"Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.03 "Things You Can´t Outrun":

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- "The Flash" encuentra a su 'Piper Pier':
El actor de "Smash" y "Chasing Life" Andy Mientus ha sido el escogido para unirse al elenco de actores de "The Flash" como el villano de DC Cómics 'Pied Piper' (AKA Hartley Rathaway) en un arco multiepisódico.

Hartley, quien luego se convertirá en uno de los miembros de 'The Rogues' es un auténtico genio que solía trabajar en los Laboratorios S.T.A.R. Labs hasta que se peleó con su mentor, Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh). El acelerador de partículas le quitó a Hartley su oído, pero lo inspiró a crear una serie de armas sónicas que usa en un esfuerzo por castigar a Wells destruyendo a su nuevo protegido: The Flash.

Pied Piper es uno de los villanos abiertamente gays del Universo de DC y The Flash no huirá de ese aspecto del personaje.

Mientus, quien está actualmente protagonizando una reposición de Les Misérables en Broadway, está previsto que aparezca en los episodios 11 y 12.

http://tvline.com/2014/10/09/the-flash- ... on-1-cast/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen promocional:


- Descripción oficial del 1.04 “Going Rogue”:
1.04 “Going Rogue” (28/10/14): WENTWORTH MILLER ESTRELLA INVITADA COMO EL VILLANO DE DC COMICS CAPTAIN COLD ; FELICITY DE “ARROW” SE PASA POR CENTRAL CITY— The Flash (Grant Gustin) detiene un robo pero los culpables se escapan tras disparar a un policía, y The Flash opta por salvar al hombre en lugar de seguir a los criminales. Joe (Jesse L. Martin) le muestra a Barry un libro de sospechosos y Barry identifica a Leonard Snart (la estrella invitada Wentworth Miller, “Prison Break”) como el líder del grupo. Mientras que investiga el caso, Barry tiene uns visita sorpresa de una vieja amiga –Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards, “Arrow”), quien ha escuchado sobre sus nuevas habilidades y viene a comprobarlas por sí misma. Ella se une a él en S.T.A.R. Labs para ayudar a detener a Snart después de que sea revelado que Snart ha puesto sus manos en un “fusil de hielo” robado, que podría matar a The Flash. El Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh) está furioso cuando descubre que Cisco (Carlos Valdes) construyó el fusil de hielo sin decírselo a nadie y que ahora se ha perdido. Mientras tanto, Iris (Candice Patton) está recibiendo el castigo de silencio por parte de Joe por su relación con Eddie (Rick Cosnett). Finalmente, The Flash y el Captain Cold tienen un épico enfrentamiento. Glen Winter dirige el episodio escrito por Goff Johns & Kai Yu Wu (#104).

http://flashtvnews.com/flash-episode-4- ... tion/17005

- The Flash: Candice Patton Interview (CW):


- The Flash: Tom Cavanagh Interview (CW):


- The Flash: Carlos Valdes Interview (CW):


- The Flash 1.02 "Fastest Man Alive" Clip 1:


- Jesse L. Martin sobre la posibilidad de un episodio musical en The Flash (comicbook):
Jesse L. Martin sobre la posibilidad de un episodio musical en The Flash
Por Russ Burlingame 11/10/2014

While ComicBook.com is primarily focused on New York Comic Con this weekend, we took some time out to talk to New York native Jesse L. Martin, currently working on The CW's new hit series The Flash in British Columbia.

Martin, who famously appeared in Rent, is one of at least four actors currently appearing on The Flash with a strong musical background.

Series star Grant Gustin appeared on Glee and also toured with the national tour of West Side Story. Guest star Andy Mientus starred on Smash with Martin, and currently performs in Les Miserables on Broadway. Victor Garber is a Broadway legend most famous as part of the original off-Broadway cast of Assassins, the original Broadway cast of Sweeney Todd, and for playing the role of Jesus in the film version of Godspell.

(Mientus will play the Pied Piper, while Garber will play Dr. Martin Stein, one half of the Firestorm matrix.)

We asked whether the prospect of a musical episode of The Flash is one that would make him excited.

"You know what, yeah? Why wouldn't I?" Martin said. "Of course, I'd have a blast with it. We joked about i for a long time. WE'd make up jokes on set about what it could possibly be if The Flash did a musical episode and we all just thought it was funny and a lark. But the more it gets talked about, I think the more seriously Greg [Berlanti] and Andrew [Kreisberg] take it. And they've been prodded in many ways by many different people: Why don't you guys do something? You've got all these actors who can do it so you guys should probably think about doing it. So -- you never know, it might happen."

He added, "I don't know how they'd do it, but they certainly have the resources if they want to do it. I mean, you've got all of these super-talented people on the set. So if they wanted to do it, we could really knock out a great musical episode."

During a recent Q&A following a screening of The Flash's second episode, "The Fastest Man Alive," Martin's co-star Tom Cavanagh joked about the songs that Martin and Gustin make up on set.

"Maybe not on-camera but I guarantee you that if you come to our set anytime the three of us are there," Cavanagh said when ComicBook.com's Emily Donn asked whether a musical episode was coming. "We do a lot of singing on set, a lot of dancing. It's true -- it'll be like, 'Can you guys stop tap dancing so we can shoot the scene?'"

Added producer Andrew Kreisberg, "One of the big differences between Arrow and Flash is that on Flash, people go out for drinks at the end of the day. They're all friends and they all care about each other so there has been some talk about ending an episode with everybody getting in a karaoke bar."

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on The CW. Check back soon for the rest of our interview with Jesse L. Martin.

http://comicbook.com/2014/10/11/jesse-l ... of-the-fl/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash - Jesse Martin Interview (CW):


- Imágenes BTS del rodaje del 1.04 "Going Rogue":

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http://canadagraphs.weebly.com/the-flas ... rth-miller

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Tom Cavanagh: What To Expect On 'The Flash' Season 1 (access hollywood):


-Grant Gustin: What's Coming Up This Season On 'The Flash'? (access hollywood):


- Grant Gustin On The Pressure Of Taking On 'The Flash':


- Jesse L. Martin habla sobre Joe vs. S.T.A.R. Labs, la amenaza Metahumana (TVLine):
Jesse L. Martin habla sobre Joe vs. S.T.A.R. Labs, la amenaza Metahumana
Por Vlada Gelman / 14 Octubre 2014, 6:00 AM PDT

Detective Joe West is not about to give up his title as the most important man in The Flash‘s life.

As the person who raised Barry, Joe is fiercely protective of the young man, we learn in this Tuesday’s episode (The CW, 8/7c) — especially when it comes to a new father figure in the upstart superhero’s world.

In fact, Joe’s portrayer Jesse L. Martin reveals that his character would like to see Barry running at top speed in another direction — away from Dr. Wells and his S.T.A.R. Labs crew. The actor also previews Joe’s big moment with Barry’s biological father and his growing suspicions about daughter Iris’ secret romance.

TVLINE | Now that Joe is aware of Barry’s secret, how is that relationship going to work in terms of who calls who about criminals?
At this point, in the second episode, I’m not calling Barry about criminals. I’m just trying to keep close to Barry because he has taken on this whole thing himself. He’s decided that he’s going to go out there and fight crime as The Flash. And I sort of blame Harrison Wells and the S.T.A.R. Labs crew for turning him into this crimson crime fighter. I feel like they’re putting him in danger for no real good reason and I’d rather he not do it. My whole thing is that Barry’s got a job and he should be doing that job; he’s very good at it and it’s a lot less dangerous. I have a huge issue with [The Flash identity and what it entails].

TVLINE | Does knowing Barry’s secret also put a target on Joe’s back?
Of course, because all these metahumans are coming out of nowhere suddenly and who knows why they are motivated to do what they do. Some of them do great things. Some of them do horrible things. Because Barry is out there trying to stop whoever is doing the bad things, I’m certainly involved for many reasons– one being I’m Barry’s surrogate father, and one being that I am very protective. So yeah, there’s a lot of danger involved. These are not just regular run-of-the-mill criminals. These are guys who have really done some horrible, horrible things. Of course it puts a target on my back. I’m not worried about Joe so much. I’m worried about Barry and Iris and even my partner Eddie.

TVLINE | Do you get to go up against any of the metahumans?
That’s the best part about the job! [Laughs]

TVLINE | So you got to do some stunt action/fight scenes?
Well, not so much fighting, but more shooting. [Laughs]

TVLINE | Joe is a detective. Does he really not know, or at least suspect, that Iris and his partner are dating?
He has a suspicion. They’re not very good at hiding it. She’s a grown woman. So it’s not like I can tell her who she can date and who she can’t. I can’t do that. I can be very upset if it’s my partner. [Laughs]

TVLINE | Does he trust Eddie Thawne?
He does trust Eddie. He has to trust Eddie. It’s probably not a great way to start a partnership if he’s dating my daughter and not telling me. That would put a little knot in the trust, but he has to trust Eddie. He’s my partner.

TVLINE | Barry has multiple father figures. How are Joe and Wells going to get on, especially since they have such differing opinions of what Barry should be doing?
Initially, there’s a bit of jealousy on Joe’s part, particularly when it comes to Wells, because Barry does spend a whole lot of time with him and the gang at S.T.A.R. Labs. He’s not particularly happy with what S.T.A.R. Labs is encouraging Barry to do. And he doesn’t particularly trust Wells. So he’s not sure he likes the notion of Barry being so close to this guy. And Barry has a reverence for Harrison that Joe doesn’t understand. At all. He just doesn’t understand what Barry sees in him.

TVLINE | What can Wells can give Barry that Joe can’t?
That’s a good question. Both [Barry and Wells] are scientists. I can’t possibly connect on their level. I don’t know the things they know. They can speak in a language that I will never understand. Like I said, Barry has a reverence for that kind of thing, particularly in Harrison Wells. That’s one thing that Harrison offers that I cannot offer. They can nerd out, particularly with Cisco and Caitlin. Those are his peeps, if you will. I’m just Joe and sometimes Dad.

TVLINE | Joe is going to visit Barry’s biological father in prison. What sort of confrontation are we looking at here?
It’s not a confrontation at all; it’s more of an apology. Barry spent all this time talking about the red and the yellow lightning and the red and the yellow suit. And for the longest time, nobody believed him, including myself — and suddenly I know the truth and I have to deal with the fact that he might be right about his dad also.

TVLINE | What does Joe have over everybody else?
The relationship. I am Dad. I am there when it really comes down to things. Barry always comes to me. When something is bothering him, he will come to me. He won’t go to Harrison Wells to talk about his real life. He comes to me.

TVLINE | What’s Joe’s role in the big Arrow/Flash crossover?
Joe doesn’t have much of a role in the crossover, I must say. It’s more about Barry and the two kids at S.T.A.R. Labs, Cisco and Caitlin. They do a lot more work in that case than Joe does.

TVLINE | Is there someone from Arrow you hope to work with then?
Sure. I absolutely love Stephen [Amell] and would have loved to get to do more. But we have plenty of time.

http://tvline.com/2014/10/14/the-flash- ... ris-eddie/

- Jesse L. Martin sobre las preocupaciones de Joe spbre la relación de Barry y Harrison (accesshollywood):
Jesse L. Martin sobre las preocupaciones de Joe spbre la relación de Barry y Harrison
Por Jolie Lash 14 Octubre, 2014 10:42 AM EDT

Grant Gustin's Barry Allen is in over his head in this week's episode of "The Flash."

Barry is continuing to put himself in harm's way (before he understands all of the changes to his body) and the man who raised him, Jesse L. Martin's Joe West, is very, very worried.

"That's my boy, so anything he does, I'm gonna worry about," Jesse told Access Hollywood, previewing the freshman drama's second episode, "Fastest Man Alive," airing Tuesday night. "If he's getting himself into these mysterious and like highly dangerous situations, I'm gonna worry about him."

But Joe's concerns extend far beyond Barry's physical safety.

"He's very worried about Barry and he's also worried about his new relationship with Harrison Wells, at S.T.A.R. Labs because he feels like Harrison is encouraging him to go out there and put himself in danger every day, and my whole thing is… I don't want anything to happen to Barry, particularly now that he's become this red blur," Jesse said. "He's not happy about the situation at all. It's just another reason to worry and he doesn't particularly trust Harrison Wells, so he tries to keep a close eye on what's really going on over there."

Tuesday's episode will see Barry tackling another metahuman – Danton Black – a man who can replicate himself.

"We have these clones this week and it's remarkable -- like the idea of trying to fight something that keeps replicating is just maddening, particularly for Joe because he can't even believe what he's seeing," Jesse said.

"It's like the coolest job ever because every week something wild is happening. Like something really, really wild and unbelievable is happening," he continued of what it has been like to play Joe on the hit drama. "This one is particularly cool because of how much this thing replicates. It's crazy."

One thing that makes "The Flash" so accessible is that viewers get to follow Barry's journey as he becomes a superhero. Similarly, with Jesse's character, Joe, the audience can relate to his surprise and awe with each new metahuman he comes across.

To be able to stay true to his character, and experience those surprises and better play them as an actor, Jesse tries to avoid getting ahead in the storyline.

"This is why I always say to the writers and the producers not to tell me too much about what's coming up because I like being surprised by the whole thing and I think that's what Joe is. He's constantly amazed and surprised at what's coming at him," the actor said.

Jesse also tries to avoid spoilers outside of work too.

"People will tell me things -- they'll tell me about characters and Rogues and supervillains coming up. 'Wait 'til you see such and such.' I'm like, 'Who's that? Oh my God, I shouldn't have heard that!'" Jesse laughed.

But the actor has limited time these days outside of work. In fact, when the news broke that "The Flash" was a hit in the ratings last week, becoming The CW's most-watched premiere since 2009's "The Vampire Diaries," the cast and crew were so busy filming the drama that there was little time to celebrate.

"A friend of ours [who] we met here in Vancouver made cupcakes for us. They were Flash cupcakes, which we thought were really, really nice. But we didn't have a whole lot of time to celebrate. We are in the middle of work, so it was kind of hard to celebrate," Jesse said.

Still, the team making "The Flash" were elated that so many people tuned in for their show.

"It's the best feeling in the world," the actor said. "You can't really predict that people are gonna go crazy or we're gonna get the kind of numbers, or even the kind of reviews that we got. We could still get numbers and not good reviews and we got both, so we were super excited about the whole thing. It certainly validates all this work we're doing because we're working very hard to make it all right and ready and the fact that it's paying off is the best feeling in the world, you know? Everybody wants that job."

http://www.accesshollywood.com/the-flas ... icle_99621

- Candice Patton dice que Iris West pronto verá su propia acción (CBR):
Candice Patton dice que Iris West pronto verá su propia acción
Por Scott Huver, 14 de Octubre 2014

"The Flash" certainly rocketed out of the gate both review and ratings-wise for its debut on The CW, and actress Candice Patton promises there'll be no slowing down in the episodes ahead.

In an exclusive conversation with Comic Book Resources, Patton, who plays Barry Allen's best friend/maybe-love interest Iris West, says that like the show's titular superhero, the action will continue to move even faster as the series progresses, beginning with the second episode, "The Fastest Man Alive," and continuing on as Iris begins to track The Flash's activities and ultimately encounter the Scarlet Speedster and the emerging Rogues who challenge him, all while remaining a self-sufficient, independent character in her own right.

CBR News: Congratulations on the show getting out of the gate in such an impressive manor. It's good to see that people really responded to the show.

Candice Patton: Yeah, who're you telling? [Laughs] We're excited. It's finally good to see how people are responding to the show that we've been shooting for months now.

What can you put out there about where the next step is on "The Flash's" road as we head into Episode 2, "The Fastest Man Alive?"

It's a great episode. In it you'll see that Iris has been discovering that there's this red streak out there that's saving lives and it kind of piques her interest. And she starts this blog -- or wants to start a blog, eventually, about the streak, and she's just really curious about this impossible man that's saving people. And also she's struggling with Barry and why he's different. She knows something is different about him, and she can't quite put her finger on it. And then also she's juggling her relationship with Eddie [Thawne] and how to keep that a secret from her father, and also how to have this relationship in front of Barry that she's never really had before. A lot of good stuff!

