lot of things in the comics that we can't do -- that I think the reality of shooting some of those, it's not going to play very well on screen. So we just have to pick our moments and go with those.

What is Jay's goal?

Teddy Sears: Well, I mean, Jay's biggest rival is Zoom, and he needs Barry's help to defeat this guy. We see him when he arrives without his speed, and he knows what Zoom is capable of. And so he very much needs Barry. He needs to enlist Barry, and he needs to, I guess, have Barry harness these powers and these depths that he didn't really know he could reach. He needs Barry to achieve these things in order for him to defeat Zoom.

It's sort of that wonderful mentor/mentee thing we start to see develop. His larger goal? I don't know. It's just that I think he wants Zoom gone, and he certainly can't do it by himself.

I just think it's going to be sort of a coach/athlete relationship. Jay is the older brother that he didn't have. He's more experienced. His attitude is a little bit more confident. Yeah, he's the teacher to him.

I think last year, he didn't really have anybody that he could speak about being a speedster with. It's not like he could go out and have drinks with Wells and talk about being a speedster, but he can with Jay. And Jay can sort of mentor him on some of the powers that he has and figure out the best way to sort of get him to use those.

Sears: Yeah, I like the older brother analogy, too…There's some things that you can only talk to an older sibling about than wouldn't maybe feel comfortable talking to like a dad character about. And I really like Grant [Gustin]. Like, as a person, I really like Grant.

Todd Helbing: It's hard not to like him.

Sears: It's hard not to like Grant, but for Jay and Barry, that translates. There's a real desire to be around him and want to lend help, which is also fun to play with.

Will we see Jay get his powers back any time soon?

Todd Helbing: I mean, the thing that Jay wants more than anything is to get his powers back. That's something that is definitely on his mind, but right now, he's focused on stopping Zoom.

Will we seeing any frustrations about Jay's inability to help the team as a speedster?

Sears: Yeah, I would certainly say there are frustrations to not being able to do what he's used to doing and helping in the way he's used to helping. But given his background as a scientist, he's able to put that into play. So even though he's not able to sort of physically do what he's used to doing, he's absolutely able to help with his knowledge.

Todd Helbing: He can't use his legs, he still has a brain that he can use, and it's a really good brain.

Sears: And I think because of that, he can't do it himself, so he might as well use what he knows and push Barry to go further and go deeper and there's something to that. There's a bit of motivation. Maybe he would just jump and do it himself, but he's got this young guy. So that also deepens and strengthens that sort of coach/athlete dynamic.

It seems like Jay's still not telling Team Flash something crucial.

Todd Helbing: Jay? Well, there's something that he is struggling with that you'll start to learn in the next couple episodes. And that's partly where Caitlin [Danielle Panabaker] comes into play to help them with something.

Caitlin appears to develop a bit of a crush on Jay Garrick. Does that develop into anything more?

Sears: Well, I will say that there's sort of a connection that these two have. I don't know -- a comfort level: sort of an instant comfort level, a wonderful thing that you don't get with too many people in life that I believe that these two experience. And so I think they're going to explore that a little bit. Jay and Caitlin are part of this bigger team at S.T.A.R. Labs, and they're going to have a series of interactions that I think we're going to explore a little bit.

We also can see that Barry has a pretty instant spark with Patty Spivot [Shantel VanSanten]. Are you going to explore that relationship further?

Todd Helbing: I would say Iris [Candice Patton] is always Barry's lightning rod, best friend, first love of his life, but she just lost Eddie. So as she is dealing with this, and Barry and Iris are slipping back into that sort of friendship mold, I think it just leaves an opportunity to explore a relationship with Patty, and you'll see how that sort of develops. But Iris and Barry -- I mean, they're childhood friends and loves. That's always going to be there, for both of them.

How did you want to introduce Patty and what kind of impression did you want her to make?

Todd Helbing: I think we wanted to make her this very strong, hardcore female cop who has a clear purpose, and the Mark Mardon story behind it. We also wanted to make her somebody that was -- originally, we had talked about she's kind of like Felicity [Smoak], but the second we started writing her, we felt like we had to make her quite a bit different.

We wanted to sort of have her feel part of this show and part of the universe that we set up, but just something that was in this for the right reasons, hell-bent on stopping Mardon and meta-humans and somebody that could feel that she was part of the meta-human task force and hold her own.

So many of the villains are at large -- will we be seeing some of them returning this season?

Todd Helbing: There will be some villains that you saw last year -- different combinations. There's a lot of new villains. There's still meta-humans running around Earth -- or Central City -- that we didn't get to last year, so there's going to be some new people that you'll be introduced to soon.

What can you tell us about Zoom? He's a speedster, but how does he differ from, say, the Reverse-Flash?

Todd Helbing: He's a speed demon. I think Reverse-Flash, [Harrison] Wells, had to sort of hone in on Barry to get what he wanted, but Zoom is just like your worst nightmare. He's going to come in, and if he doesn't get these guys to do what he wants, he's going to eventually show up and try to take him down himself. He's the scariest speedster on the planet.

Aaron Helbing: Yeah, I think where Wells had a bit of a conscience now and then when it came to Barry, Zoom -- he just wants to kill Barry.

