"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 3.16 "Into the Speed Force":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.18 "Abra Kadabra":
3.18 "Abra Kadabra" (28/03/17): EL PERSONAJE DE DC COMICS ABRA KADABRA VISITA CENTRAL CITY – The Flash (Grant Gustin) lucha contra Abra Kadabra (la estrella invitada David Dastmalchian), un villano de Tierra-19, quien le hace una tentadora oferta – que le libere y Abra Kadara le revelará la verdadera identidad de Savitar. Desesperado por salvar a Iris (Candice Patton), Barry considera el aceptar el trato pero Gypsy (la estrella invitada Jessica Camacho) abre una brecha para capturar al villano por sus propias razones y durante la pelea, Abra Kadabra se las arregla para escapar. Barry está furioso de que Gypsy interfiriera pero Gypsy se niega a dar marcha atrás, obligando a Cisco (Carlos Valdes) a elegir bando. Mientras tanto, Julian (Tom Felton) está aun un poco frío hacia Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) pero cuando ella es herida gravemente en una pelea con Gypsy, él corre a su lado. Nina Lopez-Corrado dirige el episodio con historia de Andrew Kreisberg y guión de Brooke Roberts & David Kob (#318).

http://flashtvnews.com/the-flash-spoile ... tion/28213

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Grant Gustin adelanta una dura charla de los enemigos caídos y amigos, conserva la esperanza para el futuro de 'WestAllen' (TVLine):
Grant Gustin adelanta una dura charla de los enemigos caídos y amigos, conserva la esperanza para el futuro de 'WestAllen'
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 12 Marzo 2017, 8:00 AM PDT

Desperate times call for desperate measures, so this Tuesday on The Flash (The CW, 8/7), Barry Allen will again become one with the Speed Force in a bid to rescue Wally, who involuntarily traded places with the long-imprisoned Savitar.

Of course, the first time Barry (accidentally) merged with the Speed Force — in last May’s Kevin Smith-directed “The Runaway Dinosaur” — he was met by the faces of people he trusted and loved. Here, the avatars include the late Leonard Snart, Eddie Thawne and Ronnie Raymond (played by series alumni Wentworth Miller, Rick Cosnett and Robbie Amell).

Previewing this return trip, Flash star Grant Gustin tells TVLine, “Because we did it last year, I think Barry went in knowing what to expect, more or less — but then it is not the same experience.”

Indeed, Snart et all will present Barry with some tough talk as he labors to save Wally from the torturous hell that drove Savitar mad, over and over again.

The number they do on Barry’s psyche is “a pretty drastic one,” Gustin forewarns. “But it’s harder on Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale), actually, and that’s why Barry goes in to get him. Wally is being put through emotional turmoil that only Barry can understand. They manipulate Barry a bit differently than they did last year.”

But also like last time, there are invaluable lessons for Barry to learn by way of this incredible crucible. Ones that might even nudge him toward a solution for the Savitar crisis that has stymied Team Flash. “[Eddie and the others] are ultimately trying to help him, even if it means teaching him a lesson in a very tough way, or throwing him a bone.”

Hey, maybe they can offer Barry some love life advice while they’re at it? Seeing as things just went a bit sideways after it came to light that he proposed to Iris (Candice Patton) not purely out of love, but as his latest attempt to alter the future — and thus avert her grisly murder at Savitar’s hand.

“I actually liked the proposal!” Gustin contends with a laugh. “I thought it was really pretty. It was hard to be like, ‘Annnnnd this is where were going next with the storyline.’ I was like, ‘We just did the proposal and it was great!”

Regardless, this is where we are now, thanks to petulant Wally’s outburst upon glimpsing the near-future. Surveying “WestAllen’s” dis-engaged status, Gustin says, “Initially, it’s kind of weird. We don’t exactly know what we’re doing. [But we will] we try to figure things out.”

In the meantime, Savitar looms largest in the scarlet speedster’s mind. “Barry is trying to stay focused on stopping Savitar, stopping this destiny that he refuses to accept.”

Is there a future scenario where Barry dares to pop the question anew? What all would need to be different for him to risk heartbreak again?

“The circumstances don’t even need to change,” Gustin ventures. “There’s a lot going on right now that is literally life-or-death, and I think that is clouding everything and getting in the way of their relationship. All of the relationships are kind of in a weird place right now, just because everyone is scared. I think [Barry and Iris] just need to find some clarity. They need to trust their love, and be brave enough to believe in the relationship.”

https://tvline.com/2017/03/12/the-flash ... en-future/

- ¿Quién puede salvar a Iris en 'The Flash'? Candice Patton tiene la mejor respuesta (tvinsider):
¿Quién puede salvar a Iris en 'The Flash'? Candice Patton tiene la mejor respuesta
Por Damian Holbrook 13 Marzo, 2017 6:00 pm

Ever since Barry (Grant Gustin) slipped through time and saw god of speed Savitar slaughtering his true love, Iris (Candice Patton), The Flash has been all about changing the future to save her life. So far, nothing has worked. Even a full-on gorilla battle royale and an ill-advised marriage proposal haven't kept our girl from being run-through by the Transformer-lookin' baddie. Honestly, it's starting to look a little bleak...especially since the producers haven't even clued Patton into what lies ahead for her character!

"No, they didn't tell me," she confesses with a laugh. "I have no idea and it's a little alarming. I think I know, but you never really know. I am just in the dark as the audience so it will be really interesting to see if Team Flash can pull it off. I'm hoping they can, because I need a job."

The CW has just released your first look at Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist from the #SuperFlash musical episode!

Adding that she loves how Iris has evolved since learning of her potential demise—"they did a really great job this year of giving Iris so many levels, she's genuinely in fear for her life...and we've also seen her being kind of reckless about her future knowing that, if she's not going to die until May, she's can't die today"—Patton sees the chance for more growth as time runs out. "Hopefully, we'll see a version of Iris who gets the strength to be part of saving her own life, to be a part of the narrative that ensures her safety," she offers. "How cool would that be? She is a very capable woman, so how great would it be for a character like Iris, who has no superpowers, to be part of her own destiny?"

It would pretty much be the greatest, right, Flash fans?!

The Flash, Tuesdays, 8/7c, The CW

https://www.tvinsider.com/137598/iris-t ... interview/

- Barry está dispuesto a hacer el último sacrificio (EW):
Barry está dispuesto a hacer el último sacrificio
Por Natalie Abrams 13 Marzo, 2017 at 6:29pm EDT

Desperate to save Wally’s (Keiynan Lonsdale) life after he was trapped in the Speed Force by Savitar, Barry (Grant Gustin) returns to what’s basically an extra-dimensional energy that gives speedsters their powers with every intention of taking Kid Flash’s place.

“Barry was so busy trying to save Iris he didn’t realize it was Wally he should have been protecting,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW. “That’s going to lead Barry to risk everything to go into the Speed Force to get him back, but someone always has to be trapped in the Speed Force prison. So the question in that episode becomes: Is Barry going to sacrifice himself for Wally, and how are they going to get Wally out?”

The answer to the former: If Barry has his way, yes. “He’s willing to make the ultimate sacrifice when he enters the Speed Force,” Gustin says. “Barry is willing and wants to stay and replace Wally in the Speed Force forever. He thinks it’s what he deserves, to spend the rest of eternity in the Speed Force.”

While “Into the Speed Force” serves as a semi-sequel to last season’s Kevin Smith-directed episode “The Runaway Dinosaur,” this trip into the Speed Force will be very different. If Barry’s last journey there was like going to heaven — in which the entity took on the form of friendly faces like Joe (Jesse L. Martin), Iris (Candice Patton), and his parents Henry (John Wesley Shipp) and Nora (Michelle Harrison) — this time around, it’s more like going to hell. Barry will be facing those he feels like he’s failed, including Ronnie (Robbie Amell) and Eddie (Rick Cosnett).

“The Speed Force takes a little bit more of an aggressive approach with Barry just because of choices that have been made since the end of season 2 leading up to where we’re at now,” Gustin says. “They use different characters that will get under Barry’s skin in a different way, but also they’re just not quite as understanding anymore because of how many decisions Barry has made that have affected time and affected the timeline. So it’s a pretty different Speed Force experience than last year.”

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/13/flash-barry ... sacrifice/

- Candice Patton sopesa la ruptura del compromiso 'WestAllen' y adelanta un 'apasionante' papel musical (TVLine):
Candice Patton sopesa la ruptura del compromiso 'WestAllen' y adelanta un 'apasionante' papel musical
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 14 Marzo 2017, 6:00 AM PDT

They’ll always have… noodles?

On The CW’s The Flash (airing Tuesdays at 8/7c), Iris’ engagement ended in a jiffy when it came to light that Barry popped the question in part to stop the future in which his longtime love gets slain by Savitar.

Having previously shared Grant Gustin’s take on the sad twist, TVLine also chatted up Candice Patton during our visit to the set, where she assayed Iris’ emotions, shared the West family’s torment over Wally’s situation and teased fun times ahead in the March 20 musical episode featuring Supergirl cast.

TVLINE | That was kind of a bush league move from Wally there, returning from “the future” and blabbing about Barry’s motivation for proposing.
I know. I guess it depends on who you ask. He’s trying to stick up for his sister, obviously, but he did throw Barry completely under the bus. He then got in the bus, drove it, ran back over Barry a bit…. Yeah.

TVLINE | What was important to you about that heart-to-heart between Iris and Barry? Where she said he should have proposed purely out of love…
“…and not because you’re afraid for me.” Say what you will, I think everybody is kind of rooting for “WestAllen,” but I think Iris has a legitimate concern and fear. No woman or man wants to be proposed to out of fear. I mean, to save your life is a huge thing, but you want your marriage to be based in love. So Iris is going to need some time to think about it, if this is the right thing to do.

TVLINE | I thought it was a great scene in that it walked these fine lines, where you wanted to make sure she did feel appreciated, that she wasn’t dismissing the gesture wholesale. She just wanted it properly contextualized.
Exactly. Iris isn’t saying that she doesn’t love Barry. She very much does. But she wants the engagement to be everything a woman dreams of — that it’s real and romantic and based in love.

TVLINE | She did get noodles out of it.
She did get noodles out of it.

TVLINE | Are there actual noodles…?
[Sadly] No. I’ve never smelt Grandma Esther’s noodles, so I can’t tell you if they’re actually good or not.

TVLINE | How do you think the circumstances would need to be different for Barry to even think about proposing again?
I think he’s got to be genuine, first of all. Not that he isn’t genuine, but he needs to make Iris assured that obviously he wants to save her but that he wants to be with her because he loves her, and she’s the only person he wants to be with.

TVLINE | How are the Wests coping after Wally got sucked into the Speed Force?
They’re devastated. The thought of losing a family member, especially for the Wests and for Barry, is horrific. We’ve lost so many people. We lost [Iris and Wally’s mother] Francine just last season, so the thought of Wally being trapped somewhere and us not being able to get to him is really devastating. We’re going to see them grapple with that in this next episode.

TVLINE | My readers are repeatedly asking: Are we going to see Iris doing anything to investigative the Savitar thing, to kind of help her own cause?
No. [Laughs] I know, I know fans are constantly wanting to see Iris do more investigative work and to use her reporter skills to further the narrative that’s happening this season with Savitar. Maybe next season we’ll see more of that.

TVLINE | The producers told me that Iris plays a huge role in the musical crossover with Supergirl (airing Tuesday, March 21).
Yeah! I saw that article, and I didn’t really think of it that way, but yeah, she’s a big part of it because this is her first crossover ever. Although I don’t thinks she’s technically crossing over….

