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- Legends Of Tomorrow | S2 "Inside the Time Periods" Featurette:

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- Legends of Tomorrow: esperad nuevos personajes en la Season 3 (CBR):
Legends of Tomorrow: esperad nuevos personajes en la Season 3
Por Albert Ching - 28 Marzo 2017

Due to the nature of “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” — with its time-traveling premise and ensemble cast — an amount of change is inherent from year to year, as seen from the cast changes between season one and season two. This past season of “Legends of Tomorrow” has seen the addition of Vixen (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) and Steel (Nick Zano), with a couple of season one cast members exiting the show.

According to “Legends of Tomorrow” executive producer and showrunner Phil Klemmer, adding new characters is “for sure” again the plan for season three of the DC Comics-based series, which has already been ordered by The CW — although exactly which new faces will join the show may not yet be totally cemented.

“We haven’t fully pitched it, but we’ve got great ideas, and hopefully the studio and network agree,” Klemmer told CBR earlier this month on the red carpet in Hollywood’s Dolby Theatre before the show’s PaleyFest panel. “But so much of the show is working well this year. You just want to play to your strengths, and keep having fun.”

When speaking of the changes between season one and two, which have been lauded by many fans as a major improvement, Klemmer said that keeping the cast fresh has been a major element of the show’s strengths.

“Season one, the pilot sends you on this course,” Klemmer said. “It’s like an ocean tanker — you’re not able to just flip it around. So what really helps is being able to do a clean restart. That’s something we intend to do next season, because it worked so well this past season. We added two new characters, we had two characters that sort of fell out of our orbit — obviously Wentworth [Miller] has fallen back into our orbit. That’s the wonderful thing about this show. The only thing that has to remain is the Waverider. It’s a time travel show, so the only thing that’s not going to change is that it always changes.”

A consistent quality of “Legends of Tomorrow” is its ability to embrace its potential for fun, between the time-hopping adventures and the interactions between its cast. For Klemmer, it’s exactly what he needed during a divided, tumultuous time in society.

“In a weird way, it became the show that I think people really needed in this past year — at least it’s what I needed,” Klemmer told CBR. “When you’re writing an episode, it’s pure escapism. You can do anything you want. ‘The Right Stuff’ is my favorite movie, and last week I had an episode about the Apollo space program. Where else would I have been able to do that?

“DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” airs 9 p.m. Tuesdays on The CW, with a new episode, “Doomworld,” on tonight.

http://www.cbr.com/legends-of-tomorrow- ... -season-3/?

- Productor de "Legends of Tomorrow" habla sobre las 'significantes' muertes del final y la reunión de hermanas (TVline):
b]Productor de "Legends of Tomorrow" habla sobre las 'significantes' muertes del final y la reunión de hermanas
By Vlada Gelman / April 3 2017, 2:19 PM PDT[/b]

The Grim Reaper is coming for The CW’s Legends of Tomorrow — and we’re not talking about last week’s casualty, Amaya.

During Tuesday’s Season 2 finale (airing at the special time of 8/7c), “we will be losing some people,” executive producer Marc Guggenheim tells TVLine. “There are going to be some significant deaths.”

Needless to say, the show is “going to have to” add some new players in Season 3, given the loss of life. “But whereas the Season 1 [finale] was introducing a character or a group of characters from the JSA,” this ender ushers in “a concept,” Guggenheim shares.

That said, Tuesday’s episode — in which the Waverider crew revisits 1916 in order to stop the Legion from rewriting reality — is “very similar to the Season 1 finale, in terms of its structure,” the EP says. “We definitely get a definitive end to the Legion of Doom/Spear of Destiny story. The end is a cliffhanger in the vein of Season 1… It’s an equally shocking finale as last year’s.”

Below, Guggenheim previews Amaya’s future, Rip’s little problem and Sara’s reunion with dearly departed sis Laurel.

TVLINE | From the outside, “Aruba” seems like a peculiar episode title. What’s the significance?
It’s actually a reference to one of the lines in the Season [2] premiere. Rory, basically, wants to go on a vacation, and he’s picked Aruba as his destination of choice. The idea of taking a vacation to Aruba is something that resonates throughout the season finale. So we have a little bit of a narrative bookend. I don’t want to spoil whether or not the Legends actually get to Aruba, but Aruba looms nicely large.

TVLINE | Following her death, what role, if any, does Amaya have to play in the finale?
Amaya has a pretty pivotal role to play, in large part because she’s going to have a reunion with Nate [in 1916]. Whether or not Amaya survives the finale is something you’ll have to tune in and watch for. But getting Nate back together with the woman he lost in the previous episode was one of the important bucket-list items we had.

TVLINE | Could the team pluck Amaya from another time, like the Legion did with Snart?
They’ve already plucked her from one time. They plucked her from 1942. One of the big things in this episode is the exploration of what happens when you mess with time too much. You’ll have to see what the consequences are before wondering whether or not the Legends want to screw with time any more than they’ve already screwed with it.

TVLINE | Are there instances of them encountering themselves when they go back in time?
Oh yeah! That’s a big part of the episode. The Legends are actually going to interact with themselves. It’s a little bit of our homage to Back to the Future Part II, when Marty goes back to the events of the first movie. A lot of the fun of the finale is derived from doubling the number of Legends on your TV screen.

RELATEDThe Flash EP Teases Season 4’s Big Bad

TVLINE | Not sure if this was clear: Does Rip know where (and how small) he is?
He doesn’t. We’re going to address that pretty directly at the beginning of the season finale. But no, he doesn’t quite yet realize how tiny he is. Him discovering it is a fun moment.

TVLINE | Is upsizing Rip a job for Ray?
You’re the first person to ask that question. All I’ll say is that he wasn’t shrunk down by the Spear of Destiny.

TVLINE | Do any of the Legion members have an agenda in the finale other than thwarting the Legends?
Yeah. Thawne definitely looms very large. He makes a large number of surprise appearances.

TVLINE | Is the Sara/Laurel scene something that happens by design? Or does it sneak up on Sara?
It certainly happens by the design of the writers. It happens very organic to the story. It’s definitely a pivotal moment in the plot. I don’t want to spoil it. I’ll just say Katie Cassidy appears as Laurel Lance. She doesn’t appear as Black Siren or Black Canary. It’s really a reunion of sorts between the two Lance sisters.

TVLINE | But Sara doesn’t seek Laurel out, does she?
Hmmm… there’s a philosophical argument to be made that she does.

http://tvline.com/2017/04/03/legends-of ... l-reunion/

- He aquí la primicia sobre el regreso de Laurel en el final (EW):
He aquí la primicia sobre el regreso de Laurel en el final
Por Natalie Abrams - 03 Abril 2017 at 6:14pm ED[/b]

Laurel Lance will return during Tuesday’s season finale of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow. But the big question remains: How?

Back in February, Legends boss Marc Guggenheim revealed on Twitter that Katie Cassidy would be reprising her role as the late Laurel Lance in the finale. Since Laurel’s death at the end of Arrow‘s fourth season, Sara (Caity Lotz) has spent a bulk of Legends‘ second season with a vendetta against her sister’s killer, Damien Darhk (Neal McDonough).

With the Legends poised for the ultimate confrontation with Darhk and the rest of the Legion of Doom in the finale, will Sara finally avenge her sister — and bring Laurel back to life? Alas, probably not, since a dead Damien would probably create a paradox that the Legends would not be able to fix. “At the beginning of the season, Sara was back to a place of being an assassin, determined to kill Damian Darhk,” executive producer Phil Klemmer tells EW. “As she took on the mantle of leadership, she also learned some of the nuance of time. She’s now a time mistress, she understands the sanctity of time supersedes her own personal agenda.”

However, Sara doesn’t necessarily need to kill Damien. In the wake of Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher) rewriting reality, creating Doomworld, and subsequently destroying the Spear of Destiny, the Legends will be heading back to WWI in a bid to stop the Legion from obtaining the Spear in the first place, offering the team a chance to rewrite their own version of reality in the finale. “It’s no coincidence that we did the Tolkien episode, it’s no coincidence that we’ll be returning back to the Tolkien episode,” Klemmer teases. “It’s that ring of power, magical totem that can only be wielded by the purest of heart. For all the progress that Sara has made, she’s no Frodo, she still has an enormous amount of scar tissue built up — literal scar tissue and the emotional scar tissue that she’s had in the past four years.”

“That’s the big conundrum for our team,” Klemmer continues. “They go back trying to get the Spear, trying to keep it away from the Legion of Doom, and we know the Legion of Doom shouldn’t have it, but I don’t think any one of our Legends, Sara included, think that they’re qualified to wield it either, which leaves us in a sticky place, where it’s like, ‘Then how do we save the day?’ We’re back to where we were to the JSA: ‘Do we break it up in pieces again? Do we each go hiding in places in time? How are we going to make sure that history doesn’t repeat itself?'”
Bettina Strauss/The CW

Whatever the Legends decide, and therefore however the Lance sisters are reunited, Lotz teases that seeing Laurel again will give Sara a sense of closure. “I don’t want to give anything away, but I don’t want to also toy with the fans’ emotions,” Lotz says. “It’s not like a full coming back, but it is a really lovely appearance, and I think people will like it a lot.” Even if Laurel doesn’t make a full comeback, Cassidy will still play a big role in the Arrow-verse next season when the actress returns as a series regular on Arrow — the Black Siren!

