"SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

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- Stills del 1.18 "Wolds Finest":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33024
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

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- En el set: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el crossover de Flash-Supergirl (EW):
En el set: Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el crossover de Flash-Supergirl
Por Natalie Abrams 18 Marzo, 2016

“This is crazy. What are we doing? What are we wearing? Where are we? This is so cool.”

That was the reaction Melissa Benoist recalls upon filming the first take of the long-awaited crossover episode between The CW’s runaway hit The Flash and CBS’ promising newcomer Supergirl. As the Girl of Steel, Benoist has had 17 episodes of flying on wires and battling alien baddies under her cape. But it’s still quite a sight standing opposite former Glee castmate Grant Gustin in Flash’s maroon leather suit 
on location in downtown Los Angeles, where the superfriends prepare to battle a duo of silver-­haired villains hell-bent on Supergirl’s destruction. So just how did the Scarlet Speedster and the Maiden of Might cross paths? In short, superspeed. But let’s go back to the beginning …

From the second Supergirl was announced for a fall 2015 premiere, fans speculated about whether Kara Danvers existed in the same fictional universe as executive producer Greg Ber­lanti’s other TV superheroes. While sharing characters across a night is relatively easy (see: NBC’s Chicago Fire/P.D./Med), taking them across networks is slightly more difficult. Helping the case for a crossover, though, both Supergirl (which airs Mondays at 8 p.m.) and The Flash (Tuesdays at 8 p.m.) hail from Warner Bros., which, with CBS, owns The CW. “Everybody was on board, because everybody knows that these things are special,” says Andrew Kreisberg, an executive producer on both shows. The real challenge was the wait. It was important to all involved that Supergirl establish herself as her own hero, and equally crucial to introduce the idea of parallel universes, which The Flash has spent a bulk of its sophomore season doing. “If Supergirl and Flash were existing in the same universe, then why has no one on Flash or Arrow ever talked about Metropolis or the fact that there’s a Superman?” Kreisberg points out. “The one explanation for that is because he doesn’t exist in that world.”

So how exactly does the crossover work? For the uninitiated, Barry/The Flash, who has been training to increase his already supersonic speed in order to fight übervillain Zoom, uses a tachyon device that causes him to run so fast he literally ends up in an alternate 
universe. Therein lies the reason why it’s a lot easier to bring Barry Allen to a different Earth than the less plausible un-super superhero Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell). While the trip will amount to a hot 
second on the April 5 episode of Flash, it results in Barry spending a day in National City (and on CBS for the March 28 episode of Supergirl), where he’s shocked to discover another hero. “Supergirl has never heard of The Flash and Flash has never heard of Supergirl, so there’s a lot of like, ‘Wait, you’re the who, now?’ ” says Kreisberg. The comedy, in that sense, hits the ground running with the classic tale of boy saves girl, girl miraculously flies away, didn’t need saving in the first place. “Barry and Kara take a little bit of a leave of their problems for a week to engage in the kind of hilarious high-stakes high jinks that ensue when two super­heroes wind up in the same universe,” Kreisberg says.

Therefore, unlike the previous and typically darker Berlanti-verse crossovers — like when Barry was whammied into an evil rage speedster or that time literally everyone died at the hands of Legends of Tomorrow baddie Vandal Savage — these heroes are quick to trust each other. Both lost parents at a young age, but they’re fun-loving, geeky and they haven’t let their pasts dim the light inside them. “What’s so wonderful about these two characters in particular is that they’re so joyful and happy to be heroes,” Benoist says. “There’s this mutual understanding, respect, and excitement that they found each other.”

It’s a relationship that mirrors the kinship between Benoist and Gustin, who swap high fives between takes like old pals. “I hear nothing but amazing things about Melissa
 all the time — what a hard worker she is and how positive she is,” says Gustin. “It’s all true.” Supergirl’s Southern California shoot location doesn’t hurt either. “Almost everything has been in the sun, which is very different than when we do Flarrow,” Gustin says, referring to the Vancouver-based Flash and Arrow production. “It’s just lighter, brighter, and a different type of energy.”

Narratively, the timing of Barry’s arrival in National City is a fortuitous one: After burning all her relationships during a bout with inhibition-freeing red kryptonite, Kara has hit a low point in her career as a hero. “She’s fallen out of good graces with the people at National City,” Kreisberg says. “The Fastest Man Alive’s advice, ironically, is to slow down and let things come to you.” In that sense, Barry steps into the Emerald Archer’s super shoes as the seasoned vet. “He teaches her quite a bit about what it means to be a hero, what kind of hero she wants to be, and even personally about love, friendship, and being true to who you are,” Benoist says. “It feels really good for her to have someone to relate to.”

In turn, Barry’s experience in National City leaves him with a new sense of purpose upon returning to fight Zoom, recently revealed to be Hunter Zolomon (Teddy Sears). “He’s able to realize that he has more experience than he gives himself credit for,” Gustin says. “That makes him come back with new confidence and this happiness because of this new friend that’s out there.” And possibly a love interest? “We tease it a little bit,” Gustin says. “He’s in town for a day so there’s not really time for anything to actually develop, but there’s undeniable chemistry, and they have a lot of things in common that they’ll never have in common with anybody else, obviously. This is the first person with powers Barry [has met] who’s using them for good. It happens to be somebody that he is attracted to, so it’s cool.”

For what it’s worth, Barry is quick to sense the dynamic between Kara and James (Mehcad Brooks), and even imparts some sage love advice. “Part of the fun is watching Winn [Jeremy Jordan] and James react to suddenly seeing Kara’s got a new friend who’s a superhero,” Kreisberg says. “Winn thinks all things Multiverse are cool and wants to be Barry’s best friend. Meanwhile, James Olsen is a little bit like, ‘Hmm, I didn’t really have any competition until the guy with superpowers showed up.’”

Even more comedy comes from Barry’s reaction to Kara’s boss. “He’s kind of intimidated by Cat [Calista Flockhart], because he doesn’t know how to feel her out at all,” Gustin says. “There’s a scene where Barry goes to CatCo, he’s with the whole crew, he meets Cat and he’s thrown off by her and doesn’t really know how to approach her. Kara is so intimidated by her and she’s a superhero! It’s like, ‘I don’t get this lady, she’s kind of scary.’ There’s no dynamic like that on Flash right now, so that was fun.”

As much as fans have been championing the marriage of might, so too are studio execs hoping for a fruitful relationship between the two properties. Flash’s sophomore season is averaging 5.7 million viewers, which makes it the network’s No. 1 series, while Supergirl’s numbers have been mostly on the decline since its October debut, putting it in the bottom half of CBS’ programming in total viewers and 8th in the coveted 18–49 demo. “We’re trying to get people in to see this wonderful woman,” says Supergirl EP Ali Adler, who previously worked with both ­Benoist and Gustin on Glee. “Obviously The Flash is very successful and brings a whole world from The CW over to ours. We’d love to have them attend our party, too.”

But it wouldn’t be a real party without an epic showdown. Bringing together two heroes facilitates the need for double the trouble, which is why returning villain Live Wire (Brit Morgan) and emerging baddie Silver Banshee, a.k.a. Siobhan Smythe (Italia Ricci), are holding Cat Grant captive in the heart of National City, the location of the final showdown between the quartet of heroes and villains. “When Siobhan discovers that there are two heroes in town now, The Flash and Supergirl, she realizes she’s going to need a cohort if she’s going to take them out,” Kreisberg says. “It does remind me of The New Batman Adventures animated show, like ‘Girls’ Night Out,’ where Livewire teams up with Ivy and Harley, and you had that fun camaraderie between girls who were loving watching who can be the baddest of the bunch.” In short, both. This is actually Barry and Kara’s second attempt at the taking down the villains and neither outing has gone particularly well. “Throwing lightning at somebody that can manipulate electricity isn’t the brightest of ideas,” says Gustin, who teases the super-duo will use a piece of Flash tech to even the score with Silver Banshee’s also impressive screeching skills.

The supers have one thing going for them, though: The dastardly duo aren’t criminal masterminds, especially with Silver Banshee just coming into her own. “Banshee’s under Livewire’s wing a little bit,” says Morgan, who teases that the former CatCo employee returns even more vengeful after stewing in prison for months, causing her to go a little crazy. “Livewire’s teaching Siobhan how to be a villain. She’s helping her make the costume and Banshee’s cool with that. As long as the power is still in Livewire’s hands, they’re good. I think sound and electricity goes well together.” With that said, “We know who’s probably going to win this one,” Ricci adds with a laugh. “We’re not watching Banshee on CBS at 8.”

But viewers will get to watch Barry and Kara address an age-old question. Like The Flash and Superman before them in the comics, the two have a footrace to figure out who is faster. “It’s one of my favorite moments in this episode,” says Kreisberg. “It’s close.” Hopefully close enough that they’ll need a rematch next season, maybe with Green Arrow and the Legends as an audience. “That’s in the cards at this point,” says Gustin. “The whole point of us doing this crossover is setting up the fact that maybe next year we can cross over all of them.”

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/03/18/su ... r-spoilers

- Berlanti & Kreisberg hablan sobre el Crossover y el personaje que les gustaría que interpretara Lynda Carter (accesshollywood):
Berlanti & Kreisberg hablan sobre el Crossover y el personaje que les gustaría que interpretara Lynda Carter
Por Jolie Lash 24 Marzo, 2016 6:39 PM PDT

The Flash speeds his way onto Monday night's "Supergirl" on CBS, where he'll help out Kara as she battles two villains – Silver Banshee and Livewire.

"We've been setting up Silver Banshee for a bunch of episodes," Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg told reporters on Thursday after a screening of the episode, as he addressed why those two characters were targeted as Supergirl/Flash foes for the crossover episode.

"That was actually a lot of fun to be able to bring on Italia [Ricci] and establish her as Siobhan, because a lot of times, you know… our shows tend to be so much about the heroes and so much about the heroes' internal lives that the villains tend to get short shrift, and it was a real opportunity for us to introduce a character and to have them really stay on the show for a while and really kind of get to know them and maybe even like them a little bit so that when they did transform, it actually meant something as opposed to 'just the crazy thing that happens at the end of act one,'" he continued. "For our money, we thought Livewire was one of our most successful villains from early on, so we were very much interested in bringing her back and if you were going to have two heroes, you're going to want to have multiple villains. An early version of the story actually had Bizarro teaming up with them as well and it was going to be three against two, but it proved to be financially irresponsible, so we stuck with the two."