TVLINE | She’s being “crossed over” [by some Supergirl cast].
She’s being “crossed over,” yeah. We get to see Iris as a completely different character — new name, new everything. Barry is whammied by the Music Meister and both him and Kara are in this dream-like state where they envision a world where… Iris is this fast-talking, brash daughter of a mobster. It’s a wig that we put on, and I was very much inspired by [Dick Tracy‘s] Breathless Mahoney. It’s just fun for us to do something different, because Iris usually has that “girl next door” thing going on. Even the sets we’re in are so glamorous and kind of 1940s-style. It’s really fun.

http://tvline.com/2017/03/14/the-flash- ... l-episode/

- Candice Patton sobre la creciente pelea de Barry e Iris (Variety):
Candice Patton sobre la creciente pelea de Barry e Iris
Por Jacob Bryant 14 Marzo, 2017 | 11:23AM PT

“The Flash” has been putting the team through the wringer this season, and none moreso than Iris West (Candice Patton).

After accidentally travelling to the near future and watching Savitar murder Iris, Barry (Grant Gustin) has been working to change the future to stop what he saw from happening. Last week, Iris watched her brother Wally (Keiynan Lonsdale) — who Barry was training to stop Savitar — get stuck in the Speed Force, and learned that Barry’s marriage proposal happened mainly because there wasn’t a ring on her hand in the future Barry saw. A rift between the power couple grew as Iris broke off the engagement.

“The tension between Barry and Iris has much more to do with their relationship and their future,” Patton told Variety about whether the rift has more to do with losing Wally or the engagement. “They’re both devastated and depressed at the nature of where their relationship is headed.”

Patton also said that Iris’ choice about the engagement will be solidified in this week’s episode.

“Next episode, Barry goes into the Speed Force to find Wally and try to bring him out — and you see Iris fearing for both Barry and Wally wondering if they’ll get out — and I think Barry being gone makes Iris kind of question her decision on holding off on the engagement,” Patton said. “We’ll see her really struggle with her decision, and by the end of the episode we’ll see her make a choice about whether to move forward with her decision.”

But it isn’t all doom and gloom ahead for Team Flash. In two weeks, “The Flash” and “Supergirl” will have a musical mini-crossover that finds the titular heroes “whammied” by the Music Meister (Darren Criss) and enter a dream-like state. Patton teased how Iris will factor into the event.

“You’ll see two versions of Iris in the episode,” she said. “The Iris that we know and love, and a person they [Barry and Kara (Melissa Benoist)] think is Iris but is actually a completely different character named Millie. She’s the sassy daughter of two gangsters — played Victor Garber and Jessie Martin — and she’s madly in love with Mon-El’s character (‘Supergirl’s’ Chris Wood), whose name is Tommy. They’re fighting for their love, because both of their families do not want them to be together.”

“The Flash” airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on the CW.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/the-fla ... 202008785/

- Darren Criss da detalles sobre el cruel nuevo villano (EW):
Darren Criss da detalles sobre el cruel nuevo villano
Por Natalie Abrams - 16 Marzo, 2017 at 12:00pm EDT

“Yay musicals! This is fun!”

Darren Criss is trying to hype the 20+ dancers assembled for one of The Flash–Supergirl musical crossover’s most epic moments, a giant dance number set in a ’40s nightclub to Jackie DeShannon’s “Put a Little Love in Your Heart.”

The Glee alum has reunited with former costars and classmates to play the Music Meister, a dastardly villain who causes his victims to break into song — a role first made famous when Neil Patrick Harris voiced the character during an episode of Batman: The Brave and the Bold.

During the crossover, however, the Meister sets his sights on The Flash (Grant Gustin) and Supergirl (Melissa Benoist), trapping them in an alternate reality movie musical in which their only means of escape is to play through the Meister’s script, complete with singing and dancing. EW hit the set to get Criss’ take on entering the world of singing superheroes (check out photos here, and get more scoop here).

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What was it like getting to reunite with Grant and Melissa?
DARREN CRISS: Well that is very exciting, but this whole episode has been a personal crossover episode for me because it’s not just the Glee thing — which is obviously a big factor because Melissa, Grant, and Zach Woodlee is our choreographer, who was our choreographer on Glee — it’s a reunion of many sorts because I went to college with Carlos Valdes. Last time we worked together was a show called Me and My Dick, which was a big hit for us. That was years ago. I haven’t seen him since he got this TV gig, so that has been really special to see all my worlds collide, college and Glee. Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, who are my friends from Michigan as well, who also knew Carlos, they wrote an original song for this, which is the final song that Grant sings, and they also know Grant from another life. I know Chris Wood on Supergirl went to college with Grant. They did, like, Kiss Me, Kate” together in college. There are so many threads that weave in and out of all of our lives that have led us here. Beyond Glee, it’s been a very sentimental crossover on so many levels and every day, every scene my mind is being blown. I can’t believe I’m here with Melissa Benoist and Carlos Valdes. “How do you guys even know each other? Oh, that’s right you’re both superheroes!” It’s been just mind-blowing to be around all these folks that I’ve known for a while.

When you were being cast as the Music Meister, what did they tell you about the character?
Nothing. Let me know if you know anything. [Laughs] He’s a Meister. He’s sort of a stinker. They’ve let me play that up a little bit. A lot of people have been asking me, “What villain are you playing?” I’m like, “He’s not really a villain, he’s more just kind of an a–hole.” They let me run loose a little bit as far as being silly and goofy with the character, and I push it a little too far and they’re like, “Make sure to dial back a little bit,” because I’m trying to keep it in the tone of the world. But he’s definitely a goofy — a meister. Here, let me look up right now. Hold on. Watch this. I’m going to ask Siri. Hey Siri, what is the definition of the word meister?

[A British male version of Siri responds: “I found this on the web for ‘What is the definition of the word meister?'”]

I was hoping he would read it. “One who has knowledge about something specified, often used in combination…” Oh, he’s like a smart person. Okay. I’ve always thought of the word meister as, like, a trickster guy, I guess because there’s “ster” in it. But yeah he’s sort of a goofball that has some ulterior motives for the characters in the show. I don’t want to give away too much.

When you got the role, did you go back and watch the animated episode in which Neil Patrick Harris voiced the Music Meister?
Of course. I remember when that episode came out because I was a fan of Brave and the Bold. That episode is so good. It’s the best musical superhero episode. If Buffy is like the benchmark of a really good musical genre, that one’s really up there, too. It’s really fun. The music’s really good. Anyway, I don’t have as colorful of a wardrobe as the one that Neil got to voice. I wish I did, but that’s the fun thing about animation versus TV.

I have made a pretty decent career of only taking over roles as made famous by famous child stars. Daniel Radcliffe, so I did a Harry Potter musical, and then I took over for him on Broadway [in How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying], and then Doogie Howser, Neil Patrick Harris, did Hedwig, so I did Hedwig, and he did the Music Meister, so I did that. So yeah when they do the Doogie Howser reboot, I’ll step in there. I’ll be too old, but I’ll be an old Doogie Howser. It has to be a role that he did, so when they reboot the Smurfs movie… [Laughs]

On Glee, Grant threw a slushie in your face. Are you finally getting your vengeance on him now?
I forgot about that. No. First of all, you can print that I totally forgot about that because everything on that show is such a blur at this point — flash, if you will; not really, those are two different things. [Laughs] But it is funny that the last time I worked with Grant he was the bad guy and he was singing at me, and now I’m the bad guy singing at him. So I wouldn’t call that payback, but definitely a full circle moment.

Talk about what the prep has been like for this episode.
It’s TV, there’s no prep. I mean it’s just Glee. It was just Glee in Vancouver in CW-DC Universe. It’s just getting back in the saddle. Thank god that I’ve done this a lot before with Zach, so he knows my own learning curve. We’ve been dancing all day and I’ve been extremely mad at myself because it’s been the first time in a long time where I haven’t been able to do choreography the way I want. But it’s nice to know that having done Glee for many years, the things I used to get mad about I can go “Oh…” For instance, there’s a bunch of stuff that I can’t seem to get right, but I go, “Even if I did get it right, they’ll never use it.” I learned that on Glee. That kind of lets me loosen my grip on trying to be perfect all the time, as a guest on a show like this where singing and dancing isn’t even necessarily the main component.

What was that first moment stepping on set for your first music number like? Were you nervous?
No. No. I mean you don’t get nervous for musical numbers because you just do them. I will say on the flip side there’s a much more interesting point: For most people, doing an episode like this, what’s so fun is that you get to sing and dance and for a lot of the fans that know a lot of these actors from the theatre work — a lot of people in DC-CW universe are seasoned theatre vets — the fans that do know this have been waiting to see them do this, and there’s people that don’t know that they can do this. It’s really cool to be able to watch those people finally get to do that again. So for them it’s exciting because they get to do the thing that they’re good at, their true superpowers, so to speak. But for me, because I do it so much and it’s the main thing I did on a TV show for so long, I’ve been looking forward to doing the stuff that they do every day, which is all the action stuff — throwing punches, taking punches, and flying through the air. That, to me, is fun. I’m an athletic person. I’m not a dancer. I had to learn how to dance and use whatever athleticism I have to be as convincing of a dancer as possible. But to me doing all that fun action stuff is something I’ve always wanted to do, so that’s been the most exciting thing about this entire process.

Had you watched the DC-CW shows before?
Of course. Duh. You kidding me? No question. Of course, I’ve watched these shows.

Are you a big superhero fan?
Yes. Duh. Of course. What’s wrong with you? [Laughs]

Who’s your favorite superhero then?
When I was a kid, Daredevil was my favorite because my name’s Darren and that was my nickname. I’ve been really happy with what the TV world has done for a lot of these superheroes, and being able to tell their stories in long form, as comic books do, because it isn’t always about one villain, one movie, one story line. The tale of superheroes is a long one, from origin stories to love stories. There’s so many different things that happen for superheroes. I enjoy seeing all these different villains. I mean all villains are kind of silly, but The Flash has some really silly villains, so I’ve enjoyed seeing them come to life on TV and done really well. I remember when The Flash became a show and I was like, “Oh, what are they going to do, have Gorilla Grodd come out? How are they going to do that on TV?” And they did a great job. I was really impressed.

Had you wanted to come on the show and play a villain?
Yeah. I was wondering why everybody else I knew had been on the show but me. My other buddy from Michigan, Andy Mientus, was a bad guy on this show and after he got the show I was like, “This is just ridiculous. Everybody I know is on the show but me.” So now I know why — they saved it for a really special one.

What’s been the hardest part about doing the musical?
Nothing. I mean, right now, f—ing up is one thing, but that’s just my own problem. I don’t want to say there’s nothing not hard about it. I almost sound like a jerk being so cocksure about what I’m doing because I’m not, obviously. It’s hard not to constantly freak out that all these people in your life are together doing this show. It’s really bizarre. I can’t articulate that more. Your friend from grade school is hanging out with a bar with [your partner] and you’re like, “What? How do you guys even f—ing know each other? What? These are two different things. They’re compartmentalized in different boxes in my brain. How are you interacting?” That’s literally what it’s like for me. It’s special, but it takes a second. “We’re in Vancouver shooting what? Where Supergirl’s doing what? What? What?” It’s all madness.