The season finale of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow will air Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET on The CW. Read our full finale preview with Klemmer

http://ew.com/tv/2017/04/03/legends-tom ... idy-finale

- Jefe de Legends of Tomorrow boss adelanta 'demasiadas muertes' en la season finale (EW);
Jefe de Legends of Tomorrow boss adelanta 'demasiadas muertes' en la season finale
Por Natalie Abrams Abril 03, 2017 - 5.11 at 5:13pm EDT

During the season finale of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, the CW super series will break a cardinal rule of time travel, leading to some big consequences.

After Reverse-Flash (Matt Letscher) rewrote reality to create Doomworld and subsequently destroyed the Spear of Destiny, the Legends are now forced to travel back to WWI to prevent the Legion from getting their hands on the Spear in the first place, running the risk of coming into contact with their past selves. The consequences of their actions will lead to “so many deaths,” according to executive producer Phil Klemmer. Below, the Legends boss also teases how their actions will reverberate into season 3, which will include some new team members.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: The Legends must return to the past in the finale. What can you tease?
PHIL KLEMMER: As Marc Guggenheim has said many times, and in shaming me for the fact that I’ve never seen Back to the Future 2 — I’m sorry, I apologize to everybody — from what I understand, this is a version of what happens in Back to the Future 2. We’ve always wanted to break the cardinal rule. Obviously, from a mythology standpoint, it’s very exciting to imagine what will happen when we do the one thing that Rip told us never to do. But from an interpersonal perspective, it’s interesting to see how our Legends will interact with themselves. There’s comedy to that. The fact that our one team can’t come to a consensus and march in a straight line, it’s hilarious to imagine what two teams would try to do if you try to herd those cats. But then there’s also a very poignant opportunity for people to meet yourself — your future self getting to talk to your past self and impart whatever lessons you’ve been able to learn over the course of Doomworld. We’re not going that far back in time, but so much has happened. They were the most fun scenes I’ve ever written on the show — [the scenes] between the Legends and themselves — both for the comedy and for the pathos of it all.

[youtube]It’s obviously a rule for a reason, so what are the consequences of coming into contact with your past self?[/youtube]
Well, it’ll take at least another season to try to, if not fix, mitigate some of the destruction that we inflict on the universe in the finale. I just know, as a viewer, I would hate people if they made it too easy. It’s been 33 episodes of us being like, “You can’t do that, you can’t push that button,” so if it were too easy to undo the cataclysm, I would be like, “Oh, come on!” It’s not resolved this season. It basically is the propulsion that will take us into season 3. It will redefine our Legends, who they are and what they do, which is great because it’s always good to make them responsible for the mess. Our Legends provide the best part of the show, which is us trying to clean up our own messes. We make our ultimate mess in Tuesday’s episode.

With double the amount of Legends that he’s facing, what will Thawne do to combat that?
Hats off to The Flash, but when you have somebody as powerful as a speedster, it’s always a challenge to come up with a way of evening the playing field. Obviously, he has his henchmen. We’ve had a couple of humanizing moments for Thawne in space to see his more human side, but he’s a pretty messed-up guy, and I don’t think he trusts his partners, nor do his partners trust him. I will tease it like that: The only person Thawne really trusts is himself.

The team is also facing off against Legion. What can you tease of how that will culminate, especially since we know Damian needs to return to his timeline, otherwise what does that mean for season 4 of Arrow?!
Yeah, or what if Snart doesn’t go back, there’s no Captain Cold, and there’s nobody to save our team at the Oculus, and Vandal Savage isn’t vanquished! One of the fun parts of our show is even evil parts of history are part of history. We hit that hard for the first time when we went back to the Civil War, and we had our team dealing with zombies, but at the same time you’re like, “Even once the zombies are fixed, there’s still a monstrous thing happening here.” We meant to make that a bigger part of season 2, and it’s something that’s really still available to our team. Again, season 3 is going to be totally different, it’s not going to be just fixing these simple aberrations and then moving on. As our team is maturing, they’re going to be — next season — faced with questions of like, “What if putting things back to the way they were wasn’t good enough?” It’s always great when you have a conflict, when you have two equally valid points of view. That’s what you want on a show, because if everybody agrees, the show gets really freaking boring really fast.

At the end of this finale, obviously everybody is pulling in the same direction because they have to, because the stakes are so high, but as we finish this season, we really want to change the dynamic in season 3 so that it’s not going to be just like, “We’re picking up where we left off and we know where everybody stands!” That’s why we have these crazy cliffhangers, this is why we bring on new characters, that’s why we had the JSA, that’s why we blew up the Vanishing Point. We’re doing versions of all those things we did last year, we’re doing them Tuesday night, which is crazy to do, because we love season 2 of this show, we love the dynamics we have on our team, we love our villains, but kill your darlings, or whatever they say.

There were a couple of big questions coming out of Doomworld, like whether Stein will get his memory back, whether Amaya is really dead, and whether the team can trust Mick. Will you definitively answer those in the finale?
Definitely. We will deal with all of those things in the finale. It’s definitely not a finale you want to turn off in the last couple minutes. There’s a seismic shift in our show, quite literally, that will give you an idea of what season 3 will look like, but also I don’t think anybody will know what it’s going to look like, because frankly, we don’t quite know what it’s going to look like. The show has always been designed to morph. There’s a big morph moment coming.

What can you tease of how the finale will set up season 3? What’s the one question you think fans will have?
Season 1 was about stopping Vandal Savage, and then season 2 we accidentally blew up the Time Masters, and now we’re effectively the time police, so we’re fixing these aberrations, even though we didn’t want to do this and we’re not really equipped to it. After the finale, people will wonder, “What does an episode look like now?” A great thing about our show is that not only do the characters change and the dynamics change, but the engine of the show changes with it. What you do with the cliffhanger is basically paint yourself in a corner, and you have no idea how you’re going to get out of it. When we had Hourman appear and say he’s a member of the JSA, you have an idea of where that’s going, but it’s not until you really sit down and start writing those stories that you know for sure. It gives you that slightly weightless feeling, where it’s a thrill, but it’s also scary as s—, where you’re like, “Man, sometimes it would be easier to keep writing the same show,” but that’s not what Legends does best. It’s great when it catches people by surprise. The things we get to do on this show, nobody on TV gets to do episodes about George Lucas and a Nazi cabaret song or a Land of the Lost episode. Our mission is to surprise people, and that’s why we have to force ourselves out of our comfort zone at the end of every season, so we’ll be as surprised as the rest of the audience when we finally get there.

What will next season’s Legends team look like? Will you be adding new members?
We do. It’s something akin to the scale of what we did this season. You will not know who the new characters are [in the finale], you’ll have to wait until next year.

Should we expect any death in the finale?
There will be so many deaths! It’s just nothing but death. It’s a wall-to-wall carnage. It’s a meat grinder. It’s more people that I’ve probably killed in my entire television career. It’s ridiculous.

The season finale of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesday at 8 p.m. ET on The CW. Stay tuned for more scoop on the return of a familiar face in the finale.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/04/03/legends-tom ... ers-death/

- Phil Klemmer compara la Season 3 con "Juego de Tronos" (comicbook):
Phil Klemmer compara la Season 3 con "Juego de Tronos"
Por Russ Burlingame - 03/04/2017

Fans upset by the death of a team member on last week's episode of DC's Legends of Tomorrow likely took solace in the fact that there was still a week remaining, and with both time travel and the Spear of Destiny in play, it seemed plausible that the character might find her way back to the land of the living before the season was over.
legends camelot

During a recent interview with ComicBook.com, executive producer Phil Klemmer admitted that's not a totally out-of-left field question...but rather than offering reassurance about the fate of Amaya, he instead suggested that fans should get used to these kinds of losses, suggesting that there will be a "similar" moment in tomorrow's finale, and that they're committed to going the full Game of Thrones in season 3 so that fans never have the comfort of assuming that anyone is safe.

“At about minute 32 of tomorrow’s finale, people are going to start asking a lot of similar questions,” Klemmer said. “It’s always been a rule since the Hawkman death [in the pilot], Greg [Berlanti] said it before the show was even a show about how his mission was to make this not like network TV, that no one would be bulletproof, that it was more like the Ned Stark idea of anybody could lose their head at any time. As we’ve been roughly breaking out next season, we’re more committed to that than ever. Again, that’s a really bittersweet thing because we think the dynamic of the characters have is so special and wonderful, and at the same time, you don’t want the audience to become too comfortable on the show. It is supposed to be a wild ride. You need that real consequences and real bloodshed to counterbalance the fluffiness and the silliness of the show. Otherwise it would just float off into space.”

That silliness has been on full display in season 2, much to the delight of fans and critics, who have generally said that the show found its footing this year after a sometimes-rocky first season. And while Klemmer acknowledges that the fun of this year has been key to the show's appeal, he told us that the mission of the week "becomes exponentially more complicated" in the third season.