The setup for why Grant Gustin's character enters another multiverse where Melissa Benoist's Supergirl lives, won't actually air until the day after the crossover on Tuesday's episode of "The Flash" on The CW.

"They kind of flip order obviously because this will air Monday and 'The Flash' one that sort of hints at how he gets over there and gets back airs on Tuesday," Executive Producer Greg Berlanti said at the same screening. "So the audience has to forgive us that one is going to actually air before the other and they shouldn't wait to watch 'Supergirl' until after 'The Flash' episode. They should certainly watch it before, but you'll see the shout out in the episode. It deals with Barry increasing his speed and I'm very excited about next week's episode of The Flash too."

Grant's character, the generally upbeat Barry Allen, whose show, "The Flash," has been dealing with the multiverse concept throughout Season 2, was -- thanks to his speed -- the perfect character to cross over. Berlanti noted that "in a perfect world, it probably would have been both of them," coming to "Supergirl" though, referring to The Flash and Stephen Amell's "Arrow" character Oliver Queen/The Green Arrow.

But, "logistically, that would have been a nightmare at this point in the year to try and do it to both shows, so we had to kind of facilitate one," he added about trying to schedule such an epic event.

And while it won't happen this season, producers are open to crossing Kara over to "The Flash."

"We would love that, just like we loved this and we're excited by this," Berlanti said. "I think we want to wait and see the audience's reaction to this, but just as storytellers and as fans and fans of the actors, honestly. We love it when we can figure out a way creatively to do it and hopefully everybody enjoys it."

Unconnected to the crossover episode, in response to one reporter's question at the screening about how they have cast so many actors from previous "Supergirl" and "Superman"-related TV and film projects, producers revealed that they approached "Wonder Woman" star Lynda Carter to appear in their CBS show.

"We had the perfect role for Lynda Carter and we couldn't work out her schedule," Berlanti said.

Kreisberg chimed in suggesting they'll bring her on next year.

"She's the female President of the United States," Berlanti revealed of the character they hope to one day get Lynda to play.

The "Supergirl" episode featuring Grant Gustin as his "The Flash" character Barry Allen airs Monday at 8/7c on CBS. "The Flash" airs Tuesday at 8/7c on The CW.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... r-details/

- Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg sobre el crossover de ‘Supergirl’/’The Flash’ (collider):
Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg sobre el crossover de ‘Supergirl’/’The Flash’
Por Christina Radish 27 Marzo 2016

In the big Supergirl/The Flash cross-over episode, called “Worlds Finest,” Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) gains a new ally when the lightning-fast superhero The Flash (Grant Gustin) suddenly appears from an alternate universe. While in National City, Barry Allen helps Supergirl battle Siobhan, aka Silver Banshee (Italia Ricci), and Livewire (Brit Morgan), in exchange for her help in finding a way to return him home.

After getting to see the delightfully fun and funny episode in the CBS Radford Studios screening room, executive producers Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg did a Q&A in which they talked about how this cross-over episode was able to bring shows on two different networks together. They also talked about what made The Flash the right superhero to visit Supergirl, why Livewire and Silver Banshee were the best opponents, when more dopplegangers wil pop up on The Flash, learning about what Alex Danvers (Chyler Leigh) and Hank Henshaw (David Harewood) have been up to, Project Cadmus, and their desire to get Lynda Carter on Supergirl. Be aware that there are some spoilers.

Question: How did you ultimately end up getting this cross-over together, and what were the logistics of making it all work?

GREG BERLANTI: We always wanted to do it. From the day we cast Melissa [Benoist], the notion of her in scenes with Grant [Gustin], or someday maybe, in the best of all worlds, with Stephen [Amell], as well, it’s exciting to think of them on screen together. And there’s a similar tonality to the shows. But, a few things had to go right. We were introducing this notion of Earth-2 and the multi-verse on The Flash, and that had to work. We’ve always said, very openly, that The Flash and Arrow exist in a universe where there’s no Superman, or you would have heard about him. They would have had at least one conversation about him, and certainly Supergirl, as well. That was one thing.

And then, there was the notion that it’s two separate networks, so it’s more challenging, in that way, because it’s not so convenient. It’s two separate cities that they shoot in. We wanted [Supergirl] to work and stand on its own on CBS, and have its own audience. We thought we might wait until the second season, but after Christmas, we came back and were planning out the final third of the year and we thought we could do it. It felt like the right time for him to enter her world and help her out. So, it all came together. We went to all of the powers that be and said, “I know we indicated that maybe we’d wait a little longer, but we’d really like to do this now,” and everybody was very enthusiastic.

One of the things that really kept the flame and the torch for it alive was that a lot of journalists and the fans online wanted it. There was consistent enthusiasm, throughout the year, for the idea. Once everybody had a sense of how the shows worked independently and how they could possibly come together, that’s how it all happened. And then, there was the logistics of having to navigate Grant coming down, not just once but twice, right when he was in the heat of the season [in Vancouver]. Then, there was the construct of the episode itself.

You hope that you’re going to get more people watching these episodes, or that people will revisit the show. There’s so much for people to watch these days, so if you get a chance to have people tune back in who may have lost touch in the New Year or have been busy, you want to put your best foot forward. You also want to honor everybody’s time and commitment, and we were excited to do that. Grant and Melissa, and everybody in the whole cast, really delivered. It felt like Grant had been on the show before, when he showed up.

Now that the multi-verse has been introduced to Supergirl’s world and aliens have been introduced to Barry Allen, will that have repercussions?

ANDREW KREISBERG: Not necessarily. One of the things that I was most gratified about, and part of the reason I got so excited in doing it, was that it isn’t just a gimmick episode. Supergirl really needed him this week because of the things that she’s been dealing with. I called Grant and said, “Do you want to do this? You’re going to get to be Oliver.” And he was like, “I’m going to have to be all dark and brooding?” And I was like, “No, no, no, no, no. In the same way that, in the pilot, you were just starting out and Oliver was the one who had been doing it for awhile, he was able to be the voice of reason and help you out. That’s what you’re going to be for Kara. Kara is just starting out and she’s had a crisis of conscience because of the Red Kryptonite.”

I always think back to “Hush” from Buffy. On its own, that’s the one where nobody could hear anything or speak, but it was more than that. It was an episode that started with everybody having trouble communicating, and then suddenly, their means of communication was taken away from them, and by the end, because they couldn’t talk, some people moved their relationships forward, but Buffy and Riley didn’t know what to say to each other because all of their secrets were out. That, to me, is emblematic of a great “gimmick” episode. Whenever we’re doing one of these cross-overs, we try to do more than just Oliver visiting Barry. With this one, it felt like The Flash coming to Supergirl really helped Supergirl overcome the challenge that she had been dealing with, and his advice to her, about how she should be living her life, is about to have repercussions. That it was constructed in that way always felt really special to me.

Will this story continue on The Flash?

BERLANTI: Yeah, although they flip order because [Supergirl] airs on Monday, and The Flash episode that hints at how he gets over there and gets back airs on Tuesday. The audience will have to forgive us that one is going to air before the other, and they shouldn’t wait to watch Supergirl until after The Flash episode. But, you’ll see the shout-out in the next episode of The Flash. It deals with Barry increasing his speed. I’m very excited about the next episode of The Flash, too. That’s one of the things with the fact that it was different networks. Had it been all on one network, we would have been able to coordinate that. I’m actually surprised that we were able to do it as closely as we did, and that it worked out to that degree.

KREISBERG: When you binge-watch it, it will all make sense.

Is there any chance that Kara could pay Barry back by visiting Central City on The Flash?

BERLANTI: We would love that, just like we loved this and are excited by this. We want to wait and see the audience reaction to something like this, but just as storytellers and fans, and fans of the actors, we love it when we can figure out a way, creatively, to do it. Hopefully, everybody enjoys it.

KREISBERG: Right now, we’re only two episodes away from the end of the season, so the focus on the finale takes over.

BERLANTI: I would say that a lot of the exciting and fun stuff from the DC canon, in general, whether it’s a speedster from another universe or Banshee dealing with a curse and magic, we have to always figure out the character way to make it make sense. I think we’ll continue to do that with this show and all the shows, to try to make them as rich, as fun and as enjoyable as the comic books are.

Why was The Flash the hero you chose to cross-over?

BERLANTI: It’s just that he was the gateway. He was the only one who had the capacity to really open that door. Hopefully, now it’s out. In a perfect world, it probably would have been both [The Flash and Green Arrow], but logistically, that would have been a nightmare, at this point in the year, to do that with both shows. So, we had to facilitate one.

KREISBERG: The Flash and Arrow cross-overs have always been designed to highlight the hero’s differences. The first one was Flash vs. Arrow. And even in the ones we did this season, when they were working together, there tended to be a great deal of conflict. It’s a cross-cutting of styles and, “Should we be doing this, this way?” What was appealing about this was the idea of Melissa and Grant being so similar as actors, and Barry and Kara both have a light to them. They’re definitely heroes that are daytime heroes that live more in the light. Watching the two of them form this instantaneous best friendship was, creatively speaking, part of what was really exciting for us to explore in this episode.

Why have the cross-over take place in Supergirl’s universe instead of The Flash’s universe?

BERLANTI: Probably just because it was his capacity to come this way. It’s an interesting question. We never really considered it the other way. It’s also maybe a little bit more fun to bring the veteran of that show to the chemistry of a new show. When we introduced Barry Allen on Arrow, we learned something new about Arrow, and it was nice to see his presence and light come through. And then, when we brought Ray Palmer on, it was inspired by having a little bit of that element. The first year of a new show, for us, is just a steep learning curve. Every episode, you’re learning from. Sometimes you learn the hard way, and sometimes stuff works out. It was also an opportunity to learn about the newer show.

How do these cross-overs help one show boost the other?

BERLANTI: I don’t know if they do. In this day and age, you’re trying to do anything you can, in a realistic way and in a way that creatively enhances things, to keep people engaged and having a conversation about the show. Just as a fan, my favorite part about reading the books, as a kid, was that I didn’t know who was going to show up. There was even an element of mystery in how they were going to connect that strand of the story. These team-ups just make it more exciting.

Why were Livewire and Silver Banshee the right villains for this cross-over episode?

