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Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

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- Nuevo póster promocional de 'Amenadiel':


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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

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- Tom Ellis adelanta una ‘lucha cataclísmica’ entre hermanos y un ‘inesperado’ final (zap2it):
Tom Ellis adelanta una ‘lucha cataclísmica’ entre hermanos y un ‘inesperado’ final
Por Lindsay MacDonald 18 Abril 2016

As we ramp up to next week’s season finale of “Lucifer,” prepare yourselves for an angelic showdown between brothers and a finale that will leave you stunned.

Zap2it spoke with the devil himself, Tom Ellis, about what to expect from the final two episodes of the season. Read on for scoop about Lucifer’s rivalry with Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside), his ever-changing relationships with the two women in his life, Chloe (Lauren German) and Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt), and how the last scene of the finale had Ellis praying for a Season 2.

Zap2it: Lucifer now knows that Amenadiel is trying to kill him, so how is that conflict going to play out in the last two episodes?

Tom Ellis: Suffice it to say the next time he sees his brother, he’s not particularly happy with him, and whereas he sort of decided not to fight back previously, I think this is the last straw. We do get quite a cataclysmic fight between the two of them. It’s sort of the season’s climax of what’s been simmering away at the two of them. Expect fireworks, I should say.
D.B Woodside teased that we’d see consequences to Lucifer leaving hell. Can you tell us anything about that?

When I read the script for the finale episode, I got to the last page, and I read the last scene and I was like, “Oh my gosh, I hope we get a Season 2.” There are some consequences to it, and now that we know we have a Season 2, I’m very excited about how those consequences play out.

Lucifer’s coin has now changed hands, is that going to come back and bite him?

The coin goes on a journey like everybody, but where we left the coin at the end of the last episode is not where it finishes.

Would you say it ends up in the wrong hands or the right hands?

Well I’m not going to – I daren’t speculate. It’s been a lot of fun though, generally during the whole show, just creating this mythology, and the coin ties into that quite heavily.

Chloe also plays into that mythology with her immunity to Lucifer’s powers and making him mortal. What’s going on there?

It’s a puzzle for Lucifer still. It’s something completely unresolved, and something that’s now more menacing certainly after discovering at the end of the last episode that it’s Chloe that makes him mortal and makes him bleed.

That is difficult because Lucifer finds himself in a place where this one person who he likes and trusts who he’d even call friend – he discovers this revelation about her, and the last thing he wants is to let her know about that, so he takes it upon himself to investigate who she might be.

But he finds it so difficult because he feels compelled to her. He feels drawn to her. He even says to Dr. Linda, when she says, “If she’s making you vulnerable, why don’t you stay away from her?” And he comes to the realization that he doesn’t want to. So that in itself tells a story.

Do you think we will eventually see them in a more romantic way?

I think obviously it made Lucifer feel great when he didn’t accept her advances when she turned up drunk at his penthouse. In all these sort of relationships in shows over the years when you have a sort of “will they, won’t they” storyline, if they ever do, that’s usually the end of the story. I think the power of suggestion is far more powerful than actuality sometimes.

I think it’s interesting when exploring their relationship sometimes because there’s a lot that these two don’t know about each other, so I think if it ever does happen it will be somewhere in the future but quite far away.

If Chloe ever realizes that Lucifer is actually the devil, will that maybe change their dynamic?

Well that’s the question: will she ever accept that?

Half the fun of that relationship is us as actors not knowing what it is. We still don’t know, and I don’t know if our writers know yet. But we’re having a lot of fun exploring it.

Speaking of romance, what is Lucifer going to do about Maze and Amenadiel’s little hookup?

The interesting thing about Lucifer and Maze is that he had this huge betrayal from her earlier in the season, and now he’s at a place where he feels like he needs to let people back into his life, but he’s not completely trusting of them. While she appears to be on the side of Lucifer and working for him, where her moral judgment is drawn is maybe not what Lucifer expects.

Can we expect Lucifer to sing again?

Oh, I hope so!

Lucifer singing is something that came out of – all the writers and all the actors met up before the season started as a sort of get to know you, break the ice kind of session, and we all ended up at a karaoke place. I ended up doing my usual karaoke number, which is “Mustang Sally” and our showrunner, Joe, was like, “You got my mind thinking over this.”

Because of the nature of the Lux club, and the fact that he plays piano. We’ve all talked about the devil being an appreciator of music, so it seems to make sense, so they wrote it in. I was excited about that, but I didn’t know if it would sort of carry on. I think whatever Lucifer enjoys doing will probably make it into the show.

If you could describe the season finale in one word, what would it be?


http://zap2it.com/2016/04/lucifers-tom- ... nale-more/

- Tom Ellis adelanta un viaje al Infierno en la Season Finale (CBR):
Tom Ellis adelanta un viaje al Infierno en la Season Finale
Por Bryan Cairns, 18/04/16

The Devil will be raising a little more Hell in remaining two episodes of "Lucifer" season one. After Lucifer (Tom Ellis) abandoned his throne for a much needed break in Los Angeles, he unexpectedly became enamored with humans and their lives. Detective Chloe Decker (Lauren German) particularly piqued Lucifer's interest, especially since she was inexplicably immune to his supernatural powers and charisma.

However, in an attempt to restore the universal balance, his angelic brother, Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside), pleaded with Lucifer to return to his fiery domain, to no avail. As a result, a desperate Amenadiel recently plotted to have a mortal Lucifer killed, which would cause him to go straight back to Hell. His scheme failed, leaving viewers wondering how a wrathful Lucifer might retaliate and whether it would jeopardize his redemption.

Ellis recently spoke with CBR News about Lucifer's breaking point, his possible redemption, his relationship with Chloe and what may come in the recently renewed DC/Vertigo-based show's second season.

CBR News: There have been multiple handsome devils on TV. What did you do to make your version stand out?

Tom Ellis: The original script that I got for it, that was written by Tom Kapinos from "Californication," this character was brilliantly realized on the page. It was like a blueprint for me. I knew instantly what I wanted to do with it. It was so funny, which was the thing that really struck me, and I wanted to keep it funny. But, I also wanted to make sure that we could find a way to ground the character.

As the series has gone on, and the veneer of Lucifer has stripped away slowly and he's had these experiences, we've found the way of doing that with things that really land with him. They surprise him as well as our audience. That's what I wanted to do with it. It wasn't like I wanted to actually make him different than any other devils out there. I just wanted to honor what we had in the first place.

Almost from day one, Lucifer expressed a fascination with Chloe. However, somehow, she's immune to his charm, wit, sex appeal and killer singing voice. How much does that baffle and bug Lucifer?