The season 1 finale saw the death of Captain Cold -- the team member whose resurrection two weeks ago brought with it Mick Rory's betrayal and ultimately the death of Amaya. As the team travels back to 1916 to prevent Rory's betrayal, things could get ugly as one of the cardinal rules of the show's time-travel logic has been that the Legends cannot change events that they themselves have participated in.

“You’re able to go forward or backward in time, but one thing that you can’t do is to hit the rewind button on events that you participated in,” Klemmer explained to reporters shortly before the series launched. “It’s not like Groundhog Day where you can endlessly just do it again and again and again and again until you get it right. If you screw it up, and it ends up with people dying, a member of our team — and people will die on our show — you’re not able to just be like ‘Well, that sucked, let’s try it again.’”

In the season 2 finale, though, that's exactly what they're doing...and it's going to have consequences.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/04/03/lege ... e-of-thro/

- Phil Klemmer habla sobre el establecer las cosas superheróicas de la S3 (CBR):
Phil Klemmer habla sobre el establecer las cosas superheróicas de la S3
Por Bryan Cairns - 04 Abril 2017

Things are pretty grim as we head into the season 2 finale of The CW’s “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow.” Captain Cold’s just iced Vixen, and Reverse Flash has destroyed the Spear of Destiny, trapping our heroes in an altered reality where they have no powers.

In desperation, the Legends will devise a plan to restore everything back to normal. The only problem is, said plan involves breaking one of their cardinal rules about time travel – consequences be damned.

Ahead of the Season 2 finale, executive producer Phil Klemmer spoke with CBR about the Legends’ last resort, how power can corrupt even heroes and setting up Season Three in the finale.

CBR: The odds seem pretty stacked against the Legends. What’s their next move? How can they fix things?

Phil Klemmer: We platform them to do the one thing they’ve been told never to do – going all the way back to the pilot when the team learned the hard lesson of why you can’t go back and undead somebody that is dead. For us, it was an important way of keeping the show engaging and trying not to give ourselves a “Get Out of Jail Free” card any time something goes wrong. Once you tell the Legends they can’t do something, that’s a fairly certain way to make sure they do it.

At the same time, we want to make it as terrible and catastrophic as Rip made it sound. This finale is supposed to be the culmination of Season 2. It’s our Legends and the Legion coming to a final reckoning. More than that, it’s meant to be a jumping-off point for the next season. It’s meant to upset the dynamic of the show in a way that makes Season 3 feel as drastically different from this season as this season felt from the last.

We didn’t want there just to be a “period” at the end of the season; we wanted this to be an exclamation or question mark. When we write 301, we want it to be like 201. We had the JSA and these new characters and villains. We want the show to continuously evolve. We didn’t want next season to feel like 2.5. We wanted to change things in a way that made it impossible for us to ever go back.

The heroes journey to 1916 where they encounter their past selves. What’s so fun about having two sets of Legends?

What’s not fun is having to shoot it. When you have to do motion control/motion capture and have to force all of your actors – who are already worked to the point of exhaustion – having to act in a scene with themselves at 4 A.M. after a 12-hour day, you can understand why an actor might be inclined to tell a writer to, well, fill in the blank. It’s enormously challenging. Writing an ensemble show, where you have a cast as talented as ours, there’s never enough pages to go around. You could write scenes that last entire acts. You just have to be ruthlessly efficient with your stories, so when you double that, and then add our delicious villains and guest-stars, it’s a struggle to fit everything in.

The Legends are hoping that by preventing the Legion of Doom from ever obtaining the Spear of Destiny, somehow they can bring Vixen back to life. How tempted are they to rewrite their own histories or resurrect other loved ones?

That’s a huge component. “Legends” has a lot of mind-bending moments in it, but, yeah, that factors heavily into the finale. Everybody is left with a lot of “what ifs.” The wonderful thing about having this mystical object is, it’s like the Holy Grail in the Last Crusade, where only the pure of heart can wield it. It’s a huge question mark, because none of the surviving Legends are wholly pure of heart. They’re all a little broken. The question then becomes, “What would happen if Mick Rory uses the Spear? What would happen if Sara Lance uses the Spear?” They all have their human failings; it’s what is very endearing about them. It’s what makes them Legends. At the same time, it makes it very dangerous when they are tempted to pick up the Spear and try to change history for themselves.

At the end of the day, assuming that good conquerors evil, what are the consequences of the Legends’ drastic actions?

In a way, the Legends are always going to be their own worst enemies. There will always be villainous forces in our universe. The more interesting things are the self-inflicted wounds. Everybody can relate to that, when you know what the right thing to do is, but you can’t help doing other wise. In their own hearts, they are pure. You will do something for the people you love, even if it’s wrong. That’s what sets our show apart from other superhero shows. In “Legends,” they are so human.

Season 2 was basically predicated on something they did wrong in Season 1. They blew up the Time Masters and eliminated a law-enforcement body that was probably much better equipped to do the job that the Legends end up inheriting. You will see in the finale that it’s an amplified version of that. The longer the Legends are traveling through time, well, you have these bulls in a China shop. Everywhere they go, they break things. Their intentions are usually noble, but they can’t help but make mistakes along the way. It’s like they get deeper and deeper into debt. The more they try to help, the more they realize there is more work to be done. They’ve broken more than they’ve fixed.

This show was designed to feature a rotating roster of heroes. Throw us a bone. What DC characters are at the top of your wish list for Season 3?

I can’t name names.

How do you determine which characters to incorporate? Do you flip through Who’s Who in the DC Universe or does it boil down to story?

The question we always ask ourselves first is, “How do we want to change the dynamic?” We have the characters that we know and love, and we’ve spent two years getting to know the core of them. Obviously, we’ve gotten to know Nate and Amaya very well this past season.

For me, it’s always taking a character who has gotten to a place of complacency or comfort or you feel like you know who they are – and then it’s introducing a character who is going to change that person. “Legends” is basically a story about a dysfunctional family who are stuck on a spaceship traveling through time. You never want them to find their natural angle of repose, where everybody knows what their job is and everybody knows what their dynamic is. Our show lives on its unpredictability. When we think of characters we want to bring into the show, we start with the characters we already have and then reverse-engineer a character who could have the most impact or provide the most friction or mystery. Then, once we start to know the human version of these characters, only then can we start talking about which superheroes could provide the best foil for our existing Legends.

“DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” stars Brandon Routh as the Atom, Victor Garber and Franz Drameh as Firestorm, Caity Lotz as White Canary, Dominic Purcell as Heatwave, and Nick Zano as Citizen Steel. The finale will not air at its regular time, but will instead air Tuesday, April 4th at 8:00 EST on The CW.


- Marc Guggenheim dice que la composición del equipo será ‘Diferente’ tras la Finale (Variety):
Marc Guggenheim dice que la composición del equipo será ‘Diferente’ tras la Finale
Por Jacob Bryant | 04 Abril, 2017 | 11:15AM PT

The crew of the Waverider is finally breaking its one rule.

After the Legion of Doom acquired the Spear of Destiny and rewrote history last week, the Legends were able to regroup and make a play to fix everything, which led to the Spear being destroyed and Amaya (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) being killed by Snart (Wentworth Miller). Essentially defeated, the team decides their only option is to travel back to France 1916 — where they lost the Spear to the Legion — and work with a past version of themselves to stop the villainous group from getting the Spear in the first place.

Variety spoke with executive producer Marc Guggenheim about the team breaking its one rule, how the team will have changed by the end of the episode, Katie Cassidy’s appearance in the episode, and more…

The Legends are finally breaking their one rule and travelling back to a time-period they’ve already been to. Does the plan go off in typical Legends fashion?

Yeah, it’s the Legends so you can imagine it’s not going to go great. What it means is we’re going to have two different teams of Legends in the finale — we’ll have the Legends from the time-period we’re going back to, and then we’ve got the Legends travelling from 2017 — so there are double the Legends for your price of admission.

They haven’t mentioned their plan to Rip (Arthur Darvill), who set this rule in place. How does he take this plan?

He’s definitely not for it, but he admits that they don’t really have a better solution. He’s kind of playing the game under protest.

Mick (Dominic Purcell) screwed up — by his own admission — in a major way when he sided with the Legion of Doom. He tried to set things right which ended with Amaya getting killed by Snart. Does he still think he can fix things, or is he pretty defeated at this point?

He still thinks he can fix it. We’ll see in the episode that he really does make the ultimate turn away from Snart, and pays the ultimate price.

So it’s safe to say that after Mick watches Snart kill Amaya that their relationship is pretty much beyond repair.

It pretty much is. Rory is going to pretty definitively choose between Snart on the one side and the team on the other.

How is Nate (Nick Zano) handling Amaya’s death?

Nate’s reaction is certainly the most profound, and it actually has consequences for the mission.

Katie Cassidy is returning for the finale as Laurel. How was it having her share scenes with Sara (Caity Lotz) again?

It’s always a delight to have Katie Cassidy come back and reprise her role as Laurel. It’s just one scene but it’s an incredibly pivotal scene, and I think it’s very moving.

I was excited to see Katie was returning as a series regular to “Arrow,” but I honestly had my fingers crossed that Black Siren would become a member of the Legends.

