Foro dedicado a Kristin Kreuk que interpreta a lana Lang

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


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- Beauty and the Beast Producer's Preview 1.11 "On Thin Ice":

- Beauty and the Beast Sneak Peek 1.11 "On Thin Ice":

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Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.10 "Seeing Red". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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- Descripción oficial del 1.14 - "Tough Love" (CW):
1.14 - "Tough Love": VINCENT TOMA UNA DECISIÓN QUE TERMINA EN TRAGEDIA — Tras una cena que termina mal en la que Cat (Kristin Kreuk) presenta Vincent (Jay Ryan) a Heather (Nicole Gale Anderson), Heather recluta a Tess (Nina Lisandrello) para que monte una intervención con Cat. Evan (Max Brown) recibe una interesante proposición que podría cambiar el curso de su investigación de las especies cruzadas y en un evento en honor de Joe, Heather desaparece y Vincent se ve forzado a tomar una difícil decisión que salve su vida. Austin Basis también aparece. Bradley Walsh dirige el episodio escrito por Don Whitehead y Holly Henderson (#113).

http://www.ksitetv.com/beauty-and-the-b ... tion/19332

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- Beauty and the Beast 1x12 Extended Promo "Cold Turkey" (HD):

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Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1x11 "On Thin Ice". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

- Beauty and the Beast Sneak Peek 1x12 - Cold Turkey:

- Imágenes BTS:

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(thanks to @AustinBasis).

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- Nuevas imágenes BTS:

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- Nueva photoshoot para "Beauty and the Beast":

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- Bridget Regan habla sobre las intenciones de Alex Hacia Vincent (AccessHollywood.com):
Bridget Regan habla sobre las intenciones de Alex Hacia Vincent
Por Jolie Lash 7 de Febrero, 2013 12:50 PM EST

BURBANK, Calif. -- Bridget Regan is back as Alex on “Beauty and The Beast” tonight, and her character is hoping to head off on a little romantic getaway with Jay Ryan’s Vincent, to rekindle their old romance.

But, for fans pining for the Vincent-Catherine pairing, there’s some good news. Alex still has to hear from Vincent about his secret, which could extinguish that relationship. She also is starting to notice that Kristin Kreuk’s Catherine has something of her own going on with the handsome former soldier in hiding.

Bridget famously played Kahlan Amnell in “Legend of the Seeker,” and that was actually where she first met Jay, before joining The CW drama for an extended guest arc. While cruising around Hollywood earlier this week, Bridget told AccessHollywood.com about their first meeting in Jay’s native New Zealand, and fielded questions about Alex’s intentions toward Vincent. Oh, and we asked her about Muirfield too.

AccessHollywood.com: So let’s talk about Miss Alex. I noticed in last week’s episode she had all these pictures up of her and Vincent.

Bridget: I know!

Access: That’s either creepy or she’s a schemer. Why hasn’t she moved on from Vincent? That’s a long time to think someone is dead and still have all those photos up?

Bridget: I know. It’s kind of crazy. I think the ones that are out in her apartment — I kind of think that maybe she just put those out again when he came back into her life. I agree with you — it would be kind of bizarre to have them up for 10 years. I think she has tried to move on a lot, but she just never met anyone like him, and never had that sort of connection. I think she’s just never found it.

Access: Vincent’s going to tell her his secret. What is her reaction going to be like? She’s in the medical field so she can potentially understand it, but it’s not every day someone tells you they are a former super-soldier with corrupted, cross species DNA.

Bridget: Alex knows that there’s something going on. She’s being respectful and trying to wait [to talk about it] until he wants to talk about it. Obviously she picked [up on that] there’s something happening with him. [But], you wouldn’t expect this. I mean, this is so extreme. And granted, soldiers do come back and they have post-traumatic stress [disorder] and they have a lot of stuff to deal with. They’ve seen a lot of things, so she’s expecting something along those lines, as anyone would, so it’s not an easy thing for her, when you’re expecting one thing and you get another. But she’s trying to just be there for him and be cool, but she’s challenged. She is an ICU nurse and she’s seen a lot and she doesn’t scare easily, but this is an extreme, this is out of this world sort of stuff.