It's the driving force after our pilot. Lucifer doesn't want to solve crimes. He just wants to sort of spend time around Chloe, find out what makes her tick and try to get to the bottom of all this. Slowly, this sort of friendship blossoms between them and that surprises him. Then he realizes he trusts her and he's never really trusted anyone before. As we get towards our season finale and our episode tonight, for the first time, Lucifer feels betrayed by Chloe. It really takes him to a place he's never been before.

Lucifer recently discovered Amenadiel was trying to kill him. So far, it's been the calm before the storm. How does Lucifer react when he comes face-to-face with his brother again?

Not in the best way. Lucifer feels like he's trying to be the better man for the first time in his life. You certainly saw that when Amenadiel was on the beach in the wing episode. He was like, "Hit me. Hit me again. Please. Please. Fall like I did." Lucifer's goading him, but he's not fighting back. That tactic, alongside everything else in Lucifer's world crumbling, makes Lucifer say, "I've had enough." We get this almighty fight between them, which is something we had a lot of fun filming.

We haven't seen Lucifer snap. Does this finally push him over the edge?

Absolutely. The interesting thing about Lucifer is it's important to remember he's like a wild animal. People believe they may be taming him, but, at any moment, he could go. That's something that's been brewing all through the series. When he has a real reason to go, he goes crazy. It's more fun to sit on that rage than constantly be angry.

You've stated this series is the ultimate redemption story. How much closer is Lucifer to achieving that? What do you believe have been some of the big steps he's taken?

He's been selfless, which was the first step on his way to redemption. He was selfless in his protection of Chloe in the pilot and this preservation of her life. That set off a chain reaction in this crisis. He's like, "I can't understand what it is about this woman and why I've done these things." That was the first big one.
Story continues below

The episode that really resonated with me about the power of what the show is capable of is the one called "A Priest Walks into a Bar." Lucifer begrudgingly becomes friends with a priest. The priest dies and then Lucifer rages about the unfairness of this whole plan and can't get his head around it. There's this idea that there's this greater plan and Lucifer hasn't quite come to grips with understanding what he's doing and could be part of it.

Next week's season finale is titled, "Take Me Back to Hell," which sounds ominous. What can you say about the episode?

Viewers can expect a few bombshells. The one thing I can tease about the episode is throughout the whole season, I've been asked, "Are we ever going to see Hell?" In the finale, yes, we do. That's all I'm going to say.

Lucifer received a second season. What are you excited to explore?

It's going to be an opportunity to explore the relationships amongst the other characters as well. The idea of who Chloe is, we still have to get to the bottom of that. There's also the notion about Chloe and Lucifer and why their paths have been put together. That's something that's going to be driving the show forward. There's something that happens at the end of the finale that I'm very excited about exploring in Season 2, but I'm not going to spoil it for you.

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- Tom Ellis adlanta el el problema de Lucifer de Chloe y el impactante Final (TVLine):
Tom Ellis adlanta el el problema de Lucifer de Chloe y el impactante Final
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 18 Abril 2016, 6:49 AM PDT

Lucifer is bedeviled.

As Fox’s recently renewed drama (Mondays, 9/8c) lets loose with its final two episodes, the title character has just discovered that he is not losing his mojo as a whole but instead is powered down when in the company of confidante Detective Chloe Decker. How will the Prince of Darkness navigate this stickiest of wickets? Series star Tom Ellis spoke with TVLine about that vexing matter, next week’s finale, the drama’s wickedly funny bone and more.

TVLINE | Full disclosure: I was slow to pick up on Lucifer, but some of our readers kept talking it up and once I got to it, man…. This is a fun show, and a funny show.
Oh, thank you. Thank you. That was one of the things that first drew me to the pilot script, how funny it was.

TVLINE | You have better zingers than half the sitcoms out there.
[Laughs] That was a genuine reaction of mine to the pilot, because I’d been sent a lot of scripts, a lot of half-hours and a lot of dramas, and Lucifer was funnier than all of them. I’m glad that we’ve managed to keep that going, because for me that was a big part of why this show is different.

TVLINE | But is it a challenge to keep the character somewhat modulated, so he’s not “too much”?
Yeah, we have to be careful. Lucifer likes to have fun, but we need to make sure that hes also rooted in a proper journey. For the first few episodes after a pilot, you’re just trying to establish your world and the starting points for your characters. But I feel like as the stakes went up, the Lucifer veneer got less and less. His playfulness still exists, but hes got other things to deal with.

TVLINE | Including the notionlucifer-chloe that he is “vulnerable” around Chloe (played by Lauren German). What is his immediate reaction to that realization?
Well, this next episode takes place three weeks after that revelation, and you realize that Lucifer has spent that whole time avoiding Chloe. [Laughs] He still doesn’t want to believe that this is the case, that this person that he has met and sort of has developed a friendship and trust with, it’s all been flipped on its head. We start off with Lucifer feeling still compelled towards Chloe, but now incredibly suspicious and paranoid about who and what she is.

TVLINE | And he’s literally keeping her at arm’s length, if not more.
Literally, exactly! It plays out in a very comedic way to start with, but he does feel a bit betrayed, though he can’t put it into words.

TVLINE | Is there something larger and more nefarious at play there, other than “true love” dousing his powers?
Oh, I think so…. A few people have made that assumption, that maybe just because he’s in love with her that he’s gone soft, but our story is much bigger than that.

TVLINE | Whats his dynamic with Malcolm (Justified‘s Kevin Rankin) going to be like moving forward? The guy just tried to kill him, before getting bought off pretty easily.
That’s not the end of that story. Malcolm is someone that Lucifer had not really paid any attention to before, and as we enter the next episode Lucifer is brought into a case against his better judgement, because he’s trying to stay away from Chloe, and his path with Malcolm crosses again. Obviously they’ve now got this secret about what happened.

TVLINE | Will things start to thaw for him and Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt)? It’s been pretty chilly between them the past couple of weeks.
There’s an appearance of a thaw. I think he doesn’t know what to think about Maze, so he starts to test her allegiance. The thing about Lucifer is that by the end of the first season his world is falling apart a bit. Anyone that he could call an ally or trust, he now can’t, and that leaves him in a place that he’s never been before. He asks himself the question: “Is this place any better or worse than the place I left?”

TVLINE | This week’s case revolves a Satanic cult type of thing led by Ross McCall. Tease Lucifer’s reaction to that, because it is very hilarious.
[Laughs] It is. One of the things I love about this show is the satire we’re able to produce about certain things. During the investigation they come across this sort of “church of Satan,” and it’s all his grievances about humanity summed up in one group of people, basically. [Laughs] He’s just had enough of the fact that people think he’s this thing that he isn’t. I think my favorite line is, “Why do they always obsess about goats? I mean I dont even like their cheese!”