Iris is a really interesting character. What are the things about her that you've become really fond of and found as exciting challenges for you to play as the show's been evolving?

The thing I love about Iris, she's very charming and she laughs and smiles. She's just kind of a positive force and that's really fun to play. It keeps my work really enjoyable and light. And she's also extremely brave and inquisitive and that gives me something as an actor to explore in a fun way. And I guess what's challenging is -- I don't know what's really challenging. Iris is pretty fun to play. I think juggling her secret with Eddie is going to be difficult for her, because she's not somebody who likes to lie or likes to keep things from the people that she loves.

How is her relationship with her father Joe going to be challenged while he's trying to keep Iris safe from the danger that Barry can attract as The Flash?

Obviously Iris has no idea that he's keeping a secret from her and that Barry and her father both know who The Flash is, and that it happens to be Barry. So I think it's going to be a strain on everyone's relationships, to be honest. And I think it's when, if Iris finds out, I think it's going to change things between her and Barry and her and her father.

Give me a sense of how Iris' relationship with The Flash is going to be different -- and allow you to play it differently -- than the relationship she has with Barry.

It's very different. Even when Grant [Gustin]'s in the suit, it's a different energy. I mean, yes it's Grant playing it, but there's a different energy that comes when he's got the suit on. Even the way the suit forces him to carry his body is different. So, I can almost see how in a real life situation, how Iris would not know that this is Barry. And he's a braver, bolder guy. The Flash is a more confident kind of being than Barry, and I think that's something Iris is really intrigued and attracted to. And lo and behold, she has no idea it's Barry. Nerdy Barry.

Talk to me a little bit about where things are going with Eddie, who may not be as perfect as we've come to believe at first glance.

As far as Iris knows, he's pretty damned perfect. And I enjoy just exploring that. Iris sees Eddie as just a nice guy. He is lovable. He treats her well and he cares about her, and so it makes sense that she would be in love with him, and I think that's what makes it so difficult for Barry, because he sees Eddie and he's like, 'Yeah, I have to admit: Eddie's a really, really nice guy.'

As the show begins to introduce its group of Rogues -- the classic Flash villains from the comics that the show has cast so many exciting actors to play -- where does Iris fit into their world? Do you get a lot of face time with the bad guys?

Yeah, there are definitely episodes coming up where Iris will interact with these Rogues and metahumans. I think just by proximity of being so close to Barry and Joe and The Flash, that innately sets Iris up to be kind of a target. Not to mention she's going to create this blog where she's talking about metahumans and then The Flash. And the fact that she kind of puts herself in situations where she would interact with Rogues, so yeah there will be some of that, for sure.

You and I have talked previously about Iris not being a damsel in distress, but being a very independent female character in her own right. Tell me a little bit about how that's been developing as you've created more episodes. Has it been easy to find ways to keep her active and not dependent on being saved and pulled out of situations by The Flash, to kind of find her own solutions?

Yeah, there's a great episode that will come up, and it will explore that and how Iris deals with saving herself, and I'm really glad that the writers explored that, that there's an opportunity for viewers to see Iris take the reins herself and figure out how to save herself when no one is around to save her, or no one can actually come to her aid. I think it's really important to not make her constantly a damsel in distress, because innately, she's just not. Even if you read the comic books, Iris is a very strong, kind of sassy girl, so it doesn't even make sense to portray her as a damsel in distress.

We've been told that there are going to be some seeds for some other DC Comics-related characters like Firestorm. What's it been like for you to see how those sorts of plot elements are being set up, and how all of that great DC mythology is being incorporated into the show? I know you're a relative newcomer to the world of comics, so what's it been like for you to see how they're weaving all of this, and taking from here and plucking from that?

It's really, really exciting. I mean, yeah, it's a new world for me, "Flash" specifically. And now I'm becoming kind of a geek about it. So when I heard that they were casting Heat Wave -- you know, Heat Wave was one of the first villains that I had read in "The Flash" comic books when I started it, so I finally had my first feeling of being excited. I was like a comic book nerd, like, "I know Heat Wave, and I love him, and he's so menacing. I can't wait!" It's really exciting to see who they're casting, and then the caliber of actors that we're getting on the show to come in and play these metahumans, it's really, really exciting. And then I get to kind of live vicariously through the fans on Twitter and Facebook. They're tweeting me and telling me who they're excited to see. It's really, really fun to be part of a show like that, where every episode there's something to look forward to.

The show got such great reviews and great ratings. What were you doing the night that the show premiered?

I was working! I was on set, shooting scenes with Grant. But the moment that it was airing, I was getting ready, so I was in hair and makeup, and I kind of jumped out of the chair, and I was like, 'Sorry, guys. I'll be back.' And so I watched most of the pilot with Rick Cosnett, and then I went and finished work!

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=56269

- Rick Cosnett habla sobre el viaje de la Season 1 del Detective Eddie Thawne (seat24f):
Rick Cosnett habla sobre el viaje de la Season 1 del Detective Eddie Thawne
Por Tiffany Vogt 14 Octubre, 2014

In the premiere of the new CW series THE FLASH, Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) discovered that he was not the only one who was genetically-effected that fateful day of the particle accelerator accident. In fact, there are other metahumans in Central City, who unfortunately do not necessarily share Barry’s altruistic tendencies. So the first season of THE FLASH will explore Barry’s journey to figure out his new role as a hero — and simultaneously if those around him are villains or allies in this brand new world where literally anything is possible.

One such person whose role of friend or foe has yet to be determined is Detective Eddie Thawne, portrayed by Rick Cosnett. Partner to Joe West (the quasi-foster father of Barry and Barry’s boss), as well as secret boyfriend to Joe’s daughter Iris (Candice Patton), those two relationships alone put Eddie right smack in the middle of Barry’s professional and personal lives. So just who is Eddie Thawne?

In a recent exclusive interview, star Rick Costnett talked about his character Eddie Thawne and teased what role Eddie has to play this season on THE FLASH.

What is it like playing Eddie on the show?
RICK: Eddie is everything I’ve always wanted to be. He is everything I think a father would want in a son. He really is so fun to play because, at the moment, he is just a really good guy. He’s really sensible. He’s really lovable. Everything comes very easy to him. He is very able and he’s just quite delightful to play because as actors you kind of live out fantasies that you can’t do in your real life, which we get to do them between “action” and “cut.” It’s going to be fun to see where he goes. It is all just a bit mysterious at the moment.

How much did they tell you about Eddie when you first took the role? Did they tell you where his story arc may go this season?
RICK: They didn’t. There was no script. There was just one very long scene as I went through all the auditions. But it kind of had everything in there. They just kept giving me this one note — which at the time I didn’t know what it meant, but now it’s become completely clear and why they did what they did. To their credit, they have been absolutely incredible crafting this whole mystery. I think the one thing that the fans are going to be wondering is: What is going to happen? So I didn’t know too much and they have kept giving me little tidbits just before we started as to exactly would be happening and when things would be coming out. It has been deliciously surprising for me.

You seem to have been playing roles that have a bit of duality to them, where your characters can be perceived as either the good guy or bad guy depending on how you look at it. Is that something you look for in a role?
RICK: (Laughs) No, I think it is just something natural that comes to me. You can’t control thinks like how you look or how you come across. That’s the casting and producers’ job to see where you fit in, which seems to work well for me as I look very innocent.

It seems like you have been on quite a roller-coaster ride between your roles on THE VAMPIRE DIARIES and now THE FLASH. Has it been fun for you?
RICK: So much fun! I am so glad I can honestly say that I just adore everyone. They are all just so lovely. We are all kind of in love with each other. It is that chemistry that has made the show so magical — because we are all on the same page and everyone is ridiculously talented. I am so happy to be classed with this group of people. And there is such a heartbeat to the show. It is all about believing in yourself. It really has amazing messages in it.

As for your character Eddie, we have not learned too much about him yet. He is the partner of Joe and Iris’ boyfriend. What is going through Eddie’s head to take on a personal relationship with Iris, when her dad is his partner?
RICK: It is complicated. He did not expect to fall in love with Iris. It was during Barry’s coma and Eddie was driving Iris to see Barry every day at S.T.A.R. Labs. He got to see how wonderful and sisterly she was with Barry, and suddenly one day he sort of woke up and started falling in love — and it is complicated because her dad is his partner. That is really serious because there is a lot at stake. He could lose his job or Joe could go completely nuts over it. So it is very important that they keep it secret. So when they kiss in front of Barry, there’s a moment of “oh, my god, please don’t tell anyone.” So Eddie is grateful that Barry is keeping it a secret. Poor Barry!

How does Eddie feel about Barry at this point? Barry was in that coma for so long and now he is back. Does Eddie see him as a rival or is Barry more of just a curiosity for Eddie?
RICK: There is a lot underlying it, but Eddie just thinks Barry is endearing. He doesn’t see Barry as a threat. Eddie is just not the jealous type. He is really secure and so confident. It just doesn’t occur to him that Barry would be in love with Iris. It’s more like he sees them as having a brother-sister relationship. It makes it a little bit more irritating for Barry that Eddie does not care because it doesn’t occur to him.

Eddie as Joe’s partner is constantly around Barry because of the work they all share together at the police department. So does Eddie begin to have an awareness that there are other things going on that he needs to investigate or check out as far as the metahumans?
RICK: At the moment, Eddie is very much in the dark. But things definitely start to unravel in a big way. The producers are doing it very quickly and I think it really smart. Things go down really quickly. We’ve filmed 9 episodes already and things are coming up a lot faster than I thought they would.

So Eddie is not going to stay in the dark for very long then?
RICK: Let’s just say it is an epic journey. My character really goes on an epic journey with lots of twists and turns. That is the most amazing thing for me — the arc that I get to have. It is really exciting.

What would you like to tease that is coming up for Eddie?
RICK: (Laughs) I wish I could say more. I don’t want to give anything away. Let’s just say things start to develop and things get very awkward.

Is there something you can tease outside of Eddie’s story that fans can look forward to?
RICK: They just need to watch because things are going to happen very quick. You wouldn’t want to miss one.

Has the pacing really surprised you at how fast the storyline is moving this season?
RICK: Yeah, it really has. I had goosebumps reading a couple of the episodes. I had not realized how there are little hints in the pilot of how it all connects, and then suddenly it’s like, “Wait, what?! That’s crazy.” I think comic book fans are going to be absolutely delighted. I couldn’t be happier to be a part of it really.

Did you do any research into the alter-identity of Eddie, or are you just going to be surprised when it happens?
RICK: I did. I did a lot of research into the Thawne family. His name is obviously based on all these different legends, and there is also a lot of information out there. There are so many storylines and places it could go. It’s exciting how many people’s imaginations have sparked to his story.

http://www.seat42f.com/exclusive-the-fl ... hawne.html
- Rick Cosnett habla sobre THE FLASH, el cambiar equipos con Grant Gustin, equilibrar el drama con el humor, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, y más (collider):
Rick Cosnett habla sobre THE FLASH, el cambiar equipos con Grant Gustin, equilibrar el drama con el humor, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, y más
Por Christina Radish 13 Octubre, 2014

Viewers were introduced to Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) during Season 2 of the hit CW drama series Arrow, in a way that made the character both likeable and intriguing, and it was easy to see why he immediately got his own TV show. With The Flash having made its debut to huge ratings, Barry is now getting his own backstory and mythology and villains to fight, while also playing into the bigger DC universe and, at times, characters will cross back and forth between the two shows.

During this exclusive phone interview with Collider, actor Rick Cosnett (who plays seemingly perfect Detective Eddie Thawne) talked about how he won the acting jackpot with this show and role, making his flawless character likeable for audiences, how deeply he delved into his character’s story, being the unexpected foil for the hero, the easy chemistry he has with Candice Patton (who plays Iris West), keeping his character’s background a bit of a mystery, balancing the light moments with the really heavy moments, and the feedback he’s already hearing from fans. He also talked about how much fun he had playing Dr. Wes Maxfield on The Vampire Diaries, and that he would have liked to have seen what would have happened, if Dr. Wes had been turned into a vampire. Check out what he had to say after the jump.

Collider: What does it mean to you to get to be a part of the DC universe, at a time when comic book and superhero stories are so popular? And then, what was it like to see how amazing the ratings were for the debut of this story, in particular?

RICK COSNETT: I won the acting jackpot on this one, honestly, not only with how successful it all is, but with my character and the arc that he’s going to take. It’s really exciting.

Who, in your life, is most excited about you being a part of this show?

COSNETT: Probably my dad. Eddie is the son that all dads want, I think.

When you play a guy who is so flawless and awesome, how do you balance that, so that the audience doesn’t just hate him?

COSNETT: As an actor, you try to bring as much of your personality to the role as you can. You make him human. As flawless as he is, we all have little nuances that make us imperfect, and I think Eddie has his fair share of those, which make you love him even more. I really try to create, at the moment, someone who’s seemingly very good. He’s just a good man. I’m hoping that comes across, in a way where people will adore him almost as much as Barry. Barry is obviously going to get lots of attention. He is the underdog, and everyone loves an underdog. He’s the lead. But, I’m making a really good case for Eddie.

These types of shows tend to be so secretive about so much. When you were auditioning, did you know any specifics about the character you were auditioning for?

COSNETT: It was crazy! I auditioned, and then the night before the pilot, we all went out for dinner. (Executive Producer) Andrew Kreisberg said, on the way out, “Did we tell you that this is happening?” I was just standing there, stunned. I was like, “Wait, what?!” And he’s dropped other bombs over dinner. It’s surprising, but really cool.

From the moment it was announced that you’d be playing Eddie Thawne, there was immediate talk about whether he could ever evolve into Reverse Flash, at some point. After you looked into the character, who he was and who he could become, was that something you started rooting for yourself, or are you just trying to take things episode by episode, at this stage?

COSNETT: At this stage, you don’t want to look too far ahead, as an actor. Obviously, you want to know where you’re going, but you want to be constantly surprising yourself, as you go through the journey, so that any information that comes at you is new, as it is in life. So, I don’t like to read too far ahead. I just want to go on the journey, and let the audience go on the journey with Eddie. But, Eddie has already changed. He’s gone through a big process. He has a big arc, even in the first nine episodes. It’s been crazy! As an actor, you live for this stuff. You live for the other actors because it’s really what happens between, “Action!,” and “Cut!,” where the adrenalin lies. To be acting with such talented, alive, present, wonderful actors has been a dream come true for me.

Eddie Thawne could have easily been the jerk that everyone was rooting for Iris to get rid of, so that she and Barry could get together, but he’s a nice guy who’s seemingly good at his job. Is it more fun for you, as an actor, that he is the more unexpected character than just the typical foil for the hero?

COSNETT: Absolutely! I think that’s such an intelligent choice. Not to my credit, but to the producers’ credit, they helped mold him into being really likeable. It’s all the more heart-breaking for Barry. There’s just so much more tension. And as an audience member, we want them to be torn between Barry and Eddie. Just like in life, it needs to make sense. We need to see why Iris is attracted to Eddie, you need to see why she’s with Eddie, and you need to feel like you could also be with Eddie. I think there’s going to be a wonderful tension between the two, and they’re so juxtaposed. They’re pretty much the opposite of each other. It’s really fun. I feel sorry for Barry.

What do you enjoy about the easy chemistry between Eddie and Iris, and getting to work with Candice Patton?

COSNETT: Candice just brings this magical spark to Iris. She’s so positive, and full of energy and life. Her and Eddie have this amazing spark, personality wise, and they have a sexual spark. Their chemistry is wonderful and he just finds her absolutely delightful. It snuck up on him. He wasn’t supposed to like her ‘cause she’s his partner’s daughter. He used to give her lifts, because he’s such a nice guy, to see Barry when Barry was in a coma. And then, suddenly one day, it dawned on him that he was falling in love with this girl. And Candice is an absolute delight to work with. We have so much fun. You know, when you’re a little kid and you see someone who has this sparkle in their eye? I see that in her, and it’s really easy to act with her.

