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Publicado: Jue Oct 02, 2008 1:12 am
por shellbys
:smt001 :smt001
Message From Souders & Peterson Regarding "The Graysons"
Smallville's executive producers Brian Peterson and Kelly Souders have written in with a message to the fans at KryptonSite, clearing up some reports that had been made implying that Smallville may be on its way out...

Dear Smallville fans,

As news and rumors swirl around the development of The Graysons for the CW, we have every intention of letting you, our fans, be the first to know the reality. Never have we been so committed to the continuing success of Smallville as we are to seasons 8 and 9. While we are extremely excited to be working hand-in-hand with Wonderland, Warner Bros. and the CW to create the origin story of Dick Grayson, it has never been intended as a replacement for Smallville, as is speculated in some media. The cast, crew, writers and producers are all working full-steam ahead on a story-line for Clark that allows for seasons of further trials and adventures for our favorite hero. As always, we all have you to thank for achieving eight years of this amazing show that Al and Miles created, and we're looking far beyond!

Brian Peterson & Kelly Souders

Queridos fans de Smallville,

Como las noticias y rumores de turbulencia en torno al desarrollo de la Graysons para la CW, tenemos toda la intención de dejar que ustedes, nuestros fans, ser los primeros en conocer la realidad. Nunca hemos estado tan comprometidos con el éxito de Smallville como estamos a las temporadas 8 y 9. Si bien estamos muy entusiasmados de estar trabajando mano a mano con Wonderland, Warner Bros y la CW para crear el origen de la historia de Dick Grayson, que nunca ha sido como un sustituto de Smallville, como se especuló en algunos medios de comunicación. El emitido, de la tripulación, escritores y productores que trabajan todos estan a todo vapor delante de una línea de historia de Clark que permite seguir las temporadas de los juicios y las aventuras de nuestro héroe favorito. Como siempre, todos tenemos que dar las gracias para el logro de ocho años de este increíble show que Al y Miles creado, y estamos mirando mucho más allá!

Brian Peterson y Kelly Souders

Publicado: Jue Oct 02, 2008 8:53 am
por Restart
Vamos a ver, entonces quieren meter a Robin en smallville y además hacer un episodio piloto?..

No me convence...

Publicado: Jue Oct 02, 2008 10:06 am
por Shelby
En realidad es que tenéis una pequeña confusión...

La serie de "The Greysons" que se anunció que podrían hacer, no es para meter al personaje de Robin en SV, sino para hacer una serie propia del personaje antes de convertirse en lo que todos conocemos. Al saltar la noticia de que dos de los actuales productores de SV iban a ser los responsables de ella, por toda la red saltaron las alarmas al verla como una "sustituta" de SV y dando por sentado que eso significaba la no continuación de la serie.

Pero nada más lejos de la realidad, sino que es tan sólo otro de los intentos de la CW por crear otras series paralelas de superhéroes, como ya se intentó hacer en su día con Aquaman (por ejemplo). De ahí que, por todo el revuelo que se ha montado, los productores hayan mandado esa carta aclaratoria. :smt002

Bueno y hablando de otras cosas, Erica Durance estará este viernes en el "Show de Bonnie Hunt". Para quien no la recordéis, es la actriz que hizo de madre de Tom Welling en "Cheaper by dozen". Os dejo unas fotos del video promocional sobre el programa:
Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Publicado: Jue Oct 02, 2008 11:06 am
por Restart
ok gracias shelby... Por cierto la trataría como a una yerna? :smt005


Publicado: Jue Oct 02, 2008 1:13 pm
por selagi
Gracias Shelby, parece que se lo pasa bien Erica en las fotos :smt001 estarán hablando de Tom? :smt003


Publicado: Jue Oct 02, 2008 1:13 pm
por shellbys
:smt007 :smt007
Gracias Shelby por las fotos..
Y en verdad q linda esta erica..

Publicado: Jue Oct 02, 2008 2:16 pm
por Shelby
Os dejo la primera parte de la entrevista de "TVGuide" con Allison Mack:
To hear Allison Mack herself tell it, there's lots of craziness happening to Smallville's Chloe this season. As those wild times unspool (Thursdays at 8 pm/ET, on the CW), the actress shares here in Part 1 of an in-depth interview a look at Ms. Sullivan's very full plate — multiple sweethearts and struggles with dark tendencies included. Plus: The secret to her and Tom Welling's "super" chemistry. — Matt Mitovich

TVGuide.com: For starters, congratulations on being the top-rated female in our Sexiest Sci Fi Stars poll.
Allison Mack: Really?! [Laughs] I had no idea! That’s cool.

