"SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | 2.18 "Ace Reporter" Promo #1:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.18 "Ace Reporter" Extended Promo #1:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.18 "Ace Reporter" Promo #2:

- SUPERGIRL | 2.18 "Ace Reporter" Promo #3:
https://twitter.com/outsidersanvers/sta ... 8263085056

- SUPERGIRL | 2.18 "Ace Reporter" Inside the episode:
https://twitter.com/TheCWSupergirl/stat ... 9513536512

- SUPERGIRL | 2.18 "Ace Reporter" Clip #1:


- SUPERGIRL | 2.18 "Ace Reporter" Clip #2:


- SUPERGIRL | 2.18 "Ace Reporter" Clip #3:


- SUPERGIRL | 2.18 "Ace Reporter" Clip #4:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | Behind the Visual Effects | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.18 "Ace Reporter":
2.18 "Ace Reporter" (24/04/17): RAHUL KOHLI DE IZOMBIE ESTRELLA INVITADA – el ex-novio de Lena (la estrella invitada Katie McGarth), Jack Spheer (la estrella invitada Rahul Kohli), llega a National City para desvelar su gran descubrimiento en nano-tecnología, que tiene el potencial de erradicar todas las enfermedades. Lena le pìde a Kara que asista a la conferencia de Jack con ella para que la apoye. Cuando Kara ve a Snapper (la estrella invitada Star Ian Gomez) asistiendo se inspira para retomar sus dotes como reportera y le pregunta a Jack sobre su descubrimiento, lo que al final lleva a una investigación mayor que pone a todo el mundo en peligro. Armen V. Kevorkian dirige el episodio escrito por Paula Yoo & Caitlin Parrish (#218).

http://www.kryptonsite.com/supergirl-ac ... li-guests/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 2.18 "Ace Reporter":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Katie McGrath está enamorada de la Lena Luthor 'de armas tomar' (TVLine):
Katie McGrath está enamorada de la Lena Luthor 'de armas tomar'
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 11 Abril 2017, 11:20 AM PDT

“So, so sorry to keep you waiting! But there were puppies.”

Supergirl’s Katie McGrath comes shuffling around the corner toward her setside trailer, having just made some furry friends over in hair-and-makeup. For someone so enigmatic both on-screen (Is Lena so different from brother Lex?) and off (Why doesn’t she have a birth date?), the Irish actress is wonderfully warm and welcoming, veritably champing at the bit to give her first in-depth interview since making her debut on the CW series last fall.

McGrath led TVLine on a quick iPhone tour of the puppies she just played with (peppered with some commentary on canine couture), before sitting for a cozy Q&A. Weeks afterward, she would earn a promotion to series regular for Season 3 — news she surely reveled in, given her girl crush on Miss Luthor, detailed below.

TVLINE | First of all, tell me what you’re shooting today.
What am I shooting today? We are on [Episode] 218, so it’s a storyline with Rahul [Kohli], from iZombie. He plays Jack Spheer, who is a love interest for moi.

TVLINE | Jack is Lena’s ex, though, right?
Yeah, but if there’s an ex, there’s still [with a flourish of the hand] frisson there, you know? We were together for a while. I feel very privileged that they thought enough of my character to give me a hot man to play with for an episode (airing Monday, April 24, when Season 2 resumes).

TVLINE | It sounds like a big episode for you.
It is, actually. What’s nice about it is you’re getting quite a bit of backstory for me as a character. You haven’t really seen storylines for Lena outside of her being a Luthor and all the stories to do with her family…

TVLINE | It always seems to come back to her mom.
Exactly. Or her brother… all of that kind of stuff. And this is separate to that, which is nice. It gives you more of an insight of her as an individual rather than her as part of her family.

TVLINE | But as Lena reconnects with Jack, Kara (played by Melissa Benoist) gets to investigating one of them…?
There is the release of some new technology that to Kara seems a bit suspect and seems to be connected to a few dastardly dealings going on. She’s attempting to investigate it, on one hand, because journalistically she thinks that it’s interesting. And then on the other hand, she’s investigating it because she’s worried about me as her friend. So, there’s both of those going on.

TVLINE | So, you think Lena and Kara are friends at this point?
They’re like bezzie mates.