TVLINE | Before the season is over, will we get a big face-off between you and D.B. Woodside’s Amenadiel?
Oh yeah, for sure. There’s a big one coming up in this episode, actually. Lucifer is fed up with letting everything go by and trying to be the bigger man, so I think he flips finally. He and Amenadiel have quite a huge fallout. (Watch an exclusive sneak peek below.)

TVLINE | What sort of finale are we getting next week? Big happenings?
I just spoke to someone who’d seen it and I loved their reaction to it; it was the same as mine. The finale has a very, very unexpected twist. One thing I will say is that when I read it I was like, “I really hope we get a Season 2 because it’s too good to leave on this note.” So, yeah — it’s going to surprise a few people. I’m not going to say too much more about it, but the last scene… it is pretty shocking.

http://tvline.com/2016/04/18/lucifer-se ... ng-finale/
- Lesley-Ann Brandt dice que las frustraciones ‘se juntan’ en la season finale de ‘Lucifer’ (zap2it):
Lesley-Ann Brandt dice que las frustraciones ‘se juntan’ en la season finale de ‘Lucifer’
Por Lindsay MacDonald 25 Abril, 2016

It's hard to believe that we've already made it the the season finale of "Lucifer," but Zap2it's exclusive sneak peek has some news that's even more unbelievable: Chloe (Lauren German) and Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt) will be teaming up in this Monday's (April 25) finale to clear Lucifer's (Tom Ellis) name.

Maze and Chloe might not be the best of friends, but things certainly get a little heated when they take fire. Zap2it spoke with Lesley-Ann Brandt about Maze's relationship with Lucifer and Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside), and what we can expect from the season finale.

Zap2it: Maze has been such a great character this season, what do you think it is about her that the audience loves?

Lesley-Ann Brandt: I think she’s unapologetically herself. She’s loyal, and she says it how it is, and she’s just a very strong woman. She’s a strong female character, and in television nowadays that’s a hot commodity. She’s also a beloved character from the comic books, so it’s exciting to bring her to life in our version.

Did you read up on Maze in the comic books to get a feel for her?

I did. I’m actually going through them again for Season 2 as a refresher. I was really interested in her back story. She’s such a rich, colorful, strong comic book character, and those were the things I was really drawn to about this role. Also that relationship with Lucifer is very specific, which we touched on the first season, but we don’t fully explore, so that leaves a great door open for Season 2.

We just saw Maze hesitate to hurt Amenadiel, is that because she’s developed real feelings for him?

I think I’ve always seen her as bearing the crosses of Lucifer’s decisions because he just, without thinking of consequences, does what he does. She’s always in the back being the devil’s advocate, sitting on his shoulder, reminding him of who he is. With Amenadiel in that moment, D.B [Woodside] and I were really clear about what we wanted and didn't want – and I know it didn’t come across this way which made us really happy – but we didn’t want her to be like, “Oh, all the sudden she’s in love.”

She doesn’t know what love is. There is lust, there is loyalty, and she for sure loves Lucifer, but being in love and all the feelings that go along with that is not something that’s familiar to her. When she hesitates, there’s a moment of, “Why can’t I just do what I’ve always done? A few weeks ago, I would have killed you in an instant. What is happening?”

That unexplainable, “I don’t know what this is, and I don’t know why I can’t do this,” is what makes that relationship so great. I think what D.B and I worked really hard to create as far as chemistry goes is we don’t want to force feed our audience an idea. We want them to see it unfold as we go through it.

What can you tell us about Maze’s role in the finale?

Without giving away any clues, there’s a consequence to the decision she makes at the end of the finale episode.

Now that you know you have a Season 2, is there anything you hope to find out about Maze next year?

I think what I would like to explore is probably a life that isn’t so tied to Lucifer. She’s tied to this loyalty, but even in the comic book, she challenges him. In one of the comic books they have a fight, and she gives him this scar, and she says, “You can heal it if you want, but then you’re a coward.” Her idea of beauty, where she feels the most beautiful, is with her demon face. She’s that one character that’s always been able to push his buttons, but she’s not loyal just for the sake of being loyal… I hope they do explore the back story of how these two came together and what makes them so tied to one another.

What I do hope for Season 2 is that we see more of her demon side. I’d like to see the struggle between that a little bit more.

In the last episode, Maze laid down her knives and told Amenadiel and Lucifer to kill each other if they want. Has she washed her hands of them both?

I think she’s her own woman as of that point, and the decision she made there is for herself. I read somewhere people asking why she was saying she’s a pawn, but when you think about it, even though she is a strong woman who thinks for herself, at the end of the day, her loyalty has always been with Lucifer, but because of these actions, she unknowingly discovered this weird vulnerability with Amenadiel. Those weren’t choices of hers, those were things that just happened, so I think she’s going to hold them both accountable at some point.

For this entire season, there’s been a build and build and build of frustrations, and it has to come to a head at some point between her and Lucifer and her and Amenadiel. And then on a bigger scale, maybe between her and Chloe in Season 2. I think she’s going to be her own woman, and it’s going to be exciting to explore.

http://zap2it.com/2016/04/lucifers-lesl ... on-finale/
- D.B. Woodside habla sobre la hermandad y adelanta una “impactante” Season Finale (collider):
D.B. Woodside habla sobre la hermandad y adelanta una “impactante” Season Finale
Por Christina Radish 24 Abril 2016

In the Season 1 finale of the Fox series Lucifer, called “Take Me Back To Hell,” Lucifer Morningstar (Tom Ellis) is framed for murder, and he and Detective Chloe Decker (Lauren German) must work together to clear his name and prove the identity of the true killer. At the same time, Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside) realizes that delegating duties may not have been the best of decisions and he attempts to fix that.

During this exclusive phone interview with Collider, actor D.B. Woodside talked about the show’s evolution over the first season, when he thinks Lucifer is at its best, his desire to have more of a focus on the supernatural, why he loves the last shocking moment of the finale, setting things up for Season 2, the fun of the Lucifer/Amenadiel/Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt) dynamic, how much he loves the fight scenes, and his desire to see Amenadiel become more hands-on. Be aware that there are some spoilers.

Collider: Congrats on the Season 2 pick-up!

D.B. WOODSIDE: Thank you so much. It was a lot of fun shooting the show.

When you signed on for this show, how much were you told about this character and what his journey would be this season?