There are some fun and funny quips between Barry Allen and Eddie Thawne. What’s it been like to work with Grant Gustin and get to play that interaction?

COSNETT: Yeah, it’s so fun! Grant is just the absolute best. He’s just so grounded and real. His performance is amazing and inspiring. As an actor, he just brings such a reality to Barry that we just feel like we know Barry. It’s really fun because, as an actor. I know exactly what’s happening in a scene, but Eddie is completely oblivious to poor Barry’s heartache. It’s really wonderful, as an actor, to be able to do that. I just get off on it. It’s amazing!

Your character is clearly one of the ones we don’t know too much about yet, as far as where he’s come from and who he is, up until the point that we meet him in the story. Will we learn some of that? Is that something you’re still learning about?

COSNETT: That’s a sensitive question. The mystery for the audience is that you don’t know exactly where he’s come from, but you know that he’s come from another city. He’s a recent transfer from Keystone City, so he’s new to everyone. He’s just moved there, which is why he doesn’t have many friends. He was thrust together with Iris, and that’s how that relationship happened. But in terms of where he’s come from, I did a lot of research on his name and the family. I know what’s happening, but we’ve kept it very much a mystery. But things are going to pan out very quickly, in terms of what’s going to happen over the next few episodes.

At least in the first couple of episodes, The Flash has more light moments and humor than Arrow does. Is that something that will continue throughout the season, or will we also see some darker episodes and storylines, as things progress?

COSNETT: I think here’s a wonderful balance and juxtaposition between the light moments and the really heavy moments, and that just makes it so strong. There are these wonderful moments of comic relief that often just happen between us when we’re doing it. We get to discover the scene on set, and that’s where all the magic little moments come from, as well as the writers and producers, who have been very clever to write in these really great lines that go so well with each of our characters. But when things get serious, they really do. There is a lot of blood and gore coming up, and there’s a lot of fighting and a lot of action, as well. It’s got everything, really.

Your work on The Vampire Diaries was so great and so deliciously evil. After what he did, do you think that Dr. Wes Maxfield got what he deserved, or would you defend his actions to the death?

COSNETT: I would still defend his actions. I just love Dr. Wes, so much. As an actor, you have to fall in love with your character and see everything from their perspective. He really just thought he was doing good. Yes, okay, he might have gone over the edge, but it was almost not his fault. He just lost track. He got really consumed with power. He thought he had a great plan for how to eradicate the vampires. Unfortunately, if he did go any further, there wouldn’t have been any series regulars left. It would have been amazing if he had turned into a vampire himself. I think that would have been an amazing twist. But I think it was a good lesson to all of us, that he got his just desserts. You can’t roll like that, in life.


- Candice Patton Adelanta el episodio 1.02 (ksitetv):
Candice Patton Adelanta el episodio 1.02
Por Craig Byrne, 14 Octubre, 2014

The Flash has been a fast hit for The CW, with one of the highest-rated premieres in the network's history.

The show's second episode, "Fastest Man Alive," airs tonight at 8PM (ET) on the network - you can see some photos from that episode here - and to promote that, we spoke with Candice Patton, the actress who plays Iris West on the series.

In the comic books, Iris is a journalist, and that element of the character will start factoring in to the TV show as well. "Fastest Man Alive" contains some elements including Iris chasing after an interview with noted figure Simon Stagg (William Sadler); this is, in some ways, a starting point for a blog about Central City's "red streak" that will be a part of Iris' storyline.

"She starts this blog because she knows that there's some red streak that's been in Central City that is saving people, and it piques her curiosity, and she finds that writing this blog is more interesting than anything that she's doing in her journalism class," Patton explained to us in a phone interview late last week. "She's kind of using that as something to contribute to her journalism degree. So, yeah. She'll start connecting with other citizens in Central City, trying to gather information from there about who the streak is, and then posting it on her blog for everyone to see and share information." Iris' blog focuses mostly on the metahumans and the Streak, even though some other heroes will be coming to Central City in the series' 8th episode, "Flash vs. Arrow." "I don't know that she has blogged about the Arrow," Candice said.

Little does Iris know that "the streak" - or The Flash - is actually Barry Allen, who is practically a brother to her. Barry, however, knows Iris' secret - that she is having a relationship with her father's partner in the Central City police, Eddie Thawne. Is Iris aware of the drama that this relationship could case for Joe West?

"I think Iris knows that it's not something that her dad is going to be overly thrilled with. It's a very precarious situation for her. He's this guy that's going to be in danger every day, given the job that he has. So, it kind of puts a strain on her relationship with her father," she said. The relationship with Joe won't be the only one that is strained, either: Eddie might start to tire of the sneaking around.

"You'll see that he is in love with Iris, to a degree," Candice explained. "He's very proud to be with her, and he wants her to feel the same way, and that includes telling her dad so that they don't have to sneak around. You'll have to wait and see if she gives in to that," she teased.

Even though Barry may pine for Iris, a love interest from his past, Arrow's Felicity Smoak, shows up in Flash Episode 4, "Going Rogue." How is Barry going to react to seeing Iris and Felicity in the same place? "That was such a great thing to shoot, having Barry, Iris, and Felicity in one room," Candice enthused. "When we were shooting that, to me, it was just such an iconic moment, and the way Grant played it between Felicity and I… you know, he's an awkward kid! He's a little uncomfortable, but I think Iris can obviously tell that she's into him, and they should be into each other. They're both nerds… why wouldn't they be perfect for each other? It's a fun situation."

Candice expanded more on Iris' shipping of "Baricity" by saying that she thinks that they would be perfect for each other. "They're both nerds, and they talk nerdy things to each other… in her mind, she wants Barry to be happy, and she wants him to have a girlfriend, and live a normal life. And so, when she meets Felicity, it's kind of like 'this is perfect.' They should obviously date, or something," she said.

Does Candice think that Barry is nervous that Felicity might tell Iris what happened with him? "I don't know! Felicity is pretty smart, and I don't think she would do anything to jeopardize Barry's relationship with Iris. So, no. I don't think so. That might be a question for Grant," she said.

Good guys - or the folks that support the good guys - aren't the only people that Iris will be meeting in the series. Candice confirmed that Iris will indeed interact with some of the villains this season, "for sure." She also promised that Iris will "find herself in some dangerous predicaments."

Tonight's episode of The Flash is directed by David Nutter, who also directed the show's pilot, and Candice teased that "it's an episode where Iris is trying to figure out how to now have this relationship with Eddie that Barry knows about." There are some other challenges for Iris this week as well: She's also struggling to understand what's different about Barry and why he's being weird, and she's starting to get suspicious about the red streak that's been talked about.

Finally, Candice had some gracious words for her fans. "Thank you guys for tuning in, making us one of the most watched shows in five years on the network! It's incredible. We are so appreciative, and we hope that you guys will spend Tuesday nights with us all season," she said.

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/the ... sode/43113

- Jesse L. Martin, y Andrew Kreisberg apuntan enmarañados secretos e investigaciones de los rayos rojos (THR):
Jesse L. Martin, y Andrew Kreisberg apuntan enmarañados secretos e investigaciones de los rayos rojos
Por Philiana Ng 14/10/2014 10:15 AM PDT

Detective Joe West has his hands full.

After discovering that Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) was the crimson-suited speedster The Flash, Joe is still trying to come to terms with his surrogate son's superhuman abilities, in addition to a new world order where metahumans are the norm. On Tuesday's The Flash, Joe comes face to face with Barry's STAR Labs cohorts, including the mysterious Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh).

“It’s definitely a balance," Jesse L. Martin tells The Hollywood Reporter. "Joe’s having a hard time with [Barry's new abilities], to be honest. He doesn’t know how to deal with it. It seems crazy to him what’s going on, and he’s really worried for Barry."

And with good reason. Barry will reach his physical limits when he begins to pass out during routine crime-fighting sprees, forcing the STAR Labs crew to work furiously to find a solution and the cause.

Joe's daughter, Iris (Candice Patton), will also begin on her own journey investigating what Central City papers have dubbed the "Red Streak." "She seems interested all of a sudden in what’s going on — the impossible Red Streak," Martin says. "He becomes a big ball of worry." And Martin is hopeful that viewers will meet Joe's wife down the line. "She may resurface at some point," he hints. "She's definitely a missing link."

As for Iris' journalistic endeavors, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg says that The Flash isn't just an origin story for Barry Allen, but for others as well. "We're seeing her from the ground up. She's starting as a blogger and as the season progresses, we'll see her take journalism to heart and that'll be her beginning. There's a great line when Barry says in episode two, 'We were all struck by that bolt' — everybody on the show was changed that night whether they know it or not," he says.

Adds Kreisberg: "For Iris, The Flash appearing and her interest in it — you’ll find out more about why that’s happening — has really changed the course of her life and it’s what sets her on the path of becoming her ultimate comic-book character."

Iris' life will be threatened as a result of her newfound interest, even though she may not be aware of it on the outset. "It’s going to create all sorts of problems because Joe wants Iris not to know more than anything in the world and Barry is dying to tell her," Kreisberg hints, referencing a comedic scene in Tuesday's episode. "It’s going to lead to some heartbreaking things that happen early on and also some hilariously funny things.”

Another secret Joe won't be too happy about will be the secret romance between his partner, Detective Eddie Thawne (Rick Cosnett), and Iris. "A) That's Joe's partner and if his partner is hiding that from him, that's not a good partner and B) that's Joe's daughter. She's a grown woman, so she can date who she wants but she can't date his partner," Martin says. "There's definitely a line." Ask the veteran thespian whether Eddie may be hiding more secrets and Martin begins to ruminate on the possibility. "I never went that far. It never occurred to me that there might be more [to Eddie]," he says, deep in thought.

With STAR Labs now in Joe's life, his suspicions grows in regards to their — more specifically, Harrison's — true motives.

"They're the ones who got Barry into this mess in the first place. Second, they seem to be encouraging him to be going out there and catching bad guys," Martin says. "Joe's whole thing is, 'You're a forensic investigator and you're really good at it. Go do that. Stop putting yourself in danger just because the people you admire tell you to.' "

As Martin explains it, Harrison is No. 1 on Joe's list of people to keep an eye on. (At the end of last week's premiere, Harrison was seen walking into a secret room and peering down at a newspaper dated 10 years in the future with the ominous headline, "Flash Missing: Vanishes in Crisis.")

"He feels Harrison is pushing Barry out into the street to be a crimefighter and putting Barry in danger on a regular basis," he says.

As for the mystery surrounding Harrison, even Martin isn't sure of the particle accelerator creator's whole story. "Are you kidding me? [I'm] completely unsure!" he says with a laugh.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... -ep-740492

- Jesse L. Martin habla sobre The Flash: "Wow, esta es una serie genial" (comicbook):
Jesse L. Martin habla sobre The Flash: "Wow, esta es una serie genial"
Por Russ Burlingame 14/10/2014

Stage and screen veteran Jesse L. Martin, best known for his turns in Rent and Law & Order, told us in a recent interview that he doesn't read The Flash comics.

Often, that doesn't come off well with the fans, but in the case of the man who plays Detective Joe West, he's got a pretty good reason: he wants to be as surprised and awestruck by the amazing things happening around him as his character is.

Martin took a break from shooting on the midseason finale over the weekend and spoke to us via phone. What's next for the Fastest Man Alive's father figure? Well, every week is Joe's week...

It looks like once the Live +7 ratings are in, the premiere is going to be one of the biggest shows ever on The CW. How does that impact you guys on set?

It feels awesome. How else could it feel? Maybe a little intimidating, like now we have to be amazing all the time? But we're working on being amazing all the time. So just really good, man. The morale around set these days is through the roof.

Talking to some of your castmates, I know that a lot of the younger folks look up to you. How's it feel to step into a role where you're playing everybody's father figure, and in real life the chemistry reflects that a little?

It's flattering, it really is. It's funny because they help me in many ways, too. I watch them and their enthusiasm and you can't help but let it rub off on you. And so you get excited in a way that normally I wouldn't get excited. I'm a little bit older than them and I usually keep it calm, cool and collected -- but I get geeked just like they do, now. Particularly when really cool things happen; we've seen so many cool things happen so far. You see these new characters pop up and what they look like and what they can do. I get really geeked out, I'm like a 7-year-old kid all of a sudden.

I end up learning a lot from them, just as good as they know from me, but it does feel good to know that they respect me and they trust my word. That feels great; it's really flattering.

Does having your character know Grant's secret identity add a layer of complexity to your relationship that you wouldn't have expected in a superhero show?

Of course. I'm not Barry's biological father, but I am his dad, if you will. The fact that he's suddenly got this amazing ability, and he's working very closely with Harrison Wells and the S.T.A.R. Labs crew, and they become this sort of vigilante crew where they go out and they fight crime, if you will, it worries me.

It's a whole new layer of worry. Barry's putting himself in extreme danger on a regular basis and I don't want to see anything bad happen to my boy, so it adds an element of real worry. I'm constantly checking in. I spend a lot of time at S.T.A.R. Labs, just kind of making sure things are okay.

So are you and Grant kind of the connective tissue that brings the police aspect of the show and the superhero aspect of the show together, then? How does that function?

Yeah, it gives me a whole lot to do. I have a relationship with everybody on the show so it makes it interesting for me. It keeps me busy, so I absolutely love it and I'm glad that they wrote it that way. Otherwise I'd just be a detective and I'd be in the dark just like Eddie Thawne. I'd be standing around wondering what's going on, and that's not that much fun to play. I get to do everything in this case.

Do you think, too, that having him know the secret avoids diminishing the character?

Yeah, exactly. It's great. Now that I know, there's a whole element of what I've got to do, how I've got to prepare myself as a detective, as a father, as a man. There's so many things I have to do now to gird myself of what's coming because I'm well aware now that there's these metahumans that keep popping up. Some of them are good, but most of them are bad.

Obviously, you've got a lot less source material than most to work with. Do you find that makes it easier or harder for you as an actor?

It makes it easier. A lot easier, because we can create what it is. And we've got good writers so they know how to put together a character and they've done very well by Joe so far.

Look, I don't read the source material anyway because as far as I'm concerned, Joe doesn't need to know that much. I think Joe learns what's coming the same way the audience does, by when it happens. If I know too much, I won't be surprised by what I see and I won't be in awe. Because I think Joe is always in awe of what he sees when it comes to these metahumans and what people can do. He's always in awe of it, so the less I know, the better.

Do you feel like you bring a little bit of a different tone to the show? You really took it to the darkest, harshest place of the pilot with telling Barry how it was.

Sure. I didn't see it as dark, I saw it as, you have to be real. We're dealing with real things on the show, it's not just fantasy. There's real relationships, there's real father/son things going, there's the real things that need to be said and a lot of times they come out of my mouth. So yeah, I guess I am the guy that has to bring the pain, if you will. [Laughs] I have to be the heavy.

What's the thing that you've been the most kind of awestruck by so far?

It mostly has to do with the supervillains -- how they're mocked up, how their powers manifest on the show. The Mist and Captain Cold and Plastique, the things that they can do and even just what they look like is kind of remarkable to me. Those are things where I look at them and I go, "Wow. This is a cool show. This is a lot of fun to do."

You know, I'm still getting used to seeing Barry in the Flash suit. I'm still getting used to that. Every time I see him, I kind of go, "Wow, that's right. You're The Flash." So when these new characters come up, there's a bunch coming where they've really gone all the way as far as building these characters.

They look amazing, they do amazing things, the special effects surrounding them are incredible. What you saw in the pilot pales in comparison to what we're doing now. They're going all the way.

Do you think that being "the most comic book-y show ever made" gives you a lot to work with as the guy who's supposed to be awestruck?