We're seeing Zoom bringing people like Nuklon through the portal to kill Barry. Are there any good people that might also come through?

Todd Helbing: Well, right now, Zoom is the only one that's able to bring people through. So he's not going to bring somebody that helps the team. He's just going to help somebody that does want things specifically for him.

Is there a reason why Zoom's not going there and killing him himself?

Todd Helbing: Yeah, there is a reason, but you'll learn that down the line.

Can you talk about the multiversal breaches, the biggest one being at S.T.A.R. Labs?

Todd Helbing: Yeah, it's not good for them, but they figure out a way to sort of control it. It's very bad, the 52 breaches, and Zoom can come through any of them with whoever he wants, so they have to sort of figure out quickly how to manage the biggest threat to them.

We got a glimpse of Killer Frost last season. How long are we going to have to wait until we explore that storyline?

Todd Helbing: Your answer will be questioned down the line a little bit. I can't tell you exactly when you're going to see it, but the question will be answered.

Aaron Helbing: We thought about it, and we definitely talk about it. And we revealed it. It's just everybody's powers manifested at different times, so we're going to focus on Cisco for a little bit.

What can you say about Cisco's big secret?

Todd Helbing: Well, I think just like what we saw him say to [Martin] Stein, what Wells said to him: that Wells gave this power to him -- and Wells was very evil, so he's just a little freaked out. And so I think as the season goes on, you'll start to see him deal with that problem of, "How do I tell these guys? When do I tell them?" And then, sort of figure out this power that he has and how to control it more.

How off the chessboard is Barry's dad at this point?

Todd Helbing: He's still part of the fabric. He still provides that emotional support Barry needs, and he will make an appearance down the line.

On the parental front, Iris' mother Francine made a surprise return. Anything you can say about the upcoming West family dynamic?

Todd Helbing: Iris, obviously, has this conception about her mother and her being away from her, her whole life. And I'm sure you can imagine learning that that is not the case, it can sort ever turn your world upside down, so that's sort of the jumping off point in which she's going to be struggling.

Will we see more universes than Earth-1 and -2 during the season?

Todd Helbing: Right now, I think it might be a little too confusing to have Earth-17. So I think, right now, we're just going to keep it to Earth-2.

Sears: I was just going to add, I love the possibility of an Earth-17 exists, or on Earth-49. What does that look like with 52 different choices? I mean, we're in Season Two, but the possibilities, really, are kind of limitless.

Aaron Helbing: Would Jay always have that helmet in Earth-17?

Sears: Or would it be a mutation or a version of that? So a lot of fun things to explore down the line, potentially.

Will we have a chance to see the other Jay Garrick -- the Earth-1 Jay -- in our world with some other occupation?

Todd Helbing: Possibly.

Aaron Helbing: Keep watching. It's always a possibility.

Sears: Yeah, I didn't even consider that! We are in the world of doppelgängers after all.

Was it a foregone conclusion at the end of last season that you wanted to keep Tom Cavanagh -- and Harrison Wells -- in play in some form, or did you have to kind of talk it all out?

Todd Helbing: If it was up to me, I'd have Tom Cavanagh in every show. He's amazing. It's such a unique opportunity to have a character that everybody fell in love and that everybody hated at the same time. Then try to reinvent him in a different way. So yeah, I think that was always the plan. It was just a challenge to figure out exactly how to do that and have it be satisfactory.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... two-worlds
- Primicia sobre esos sorprendentes regresos y la fiera condición de Stein (EW):
Primicia sobre esos sorprendentes regresos y la fiera condición de Stein
Por Natalie Abrams 13 Oct, 2015

Jay Garrick wasn’t the only new face in Central City during Tuesday’s episode of The Flash.

Picking up where the premiere left off, Jay (Teddy Sears) warned Team Flash of the arrival of speed demon Zoom, who has been using one of 52 breaches that bridge the Scarlet Speedster’s Earth-One and the Crimson Comet’s Earth-Two to introduce new villains in a bid to kill The Flash (Grant Gustin).

With the help of Cisco’s (Carlos Valdes) new powers, The Flash duo are able to take down the meta-of-the-week, the Sand Demon, and save Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten) in the process. But their celebration is cut short when Professor Stein (Victor Garber) suddenly collapses. Meanwhile, a peek at Earth-Two reveals a tour group at S.T.A.R. Labs getting the rare chance to meet its founder,Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh)! You’ve got questions, we’ve got answers from executive producers Andrew Kreisberg and Todd and Aaron Helbing, who penned the hour:

Harrison Wells lives! But this is a “very different” Wells than we knew, according to Kreisberg. For one, he wasn’t replaced by Eobard Thawne, so we’re finally getting insight into the real man. “It’s one of the more interesting challenges that we could’ve presented an actor,” Kreisberg says. “Play the same character, but we’re giving him a completely different backstory. What’s interesting about the character is the ways in which he’s different, but also the ways in which he’s the same.” But don’t expect to spend a great deal of time with him. “Since we introduce Earth-Two, there’s always a possibility we’ll go there,” Aaron Helbing says. “Not necessarily early on, but you’ll see more of it.”

