"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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- Nuevo video bts del crossover #Flarrow (16-10-15):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos spoilers sobre Jay Garrick y Caitlin Snow en "The Flash":
“Jay se encuentra a sí mismo maravillosamente intergrado en el grupo de S.T.A.R. Labs,” dice Teddy Sears. “Él se convierte en un radio extra en la rueda de su batalla con el meta-humano de la semana. La experiencia de Jay como científico le permite conseguir cosas de una manera que quizá el equipo no era capaz de hacer antes. Dicho esto, Caitlin Snow es también una científica y los dos se encuentran a sí mismos haciendo equipo en lo que se necesite hacer para ayudar a derrotar a los villanos, y también empiezan a compartir una intimidad que ninguno de ellos podía haber anticipado.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/10/16/sp ... r-spoilers

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Shantel VanSanten habla sobre la rápida chispa de Patty con Barry (TVLine):
Shantel VanSanten habla sobre la rápida chispa de Patty con Barry
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 19 Oct 2015, 4:29 PM PDT

wo things about Patty Spivot quickly became clear during her first appearance on The CW’s The Flash: She does not like metahumans, and she very much does like one Barry Allen.

Here, One Tree Hill alum Shantel VanSanten hails Patty’s strong-and-quirky personality, previews the detective’s dynamic with Joe West and surveys the instant spark between the geeky gal and Central City’s CSI-with-a-secret.

TVLINE | Now, I only saw the first episode of The Messengers (pictured below), but I have to assume that The Flash is decidedly lighter fare.
Yes, it definitely is. [Laughs] It’s quite different. There’s not as much blood and such, and definitely not as many threats of world destruction.

TVLINE | I suppose the good thing about this being your fourth CW series (including a Beauty and the Beast arc) is it makes it easy for your family to find you on TV. They know which channel it is.
It is! And those shows create such loyal fan bases. I can’t tell you how many fans have told me they watched One Tree Hill, then they watch The Messengers, and they’ve always watched The Flash…..To have fans that see you play a multitude of different characters, I feel very fortunate.

TVLINE | What do you like most about Patty thus far?
I love that they write her as a strong, determined woman, but that she is quirky and awkward and funny — to some people. [Laughs] She’s this perfect balance of a cop with a gun who tells nerdy jokes and can hold her own in a science conversation, and that’s really fun for me.

TVLINE | You wore the uniform pretty well in your debut, with good posture and that “stance.” Have you ever played a cop before?
I haven’t. For Gang Related, playing the assistant district attorney, I spent two weeks with some of the police force here in L.A. — I did ride-alongs and I practiced shooting, because my father [on the show, played by Terry O’Quinn] was the head of the Gang Task Force, so I would have known all that stuff. But also, the minute you put the whole outfit on it comes naturally. You don’t have a whole lot of places to put your hands, wearing the giant belt with the flashlight, a gun, you have cuffs, you have a badge….

TVLINE | We saw how Joe begrudgingly allowed Patty onto the Metahuman Task Force. How will their dynamic evolve?
Joe is one you have to slowly win over, and with Patty’s sensibility and humor, he “finds her interesting” is the best way to say it. As we’ve seen in her debut episode and going forward, her determination and her will in fighting metahumans — for her, one in particular [Mark Mardon aka Weather Wizard] — starts to win him over. It’s difficult, though, because everybody has secrets — Joe especially, working with The Flash and S.T.A.R. Labs. That kind of plays into it all as well, because Patty wants trust and communication, to be treated as an equal partner.

TVLINE | Because they spend so much time together, does Patty get wind of the fact that Joe’s ex-wife, Francine, is back in town?
Of course, she’s going to sense that things are off — and Patty isn’t one who shies away from prying. I also think that Joe’s a very guarded person, so it’s going to take some time to get him to open him up, whereas with Barry and her, they kind of just hit it off. She and Barry have that same humor and kindred spirit, their love for science and the will to protect their city, so they connect on a lot of different levels.

TVLINE | How will Patty and Barry grow closer moving forward?
Well, we have a really, really fun date episode coming up [on Nov. 3], that Grant [Gustin] and I have both seen parts of. It’s really light-hearted and fun, their relationship. Most women, if you ask, will say they want “a man who makes them laugh,” and that was the first way they really connected after she totally geeked out on him and his forensics reports. They connect through telling the same jokes and understanding each other, so moving forward there’s a lot of that — a lot of nerdiness, a lot of scientific conversations. But she and Barry also work alongside each other on crime scenes, so solving things together will bring them closer, too.

TVLINE | Would you rather she stay in the dark about his secret identity?
I struggle with this one…. There hasn’t been an episode yet where Patty knows, and I keep wondering which way it’s going to go, if she ever will find out. I would want Patty to be OK with it [if she found out], because they can then work together, and after all they want the same things. But I think any human might feel betrayed with not knowing somebody fully, after you’ve been dating them for a while. So I dont know…. I hope that Patty takes it in a good way and wants to be a part of the [Flash] team, too — for my own and for Patty reasons.

TVLINE | What sort of relationship will Patty have with Iris? How do they get along?
It’s not like the comic books, which I really love, because I dont think it’s necessarily interesting to watch two women be catty to each other. I love that they just have an understanding relationship, where Patty knows that Barry was raised by Joe and with Iris, and she respects that, that they’re a “family unit” — even though it’s a little more complicated than that. [Laughs] I don’t think Patty knows that part, at all.

TVLINE | Could Patty’s anti-metahuman agenda ultimately drive her to go too far, if pressed?
That’s going to be another interesting question this season — if she is faced with Mark Mardon, what would she do? That has played over and over in my head. You worked your whole life to have justice for someone killing your father for a couple hundred dollars, so what would you do if they were right in front of you and you had the power and opportunity to kill him? I don’t know what I want Patty to do, but I know it will be really interesting when they write it. I just want her to find a place of peace — and maybe she can have that without ever having to take down Mark Mardon. Who knows!

http://tvline.com/2015/10/19/the-flash- ... y-romance/
- Shantel VanSanten sobre el romance en ciernes de Barry y Patty (EW):
Shantel VanSanten sobre el romance en ciernes de Barry y Patty
Por Natalie Abrams 19 Oct, 2015

A new woman has captured Barry Allen’s heart — and brought even more comedy to the sophomore season of The Flash.

Last week, Shantel VanSanten made her debut as the quirky police officer Patty Spivot, who instantly bonded with Barry (Grant Gustin) and secured a spot on Joe’s (Jesse L. Martin) anti-metahuman task force, which may help her finally get justice for the death of her father. What’s next for The Flash’s newcomer? EW caught up with VanSanten to get the scoop on Patty’s future and an interesting departure from her comic book counterpart:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What’s your take on Patty Spivot?
SHANTEL VANSANTEN: My initial take is a lot different than what she’s evolved into over the last few episodes. Initially, she was this smart, bright, ambitious and spunky cop, who worked for CCPD. She was so confident and so sure after becoming a cop that she wanted to be on the anti-metahuman task force. To find out that her purpose is rooted in this dark place in her past was really interesting for me. Moving forward, it evolves from there in such a fun, great way where now I get to be on the anti-metahuman task force and fight metahumans. Patty’s hoping to come face-to-face with Mark Mardon (Liam McIntyre) eventually, and be able to avenge her father’s death. In the meantime, she’ll take down some other metahumans, and try to do the right thing as a foot cop. She has the same ambitions — if she had powers, I couldn’t imagine what she would do — as The Flash does. She wants to help save as much as she can of the world.

Patty is fairly new to the comics. Did you read up on her?
I did. Actually, when I got the job, it was right before my birthday. For my birthday, I received from my family a whole bunch of The Flash comics. I’m a big comic book fan, but I actually have not read any of the recent ones of The Flash. I did read some of them. It’s interesting because in the actual comics, Iris (Candice Patton) and Patty butt heads a little, because Iris oversteps boundaries. I would say they don’t play into any of that. That’s not anything that’s interesting to watch, in my mind, like catty, girly stuff. It’s funny where it all picks up. I’m interested to see what parts they take from the comic books.

Then what can you say about Patty’s relationship with Iris?
Right now it looks like a lot of work relationship stuff with her. Her main relationships are with Barry and Joe. Developing those relationships has been really important over the episodes. For her to have a developing work relationship, it’s hard because everybody has secrets. Joe has secrets, Barry has secrets and Patty has hers. Everybody has a little bit of a wall up. It’s interesting to watch and see things develop.

What secrets does Patty have? Or do you just mean about her father being killed by the Weather Wizard?
I think every character on this show has secrets. The main secret really is that Mark Mardon had killed her father. That’s not something she’s shared with anybody else other than Joe. Really, if you watch, everybody has things that they don’t tell, especially once you get into relationships.

What can you tease of Patty’s relationship with Barry moving forward?
With Barry, it’s this really fun, lighthearted, great dating relationship. We get to see their first date, which is a very unconventional first date. There’s so much comedy. In my mind, it feels very Patty and Barry. The way that they’ve written things is like they are kindred spirits. They both get the jokes that each other tells, no matter how nerdy or scientific. I’ve had to learn a lot of science words, which has been a lot of fun. In the meantime, I’m holding a gun half the time when I’m working with Joe. I get to play a really fun, strong, smart woman, and that part is everything that every actress looks for.

Might Patty learn the truth about Barry’s alter ego?
I actually don’t know. I haven’t asked ahead of time. Personally, I’m sure that secret will eventually have to come out. Secrets can only stay secret for so long, especially if they’re dating. I’m interested to see how Patty will react to that. The anti-metahuman task force works alongside of The Flash on a lot of things, but she doesn’t know that’s who she’s dating.

Does dating Barry put Patty in more danger?
I would say it does. [Laughs] The closer we get, the more danger that Patty could be in. The closest things to The Flash are the things that are most at risk, as we’ve see in the past.