Is it also fun for you to work in this ’40s atmosphere?
Yeah. It’s fun. I mean, I don’t want to throw anybody under the bus, but we’re in ’40s gear singing a song from the early ’70s. [Laughs] Then again, it’s a musical and superheroes — not everything has to make perfect sense. It’s always fun to dress up and dance a little bit. I certainly never got to wear this kind of an outfit and dance around, so that’s a new thing that I’m excited about. This [giant tie] will definitely be making a comeback in the next two years. I guarantee it. This show’s the first place.

We know that Music Meister survives his run-in with the Girl of Steel and Scarlet Speedster because of the future headlines, in which the villain lands a six-figure book deal.
Oh, nice. I didn’t know that. That’s awesome. I’m actually kind of scandalized that it wasn’t an eight-figure deal.

Do these future headlines mean you will return?
I certainly hope so. I would love to be able to — if I put this out there I’m going to jinx it. This happened so fast, and as much as I’m thrilled to be singing any song, I would have liked to have written some songs. In fact, I knew about this gig because — this is another crossover connection, but it’s a big part of why I had to do this episode — my buddies Benj and Justin from Michigan, who also know Carlos because we all wrote music in college, we were all in the same program; I was in a slightly different program, but I still knew them and idolized them in college. So Benj has always been a pal of mine and I was asking him a few things. I was like, “Oh, are you going to get that EGOT in one year?” And I was like, “Oh, you have to get a gig.” He’s like, “I’m doing a Supergirl episode.” I was like, “What? Do they have songs for that? There’s a musical crossover episode, right? Are they still collecting songs?” He’s like, “I think they’re already done.” Like, “S—, I guess I missed my opportunity. F—. Well, I better see if I can at least be in it.” To me, if anybody else did this role, I would have had to throw a hissy fit. Getting to hang out with Carlos, getting to be in an episode where my buddy’s music is featured for which they may or may not win an EGOT for in one year, to be with my Glee friends that I haven’t seen in years since they’ve had successes in these shows, to watch somebody else do that, I wouldn’t have been able to handle that. So yeah, it’s a reunion on many, many levels and I’m so f—ing happy to be here. So we need more. To answer your question, I would love that. I almost don’t want to say it, because I don’t want to jinx it, but I want to come back. I’m not done — then I’ll have my true payback!

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/16/flash-super ... c-meister/

- El 'Dúo' de Flash con Supergirl: Las estrellas de las series adelantan amantes mezclados musicalmente, una 'Bella' Balada y más (TVLine):
El 'Dúo' de Flash con Supergirl: Las estrellas de las series adelantan amantes mezclados musicalmente, una 'Bella' Balada y más
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 17 Marzo 2017, 9:30 AM PDT

The proverbial fat lady is about to sing — again — as Grant Gustin readies to reshoot a climactic scene from The Flash‘s musical crossover with Supergirl (titled “Duet” and airing Tuesday, March 21 at 8/7).

Having spent much of the day filming an episode that airs later in Season 3, Gustin has kicked off Barry’s trademark sneaks and suited back up in a tux-and-tails. He now is laying supine on the ground, exposed to the elements of a typically cold, very late Vancouver-adjacent night, annnnd… that is about all we can reveal about the intense moment. Because, you know, superspoilers!

But worry not, there is much TVLine can share about the CW hit’s imminent mash-up, which before it wows viewers first had to pass muster with its most discerning critics: a musically gifted cast.


“Honestly, I can be a bit of a pedant when it comes to musical theater because it’s kind of my lifeblood. I went to school for it,” The Flash‘s Carlos Valdes shared during our recent visit to the set. Specifically, he participated in the University of Michigan’s theater programs alongside Glee grad Darren Criss — who just so happens to be playing the villain Music Meister in this #DCTV event.

But when all was said and done, Cisco’s portrayer added, “The concept of the episode is very quirky, and very fun. I was pleasantly surprised. We executed it well!”

Valdes’ on-camera reunion with an old classmate is far from the only coincidence brought on by this special occasion. Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, who cowrote La La Land‘s Academy Award-winning “City of Stars” and contributed a ballad to this episode, also attended the University of Flash Supergirl MusicalMichigan… and have known series lead Gustin ever since they met his 19-year-old self during a visit to Elon University, where they were conducting a workshop. The Flash‘s Jesse L. Martin meanwhile has been friends with returning guest star Victor Garber (Legends of Tomorrow) “for well over 20 years,” yet this marked the first time they have sung together.

“I got to work with my old pal and sing some beautiful songs,” Martin said, smiling. “That was one of my favorite moments.”

Add in the Glee of it all — like Criss, Gustin and Supergirl star Melissa Benoist previously starred on Fox’s musical dramedy — and you almost wonder how this episode didn’t come together sooner. But what brings about this out-of-the-ordinary, sure-to-be-extraordinary outing?


For never was a story of more woe. Than this of Iris West, and her… Mon-El? At the close of Supergirl‘s Monday episode, the Music Meister materializes in National City to unleash a “whammy” on Kara (played by Benoist)Flash Supergirl Musical. When Mon-El and Hank Henshaw (Supergirl‘s Chris Wood and David Harewood) lug the comatose Girl of Steel to Central City for help, Criss’ baddie puts the same hurt on Barry, landing both of the heroes in a dream-like state populated by friend-ly strangers.

Per Candice Patton, “Barry and Kara envision this world where Iris’ character and Mon-El’s character” — named Millie and Tommy — “are very, very deeply in love with each other. And that obviously throws them off, because those are their love interests.” Millie, the “fast-talking, brash daughter of a mobster,” and Tommy are “fighting for their love, because their families don’t want them to be together,” the actress added.

All of which leads to an important lesson to be taught to Barry and Kara, as they navigate this musically delicious world. “Music Meister is almost a sadistic, wannabe Cupid,” Supergirl‘s Jeremy Jordan observed. “His way of telling a love story is by putting you in a trance Flash Supergirl Musicaland making you fight your way out.”

Playing one of Millie’s two dads (alongside Garber), Martin noted, “That’s one of the cool things about [The Flash] — just when you think you’ve settled into the character that you’d originally been given, all of a sudden they find a way to give you something else to do.” Jordan similarly has (as he put it) a “Wizard of Oz-like” counterpart, playing the musical director for a 1940s-era club. “He’s very bossy,” he reported with a laugh, citing the un-Winn-like qualities. “I also gave him a superfun Jimmy Stewart-meets-turn-of-the-century New Yorker accent.”


Amid this tale of mixed-and-matched loves and friendly-but-strange faces, what exactly can viewers expect on the musical front?

As seen above, Valdes teams with Criss, Jordan (on piano) and Legends‘ John Barrowman to “Put a Little Love in Your Heart,” which the Flash fave describes with a laugh as “gratuitous, literally three high tenors and John Barrowman screaming for their lives!” Martin and Garber’s aforementioned duet is titled “More I Cannot Wish You,” while Gustin and Benoist celebrate being “Super Friends” in a tune penned for the crossover by Crazy Ex-Girlfriend creator/star Rachel Bloom.

Though Gustin and Benoist, both hailing from Glee, are no strangers to TV dance numbers, there were still a few nerves. “Grant and Melissa were both worried about it, and yet having such a great time,” Martin shared of the peek he sneaked of the twosome’s impeccably attired tap routine (see photo below). “They were literally going for it, and I was super glad to see that. It was absolutely fantastic.”

The most emotional piece of the five-song playlist, though, stands to be “Runnin’ Home to You,” the original song from La La Land‘s Pasek and Paul. “Beautiful” is the word both Patton and Valdes used to describe Barry’s ballad, while Gustin himself singled out his friends’ tune as his favorite moment of the hour.


Of all the incredible talent assembled on- and off-screen for “Duet,” Gustin gives the biggest props to a Flash crew that kept everyone energized throughout such an involved shoot and so late into the season, when even the biggest pros start Run, Barry, Run!ning on fumes.

“Coming from musical theater and knowing what it takes to do a production number, and also coming from Glee and knowing what it takes to do a production number with cameras and that many people, and then knowing it’s not something that’s normal for us… it was a challenge, which I expected,” Gustin acknowledged. “But what I didn’t expect — and what was really cool — was how the crew really kept me going throughout the experience.

“We did one of the most challenging episodes we’ve ever done at one of the harder parts of the season, but the crew was just thrilled because they had never seen, I think, the types of things we did on set,” Gustin went on. “A lot of these people have been in the industry for decades, and they’ve never worked on a musical of any kind. So it was cool, especially for actors they know to be, oh, singing and dancing! They were having the time of their life, and that kept me going, like being on stage.”

http://tvline.com/2017/03/17/flash-supe ... stin-cast/

- Melissa Benoist sobre el cambiar el supertraje por la ropa vintage (EW):
Melissa Benoist sobre el cambiar el supertraje por la ropa vintage
Por Natalie Abrams - Marzo 17, 2017 a las 3:03pm EDT

While her costars are dressed to the nines, dancing in a ’40s-set nightclub for an epic ensemble number, Melissa Benoist snaps a photo of her Supergirl cohort Jeremy Jordan playing the piano on a screen in video village. The Girl of Steel has arrived on set after multiple long nights tap dancing her heart out with Grant Gustin, but she boisterously cheers when the take comes to a close.

Later lamenting she was born in the wrong era, Benoist has returned to set in a vintage black dress — she’ll eventually suit up in a striking gold one for the climax of the tap number “Super Friend,” co-written by Crazy Ex-Girlfriend‘s Rachel Bloom. Benoist, who broke out on the hit musical series Glee, is in her element, and it’s why she was beyond ecstatic when the musical crossover between The Flash and Supergirl finally came to fruition.

EW sat down with the actress on set to get her take on returning to her musical roots.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How did you feel when you first found out about the musical episode?
MELISSA BENOIST: I was really excited from day 1, like rumors and inklings of it that I’d heard, I was always down, always was excited about it. So now that it’s actually happening, it’s really exciting.

What was that prep like for the episode?
We didn’t have much prep. It honestly felt a lot like some of the Glee episodes we did where it was like, “Okay, we’re doing this thing, we have a week, and here are the songs, and now we dance the day we’re shooting it!” I like that energy. That’s the way it should be, and that’s how it feels when you’re doing a musical onstage sometimes.

How much time do you think you spent learning choreography?
Not as much as you would think. Grant and I had a couple-hour rehearsal, and then we don’t have to dance in this big number [“Put a Little Love in Your Heart”]. We tap dance together, and I think when you learn tap, it’s funny how things stay in your muscle memory. It was fun to pick it back up again and see your body and be like, “Oh, we remember how to do this. That’s weird.”

Does it feel like doing an episode of Glee again?
Yeah, especially with Darren [Criss] here, and we have Zach Woodlee, who was the choreographer on Glee, so it does feel like this little reunion. When you’re doing a musical number, there is a certain feeling I remember having on Glee, when I worked on the show. That immediately came back.

What was it like getting to reunite with Darren?
I could not be happier that he’s here. He’s killing this role. He’s bringing such a fun energy to set, the way he did on Glee as well. We interacted quite a bit on Glee. Our characters were in the New Directions together, and his was kind of a mentor for the younger group of kids, which I was a part of that. It’s obviously a different dynamic now, but nevertheless it’s a low-key artists net.

Barry and Kara are thrust into this movie musical.
That we’ve created in our own minds. In essence, I see it as a challenge to Barry and Kara to look at their lives and see what they need to change. We put them in this world that they’ve created themselves, because they both love musicals, and they have to work their way through like a puzzle and follow the script and see what lesson they can learn from it.
Jack Rowand/The CW

In the first crossover between Supergirl and The Flash, Kara and Barry learned things from each other. What do you think they learn from each other this time around?
Well, now it’s not so much learning from each other, I think it’s more learning what they need to change in themselves, or there’s something they might be overlooking in their own lives. They’re obviously working together to fix this problem that they’re having, and ultimately, on their own, they have to figure out, “Oh, there’s something wrong with my life now, and I have to fix it.”