KREISBERG: We’ve been setting up Silver Banshee for a bunch of episodes. It was actually a lot of fun to be able to bring on Italia [Ricci] and establish her as Siobhan. Our shows tend to be so much about the heroes and their internal lives that the villains tend to get short shrift. It was a real opportunity for us to introduce a character and have them stay on the show for awhile, and get to know them and maybe even like them a little bit, so when they did transform, it actually meant something, as opposed to just the crazy thing that happens at the end of Act 1. For our money, we thought Livewire was one of our most successful villains from early on, so we were very much interested in bringing her back. And if you’re going to have two heroes, you want to have multiple villains. An early version of the story actually had Bizarro teaming up with them, as well. It was going to be three against two, but that proved to be financially irresponsible, so we stuck with the two.

Are there no dopplegangers in the Supergirl universe, or could somebody’s counterpart be there?

BERLANTI: We just talked about that recently. There is room, absolutely.

KREISBERG: We just wanted to make sure that Barry didn’t have other options, other than to work with Kara. We didn’t want it to be like, “Oh, there’s Harrison Wells. Buh-bye!” And then, the cross-over is over.

Will we be seeing any more fun dopplegangers soon?

KREISBERG: We have a really exciting, fun doppleganger coming up in the penultimate episode of The Flash that we haven’t announced yet. That will be really cool. It’s surprisingly easy to justify any of these decisions. Usually, when we’re in the writers’ room and arguing the merits of doing something or not doing something, it comes down to, is it cool? Is it fun? Can we make the logic work? At the end of the day, the audience wants to see the fun thing. They want to see The Flash and Supergirl together, so he ran a little too fast. It wasn’t a lot of shoe leather to make it happen, and then you get 42 minutes of fun stuff.

With all of the time traveling heroes on Legends of Tomorrow, could they travel over to Supergirl, or does the Wave Rider not go between Earths in the multi-verse?

KREISBERG: The Wave Rider can do anything and go anywhere.

Will we see Alex and Hank in the next episode after this?

KREISBERG: Yes. We see them on the run in a very comical way.

BERLANTI: I think it’s surprising as much as comical. It’s cool.

Will we also learn more about Project Cadmus?

KREISBERG: You’re not going to see Cadmus this season. It will be something that gets saved for Season 2. We did run out of runway, a little bit. It’s going to remain more of an evil thing that’s out there, but it’s definitely something we’re going to pursue. Cadmus has such a rich history in the comics and in the animated shows. There’s so much there to mine that it will definitely be a part of Season 2.

You bring such great guest actors onto this shows, and Supergirl has had so many actors previously connected to Superman projects. Is there anyone else you’re hoping to bring on?

BERLANTI: We had the perfect role for Lynda Carter, and we couldn’t work out the schedule. It was the biggest disappointment for me, this entire season.

KREISBERG: We’re going to do it, we’re just going to have to wait until next season.

What’s the role?

BERLANTI: She’s the female President of the United States.

http://collider.com/supergirl-the-flash ... r-episode/

- Melissa Benoist y Grant Gustin hablan sobre el crossover de 'Supergirl' y 'Flash': '¡Es todo lo que queréis ver!' (ETOnline):
Melissa Benoist y Grant Gustin hablan sobre el crossover de 'Supergirl' y 'Flash': '¡Es todo lo que queréis ver!'
Por Leanne Aguilera 28 Marzo, 2016

While most big screen superheroes are facing-off against each other (Yes, we're looking at you, Superman, Batman, Captain American and Iron Man!), two of the small screen's most beloved DC characters are teaming up!

On tonight's highly anticipated episode of Supergirl, Kara Danvers and The Flash's Barry Allen are coming together for an unforgettable crossover -- and ET is bringing you the exclusive scoop straight from the set.

We caught up with our heroes' real-life alter egos, Melissa Benoist and Grant Gustin, as well as the episode's vicious villains Silver Banshee and Livewire, played by Italia Ricci and Brit Morgan, respectively, and we've got everything you need to know about tonight's can't-miss TV event!

"I honestly didn't think it was possible," Benoist confesses of the crossover. "Everyone would ask me and I was like, 'Eh, I don't know. That might never happen,' but in the back of my mind, I knew it would be so fun and everyone would freak out and love it."

"The first day on set, I was standing with Melissa in her suit and I was in my suit and I just turned to her and I'm like, 'I'm so happy,'" Gustin gushes. "To be here doing this together is pretty special, pretty cool."

The Central City hero even revealed that he had a bit of suit-jealousy when they were filming their first scene together. "I remember the first time I saw her in that suit, I was pretty envious of that 'S'," he admits. "As you know, I am a pretty big Superman fan. I like mine too, but her suit is pretty cool."

"I think everyone is jealous of the 'S'," Benoist adds with a smile.

So how does the Fastest Man Alive come face-to-face with the Girl of Steel? "For Barry, he's been training and trying to get faster, trying to get ready for Zoom over in Central City," Gustin explains. "He has been working with this device that's been pushing his speed to the next level, so he is just running one day and disappears for a second and reappears."

"When he's gone -- for what seems to be a second in Barry's world -- he's in National City for a full day and somehow breaks the dimensional barrier and becomes friends with Kara," the actor points out.

Benoist reveals that fans can expect "a lot of funny and weird banter" from Kara and Barry's newfound friendship. "They are both such dorks, so quirky and embarrassing, so there is a lot of that," the blond beauty says with a laugh. "We get to see him in CatCo and see them fight some villains together. Everything you want to see is here."

"It's a fun dynamic ," Gustin adds. "They are both kind of have that awkward, bubbly personality, but it works well together, so they have a lot of fun together. But while he's in National City, he helps Kara take down some of her villains that are messing up National City, so he lends a hand before he gets back to his Earth."

Speaking of villains, our heroes must face a deadly duo in tonight's all-new hour: Livewire, who will make her electric return, and Silver Banshee -- aka Kara's former CatCo nemesis, Siobhan Smythe. When fans last saw Siobhan, she had just drunkenly fallen off of a roof -- a stunt that Ricci actually did herself by falling 60 feet on a wire! -- but instead of plummeting to her death, she was saved by her supersonic screams.

In this next episode, Cat Grant's former assistant decides to enact revenge on Kara Danvers by joining forces with Livewire. "It's so cool!" Morgan explains of the badass Banshee alliance. "She needs Livewire's help, so she comes to me and she says, 'I wanna team up.' She's the rookie here and I kind of take her under my wing and I show her what being a bad girl's like."

In fact, it's thanks to Livewire that Silver Banshee gets such a frightfully fierce new look. "It's implied that I help her with her costume and it's like an evil makeover," Morgan says.

ET was the first to exclusively reveal Silver Banshee's terrifying costume, which, according to Ricci, takes a whopping five hours to create.

PICS: 'Supergirl' Star Italia Ricci Looks Terrifying in Silver Banshee Debut -- See the First Photo!
Photo: Robert Voets / © 2016 Warner Bros Entertainment, Inc.

"We went through five or six different looks to test out which ones were going to look best on camera, while staying as true to the character in the comics as we could," Ricci reveals while decked out in her full Banshee best. "She ultimately ended up with this one and I was just so happy because it was the coolest one out of all of them."

"She enjoys being bad," Ricci explains of Siobhan's evil evolution. "She realizes that this is what she is meant to do and so she embraces it. There's still a sliver of hope that she might go back to being a good human, but it's so much more fun being bad."

It all comes down to an epic showdown in the middle of National City and Benoist admits that this foursome face-off is going to be one of the biggest battles of the season.

"These two ladies have powers that are hard to defeat. Once they are unleashed they are the most dangerous of all the villains we have seen this season," she warns. "Their powers -- Banshee's scream and Livewire's electricity -- are some of the powers that can really hurt, and perhaps kill, Supergirl, who is made of steel, so the stakes are high."

http://www.etonline.com/tv/185358_exclu ... it_morgan/

- Showrunners de ‘Supergirl’ sobre el crossover con ‘The Flash’: 5 cosas que hay que saber (The Wrap):
Showrunners de ‘Supergirl’ sobre el crossover con ‘The Flash’: 5 cosas que hay que saber
Por Linda Ge 28 Marzo, 2016 @ 10:14 am

“It’s exciting to think of them on screen together,” Greg Berlanti says of early plans to feature Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist teaming up

The “Supergirl”-“The Flash” crossover episode that many fans dreamed of is about to become a reality, and it’s been a long time coming.

“We always wanted to do it,” executive producer Greg Berlanti told reporters following a screening of the episode. “From the time we cast Melissa [Benoist, who plays Supergirl], the notion of her on screen with Grant [Gustin, who plays The Flash], you can really see them… It’s exciting to think of them on screen together.”

A crossover between CBS’ “Supergirl” and The CW’s “The Flash” or “Arrow” had long been a dream of fans of the DC Universe shows, and rumors of such an event had persisted almost since the beginning of the “Supergirl” series, which premiered in the fall.

The crossover was finally made official in February. In the episode, titled “Worlds Finest,” Gustin’s Flash shows up from a parallel universe, just in time to help Benoist’s Supergirl battle two tough foes, Silver Banshee (Italia Ricci) and Livewire (Britt Morgan), who have joined forces.

Below, Berlanti and fellow executive producer Andrew Kreisberg discussed the logistics of making the crossover happen and how the episode opens doors to future possibilities.

Putting it together was a balancing act.

“A few things definitely had to go right,” Berlanti said. “We were introducing the notion of Earth 2 and the multiverse on ‘Flash’ and that had to kind of work. We said very openly ‘Flash’ and ‘Arrow’ existed in a world where there was no Superman, or you would have heard about him. Then it was two separate networks, so that was more challenging, because that was not so convenient. You wanted the show to work, stand on its own on CBS. We thought we might wait until the second season but after Christmas we came back, we were planning out the back half of the year and we saw a way we thought we could do it, and it felt like the right time for him to enter her world. It all came together.”

Ideally, Stephen Amell‘s Arrow would have crossed over, too

“In a perfect world, it probably would have been both of them,” Berlanti said, referring to Gustin’s Flash and Amell’s Arrow. “Just because it’s not just the Flash, it’s Arrow too, but logistically that would have been a nightmare at this point, just to try to do all three shows. We had to facilitate one.”

