"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 6.04 "Reversal":
6.04 "Reversal" (02/11/17): BLACK SIREN GOLPEA DE NUEVO — Justo cuando Oliver (Stephen Amell) empieza a poner las cosas en orden, Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) lanza otro ataque en los ciudadanos de Star City. Gregory Smith dirige el episodio escrito por Sarah Tarkoff & Emilio Ortega Aldrich (#604).

http://www.spoilertv.com/2017/10/arrow- ... lease.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ARROW | Still Terrific Interview | The CW:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes y videos bts del rodaje del crossover de la S6 (16-18 Oct 2017):

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(@stephenamell: with @ezrepostapp)

http://hollywoodnorth.buzz/2017/10/dc-c ... sus-x.html
http://hollywoodnorth.buzz/2017/10/dc-c ... ouver.html



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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 6.03 "Next of Kin":

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- ARROW | 6.03 "Next of Kin" Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 6.03 "Next of Kin" Inside the episode | The CW:

- ARROW | 6.03 "Next of Kin" Clip #1 | The CW:

https://www.tvinsider.com/636090/arrow- ... -season-6/

- ARROW | 6.03 "Next of Kin" Clip #2 | The CW:


Podéis encontrar la descripción oficial del episodio: AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 6.05 "Deathstroke returns":
6.05 "Deathstroke returns" (09/11/17): SLADE RETURNS — Slade (Manu Bennett) regresa y le pide a Oliver (Stephen Amell) que le ayude para localizar a su hijo. Cuando descubren que Joe (la estrella invitada William Franklyn-Miller) ha sido tomado como rehén por mercenarios, su misión para salvarle se complica por una terrible revelación que puede destrozar las esperanzas de Slade de una reunión para siempre. Mientras tanto, Vigilante reaparece en Star City. Joel Novoa dirige el episodio escrito por Ben Sokolowski & Spiro Skentzos (#605).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-6-5-d ... e-returns/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Juliana Harkavy aclara el ambiente sobre el nuevo feeling de Dinah y Diggle (TVLine):
Juliana Harkavy aclara el ambiente sobre el nuevo feeling de Dinah y Diggle
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 19 Oct 2017, 6:00 AM PDT

This week on The CW’s Arrow (now airing Thursdays at 9/8c), while Oliver looks into who is trying to out him as Green Arrow, Dinah Drake has her own mystery to solve — what’s digging at Diggle?

But in the season premiere alone, the new intensity between Black Canary and secret-keeping Spartan has raised a few eyebrows among viewers. TVLine hopped on the phone with Juliana Harkavy, who is now a series regular on the superhero drama, to explore the new Dinah/Diggle dynamic and talk about the love behind the hateful Canary clashes.

TVLINE | I’m surprised you had time for me today. I’ve heard that everyone right now is up to their eyeballs in crossover insanity.
That is true. I was lucky to have a day off, but yeah, it has been crazy.

TVLINE | What has been most fun for you about your first Arrowverse crossover experience?
Probably just getting to see everyone in costume together. You never get to see that many people in that all those different costumes from all those different worlds together. It was a trip — probably more so for the people watching us film [in] downtown [Vancouver], but it was a trip for me too!

TVLINE | First and foremost, can you clear the air on the vibe we’re now getting off Dinah and Diggle, such as in that scene last week where she thrust his gun at his chest?
I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors about that, seeing people have a lot of theories…. Yeah, Dinah and Diggle are friends. Dinah and Diggle are almost best friends. Or at least for Dinah, Diggle is her best friend, she’s her family. She’s an intense person and she’s pissed [about what he’s hiding], so her intensity shines through even more. Any time you have two actors in an intense space, it could seem like something else, but no, I can assure everyone that Dinah’s intentions toward Diggle are pure — and vice versa.

TVLINE | Will his secret be explored more in this week’s episode?
Definitely. That’s what Dinah does, she’s a detective, and she’s going to get to the bottom of it. She’s going to make that one of her goals.

TVLINE | Will this be something that drives them apart or brings them closer together as colleagues?
You know, I think it could do both. Any time there’s a wedge or a secret put between two people in a group, it’s an obstacle — but there’s also a chance to get over it and become closer.

TVLINE | Along those lines, we now see that Dinah gets to have a say in things. Now that she is more embedded with the team, she has a greater voice.
And that has been great. She definitely has come into the team stronger this season. Because of what she went through on Lian Yu and just the time she spent becoming comfortable as part of the team, her voice is stronger. She’s also accepted the role of Black Canary, whereas last season she was apprehensive. She owns it as her own space now. The louder and stronger her voice is, the more there is for me to work with.