How does Kara take to being trapped in this world?
Both of them are a little reluctant at first. You’ll see that it grows on them in a really fun way.

How do you think the Music Meister compares to some of the other villains we’ve seen on these shows?
I always love when our villains have a bit of tongue-in-cheek quirkiness about them. They get silly and goofy, and that’s definitely what this is. He’s kind of this all-knowing and all-powerful being that we don’t really know where he comes from or why he’s doing what he’s doing until the very end, but I guess that’s how he’s different. He’s very mysterious and more magical than violent.

What’s been the hardest part about doing the musical so far?
There hasn’t been. I mean the hardest part is just the sheer massive amount of work there is to do. I’m getting to do what I love that it doesn’t feel like work. But the hardest part is just there’s so much to do that it gets overwhelming sometimes.

Were you nervous though?
Yeah, I mean, you always wonder, “Oh, is this going to work? Will this land? Will this play the way I see it in my head?” I think I had nerves and butterflies leading up to it, but the day I walked on set and saw everyone dressed the way they were, and my hair was done, and I had my little cloche hat on, and heard the music and put on my tap shoes, all of that goes away, and it just becomes fun.

In the musical, you have this ’40s ambiance and great costumes. It’s very different from what you normally do as Supergirl.
It’s a nice departure. It feels really good. Not that I don’t love the [Supergirl] suit, but it just feels good playing the same character in a completely different setting. That’s something Grant, and especially the Legends of Tomorrow folks, get to experience quite often because they go back in time and he’s been on Earth-2. I’ve not ever had this kind of huge departure before, except maybe when she was in the Black Mercy back on Krypton, so I’m eating this up.

The musical crossover will kick off at the end of Supergirl’s March 20 hour, with the majority of the action taking place during The Flash‘s March 21 episode; Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m., and The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/17/supergirl-m ... crossover/

- Experimentad el crossover musical de The Flash-Supergirl a través de los ojos de John Barrowman (EW):
Experimentad el crossover musical de The Flash-Supergirl a través de los ojos de John Barrowman
Por Natalie Abrams - 18 Marzo, 2017 a las 12:00pm EDT

For days, the snow has been falling, blanketing Vancouver in a winter wonderland. But a torrential rain has turned the snow to slush. Even so, some fans brave the weather outside The Columbia, a theater 30 minutes southeast of downtown Vancouver that’s been dressed to look like a ’40s nightclub for the highly anticipated Flash–Supergirl musical crossover.

Currently inside in a pristine white dinner jacket is a mobster, and the owner of the club, a.k.a. Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow star John Barrowman, who will lend his unexceptional vocal skills to the hour. Between takes of an epic ensemble number, Barrowman practices his moves, but he had a spare moment to share his experience with EW (check out photos here, and get more scoop here).

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How did you feel when you first found out there would be a musical?
JOHN BARROWMAN: Well, when I found out about the musical, I thought immediately, “I really hope I can be a part of it,” and then I put forward the feelers out to Warner Brothers, to CW, everybody. I hadn’t heard anything, and I just basically then said, “I think you would be daft or stupid not to have me in this. Really.” But they planned on it all along and so they then came and said, “You’re going to do this, you’ll sing this song, and you’ll be in the big dance number.” And I was like, “This is awesome!” But then, all of a sudden, they show me the dance steps and I’m not a hip-hopper, no way. I panicked, but it’s fun. It’s all good. I’m loving it.

What’s that prep been like for you?
You want honesty? I was meant to have a three-hour rehearsal of this. I, however, finished filming a scene here, and Legends said, “You have to come right back to us.” I went to Legends, missed my rehearsal over here, and I only got a 15-minute rehearsal five days ago and 15 minutes this morning before we started. I’m a very good bluffer.

Were you nervous coming in to do a dance scene like this?
Absolutely. I’m exceptionally confident vocally, I’m exceptionally confident when I’m on camera doing all the other stuff, but when it comes to a style of dancing that I’m not so confident about, I am very nervous, and I was very nervous this morning. So that’s why I came in early. I worked a little bit before everybody came in. I did my thing and then I felt a little more comfortable. Normally, when I do a musical like on stage in the West End or if I’ve done on Broadway, if I’m playing the lead, I set up with the choreographer that I have a few days before everybody comes in just so I know what I’m doing a little bit. I can make it look like I’m rehearsing, but I kind of know the stuff. But this? I was…no. For goodness sake, Darren [Criss] has been doing this on Glee for ages, and I watched him, I love him. He’s fantastic and I was a little nervous. That’s all I can say.

But in the recording studio?
Piece of cake. Piece of cake. Recording’s no problem.

Tell us about the movie musical.
What’s interesting is you have in this different world — whether you want to call it an alternate universe, or in the musical world, or the Musical Meister’s world — we are all within the minds of the two truths that go through the story, which are Grant and Melissa, Flash and Supergirl, and they’re going through it as the truth and the rest of us are what’s in their head. That’s why Barry knows me as Malcolm Merlyn, but Supergirl doesn’t know me as Malcolm Merlyn. Everybody makes an appearance. It’s just ironic that everyone who does make the appearance in this world is from the musical world. We’ve got a couple people from the other shows who are a little bit, “Why wasn’t I asked to do it?” which is really awesome. But this world it’s a creation of a couple of musicals put together and also very much like Romeo & Juliet. This is all existing in their heads, not in reality. It’s very bizarre.

What are your thoughts on the ’40s ambiance?
I love the ’40s. I absolutely love the ’40s style and I was privileged at times to meet people like Howard Keel and June Allyson and Gene Kelly and all the greats, to sit down and talk to them, Esther Williams. I grew up watching the ’40s musicals, so to do this and be in the ’40s, it’s just a treat. In the script, when Grant’s character is watching the movies, that’s what I used to do, just put on a movie musical — I still do it to this day with my best friend Brett and my husband. Me and Xavier, my other best friend, we sit and we watch movies, do it on a Saturday night, so this is my world. This is my world.

How do you think Music Meister compares to other villains we’ve seen on the show?
See I don’t see myself as a villain. I see myself as a misunderstood hero. The Music Meister, and this is the same way I feel with Merlyn, he’s a bad guy, but he’s actually doing something to help somebody, so there is method to his madness. The characters, Supergirl and Flash, don’t have to understand why they’re doing it to begin with, nor does anybody else in the world that we’ve created, but as long as the audience at home gets it, that’s what makes a good villain. And I think Darren does a really great job of that because he’s a little sly, he’s a little sneaky, but he tells them exactly to follow the script. “Just follow the script and you’ll be fine because you’re here to learn something.”

What’s it been like getting to work with all these people?
I’m a bit fanboying out to be honest. Well, I watched Smash and I also saw Newsies on Broadway — I’m a big fan of genre television and also musicals myself, and I watched Glee. Melissa I know obviously from Supergirl. So to be involved in this and be asked to be involved with a really happy bunch of good people, who are really wanting to do good work, it’s awesome and that’s what our DC universe is like. I’m kind of privileged to be part of it. And you know what? I celebrate my 50th birthday in March. I sat last night up in the Green Room, the dressing room with everybody, and they’re all talking and talking and we’re doing stuff, and they’re going through things, and I just sat there and I thought, “You know what? I’ve been there, where you guys are,” and I called my husband on the phone and I said, “I finally feel my age sitting with all of them.” But it’s great to be a part of it and great to work with everybody. Because I posted [on social media] who I’m with today but haven’t said anything, just said we’re doing a big number, there’s people outside apparently and they’re going, “Take a picture! Take a picture of Darren’s ass!” So I’m going to send a baboon’s bum instead. [Laughs.]

The musical crossover will kick off at the end of Supergirl’s March 20 hour, with the majority of the action taking place during The Flash‘s March 21 episode; Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m., and The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/18/flash-super ... barrowman/

- Carlos Valdes sobre la reunión de no-Glee de todas (EW):
Carlos Valdes sobre la reunión de no-Glee de todas
Por Natalie Abrams - 19 Marzo, 2017 a las 9:00am EDT

While the upcoming Flash–Supergirl musical crossover features a big Glee reunion between Grant Gustin, Melissa Benoist, and Darren Criss, there are also other rich connections that run deep within this cast — and they oddly have to do with genitalia.

It turns out, Criss went to college with The Flash star Carlos Valdes, and even before this highly anticipated hour, the duo were already making music together, specifically for a show called Me and My Dick. The crossover, however, will be a little more PC as The Flash (Gustin) and Supergirl (Benoist) find themselves trapped in a movie musical by the Music Meister (Criss), and their only means of escape are to play through the script, complete with singing and dancing.

In a nod to Kara’s favorite film, The Wizard of Oz, everyone else in the vocally impressive cast is playing a character within this movie, thus Valdes doesn’t appear as Cisco, but as Pablo, a busboy at the nightclub owned by John Barrowman’s mobster who has aspirations of becoming a singer. EW sat down with Valdes to talk about the big reunion.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How did you feel when you first learned you guys were doing a musical crossover?
CARLOS VALDES: You know, some things are just star-crossed. Some things are just destined and written in the stars. This felt like one of those instances where it was just something that was going to happen. I think the cast saw it coming, the bosses saw it coming, and to a certain degree it could be argued that the fans saw it happening. I think everybody was just really jazzed. You have to admit, it’s undeniably curious that so many people in our cast come from theater and have that skill set. So, I think it was just a no-brainer. Add to the mix that Greg Berlanti is a big fan of musicals, and presto — we’ve got a musical episode!

What can you tease us of what’s really going on in the movie musical?
Darren Criss, whom I went to college with — so weird — he plays Music Meister, who’s essentially the baddie of the episode. He puts Barry and Kara into this shared dream, this sort of nightmare. He brings them into this illusory world where their objective is to literally figure out the plot of this traditional musical comedy. It’s very self-aware. It takes place in their own heads. We embedded into the script this idea that Barry and his mom used to bond over musicals, musicals always made things better. And so, this plot is based on that idea of musicals not just as a form of escapism, but also as a form of emotional catharsis.

How does Cisco take to being in this world?
Well, the thing about this dream world is it’s very much like The Wizard of Oz in the sense that Barry and Kara encounter the people that populate their daily lives, but they are different. They are characters in a musical comedy that have the same types of motivations and mannerisms that traditional musical comedy characters tend to have. So, it’s definitely a bit of a wacky episode in that respect.

What has the prep been like for this episode between music and choreography?
I was expecting there to be a bit more of a learning curve than there actually was. I was expecting us to have to scramble at the last minute to figure out how to make this happen. But honestly, it’s been a lot more fluid than I expected and I attribute that, honestly, to a good team. I mean, we’ve got [choreographer] Zach Woodlee from Glee, so he’s such a pro at this. He’s already got it mapped out. He already knows how to set it on the actors and it looks beautiful. So, I’m excited to see how it looks in the end, but as far as the process is concerned, it’s super. [Laughs]

How nervous were you going into your first take?
Well, I’m about to do it right now. You know, I have to say, I’m not really that nervous. I mean, this is sort of my bread and butter. This is the world that I come from. I have a degree in musical theater, so this is my sh—. You know what I mean? So, being here and doing this, I actually feel more at ease than I think I would at any other regular day on set.