TVGuide.com: Well-played!
Mack: Thank you! That’s so interesting....

TVGuide.com: The last time we spoke was two years ago ("Smallville's Chloe, You Got Us Mail"). How would you say Chloe has changed in that time?
Mack: Oh my gosh.... Well, she's come to have superpowers, she's been killed about four times [Laughs], she's getting married, she's been infected by Brainiac..... I think she has come into her own in a way that she never has before. I think she's starting to understand what she wants separate and aside from Clark, and she is building her own relationship with herself and her own life, and proactively going after all of that instead of just running around and doing whatever she thinks Clark needs. She's grown into her own woman.

TVGuide.com: Has it felt different on the set this season with Michael [Rosenbaum, Lex] and Kristin [Kreuk, Lana] gone, and some new faces around?
Mack: It has, it has, it's been very different. But it's also lovely. Cassidy Freeman (Tess) and Sam [Witwer, Davis] are fantastic, fantastic actors, and they're so passionate about the show. It's breathing new life into the show in a way we really needed.

TVGuide.com: It looks like we have a very wild year ahead for Chloe....
Mack: Yes, there's lots of craziness happening, which for me is great.

TVGuide.com: The producers have said this is the year of "double identities." How does that factor into Chloe's world?
Mack: You guys have way more information than we ever get, you realize that, right? [Laughs] Well, on the one hand, she's still doing work with Clark and getting married to Jimmy and doing her lovely, good-girl Chloe thing, and on the other hand she's struggling with this "pull" towards Davis and these dark, evil tendencies and a want to destroy things, which is very much Brainiac. She has a massive pull between these two sides of her that’s he's struggling to suppress until she learns to understand it.

TVGuide.com: All told, how will her increasing powers manifest themselves?
Mack: She's ridiculously intelligent – like highly, highly, highly brilliant, and able to take in information in a way that is beyond anything one could ever imagine. She can relate to computers in a way she never was able to before….

TVGuide.com: She was pretty damn handy with a computer before, too!
Mack: Yes, absolutely. But she was a very good soul with very good intentions, and she still strives to be that, but she's not necessarily succeeding anymore.

TVGuide.com: The Chloe-Jimmy-Davis triangle: Is it going to be played pretty fairly, or is Davis going to have a slight edge here?
Mack: He's going to have a slight edge because there's an attraction to Davis that neither of us can understand, one that comes from a Krypton sort of place. Davis has a bit of an upper hand in that respect because there's a biological pull they're both feeling but not understanding.

TVGuide.com: Plus he's all shiny and new and interesting.
Mack: He is shiny and new and interesting, and that’s always nice. Then again, there's a tried-and-true loyal quality that Jimmy has exhibited. So there's also that.

TVGuide.com: How quickly will Chloe become suspicious of Mr. Bloome (aka Doomsday)? How soon will she suspect that something is....
Mack: Amiss? That would mean she would have to recognize that there was something negative about her. It's going to take a little while before she actually starts evaluating that there might be something wrong with him. She's defending him right now, in a pretty major way.

TVGuide.com: There are fans who email me every week to talk about how you and Tom Welling have the best chemistry on the show....
Mack: Awwww.... We've been working together forever, so that’s probably par for the course.

TVGuide.com: Right, but having worked together "forever," is that chemistry something you have to revisit each season? Or is it what it is?
Mack: I don’t think we work at it at all, it's something that we've learned in each other and that we’ve built. It's not something that goes away. There's an affection for each other – I adore him, and I think there's a similar fondness for me back – and that comes from "growing up" together. That isn’t something we have to rekindle. It will always exist between us.

Next week, in Part 2 of this Q&A: Allison assays the new parameters of the "Chlark" relationship, previews the upcoming episodes "Instinct," "Abyss" and "Bride," and shares her amusing take on the never-to-be-seen comic-book rendition of Chloe.

No dice nada muy distinto a lo que ya sabemos: que Chloe este año va a aprender a vivir su propia vida alejada de Clark, que va a haber mucha atracción entre ella y Davis y que va defenderlo mucho, que los nuevos actores son fantásticos y que han dado una energía renovada que todos necesitaban y que va a tener una capacidad increíble para manejar los ordenadores.