Access: Obviously we saw her swiping hospital supplies and taking them to the clinic. Does she have more secrets we are going to find out?

Bridget: There’s a lot to her. I think she has been running this clinic, I kind of describe her as – she’s a good guy. She’s really trying to do some good in the world, but at the same time… she can’t stop because if she does, it’d be really sad and she keeps herself really, really busy… It’s not until Vincent comes back [into] her life that she goes, ‘OK, let’s go. Let’s run away. Let’s [live] happily ever after.’

Access: Now, I gotta ask… is she working with Muirfield?

Bridget: I have to say that that will come to fruition [whether she is or isn’t]. We did just see in the last episode Kelly’s character – Kelly Overton, who’s on the show as well – and you know, there’s obviously more to her than what she’s revealing to Evan, so yeah, again, you never know with this show do you?

Access: That was a good non-denial, non-confirm, skirting the question style answer.

Bridget: Thank you. Thank you very much!

Access: Alex saw Catherine get Vincent out of being arrested last week. Is she going to become suspicious of their relationship?

Bridget: Yes… And she has to start to wonder, but you know how it is. Sometimes you don’t want to see the truth because you wanna believe a different one. It’s a human characteristic to not want to admit to the truth and think, ‘Oh, he’s available! Perfect. We’re gonna run away together!’ But… it is starting to come to a head because there’s only so long you can deny the reality, and she did see how angry and how upset Catherine was at Vincent… Alex has a lot of question marks and that’s one of the reasons in this next episode, she wants to take him away for the weekend and really start the rest of their lives and kind of clear the air and commit to each other and pick up where they left off.

Access: Jay is from New Zealand, you filmed ‘Legend of the Seeker’ in New Zealand. Did your paths cross?

Bridget: Yes! Jay was on an episode of ‘Legend of the Seeker’ and I actually worked with Nina [Lisandrello, who plays Tess] as well. Nina and I were in a film called ‘The Best and The Brightest,’ with Neil Patrick Harris and Amy Sedaris. It’s a small world. But, I loved working with Jay. He was on ‘Seeker.’ I think we only worked one day together, and he brought a really great energy to the show and he was really great to have on it. For me, I just love New Zealand and I love Kiwis… [On the ‘BATB’ set], I was teasing Jay constantly with my New Zealand accent (Editor’s note: she puts on an NZ accent during our phonecall and it’s shockingly good!)… He would just laugh at me a lot and say that I sounded like his mom.

Access: ‘Legend of the Seeker’ fans are still hoping for the show to return. They Tweet us about it at Access. But the show is gone, and there’s no chance you’ll ever do a movie, right?

Bridget: We did kind of wrap it up. We did save the world, right? (laughs) Although, that being said, in the series of books, I think there’s like 13 books now, so there could have been more adventures to be had, I’m sure, if it was meant to be. But, for us… it was a lot of fun and for me it was such a huge thing. I met my husband down there, it was like really meant to be. And I made some really special friends and it was such a special time. Sometimes people talk about the movie and it comes up every now and again, but nothing really serious has ever come [of] it. I am happy to not put on a leather corset again — for a long time — I’m not gonna lie. It was a lot of painful ribs, but I did love that character, she was kind of a remarkable special character to play and I can see why fans still gravitate to it so much and love it because it was special.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/beauty-a ... icle_76072

- Bridget da el toque sexy a Beauty and the Beast ('¡Alex quiere de vuelta a su prometido!') (TVLine.com):
Bridget da el toque sexy a Beauty and the Beast ('¡Alex quiere de vuelta a su prometido!')
Por Matt Webb Mitovich 7 de Febrero, 2013 04:00 AM PST

This Thursday on Beauty and the Beast (The CW, 9/8c), Alex will pull out all the stops (and some sexy lingerie) in the name of rekindling things with Vincent during a private getaway. But will an unwelcome intrusion or two douse their fire? Bridget Regan previewed the pivotal episode, confirmed Alex’s agenda and shared her geek love for a certain HBO drama.