WOODSIDE: As everyone knows, first seasons can be a little rough because you’re still getting so many notes from the network. We started out one way, and then the network has some suggestions. So then, you start going another way, and then the network has some more suggestions. And then, you might want to go back to where you started. It was that kind of a season, but it was fun. I think first seasons are all about exploration and finding out what works and what doesn’t work, which sets you up and gets us all focused and excited about a Season 2.

Because the first season of a show is really about finding your footing and seeing what works best, when do you think Lucifer is at its best?

WOODSIDE: All of us are probably going to answer that question differently. My opinion is that Lucifer is at its best when they’re really focusing on the supernatural aspects of the show. That’s just how I feel. I feel like all of the other stuff, like the procedural aspects, are secondary. It’s nice to have that, but I like when the show takes us into Lucifer’s world and shows us what’s happening with him and how he’s adjusting to the earthly plane and what’s happening in hell, in his absence. That’s really dangerous. I’m so happy that the last two episodes have come back to that because it’s really going to take the first season out on a great high, and it also gives us a great place to start from, at the beginning of Season 2.

When it does come time to have a conversation about Season 2 with the producers and writers, what would your dream list of suggestions be?

WOODSIDE: So funny you should say that because we’re actually having that meeting in about 15 minutes (which was on Wednesday, April 20, when this interview took place). They’ve done an amazing job. We got picked up for Season 2, so obviously, what they came up with for Season 1 worked and was successful, and it worked well enough to get us a second season that looks like it’s going to be longer than the first season, which excites all of us. So, I think I would be a little hesitant to try to tell them what to do. I completely trust them. Now, there are things that I would like to see. There might be things that I would suggest. I would love to see the supernatural aspects of the show get brought more to the forefront. I think there’s a lot going on with Amenadiel and with Maze, and I would love to see those two characters interact more with Lucifer and the other world. That would be my suggestion that I would offer respectfully.

The finale is a great episode of the show, and the final moment is pretty shocking. What was your reaction when you learned about that last moment, and how you would be leaving things at the end of this season?

WOODSIDE: I absolutely loved it! I thought it was brilliant. It really got me excited for Season 2. It’s one of those moments that I think people are going to be really excited to see. I think we’ve earned it. I think we’ve worked our way there. And now, I think it’s time, since our fans have been so supportive and so understanding as we’ve, at times, bounced around trying to find our way through a first season on network television, and our Season 2 should really be for them. This season finale pushes the boundaries of our show. I think it delivers, and I think the last scene of the show is absolutely amazing. It sets us up beautifully for the start of Season 2.

There’s such a fun dynamic between Lucifer and Maze, and then when you add Amenadiel into the mix, it’s that much more fun to watch. What have you most enjoyed playing those moments, with those two characters?

WOODSIDE: Number one, I love both of those actors. Tom [Ellis] and Lesley-Ann [Brandt] are just great. Lesley-Ann and I had worked together about four years before, in a series called Single Ladies, so we already had a friendship and a working relationship with each other. It’s been great to reunite on screen. And Tom is just absolutely a delight to work with. All three of us are able to bring that into our scenes. Because we have a real friendship, we’re also able to suggest things, figure things out, and talk about things. Anything that we can do to make the moment more believable and to make bolder choices and to always keep things fun, we do it.

It’s fun to see a little bit of a role reversal between Amenadiel and Lucifer, needing his help for a change. Was it fun to get to explore that? After needing his help and seeing how they could work together, do you think he might ease up on him a little bit?

WOODSIDE: I think so. I think it’s important for people to keep in mind that Amenadiel is task-oriented. The only reason that he’s here, doing what he’s doing, is because he was told to bring his brother back to Hell. The way in which Amenadiel tries to get Lucifer back to Hell backfires on him and he winds up learning a lot about himself. I think that it’s humbled him. But, they are brothers. That was something Tom and I talked about, early on. They were set up in such a way that Tom and I felt the need to go, “Okay, these are two brothers and they really do love each other. So, any chance that we get, where we’re not coming for each other’s throats, we have to put love in there. There has to be love in this relationship, otherwise it’s just not gonna work.” So, any time that Tom and I got a chance to joke or smile or really show that these brothers actually love each other, we took it. I think there’s something great about that. Me being a little brother myself, I love the moment where Amenadiel has to acknowledge his wrongdoings to his brother, in order to enlist his brother’s help. There’s something that’s really special and really magical about that because let’s be honest, big brothers seldom apologize to little brothers. I’m a little brother, so I know this.

It must also be at least a little bit fun for Amenadiel to see Lucifer struggle with his feelings for Chloe Decker and how vulnerable she makes him, literally threatening his immortality.

WOODSIDE: Oh, absolutely it is! I think he’s never seen his brother like this. I see Lucifer as the little brother that was spoiled with everything handed to him, and he still just manages to be a little bad-ass kid, never listening to reason. And Amenadiel is that son that always does the right thing and always does what mommy and daddy want him to do, and yet, for some reason, he doesn’t get the same level of attention that the youngest son does. I think there’s a lot of jealousy that just becomes worse, the longer that Amenadiel is on Earth. That’s unfortunately what drives him to do the thing that he does, which we all see has unintended consequences.

There was a great scene between Lucifer and Amenadiel in the last episode, and the finale has a really fun gun fight. Do you enjoy getting to do the big action sequences?

WOODSIDE: I absolutely love it! I love it, I love it, I love it! I eat it up! I’ve been a very fortunate actor. I’m very blessed to work consistently, but most of the stuff I’ve done has been guys in suits and ties. If you were to ask any of my friends that know me, a suit and tie is not exactly what they would put me in. I’m from New York, from a blue collar town, and I’m a jeans and t-shirt guy. I’m a physical guy. I play football, I swim, and I run. Any chance that I get to be physical, I just love. It’s my personality. I haven’t gotten a chance to do that a lot, in my career, which is somewhat strange, but that show is really allowing me to jump back in and do a lot of the physical stuff that I love to do. Those fight scenes are just everything for me. I want more, more, more, more! I just love those scenes!

With everything that you had been told about Amenadiel up front, and then how it played out over the course of the season, what most surprised you about the journey you took with him?

WOODSIDE: I thought that Amenadiel was going to be more hands-on in getting Lucifer back to Hell. I never saw him as someone who would delegate that to a character like Malcolm. That was surprising, but there was something that was also really cool about it. For maybe the first time in his existence, he was behind the scenes on something, being the puppet master, as it were. At least the way I envisioned him, Amenadiel is a warrior. His first thought is not going to be, “I’ll enlist someone else to get their hands dirty.” Amenadiel is the kind of warrior, battle-tested angel who relishes getting his hands dirty. He has no problem getting his hands dirty. So definitely in the season finale, and hopefully, as we go into Season 2, we will see him enjoying getting his hands dirty.