TVLINE | Yeah?
Yeah! Yeah! See, everybody’s got this idea that…. It’s always hard when you’re playing a character that everybody thinks is going to go one direction. They’re convinced she’s going to go down the road of Lex—

TVLINE | I’m not. But the two of them have bumped heads a bit.
No, but they bump heads like anyone. Don’t you ever bump heads with your friends? But they always come back to, you know, a place of mutual respect of each other.

TVLINE | What might Kara’s investigation do to that dynamic?
I can’t give away the ending. [Laughs] But ultimately, we’ve spent 18 episodes over the season building a friendship between the two of them, and it’s not going to be able to be destroyed in one episode. That’s one of the things I’m most proud of actually on this show, and I didn’t think that’s where it was going to go, because when I came in, I only came in for a few episodes. And [the friendship] has slowly and very realistically, I think, built up over this season. We’ve all put a lot of work into it and I’m glad that they’re taking the time to get there, and keeping it.

TVLINE | You were talking about how everything always loops back to Lena’s mom or the whole Luthor thing, but is there a bigger picture to ultimately be revealed? Might Lena have a scheme of her own percolating that we’re completely oblivious to thus far?
I don’t think so…. I think Lena is a very genuine person. What you see is what you get with her. She is honestly trying to do the best she can, and she is honestly a good person. That’s not to say that other people don’t use her for ills, because she’s the head of this company, she has all of these other relationships that people can manipulate — like her mother — and get her into these situations that…. A normal person isn’t going to be b put in jail by, you know, Cadmus with giant green ray guns! It doesn’t happen to people that are not a Luthor, but it’s how Lena reacts to it differently than the rest of her family which makes her interesting to play. You think she’s going to “be a Luthor” about something, but then she turns around and completely surprises you, which I guess is what makes her an interesting character to watch — and definitely an interesting character to play.

TVLINE | So, at the end of the season finale she’s not going to let out a maniacal cackle and say, “At long last, Project Leviathan can be unleashed!”?
You know, she might! I haven’t read the end of the [season], so anything is possible. [Laughs] She could decide to move to a giant moon made of cheese. I mean, at this point, who knows!

TVLINE | Who have you been working with lately besides Melissa?
Besides Melissa? I’ve been working with Rahul. I have been working with Brenda [Strong], my mom, who is just so delicious.

TVLINE | And tall.
[Nods] God. I swear. But just, like, perfectly, elegantly in proportion. [Sweeping her hand from head to toe] She’s like a dancer. It’s unbelievable. I then rock up like an Irish potato going, “This is great. I am so not your child.”

TVLINE | Have you worked with Jeremy Jordan lately? You two have had a couple of fun scenes.
I haven’t worked with him since our little meeting underneath the stage. It’s funny because I seem to play these characters, generally, that are separate from the main storyline. So most of my stuff actually is just with Melissa, which is really nice, and it always tends to be real character stuff…. Us sitting down talking about things that are important…

TVLINE | And it always passes the Bechdel Test.
Yes! Exactly. It does. It’s proper scenes between two women, do you know what I mean? And it’s rare, generally, that you get to do that on TV. I think that’s why the relationship resonates with so many people — and it’s definitely why I love to play it.

TVLINE | Speaking of the Lena/Kara relationship, what do you think about the whole “Supercorp” thing? You’re not out there on Twitter….
I’m not on Twitter, no. But I’ve had people tell me about it.

TVLINE | How does a person who’s not on Twitter hear about it?
Well, Melissa will tell me, or anybody else on set. My brother mentioned it a few times.

TVLINE | Do you remember the first time you heard the term, or who from?
Who did I hear it from…? I couldn’t even tell you…. I think it was Melissa, actually, who first told me. I’ve played quite a few characters that have either been gay or they’ve had, you know, some very obvious gay undertones, and to be completely honest, this was the first time I was like, “Well, this role doesn’t have any!” You’re laughing now — how naive was I? And then after the first episode… I go back and I watch and I was like, “Oh, yeah, now I can see it. That makes sense to me.”

TVLINE | On Buffy’s anniversary, I read an interview where Joss Whedon talked about people who would see lesbian subtext between his female characters and he at first was like, “What are you talking about?” But once he looked for it, he was like, “Ohhhh, yeah.”
It’s funny because sometimes it’s so obvious when you’re playing it. You read it and you’ve got the characters and you’re like, “Oh, yeah, I know this is going to happen.” And then there are other times… and [with Lena/Kara] honestly, it just didn’t even enter into my head. But then you get the response and you go back and you’re like, “Yeah, I can see where that came from.” It doesn’t bother me at all. I think it’s great, because what really makes me feel good is that they can see the characters are working on more than one level. Do you know what I mean? It’s not just what we put into it. It’s what the writers put in, and the directors, and then what people can take from it. It means that the characters we’re playing are not just one dimension, they work on so many levels.