West family drama: Wells wasn’t the only character who made a surprise return. The never-before-seen Francine West (Vanessa Williams) made her debut this week, hoping to reunite with Joe (Jesse L. Martin) and Iris (Candice Patton). “She came back to see her daughter and reestablish this family that she once had,” says Todd Helbing, noting that we’ll soon find out why she’s chosen to return now. “Iris obviously has this conception about her mother and her being away from her her whole life. I’m sure you can imagine that learning that is not the case could turn your whole world upside down. That’s the jumping off point she’s going to be struggling with.”

Victor’s fiery new dilemma: Crossover alert: This is a big setup for DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. “Obviously with what happened to Ronnie [Robbie Amell], [Stein is] missing a side of him that he’s had for quite a while now,” Todd says. “That’s going to start to sneak up on him.” Fortunately, Barry and the team will track down a new other half in the upcoming episode “The Fury of Firestorm,” which introduces Legends’ Jefferson Jackson (Franz Drameh).

Cisco’s new powers: With Stein otherwise occupied, Cisco is dealing with his new powers on his own. “Wells gave this power to him, and Wells was very evil, so he’s just a little freaked out,” Todd Helbing says. “As the season goes on, you’ll start to see him deal with that problem of how do I tell these guys, when do I tell them, and figure out this power that he has and how to control it more.” Suffice it to say, Cisco doesn’t have a great handle on it. “The way these powers are presenting themselves, I wouldn’t say that they’re fun,” Kreisberg says. “That’s really scaring Cisco. He works at a place where they lock up bad metahumans. The gift that his powers are is not readily apparent to him. He’s only seen the bad and the darkness in them.”

Those big breaches: Not only can Zoom cross over to Earth-One, but he has a number of places he can do so — 52, to be exact, which is a hit-you-over-the-head nod to DC Comics’ New 52s. “It’s not good for them,” Todd Helbing says. “But they figure out a way to control it. [There are] 52 breaches and Zoom can come through any of them with whoever he wants. They have to figure out quickly how to manage the biggest threat to them.”

A few things to note: Zoom is the only one who has figured out how to use the breaches, which is tied to being a speedster, and the producers don’t plan to introduce more alternate timelines than Earth-Two for the time being — sorry, Earth-17. Also, Zoom has a very specific reason why he is not trying to kill Barry himself. “Zoom is just your worst nightmare,” Todd Helbing says. “If he doesn’t get these guys to do what he wants, he’s going to eventually show up and try to take him down himself. He’s the scariest speedster on the planet.”

Romance at S.T.A.R. Labs: A big surprise during the episode was the clear chemistry between Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) and Jay, which will develop further in coming episodes. “There’s a connection that these two have, sort of an instant comfort level, that wonderful thing you don’t get with too many people in life, that I believe these two experience,” Sears says. “They’re going to explore that a little bit. Jay and Caitlin are part of this bigger team at S.T.A.R. Labs and they’re going to have a series of interactions we’re going to explore a little bit.”

A new love triangle: Speaking of romance, Barry quickly bonded with Patty Spivot, whose father was killed by the Weather Wizard, which is why she’s so desperate to fight metahumans. This blossoming relationship adds a new complication this season. “Iris is always Barry’s lightning rod, best friend, first love of his life, but she just lost Eddie,” Todd Helbing says. “As she’s dealing with this, and Barry and Iris are slipping back into that friendship mold, it leaves an opportunity to explore a relationship with Patty. You’ll see how that develops. Iris and Barry are childhood friends and loves. That’s always going to be there for both of them.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/10/13/fl ... o-spoilers
- Productores ejecutivos de "The Flash" sobre la fuerta primera impresión de Patty Spivot y los nuevos problemas del Dr. Stein (THR):
Productores ejecutivos de "The Flash" sobre la fuerta primera impresión de Patty Spivot y los nuevos problemas del Dr. Stein
Por Sydney Bucksbaum 13 Oct, 2015 6:00pm PT

Barry's (Grant Gustin) got himself a new love interest, a new mentor and a new cause for concern on The Flash.

Tuesday's episode introduced DC Comics character Patty Spivot (Shantel VanSanten) as an inexperienced but highly motivated CCPD cop who would stop at nothing to get Joe's (Jesse L. Martin) approval and accepted onto his metahuman task force. By the end of the hour, she accomplished her goal, while also managing to catch Barry's eye.

"We wanted to make her this very strong, hardcore female cop who has a clear purpose," said executive producer Todd Helbing, who co-wrote the episode with his brother, executive producer Aaron Helbing. "She's someone that is in this for the right reasons, hell-bent on stopping Mardon and metahumans, and someone who could feel like she's a part of the metahuman task force and hold her own."

Both Todd and Aaron made sure to make Patty as different from Arrow's Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) as possible to make her stand out as a new love interest for Barry. But before any more sparks can fly, Barry and the rest of the STAR Labs team need to figure out why Dr. Stein (Victor Garber) collapsed at the end of the episode. Hint: because Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) died saving Central City from the singularity, it's going to start affecting the surviving half of FIRESTORM.