Publicado: Jue Oct 02, 2008 2:41 pm
por selagi
Estupendo, me gusta como están llevando la temporada, y además ya es hora de que Clark se las apañe solito, que parecía que estaba pegado a sus faldas :smt003
Tambíen esta bien que a Chloe la lleven por un lado diferente, que estaba un poco encasillada en su papel de ayudante (o más bien de sacarle las castañas del fuego a Clark), y que haga su vida :smt001

Publicado: Vie Oct 03, 2008 1:04 am
por Shelby
Os dejo la última entrevista de Allison Mack por "BuddyTV":


Publicado: Vie Oct 03, 2008 5:53 pm
por latopi8
me imaginaba que chloe estaria en una vida distinta, no me creia al casamiento con jimmy sino que deberia estar con doomsay, lo que dijeron q chloe y dommsay se quieren mcuho, lo van a hacer por los momentos que se van a acercar jeje.

si fuera una nueva temporada que es la novena? me gustaria pero con una condicion QUE VUELVA LEXXX :smt003

buenisismo que lana actuara 4 episodios, si alguien dijo lana actauara 5 episodios desde 10 hasta 14? quiso decir 4 episodios o sea que si tiene q actuar 5 episodios, debe ser desde 10 hasta 15 episodios, que paja, ni las ganas de verla, es una mosntruosa.....ni las ganas de esforzarme de verla con cara de or... ggrrrrrr

lois animame :smt003 :smt005

como mencione un par de veces la octava temporada va a ser mucho mejor para mi que las demas temporadas.

claro que lana no debio estar en muchos sino hasta 4 temporada, q lastima.

Publicado: Sab Oct 04, 2008 3:11 am
por Shelby
Entrevista a Erica Durence por "ACED Magazine":
Erica Durance is Smallville's snappy, sexy Lois Lane. She hails from both Canada and the United States, although currently resides in Vancouver. With the latest season of Smallville already well underway, Erica finds some time to chat with ACED about what some of her favorite characters and episodes are for Smallville, and what her thoughts are on the upcoming US Presidential Election.

What are some of her favorite aspects of this season? "I think it is just that everything is starting to move towards the Superman mythology. Lois is doing a lot more investigative work and she is a legitimate reporter now so she has something in the story arc that is legitimate and grounded. Also, the interplay she has with Clark, and building that from all the different levels ... We want to be careful about how we reveal that and make sure it does the whole Superman mythology justice," she says.

Durance talks more about the Lois and Clark dynamic. “This year you get to see Lois realize this [the tension between her and Clark], which I think she knew all along, but really did not want to admit to herself. He is different from anybody she has ever known, and she does love him. How people come to realize that is the real journey and that is what we are working on.”

Even though they are just past episode eight, Erica already has a preference from the list shows airing this season. “Each one has been really good. I think my favorite one so far is called “Committed”. It has tons of the Lois and Clark stuff in it and it's in the premise that they are investigating to find this bad guy who kidnaps couples. So Lois decides to drag him around and pretend to be engaged to him to try and snag the bad guy. It was fantastic and really fun and it has some great twists in it. It goes from real comedy to real drama, and I loved it.”

While Durance enjoys filming the Superman mythology, she does not necessarily like watching it. “I have to be honest. I don’t watch it myself because I get really nervous watching myself. Sometimes I am strong enough and mature enough to deal with it, and other times I just go and work from the inside out. I think it is better to do that. That is how I am with it.”

When asked who her favorite character is she quickly retorted, "Me!" Of course, I shot back that she was not allowed to pick herself! She humbly offered, "Actually I think the writers have done a great job in making each one so different, but of course who doesn’t love Clark. A close second runner up to Clark would be Lionel Luthor. He is so good at being bad.”

We touched briefly on the absence of Lionel's son Lex Luthor in this year's season, as he has always been a fan-favorite villain. “I know that people were upset and disappointed, and I get that because Michael does a fabulous job on Lex, but I think if they give it some time and really get to know the new characters they will get to see they all have a charm of their own. It is a really fun, fun season.”

Well okay then, who is her favorite new baddie this season? “Right now I really like Tess Mercer because I’m a girl and lets support the women. She is very good at it, and is just establishing herself and her story arc. I think people will discover as well that she can be very good at being bad. Women know how to do that on a whole different level.”