- Lucifer Finale: Tom Ellis adelanta un Cliffhanger (TVInsider):
Lucifer Finale: Tom Ellis adelanta un Cliffhanger
Por Damian Holbrook 25 Abril 25, 2016

Lucifer sticks a pitchfork into its first-season finale Monday and there could be hell to pay for a certain someone who has snatched up a kid very close to our anti-hero (unbeating?) heart. Here, star Tom Ellis 'fesses up to what we should expect, including what we know to be a sinfully fun final-seconds twist.

So last week's episode saw Lucifer fed up with mankind and ready to head back to Hell.
But then the way the finale plays out, it doesn’t end like that.

Did you guys know while filming the season finale that you were coming back?
No, not at all. It was interesting because when we were shooting the finale... When I read it I was like, “Ugh I really hope we get another season 'cause this is juicy!” Yeah so we didn’t know and now, I’m very excited.

From what I have seen, the first half of the episode features these great pairings of you and Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside), and Chloe (Lauren German) and Mazikeen (Lesley-Ann Brandt) working together. Theses are not alliances that I thought we’d see in the first season.
No, and the reason why I love the finale so much is we finally get an opportunity for some of our characters to interact with each other. And you see onscreen the dynamic that it creates is really entertaining and really fun.

Do we find out why Chloe’s closeness affects him so much?
No we don’t. We don’t get that, but there’s a far more shocking thing that happens. I’m super excited about how we leave it at the end of the season.

Now that you have a second season, do you think they will give us some glimpse of what life in Hell was like?
Ah-ha! Well continue watching and you might actually see that. [Laughs]

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/87193/ ... iffhanger/?

- Lucifer: 10 historias bts (empireonline):
Lucifer: 10 historias bts
Por Ed GrossEd Gross 25 Abr 2016 23:06

Tonight in America, Lucifer completes its first season run, with (naturally) a cliffhanger of sorts that will lead into next year. The show, in brief, focuses on Lucifer Morningstar (Tom Ellis) - the Devil himself - who has decided to leave Hell behind and run a piano bar in Los Angeles. There, through the investigation of the death of a human friend, he finds himself paired up (in a manner of speaking) with Detective Chloe Decker (Lauren German). While amused by the notion of using his abilities to help her solve crimes, he simultaneously has to fight off the efforts of his brother, the angel Amenadiel (D.B. Woodside), to get him return to his proper place as the ruler of the underworld.

Through exclusive interviews with executive producers Joe Henderson and Ildy Modovich, Empire takes a behind the scenes look back at the show's first season.

The Devil As Hero

Joe Henderson: Early on, the way I wrapped my brain around the idea of the Devil as our protagonist is that this character is a wayward son who fought with his dad and lost and was kicked out. Now he wants to make his own path. Then I said, "And he's the Devil." But that was secondary. Really, it's me when I stood up to my own dad because I wanted to be my own man. Tom Kapinos, who wrote the pilot, so smartly gave Lucifer this aloof sort of, "I'm so funny, I'm so clever" attitude, but with a touch of regret and humanity that you realize he's hiding beneath it all. From there, honestly, you write things that Tom Ellis is going to make sound awesome.
Fool 'Em With Humor

Ildy Modrovich: I felt that you could get away with so much by having a character as irreverent as Lucifer. All of the other heaven and hell things are always so serious with flames and fire and brimstone. To me, the way to actually discuss something is to fool people with comedy. Get them kind of hooked, and then you can actually explore things. There are some moments in the show where we actually get some discussion of theology in there. It's not palatable to people if you just cram it down their throat. But how is it not fascinating to take the biggest, baddest villain of all time and find some heart in there and explore who he is? I think the whole show is about looking at different perspectives and turning things on their head if possible. Looking at somebody's perspective you normally wouldn't look at. He's the embodiment of that. If you're trying to redeem the biggest bad guy, it's kind of beautiful. And when I really looked at the story of the Devil, which is more in Dante's Inferno than The Bible, I thought, "God, this guy really was misunderstood." As a writer, that's such a great challenge and so juicy, because I guess it is controversial. But when there are four hundred and thirty something scripted shows on TV, you kind of do look for something that provokes a little thought and a little controversy. It's not like you look for it on purpose, but you're drawn to those things.

Taking Procedure Out of Procedural

Henderson: When I first came on the show, and being a huge fan of the comic, I was, like, "Are they really going to make a show where this character that I love is going around solving crime?" Then when I watched the pilot I realized that the procedural is just an engine that lets us play with the characters. I hope it's something we really got good at in the back half where the cases are used to help illustrate our characters and their journeys. One of the things we had on our side is that no one expected the show to be good [laughs]. I love those lowered expectations, because if people really watched the show, they really liked it.

Modrovich: This shows doesn't allow the normal way into a procedural. You don't have The Mentalist or Sherlock wanting either to solve puzzles or say, "I'm going to stay up for five days until I find out who did this." He the Devil. He doesn't give a shit. It's a tricky thing to do a cop show where your lead "detective" doesn't care for the normal reasons. That's been the challenge, but that's a fun challenge.

A Kick To The Balls

Henderson: Something we wanted to do was mix the procedural with the supernatural. The big thing we built the second episode - "Sit, Lucifer. Good Devil" - around was what if Lucifer prays to bring down Amenadiel, and uses it to help save the day? That's where we began to find the mix and match of the mythological and the case of the week. The other thing is, "What's our sense of humor?" At about two in the morning I just had this image of a guy in slow-mo and Lucifer kicks him in the balls. I came into the writers' room the next morning and said, "This is either the best or the worst idea ever." Everyone laughed and I said I was being serious. We talked about what our show is, and it's funny how those little moments can help in the development of the tone of the show. The whole time watching it I thought, "Wow, I just put a kick-to-the-balls joke in the first episode of this show that I'm doing." But it works, because it's Lucifer seeing an opportunity and taking it. It came from character even if it is a crude joke.

