"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

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- ¿Cómo de oscuro irá Felicity para conseguir venganza? (EW):
¿Cómo de oscuro irá Felicity para conseguir venganza?
Por Natalie Abrams 24 enero, 2017

Can Team Arrow survive the events of Arrow‘s winter finale?

Believing he had Prometheus in his sights, Oliver (Stephen Amell) accidentally killed Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) boyfriend, which will send her down a path of darkness as she seeks revenge against this season’s big bad. Diggle (David Ramsey), meanwhile, was lead into a trap and once again arrested. But it was the guilt-ridden Oliver who faced the biggest obstacle of all: The inexplicable resurrection of Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy). What’s next? EW turned to executive producer Marc Guggenheim to get some answers:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Now that Oliver knows Prometheus’ vendetta is personal, what’s his next move?
MARC GUGGENHEIM: He learned two critical things in the midseason finale that will help him track down and identify Prometheus: He learned that Prometheus and he share a trainer, and he learned that Prometheus obviously was Justin Claybourne’s illegitimate son. That gives him two good clue trails to be following. He’ll be doing that in fits and starts as the season kicks back up.

But now that Oliver knows this information, does that change Prometheus’ M.O. at all?
No, I think Prometheus has a very clear plan. He’s not altering his plan to make accommodations to anything that Oliver has learned.

How does Prometheus force Oliver to reassess his decisions?
This goes to the larger arc of the year, which is Oliver questioning the consequences of his actions in general. What has been the prevailing theme of the season is Oliver is trying to grow and develop as a person, but the actions of his past keep literally haunting him, so it’s going to affect Oliver in a very big way going forward for the rest of the year.

You mention the trainer is somebody they have in common, which seems to be Talia al Ghul (Lexa Doig). Can you talk about her arrival?
Talia provides a lot of key elements to what becomes Oliver’s crusade. We’ll also be dealing very directly with the fairly obvious question, which is: Wait a second, when Oliver met Ra’s al Ghul (Matt Nable), why didn’t he say, “Hey, wait a minute, I think I met your daughter back in Russia!” We have a very specific answer for that.

How different is Talia to Nyssa al Ghul (Katrina Law)?
She’s definitely her own person; she’s not a Nyssa clone, by any stretch. You can definitely sense a familial resemblance. Having Ra’s al Ghul as your dad, it’s likely to forge a very specific kind of person. They’re close enough and different enough that I would love, at some point, to do a story with Nyssa and Talia. I think that would be a lot of fun.

Can you talk about how the team will react to Laurel’s return?
I would say they react pretty positively. Obviously, this is wonderful news. We have a very good explanation as to how Laurel returned. The team is, by and large, pretty happy. Bear in mind, there are a few members of the team that didn’t know Laurel, so it’s fun to see their reaction, especially when they learn that time travel played a role in it.

What can you tease for Felicity moving forward? She wants revenge on Prometheus over the death of Malone (Tyler Ritter), so how dark will she go and how far will she go to get it?
This is something we went into the season with. At the beginning of every year, we figure out: What do we want to see our characters go through? What are their emotional journeys for the season? We were intrigued by the idea of Felicity flirting with the dark side. The reason I say flirting is Felicity is very much the light of the show; she provides a lot of lightness in what is otherwise a very dark drama. One thing you don’t want to do is you don’t want to tell a story where she suddenly starts becoming this dark element. You don’t want to tell a story where all the reasons why people love the character are gone. It’s this delicate balancing act.

In the wake of Malone’s death, she’s very influenced by her prior four years of watching Oliver and Diggle — and Laurel, Roy (Colton Haynes), and Thea (Willa Holland) for that matter. She’s been watching Team Arrow respond to darkness with what I would describe as moral compromise. What we’ve done is we’ve found a story where Felicity could be tempted by taking moral shortcuts in the name of the greater good, which is very much in keeping with the central dilemma at the heart of the whole show, which is becoming judge, jury, and executioner is the ultimate moral shortcut. She’s not going to become judge, jury, and executioner, she’s not going to become a killer, but we found the Felicity version, or the Felicity equivalent, of making a moral compromise in order to accomplish good.

Having been through situations like this himself, will Oliver be able to help Felicity navigate this? Or is she pushing everyone away?
I don’t think she’s really pushing everyone away, but she’s definitely on her own path. The best answer to the question is it’s neither one or the other fully. Oliver for sure will be trying to — not help her — but give her some guidance. In episode 12, both Diggle and Felicity, for different reasons, are flirting with some darkness in their lives. Oliver basically, in this really great moment, tells both Felicity and Diggle, “Look, I’m basically a dark dude, I do bad things, but the ship has sailed with me. The whole reason I am aligned with you guys is because you guys are fundamentally just better people, you guys are more moral than I am.” Part of the fun of that episode is seeing how that advice to both Diggle and Felicity operates on them. It’s not necessarily going to operate on them the same way.

Diggle seems to be facing the consequences of being set up by his C.O. head-on now. What’s next for him?
Coming into the second half of the season, we felt a very strong impulse to basically bring the whole General Walker storyline from the beginning of the year to a conclusion. There’s a reason why we returned Diggle to prison and it’s all to set up what will be a climactic episode. We’ve dedicated basically a whole episode to resolving the General Walker storyline. What’s nice about that episode, that’s episode 12, is that it ties into Oliver’s Russia storyline, it ties into Felicity’s storyline, and it even echoes back to the Diggle storyline with his brother last season. So a lot of threads get tied together and some threads get tied up in that 12th episode.

What can you tease for the introduction of Tina Boland and what we’ll be seeing for her?
You’ll get a glimpse of her at the end of the midseason premiere. It’s funny, I don’t want to tease too much about her. There’s a lot of stuff that’s out on the internet in terms of casting breakdowns, which I hate talking about because a lot of the casting breakdowns we release are false because we know they leak. But I think we have a really wonderful character here. Juliana [Harkavy], who plays her, is a terrific actress. We’re going to be doing some new and different kinds of things. Because of the internet, I guess I’m very tempted to — as always — I’d prefer to let the story tell itself and play out, and then people can make up their minds.

We know Oliver is going to end up back on that island. We know Susan Williams (Carly Pope) is investigating Oliver’s ties to Russia. How are those two storylines going to intersect as we head toward the finale this season?
There’s going to be a very cool and awesome payoff to Susan’s investigation of Oliver. That payoff is going to come sooner than you think. In other words, it’s going to come sooner than the season finale.

Arrow returns Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/01/24/arrow-felic ... -spoilers/

- Jefe de 'Arrow' sobre el regreso de Laurel, el 'Super-villano' Prometheus & la 'misión de venganza' de Felicity (etonline):
Jefe de 'Arrow' sobre el regreso de Laurel, el 'Super-villano' Prometheus & la 'misión de venganza' de Felicity
Por Meredith B. Kile 25 enero, 2017

Arrow returns for its midseason premiere on Wednesday with a familiar face -- from beyond the grave.

“Laurel is back!” executive producer Wendy Mericle told ET ahead of the CW superhero stalwart’s winter return. “True to form, we brought her back, and obviously that’s going to raise a whole host of questions.”

Fans got a first glimpse at the surprising return of Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy) in the show’s midseason finale, when she appeared in front of Oliver (Stephen Amell) in the Arrow bunker after behind killed at the hands of last season’s big bad, Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough).

While Mericle would not confirm any speculation regarding time travel or Earth-2’s Laurel Lance -- who fans of The Flash have met as Black Siren -- she did note, “We always bring people back and they’re never quite who we think they’re going to be. We always have a twist somewhere in there.”

Fans will also have to wait and see how Laurel’s return factors into the plans of season five's big bad, Prometheus, who Mericle described as an “uber-villain” whose ultimate goal is to prove to Oliver that “he’s not the hero he thinks he is.”

“However he can do that -- by hurting the people around Oliver, by hurting the people who work with him -- he’s gonna do that,” she explained. “It’s more of a psychological game, he doesn’t want to kill anybody necessarily, but his ends are to bring Oliver to his knees.”

And, while the Green Arrow and his team narrowed in on the masked villain’s identity and motivations in the midseason finale, Mericle hinted that Prometheus is still “10 steps ahead” of the team, and they may only think they know who he really is.

“There is absolutely more to the mystery… We’ve never dealt with anybody like this,” she revealed. “He’s really playing the long game, and it’s a very long, psychological con that he’s pulling on Oliver. He’s really smart. He’s really good at what he does. So there’s a lot more mystery to unravel in the back half of the season.”

Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), in particular, will be be “hellbent” on making Prometheus pay for orchestrating the death of her boyfriend, Detective Malone (Tyler Ritter), Mericle said, gearing up for a true “revenge mission” in the second half of the season.

“She’s definitely seen her share of dark times,” Mericle said of the character, whose harrowing journey last season included her role in the Havenrock nuclear blast as well as temporary paralysis and her breakup with Oliver. “But this is very different, and it’s very personal this time, in the sense that, this was her boyfriend and he wouldn’t have died if it hadn’t been for her. She knows that despite what Oliver did, Prometheus manipulated the entire thing, and she’s hellbent on getting him and making him pay.”

Part of Felicity’s battle, Mericle explained, will include lending a hand to Diggle (John Ramsey), who was captured at the end of the midseason finale, assumedly by the corrupt Colonel Walker (Garry Chalk), whom Mericle described as a “formidable foe” for the former Army ranger.