"Obviously with what happened to Ronnie, he's missing a side to him that he's had for quite a while," said Todd. "That's going to start to sneak up on him."

Another surprise during the episode was the arrival of Iris West's (Candice Patton) estranged mother. "She came back to see her daughter and re-establish this family that she once had," said Todd. "You'll find out [why]. Iris has this conception about her mother, and her being away from her her whole life. I'm sure you can imagine learning that that is not the case can turn your world upside down. That's going to be the jumping off point of what she is going to be struggling with."

And if it seemed like Central City's new speedster Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) is hiding something from the rest of the STAR Labs team, that's because he is.

"There is something that he is struggling with that you'll start to see in the next couple of episodes," said Todd. "That's partly where Caitlin [Danielle Panabaker] comes into play, to help him with something."

But Jay didn't lie about losing his powers and wanting to help Barry and the team defeat Zoom. "The thing that Jay wants more than anything is to get his powers back," said Todd. "It's something that is definitely on his mind but right now he's focused on stopping Zoom."

Both Todd and Aaron wanted to highlight the fact that Jay and Barry are going to have a very different relationship than Barry had with Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh), and not only because Jay is actually a good guy.

"It's sort of a coach-athlete relationship," Todd said of their dynamic. "Jay is the older brother that he didn't have. He's more experienced, his attitude is a little more confident, and I think he's the teacher to him. Last year he didn't really have anyone that he could speak about being a speedster with. It's not like he could go out and have drinks with Wells and talk about being a speedster but he can with Jay."

Barry is going to need all the help he can get from Jay, since the team figured out that the singularity left behind 52 breeches that connect Earth 1 with Jay and Zoom's home, Earth 2. And of course, the biggest breech is right in the middle of STAR Labs.

"It's not good for them but they figure out a way to control it," said Todd. "It's very bad. There are 52 breeches and Zoom can come through any of them any time he wants, so they have to figure out quickly how to manage the biggest threat to them."

So far, The Flash has only shown glimpses of Earth 2 (including a shot of Earth 2's Harrison Wells), but the second universe will be shown more as the season goes on. "Since we introduced Earth 2, there's always a possibility that we'll go there, but not necessarily early on," said Aaron. "But you'll see more it."

And as for Cisco's (Carlos Valdes) blossoming metahuman powers, he's going to stick by his decision to keep them a secret from the rest of the team for a while.

"What we saw him say to Stein is what Wells said to him," said Todd. "Wells gave this power to him and Wells is very evil so he's just a little freaked out. As the season goes on, we'll start to see him deal with that problem of, 'How do I tell these guys, when do I tell them,' and then figuring out this power he has and try to control it more."

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ce=twitter
- Productores ejecutivos de "The Flash" sobre dos grandes regresos, la amenaza de Zoom, el futuro de Firestorm y más (TVLine):
Productores ejecutivos de "The Flash" sobre dos grandes regresos, la amenaza de Zoom, el futuro de Firestorm y más
Por Vlada Gelman / 13 Octubre 2015, 6:00 PM PDT

It’s a big, big world on The Flash. So big in fact that Tuesday’s episode of the CW series introduces another Earth, where Wells still exists as S.T.A.R. Labs’ founder, Jay Garrick (AKA the Crimson Comet) races through the streets and the speed demon Zoom is out to get him.

Now on Earth 1, Jay warns Barry of the threat from Zoom and the many breaches between worlds that the singularity created. Needless to say, the scarlet speedster’s team has a full plate of worry.

“It’s very bad,” previews Todd Helbing, who co-wrote the episode with his brother Aaron. “There are 52 breaches and Zoom can come through any of them with whoever he wants, so they have to figure out quickly how to manage the biggest threat to them.”

Below, the two writers/producers discuss Wells’ “resurrection,” Jay’s flirtatious relationship with Caitlin, Firestorm’s fate and the surprise arrival of Iris’ mom.

WELLS 2 | Viewers haven’t seen the last of the doc in his new surroundings. “Since we introduce Earth 2, there’s always a possibility we’ll go there,” Aaron Helbing reveals. “Not necessarily early on, but you’ll see more of it, yes.” Finding a way to bring back star Tom Cavanagh despite his character’s death last season was an easy decision for the producers. “If it were up to me, I’d have Tom Cavanagh in every show,” Todd Helbing says. “He’s amazing. It’s such a unique opportunity to have a character that everybody fell in love with and everybody hated at the same time and try to reinvent him in a different way. That was always the plan. It was just a challenge to figure out how to do that and have it be satisfactory.”

ZOOM INTO YOUR NIGHTMARES | The new Big Bad will prove to be a much more menacing foe than the Reverse Flash, who “had to hone Barry to get what he wanted,” Todd Helbing describes. “Zoom is just like your worst nightmare. He’s going to come in and if he doesn’t get these [villains] to do what he wants, he’s going eventually show up and try to take [Barry] down himself. He’s the scariest speedster on the planet.” To put it bluntly, “Wells had a bit of a conscience now and then when it came to Barry. Zoom wants to kill Barry,” Aaron Helbing explains. So why doesn’t he just travel through the breach and do it himself? “There is a reason, but you’ll learn that down the line,” is all Todd Helbing will say.