That was something we had talked about. For us, the whole conversation about bringing Katie back as a series regular on “Arrow” began with her performance in the midseason premiere. We briefly spoke about bringing her on “Legends,” but I think from a story perspective we would get far more mileage out of her interacting with the cast of “Arrow.”

One of the strengths of “Legends” is it has the chance to have a rotating crew. Will the makeup of the team look different by the end of the finale?

You know what? I’ll say yes. The makeup of the team will be different.

“Legend of Tomorrow’s” Season 2 finale airs Tuesday at 8 p.m. on the CW.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/legends ... 202022471/

- La Finale de la S2 de Legends of Tomorrow no introducirá a nuevos miembros del elenco (comicbook):
La Finale de la S2 de Legends of Tomorrow no introducirá a nuevos miembros del elenco
Por Matthew Mueller - 04/04/2017

More than other shows of its ilk, CW's Legends of Tomorrow excels because of the ebb and flow of its team cast, including the factor that some of them won't be around for seasons to come. That isn't necessarily restrained to death either, as both Hawkman and Hawkgirl left at the end of season 1. That same episode a new character debuted, but that formula won't be in force for season 2.

Executive producer Phil Klemmer recently spoke to ComicBook.com's Russ Burlingame about the season 2 finale, and while it will be epic in scope, it will not be a character tease like last time. “We won’t meet any of the new cast or tease any of the new cast,” Klemmer said. “It’s difficult enough to come up with a new season of TV. When you have to sort of explain why Hourman was there, and why he disappeared and what happened to him, it can frankly make your head explode. The last 45 seconds of Legends will certainly contain a surprise, but adding characters to the finale would have been impossible. As you know from the end of the last episode, the plan is to go back and our 8 Legends become 16, and adding in the Legion of Doom, logistically, it’s the most complicated episode I’ve ever been involved with. You have to watch it really carefully; there’s some real time-travel farce in the episode.”

Some of that was mitigated thanks to the experiences from the Invasion crossover. “When they’re the same people, you don’t even have the luxury of giving them the day off and saying, ‘Okay, it’s time to shoot Supergirl’s scenes,’” Klemmer said of the challenges. “When you have multiple Legends, it becomes the same actors and it becomes technically very challenging. But the crossovers are for sure boot camp and once you’ve survived a crossover, it does sort of empower us to be like, ‘oh, look. There’s no way it can ever be that hard!’ and then we somehow managed to make it harder for the finale.”

DC's Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. ET/PT on The CW. The season 2 finale will air at a special time tonight night at 8 p.m. ET/PT before the season 3 premiere of iZombie.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/04/04/lege ... -cast-mem/

- Phil Klemmer explica por qué no visitarán la crucifixión (comicbook):
Phil Klemmer explica por qué no visitarán la crucifixión
Por Joseph Schmidt - 04/04/2017

The Legends of Tomorrow have been all around the timeline in its two seasons. They’ve gone back to age of dinosaurs, all the way to the futuristic Detroit of the year 3000.

The CW team of the Atom, White Canary, Firestorm, and others have often been witness to some historic moments in earth’s history, as well as dealt with some important moments in nerddom in their interactions with JRR Tolkien and George Lucas.

But while this season’s primary drive has been preventing the Legion of Doom from getting their hands on the Spear of Destiny—the object that pierced Jesus Christ’s side when he was hung on the cross—the producers behind the show are hesitant to go to the actual moment that made the Spear important. So don’t expect them to visit when Jesus was stabbed any time soon.

On the show, Rip Hunter gave the explanation that some moments in history are too important to go back to and that even going near them could have devastating effects on reality.

Legends of Tomorrow showrunner Patrick Klemmer gave a more practical explanation behind the reason why during an interview with ComicBook.com.

“A lot of times you have to come up with a rule that explains something you just can’t do,” Klemmer said. “We probably would love to go to Judea, 33 AD, but it’s hard to make Vancouver look like that — aside from being a huge, theological lightning rod. So that might have been a case of production driving a rule.”

Klemmer added that “marquee moments in history are great,” but there’s are restrictions in what they can achieve during the show’s production.

“It’s always a question of what you can pull off in 8 days on a TV budget in Canada,” Klemmer said.

But the showrunner also hinted that season 3’s structure might shift as well, and that going to different places in history might not always be in the cards.

“The thing I can tease about next season: it’s not going to be as simple as traveling through to famous eras in history and trying to spot the aberration and then correcting it,” Klemmer said. “There’s going to be an added dimension that’s sort of platformed on what our team ends up doing int he finale. It becomes exponentially more complicated, what the mission of the week will look like in season 3.”

Hmm, could the Legends of Tomorrow be heading to different destinations in the Multiverse like their ally Barry Allen aka The Flash? Maybe we’ll learn more when the second season finale airs tonight.

DC's Legends of Tomorrow airs Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. ET/PT on The CW. The season 2 finale will air at a special time tonight night at 8 p.m. ET/PT before the season 3 premiere of iZombie.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/04/04/lege ... ucifixion/

- Phil Klemmer explica cómo eligen a nuevos personajes para la serie (comicbook):
Phil Klemmer explica cómo eligen a nuevos personajes para la serie
Por Russ Burlingame - 04/04/2017

When fans and critics write about DC's Legends of Tomorrow, phrases like "ragtag band of misfits" tend to creep their way into the stories. What, though, actually goes into deciding who fits into the lineup? Well, executive producer Phil Klemmer told ComicBook.com that they're still working out the kinks, but that be thinks they've found their sweet spot.

That is to say, the longtime Chuck writer/producer believes that Legends of Tomorrow characters are at their best when they are inspired by or faithful, but not slavish, to the comic book source material.

“It is incredible, as we were talking about the potential new characters for season 3, there is this debate about, do you go after one of the canonical DC figures or do you try to invent somebody whole cloth, or do you do what we did where you are sort of inspired by one of the canonical figures but you take your own Legends spin on them?” mused Klemmer. “I think that’s really the sweet spot for us, where you can kind of please the hardcore DC fans, but as writers we want to feel empowered to come up with the backstory. We want Nate to be a weird, hemophiliac conspiracy-theory historian, and to be able to add and to have all of our embellishments work in concert with the comic book version is our sweet spot.”

Characters like The Atom and Firestorm are good examples of this philosophy; while the most popular iterations of those characters were Justice League members during the revered "Satellite Era," Klemmer shies away from reverence on Legends, as a rule.

“I think the Silver Age era is simply too square-jawed and squared off and a little too perfect; they don’t really belong with the Legends. So we have to find ways to make them less than perfect,” he said.

The DC's Legends of Tomorrow season 2 finale will air tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW, followed by the season 3 premiere of iZombie.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/04/04/lege ... racters-f/

- La próxima reunión de hermanas de "Legends Of Tomorrow" proporcionará un cierre (comicbook):
La próxima reunión de hermanas de "Legends Of Tomorrow" proporcionará un cierre
Por Jenna Anderson - 04/04/2017

Tonight's season two finale of Legends of Tomorrow is expected to have a lot on its plate. In addition to showcasing the final chapter of the Legends' fight against the Legion of Doom, it promises to conclude many of the personal arcs that members of the ensemble have taken over the season.

One of the biggest storylines, according to one of the show's executive producers, will receive a particular bit of closure tonight, with the reunion between Sara Lance (Caity Lotz) and Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy).

As DCTV fans are probably aware, last season of Arrow saw Laurel meet her demise at the hands of Damian Darhk (Neal McDonaugh), an event that has greatly affected Sara since hearing the news in last season's Legends finale.

With Darhk being a member of the Legion of Doom, Sara has struggled throughout the season with the idea of avenging or reversing her sister's death - something that will come into play in tonight's finale.

"At the beginning of the season, Sara was back to a place of being an assassin, determined to kill Damian Darhk," Phil Klemmer explained to Entertainment Weekly. "As she took on the mantle of leadership, she also learned some of the nuance of time. She’s now a time mistress, she understands the sanctity of time supersedes her own personal agenda."

According to Klemmer, this ties right into the plotline of the show's season two finale - which sees the team traveling back to WWI to stop the earlier versions of themselves from accidentally handing the Spear of Destiny to the Legion of Doom. Seeing as the team was joined by a young J.R.R. Tolkien in that episode, Klemmer believes that there are some parallels between Tolkien's biggest work and Sara's quest for the Spear.

"It’s no coincidence that we did the Tolkien episode, it’s no coincidence that we’ll be returning back to the Tolkien episode," Klemmer teases. "[The Spear of Destiny is] that ring of power, magical totem that can only be wielded by the purest of heart. For all the progress that Sara has made, she’s no Frodo, she still has an enormous amount of scar tissue built up — literal scar tissue and the emotional scar tissue that she’s had in the past four years."

It's unclear exactly how Laurel is temporarily brought back into the fold, but it's certainly a welcome appearance. Lotz echoed just how important the reunion scene will be the sisters' dynamic.

"I don’t want to give anything away, but I don’t want to also toy with the fans’ emotions. It’s not like a full coming back, but it is a really lovely appearance, and I think people will like it a lot."

Cassidy is set to return to the DCTV universe full time in the very near future - appearing in the last two episodes of Arrow's fifth season, as Laurel's Earth-2 doppleganger, Black Siren, before rejoining the cast as a series regular in the sixth season.

