"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts del rodaje de la S3 (05-04-17):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Concept-art de 'Vibe' por Andy Poon:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | S3 Behind the Visual Effects | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.20 "I Know Who You Are":
3.20 "I Know Who You Are" (02/05/17): VIBE SE ENFRENTA CONTRA KILLER FROST – Barry (Grant Gustin) y el equipo se encuentran con Tracy Brand (la estrella invitada Anne Dudek), una científica, quien puede ser la clave para detener a Savitar. Desafortunadamente, Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) también está detrás de Tracy así es que el Team Flash debe luchar contra su vieja amiga, lo que resulta ser particularmente difícil para Cisco (Carlos Valdes). La relación de Joe (Jesse L. Martin) y Cecile (la estrella invitada Danielle Nicolet) da un gran giro. Hanelle Culpepper dirige el episodio escrito por Bronwen Clark & Joshua V. Gilbert (#320).

http://flashtvnews.com/the-flash-spoile ... -are/28629

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 3.19 "The once and future Flash":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El shock del futuro de "The Flash": 'Barry está en caos' después de perder a Iris (TVLine):
El shock del futuro de "The Flash": 'Barry está en caos' después de perder a Iris
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 20 Abril 2017, 10:13 AM PDT

When The Flash resumes Season 3 this Tuesday (The CW, 8/7c), Barry Allen will take a trip into the future to make sense of a disheartening bombshell dropped in the present.

Because in dealing with the time-travelling, Earth-hopping villain Abra Kadabra, Barry learned that Savitar will indeed be Iris’ — and in turn his own — undoing. And yet the magic man never did let slip the sinister speedster’s identity. As a result, and increasingly desperate to find a way to avert Iris’ death at Savitar’s pointy hands, Barry travels to 2024, hoping to find answers. What he finds first, though, is his future self, still shell-shocked by Iris’ tragic, brutal death.

“You see this older version of Barry Allen that hasn’t really ever gotten over the death of Iris West,” Candice Patton shared during our recent visit to the superhero series’ set.

The Barry of the future “is a guy who has lost everything,” Grant Gustin told TVLine while standing adjacent to the Flash’s time tunnel set, which for this episode was made to look dusty, desolate and in disrepair. With a nod to that mess, “Barry looks pretty similar — he is in shambles,” Gustin said. “He does not look good.”

Devastated by losing the love of his life, this Barry is “totally alone” until his past self arrives, setting the stage for double the Gustin. “It’s a lot of scenes with Barry and Barry, and they’re pretty emotional scenes from both sides,” says the actor.

For Gustin — who briefly played opposite himself during the series’ first visit to Earth-Two — tackling an older Barry wasn’t quite the same as when Stephen Amell from sister series Arrow played a much older, grumpier (and pudgier) Oliver Queen on Legends of Tomorrow. Future Barry is “about eight years older, which in a way made it more challenging for me, because it wasn’t like, ‘This is my grizzled, older self,’” he noted. All told, “They were some of the more challenging scenes I’ve done — if not just this year, in the whole series, because I’m my own scene partner.”

Gustin does get to work opposite other cast members in the 2024 scenes, as Barry “meets up with the older version of Cisco (Carlos Valdes), who kind of leads him through the future to see kind of where everybody’s at.” And understandably, Barry’s was not the only life rattled by Iris’ murder. One need look no further than the stills of the intrepid reporter’s father Joe (Jesse L. Martin), at her future gravesite, to feel the weight of a father’s loss. Said Patton, “Everyone is changed because of it.”

http://tvline.com/2017/04/20/the-flash- ... ure-barry/

- Tom Cavanagh habla sobre el dirigir el episodio de esta semana (Variety):
Tom Cavanagh habla sobre el dirigir el episodio de esta semana
Por Jacob Bryan - 25 Abril, 2017 | 11:36AM PT

“The Flash” returns this week after a month-long hiatus with Barry (Grant Gustin) making a dangerous play to learn the identity of Savitar.

After an encounter with future villain Abra Kadabra (David Dastmalchian) — who not only knew a future version of Flash, but also who Savitar was — Barry decides the best way to learn more about the God of Speed is to head to the future himself. On top of all that, Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) has succumbed to her Killer Frost persona and is on the run. All of this is juggled by first-time “Flash” director, and series’ star, Tom Cavanagh.

Variety spoke with Cavanagh — who has played three separate versions of the same character across the show’s three seasons; currently H.R. Wells, and previously Harry Wells and Harrison Wells — about directing different versions of the main characters, how being behind the camera this time differed from his previous directing gigs, and more.

How did directing an episode come about? Was it something you wanted to do or did they approach you about it?
Generally, when I am signing a contract for a television series, we have a handshake deal in there about directing. This is my third show for Greg Berlanti, and they sort of know I like to direct. In the past the stuff that I’ve done seems to have been well-enough received that it allowed me to forge forth.

Did you know when you said you’d direct that it would be this big Barry-heads-to-the-future episode?
They do a ridiculous amount of episodes of “Flash” every year. “The Flash” is one of the most prepared television shows I’ve ever been on, and for the amount of work that comes through the pipeline they are incredibly on top of it. As a director — I’ve been on shows where the director gets the script on the first day of shooting — they will get a script for the entire length of the prep. It gives you a fighting chance.

In terms of what the actual story is going to be, they’ve got a story arc when they start the season but you don’t really know where your story is going to fall. I feel very fortunate to deal with Barry … dealing with Barry. That’s two versions of Grant Gustin, which is phenomenal. I was grateful to have this storyline.

You’re no stranger of playing multiple versions of the same character, or acting opposite yourself. Was it fun directing altered, future versions of the other characters?
That’s part of the aspect of this episode that I really, really liked. We see a whole different world. We got to mess some stuff up. I’ve played five or six or seven different versions of myself since the show started but most of the cast has just played one or two versions of their character. In this one, I think it was great for them to pull out of the hat another version of themselves. I think both Grant and Carlos Valdes in particular were exceptional in this episode. They’re very talented to begin with, but then you add these different layers you kind of marvel at their abilities.

How is it to direct yourself?
I always find it’s really good. If you write something and you have the visual of that in your head, I don’t have to convince the actor — or even explain to the actor — what the visual is. So I can accommodate however I want. One thing I will say, though, if anyone is going to get short-changed when I’m directing it’s not going to be the other actors; it’s going to be me. You become much less self-indulgent.

“The Flash” airs on the CW on Tuesdays at 8 p.m.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/the-fla ... 202395034/

- Tom Cavanagh sobre el dirigir 'The Flash' y el ir 'a la luz de la luna' (Moonlighting) como un ladrón de bancos con Grant Gustin (TVInsider):
Tom Cavanagh sobre el dirigir 'The Flash' y el ir 'a la luz de la luna' (Moonlighting) como un ladrón de bancos con Grant Gustin
Por Damian Holbrook - 25 Abril, 2017 12:00 pm

As if playing Harrison Wells, Eobard Thawne/The Reverse Flash, Hannibal Bates, Harry Wells and now "HR" Wells over the last three seasons hasn't been enough for Tom Cavanagh, he's now adding director to his Flash portfolio. The affable actor helmed this week's episode, "The Once and Future Flash," which finds Barry (Grant Gustin) racing through time to uncover Savitar's identity and crossing paths with a much-changed Team Flash. Here, Cavanagh discusses mapping out our hero's journey, making it look badass and what he and Gustin are running right into after the season shuts down.