What’s been the hardest part about the musical so far?
The hardest part? The hardest part for me is reformatting my conception of the performance of the musical for the camera. Because I’m used to having the experience of being in theater where it’s ephemeral, and it’s live, it’s big and it’s committed in that way, but when you reformat it so that it can work on camera it has to be filtered through a different understanding. So, the recording process, like making sure that my performance in the recording booth is matched by my live performance, that’s been an interesting aspect to play around with. Doing dance rehearsals so that we can do the performance and it can be captured once instead of rehearsing a number so that I can do it eight times a week for ad infinitum. This is very different having to rehearse so that we can just get one product out there and ship it out, and mass-produce it. It’s very different for me in that sense.

You went to college with Darren. What was it like reuniting with him in this capacity?
Dude, it’s been such a hoot and it’s been such a blast. It’s like old times. It’s weird because I’m seeing worlds mesh before my eyes, like, worlds that are very separate. There’s my Flash life, these people that I’ve been working with for the last two to three years, and then there’s Darren, whom I used to goof off with in college and write musicals about genitalia. [Laughs] That’s what we used to do. So, it’s very weird to have to experience that through a work setting, but dude it’s so much fun. Honestly, he works so hard — it’s been a really enriching experience and I’m learning a lot from it.

How is the Music Meister different from some of the villains we’ve seen on the show before?
Given the tone of the broadly colored musical, I think fans can expect Music Meister to be someone colored along those lines, basically. Definitely very different. I mean, it’s Darren. He’s such a goof and so he brings that vivaciousness to this character that I think distinguishes him from the usually dour metahumans that we have to face. So, it’s been really entertaining watching him play this, like, semi-narcissistic sadistic Music Meister.

Do we finally get the long-awaited interaction between Cisco and Winn?
Well, actually Winn in this episode is only present in the musical dream and he and I actually play a lot in that dream world. But in the real world, it’s actually Mon-El and J’onn J’onzz who bring Kara to Earth-1, so no. But it’s been a blast working with all of them. I met Chris Wood back when he was doing Containment and we were doing upfronts, and he’s such a cool guy. And I’ve heard Grant talk so much about how surreal it is for him to not just work with Darren and Melissa, but also to work with Chris, whom he went to college with. You know what I mean? So, there’s a lot of weird alma mater connections there.

The musical crossover will kick off at the end of Supergirl’s March 20 hour, with the majority of the action taking place during The Flash‘s March 21 episode; Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m., and The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/19/flash-super ... os-valdes/

- Grant Gustin sobre el estar de vuelta en su elemento (EW):
Grant Gustin sobre el estar de vuelta en su elemento
Por Natalie Abrams - 20 Marzo, 2017 a las 12:00pm EDT

After being entertained for hours by his costars performing an epic ensemble number, Grant Gustin takes the stage in full dress tails for the climactic conclusion of The Flash-Supergirl musical crossover.

The Glee alum is prepping for the close of the Rachel Bloom co-penned tap number “Super Friend,” in which Barry (Gustin) and Kara (Melissa Benoist) fully embrace their predicament: They’ve been trapped in a movie musical by the Music Meister (Darren Criss) and must work through the script in order to escape. Earlier in the night, Gustin sat down with EW to talk about returning to his roots for the highly anticipated crossover, which you can read all about

Earlier in the night, Gustin sat down with EW to talk about returning to his roots for the highly anticipated crossover, which you can read all about here and see photos of here.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How did you feel when you first found out they were going to be doing a musical crossover?
GRANT GUSTIN: It had been talked about by the fans for a long time and I didn’t ever think it would be a real thing, so when they told me it was real, it was kind of like, “How?!” That was my first question.

What has the prep been like?
I knew we wouldn’t — for me, at least — have much prep. For me, this episode’s the same as a lot of the other episodes when it comes to stunt work or learning something on in the spot. Like we’re shooting a tap dance later today that I haven’t learned yet, so a lot of the prep work for me is very last minute. It is what I expected.

Does it feel like you’re on Glee all over again?
Yeah! It’s very similar where it’s just like run and gun and an impossible schedule to get this kind of thing done, but we will get it done.

Are you actually singing when you guys are doing the takes? Or are you just relying on stuff you did in the studio?
Yeah, I mean, it’s the same exact way that Glee did it, which is you go in before, record your demo technically, and they use the flip track to play on the day. So it’s really us singing and then usually you sing overtop of the track so that what they’re shooting doesn’t look like you’re just lip syncing. It looks like you’re singing for real. So I’m singing for real, but it won’t be like our live singing performance. It’s a pre-recorded performance.

Were you nervous since you haven’t done this in a while?
Yeah, I was, but I just handle it the way I handle this job always, which was to not think about it until I’m literally doing it. [Laughs] So I usually have nerves for maybe an hour leading up to something. I was pretty nervous because I’d been sick, too — Melissa was as well — when we went in to record our music. Both of us were really congested, so I was nervous that morning, but it was fine. I’ve actually not been nervous about the dance aspects because, more than anything else, my true foundation was tap dance. So it’s been cool to get back to it.

What was it like getting to reunite with Darren Criss?
It’s cool, man. I mean, me and Melissa are both just like, “It’s weird!” It’s literally a Glee episode because he’s so Darren no matter where he is. He’s comfortable wherever he is and has fun wherever he is, so he came right in. It was just the same energy I remember him having from Glee. He’s awesome to have around.

The roles are reversed though because before, you were evil, and now he is evil. Is he finally getting his vengeance on you basically?
Yeah. He gets to manipulate me a little. His Music Meister — at least our version of him — isn’t like a malicious bad guy. He’s technically the villain of the episode, but it’s kind of for our benefit. He manipulates me. It is similar to how Sebastian treated the Blaine [Criss] and Kurt [Chris Colfer] characters. He’s a manipulative villain.

How is the Music Meister a different villain than what we’ve seen on the show before?
Well, there’s nothing we can really do most of the time to stop him because he brings us into this dream world and he’s in complete control. We don’t have our powers, so it’s not Flash and Supergirl; it’s Barry and Kara trying to use their brains to get out of this musical. That’s why I say he’s not really a malicious villain. A lot of our villains have these human cores, and we find out what they are. But Music Meister isn’t even a bad guy, in a way. He’s like a weird, messed up therapist.

How does Barry take to being in this musical world?
It’s like a mixed bag. He’s dealing with a lot back in reality, first of all, so it’s initially like, “We don’t have time for this, man. Stop your games. We need to get back to our life and our problems.” But this world was created because of Barry and Kara’s subconscious. They each love movie musicals and they always have, and it had been an escape for them growing up. So a piece of him starts to really enjoy it, and it comes in waves. It is also, like I said, trying to escape, get back to their problems so they can fix the things happening in their real life, but it’s kind of an escape for them in a way, too. So I think he gets caught up in it at times and has a little bit of fun for sure.

What’s it like being in this ’40s musical?
It’s always cool when everyone’s in a different look. It creates a buzz for everybody. I can tell the crew is having a lot of fun on this episode with everyone’s different looks and it switches up for them.

The last time you guys crossed over, Barry and Kara learned something from each other. What do you think they learn this time from each other?
We’re each learning the same lesson, which is that our love is enough, which is perfect because it’s the cheesiest thing that you could possibly take away from a musical. Love is enough sometimes and I think, for them, that’s what they learn and move forward with.

What can you tease about some of the songs you’re doing, like the Rachel Bloom one?
It’s very consistent with that style of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. We have a lot of different styles of songs. We have the standards. We have Pasek and Paul’s original song, and then Rachel’s. That one is more of a comedy piece and that’s the one we tap for. It’s fun. That’s the moment we’re really being engrossed in the musical and I think it’s the first time you see us kind of accept it. We’re trying to figure out the stages of the script to finish the play and get out essentially. So that’s the beginning of that process. It’s a fun number. We have a good time. We like to goof around, improv and stuff, for sure. That song’s kind of like a spoken singing song. There are pauses in it that we left empty when we recorded it to do whatever improv we could on the day. So there’s some fun looseness to that song, too.

Besides obviously getting to reunite with Darren, what’s it been like working with everyone else who is crossing over into this episode?
I’ve worked with John [Barrowman] a handful of times now, and I got to work with Jeremy [Jordan] on Supergirl, so it’s cool to have them back. But the weirdest person is actually Chris Wood, because we went to Elon University together, we were musical theater majors together, and we were very good friends in school. We’ve never been on a set together ever, and now we’re being reunited doing a musical crossover with our two superhero shows, so that’s probably, honestly, out of all the weird [things] — Darren being here, working with Melissa — that’s the weirdest thing is that I’m on a film set with Chris Wood doing a musical.

The musical crossover will kick off at the end of Supergirl’s March 20 hour, with the majority of the action taking place during The Flash’s March 21 episode, both airing at 8 p.m. ET on The CW

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/20/flash-super ... nt-gustin/

- Jeremy Jordan adelanta una hora épica (EW):
Jeremy Jordan adelanta una hora épica
Por Natalie Abrams - 20 Marzo, 2017 at 3:30pm EDT

Jeremy Jordan is tickling the ivory keys while Carlos Valdes is singing his heart out for the upcoming Flash-Supergirl musical crossover. But despite these two even being in the same room on screen together for the first time, viewers won’t actually get to see Winn and Cisco interacting.

That’s because, in this movie musical that Barry (Grant Gustin) and Kara (Melissa Benoist) get trapped in by the Music Meister (Darren Criss), both the Team Flash and Team Supergirl whizzes are actually playing characters in the vein of Wizard of Oz — Winn is Grady, the club pianist, while Cisco is the busboy and aspiring artist Pablo. EW sat down with the Smash alum on set to get a look at his experience filming the highly anticipated hour. (And here’s Valdes’ take on the two ships passing in the night.)

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: What was your reaction when you first found out that you guys would be doing a musical crossover?
JEREMY JORDAN: “So, they finally did it!” I mean, ever since they announced the cast of our show, and plus the casts of Flash and other shows having so many musical theater people in them, it was only a matter of time before they harnessed those talents and made something into it.

What has that prep been like?
Well, in the show I play a piano player so I just had to practice the piano. I don’t have to do any dancing. But we recorded the music a few weeks ago and it’s kind of old hat for me. I did a series called Smash a few years back. So, yeah, it’s pretty simple. I mean, it comes together real quick and yeah, you just try to have fun; that’s the main thing.

Does it feel like Smash all over again in some ways?
A little bit, yeah, sure. But what’s kind of fun about this one is we’re doing this dream sequence. Basically, the whole episode’s like a dream sequence, and so we get to create these different characters. I’m not playing Winn, I’m playing Grady, who is a character in Kara and Barry’s mind of what a ‘40s musical character would sound, look, and act like. It’s kind of heightened, a little bit over the top, which has been really fun to play with. I have a pretty festive voice accent, I guess you could say, so that’s been really fun.

You bring up Smash. John Barrowman was geeking out about you being on set.
He was?

Yeah, because he watched Smash.
What a nerd. He plays it super cool backstage so you wouldn’t know he was geeking out.

What’s it like for you coming in to work with a bunch of people that you may not have gotten to work with before?
It’s great. Well, sadly for me I only really get to work with Carlos, John, and Grant. And Grant I’ve worked with before, Darren I’ve worked with before, and Melissa clearly I’ve worked with before. So, it’s nice to kind of get to play with Carlos and a little bit and with John as well. We’ll do more crossovers in the future where hopefully Winn himself will get to geek out over all the superhero, other-earthly things going on.