Speaking of feminine-powered roles, Erica talks a bit about her character. "As an actress, they have written her [Lois] to be so well rounded, but there is always something that she is doing. Whether it is dealing with an aggressive issue in an in-your-face kind of manner, or that she gets to be vulnerable, or use her defense mechanisms with comedy. She is very, very complicated and I have enjoyed trying to discover her as she evolves over the years.

"The thing that I as a person have taken from playing her is that she allows herself to be human. She allows herself to say 'I made a mistake but we all do,' and 'I am a perfectionist, as most people are,' and she is much more forgiving of mistakes and dusts herself off and goes back out. That is a quality that I wish was more part of me.”

What does Erica do when she isn't in front of the camera? “I go where the wind blows. It all depends on what’s happening and if I am going to be working on another scene, talking with the directors, or something as simple as going back to my trailer and watching movies. You just wait or go over lines. In this business you are paid to wait. What you choose to do during that time, and how productive you are, is just about doing a little bit of everything.”

Because she plays a reporter with strong opinions, I inquired what her thoughts were on the US Presidential race taking place this year. With her being a dual citizen, she has a unique take on things -- or maybe not so much? “I was so very interested in having a part in what was going on because I am American as well, that I applied to be part of that voting process myself. I am so excited that there are options for the country. I think, at least for this year, people are trying to bring in the young and the new voters and get them involved because they are going to be the ones who will vote year after year.

"I am educating myself on what is important to the economy and to the people. I think people are looking for change and they are looking for genuine honesty from the person who is going to be leading them; someone who will follow through on what their promises are, and what their platforms are. I think people are tired of hearing that something will change, and then it doesn't happen.

"It is a pretty desperate situation for the economy right now with people losing their homes and things going on with the war. There are some huge issues, and we’re looking for honesty. People want their voices heard and that is why I am excited about this process because you are getting a good demographic of people who are voting and demanding that there is change. I have been following this along like a CNN junkie.”

Politics and work aside, Erica does what any other normal person does on their days off. “I am a mother to a nine year-old son who is fantastic! I am actually his step-mother, but I have been around for a very long time, so I do a lot of mom stuff.”

Y también os dejo la entrevista de Erica para "Bonnie Hunt Show":


Juer, me acabo de quedar como que así :smt118 . Si no he oído mal han dicho que Tom mide 6'5'', osea 1.98... ¡Pufff, creo que ya me da del todo! :smt118 :smt118 :smt118

¡Y sí, Restart, Bonnie la ha llamado nuera! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

Publicado: Sab Oct 04, 2008 5:36 pm
por Restart
Shelby escribió:Entrevista a Erica Durence por "ACED Magazine":
Erica Durance is Smallville's snappy, sexy Lois Lane. She hails from both Canada and the United States, although currently resides in Vancouver. With the latest season of Smallville already well underway, Erica finds some time to chat with ACED about what some of her favorite characters and episodes are for Smallville, and what her thoughts are on the upcoming US Presidential Election.

What are some of her favorite aspects of this season? "I think it is just that everything is starting to move towards the Superman mythology. Lois is doing a lot more investigative work and she is a legitimate reporter now so she has something in the story arc that is legitimate and grounded. Also, the interplay she has with Clark, and building that from all the different levels ... We want to be careful about how we reveal that and make sure it does the whole Superman mythology justice," she says.

Durance talks more about the Lois and Clark dynamic. “This year you get to see Lois realize this [the tension between her and Clark], which I think she knew all along, but really did not want to admit to herself. He is different from anybody she has ever known, and she does love him. How people come to realize that is the real journey and that is what we are working on.”

Even though they are just past episode eight, Erica already has a preference from the list shows airing this season. “Each one has been really good. I think my favorite one so far is called “Committed”. It has tons of the Lois and Clark stuff in it and it's in the premise that they are investigating to find this bad guy who kidnaps couples. So Lois decides to drag him around and pretend to be engaged to him to try and snag the bad guy. It was fantastic and really fun and it has some great twists in it. It goes from real comedy to real drama, and I loved it.”

While Durance enjoys filming the Superman mythology, she does not necessarily like watching it. “I have to be honest. I don’t watch it myself because I get really nervous watching myself. Sometimes I am strong enough and mature enough to deal with it, and other times I just go and work from the inside out. I think it is better to do that. That is how I am with it.”