You've directed before, but never in the superhero realm, right?
No, I've never done a superhero show. I've done some New York stuff, some network television and some theater, but what's funny about directing a superhero show in today's day and age is that, for a lot of directors I see come up here, myself included, it's all relatively a new type of television show to direct. I've been doing this for a long time and you could never tell these stories...because you just didn't have the money or the digital capacity to tell them. Nowadays, the technical wizardry is so advanced that they can actually do it. You can have a plane crash or have someone running across water on television now and not make that audience go, "Yeah OK. Nice try." [Laughs]

That's gotta open up the possibilities and let you challenge yourself to think really far out of the box.
Well, it's interesting, because that's exactly it. Here's a perfect example on the episode I directed: We didn't really like the ending and had a couple of different versions of the big finale. You know, we like to have humor and heart and big spectacle on every episode of The Flash. And it's not like other television shows I've done, where it's like "Well, we can't do that, that's gonna be too costly, we don't have the capacity to do that yet." On The Flash, it's the exact opposite, we're like "How big can we go? What can we get away with?" The digital-effects artists, the special-effects teams are so good, you're essentially only limited by what you can think of. And so you're literally like, "What if he phases through a different Earth and then comes out on the other side?" and they go "Yup, okay. We can do that."

What do you get to do in your episode?
Where we left off on the last episode, the boys are under attack from Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker), who's blasting ice spears and ice shots at them. You can do that digitally, that's a perfect example of the kind of thing that five to seven years ago, was very hard to get the speed right and make it look like she was actually shooting. Nowadays, it's amazing how they can do that. And so now our challenge is, do we want to throw practical ice at the actors? That's always gonna look good. Or what is the combination? Digital versus practical? So you end up trying to figure out that we can do 60/40 on this shoot. A master shot is gonna be digital, but then once we get into the closer shots, bing, we're gonna use the practical ice and then you turn to the women and men who are in charge of [all of that] and they're never like, 'Oh well, I don't know.' They do it! That is part of the expertise that comes with shooting a television show in Vancouver. The teams are just so experienced and good.

Of course this episode, "The Once and Future Flash," is no small feat for any director. Not only are you doing a superhero stuff, but also visiting the future where Barry meets his crew in 2o24.
Yeah, it's a funny thing when you're working on these things. [Laughs]. Because you do have a budget and it may be like, you get five split-screens on a shot because you have to do Grant versus Grant, but then you know that means you're not gonna have as much money for Caitlin's ice throws. So you're go 'Give me three split screens and I'll [use some] for the ice effects." It's incredible, every director that comes into the show will tell you that they have to think of how many times they want to see the Flash speed in on camera versus off camera, because that costs us money to do the key effects. Or do they want to save up for the big punch or a slow-motion dive or something? You have all these effects that you want to do and can do, so then you end up bartering! But on my episode, we're leaving present time, and we're going to see a villain who goes in and out of mirrors...that's a huge thing. We're going to have Barry talking to Barry, that's a huge thing. There's a lot happening on screen.

What does your 20/2024 look like?
We'd thought it'd be interesting to have it look remarkably different then it currently exists. So it's a lot more of a darker, forbidding world and it's essentially told in two different ways: With sets and locations, but also with the lighting and the darkness that creates a mood. Every scene is sort of infused with this weight. The sets, which viewers will be very familiar with, are suddenly seen in a completely different way, almost playing it as an additional character. It's quite a cool look.

And what is going on in the future? The entire season has been about saving Iris and he finds a team that is very different, even divided, after her death? That can be very upsetting to fans.
It's interesting when you think about it. Tell me, what's Damian gonna be like in 8 years? You know what I mean? Hopefully he's happy, he's on a beach somewhere, having a nap at 3PM. But you know what, that doesn't sell newspapers. So for us, it's like okay so we would like to have Barry all happy and blissful, but then our viewers are gonna tune out, so he needs to have conflict and all this kind of stuff and we're gonna make it look dark and foreboding. You hit the nail on the head—that's the nice thing about the stakes on a superhero show, they can be very personal because you're talking about the lives of characters that people have been familiar with for a number of seasons. There's a built-in allegiance to these characters and we're standing on the shoulders of these bonds that people have formed with them. It makes the conflict we have in the episode I directed that much more personal.

On top of directing and starring on the show, you are about to shoot a side project with Grant, too? You guys don't spend enough time with each other?
[Laughs] It's funny right? We laugh about that all the time. When we wrap, the next day we're gonna start this thing that I wrote that I'm directing for the two of us. But what's interesting is when you act on a show, again we're visiting the same scenes, but off camera, we're also interested in other things and stepping into different lights. Grant, for example, you know as The Flash. He's your leading man. And me as H.R., I'm this comic foil. So I wrote this thing about the world's two most inept bank robbers—Tom and Grant—and we're gonna shoot it on the streets of Vancouver as soon as we finish the season of The Flash.

Given how good the crew is, I hope you're recruiting some of them to help, too.
It's only gonna take about a week and I'm totally calling all the favors from the crew on the Flash. Yeah the great thing about Vancouver crews is that if you know the right people, you can make a short film look like a bonafide big screen glossy picture. [Laughs]

The Flash, Tuesdays, 8/7c, The CW

https://www.tvinsider.com/172560/tom-ca ... directing/

- Tom Cavanagh habla sobre el dirigir a sus compañeros y el crear el look del oscuro futuro de Barry (eonline):
Tom Cavanagh habla sobre el dirigir a sus compañeros y el crear el look del oscuro futuro de Barry
Por Lauren Piester | 25 Sbril, 2017 11:19 PM

Scientist, evil speedster in disguise, fake scientist, author, mentor, dad, surrogate dad—Tom Cavanagh has played it all on The Flash, and for tonight's episode, he also played the role of director.

S.T.A.R. Labs' resident sometimes-a-scientist went got behind the camera to helm "The Once and Future Flash," an episode that takes Barry (Grant Gustin) about eight years into the future to see what life is like after Iris' (Candice Patton) death at the hands of Savitar. There, he meets not only an older Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and mourning Joe West (Jesse L. Martin), but he also encounters sad emo Barry Allen, meaning Barry comes face to face with himself.


All the Greatest Superhero Costumes on TV—Ranked From Super Tragic to Super Epic!

It's clearly not going to be a typical episode of The Flash, so maybe it makes sense that it wasn't directed by someone who typically directs episodes of The Flash. Even so, that doesn't mean Cavanagh's job was easy.

"I might describe it as 'aggressive,'" he told E! News of the episode when we hopped on the phone with him. "Visually robust and aggressive."

Read on to find out exactly what it was like for Cavanagh to direct his costars for tonight's brand new episode!
The Flash, Once and Future Flash

E! News: So how did you directing come about? Who approached who?

Tom Cavanagh: This is my third show for Greg Berlanti, and he knows I direct, and he was like, "you interested in directing," basically, was how it came about. Usually when I sign on to a show I have it built in that I'm going to do some of them, and this one was no different. And you know, The Flash is not an easy show for any director. We always say no director is going to come in and skate. It's not an easy show to direct. We shoot it in eight days but clearly it's a ten day show in terms of what the schedule is for the show, so there's no easy days.