So Winn and Cisco don’t get to interact.
I know! Winn doesn’t even come with them! I don’t know why Winn didn’t come through the portal, but listen he’s got a girlfriend now, so he’s a little preoccupied.

How do you think he’ll feel when he hears what they went through?
Oh, he’s pissed I’m sure. In the Supergirl episode that leads up to this, he specifically talks about how cool it would be to meet Cisco and that they’d be best friends if they lived in the same universe. And moments later, the Music Meister comes and steals the little device that Cisco gave Kara, and jumps into the next dimension before he could literally go meet this guy and be friends with all sorts of other people. But I’m sure it’ll happen. This is kind of a fun alternative to that.

How do you think Music Meister compares to some of the other villains we’ve seen on the show?
Well, he’s quite different 100 percent. He’s very much over the top, which you’ve seen on some of the shows, we’ve embraced that a little bit more sometimes than others, but the fact that he can take people into their own minds and into a musical number is pretty different and exciting. We don’t really understand his origins or where he comes from, but we know that he has mysterious intentions that we’ll find him out by the end and that will differentiate him from the other villains.

What’s been the hardest part about doing a musical crossover?
There’s nothing. Just getting to know a new crew I guess, like, I don’t really know anybody, but it’s super easy. We’re just having fun and I just act like an idiot and play the piano. I guess, maybe like learning some of the songs on the piano, but they’re not that hard. Yeah, it’s been fun.

The musical crossover will kick off at the end of Supergirl’s March 20 hour, with the majority of the action taking place during The Flash’s March 21 episode, both airing at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/20/flash-super ... my-jordan/

- Andrew Kreisberg adelanta el episodio del Crossover (Variety):
Andrew Kreisberg adelanta el episodio del Crossover
Por Maureen Ryan - 20 Marzo, 2017 | 10:30AM PT

When it comes to “The Flash,” it wasn’t really a case of if the CW show would do a musical episode, but when.

The cast of the show, which is midway through its third season, is loaded with actors with a great deal of song and dance experience: When you have a “Glee” alumnus (Grant Gustin) and an original “Rent” cast member (Jesse L. Martin) as series regulars, well, “The Flash” was as destined to break into song as Barry Allen was to become a superhero and repeatedly save Central City from villains.

The episode is also a Andrew Kreisberg Previews among various CW superhero shows: Melissa Benoist from “Supergirl,” John Barrowman from “Arrow,” and Victor Garber (“DC’s Legends of Tomorrow”) — all of whom have extensive musical theater experience — are just a few of the characters who will appear in “The Flash’s” tune-intensive episode, which airs Tuesday.

But the crossover begins in Monday’s “Supergirl,” explains Andrew Kreisberg, who is an executive producer on all of the CW’s superhero dramas.

“We set it up this way — that both Barry and Kara are at romantic crossroads with their respective love interests,” Kreisberg explains. As he notes, the big multi-show crossover event that occurred last fall was, while fun, largely cut off from each show’s ongoing narrative.

“It was its own thing, divorced from what was going on,” Kreisberg notes. “What I love so much about the musical is it really gives our characters an opportunity to address what they are going through. They’re going to address their romantic problems and [the experience will] help them get over it, because there’s nothing more romantic than a musical.”

Of course, they don’t engage in all the singing and dancing voluntarily. Darren Criss plays the Music Meister in Monday’s “Supergirl” and in Tuesday’s installment of “The Flash,” and he brings about the whole music-pocalypse. Not that the characters don’t enjoy it: Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, who were part of the “La La Land” music team, and the songwriters of “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend” — including co-creator Rachel Bloom — contributed songs to the episode, which also features classics like “Moon River.”

“We actually have a flashback in the beginning of the ‘Flash’ episode to Barry and his mother when he was a kid — they used to watch movie musicals together. She says, ‘Everything’s better in song,’” says Kreisberg, who shares story credit for the episode with executive producer Greg Berlanti (the teleplay is from co-executive producers Aaron Helbing and Todd Helbing)

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/the-fla ... 202012021/

- Jefe de The Flash-Supergirl desvela los orígenes del crossover musical (EW):
Jefe de The Flash-Supergirl desvela los orígenes del crossover musical
Por Natalie Abrams - 21 Marzo, 2017 a las 12:00pm EDT

It’s time to play the music, it’s time to light the lights, it’s time to see singing superheroes on The Flash-Supergirl musical crossover tonight!

During Tuesday’s episode of The Flash, both the Scarlet Speedster (Grant Gustin) and Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) get trapped within a movie musical by new villain Music Meister (Darren Criss), leading to an hour of melodic high jinks in which Barry and Kara must sing and dance their way out of this alternate reality. How did this harmonious hour come to be? EW sat down with executive producer Andrew Kreisberg to get the scoop:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Where did the idea first come from to do a musical crossover?
ANDREW KREISBERG: I think we’ve always been talking about doing it from the very beginning, more of in a joking way, just because we had Grant, and we had Jessie Martin and Carlos Valdes, and we worked with Victor Garber, and then John Barrowman joined. We had this plethora of theater talents, so it was always like, “Oh, we should definitely do that,” and we heard it from the fans, too. “When are you going to do a musical considering the cast you have?” Once we got Supegirl off the ground, then we had Melissa and Jeremy, it was like, “We kind of have to do this.” But Greg [Berlanti] was really the driving force this year about making it a reality. Once we decided we were going to do it, and Greg announced it at the TCAs, it was sort of like, “Well, we’re definitely doing it!”

What’s been the hardest part about putting together crossover?
The hard part really was picking the songs. I mean, it was like, “What songs were we going to use?” We went through a lot of songs, a lot of going through our own iTunes. Were we going to use modern songs, old songs, or The American Songbook? And so it became this treasure hunt every night. We’d come in, “What about this song?” Greg had always wanted Melissa to sing “Moon River,” and when we were trying for the big number, Greg just came in one morning and said, “It just popped in my head — ‘Put a Little Love in Your Heart,'” so that’s where that came from. We were approached by Rachel Bloom, who reached out to us, and she really wanted to write a song for us, and Greg had a relationship with Pasek and Paul, and we sat down with them. We hadn’t even seen La La Land with them, but Greg had been such huge fans of theirs.

Was there any one song you wanted to get in?
There wasn’t one song we definitely wanted to get in. Greg had always wanted Melissa to sing “Moon River,” so that was really important to him, and she sings so beautifully. “More I Cannot Wish You” actually came from Victor Garber. Victor had always wanted to sing that, so that’s where that came from, and having that song about a father singing to his daughter sort of helps influence the storyline that we came up with, with them being trapped in the movie musical.

Set up that world for the viewers.
Barry and Kara are both whammied by the Music Meister, played by Darren Criss, and they wake up trapped inside an alternate dimension, which is a movie musical come to life. So they’re caught up in the plot of this musical, which involves gangsters and gun malls and a West Side Story setup with rival gangs and their kids falling in love. It cherry picks little bits of other movies — there’s a little Guys and Dolls, there’s a little West Side Story, there’s a little Singin’ in the Rain, and it’s all amalgamated into the musical that our heroes find themselves in.

How do Kara and Barry take to this?
Obviously, at first they are both incredibly shocked, but part of the reason that they’re trapped in a movie musical is that they both loved musicals when they were kids. We get to see in this episode a flashback to Barry when he was a child and his mom, played by Michelle Harris, and how when he was feeling down, she would always show him musicals. For Kara, I think we said on Supergirl that Wizard of Oz was her favorite. How could it not be? It’s about a girl who gets shipped away by a tornado just like Kara was when she was a child. So we’ve always envisioned that when she was first here and sad, the family sat down and made her watch The Wizard of Oz and made her feel better.

What can you tease for some of the other characters? How different they are from what we know of them?
Yeah, we get to see everybody. There’s a little bit of Wizard of Oz where our characters are playing other characters in the movie musical, so it’s, “and you were there, and you were there, and you were there.” It’s definitely fun to see like Malcolm Merlyn and Cisco and Winn playing very different characters inside this musical.

You have a plethora of talent, but who has surprised you during this process?
I don’t want to say it’s a surprise, but it’s the speed with which Grant and Melissa learned their dancing. I realize they have a lot of fight choreography and they learn that stuff, but I think for them it’s like muscle memory, back to their Glee days of just having to learn very complicated dance moves on the fly. If they came in and did an elaborate fight sequence, I’d say, “Well, that’s just their jobs,” but to me, I look at people dancing, and all of it’s a mystery to me, so they were able to learn this elaborate dance for a two-minute long song, and they would just perform it every single time and never mess up. That I was truly in awe of.

The last time they crossed over, Barry and Kara were able to learn something from each other. What do you think they’ll learn from the crossover?
Well, they definitely learn that the other person is a good singer. [Laughs.] I think this time, when we come into this episode, both of our heroes are at odds with love. They’re both experiencing turmoil in their interpersonal relationships, so the purpose of the journey that they’re going on in this episode is to square the circle with love with respect to their respective lovers. It’s great because they’re best friends, and you don’t often see stories about best friends between men and women, and it’s really nice. They’re just there for each other, and it has such an easygoing energy. When you pair Barry with Oliver, it’s all about the distinctions and the differences, and with them, it’s all about how alike they are, so it’s really nice to just watch them be together and to go through a journey as friends.

How does the Music Meister compare to other villains we’ve seen on the show before?
He’s certainly in love with his own villainy a lot more than others. He’s got a zest for life. He comes in and just sweeps them all off their feet, and he’s a bit of a showman, so it’s a lot of fun. Darren so brings him to life. I’m not sure who we would have gotten to do it if Darren had said no, but it turned out to be one of those things where we wanted Darren, and Darren actually wanted the part. He’d heard about it. It was very kismet, and it’s so much fun to see them all reunited from Glee.

Darren mentioned the one thing he missed out on was getting to provide some songs.
I know. I know. By the time we closed him, we were already down the path. The songs had been recorded, but hopefully this one will be a big success, and he’ll come back, and then we can do another one.

Are you guys interested in doing another one?
If we survive this one and the fans like it, as always with any of these things, we gauge the fan reaction to it. If it turns out to be a, “Yeah, that was cute, but don’t ever do that again,” we won’t. But who knows? Every time we do one of these things, like go to Earth 2 or have a musical episode, some of that stuff we gauge by the fan reaction. Like King Shark, people were so excited about that one minute with him, we were like, “Well, we’ve got to bring him back now!” So we’ll see what people say.

The musical crossover will kick off at the end of Supergirl’s March 20 hour, with the majority of the action taking place during The Flash‘s March 21 episode; Supergirl airs Mondays at 8 p.m., and The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/21/flash-super ... poilers-2/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH & SUPERGIRL: Musical Crossover Set Visit (DC Entertainment):

- THE FLASH & SUPERGIRL: Behind-the-Scenes of Kara & Barry's Tap Dancing Duet (ETOnline):
http://www.etonline.com/tv/213023_the_f ... a_benoist/

- THE FLASH & SUPERGIRL: Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood Dish on Karamel's 'Sweet' Relationship (ETOnline):
http://www.etonline.com/tv/213194_super ... the_flash/

- Darren Criss On His Role In The Flash/Supergirl Musical Episode on "Conan" (15-03-17):

http://teamcoco.com/video/darren-criss- ... Ijo3NDIxfQ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Melissa Benoist Teaser Promo:
https://twitter.com/TheCWSupergirl/stat ... 7027024896

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Extended Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" FOX8 Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Inside the episode:

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Beyond the Songs Featurette:

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" John Barrowman Interview:
https://twitter.com/CW_TheFlash/status/ ... 0852122624

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Grant Gustin Interview:
https://twitter.com/CW_TheFlash/status/ ... 6868042752

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Darren Criss Interview:

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Carlos Valdes Interview:

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Jesse L Martin Interview:

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Melissa Benoist Interview + clip #1:
https://twitter.com/CW_TheFlash/status/ ... 5087791105

- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Clip #2:


- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Clip #3:


- THE FLASH | 3.17 "Duet" Clip #4:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El elenco de "The Flash" nos hablan sobre la identidad de 'Savitar':
Sin duda, uno de los grandes interrogantes de esta temporada de la serie de la CW "The Flash" ha sido las identidades de su principales villanos, primero con 'Alchemy' (del que ya se desveló su identidad) y ahora de 'Savitar', el gran villano de la temporada.