Bonus: Logistics also cost producers the inclusion of a third villain who was originally meant to join Livewire and Silver Banshee on their rampage, but Bizarro had to be cut due to budget.

The crossover was always meant to take place on “Supergirl,” not the CW-verse

While rumors swirled about a crossover, it wasn’t made clear until the official announcement that the episode itself would be a “Supergirl” one, as opposed to “The Flash” or “Arrow.” And it was always meant to be that way.

“We never really considered it the other way, I don’t think we ever even talked about that,” Berlanti said. “Probably part of it is, it’s a little bit more fun to bring the veteran from that show to the chemistry of a new show. When we introduced Barry Allen on ‘Arrow,’ we learned something new about ‘Arrow’…. The first year of a new show is a steep learning curve, every episode you’re learning from. It was also an opportunity to learn more about the newer show.”

Bonus: When producers brought on Brandon Routh‘s Ray Palmer to “Arrow” in Season 3, part of the reasoning was to bring some of the lightness that Gustin’s Barry did in his first stint on the show.

Don’t expect immediate crossover mythology

Just because metahumans have now been introduced to “Supergirl” and aliens have been introduced to “The Flash” as a result of this crossover, fans shouldn’t expect to see these new revelations play out on their respective shows right away.

However, the logistics of how Barry ended up in National City (and in a parallel universe) in the first place will play out immediately on “The Flash,” because scheduling conflicts dictated that the corresponding episode to the “Supergirl” crossover air on Tuesday, a night after.

“They’ll see the shoutout in the episode,” Berlanti said. “It deals with Barry increasing his speed and I’m very excited about next week’s episode of ‘The Flash’ too… Had it been all in one network, we would have been able to coordinate that. I’m actually surprised that we were able to do it as closely as we were. You have to imagine that they’re parallel worlds, in different universes, and the timeline is slightly different. One is one day ahead!”

But do expect smaller crossovers going forward

While this particular crossover episode keeps Barry’s options limited in terms of discovering doppelgangers and doubles who could help him get back to his Earth, now that the door has been opened, smaller crossovers could begin to take place on the two network’s shows.

“We just talked about that recently, there is room [for smaller crossovers], absolutely,” Berlanti said.

And doppelgangers will continue to play a huge role on “The Flash,” of course.

“We have a really exciting, fun doppelganger coming up in the penultimate episode,” Kreisberg teased.

http://www.thewrap.com/supergirl-showru ... s-to-know/

- Italia Ricci detalla el súper equipo de villano de Silver Banshee (CBR):
Italia Ricci detalla el súper equipo de villano de Silver Banshee
Por Bryan Cairns, 28 Marzo 2016

Ever since Siobhan Smythe was recruited by Cat Grant for an assistant position at CatCorp, "Supergirl" viewers have been eagerly anticipating her transformation into the ruthless Silver Banshee. Tonight, the wait is over when actress Italia Ricci adopts the villain's distinctive black and white look, teams with Livewire and prepares to scream bloody murder at Kara Zor-El and her new friend and ally, the dimension-tossed Flash.

In last week's episode, an intoxicated and frustrated Siobhan stumbled off a rooftop balcony, only barely saving herself from going splat when her supernatural scream kicked in and broke the fall. Tonight, Siobhan finally takes on the identity of Silver Banshee and utilizes her newfound powers to exact revenge on those standing in her way -- even if that means taking down Supergirl and the Flash in the process.

Ahead of tonight's big crossover episode, Ricci spoke with CBR News about tangling with superheroes, learning how to be the meanest supervillain she can be from fellow Supergirl nemesis Livewire, and whether Silver Banshee will be heard from again following her debut in the anticipated crossover episode.

Story continues below

CBR News: How cool is it being the big villain in the Supergirl/Flash crossover?

Italia Ricci: I didn't know that going into it. I read it and I was like, "Oh, my God!" I'm so excited; it's such a huge episode to read. I can't imagine what it's going to look like.

Silver Banshee's abilities only recently manifested. What can we expect from her during this confrontation?

Siobhan has superhuman strength. You'll see a bit of that. You are obviously going to see her scream. She doesn't know how to be a villain. She has this new power now. She's trying to figure out how and why she's using them. Siobhan looks to Livewire as inspiration. Livewire takes Siobhan under her wing and shows Siobhan how to be bad and how much fun it can be.

When we last spoke, Siobhan hadn't transformed into Silver Banshee. How did the makeup process evolve to arrive at her current appearance?

We had three separate hair and makeup tests. The first look was quite a bit different than what she ended up looking like. It was more of a kabuki-face paint thing. Then it was a long black and white wig. It was very full. It was almost sort of Tim Burton-y. They wanted to add prosthetics, so I went and got fitted. Then we did another test and another test. Originally, she slowly turns into Silver Banshee and then that's her permanent form. But, they wanted to keep the option open of her turning into Siobhan. Livewire sort of creates this look for her. We wanted it to be something she puts on.

What else can you tease about tonight's episode?

I don't know. We shot so much. Even in the episodes I've seen air already, there's so much more than I remember. I can say last week had one of my favorite moments on set ever. At the end of the episode, Siobhan falls off of a roof and she screams really loud. Her scream saves her and that's what unlocks the curse. They actually let me do the fall. They lifted me up in a harness, about 60-feet and let me scream my face off and fall off the side of a building on the back lot. It was amazing. I had so much fun.

How raw was your voice by the end?

I screamed for the first one, just so I could get a sense of how my face would contort. I'm sure they are doing the screams in post because they've got to be super-sonic. The first time I screamed, it was exhausting because it was such a long drop that I ran out of voice. I had to stop screaming, inhale, and keep screaming.

Siobhan has developed a personal connection with Winn. In what ways will that be touched on?

You will see more of her and Winn, whether you like it or not.

They're a bit of an odd couple.

I remember reading those earlier scenes and I was like, "What? That came out of left field." But, as I spent more time in Siobhan's shoes, I was like, "I kind of love that." It humanizes her a little bit more than just being the bad seed at the office. It gave the fans something to root for because nobody is going, "Oh, we hope she turns nice." That was her saving grace.

You recently completed the pilot for this fall's "Designated Survivor" TV series. Does that mean the first appearance will also be Silver Banshee's final appearance?

I hope I get to come back. If they will have me, I'm happy to go back.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... in-team-up

- Productores de "Supergirl" y "The Flash" siempre querían un crossover y tienen esperanza para una posible futura visita de "Arrow" (CBR):
Productores de "Supergirl" y "The Flash" siempre querían un crossover y tienen esperanza para una posible futura visita de "Arrow"
Por Albert Ching, 28 Marzo 2016

March is a conspicuous month for iconic DC Comics meeting each other in other media -- "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" is dominating the big-screen box office, the straight-to-home release "Justice League vs. Teen Titans" debuted this past weekend at WonderCon and tonight Grant Gustin's The Flash crosses networks to guest star on "Supergirl," an event months in the marking.

"We always wanted to do it," Greg Berlanti, executive producer on both The CW's "The Flash" and CBS' "Supergirl," told reporters at a recent press event. "From the day we cast Melissa [Benoist], the notion of her in scenes with Grant -- or, someday maybe in the best of all worlds, with ['Arrow' star] Stephen [Amell] as well -- it's exciting to think of them on screen together. There was a similar tonality to the shows."

Berlanti has been at the center of "Flash"/"Supergirl" crossover speculation from the beginning. Last May -- months before "Supergirl" debuted on CBS -- Gustin and Benoist appeared in costume on the cover of Variety, alongside Berlanti, planting the idea of a meeting of the two live-action superheroes in fans' minds.

Even though it seemed like a natural fit -- both heroes are just so darn likeable and good-natured -- for a while it looked like the shows might be unable to bridge the network gap, but the episode -- titled "Worlds Finest," a shout-out to the classic DC team-up comic -- was made official earlier this year. Yet it wasn't just network logistics that needs to work out -- the creative reasons had to be there, too.

"A few things definitely had to go right," Berlanti said, adding at one point they considered holding off on a crossover until the second season of "Supergirl." "We were introducing this notion of Earth-2 and the Multiverse [on the second season of 'The Flash'], that had to work. We always said very openly that 'Flash' and 'Arrow' exist in a universe where there's no Superman, or you would have heard about him. There was just the notion that it was two separate networks, so it was definitely more challenging in that way. Two separate cities that they shoot in. We wanted ['Supergirl'] to work, stand on its own, have its own audience."

Another key component in making #SupergirlXTheFlash, as it's known on social media, happen? It had to matter for both characters, rather than being a hoax, dream or imaginary story.

"It [isn't] just a gimmick episode," Andrew Kreisberg, also an executive producer on both shows, said. "If you're watching 'Supergirl,' she really needed [Flash] this week, because of the things that she's been dealing with. She's had a crisis of conscience because of the Red Kryptonite episode."

"I always think back to 'Hush,' from 'Buffy,'" Kreisberg continued. "On its own, it's, 'Oh, that's the one where nobody could speak.' But it was more than that. It was because it was an episode that started where everybody was having trouble communicating, and then suddenly their means of communication was taken away from them."

As such, you'll see references to the crossover on Tuesday's episode of "The Flash," even though it airs somewhat out of order due to the realities of network scheduling.

"They kind of flip order, obviously," Berlanti explained. "The 'Flash' that sort of hints at how he gets over there and gets back airs on Tuesday. The audience has to forgive us that one is actually going to air before the crossover -- and they shouldn't wait to watch 'Supergirl' until after the 'Flash' episode!"

Of course, there's another major DC Comics-based TV empire -- Stephen Amell's Green Arrow. Berlanti told the press that in a "perfect world," he'd be involved in the crossover as well, but given that all shows were in crunch time leading to their respective season finales, it wasn't possible.

"For me, [The Flash] was the door, the gateway," Berlanti said. "He was the only one who had the capacity to really open that door, and hopefully now it's open. In a perfect world, it probably would have been both of them -- it's not just 'The Flash,' it's 'Arrow,' too. But logistically that would have been a nightmare at this point in the year to try and do it to both shows."

Also, as Kreisberg pointed out, while the past "Flash" and "Arrow" crossover episodes are about the differences between the two title characters, a big part of the fun of tonight's "Supergirl" is exploring Barry and Kara's similarities.