TVLINE | You’re stirring people’s imaginations. You want to do that with a character.
Exactly. Of course, it makes you feel really good to know that what you’re doing is quality.

TVLINE | What’s your dream casting for Lex? If Katie McGrath could grab anybody to play Lex for one episode….
One episode? Bruce Willis, the most amazingly, good-looking, bald man there ever is.

TVLINE | I just saw him at the end of M. Night Shyamalan’s Split.
Right? Was he delicious? He’s delicious. He’d be a good Lex.

TVLINE | If you could give Lena one piece of advice, what would it be?
“Keep doin’ what you’re doin’. Don’t stop. Don’t second guess yourself.” She’s honest, she’s true to Kara, she’s true to her friends, she’s doing her best…. She’s trying, in the face of all the things people keep throwing at her, and all the expectations that people have, and she’s defying them.

TVLINE | You’re in love with Lena.
[Cocking an eyebrow] Wouldn’t you be…?

TVLINE | [Stammering, some blushing]
[Laughs] There is only one answer to that, and that is, “Yes, Lena’s a badass.”

http://tvline.com/2017/04/11/supergirl- ... na-luthor/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tyler Hoechlin regresa como 'Superman' en la season finale de "Supergirl":
The Man of Steel regresa a National City.

EW ha confirmado que Tyler Hoechlin repetirá en sy papel de Superman en la finale de la S2 de Supergirl. Desafortunadamente, no hay disponibles detalles por el momento que nos permitan idear cómo enjará el "Hombre de Acero".

Hoechlin hizo su debut en Metrópolis’ como el héroe favorito en la premiere de la segunda episodio de la S2. En ese episodio, ayudó a su prima (Melissa Benoist) a salvar a Lena Luthor (interpretada por Katie McGrath) de un intento de asesinato. También apareció para el segundo episodio de la S2.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/04/11/supergirl-t ... ow_twitter[/center]

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Calista Flockhart regresa como 'Cat Grant' para los dos últimos episodios de la S2 de "Supergirl":
Ayer, uno de los paparazzi habituales de Vancouver afirmó que Calista Flockhart también estaría de regreso para el final de la temporada de la S2 de "Supergirl", aunque no había sido confirmado oficialmente:

Hoy, la CW oficialmente ha confirmado que 'Cat Grant' (aka Calista Flockhart) regresa para la final de dos episodios de la Season 2 de "Supergirl", que está previsto que se emitan el 15 y el 22 de Mayo, aunque la cadena sigue manteniendo el silencio en cuanto a los detalles de su regreso.

Cat (Flockhart) fue vista por última vez en el segundo episodio de la S2 titulado “The Last Children of Krypton.” Al final de ese episodio, Cat decidió que era el momento de seguir adelante. A pesar de que dominaba el mundo de los medios, se sentía estancada y se tomó una baja de CatCo Worldwide Media para conquistar nuevos mundos, dejando a James Olsen (Mehcad Brooks) en su lugar mientras ella no estaba.

http://deadline.com/2017/04/supergirl-c ... 202068065/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.19 "Alex":
2.19 "Alex" (01/05/17): ALEX ES SECUESTRADA – Alex (Chyler Leigh) es secuestrada y el secuestrador amenaza con matarla a menos que Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) libere a un infame criminal de la prisión. Supergirl y Maggie (Floriana Lima) siempre tienen una aproximación diferente a la hora de atrapar a los criminales pero esta vez deben trabajar juntas para salvar a Alex. Mientras tanto, Rhea (la estrella invitada Teri Hatcher) tiene una interesante proposición para Lena (Katie McGrath). Rob Greenlea dirige el episodio escrito por Eric Carrasco & Greg Baldwin (#219).

http://www.kryptonsite.com/supergirl-2- ... tion-alex/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Supergirl enlista a Lonnie Chavis de "This is Us" en un episodio centrado en 'James Olsen':
"Supergirl" ha contratado a uno de los chicos de los flashbacks de "This is Us" para interpretar un papel en un gran episodio sobre el aspirante James Olsen.