The DC's Legends of Tomorrow season 2 finale will air tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW, followed by the season 3 premiere of iZombie.

http://comicbook.com/tv-shows/2017/04/0 ... ara-lance/

- Phil Klemmer Promete que el final de la Season 2 tendrá consecuencias en toda la Season 3 (comicbook):
Phil Klemmer Promete que el final de la Season 2 tendrá consecuencias en toda la Season 3
Por Adam Barnhardt - 04/04/2017

While the second season of Legends of Tomorrow wraps up tonight, executive producer Phil Klemmer promises that the events in tonight’s episode will have lasting consequences as the show moves on to its third season.

“We didn’t want to sort of break our own rules and we also don’t want season three to feel so similar to season two,” Klemmer told ComicBook.com. “It’s this sort of tug of war between loving the show and loving all of the things that are working about the show, particularly in the second season, but also knowing that some of the appeal of the show is the unpredictability.”

One of the primary rules that the Legends have crafted over the past two season is to not directly change the events they’ve personally been involved with in the past. That will be changed on tonight’s finale, according to Klemmer.

“That’s why it was perfect for us to break this cardinal rule of time travel in the season two finale, knowing that it’s going to irrevocably change the dynamic of the show and redefine what the team does, and set the table for season three,” said Klemmer. “After season one, the consequences of what they did in the end of the first season by destroying the Time Masters eliminated all protection of the timeline and thrust our unlikely legends into the role of time law enforcement, which is wonderfully ironic because they’re not exactly law enforcement types and they bumble their way through it."

Klemmer went on to say that even though it was tempting to let them continue to acting as law enforcement across time, he wanted another shakeup within the setting of the show

"Hopefully when they tune into the season three premiere, they are going ‘What is this show going to be, because we have no idea!’”

The DC's Legends of Tomorrow season 2 finale will air tonight at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW, followed by the season 3 premiere of iZombie.

http://comicbook.com/2017/04/04/phil-kl ... ences-thr/

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- Legends Of Tomorrow | LEGENDS FINALE: We're Screwed (DC Entertainment):

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- Legends Of Tomorrow | Brandon Routh Facebook Live Chat (04-04-17):

https://www.facebook.com/OfficialBrando ... 207499051/

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- El regreso de 'Rip Hunter' y más detalles sobre la S3 de "Legends Of Tomorrow":
Al menos uno de los misterios del final de la S2 de "Legends Of Tomorrow" que tuvo lugar esta semana ha sido resuelto.

En el episodio vimos cómo Rip Hunter (interpretado por el miembro original del elenco Arthur Darvill) tranquilamente hacía una maleta y decía adiós a la Waverider y a su nueva capitana, Sara Lance. Sin embargo, esto no significa que los espectadores hayan visto por última vez al personaje. Así lo afierma el productor Marc Guggenheim en una entrevista con EW:

“Tenemos planes para Rip el próximo año,” dice Guggenheim. “Es tan sólo en una capacidad diferente de ser un miembro del equipo.”

Otra gran pregunta que surgió del final es qué es exactamente lo que han provocado las "Legends" tras interactuar con sus versiones pasadas con el fin de evitar que la Legion of Doom se haga con la Lanza del Destino, creando una lluvia temporal que los llevó a Los Angeles circa 2017 — aunque había una horda de dinosaurios y edificios de varias eras. Guggenheim también lo explica:

“Nuestra metáfora en la sala de escritores es que estamos aproximándonos al tiempo como si fuera un puzzle jigsaw,” dice. “Lo que las Legends hicieron en la finale es coger la caja del puzzle jigsaw y agitarla… El hecho de que rompiéramos el tiempo, parte de eso fue el deseo por nuestra parte de volver con una season 3 incluso más loca. Al romper el tiempo, creamos muchas más oportunidades para las extravagancias.”

¿Podrían dichas extravagancias incluir la potencial introducción de Kamandi, el último chico de un Planeta de un futuro post-apocalíptico al estilo del Planeta de los Simios en el que los animales altamente evolucionados dirigían la Tierra?:

“Hemos hablado sobre Kamandi en la sala de escritores,” dice Guggenheim. “Es definitivamente un personaje que amamos y un concepto que amamos. Ciertamente, hemos abierto la puerta para ese tipo de historia. No puedo decir que estemos totalmente comprometidos a hacer a Kamandi el próximo año, sino que tan sólo está totalmente sobre la mesa y ciertamente es algo de lo que hemos estado hablando.”

Y en cuanto a si las acciones de las Legends afectarán a las otras series hermanas del Arrow-verse, Guggenheim aclara:

“Nunca quisimos que la televisión se sienta como las tareas de casa,” donde los espectadores de una de las series del #DCTV deban de ver todas ellas. “Dicho esto… habrá una explicación en la Season 3 del por qué no estás viendo dinosaurios corriendo por Central City. Preferimos manetener las series separadas en ese sentido”.

Podéis escuchar la entrevista de radio completa con Marc Guggenheim:


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- Publicada la información del Blue-Ray/DVD de la Season 2 de ‘Legends Of Tomorrow’:
La Warner Bros. Home Entertainment ha anunciado la información del Blu-Ray/DVD de la segunda temporada de "DC’s Legends of Tomorrow". La segunda temporada completa de la serie estará disponible el 15 de Agosto del 2017.

El set incluirá los diecisiete episodios junto con muchos contenidos especiales que puedes encontrar abajo. Además, el estudio ha revelado el artwork para la portada del set de Blu-Ray.



· DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: 2016 Comic-Con Panel
· Allied: The Invasion Complex (DC’s Legends of Tomorrow)
- Deleted Scenes
- Gag-Reel

"DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: The Complete Second Season" está disponible por pre-order en Amazon en Blu-ray al precio de 33.39$ y en DVD al precio de 27.13$ , y también en Digital HD.

http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/DCs-Legen ... ay/171076/
http://heroichollywood.com/legends-seas ... u-ray-dvd/

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- La CW anuncia su parilla para la temporada 2017-2018:
Las Upfronts de este año casi han acabado, siendo la CW la última cadena que está desvelando su calendario para la temporada 2017-2018 hoy.

Como se esperaba, hay muchos superhéroes en ella. Este año, "Arrow" cambiará su día de emisión de los Miércoles a los Jueves noche y, como en anteriores ocasiones, "iZombie" y la nueva serie de superhéroes de DC "Blacklightning" se estrenarán más tarde en la midseason.

Así, la programación de la cadena queda de la siguiente manera:

8 p.m. “Supergirl”
9 p.m. “VALOR”

8 p.m. “The Flash”
9 p.m. “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow”

8 p.m. “Riverdale”
9 p.m. “DYNASTY”

8 p.m. “Supernatural”
9 p.m. “Arrow”

8 p.m. “Crazy Ex-Girlfriend”
9 p.m. “Jane the Virgin”

http://www.ksitetv.com/general-tv-news/ ... le/152824/
http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/cw-2017 ... 202433472/

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- Sinopsis oficial de la S3 de "Legends Of Tomorrow":
La CW ha publicado hoy la sinopsis oficial para la S3 de "Legends Of Tomorrow" durante las "CW Upfronts 2017", que se emitirá la noche de los martes tras "The Flash":

Tras derrotar a Eobard Thawne y su igualmente malvada Legion of Doom, the Legends se enfrentan a una nueva amenaza creada por sus acciones al final de la pasada temporada. Al revisitar un momento del tiempo en el que ya habían participado, esencialmente han fracturado la línea temporal y crado anacronismos – ¡una dispersión de gente, animales, y objetos por todo el tiempo! Nuestro equipo debe encontrar la manera de regresar todos los anacronismos a sus líneas temporales originales antes de que caiga le línea del tiempo. Pero antes de que nuestras Legends puedan saltar de nuevo a la acción, Rip Hunter (Arthur Darvill) y su recién establecida Agencia del Tiempo ponen sus métodos en cuestionamiento. Con la Agencia del Tiempo siendo efectivamente los nuevos sheriffs del pueblo, las Legends se disgregan – hasta que Mick Rory (Dominic Purcell) descubre a uno de ellos a mitad de sus muy merecidas vacaciones en Aruba. Viendo esto como una oportunidad para continuar sus heroicidades de viajes en el tiempo, Sara (Caity Lotz) no pierde tiempo alguno en conseguir reunir a las Legends de nuevo.

Nos reunimos con el multimillonario inventor Ray Palmer (Brandon Routh), el poco convencional historiador-convertido-en-superhéroe Nick Heywood (Nick Zano), y el Profesor Martin Stein (Victor Garber) y Jefferson “Jax” Jackson (Franz Drameh), quienes juntos forman el meta-humano Firestorm. Una vez reunidos, las Legends retarán la autoridad de la Agencia del Tiempo sobre la línea temporal e insitirán en que a pesar de lo caóticos que puedan ser sus métodos, algunos problemas están más allá de las capacidades de la Agencia. Algunos problemas pueden ser sólo arreglados por las Legends.