When asked who her favorite character is she quickly retorted, "Me!" Of course, I shot back that she was not allowed to pick herself! She humbly offered, "Actually I think the writers have done a great job in making each one so different, but of course who doesn’t love Clark. A close second runner up to Clark would be Lionel Luthor. He is so good at being bad.”

We touched briefly on the absence of Lionel's son Lex Luthor in this year's season, as he has always been a fan-favorite villain. “I know that people were upset and disappointed, and I get that because Michael does a fabulous job on Lex, but I think if they give it some time and really get to know the new characters they will get to see they all have a charm of their own. It is a really fun, fun season.”

Well okay then, who is her favorite new baddie this season? “Right now I really like Tess Mercer because I’m a girl and lets support the women. She is very good at it, and is just establishing herself and her story arc. I think people will discover as well that she can be very good at being bad. Women know how to do that on a whole different level.”

Speaking of feminine-powered roles, Erica talks a bit about her character. "As an actress, they have written her [Lois] to be so well rounded, but there is always something that she is doing. Whether it is dealing with an aggressive issue in an in-your-face kind of manner, or that she gets to be vulnerable, or use her defense mechanisms with comedy. She is very, very complicated and I have enjoyed trying to discover her as she evolves over the years.

"The thing that I as a person have taken from playing her is that she allows herself to be human. She allows herself to say 'I made a mistake but we all do,' and 'I am a perfectionist, as most people are,' and she is much more forgiving of mistakes and dusts herself off and goes back out. That is a quality that I wish was more part of me.”

What does Erica do when she isn't in front of the camera? “I go where the wind blows. It all depends on what’s happening and if I am going to be working on another scene, talking with the directors, or something as simple as going back to my trailer and watching movies. You just wait or go over lines. In this business you are paid to wait. What you choose to do during that time, and how productive you are, is just about doing a little bit of everything.”

Because she plays a reporter with strong opinions, I inquired what her thoughts were on the US Presidential race taking place this year. With her being a dual citizen, she has a unique take on things -- or maybe not so much? “I was so very interested in having a part in what was going on because I am American as well, that I applied to be part of that voting process myself. I am so excited that there are options for the country. I think, at least for this year, people are trying to bring in the young and the new voters and get them involved because they are going to be the ones who will vote year after year.

"I am educating myself on what is important to the economy and to the people. I think people are looking for change and they are looking for genuine honesty from the person who is going to be leading them; someone who will follow through on what their promises are, and what their platforms are. I think people are tired of hearing that something will change, and then it doesn't happen.

"It is a pretty desperate situation for the economy right now with people losing their homes and things going on with the war. There are some huge issues, and we’re looking for honesty. People want their voices heard and that is why I am excited about this process because you are getting a good demographic of people who are voting and demanding that there is change. I have been following this along like a CNN junkie.”

Politics and work aside, Erica does what any other normal person does on their days off. “I am a mother to a nine year-old son who is fantastic! I am actually his step-mother, but I have been around for a very long time, so I do a lot of mom stuff.”

Y también os dejo la entrevista de Erica para "Bonnie Hunt Show":


Juer, me acabo de quedar como que así :smt118 . Si no he oído mal han dicho que Tom mide 6'5'', osea 1.98... ¡Pufff, creo que ya me da del todo! :smt118 :smt118 :smt118

¡Y sí, Restart, Bonnie la ha llamado nuera! :smt005 :smt005 :smt005

jajaj que paleto soy...
Por cierto dice que el que más le gusta es el de Committed, porque hay mucho de Lois y Clark, y muy divertido.. Esperemos que sea verdad, porque no es de mis preferidos este año, haber si me cambia la perspectiva.

Publicado: Lun Oct 06, 2008 9:26 pm
por Shelby
Bueno y os dejo la última entrevista de Sam Witwer para la CW:


Y por fin ha salido la entrevista que le hizo Matt a Erica para "TVGuide" en la ceremonia de los Emmy´s:

http://community.tvguide.com/blog-entry ... /800047995

Publicado: Mar Oct 07, 2008 2:46 pm
por boffy
:smt006 Gracias !!! Como siempre con las últimas !!!

Publicado: Mar Oct 07, 2008 3:20 pm
por selagi
Gracias Shelby, la elección de Sam para el papel creo que ha sido muy acertada tiene una cara rara y eso le hace interesante :smt001
Erica estupenda :smt003