TVLine ha sabido que Lonnie Chavis aka el joven Randall en la serie de éxito de la NBC, aparecerá como estrella invitada en la serie de la CW "Supergirl" 'como Marcus', un chico alienígena que hace buenas migas con James (interpretado por Mehcad Brooks) tras el ataque de su madre a National City.

El episodio titulado “City of Lost Children”, que se emite el Lunes. 08 de Mayo, promete encontrar al CEO interino de CatCo, cuando está lidiando con su destino extracurrular.

“Hay un encantador momento que tengo con Mehcad, sobre el aceptar quién eres,” dice David Harewood, quien interpreta al CEO y DEO de la “Martian Manhunter” J’onn J’onzz. “James es reacio a dar un paso al frente y ayudar a alguien, y yo lo convenzo, como héroe, de que algunas veces tienes que ir contra tus propios instintos y hacer algo que sea correcto, en contra de lo que tú piensas.”

Si tiene éxito, ¿podría el Guardian" de National City finalmente vestirse para Hank & Co.? “Realmente quiero ver a James en la DEO,”dice Harewood. “Winn ha sido un verdadero descubrimiento en la CEO, así es que puede que un día tengamos ahí a James también.”

Supergirl retoma la Season 2 el Lunes, 24 de Abril a las 8/7c, con el episodio centrado en Lena/Kara titulado “Ace Reporter.”

http://tvline.com/2017/04/17/supergirl- ... ie-chavis/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts del rodaje de la S2 (17-24 Abril 2017):

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(@LyndaCarter: Having a great time on set of Supergirl!
@davidharewood: Night Out. #cwsupergirl #mcgraph
@Brenda_Strong: The talented and handsome @DavidHarewood on set- Lillian's right hand. @TheCWSupergirl
@davidharewood: Alex and J'onn @thecwsupergirl
@davidharewood: In 2 places at once. Cyborg and J'onn #cwsupergirl
@davidharewood: That's a wrap on Season 2 for me! With @florianalima and @chy_leigh
@HatchingChange: This is what sun feels like when it finally comes out in vancouver #funfriday. Happy weekend everyone. My last before wrapping up #supergirl
@mehcadbrooks: Superhero time-out with @christophrwood #super
@jeremymjordan: Final day on set and they finally let me get to play with this nut job! We don't get along. And she smells. (She doesn't do social media so don't worry, she'll never see this)
@davidharewood: Word to the wise
@strongbrenda: That's a wrap! @thecwsupergirl Season 2
@HatchingChange: The sun finally came out for my last day on set of #supergirl. Loving this whole crew! Thanks guys! #gratitude #sometimesmondaysdontsuck)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Mark Gibbon será el 'General Zod' en la S2 de "Supergirl":
Mark Gibbon ha sido el elegido para interpretar al 'General Zod' en la serie de la Cw "Supergirl".

Gibbon es un actor canadiense que es un habitual del género. Entre sus trabajos están un pequeño papel en "Man Of Steel", le ha prestado su voz a 'Hulk' en los dibujos animados de los "Cuatro Fantásticos" e "Iron Man", Barack Zinin en "Mobile Suit Gundam", Two-Badd en "He-Man", Gauntlet en "X-Men Evolution", The Thing en "Marvel Nemesis", y Nick Fury en "Spider-Man Unlimited".

También ha hecho una serie de papeles de acción en "Smallville", "Arrow", interpretó a 'M’zel' en "Stargate SG-1" y 'Constable' en "Stargate Atlantis" y también ha aparecido en muchas otras como "X-Files", "Other Limits", "Dark Angel", "Lone Gunmen", "Andromeda", "Chronicles Of Riddick", "The 4400", "Flash Gordon", "Once Upon A Time", "Falling Skies" y "The 100", por mencionar tan sólo algunas de ellas.