Basada en los personajes de DC, DC’S LEGENDS OF TOMORROW es de Bonanza Productions Inc. en asociación con Berlanti Productions y Warner Bros. Television, con los productores ejecutivos Greg Berlanti (“Arrow,” “The Flash,” “Supergirl”), Marc Guggenheim (“Arrow,” “Trollhunters,” “Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters”), Andrew Kreisberg (“Arrow,” “The Flash,” “Eli Stone,” “Warehouse 13”), Phil Klemmer (“The Tomorrow People,” “Chuck”) y Sarah Schechter (“Arrow,” “The Flash”).

http://dclegendstv.com/2017/05/18/new-s ... -synopsis/

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- The CW | The CW’s New Season 2017/18 Sizzle Reel Promo:

- The CW | "The CW’s New Season" Promo:

- The CW | "The CW’s New Season" Extended Promo:

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"CW Upfronts 2017", NYC (18-05-17)
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- "Legends Of Tomorrow" S3 Key-Art:


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- La actriz Tala Ashe se une a la S3 de "Legends of Tomorrow" como la superheroína de DC 'Isis':
“DC’s Legends of Tomorrow” está añadiendo otro personaje principal a su S3.

La actriz Tala Ashe se ha unido a la serie de la CW como personaje regular, en el papel de 'Zari Adrianna Tomaz aka Isis', uno de los miembros del equipo que estará a bordo de la Waverider.

El personaje de Zari Adrianna Tomaz es una mujer musulmana-americana del año 2030 que vive en un mundo de contradicciones — la tecnología ha traído un increíble cambio para ella en su futuro, pero parece que la naturaleza humana no ha seguido su ritmo. El miedo, los prejuicios y la falta de preocupación por el planeta han obligado a Zari a convertirse en “una hackeractivista de sombrero gris.” Descrita como una experta en computación con una actitud irónica y combativa, es una mujer que vive una doble vida y que no se ha dado cuenta de que tiene poderes secretos latentes derivados de una fuente arcaica mística.

El personaje fue introducido en 1975 en la serie de acción de la CBS "The Secrets of Isis" como homóloga del Captain Marvel, y los dos compartieron la "The Shazam/Isis Hour" los sábados por la mañana. Joanna Cameron interpretaba el papel como Andrea Thomas, una profesora de ciencias de instituto que podía conjurar los poderes de la diosa Isis — volar, súper-fuerza y súper-velocidad entre ellos — usando un amuleto egipcio que descubrió en una excavación arqueológica. Isis también protagonizó su propio cómic que duró tan sólo 8 números entre 1976 y 1978.

Posteriormente se introdujo el personaje en el 2002 como una diosa y luego, en el 2006, como una mujer egipcia llamada Adrianna Tomaz (en homenaje a to Andrea Thomas) quien en la serie de los NEW 52 era ciudadana de la nación ficticia de Kahndaq que lucha contra su corrupto gobierno, específicamente contra el líder del país conocido como 'Black Adam'. Es precisamente él quien, tras aceptarla como esclava, le dio el amuleto junto a Capitán Marvel otorgándole sus poderes (entre ellos la curación y el control de la naturaleza), convirtiéndose finalmente en la heroína conocida como 'Isis',

Entre otros de los trabajos de Ashe figuran “American Odyssey” de la NBC, “Smash,” “30 Rock,” “Law & Order” y “Covert Affairs.” Recientemente ha protagonizado las producciones de fuera de Broadway “The Profane” en el Playwrights Horizons, “Troilus and Cressida” en el Shakespeare in the Park y “Head Over Heels” de la productora Gwyneth Paltrow.

http://variety.com/2017/tv/news/dc-lege ... 202454864/

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- La CW revela su calendario de las premieres de Otoño 2017-2018:
La CW sigue siendo fiel a sus premieres de Octubre pero, a diferencia de los años anteriores, este año ha consolidado sus premieres en una única semana.

Así, la cadena debutará todos sus programas de otoño durante la semana del 09 de Octubre en lugar de emitir sus premieres a lo largo de varias semanas tras las premieres de las cuatro grandes cadenas.

Así, el calendario de las premieres de otoño de la CW quedaría de la siguiente manera:


8:00-9:00 p.m. Supergirl (season premiere)
9:00-10:00 p.m. Valor (series premiere)


8:00-9:00 p.m. The Flash (season premiere)
9:00-10:00 p.m. DC's Legends of Tomorrow (season premiere)


8:00-9:00 p.m. Riverdale (season premiere)
9:00-10:00 p.m. Dynasty (series premiere)


8:00-9:00 p.m. Supernatural (season premiere)
9:00-10:00 p.m. Arrow (season premiere)


8:00-9:00 p.m. Crazy Ex-Girlfriend (season premiere)
9:00-10:00 p.m. Jane the Virgin (season premiere)

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... le-1011499

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- Billy Zane estrella invitada como P.T. Barnum en la S3 de "Legends Of Tomorrow":
Parece que "Legends of Tomorrow" se apoyará fuertemente en las figuras históricas durante la S3.

EW ha revelado que Billy Zane ha firmado para aparecer como estrella invitada en un episodio de la nueva temporada interpretando a P.T. Barnum, fundador del Barnum & Bailey Circus (aka “El Mayor Show de la Tierra”), en la serie de la CW. on the CW super series.

El productor ejecutivo Phil Klemperer ha ofrecido una descripción detallada del papel que da pistas de lo que nos espera este año:
“Obviamente, no podíamos resistirnos a poner de nuevo a Victor Garber y Billy Zane en la pantalla por primera vez desde TITANIC.

He querido traer a Billy a LEGENDS desde que le vi en el piloto de una comedia de un amigo. No estoy seguro de que la gente sepa lo divertido que es Billy, aunque lo hemos contratado como P.T. Barnum porque sabíamos que sería capaz de encomtrar el alma que hay debajo de este gran showman de toda la vida. La verdad es, Barnum nunca dijo ‘hay un incauto que nace cada minuto.’ No era tanto un embaucador, sino más el padre de los anuncios modernos. Un tipo que hacía que las cosas ‘fueran virales’ antes de que eso fuera algo. Claro, en un sentido, él es el villano de nuestra historia, pero en otro, es tan sólo un tipo que quiere hacer un buen show. Todo el que trabaje en la TV puede identificarse con eso, ¡¿verdad?! En cualquier caso, Billy parecía el tipo perfecto para conseguir esa dualidad.

“Lo que pasa con los libros de historia es que vuelven famosos a la gente en personajes en 2D. Esta temporada de LEGENDS, queremos concocer a otras figuras famosas de la historia, gente como Barnum, gente que pensábamos que conocíamos para que podamos encontrar los aspectos de ellos, las partes de su historia, que dejaron de incluir los libros de historia — queremos llevar la historia a la vida infundiéndole corazón, humor, y un absurdo tortal (con frecuencia al mismo tiempo).”

Zane no es ajeno al mundo de los superhéroes, habiendo interpretado a "The Phantom" en la película de 1996. Entre sus créditos también se incluyen "Twin Peaks", "Zoolander", y "Regreso al futuro". a

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow regresará los Martes a las 9 p.m. ET a partir del 10 de Octubre este otoño en la CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/06/14/legends-tom ... pt-barnum/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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- La Warner Bros. TV desvela su calendario completo para el SDCC 2017:
La Comic-Con International de San Diego ya está casi aquí. La convención plagada de estrellas dará el pistoletazo de salida en menos de un mes, y la Warner Bros. acaba de darle a los fans de DC muchas razones para celebrarlo. El estudio ha anunciado su calendario completo para la San Diego Comic-Con 2017, que incluye tanto el regresod e queridas series como "The Flash", "Supergirl", "Arrow", "DC’s Legends of Tomorrow", "iZombie", "Gotham" o "Lucifer", como un avance de las próximas series "Black Lightning" y "Krypton".

La WBTV empezará en su ya clásica tarde del miércoles 19 de Julio con un vistazo especial a los screenings de los pilotos de las series Krypton, Black Lightning y Teen Titans Go! además de Deception y Unikitty".

Las programación normal de los paneles de la convención comenzará el Jueves 20 por la mañana concluyendo la tarde del Domingo 23 de Julio.

Se espera que los paneles cuenten con una gran cantidad de actores, aunque la WB siempre advierte de que “las estrellas y los equipos creativos de las series que está previsto que asistan siempre están sujetos a cambio.”