A NEW ROMANCE? | If you noticed a spark between Jay and the widowed Caitlin – and it was pretty hard not to – you were right to pick up on a “connection” between the two scientists, his portrayer Teddy Sears says. There’s “almost an instant comfort level. That wonderful thing you don’t get with too many people in life, these two experience. They’re going to explore that a little bit.” Adds Todd Helbing: “There’s something that he is struggling with that you’ll start to learn in the next couple of episodes. That’s partly where Caitlin comes into play, to help him with something.”

FIRESTORM 2.0 | Given Dr. Martin Stein’s collapse at the end of this Tuesday’s installment, it’s obvious “with what happened to Ronnie, he’s missing a side of him that he’s had for quite a while now, and that’s going to start to sneak up on him,” Tood Helbing teases. But while the team searches for a new Firestorm match for the doctor, could Robbie Amell’s Ronnie return in another world? “We’re in the Flash-verse, so anything is possible,” Todd Helbing says. “There’s Earth 2, there’s multiverse. There’s always the possibility for Ronnie to come back.”

THE FAMILY WEST | Wells wasn’t the only character to make a surprise appearance in this week’s episode. Iris’ MIA mama Francine also returned “to see her daughter and reestablish this family that she once had,” Todd Helbing previews. But why she’s reaching out now is a mystery that will be revealed in time, and when it is, it will cause some upheaval for her daughter. “Iris, obviously, has this conception about her mother and her being away from her her whole life,” the EP describes, adding that new truths “will turn [Iris’] world upside down.”

SPIVOT TWIST TO WESTALLEN | While the titular speedster hit it off with science-geek cop Patty Spivot, “Iris is always Barry’s lightning rod – best friend, first love of his life,” Todd Helbing points out. “But she just lost Eddie, so as she is dealing with this and Barry and Iris are slipping back into that friendship mold, it leaves an opportunity to explore a relationship with Patty. We’ll see how that develops. But Iris and Barry are childhood friends and loves and that’s always going to be there for both of them.”

http://tvline.com/2015/10/13/the-flash- ... firestorm/
- Un nuevo amigo (O enemigo), Una Nueva Tierra (O 17) (TVFanatic):
Un nuevo amigo (O enemigo), Una Nueva Tierra (O 17)
Por Jim Halterman 14 Oct, 2015 8:54 am

Is Jay Garrick friend or foe?

On The Flash Season 2 Episode 2, Garrick showed up and explained to our group that he's also The Flash…in another dimension.

Apparently, when Barry Allen saved the world in The Flash Season 1 finale, he inadvertently opened a portal and now a villain named Zoom is sending baddies through it to kill Barry. That sounds like a problem.

Everything Jay told us seems on the up and up; we even saw that he and Barry could actually work well together. But is Zoom’s threat the only thing tied to Jay? Or is there more to come? What’s up with Cisco? And what the heck was that little romantic spark we saw between Caitlin and Jay?

Oh, and Harrison Wells is back?!?

After a press screening last week, episode writers/brothers Todd and Aaron Helbing (as well as actor Teddy Sears) gave us the scoop on what we saw as well as what’s coming.

Fan Expectations: By introducing a key character from the comic books, Todd Helbing explained how they consider what the fans might think: “It’s always a balancing act. I guess the way we approach it with every episode is we want people who have read all the comic books to get all the joy they got out of reading those. But we want the people who aren’t comic book savvy to get that same experience.”

Jaitlin? Cay? There’s definitely a spark between Caitlin (still bruised over Ronnie’s death) and Jay (who proved charming with or without his shirt). Sears explained: “There’s a connection these two have, almost an instant comfort level. That wonderful thing you don’t get with too many people in life, these two experience. They’re going to explore that a little bit.”

Earths Aplenty: With 52 Earths out there, just how many worlds will be explored? "I think it might be a bit too confusing to have Earth 17 so I think right now we’re just going to keep it at Earth 2," Todd said.

However, Sears’ eyes were alive with the thought of the story options: “I love that a possibility of an Earth 17 exists, though. Or an Earth 49. What does that look like? We’re in season 2 but the possibilities really are kind of limitless.”

The Zoom of it All: Jay’s singular goal when we meet him is to take down Zoom. “He needs Barry’s help to defeat this guy,” revealed Sears. “I think when we see him he arrives without his speed and he knows what Zoom is capable of so he very much needs to enlist Barry and he needs to have Barry harness these powers and these sort of depths that he didn’t know he could reach."

Jay’s Secret: As honest as he might seem, we’ll find that maybe taking down Zoom isn’t Jay’s only intention. However, whether that’s a good or bad thing remains to be seen. “There’s something that he is struggling with that you’ll start to learn in the next couple of episodes,” Todd said. “And that’s partly where Caitlin comes into play, to help him with something.”

Spivot. Patty Spivot: The episode introduced another character from the DC world in the new cop who is dying to work with Joe to bring down Metahumans (one of which, Mark Mardon, killed her father).

“Originally, we talked about she's kind of like Felicity,” said Todd. "But the second we started writing her, we felt like we had to make her quite a bit different. We wanted to have her feeling part of the show and part of the universe we set up…and somebody that could feel like she was part of the Metahuman task force and hold her own.”