“I think the key thing for [Diggle] emotionally is, whereas in the past he was willing to let Oliver bust him out of jail, now he’s not,” she explained. “He’s going to fight on his own terms, through the right channels, and Felicity is going to be the one that really seals the deal and helps him get on the other side of this.”

“It’s really in keeping with what we’ve been doing this season, which is trying to have Felicity and Digg experience a lot of what Oliver’s gone through in the past four seasons,” Mericle added. “Felicity’s going to understand what it’s like to lose somebody close to her -- as a result of her being a vigilante -- and Digg is going to know what it’s like to sort of have to live underground with a secret life and a secret identity. It’s going to bring the team closer together, emotionally, and as a team.”

As for the emotional backlash that will come from Oliver killing Felicity’s boyfriend, in terms of their personal and professional relationship, the Arrow EP says that the former couple will still be divided, fighting separate battles towards the same goal.

“For us this season, our intent at the beginning was to do stories with Oliver and Felicity independent of the romantic relationship -- sort of take a break, and let them date other people,” Mericle added. “Going forward, to continue that, Felicity is going to be on a revenge mission against Prometheus. She doesn’t blame Oliver for what happened in 5x09, I think rightly so, and she’s going to be on her own path towards avenging Malone’s death. And Oliver will be on his own path dealing with Prometheus. Ultimately, they’re both going to be facing off and dealing with Prometheus, but in their own, independent ways.”

For Oliver, that path includes factoring in his personal growth through the years, as well as his responsibilities beyond the Green Arrow hood.

“We’ve said many a time that this [season] is our answer to season one, and him looking back at his legacy,” Mericle noted. “I think it’s different in the sense that he’s more evolved, he’s more mature. He’s not as quick to go on that revenge journey the way that we’re going to see Felicity do.”

“The other difference this season is that he has a different legacy evolving through the mayor’s office,” she added. “I think we’ll make him question which path is the right one, which path is the one that’s more effective for accomplishing his goals of helping the city.”

Helping him along the way will be one of the show’s new characters, Tina Boland (Juliana Harkavy), who Mericle describes as a cop who “knows how to handle herself with a gun.”

“She very much a badass, she’s a very accomplished fighter,” she added. “She’s very much an equal of Oliver’s, and I think we’ve never seen anyone quite like that -- Laurel had an evolution in training, as did Speedy, when Thea (Willa Holland) was donning the hood -- but she’s going to be a different type of colleague for Oliver, which we’re all very excited about.”

The show is also gearing up to introduce an adult Talia al Ghul (Lexa Doig), daughter of legendary DC villain and former Arrow big bad Ra’s al Ghul, who was first seen as a child on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. Mericle cryptically describes Talia as “someone who trained Oliver in the past.”

“He doesn’t necessarily know the full extent of her backstory,” she warned. “We’ve come up with what we hope is a really cool, surprising way of revealing that to him. She’s definitely not who she seems.”

Arrow was recently renewed for a sixth season by The CW, a significant milestone for the series, which has been telling the story of Oliver’s five years away via flashbacks, and will finally catch up to his season one return to then-Starling City at the end of the season. Mericle said the show’s creative team is “very excited” about both the renewal and the opportunity to explore the next season without the flashback device as a prominent storyline.

“We’re closing that chapter,” she said. “We’ve always known that, once we reach season five, and we pick up where the pilot started, that the flashbacks are probably going to go away. That said, we’ve used the device to great effect. I would not ever say that we wouldn’t go back to them, but we’re really going to be looking at season 6 as a fresh, clean slate.”

“We’ve closed this chapter on the first five seasons, and it’s going to be time to start looking at new ways of writing the show and exploring different structures as well,” Mericle added. “We’re a little bit freed up by not having to do the flashbacks, as well, which is actually really refreshing and exciting.”

Arrow airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

http://www.etonline.com/tv/208415_arrow ... e_mission/

- Productora ejecutiva adelanta un nuevo vigilante, el misterioso regreso de Laurel y más (CBR):
Productora ejecutiva adelanta un nuevo vigilante, el misterioso regreso de Laurel y más
Por Meagan Damore 25 enero, 2017

When “Arrow” returns from its winter hiatus, the show will have a lot of balls in the air: Diggle has been captured and thrown in jail; Felicity is reeling from the death of her boyfriend Billy Malone; Oliver is struggling with his own guilt as well as his role as mayor; and Prometheus now has unparalleled access to Team Arrow and their secrets, but no one seems to know who he is or where he came from. Now, to top it all off, Laurel is somehow back from the dead.

Executive producer Wendy Mericle opened up to CBR about the upcoming mid-season premiere “Who Are You?” and beyond and addressed how the show will juggle all of these plotlines in addition to the introduction of new vigilante Tina Boland, the arrival of Talia al Ghul and Oliver’s burgeoning relationship with Susan Williams.

CBR: Let’s start off with something I’m sure you’re getting a lot of today: Laurel. Obviously, her return was a stunning reveal, but Oliver has got a ton of his plate right now. Is her storyline going to be a slow burn, or can we expect that mystery to be resolved pretty quickly?

Mericle: I think the mystery will be resolved pretty quickly, and — for us — it was the idea of her bringing her back and having her show up when she did… as you pointed out, Oliver is in a very dark place, and bad stuff is just happening, so she’s a little ray of sunshine there.

Was it always the plan to bring her back, or was that more of an organic storytelling decision that happened along the way?

It was the second. You know, we always keep in mind all the people that have been on the show. We always want to find a way to bring them back. If it is story dependent and when we can find the right place for it, that’s when we do it, and we just pray the actor is available. We got lucky this time. We happened to hit on this idea, and Katie [Cassidy] had some time in her schedule, and it all worked out.

After everything that’s happened recently, would you describe Oliver as suspicious of Laurel and the timing of her return?

I think, for Oliver, he’s in such a dark place and he’s so looking for any source of hope and light, that — when she shows up — he’s sort of lowers his guard a little bit. He is, by nature, the most skeptical of the team, and yet — when he sees her — I think he just wants some break in the clouds. He latches onto this idea that she is who she says she is.

Will we see her interact with any other members of Team Arrow in the mid-season premiere?

Yes, absolutely, and we’re going to get what I hope are some really fun reactions from Rory and Rene and Curtis, who — to be fair to them — have not been part of the show up till now. They don’t know that we constantly bring people back from the dead here. [laughs] And so, for them, it’s nothing short of a miracle, which is just a really sort of fun, interesting thing to play for all three of them.

Speaking of Oliver’s love life, Susan Williams has been acting a little shady lately. Will we find out what she’s after sooner rather than later?

Yeah, Susan definitely has a very specific drive. I think what’s cool about where we’re taking her is, yes, we’re going to find out what she’s up to and how much she knows in the back half of the season, but — starting in [season] 5 [episode] 7 — they have a really genuine connection. I think she is, for all of her journalistic ulterior motives, also a really good person and they have a genuine chemistry. So, it’s going to get complicated for her and for him as well. It’s not going to be as straightforward as a reporter exposing some truth about the mayor. It’s going to be complicated by the fact they genuinely care about each other.

Can you tease what Talia al Ghul’s character is like?

Well, I can tease that she’s not what she seems, and that — when Oliver finds out who she really is — it’s a massive gut punch for him. He did not see it coming.

Diggle has always been good in a fight, but his upcoming trial isn’t the kind he’s used to. Does he have any tricks up his sleeve?

Yeah, well, I can tell you he’s not going to be punching his way out of jail this time. We just saw him do that in [season] 5 [episode] 4, and — as fun as that was — I think he recognizes… he has to take a different approach. And he is! He has some tricks up his sleeve, as always, and one of those tricks is Felicity. Felicity is going to be very, very crucial in getting him on the other side of this challenge and, also, Dig is really going to be dealing with the ramifications of that. Felicity is going to be doing some pretty questionable things to get the evidence that she needs.

Felicity has obviously suffered a pretty major loss. Is she going to take some time off, or does she throw herself right back into work?

I think we actually wanted to do something different this year with her, and Felicity has always been super smart, super capable, but she fundamentally never really had something that’s her own. I think what this is, this is going to kick her off on this revenge story and she’s going to experience a lot of what Oliver experienced in the first season, in the sense that she’s going to on a pretty dark path towards revenge. I think it’s going to be less about throwing herself into her work and more about how she’s going to avenge Malone’s death and get Prometheus once and for all, because she knows he’s the one ultimately responsible for what happened.

The mid-season premiere synopsis teases that Felicity will face off against someone as she tries to help Diggle. Would you say this is one of those elements that’s explicitly her own? Will this adversary continue to heckle her throughout the season?

It is. We’re definitely going to be kicking her off with a new organization and it’s going to take her to some pretty interesting places and also reconnect her with pieces of her past. We’re really excited about this new path for her.
Felicity is headed down a dark path in the wake of her boyfriend's death.

What can you tell us about Tina Boland? Is she going to factor into the rest of the season?

She’s going to factor into the back half of the season. She comes into the story in a really interesting way. She’s like Oliver, has lost somebody and is hellbent for revenge. She is an amazing fighter. She has a lot of skills, and she’s very much a peer of Oliver, so they have an instant connection since they’ve both been through a version of hell. It’s ultimately him that’s going to show her a different way to do this — a different way to get revenge than just killing people.

Was Tina created for the show, or was she a character from the comics that has been repurposed?

We’re going to reveal her to be somebody very much connected to the comics.

Between Laurel, Diggle, Felicity, Prometheus and his job as mayor, Oliver has a lot of balls in the air. How is he juggling all of that when we return?