Slow Down, You Move Too Fast

Modrovich: Our third episode is "The Would Be Prince Of Darkness," but that took some gymnastics. That was originally episode ten, but we needed to slow down the mythology; that Lucifer was getting to be too vulnerable too quickly. We wanted to put another episode between two and three - we called this one 2.5. The trick was to not feel like we were treading water in that. We basically looked for a meaty theme - does Lucifer's care-free devilish ways cause someone to die? It's the usual it's all fun until some sweet young thing ends up floating in a pool sort of thing. We just wanted to slow play our mythology, so that it's one step forward, two steps back. That's the dance that we play with the romance, too. We decided early on that the most interesting thing to do between Lucifer and Chloe would be to really find something beyond romance, yet Lucifer is all about the Id. What would be meaningful for him would be to have a true connection and trust and friendship and love between he and Chloe, so we knew that was going to take a long time. Kind of the same way as with the mythology. He might make a pass at her which might seem like a step forward in the romance, but then realize that wasn't satisfying and she didn't respond or whatever, and that's two steps back. With the mythology, he might have a flash of humanity, but he's so inherently selfish that he has to almost be afraid of that feeling and back way up from it.

At The Same Time, Keep It Moving

Henderson: Early conversations were to prolong the whole season. One of the things we talked about was building the whole season towards the revelation about Lucifer's wings. What if that was our season finale? But to me, that's a great mid-point, because what you needed to do was show the audience that, yes, we're going to have cases of the week, but we're also going to balance that with episodes that matter. Personally what I loved about Homeland season one was that in episode six they upset the entire cart and told you what was happening. It was what you expected episode twelve to be. So one of the things we wanted to do - and storytelling on TV has changed so much - was to make sure people knew we weren't one of those shows that was going to wait until the finale to pay you off. I decided we would do a mid-season finale even though we didn't have a mid-season.

Wing Wars

Modovich: We had a couple of episodes dealing with Lucifer's wings, and we went through a lot of renderings to get them right. [Director/Producer] Len Wiseman had a lot of say about the wings. They were too small, too big, then they were stiff...just 40 versions between sketches and then just in terms of what was on screen. The visual effects people went back to the drawing board quite a few times; they were very patient. And I think the audience was surprised when, at the end of "Wing Man," Lucifer burned his wings. That's what the best comic books do: they jump off a cliff and worry about how you get out of it later. He needed to cut ties, in our opinion, and make a big move. That also said a lot about his character, because it made you believe he was the same guy who rebelled against dad in heaven. Who did something just completely emotional and dealt with the consequences later.

A Personal Touch

Henderson: When you look at an episode like "A Priest Walks Into A Bar," what was really cool about it is that it allowed us to have conversations about faith, about loss, and taking that and incorporating it into the scripts. I think one of the reasons its resonates is that it's a personal script , not just from the writer, Chris Rafferty, but from all of us, because everybody sort of chipped in on where they were on the subject of faith. We've got a couple of religious people on our staff, a number of lapse people, a couple of atheists... a lot of people that have a lot of thoughts on God. And a number of people who have lost others who are important to them. We just had a lot of conversations about that, and that's what fed in to a lot of the theme work. You know, one of the things we set out to do was not make an anti-God show. In fact, you could argue that we're a weirdly Christian show for a show about the Devil, because a lot of what we're talking about is redemption; whether or not doing good deeds can let you come back from a terrible act.
The Art Of The Cliffhanger

Henderson: I like to wrap everything up and then have a cliffhanger that teases what the second season would be, so that worse case is that the fans are happy with what they've got and it's not a feeling of, "Wait, so you didn't answer any of the reason I was watching the show?" But then you give them the ending where the feeling is, "I need a season two." It's a tricky thing to do, but the nice thing about Lucifer is that FOX said, "You can do a cliffhanger," which is great....though I still sweated things out for 10 weeks.

Looking Back, Looking Ahead

Modovich: Because they were at odds, in season two we want to bring the two brothers - Lucifer and Amenadiel - together for a common goal. Amenadiel in particular is going to get pretty interesting, because he completely miscalculated and underestimated humanity in a major way. Instead of being up there looking down at humanity like a bunch of ants - which is where Lucifer was at the beginning of the season - it's going to be a very different situation. And Lucifer will reveal a whole other layer or level to his relationship with Chloe that we will explore.

Henderson: I'm overjoyed that people responded to the show, I'm relieved that I was able to take what I thought was a great pilot and keep it going, and I fell in love with the world and the characters. I cannot wait to start writing season two and to start expanding our world. What we set up is, "Here is Lucifer, here is the show." Now is the time to play with it, to go in weirder or stranger directions, to expand on our cast, to see more combinations of them. We laid the concrete on the playground, and now let's start setting up things to play with. I was going to say, "Let's start to have some fun," but, man, we had a lot of fun in season one.

http://www.empireonline.com/movies/feat ... s-stories/
- Lucifer Finale: ¿Quién interpretará a [...]? ¡Y muchas más preguntas calientes contestadas! (TVLine):
Lucifer Finale: ¿Quién interpretará a [...]? ¡Y muchas más preguntas calientes contestadas!
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 25 Abril 2016, 6:59 PM PDT

Fox’s Lucifer wrapped its freshman run on Monday night by leading its titular antihero into a bit of a parent trap.

After shaking a murder wrap, Lucifer (played by Tom Ellis) was shot at close range by Malcolm, the man who’d framed him, and left to die, seeing as Chloe (Lauren German) had been nearby and made him vulnerable. Bleeding out on the airport hangar floor, he used his last breaths to appeal to “Dad,” offering to be “the son you always wanted me to be” in trade for… keeping Chloe safe, as Malcolm went gunning for his colleague.

Lucifer was spared, though, following a vision in which he returned “home” to make a startling discovery. Later, after robbing a fatally shot Malcolm of the Pentecostal coin that might save him from fresh damnation, Lucifer shared with his brother Amenadiel (DB Woodside) that during his brief return to Hell, he was tasked to hunt down a new escapee — “Mom”!

TVLine hopped on the phone with showrunner Joe Henderson to break down that mother of a twist and the finale’s other big moments.

TVLINE | Who will be playing Mom? Is it Barbara Hershey’s role to lose…?
Pitch me! What do you think? The biggest question is going to be, “Who is Mom?” We’re excited to figure out who we’re going to cast because we think it’s going to be a big, cool, meaty role for someone. I’m excited to see who we can get and what direction we take it in, lucifer-amenadiel-tallbecause that’s Season 2. Season 1 was the story of a wayward son dealing with his father issues; Season 2 is Mom.

TVLINE | You can obviously cast any ethnicity, you can go American or British…. But could you also go young? Might Mom “cheat” her years when walking Earth?
That’s one of the things we want to keep an open mind about. We just want to get the best actor. But yeah, she’s eternal to a certain extent….

TVLINE | She could be a stone-cold hottie.
Anyone who gave birth to DB Woodside and Tom Ellis probably should be, so….

TVLINE | And per mythology, Lucifer’s mother is… who?
That is one of the mysteries that we dive into. In the comics and common mythology, it’s really not something that’s been established, so this is us doing a little world building. This is us taking a step and exploring the answer to a question a lot of people never asked and staking our own claim. There are a lot of directions we can go and we’ve chosen one that we’re really excited about.