TVLINE | This week’s episode finds Alex and Vincent sneaking away to her family’s remote cabin. What are her hopes for this alone time?
Alex is really trying to “take it to the next level,” so to speak. She really wants to pick up where her and Vince left off. Her world has been completely turned upside down and she’s thrilled to have him back in her life, so she’s ready to drop everything and be with him. Jay [Ryan] and I talked about it a bit and decided this cabin was a special place for them as a young couple, and Alex really just wants a romantic weekend with him.

TVLINE | Maybe she’ll finally get that next kiss she’s been fishing for?
Ohhh, I think she’s after a little more than that. [Laughs] Alex puts on some sexy lingegie…. She’s trying! She’s just happy to have him back in her life. But it was a tricky role to play because there’s so much about Vincent that she has no idea of. A lot of people would assume that Alex would know better, but she really doesn’t.

TVLINE | But do you think she senses at all that he’s holding back something?
Well, it soon becomes clear that he’s trying to tell her something — Vince starts to realize that he can’t just live in this “fantasy world” without telling her — but she would never assume that it’s anything like [a "beastly" secret]. You’d think it was something a lot more tangible, something you’ve heard of; not something that extreme. Vincent wants to use this weekend to reveal the truth to her, but trouble just follows him, whether he’s seeking it out or not. A lot is revealed in this episode, and the reality starts to set in of Vincent’s situation and who he is now.

TVLINE | If she were to learn the truth, might Alex run screaming in the other direction? Because I have to imagine that is his deepest fear.
That is his fear, that no one will really, truly love him for who he is. And that’s one of the reasons the fans are so protective of the relationship with Catherine (played by Kristin Kreuk), because she does know all of him and really does accept all of who he is. Alex is a nurse who’s used to really high-stakes situations, so it’s not like she hasn’t seen truly horrible things in her life — Cold Turkeyone thing I try to hold onto is that nurses are tough, strong people who don’t shy away from scary moments — but what Vincent is dealing with is out of this world.

TVLINE | Is Alex getting any vibe that there’s something between Vincent and Catherine?
That’s the thing — up to this point she just believes they’re friends. That she’s his handler. [Laughs] I say the word “handler” like 25 times, it’s almost like Alex is trying to convince herself as well, that there’s nothing going on between them. But she’s a woman, and we have instincts about certain things. She wants to believe a different story. She wants her fiancé back. She wants to start planning a wedding. For goodness sake, there’s a wedding magazine on Alex’s coffee table in her apartment! [Laughs] I was like, “Oh man, this girl really wants to get married!”

TVLINE | Are you allowed to say how many episodes you have beyond this episode?
I’ve done four, so it’s this one and the following [week]. But who knows? We’ll see what happens. I really loved working with Jay and Kristin. I’ve worked with Jay before, on my series [Legend of the Seeker] in new Zealand, so I had a great time joking around with him and doing my Kiwi accent!

TVLINE | You’ve also recently guested on shows such as NCIS: LA and Person of Interest. Where else would you like to pop up?
Oh, I’m a huge Game of Thrones fan. I didn’t want to be, because it was similar [to Seeker], but now I’m totally hooked. I also love Girls; a lot of my friends in New York have been on it, and they can’t speak highly enough about it — although I’d be kind of scared of the sex scenes on that show. Not that Game of Thrones is much better in that respect!

http://tvline.com/2013/02/07/beauty-bea ... catherine/

- Bridget Regan habla sobre BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, el unirse a la serie, y su momenmto favorito del rodaje (collider.com):
Bridget Regan habla sobre BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, el unirse a la serie, y su momenmto favorito del rodaje
Por Christina Radish 7 de Febrero, 2013 at 11:10 am

On The CW drama series Beauty and the Beast, which recently won the People’s Choice Award for Best New Drama, Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) risks everything to keep Vincent (Jay Ryan) safe when she suspects that Muirfield might know his whereabouts. In spite of the disastrous possibilities, she is forced to interrupt his romantic cabin getaway with Alex (guest star Bridget Regan), in order to save their lives.