She’s basically the only person on the task force at the moment. What does her working relationship with Joe like like?
They have an interesting work relationship because they’re so different. Joe’s a very tough guy, and very regimented and work-oriented. Patty’s very spunky, quirky and tells a lot of jokes. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t take her job seriously, she just approaches it differently. She also has a scientific mind. So her and Barry can connect on that. It’s developed nicely, but also in a natural way. The minute you throw two partners together, it doesn’t always work perfectly, but the evolution of it has been very fun. They’re slowly starting to open up to each other and realize they need each other.

Have you had a chance to play Earth-Two Patty Spivot yet?
I have not. That would be awesome. It would be like having a twin in another dimension. They’ve talked about it and said in another Earth Barry could be a mechanic or something like that. It’s always interesting to see what they can do. They were smart to open up the possibilities of Earth-Two, because it does give you a lot more to play with. As an actor, you always want to play with characters, and get to play a totally different side to somebody.

What surprised you most about this role?
I think it was the strength that I found in her. At first I found the quirkiness and I understood it. I understood the nerdy moments, and that maybe nobody else gets her but Barry. But I found a surprising amount of strength, like in the scene where she’s tied up and she gives that whole speech, it was really profound and was everything that she stood for. There’s a choice that you could’ve made when you got your powers between good and bad. A lot of people in The Flash story choose bad. They could’ve chosen good. Also, when she says she doesn’t have powers. She knows she wasn’t given a gift, but she still wants to do as much as she can. Those moments come across as a lot of strength in Patty. At first I couldn’t get over how quirky and awkward she was with some of the things she says, but it’s been fun finding a balance between the two.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/10/19/fl ... 0654b9411e
- Andrew Kreisberg sobre Harrison Wells, Jay Garrick & Francine West (accesshollywood):
Andrew Kreisberg sobre Harrison Wells, Jay Garrick & Francine West
Por Jolie Lash 20 Octubre, 2015 6:29 AM PDT

The world of "The Flash" is expanding in big ways in Season 2.

The singularity in the skies over Central City, which started at the end of last season caused 52 breaches, and these open portals have already allowed two metahumans -- Atom Smasher and Sand Demon -- to travel from Earth 2 to Earth 1, where they've taken on The Flash. But, at the end of last week's episode, viewers got a glimpse at the other side, as the show featured a tiny peek at Tom Cavanagh as Earth 2 Harrison Wells, as he said hello to a group of students. Little is known at this point about the character, so Access Hollywood turned to Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg for some hints.

In our new interview with the EP, we also asked him about Central City newcomer Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears), and how he'll interact with Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) in the episodes ahead, and about how much drama is in store for the West family now that Francine is in town.

AccessHollywood.com: What can you tell me about [Tom Cavanagh's] presence going forward? Or maybe the better question is, how hard was it for you guys to come up with what the heck you were going to do with him?
Andrew Kreisberg: That was part of when we were sort of heading towards the season finale, knowing how we were going to end Eobard Thawne's story. At that point it was when we really started to key into the idea of setting up Earth 2 and the idea that Tom would come back as an Earth 2 doppelganger of this character and give him the challenge of essentially playing the same character, but with a completely different backstory. As an actor and then as an audience, the fun of seeing somebody you think you know, but you don't, and having him respond to situations in very different ways so that the audience is living the same experience that the characters on the show are – that they're staring at the face of somebody that they think that they know, but he's not doing the things that they expect, both good and bad. It's been really exciting for us, because I can't think of too many shows that would try something this insane, especially this early on. But fortunately for us, we have Tom Cavanagh, who in a show full of truly great performances, I don't think people realize just how much work and talent he put into creating Harrison Wells last year, and even more into creating the Harrison Wells that we get to meet this year. It really is extraordinary and so much of who Harrison Wells has become this season is really coming from Tom's imagination and Tom's performance far more than it's been our writing of the character. It's really [Tom] whose been developing the character and developing the differences and the nuances and it's really been influencing our writing, which has just made the show even more exciting for us, so hopefully the audience will be as intrigued and juiced by this new/old character as we are.

Access: How soon [until we know more about Harrison]?
Andrew: You'll find out. I think that's sort of the fun of this season is getting to know this character. … You never want your audience to be too far ahead of you or too far behind you and I think, hopefully the way we're laying out the first nine episodes, the audience is getting to experience the show right along with the characters -- and both good and bad. … There's obviously some [emotional] moments early on in the show, and there's a lot of fun, and there are new romances and there's a lot of excitement and new villains. But getting to know this Harrison Wells is definitely part of the fun.

Access: There are 52 breaches/portals [in Central City] and one of them -- the big one -- is obviously in S.T.A.R. Labs. How of a big of a deal is this going to be on the show? Is this something we're going to be focusing on every single week?
Andrew: Yeah, well, a lot of villains that are coming across in the first nine episodes are traveling from Earth 2. They're being sent at Zoom's behest to challenge The Flash, so figuring out a way to shut them down, so that he can't keep doing that is part of the ongoing storyline. And it just felt like… so it wasn't just particle accelerator; metahumans, which as this point in the show's longevity has happened almost two years ago, so there'll still be some of those characters popping up now and again and then also, obviously we have returning favorites throughout the course of the year. But for us, it was really important to sort of have a new stream of villains and Earth 2 gave us that ability.

Access: Speaking of favorites – Mark was obviously mentioned because he killed Patty's father, and you dropped a Grodd hint within your first two episodes too. Can we expect them to come back this season?
Andrew: It's a good bet (laughs). You get your money back on that bet if you were wondering if Grodd and the Weather Wizard were going to be making returns.

Access: Teddy is amazing as Jay [in Episode 2]. I've got to ask you though, as someone who is a really big fan of [comics] what it was like, seeing him in the [Jay Garrick] helmet for the first time?
Andrew: Jesse Warren, who directed that episode, which honestly, I think is one of my favorite ones that we've ever done -- I mean he puts on that helmet, it's like watching Indiana Jones put on his hat. It's such an iconic moment… Having Jay Garrick as part of the show is one of the earliest things we discussed. When we were conceiving the pilot, were we going to have Jay Garrick be part of the show? And getting to see Jay Garrick -- the original Flash -- in live action has always been something that we wanted to do and when you're watching Episode 2, and getting to see Jay in the outfit, in the helmet -- which was amazingly designed by Maya Mani, our costume designer -- moving as the Flash and doing Flash stuff, that's definitely a childhood dream come true.

Access: So does Barry trust him then, at the end of Episode 2? Are we going to see a real friendship develop between the two of them and a respect and an admiration?
Andrew: Yeah, I think that's what's really nice about these two. Last year, Barry -- obviously he got burned by one person who came to him offering his help. … Last year, the show [was] more about Barry sort of seeking out father figures, and I think Barry's grown up a little bit. We think of Jay as more like the big brother who went to college and has come home for the summer. … He's been The Flash, and he's been The Flash longer than Barry and obviously has learned a lot, certainly viz a vis how to control his powers and it's one of the great things that Jay's able to impart to Barry is to teach him sort of like some new tricks -- things that never even really occurred to Barry that he could do with his speed, beyond on just running. But by the same token, Jay -- he was The Flash who didn't wear a mask, and he did everything he did on his own and he didn't have friends and he didn't have a team and because of that, it's like he didn't reach his full potential emotionally, and so I think that's something that they can give to each other. And then watching them be friends is exciting. It's really nice. At the end of the day, I think what makes 'The Flash' show work so well is how much the people on the show care about each other, and want the best for each other. I think, especially with superhero stuff, it tends to be dark and it tends to be a lot of anger and yelling and betrayals and stuff, and watching these people bring somebody new into the fold and watching new romances spring up and there all… that's why we love writing the show, and I think that's partially [what] part of the success of the show has stemmed from.

Access: Finally, Francine West turned up at the end of the last episode. Haven't you put the West family through enough already? In particular, Iris?
Andrew: Well, you can't put people through enough if they're on television. Last year, so much of the emotional core of the show revolved around the Allen family and this year, obviously Barry's at the center of the show and what happens to him is the core of it, but by the same time, a lot of the emotional sort of family drama is going to be happening to the Wests this year, with bringing Francine into it and obviously, at some point, having Wally appear on the show.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... cine-west/
- El Fan de Star Wars Grant Gustin habla sobre el trabajar con Mark Hamill en "The Flash" (ksitetv):
El Fan de Star Wars Grant Gustin habla sobre el trabajar con Mark Hamill en "The Flash"
Por Craig Byrne 20 Oct, 2015

One of the greatest casting “gets” for The CW series The Flash last year was landing Mark Hamill as the role of James Jesse, The Trickster, the same role he played in the original Flash TV show.

It isn’t the only big role that Hamill has returned to in the past year — last night especially, Star Wars has been big on the minds of the general public with the release of a new trailer… and very recently, Hamill reprised his Trickster role once again for an episode of The Flash Season Two that has recently been filming.

So what was it like for Grant Gustin, star of The Flash and self-professed Star Wars fan, to be reunited with the once and future “Luke Skywalker?”

“Actually, I have, like, four Star Wars t-shirts in my t-shirt collection,” Gustin admitted to us on the set of The Flash last night, during our press tour that will soon involve more interviews from the set. “I wear them all the time, and I happened to have one on when he was working, but I didn’t know he was working, because we weren’t working together that day…. he gets out of his car, and this time I didn’t have to introduce myself and I said ‘Yo! Mark!’ and I have, like, a Dark Side shirt, and he was like … ‘why are you wearing a Dark Side t-shirt’?” Grant recalled.

“It’s fun. You know, it’s Mark Hamill! It’s really cool to have him on the show.”

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/sta ... ill/83291/
- El Capitán Cold Regresa, Shantel VanSanten habla sobre la química de Barry y Patty (Variety):
El Capitán Cold Regresa, Shantel VanSanten habla sobre la química de Barry y Patty
Por Laura Prudom 20 Oct, 2015

If you think your family reunions are chilly, wait until you see Captain Cold’s daddy issues.