Yeah, definitely. [Laughs] I mean, they really do, it's the most comic book-y ever and it gives me a lot to work with. I'm one of the only regular humans left on the show, it seems. So we're constantly amazed by what we can do and see.

When I look back at your body of work, most of it you wouldn't be contending with people hassling you guys for set photos. Now you've got all these shots of you and Grant smiling and waving at paparazzi. Is that weird to get used to?

Yeah. I mean, look, initially it was a little alarming but my theory is, nobody's throwing rocks, so you've got to be cool with it. They're there because they love it. They're not there because they hate you, so you can't be mad at all. You just have to embrace the whole thing. And I do, because I think it's easy to embrace.

Is there an episode coming up that you feel was THE Joe episode?

They're all the Joe episode as far as I'm concerned! [Laughs] I can't really pick out one in particular. I get to do some really cool stuff in almost all of them, so you'll just have to keep watching.

http://comicbook.com/2014/10/14/exclusi ... cool-show/

- Candice Patton sobre el encuentro con Felicity de ‘Arrow': ‘La última cosa que necesitamos es mujeres odiándose las unas a las otras en TV’ (The Wrap):
Candice Patton sobre el encuentro con Felicity de ‘Arrow': ‘La última cosa que necesitamos es mujeres odiándose las unas a las otras en TV’
Por Linda Ge and Travis Reilly 14 Octubre, 2014 @ 10:53 am

CW actress tells TheWrap why The Flash's secret is “shocking and devastating” and whether her character will end up where the comic book version did

The superhero leads of “The Flash” and “Arrow” may be destined to butt heads during their upcoming crossover event, but CW star Candice Patton swore it would be a different story for the shows’ leading ladies.

“We are not going to be at each other's throats, and I'm really thrilled about that,” she told TheWrap of her character's upcoming meeting with “Arrow's” Felicity Smoak, played by Emily Bett Rickards. ”The last thing we need is women on TV hating each other.”

Patton's character Iris West is far more than just super-speedster Barry Allen's (Grant Gustin) best friend and possible love interest on “The Flash,” which debuted last Tuesday to unbelievably high ratings, she's an aspiring photojournalist with a good heart and an even better mind.

Anyone familiar with the television's more common tropes might assume Iris is bound to brawl with “Arrow's” equally endearing sidekick Felicity when they meet on Episode 4, especially considering how flirtatious Felicity was with Barry on Season 2 of “Arrow,” well before a golden bolt of lightning turned him into The Flash. But an Iris-Felicity showdown would be more than just a tired cliche, it would be antithetical to their well established characters.

“Felicity is such a beloved character and I think in the comic books Iris is such a beloved character, and I'm very protective about that on our show,” Patton continued. “I want Iris to continue to be a lovable character. It only makes sense to me that when Iris and Felicity meet, there's nothing but kindness.”

During TheWrap's chat with Patton, the actress discussed how the big Flash secret is going to affect Iris’ relationships with her best friend and her father, whether Iris and Barry will end up where their comic book counterparts did, and which “Flash” villain she was most excited to go toe-to-toe with.

TheWrap: Congratulations on “The Flash” premiering to such high ratings. How has that changed the mood on set?
Candice Patton: Nothing has changed. Nothing has changed because we're here shooting in Vancouver, so we're kind of isolated from any mayhem or pandemonium or anything. I think the only difference is my Twitter, I have a few more followers who want to talk to me on Twitter now. We're just really excited that this show we spent months and months with, we now get to share with the world and the world is responding really positively to it, so that's really exciting.

What can we expect on Tuesday's episode, “Fastest Man Alive”?
You can expect a metahuman [laughs]. From Iris, you can see her relationship with Barry start to change, she's getting very curious about why he's acting different and she kind of presses him on that. You'll also see that she's discovering there's something going on in Central City and there's this person out there, this “Streak” that's saving people, and that piques her interest and eventually she'll start this blog about that.

Barry and Joe, Iris’ father, played by Jesse L. Martin, are keeping this huge secret about The Flash from Iris. How will she react if or when she finds out the truth?
I can only speculate, but I think it's going to be shocking and devastating for her. The relationship between herself and Barry and herself and her father is very, very tight-knit. They're loyal people, and Barry and Iris don't lie to each other. Out of everyone in the world they're each other's best friend and they tell each other everything. I think when she finds out that Barry has been keeping this from her and has been in cahoots with her father, I think she's going to feel extremely, extremely betrayed.

In the comics Barry and Iris end up getting married. Is a romance where this version of Barry and Iris are headed
Obviously in the pilot we know Barry already harbors romantic feelings for her.
I mean, it's always there, I think it's always there especially for Barry, becuase when you have feelings for someone it's hard to turn them off. So yeah, there's a lot of feelings going on from multiple characters. You've seen the pilot — Iris has found someone to love and he's a good guy and it's hard to not love Eddie. Barry knows that, he's just a decent guy, so I don't know how it's going to unravel. I know in the comics they eventually get married, I don't know if we'll even explore that on the show, but I do know there will always be some kind of relationship between Barry and Iris, there has to be. More than anything, they're family.

Who has she gotten to go up against? Do you have a favorite villain you've shot scenes with already?
I do have one: Tony Woodward, aka the Girder [played by Greg Finley]. I don't want to say too much, I want people to just enjoy it. It's a really fun episode, that's episode six and I think people will really like that one.

http://www.thewrap.com/cw-the-flash-can ... r-episode/

- Entrevista con Candice Patton de "The Flash" (starrymag):
Entrevista con Candice Patton de "The Flash"
Por starrymag | 14 October, 2014

Q) What do you think it was about “The Flash” premiere that drew in so many viewers?

A) I think we’re all really proud to be the show that got so many viewers after five years. I think the superhero genre is such a big deal. Being a spinoff of “Arrow” helped. “Arrow” is a very popular show on the network. They kind of gave us a boost. Plus, there was tons of promotion. People had viewed the pilot at Comic Con. So, we kind of knew and hoped that it was going to continue.

Q) What drew you to the role of Iris and how have you made her your own? Has she changed from when you were first introduced to her to the pilot?

A) When you go in for an audition, you don’t get the full script. So, I only had a few pages to understand Iris and what they were going for with the show. Immediately, I understood that she was very charming, positive and happy-go-lucky kind of girl. I knew that she was Barry’s best friend and that she really, really cared about him more than anything. She is very passionate, kind, loving, fun girl. Those were what kind of drew me to her. I knew that if I fell in love with her instantly that viewers would also fall in love with her instantly. So, I got really excited to be a part of it. She has changed only in that I’ve gotten to know her better and with every episode you find out more and more abou tthe characters. I just designed her to be braver and braver every episode in her emotions and in her life, dealing with the changes in Central City, dealing with her father and dealing with Barry. She is a very brave, strong willed kind of woman and she says how she feels and she says what she wants to say. She does what she wants to do and I think that is really empowering. She is just getting more and more curious every time I read her. It’s fun to play that.

Q) How will Barry’s feelings for Iris manifest throughout the season? Will there be a defining moment for them?

A) I think there are several. Barry has gone through a significant change in his life and during that time Iris’ life has continued on. I think what viewers will see is how their longstanding friendship changes because of it. There are a few defining moments in the season and I love that. I love that there isn’t just one defining moment and that there are a few because that is so true of relationships. It’s never just one thing. Barry and Iris’ relationship is very complicated because they are best friends, but they are also pseudo brother and sister. Then, you throw on top of that the fact that one of them has feelings that they are ready to explore. It’s very complicated.

Q) The chemistry between you and Grant Gustin is palpable. Did that come naturally and instantly or did it take some time to develop?

A) No, that was something that was pretty instantaneous. I feel like a lot of the reasons I got the role was because of the chemistry between Grant and I in the room and it was just something that naturally innately happened. I think it is because Grant and I have a similar sense of humor and so that works on screen and with the dialogue that he has with Barry and that I have as Iris. That’s fun to play and when I’m working with Grant everything just comes really easily and I feel like our scenes just get stronger and stronger.

Q) What have been some of your most memorable moments to film so far?

A) I am not going to give anything away, but my favorite scenes that we shoot are the simple scenes with just Grant and I or Grant and Jesse. Just family scenes where real, honest emotions are being explored. Those are really my favorite. I love doing the action stuff and that’s fun too, but I think the heart of the show is really my favorite part.

Q) As you mentioned, in the pilot we see a cameo by Green Arrow. Are there any other “Arrow” crossovers that we will see happen this season?

A) There is a big “Arrow” crossovers where some characters come to Central City and that was a really fun episode to shoot. I know that “Arrow” is also having a crossover where a few people from Central City go to Starling City.

Q) A lot of the male villains for the season have been revealed. What female villains and guest stars can you share will appear?

A) It’s kind of cool because I feel like every villain or metahuman gets announced on Deadline or Variety. So, everybody gets to have their opinion or get excited before the scenes are even shot. There are a lot of villains coming like Heatwave, which Dominic Purcell is going to be playing. He is probably one of my favorite villains and we are shooting that for the next episode. Then, Kelly Frye comes on as Plastique and she is a fellow Texan. She’s from Texas and I’m from Texas. So, it was really nice having her on set. She does an excellent job. There are a lot of really, really great villains to come like Captain Cold, Fire Storm and Plastique and Multiplex. It keeps getting better!

Q) Who is someone you haven’t had many scenes with that you would love to work with more?

A) I have had zero scenes with Tom Cavanagh. That would be something that I really want to do. I can’t wait for Iris to find her way to S.T.A.R. Labs. I never get to work on that set. Iris is still figuring stuff out and has no idea what Barry is doing at S.T.A.R. Labs. So, I can’t wait for the day that she figures it out.

Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with fans of yours and “The Flash” that way?

A) I feel like I don’t know I would do this necessarily that much with any other show, but when I booked this show I realized very quickly that “The Flash” comes with a huge, very passionate fanbase. I knew if the show got picked up that it would be a great thing to be able to connect with those fans and talk to them about the show. Really, we’re doing this for them. I didn’t grow up with The Flash. This is something that I am learning. A lot of people grew up with The Flash and they love Barry Allen. So, it’s fun to be able to connect with them and talk to them about the scenes they loved and what they want to see more of.

Q) What else would you like to share with fans about what is to come on “The Flash?”

A) I know that a lot of people really want me to have a scene with Felicity [Smoak] and that will happen! So, stay tuned.


- NYCC: Geoff Johns habla sobre el temprano éxito en TV de "Flash" y el ver al 'Captain Cold' en vivo (CBR):
NYCC: Geoff Johns habla sobre el temprano éxito en TV de "Flash" y el ver al 'Captain Cold' en vivo
Por Albert Ching 16 Oct, 2014

When CBR News caught up with Geoff Johns on the convention floor last weekend at New York Comic Con, it was already known that the veteran comic book writer was working on a multitude of DC Comics-based TV shows in his position as DC Entertainment Chief Creative Officer -- to say nothing of the 10 new films through 2020 that were confirmed a few days later during Warner Bros.' investor meeting.

So, yeah, Johns has a lot going on, but it's clear that "The Flash" TV series -- which debuted to network record-setting numbers last week on The CW -- has a special place in his heart. After all, Johns wrote "The Flash" comic book for years -- both Barry Allen and Wally West -- and he developed the series, which stars Grant Gustin as Barry Allen, alongside "Arrow" executive producers Andrew Kreisberg and Greg Berlanti.

CBR News spoke with Johns about the show's impressive debut, embracing the inherent superhero-isms of "The Flash" and seeing Captain Cold -- a villain that Johns has been very clear about his affection for -- depicted in live-action for the first time, courtesy of Wentworth Miller, who will debut in the role in the show's fourth episode.

CBR News: Geoff, looks like "The Flash" was the highest-watched debut on The CW in five years? That has to feel pretty good. [Editor's Note: Following this interview, news broke that with DVR numbers factories in, "The Flash" series premiere was actually the most-watched premiere in CW history.]

Geoff Johns: It does. I think what feels the best is, everyone put so much of our love for the character and for DC into it, and we're really proud of how it turned out. I'm really proud of where the series goes -- I couldn't be happier with Grant, and the effects team and the cast, our writing staff. We're extremely lucky to have such a talented group of people across the board working on the show.

Something you said during "The Flash" event a few days ago at DC headquarters really stuck out -- we used it in our headline -- that is was the "most comic book show that's ever been made." Was that something you always wanted to embrace and run with, pun not completely intended?

One of the things that Greg, Andrew and myself always talked about -- and this is something we talk about with DC TV just in general -- is that all the shows, because we have a lot of shows we're developing and going on the air, and knock in wood they find audiences; it's like opening restaurants -- a lot of them close. So we're hoping that a lot of the shows find their audience. But the key to it all is to have all the shows occupy a unique space, and be their own unique show, so they're not all cookie-cutters of each other. They really have to stand on their own. Tonally, things like "Gotham," "iZombie," "Arrow," "Flash" and "Constantine" are all really, really different. For us, that's really the key of working with Warner Bros. on all our TV shows, to make sure everything's unique.

I felt like "Smallville" had shied away from the comic book stuff a little bit, but then as the seasons went on, obviously it got to that place. With "Arrow" it was more grounded, but it got to that place with Deathstroke, and it felt like it was the next step of comic book television shows. When we were doing "Flash," it was like, "You know what, he's going to have a red costume, he's going to be called 'The Flash,' the world's going to know about him, we're going to do the Rogues, we're going to do Grodd." There were pictures that were leaked online of Reverse-Flash. People were like, "Oh, it's so soon!" Well, yeah, because this is our chance to do a "Flash" TV show. And if this is our chance to do a "Flash" TV show, we're going to put everything we can into it. And I don't mean shoving characters in there, but embracing what it is.

When I say, "It's the most comic book show ever," I mean that, because we're fully embracing everything about "The Flash" comic book and DC Comics, and putting it in here. We're going to go for it. We're going to have costumes. There are going to be code names. It's going to be a superhero TV show unabashedly. We're not winking at being a superhero show -- it's a full-on superhero show.

I think the tone of it, since we're really trying to do something that's fun and emotional -- because we have some fun in it, you can accept it a little bit better. I hope that audiences respond to the pilot. A lot of people watched it. Let's hope they liked it enough to stay with the series and we continue making more episodes.

The other thing I love about it is, my nieces can watch it. It's a superhero show that's for everybody. One of my favorite things about superheroes like Flash and Superman, and the more optimistic, bright heroes is that they are for everyone. One of the things we've tried to do with the show is, although there's violence and scares, we want to make sure that -- when I was a kid, I could watch "Hulk" and "Wonder Woman." It's kind of a throwback show to those; for the whole family. I've heard a lot of people say, "Oh, I get to watch it with my kids." "The whole family's watching it." One of my friends in Chicago watched it, because their kids were watching it and liked it, and it's emotionally pretty complex, and the actors are great. We've been very fortunate so far. I hope people enjoy the show. Flash has been my favorite character since I read comics. We really want to get it right, and we really want to do him justice.

In all the many projects you've been involved in as chief creative officer, this feels like maybe the one you've been closest to -- both in terms of level of involvement, and also that it's something that's very personally significant to you, given what The Flash means to you. How closely connected do you feel to this show?

I work on everything, obviously. With "Flash" it's a little different, because I co-created the show with Greg and Andrew, and really having the opportunity to work with two super-talented guys, two of my very good friends, it was such an amazing opportunity.

There's a lot in this character that, because it's so superhero, it's very delicate. Like, Firestorm's in it. I've loved Firestorm forever, and Andrew's a huge Firestorm fan.

And as recently was announced, Victor Garber's going to be Professor Stein.

I know! The casting's great. The head of casting, David Rappaport, has done an unbelievable job. We've got Wentworth Miller for Captain Cold, Dominic Purcell for Heatwave, Robbie Amell as Ronnie. Our casting is top-notch, and I think because of the quality of the pilot and the cast -- Jesse L. Martin, Grant Gustin, Candice [Patton], Danielle [Panabaker] and Carlos [Valdes]. Tom Cavanagh, he's so amazing. The quality of the cast just attracts that same quality. That's why we're getting a great cast on the show.