It's not like two people talking about romance in an alcove, you know what I mean? It's two people talking about romance in an alcove that's on top of a mountain with, like, a demon coming to chase them, descending from a spaceship firing lightning bolts while they talk about love, you know what I mean? Spectacle is a part of the comic book ethos, and you have to have it. So that's incumbent on a director to deliver that spectacle, and the result is that it's never a simple and easy thing to do on time and on budget.

So Greg's like, would you direct it, and I think my response to him was a mixture of confidence and gratitude, and inside was like, oh man. From the big book of "oh what could go wrong now?" But I love doing it. I love directing and getting to play with the tools at our disposal for The Flash was a massive treat. This is not a small budget show. This is a show where we kind of swing for the fences a little bit when it comes to Spectacle and stuff. To make a little hour-long superhero movie was an opportunity I didn't want to miss.

This episode looks particularly tricky, with two Barrys and the introduction of this future we've never seen before. Would you say it was trickier than a normal episode?

I might describe it as aggressive. Visually robust and aggressive. But then the higher the mountain you get to climb, the better the view. So you know, I've always had visuals I wanted to see on The Flash sometimes, so when you're in charge of what it's going to look like visually, you get to do that. So that's a phenomenal canvas to get to paint, right? Obviously none of this stuff without its challenges, but nobody likes to hear an actor talk about challenges—myself included. So I'm not going to bore you with all that kind of stuff.

I will say it was great to team up with the departments that I don't often as an actor get to cross-pollinate with to any extent. You know, like the fact that there was just nonstop talking to special effects and visual effects to get the moments right, and being reliant on their phenomenal abilities. That was one of the most joyous parts of doing this show.

Speaking of an actor talking about challenges, I've seen quotes from Grant about how hard it was to act just those eight years older than current Barry. So what was that like for you to direct everyone in what was such a challenging role for them?

You know, it was great, because it was sanctioned for me to scream and yell at them. I was allowed to do that. No, I'm kidding. You know, he'll call it a challenge, and I'm sure it was a challenge, but he's just so very talented. He really is, and you see a lot of him and a lot of Carlos Valdes who plays Cisco, and you know, they're not lazy actors. They're really talented and thoughtful and they both kind of were looking for avenues where they could speak to the subtleties that come with age as opposed to these grand sweeping differences.

When I say that I'm talking about, OK so, how does your voice sound in eight years? Does it sound different? How will it sound different? What will your mannerisms be? If you've been beaten down by life, will that affect how you walk, how you look? How does it affect how your optimism level is, where your hopes are? How are you in eight years? What are you going to hang onto, and what are you going to divorce yourself from? And the great thing about this cast is they're like, OK good.

Grant and I were talking about it like, when I create a different character, I don't try and shoot closely to the guy I did last. I look at it as an opportunity to do something different, and I think for these guys, who don't have the same opportunity as I do in terms of creating new characters, this was their opportunity. They all jumped into it fully and I think I can sing their praises all day long, but I think you see when you see the episode, you say oh wow.

For me as a director, to watch my friends and castmates—and I said this to them I think everyday, I was like it's just a joy to watch them do it. Because when I'm acting in a scene with them, I'm not observing them. I'm in the scene, and I'm reacting to what's in front of me, and I'm not parsing their abilities, but as a director it's a different thing. You're behind the monitor and you're watching the scene unfold, and I think you're a lot more giving to just sit and enjoy the show in front of you, and it was a tremendous show indeed.

So what does this not-too-distant future look like? What can you tell me?

I will say that we thought of it as like, how can we add to the show with this storyline? We thought well, if the future's a much more dark and forbidding place, with light slanting through it with it being a lot more gloomy and dark, that would sort of add a character to the story. I think we did that. I think we benefit from, as any long-running show does, having established things that the audience accepts. There are things where the audience will say ah, this is Barry's house, ah, this is the speed lab, ah, this is the cortex, ah, this is the pipeline.

Now, this is an opportunity because people have an understanding of what that should look like to just blow it up and rip it apart and make it look different, and suddenly that creates a mood, because we've already established the one thing and then we tear it up and make it this dark and different and dangerous place. So we had ideas of how we could make it look that way, and once again we rely on production design and set decoration and all these people who are incredibly good at their jobs to make this vision come true, and I think they did an amazing job. Like the way the future looks, the feel that it has is not something that we've done often on this show, and I'm happy with it.

How much are you in the episode?

I'm in it. It was nice for me to able to like, again be sanctioned at criticizing my own foibles. Do it better! Oh my god, you're terrible! I think an actor oftentimes is a perfectionist. They want to get the thing right. When I direct myself, I'm very much like, yep, good enough, moving on, not going to have any more indulgent time with Tom Cavanagh. Good enough, got the lines right, good, let's go on to Grant, let's go onto Candice, let's not waste time with this guy. I think also in the edit room, I'm the first guy to go. Like, cut that guy, cut HR. Cut Harry. But I'm in it. I don't want to give it away, but the part I play in this is enjoyable indeed.

I also need to ask about your IndieGoGo campaign with Grant, because it looks hilarious. What exactly are you guys doing?

Here's what it is. It's like, two ne'er do wells, two errant humans on a stakeout. So much of this comes from what Grant and I do off camera. They'll yell cut, and then we have all this banter and repartee that never makes it on air, and finally I was like I'm gonna give this stuff a home. Over the years, we've kind of created these kind of dumb doppelganger personas, like the one guy will say the most obvious fact, like there's North America, but South America is another part of America, and the other guy's like, yeah, I don't think so. What do you mean you don't think so? There's North America and South America. Yeah, I'll look it up. You don't need to look it up! I'll look it up, but I don't think so.

These are the kind of guys we've created off camera, so these are the kind of guys, the world's two worst bank robbers, are going to attempt to pull a heist. Very different from the personas you see on The Flash, and I think both Grant and I were happy to have an outlet to express these personas.

So it's called Tom and Grant, and it's about these two guys on a stakeout. It's very hard for Grant and I once we start going on these riffs to get through them with a straight face, so we'll see how that goes, but we're both very excited about doing it. Literally we end the Flash and then the next day we start this thing, so we're excited to go to camera on it.

I'm surprised you guys got any work done on your episode.

Yeah, it's funny right? There's a lot of stuff that went back and forth. I talked to the editor, and he was like, oh my god, the dailies, the way you guys are yelling at each other, that's like a show in and of itself. I'm like, yeah I know, that hopefully the public will never see, because first off, the words are not polite, and second of all, it's funny but we don't want to undermine what we're trying to do on The Flash. But it's great. It's a boon to be doing a show with people that are fun and people that you love and people you love being around. Dream come true, right?

I worked with Mike Farrell, who did M-A-S-H, and I asked him how well the cast of M-A-S-H got along, because it's heartbreaking when people you love on camera don't really care for each other off camera. Mike said this thing, he's like here's how well we got along: nine years in, on Friday, as we would be ending our week together after nine seasons together, we would get together to see where we were all gonna get together on Saturday night.

There's an element of that to The Flash, which I think we adore. People aren't going back to their trailers. They're playing cards or games together or we're singing songs or doing that kind of banter or repartee, so it's certainly a great place to go to work.

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on the CW.

http://www.eonline.com/news/845807/the- ... ark-future

- Tom Cavanagh habla sobre el dirigir 'The Flash' (accesshollywood):
Tom Cavanagh habla sobre el dirigir 'The Flash'
Por Jolie Lash - 25 Abril, 2017

Tom Cavanagh went behind the lens for Tuesday's new "The Flash," which will see Barry Allen travel to the future in the hopes of getting a crucial piece of information to help stop Savitar.