TVLINE | Will there be a specific reason why she escaped?
Yes, there is a specific reason, and she has a very specific goal in mind. She’s a formidable person and there’s a reason that Lucifer looks afraid.

TVLINE | Was that always your final scene, your final line? Had there not been a renewal, might we have been left guessing who the escapee was?
I’m very proud of the fact that that was our ending. We weren’t sure if Fox would let us to that, and Fox showed incredible faith in us by saying, “Yes, that is where to go.” There was a version for us secretly where we were going to save it for later on, into Season 2, but when Fox heard it they were like, “That’s our Season 1 finale.”

TVLINE | And you never know, that could be the last nudge an executive needs.
It’s funny, I think that it made a difference for them to hear that, to get excited about the potential. You get a sense of how much story you can get out of one word.

TVLINE | Well, as I was waiting on that one word, it of course crossed my mind that Lucifer might say “Chloe.” But I’m very glad he didn’t. Is his “vulnerability” around her part of a larger, ongoing mythology?
Yes, that is a story we will continue to tell. One of the things we tried to do was establish it, bury it, and then sucker punch the audience by bringing it up again in the third-to-last episode. So the audience would know were not forgetting these things. That’s a big part of Season 2 and Lucifer’s continuing journey.

TVLINE | Chloe seemed quite lucifer-chloe-gunmoved by Lucifer’s role in thwarting Malcolm and saving her daughter. Where might you take your “Will They/Won’t They” couple in Season 2?
One of the big things we wanted to do in Season 1 was make it about friendship more than anything. Obviously there’s this incredible chemistry between the two of them, and you want to play that “Will They/Won’t They,” but we made a very conscious effort to make this less about sex and more about emotion — which is ironic, because Lucifer kept trying to make it about sex! Lucifer thinks he can turn everything into a base desire, and Chloe is that thing that supersedes that, the person that challenges him. The fun of it was giving Lucifer a true friend in the first season, and then the question is: Where does that go in Season2 ? How deep can a friendship get? Romance often comes with that, but we want to be very careful and make sure the friendship is the most important part.

TVLINE | Will Dan, like, plea down and eventually return to the LAPD, or was that goodbye to Kevin Alejandro?
That is not goodbye to Kevin Alejandro. There is plenty more Dan story to be told. We realized after a bit that Season 1 is “The Torture of Kevin Alejandro,” [Laughs] and we will continue to torture him in Season 2.

TVLINE | Should we read anythinglucifer-maze into Maze (Lesley-Ann Brandt) vanishing after saving Amenadiel’s life? Is she perhaps a bit unsettled by the sacrifice she made, using up her “ticket back to Hell” to save him?
I will say this: It was a very conscious decision not to have Maze there. You should definitely read into that. She sacrificed her most driving desire to save, of all things, an angel. I don’t think she understands why she did it. To me, Maze is sort of the youngest emotionally of our characters, Lucifer included. Lucifer is the eternal teenager, she is more the…

TVLINE | Eternal Mean Girl?
Yeah, I’m stealing that!

TVLINE | “Luci” and Amenadiel seem to have entered the bromance stage. Is that more fun for you as writers to play with?
It is. It’s something that we’ve been building to the entire season. What I love about Tom and DB is there’s a genuine affection between them. When they get together, you feel a camaraderie. But they also know how to play the antagonism that is so important to a brotherly relationship. You see both how much they like each other and how much they hate each other, and that is a dynamic we want to continue to play as Anemadiel realizes he’s has been going about everything all wrong.

TVLINE | And how would you describe the evolving Chloe/Maze dynamic? Is it becoming one of mutual professional respect?
“Bonnie & Clyde spinoff.” We intentionally kept them apart for a number of episodes because we wanted to get to that moment of the two women in Lucifer’s life, and to a certain extent “the angel and the devil on his shoulder,” coming together to save him. What I like is these are two badass women, and for them to have a moment of mutual respect, or at least mutual understanding, was the beginning of hopefully much more story to come.lucifer-dr-linda

TVLINE | Did you end up using Rachael Harris exactly as much as you wanted to, or might her role grow in Season 2?
Listen, any show could benefit from more Rachael Harris, and we definitely plan to use her more. What I love about Dr. Linda is you get the balance of humor and emotional heft. You get fun scenes where she’s bantering with Lucifer, and you have scenes where she peels apart his emotions like an onion. When you have a tool like that, you need to use it as much as possible.

TVLINE | What else can you tease at this early stage about Season 2?
The biggest thing about Season 2 to me is we built this world, now let’s play with it. Let’s mix-and-match our characters a bit, let’s see how they play off each other. I want to see Amenadiel and Chloe spending more time together, I want to see Dan and Maze together more. I want Dr. Linda with DB more, I want to see the ramifications of the realization of the lies he has told her. What I am very proud of is that we have this amazing cast, all of whom have chemistry with each other. Now it’s up to us to put them in situations where, similar to the finale’s Chloe and Maze, we can see who else bounces off each other in ways we didn’t expect.

TVLINE | Know what else you need for Season 2? A nickname for Amenadiel.
[Laughs] We call him “Amenadude.” When Malcolm at one point calls him Amenadude, that’s because for a while some of the writers couldn’t pronounce his name, and Amenadude stuck!

http://tvline.com/2016/04/25/lucifer-se ... apes-hell/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »

- LUCIFER | 1.13 "Take me back to Hell" Promo | FOX BROADCASTING:

- LUCIFER | 1.13 "Take me back to Hell" Sneak Peek | FOX BROADCASTING:
https://amp.twimg.com/v/6a141ea4-7d79-4 ... ad78010ac2

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »

- LUCIFER | "Hellish Looks" Promo | FOX BROADCASTING:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »

- GREEN IT. MEAN IT. | Earth Day 2016: Lauren German | FOX BROADCASTING:
https://amp.twimg.com/v/700cb604-a36e-4 ... 05ccd35ea7

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes bts de la finale de la S1 (25 Abril - 12 Mayo 2016):