"Creatively, with 'The Flash' and 'Arrow' crossovers, they've always been designed to highlight the heroes differences," Kreisberg added. "There tended to be a great deal of conflict -- a cross-cutting of styles. What was appealing about this was the idea of, Melissa and Grant are so similar as actors, and Barry and Kara both have a light to them. They're definitely daytime heroes that live more in the light. Watching the two of them form this instantaneous best friendship was part of, creatively speaking, what was really exciting for us to explore in this episode."

With two heroes come two villains -- Silver Banshee, played by Italia Ricci, and Brit Morgan as the returning Livewire. Though tonight's episode is the proper debut of Silver Banshee as a villain, Ricci has appeared in several past "Supergirl" episodes in her civilian identity, Siobhan Smythe.

"We've been setting up Silver Banshee for a bunch of episodes," Kreisberg said. "Our shows tend to be so much about the heroes, and the heroes' internal lives, that the villains tend to get short shrift. It was a real opportunity for us to introduce a character and have them stay on the show for a while, and really kind of get to know them and maybe even like them a little bit, so when they did transform, it actually meant something, as opposed to just the crazy thing that happens at the end of Act One."

As if Livewire and Silver Banshee weren't enough, the show's producers originally envisioned a trio of villains for the episode.

"For our money, we thought Livewire was one of our most successful villains from early on," Kreisberg said. "We were very much interested in bringing her back. If you're going to have two heroes, you're going to want to have multiple villains. An early version of the story actually had Bizarro teaming up with them as well, but it proved to be financially irresponsible."

As to the future of Supergirl/Flash crossovers, the executive producers made it clear nothing further is planned -- yet.

"We're excited by this," Berlanti said. "I think we want to wait and see the audience reaction to something like this. Just as storytellers and fans of the actors, we love it when we can figure out a way creatively to do it. Hopefully everybody enjoys it."

While there's now a proven doorway between "The Flash" and "Supergirl," there's a time-traveling spaceship on "DC's Legends of Tomorrow" -- which is evidently at least theoretically capable of reaching Supergirl's universe, according to Kreisberg's answer to a reporter's question.

"The Waverider can do and go anywhere," Kreisberg said.

"Worlds Finest," the "Supergirl" episode guest starring Grant Gustin as "The Flash," airs 8 tonight on CBS.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... nvolvement

- Supergirl consigue la ayuda de The Flash (DC Entertainment):
Supergirl consigue la ayuda de The Flash (DC Entertainment)
28 Marzo 2016

For fans that have been patiently waiting to see Melissa Benoist’s Supergirl team up with one of the other heroes of the DCTV shared universe, the time hasn’t exactly passed in a flash. It’s fitting, then, that when they finally get their wish in “Worlds Finest,” tonight’s special Supergirl crossover episode, the hero that Kara will find herself fighting alongside is…well, the Flash.

It makes a lot of sense. Of Kara’s fellow DCTV heroes, the Flash shares her largely optimistic outlook and cheerful demeanor. There’s also the obvious speed factor. Both heroes possess super-speed, and have a long comic book history of racing each other to see who’s the fastest—a tradition that tonight’s episode pays homage to. But it’s Barry’s newfound ability to access alternate Earths within the Multiverse that sealed the deal for the show’s producers.

“I think for me, he was the gateway,” explains Greg Berlanti, Executive Producer of both Supergirl and The Flash. “He was the only one who had the capacity to really open that door between worlds, and hopefully now it’s open for good. In a perfect world, it probably would have been both the Flash and Green Arrow. But that would have been a nightmare logistically at this point in the year, so we had to go with one.”

“Creatively, with the Flash and the Arrow crossovers, they’ve always been designed to highlight the heroes’ differences, so those episodes have tended to have a great deal of conflict,” adds fellow Flash and Supergirl Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg. “What was appealing about this is that Melissa and Grant are so similar as actors and Barry and Kara both have a light to them. They’re definitely heroes that live more in the light, and watching the two of them form this instantaneous best friendship was, creatively speaking, really exciting for us to explore in this episode.”

From the moment it was revealed that there was a Supergirl series in production, fans have been asking about a crossover. While the desire and appeal is understandable, the reality of making crossover episodes happen is always a challenge. For Supergirl and The Flash, the challenges were even greater than for The Flash and Arrow since Supergirl airs on another network and is shot in a different country. (The Flash shoots in Vancouver, while Supergirl films in Los Angeles.)

There was also the Superman problem—the Man of Steel has existed for many years in Kara’s world, but has never been mentioned in the world of Arrow and The Flash.

“We always said very openly that Flash and Arrow exist in a universe where there’s no Superman,” says Berlanti. “Otherwise, you would have heard about him. They would have at least had one conversation about him. That was one thing and then there was the notion that it’s two separate networks. It’s just more challenging in that way. It’s not so convenient. It’s two separate cities that they shoot in.

“We thought we might wait for the second season, but after Christmas we came back and were planning out the back half of the year and we saw a way that we could do it. It felt like the right time for him to enter her world and help her out, so it all came together. Everybody was very enthusiastic. I think one of the things that really kept the flame for it alive was journalists and the fans online and their feedback and enthusiasm for the idea all throughout the year.”

Those fans will be happy to hear that the time and effort was well worth it. Tonight’s Supergirl/Flash crossover event is everything you want an event like this to be. It’s fun, thrilling and laugh-out-loud funny, while also moving Kara’s story forward in a powerful way. The chemistry between Benoist and Gustin is lively and appealing. (We suspect this will be the Supergirl/Flash crossover that launches a thousand “ships.”) While Flash viewers who don’t watch Supergirl will have no problem enjoying the episode, it’s particularly rewarding to Supergirl regulars to see Kara get an assist from another beloved DC super hero right when she needs it the most.

“I think one of the things that I was most gratified about and part of the reason I got so excited about doing this now is that it wasn’t just a gimmick episode,” says Kreisberg. “If you’ve been watching Supergirl, you know that she really needed him this week because of the things that she’s been dealing with.”

Of course, there’s also the matter of the villains, and the episode certainly doesn’t disappoint in that regard, introducing Silver Banshee, a classic Metropolis baddie that has been teased over the past few weeks.

“We’ve been setting up Silver Banshee for a bunch of episodes,” Kreisberg elaborates. “That was a lot of fun to be able to bring on Italia Ricci and establish her [first] as Siobhan Smythe. Our shows tend to be so much about the heroes that the villains tend to get short shrift. This was a real opportunity for us to introduce a character and have them stay on the show for a while. You could get to know them and maybe like them a little bit, so that when they did transform, it actually meant something as opposed to being just a crazy thing that happens at the end of act one.”

Siobhan will find herself teaming up with Livewire, the electro-punk villain played by Brit Morgan. Livewire was introduced early on in the season and proves to be a particularly fitting foil for the Flash.

“For our money, we thought that Livewire was one of our most successful villains from early on,” explains Kreisberg. “So we were very much interested in bringing her back. If you’re going to have two heroes, you’re going to want to have multiple villains. An early version of the story actually had Bizarro teaming up with them as well. It was going to be three against two, but it proved to be financially irresponsible. [laughs] So we stuck with the two!”

So will “Worlds Finest” be the last time Kara and Barry’s paths cross? Could the Emerald Archer be the next hero to find himself in National City? And does the door swing in reverse? Could Kara ever find herself in The Flash’s Central City or Arrow’s Star City?

“We would love that,” assures Berlanti. “Just like we love this. We’re excited by this. I think we want to wait and see the audience reaction, but just as storytellers and as fans of the actors, we love it when we can figure out a way creatively to [cross over]. Hopefully everyone enjoys it.”

http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2016/03/28 ... -the-flash

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33024
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Melissa Benoist Facebook Q&A (18-03-16):
https://www.facebook.com/SupergirlCBS/v ... 707158018/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33024
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Melissa Benoist on "The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon" (18-03-16):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33024
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.19 "Myriad":
1.19 "Myriad" (11-04-16): Kara debe encontrar una manera de liberar a sus amigos cuando Non e Indigo usan el control mental para convertir a los ciudadanos de National City en su propio ejército. Estrellas invitadas: Laura Benanti (Alura/Astra), Jenna Dewan-Tatum (Lucy Lane), Chris Vance (Non), Peter Facinelli (Maxwell Lord), Laura Vandervoort (Indigo), Briana Venskus (Agent Vasquez), Glenn Morshower (General Sam Lane), Dra. Eliza Danvers (Helen Slater), Eve Torres Gracie (Maxima), Cole Michaels (Niño), Cheryl Turner (Abuela), Jennifer Sommerfeld (Oficial de Policía), Carly Nykanen (Kelly). Escrito por Yahlin Chang & Caitlin Parrish y dirigido por Adam Kane.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2016/03/superg ... press.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33024
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S1 (21 Marzo - 12 Abril 2016):