He’s struggling! I mean, one of the things that we’ve really enjoyed playing with Oliver… for the first time on the show, he’s had a real job where he’s accountable. People are depending on him! In the beginning of the year, he did not take the mayoral stuff seriously at all, and — as the season’s evolved — he’s really starting to, and I think it’s for a couple of reasons. One, he’s finding that he’s actually pretty good at politics, and second, he’s really questioning whether or not this is the right way — maybe the mayor is a better path in terms of helping the city and helping people that don’t have a voice. So, I think for as many balls as he has in the air, there are new balls and there are new possibilities and these new paths that are opening up to him that are different than the ones we’ve seen him explore in the past and, therefore, are kind of exciting. I think, for as much as he’s struggling with the guilt of what happened Malone and also obviously getting down to business and finally finding out who Prometheus is and finding out how to capture him and stop him. He’s got hope! He’s got hope in the form of the mayor’s office and this burgeoning relationship with Susan Williams.

In the flashbacks, Oliver has a very simple goal: kill Kovar. But are we going to find out Kovar’s endgame as well?

Oh, we are! Once we cast Dolph Lundgren, we knew it was a game changer, so we’re very excited about Kovar. We have a great plan in store for the back half of the season and how they’re going to finally face each other down and what that final battle is going to look like. It’s going to be cool to see Stephen [Amell] and Dolph trading blows.

Now that she’s suited up for the “Invasion!” crossover, will Thea take on a more active role in Team Arrow?

You know, we bring her into the costume at different moments. It was an alien invasion; as she quipped in the episode, “We’re fighting aliens, it’s time to do it!” But I think Thea’s arc this season is really much more about trying to be normal. What she was trying to accomplish in Season 4 and ultimately failed to do she felt was a result of being a vigilante. So, this season, she’s only going to get into that costume when circumstances are really dire and, obviously, things usually get pretty bad around right around May every year, so we’ll see what she ends up doing at the end of the season, but I think — for most of the time — she’s trying to just focus on politics and helping her brother in the mayor’s office.

Starring Stephen Amell as the Emerald Archer, “Arrow” airs at 8 pm ET/PT on The CW. The series also stars Emily Bett Rickards, David Ramsey, John Barrowman, Willa Holland and more. “Arrow’s” fifth season returns to the CW on January 25.

http://www.cbr.com/arrow-wendy-mericle- ... -lundgren/?

- Productora ejecutiva de "Arrow" adelanta el regreso de Laurel y el introducir a Talia al Ghul antes de la Midseason Premiere (Variety):
Productora ejecutiva de "Arrow" adelanta el regreso de Laurel y el introducir a Talia al Ghul antes de la Midseason Premiere
Por Jacob Bryant 25 enero, 2017 | 11:23AM PT

By the end of “Arrow’s” midseason finale, Team Arrow had taken quite a few licks. Diggle (David Ramsey) had been apprehended by the law after spending the first half of the season as a fugitive, Felicity’s (Emily Bett Rickards) boyfriend was killed, and Curtis (Echo Kellum) was given an ultimatum by his husband. The one light at the end of the tunnel was Oliver (Stephen Amell) finding Laurel (Katie Cassidy) had returned after being killed by Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough) last season.

Variety spoke with executive producer Wendy Mericle about Laurel’s return, the team’s current state, and more…

What kind of condition is Team Arrow in when the season starts back up?

With the death of Detective Malone (Tyler Ritter) at Oliver’s hand, they aren’t happy. That said, at the end of the season we saw Laurel come back which has given them a small ray of sunshine. Coming into the back half of the season the team is really feeling that Prometheus is more formidable than they thought.

How does Oliver react to Laurel’s return? Is he skeptical?

He’s happy. We wanted to keep everybody true to their character for how they would react to that, and Ollie has seen things — certainly more than the rest of the team — and even though he’s skeptical he’s more willing to embrace that type of hope. There are other members of the team who are a little less enthusiastic.

He’s not keeping this to himself then?

No, this is something that gets out pretty fast.

Does her return affect Oliver’s relationship with Susan Williams (Carly Pope)?

I think the short answer to that is no. Any sort of romantic relationship between Laurel and Oliver we pretty much put to bed in Season 2.

The members of Team Arrow are nearly professional at sweeping their personal issues with each other under the rug when they need to, but does Felicity struggle working with Ollie since he killed Billy?

I think we’ve explored Felicity being mad at Oliver for his role in things she didn’t agree with. Nothing has happened to this extent, or this personal, but she knows the circumstances. We did not want to do a story where Felicity was mad at Oliver again. For her, she understands that the blame really lies with Prometheus.

Curtis was given an ultimatum by his husband: stay on the team or stay with him. How is that weighing on him?

For Curtis, as torn as he is, the thing that Paul (Chenier Hundal) tells him — that he’s never seen Curtis happier — is true. It’s going to carry Curtis through the back half of the season, with the hope that he can have his cake and eat it too. He’s not going to give up his marriage or his role on the team without a fight.

And Dig was set up by Prometheus and captured by the law again. Is another rescue in the works?

We did our prison break in episode four so I’d expect something different. Dig is in jail again, but the outcome is going to be different and his attitude about it is going to be very different. It’s going to also involve Oliver pulling some fast ones on Felicity.

We finally learned who Prometheus was — and based on the fact that he’s a product of Oliver’s violent beginnings as the Arrow — does that change how he deals with future criminals?

Maybe not in the way he deals with future criminals, but it will definitely change the way he deals with Prometheus. He knows he is directly responsible for the creation of this person, and it is going to make him question why he did what he did in Season 1 — and really everything leading up to now. It’s very much keeping the general goal of the season, which was to talk about his legacy and to have him question it.

After seasons of fan speculation, you’re finally introducing Ra’s al Ghul’s daughter Talia (Lexa Doig) into the series with the midseason premiere.

We think we found a really cool way to bring her in and reveal who she really is. Like what we’ve done with Laurel, we’re bringing someone in from the DC Universe but we’re going to have a different way of revealing how we deal with her true identity.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/arrow-p ... 201969626/

- Marc Guggenheim dice que Arrow revisitará Havenrock esta temporada (comicbook):
Marc Guggenheim dice que Arrow revisitará Havenrock esta temporada
Por Russ Burlingame 25/01/17

Felicity Smoak and Rory Regan aren't quite done dealing with the fallout from the destruction of Havenrock at the end of Arrow season 4, Marc Guggenheim told ComicBook.com.

When a nuclear warhead was pointed at Star City and its population of millions, Felicity couldn't stop it -- so she redirected it to a much smaller city along its route, killing around 10,000 people, including the parents of Rory Regan, whose suit of mystical rags -- a family heirloom that also grants the wearer super-powers -- protected him.

When Rory, also known as Ragman, came to Star City and joined up with Team Arrow, nobody knew that he had come from Havenrock. Once that revelation was made, it strained his relationship with the guilt-ridden Felicity, who finally admitted her sins to her friend and teammate.

Rory, though stunned and repulsed, took the news primarily as a disappointment rather than a betrayal, and ultimately understood why Felicity felt she had to make the hard decision, even if he couldn't completely forgive her for it.

It was a display of understanding and patience a lot of Arrow fans didn't expect since, in the show's five-year history, most big lies have resulted in righteous fury and conflict when they came to light.

"That's exactly right and that's exactly why we didn't do that. In fact, when we were in the room, I was very much like, 'God, the last thing I want to do is..." series executive producer Marc Guggenheim said when we presented him with exactly that observation. After trailing off, he recovered: "It's a story we felt we owed off of the end of last year and particularly once one of the writers had pitched the idea that Rory was from Havenrock and that his rags had protected him and that seemed really interesting to us. Once we hit upon that, we definitely realized that we were headed towards some sort of revelation between Felicity and Rory and I was very much like, 'How do we make this interesting without relying on what has become a trope of character flying off the handle and screaming at the person?' What was great was that Joe's performance really sold what was a tricky acting beat of striking that balance of more disappointment than rage. Obviously, we wrote it in that direction, but it really took Joe and his performance and I give Emily props, as well. It required both actors to really sell the needle we were trying to thread."

And while it seemed like the team got closure right before the "Invasion!" crossover, the resolution between Felicity and Rory still apparently has some work cut out for it.

"By the way, we haven't seen the end of that story," Guggenheim told us. "I mean, obviously, we've gotten the secret out and Rory and Felicity have aired their feelings about it, but we're actually going to revisit it in episode 12. Episode 12 draws together a lot of threads from the first 11 episodes of the season and it ties off some of them, and it just connects different things that weren't previously connected. But one of those threads is going to be this Havenrock situation and, I think, hopefully, if we've done our job correctly, just the fact that we're revisiting Havenrock and then the way we do it, with respect to Felicity and Rory, will be surprising."

http://comicbook.com/2017/01/25/marc-gu ... is-season/

- Marc Guggenheim habla sobre el regreso de la Midseason (accesshollywood):
Marc Guggenheim habla sobre el regreso de la Midseason
Por Jolie Lash 25 enero, 2017 10:26 AM PST

"Arrow's" midseason finale dealt some tough blows to the team.

Prometheus tricked Oliver Queen into killing Det. Billy Malone, Felicity Smoak's boyfriend. And, when the show returns to The CW on Wednesday night, Felicity will be seeking revenge, as hinted in the network's episode description.