TVLine en su dección de spoilers de Matt Mitovich nos ha dado más pistas sobre cuándo descubrimeros quién es 'Savitar' de manos de sus estrellas:
“Lentamente, distintos personajes van a descubrir quién es Savitar,” comparte Danielle Panabaker durante mi visita al set de la semana pasada.“Pero no sé si a la audiencia se lo van a decir pronto.” Grant Gustin mientras tanto me dijo, “No es lo mismo que con las revelaciones pasadas,” explica, “Con Zoom y Reverse-Flash, la audiencia estaba empezando a darse cuenta de cosas antes de que todos empezáramos a unir las piezas. Pero no sé cómo lo podríais saber este año. Y cuando lo descubráis es como ‘¡Oh. Dios. Mío!’ Realmente no hay secretos ni pistas que lleven a ello.”

http://tvline.com/2017/03/14/the-flash- ... -revealed/

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Cavanagh dirigirá un episodio de la S3 de ‘The Flash’:
Tom Cavanagh, quien interpreta a varias versiones de 'Harrison Wells' en la serie de la CW "The Flash", va a meterse en otro gran papel este año, pero esta vez detrás de cámara. El actor ha revelado an su cuenta de twitter que va a dirigir el episodio 19 de la tercera temporada y basado en sus tweets, parece que el espisodio ha sido escrito por Carina Mackenzie de "The Originals".

Aún no sabemos el título del episdoio ni ningún detalle sobre el guión, aunque muy seguramente la CW revele nueva información sobre el mismo muy pronto. Aunque puede que ésta sea la primera vez que dirige un episodio en la serie, no será la primera vez que Cavanagh ocupe la silla de director, ya que dirigió tres episodios de su serie "Ed" en el 2003.

https://twitter.com/CavanaghTom/status/ ... 7411224577
https://twitter.com/CavanaghTom/status/ ... 68/photo/1

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Pósters y portraits promocionales del episodio 3.17 "Duet":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

"PaleyFest 2017", L.A. (18-03-17)

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen


Podéis encontrar más imágenes en HD del evento: AQUÍ


https://twitter.com/TheFlashBR/status/8 ... 1510361088
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https://twitter.com/TheFlashBR/status/8 ... 5270231044
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https://www.facebook.com/CWTheFlash/vid ... 823226884/
https://twitter.com/paleycenter/status/ ... 3037478912
https://twitter.com/Supergirltvsite/sta ... 9997849600
https://twitter.com/Supergirltvsite/sta ... 2215444481

https://supergirl.tv/2017-paleyfest-red ... interviews
http://www.accesshollywood.com/videos/g ... l-episode/
http://www.accesshollywood.com/videos/c ... r-episode/
http://www.etonline.com/tv/213446_the_f ... rfect_day/
http://www.ign.com/videos/2017/03/22/th ... ming-death


http://ew.com/article/2016/05/10/flash- ... -director/
http://flashtvnews.com/flash-paleyfest- ... vers/28307
http://ew.com/tv/2017/03/18/flash-arrow ... paleyfest/
https://tvline.com/2017/03/18/the-flash ... speedster/
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... row-987180?
http://deadline.com/2017/03/cw-crossove ... 202045781/
http://www.cbr.com/arrow-flash-supergir ... paleyfest/
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... row-987180
http://www.tracking-board.com/paleyfest ... es-aliens/
https://www.tvinsider.com/141127/paleyf ... s-to-come/
http://flashtvnews.com/flash-paleyfest- ... vers/28307
http://www.etonline.com/tv/213263_arrow ... est_panel/
http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/arrow-f ... 202011595/
https://editorial.rottentomatoes.com/ar ... -tomorrow/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La actriz Anne Dudek de "House" será recurrente en la S3 de "The Flash" como una extravagante genio del futuro:
TVLine ha desvelado que la actriz Anne Dudek de "House" va a aparecer en la serie de la CW "The Flash" en el papel de 'Tracy Brand', quien es descrita como “un batiburrillo de estravagantes idiosincrasias.”

Sin mostrar ni una pizca de la grandeza que la gente celebrará de ella en el futuro, Tracy se dispone a encontrar el genio en que está destinada un día a convertirse. Dudek aparecerá por primera vez en el Episodio 3.20.

Además de "House", entre sus otros trabajos figuran "Mad Men", "Big Love", "Covert Affairs", "The Magicians" y la próxima serie de Comedy Central "Hampton DeVille".

The Flash continúa con su tercera temporada este Martes a las 8/7c, con el episodio 17 (aka el crossover musical conSupergirl, con las estrellas invitadas Melissa Benoist, Jeremy Jordan, David Harewood y Chris Wood).

http://tvline.com/2017/03/20/the-flash- ... acy-brand/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¿Qué es lo próximo para Barry e Iris? (EW):
¿Qué es lo próximo para Barry e Iris?
Por Natalie Abrams - 21 Marzo, 2017 a las 9:00pm EDT

Warning: This story contains major spoilers from Tuesday’s episode of The Flash. Read at your own risk!

Barry almost died, and Iris may soon die, but that didn’t stop the Scarlet Speedster from properly proposing at the close of The Flash-Supergirl musical crossover on Tuesday.

After being trapped in a movie musical by the Music Meister (Darren Criss), Barry (Grant Gustin) and Kara (Melissa Benoist) were shocked to find that their respective love interests, Iris (Candice Patton) and Mon-El (Chris Wood), were caught in a West Side Story-esque love story involving their rival mobster fathers trying to keep them apart.

The crossover comes as both Barry’s and Kara’s relationships have fallen apart. For Kara, she uncovered that Mon-El lied to her about his true identity for the last nine months, while Iris and Barry pressed pause after he only proposed to her in a bid to change the future and hopefully prevent her death.

The lesson they both came to learn during the crossover, though — as was the Music Meister’s goal — was that love is enough. Thus, upon returning to the real world, Barry sang the Pasek and Paul-penned love song “Runnin’ Home to You” to Iris, culminating in a true proposal. So, what’s next for the couple?

“They grow closer and closer,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW. “They’re both realizing that, like anybody, you don’t know how long you have together, so they’re trying to make every moment count.”

While their romance is back on track, Patton notes it will be placed somewhat on the back burner as there are more pressing issues to deal with. “We’re not going to see wedding bells anytime soon, or wedding planning, because the most imminent situation is Iris’ impending death,” Patton says. “So that’s what we’ll be focusing on for the rest of the season, is making sure that prophecy does not come true.”

Though Barry has had his doubts when it comes to his ability to save Iris while being in a relationship with her, “We’ll see him moving forward with as much confidence as he can have right now with everything that’s happening,” Gustin says, noting that Barry has had blind faith all season that he will somehow persevere. “He lost it for a second and he’s got it back,” Gustin says. “He refuses to accept the reality that she will die.”

However, that doesn’t mean the couple won’t have concerns along the way. “They’re both fighting this, how do I be positive that we’re going to stop this while at the same time being realistic that maybe we don’t?” Kreisberg says. “It’s that push and pull. Like any couple, one starts to lose faith and the other one pulls them back up and vice versa. It’s an interesting dynamic that neither of them wants to wallow, and yet they’re struggling to keep going forward.”

“From reading the scripts, I have to say, she is very strong,” Patton says of how Iris is handling her possible doom moving forward. “She’s accepting that this could be her potential fate. You get to this point in your life where, if you have a terminal illness, you accept that’s a possibility and you start to plan for that. We’ll see Iris deal with those thoughts and emotions as the season plays out.”

Part of looking to the future, however, does not include wedding planning. “We will see that come up in episode 21,” Gustin teases. “It’s brought up for the first time, but it’s the fact that we haven’t been dealing with it is what’s brought up, that we haven’t had time. There’s more of just trying to save her life; it’s the more pressing matter at this point.”

Still, fellow executive producer Todd Helbing notes that this journey will only make the couple stronger. “Now it’s really the two of them as a unit trying to figure out how to stop Savitar and keep her alive,” Helbing says. “While they’ve never been closer, there’s a lot more pressure than there ever has been on them as a couple. They have to figure out how to work through the biggest tragedy that could befall them in the future.”

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW


- Grant Gustin y Candice Patton se abren sobre el último desarrollo 'WestAllen' y las lágrimas que fueron derramadas (TVline):
Grant Gustin y Candice Patton se abren sobre el último desarrollo 'WestAllen' y las lágrimas que fueron derramadas
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 21 Marzo 2017, 6:01 PM PDT

The following contains spoilers from this Tuesday’s episode of The Flash.

As The Flash‘s musical crossover with Supergirl drew to a close on Tuesday night, the CW series served up a coda that, as promised by cast members, was “beautiful” in every way.

Having been rescued from the Music Meister’s alternate reality by the power of love, Barry returned to the loft and cued up one last tune — the ballad “Runnin’ Home to You,” which he sang to Iris before proposing anew, and successfully.

The re-proposal was “very, very sweet,” Candice Patton told TVLine during our recent visit to the set. Couple it with “a beautiful song” penned by La La Land‘s Academy Award-winning Benj Pasek and Justin Paul, and you get a moment that was “just simple and so romantic,” the actress adds. “I liked this proposal better than the one that we’ve already seen.

Series lead Grant Gustin tells TVLine that Barry popping the question again was “really easy in a way,” teed up as it was by such an apropos tune. “What I love about musical theater is that it really elevates Flash Barry Iris Engagedeverything. It makes you feel what we want you to feel in a more easy fashion.”

Pasek and Paul — whom Gustin has known since they held a workshop at his college years ago — “wrote a near-perfect song,” says the Flash star. “They clearly knew the background of the relationship and the characters,” so much so that “I think it could be a theme song for Flash, honestly. I felt very lucky to sing it, and I think it did a lot of the work for me, in a way.”

Perhaps, but there should be no discounting Gustin’s performance during the emotional climax, while Patton with little effort reflected the look of a woman falling in love to a brand-new degree, as the ballad’s beneficiary. “It did feel special to shoot,” Gustin says. “No one had heard the song yet, no one had heard me sing it…. Candice had never even heard it [and] she was in tears after the proposal in the rehearsal. It got a round of applause from the crew, which doesn’t happen. It was a special episode for everybody.”

As for what’s next for fiancé and fiancée, it’s only understandable that actual wedding bells might be a ways off, while Team Flash continues to do what it can to keep the bride-to-be alive and all!