TVLINE | [Co-showrunner] Wendy Mericle told me that Dinah’s new swagger will have “consequences down the road.” Are you aware of to what she was referring?
I actually had a mini panic attack when I read that! [Laughs] Like, “What does she do? What does she do?!” She said it happens around midseason, so I should find out soon. But I can gather what she’s saying — Dinah’s confidence sort of borders on cockiness. She has swagger, she does, and she can piss people off, so… we’ll see!

TVLINE | Are you most excited about your own new costume, or that Rick Gonzales is finally out of his hockey jersey?
I am excited about my new costume. I love that thing, I feel powerful every time I put it on. But I both miss Rick’s old costume — there was a badassness to the simplicity of it — and am obsessed with the new one, too. If you look closely, Maya [Mani] the costume designer actually put a red dog in the chest plate and it’s really, really cool.

TVLINE | Will “clashing canaries” be a recurring theme throughout the season, as Dinah and Black Siren repeatedly face off? I think we came out of the premiere with two tie scores.
Yeah, they keep getting away from each other! We definitely can look forward to more of that; that battle has not been fully fought yet. I personally love shooting those scenes, Katie [Cassidy] and I have a blast. The funny thing is how much we do love each other, so we’ll fight viciously and then be like, “Oh, you’re hair looks really good!” We’re such girls — and then we go back to battling each other. We’re loving it.

TVLINE | Am I sensing a bit less doubling going on with you in fight scenes?
First of all, my stunt double, Ivett [Gonda], is amazing. She’s an Olympic tai kwan do fighter, so she’s just incredible. Because of that, I’m learning a lot from her about how to kick, and through my actual training with the stunt team. That being said, I definitely want to learn from her so I can do what she does, because I think it takes it to another level when you can do your own stunts. When it’s something that she’s doing I’ll stand to the side and mimic her, and if I want to try it, she’ll show me. As a result, I’ve been able to do a lot more this year, which has been one of my big goals this season.

TVLINE | When I saw Stephen [Amell] at FanFest last month, he had not yet worked with either Kirk Acevedo (playing the Richard Dragon-like Ricardo Diaz) or Michael Emerson (as a mystery villain). At this point now, have you?
[Coyly] They might have stepped in once or twice…. Yeah, I’ve seen them around. Kirk is like an old friend of mine — we did Walking Dead together — so it’s really cool to have him on the set. He is so good, like just his voice… he can say one word and be captivating.

https://tvline.com/2017/10/19/arrow-sea ... ah-diggle/

- Harkavy canta las alabanzas de Black Canary y adelanta un ‘año de crecimiento’ (cbr):
Harkavy canta las alabanzas de Black Canary y adelanta un ‘año de crecimiento’
Por Meagan Damore - 19 Oct 2017

Black Canary is back in action for Arrow Season 6. Having survived the explosion on Lian Yu, Dinah Drake has thrown herself into her work for Team Arrow and her job as a cop for the Star City Police Department. Despite the tragedies of her past, Dinah has truly settled into her life in Star City, but there’s one small problem. She has noticed something that her Team Arrow peers haven’t: Dig is having trouble in the field, and that could put their team members at risk.

Speaking to CBR, Black Canary herself Juliana Harkavy discussed working with Dig actor David Ramsey and why the two characters’ relationship is “loaded.” She also offered some insight into Team Arrow’s dynamic in Season 6, Dinah’s growth, her potential as a love interest and more.

Some of your most compelling scenes so far have been with David Ramsey. What was it like to work so closely with him?

Well, working with David has been amazing because he is truly one of the most talented, just kind and awesome people that I’ve met ever, anywhere. So it’s been really wonderful and an honor just working with him and learning from him. And the scenes have been really fun, because they’re really charged scenes, they’re really loaded, and Diggle and Dinah are two fierce characters. They’re friends, but there’s a lot of fire there, so I think the scenes have been fun to film for sure and, from what I hear, they’ve been fun to watch, so that makes me happy.

Will we see Dinah get to interact as closely with another character?

Definitely! I think this season the team is really going to come together, as a whole and then the individuals within it are going to develop as well and their relationships are going to get deeper. You’re going to see Dinah becoming close with, I think, many members of the team, but Diggle and Dinah, they’re friends, they’re close and I think that that’s the first relationship that we’re going to sort of see more of this season and it’ll change and it’ll grow.

What other characters would you like to see Dinah interact with more?