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(@chy_leigh Look: @davidharewood !! I have a friend to watch tonight's episode of #Supergirl with! A #mini #martianmanhunter
@aliadler: Nothing cooler than @jennaldewan riding this bike. Except maybe #SUPERGIRL riding it. @melissabenoist hmmmmmm
@entertainmentweekly: Double Danvers! Chyler Leigh and her stunt double.
@entertainmentweekly: Hey there US!! I'm taking over @entertainmentweekly Instagram account today! Get on board the J'onn J'onnz photo express!
@entertainmentweekly: It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a... #Supergirl photobomb! - @DavidHarewood
@entertainmentweekly: Lets get it on! Suiting up for #Supergirl. - @davidharewood
@entertainmentweekly: Me and My Cat. Calista Flockhart. - @DavidHarewood
@entertainmentweekly: My turn to Operate the Lotus Head. - @DavidHarewood
@entertainmentweekly: With a #Supergirl, Helen Slater. - @DavidHarewood
@tengstagram: @jennaldewan #BAMF #Supergirl @supergirlofficial
@tengstagram: Our favorite Martian @davidharewood learning the do's and don't's of snake wrangling. #Supergirl
@davidharewood: Green Screen Day.@supergirlcbs #Jonnjonnz #supgirl
@aliadler: In anticipation of Monday's all new #supergirl sharing my absolute favorite thing about this show The love of a kid for their role model
@aliadler: No one is immune to the donut
@italiaricci: Tonight's the night #Silverwire
@mariannamakeup1: #behindthescenes of tonights episode of #Supergirl when all superheroes took a quick break to eat and socialize
@tengstagram: Hey it's Super Monday! #Supergirl #Flash crossover happening tonight on CBS!
@tengstagram: Who's ready for #theflash tonight @supergirlofficial #Supergirl @grantgust @melissabenoist
@vandiekins22: BTS to my 1st fitting ...when the amazing costume dept from #Supergirl was creating my #Indigo suit
@italiaricci: Only 5 hours until Supergirl! Coincidentally also how long it takes to turn into Banshee
It will be on in a super flash. An hour and a half to go EST. #supergirlxtheflash
@aliadler: It will be on in a super flash. An hour and a half to go EST. #supergirlxtheflash - See more at httpiconosquare.comviewer.php#detail1
@NatalieAbrams: Was on set for this final #SupergirlXTheFlash crossover battle @grantgust @MelissaBenoist
@tengstagram: This is referred to as 'Bansheeing' @italiaricci #silverbanshee #supergirlxtheflash
@tengstagram: Couldn't figure out how this thing works. Still stuck on the same Earth #supergirlxtheflash
@vandiekins22: Coming for ya #Supergirl. #Indigo is back April 11th @supergirlofficial
@chy_leigh: #WCW Me and this silly girl on our last day of filming, wrapping out Kara's loft. Bittersweet... But mostly sweet
@davidharewood: Supergirl Photo bomb. @supergirlcbs #SupergirlUK #JonnJonnz @chy_leigh @melissabenoist
@tengstagram: That time when I got to work with @RealDeanCain and @davidharewood on Ep 1.17 #Manhunter. @supergirlofficial #Supergirl
@mehcadbrooks: That awkward moment when a super villian is being really sweet to you. In the back of your mind you're wondering if she's just gonna blow your eardrums out. #SilverBanshee
@mariannamakeup1: When #theflash was visiting #supergirl @cwtheflash @grantgust @melissabenoist #lastlooks
@aliadler: Happy birthday sweet @chy_leigh our other #SUPERGIRL #donutdaze
@chy_leigh: #bts on #Supergirl @melissabenoist & our fearless director, Adam Kane, for episode 119 'Myriad' going over the blocking for the #sisterfight scene ... Epic)

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Melissa Benoist Interview on "People Now" (21-03-16):
http://www.people.com/people/special/0, ... _peoplemag

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL/THE FLASH Crossover: Behind-the-Scenes Featurette #1:

- SUPERGIRL/THE FLASH Crossover: Behind-the-Scenes Featurette #2:

- SUPERGIRL/THE FLASH Crossover: Behind-the-Scenes Featurette #3 (Villains):

- SUPERGIRL/THE FLASH Crossover: Behind-the-Scenes Featurette #4 (Siobhan Smythe vs Kara Danvers):
https://amp.twimg.com/v/ea09ac99-b43b-4 ... a888fad6a0

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La original "Wonder Woman" Lynda Carter aparecerá en "Supergirl":
CeWfm8PUsAAg5T_.jpg large.jpg
Wonder Woman puede estar llegando a "Supergirl".

Tras un screening del próximo crossover de The Flash-Supergirl, los productores ejecutivos Andrew Kreisberg y Greg Berlanti revelaron que tienen planes para traer a Lynda Carter a la serie de la CBS.

“Teníamos el papel perfecto para Lynda Carter,” dice Berlanti sobre la original Wonder Woman. “No pudimos hacerlo funcionar con su calendario. El próximo año.”

Añadiendo Kreisberg: “Vamos a hacerlo, tan sólo que lo haremos el próximo año,” lo que hizo que Berlanti revelara su potencial papel: “De acuerdo, ella es la presidenta de los Estados Unidos.”

Aunque Supergirl no ha sido aún renovada oficialmente para una segunda temporada, la aparición de Carter seguiría a otros papeles invitados de otros muchos actores asiduos al mundo de los superhéroes; la estrella de Lois & Clark Dean Cain y la original Supergirl Helen Slater interpretan a los padres adoptivos de Kara (Melissa Benoist).

http://www.ew.com/article/2016/03/24/wo ... nda-carter?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Supergirl cruzará su camino con una antigua Campeona de WWE como 'Maxima' (wwe):
CBS recently revealed the synopsis for the upcoming April 11 episode of the hit show “Supergirl,” and it contained a surprise for the WWE Universe: Former WWE Divas Champion Eve has been cast as the super-powered Maxima.

Featured in “Superman” comics, Maxima began as an alien villainess seeking a suitable companion in the form of The Man of Steel. She eventually became a hero and a member of the Justice League, and her upcoming appearance on “Supergirl” marks her live-action debut. WWE.com caught up with Eve to discuss her role on the show.

WWE.COM: How did you get the role of Maxima?

EVE: It came through my representation and it just ended up working out. It was a great match and I was really excited to read about the part. It’s just such a fun family to get into with all the DC Comics TV shows and movies.

WWE.COM: Did you have to audition for the role?

EVE: I actually didn’t. I had worked with co-executive producer Larry Teng on El Rey’s “Matador,” and Maxima was a role that they were looking for an actress that fit a certain type and I just fit that type.

WWE.COM: What can you tell us about Maxima?

EVE: Anyone who reads the comics knows Maxima comes to Earth in search of a mate among the superhero population — specifically Superman. She’s denied by him and she becomes very angry and bitter. We’ll see how that history plays out in the show — every adaptation is a little bit different, but “Supergirl” does a great job with the source material.

WWE.COM: Are you a fan of the show?

EVE: I’ve been really impressed with “Supergirl.” It’s a great show because it’s appeals to DC Comics fans, staying true to the characters in spirit and costumes, and it also appeals to casual fans who enjoy good action, fun storylines and interesting characters. There’s something for everyone.

WWE.COM: Are you a comic book fan?

EVE: I am, especially the super-powered women. That’s one reason I really love “Supergirl.” It’s a great show for people to watch with their children — sons and daughters alike. It features strong female characters which is always something to appreciate.

WWE.COM: Do you have any other roles in the making that you can talk about?

EVE: I gave my birth to my son about six months ago, so while I don’t have anything really in the works, this is really a chance for me to get back out there and back to work. There’s also a potential chance for Maxima to be a recurring role in upcoming seasons, so that’s really exciting.


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.19 "Myriad":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes promocionales del 1.18 "World´s Finest":

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- El Crossover de SUPERGIRL/THE FLASH en "TVGuide":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33024
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Melissa Benoist explains how Supergirl would defeat Batman (EW):


- 'Supergirl': 9 Super-Fun Questions For Melissa Benoist (yahoo):
https://www.yahoo.com/tv/supergirl-9-su ... 43565.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33024
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Jefes de Supergirl sobre los futuros Crossovers, el plan de Myriad y Kara/James' (TVLine):
Jefes de Supergirl sobre los futuros Crossovers, el plan de Myriad y Kara/James'
Por Vlada Gelman / 28 Marzo 2016, 5:57 PM PDT

It was a superhero match made in crossing-universes heaven: During Monday’s Supergirl, the Girl of Steel and The Flash made each other’s acquaintance in the comic book equivalent of a meet-cute.

When Silver Banshee’s scream nearly sent Kara plummeting to her death, Barry Allen (played by Grant Gustin) raced in — from another Earth! — for the save, and the two heroes quickly hit it off. (Apparently, anyone who can follow the concept of multiple Earths is a friend for life.) Without The Flash‘s Cisco or Dr. Wells around, Barry easily slipped into Kara’s small group of confidantes while trying to find a way back home. In the meantime, the new pals worked together to defeat baddies Silver Banshee and Livewire; their insta-chemistry, both in and out of their costumes, sparked James’ jealousy. But it was Barry’s romantic advice that finally found Kara moving forward in her relationship with her colleague/friend. “I’m going to miss you,” she said as she bid adieu to Barry by throwing him back to his Earth at Supergirl speed. (We’ll miss his natural and animated presence on the CBS series, too.)

Given the creative success of The Flash’s visit, producers are hopeful about more crossovers with their CW dramas, like Kara making a trip to the speedster’s show (“We would love that,” executive producer Greg Berlanti says) or a Flash villain’s doppelganger showing up on Supergirl (“We’ve just talked about that recently,” Berlanti reveals). And as EP Andrew Kreisberg notes, Legends of Tomorrow‘s time-traveling spaceship “can do and go anywhere,” even to different Earths.

In discussing this crossover’s genesis, Berlanti also hints at the idea of Supergirl and Green Arrow interacting, saying, “From the day we cast Melissa [Benoist], the notion of her in scenes with Grant [Gustin] – or someday maybe in the best of all worlds with [Arrow star] Stephen [Amell], as well – it’s exciting to think of them on screen together.”

Below, Berlanti and Kreisberg talk about the episode’s big Supergirl-related cliffhangers, including that liplock, Non’s plans for National City and more.

KISS AND TELL | Kara finally planted a smooch on James, but as she awkwardly tried to get a read on his reaction, Non activated Myriad. Cue the photojournalist wordlessly walking out the door and down the street… along with everyone else in National City. The juxtaposition “felt like the best kind of Whedon-esque pathos,” Kreisberg says. As for why Kara was the one to make the first move, “Barry’s advice about when to go slowly and when to move fast really resonated with her,” the EP explains. “She finally realized, too, they’ve had so many fits and starts throughout the course of the year, and so much of it was because one of them didn’t stop talking and just act.”

BAD GUYS WITH A POINT | Non’s Myriad scheme is not without its merits. In the next episode, the seemingly evil Kryptonian “gives a speech where he talks about, ‘What has your free will gotten you?'” Kreisberg previews. “‘It’s gotten you a planet full of reality TV shows and politicians who can’t stand each other, and you’re all sitting by as global warming is coming to destroy your planet. What if everybody was working in lockstep? What if everybody was moving in the same direction? What if everybody was working together? Wouldn’t that be better?'” Back on their home planet, Kara’s aunt tried to put Myriad into action. To her dismay, she was thwarted — and then everyone was killed in Krypton’s destruction, which just goes to show, “at least from her perspective, that [her] plan might have saved Krypton and [her] plan can save Earth,” Kreisberg points out.

UNEXPECTED ALLIES | Kara will not fight Myriad alone, despite its spell over the city’s denizens. Help will come in the form of “a couple of surprising players that you wouldn’t expect to be the two people who are completely unaffected,” Kreisberg teases. (Perhaps the promo photo to the right offers a hint at their identities?)