"It basically kicks off the storyline that we've been teasing at least in the press since the season premiere," Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim told AccessHollywood.com. "We always said we had a storyline in mind for Felicity for the back half of the year, and we're finally in the back half of the year. So, we always knew we were headed in this direction with Felicity. And I think, sort of the reason to tell the story is, you know, Felicity is the light in an otherwise very dark show and one of the themes this year, in addition to legacy, has been the effect of that darkness. In many ways it's sort of the overall theme of the show. We sort of address it in different ways every season, which is, when you dabble in the darkness, how much of that clings to you? And what we've done with this story for Felicity is we've basically been spending now four-plus years of Felicity swimming in these dark waters -- what happens when she starts letting it get to her?

Guggenheim added that the show is doing the new storyline in a way that "honors the character of Felicity."

"We're not turning her into a dark, brooding vigilante. We're doing it in a way that honors who the character is and honors the things that people like about the character," he said. "But yeah, we're going to have Felicity flirt with a darker storyline than we've typically done with her."

And, just like Felicity was there during Oliver's training sessions with the new recruits to pull him back when he needed it, her friends will be there for her.

"We've already sort of written scenes – we haven't shot them yet … separate scenes, with Oliver, Diggle and Curtis specifically that they're all trying to sort of reach her in their own way because they all really care about her," he said.

Beyond the Malone twist, last year's midseason finale also introduced a big shocker with the return of Laurel Lance, played by Katie Cassidy.

The character turned up in the Arrowcave just as Oliver was at a low after being tricked by Prometheus.

Katie, whose character was killed off in Season 4, now has a deal to appear across the Arrowverse, and bringing her back to the fold that way directly lead to more "Arrow" stories.

"She's always been so embracing of the shows and this recurring sort of role that she has now among all four shows. And, I think one of the things quite frankly that took us all by surprise was, when we made this deal crossing her over, sort of made her untethered to all the shows, was how many stories we had for 'Arrow' that involved Katie. We came up with this one for the midseason finale and Katie was all in and it's always great to have her back," Guggenheim said. "I think she was fully embracing what we were asking her to do here."

As for details on Laurel's return, Guggenheim said, "time travel" .

Asked if seeing Laurel again could help improve Oliver's spirits, Guggenheim said it just might.

"One of the fun little things about the episode was -- and it really comes from Felicity and Diggle -- is sort of commenting on how good stuff just doesn't ever happen on 'Arrow.' Like Diggle says, 'It seems to me like you're due a win; you're due something positive.' So I think in many ways we sort of used it as a little meta-commentary on the often dark nature of the show."

"Arrow" returns Wednesday at 8/7c on The CW.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... on-return/

- Marc Guggenheim sobre el hacer a Curtis más Terrific, y convertir a Artemis en malvada (comicbook):
Marc Guggenheim sobre el hacer a Curtis más Terrific, y convertir a Artemis en malvada
Por Russ Burlingame 25/01/17

When Arrow comes back tonight, they may be gaining a Katie Cassidy's Laurel Lance, but they've already lost Madison McLaughlin's Artemis -- and Mr. Terrific is shaken to his core. It's just the latest in a string of bad things to happen to the good folks of Team Arrow in the first half of the season.

And when things start up, we'll see Curtis (Mr. Terrific) hitting rock bottom while Evelyn (Artemis) is off the table for a bit. What's next for her? Well, executive producer Marc Guggenheim was reluctant to say.

"You know, it has sort of played out, like we haven't seen the last of Artemis, but at the same time, there's not a lot for us as writers or the characters to do with the fact that Artemis betrayed them," Guggenheim told ComicBook.com. "It happened. It's sort of over, and they've got some other, bigger problems that are coming their way. You haven't seen the last of Artemis, but in the short term, they've got some other fish to fry."

That said, Guggenheim was proud of the little details they planted early on to suggest that Evelyn's character was no joke. Echo Kellum's Curtis Holt towered over her, but when the pair were sparring in the Arrowcave in an early episode this season, she was winning with ease.

"It actually spoke to her storyline and it also speaks to Curtis's storyline and you'll start to see this more in the mid-season premiere," Guggenheim said. "If you've been watching the first nine episodes, he does have a tendency to get his ass kicked, as we kind of promised. As far as I'm concerned, turning Curtis Holt into a superhero is probably the biggest turn we've ever done on the show. Even more so than turning Laurel into the Black Canary. To my way of thinking, the only way you really earn that is if you show how difficult it is, and that means that Curtis ends up getting his ass kicked quite a bit. I think in episode 10, the mid-season premiere, he kind of hits bottom as far as his self-esteem is concerned, especially in light of the ultimatum that Paul gave him. Starting with episode 10 is his turn, I think, really more towards the Mr. Terrific we know from the comics."

That episode airs tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

http://comicbook.com/2017/01/25/arrow-e ... -turning-/

- ¿Puede Green Arrow tener vida amorosa? Marc Guggenheim contesta (comicbook):
¿Puede Green Arrow tener vida amorosa? Marc Guggenheim contesta
Por Jenna Anderson 25/01/2017

Since the show's inception, Arrow has frequently raised the question of the duality of a superhero's life, and the ability for that superhero to have a steady romantic relationship. The character who has remained at the center of that the most is the Green Arrow himself, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell). As the show has evolved, Oliver has shifted from a notorious party boy in early season one flashbacks, to someone in search of a more serious relationship in the show's later seasons.

Arrow's executive producer, Marc Guggenheim, addressed Oliver's recent journey with that dilemma, particularly with regards to the show's fourth season.

While Oliver began the season in a bubble of domesticity with Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards), with Oliver ready to propose to her, their romantic relationship was broken off over the course of the season. "I think the thing that season four really showed," Guggenheim explains, "was [that Oliver] went into Season Four thinking you can have everything and then by the end, he realized that maybe he was wrong."

Guggenheim tied that storyline to the recent separation between Curtis Holt/Mr. Terrific (Echo Kellum) and his husband, Paul (Chenier Hundal), in the mid-season finale. "I would say that certainly, the break-up with Felicity and Paul's break-up Curtis would prove that idea or it would prove that point, that maybe it's not possible to have this life and also be with someone."

However, Arrow's treatment of this question does not universally apply to the other superheroes of the DCTV universe. "At the same time, Barry Allen is able to have a very good relationship with Iris. And Diggle has a great relationship with Lyla," Guggenheim pointed out. "So I don't know if it's a binary thing."

With regards to Oliver, however, that balance between his vigilantism and his personal life is not entirely out of the question. As Guggenheim explained, the question is "something that we obviously deal with on the show and we always dealt with on the show. And depending upon what's going in that season, the answer is different."

This has particularly been true in season five. In the first half of this season, Oliver has sparked a relationship with reporter Susan Williams (Carly Pope), one that Guggenheim says the show will further address. "Oliver's trying to make things work with Susan, as we saw in the big midseason finale."

The other way this question has been addressed was in the show's 100th episode, 'Invasion!' which placed Oliver in a dream universe where he was hours away from marrying Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy). While Oliver ultimately accepted the fact that he would not be able to be with this dream version of Laurel, the episode revealed that he still has romantic feelings for her, even though her Earth 1 counterpart is currently dead.

This only complicates the return of Laurel - or really, her Earth 2 counterpart, Black Siren - in tonight's episode, 'Who Are You?' Throughout the episode, Oliver tries to help redeem Black Siren, even placing her into ARGUS custody, with the hope that she will start to show signs of Earth 1 Laurel. And Black Siren briefly mentions that she was in love with Earth 2 Oliver, who died on the Gambit ten years ago instead of his father Robert. Many fans - particularly fans of the Green Arrow/Black Canary relationship in the comics - are hoping that this leaves the door open for a further dynamic between the two in the future.

In the show's upcoming episodes, though, it sounds like the focus of Oliver's love life might be Susan - whether that relationship takes a positive or negative turn. In the midseason finale, a small Easter egg revealed that Susan is continuing to investigate Oliver's ties to the Bratva.

Is there a chance that that secret could lead to further revelations that could cost Oliver his double life with Susan? According to Guggenheim, fans will have to wait and see. "[The question] will inevitably come up, is it possible for Oliver to continue with Susan while he leads this double life. To which I say, stay tuned."

http://comicbook.com/2017/01/26/arrow-o ... love-life/

- Productora de "Arrow" adelanta la llegada de la Vigilante Tina Boland — ¿AKA la nueva Black Canary? (TVLine):
Productora de "Arrow" adelanta la llegada de la Vigilante Tina Boland — ¿AKA la nueva Black Canary?
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 26 enero 2017, 11:20 AM PST

The hunt for a new Black Canary is officially on — though Arrow‘s titular hero might not have to look for long.

As revealed at the close of the CW series midseason premiere, there’s a gal in Hub City who is a real scream , having blown back a pair of bullies with her own sonic cry. In next Wednesday’s episode, viewers — as well as Team Arrow — will learn more about detective-turned-vigilante Tina Boland, played by Juliana Harkavy.

“We are so excited about Juliana. She is amazing,” Arrow co-showrunner Wendy Mericle tells TVLine of the hire, whose previous TV credits include episodes of Constantine, The Walking Dead and Graceland.

As glimpsed in the promos for next week, where Tina wields a tart tongue as well as badass moves, Harkavy “brings a very different energy, a different vibe to the show,” Mericle notes. What’s more, Tina “has a lot of emotional connection with Oliver, in that she’s been through her own sort of hell, her own sort of ‘island.’ She’s got a very tragic backstory.”

As such, and coupled with her hand-to-hand combat skills, Mericle touts the new arrival as “a peer of Oliver’s,” in that “we’ve never really had anybody on the team who is as formidable as he is and really views herself as an equal.” Because of that — and again, as glimpsed in promos — the EP teases, “there are going to be some new interest dynamics!”