Definitely Felicity. I think that they’re the two women on the team and in the bunker together and I love Emily [Bett Rickards] and I love working with her, so — on a personal level and for Dinah’s sake — I think more interaction with her would be great. Honestly, other than that, I think I would just like to show a little bit of her relationship with everyone, because the team is so interesting because of the dynamics, so it would just be nice to explore all of them, you know? Curtis and Renee… There’s a comedic element there, and they bring out Dinah’s lighter side. Hopefully, we’ll get to see a little bit of everything.

Black Siren has taken serious umbrage with Dinah. Will we see more of that conflict in the episodes ahead?

I think so. I think that that’s a battle that hasn’t been finished yet, and they have so much history between them and there’s just so much to resolve. So yeah, I think we can probably expect a rematch.

Season 5 began to explore Dinah’s background. How will Season 6 continue to do that?

In Season 6, Dinah has more time to show herself as a whole, complete character, so other aspects of her life: her personal life, other sides of her emotionally besides just when she’s fighting on the team. So Season 6 is going to give her an opportunity to expand and fully develop. It’s been a lot of fun filming this year because she has a lot more substance and a lot more meat, and she’s dealing with a lot more on the team. She’s dealing with a lot more emotionally. So it’s just been a year of growth for her.

How is she settling into her job at SCPD? Will we see more of her as a cop as the season continues?

For sure, yeah. I think that the SCPD is really — she’s really passionate about it. She’s on Team Arrow and that’s sort of what she does off the clock, but that is her home. That’s her base. She’s a cop at heart, and she was promoted this year. She’s a good cop. She’s a detective, and I think she’s going to continue to blossom in her career. I also think she’s going to try to use it to help out Team Arrow and walk that line between being a cop and being a vigilante. It’s like a delicate balance, but she’s learning how to master it.

Now that she’s really built a home into Star City, could we see a love interest for Dinah?

That could be in the cards too, you know? I think that definitely something that after all these months fighting and on the island and just sort of blowing stuff up with the boys, I think it would be nice to see her settle in a little bit to something. That could be on the table for her. I think where last season she absolutely was still grieving, she absolutely was kind of out of her mind a little bit, and so the team reeled her in, so that was not so much on the table for her. She needed to get herself figured out. Now, this season, she’s got her job going strong, she’s more settled into Team Arrow, and I think she might like a little personal time as well with somebody.

Tell me about the first time you put on that Black Canary suit.

The first time I put on the suit was one of the more surreal moments that I’ve had on the show. I guess that we got a bit emotional and I got a little overwhelmed… I felt like a hero! Like I physically felt like a superhero. You just can’t help it when you put that costume on. I really realized the magnitude of what I’m doing and the responsibility. Little girls are going to look at that and just… look up to it. It was one of the most significant moments for me on the show. The costume is very symbolic of the character coming into her own. It’s symbolic of my own struggles in my own life. Everything culminated into this moment, so it was very powerful.

Recently, in the comics, Dinah has become something of a rock star. Would you like to see that side of her come out on Arrow?

It’s so funny you say that, because I always say that that’s one of those things that is in my head all the time, but you might not see one screen. In my head, Dinah goes home and she jams on her guitar and she likes music and I don’t know if that’s something that we actually would ever delve into on the show, but that’s one of my favorite parts about the character. I have a Dinah playlist on my phone that I listen to at the gym. I don’t know why, but that just really spoke to me when I found out she was in a band in the comics. I was like, “Oh, that’s amazing!” She definitely has a musical aptitude. That’s just one of those little things that we don’t have anything in there yet, but I think that’s one of my favorite parts about the character.

What’s on your Dinah Drake playlist?

Hold on, let me pull it up. I don’t know if any of them are appropriate! [laughs] I know there’s some Beyonce on there for sure. So of course, “Run the World” by Beyonce; Drake: “0 to 100.” I have MISSIO: “Middle Finger.” I have all of Logic’s albums. “Everybody.” And then I have some death metal. [laughs] It’s a big mix! From Beyonce to death metal. But that’s totally Dinah!

http://www.cbr.com/arrow-season-6-julia ... interview/?

- Juliana Harkavy quiere desatar la estrella del rock interior de Dinah (cbr):
Juliana Harkavy quiere desatar la estrella del rock interior de Dinah
Por Meagan Damore - 19 Oct 2017

Arrow star Juliana Harkavy is ready to unleash Black Canary’s inner rock star. Speaking to CBR, Harkavy revealed that she has wanted to explore Dinah Drake’s musical side ever since she found out the character was once in a band, though she isn’t sure that will ever make it onto the show.