But, the 2024 future that Barry heads to in the new episode (titled "The Once and Future Flash") is a bleak one, as it gives viewers a peek into the lives of Team Flash after Savitar murders Iris West in 2017. Barry will meet up with future versions of his old friends (and himself) as he looks for clues about Savitar's identity while trying to save the woman he loves in the present.

In a new interview, Tom told AccessHollywood.com more about directing the new episode, and gave us clues about what we'll see in 2024 Central City.

AccessHollywood.com: Was this the first time you were directing network TV since 'Ed'? I feel like you've done other directing since then.
Tom Cavanagh: Yeah, I've done movies and theater and stuff. Most of the stuff I've directed, be it theater or film or television, hasn't had the bells and whistles and digital wizardry behind it, and television hasn't had that in a general sense, up until, say the last five or seven years anyway, you know what I mean? And I've been there to sort of witness that change. You couldn't even do 'The Flash' seven years ago the way we do 'The Flash' because it would have been too expensive. And now we have ... the technological advances to do it and to get to do that thing, to basically be limited only by your imagination, you know -- 'He runs across the water!' 'Yep, can do.' 'The world turns upside down.' 'Can do.' 'OK, it's a time race, blasting through the system, coming to choke him and swing him into a wall.' 'Yeah, no problem!' It's great, and so being able to do something that looks like a big screen thing, for me, it was just joyous.

Access: Did they write you out for this episode so that you could direct it?
Tom: No, I like being in it. We talked about that. … Most of the stuff I've directed I've been in and it's just – it's one less actor you have to convey a vision to. I'm like, 'Yeah, I know it. You want me to turn to the camera at this point and then kind of drive the camera by moving camera right up until I get to this spot and then turn back?' 'Got it.' (laughs). You're a vehicle for the camera sometimes as an actor, and if the two meld together well, that can make for good storytelling and a good shot. When I'm an actor in it, I don't have to explain the way I think it is and also, if I muck it up I can yell at myself.

Access: Did you know that the episode you were going to get was one that was going to be set in the future? Did you know very long in advance that that was coming because that's certainly got to put more on your shoulders as a director?
Tom: I feel like I got really fortunate there. I was going to direct one earlier, but I was in the episode prior too heavy. ... It's not really so much writing me out of the episode because I like being in the stuff I'm directing, it's writing me out of the episode prior to it so that I can prep, because 90 percent of the battle happens in prep and you kind of can't skimp on the prep. And so, that was the busiest time and so I couldn't really be available to do the episode prior. And it worked out well. 'OK, we can be light on the H.R. story line and take him out of some stuff and give other people his contributions,' and just basically write me out of that show so that I could go prep and when it became apparent that we were dovetailing towards this, it was like, 'OK, good. This will be a good fit as a director.'

Access: From the promos … it looks like a darker, heavier episode. [The characters] all look pretty bummed out, however far into the future we are after Iris' death. If that is possibly the direction that this is going in, [was] this a heavy set that [you guys were] on? You're kind of a fun-loving guy. … I'm just curious how heavy the set was for this stuff.
Tom: It's interesting. I've always felt that, and I think sometimes people are loath to do it -- to combine the humor with the gravitas of a situation, but I've always felt like, Butch and Cassidy – 'I can't swim.' 'Well, the fall will probably kill you.' And then, diving in the water. Those are funny lines in a life-threatening situation, but if done right, if you commit to the thing, it can just improve and accentuate everything you're trying to do. And so, in this thing, we've built the future we want it to be, as you put it, like a dark and forbidding place, where Iris' death has sort of shifted everything. It's a mentally-apocalyptic landscape because nothing matters more than love and love has been taken away. And so, it's created a fissure in the group that they can't seem to come back from. The sets that we're so familiar with, we get to rip up. Those are sort of a fourth character that we get to introduce. We're like, 'Remember this world that you're so familiar with? Now, here's what it looks like.' That being said, I think just like you say, I'm drawn to the idea that humor is one of the quickest ways to align people with what you're trying to do. This thing -- even in difficult situation -- this episode is not going to be without those pockets of humor and most of those pockets of humor show up in the most dire situations. The only teaser I will say is there's going to be a 'Star Wars' reference, a 'Back to the Future' reference, and an 'Indiana Jones' homage in this thing.

Access: So this bank robber [short film] you're hoping to do [in the hiatus] with Grant -- I just wanted to know a little bit more about the premise of the [project] that you guys are hoping to do with your IndieGoGo campaign. [Would it be you and Grant in a] heist type thing?
Tom: Yeah, exactly right. … Some of the stuff that happens after cut on our show is pretty hilarious and we kind of can't show the public that, but we've created a plethora of alter egos -- everyone on the cast -- that we like jump in and out of while we're playing our games or jamming to music or whatever … we're doing. And Grant and I have these pretty dumb guys and … they're like the world's worst bank robbers. They're on a stake out, they're trying to pull a heist and it's -- yeah, we're going to get introduced to these guys who think they know what they're doing, and have no clue what the heck they're doing.

"The Flash" returns Tuesday night at 8/7c on The CW.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... ing-flash/

- Danielle Panabaker habla sobre el escalofriante nuevo look de Killer Frost (TVLine):
Danielle Panabaker habla sobre el escalofriante nuevo look de Killer Frost
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 26 Abril 2017, 6:39 AM PDT

The Flash‘s Killer Frost is ready to go full villain, doffing the wispy lounge wear in which she escaped S.T.A.R. Labs to slip on fishnets, thigh-high boots and one very cool cape.

In her previous, Earth-Two incarnation, Killer Frost was clad in leather pants and a jacket, “so this is pretty different with the skirts and stuff,” Danielle Panabaker shared during our visit to the CW hit’s set, where the warm actress was almost (almost) jarring to lay eyes on, wearing her full costume (including a tiny extra flourish not spied in either of these exclusive photos).

Describing the ice queen’s “latest and greatest” look and how it came to be, Panabaker said, “This is our post-Flashpoint Caitlin Snow with powers, who’s become evil and turned into Killer Frost.” The actress, having “benefited from two-and-a-half years of watching other people have super suits,” helped shape the fierce new silhouette by considering practical and theatrical needs, as well as honoring the baddie’s comic book origins.

“In the research that I did about Killer Frost, she always wore boots, which was something that I was really pulling for,” she explained.

“And I know some of our producers really loved this long cape version [of the character], which is great and feels very villainous,” she added. “I love the sleeves on it because a lot of Killer Frost’s action is with her hands, and hopefully the light will really catch all the different details on that.”

Throw in a frosty wig and contact lenses that provide a stone-cold stare, and Panabaker is ready to pursue Killer Frost’s agenda, battling anyone who might stand in her way — Caitlin’s Team Flash pals included, as seen in the episode, “I Know Who You Are,” airing Tuesday, May 2. “It’s a real test of Killer Frost’s abilities, and her devotion — how badly she wants to be a part of the dark side as they all sort of duke it out,” previews her portrayer.