As for Tina eventually, formally assuming the mantle of Black Canary — “costume warehouse fire sale” attire be damned — Mericle previously told TVLine it’s “definitely a possibility” that Laurel Lance’s successor will be in place by season’s end, adding: “Look, it’s hard to do a show about Green Arrow without having a Black Canary.”

http://tvline.com/2017/01/26/arrow-seas ... vigilante/

- Katrina Law sobre el mandatorio regreso de Nyssa Al Ghul en "Legends Of Tomorrow" (comicbook):
Katrina Law sobre el mandatorio regreso de Nyssa Al Ghul en "Legends Of Tomorrow"
Por Brandon Davis 26/01/2017

With Nyssa al Ghul having last been seen over an entire season ago on Arrow, many fans are hoping for the character's return, if only to settle the score between her and sister Talia.

It might be some time before we see the product of the League of Assassins again on the CW, seeing as Katrina Law recently took up a key role in CBS's Training Day series, but in a recent interview ComicBook.com on the live show ComicBook Now, Law addressed the possibilities of her character's future in the Arrow-verse.

"I am not allowed to tell you anything under the threat of death from Marc Guggenheim," Law said, to preface all of the details she was about to spill.

"When I found out they were casting Talia, I e-mailed Marc and I was like, 'Please, please let us have a sister showdown!'" Law said. "Because my inner nerd was just kind of exploding because if it's anything like the comics I know that my character basically kills Talia 50 times and just keeps dumping into the Lazarus pit so she can keep brining her back and get her onto her evil ways. I don't think that's gonna happen in Arrow the television series but one can always hope. But, if not, if not a contentious relationship, then maybe one where we're like standing back to back shooting arrows. That'd be pretty cool."

However, a return on Arrow may not be as fitting as a return to the Arrow-verse via Legends of Tomorrow. Given the relationship Nyssa developed with Sara, the more pressing issue fans are hoping to see is a future (or past) between the two tough ladies. Law is completely on board for a time traveling adventure.

"I think a Legends of Tomorrow appearance should be mandatory!" Law said. "That's what I'm thinking because we need Sara and Nyssa. We need the Nyssara backstory of how they met on Liam Yu and how she trained her and basically how she found her on the streets and what the introduction to Ra's al Ghul was like and eventually how they fell in love, I think people want to see that. I want to see that. Hopefully, one day. Again, I have no idea, but fingers crossed. That's the wishlist."

For now, you'll have to keep up with Law as Detective Rebecca Lee on Training Day following its premiere on CBS on February 2 at 10 pm ET.

http://comicbook.com/2017/01/26/arrows- ... w-mandato/

- Jefe de Arrow y Legends of Tomorrow sobre los crossovers que están por venir (EW):
Jefe de Arrow y Legends of Tomorrow sobre los crossovers que están por venir
Por Natalie Abrams 26 enero, 2017 at 4:13pm EST

The Invasion isn’t the only time we’ll be seeing the worlds of Arrow, The Flash, and DC’s Legends of Tomorrow collide.

“Next week’s episode of Arrow features, I will say, the fastest crossover with Flash we’ve ever had,” Arrow and Legends executive producer Marc Guggenheim told EW on our SiriusXM radio show Superhero Insider.

But wait, there’s more! “We, just yesterday, made an offer to an actor to reprise their role from one of the other shows in the season finale of Legends,” Guggenheim teased. “Oh, and in the penultimate episode we’re gonna have — I can’t be specific about this, but it’s one of the most fun things I think we’ve ever done on the show — a character from one of the other shows on Legends in a way that you’ve never seen before, you may never see again, but will, I think, just send fans into squeals of joy.”

In the interview, which you can listen to in full below, Guggenheim also teases a possible Black Siren return, hints at the new potential Black Canary’s abilities, and drops even more spoilers when discussing whether Legends‘ move to Tuesdays behind The Flash has played a role in upcoming storytelling.

“We’re going to be seeing the Black Flash on Legends,” Guggenheim says, reminding fans that Thawne is a member of the Legion of Doom. “Lily Stein, who was introduced in Flash 308, makes an appearance next week. So there’s a fair amount of Flash-ness going on in Legends. I wish I could say that we were so smart to take advantage of the new timeslot and do that, but we weren’t that smart. We just had already sort of been doing that organically anyway when we found out about the new timeslot. I will say this: There’s a love scene in episode 11 and we were in the editing room on it — it’s a love scene, it gets a little steamy — and I was joking, ‘Let’s take that 9 p.m. timeslot out for a spin.'”

Full radio-interview:

https://soundcloud.com/ewradio/arrow-ep ... n-premiere

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Marc Guggenheim talks Legends Getting “Legion of Doom” Episode & what´s next for "Arrow" (DCEntertainment):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | "S5 Midseason Recap" Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | 5.11 "Second Chances" Promo:

- ARROW | 5.11 "Second Chances" Extended Promo:

- ARROW | 5.11 "Second Chances" Inside the episode:

- ARROW | 5.11 "Second Chances" Clip #1:


- ARROW | 5.11 "Second Chances" Clip #2:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | S5 "Getting Good" Trailer:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 5.13 "Spectre of the Gun":
5.13 "Spectre of the Gun" (15/02/17): SE REVELA LA HISTORIA DE WILD DOG — Un ataque traumático en el Ayuntamiento dispara dolorosos recuerdos para Rene (Rick Gonzalez) sobre su familia. Los flashbacks revelan cómo Rene fue de un simple hombre de familia al héroe llamado Wild Dog. Mientras tanto, Oliver (Stephen Amell) debe lidiar con el petrador que hay detrás del ataque y de da cuenta de que la mejor manera de hacerlo es como el Alcalde Queen en lugar de como Green Arrow. Las tensiones están por las nuebes en el búnker de Arrow. Kristin Windell dirige el episodio escrito por Marc Guggenheim (513).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-5-13- ... f-the-gun/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 5.11 "Second Chances":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelados título y créditos del 5.17:
El productor Marc Guggenheim ha desvelado en su cuenta de twitter el título y créditos del episodio 5.17, que empieza su producción:


https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... wsrc%5Etfw

El episodio 5.17 tiene por título "Kapot". Está escrito por Brian Ford Sullivan & Emilio Ortega Aldrich, y está dirigido por Kevin Tancharoen.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- No hemos visto lo último de Evelyn/Artemis en "Arrow":
Al parecer, según informa Matt Mitovich en su sección de "Matt´s Inside Line" de TV Line, no es la última vez que vermos a Evelyn/Artemis en la S5 de la serie:
Rn realidad, la última vez que hablá con Wendy Mericle, la escritora de "Arrow" estaba a mitad de debatir el escenario de regreso para la señorita Benedict Arnold. “Tenemos un giro realmente genial y emocionante para el cómo va a aparecer. Lo interesante de las elecciones que Evelyn ha tomado es que por mucho que haya tomado la base de la altura moral cuando se enfrenta a Oliver, ella se ha aliado con alguien que es incluso peor” con "Prometheus". “Ha ido de la sartén al fuegoS.”

http://tvline.com/2017/01/31/bones-fina ... don-wyatt/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes y videos bts de la S5 (01-22 Feb 2017):

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(@echokells: When you tell @emilybett she can't pull off a look & then she makes you look foolish. But not as foolish as missing a new #Arrow tonight! #AfroChallenge
@StephenAmell: 5 seasons in... it's possible I've been wearing the wrong wig all along. Thanks @EchoK
@officialrickg: Whachulookinat! West coast we on tonight 8pm new #Arrow Shouts to Los & Kells. @TheCW
@StephenAmell: -2C. Night shoots. OG Suit. Happy place
Dolph Lundgren: With Stephen Amell on the set of Arrow. Great guy!
@officialrickg: What an honor to breathe life into Rene Ramirez and his backstory. Tip of the hat to @mguggenheim for the words in this episode
@davidramsey: A love story... #arrowseason5
@echokells: Curtis gets a little more Terrific on tonight's episode of #Arrow! On in 10 minutes! #YasKing #Terrific2.0
@JulianaHarkavy: Happy #Arrow Wednesday!
@PaulBlackthorne: Ahh the fun one can have with a @StephenAmell wig... #NewLookLance #Arrow)


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | 5.12 "Bratva" Promo:

- ARROW | 5.12 "Bratva" Extended Promo:

- ARROW | 5.12 "Bratva" Inside the episode:

- ARROW | 5.12 "Bratva" Clip #1:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 5.14 "The Sin-Eater":
5.14 "The Sin-Eater" (22/02/17): CHINA WHITE, CUPIDO Y LIZA WARNER SE ESCAPAN DE PRISIÓN — China White (la estrella invitada Kelly Hu), Cupido (la estrella invitada Amy Gumenick) y Liza Warner (la estrella invitada Rutina Wesley) se escepan de Iron Heights ay se dirigen hacia Star City en busca de venganza. Oliver (Stephen Amell) intenta encerrar a la recién formada banda de chicas pero la ACU intervieve a mitad de la pelea. Para su sorpresa, están allí para arrestar a Green Arrow por l asesinato del Detective Malone. Mientras tanto, Lance (Paul Blackthorne) se siente responsable de la fuga después de que Warner le diga que ella escuchó que él estuvo trabajando con Damien Darhk. Mary Lambert dirige el episodio escrito por Barbara Bloom & Jenny Lynn (514).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-the-s ... scription/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Póster de Lego de "Arrow"/"The Flash" por el estreno de la "Lego Batman Movie":


https://twitter.com/DCComics/status/828 ... 61/photo/1

- "Lego Batman meets CW Superheroes" Promo:

- "Greg Berlanti LEGO Batman Movie End Card Compilation" Promo:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 5.12 "Bratva":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- David Ramsey tiene una predicción para Olicity (comicbook):
David Ramsey tiene una predicción para Olicity
Por Russ Burlingame 07/02/2017

Ten years ago, Oliver Queen was just beginning his "five years in Hell," which would put him on the road to becoming "something else."