Asked if she would like to see that side of Dinah appear on screen, Harkavy said, “It’s so funny you say that, because I always say that that’s one of those things that is in my head all the time, but you might not see one screen. In my head, Dinah goes home and she jams on her guitar and she likes music and I don’t know if that’s something that we actually would ever delve into on the show, but that’s one of my favorite parts about the character.”

“I have a Dinah playlist on my phone that I listen to at the gym. I don’t know why, but that just really spoke to me when I found out she was in a band in the comics. I was like, ‘Oh, that’s amazing!'” she continued. “She definitely has a musical aptitude. That’s just one of those little things that we don’t have anything in there yet, but I think that’s one of my favorite parts about the character.”

She also revealed a few songs from her Dinah playlist. “Hold on, let me pull it up. I don’t know if any of them are appropriate!” she said with a laugh. “I know there’s some Beyonce on there for sure. So of course, ‘Run the World’ by Beyonce; Drake: ‘0 to 100.’ I have MISSIO: ‘Middle Finger.’ I have all of Logic’s albums. ‘Everybody.’ And then I have some death metal. It’s a big mix! From Beyonce to death metal. But that’s totally Dinah!”

Dinah hit the road as lead singer of a band in 2015’s Black Canary DC Comics series by Brenden Fletcher and Annie Wu. Though a reluctant rock star, she stuck with the band — redubbed Black Canary — out of a sense of duty, but soon became fiercely protective of its members. She left the band after the series concluded with issue #12, but has since resurfaced in DC Rebirth’s Green Arrow title.

Starring Stephen Amell as the Emerald Archer, Arrow airs Thursdays at 9pm ET/PT on The CW. The series also stars Emily Bett Rickards, David Ramsey, Willa Holland and more.

http://www.cbr.com/arrow-black-canary-p ... rce=CBR-TW

- Juliana Harkavy sobre lo que inspira a su interpretación de 'Black Canary' (comicbook):
Juliana Harkavy sobre lo que inspira a su interpretación de 'Black Canary'
Por Jenna Anderson | 19 Oct, 2017

Juliana Harkavy brings Dinah Drake/Black Canary to life on The CW's Arrow - and she looks for inspiration in a few different places.

In an interview with ComicBook.com, Harkavy discussed the many things that influence her portrayal of the iconic DC Comics character. In particular, she cited the side of Dinah seen in the DC You Black Canary miniseries, which portrayed her as a frontwoman of a rock band.

“She’s a complicated and multidimensional character." Harkavy explained. "In the comics, she’s in a band and when I was reading about her initially, that was one of my favorite things about her. Even though you might never see her in a band on the show, to me there are all these layers that make her such a strong person that I’m really excited for people to see that."

Harkavy also hinted at the process of crafting her portrayal of Dinah, and how welcoming the show's crew has been with her own ideas.

"I’ve been lucky." Harkavy revealed. "Any decision that I’ve made for Dinah, they’ve decided to go with. Any energy I bring, they decide to roll with it, or else it was already their initial plan. It’s been great; I can play and make her whatever I want and it just falls into what already is. It’s a symbiotic relationship between what’s written and how you decide to play it but it all falls together in the end."

Now that Arrow's sixth season has officially kicked off, fans will get to see exactly what's next for Dinah. Not only does she have a new costume, but a new outlook on her vigilante role (which could bring some trouble as the season goes on). The new season will also see Dinah getting a love interest, but Harkavy reassured ComicBook.com that it probably won't be with who you're expecting.

http://comicbook.com/dc/2017/10/19/arro ... ck-canary/

- Harkavy adelanta la reacción de Black Canary a la nueva identidad de Diggle (cbr):
Harkavy adelanta la reacción de Black Canary a la nueva identidad de Diggle
por Meagan Damore - 19 Oct 2017

It’s official: John “Dig” Diggle has become Star City’s new Green Arrow. In “Tribute,” the latest episode of Arrow, Dig agreed to take up the mantle, despite the fact that he has degenerative nerve damage in his right hand, compromising his ability in the field. Of course, no one on Team Arrow knows about Dig’s tremor — no one, that is, but Dinah Drake. Speaking to CBR, Black Canary actress Juliana Harkavy addressed this twist and Dinah’s reaction to it, which will be revealed in “Next of Kin,” the season’s third episode.

CBR: In episode two, Dinah learned the truth about Dig’s injury. How long can she keep that to herself?