UNMASKING HEROES | If Cat was so easily able to decipher that Barry is The Flash, then how can she still be in the dark about her assistant’s secret identity? “There’s a number of people that assume that she does know and just doesn’t say anything,” Berlanti notes. “Both are safe bets. We haven’t firmed up if and when we [will] clarify that point. I think it’s kind of enjoyable to appreciate the show both ways.”

http://tvline.com/2016/03/28/supergirl- ... rossovers/
- Jefes de ‘Supergirl’ y ‘Flash’ hablan sobre las repercusiones del Crossover y lo que le pasó a James (Variety):
Jefes de ‘Supergirl’ y ‘Flash’ hablan sobre las repercusiones del Crossover y lo que le pasó a James
Por Laura Prudom 28 Marzo, 2016 | 06:01PM PT

Spoiler warning: Do not read on unless you’ve seen “The Flash” crossover episode of “Supergirl,” which took place during Season 1, Episode 18, titled “Worlds Finest.”

“Supergirl” and “The Flash” just pulled off the first inter-network crossover in recent memory, allowing Kara Zor-El (Melissa Benoist) to win back the trust of National City and make a new friend in Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), before the Scarlet Speedster raced back to his own universe over on The CW. But while Barry has to focus on Zoom, who is plaguing both Earth-1 and Earth-2, Kara will have to contend with the mysterious Myriad, which seems to have turned James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks) and every other human in her city into mindless drones.

Below, “Flash” and “Supergirl” executive producers Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg break down the crossover’s twists and preview what’s ahead for Kara in the final two episodes of “Supergirl’s” freshman season.

Mind Over Myriad: We now know that Myriad enables the Kryptonians to control the minds of humans, and Kreisberg says that in the next two episodes, “You’re finally going to discover why Astra did it. Originally when we were developing the series… Astra was trying to mine the core of Krypton and now she was [going to be] trying to mine the core of Earth, just to show the synchronicity, but Greg rightly pointed out that it should be something much more emotional and visceral. The more we talked about it, the whole idea of mind control [came up],” he explains. “As you’ll hear in subsequent episodes, you start to get very cogent arguments on the bad guys’ side for why Myriad is the way to go. For us, we always love it when the bad guys have a point – they’re leaving out the part about killing a whole bunch of people or you’re losing your free will, but next week Non gives a speech: ‘what has your free will gotten you? A planet full of reality TV shows and politicians who can’t stand each other, and you’re all [standing] by as global warming is coming to destroy your planet, and what if everybody was working in lockstep, what if everybody was moving in the same direction, what if everybody was working together – wouldn’t that be better?’”

While we humans obviously enjoy our free will (and some reality TV), Kreisberg points out that “Astra tried to do Myriad on Krypton and she was arrested and thrown in jail, and when she got out of jail, Krypton was destroyed. So as far as Astra’s concerned, she was right: ‘they didn’t listen to me and now they’re all dead.’ So she had proof positive that ‘my plan might’ve saved Krypton and my plan can save Earth.’”

Since Kara’s sister Alex (Chyler Leigh) and mentor Hank Henshaw — aka J’onn J’onzz (David Harewood)– are off on a mission to track down Alex’s father, who is apparently still alive, Kara will need some help tackling Myriad and Non in the final two episodes. “She has a couple of surprising players that you wouldn’t expect to be the two people who are completely unaffected by Myriad to help her,” Kreisberg teases.

Manhunter on a Mission: Kreisberg promises that we’ll catch up with Alex and “Hank” in next week’s episode; “we see them on the run in a very comical way.” Alex will obviously been torn between the need for answers about her father and what’s going on back in National City, the producer says. “She is on a mission, but Myriad taking over the entirety of National City is going to put into question which mission she should be pursuing; she knows her father’s alive and he’s out there, but the entirety of National City has been taken over and there’s going to be some discussion with Hank about which danger is more immediate and pressing.”

Unfortunately for Jeremiah Danvers, he’s apparently being kept under lock and key thanks to a secret government program called Project Cadmus, which DC Comics fans know well. “You’re not gonna see Cadmus this season, it’ll be something that gets saved for Season 2,” Kreisberg says, explaining, “we did run out of runway a little bit. It’s going to remain more of an evil spectery thing that’s out there, but it’s definitely something that we’re going to pursue. Cadmus has such a rich history in the comics and the animated shows. There’s so much there to mine — it’ll definitely be there in Season 2.”

Sealed with a Kiss: Barry was able to offer Kara some sound advice about when to speed things up and when to take them slow, and our heroine took that advice to heart by finally making a move on James — but once again, the timing didn’t quite work out. “Barry’s advice about when to go slowly and when to go fast really resonated with her and I think she realized that they’ve had so many fits and starts throughout the course of the year and so much of it was because one or the other of them didn’t stop talking and just act. The idea that just as they kiss, Myriad takes over… poor Kara’s horrible reaction after finally making the first move and he’s turned into a zombie just felt like the best Whedon-esque pathos,” Kreisberg says of the cruel twist they decided to throw at Kara and James’ first kiss.

Earth-what? Fans of “The Flash” know that Barry already has some experience with traveling to alternate universes, but the producers say they purposefully kept the location of Kara’s Earth vague, mostly to avoid any DC Comics fans who know the specifications of each Earth that’s been introduced into the multiverse canon already. “I know the deeper you get into the Earths, the more specialized they become,” Kreisberg laughs. “This is an unknown number Earth.”

The Devil You Know: While Barry was unable to find any of his “Flash” allies on Kara’s Earth — no Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon or Harrison Wells — that doesn’t mean the producers have ruled out the possibility of familiar doppelgangers from other shows on “Supergirl” down the line. “There is room for that, absolutely,” Berlanti says.

“We just wanted to make sure that Barry didn’t have other options other than to work with Kara,” Kreisberg explains wryly. “‘Oh, there’s a Harrison Wells, buh-bye, crossover over!'”

Flash in the Pan: The crossover might be one-sided, but Grant Gustin tells Variety that Barry’s trip to another universe will still have an effect on him, going into “The Flash’s” last batch of episodes.

“My favorite thing about it was we were shooting our episode 18 of ‘Flash’ when I was simultaneously popping back and forth and doing ‘Supergirl’s’ episode 18, and it’s the episode where Barry does disappear and go to this other Earth, so it coincided perfectly,” he says. “Barry’s kind of going through it, as he does towards the end of the season, and it’s heavy and he’s been kind of down and this event — which doesn’t read at all in ‘The Flash’ script as affecting Barry, but because he’s gone and he’s on ‘Supergirl’ — when he comes back, it really ended up affecting my mood on that episode of ‘Flash,’ and kind of changed the arc for Barry for the next couple episodes. It helped give him some confidence knowing he had this other ally out there; he just came back with a more positive outlook than I would’ve expected him to after breaking the dimensional barrier and disappearing for a full day.”

Kreisberg agrees that the crossover has a little less of an impact on “The Flash,” because “this was really meant to be a more one-sided crossover,” but does promise that “you will know precisely when it occurred on ‘Flash,’ but we don’t dwell too much on it.”

Crisis on Infinite Earths? The biggest question for many fans following the crossover may be “when can we do it again?” and the producers are certainly open to another, larger meeting between all the shows in Berlanti’s superhero universe — including “Arrow,” “The Flash,” “Supergirl” and “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.”

“We would love that,” Berlanti says. “We want to wait and see the audience reaction to something like this, but just as storytellers and fans and fans of the actors, we love it when we can figure out a way, creatively, to do it, and hopefully everybody enjoys it.”

Berlanti admits that they always hoped to do a crossover between “Supergirl” and The CW shows, if the Powers That Be were on board. “From the day we cast Melissa, the notion of her in scenes with Grant — or someday maybe in the best of all worlds with Stephen [Amell, star of ‘Arrow’] as well, it’s exciting to think of them on screen together. There was a tonality to the shows. But a few things definitely had to go right – we were introducing this notion of Earth-2 and the multiverse on ‘Flash,’ and that had to work; we said very openly that ‘Flash’ and ‘Arrow’ exist in a universe where there’s no Superman or you would’ve heard about him – they would’ve at least had one conversation about him – and certainly Supergirl as well. So that was one thing, and there was the notion that it was two separate networks, so it was definitely challenging in that way because it’s not so convenient, it’s two separate cities that they shoot in. So you wanted the show to work and stand on its own on CBS, have its own audience, and we thought we might wait ’til the second season, but after Christmas we came back and we were planning out the back half of the year, and we saw a way we thought we could do it, and it felt like the right time for him to enter her world and help her out, and so it all came together. Everybody was very enthusiastic and supportive.”

http://variety.com/2016/tv/news/supergi ... 201740681/
- Productores de Supergirl hablasn sobre el Crossover con Flash y Myriad (IGN):
Productores de Supergirl hablasn sobre el Crossover con Flash y Myriad
Por Max Nicholson 28 Marzo 2016

CBS and executive producers Greg Berlanti and Andrew Kreisberg invited IGN and a small group of reporters to an early screening of the highly anticipated Supergirl/Flash crossover. Now, we can share all the juicy details from the Q&A that followed and tease what's coming next for both DC superheroes...

Full spoilers for "Worlds Finest" continue below.

1. How the Crossover Came Together

In order to commit to doing a crossover, Berlanti explained that two things needed to happen. One was the idea of the multiverse on The Flash succeeding with audience this season, and the other was for Supergirl to find its own footing in Season 1 and stand on its own on CBS. The creators initially thought about saving the crossover for Season 2, but after the holidays they saw a way they thought they could do it in the back half of Season 1. "It felt like the right time to enter her world and help her out," Berlanti said, adding that media and fan support for the idea but them over the edge to move forward with it.

Of course, another thing to consider was that both shows shoot in different cities: Supergirl in Los Angles and The Flash in Vancouver. "There were the logistics of having to navigate Grant coming down, not just once but twice," Berlanti explained. Luckily, the scheduling worked out. "Grant and Melissa and everybody, the whole cast, just really delivered. It felt like Grant had been on the show before when he showed up."

2. Flash v(ia) Supergirl

When asked why the crossover takes place in Supergirl's universe (which, by the way, Kreisberg made clear was not Earth-Three but an unknown numbered Earth) and not the Flash's, Berlanti responded, "We never really considered it the other way. I don't think we even talked about that."