Five years ago, Oliver had returned home to Starling City and embarked on a crime-fighting reign of terror that has had long-term ramifications including the creation of their season 5 big bad Prometheus.

And where will he be five years from now? David Ramsey, the only other person besides Stephen Amell to have been a series regular on Arrow ever since the pilot, thinks he knows.

It came up when, during an interview earlier today, we asked Ramsey about the possibility of seeing more of Audrey Marie Anderson, who plays his onscreen wife, Lyla Michaels.

"That's a dynamic that really has a story arc waiting for it," Ramsey said. "She's the leader of ARGUS, he's the leader of Team Arrow when Oliver's out -- and they have two different philosphies altogehter....What do you talk about at dinneritme with that?...They're bringing that back, and it's a big, long season, so we'll see how it plays out."

Then he added, "Audrey's working on Training Day right now, so getting her is part of the issue. But I like seeing them together, I like the dynamic. I like that she's a badass, that she's capable in the field, that she's smart, that she has a child. The couple has evolved. They're Felicity and Oliver in five years."

What's funny, of course, is that right now, Diggle and Michaels are married with a child -- but five years ago? No such thing. They were divorced and not communicating, until Michaels returned to Starling City (it's Star now, but since for the second time in this article we're talking about the past, we're going to leave it) and rekindled her relationship with her ex over a little ARGUS business.

While Oliver and Feliity never tied the knot (that header graphic notwithstanding), they're...ahead of the curve? Behind it? Ah, who knows. In any case, the man who plays Diggle seems to think Olicity is endgame. It's not the first time he's said it, but we're still fans of how elegantly he said it.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/02/08/arro ... r-olicity/

- Ramsey dice que Prometheus es el ‘claro y presente peligro’ (cbr):
Ramsey dice que Prometheus es el ‘claro y presente peligro’
por Meagan Damore 08 Feb 2017

John Diggle is a free man. After spending the first half of “Arrow” Season 5 as a fugitive, he can finally get back to normal. Of course, to Diggle, “normal” means donning a costume and patrolling the mean streets of Star City as Spartan. Though his name has just been cleared, he’ll get right back into the swing of things by heading to Russia with the other members of Team Arrow to stop a nuclear arms deal.

According to David Ramsey, who plays Diggle, this is exactly how Dig likes it. Speaking to CBR, Ramsey discussed how jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire makes Dig feel right at home as a soldier and a serviceman. He also teased Dig’s friendship with Dinah Drake, the new Black Canary, as well as the looming threat of General Walker and Team Arrow’s visit to Russia.

CBR: Clearly, General Walker really has it out for Dig. Will Dig be seeing him again anytime soon?

David Ramsey: I wouldn’t say soon, but you’ll be seeing him. We’re going to play that out to its finality. I think Diggle’s probably done putting bullets in people for now, but I think you’ll see General Walker prosecuted to the full extent. We’re going to see that to the end for sure, but — for now, right after his immediate release — I think he’s man enough to get back to some sense of normalcy. Oliver said, “You’re free. You can go home to your wife and child,” and I think he wants to get back to that kind of quickly, figure out who Prometheus is.

Almost immediately, he has this bond with Dinah. Dinah is a new recruit on the team, and Diggle is really sort of rolling out the welcoming committee. He’s the first to really help her make the adjustment, very similar to what he was doing with Rene [Wild Dog]. Dinah’s been through a major tragedy, a major trauma. She’s a new meta with new powers. You know, Diggle’s the most evolved. He’s our normal guy, and so he’s the one that really helps Dinah kind of get a grasp on a sense of normalcy in the beginning. So that’s what we’ll see in terms of him getting back to work in that capacity.
John Diggle is back in action as Spartan!

Dig is out of prison, but is he out of danger, at least where Walker is concerned?

For now! For now, yes. He’s legitimately a free man now. In terms of using the law to get back at Diggle, there’s not really anything that Walker can use, but there are other places and other ways — by force. So we’ll see how that all plays itself off. But yes, for the immediate time, he’s out of danger.

Considering that Walker was able to manipulate Lyla’s voice, is Dig concerned for his family’s safety?

Oh, we think that was more Prometheus! I think that was more Prometheus that kind of imitated the voice to get him trapped by the local authorities and by the federal authorities… To that end, Prometheus has been able to reach all corners of Oliver’s life places everybody in a compromised position. So we’ll see how that plays itself off, because clearly Prometheus could touch any of us whenever he wants to.

Dig owes Adrian Chase a great debt after Chase helped get him out of prison. Will we see those two interact again?

You are going to see it, and — obviously — people in our stories are built up just to be brought down, and brought down just to be built up. No one in our stories stays in our good graces for too long. But, for now, Adrian Chase is his hero! He has a lot of respect. He has major points with Diggle. So we’ll see where that goes, how that plays out. But, for now, he is very highly regarded in Diggle’s eyes.

Between Russia and Walker and the New Recruits, Dig has a lot on his plate. How worried is he about Prometheus right now?

I think Prometheus is the clear and present danger. I think he is the one. Diggle sees Prometheus as number one on the list to get and to take down. Walker is still there, but I think the one that was able to manipulate the team to hurt Oliver is clearly the bigger threat this time, and I think Diggle absolutely sees that. There are other things we’re going to play with in this next episode, and Diggle’s going to really serve as… he’s kind of always been the moral compass, if you will, for the team. There are some dark places that Felicity goes to with this new, somewhat nefarious group that’s giving her this shit. Diggle’s going to be the one to call her out on it.

We’ll see Diggle trying to heal. I call Diggle, for the first part of the season, “Dark Diggle” because he’s been so introspective and then kind of in mourning, really, because of the deaths that happened in Season 4: the death of Canary, which he blames himself for, and — for good reason — the death of his brother. So now he’s coming out of that, and part of coming out of that is helping. That’s who he is! He’s a serviceman. He’s a soldier. He’s the guy who lays on a grenade. So that’s what he immediately gets to. He gets to helping Dinah. He gets back to helping the team. He sees that Felicity is compromised, and he calls her on it immediately. Before he gets back out on the field — which he does! — we’ll see him kind of getting back to service, of being a help, which is in the best possible way I could say that… but the moral help, I should say. The moral compass. And the team needs it. When he comes back, the team needs it. Dinah needs it, and Felicity particularly needs it.

Now that Dig’s name has been cleared, will he take on a role in Mayor Queen’s office?

No, he won’t. He’s best in the field. So, again, Diggle’s a soldier and he’s best at Oliver’s side, in the field as Spartan. That’s where he serves the best. In those moments of looking at the big picture, he’s that guy, again — that soldier mentality of being able to see all sides. So that’s his strength. I don’t think he’ll be taking a role in the administration. He’ll be getting back to his duties as Spartan quickly.

As we saw in the promo for tomorrow night’s episode, Dig is headed to Russia with Team Arrow. Will he be surprised by what he finds out about Oliver’s past?

I think he is! But, again, Diggle walks the light and dark tightrope probably better than any of the other characters. Felicity normally doesn’t delve into it, so doesn’t worry about it. Oliver plays with it every week; he goes too far, then doesn’t go far enough. He’s there. The other characters are kind of finding their footing in terms of that, and Diggle probably is the most fully involved in it next week.

I think, you know, he’s watching. From a military background, he’s watching Oliver’s back just to make sure nothing happens while they’re in enemy territory. Though they’re not enemies, they’re not good guys either, the Bratva. But I think Diggle kind of serves in that capacity of, “How far will Oliver go? How far will he go with this thing just to take Prometheus out? How far will he go in the dark? How much will he work with these guys — these criminals — to take down this bigger criminal?” I think Diggle sort of serves that medium, that voice of “Hey, you’re going a little bit too far.” Again, we’ll see that in his conversations with Felicity, from her making those choices, and he’ll serve in that same capacity for Oliver in Russia.

Will he see any people from Oliver’s Bratva days, like Anatoly or Talia?

Oh, yeah! Anatoly, he knows. So he met Anatoly, and there’s a camaraderie there… But, again, this is playing with fire to some degree. It’s not like we’re sitting across from anyone over at STAR Labs. These aren’t friends. So it’s not exactly antagonistic, but it’s not exactly friendly, either. We have to see how all that plays out for the rest of the season, in terms of that, because Diggle is always such a high moral character. He constantly has to compromise about what he does or doesn’t — and most times he doesn’t.

How he gets around that is the interesting part of Diggle’s psyche. I think we’ll see more of what that means with Lyla. Lyla is the leader of A.R.G.U.S. and another group that walks that line of light and dark, good and bad. And he’s married to her! He’s married to the new Amanda Waller, so to speak. It’d be interesting to see what that relationship is like. He’s very introspective; he’s killed his brother. He’s lost his best friend in the Canary because of his own choices. So what does that mean, to be married to a woman who has her finger on the Suicide Squad? What does that mean to him? So it’ll be interesting how those relationships, particularly that one, play out.

http://www.cbr.com/arrow-david-ramsey-s ... interview/?