Obviously this one is very close to my heart just because of what it is, and the tone of it. It's what I want out of a superhero show.

You just mentioned Wentworth Miller -- what kind of emotions have been stirred by seeing one of your favorite characters, Captain Cold, in live-action for the first time?

When I was on set, and he first came out -- it's just really cool to see him hold that cold gun. There was a huge debate about, "Does he hold the gun with two hands or one hand?" Glen Winter, who directed it -- he directed some "Arrow" episodes I wrote, and some "Smallville" [episodes] when I first started writing TV -- I've known him for a long, long time, and we got to talk a lot about Barry, and Snart, and what it all meant emotionally. There are some really cool emotional arcs in that episode that make Cold even stronger of a character, and he represents a lot in the show when you see it. I don't want to ruin the surprise.

It was great to have these debates about why he would hold it with one hand. It wasn't just because it looked cooler, it was because of the confidence he has when he touches that cold gun for the first time. It's almost like, "Oh my god, where have you been all my life?" The way that Wentworth portrayed it -- he evolves from this very intelligent and driven criminal, and then he's in a city where a streak is showing up, and it's causing all these problems, and he realizes he's got to evolve himself. This is the first step of his evolution. We talked a lot about the character, his attitude, where he's going to go. To be able to sit there on set and talk with Wentworth and Glen about Captain Cold -- that's heaven, y'know? Especially when you're working with an actor this talented, talking to the prop guys that were making the gun about what it should look like -- I hope people enjoy the episode. I'm really happy with how it turned out.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=56370

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS en el set (14-10-14):

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(#CaitlinSnow & #EddieThawne role reversal #TheFlash @dpanabaker @rickcosnett #ChristmasEpisode
#TheFlash readthrough is happening- Prison Break Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell reunion @RickCosnett
@rickcosnett Live from #TheFlash set w these monkeys @grantgust @dpanabaker @candicekp #jesselmartin Episode 2 tonight
Hey, it's @rickcosnett for JJJ on the set of #TheFlash. Episode 2 tonight! Shooting Christmas ep #JesseLMartin
Look who's crossing over. It's @emilybett Emily Bett Rickards #TheFlash @rickcosnett
My #Flash can. Join us for the second episode tonight #TheFlash takeover @grantgust @thecw 8-7c @rickcosnett
Shooting today with #IrisWest @candicekp #CiscoRamon @tha_los #EddieThawne @rickcosnett In love #TheFlash
Teaser alert! It all happens- fast #TheFlash #EddieThawne @grantgust @RickCosnett @CWTheFlash)

-Thanks to @JustJaredJr-

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash 1.03 Promo "Things You Can't Outrun" Promo (HD):


- The Flash 1.03 Promo "Things You Can't Outrun" Extended Promo (HD):


Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.02 "Fastest Man Alive". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes BTS (14-15 Oct 2014):

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(@coltonhaynes: Lovin Ep. 2 of #TheFlash . What a lovely bunch. Where u at @grantgust Get in more photos!
@PaulBlackthorne: Hanging with the superheroes @grantgust @amellywood #Flash #Arrow Anyone for coffee #Arrow #TheFlash)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes BTS del rodaje del 1.10 en Vancouver (16-10-14):

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(Thanks to @grangustinnews, @grantgust & @chinoiskal)

- Video de agradecimiento de Grant Gustin a los fans (16-10-14):

https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=70 ... =2&theater

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- The Flash - Shooting 1.02 "Fastest Man Alive":


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Visita al set de la prensa (17-10-14):

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(Thanks to @VladaGelman, @EricIGN, @FlashTVNews, @CarlaDay, @clarissa373, @marissaroffman)


- THE FLASH - Grant Gustin Vancouver Interview (Ksite):

- The Flash: Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow) Interview (Ksite):

- THE FLASH: Danielle Panabaker Teases Caitlin/Ronnie in Flashback in 'Things You Can't Outrun' (GiveMeMyRemoteTV):

- THE FLASH: Wentworth Miller Talks Playing Captain Cold (GiveMeMyRemoteTV):

- THE FLASH: Wentworth Miller Previews 'Revenge of the Rogues' (GiveMeMyRemoteTV):

- THE FLASH: Jesse L. Martin Talks Joe's Commitment to Helping Barry (GiveMeMyRemoteTV):

- THE FLASH-ARROW Crossover: Grant Gustin Teases 'Flash vs. Arrow' (GiveMeMyRemoteTV):

- THE FLASH: Grant Gustin Previews 'Revenge of the Rogues' (GiveMeMyRemoteTV):

- THE FLASH: Dominic Purcell Previews 'Revenge of the Rogues' (GiveMeMyRemoteTV):

- 'Flash' guest Wentworth Miller on Captain Cold and returning to acting (HitFix):
http://www.hitfix.com/videos/wentworth- ... -the-flash

- Stephen Amell On The Return Of Katrina Law's Nyssa Al Ghul (accesshollywood):

- The Flash: Dominic Purcell on Playing Heat Wave (BuddyTV):


- Stephen Amell y Grant Gustin adelantan el crossover de The Flash / Arrow y su gran pelea (IGN):
Stephen Amell y Grant Gustin adelantan el crossover de The Flash / Arrow y su gran pelea
Por Eric Goldman 19 Oct 2014

This past Friday, I was among a group of journalists who had the opportunity to visit the Vancouver sets of both Arrow and The Flash. With Arrow going strong in Season 3 and The Flash bringing in impressive ratings in its first two weeks, excitement is growing for the big crossover storyline the shows have coming up, in the eighth episode of each show this season.

During our visits to the sets, we spoke to both Stephen Amell (“Oliver Queen” / “Arrow”) and Grant Gustin (“Barry Allen” / “The Flash”) about what to expect when the heroes of Starling City and Central City come together.

Said Gustin, “I was talking about this yesterday with a friend; about how Oliver and Barry are so different and me and Stephen are just really different. We really get along outside of work and it’s been fun to show Barry and Oliver kind of butting heads. We’re seeing them learn how to work together, but it’s really funny because they’re so different and the conversations they have are hilarious.”

It’s been said that a really big moment will occur for Oliver Queen / Arrow during the crossover storyline, but specifically on The Flash episode of the storyline. Asked about this, Amell nodded and revealed, “It’s my idea. I can’t tell you anything about it other than it relates to Central City. When I saw it in the Flash script, it ended up being really actually quite gratifying. First of all, when I say it was my idea, everyone has ideas all the time. It all goes into a melting pot. I just thought it would be a cool idea. I thought it would be a cool idea for The Flash. It ended up being a cool idea that we were able to utilize me for because we were doing a crossover with The Flash. So it was very professionally gratifying.”

Amell added, “I just spoke with [director] Glenn Winter on Wednesday. We were shooting some stuff for episode 308, which is our Flash crossover episode, and he said that he had seen a cut and it was his favorite thing that I have been involved in so far on the show. I can’t say anything about what it has to do with other than that the crossovers… We are very much guests in Central City and very much the rogue team in Central City. Just as much as Grant and the Flash team are guests here. We talk and we delve into the differences between Central City and Starling City but this particular moment is very much an Arrow-centric moment. “

As to which character interactions he was most excited for during the crossover, Amell admitted, “It was me and Grant. I mean, episode 108 [of The Flash] is called "Flash vs. Arrow." Our titles aren’t just titles. You can bet based on the title that we fight. So, that whole dynamic -- which took place over three nights of shooting -- was a very new and different experience for me just from a technical standpoint, just because The Flash has so many effects. We do our fights [on Arrow]. On Monday, we are shooting the biggest fight we’ve ever done on Arrow in an incredibly practical way. I’m shooting 100% of it. I have no double. So that’s crazy and that’s us. This was them.”

Said Gustin, “When [Arrow] shoot action sequences, pretty much what you see is what you get and they’re really doing everything. We do a lot of plate shots that are empty shots of the area we’re going to be in and then they’re putting us in later in post. I do a lot of the fighting. I don’t have to do it full speed and then they ramp it up and a lot of people have to freeze and I keep moving. Then I have to clear frame and step back into frame. It’s really tedious stuff that we have to do. On theirs, they learn fight choreography and they shoot it from the perfect angles and what you see is what you get.”

Recalled Amell, “I actually had to do a move [in the crossover] where I’m going to punch and I had to punch in slow motion and literally do slow motion faces and all that stuff. All the little things are… You can tell that the writers have been waiting for the opportunity to mix these worlds and mix certain characters for a long time.”

“Central City and Starling City are very different places,” Amell noted. “When I go to Central City, it’s very much ‘All right, I’ll tag along, we’ll do things your way.’ And then, the very next night, in our episode it’s, ‘I’m sorry, we’re not in Central City anymore. We’re doing things my way. Things are different here.’ So it’s a really interesting checkpoint for both shows because we’re able to teach these big lessons to the characters. So hopefully Oliver comes out of his trip to Central City having learned something and [Barry] comes out of his trip to Starling City having learned something as well.”

When it came to mixing the worlds and characters of the show, Gustin remarked, with a grin, “It got confusing what’s on what show because we were shooting it all at the same time and the story is very much connected between the two episodes.”

In terms of the character interactions, Amell said, “I personally really enjoyed working with Carlos [Valdes, who plays Cisco]. He’s just a very, very fun character and I think that one of the most interesting parts about the whole crossover is an observation that Oliver makes about Harrison Wells.“

Given we spoke to both actors separately, it was quite amusing when both of them, unprovoked to do so, brought up the same actor as a highlight of this big event. Said Amell, “The unequivocal highlight of the entire crossover for me is David Ramsay. I could not keep a straight face during any of David Ramsay’s lines during the crossover to the Flash. It destroyed me. “

Said Gustin, “David Ramsey is the funniest person in the world. Think about Dig seeing The Flash and who Dig is and having to accept that this is reality and he just plays that so well and it’s so funny. It’s great.”

http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/10/19/ ... -big-fight
- Grant Gustin Sobre la Visita de Felicity Smoak en 'The Flash' (ksitetv):
Grant Gustin Sobre la Visita de Felicity Smoak en 'The Flash'
Por Craig Byrne, 20 Octubre, 2014

Last week, we visited the Vancouver sets of several television shows, and one of the most exciting set visits was that of The CW's fastest-growing new hit, The Flash. Starring Grant Gustin as the DC Comics character, the show has already been scoring high numbers for the network, and Gustin, already having quite a fan following before the show, has been more than great in the role as Barry Allen.

We spoke with Grant on Friday night at a filming location for the series, where several topics came up, including the upcoming appearance (in the October 28 episode) of Emily Bett Rickards as Arrow's Felicity Smoak, which will cause more complications for Barry's already-complicated love life. What's coming up? Keep reading!

For starters, about that guest appearance. When Barry Allen appeared in two episodes of Arrow last year, Felicity and Barry had an immediate chemistry, so when she comes to Central City in "Going Rogue," that relationship and that chemistry are mixed in with Barry's perpetual crush on Iris (Candice Patton). Barry has been able to stop a human tornado and a duplicating man; will he be able to handle Iris and Felicity in the same room? Or is it fun?

"It's not necessarily fun," Gustin admitted. "It's hard, and Iris can be frustrating, so it's interesting," he teased. He also talked about how Barry regresses a little bit to the "old Barry" when Felicity comes into play. "Felicity brings out a lot more of his awkwardness when she comes. It's almost a sudden, like, back to the original Barry when she's around, just because she makes him all nervous," Grant explained.

Iris will continue to be oblivious that the guy she grew up with has a thing for her, and will instead be trying to push the two characters together. To help with that, she arranges a double-date type situation for her, Eddie Thawne, Barry, and Felicity. "It's not a very official double-date setting," Grant said. "It's pretty awkward. It's fun, it's funny. For the audience it's going to be very funny and enjoyable. It's not a typical double-date. It's more like an awkward game night between friends, but there's definitely some double-date elements," he explained, saying that he loves the episode in general. "I love episode 104," he said of the October 28 episode. "It has a lot of comedy and a lot of major action. We introduce Wentworth [Miller as Captain Cold], obviously. And there's a sequence in episode 104 that's the coolest sequence of action, I think, maybe even still up until 110...I mean, there's an amazing sequence in 104. 104 just has everything. I love 104."

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/int ... isit/43381

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Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts del rodaje del 1.10 en Vancouver (17-10-14):

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The Flash continuó su rodaje del episodio 1.10 ayer a la noche en el downtown Business District de Vancouver. Durante el mismo, se pudo ver a Wentworth Miller y Dominic Purcell, que actúan como los villanos del episodio, además del protagonista de la serie Grant Gustin.

http://yvrshoots.com/2014/10/shoot-the- ... more-34527

Más imágenes BTS: AQUÍ

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Lois Lane
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Registrado: Sab Oct 06, 2007 10:14 am
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Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por donovan320 »

¿Cuándo se va a emitir en español doblado y que canal lo emitirá ? Shelby guapa.


Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

Hasta donde yo sé, aún no hay noticias al respecto, sorry... :smt102

Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33246
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "Nuevo proyecto para la CW sobre 'THE FLASH'"

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Robbie Amell Adelanta la entrada explosiva y el "peligroso" Firestorm (THR):
Robbie Amell Adelanta la entrada explosiva y el "peligroso" Firestorm
Por Philiana Ng 1:30 PM PDT 20/10/2014

The Flash is headed to the past — well, the very recent past.

The CW's Arrow spinoff is about to introduce former S.T.A.R. Labs mechanic Ronnie Raymond who — as a result of the same particle accelerator explosion that turned Barry Allen into The Flash — becomes half of the powerful dual identity Firestorm (the other half is played by Victor Garber). With Ronnie's fiancee and S.T.A.R. Labs employee Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) coming to terms with the possibility that her true love may have perished in the accident, things in Central City are going to heat up when she and the others unexpectedly face one fiery foe in Firestorm.

Robbie Amell, who plays Ronnie Raymond, talks to The Hollywood Reporter about his introduction to Central City in Tuesday's episode, how The Tomorrow People prepared him and offers a preview of the dangerous Firestorm.

How familiar were you with the character of Ronnie Raymond/Firestorm before you began?

I wasn't. I knew of him and I knew a little, but I hadn't been a huge Firestorm fan. But I'm actually kind of glad that it happened that way because I got to be introduced to a new superhero. I got a care package from DC with a couple comics and a couple action figures. My mom went out to a comic book store and bought out every Firestorm piece of merchandise they had, and I dove head-first into the universe. I think I'm going to do something that Firestorm fans will like.

When you first appear on The Flash, it's the night of the particle accelerator explosion. How did you establish Ronnie and Caitlin's romance in a short period of time?

I hadn't seen the pilot [when I filmed that episode], but I'm glad I hadn't since the flashbacks happen at the same time as the pilot. I got to walk into it as completely blank slate. We shot the celebratory scene first, which was great; it's always exciting coming into a new project. It actually had a lot of the same crew, about 70 percent, with The Tomorrow People moved over [to The Flash]. Trying to establish a relationship with Danielle's character Caitlin in a short period of time ended up going well because we had mutual friends and we sat down and talked for a while before we shot anything. I've only seen a couple clips; I'm excited to watch the episode tomorrow night. I've become a big fan of the show.¡

Might we see Ronnie/Firestorm in the present day soon?

You meet Ronnie Raymond tomorrow [in "Fastest Man Alive"] and then in December, you meet Firestorm. It'll take a minute before Firestorm turns back into Ronnie because when they find him in December, my character is really going through some stuff. He's schizophrenic, doesn't know what's happening, he's confused and dangerous to the people around him. You may not see Ronnie Raymond for a little while, but you'll see Firestorm.

It sounds like Firestorm is a big departure from Ronnie.