He continued, "The other part of it is it's maybe a little more fun at first to bring the veteran from that show to the chemistry of a new show," much in the same way Barry was introduced on Arrow and Oliver was that veteran. "You know, the first year of a new show is, for us, a steep, steep learning curve, and every episode you're learning from. Sometimes you learn the hard way, and sometimes stuff works out. So I think [the crossover] was an opportunity to learn about the newer show."

3. Barry's Trip to Supergirl's World Will be Explained on The Flash

After watching the premiere, it wasn't exactly clear when Barry showed up in Supergirl's universe and whether his trip would be addressed on The Flash at some point. Berlanti clarified that, yes, Flash's appearance on Supergirl will factor in Tuesday's episode on that show. "They flip order, obviously, because ['Worlds Finest'] will air Monday... so the audience has to forgive us that one's going to actually air before the other -- and they shouldn't wait to watch Supergirl until after the Flash episode. They should certainly watch it before. But you'll see the shoutout in the [Flash] episode. It deals with Barry increasing his speed."

4. The Dastardly Duo

Obviously, Supergirl and the Flash teaming up requires not one but two villains for them to fight, and in the crossover we see the debut of Silver Banshee (formerly Siobhan Smythe) and the return of Livewire from Supergirl's fourth episode. But what was the decision to have those two in particular join forces?

"Well, we had been setting up Silver Banshee for a bunch of episodes," Kreisberg said. "That was actually a lot of fun to be able to bring on [Italia Ricci] and establish her as Siobhan, because a lot of times our shows tend to be so much about the heroes and so much about the heroes' internal lives that the villains tend to get short shrift. It was a real opportunity for us to introduce a character and have them stay on the show for awhile and really kind of get to know them and maybe even like them a little bit, so that when they did transform, it actually meant something."

As for the other, "We thought Livewire was one of our most successful villains from early on, so we were very much interested in bringing her back."

Interestingly, Kreisberg said that an early version of the crossover script had Bizarro Girl in the mix as well and that it was going to be three against two, "but it proved to be financially irresponsible," so they stuck with the two.

5. Room For More Doppelgängers?

Obviously in Supergirl's world Barry was unable to find anyone he knew from STAR Labs in Central City, but is there still the potential for, say, a metahuman or villain from The Flash to pop up on Supergirl, or vice versa? "We just talked about that recently, actually," Berlanti replied. "There is room, absolutely."

Kreisberg chimed in, "We just wanted to make sure that Barry didn't have other options to work with, so it wasn't like, 'Oh, there's a Harrison Wells -- buh-bye! Crossover over!'"

6. Could Supergirl Ever Come to The Flash (or Arrow or Legends)?

When asked if Kara might pay a visit to Central City at some point, Berlanti said they have no current plans in motion but that they'd love for Supergirl to cross over into the DC/CW-verse down the line. "We want to wait and see the audience reaction to something like this," Berlanti said, "but just as storytellers and as fans of the actors, honestly, we love when we can figure out a way creatively to do it."

As for the Waverider on Legends of Tomorrow and whether that ship could cross over into Supergirl's world, Kreisberg joked, "The Waverider can go anywhere."

7. Who Is the Fastest Person Alive?

Near the end of "Worlds Finest," we got a glimpse of Barry and Kara "racing" against each other, so to speak, but did Berlanti and Kreisberg ever actually sit down and have the conversation about which hero was the fastest? "Doesn't everyone have that conversation?" Berlanti said with a laugh. "Our visual effects and storyboard artists actually storyboarded it, as well, her flying against him running, and it just didn't feel right. I'm glad they did it as proof of concept that it wouldn't work... but it didn't have the same spirit and fun of an actual footrace."

8. The Myriad Cometh

Finally, what was the deal with that final scene, as everybody around Kara turned into mindless zombies?

"You finally found out what Myriad was," Kreisberg said. "You're finally going to discover why Astra did it. Originally, when we were developing the series, we were just going to have Astra -- she was trying to mine the core of Krypton, and then she was trying to mine the core of Earth, just to show the synchronicity. But Greg rightly pointed out that it should be something much more emotional and visceral. Then the more we talked about it, the whole idea of mind control -- as you'll hear in subsequent episodes, you start to get very cogent argument on the bad guys' side for why Myriad is the way to go."

However, Kreisberg revealed that Kara won't be alone going up against Myriad. "She has a couple of surprising players that you wouldn't expect to be the two people who are completely unaffected by Myriad to help her."

Kreisberg and Berlanti also confirmed that Hank and Alex will return in next week's episode.

9. Superboy on the Horizon?

With the Project Cadmus namedrop in last week's episode, fans have begun speculating that Superboy, who was cloned at Cadmus in the comics, could potentially come to Supergirl. However, Kreisberg said they're saving any Cadmus-related storylines for Season 2.

"It's going to remain more of an evil, specter-y thing that's out there, but it's definitely something that we're going to pursue," he said. "You know, Cadmus has such a rich history in the comics and the animated shows. There's so much there to mine. It'll definitely be part of Season 2."

http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/03/29/ ... and-myriad
- Dentro del giro del crossover de 'Supergirl'/'The Flash' Crossover y su momento a lo "Whedon" (THR):
Dentro del giro del crossover de 'Supergirl'/'The Flash' Crossover y su momento a lo "Whedon"
Por Sydney Bucksbaum 28 Marzo, 2016 6:00pm PT

[Warning: This story contains spoilers from Monday's The Flash crossover episode of Supergirl, "Worlds Finest."]

The Flash's Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) has left his mark on Supergirl.

The CW's Scarlet Speedster became fast friends with Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) on Monday's CBS-hosted cross-network crossover. The Flash's appearance served to help Supergirl get National City back on her side, and he became the catalyst for Kara finally taking her relationship with James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks) to the next level. After taking Barry's advice and planting a kiss on James, she was mortified when he failed react to her. A few moments later, she realized he couldn't react, because Non's (Chris Vance) Myriad plan went into effect and turned all the humans in National City into mindless zombies.

"The repercussions from this episode are that she got the city back on her side and she obviously took a fledgling step with James," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg told reporters after a recent screening the crossover episode. "Those two events play heavily in the last two episodes [of Supergirl]."

So what is this mysterious Myriad plan that Astra (Laura Benanti) started before her death and Non has finished for her? Turning all the humans on Earth into brain washed, mind-controlled slaves to the Kryptonians, starting with National City.

"You finally have found out what Myriad was. You're finally going to discover why Astra did it," says Kreisberg, who with Greg Berlanti exec produces both The Flash and Supergirl. "The idea of mind control, and as you'll hear in subsequent episodes, you'll start to get very cogent arguments on the bad guys' side for why Myriad is the way to go. We always love it when the bad guys have a point. They're leaving out the part about killing a whole lot of people or you losing your free will, but next week Non actually gives a speech where he talks about, 'What has your free will gotten you? It's gotten you a planet full of reality TV shows, politicians who can't stand each other, and all of you are sitting around, standing by as global warming is coming to destroy your planet. What if everyone was working together? Wouldn't that be better?' Obviously that's horrible that you're losing your free will, but he has a point of view that you could argue."

But Kara won't be alone when she tries to stop Non's plan going forward.

"Kara has a couple of surprising players that you wouldn't expect to be the two people who are completely unaffected by Myriad to help her," Kreisberg says.

One ally might be Kara's sister Alex (Chyler Leigh), despite being on the run from the government with Hank/J'onn J'onzz (David Harewood).

"She is on a mission but Myriad taking over the entirety of National City is going to put into question which mission she should be pursuing," Kreisberg says. "Obviously she knows her father is alive and out there but the entirety of National City has been taken over and there's going to be some discussions with Hank in the subsequent episodes about which danger is more immediate and pressing."

Supergirl will return to Alex and Hank's story in the next episode, when "we see them on the run in a very comical way." "I think it's surprising as much as comical," Berlanti says. "It's cool."

As for why the showrunners decided to have Kara make the first move on James instead of the other way around, Kreisberg joked that "the show's called Supergirl."

"She's the one who got the advice this week," Kreisberg says. "Barry's advice about when to go slowly and when to move fast really resonated with her. She finally realized too that they've had so many fits and starts throughout the course of the year and so much of it was because one or the other of them didn't stop talking and just act. The idea that just as they kiss, Myriad takes over, and doing the gag of, 'Was it good? Was it too good? Was it not good?' Poor Kara's horrible reaction after finally making the first move and he's turned into a zombie just felt like the best kind of [Joss] Whedon-esque pathos."

Kreisberg and Berlanti also revealed that Bizarro almost made an appearance in the crossover to team up with villains Livewire (Brit Morgan) and Silver Banshee/Siobhan Smythe (Italia Ricci), but decided against it for budgetary reasons. And this is the last viewers will see of Silver Banshee this season, but the Berlanti "would love to" have Ricci back for season two.

As for that comment Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart) shot at Kara, Barry, James and Winn (Jeremy Jordan), calling them an attractive cast of a CW show?

"That was the most fun aspect of the crossovers for me as a writer, getting to put in those real meta kinds of jokes," Kreisberg says with a laugh. "That was actually one of the earliest jokes we had written for it. It just cracked me up."

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ing-878585?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33024
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.20 "Better Angels" (Season Finale):
1.20 "Better Angels" (18-04-16): SUPERGIRL SE ENFRENTA A SU MAYOR TEST CUANDO SU ENEMIGA PLANEA DESTRUIR A CADA PERSONA DEL PLANETA - Supergirl se ve forzada a luchar con un inesperado enemigo y debe arriesgar todo – incluída su vida – para evitar que Non e Indigo destruyan a cada persona del planeta. Estrellas invitadas: Jenna Dewan-Tatum (Lucy Lane), Chris Vance (Non), Peter Facinelli (Maxwell Lord), Laura Vandervoort (Indigo), Briana Venskus (Agent Vasquez), Glenn Morshower (General Sam Lane), Dra. Eliza Danvers (Helen Slater), Kitana Turnbull (Chica disfrazada), Dan Warner (Capitán de Bomberos), Malina Weissman (Joven Kara), Dawn Greenidge (Mujer caminando), Jessica Garcia (chica adolescente). Con historia de Andrew Kreisberg & Ali Adler y guión de Robert Rovner & Jessica Queller, está dirigido por Larry Teng.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2016/03/superg ... ngels.html?

- Stills del 1.20 "Better Angels":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