And that was a spark between Patty and Barry, so watch for them to get closer especially since Iris’s heart is still bruised over losing Eddie.

Cisco Powers: Our favorite villain-naming friend is definitely shaken by his new visual abilities... and for good reason. “Wells gave this power to him,” said Todd, “and Wells was very evil so he’s just a little freaked out so I think as the season goes on you’ll start to see him deal with that problem of ‘how do I tell these guys? When do I tell them?’ And then sort of figure out this power that he has and how to control it more.”

More Villains: Zoom is the biggest threat at the moment, but don’t be surprised if we see some villains from Season 1 pop back up, as well. “

There’ll be some villains that you saw last year,” Todd revealed. “There’s a lot of new villains. There are still meta-humans running around Earth, or Central City, that we didn’t get to last year so there will be some new people that you’ll be introduced to soon.”

The writers wouldn’t reveal much about Killer Frost coming to the show despite the press asking but Todd did say, “your question will be answered down the line a little bit.”

The Iconic Helmet: Sears beamed when talking about the importance of Jay’s helmet, especially the first time we see him put it on. “I remember shooting it,” he said, “[and] there was a real awe and reverence for seeing this thing. That was absolutely not acted at all. There was such substance in that moment. I keep coming back to this moment of ‘Wow, this feels really important.’”

Hello, Francine West: We meet Iris’s mom at the end of the episode, but why is she back and why now? “She came back to see her daughter and reestablish this family that she once had,” said Todd.

As far as Iris is concerned, she “obviously has this conception about her mother and her being away from her her whole life, and I’m sure you can imagine learning that is not the case can sort of turn your world upside down, so that’s the jumping off point that she’s going to be starting with.”

Wells Is Back! While we knew he’d pop up somewhere, were you surprised Harrison Wells turned up on Earth 2? The producers were mum about when we might see him again, but it WILL happen.

Todd added there’s a unique appeal of the character: “I think it’s such a unique opportunity to have a character that everybody fell in love with and everybody hated at the same time and try to reinvent him in a different way. I think that was always the plan, it was just a challenge to figure out how to do that and have it be satisfactory.”

http://www.tvfanatic.com/2015/10/the-fl ... -and-barr/
- Explicando el Jay Garrick-lleno de giros y trivia de esta semana (IGN):
Explicando el Jay Garrick-lleno de giros y trivia de esta semana
Por Joshua Yehl 12 Oct 2015

The second episode of Season 2 of The Flash, “Flash of Two Worlds,” was packed with all sorts of plot twists and comic book trivia, and we’ve got answers and explanations for you straight from Flash writers Todd and Aaron Helbing and Jay Garrick actor Teddy Sears. Some answers are more like vague hints, but their responses are interesting nonetheless.

Pulling off the cover homage to The Flash #123 - Flash of Two Worlds

Todd: That was a pitch from the beginning, that if we could figure out a way to recreate, that was definitely something we wanted to do. But other than that, I think we always go from a story sense first, so it just has to fit in the story. There's obviously going to be a lot of things in the comics that we can't do. I think the reality of shooting some of those is not going to play very well on-screen. So we just have to pick our moments and go with those.

Is Ronnie Raymond aka Firestorm dead or on Earth-2?

Aaron: Well, we're in the Flash-verse, so anything's possible. There's Earth 2, there's the Multiverse, so there's always a possibility to see Ronnie come back.

Will we see more of the Multiverse?

Todd: Right now, I think it might be a little too confusing to have, you know, Earth 17. So right now I think we're going to keep it to Earth 2.

Sears: I love that the possibility of an Earth 17 exists though -- or Earth 49. What does that look like? With 52 different choices -- I mean, we're in Season 2, but the possibilities really are kind of limitless.

Aaron: Would Jay always have that helmet in Earth 17 too?

Sears: Yeah, or would it be a version of it? Yeah, there's a lot of fun things to explore down the line, potentially.

On Cisco keeping his power a secret

Todd: I think just like what we saw [Cisco] say to Stein is, what Wells said to him -- Wells gave this power to him, and Wells was very evil. So he's just a little freaked out. I think as the season goes on you'll start to see him deal with that problem of, "How do I tell these guys? When do I tell them?" and then sort of figure out this power that he has, how to control it more.

What villains will we see in Season 2?

Todd: There will be some villains that you saw last year, different combinations. There's a lot of new villains. There are still Metahumans running around that we didn't get to last year, so there are going to be some new people that will be introduced soon.

Did Barry Allen kill Sand Demon?

Todd: That's a good question. Look, Zoom has sent all these guys over to kill Barry, so it's more of a self-defense act. He's also saving the life of Patty.

IGN: So is he dead?

Todd: Oh yeah, he's dead. Most sincerely dead.

On the threat of the 52 breaches in Earth-1

Todd: Yeah, it's not good for [Team Flash], but they figure out a way to sort of control it. I don't know how to explain it. It's very bad. It's 52 breaches, and Zoom can come through any of them with whoever he wants. So they have to figure out quickly how to manage the biggest threat to them.