It's a huge difference. People will barely recognize him in December, but they'll know it's him when the fire bursts in the hands and the fire bursts in the head. The particle accelerator almost killed Ronnie and the fallout from it will definitely be seen in December.

How do you think the reunion between Ronnie and Caitlin will go over when that happens?

The relationship between the two of them is definitely [a question]. It's tough because when Firestorm comes back, it should be this great reunion but Firestorm is so far removed from Ronnie Raymond that it's not quite the reunion people will be hoping for.

Victor Garber is playing the other half of Firestorm.

It's the best! It's so awesome! I worked with Victor Garber on a TV movie a couple years ago and he was awesome. He's so freakin' talented and it doesn't hurt that my fiancee [actress Italia Ricci] is the biggest Titanic fan I've ever met. She's more excited about me working with Victor Garber than anything else. I gotta start watching Alias and start working on my Victor Garber impression. Sometimes Firestorm is Ronnie and sometimes he's Martin Stein, but physically it's going to be my body. I'm just excited to work opposite him because, I mean, he's Victor Garber. The fact that I get to share a character with this guy is going to be really fun.

Are you going to use any tricks from Tomorrow People, which had telekinesis and telepathy as part of its DNA, to play Firestorm?

Yeah. The telekinesis [on Tomorrow People] is really similar to my shooting nuclear energy out of my hands and some other powers, which I can't give away. One of them is really badass and that'll be revealed in one of my episodes in December. They're not holding anything back. Firestorm is very powerful and it definitely helps to have been shooting a sci-fi show leading into this.

Is there more to the relationship between Dr. Harrison Wells and Ronnie Raymond other than the S.T.A.R. Labs employer-employee connection?

So far from what I've seen, Ronnie's the mechanic at S.T.A.R. Labs. He's the hands-on guy, and since Wells is the man at S.T.A.R. Labs, he's the head scientist/head honcho, I think it's strictly just Ronnie does what he's told and doesn't really second-guess it. Wells has everybody fooled at this point.

Do you think Firestorm is going to be one of Barry Allen/The Flash's toughest tests?

From the amount of powers they've given him, he's going to be a difficult foe for anyone to go up against.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... orm-742119
- El Ex-Supermán Brandon Routh prefiere abrir nuevo camino en 'Arrow' (yahoo):
El Ex-Supermán Brandon Routh prefiere abrir nuevo camino en 'Arrow'
Por Robert Chan 20/10/14

Brandon Routh joins a select few actors who have played multiple comic book superheroes. He portrayed the titular role in Superman Returns (2006), and he's now returned to the DC fold, bringing Ray Palmer — who fans know will eventually become the Atom — to Arrow.

Since it's Arrow, they're taking their time introducing the character. Ray took over Queen Consolidated and then, bombastically, bought the chain of stores where Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) works in an attempt to win her over. He seems charming and well intentioned, but isn't that how all the best villains start? While we don't yet know the full extent of his motives, we do know that he's already driven a wedge between Felicity and Oliver (Stephen Amell).

Yahoo TV spoke with Routh about fans shipping Ray and Felicity (Ralicity!), working long hours on the set, and what makes Ray a "weirdo."

How many episodes have you shot so far?
We just finished Episode 9. Christmastime, I think we're on. I'm supposed to be in about 16 episodes, sprinkled throughout the season.

How long before you start getting into some superheroics?
I wish I knew. They're doing a really cool job of a nice, slow rollout. A lot of awesome character development, a lot of fun scenes with Felicity and Ray and Queen Consolidated and a lot of getting the backstory right. Which I appreciate; it helps me really create a layered character in Ray.

But I think we're starting to get to it in the next few episodes. We start to see what Ray is up to, and maybe we — even I — will finally get to have more knowledge about what's going on. Because any good show is secretive even to the actors to make sure we don't spill the beans.

There are a lot of fans who want to see Felicity and Oliver together. Might Felicity and Ray become a thing? And if not, whom would you like to see Ray together with?
We're definitely going down that road. I think that wasn't the intention at all by Ray at the beginning; he just knew that she was the preeminent hacker/computer tech/savvy person that he wanted to target to put on his team, and she already had some interesting ties to Queen Consolidated. That was his intention, but she's pretty amazing, and she starts to catch his eye after a little bit of time. So I think there's room to play there.

As far as anybody else, I don't know. I haven't really actually had much interaction with anybody else in the world, in the show. And Ray brings such a different energy, it's hard to see who he would even be compatible with! Because he's kind of a weirdo. Well, not a weirdo, but a very unique individual.

How different is the DC universe on the TV side of things from the movies?
Well, what I did before was just Superman, no other DC entities present other than Superman villains. Here, we have Arrow and Arsenal and all the various enemies. And we're kind of working now in the same world as Flash. So it's a broader, more expansive, less isolating thing. It's really cool what's happening with the DC universe.

All the shows are on different networks, so I don't think you could ever have crossovers on the other ones, but that would be kind of cool if everyone was everywhere. Plenty of people would like that very much.

Well, if you could hop around anywhere in the DC universe, where would you like to go?
Any other character? Oh, I don't know. I'd want to do something nobody else has touched. That's what's kind of cool about playing Ray Palmer, actually. No one has, aside from a pilot that was shot in the '90s that never really aired. Nobody's really seen a live-action Ray Palmer — the Atom. So I'm kind of getting to do my own thing, tread my own path.

What is Ray Palmer to you? Is there a word or phrase you think of to get into that character?
I guess the one word that comes to mind — maybe a better word is my second word, but I'll use "passionate." Passion as in passion for life. Exuberance — passion and exuberance.

What's come out of what I brought to him — and what the writers have done an awesome job of giving me — is a lot of words. I've found that he just loves everything he does, basically. He dives heavily into it and becomes passionate and exuberant about it and sharing it with people. And that's been a joy for me to be able to express and play that type of character because there's so much comedy and fun that can come out of that; he's always just wheeling and dealing.

It is pretty great seeing you inject that different energy into the show.
It's the opposite of what a lot of people have seen of me before. I'm loving the ability and opportunity to turn people's heads a little bit — hopefully! I had my first dramatic scene in [a previous] episode, which is cool — a challenging shift. We're going to get into the backstory, and I'm looking forward to that even more. Just further development, which is cool, refining the character even more.

And if and when Ray gets into some action stuff... I say I look forward to it now, but when we're shooting it at 3 a.m., I might change my mind!

https://tv.yahoo.com/blogs/tv-news/arro ... 09568.html
- Estrellas de The Flash Stars hablan sobre los Flashbacks Caitlin-Ronnie , y adelantan la llegada de Firestorm (TVLine):
Estrellas de The Flash Stars hablan sobre los Flashbacks Caitlin-Ronnie , y adelantan la llegada de Firestorm
Por Vlada Gelman / 21 Octubre 2014, 5:30 AM PDT

He’s not dead yet!?

The Flash is breathing new life into Caitlin Snow’s presumed deceased fiancé, Ronnie Raymond (played by The Tomorrow People‘s Robbie Amell). But before he rises, Tuesday’s episode (The CW, 8/7c) features glimpses of the couple as the S.T.A.R. Labs crew prepared to launch the Particle Accelerator that took Ronnie’s life.

“I’m so excited for the flashbacks,” star Danielle Panabaker said during a recent set visit. “It’s a great thing to see Caitlin in her element. She’s a scientist, and she’s excited. This is sort of their Mona Lisa. It’s an incredible unveiling that they’re doing, and she gets to share it with the love of her life, her fiancé.”

Whereas present day Caitlin is closed off, “there’s so much warmth” between the pair in the memories, a vibe Panabaker found easily accessible.

“What’s so great about Robbie is that he’s such a wonderful actor, it made [the chemistry] innate with us,” the actress says. “I adore him, and we have such a great chemistry just as people. So hopefully that comes across when you first see [Caitlin and Ronnie]. There is so much love there and so much happiness. You begin to understand why she’s a sad scientist these days.”

Helping to crack that dour, cold exterior is Barry, who bonds with Caitlin when he gets her to open up about Ronnie. “Barry is getting closer to the whole group at S.T.A.R. Labs,” leading man Grant Gustin previews. “At first, he didn’t necessarily trust them, but he’s finding more and more trust in all of them. And Caitlin is really the person that helps initiate that.” (Despite the moment of kinship, “for Barry, right now,” things are just platonic between the partners, the actor says.)

Given that Amell will reprise his role as one half of the DC Comics entity known as Firestorm – and everyone will encounter him “sooner than I expected,” Gustin teases – how might Caitlin react to seeing her supposedly lost love?

“Caitlin is doing a lot of grieving,” Panabaker replies. “She’s having a hard time letting go of him, and she’s displacing some of her grief on Barry. I can only imagine the trauma of something such as thinking your fiancé was dead, and then maybe suspecting otherwise.”

At least that scenario is potentially less damaging than going from being lovers to bitter foes. In the comics, Caitlin Snow becomes the supervillian Killer Frost, who counts Firestorm among her enemies. It’s a potential fate that Panabaker finds “really exciting.”

“What’s so cool about this show is — at least in my experience — how faithful they are being to all the comic-book lore,” she explains. “They’re so respectful of the stories that have been told. The thought that goes into The Flash costume and all of that, it would be exciting to be a part of that.”

Whatever happens down the line, Ronnie’s imminent resurrection will be an eventful one. “There’s a lot of mystery surrounding that character,” Gustin teases. “And even when [we] encounter him, there’s still a lot of questions to be answered.”

http://tvline.com/2014/10/21/the-flash- ... firestorm/
- Rick Cosnett osobre el Misterio de Eddie Thawne: Las cosas se Aclaran Pronto (THR):
Rick Cosnett osobre el Misterio de Eddie Thawne: Las cosas se Aclaran Pronto
Por Philiana Ng 6:30 AM PDT 21/10/2014

Just two episodes in, The CW's latest comic-book drama The Flash has seen a fast ascension. The Flash's Oct. 7 premiere soared to 6.42 million viewers in live-plus-three ratings, making it the network's most-watched launch ever. And The Flash isn't showing any signs of slowing down. "It's full on," Zimbabwe-born actor Rick Cosnett, who plays the charming Central City Detective Eddie Thawne, told The Hollywood Reporter recently as he geared up for a long night shoot.

The 31-year-old Cosnett — no stranger to The CW (he was Dr. Wes Maxfield on The Vampire Diaries for a dozen episodes; "I was amazed I lasted that long!") or vocal fans — had a gut feeling things were going to turn out well early on. "I had a feeling about it once I saw Grant Gustin as the Flash on Arrow for research. He has this wonderful imagination, and I think he's such a great actor," he said, also crediting the aggressive marketing efforts. "I had a feeling it could be something special. But we didn't know how great the chemistry would actually be with all the actors and the producers and the way they've created this beast. It really is magical."

Though still early in The Flash's run, Eddie Thawne has thus far been a mystery (thankfully not to Harrison Wells levels). At the moment, he's Detective Joe West's squeaky-clean, well-to-do partner, who happens to be secretly romancing his daughter Iris, a wrinkle only Barry Allen is aware of. That particular secret comes to the forefront in Tuesday's episode, "Things You Can't Outrun." Ask Cosnett what producers have told him of their roadmap for Eddie and he tiptoes around the question, cognizant of stepping into spoiler territory.

"I hate to say too much," he said with a laugh. "I'm always dancing around what people really want to hear because it's really intriguing, the whole mystery and history behind Eddie Thawne. I have a clear trajectory. The writers have dropped bombs on me as we've sort of gone along, but Eddie is very much the opposite of Barry. The audience is very much in the dark and Eddie, at the moment, is very much in the dark. It's fascinating to play the state of not knowing."

Careful not to mention any DC Comics counterparts, be it Reverse-Flash or Professor Zoom (Eddie Thawne is strikingly similar to the latter's civilian name Eobard Thawne), Cosnett promises there's much more to Central City's Golden Boy: "Let's just say, things happen very quickly within the first nine episodes." In a chat with THR, Cosnett dives into his character and what viewers can expect.

Is there a trait of Barry Allen's that you think Eddie could benefit from?

Definitely. He's very self-assured and sometimes that brings about a little bit of ignorance, even if it's subconscious. Even though he doesn't think he has anything to learn from Barry, it turns out he has a lot to learn and there's a lot he doesn't know about life. He's very much naive in that way because everything has come very easy to him up to this point. His family has a lot of money and he's always been the Golden Boy, but at the same time, he's ignored a lot of things inside himself that Barry is confronting as the series begins. In a way you don't know who is more developed, even though Eddie is seemingly perfect.

Eddie has also been thrust into the limelight a little bit as the star detective who's been putting all the criminals away in Central City. Is that another facet to his journey that we'll be continuing to see?

It unfolds in an interesting way because Barry is human and he can't help but get a little frustrated with what's starting to happen because Eddie seemingly does swoop in and save the day. At the same time, the producers have been very clever with me in that Eddie almost is a reluctant hero which makes him enduring and makes the audience torn between Barry and Eddie. They empathize with Eddie because he does have this good side to him where you hopefully start to fall in love with him in the beginning. It's very believable that Iris would be torn between the two of the them because they both have their pros and cons and as the audience also needs to weigh that up. What would I do? It's a big predicament.

Might there come a point where there's a clear line between who's right and wrong between Barry and Eddie?

At the moment as far as we know, they're just toying between the two. What I can say is everyone is going to fall in love with Barry because it's Grant Gustin, he's so much the underdog, he has these endearing flaws and you feel sorry for [Barry]. But I'm putting up a really strong case for Eddie. As an actor you have to really have to fall in love with your character and I just love Eddie so much. I even love Wells and all of his awful, angry flaws. (Laughs.) Getting back to your question, I can't say who wins but things happen fast.

Speaking of Wells, there's clearly something going on — especially after he killed Simon Stagg at the end of last week's episode.

(Laughs.) I know, that was a massive bomb.

Eddie's secretly dating Iris, something only Barry knows. How difficult is it going to be for Eddie and Iris to maintain that front, especially since Eddie works with Iris' father?

There's wonderful tension and there's so much at stake because Eddie could lose his job and Joe is wonderfully unpredictable. You never know when you're going to blow up about something. (Laughs.) There's this little dance that Eddie is doing and a lot of the time, he puts his foot right in it and it creates these wonderful moments on the job between him and Joe. And poor Barry knows the secret and Eddie's so grateful for him keeping that secret, but totally oblivious to Barry's love for Iris.

What can we look forward to in the upcoming double date between Barry and Felicity, Iris and Eddie?

It was so fun to shoot. In our cafe, Jitters, we have a little balcony area and Jesse [L. Martin] was sitting up there [during filming] and he just couldn't stop laughing every time we cut. There's flirting, people are secretly sweating, some people are oblivious to what's going on. From the moment Felicity walks in, it's all on. It's fascinating to see all of these characters being thrown together in a mixer and see what color comes out. There's going to be a lot of feeling sorry for people and a lot of stumbling. (Laughs.) People are going to be 'shipping all sorts of crossovers. I think there's going to be a lot of that happening, especially with the double date.

Is there someone from the Arrow universe you think Eddie could have a beer with?

I think Eddie is definitely fascinated by Oliver Queen because he is quite famous and it would be interesting. The Queens and the Thawnes are both big families so that would be fascinating to see.

Might we learn more about Eddie's family and history down the line?

Not so far. I think it's more a backstory that I've created. I like to go deep.

With Iris starting to investigate the Red Streak, does Eddie get involved in all of that?

It creates a lot of tension between the two of them because she starts to become very interested in this Red Streak. It does mean something in their relationship. And things start to unfold with that whole storyline, yes.

How would Eddie react should he learn that Barry is the one zipping through town, fighting all the bad guys in Central City?

Oh my god, it would turn his world upside down. But at the moment, it keeps the suspension going that he doesn't know what, who or why right now. Things unravel to very interesting points.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... wne-742121
- 'The Flash': ¿Compartir la pérdida harán que Barry y Caitlin se acerquen? (EW):
'The Flash': ¿Compartir la pérdida harán que Barry y Caitlin se acerquen?
Por Natalie Abrams on 21 Oct, 2014 at 11:15AM

The Flash is about to return to the scene of the crime.