Leonard Snart (Wentworth Miller) returns to “The Flash” this week, and after meeting his sister Lisa (Peyton List) last season, we’re about to discover why the rotten apples didn’t fall far from the tree, with Michael Ironside guest-starring as the duo’s equally felonious father, Lewis.

Variety has an exclusive first look at Leonard and Lewis’ frosty working relationship, and we also caught up with season two cast addition Shantel VanSanten, who plays Joe West’s (Jesse L. Martin) new partner on the metahuman task force, Patty Spivot, who also shares an undeniable spark with Barry Allen (Grant Gustin). Below, VanSanten discusses Patty’s burgeoning relationship with our titular hero and finding her groove with Joe at the Central City Police Department.

Has Patty’s approach to metahumans changed, now that she’s had a very close encounter with one?

VanSanten: Patty’s part of CCPD and I think that in the realm of Central City right now, a lot of people are aware of metahuman occurrences… For her, it’s about having justice for her father’s death and even if she were to never get to Mardon [Liam McIntyre], it’s about taking down as many people who use their powers for negative reasons and trying to make the world a better place, even if she’s not The Flash.

It’s good to hear that distinction -that she really is focused only on taking down people who use their powers for negative reasons, rather than being mistrustful of all metahumans.

That’s the part that’s really cool – I think coming into a show where it’s all about superheroes, we all want to be the superhero, and it’s so interesting to see the things Barry struggles with, but as a normal human being, the things we can also do and to play a human being that doesn’t have the powers but has the will and the desire to fight against them is a really beautiful thing.

It seems like Joe is always going to be pretty paranoid about another one of his partners getting hurt, given his history – how long does it take them to find a rhythm together?

There’s a lot of people who are guarded in general in real life, and that bleeds over into the characters that we find in “The Flash” – everybody’s a little bit guarded, everybody has their secrets, and they’re not necessarily as quick to open up as Patty was; but for her, when Joe confronted her about Mardon, she had to tell him because of her desire to join the task force. I think there will be things that come up that will force Joe to open up to Patty and for their relationship to progress even further, because I kind of come in like a wildfire. I think it’s a lot for Joe to handle, but they eventually find their groove and it’s such a fun working relationship with [Jesse]; he’s so wonderful.

It’s nice to find someone who is a fan of Barry and the police work he does rather than a fan of The Flash and his heroics – does it seem like Barry appreciates how nerdy she is about his day job?

Oh yeah, that’s the fun part, all of the banter you get to see – the human side of Barry and the quirkiness that they each get to bring out in each other. I remember when we were shooting the first episode and that Holy Grail moment came along, we were like, “we’re just gonna go for it, we have to just go for it!” We find a lot of those light, fun, really great moments between us and our characters because at their core they’re really nerdy, love science and have the most random, amazing jokes that I hope the audience gets and can connect to. They’re really connected in that place and can be really goofy and funny, and yet, Patty can hold her own with a gun and go after metahumans if she needs to. So there’s a great balance and Barry and Patty bring out that side in each other, because they’re not gonna find that in Joe – he’s not gonna be making jokes with me. [Laughs.] It’s been really fun to explore and play those moments.

We’ll see their first date in the November 3 episode, what can you preview about that?

I would say it’s not a conventional first date, and when we both read it, it’s very Patty and Barry to me. And again, a lot of the things we do are really lighthearted and I’ve seen little parts of it and so has he, and we’re both really happy with the way it turned out, and we both feel really invested in the relationship our characters are forming.

How would you describe Barry and Patty’s relationship moving forward?

It’s one that started out from such a mutual, fun place, as we saw – the love of science and the goofy references. And her going after metahumans and him being CSI, they work hand in hand on a lot of things day to day. And knowing — me personally — that he has a secret, I think at a certain point things could get tricky, because at a certain point there’s only so much you can hide and you have to eventually tell, and I don’t know how that’s gonna go. We haven’t reached that point yet, so I’m excited to watch the evolution. Right now it’s been a lot of really goofy, fun, wonderful moments, and also very real and human. They both have secrets – she has a purpose behind it that I don’t think he necessarily knows about, and it’s nice to not see a dark side to everything sometimes, and to see the different ways people handle pain. They both have the loss of a parent, so to be able to connect on that level is something that’s really great for them.

Joe’s also going through some upheaval in his personal life thanks to the return of Francine (Vanessa Williams) – how does that affect him at work and his dynamic with Patty?

I think he keeps a lot of secrets. [Laughs.] There’s a lot of things he can’t tell me that he’s involved in, and as partners the biggest thing is communication and trust, so I think we’re gonna hit a few roadbumps and have to overcome some things and he’ll have to open up too. It almost feels like I have two relationships, like a work husband and somebody I’m dating outside of work. It’s kind of great to develop these relationships with both Grant and Jesse, who are such amazing actors, and I get to work with the best. And now we just keep crossing our fingers — me and Danielle [Panabaker] keep hoping that we get certain scenes together or we get to do stuff in episodes because some of that world is so hidden. It’s been so great and they’ve been so welcoming — the whole show has — so I love it over there, it’s like a newfound family.

We know that Patty has a vendetta against metahumans because of Mark Mardon – do you think she’ll be ready to face him, if and when she encounters him again?

I don’t know when or if that happens – I’ve tried to really trust Greg [Berlanti] and Andrew [Kreisberg] so I haven’t asked many questions, so when the scripts come I get really excited to read what’s next as if I’m a viewer watching it. I hope that she gets the chance to, and I hope she’s brave enough – I think Patty is such a strong female character and I’m so proud to be alive and be an actress when people are really writing for women right now. I know she has the guts to if she needed to, I just don’t know where her heart will lie, what she’ll actually be able to live with, so I’m excited to find out.

http://variety.com/2015/tv/news/the-fla ... 201621971/
- Shantel VanSanten está lista para el romance, la venganza y un viaje a Tierra-2 (CBR):
Shantel VanSanten está lista para el romance, la venganza y un viaje a Tierra-2
Por Scott Huver 20 Oct, 2015

In just a few brief scenes in Shantel VanSanten's debut episode of "The Flash," the flirtation between Patty Spivot, the new cop on Central City's metahuman beat, and police scientist/secret superhero Barry Allen went from zero to sixty. And, as the actor tells CBR, there'll be even more lighting-charged chemistry between the two as the season progresses.

For VanSanten -- a CW veteran best remembered for her three-season stint as Quinn James on "One Tree Hill" -- that those scenes popped they way they did came as little surprise. Based on the chemistry that reportedly registered when she auditioned with series star Grant Gustin, and her role's comic book background with the Scarlet Speedster, a budding romance was a likely storyline.

But it's Patty herself who's surprising the actress, as the continuity-conversant comics fan revealed in a chat with CBR. The character is one VanSanten is looking forward to exploring, one who's strong and resourceful enough to make an effective cop, but is still carrying the wounds of her father's death at the hands of one of the show's original Rogues, the Weather Wizard.

CBR News: Based on that first episode, you seem to have found a part that you really clicked with in Patty Spivot.

Shantel VanSanten: Yes, the nerd in me definitely came out! I mean, I've just completely fallen in love with Patty. In the beginning, I felt a little bit, I would say, confused, as to how to play the light and quirky and nerdy moments against the strength of being a cop. I feel like by now I'm really starting to kind of find my footing. The writing has just been really wonderful for Patty, to show this light, fun side of her, but also to show a strong woman. It's been the best. I've really enjoyed it.

One of the things that really came through loud and clear was that there's definitely a great spark of chemistry between her and Barry, and you and Grant Gustin. So tell me about that fortunate thing of finding a great groove with your scene that quickly.

You know, it's funny. I actually -- I know that they wanted somebody who would have lasting chemistry with Barry, so we actually did a chemistry test. I knew Grant from before, from upfronts and press and stuff we had both done, so it was a really nice, warm environment to already come into. We just kind of played around with it. It kind of just clicks, sometimes.

I think that also, they write the characters so similarly, where they're both quirky and very kindred spirits about the whole science, nerdy side of things and the inside jokes both of them get. Like, in the last episode where we both talk about the gatekeepers of the Holy Grail -- all these things that I had to go look up exactly how to do. We both just decided to go for it. We were on set, and it was like, "Okay, how are we going to do this?" The only way it works is if we just go 100% and just be as nerdy as possible.

Those parts are so fun as an actor, where you're scared that you might do something wrong, but you just go for it and try it. And Grant's really great. We had our date scene, our first date scene, a couple episodes ago, and it was so much fun just to play around with it and to try to kind of find what their date would be like. They have their own fun, light-hearted love story, and that part's really cool.

What can you tell me about cultivating that relationship with Joe West and Patty? He does everything he can to get rid of her from the moment they meet before she wins his confidence, so tell me about taking that relationship forward as the show progresses.

That relationship was obviously always going to be more challenging, because he's not my captain and he's not necessarily my boss. We would work almost as partners, and as a lot of partner relationships don't always work perfectly, and have to kind of find their way, there are a few road bumps.

There's a lot that Joe is keeping from Patty -- the whole S.T.A.R. Labs and The Flash -- so there's times when the Anti-Metahuman Task Force will work alongside of, let's say The Flash, and we have the same goals in mind. But with Patty not knowing who The Flash is, Joe has to keep a lot from her. There's some tension there, because I think that Patty wants trust and communication, and she's been open and honest from the get-go. To have a partner who is so guarded, although you want the same things, it's a little confusing. It's been a different relationship, definitely, to develop than the one of her and Barry.

But it also has been really great. And Jesse [L. Martin] is awesome. We have such a good time. He'll roll his eyes at Patty, and then we'll call cut and he's just cracking up about how persistent she is, and just the quirky jokes that he constantly makes that Joe doesn't laugh at, but he does. I think that it takes time for some people, I would say, to warm up to Patty, and Joe's one of them.