“Obviously, I was hired to play the very sweet scientist, but I’ve been super-excited about playing Killer Frost ever since I signed onto the show. It’s something that I really wanted,” Panabaker effuses. “It’s a great way for people to see that this cast is capable of pulling off multiple characters.”

http://tvline.com/2017/04/26/the-flash- ... panabaker/

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.21 "Cause and Effect":
3.21 "Cause and Effect" (09/05/17): TIEMPOS DRÁSTICOS PÌDEN MEDIDAS DRÁSTICAS – Barry (Grant Gustin) toma medidas drásticas para detener a Savitar. Mientras tanto, H.R. (Tom Cavanagh) continúa presionando a Tracy Brand (la estrella invitada Anne Dudek) para diseñar la trampa para Savitar y Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) regresa con una interesante proposición. David McWhirter dirige el episodeio escrito por Judalina Neira & Lauren Certo (FLA321).

http://flashtvnews.com/flash-spoilers-c ... tion/28670

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | Season 3 Spring Recap | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Desvelados detalles de la final de la S3 de "The Flash":
TVLine ha desvelado detalles sobre las finales de la presente temporada de varias series, entre ellas la de la final de la S3 de "The Flash":
SEASON FINALE (23 MAYO): Tras descubrir la verdadera identidad de Savitar, el Team Flash se prepara para una épica y final batalla con el Dios de la Velocidad... mientras que lidia con un importante contratiempo. Esperad un cliffhanger al final de la temporada que dejará a los espectadores — y a los héroes — preguntándose cómo seguirán adelante en la Season 4.

http://tvline.com/gallery/may-sweeps-sp ... e-flash-2/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Póster promocional del 3.19 "The once and future Flash":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- THE FLASH | 3.20 "I Know Who You Are" Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.20 "I Know Who You Are" Extended Promo:

- THE FLASH | 3.20 "I Know Who You Are" Inside the episode:
https://twitter.com/CW_TheFlash/status/ ... 5001843715

- THE FLASH | 3.20 "I Know Who You Are" Clip #1:

http://mashable.com/2017/05/02/the-flas ... .T0H6ehPqO

- THE FLASH | 3.20 "I Know Who You Are" Clip #2:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 3.20 "I know who you are":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 3.22 "Infantino Street":
3.22 "Infantino Street" (16/05/17): COMIENZA LA CUENTA ATRÁS; WENTWORTH MILLER REGRESA COMO EL CAPITÁN COLD – Con sólo 24 horas restantes antes de que Savitar mate a Iris (Candice Patton), Barry (Grant Gustin) lucha por salvar a la mujer que ama y toma la elección de usar cualquier medio que sea necesario para hacerlo. Dándose cuenta de que sólo le queda una opción para salvarla, The Flash recurre al Capitán Cold (Wentworth Miller) para que le ayude. Michael Allowitz dirige el episodio con historia de Andrew Kreisberg y guión de Grainne Godfree (#322).

http://flashtvnews.com/the-flash-spoile ... reet/28792

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash: conseguid la primicia sobre la pelea de Killer Frost (EW):
The Flash: conseguid la primicia sobre la pelea de Killer Frost
Por Natalie Abrams - 01 Mayo, 2017 a las 3:28pm EDT

The showdown The Flash fans have been waiting for will finally come to fruition during Tuesday’s episode: Vibe vs. Killer Frost.

With Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) on death’s door, Team Flash was recently forced to unleash her villainous alter ego, Killer Frost, thus turning their former ally into an icy foe, hell-bent on making them all pay. “Obviously her meta powers have severely messed with her mind, so it’s not like Barry Allen, who is still Barry Allen even though he got super speed,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg explains. “Her brain chemistry has been severely altered.”

“It’s now a question of: Is there a way to eliminate these powers and get Caitlin back?” Kreisberg continues. “Is there a way to get Caitlin back and leave her with these powers? We say these last few episodes are about them trying to save Iris’ [Candice Patton] life, but they’re also trying to save Caitlin’s soul. What is Cisco [Carlos Valdes] willing to do to save his best friend? What is Julian [Tom Felton] willing to do to save the woman he loves?”

Suffice it to say, Killer Frost won’t go down without a fight. “Team Flash has thrown everything they can at her, whether it was the metahuman cuff or the necklace, to keep Killer Frost suppressed,” Panabaker says. “Now that Killer Frost is free, I don’t think she’s interested in going away nicely.”

Unfortunately for Barry (Grant Gustin) & Co., Killer Frost also subsequently and swiftly aligned with Savitar upon learning the speedster’s identity during last week’s episode. “There’s a relationship that exists there that prompts Killer Frost to turn her loyalty to Savitar very quickly,” Panabaker teases. “Once it becomes clear who Savitar is, you start to understand why Killer Frost aligned with him so quickly. Killer Frost’s quick alignment with Savitar informs a lot of the decisions that she makes.”

But Savitar hasn’t called upon Killer Frost just to be an ally, instead looking to her for very specific reasons. During Tuesday’s episode, that means Killer Frost attempting to find Tracy Brand (Anne Dudek), the physicist who goes on to help Barry trap Savitar in the Speed Force. “How lost is Caitlin that she’s willing to do what Savitar needs her to do?” Kreisberg notes. “She plays a unique part. He’s not just looking for an evil cohort; she’s actually necessary for him to pull off his plans.”

Her mission will pit her directly against Team Flash, specifically Cisco as the duo’s face-off has been prophesied since early in season 3 — and ends in Cisco losing his arms (and his powers) if Killer Frost gets her way. “The relationship between Cisco and Caitlin is so pure, and it’s one of my favorite relationships on the show,” Panabaker says. “It’s completely platonic. It doesn’t feel that either one wants more from the other than the deep sibling-like love that they have for each other. It’s going to be very taxing on Cisco, in particular, because Killer Frost doesn’t care about Cisco the way that Caitlin Snow did.”

The same can be said for Julian, whose relationship with Caitlin has only grown as she’s faced her Killer Frost future. “I really like that it took Caitlin Snow a long time to warm up to Julian,” Panabaker says. “Her initial instinct to bring him to Team Flash, she didn’t look at him as a romantic interest. I’m glad that they’ve taken their time with this relationship versus previous relationships that Caitlin’s been in, like Jay Garrick. I don’t know what their future looks like. In last week’s episode, you get the sense that Julian is willing to do whatever he can to bring Caitlin Snow back. It’s just going to be this struggle of Caitlin Snow vs. Killer Frost, who’s going to win out?”

The silver lining? Killer Frost’s increased presence will make for a powerful — quite literally — finale. “It’s going to be great,” Panabaker says. “Obviously I am involved a little bit more in the finale this time than I have been in years past. From a totally biased perspective, it’s great to see a lot more of the familiar faces. Last year, it was Barry vs. Zoom, and obviously this year there’s a lot more speedsters, there’s a lot more powers, so invariably, I think you’re going to get to see a bigger, better battle.”

However, there may also be no quick fix to wait ails Caitlin, meaning this storyline could draw into next season. “For me personally as an actor, it’s been fun to play Killer Frost and I hope that it lasts a little while and we don’t necessarily tie it up in a bow right away,” Panabaker says. “I’m enjoying getting to play her.”

“Obviously Danielle Panabaker is not going anywhere,” Kreisberg adds. “How and if she becomes Caitlin Snow again, or she remains Killer Frost or a version of Killer Frost, into season 4, you’re going to have to tune in.”