Según BleedingCool, el actor ha estado esta semana rodando escenas para "Supergirl" como el archienemigo de "Supermán" y pronto habrá confirmación y anuncio por parte de la cadena.

https://www.bleedingcool.com/2017/04/20 ... ing-today/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 2.20 "City of Lost Children":
2.20 "City of Lost Children" (08/05/17): LA ESTRELLA DE “THIS IS US” LONNIE CHAVIS ESTRELLA INVITADA – Cuando un alien ataca National City, Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) y la DEO se enteran que el alien es un Phorian, una raza alienígena pacídica con poderes telequinéticos. Guardian (Mehcad Brooks) consigue una pista sobre la dirección del Phorian pero en lugar de encontrar al culpanle, encuentra a un chico muy asustado llamado Marcus (la estrella invitadar Lonnie Chavis). Marcus tan sólo confiará en James así es que le corresponde a Guardian el detener los ataques en la ciudad. Los planes de Rhea (Teri Hatcher) escalan. Ben Bray dirige el episodio con historia de Robert Rovner y guión de Gabriel Llanas & Anna Musky-Goldwyn (#220).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/04/superg ... -lost.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | Spring Recap | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Rahul Kohli trae la tecnología, el romance e iZombie a "Supergirl" (CBR):
Rahul Kohli trae la tecnología, el romance e iZombie a "Supergirl"
Por Meagan Damore - 24 Abril 2017

Tonight, “iZombie” will crossover with “Supergirl” — sort of. In “Ace Reporter,” the next episode of “Supergirl,” “iZombie” star Rahul Kohli will guest star as Lena Luthor’s old flame Jack Spheer and his arrival in National City will certainly heat things up for the Girl of Steel. As it were, Spheer is in town to debut his miraculous new nanotech, but his invention — and Lena’s involvement with him — pulls Kara into an investigation she never expected.

Speaking with CBR, Kohli introduced his version of Spheer, who may look a little different than his comic book counterpart when he shows up on “Supergirl.” Kohli also filled us in on how his character differs from the comics, why he wants to steal Katie McGrath for “iZombie,” what caught him off guard when he arrived on set and more.

CBR: As I’m sure you know, Jack Spheer is also a character in the comics. Did you do any research to prepare for the role?

Rahul Kohli: I did! And I saw that he was a giant gas, and I wasn’t sure how to prepare for that and what I would need to do, but then I found out very quickly that we are actually doing a different spin on that character, which is not necessarily what the fans may have read in the comic books. This is a new take on the character for the “Supergirl” universe.

Because this is a new version of Spheer, did you have the flexibility to add your own spin to the character?

Oh yeah! Absolutely! I mean, there was a lot of freedom with that. Initially, I thought I would have to do an America accent, but that wasn’t required. They were happy to have a British accent. In terms of his look, they had the idea that they wanted not a Steve Jobs-type, but the tech genius guys that do the keynotes and pep talks; they wanted that kind of energy from him. The only thing I kind of clung onto was I insisted that he should have a beard, which is my acting clutch. I need half my face covered with hair, it seems, to feel comfortable on camera.

Can you describe Spheer’s personality in three words?

He’s a charismatic tech genius back in National City to debut this new technology that he’s been working on called Biomax, and it’s microscopic nanobots that are able to heal injuries and cure diseases. He’s also an old flame of Lena’s.

If you could tease only one thing about Lena and Spheer’s relationship, what would be?

Things move very quickly for them. There’s no real messing around with those two characters. There isn’t a lot of procrastinating about how they feel towards one another. They’re like a charged couple.

What was it like to work with Katie McGrath?

Oh, she was awesome! I think Katie kind of set the tone for the rest of the episode… Our first scene was actually quite an intense relationship scene to do at 7 or 6 in the morning. That was my first day meeting Katie, and then we had to do certain things that are not necessarily comfortable for new people to do, but she was incredible and I tried desperately to steal her for “iZombie” but I think “Supergirl” beat me to it with the old “making her a season regular.” Now we can’t steal her!

There’s a lot of anti-alien prejudice going on in Supergirl’s world right now. Will we see what side of that line Spheer falls on?

No, we don’t. No, the world and the universe that they’ve created within “Supergirl” is kind of suspended for this storyline. It’s a highly contained story within that arc, if that makes sense. It’s all about him sliding into that world. It’s more about how he affects everyone else’s day-to-day routine.

So would you say the episode is more of a character piece?

Yeah! It’s just its own special kind of Jack episode, where he comes and messes everything up and has Lena in a tizzy and Kara investigating him. Yeah, you don’t get to see Jack interacting with many of the characters or giving any of his opinions of the goings-on in National City.

On “iZombie,” you play a character with a heart of gold. What was it like for you to take on Spheer, who seems to be a bit shadier?