During this recent exclusive phone interview with Collider, actress Bridget Regan (Legend of the Seeker) talked about how she came to be a part of the show, why she was attracted to the character, how much fun it was to bring a fresh energy to an already-established cast and crew, that the next couple of episodes are really revealing for the characters, how she hopes fans of the show feel for her character, even though they’re ultimately rooting for Catherine and Vincent to be together, what’s most surprised her about her character, her favorite moments to shoot, and how much she loves getting to explore a character over a longer period of time on television. Check out what she had to say after the jump.

Collider: How did you come to be a part of this show? Was it just an audition that you went on?

BRIDGET REGAN: No, they asked me and I was thrilled to do it. It was good timing for me. I had read the pilot script and loved it. I think this show is really special and really cool. I’ve worked with Jay [Ryan] before and I’ve worked with Nina [Lisandrello] before, so it was really fun to see those guys again.

When you have to have chemistry with someone, did it help to already know Jay Ryan?

REGAN: Yeah! Well, Jay was on Legend of the Seeker in New Zealand. I lived there for two years and met my husband down there. I love Kiwis. I like to do my New Zealand accent for Jay, all the time.

What was it about Alex that you felt you could identify with, and what did you think you could bring to the role?

REGAN: What was great for me was that she’s living her own story. She has no idea what’s going on, in terms of the reality of the show, and she’s still in love with this guy that died. She’s tried to move on, but she’s never met anyone as special as him. And there he is. He turns back up in her life. It was a lot of fun to play, to be honest.

Were you nervous about being the new girl on set with an already established family, or was it nice to walk into a show that already had it figured out?

REGAN: It’s fun to come onto a show and bring a fresh energy to it. I remember on Seeker, when guests would come in and be really strong and different, it would just make your job fun. So, I was trying to be like that. I just wanted to go in and do my thing, and bring a fresh vibe to the show. They work really hard. There are a lot of long, cold nights in Toronto. It was good to come in and be fresh and excited and eager.

Vincent and Catherine have all this dark angst going on, but Alex comes in and just is who she is. Was that fun to play?

REGAN: Yeah. You can understand the appeal for Vincent with Alex because she doesn’t even know any of the stuff [about him]. It’s almost like he gets to live a fantasy that this horrible experiment wasn’t done to him. He just gets to pretend when he’s with her and live in the past. It was really fun. I liked playing Alex a lot. She was cool. This next episode coming up, another layer of her is revealed, and it was not an easy one. I think fans will like it. It’s really revealing for the characters.

This show has a very loyal and devoted fan base, especially when it comes to the love story with Catherine and Vincent. So, were you worried about coming in as the other woman?

REGAN: I didn’t know. I had no idea! I had no idea how devoted they are. They’re really something. They are really, really great. To be honest, I understand where the fans are coming from because here I come in, on the 10th episode, and rock the boat. There’s been so much building between Catherine and Vincent, and this tension between them, and then I come in and shake up everything. I can understand why they feel angry. But, I wanted you to feel for her. The truth is that everybody has a past and everybody has an ex, and Vince is a real guy.

With all the things that you learned about your character, was there a storyline or an aspect of her that most surprised you?

REGAN: In this coming episode and the following one, you learn that there’s a lot to her. I originally that she was super solid. She’s an ICU nurse and she works at this care clinic. She just seemed like a really good guy who has her act together. But, there’s a dash of crazy that’s about to get revealed. I won’t say more than that. You see more of her true colors, in these next coming episodes. Get ready for some drama!