Whatever happens, Panabaker believes if and when Caitlin does return, she will come back a changed woman — possibly even suffering PTSD from what Killer Frost has wrought in her place. “I don’t know if we’ll even be able to see Caitlin again, but as you’ll see in episode 21, it becomes clear that Caitlin Snow and Killer Frost do occupy the same body and that they have the same memories,” Panabaker says. “The things Caitlin remembers, Killer Frost can access as well. It’s more a question of if she chooses to and how she feels about Caitlin’s memories. I do think it will be difficult not only for Caitlin but all of team flash to reconcile Killer Frost’s bad behavior under the guise Caitlin Snow’s face.”

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/05/01/flash-kille ... -spoilers/?

- Danielle Panabaker sobre el alzamiento de Killer Frost y el descubrir la identidad de Savitar (IGN):
Danielle Panabaker sobre el alzamiento de Killer Frost y el descubrir la identidad de Savitar
Por Eric Goldman - 01 Mayo 2017

Since The Flash began, fans have wondered if and when we’d see Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) transform into her villainous comic book alter ego, Killer Frost. Now, after meeting the Earth-2 Killer Frost last season, and seeing Caitlin try and control her growing powers – and simultaneous dark tendencies – all season, that time has come, as Killer Frost has become fully unleashed.

With the most recent episode finding Killer Frost not only on the loose, but teaming with The Flash’s arch enemy, Savitar, I spoke to Danielle Panabaker about the fun of finally getting to play out this storyline, Savitar's secret identity and more.

IGN: This is a dark time for Team Flash, but is this a fun time for you getting to explore such a completely different side to your character right now, especially after you got to sort of do a test run with the Earth-2 version in Season 2?

Danielle Panabaker: Yes. I’m so excited! Obviously, I knew about the comic books and that Caitlin Snow becomes Killer Frost, so it’s something I’ve been excited about for years. I’m just thrilled. Also, this year as well we started working on the costume for Killer Frost many months ago. Those are the things that get me so excited and I just couldn’t wait to suit up. I’m such a girl too. The look has been so different between season 2 and 3. I love figuring that stuff out and collaborating with everyone on the show.

IGN: You can see your new costume in the images released from this week’s episode. It sounds like you really got to plan ahead on that?

Panabaker: Yeah, absolutely. Maya [Mani], the costume designer, the first time we went in it was just as a chat. She didn’t have any ideas yet and I had done some research looking into what Killer Frost looked like in the comic book. And the one thing I really wanted was for her to have boots this time. So many of the images I found, Killer Frost is wearing boots. So that’s something that we did.

IGN: In the last episode, Barry talks to her in the future and she’s completely turned her back on her friends still. Is it looking pretty dire as far as any chance of getting through to Caitlin beneath that Killer Frost exterior?

Panabaker: Yes. My understanding is that Killer Frost has been inside of Caitlin Snow all season and has been dying to get out. Now that she has been released, so to speak, I don’t think she’s interested in taking her toys and going home nicely.

IGN: Killer Frost knows who Savitar is, but we don’t yet. Did you learn the truth when you filmed that episode?

Panabaker: I’d been told or heard through the rumor mill who Savitar was a few months prior to when you actually see the reveal in the episode. So I knew what they were building up to. So hopefully when people find out who Savitar is they will both be surprised and say “Of course, why didn’t I see that coming!” I’m excited for the reveal.

IGN: Julian saved Caitlin against her wishes, turning her into Killer Frost. Even in her transformed state, is there a lot to dig into with the two of them and everything that’s happened?

Panabaker: What’s been explained to me is that Killer Frost does have Caitlin's history. They have the same memories and they remember the same things. I actually think that gives Killer Frost an upper hand. It means she knows a little more about Team Flash than they know about her.

IGN: I feel like this has to be a very fun time for you as an actress. I think about the last two episodes and in one you’re Caitlin, whose life is in danger. The next episode you’re playing a newly born Killer Frost, but also an imprisoned Killer Frost in 2024. Is it kind of an embarrassment of riches?

Panabaker: I’m so lucky and so grateful that I’ve been given so many different opportunities. I’ve had some time to figure out the various characters and spend some time -- For me it comes from developing the look; getting into the hair and makeup and wardrobe. It was really important to me that Killer Frost in prison look different and a little bit rattier. Obviously she’s not taking care of herself. I feel grateful and lucky. It’s been a fun ride.
CW DC Comics Arrowverse Stars on Team-Ups They'd Like to See

IGN: Your show goes so big as far as the alternate realities and alternate timelines and futures. For you guys on set, do you laugh about where you are and keeping track of what’s going on sometimes?

Panabaker: A hundred percent. I’m always looking at Carlos [Valdes] or our incredible script supervisor, Lexi [La Roche] and going “Wait, can you slow down and explain that to me one more time?” Just so I’ve connected all the dots as we’re making this show.

IGN: Speaking of Carlos, Cisco and Caitlin are such a great dynamic on the show. Is it funny for you guys to have yourselves suited up and playing out super powered battles?

Panabaker: I’m such a kid. I just love it! I remember being excited the first time I saw Carlos in his Vibe jacket, his new suit with those crazy shoes. I enjoy it. I think I have a bit of a childlike spirit. I enjoy that we’re playing make believe and dress up every day.

IGN: We’re going into the homestretch here. What would you say people are in store for as it all comes together?

Panabaker: In episode twenty, which airs this week, I’m excited for people to learn who Savitar is. I am also really excited for people to get a chance to see some new Killer Frost powers in tomorrow’s episode. She’s going to come at them guns blazing and I’m excited to see what that looks like as well.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/05/01/ ... s-identity

- Danielle Panabaker lamma a la evolución de Caitlin a Killer Frost ‘Trágica’ y ‘Emocionante’ (Variety):
Danielle Panabaker lamma a la evolución de Caitlin a Killer Frost ‘Trágica’ y ‘Emocionante’
Por Jacob Bryant - 02 Mayo, 2017 | 11:39AM PT

Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) has finally stepped over to the dark side.

Fans got a taste of Caitlin’s alter ego Killer Frost in Season 2 thanks to an alternate version of the character living on Earth-2. But thanks to Barry (Grant Gustin) mucking up the timeline and creating Flashpoint, the Caitlin Snow we’ve come to know over three years of “The Flash” was finally gifted — or cursed if you asked her — with her icy abilities. After an episode early in Season 3 — directed by none other than Kevin Smith — Earth-1’s Killer Frost was finally unleashed in full last week and is apparently allying herself with the God of Speed, Savitar.

Variety spoke with Panabaker about Killer Frost’s advantages over Team Flash, learning who Savitar is, and more…

How is it to finally get to dive in to playing Earth-1 Killer Frost?

It’s been fantastic. It’s something I’ve been excited about since I joined the show, and I’ve really had a lot of fun with it. One of the great things about our show — and living in a world with alternate realities — is you can’t have too much fun. We really get to push it and try as many different things as possible.

Do you have a preference when it comes to playing a hero or a villain?

Right now it’s great that I get to do both to be honest. When you sign-on to a TV series you imagine you’ll be playing the same character for the run of the show — however many seasons you’re lucky to get — but the fact that I’ve already gotten to do so many different things has been such a joy.

Last season we were introduced to the Earth-2 version of Caitlin/Killer Frost. What was your approach when it came to playing, and differentiating, the Earth-1 version of Killer Frost this season?

This Killer Frost is a little different because she has a bit of insider knowledge. She knows how Team Flash operates, she knows their weaknesses, and she can count on the fact that they don’t want to take her out in the same way that they would take out any other meta-human. It’s been fun to toy with Team Flash.