Given her backstory and her motivations, will we be seeing something along the lines of a confrontation with Mark Mardon soon? Or is this going to be a slow-burning kind of plot line?

I don't actually know. I know Patty's in all of the comic books right now. I know that their intent is to keep Patty around for some time, so I would think that they would drag the conflict out a little bit. But I also think that each metahuman she encounters, in Patty's mind, is one step closer to taking one more out of society in a way. It's a smaller victory until, hopefully, one day she does take on Mark Mardon, because that is her ultimate goal, is to have justice for her father. Each metahuman is a little step further to, I think, finding peace in her heart.

It's interesting to play somebody who has a past, has a dark side and who is broken, but to not play into that -- to be something that you wouldn't necessarily expect them to be, happy and goofy and spunky, but to still be ambitious in order to find all the metahumans and the wrong that's happening in their world. Especially for the human beings not given powers. I love that part of her speech where she says, "I don't have powers, but I know I want to stop them." It's that drive within her that she wishes existed in everybody.

How fun -- or exhausting -- was the research? Patty's a character that's been around even longer than I realized, and I've read a lot of comic books.

I read some of the recent ones, and I looked up a lot of stuff, but I also wanted to allow Greg [Berlanti] and Andrew [Kreisberg] to kind of write the story that they wanted for Patty. Like, I knew coming in as a new character, I would be assisting certain storylines along. But it's been really great to see that I've actually gotten my own storyline. I'm not just playing Barry's love interest -- I get to be a cop on the Anti-Metahuman Task Force and be a detective and be involved. That part was really refreshing, but also made me so happy.

I read some of the recent [comics] where Iris and Patty are kind of catty towards each other, and that's not interesting. [Laughs] I'm happy that we've haven't written to that! There's one [episode] I think where she's in Earth-2, and I was like, "Oh, I wonder if that's going to happen," since we introduced Earth-2 this year. There's a lot of me wondering, but I also just kind of sit back and get excited when I get the episode [scripts]. Just to kind of watch Patty's life unfold and see the decisions that she makes along the way, but also to see how the relationships develop -- it's been so much fun. The writers are really, really wonderful about writing both men and women on the show, and both human and superhero.

How geeky are you? Is it something where you truly love the genre culture? Or did you have to wrap your brain around it a little bit?

I would say that I'm more nerdy and silly than I am necessarily geeky. I would say I get a lot of the references and the jokes that her and Barry have with each other. I also get like the awkwardness of her. I would say I'm pretty awkward, especially in social settings, so that part was really easy for me to tap into and to understand. It's actually harder for me to show that side of her because it feels like I'm exposing a real part of me.

For instance, I got into comic books like seven years ago. I started off as a kid. My dad would get me like "Betty & Veronica" stuff, and I just seven years ago started reading them again. I was working on a show, and another guy who was on the show loved them. Next thing I know, I have boxes and boxes and boxes I'm shipping home full of comic book,s and no place to put them all. For me, it was "Green Lantern," and I fell in love with "Kingdom Come." I fell in love with even the small ones, like "Tank Girl," which aren't so small anymore, and "Scarlet." There was a lot of those characters that I love, but I also really liked the artwork. It kind of looks like storyboarding, when it came to acting, so that part was exciting.

"The Flash" is such a unique show, and the special effects are so great on a television budget. What can you tell me about the production challenges and embracing those as an actor?

Obviously, my debut episode Sand Demon comes along and my first question when we were shooting the scene where Joe gets blasted across and he has a big throwing hand and all the stuff that happened in the green house, and I was like "How do I react to this? How big are you going to make it? "They don't show you ahead of time what it's going to look like, and you don't want to overreact and look awful, and you don't want to under-react and look awful!

So I went back and I watched the first season to kind of see, especially, obviously Mark Mardon, I watched him in the first season, and I would watch the special effects to know how to react to it. It is a challenge, but it's an exciting challenge to be able to watch the episode and know that what you did was great, and the stunts were great, and everybody loves all the special effects. As a cast, those days are really fun to get to kind of act out. We just had one in an episode where Patty had to deal with something, so I'm looking forward to seeing that with all the special effects.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... to-earth-2

- Grant Gustin se pierde a sí mismo en 'The Flash' -y adora el exagerar con los fans- (etalk):
Grant Gustin se pierde a sí mismo en 'The Flash' -y adora el exagerar con los fans-
Por Alicia Rancilio, 20 Octubre, 2015

NEW YORK -- Grant Gustin, who plays The Flash on the series of the same name, says something interesting happens when he suits up as the DC Comics character.

"I lose myself in it," Gustin said in a recent interview. "I kind of have like this disconnect between myself and The Flash. ... It's like my performer persona."

He especially enjoys shooting on the streets of Vancouver, Canada, while wearing The Flash costume because it gives him an extra boost of confidence.

"I just am a ham in the suit, and I have a lot of fun with any fans that will put up with me," he said with a laugh.

Gustin, 25, plays Barry Allen, who discovered he could move at superhuman speed after being struck by lightning. He uses his abilities to help fight crime.

"The Flash," which airs Tuesday night (8 p.m. ET) on CTV, is a spin-off of "Arrow," starring Stephen Amell. The two shows regularly have crossover episodes.

"They can be a logistic nightmare," Gustin said.

"I work 12 hours a day every day already on 'Flash,' usually. So, to be like, 'Oh, we're also shooting 'Arrow' this week,' it can be borderline impossible, but when we're on set, and we're all in our costumes, and we're doing the thing, it's fun. And when it's the finished product, it's beyond worth it, and we know how much the fans love it."

"The Flash," now in its second season, will soon have its own spin-off: "Legends of Tomorrow," about heroes and villains teaming up to save the world, will premiere next year.

One DC Comics show launching on TV that has no crossover plans as of yet is CBS' "Supergirl," starring Melissa Benoist.

Greg Berlanti, who is the executive producer of "The Flash" and "Supergirl," has said he wants "Supergirl" to stand on its own before any crossovers are planned.

Gustin said he would like to see that happen. Benoist was a regular on Fox's "Glee" and Gustin was a guest star on the show, though they never had scenes together.

"I love Melissa, first of all," Gustin said. "I think she's a great actress. ... She's got an amazing work ethic, and I love that character. ... If both shows could stick around ... it could maybe be something that happens eventually."

http://www.etalk.ca/news/2015/october/g ... -the-flash
- Charla de Chicas con la protagonista femenina de armas tomar de "The Flash", Candice Patton (glamour):
Charla de Chicas con la protagonista femenina de armas tomar de "The Flash", Candice Patton
Por Jessica Radloff 20 Oct, 2015

Earlier this month, the following tweet popped up in my feed: "I wish that @JRadloff would interview @candicekp - no one would survive the charm overloads but man would it be worth it #TheFlash #IrisWest." Little did any of us know at the time, but that simple tweet picked up so much steam that within hours, hundreds of Candice Patton's fans were tweeting us to make the interview happen.

So, we made it happen. During a rare break in her shooting schedule from CW's The Flash, Candice was able to make it to Los Angeles last week (from Vancouver), where we sat down for lunch at Joan's on Third in Studio City. It wasn't our first meeting (we have Warner Bros. to thank for that), but it was our first time really getting a chance to know each other and hear about Candice's incredible rise to fame. It was also the kind of lunch usually reserved for your best girlfriends. At one point, yours truly's digital audio recorder fell into Candice's water (thank goodness I had my iPhone for audio backup!). After that debacle, I had the coordination of a newborn...I couldn't even eat a forkful of fruit before I dropped it into the street. Candice started laughing so hard she almost choked on her chicken—it's amazing the two of us came out of this lunch alive.

With that said, the Mississippi-born/Texas-raised actress and I bonded, so I wouldn't have it any other way. She's smart, savvy, sweet, and exactly the kind of leading lady the industry needs more of. Candice confessed that she'd love to follow in the footsteps of Zoe Saldana, and you better believe she's well on her way. And to the fans, thank you for bringing us together—this interview is for you!

Glamour: What moments really shaped your career?
Candice Patton: I remember being interested in theater when I was in school, but I wasn't always engaged in making it a career. I was a cheerleader in Texas, but I tore my ACL, so I was out for the rest of the season. That's when I started putting more of my passion into theater. In college, CBS' Young and the Restless did a nationwide casting search for a new male and female to join the show. They came to SMU and ended up picking me. So after I finished, the casting director said, "We'd love for you to stay on the show, what do you think?" I said I wanted to go back to school and finish my degree, but I'd contact her when I came back to LA. As soon as I graduated, I moved to LA and got in touch with her. She was teaching an acting class, and that's how it started.
Glamour: Were you able to get back on Young and the Restless then?
Candice: No, because she left the show by then. I took her classes and met some actor friends, and one of them took me in to meet the manager that reps Taraji P. Henson, Halle Berry, and others. Basically, great leading ladies, especially African-American leading ladies. She walked me into his office and said, "You need to sign this girl, she's going to be something." And he did. I'm still with him today, and it's those people that have really shaped my career out here.

Glamour: David Rapaport, the casting director for the CW, said that for the part of Iris West, they originally tested Scream Queens' Keke Palmer and Ciara Renee, who they eventually cast as Kendra Saunders in DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Did you know that?
Candice: I knew that after the fact. There was one audition I went in for and Jordin Sparks was in the waiting room, and I thought, "What am I doing here?!" It was a time where I had tested for so many roles. I had gone in for How to Get Away With Murder and that didn't go, and you just get to the point where you kind of burn out and don't know if you can hear no anymore. Finally, The Flash just stuck.