There have been some real playful moments between Alex and Vincent, including her dropping her towel in front of him and you guys having fun in the skating rink. Have there been any particular favorite moments to shoot?

REGAN: Not the towel. But, Jay was so sweet and so cool about it all. He has his own fair share of having to take his shirt off, so he was a doll. I loved this episode. All that stuff in the ice rink was so fun. We were like 7-year-olds on an ice rink. It was really cool. The whole thing all blurs together, but I really just loved working with Jay and Kristin [Kreuk]. They’re really great actors and they’re total pros. They really know what they’re doing. It was fun. I loved the character that the writers wrote. The show is written mostly by women, and they have a really great perspective on things.

Do you see Alex as someone who would give up everything to be with Vincent, if she knew the truth about him?

REGAN: Well, the thing is that she has no idea. She has no frame of reference even. She thinks something happened in Afghanistan, and that maybe he saw some really horrible things and has post-traumatic stress. You have to forget what we all know of the series, and imagine it without all that. For her, she has no idea. The challenge for her is, what would she do? It’s crazy, what this poor guy has had to deal with.

You’ve done a lot of television, as a guest star, as a recurring character and as a lead. As an actor, is there something you particularly enjoy about getting to explore a character over a longer period of time?

REGAN: Yeah. Television has gotten so good. So much can happen to a character, over the course of 13 episodes or 22 episodes. With Seeker, we did 44 episodes. You really get to grow and change with them, which is a lot of fun. It’s almost jarring when you go to play a different character, after playing someone for so long. I love it! I think that there’s something really special about doing a series. You get inside the skin of that character ‘cause it’s such a long time.

Do you also enjoy having the opportunity to work with different directors on each episode, or is it weird to get input from different people about this one character that you’re playing?

REGAN: On Seeker, we had the same handful of directors. Maybe there were seven or eight of them, and they would circle in and out. They all got to know the characters on the show and their history, and that helped. You don’t want to be on set going, “Oh, well, last week I did this, so I wouldn’t do that now.” They get it. But, it is great because when directors come in with each episode, they come in fresh and excited and ready to go. They’ve got their own style and take on things, so it is cool. It’s good that they change.

What was it that led you to acting? Was it always something that you’d just wanted to do, or did something specific lead you down that path?

REGAN: I don’t remember not wanting to do it, to be honest. I don’t know. I just always wanted to be an actor. I don’t remember ever not wanting to be an actor. I did a lot of musical theater when I was younger, and I really hope to get back there someday. I miss singing a lot. I listen to Broadway show tunes in my car and sing along to them. I really had no other thing in my mind to do.

Do you know what’s next for you, or are you just auditioning, at the moment?

REGAN: Right now, I’m in the thick of pilot season madness and it’s just crazy. But, you just enjoy that it’s acting. Auditioning is still acting. When I focus on that, it’s great. You can’t possibly be right for everything. That’s the nature of the beast. I love getting to meet all these producers and writers of these amazing shows, and I’m often a fan of their work, so it’s fun to get to go into these rooms and say hello and do my thing. To get to meet them is fun.

Do you have a dream role that you’d love to do or a genre you’d love to work in, if given the opportunity?