During Tuesday’s episode, viewers will get a new glimpse at the particle accelerator explosion that turned Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) into the fastest man alive. This time, we’ll see it from a different perspective via those working at S.T.A.R. Labs, a.k.a. Ground Zero. But Barry certainly wasn’t the only one affected by the incident, as Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) lost her fiance Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) as a result.

“It really gives you a chance to see the celebratory atmosphere and the excitement of the moment before the particle accelerator explodes, when everyone is rejoicing in this amazing moment that’s going to change the world,” Panabaker tells EW from the Vancouver set. “One of the best parts for me is you get to see Caitlin with Ronnie. When he died in the particle accelerator explosion, it was obviously very difficult for her. It’s nice to see the before and the love and the hope and the chemistry between these two characters so you understand why she’s so devastated when he’s gone.”

As a result of losing the ones they love most, Barry and Caitlin will form a stronger bond. “Caitlin’s [loss] is much fresher, obviously, but they’re helping each other through their loss and helping each other move on in their own ways,” Gustin says.

“Caitlin has avoided going down to the pipeline—a classic attempt at denial—to avoid those feelings,” Panabaker says. “Barry opens up to her, and she feels safe with him. They go down there together, and he’s a great support system for her. It’s really nice to see that relationship blooming and the two of them becoming closer and confiding in one another.”

But could that bond turn into something more? As if Barry’s love life isn’t complicated enough—he pines for Iris (Candice Patton), though he dated Arrow‘s Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards)—Gustin says Barry’s relationship with Caitlin “feels romantic at times.”

“I see a hint of it,” Panabaker adds. “Both Barry and Caitlin are currently very focused on past relationships. They’re both mourning other people that they can’t be with, but that’s a connection they seem to have a lot. I think there’s something brewing. Caitlin puts a lot of her emotions that she has about Ronnie on Barry. She doesn’t want to see him get hurt. She doesn’t want anything to happen to him the way it did to Ronnie, so she’s very protective of him.”

http://insidetv.ew.com/2014/10/21/flash ... panabaker/
- Adelanto de ‘The Flash’: Robbie Amell como Ronnie Raymond (Variety):
Adelanto de ‘The Flash’: Robbie Amell como Ronnie Raymond
Por Laura Prudom 21 Octubre, 2014 | 09:21AM PT

On “The Flash,” Grant Gustin’s titular hero isn’t the only character with special abilities, and in the Oct. 21 episode, we’ll meet another DC Comics icon: Robbie Amell’s Ronnie Raymond, aka one half of Firestorm — DC’s “Nuclear Man.” In the series, Ronnie is an engineer on STAR Labs’ particle accelerator, the device that imbues Barry, Ronnie and many other bystanders with unforeseen powers after it malfunctions. He’s also the fiance of Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), and this week’s episode will flash back (no pun intended) to the night when the accelerator exploded, supposedly killing Ronnie even as it gifted Barry with super speed.

Amell is no stranger to super powers — having headlined Greg Berlanti, Phil Klemmer and Julie Plec’s “Tomorrow People” for The CW last season — and it’s safe to say that heroics are in his genes, given that his cousin is “Arrow” star Stephen Amell. Variety talked with Amell ahead of his “Flash” debut to learn more about Ronnie Raymond’s unfortunate circumstances, his relationship with Caitlin and the logistics of playing a hero whose head bursts into flame. Above, check out an exclusive clip of Amell in action as Ronnie from tonight’s episode, titled “Things You Can’t Outrun.”

Who is Ronnie Raymond — how would you define him when we first meet him?
As a fan of the show, I’ve been reading the scripts and I’ve watched the same amount of episodes as the fans — I’ve only seen one and two — and a really cool thing about my character is, I really see through Danielle’s character, Caitlin, and she’s a completely different person with my character than she is with everyone else. She’s this scientist, a little neurotic, and then Ronnie can break down those walls — he’s got a sense of humor about him. Even though he works in STAR Labs, he’s very much the hammer-and-nails guy, he’s hands-on — it’s like he’s a mechanic working with a bunch of scientists.

What do you think draws him to Caitlin?
We haven’t got to work too much through our relationship yet but the nice thing was, it was on the page one way, and the first thing we shot were scenes between Danielle and I, and they were like, “feel free to improvise and do your own thing, we want it to feel like you guys didn’t just meet today.” And the nice thing was that Danielle and I have a couple of mutual friends and we just chatted on set before we shot anything and she’s so sweet and so great in that character, we just had fun. I’ve seen some clips and it seems like it came across well so hopefully people see some chemistry.

What is Ronnie’s take on Dr. Harrison Wells (Tom Cavanagh) — the audience has already seen a very different side of him than the STAR Labs team has at this point, but does Ronnie have any suspicions?
My guess is… I haven’t done much with him other than the flashback scenes, but I think that Dr. Wells has him fooled just like everybody else. He’s a smart guy, he knows what he’s doing. As an audience member, I love when a character has something hidden from everyone except the audience and he’s such a phenomenal actor that it’s a blast to watch him. It’ll be tough for future scenes not to play that I know anything.

How will the particle accelerator have changed Ronnie mentally, as well as physically, when we next see him?
When you find my character in an upcoming episode, which will be airing in December, one of the cool things is, you meet Ronnie Raymond in episode three, but in December you get to meet Firestorm. I’m a big fan of the comics and DC sent me a big package with action figures and stuff, and when they find my character he’s in a very, very weird state of mind; he’s confused, he’s not really sure what’s going on. You don’t know if I’m a good guy or a bad guy when you first find me, so I think it’s going to be pretty awesome. It’ll be a huge episode, and I may not be the only Amell in that episode…

What can you preview about Ronnie’s dynamic with Martin Stein, the other half of Firestorm, played by Victor Garber?
The unreal Victor Garber… Victor and I actually worked together on a TV movie two years ago (“The Hunters”), and we had such a blast. My fiancee is the biggest “Titanic” fan in the world and when she found out I was shooting with Victor Garber — we shot in Vancouver — and she’s like, “I’m coming to Vancouver.” She came to visit and he couldn’t have been nicer. He spotted her before I did, I was on set when she arrived — he realized who she was, I had mentioned how much she loved the movie and how big a fan she was, because she also loved “Alias,” and he was like, “I’m off soon, you don’t want to stay here and hang out watching Robbie — why don’t you come back to the [hotel] and we can hang out and I can tell you about the movie?” They had a great time, they had some wine and they just had a blast together, and I just really liked him after that moment, because we hadn’t spent much time together yet. We ended up shooting for about a month together. Getting to play opposite somebody that talented and that funny and that creative, hopefully it turns out to be a good dynamic.

Ronnie has been described as “impulsive,” whereas Martin sounds a little more mature…
Yeah. [Laughs.] Part of the character of Ronnie is that I think he’s a little goofy. I think that’s how he levels out someone like Caitlin — he doesn’t take things too seriously. That’s definitely not the way he is when they find him in December, but there’s a little bit of goofiness with him before everything goes down and I’m sure it’ll come back to him shortly. Playing opposite Martin Stein, who’s this genius and a little bit of an older, more mature, by-the-book sort of guy, it should be good.

Can you give us any hints about what might happen if Martin and Ronnie don’t manage to separate themselves? From the way it’s being teased, that seems like it might be a very bad thing…
Yeah, I need to start working on my Victor Garber impression. [Laughs.] There’s definitely a fight for control inside of Firestorm and sometimes it’s Ronnie who comes out and sometimes it’s Martin Stein. So when we aren’t separated, it’s physically me playing Firestorm, but sometimes it’s Martin Stein inside my head… things are gonna get weird.

What’s the process like physically when you’re shooting? There must be a lot of green screen and visual effects work.
In the episode that airs [tonight], in a lot of the scenes we had some green screen background so I didn’t even know what it was going to look like, and Greg Berlanti showed me a couple of scenes when I went by to say hi to the writers’ room and it really looked great. They do such a good job on that show with everything, but the visual effects are really second to none. Armen [Kevorkian], who is the VFX supervisor, took me to [have] a full body and face scan done, and the amount of detail they can use is unbelievable — it was the same place they took Grant to make the digital doubles of him when he’s running at hyperspeed. I’m pretty pumped to see myself as Firestorm, I think it’s going to be pretty badass. But it’s not nearly as cool when I’m shooting as Firestorm: they’re like, “Okay, and now his head’s on fire, and his hands are on fire, and he’s shooting nuclear energy!” And I’m like, “Damn, this is not nearly as cool as I hope it’s gonna look.”

You have some experience playing a character with powers thanks to “The Tomorrow People,” so how does “The Flash” differ from that?
What’s amazing is there’s about 70 percent of the same crew on “The Flash” as there was on “The Tomorrow People,” it felt like I was coming back for a second season, almost. It’s just nice to work with a lot of the same people, people who really cared about our show and had a great time making it, and they were asking me about other cast members… it was really nice to come back to such a good group of people. I think even though the characters aren’t too similar, the way he shoots nuclear energy out of his hands is kind of like a TK blast. There’s definitely a tiny bit of Stephen Jameson in Ronnie Raymond, but it’s more physically than anything else.

http://variety.com/2014/tv/news/flash-r ... 201335357/
- Robbie Amell lleva el poder (Nuclear) "Flash," espera que haya equipo entre Arrow/Firestorm (CBR):
Robbie Amell lleva el poder (Nuclear) "Flash," espera que haya equipo entre Arrow/Firestorm
Por Albert Ching, 21/10/14

Last fall, The CW advertised "Amell Wednesdays," promoting the fact that "Arrow" -- starring Stephen Amell -- aired back-to-back with "The Tomorrow People," with Stephen's younger cousin, Robbie Amell, as the lead.

"The Tomorrow People" only lasted one season, but the cousins are both back on The CW, and now inhabiting the same DC Comics-based fictional world. On tonight's episode of "The Flash" -- the show's third overall, in an inaugural season that's set rating records for the network -- Amell debuts as Ronnie Raymond, Caitlin Snow's (Danielle Panabaker) presumed dead fiance.

Comic book fans know that Ronnie Raymond is destined to become the nuclear-powered superhero Firestorm, a long-running DC superhero set to join series star Grant Gustin in the show's pantheon. "The Flash" producers -- including "Flash" and "Arrow" co-showrunner Greg Berlanti, who Amell worked with on "The Tomorrow People" -- have been clear that Amell will take on that identity sooner rather than later. In fact, the role of physicist professor Martin Stein -- who in comic lore, fuses with Raymond to create Firestorm -- has already been cast, with "Alias" and "Argo" alum Victor Garber playing the part.

CBR News spoke with Amell about the surprisingly smooth transition from "The Tomorrow People" to "The Flash," his mother-assisted comic book research, reuniting with Garber and the "powerful" upcoming debut of Firestorm, which he says viewers will see this December.

CBR News: Robbie, your first episode of "The Flash" is airing this week, so you must have been working on the show for a while now -- how much fun has it been to be a part of this blossoming, and clearly well-received, shared universe between "The Flash" and "Arrow"?

Robbie Amell: It's awesome. When Greg Berlanti asked if I wanted to do it, it was a no-brainer. Of course I'd want to do it. It's been fantastic. I shot this episode a couple months ago, and I got to set and it was 70 percent of the same crew as "The Tomorrow People." It was like coming into season two. It was a lot of familiar faces, a lot of people I was really happy to see. Grant and I had talked a bunch on Twitter and all that -- when I met him, I was like, "I feel like we've hung out before!" Danielle and I have a few mutual friends, so we hit it off right away. We just had a blast. It was really nice.

The first scene that I shot was a celebratory scene that gets cut early by the particle accelerator having a little mishap, but it was nice to shoot a celebratory scene -- because I was really happy to be there, and I was really happy to be a part of it. I'm just excited. I'm a huge fan of the show. Greg sent me the pilot when I [was cast], and all I thought was, "Holy shit, this is going to be huge." Second episode was awesome, and I'm pretty excited for the third episode.

How familiar you were with this world going into it? On a simplistic level, I'd expect you were pretty familiar with "Arrow" for obvious reasons, but obviously you're a busy guy and who knows how much time you have to watch TV. Were you keeping an eye on all of this before you became a part of things officially?

I'm very familiar with "Arrow." I was a huge fan of "The Flash" comic book, and when Greg Berlanti was auditioning people for "The Flash," he gave me the sides, and he was like, "I want you to take a look at these. What do you think? Are these good audition scenes?" I read them over and was like, "Damn, this sounds awesome." That was when they were testing people for Grant's role. It was cool to watch it come to be, and it's so many of the same people that were working on "The Tomorrow People," so I had heard about it while it was happening -- we had the same visual effects supervisor, Armen [Kevorkian], who is fantastic. I was already pretty close to the project when they started shooting, and when I became a part of it.

As far as the world goes, I'm a huge DC fan. I'm a huge, huge Batman fan, since I was a kid. I grew up being Batman for Halloween, and watching the TV shows, and playing the video games, and reading the comics. But to be honest with you, I wasn't very familiar with Firestorm. I knew of him, but it wasn't a character that I had a whole lot of knowledge [of]. So I got a care package from DC, and my mom -- who I don't think had ever been in a comic book store -- I was home in Toronto when I got the role, she came over and gave me a box full of comic books she had picked up. She had raided comic book stores for everything they had on Firestorm, which was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

It was great. I had a bunch of flights; I do as much reading as I can on airplanes. I just read up on that character, and got a sense of what I thought would be fun to bring to him, and I hope people like it.

So when you were doing that research and delving into the source material, what was some of the traits that stuck out to you about the character that you found interesting, and wanted to bring in your own way to this role?

I like that there's a sense of humor about him. He seems like a guy who, although he's so powerful and can do these incredible things, he keeps thing very light. Especially on the show; the dynamic between Ronnie and Caitlin -- he's kind of the only one that can bring her out of her shell, and I feel like he can do that with a lot of people. He can make them feel very comfortable. He's just kind of a goofy, hammer-and-nails kind of guy. I feel like he's somebody that you would just want to be friends with -- which may be weird for a comic book character, but I don't think he takes things too seriously. You definitely see a little bit of that in my first episode, but later on there's a more serious side of things the first time they find Firestorm, rather than finding Ronnie Raymond. Since the accident, things have changed, and he's almost a shell of who he was -- but I'm sure it will go back to the lighter side of things when the Martin Stein dynamic comes into play.

On that note, "The Flash" has gotten a lot of notice and a warm reception from people thus far because it doesn't take itself as gravely seriously as a lot of comic book adaptations we've seen, and definitely has a palpable sense of fun about it. How much do you enjoy that aspect?

I think "Arrow" works really well at being the grounded, dark comic book show on The CW. I don't think "The Flash" would necessarily have been as successful as it is if it tried to live in that area. I think "The Flash" does feel more fantastic. It's a little more fantasy. There are a lot more superpowers involved than over in "Arrow." I think it does need to be a little bit of a lighter fare. I think both shows are very well done, and then the crossover episodes -- it'll be interesting to see how they do that. From what I saw in the pilot, the scenes between Stephen and Grant are pretty awesome.

And "The Flash" is really not shying away from showing superpowers in full force, which is certainly significant to your character. Firestorm, in the comics, has some unique abilities and is certainly very powerful -- what are you looking forward to in playing up that aspect of the role?

[Tonight], you get to meet Ronnie Raymond, but in December, you get to meet Firestorm. I went into the writers' room after reading the script before I left for Vancouver, and I was like, "Are you sure you want to do this? You're making him powerful right now!" They're like, "Oh yeah, we know." "Alright, cool!" I do some stuff in my first episode as Firestorm that is -- there's no holding back. Firestorm is powerful.