- David Ramsey adelanta el final del 'Diggle triste', el regreso de momentos OTA y Spartan vs. Prometheus (TVLine):
David Ramsey adelanta el final del 'Diggle triste', el regreso de momentos OTA y Spartan vs. Prometheus
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 08 Feb 2017, 9:13 AM PST

Tonight on Arrow (The CW, 8/7), John Diggle aims to embrace his (latest return to) freedom and a shinier/happier self, only to discover that one of his teammates is heading down a dark path.

TVLine invited David Ramsey to preview Diggle’s vengeance against General Walker, his concerns about Felicity, a personal face-off with Prometheus and more.

TVLINE | Youre out from behind bars, again. Can we keep it that way?
No, let’s make it three times! How about I just go back in?

TVLINE | I joked to [showrunner] Wendy Mericle that when you learned of Dig getting thrown back into prison, you must have been like, “Really?”
Yeah, a little bit. A little bit. But you gotta run with that. That was a bit of a loose end with that character, in terms of the general. And it was a great way of using that to torture Oliver, to show Oliver that [Prometheus] has control, that he can make his life into whatever he wants to make it. But I’m out now!

TVLINE | What is Diggle’s mindset now that he has been sprung, with regards to Walker? To deliver what is due the general?
I think so. And not just that, but he’s full throttle with the team now. We’ve seen “internal, sad Diggle” for long enough — but for good reason. It isn’t every day that your dead brother comes back to life, who you then kill! Also, there’s a direct line between his choice to trust AndyArrow and the death of the Canary (played by Katie Cassidy). Theres a straight line there, so his grief and guilt was well-placed. But I think he’s on the other side of that now. Now it’s time to get back to business, and he does. It’s about getting Prometheus, and for this [week’s] episode particularly there’s a crisis in terms of what Felicity is doing. Diggle will call Felicity out on where she’s going, emotionally and morally.

TVLINE | With regards to the dark net and her new Helix buddies?
That’s correct. Who are they? Who are these people? Obviously that’s a running theme on our show, the team members helping others who can’t see through the fog. We have “blinders,” as Felicity called them when Oliver was helping Black Siren, trying to find redemption. That theme is repeated with Diggle and Felicity, as she taps into her dark side, the way John did last season, the way Oliver does every Wednesday, to try to find a way of gaining an edge for the team. Diggle is the one that calls her out on that, for good reason.

TVLINE | Wendy said that coming out of his latest ordeal, Diggle won’t have the same level of fatalism. So if he ends up “in a room” with Walker, how might that go down? What’s the dilemma before him?
Well, Diggle is a highly moral character, right. And I think he’s done putting bullets in people as a way of delivering justice. He’s learned from that with his brother. So, he will see it to the end, doing whatever he can to see this man behind bars, by the letter of the law. That’s who Diggle is at this point. There’s also a new member of our team, in Dinah [Drake, played by Juliana Harkavy], Arrowand Diggle is the one that really welcomes her. He brings her into the fold and helps her get a job, get a place, with training. It’s Diggle who takes her by the hand; that’s where he is right now.

TVLINE | Why do you think he assumes that “welcome committee” role, as he did with Rene/Wild Dog?
It’s a place that he wants to go, needs to go. I don’t think it’s any secret, most people feel this way, that Diggle is the most evolved in the group. He’s had his demons, he’s fought in several wars, many tours. He’s been a civilian, he’s been a soldier, he’s been married, twice, to the same woman, he has a child. The only time we’ve seen Diggle at a place of true compromise was when he was faced with the “rebirth” of his brother, and his brother’s brainwashing.

TVLINE | Which as you said is a most incredible situation–
–that doesn’t ever happen. So we don’t really ever see Diggle shook in that sense, the way we’ve seen Oliver going back and forth with a number of things. So I think that he’s the one to [help the newcomers]. Number 1, Dinah needs a welcoming committee, someone to help her find her place. She’s still dealing with what she went through, so there’s an adjustment that she has to make and Diggle’s the one to help her through it. Same with Rene.

TVLINE | The sooner he can help these self-made vigilantes get into the right head space, the better.
And the better they can be more functional members of the team. There’s also that. That’s most important to him as a soldier.

TVLINE | When Arrowwe saw you on set in the fall, you were hoping for more “OTA” moments, with Original Team Arrow. Will we get some of those in episodes coming up?
That is the plan. We hadn’t seen much of that this season in general, and much of that is because we have new team members, and those stories facilitate the Big Bad more so than anything else. But now that John is out of jail, thankfully, you’ll see more OTA.

TVLINE | Safe to say that Adrian Chase scored some points there with Diggle?
Without a doubt. Adrian Chase is incredibly sharp, and I think he’s earned the respect of Diggle, which isn’t easy. They will be getting closer, you’ll see more of that.

TVLINE | Will we be seeing Lyla and his son anytime soon?
That’s a six-episode arc right there, isn’t it? The “new Amanda Waller” of ARGUS and the second in command of Team Arrow, married. With a child that they found out used to be a girl through Flashpoint. His wife, who has her finger on the pulse of the Suicide Squad. I mean, what does that dinner look like? For me, that’s a story.

TVLINE | Give me that on CW Seed — Dinner With the Diggles.
The Diggles! Pitch it!

TVLINE | Any other last teaser about what’s coming up?
There’s a nice little moment between John Diggle and Prometheus, in terms of a fight. [What’s ahead] is all about him, it’s all about finding out who this guy is and how he manipulates Oliver and the rest of the team, by showing Oliver that he doesn’t have to kill him, he can just take every piece of his life away. That’s a very interesting way that the story is told.

TVLINE | And in ways more painful that just whaling on a guy physically.
Which he also does! It makes for an interesting storytelling, so I’m very interested to see how we stop this guy.

http://tvline.com/2017/02/08/arrow-seas ... ity-dinah/

- David Ramsey adelanta el viaje del Team Arrow a Russia, el crear vínculos con Black Canary (Variety):
David Ramsey adelanta el viaje del Team Arrow a Russia, el crear vínculos con Black Canary
Por Jacob Bryant 08 Feb, 2017 | 11:38AM PT

Despite being part of a vigilante crime-fighting team, John Diggle (David Ramsey) has had an especially rough time with the law this season.

After re-joining the military and being set up as a patsy, he was sent to prison only to be broken out by Oliver (Stephen Amell) and company. After months in hiding — only coming out to join Team Arrow as Spartan — he was arrested once again after being set up by the mysterious Prometheus. Now, thanks to Oliver, Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards), and the legal prowess of Adrian Chase (Josh Segarra), Diggle is a free man again.

Variety spoke with Ramsey about Diggle’s freedom, his trip to Russia to meet the Bratva, and more…

Has Diggle put his current trouble with the law behind him?

Yes, I think that’s a chapter that’s behind him. We’ve seen him for most of this season being incredibly introspective — especially earlier in the season when he was willing to stay in jail to continue this penance he felt he had to pay for killing his brother — but I think he’s gone through enough of this emotional repayment.

He certainly wasn’t too happy about being broken out of prison early in the season — you mentioned him feeling like he needed to sit in penance — but how is he feeling as a free man this time around?

Now it’s back down to business, and back down to what he does well — which is seeing the blindspots on the team. Before he went back to prison he was helping and bonding with Rene (Rick Gonzalez), and you’ll see that same thing happen with Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy). He’ll serve as a bit of a welcoming committee.

Will Diggle and General Walker cross paths again this season?

I think you’ll see that final chapter. Diggle’s done with putting bullets in people, and I think he wants to see real justice done to Walker.

He missed a lot of the Black Canary drama that took place in the last couple episodes because he was in prison. What’s his initial read on the newest Black Canary, Dinah?

Diggle, like he saw with Rene, sees someone in agony. There are similarities that come about, and I think he is kindred spirits with both Rene and Dinah. He trusts her, and gains her trust fairly quickly. She’s looking for a sense of normalcy, and that’s what Diggle brings.

Diggle’s been hearing about Oliver’s time in Russia since Season 1, but the upcoming episode is the first time he’s actually going there with Ollie. What is he expecting?

He’s definitely there to watch their six, but one thing about Team Arrow is there is always one person who has the blinders on, and there is someone who calls that person on it. I think that Diggle often serves in that capacity. He calls Felicity on some of the morally compromising choices that she makes, and he’s there to watch Oliver to see how far he’ll go in terms of this alliance with the Bratva.

Anatoly (David Nykl) helped get Diggle out of a Russian gulag back in Season 2. Do they meet on this trip?

He knows Anatoly and they have some interaction, but they’re on a mission and he knows these are not good people.

“Arrow” airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. on the CW.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/arrow-d ... 201981589/

- Por qué la nueva Black Canary de Arrow podría crear problemas, según David Ramsey (cinemablend):
Por qué la nueva Black Canary de Arrow podría crear problemas, según David Ramsey
Por Laura Hurley 08 Feb 2017

The Black Canary has returned to Arrow, and the latest incarnation is unlike any other Canary to hit the streets of Star City so far. Dinah Drake is actually a metahuman with a Canary Cry, and the inclusion of a superpowered hero on Team Arrow will change the scale of how the good guys can fight crime. The big question now is whether she is too much of a wild card to stand with Team Arrow against the likes of Prometheus. Actor David Ramsey plays original Team Arrow member John Diggle, and he recently spoke to CinemaBlend about how the new Black Canary will begin her life in Star City, saying this:

She's been through a heck of an experience with losing her partner/lover and living with these powers for however long she's been living since the particle accelerator. So she's just now really adjusting, she's letting go of some of that pain, and reaching out with some of that pain.