REGAN: Gosh, I always just get excited about the character. When something rings true for me, then I’m ready to do it. The genre of television that I love and watch is so vast. There’s not one type of thing I love. Right now, I’m addicted to Girls. I love Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad. I actually like Arrow a lot, too. I love action shows. I love drama. There’s no one type of thing. Television has gotten so good, and there’s so much to do. There’s a lot of really great women’s roles now, when maybe that wasn’t the case, 20 years or 10 years ago.

http://collider.com/bridget-regan-beaut ... interview/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas BTS:

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(Thanks to @BatBwriters & @JayRyan)

- Stills 1.15 "Any Means Possible":

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- Beauty and the Beast: 1.12 "Cold Turkey" Producer's Preview:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast Extended Promo 1x13 "Trust No One":

- Beauty and the Beast Sneak Peek 1x13 "Trust No One":

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1x12 "Cold Turkey". Puedes encontrarlos AQUÍ

- Nueva promocional de "San Valentín" (CW):


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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills 1.14 "Tough Love":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
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Mensaje por Shelby »

- Productor Ejecutivo de 'Beauty and the Beast' adelanta el 'Cat y Vincent contra el mundo' (Examiner.com):
Productor Ejecutivo de 'Beauty and the Beast' adelanta el 'Cat y Vincent contra el mundo'
Por Danielle Turchiano 11 de Febrero, 2013

One of the most interesting fan questions we have been recently asked about The CW's Beauty and the Beast was whether or not the audience would be "proud" of Vincent (Jay Ryan) in the upcoming episodes. Upon a little further discussion, it was explained that the concern was over his romantic relationship decisions, since he had gone off with Alex (Bridget Regan) in the woods, despite Catherine (Kristin Kreuk) realizing she had feelings for him, regardless of his "situation."

But Vincent went away with Alex because he was trying to get a grasp on a somewhat normal life. For years he kept himself in the shadows, living in a dingy loft with another guy, not forming any relationships with anyone, let alone romantic ones with someone whom he had always intended to spend his life. You could say his decision was a momentarily selfish one (though, we would argue after all of the silent, secret saving he has done of people, he is owed at least one of those!), but it is not one that will be taken lightly by the show.

"Fans are really invested in Cat and Vincent, which is what I want. The fact that they would hate somebody stepping in and kind of taking on her territory means that everything was working right, and people are investing in the two leads, and that is the most important part. That is what makes this show," Beauty and the Beast executive producer Brian Peterson said to LA TV Insider Examiner during a special screening and Q&A in Los Angeles.

Of course, it is a drama, and without conflict keeping a couple apart, the show would come to an end, so Peterson added that there are some pivotal moments coming up, including ones that get them close to kissing again-- only to be interrupted before the good stuff.

"It's difficult, not only externally, but internally now. They have a lot of issues because he just ran back to somebody that quickly, and Cat's going to be a little reticent to let him just run right back to her. It's going to cause some internal conflicts...Probably in the next four or five [episodes] every other element in their external world starts to implode on them-- as far as the other people in their lives in the precinct, Muirfield-- it all kind of comes back in when they're trying to figure their own relationship out," Peterson said.

"The biggest arc of this spring is 'Cat and Vincent against the world.' Kind of the 'what happens when two people fall in love, but they have everything trying to pull them apart?' That romance of the two of them fighting for love against this [terrible] backdrop. That's something we haven't really seen because we haven't had them together, so that's a huge part of this next arc. And then the next section, I would say is really when their love is so strong that they would do almost anything to protect each other, how do they overcome their actions after that and how does it impact the people in their lives?"

http://www.examiner.com/article/beauty- ... -the-world

- Beauty And The Beast: Brian Peterson Habla sobre Alex, el Romance Futuro y Más (ksitetv):
Beauty And The Beast: Brian Peterson Habla sobre Alex, el Romance Futuro y Más
Por Craig Byrne 11 de Febrero, 2013

If you’ve noticed an uptick in social media chatter about The CW’s Beauty And The Beast lately, some of that may be due to a current story arc where a third party enters the “epic Vin/Cat romance” – aka, the relationship between the show’s two lead characters, Vincent (Jay Ryan) and Catherine (Kristin Kreuk). The series’ growing fan base – whose support netted the series a People’s Choice Award – is not hesitant to say that that third person, Alex, needs to go away, even if she is played by a fantastic actress in Bridget Regan.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, the reaction to Alex is exactly what the show’s producers wanted. “For me, that meant that they were really invested in Cat and Vincent, and they were really rooting for them, which was what I want,” Executive Producer Brian Peterson admitted at a Q&A held this past Friday. “The fact that they would hate somebody stepping in and moving in on her territory, for me, means that everything is working just right, and people are investing the way we want them to, and in our two leads, because that’s the most important part of the show, are the two leads.”