Glamour: What was your audition for The Flash like?
Candice: The first time I did it, I felt like I bombed. There was a line about Channing Tatum, and I couldn't remember his name to save my life. I just kept [messing it up], so I hope I'm in a movie one day with Channing! I will never forget his name! But yeah, I thought it was dead in the water, and it just happened that it was so early in the casting process, so a month or two later they brought me back in to read with Grant and do a chemistry read with him. Within two days, I booked it. It was kind of crazy.
Glamour: I heard you tickled him in the audition. True?
Candice: Yes. There was something about when I was reading the sides that Iris and Barry had this close relationship, and it's hard when you've never met an actor before. How do you recreate that in two minutes in an audition? In that moment, the only thing I could think of to make him smile or laugh was to physically grab him and tickle him. They loved it because they thought it was really charming. That's one of the few times it works to touch someone! [Laughs]

Glamour: You are absolutely stunning, but I heard that you don't like photo shoots.
Candice: I hate them. I have my insecurities, and some days you don't want to be photographed. You notice all of your flaws even if others don't notice them. Photo shoots also feel very vain because it's all about you and your looks and your face. I feel I work better on camera. Even when fans come up to me on the street for a photo, I'd almost rather go for coffee with them instead. [Laughs]. It's the God's honest truth! There's an expectation that people have of you to look a certain way because you’re on TV, and I don’t look like that every day. So it can be very daunting.

Glamour: This might be my favorite fun fact of all: You worked at Bubba Gump Shrimp, but you quit after two days because you hated memorizing the names of shrimp.
Candice: There’s so many shrimp names on that menu! And here's the thing: I don't care about shrimp! I remember when they were testing me about the shrimp, what’s on the shrimp, how the shrimp is prepared, what’s it marinated with, and I remember thinking, "I hate this. I can’t do this, I quit." Didn't even make it through training! [Laughs] That was one of those moments that you realize you have to make [acting for a living] work because I couldn't [memorize shrimp for a living]. I can not spend my life learning about shrimp!
Glamour: But how do you know when to walk away from something? So often we're told to hang in there, tough it out, but at what point do you say no?
Candice: Yeah, that’s tricky. Listen, I had money in my bank account at the time. If I didn’t, I probably would have kept that job. But I had commercial money—not a lot, but enough to pay my rent and get groceries. I said, "Candice, if you can just book a commercial every month or every two months...just something, and sustain the life you have now, then do that instead of trying to live a life out here that you don't necessarily want or need." I think for me, with acting, it was always something I knew I wanted to do, and anything that wasn’t in line with that goal was very easy to walk away from.

Glamour: Was there an actor that you looked up to when you were younger?
Candice: Lucille Ball. Every night I would watch I Love Lucy before I went to bed. There was something so charismatic and charming about her, and I remember thinking, "Gosh, I wish I could do that every day." I remember watching Halle Berry win the Oscar and thinking, "It’s now possible for me. It’s now a possibility that I could be there." And now, years later, I'm working with her manager, and it's all sort of in its own alignment.

Glamour: Heroes was actually your first foray into sci-fi. Did you ever see yourself as making a splash in the sci-fi world, even back then?
Candice: Yes and no. Only yes because I love the superhero genre. But I never really saw myself in those movies and those TV shows, so it never really dawned on me that I could play the Lois Lane of a TV show or movie. I mean, Zoe Saldana, who I look up to, is someone who gets a lot of those roles, and I've always looked up to her. She’s been leading the way in that genre. That's why representation matters, and that’s why fans are so vocal—because they want people to recognize that my being cast in this role is so important for so many people. While it may seem silly, it means a lot. Even Priyanka on Quantico—all these ethnicities want to see themselves represented. It's been one way for way too long. It doesn’t mean that those white male and female roles need to go anywhere—they don't, we just need more of something else. It makes you feel seen.

Glamour: You said you have to be a crazy person to come to Hollywood and do this.
Candice: You kind of do. [Laughs]
Glamour: So what made you acknowledge that, but at the same time say, "You know, I’m going to do it anyway?"
Candice: I don’t think I knew at the time how crazy I was or would have to be to do it. There were definitely moments when I could have walked away. I think what makes it crazy is that you are putting yourself in a position where you’re being judged constantly by other people. Years of that, you can start to believe, "Is it me? Is there something fundamentally wrong with me? Am I not pretty enough? Am I not skinny enough? Talented enough?" If you don’t have the fortitude to keep your eye on the prize, you can slowly give up on your dreams out here very quickly. I've seen a lot of my friends do it. You have to have a crazy amount of hope and self-confidence. That’s why I couldn’t memorize shrimp. I couldn't do anything else [but act]!

Glamour: Since your fans are responsible for making this interview happen, I asked them to send me questions that they're dying to know. So let's do just that!
Candice: Awesome!
Glamour: @angellbearr asks: "Is the show ever going to give us Iris's point of view?"
Candice: I don’t know that they will happen any time soon, only because the show is called The Flash, and it’s about Barry Allen. We are all kind of auxiliary characters to him. We definitely see everyone’s point of view, but I think it’s important to remember that the show is about Barry.

Glamour: @clement_regina wants to know: "Will her storyline bring her on a separate journey than the rest of Team Flash?"
Candice: Interesting question. I think this season we will definitely see Iris explore the family side of her life, the mystery behind her mother, etc. I’m hoping later this season we will see her more focused on Picture News and her reporting. So yes, I think that’s a possibility.

Glamour: @CandicanesU asks: "What does Candice love the most about Iris West, and which episodes this season might showcase those qualities best?"
Candice: I think the episode [tonight]. We’ll get to see some bad ass Iris, and then there’s a couple episodes dealing with family shortly after that, which are really kind of Iris-focused. I love that Iris is a woman growing into herself.

Glamour: From @WestAllenAF, "What is her favorite part of her working day and who does she enjoy hanging out with the most from the cast and why?"
Candice: My favorite part of my working day is hanging with my hair and makeup team. They keep me energized and motivated. I enjoy working with Jesse [L. Martin], who plays my dad. He’s really funny, and we’re always finding funny videos online to joke and laugh about.

Glamour: @johnnycintrble wants to know: "Is she looking to do any movies over future hiatuses or is she concentrating on the show?"
Candice: Oh my gosh, yes, yes, yes, yes, Johnny, yes. It’s my dream. I want to do features so badly. Especially independent features. It’s just so hard with our shooting schedule since we shoot nine months out of the year. So it would have to shoot during those few months we’re on hiatus, but I’d love to make it work.

Glamour: @WestallenSource wants to know if we will get more scenes of Barry and Iris bonding and being best friends?
Candice: Yeah, I think so, especially this year. We see Barry romantically involved with another lady this season, which kind of clears the air for Barry and Iris to get back to just being each other’s support system.

Glamour: @xbellenoirx would love to know what are your favorite shows beside The Flash that you're currently watching?
Candice: The Good Wife. I’m obsessed with that show, but I’m behind. I love Louie on FX. I think he’s really smart and funny. I’m catching up on Empire. Game of Thrones, The Fall with Gillian Anderson. I really want to get into Mr. Robot on the USA Network. And I just binged Narcos, which is incredible.

Glamour: @johnnycintrble asks: "What's been your favorite Westallen scene to film so far and why?"
Candice: That’s a great question. I think everything from the pilot in the first episode. That’s kind of the most raw you see Barry and Iris. That was our first show, and we were putting everything we had into these characters. They were really magical scenes. So for me, it’s the pilot.

Glamour: @iriiswest wants to know: "What do you like to do on your down time? Favorite spots in L.A.?"
Candice: I’m quite a loner. I realized that I’m very introverted, and I get energy by being alone instead of being with other people. So in my downtime, I’m usually alone, watching Netflix with a glass of wine, or taking a bath. I like to do that. And in L.A., I just got into Soul Cycle. There’s another workout studio I’m obsessed with called Swerve on Third. I really like South Beverly Grill in Beverly Hills, Kreation, etc. I love hiking in Runyon Canyon. To me, L.A. is home.

Glamour: From @brookedaviz: "What's the dynamic between Iris and Barry going to be like this season? Will Iris & Laurel ever meet?"
Candice: I don’t think there’s any plans for Iris to cross over as of yet, so I don’t know if we’ll see scenes between Iris and Laurel [at this moment]. And then the dynamic between Iris and Barry, I think is more of them being friends and confidants and looking to each other for advice and guidance. I definitely think you’ll see the friendship with them blossom more.

Glamour: The Iris Defense Squad @liyyyah_ asks "What is the hardest thing she's ever had to overcome?" I say, probably lunch with me. [Laughs]
Candice: Lunch with Jessica! [Laughs] I don’t know. This business, I think. It’s always an uphill battle that I don’t think you ever quite overcome. You’re always battling insecurity and wanting to succeed just a little bit more. I’m learning to be content with where I am in my life and enjoying the journey.

Glamour: So @honeybunstoken wants to know which actor or actress in the Flarrow verse would you like to work with?
Candice: Definitely Diggle, played by David Ramsey, because I just want to look at his muscles all day. I feel like that would be an easy day at work!

Glamour: Interesting question from @RaRUPE4, who asks: "How much input do you have in Iris's wardrobe and overall styling?"
Candice: I got heavily invested in what Iris wears, probably early on in season one. I don’t know why I care about her clothes, but I do! I’m a clothing kind of girl! I would pull up Pinterest boards and send things to our costume designer of what I thought she’d look great on depending on where she’s at in her life.

Glamour: Let's talk your workout regimen! @blaugranes15 says "She looks incredible, how does she stay in shape?"
Candice: It’s off and on. I have moments where I’m a workout fiend, and some months where I’m struggling to get to the gym. But I find I’m much happier when I’m active. I love cycling, yoga, Zumba-type classes where I can just dance and be stupid and not care.

Glamour: This might be my favorite: @candicekpfan asks, "Does she have someone special? Coz my bro is single and I'd die to have her as a siz in law."
Candice: A siz in law, I love that! I’m so terribly single. I’ve been single for so long. It’s so hard to meet people. It’s terribly hard. I never see the guys in Canada because I’m always working. I’m definitely looking!