How do you view Caitlin’s evolution to Killer Frost?

Killer Frost was inside of her — and I think that was a Flashpoint consequence — and we saw in episode seven you see a little of her anger at Barry (Gustin) for doing this to her. In that sense it’s a little tragic because this isn’t what Caitlin Snow wanted. On the other hand, Killer Frost is thrilled so it’s also exciting.

Caitlin learned who Savitar is at the end of last week’s episode. What’s her immediate reaction to finding out?

It’s someone not foreign to her, so she has loyalty to this person very quickly. Once the viewers find out who Savitar is it makes sense why Caitlin wants to work for him, and is so quick to support him.

Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Caitlin have one of the closest relationships on the show. How does he handle seeing her as Killer Frost?

One of my favorite things about this version of Killer Frost is she has knowledge of Team Flash, and the way they work, that most other meta-humans they face don’t have. I love the relationship between Caitlin and Cisco — it’s one of my favorites on the show — and to see that relationship really be tested is so fun to play.

“The Flash” airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on the CW.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/the-fla ... 202406728/

- Danielle Panabaker dice que la revelación de Savitar de "The Flash" tendrá sentido total (eonline):
Danielle Panabaker dice que la revelación de Savitar de "The Flash" tendrá sentido total
Por Lauren Piester | 02 Mayo, 2017 6:00 PM

The day has finally come to learn the truth about The Flash's latest big bad, but that means it's also time for Team Flash to go up against one of their own.

Killer Frost is officially on the loose, and she's the only person who knows who Savitar is. She's also working for him, and she'll stop at nothing to stop her former friends from succeeding at their own mission to find the physicist who will eventually help stop the god of speed.

In fact, tonight's episode apparently comes with a showdown of epic proportions.

"You're going to see her come at Team Flash with guns a'blazing," Danielle Panabaker told us when we hopped on the phone with her. "She's going to throw everything she's got at them in an effort to win."

According to Panabaker, the episode, titled "I Know Who You Are," will show us a whole new side of Killer Frost and her powers. But if you're waiting for Caitlin to return and for Killer Frost to be defeated, that's just not going to happen anytime soon.

"The way it was explained to me is that Killer Frost lives inside of Caitlin, sort of post-Flashpoint," Panabaker explains. "She's constantly battling and trying to get out, so obviously they gave her the metahuman cuffs and the necklace to keep the evil Killer Frost suppressed inside of Caitlin, but you know, they had to take the necklace off in an effort to save Caitlin's life, but they sort of cursed Caitlin by letting Killer Frost run free, so I don't think Killer Frost is going to disappear anytime soon. I think she's really excited to be free."

Since Killer Frost and Caitlin still have the same memories, Team Flash will obviously try to appeal to all sides of their former friend.

"I think over the next few episodes you're going to see different members of Team Flash try to reach out and try to connect to Caitlin and see if they can bring her back," she says. "I think there's a little bit of a tug there, but Killer Frost is strong, and she's ready to be here."

Her arc won't be resolved by the end of the season in any real way, Panabaker says.

"I think that both Caitlin and Killer Frost have an interesting journey ahead of them, and I think we get some time to see that play out both at the end of the season and hopefully going into season four."

Killer Frost was set free when Caitlin nearly died while the villain Abra Kadabra was escaping Star Labs. Caitlin said she would rather die than unleash her evil side, but Julian (Tom Felton) just couldn't let that happen. He and Cisco (Carlos Valdes) struggled with what to do, but Julian ultimately removed Caitlin's necklace, bringing her back to life as Killer Frost.

That decision that Julian and Cisco fought over will "absolutely" be something they wrestle with throughout the rest of the season.

"I mean, the consequence of their decision is that Killer Frost has sort of been let loose," Panabaker says. "I think that particularly between those two guys, that's going to be a tough dynamic for them, because they still have to work on Team Flash but I think Cisco is not thrilled with Julian's choice."

And it's not just Julian and Cisco who are at odds.

"I think Team Flash is really fractured," she says. "I think they're all really struggling without Caitlin and without having the answers of who Savitar is, and how they're going to take him down, and how they're going to save Iris' life."

As for who Savitar is, it sounds like the answer won't disappoint.

"I'm excited for people to find out who Savitar is. I feel like it's taken Team Flash a little bit longer to figure this one out than it has with other villains," Panabaker says. "Hopefully, it elicits a reaction where people are shocked and surprised, but also like, oh of course, why didn't I see that coming?"

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. on the CW.

http://www.eonline.com/news/847654/dani ... otal-sense

- Danielle Panabaker está totalmente de acuerdo con su giro villano de Killer Frost en 'The Flash' (TVInsider):
Danielle Panabaker está totalmente de acuerdo con su giro villano de Killer Frost en 'The Flash'
Por Damian Holbrook - 02 Mayo, 2017 4:00 pm

We got chills, they're multiplying! And we're losing control over Danielle Panabaker finally getting to go full badass as The Flash's Killer Frost in Tuesday's episode, "I Know Who You Are."

After mini-samples of her super-powered alter ego over the last three seasons, sweet scientist Caitlin Snow has been entirely overtaken by her ice-shooting inner villain and now it is so on. Can she revert to her mild-mannered self? What is her connection to speed god Savitar or Iris' imminent death in the future? And how fun is it for the delightfully down-to-earth Panabaker to camp it up as this cold-hearted crazy? We went straight to the source for some non-spoilery scoop!

OK, this is so great!
Danielle Panabaker: Oh, I am so excited.

Though, does it add a lot of extra time in the hair and makeup room now for you?
You know what, honestly it doesn't. On a normal day, it's about an hour for me to get through hair and makeup, and we've gotten it down to a science, so now it's about an hour and a half [for the Frost look]. The biggest difference is that they have to basically gel my hair back, paint it white so that my brunette hair doesn't shine through and then put the wig cap on.

Hilarious. Did you ever think that this would be a thing that you had to worry about?
You know what, it's fun. That's what's a great part about my job as an actor is—I play make-believe for a living. It's fantastic. I'm excited about it.

So where do we go with Killer Frost from here? Now that Caitlin's kind of fully embraced the bad, how do we resolve this? I mean, we love Caitlin!
[Laughs] We do love Caitlin. I think Killer Frost is just winning right now. The way it's been explained to me...it's like there's dual personalities who live inside Caitlin, similar to Magenta from earlier in this season, and right now Killer Frost is winning 100 percent. She's really squished Caitlin down deep inside of her, and she's out for blood.

As Killer Frost gains more power and possibly does more irreversible damage, even maybe death, when Caitlin reemerges, she's going to be devastated.
If she can. The question is, is Caitlin strong enough? Maybe with the help of Team Flash, she could be, but I'm not sure. Killer Frost thinks she's here to stay.

Do you think her connection to Julian could help draw Caitlin back out? He's clearly into her...
I think Julian is pretty committed to helping Caitlin, to try and find a cure, particularly in that episode that we saw that flashes forward. We see that he has made it his life's mission, so I think Julian will be there for Caitlin. I think Caitlin has had her own struggles with that relationship, in particular. And while I think Julian was definitely into Caitlin, I'm not sure how into Julian Caitlin is. I think she's a little wary, having had two of her previous boyfriends ripped from her in very devastating ways. I think, hopefully, she's a little bit more trepidatious this go-round with romance. [Laughs]

That has been a big discussion among the fans this year, the collateral damage of being a friend of Barry's.
Yes, everybody seems to [suffer]. Three seasons in, we're still finding ways to torture Caitlin. [Laughs]

How early will we find out who is in that Savitar costume?
I think it's coming. I'm pretty sure, if my memory serves, you will find out very soon who is in Savitar's suit [and] it's going to be a pretty big shock to the team. Obviously, they're going to be dealing with that the rest of the season.