Additionally, Alex’s behavior might be normal considering the circumstances of her long absence from seeing Vincent. “We’ve had so many conversations about epic love, and every single person on the show has a different opinion on epic love. I tend to be somebody who doesn’t get over somebody very easily, so to me, it may seem slightly creepy, but understandable,” he explained, before moving on to explain Alex’s motivations. “I think it’s the way that it all ended. Had they actually broken up or something, then yeah, it would be a little psycho-crazy, but I think for her, he’s a fallen hero that she was going to marry, and so he was still an important part of her life. It’s not something you just wipe under the rug. It was ‘this was the man I was going to marry, and he’s dead, but he was an important part of my life.’ That’s kind of what we were going with, was that she was still – not holding on to hope, because she thought he had passed, but it was still a very important part of her life. It was the last person that she was actually in love with.”

Once the Alex arc is finished, how might things change for Vincent and Cat? “It’s difficult, because not only externally, but internally, they have a lot of issues now, if he just ran back to somebody that quickly, Cat’s going to be a little reticent to let him just run right back to her, as I think you’ll see, especially in the next episode. So it’s going to cause some internal conflict, but obviously Heather, and in the next run of probably four or five [episodes], every other part of the show starts to implode on them in the external world, as far as the other people in their lives at the precinct, and Muirfield… it all comes back in right when they’re trying to figure their own relationship out,” he said.

One thing he did promise is that fans will get some good, uninterrupted Vincent/Cat romance in the very near future. “We’re very conscious of not just writing to tease and make it feel written, so that will happen very, very soon,” he assured. “We’re not going to pull some ‘oh, we’re pulling them apart before they kiss again’.”

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/bea ... more/19720

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast Producer's Preview 1.13 "Trust No One":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast Sneak Peek 2 - 1.13 "Trust No One" [HD]:

- Beauty and the Beast First Look: ¡Alex le da a Vincent un [...] de despedida! (TVLine.com):
Beauty and the Beast First Look: ¡Alex le da a Vincent un [...] de despedida!
Por Matt Webb Mitovich 14 de Febrero, 2013 07:00 AM PST

El episodio de esta noche de Beauty and the Beast (The CW, 9/8c) marca el último de Bridget Regan como Alex, quien fue vista por última vez aterrorizándose al descubrir el secreto de Vincent. Pero si va a salir por la puerta de atrás, parece que primero de dará a su ex-prometido algo para que la recuerde por siempre.

Y no, no son las flechas de Cupido las que se están clavando en su cuello el día de San Valentín.

“Alex es una enfermera que está acostumbrada a situaciones realmente de alto riesgo, así es que no es como si no hubiera visto nunca cosas horribles en su vida,” le dice Regan a TVLine justo antes de la gran revelación de la semana pasada. “Pero con lo que Vincent está lidiando es de otro mundo. Es demasiado extremo.”

Así es que viendo la foto exclusiva del episodio (¿propiamente?) titulado “Trust No One,” (no confíes en nadie) ¿quizá Alex cree tener algo en esa jeringa que amanse a la fiera? ¿O algo que acabe con el para siempre? (gulp).

http://tvline.com/2013/02/14/beauty-and ... t-syringe/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

- Beauty and the Beast 1x14 Promo "Tough Love" (HD):

- Beauty and the Beast Extended Promo 1x14 - Tough Love [HD]

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am


Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.13 "Trust no One". Puedes encontrarlos AQUÍ.

- Beauty and the Beast Sneak Peek 1.14 - Tough Love [HD]:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!


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