Junto a la nota de prensa con el calendario completp, la WB también ha publicado un video de apoyo a la misma que, de seguro, hará las delicias de todos y que cuenta con el protagonismo de unos adorables cachorritos oupando el protagonismo principal de sus series:


6:00–10:00 p.m. Special Sneak Peek Screenings — La Comic-Con y Warner Bros. Television Group continúan orgullosamente su tradición anual de la Preview Night tradition con screenings exclusivos de piloto del thriller de midseason "Deception", además de video-presentaciones exclusivas de algunas de las más anticipadas series de la temporada 2017-2018 — "Krypton" y "Black Lightning" —, un nuevo episodio de una hora de "Teen Titans Go!", el estreno de la serie animada de LEGO "Unikitty!", además de sorpresas especiales. Ballroom 20


10:00–11:00 a.m. Teen Titans Go! Episodio Especial de Una Hora y Q&A — Únete a los productores Michael Jelenic, Aaron Horvath, Pete Michail y los miembros del elenco de voces, incluídos Greg Cipes, Tara Strong andy Scott Menville, mientras que contestan vuestras preguntas y estrenan un episodio especial de una hora de la serieProducida por Warner Bros. Animation, Teen Titans Go! se emite loe Viernes a las 6/5c en Cartoon Network. Hazte fan de la serie en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeenTitansGo, y sigue a Cartoon Network en Twitter: @CartoonNetwork. Room 6A

11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. Unikitty! Premiere de un Nuevo Episodio y Q&A — Únete a los productores Edward Skudder, Lynn Wang y a los miembros del elenco de voces, incluído Eric Bauza, mientras que os proporcionan un vistazo a esta nueva serie y explican cómo Unikitty y sus amigos se aseguran de que cada día sea el más feliz y el más creativo de todos. Producida por Warner Bros. Animation, Unikitty! llegará pronto a Cartoon Network. Sigue a Cartoon Network en Twitter: @CartoonNetwork. Room 6A

12:30–1:30 p.m. Justice League Action Video Presentación y Q&A — A los productores Jim Krieg y Butch Lukic se les unirán los miembros del elenco de voces, incluídos Diedrich Bader, Jason J. Lewis, Rachel Kimsey, y el directore de voces Wes Gleason para proyectar un nuevo episodio y participar en una Q&A. Producida por la Warner Bros. Animation, Justice League Action se emite los Sábados a las 7:30 a.m. ET/PT en Cartoon Network. Sigue a Cartoon Network en Twitter: @CartoonNetwork. Room 6A


10:00–11:00 a.m. The Big Bang Theory Video Presentacion Especial y Q&A — La serie regresa a San Diego para llevarte al interior de los mejores momentos de la season 10 y behind the scenes de la comedia #1 de la TV en un panel especial por el 10º aniversario de la serie. Los miembros del elenco Johnny Galecki, Kaley Cuoco, Kunal Nayyar, Mayim Bialik y Kevin Sussman se unira´n a los productores y escritores de la serie para una animada discusión y una video presentación especial. De Chuck Lorre Productions, Inc. en asociación con Warner Bros. Television, la season 11 de la serie se estrena el Lunes, 25 de Septiembre a las 8/7c en la CBS. Hazte fan de la serie en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBigBangTheory, y sigue a la serie en Twitter: @BigBangTheory. Hall H‪

10:00–11:00 a.m. Young Justice Q&A — Los productores de la serie Greg Weisman, Brandon Vietti y miembros principales del equipo creativo, incluyendo el director de arte Phil Bourassa, estarán a mano para contestar vuestras preguntas sobre las primeras dos temporadas de la serie y quizá descubriréis algo sobre la muy anticipada Young Justice: Outsiders. Room 6BCF

11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. iZOMBIE Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — Tras los impactantes eventos de la season final de iZOMBIE, el secreto se ha desvelado: El público ya no está en la oscuridad sobre la existencia de los zombies. Con Seattle ahora bajo el contro, de los zombies en la smanos de Fillmore Graves, la búsqueda de Ravi de una cura y una vacuna para los zombies es ahora más urgente que nunca. Estad entre los primeros que consigan la primicia de lo que está por llegar para Liv y la banda en la cuarta temporada. Uníos a nosotros para una video presentación especial seguida por una Q&A con las estrellas de la serie Rose McIver, Malcolm Goodwin, Rahul Kohli, Robert Buckley, David Anders y Aly Michalka, y también con los productores ejecutivos Rob Thomas y Diane Ruggiero-Wright (Veronica Mars). De Bonanza Productions Inc. en asociación con Spondoolie Productions y la Warner Bros. Television y basada en los personajes creados por Chris Roberson y Michael Allred parar Vertigo de DC Entertainment, iZOMBIE regresa con nuevos episodios en la midseason en la The CW. Hazte fan de iZOMBIE en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cwizombie, y sigue a la serie en Twitter: @CWiZombie. Ballroom 20

12:30–1:30 p.m. The 100 Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — Uníos a nosotros para una video presentación especial seguida de una Q&A con las estrellas de la serie Eliza Taylor, Bob Morley, Marie Avgeropolous, Lindsey Morgan, Christopher Larkin, Richard Harmon y el productor ejecutivo Jason Rothenberg. De Bonanza Productions Inc. en asociación con Alloy Entertainment y Warner Bros. Television, la serie regresa en la midseason con nuevos episodios en la The CW. Hazte fan en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CWThe100, y sigue a la serie en Twitter: @CWThe100. Ballroom 20

3:15–4:00 p.m. [adult swim]: Mike Tyson Mysteries — Únete a Mike Tyson, a la anterior miembro del elenco de voces Rachel Ramras (The Looney Tunes Show) y al productor Hugh Davidson (The Looney Tunes Show) para un vistazo exclusivo a los próximos episodios. Hazte fan en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MikeTysonMysteriesTV. Indigo Ballroom

6:00–7:00 p.m. People of Earth Premiere Episode Screening y Q&A — Únete a los miembros del elenco Ana Gasteyer, Oscar Nunez, Michael Cassidy, Ken Hall, Björn Gustafsson y Nasim Pedrad, junto al creador de la serie/productor ejecutivo David Jenkins para un screening exclusivo de la pirmre de la S2 seguido por una Q&A sobre qué es lo próximo en esta nueva temporada. Producida por Conaco LLC en asociación por Warner Horizon Scripted Television, la serie regresa a la TBS el 24 de Julio a las 10:30/9:30c. Hazte fan en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/PeopleOfEarthTBS, y síguela en Twitter: @PoE_TBS. Room 6A


11:00–11:45 p.m. Riverdale Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — ünete a nosotros para una video presentación especial seguida por una Q&A con las estrellas de la serie KJ Apa, Lili Reinhart, Camila Mendes, Cole Sprouse, Madelaine Petsch, Ashleigh Murray, Casey Cott, Haley Law, Asha Bromfield y los productores Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Sarah Schechter y Jon Goldwater. La segunda temporada de Riverdale se estrena el Miércoles, 11 de Octubre a las 9/8c en la CW. Hazte fan en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CWRiverdale, y sigue a la serie en Twitter: @CW_Riverdale. Ballroom 20

‪12:00–1:00 p.m. The Originals Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — Únete a la productora ejecutiva Julie Plec y a las estrellas de la serie Joseph Morgan, Daniel Gillies, Phoebe Tonkin, Charles Michael Davis, Yusuf Gatewood y Riley Voelkel para una video presentación especial seguida por una Q&A. De Bonanza Productions Inc. en asociación con My So-Called Company, Alloy Entertainment, Warner Bros. Television y CBS Television Studios, The Originals se emitirá en la midseason en la CW. Hazte fan de la serie en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cworiginals, y síguela en Twitter: @cworiginals. Indigo Ballroom

1:15–1:45 p.m. Krypton Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — ünete a la estrella de la serie Cameron Cuffe (The Halcyon, Florence Foster Jenkins) y los productores ejecutivos Damian Kindler (Sleepy Hollow) y Cameron Welsh (Ash vs Evil Dead, Constantine) para un sneak peek de la próxima serie seguida por una sesión de preguntas de fuera de este mundo. Basada en los personajes de DC, Krypton es de Warner Horizon Scripted Television y está producida ejecutivamente por David S. Goyer (Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, The Dark Knight trilogy) a través de Phantom Four banner, junto con Damian Kindler y Cameron Welsh. Krypton está basada en los personajes creados por Jerry Siegel y and Joe Shuster, publicada por DC, y debutsá en el 2018 en SYFY. Sigue a la serie en Twitter: @KryptonSYFY. Indigo Ballroom Indigo Ballroom

1:50–2:50 p.m. Lucifer SVideo Presentación especial Q&A — Únete a las estrellas de la serie Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Rachael Harris, Kevin Alejandro, Aimee Garcia, Tricia Helfer y los productores ejecutivos Joe Henderson e Ildy Modrovich para una video presentación y Q&A donde hablarán sobre la segunda temporada y lo que está en al armario para la S3 de Lucifer. De Jerry Bruckheimer Television en asociación con la Warner Bros. Television y basada en los personajes creados por Neal Gaiman, Sam Kieth y Mike Dringenberg para Vertigo de DC Entertainment, Lucifer regresa para su tercera temporada el 02 de Octubre a las 6/7c en la FOX. Hazte fan en Facebook: at http://www.facebook.com/LuciferonFOX, y sigue a la serie en Twitter: @LuciferonFOX. Indigo Ballroom

2:50–3:50 p.m. Gotham Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — La historia de orígenes de Gotham continúa desarrollándose, a medida que la serie entra en su cuarta temporada, las apuestas estarán más altas que nunca. Con la Court of Owls diezmada, las consecuencias del virus de Tetch devastando la ciudad, y cada villano (superviviente) del inframundo de Gotham compitiendo por el poder, Jim Gordon y la GCPD tendrán sus manos llenas. ¡Y eso es sólo el principio! ¿Qué amenaza supone Ra’s al Ghul?, ¿y recuperará el Pingüino su título como el Rey de Gotham? ¿Qué nuevos villanos están reservados para la Season 4, y qué supone la revelación de Bruce Wayne de la season finale para Gotham City — y su último destino? Sed uno de los primeros en ver lo que está reservado para la season 4 cuando Gotham regrese a la Comic-Con para una video presentación especial, seguida por una Q&A con las estrellas de la serie y los productores. De la Warner Bros. Television, Gotham regresa el 28 de Septiembre con nuevos episodios en su nueva noche de los Jueves a las 8/7c en la FOX. Hazte fan en Facebook: at http://www.facebook.com/GOTHAMonFOX, y sigue la serie en Twitter: @Gotham. Indigo Ballroom