In that final scene last week, it really seemed like Caitlin knew who this person was and also felt some sort of loyalty to this person.
Yes! I'm glad you were able to get that much just from a look!

So then I was thinking, "Could it be Ronnie? Could it be Eddie?" We knew Rick Cosnett was coming back, but maybe he filmed more scenes. Can you tell us if it's somebody that Killer Frost would have loyalty to, or that Caitlin has a past with?
Because the two are still sort of duking it out inside of Caitlin's body, I think it's safe to assume that either one or both could feel loyalty for the person inside the suit.

The Flash, Tuesdays, 8/7c, The CW

https://www.tvinsider.com/181052/daniel ... ler-frost/

- Danielle Panabaker explica la personalidad de Killer Frost -- que puede ir a la Season 4 (comicbook):
Danielle Panabaker explica la personalidad de Killer Frost -- que puede ir a la Season 4
Por Russ Burlingame - 02/05/2017

Things won't be the same for Team Flash by the time the season finale rolls around later this month -- especially for Caitlin Snow, now running around as the villainous Killer Frost, whose story may not resolve itself by the end of the season.

During a recent interview with ComicBook.com, actress Danielle Panabaker, who plays Caitlin, stopped us cold (no pun intended) when we proposed the idea that it was a "safe assumption" that her character would survive the season, turn good again, and get the Killer Frost personality back under control.

"I’ve filmed the rest of the season and I don’ know that our season finale leaves everything tied up in a pretty little bow," Panabaker said. "I think that there’s still a lot of questions at the end of season 3 about what happens to Team Flash."

It's a hard time for Team Flash right now; battling against the apparently-looming murder of Iris West, Barry and company are reeling from the loss of Caitlin, whose latent metahuman powers were "activated" after an injury that could have killed her if the powers and their attendant healing factor hadn't kicked in.

Unfortunately, healing powers aren't the only thing that comes with being Killer Frost; the character is a distinct personality from Caitlin's, and she's spoilng for trouble.

"It’s definitely something that I had a lot of questions about at the beginning of the season," Panabaker explained. "The way it was explained to me is that Killer Frost is this evil person who lives inside of Caitlin. She was created out of Flashpoint and she just wants to get out, sort of similar to Magenta, who we had earlier this season. So she’s been inside of her and she’s just jouncing to get out and cause some trouble."

That's pushed Panabaker's character -- and her performance -- to some pretty dark places, which she acknowledges is kind of a weird area for The Flash, which was originally known as the bright, hopeful alternative to the dark and violent Arrow.

"I think it’s definitely been a challenge, and certain actors have had darker storylines than others," Panabaker said. "I feel badly for Grant [Gustin] because it seems like every season they’re killing or threatening to kill somebody who’s more and more important to Barry. It’s definitely a challenge, and it’s definitely something different for us, but I watch the show, and I watched our musical episode, which I thought was fantastic, and I think it would be nice to get back to some of the lightness that we’ve had in previous seasons and that I think we got to see a lot of in the musical episode. Maybe have that to look forward to next year."

The Flash airs on Tuesday nights at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/05/02/the- ... -personal/

- Productores de The Flash hablan sobre la revelación de Savitar (comicbook):
Productores de The Flash hablan sobre la revelación de Savitar
Por Kofi Outlaw - 03/05/2017

The Flash made its big season 3 reveal by finally letting fans see who was hiding inside of Savitar's armor - and it was none other than a future version of Barry Allen.

That reveal has set off a massive buzz of fan reaction, one that has prompted a big discussion of whether Future Barry/Savitar is a good or bad thing. And of course, at the center of that storm, are the producers of the show - who are now speaking out about the big villain twist.

Speaking with EW, The Flash Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg revealed that there was a lot of forethought put into making Future Barry Savitar - despite what some cynical fans were have been saying on the Internet:

"What’s really cool for anyone who thought that there wasn’t a plan, or we didn’t know, or we were making this up as we go, this was always where we were heading. The idea that the darkest villain we could come up with was actually a very damaged version of our hero was interesting and fresh to us... So to have our lead actor be both the hero and the villain isn’t something we’ve done before, so that was exciting for us as storytellers."

There are going to be quite a few fans who disagree with what Kreisberg is saying there - especially the part about the villain as the hero being a new, fresh, development. One of the biggest criticisms of the Arrowverse is that the villains in almost every one of the shows tend to be "dark reflections" of the hero. Malcolm Merlyn, Reverse-Flash, Prometheus, Zoom, Alura Zor-El - each of those villains have forced their respective heroes to face their own power sets.

If anything, having one of our heroes become a villain is really just a small semantic difference in a worn-out tactic - something Kreisberg himself acknowledges:

“Usually the hero and the villain have the same backstory, just one took the pain and tragedy that they were subjected to and it girded them into wanting to do good and become a hero, and with the villain, it damaged them so badly [that] they wanted to make everybody hurt as badly as they did. Barry sees in Savitar that he could’ve gone down that path, too, but he had Iris, Joe, Cisco, Caitlin, his father, he had the memory of his mother — he had all of these things that helped mold him into the hero that he is. Savitar lost all that.”

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/05/03/the- ... -reveal/#2

- Jefe de "The Flash" sobre cómo reaccionarán todos a la revelación de Savitar (EW):
Jefe de "The Flash" sobre cómo reaccionarán todos a la revelación de Savitar
Por Natalie Abrams - 08 Mayo, 2017 a las 4:02pm EDT

Barry Allen is quite literally the villain of his own story.

As revealed during last week’s episode of The Flash, Savitar is actually a future version of the Scarlet Speedster, a heavily scarred Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) hellbent on killing Iris (Candice Patton) for as-yet-unknown reasons.

Suffice it to say, Team Flash will certainly be shocked by this turn of events during Tuesday’s episode. “What’s interesting about people’s reactions — we certainly wrote it, but just the way the cast performs it — is it’s one thing to have seen that giant metal suit and hear that there is a version of Barry inside of it,” executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells EW. “It’s quite another thing when you actually come face-to-face with what’s inside.”

“Those scenes that are coming up over the next few episodes, as everyone gets a real glimpse of this person, it’s this mixture of both horror and sadness,” Kreisberg continues. “His visage is obviously very upsetting — seeing the scar and the milky white eye, but also seeing the person that you love be so twisted. Barry Allen, who probably has the gentlest soul of all of the characters in the Arrowverse, to just see how far he could fall, he’s both terrifying, but it’s also heartbreaking.”

What is Savitar’s ultimate goal? Savitar has previously said he created himself, so that could mean a number of things — which we touched upon on the most-recent episode of Superhero Insider — ranging from a time remnant to a vestige from Flashpoint. All will be revealed soon, but Team Flash must first run the gamut of emotions in crossing paths with a piece of their future. “Watching Jesse L. Martin, Candice Patton, Carlos Valdes — watching all of their reactions and interactions with Savitar when he’s out of the suit, it feels so fresh and exciting for us,” Kreisberg teases.

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET on The CW.


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