Dinah Drake was originally a cop in Central City, but she left the life of official law and order behind after the death of her partner, and she was wreaking havoc on the bad guys of Hub City when Team Arrow found her. It took the entire episode for Oliver to convince Dinah to uproot her life and join their cause in Star City, and she's clearly not going to be as easily cowed by Oliver as the other team newbies were when they joined. She isn't going to open herself up emotionally at the drop of a hat.

If Dinah opens up and reaches out at the wrong time, she could become a major liability for Team Arrow. We already saw earlier this season that Prometheus was able to play on Evelyn's vulnerabilities and recruit her; it's possible that he could find Dinah's weak spot and turn her against her new teammates. Even if she doesn't necessarily join Prometheus' cause, he could certainly do something to encourage her to go rogue, and her abilities as a metahuman mean that a rogue Black Canary would be big trouble for any who get in her way.

David Ramsey elaborated on Dinah's difficult position in Team Arrow, telling me this about her potential susceptibility moving forward:

Clearly she - if you want to call a weak link - is the weak link only by virtue of her being the newest link and kind of unsettled... So if there's anyone who could be the most influential under Prometheus' power, it would be her... But we'll have to wait and see how that plays out. We're not going to see that immediately, if it does happen. Her first step will be a sincere adjustment to the team.

No matter how Oliver and Co. welcome Dinah, she'll still be the new kid in school. Who can blame her if she can't immediately settle into the team? David Ramsey also teased that Diggle will do what he can to ease her transition in the same way that he did with Wild Dog, but that may not be enough with a supervillain like Prometheus on the loose.

The Dinah we've seen so far is a strong-willed character who has a distinct sense of right vs. wrong that transcends the rules of law and order; if she goes off the straight and narrow in Star City, Oliver and Co. will have a significantly harder time stopping her than they did Evelyn. After all, Evelyn was a teenage girl with a bow and arrows. Dinah Drake is the metahuman Black Canary, complete with Canary Cry. We'll have to wait and see if Dinah causes trouble for Oliver and Team Arrow in the rest of Season 5. It sounds like she has the best intentions with her decision to make the move to Star City; we can't know just yet if those intentions will shift the longer she stays.

Tune in to Arrow on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW to see what's next for the new Black Canary, and don't forget to check out our midseason TV premiere schedule.

http://www.cinemablend.com/television/1 ... vid-ramsey

- David Ramsey no puede esperar a que Spartan consiga regresar al campo (comicbook):
David Ramsey no puede esperar a que Spartan consiga regresar al campo
Por Russ Burlingame 08/02/2017

Tonight on Arrow, Felicity and the rest of Team Arrow make their big play to get John Diggle out of military custody -- where he's been on and off throughout the season after being framed for crimes committed by a dirty general overseas.

And it's about time, says David Ramsey, who plays Diggle on the series. He's enjoyed having a little bit of a different palette to play with as Diggle, but he's eager to get back to Team Arrow business.

"It is a cool, different challenge," Ramsey told ComicBook.com. "But it is an action show, and I do yearn to be back there with the team. There were a few times that I was but then I got imprisoned again. I do yearn for it -- I can't hide that. I love Diggle, but I am in love with Spartan. I love getting out there and kind of mixing it up with the bad guys."

Of course, once he's back in the field, that doesn't mean he won't still be dealing with some of the same issues that have been lingering from last season, when Diggle was forced to kill his brother Andy. While Andy had been essentially asking for it, and died with threats against Diggle's wife and child on his tongue, John still blames himself, thinking that without an immediate gun-to-the-head style threat to life and limb, he killed his brother essentially in cold blood.

"He's still reeling from last year, and part of what's going on with him internally is still trying to cope with the choices that he's made," Ramsey said. And those kinds of choices are not going to be totally out of his purview, either, with Felicity potentially compromising herself to get him out of prison.

That's something that won't sit right with Diggle at all, Ramsey admitted.

"Diggle is probably the most principled of these characters, particularly on Team Arrow, right up there with Felicity," Ramsey said. "I think when he sees Felicity compromising her own morality, it's reminiscent of what he had to do last year, and of course he calls her on it....He sees himself as the protector of the team, and he wants to protect her from entering that dark side, which he has. Oliver lives there. And Felicity has always been the one that didn't have to go there; Oliver and Diggle kind of went there to get the edge, and Felicity didn't have to. At least that's what he felt."

On top of what she's already had to do, Felicity aligning herself with Helix is an obviously, predictably terrible idea, but one that Ramsey says other members of the team will see somewhat more clearly than Felicity, who demonstrated last week that she kind of misses being who she was before Team Arrow happened. Diggle, who has had recent experience with betrayal and conspiracy, smells something foul with the group right away.

"John has a leg up on that, in terms of being able to see," Ramsey said. "We're always playing with those themes on this show: when the characters really have a strong, emotional attachment to a choice, they can't see clearly the other side. So that's where the other team members come in and say, as Felicity said about Oliver last week, 'blinders.' And Felicity will have her own blinders that John will call her on....That's part of a running theme of this show, and that's part of why the team works so well is that certain members of the team can see the blind spots."

http://comicbook.com/2017/02/08/arrows- ... nto-the-f/

- David Ramsey sobre el contínuo remordimiento de Diggle sobre Laurel (comicbook):
David Ramsey sobre el contínuo remordimiento de Diggle sobre Laurel
Por Jenna Anderson 08/02/2017

If you still haven't gotten over Laurel Lance's tragic death in the fourth season of Arrow, it sounds like you might be in good company.

David Ramsey, who plays John Diggle/Spartan on the show, recently addressed the feeling of regret that his character continues to have about the death of Laurel (Katie Cassidy).
david ramsey diggle laurel

"None of us will really get a true chance to redeem Laurel, because she's gone." Ramsey told ComicBook.com. "But the characters are still reeling from that, particularly Oliver and Diggle."

While Laurel did seem to have returned in the show's midseason premiere, she was revealed to be Laurel's evil Earth-2 doppleganger, Black Siren. In the end of the episode, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) decided to keep Black Siren locked in ARGUS custody, with the hope that she will redeem herself and end up being more like Earth-1 Laurel.

Diggle remained inside jail - where his character has been serving time after being framed for crimes committed by a dirty general overseas - for the entirety of the episode. But Ramsey said that the weight of that decision, and the themes of that episode, were felt with his character. ""Oliver clearly was dealing with that with the return of Laurel, aka Black Siren, of just that opportunity of redemption. Diggle didn't get that chance, obviously."

Diggle and Laurel often worked together throughout the course of the show, both as members of Team Arrow and as civilians. Laurel even used her experience with resurrected siblings - her sister Sara has cheated death several times, after all - to help console Diggle when his brother Andy (Eugene Byrd) miraculously returned from the dead as an underling of Damien Darhk.

According to Ramsey, the John/Andy dynamic - particularly John's reluctance to kill his brother - and the subsequent effect it had on Laurel's death, are still sticking with his character in this current season. "He's still reeling from last year. And part of what's going on with him internally is still trying to cope with the choices that he made."

Nevertheless, Ramsey hinted that in this season, Diggle's regret has and will continue to affect his performance on the show. "Even though it's more internal as an actor," he explained, "there's still a certain amount of weight behind those choices."

http://comicbook.com/2017/02/09/arrows- ... ut-laurel/

- David Ramsey sobre el por qué Diggle no ha descubierto la identidad de Prometheus (comicbook):
David Ramsey sobre el por qué Diggle no ha descubierto la identidad de Prometheus
Por Jenna Anderson 08/02/2017

The biggest question of the fifth season of Arrow has been "Who is Prometheus?" Much like past seasons of their sister show, The Flash, Arrow has chosen to keep the identity of their big bad a secret.

With anticipation about the villain's identity only growing, many will wonder which member of Team Arrow is first to uncover the secret. And with John Diggle/Spartan recently freed from prison, he seems like a likely candidate.

David Ramsey, who plays Diggle, says that although his character has an extensive military background, he too will have issues with discovering Prometheus' identity.

"Well, it's not [easy for Diggle]." Ramsey pointed out, hinting that his time in jail, as well as the weight of his past decisions, might be the cause of that.

"Not to say his mind's not in the game, but I think his mind is making it in and out of the game. If had to point to a reason as why he didn't put it together, I would say that's probably the reason. I think Diggle is dealing with a lot of things this season. The new team, the regret, in and out of prison, his wife, his child, Flashpoint, alien abduction. So there's been a few things that have taken him out of the game."

Ramsey did hint that fans will be able to see an altercation between Diggle and Prometheus in upcoming episodes.

"There's a moment between Prometheus and John that we haven't seen yet. And we talked about it, me and the writers. And it ends up being physical to some degree. Keeping the fact that Diggle, even though obviously, we have to keep that big fight between [Oliver Queen] and Prometheus, that [Diggle] is still a character. So we didn't want him completely thrashed by Prometheus, but for him to sort of remain a real threat. We talked about things like that, and it's a great scene, it ended up being very very good as we kinda ironed that out."

And according to Ramsey, Diggle's involvement in that fight scene is similar to how Diggle ultimately handles the mystery of Prometheus' identity. "You can also make that same sort of comparison, in terms of finding out who Prometheus is and putting all of the pieces together."

http://comicbook.com/2017/02/09/arrow-d ... rometheus/

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