It’s great! I mean, Jack… I think he’s been pitched — and rightly so — as some sort of villain of the week, in that format, but that actually is kind of misinformation. He’s not as mustache-twirly as people would think he’s going to be. It’s a lot more layered. [Ravi and Jack] are actually still quite good people, and both charming in their own way. I think the biggest difference between the two is Jack’s not funny. I don’t think I had a single joke, whereas Ravi is much more of this comedic ball of energy in “iZombie,” so it was interesting… because that’s what I do on “iZombie.” If I get nervous or if don’t know what to do in a scene, I resort to a stupid face. That seems to have worked the last three years, but with “Supergirl,” I have to do something different to feel comfortable.

As a big comic book fan, what was it like for you to step onto the set and become part of Supergirl’s world?

It was awesome! I mean, it’s not like they had a Batmobile that I could sit in. Much of the scenes that I was in were just real-world type locations, like restaurants and offices, but I did, like on my first say, cross paths with Melissa [Benoist] when she was dressed as Supergirl and honestly I reacted like a five-year-old. She just stopped me in my tracks. It’s so iconic — you know, the symbol and the cape. Melissa just looks phenomenal as Supergirl. It was an unexpected hit! I wasn’t expecting it to be a freak out. Like if I was cast in “Star Wars,” I know in ten seconds I’m going to scream about a Stormtrooper or the Millennium Falcon, whereas on “Supergirl” I was just excited to try a new character, but it caught me off guard. I really did freak out when I saw Melissa dressed as Supergirl.

“Supergirl” has a pretty big ensemble cast. Do you have a favorite moment or experience on set?

Yeah! I’ll tell you what caught me off guard was Chris Wood. He and [“iZombie” star Robert] Buckley are like the same person on different shows. They have the same sense of humor and joke delivery. He just had me in stitches. They have a lot more freedom. Us, being a comedy, we don’t realize improvise it. [Co-creator] Rob Thomas and the writers do such a great job of the jokes. We don’t chip in with improv at all. We pretty much stick to what’s been written on “iZombie.” What caught me off guard on “Supergirl” was that there’s a lot more freedom to experiment, and Chris definitely takes advantage of that. We did a scene where every time Chris came up with something funnier than the last line, and it was unexpected. I wasn’t expecting it to be that kind of gig, but it was. It was hilarious.

Though the odds of this happening are slim, what would you like to see in a “Supergirl”/”iZombie” crossover?

I’d want Ravi and Lena to start dating! [laughs] I had such a great time working with Katie. She was fantastic, and — like I said before — I tried to steal her. So if I can’t steal her, then, have my character and her character come out across worlds, that’d be awesome.

http://www.cbr.com/supergirl-ace-report ... interview/

- Rahul Kohli se dirige a Supergirl en ruta para su objetivo de derrocar al Batman de Ben Affleck (comicbook):
Rahul Kohli se dirige a Supergirl en ruta para su objetivo de derrocar al Batman de Ben Affleck
Por Russ Burlingame - 24/04/2017

Fans of iZombie likely know Rahul Kohli as the charming, funny, and often show-stealing Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti, essentially the series' most significant male lead and the first season's most surprising breakout character. Tonight, he heads to Supergirl to play a wildly different character -- and to win over a skeptical audience as he does so.

A vocal segment of the Supergirl fandom have been hoping to explore chemistry between Katie McGrath's Lena Luthor and Melissa Benoist's Kara Danvers/Supergirl, so when the synopsis for tonight's episode revealed that Kohli will be playing an ex-boyfriend of McGrath's, eager to make his way back into her life, the excitement that many fans felt at Kohli being cast in the "Arrowverse" was offset slightly by backlash from the Lena/Kara shippers.

That's fine by Kohli, who has had to win his way into the hearts of a skeptical fandom once before -- iZombie was a show many didn't expect to last a season, and it's now on its third and beloved by its audience.

Kohli joined ComicBook.com to talk about tonight's episode of Supergirl, titled "Ace Reporter," and what it means to him to join the DC superhero universe

With your recent move to DC All Access, and now this, it feels like you're becoming a go-to guy for DC these days.

Yeah, I'm working my way up to replace Ben Affleck. That's the goal -- as Batman. So I figured DC All Access, Supergirl, and then hopefully a Batman film. That's the trajectory, man.

I thought you were going to say you were going to replace Jim Lee.