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(@lldymojo: Just an angel and a demon... Sittin' around... Watching a finale. @LesleyAnnBrandt @TheReal_Db #Lucifer
@lldymojo: Lucifer watching Lucifer. @tomellis17 #lucifer
@kevinmalejandro: Happening right now!! Live tweet! West coast!! #LuciferOnFox #lucifer
@kevinmalejandro: Me and Ellis kickin it #lucifer style!
@kevinmalejandro: We have one very happy family!! #LuciferOnFox #lucifer #season2
@LUCIFERwriters: Look at all of these handsome Devils. @tomellis17 @LUCIFERwriters #Season2 #Lucifer
@LUCIFERwriters: Watching the Finale with the Devil himself... @tomellis17 #Lucifer
@LUCIFERWriters Damn it, she found the knives. @LesleyAnnBrandt #Lucifer #aMAZEing
@LUCIFERWriters Things get a little weird when there's a Demon in the house. @LesleyAnnBrandt #Sporking #Cutlery #Lucifer
@LUCIFERwriters: There's an Angel among us... @TheReal_Db #Lucifer)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Q&A With Lucifer Showrunner Joe Henderson | AfterBuzz TV:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Ellis y rachel Harris durante las "Fox Upfronts 2016" en N.Y. (16-05-16):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Reveladas carátulas, fechas y detalles del Blue-Ray/DVD de la S1 de "Lucifer":
Justo a tiempo para la segunda temporada, Warner Bros. Home Entertainment os trae la nueva serie más “de moda” con el lanzamiento de "Lucifer: The Complete First Season" en Blu-rayTM & DVD el 23 de Agosto del 2016. Lucifer consigue más de 8 millones de espectadores semanalmente, y es la #3 serie de FOX en Households y Total Viewers*. Los fans sentirán el calor a medida de que disfrutan los diabólicamente deliciosos episodios de la nueva temporada, y se dan el gusto con los fascinantes extras entre los que se incluyen el panel del Comic-Con del 2015, featurettes, perfiles de los personajes, escenas borradas y gag reel.

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"Lucifer: The Complete First Season", en DVD de Warner Bros. Home Entertainment, estará disponible en las tiendas a un precio de $39.99 SRP. "Lucifer: The Complete First Season" llega en Blu-rayTM como cortesía de Warner Archive, e incluirá todos los extras del DVD. Ambos estarán disponibles el 23 de Agosto del 2016 en Amazon.com y todos los distribuidores online

Basada en el personaje del cómic de Vertigo de DC Entertainment, Lucifer está aburrido e infeliz como el Señor del Infierno, y ha renunciado a su trono y se ha retirado a la Ciudad de Los Ángeles donde se está consintiendo con algunas de sus cosas favoritas — vino, mujeres y canciones. Cuando una bella estrella del pop es brutalmente asesinada ante sus ojos, siente que algo se despierta en su interior – por primera vez en 10 millones de años. ¿En de verdad ser capaz de tener sentimientos por una persona humana? El simple pensamiento lo altera — y también a su mejor amiga y confidente, Mazikeen (aka Maze), una feroz demonia en la forma de una bella joven mujer. El asesinato atrae la atención de la detective de la LAPD Chloe Decker, quien se encuentra a sí misma repugnada y fascinada por Lucifer. Mientras que trabajan juntos para resolver el asesinato, Lucifer se ve golpeado por la inherente bondad de Chloe. Acostumbrado a lidiar con lo absolutamente peor de la humanidad, empieza a preguntarse si hay esperanza aún. Quizá todo el mundo tiene una oportunidad para la redención. Incluso el Diablo

La serie está protagonizada por Tom Ellis (Rush, Merlin), Lauren German (Chicago Fire), DB Woodside (Suits, 24), Lesley-Ann Brandt (The Librarians), Kevin Alejandro (Southland, True Blood), Scarlett Estevez (Daddy’s Home), Kevin Rankin (Dallas Buyers Club) y Rachael Harris (The Hangover). Basada en los personajes creados por Neil Gaiman, Sam Kieth y Mike Dringenberg para Vertigo de DC Entertainment, Lucifer está producida por Jerry Bruckheimer Television como consultor ejecutivo. Regresando para una segunda temporada en FOX, la serie está producida ejecutivamente por Jerry Bruckheimer (CSI franchise, Pirates of the Caribbean films), Jonathan Littman (The Amazing Race, CSI franchise), Joe Henderson (White Collar, Almost Human), Ildy Modrovich (CSI: Miami, Californication) y Len Wiseman (Underworld films).

• Lucifer: 2015 Comic-Con Panel
• Character Profile: Amenadiel
• Character Profile: Linda
• Character Profile: Chloe Decker
• Character Profile: Dan
• Devilish Duo
• Lucifer Morningstar
• Escenas borradas
• Gag Reel


Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil.
The Would-Be Prince of Darkness
Manly Whatnots
Sweet Kicks
Favorite Son
Et Tu, Doctor?
A Priest Walks into a Bar
St. Lucifer
Take Me Back To Hell

"Lucifer: The Complete First Season" está también disponible actualmente en Digital HD. Digital HD permite a los usuarios instantemente conectar y descargar todos los episodios para ver en cualquier momento y lugar en sus propios dispositivos. Digital HD está disponible en varios proveedores digitales como Amazon Video, CinemaNow, iTunes, PlayStation, Vudu, Xbox y otros.

Fecha:23 Augusto, 2016
Price: $39.99 SRP
Presented in 16×9 widescreen format
Running Time: Feature: Approx 560 min
Enhanced Content: Approx 30 min
3 DVD-9s
Audio – English (5.1)
Subtitles – Eng SDH and French

http://www.seat42f.com/lucifer-season-1 ... tails.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen promocional de la serie:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primeras imágenes bts de la S2 de "Lucifer" (14-24 Junio 2016):

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(@Henderson_Joe: It begins...#Lucifer #season2 #thedudehaspipes @tomellis17
@Henderson_Joe: Table read for the season 2 premiere DONE!! Shooting starts Monday! #Lucifer #HereWeGo!
@Henderson_Joe: Detective Decker is back on the case! #Lucifer #season2 #nospoilerssorry
@Henderson_Joe: Day 1 of #Lucifer season 2! What better way to start than with a little therapy @tomellis17 @RachaelEHarris
@RachelEHarris: Just a demon & a doctor hanging out on set. What could possibly go wrong @LesleyAnnBrandt #lucifer @LuciferonFOX)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La FOX revela la fecha de estreno de la S2 de "Lucifer":


¡¡¡Apuntad en vuestros calendarios!!!: Lunes, 19 de Septiembre a las 9:00-10:00 PM en la FOX

https://twitter.com/LuciferonFOX/status ... 7932573696

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Primer video bts del inicio del rodaje de la S2 de "Lucifer" (20-06-16):

https://twitter.com/RachaelEHarris/stat ... 1820355584

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33034
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "LUCIFER" en la FOX

Mensaje por Shelby »

- LUCIFER | The cast on what's ahead in Season 2 (DC Ebtertainment):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