What makes Zoom different from Reverse-Flash aka Harrison Wells?

Todd: He's a speed demon. I think Reverse-Flash, Wells, had to hone Barry to get what he wanted, but Zoom is just your worst nightmare. He's going to come in, and if he doesn't get these guys to do what he wants, he's going to eventually show up and try to take him down himself. He's the scariest speedster on the planet.

Aaron: Yeah, I think where Wells had a bit of a conscience now and then when it came to Barry, Zoom just wants to kill Barry.

How did you develop a clear explanation of the Multiverse?

Todd: I think whenever we write scenes like that -- like, our mother is a huge fan of the show.

Aaron: But she's never read a comic book in her life.

Todd: Yeah, and something as complex as that is sort of mind-blowing. So we have her in mind when we're writing those scenes.

Sears: Did you actually run it by your mom? Like, "Mom, does this sound right? Do you understand? Can you track this line of thinking?"

Todd: Once we said Earth 2, she was like, "What?" No, but yeah, we went through a couple drafts. Because we're so close to the show now, it makes a lot of sense to us, but when you read it -- you take a couple days off and then you read the script -- you go, "Well, nobody's going to get that." So yeah, it went through a couple iterations, but we also have a lot of help with Greg and Andrew and [Abby?] and the rest of our staff. So everybody read it, and if anything jumps out as being a little bit too complex or esoteric, then we take another pass at it. But Victor Garber is probably the best explainer on the planet. So getting him up there in front of a whiteboard, it just makes sense.

Keep reading for more information on Harrison Wells, Jay Garrick's silly origin, and that surprise appearance.

On keeping actor Tom Cavanagh (Harrison Wells) on the show

Todd: If it were up to me, I would have Tom Cavanagh in every show. He's amazing. But yeah, it's such a unique opportunity to have a character that everybody fell in love with and everybody hated at the same time, then try to reinvent him in a different way. Yeah, I think that was always the plan. It was just a challenge to figure out exactly how to do that and have it be satisfactory.

On using Jay Garrick’s original “hard water” comic book origin

Todd: Well, there are two stories. There's a heavy water and a hard water.

Sears: Yeah, and it changes depending on -- like, it was a hard water in the earlier comics, and then they changed it to heavy.

Todd: Which doesn't make any sense either, really.

Sears: But the hardest thing, honestly, it's not heavy water or hard water; it's saying "particle accelerator exploded." Just saying that -- we all laugh about how that's a hard combination of sounds to come out of your mouth. So that's sort of the harder sell. No, it wasn't too difficult. Just imagining, "This is who I was in my former life. Something happened, and now I'm this," it wasn't difficult to internalize it and sell it. There's a sort of wistfulness that maybe comes from that, also an excitement and a confusion. I just imagined, "What would that be like," if you're sitting outside or inside one day and suddenly something happens where your whole life's different. That's not too difficult to imagine even in modern day. But I think once up on a time in the actual comics, he was having a smoke break or something, and then he becomes the Flash.

Todd: I think that's a joy from a writer's perspective, because you know some of these lines are going to be difficult for these guys.

Sears: "Particle accelerator exploded." [Laughs]

Todd: But Teddy does it just as amazingly as the rest of our cast.

On introducing Patty Spivot

Todd: Yeah, I think we wanted to make her this very strong, hardcore female cop who has a clear purpose. … Originally we'd talked about, she's kind of like Felicity, but the second we started writing her, we felt like we had to make her quite a bit different. We wanted to have her feel part of the show and part of the universe that we've set up. But just somebody that was in this for the right reasons, hellbent on stopping ... Metahumans, and somebody that could feel like she was part of the Metahuman Task Force and hold her own.

How Patty affects Barry and Iris’s relationship

Todd: Iris is always Barry's lightning rod -- best friend, first love of his life -- but she just lost Eddie. So as she is dealing with this and Barry and Iris are slipping back into that friendship mold, I think it just leaves an opportunity to explore a relationship with Patty. We'll see how that develops. But Iris and Barry are childhood friends and loves, and that's always going to be there for both of them.

Why Francine West (Iris’s mom and Joe’s estranged wife) came back to Central City

Todd: She came back to see her daughter and reestablish this family that she once had. ... Iris obviously has this conception about her mother and her being away from her her whole life. I'm sure learning that that's not the case could turn your world upside down, so that's sort of the jumping-off point and what she's going to be struggling with.

On being the first-ever live-action Jay Garrick

Sears: It's thrilling. But I didn't anticipate how thrilling it was going to be when I said "yes." Besides the obvious stuff -- suddenly I'm eight years old running around in the backyard playing superheroes with my friends -- that's sort of a given that that would happen. But what I didn't anticipate was how important it felt when I was doing it. It's weird and hokey and maybe very actor-y, but there was something very important that began happening -- more specifically putting on that helmet. There's that scene where I'm reunited with the helmet for the first time -- I remember shooting it. There was a real awe and reverence for seeing this thing, and that was absolutely not acted at all. There really was such substance in that moment. So I just keep coming back to this feeling of, "Wow, this just feels really important." I can't sum it any better than that, I guess.