Glamour: This question is so important from @PurplePinkSkies: "What would Candice's advice be for black women and other women of color interested in working as actresses?"
Candice: Work hard, obviously, and don’t let your race or people’s idea of your race stop you. I’ve never let that stop me from doing anything.

Glamour: @allmyfaveshows asks, "Have you found the transition from being unknown actress in the business to a rising star on a successful show daunting?"
Candice: Yes, and yes. It’s terrifying. It’s a lot of pressure. It’s a lot of attention that I don’t think I was prepared for. I usually roll up to CVS in my pajamas with pimple cream on. [Laughs] The moment you think no one knows who you are and no one is recognizing you, someone says, "I love your show!" and you feel the pressure to be what they see on TV. A lot of people look up to you to be their role model, and I’m not perfect. I’m still a work in progress myself.

Glamour: This is so cute: @solasregrets wants to know how you approach getting into character/memorizing lines because "she doesn't have any bloopers so she must be good at it."
Candice: [Laughs] I take my job very seriously, so I try very hard not to flub on lines. It’s not a faux pas, but I try to nail it every single time, because for me it’s about growth and being a proficient actor.

Glamour: @themerriberri wants to know what has been the most surreal experience you've had since you started on the show.
Candice: Comic-Con was pretty surreal. Any of the conventions. People care what you have to say, and they’re excited to see you, and it’s overwhelming because we’re kind of isolated in Canada. You don’t realize how big the reach is.

Glamour: This question I know everyone wants an answer to, and it comes from @iris_westallen: "How long must we wait for Barry and Iris to be a couple?"
Candice: These are questions I want answers for as well! I have a feeling it might be a while. We’re hoping to be on the air a long time, and they’re such an iconic couple that you can’t give it away too soon.

Glamour: @Capricious1901 wants to know how different and similar you are from Iris.
Candice: We are very strong, determined women. I would say Iris is a little more outgoing. She’s less concerned with what other people think about her.

Glamour: We hear a lot about being powerful, but how would you describe a strong female character, asks @mme_knight.
Candice: I think any female character that is passionate in the pursuit of [what they want to do] is a strong female character. Also, a woman who stands up for whatever she believes in.

Glamour: @MarieIridescent wants to know your skin care routine. She says, "That's need to know information!"
Candice: It changes, but right now I’ve really gotten into Korean skincare. They have a 10-step ritual sort of thing that I’m getting into. I'm obsessed with Korean snail cream and always using sunscreen.

Glamour: @unknownmatterss asks, "What qualities does she look for in a man? What's one thing people get wrong about her?"
Candice: I like a funny guy. The top two qualities for me are being funny and kind. I’ve never been into the bad boy. I kind of like the nerd. I like the quieter, sweet guy. I’m not going to rule out dating an actor because I’m so single that I have to keep all of my options open, but it’s definitely not something that I actively pursue. As for what they get wrong about me, maybe it’s that I’m always strong. I’m quite sensitive.

Glamour: This is a great question to end on and it comes from @V526B. "Will she continue doing sci-fi after The Flash ends? Sci-fi community is very loyal."
Candice: I would love to! Because the sci-fi fans are so loyal, I would love to do things like that. I want Zoe Saldana’s career because she gets to play so many strong, kick-ass women. I love it all.

Finally, Candice and I wanted to make a video to thank Mona, one of Candice's most passionate fans, for bringing us together and being the person responsible for this interview. Mona, this is for you:

http://www.glamour.com/entertainment/bl ... ice-patton
- Peyton List sobre la brújula moral de Lisa Snart e incómodas alianzas (CBR):
Peyton List sobre la brújula moral de Lisa Snart e incómodas alianzas
Por Bryan Cairns 20 Oct, 2015

Lisa Snart's trips to Central City usually end in crime capers and run-ins with Barry Allen (Grant Gustin). Not this time. When her older brother, Leonard Snart, AKA Captain Cold (Wentworth Miller), gets kidnapped, Lisa turns to Team Flash for help. However, Lisa's concerns may be misguided when it's revealed Cold has teamed up with her father, Lewis (Michael Ironside), for one big heist.

Ahead of tonight's episode, "Family of Rogues," Peyton List, who plays Lisa Snart, AKA the Golden Glider, spoke to CBR News about Lisa's family tree, her relationship with Captain Cold, whether she'll ever sport her comic book costume, and flirting with Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes).

CBR News: After "Rogue Time," were you surprised to be back on "The Flash" or had the producers hinted they weren't finished with Lisa?

Peyton List: I feel like they hinted she might come back here and there as the story dictated. I don't think I realized it would be so soon and that it would be as quickly condensed. Obviously, I was ecstatic because it's such a blast to do the character and be up in Vancouver with the other actors. I wasn't complaining.

Lisa and Leonard may be siblings, but how would you compare their moral compasses?

I'm not entirely sure. They are siblings. Their brains work differently. Their motives aren't always the same. They do have a sense of loyalty to each other because they are brother and sister. They share a past. There is a strong bond there, but they always handle the situation differently. Lisa is usually prepared for Leonard to take the lead and be the ring leader of the Rogues. Obviously, she's her own person and has different ways of handling the scenario.

Do you feel she would have any qualms about killing someone?

That's a very good question. Lisa's motives aren't always pure. It may depend on the circumstances. Her bond to Captain Cold is very strong. If her hand was forced, I don't know how she would handle that. She is certainly someone who tends to act first and think later. I don't know how that would pan out down the line.

What puts Lisa back on the Flash's radar?

Lisa is trying to garner allies. She's found herself starting to figure out that if she's in a bind, who can she turn to? That brings her back to Central City.

The episode introduces their father, Lewis, to the series. What is family time like with the Snarts?

We know from what was established on this version of "The Flash" that it's a very strenuous relationship with their father, but it's not really touched on in the episode. We talk about him. We know that he's out there, there's probably some bad blood and not much more than that. You actually do get to meet their father and it answers a lot of questions. It also expands on the story. It's an ever-evolving relationship and a lot of things happen in that episode that really crystalizes what that relationship actually is like.

Does it also fill in some of the blanks of why Lisa and Leonard turned to a life of crime?

It does explain a lot. Leonard and Lisa have been exposed to crime, have been exposed to making the right choice, and they've still chosen what they've chosen. They still have their own moral compass, which may not always be as pure as Barry Allen's. That's what makes it fun.

Despite being on opposite sides of the law, Lisa and Cisco are extremely flirtatious. What can viewers expect when they meet up again?

It's just seeing that relationship a little bit more and what it's evolving into. There have been a few exchanges and a few one-upping each other on who has the upper hand in the dynamic between them. You get to see a lot more of it and how it develops further. As an actor, I love that relationship they have. It's very different from any other character's flirtation or relationship. It's not your run-of-the-mill romance. It's a game for both of them at times. Then, it also has some very sweet and sincere feelings underneath of it.

How much of that teasing is part of Lisa's bag of tricks as opposed to liking Cisco?

I think it's part of her bag of tricks, but the Cisco character is so different than a lot of men she comes across. It changes the game for her. She's probably spent a lot of time manipulating men to get what she wants. With Cisco, she has a soft spot for him, for whatever reason. She's like, "What a good person he is." That changes how she feels about the situation. You see something is a bit different about how she acts toward him and how she would act toward a man she needs to get something from.

In a universe full of heroes and villains, how would you feel if Lisa adopted her trademark colorful costume?

I feel like sometimes the storyline dictates the fashion. Sometimes wearing the Golden Glider outfit, in all her glory, isn't always appropriate for what's going on in the scene. You do get a treat because it seems like every time I am in town, Lisa has more golden accessories and gadgets. If I'm not in my full golden outfit, I do at least acquire some more golden trinkets.

This season there's more than one Flash in Central City. Does Lisa get to interact with any of them?

At least in this episode, that is part of the storyline. However, when Lisa comes to town, she's very wrapped up in what's happening in her life and the goals she needs to achieve. She's not always privy to what's going on. That's one of the smarter things that the S.T.A.R. Labs team does, is they don't always let everyone know what's going on. They keep some of their secrets close to the chest.

What else can you tease about "Family of Rogues?"

I guess the one thing I can tease is you see a softer side of Lisa. She doesn't always have it together and she doesn't always have her shiny, golden things on. Sometimes, she's a little less put together. It's nice when you see another side to a character and that they are a little bit more human than they like for people to see.

Most of your scenes previously involve Captain Cold. How has it been working opposite Wentworth Miller?

It's such a dream. He's so wonderful. Anytime I get to share a scene with him, I feel like I learn so much more about Lisa based on his character and what he's doing. It's such a treat when you get to work with an actor like him.

The Rogues aren't going anywhere. What other aspects of Lisa would you like to explore moving forward?

If Lisa turns up in future episodes, it's always about exploring what makes her tick and where her agenda lies, her motives and where they take her and how that affects the Rogues. I'm always surprised when I find something out about her or they've written a story point for her.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... -alliances
- Estrellas de "The Flash" hablan sobre el nuevo y 'arrogante' visitante de Tierra-Uno, y la 'enorme' noticia bomba (TVLine):
Estrellas de "The Flash" hablan sobre el nuevo y 'arrogante' visitante de Tierra-Uno, y la 'enorme' noticia bomba
Por Vlada Gelman y Matt Webb Mitovich / 20 Octubre 2015, 5:59 PM PDT

The following contains spoilers from this Tuesday’s episode of The Flash.

This week on The Flash, one West got walloped by a whopper, while every effort to manage the “portal” between worlds could not keep a very familiar face from setting foot on Earth One.

ONE MOTHER OF A TWIST | Starting with the more down-to-Earth(-One) drama at hand, Joe faced off with Francine, asking Iris’ believed-dead mother to leave town. But after a heart-to-heart with Barry, Joe instead decided to tell Iris the truth — the second time in as many seasons that he has rocked her world with a wild revelation.

“It was much easier for Joe to pretend that [Francine] died than explain why she was gone and why she wasn’t part of Iris’ life,” Jesse L. Martin shared during our visit to the Flash set this week.