“The only time we really see wedding planning brought up, it’s in the sense that we haven’t been focusing on it,” Gustin shares. “[Saving Iris] is obviously an all-consuming thing: How do we beat this? How do we prevent this from happening? So, we see Barry and Iris get back to their relationship, but it’s tense. It’s a hard time for both of them right now.”

http://tvline.com/2017/03/21/flash-reca ... s-engaged/

- Las estrellas de Flash y Supergirl revelan sus momentos favoritos del episodio musical (CBR):
Las estrellas de Flash y Supergirl revelan sus momentos favoritos del episodio musical
Por Albert Ching 21 Marzo 2017

After months of discussion, the musical crossover between “The Flash” and “Supergirl” has arrived, airing as tonight’s “Flash” episode on The CW. CBR caught up with some of the episode’s stars to find out their favorite moments from “Duet,” which guest-starred Darren Criss as the musically villainous Music Meister.

For “The Flash” star Grant Gustin, he was excited about both of his numbers in the episode, but had a special place in his heart for “Runnin’ Home to You,” written by the duo of Benj Pasek and Justin Paul — who just last month won an Academy Award for their song “City of Stars,” from “La La Land.”

“I felt very lucky to sing that song by Pasek and Paul, who are exploding right now in the scene of music writing,” Gustin told CBR on the red carpet before Saturday’s PaleyFest event in Hollywood, paying tribute to “The Flash,” “Supergirl,” “Arrow” and “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.” “I knew them a little bit from college — they came to the master class where I went, Elon University. Me and Benj, especially, stayed close-ish since then. It was really cool and special to get to sing that, and they clearly had done their homework on not only the show, but Barry and Iris’ relationship, and just what the whole show has been. They knew where they were coming from, and they wrote a near-perfect song for that moment. I felt really lucky to sing it.”

Melissa Benoist, who stars in the title role of “Supergirl,” went a little more old-school with her pick — her version of Henry Mancini’s “Moon River,” first performed by Audrey Hepburn in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and inspiring many cover versions in the past 55 years.

“I’m such a fan of the American songbook, and classic songs, that, like, Judy Garland and Rosemary Clooney sang, so singing Moon River was a joy for me,” Benoist said.

For Candice Patton, Iris West on “The Flash,” her highlight wasn’t a musical one, but simply the character change that came as a result of the episode’s plot: Thanks to the Music Meister’s machinations, The Flash and Supergirl are both in a shared, dream-like state that looks a whole lot like an old-timey movie musical, providing the context for the songs along with altered versions of familiar characters. In the musical reality, Iris is a mobster’s daughter, and most noticeably, much more freewheeling than we’ve typically seen her character over the past three seasons.

“She’s had such a heavy past few seasons, of dealing with a lot of family and emotional issues,” Patton told CBR. “It’s nice playing a version of Iris that’s a little carefree.

Given the backgrounds of both show’s casts, a musical episode for “The Flash” and “Supergirl” feels like a natural choice. Gustin and Benoist were both on “Glee” along with other credits, Jesse L. Martin (Joe West on “The Flash”) originated the role of Tom Collins on Broadway in “Rent” among many theater roles, Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramon on “The Flash”) played Andrej in the Broadway cast of “Once,” and Jeremy Jordan (Winn on “Supergirl”) has performed on Broadway and co-starred in the film version of “The Last Five Years.” For the “Flash” creative team, while a musical episode was obviously a license to have some fun outside of the show’s normal, superheroic parameters, it still adhered to the tenets of what makes the DC Comics-based show a success.

“It still followed our mantra of ‘heart, humor, spectacle,'” “The Flash” executive producer Aaron Helbing told CBR. “Heart is going to an emotional story with Barry, Kara; with Iris and Mon-El, and their relationship. Humor, because we still always try to pepper in as much fun as we can. And spectacle — when you go into a 1940s, 1950s-type world, and you get to see Joe West, and Malcolm Merlyn, Professor Stein, and all of these different characters, it just gives it a certain flavor and excitement. It’s a time period we really fell in love with.”

“The Flash” airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on The CW; “Supergirl” airs 8 p.m. on Mondays on The CW.

http://www.cbr.com/flash-supergirl-cast ... e-moments/?

- John Wesley Shipp talks Flash with DC Comics News (21-03-17):

- David Dastmalchian sueña con escribir un Cómic (comicbook):
David Dastmalchian sueña con escribir un Cómic
Por Russ Burlingame - 28/03/2017

During an interview with ComicBook.com last week, The Flash guest star David Dastmalchian, who will appear on tonight's episode as classic villain Abra Kadabra, said that one of his dreams is to write a comic book of his own.
the belko experiment michael rooker david dastmalchian
(Photo: YouTube/Movieclips Trailers)

“That’s one of my dreams — to publish one of my own comics,” said the actor, who has been in and around comic book movies and other genre properties for years.

Dastmalchian, known to comic book fans for his roles in The Dark Knight, Ant-Man, and Gotham, also recently appeared in The Belko Experiment, for which ComicBook.com co-produced a comic book tie-in.

“I’m fortunate to know a lot of people who are super talented that work in this world. I’ve become friends with Kevin Smith, with so many people like that just randomly, but I’m very grateful to be friends with — because he’s just an incredible human being — James Gunn,” Dastmalchian told ComicBook.com. “We became friends because we both had volunteered to help a friend on a small sci-fi thing years ago. I had actually gone to college with James’ brother Sean in Chicago years ago, and we had lost touch. Then when I moved to LA years ago, James and I became friends and so I reconnected with Sean and that entire group of insanely talented, amazing people who have that same passion for this world that I do. So when James and Greg invited me to come down and be part of Belko with them in Colombia, it was such an awesome time and a great dream for me. Rooker is someone I’ve been a fan of for my whole life. He went to the same college that Sean and I went to — the Theater School at DePaul in Chicago — and he had gone before us, but his picture was up on the wall and he’s somebody I always looked up to. So when I got to go and play with him, it was cool. I felt like we were almost kind of a George and Lenny, buddy-system [duo] and he was kind of my caretaker if you will. We had so much fun doing that. Then in the Marvel world and the DC world, every day that I get up and I get to go and do this for work, I just don’t want anybody to pinch me. If it’s a magic trick, I don’t want to find out that it’s not real. It’s been just too much fun.”

This is an actor who was excited even before he saw a script to play Abra Kadabra, in part because he had been reading and enjoying the Rebirth-branded Titans book by Dan Abnett and Brett Booth, in which the character appeared.

“I grew up going to this amazing little comic shop in Kansas City called Clint’s comics, and they have their fiftieth anniversary this year,” Dastmalchian said. “I spent all my lawn mowing money there, and I just feel like all of the smack that I caught for that back int he day, I feel so vindicated now. It’s come in so handy! The only flipside of that, is that with every time that I tell a story in these worlds, fans and people who love these characters are so devoted to them — and I understand and I get that because I am as well — so you just want them to enjoy what you create as much as I enjoy creating it. So the only stress that really comes in, and you can’t listen to it, you have to just allow yourself to feel creative and play, but I really care. I really hope that people who are as familiar with these characters as I am, see this character that they’ve already been familiar with brought to life in a way they think is cool and fun and exciting and brings a little something new to it, you know?”

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/03/28/the- ... omic-book/

- David Dastmalchian adelanta los planes de Abra Kadabra para ‘sembrar el caos’ (Variety):
David Dastmalchian adelanta los planes de Abra Kadabra para ‘sembrar el caos’
Por Jacob Bryant - 28 Marzo, 2017 | 12:06PM PT

After last week’s brief, and delightful, sidestep into a musical episode, this week’s episode of “The Flash” is back to the task — stopping Savitar and saving Iris (Candice Patton).

The latest installment introduces the classic Flash villain Abra Kadabra (David Dastmalchian), a character who shares similarities with the Reverse Flash in that he is also from the future — the 64th century to be exact — and is familiar with the hero that Barry (Grant Gustin) will become. The time-traveling magician heads back to 2017 this week with some information the team is desperate to have — the identity of Savitar.

Variety spoke with Dastmalchian about his take on Abra Kadabra, whether the villain is here to help or harm, and more.

You’ve been in a bunch of other comic book-related films and shows before, but never really played a character with abilities. How did it feel to have powers this time around?

It’s awesome! It’s so much fun. I put on that costume for the first time, and I started playing with some of the magic and tech, and utilizing the powers that Abra wields in the actual scenes. That is some of the most fun that I’ve ever had as an actor. It awoke that 12-year-old in me who used to spend his lawn mowing money on stacks of comics every Saturday, and let me step into that world. It’s the dream, man. Aside from the time I get to spend with my family it doesn’t get any better than that.

In the past, Abra Kadabra has been portrayed at times as campy and others pretty dark. Where does your version of the character fall?

As a lifelong comic-lover, I’ve been familiar with Abra over the years. We definitely framed the portrayal of this character in a darker, more sinister tone, but underneath all that there is the showman. What’s so fascinating about this guy is he’s using this tech to travel through time and put on a show. He’s got the tech, he’s got the ability … he could really just go after Flash if he wanted in all-out war, but instead it’s all about the show.

Being from the future, Abra is familiar with Flash later in his career. What’s his take on this younger, less seasoned version of Barry?

He’s a bit surprised at how young and green the Flash is. When they first interact — because Abra knows Barry’s identity — he sees him and is a little taken aback. That doesn’t change how much he despises Barry thanks to their experiences in the future. Abra revels in the fact that he gets the opportunity to wreak havoc on Flash at such a formative moment in his life. If all goes according to plan, Abra could ruin the Flash for decades to come.

It’s hinted that Abra also knows the identity of Savitar. He didn’t come back to help Barry, did he?

I can only answer you in saying, don’t believe everything you see until the smoke clears and you see the trick Abra ultimately pulls off. Savitar is the greatest speedster in Abra’s mind. He is the speedster. Abra has a great deal of respect for him; not so much for Barry or any of the others.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/the-fla ... 202017853/


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 3.18 "Abra Kadabra" Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.18 "Abra Kadabra" Extended Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.18 "Abra Kadabra" Inside the episode:

- THE FLASH | 3.18 "Abra Kadabra" Clip #1


- THE FLASH | 3.18 "Abra Kadabra" Clip #2


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 3.18 "Abra Kadabra":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 3.19 "The Once and Future Flash" Promo #1:

- THE FLASH | 3.19 "The Once and Future Flash" Promo #2:

- THE FLASH | 3.19 "The Once and Future Flash" Extended Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.19 "The Once and Future Flash" Inside the episode:
https://twitter.com/CW_TheFlash/status/ ... 5353102336

- THE FLASH | 3.19 "The Once and Future Flash" Clip #1:

http://ew.com/tv/2017/04/25/flash-kille ... ow_twitter

- THE FLASH | 3.19 "The Once and Future Flash" Clip #2:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.19 "The Once and Future Flash":
3.19 "The Once and Future Flash" (25/04/17): TOM CAVANAGH DIRIGE; BARRY VIAJA AL FUTURO PARA SALVAR A IRIS – Barry (Grant Gustin) viaja al futuro para descubrir a aún desconocida identidad de Savitar con la esperanza de salvar a Iris (Candice Patton). Desde su llegada en 2024, Barry encuentra las versiones futuras de sus amigos del Flash, quienes, tras la muerte de Iris, se han convertido en personas distintas, profundamente impactados por su pelea con Savitar. Le corresponderá a Barry el infundir de nuevo un sentido de esperanza al equipo, mientras prueba ser el héroe que sus amigos futuros han estado esperando. Mientras tanto, de vuelta en el 2017, la cacería de Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) continúa. Tom Cavanagh dirige el episodio escrito por Carina Adly MacKenzie (#319).

http://flashtvnews.com/flash-spoilers-t ... tion/28622

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