3:30–4:10 p.m. Supergirl Video Presentación oficial y Q&A — El librar a National City de la Reina Rhea y su ejército de Daxamitas fue una gran victoria para Supergirl, pero una que llegó con un importante coste, ya que Kara se vio obligada a sacrificar su creciente relación con Mon-El. Cuando regrese la tercera temporada con todas las aventuras cargadas de acción este otoño en la CW, Kara y su equipo se enfrentan frente a una nueva amena en la forma de la asesina de DC, Reign. Únete al equipo creativo para una video presentación oficial seguida por una Q&A donde hablarán sobre ésta y otras preguntas calientes y más. De Berlanti Productions en asociación con la. WB Television, la S3 de Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/TheCWSupergirl, y sigue el Twitter de la serie: @TheCWSupergirl. Ballroom 20

4:10–4:50 p.m. DC’s Legends of Tomorrow Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — Tras hacer un aterrizje de emergencia con la Waverider en una versión de L.A. del 2017 donde los dinosaurios vagan por las calles y el horizonte está adornado con la iconica torre del Big Ben de Londres, las Legends se diron cuenta rápidamente de que “hemos roto el tiempo.” El año pasado, la adorable banda de héroes inadaptados viajaron a través del tiempo arreglando una serie de Aberraciones. Este año, pondrán la locura al 11, a medida que una ola de Anacronismos giran la Historia de sus ejes, dejando a las Legends como responsables por encajarla de nuevo. ¿Y qué es un Anacronismo? Para responder eso y muchas otras preguntas, únete a los miembros del elenco Victor Garber, Brandon Routh, Dominic Purcell, Caity Lotz, Franz Drameh, Nick Zano, Maisie Richardson-Sellers y los productores en su anual panel del Comic-Con. De Berlanti Productions en asociación con Warner Bros. Television, la season premiere de DC’s Legends of Tomorrow se emite el Martes, 10 de Octubre, a las 9/8c en la CW. Hazte fan de DC’s Legends of Tomorrow en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CWLegendsofTomorrow, y sigue a la serie en Twitter: @TheCW_Legends. Ballroom 20

4:15–5:15 p.m. Westworld Panel y Q&A — La serie — creada, producida ejecutivamente y escrita por Jonathan Nolan y Lisa Joy — es una oscura odisea sobre el amanecer de la conciencia artificial y la evoluciñon del pecado. Entre los panelistas del elenco están (por orden alfabético) Ben Barnes como Logan, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal como Armistice, Ed Harris como El Hombre de Negro, Luke Hemsworth como Stubbs, James Marsden como Teddy, Thandie Newton como Maeve, Simon Quarterman como Lee Sizemore, Rodrigo Santoro como Hector, Angela Sarafyan como Clementine, Jimmi Simpson como William, Tessa Thompson como Charlotte Hale, Evan Rachel Wood como Dolores, Shannon Woodward como Elsie y Jeffrey Wright como Bernard/Arnold. El panel está moderado por el renovado internacionalmente artista vocal/beatboxer/músico y comediante Reggie Watts. Westworld está basado en la película escrita por Michael Crichton y es de Kilter Films, Bad Robot Productions y Jerry Weintraub Productions en asociación con Warner Bros. Television. Hazte fan de Westworld en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/WestworldHBO, y sigue a la serie en Twitter: @WestworldHBO. Hall H

4:50–5:10 p.m. Black Lightning Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — ¡Black Lightning hace su debut en el Comic-Con! Únete a las estrellas de la serie Cress Williams (Hart of Dixie, Friday Night Lights), Nafessa Williams (Twin Peaks), China Anne McClain (House of Payne) y Christine Adams (Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), junto con los productores ejecutivos Salim Akil & Mara Brock Akil (Being Mary Jane, The Game, Jumping the Broom, Girlfriends) para un sneak peek exclusivo de la próxima serie junto a una electrificante sesión de Q&A. Basada en los personajes de DC, Black Lightning es de Berlanti Productions y Akil Productions, en asociación con Warner Bros. Television, con los productores ejecutivos Greg Berlanti (Arrow, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Supergirl), Salim & Mara Brock Akil, y Sarah Schechter (Arrow, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, The Flash, Supergirl). Black Lightning se estrena en la midseason en la CW. Hazte fan de Black Lighting en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CWBlackLightning, y sigue a la serie en Twitter: @BlackLightning. Ballroom 20

5:10–5:50 p.m. The Flash Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — Corer contra una diabólica versión remanente del tiempo de tí mismo es algo que nadie debería tener que hacer jamás, pero eso es exactamente a lo que se enfrentó Barry Allen (aka The Flash) cuando luchaba por salvar la vida de su prometida Iris West del Dios de la Velocidad conocido como Savitar. No obstante, la victoria de Barry duró poco, ya que una Fuerza de la Velocidad desequilibrada comenzó a sembrar el caos en Central City, obligando a Barry a sacrificarse a sí mismo por el bien mayor. Con el Hombre más rápido vivo ahora atrapado dentro de una energía extra-dimensional, y peligros desconocidos acechan en las sombras, le corresponde al Team Flash liberar a Barry de su propio Infierno personal. Únete a los miembros del elenco Grant Gustin, Jesse L. Martin, Tom Cavanagh, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Keiynan Lonsdale y los productores de la serie más considerada de la CW en su panel anual del Comic-Con, y sed uno de los primeros en descubrir dónde se retoman las cosas cuando regrese la season 4 este otoño. De Bonanza Productions Inc. ien asociación con Berlanti Productions y Warner Bros. Television, la nueva temporada de The Flash se estrena el Martes, 10 de Octubre, a las 8/7c en la CW. Hazte fan de The Flash en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CWTheFlash, y sigue a la serie en Twitter: @CW_TheFlash. Ballroom 20

5:50–6:30 p.m. Arrow Video Presentación oficial y Q&A — Con el futuro del equipo quedándose colgado en equilibrio, Arrow le dio una nueva definición a la frase “reventar la serie.” La batalla emocional entre Oliver Queen y Adrian Chase fue la perfecta conclusión a una estelar quinta temporada de la descarnada serie de DC de la CW. Ahora, el foco cambia a descubrir el destino de cada uno de los miembros del Team Arrow. ¿Podrían haber tenido todos la pisibilidad de sobrevivir a la explosión de la isla, o se ha cerrado el libro en ellos, como lo ha hecho en la historia de los flashbacks de cinco años de Oliver? Regresando a la San Diego Comic-Con en su sexto año consecutivo, los miembros del elenco Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Emily Bett Rickards, Paul Blackthorne, Katie Cassidy, Echo Kellum, Juliana Harkavy, Rick Gonzalez y los productores estarán a mano para una impactante conversación sobre la próxima temporada. De Bonanza Productions Inc. en asociación con Berlanti Productions y la Warner Bros. Television, la season 6 de Arrow se estrena en su nueva noche de los Jueves, el 12 de Octubre, a las 9/8c en la CW. Hazte fan de Arrow en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/CWArrow, y sigue a la serie en Twitter: @CW_Arrow. Ballroom 20


10:30 –11:30 a.m. Supernatural Video Presentación Especial y Q&A — Únete a las estrellas de la serie y a los productores ejecutivos en la Hall H para contestar preguntas sobre los impactantes eventos de la intensa finale de dos partes de la pasada temporada, y también para descubrir lo que está reservado para una afortunada season 13 de esta emocionante serie. ¡Los fans también serán tratados con una video presentación exclusiva que contará con los mejores momentos de tus chicos favoritos de Kansas, y quizá una sorpresa o dos! La nueva temporada de Supernatural regresará los Jueves, el 12 de Octubre en su nueva hora a las 8/7c en la CW. La serie está producida por Kripke Enterprises Inc. en asociación con la Warner Bros. Television. Hazte fan de la serie en Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Supernatural, y sigue la serie en Twitter: @cw_spn. Hall H

- Las firmas de autógrafos para cada serie tendrá lugar en la Warner Bros. booth #4545, el día de cada panel. La WBTVG seguirá el procedimiento de distribución de los tickets/pulseras de la Comic-Con para todas las firmas. Toda esta distribución tendrá lugar durante la mañana del día de la firma específica en el Sails Pavilion, entre la Ballroom 20 y las Salas 6A, 6BCF y 6DE.

- Para información adicional de los planes del estudio para la Comic-Con y actualizaciones en tiempo real durante la convención, síguelos en Twitter: @warnerbrostv — hashtag oficial #WBSDCC — y visita: http://comiccon.thewb.com.

- Para conectarte con el espacio social de la WBTVG — incluyendo las páginas oficiales de Facebook y Twitter para las series de la WBTVG, talentos y productores — comprueba la página de contactos de social media: http://comiccon.thewb.com/wbtv-social-media-contacts

http://www.ksitetv.com/young-justice/wa ... on/155400/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