Still, it’s a whole lot of truth for Iris to process — though luckily (?) she has had practice. “It’s interesting,” Candice Patton notes, “because that was such a big plot point last season, the lying between family members, between Barry, Iris and Joe. So to go into Season 2 and find out there’s another huge lie that’s being kept from Iris is a big deal.

“But you’ll that this season, Iris is coming around to the idea of understanding that her father, even when he’s lying, he has the best of intentions, and that’s to protect her,” the actress continues. “So while that’s very frustrating for Iris, I think she especially gets it with her mother,” whom she believed was dead but actually had left town battling a nasty drug problem.

“She’s a little more OK with that than not knowing that Barry is The Flash,’ Patton says with a laugh. “That’s something he should have told her! I think she could have handled that!”

But is Iris ready to welcome back Mom? “She doesn’t know if she wants to unbury a part [of her life] that she’s not familiar with,” Patton says. “She’s had this idea of her mother that Joe’s told her about, and to find that’s not what really happened, I don’t know if Iris is emotionally ready to go down that path. So of course, she talks to her best friend Barry, gets some advice on what the best thing to do is.”

As for why Francine made the very bold move to surface at this particular time, “I still don’t really know,” Martin hedges. “All I know is that initially, she really wants to see her daughter.”

WELL, WELL, WELLS…. | The episode’s other big reveal came in the very final moments, when Earth-Two’s Dr. Harrison Wells (played by Tom Cavanagh) arrived in our world, having traveled through the “stabilized” breach based out of S.T.A.R. Labs.

“Shock, confusion, fear” are just some of the emotions evoked by the arrival of this other Wells, says series lead Grant Gustin. Versus the S.T.A.R. Labs founder that Barry thought he knew, but as actually a time-traveler in disguise, “It’s not the same guy,” Gustin notes. “It’s the actual guy that Barry always idolized and looked up to, but from a different world.”

Because this Dr. Wells is the real McCoy, “Barry is wanting to trust him… and in a way is quicker to trust him than he was to trust Jay [Garrick],” Gustin says. Earth-Two’s resident genius is not without his flaws. “He’s less of a bad guy and more of a douche bag,” Gustin quips. Adds Cavanagh, “It wasn’t written that way, but that’s how I decided to do it — more brusque and arrogant…. [He] is a lot less about ‘togetherness.'” As such, Cavanagh expects “a lot of vitriol directed my way this season, and that’s fine.”

All told, “It’s a very interesting relationship,” Gustin previews. “We’re shooting [Episode] 9 now and the layers are still getting peeled back.”

http://tvline.com/2015/10/20/the-flash- ... her-alive/
- El Harrison Wells de Tierra-2 puede ser peor que Eobard Thawne (zap2it):
El Harrison Wells de Tierra-2 puede ser peor que Eobard Thawne
Por Chris E. Hayner 06:10 PM 20 Oct, 2015

In the final moments of the third episode of “The Flash” Season 2, Earth-2’s Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) left his universe behind, ending up on Earth-1 with Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) and the rest of Team Flash.

He’s not going to be the man fans remember as Eobard Thawne in the second season, though. This time out he won’t be a time-traveling Speedster, determined to do whatever it takes to destroy Barry — but in some ways he may actually be worse.

“He comes back and he’s less cool than he was before,” Jesse L. Martin (Joe West) tells Zap2it and a small group of press during a visit to “The Flash’s” sets. “That’s the only way I can put it. I was going to use a Cisco term, like he’s a ‘d***.'”

For Gustin, the change is a welcome one. “He’s less of a bad guy and more of a d*****bag,” he explains. “It’s funny.”

Cavanagh says the distinct change in attitude is something he knew was important to the portrayal of Wells.

“The vestiges of how I played the character last year were still present in everybody’s mind and the synapses were firing the same way,” he explains. “This seems, to me, to be a massive opportunity to turn the tables. Eobard as Harrison last year, there was a certain intelligence and charm and mannered way to him. I think the expectation was that this same person from Earth-2 would be like that and my thought was ‘Why?'”

Cavanagh continues, “If he’s much more brusque and arrogant and generates conflict then I think all the better for the show and all the better for me to play that.”

However, that arrogance won’t keep Barry away from him. While Gustin says his initial reaction to Wells reentering his life will be “shock, confusion and fear,” that won’t last long.

“[Barry] moves on pretty quickly because we’re grasping this Earth-2 idea. It’s not him, it’s not the same guy. It’s the actual guy Barry idolized and looked up to, but he’s from a different world,” Gustin says. “Barry’s wanting to trust him and is, in a way, quicker to trust him than he was Jay [Garrick] (Teddy Sears) when Jay showed up.”

What is Wells’ plan, though? While he has one, of course, it’s still too early to tell exactly what it is. With Jay Garrick, Zoom and a number of meta humans also making their way to Earth-1 though, chances are it’s not going to be good.

http://zap2it.com/2015/10/the-flash-sea ... -cavanagh/
- Elenco de 'The Flash' habla sobre el regreso de Harrison Wells: 'Es un imbécil' -¡y nadie está encantado!- (ETOnline):
Elenco de 'The Flash' habla sobre el regreso de Harrison Wells: 'Es un imbécil' -¡y nadie está encantado!-
Por Leanne Aguilera 6:00 PM PDT, 20 Octubre, 2015

He's ba-ack! Well, sort of…

On this week's all-new episode of The Flash, "Family of Rogues," fans were gifted with a multiverse treat: Earth-Two Harrison Wells -- yes, the real one -- came through the S.T.A.R. labs breach room and into our world.

ETonline caught up with stars Grant Gustin, Tom Cavanagh and the rest of your Central City favorites to find out everything you need to know about this new "arrogant" Wells and how he compares to Eobard Thawne's wannabe version in season one.

"He's less of a bad guy and more of a douchebag," Gustin spilled of Wells' Earth-Two alter ego to a group of reporters on The Flash set Monday in Vancouver.

Cavanagh confessed that it was actually his idea to give Earth-Two Wells an egotistical makeover. "It wasn’t written that way, but that's how I decided to do it," he said.

"It just seemed to me to be a massive opportunity to turn the tables," Cavanagh continued. "With Eobard as Harrison last year, there was a certain intelligence and charm and a mannered way to him -- a thoughtfulness. I think the expectation [was] that this same person coming From Earth-Two would be like that and my thought was, 'Why?'"

"If he's a much more brusque, and arrogant, and generates conflict, than I think all the better for the show, and all the better for me to play," he said of the contrasting Wells. "Everything that Eobard did was justified. He had a plan and he completely believed in his plan, and the character that I'm playing his year is similarly committed."

In next week's episode, Team Flash will come face-to-face with this DC multiverse doppelganger, and let's just say, no one is thrilled to see Wells 2.0.

"He comes back and -- I almost said something awful -- he's even less cool than he was before," Jesse L. Martin said with a laugh. "That's the only way I could put it. I was going to use a Cisco term and be like, 'He's a dick.'"

"Her initial reaction is not good," Danielle Panabaker said of Caitlyn’s reaction. "Everyone is taken aback by it for sure, but again its way more fun is to figure it all out and unravel that mystery."

Carlos Valdes teased, "I don’t think it's a surprise to anyone that it would hit Cisco very hard. It would take a lot for him to open up his vulnerability to someone like that -- especially a person that he associates with killing him."

Surprisingly, the person who is the fastest to trust Earth-Two Wells is Barry. After getting over the initial "shock, confusion and fear," our Scarlet Speedster moves past his reservations quickly.

"It's not Eobard Thawne, it's actually Harrison Wells," Gustin stressed. "It's the actual guy that Barry always idolized and looked up to, but [he's] from a different world… Barry is wanting to trust him and he's actually, in a way, quicker to trust him than he was to trust Jay."

Looking ahead, Gustin revealed that Barry and Harrison will develop a "very interesting" dynamic over the first half of the season. "We’re shooting [episode] nine now, and the layers are still getting peeled back," he said "The relationship has not defined itself yet, fully."

http://www.etonline.com/news/174383_the ... _cavanagh/
- Grant Gustin consigue un empuje de confianza en el traje de 'The Flash' (nytimes):
Grant Gustin consigue un empuje de confianza en el traje de 'The Flash'
Por THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 20 OCT., 2015, 12:33 P.M. E.D.T.

NEW YORK — Grant Gustin, who plays The Flash on The CW series of the same name, says something interesting happens when he suits up as the DC Comics character.

"I lose myself in it," Gustin said in a recent interview. "I kind of have like this disconnect between myself and The Flash. ... It's like my performer persona."

He enjoys shooting on the streets of Vancouver, Canada, while wearing The Flash costume because it gives him an extra boost of confidence.

"I just am a ham in the suit, and I have a lot of fun with any fans that will put up with me," he said with a laugh.

Gustin, 25, plays Barry Allen, who discovered he could move at superhuman speed after being struck by lightning. He uses his abilities to help fight crime.

"The Flash," which airs Tuesday night (8 p.m. EDT), is a spin-off of "Arrow," starring Stephen Amell. The two shows regularly have crossover episodes.

"They can be a logistic nightmare," Gustin said.

"I work 12 hours a day every day already on 'Flash,' usually. So, to be like, 'Oh, we're also shooting 'Arrow' this week,' it can be borderline impossible, but when we're on set, and we're all in our costumes, and we're doing the thing, it's fun. And when it's the finished product, it's beyond worth it, and we know how much the fans love it."

"The Flash," now in its second season, will soon have its own spin-off: "Legends of Tomorrow," about heroes and villains teaming up to save the world, will premiere next year.

One DC Comics show launching on TV that has no crossover plans as of yet is CBS' "Supergirl," starring Melissa Benoist.

Greg Berlanti, who is the executive producer of "The Flash" and "Supergirl," has said he wants "Supergirl" to stand on its own before any crossovers are planned.