"Not holding back" seems to be a recurring theme with the show, and another addition is Victor Garber, who will be playing Professor Stein, the other half of the Firestorm equation. Have you been working with him much so far?

I haven't shot anything with Victor yet, but we did a TV movie together a couple years ago ["The Hunters"], and we had a blast shooting for a month in Vancouver. He was a great guy, we got along really well. I'm a huge fan of his work. I think this is going to be rad -- I get to not only work alongside Victor Garber, but I get to do a Victor Garber impression, because sometimes Firestorm is Ronnie, sometimes it's Martin Stein, but physically, it's going to be me when the two of us are inside my head. So that's another thing I'm excited for -- getting to play up the comedy of two people inside one guy's head.

That's definitely fortuitous the two of you have that shared history together.

I know. I've got to take him out for a drink or something, and figure out some mannerisms. [Laughs]

When it was announced back in July that you were going to be joining the show, people were excited about you and your cousin acting in the same fictional world. Are you hoping that you and Stephen get some scenes together at some point down the road?

I am. My first episode as Firestorm, I might not be the only Amell in that episode. But I really would love to have some actual scenes opposite Stephen, opposite Arrow. Maybe he'll need some help, and he'll need to call on Firestorm. I mean, I could get there pretty quickly -- I'm a superhero!

Is there an indication of how many episodes you're signed on for at this point, or is it an open-ended recurring role at this point?

It's exactly that. As soon as they're announced for the back nine, which I'm sure they will be soon because they're breaking records in ratings, they'll figure out a little more, but as of right now, I'm just back and forth to Vancouver, shooting whenever they need me.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=56481
- Entrevista con Rick Cosnett de 'The Flash' (ksitetv):
Entrevista con Rick Cosnett de 'The Flash'
Por Craig Byrne, 21 Octubre, 2014

A new episode of The Flash airs tonight (October 21) at 8PM on The CW, and one of the episode's many plot threads involves the "secret" relationship between Rick Cosnett's Eddie Thawne and Iris West, who is played by Candice Patton.

Things are smooth sailing for Eddie and Iris so far, but could there be some bumps? We spoke with Rick Cosnett by phone last week for some scoop on the pairing, and may have gotten some clues about Eddie's many secrets. Read on!

KSITETV's CRAIG BYRNE: Can you talk about the relationship between Eddie and Iris and keeping it a secret from Joe?

RICK COSNETT: It provides a lot of awkward situations, let's just say. Obviously it's very taboo with dating your partner's daughter. So there's that awkward situation that happens, but also there's that thing where you're dating someone's precious daughter. And the third thing, I guess, is the fact that Joe doesn't want to have to be worrying about that extra thing of worrying about his partner in a personal way, because if something happens to me, obviously, it would affect Iris and him. It's very awkward, let's just say that.

KSITETV: How do you think Joe would react if he found out about the relationship?

COSNETT: Well, I think that's going to be a tense and interesting thing to see. He could react in a number of different ways. But it's kind of scary, what actually will happen if he does find out. Eddie doesn't really know how Joe's going to react, which is much worse. Fear of the unknown. It's a very serious situation, because there's a lot at stake, and I think that's what makes it so wonderful.

KSITETV: Is there anyone in the cast that you haven't gotten to work with yet, that you would like to work with?

COSNETT: No, I think I've pretty much worked with everyone now. It's great.

KSITETV: How does Eddie react to the STAR Labs team?

COSNETT: Eddie doesn't really know what's going on, at the moment. There's a lot of mystery around Eddie and what he knows, and what he doesn't know, and who he is, and they've plotted it really well, and really quite cunningly. So I think the fans are going to be wonderfully surprised. But at the moment, he doesn't know too much, but it gets fascinating when he does come across the STAR Labs team, because things are going down in Central City in a big way.

KSITETV: Is there an aspect of the series that has shocked or wowed you?

COSNETT: Yes. I was very surprised at how quickly they were bringing in the super-heroes. Not only the guest stars, but in terms of us, the main cast. That was really shocking. I got goosebumps reading one of the episodes. I couldn't believe how they pieced together stuff in the pilot, that's referred to, that's not explicit, that I didn't even see coming. I was just like "oh wow! That was that!"

KSITETV: Do you have some final words for the fans who might be reading this?

COSNETT: We just love you guys so much. We're so touched, and we are as much in love with the story as you are.

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/tha ... nett/43771
- Danielle Panabaker sobre el trágico pasado de Caitlin y el potencial para Killer Frost (IGN):
Danielle Panabaker sobre el trágico pasado de Caitlin y el potencial para Killer Frost
Por Eric Goldman 21 Oct, 2014

This week on The Flash we’ll gain new insight into the history of Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker), as flashbacks (no pun intended!) reveal more of what happened the night of the accident that gave Barry Allen his powers – and took Caitlin’s fiancé, Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) from her.

Of course, DC Comics readers know Ronnie as the alter-ego of Firestorm, while Caitlin herself is Killer Frost, which gives both of them some very interesting potential futures.

While speaking with a group of visiting press on the set of The Flash recently, Panabaker discussed her character, her backstory and what could be coming.

Question: What can you tease about the flashbacks we’ll be getting in the next episode?

Panabaker: I’m so excited for the flashbacks. It’s a great thing to get to see Caitlin in her element. She’s a scientist and she’s excited and this is sort of their Mona Lisa. It’s an incredible unveiling that they’re doing and she gets to share it with the love of her life, her fiancé, so there’s so much warmth and happiness and I think that’s so important to contrast where she is now.

Question: What do we see as far as your relationship with Ronnie in these flashbacks? Obviously there’s not a ton of time to show them outside of the lab.

Panabaker: No, and I think that was what was really important. It was important to Greg [Berlanti] and the writers and they brought it up to us. And what’s so great about Robbie is he’s such a wonderful actor that it was innate with us. I adore him and we have such a great chemistry just as people so hopefully that comes across when you see them that there is so much love there and there is so much happiness and you begin to understand why she’s such a sad scientist these days.

Question: In the comic books, Caitlin becomes Killer Frost. Is that a fate you would or would not want for your character on TV?

Panabaker: I think it’s really exciting. What’s so cool about this show is how, at least in my experience, how faithful they are being to all the comic book lore. They are so respectful of the stories that have been told and it’s exciting. The thought that goes into the Flash costume and all of that. It would be exciting to be a part of that.

Question: We’ve seen that Wells is hiding secrets. How much are Caitlin and Cisco going to become aware of this? Do they have any suspicions?

Panabaker: It’s hard for me, as an actor, because obviously I see the whole script and now I’m seeing the episodes but Caitlin doesn’t know that but she comes back to Star Labs because she believes in Wells. If you think about Star Labs and the vastness of it, how many scientists were working there and how many people were there… The fact that she and Cisco are the only two that show up again, just in a very sort of silent way, demonstrates their belief in him so we’re starting this journey with the upmost respect and passion for him. I don’t know that they’re at a place where they want to see Wells’ flaws if that makes sense.

Question: Does it change the process for you at all knowing these potential destinations for the characters? Knowing who she could become, knowing who Cisco could become?

Panabaker: I don’t think so. I don’t think it changes things for me, as an actor because a lot like the audience, we’re getting the scripts one week at a time and just sort of taking this new information. Obviously we’ve had conversations with Andrew [Kreisberg] and Greg and Geoff [Johns] about what’s happened before and that sort of thing but it’s kind of fun to be that audience member who gets every new script. I mean, truthfully when they come in, I’m like a little kid in a candy store. I like can’t wait to read it and I’m squinting, reading it on my iPhone, and I can’t wait to see what happens.

Question: We have the knowledge that your character does not that we will likely be seeing Ronnie again, but in a different form. Anything you can say about how she might react to that?

Panabaker: Well, we see Ronnie in flashbacks. I think that Caitlin is doing a lot of grieving. It’s a really tough thing and it’s hard for her, she’s having a hard time letting go again and she’s displacing some of her grief on to Barry and I can only imagine the trauma of something such as thinking your fiancé was dead and then maybe suspecting otherwise.

Question: Is it fun for you and Carlos to play the rapport that Caitlin and Cisco have? They’re obviously like-minded as far as their intelligence, but they’re very different personalities.

Panabaker: Such different personalities. I think that’s great. I mean I think you get to see it, even in the top of episode two. He’s got such... I want to say innocence but that’s too simple for what it is, but a passion for what he’s doing and a little, not childlike, but an amazement of everything that’s coming and he gets so excited by it. And I think the contrary to that is Caitlin who is a little bit more practical and reasonable and concerned about the consequences and things that are going to happen. So it is a fun relationship. He does such a great job. You’ll notice that he always tends to be eating some sort of sweets and that is an evolution that happens throughout the show and that sort of thing. It’s great. It’s really fun.

Question: What does Caitlin make of Iris?

Panabaker: There’s a really awesome scene in the beginning of episode five, I think, where a whole host of us go out for drinks together which I think is really fun. I’m not sure we’re done exploring what the social dynamic is like between all of them. I think she might be a little jealous of Iris and all the attention she’s getting from the boys because Eddie’s no schlub. Let’s be honest. But they have a bond, in that they both care about Barry and I think that’s something that you will see more of as time goes on but you know. They’re two smart ladies. I think they’re going to respect each other. Have a bottle of wine together or something!

Question: You’re on the phone a lot with Barry, but might there be a situation that comes up where Caitlin gets thrown into the line of fire?

Panabaker: I always joke with Andrew that Caitlin loves being in the warmth and safety of Star Labs. So I would imagine that that’s a possibility. We have a lot of TV to tell, so you never know.

Question: Personally, do you want to do some action heavy scenes?

Panabaker: Yeah. I think it would be so fun. We have an incredible stunt crew on our set. I’ve been doing this for years and sometimes you encounter stunt coordinators who are just a little bit too macho and are just about, "Let’s do it the biggest and the best and the scariest we can!" These guys are so thoughtful and have everything so planned out. They’re so great so I’m excited. I would love to get in the action a little bit more.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2014/10/21/ ... ller-frost?
- Entrevista con Rick Cosnett de "The Flash" (starrymag):
Entrevista con Rick Cosnett de "The Flash"
Por starrymag | 21 Octubre, 2014

Q) What drew you to wanting to take on the role as Eddie Thawne?

A) I really wanted the role badly. I knew what I could do with it, but I also knew I had to go in hard to convince them that I was the one they wanted. I pushed more than I had with roles before during the audition process. I loved how seemingly together Eddie is; how golden, perfect and “all-American” he seems and I have never really played a role like this before. And one with a potentially massive arc.

Q) Is there anything that you have added to the role that wasn’t originally scripted?

A) I think a lot of unexpected comedy has come from the situations Eddie ends up in, at least in the beginning. The producers were surprised, but welcomed it and added to it.

Q) Has the chemistry with the cast come naturally or did that take time to develop?

A) It is was something that was inherent from the very beginning and it’s why we are so lucky with this show. It’s that magical spark that is hard to explain and almost impossible to fabricate. We all have a very special connection.

Q) What kind of training did you have to go through with regards to stunt work?

A) Can I just say we have the most incredible stunt team, they never cease to amaze me. And they have been very patient with me and helped me no end with all sorts of not only stunts, but fight training. Trust me, I need it.

Q) What have been some of your favorite scenes to film so far?

A) I always find scenes with Barry to be quite delicious, given the history of the characters and the dynamic between them. I love the spark between Eddie and Iris, those scenes are always really fun and a bit sexy. There is always so much going on between them and, of course, working with Jesse Martin is a complete dream. The times between “action” and “cut” on set are an absolute gas. So, I have honestly landed in a very lucky spot!

Q) What are some of your favorite aspects of your character?

A) His charm and his heart. He is selfless and extremely able. He believes in himself and loves himself, but only a healthy amount. So, he is very self confident in that sense. I really love this about him. He seems like he has the perfect balance.

Q) Who are some of the guest stars and villains you can tease that we will see this season?

A) I think most of them you know. The newest addition being Victor Garber, who we’re all freaking out about working with. We also have Wentworth Miller, Dominic Purcell and Robbie Amell. Brilliant! And all of them may be some kind of hazard, what kind I can’t say or confirm.

Q) Who is someone you haven’t had many scenes with that you would love to work more with?

A) I have actually worked with everyone now. We are shooting episode ten. And let’s just say it’s all happening in Central City right now.

Q) You’re a part of social media, why is it important for you connect with fans this way?

A) When I started on The Vampire Diaries it was recommended to me, but I think what I like most about it is the potential to reach people eventually in a positive way and effect good change. Obviously, now there are so many incredible fans of “The Flash” and that is really exciting to be able to share my passion of the show with them and vice versa. That’s neat.

Q) Is there anything else about the show that you’d like to share or say to fans?

A) Yes. We were so happy that so many people have tuned into the show and to see how much it is blowing up already, but the best thing about this is that the show gets so much better!

- ¿Sobrevivirá el romance entre Iris y Eddie? Rick Cosnett sobre su futuro (THR):
¿Sobrevivirá el romance entre Iris y Eddie? Rick Cosnett sobre su futuro
by Philiana Ng 21/10/2014 6:00 PM PDT

Now that Iris (Candice Patton) and Eddie's (Rick Cosnett) secret relationship is out, will it be smooth sailing for the couple on The Flash? Considering Detective Joe West's (Jesse L. Martin) reaction to their budding romance at the hospital, the likelihood of them being in the clear is small. Very small. Joe even warns Iris that things will "be complicated" moving forward, a risk she's willing to take.

"Eddie was hoping, in a perfect world, that Joe would be OK with it. When it does spill out, Eddie has this huge sigh of relief at the hospital," Cosnett tells The Hollywood Reporter. "Then he suddenly realizes, 'Oh no, wait, this is going to be really bad.' "

It's Eddie's realization that this could ultimately threaten his standing with Joe, his Central City P.D. partner, that forces him to rethink the future. "He's left with this feeling of 'What's going to happen next?' between those two [Eddie and Joe]," Cosnett adds. "The consequences are very serious." Next week's episode, "Going Rogue," further explores the repercussions of their relationship when Iris gets the cold shoulder from her father as a result.

It was important for the hospital-room scene between Cosnett, Patton and Martin to be intense and uncomfortable. "[Jesse] really wanted to make that [moment] serious and high stakes," Cosnett recalls. "Joe's not messing around and this is something very serious to him."

But, it won't be all doom and gloom; some comedy will come out of Joe and Eddie's new wrinkle in their working relationship. "It almost creates more comedy between the two of them," Cosnett says. "Things get more and more awkward before things come to a head."

Whether this prompts Joe to start questioning other secrets or non-truths Eddie may be hiding, remains a mystery — at least for the moment.

"That's a very interesting question," Cosnett says. "That's more on Joe's side of things because Eddie knows Joe is a good man and he trusts him. Eddie now has to gain his trust back and that's going to be difficult."

Cosnett hints that The Flash's ninth episode, which happens to be Christmas in Central City, will be huge for his character. "Something really big happens that will be revealed. It's going to go one way or another," he says, joking that the holiday season never bodes well for TV characters. "It's like, 'Merry Christmas!' "

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... nce-742728
- El hombre en el centro del Multiuniverso televisivo de DC: Geoff Johns habla sobre Arrow, The Flash y Más (buzzfeed):
http://www.buzzfeed.com/jarettwieselman ... multiverse

- El actor Roger Howarth se une a la S1 de "The Flash":
El actor Roger Howarth (al que pudimos ver en "Hospital General"), se ha unido a 'The Flash' en un papel recurrente.

Howarth, interpretará a 'Mason Bridge', un laureado reportero del Central City Picture News. Le asigna que guíe a su nueva empleada Iris West (Candice Patton), pero su relación se vuelve complicada cuando Bridge empieza a investigar al mentor de Barry, el Dr. Wells (Tom Cavanagh). Aparecerá por primera vez en el episodio 1.11.

http://deadline.com/2014/10/roger-howar ... hy-855864/
http://tvline.com/2014/10/20/the-flash- ... on-bridge/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