No, no, I'm not that good. No one could replace Jim Lee.

When you get a script like this, do you hope to see yourself in the costume?

You know what? I don't usually have any expectations, simply because from watching other interpretations of these characters from the pages, they usually do change quite heavily from their comic book origins. So I had done some research because I wasn't familiar with Biomax. All I could really find was a stint on Green Arrow, and he's a gas. Then judging from the audition I got, it was to do with nanobot technology, so I knew that was already a big change in his origin and the character.

What excited me was to be a part of the Berlanti universe. That was siomething that was a nice surprise. I didn't think that was going to happen while still serving iZombie, so that was fun.

Obviously you guys film 100 yards from one another. Is that weird as a DC fanboy, thinking it probably wouldn't happen?

You know what? I don't think superheroes are going anywhere anytime soon. I also shouldn't say this, but there is still another company as well making a ton of comic book content, and a ton of indie books are being made into TV and film. So I didn't feel like this was something I was missing out on doing iZombie, which in itself is a comic book.

I think the general feeling we all have, when looking back at Smallville and shows like that, is that they're there for a long time. They're there for ten seasons it looks like. You probably expect those shows to last a lot longer than we expected iZombie to probably last. I'm happy to stick on iZombie and tell that story for as long as possible, and I think that by the time we are done with iZombie, there's still going to be plenty of superhero stuff to jump on board.

Obviously your character has a history with Lena.

That's probably the most enticing thing about playing that character is not so much to do with the nanobots or his appearance in National City. The real story here is about Lena and this ex-boyfriend who comes right back into her life. It was interesting as well because with iZombie, I've had years of working with Aly [Michalka] now, where we've slowly crafted a nice chemistry and we're very close and we very much enjoy working with one another. We've taken our time developing it and pushing it and whatever.

With Supergirl, you move straight into a one-episode arc and you have to build so much backstory and so much subtext, and you really have to either work very hard or get very lucky. With Supergirl, we got very lucky, I think. We clicked very quickly. Our first scene was actually to deal with the matter of the heart, and that was an interesting place to jump into and dive in headfirst. I'm very proud of what we did there.

Is it a little ironic that this is coming right on the heels of the --

[Laughs] I know what you're going to say.

--the Katty Kupps thing where you reconnected with your ex on iZombie last week?

Yeah, it's interesting, right? I go two, three years without being anyone's love interest, and then I have three weeks of breaking hearts and messing around and stuff. Obviously, I'm the funny man on iZombie. Ravi is much more than a schtick or a comedy or a tool for that. But Supergirl took that right away. I'm coming straight in as a love interest. So I know the pressures -- I've watched Robert Buckley do that and I've learned from the best, so hopefully I do that justice.

How is it to play someone who's kind of a villain? Everyone kind of knows you as the nicest guy on the show.

In terms of Jack Spheer and the villainy stuff, it's actually not as cut and dry as it may appear. The formula is pretty familiar, as far as the villain of the week, so when you enter a role -- particularly one who's a villain in the comic books -- everyone assumes that I'm coming there to twirl my mustache. That's actually not the case; they've handled this incredibly well and it's a lot more unpredictable than people might think.

In saying that, there are still shades of gray with that character. I shouldn't say this because I'm setting myself up for a fall before it comes out, but this is me in my element. Ravi, and the comedy? That was always the stretch. Before iZombie I was always playing villains, bad guys, guys with issues. Supergirl is a much more comfortable experience for me than even iZombie in some respects.

How is it playing off of Melissa? One of the really interesting dynamics this season is Katie and Melissa, so having a third wheel come into that is something that fans immediately stood up and took notice of.

Yeah, they did. [Laughs] It was interesting; I went into it naive. I was slightly ignorant to the intricacies of their relationship and to the fans and what they want for that relationship, and what they were expecting. I got a crash-course lesson on Tumblr and Twitter; it didn't take long for me to realize what I was walking into.

It was interesting and slightly intimidating. On my show, we have our own dialogue and relationship with the iZombie fandom and that's one where, as you're aware, I'm quite blunt. I feel like because it's my show, I'm able to communicate with the fans and talk to them in a very direct way. Supergirl, I'm a guest in someone else's house.