Gustin said he would like to see that happen. Benoist was a regular on Fox's "Glee" and Gustin was a guest star on the show, though they never had scenes together.

"I love Melissa, first of all," Gustin said. "I think she's a great actress. ... She's got an amazing work ethic, and I love that character. ... If both shows could stick around ... it could maybe be something that happens eventually."

http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2015/10 ... share&_r=0
- Las estrellas de "The Flash" hablan sobre la 'confusa' y abrupta marcha de 'Henry Allen' (TVLine):
Las estrellas de "The Flash" hablan sobre la 'confusa' y abrupta marcha de 'Henry Allen'
Por Vlada Gelman / 22 Octubre, 4:30 PM PDT

If you’re still scratching your head over Henry’s sudden leave of absence on The Flash, you’re not the only one. The cast of the CW series is just as puzzled by Mr. Allen’s hasty exit from his son Barry’s life mere hours after leaving prison.

“First of all, I was shocked that happened that quickly, like a lot of the viewers were. It was like, ‘I’m out! Gotta go!'” star Grant Gustin says.

Jesse L. Martin, who plays Barry’s surrogate and last remaining father figure Joe, is just as perplexed. “I didn’t realize it was a competition!” he says with a laugh. “I’m still grappling with the fact that the dude just left. I don’t get it. You’re finally free to have a relationship with your son, and he felt like he had to leave. I don’t know how much me, Jesse, understands that decision.”

Although Henry is “still a part of [Barry’s] life,” Gustin speculates that the two are “talking less right now than they probably even did when he was in prison.”

From Gustin’s perspective, “Barry was not really understanding why, but trying to just give it to him and be supportive of him needing space, I guess, even though it’s kind of confusing to Barry. He’s not sure if he’s supposed to reach out or not right now, but he’ll be there again when Barry needs him.”

Adds Martin: “Maybe he has things he needs to do with his own life, and Barry’s a grown man — and also a superhero! Maybe he felt that getting out of his way would be a better thing. I still don’t get it, though.”

http://tvline.com/2015/10/22/the-flash- ... -spoilers/
- El nuevo 'Firestorm' de "The Flash" cae cerca de la versión de los cómics (zap2it):
El nuevo 'Firestorm' de "The Flash" cae cerca de la versión de los cómics
Por Megan Vick at 03:10 PM 24 Oct, 2015

“The Flash” is creating a new Firestorm to save Dr. Stein (Victor Garber) from being engulfed by his own unbalanced, flammable cells. The series will introduce Jefferson “Jax” Jackson (Franz Drameh) on Tuesday (Oct. 27) as potential match the scientist and as a replacement for Ronnie (Robbie Amell), who died helping Barry (Grant Gustin) close the wormhole in the Season 2 premiere.

When deciding to give Dr. Stein another second half, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg explains how the team wanted the new Firestorm to be different from Ronnie but inevitably closer in resemblance to the comic book lighthearted spirit of the character.

“In the comic books Ronnie was like a dumb jock. Obviously, Robbie and the character that we created for our Ronnie was obviously an engineer and was more mature and has a girlfriend. He was more of an adult,” Kreisberg explains to Zap2it and a group of journalists at an episode preview event. “The idea of a second firestorm being somebody who was just in his early 20s and somebody who was radically different from [Robbie’s] Firestorm.”

That’s not to say that Jax is a dumb jock — he had a 4.0 GPA in high school, but his lack of science background creates a fun dichotomy between him and Dr. Stein that more closely resembles the chemistry between the scientist and Ronnie in the comic books.

“There’s a lot more room for comedy with the Firestorm character than we’ve seen before,” Kreisberg says.

Of course, while Jax embodies the spirit of the comic-book Firestorm, Kreisberg and the team behind “The Flash” are most proud that they are providing new super hero fans with an African-American Firestorm to look up to.

“As always, we are so proud to have another African-American with super powers. For a whole generation of kids who are growing up and this show is their entry into the super hero world, for them Firestorm will always be African-American,” he says.

http://zap2it.com/2015/10/the-flashs-se ... firestorm/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | 2.03 "Family of Rogues" Clip #1 | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.03 "Family of Rogues" Clip #2 | Variety:

https://video-cdn.variety.com/previews/ ... l-plsZnDJi

- The Flash | 2.03 "Family of Rogues" Clip #3 | ET:


- The Flash | 2.03 "Family of Rogues" Producers´s Preview | The CW:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Visita bts de la prensa al set de Vancouver (19-10-15):

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(Thanks to @CarlaDay, @FlashTVNews, @InsideDCTV, @tvline, @VladaGelman)


- Grant Gustin of the CW's The Flash Talks Barry and Henry (tvgoodness):

- Candice Patton of the CW's The Flash Teases Episode 3 (tvgoodness):

- Danielle Panabaker of the CW's The Flash Talks Caitlin and Jay Garrick (tvgoodness):

- Carlos Valdes of the CW's The Flash talks Cisco and his Secret (tvgoodness):

- Teddy Sears of the CW's The Flash Teases Jay Garrick's Struggle (tvgoodness):

- THE FLASH: Tom Cavanagh on Wells vs. Thawne (gimmemyremotetv):

- The Flash Set Visit 2015 - Grant Gustin (thetvaddict):

- The Flash Set Visit 2015 - Carlos Valdes & Danielle Panabaker (thetvaddict):

- The Flash Set Visit 2015 - Jesse L Martin (thetvaddict):

- The Flash Set Visit 2015 - Teddy Sears & Candice Patton (thetvaddict):

- The Flash Set Visit 2015 - Teddy Sears & Candice Patton (thetvaddict):

- The Flash Set Visit 2015 - Danielle Panabaker and Teddy Sears (thetvaddict):

- Tom Cavanagh: Does Earth 2 Harrison Wells Have Anything In Common With Eobard? (accesshollywood):

- Grant Gustin Shares Excitement Over Mark Hamill's Upcoming Return To 'The Flash' (accesshollywood):

- Grant Gustin Talks Henry Allen's Central City Departure On 'The Flash' (accesshollywood):

- 'The Flash': Danielle Panabaker & Teddy Sears On Caitlin & Jay's Chemistry (accesshollywood):

- 'The Flash': Cast On Meeting Earth 2 Harrison Wells (accesshollywood):

- The Flash: Grant Gustin on Harrison Wells of Earth 2 & More (Ksitetv):

- The Flash: Candice Patton Season 2 On-Set Interview - Iris West (Ksitetv):

- The Flash on Set: Carlos Valdes Interview - Season 2 (Ksitetv):

- The Flash on Set: Danielle Panabaker Interview - Caitlin Snow (Ksitetv):

- The Flash on Set: Tom Cavanagh on Season 2 (Ksitetv):

- The Flash on Set: Teddy Sears (Jay Garrick) Interview (Ksitetv):

- The Flash on Set: Jesse L. Martin (Ksitetv):


‘The Flash’: Earth-2’s Harrison Wells may be worse than Eobard Thawne (zap2it)

'The Flash' Cast Drops Hints About Earth 2 Harrison Wells (access hollywood)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Cartel promocional en la Watertower de la WB de #Flash #Arrow:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash’s Jay Garrick Talks Speed Cannon (DCAllAccess):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S2 (20-23 Oct, 2015):

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(@TheRealShantel: Girls who work together show up twinning together!! #wedidntplanit #theflash
@robbieamell: Firestorm is in great hands. But I'll be back
@dpanabaker: That's a wrap! Happy to have this babe by my side @TheRealShantel
@grantgust: Two night shoots in a row called for Swaggy Barry. #TheFlashSeason2
@TheRealShantel: No we aren't planking we are napping! #nightshoot #theflash #anythingflatbecomesabed)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash | 2.04 "The Fury of Firestorm" Promo | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.04 "The Fury of Firestorm" Extended Promo | The CW:


- The Flash | 2.04 "The Fury of Firestorm" Producer´s preview| The CW:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Guitar Hero Live Showdown | "David Ramsey and Candice Patton" | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevo póster promocional de la S2 con el nuevo 'Firestorm':


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Guitar Hero Live | BTS: David Ramsey and Candice Patton | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash Stills del 2.04 "The Fury of Firestorm":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.06 “Enter Zoom”:
2.06 “Enter Zoom” (10/11/15): BARRY LLEGA CON UN PLAN PARA DERROTAR A ZOOM — Tras los recientes acontecimientos, Barry (Grant Gustin) decide que ya es hora de enfrentarse a Zoom y llega con un peligroso plan. Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) se pone de parte de Jay (la estrella invitada Teddy Sears) y considera demasiado peligroso para Barry el enfrentarse con el rápido demonio. No obstante, Iris (Candice Patton) muestra su apoyo y trae a un sorprendente aliado. Veremos cómo era la vida del Harrison Wells de Tierra-2 (Tom Cavanagh) antes de llegar a través de la brecha. JJ Makaro dirige el episodio escrito por Gabrielle Stanton & Brooke Eikmeier (#206)

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/10/the-cw ... of_23.html?

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Danielle Panabaker Interview on "The Talk":

Durante la entrevista se reveló una imagen de la actriz en la S1 de "The Flash" caracterizada como 'Killer Frost':

"Soy muy chica y me encanta vestirme con ese look," dice Panabaker sobre su disfraz de Killer Frost. "Lo cambiamos --empezamos a trabajar en el lookun par de meses antes de que fuera rodado, así es que nuestro primer traje era de una pieza, algo parecido al de Catwoman. Muy sexy. Pero no parecía adecuado, así es que luego lo cambiamos para que fuera un top y esos pantalones de cuero realmente guays. El pelo era maravilloso. En realidad empezó como una peluca de melena corta y seguimos añadiendo más y más pelo, como véis. Es genial. Estoy realmente emocionada." "Estoy tan celosa. Todos los chicos salen ahí y se pelean. ¡Yo quiero vestirme con esos chicos!, añade.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