Does Caitlin Snow have a crush on Jay Garrick?

Aaron: Well, I will say there's sort of a connection that these two have, sort of an instant comfort level, that thing you don't get with too many people in life, that I believe these two experience. So I think they're going to explore that a little bit. Jay and Caitlin are part of this bigger team at STAR Labs, and they're going to have a series of interactions that I think we're going to explore a little bit.

What is Jay Garrick’s goal?

Sears: Jay's biggest rival is Zoom, and he needs Barry's help to defeat this guy. I think we see, he arrives without his speed, and he knows what Zoom is capable of. So he very much needs to enlist Barry, and he needs to have Barry harness these powers and the depths he didn't really know he could reach. He needs Barry to achieve these things in order for him to defeat Zoom. It's a wonderful mentor/mentee thing we start to see develop. His larger goal? I think he just wants Zoom gone, and he certainly can't do it by himself.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/10/14/ ... and-trivia

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El villano de "Arrow" Damien Darhk aparecerá en "The Flash" & "Legends Of Tomorrow":
CRJGABPWoAAobdS.jpg large.jpg
Durante una entrevista con ComicBook.com, el actor Neal McDonough, quien interpreta a 'Damien Darhk' en la serie de la CW "Arrow", mencionó que aparecerá en las otras series de la cadena "The Flash" y "Legends Of Tomorrow".

Por supuesto, con el viaje en el tiempo jugando un papel en ambas series, no está totalmente claro que la historia de Darhk estará en sintonía con el actual hilo argumental de "Arrow".

De hecho, el actor mencionó este detalle al hablar de los flashbacks en "Arrow":

"Vuelves a la Liga -- hice un episodios de Legends la semana pasada -- y me veía exactamente igual en 1975 pero ves que no está tan seguro de sí mismo y no tiene la misma agenda hace cuarenta años que la que tiene ahora", comenta McDonough. "Así es que es divertido el interpretar distintos tiempos, ¿sabes? Volver atrás en el tiempo con Legends, y The Flash, con The Flash, soy el tipo de personaje loco, divertido, que disfruta de todo mientras que mato a todo el mundo. Es una locura."

También parece implicar (aunque se paró antes de decirlo) que el Damian de siglos de edad tiene alguna relación con el gran villano de "Legends of Tomorrow" 'Vandal Savage'.

"Estoy disfrutando el poder que tengo porque es mi momento," dice de su personaje. "No es el momento de Savage, no es el momento de Ra's al Ghul; es el moment de Damien Darhk."

http://comicbook.com/2015/10/12/exclusi ... -tomorrow/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash Gets a New Mentor + Green Arrow vs. Damien Darhk + iZombie (DC Entertainment):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Grant Gustin on "Late Night with Seth Meyers" (12-10-15):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 2.02 "Flash of two Worlds" Clip #2 | IGN:

http://www.ign.com/videos/2015/10/13/th ... multiverse

- THE FLASH | 2.02 "Flash of two Worlds" Producer´s preview | The CW:

https://amp.twimg.com/v/c217c9d2-4676-4 ... eb1f39c10e

- The Flash: What is Earth 2? Featurette (DC Entertainment):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S2 (13-17 Oct 2015):

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(@therealshantel: Who's ready to meet #PattySpivot? Tonight is the night on @cwtheflash so tune in!! #theflash #season2 #imsoexcited
@grantgust: Tonight you all finally met Patty, but tonight we also shot a scene looking somewhat like this. #TheFlashSeason2
@dpanabaker: It's that time again #flarrow
@MzKatieCassidy: Love @dpanabaker
@bubblewrap_anac: Got to tell @Tha_Los how much I love 'me and my dick' and loved him in 'Once', which was my first broadway show
@wreckordel: thank you for coming over @CavanaghTom
@falkhentschel: Having a blast with @grantgust #theflash thanks for a good time on set. #hawkman #legendsoftomorrow #arrow
@MzKatieCassidy: Super friends doing super things. (Even though we're literally just sitting on the floor) Lets never grow up @grangustin
@grantgust: This day got me like. #andthensome)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | 2.03 "Family of Rogues" Promo | HD:


- The Flash | 2.03 "Family of Rogues" Extended Promo | The CW:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | 2.03 "Family of Rogues" Stills:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH/SUPERGIRL Warner Brasil Promo pic:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.05 “The Darkness and the Light”:
2.05 “The Darkness and the Light” (03/11/15): DR. LIGHT LLEGA A TRAVÉS DE LA BRECHA — Barry (Grant Gustin) descubre una nueva brecha, Dr. Light, ha llegado a través del portal y se propone el capturarla. Jay (la estrella invitada Teddy Sears) le cuenta a Barry que Dr. Light no era una amenaza en Tierra-2 y que Barry puede razonar con ella. Sin embargo, durante una pelea con The Flash, lo deslumbra y deja caer algunas impactantes noticias sobre Zoom. Mientras tanto, Barry y Patty (Shantel VanSanten) tienen una cita. Steve Shill dirige el episodio escrito por Ben Sokolowski & Grainne Godfree (#205).

http://flashtvnews.com/flash-2-5-descri ... ight/21782

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