A lot of people weren't particularly happy to find out that Lena had an ex-boyfriend, but for me, it's interesting and I'm very excited by that. I think the episode is a great episode and I think it's handled extremely well. Jack's presence does not in any way affect the dynamic between Katie and Melissa and their characters. I think a lot of it is just to do with misinformation and not knowing much about the episode until they've seen it. I think once they've seen the episode, a lot of people will be happy.

Is that kind of a position you're familiar with, in terms of having to claw your way into people's hearts? I feel like that's where iZombie started.

A little bit. I think there is an element of that. We definitely have to prove ourselves to a lot of people. People were skeptical of our show based on the title and the premise and being in a market that's saturated in terms fo zombies.

Supergirl was a little bit different, but again it's one of those things where -- and I'm sure this will happen in my career -- I will be playing roles that, a lot of people might not be very happy that I'm being cast in that role, for whatever reason. It's a great motivation to do the work and make sure you give the best performance that you can and win them over that way. I'd rather have people doubt and not have you there and for you to prove them wrong, than to have them excited and for you to let them down. I like that challenge. I'm very confident, I'm very excited, and I'm not going to do the typical actor thing to stay off social media.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/04/24/rahu ... unseating/

- Rahul Kohli lleva el cerebro (y las chispas) a 'Supergirl' (TVInsider):
Rahul Kohli lleva el cerebro (y las chispas) a 'Supergirl'
Por Damian Holbrook - 24 Abril, 2017 1:00 pm

As iZombie's Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti, Rahul Kohli gets to crack wise—and sometimes even save the day—with Liv and company. But tonight, he's trading his cheeky coroner role for shadier scientific horizons with a guest spot on Supergirl as Jack Spheer, a tech mogul whose medical breakthrough could take a serious bite out of terminal illnesses. And while that may not help the undead Kohli usually deals with, we cannot wait to see how Spheer sends a certain Luthor's pulse racing when they cross paths.

I was wondering when we were going to start seeing the migration from Vancouver show to Vancouver show.
Yeah, it's been a long time coming. I'm surprised it took three years. [Laughs]

How did you fit this into your filming schedule at iZombie?
Well, I actually...because Supergirl is on a 22-episode arc and iZombie does 13, we'd already wrapped iZombie. I was back in Los Angeles on hiatus, shooting a movie for Netflix when I got a call from my agent who said they're looking for actors to guest on a Supergirl episode. A one-episode arc. I went in and read for it, just like any other job, really. Booked it and went back to Vancouver.

So let's talk about this Jack Spheer, because you're getting to play somebody who's actually in the DC comics universe...
He is, yeah. I think he was in the "Green Arrow" books, if I'm correct. This version does differ slightly from the comic-book version. As I understand it, that was a father-son duo behind the character Biomax...Jack Spheer was some sort of [sentient] gas. Unfortunately I'm not a skilled enough actor to play gas. [Laughs] This Supergirl take on it, he's the CEO of Spherical Industries who comes to National City to talk about new technology, a new medical miracle called Biomax which is a nanobot technology that can heal people.

Is this a good guy or is this a good guy whose product goes bad?
He's a good guy. There's a few grey areas, a few things about maybe human trials and there are some things along the way that spark the interest of Kara [Melissa Benoist] and others around the DEO. There might be more to this story and this person that meets the eye.

I know you probably get to work a lot with Katie McGrath's Lena Luthor, correct?
It was awesome. My stuff wasn't super action-heavy, but most of my work was pretty much with Katie. They're ex-lovers and she hasn't seen him for a while. So a lot of it was to do with being back in her life, how she deals with that, and the reasons why they weren't together. It's more about her journey, really, in dealing with someone from her past.

Can you tell us why they split up?
It was her own family. She left the project the were working on together because of family duties..she chose to go over and work for the Luthors. Jack and Lena never really had relationship issues; it was more external powers that drove them apart. So that's why there's still something bubbling there between them.

That must be nice to play a character who's not the Villain of the Week.
Yeah, it was quite interesting because when I was reading for it, I hadn't really seen the script or anything so I thought I was playing this evil gas! But it turns out, they weren't doing that and it wasn't the villain of the week kind of stuff, either. There was a lot more subtext in there and it was a nice treat coming off iZombie to play a completely different character. I can reveal that—and you can have the first exclusive on this—that I do not tell a single joke.

https://www.tvinsider.com/172384/izombi ... supergirl/

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- Rahul Kohli - Facebook Live Chat (24-04-17):

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