Juliana Harkavy: Well, I think she’s going to do her best to honor Diggle’s privacy, but also, it’s very concerning to her, because it could put the team at risk if he’s compromised. So I think she’s going to do what she can to sort of keep it, monitor it and see how it goes, but ultimately her loyalty is to the team. You know, she doesn’t want anyone’s life to potentially be lost because someone’s hurt, so she’s letting it go for now but I think she will definitely readjust if she needs to.

Can you tease Dinah’s reaction to learning that Dig agreed to become Green Arrow?

I think Dinah’s really flexible. On many levels, she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done, so when it comes to justice and when it comes to these things… She goes with it, but — again, because she knows that there’s something happening with Dig — there might be a little bit of reluctance. Ultimately, I think she’s going to find a way to… She’s going to try to become her best self. She’ll need to fight harder and do more, because — without Oliver — the team really needs to be at their best. But the Diggle thing is concerning.

http://www.cbr.com/?p=1177371?utm_sourc ... stribution

- Stephen Amell habla sobre ese giro de "Green Arrow":
Stephen Amell habla sobre ese giro de "Green Arrow"
Por Natalie Abrams - 19 Oct, 2017 a las 10:00pm EDT

Oliver Queen is no longer the Green Arrow.

During Thursday’s episode of Arrow, Oliver (Stephen Amell) decidedly relinquished the role of Star City’s savior, passing the torch to Diggle (David Ramsey) for two big reasons. First, a photo of Oliver as the Green Arrow had leaked, and though the photo ended up being fake, it probably wasn’t going to be easy to navigate the FBI investigation while suiting up as the Emerald Archer. And second, Oliver’s son William had expressed fear that his father could be killed by any number of bad guys, meaning he’d truly be orphaned.

The question remains: Has Oliver really given up his vigilante life? EW sat down with Amell to get the scoop.
Robert Falconer/The CW

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Oliver actually gives up the mantle of being the Green Arrow. Game changer! Can you talk about how that might affect him moving forward? Does he still get the urge to go out there?
STEPHEN AMELL: That’s been the cool thing about this season is that he can’t. You say him giving up the mantle is the game changer, but William is the game changer. The father-son dynamic can’t possibly can’t get any stronger than that. For all of the things that Oliver’s dad did wrong, and for all the things that we have since learned about him, Oliver still reveres him and holds him up to such a high standard, so that relationship is so important. I give it to Diggle; I don’t give it to him with a heavy heart, I give it to him with a full heart. I give it to him expecting him to be able to handle it. I like the idea that I give it to him because the city needs a Green Arrow, right? The Green Arrow can be more than one person. The Green Arrow is a symbol and his team is a symbol. The fact that we are pushing Star City in the right direction is something that is important to me because I don’t want the city to get destroyed every year, because then what’s the point of what we’re doing? We’re a team of vigilantes that are the definition of insanity, because we’re just doing things over and over again and hoping for a different result. Obviously I don’t know what’s going on with Diggle, but I give it up and there’s not a lot of angst.

It’s been a very strange time for me on the show, because we’re talking about going on four episodes now where I’m really out of the mix, and that’s been challenging for me, because I prep myself to work all the time, but we had — without getting into details — a story line last year where in the aftermath of Oliver being tortured by Chase — the big torture, making him reveal his animal instincts and that he enjoyed killing at one point — the producers and I had a lot of back and forth after that about how long that should affect him, because in one iteration, he just jumped right back on the horse. I was like, “Well, if we don’t follow the through line of that affecting him, then what was the point? What was the point of it happening if it doesn’t have consequences?” So I like that he’s given the mantle to Diggle and that’s been the show since then. That, to me, is really cool.

Realistically, do you see Oliver really never suiting up again?
No. Look, I remember one season of 24 when Jack Bauer had been taken prisoner, Jack was in China. They’re like, “Well, how long of this season is Jack going to be in China for?” and the producers were like, “He’s landing like six minutes after it starts. The show is the show.” Our show’s the show, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t surprise people. If he suits back up again, it doesn’t mean that all of a sudden it goes back to the status quo.

Is Oliver prepared to take a step back as a leader or is he still active with Team Arrow in certain ways?
He’s out. He’s totally out. We have an instance where he has to hop back in, but it’s not in the capacity that people would expect him to. It’s in an episode called “Reversal.” He does have to hop back in, but other than the occasional visit, he’s out.

Because of his 10 years of experience, how do you think Oliver is a different leader this year? Is it more about offering advice?
He gives some advice to Diggle and a little bit with Felicity, but I can’t remember the last — there have been major characters on the show that I have not interacted with for several episodes. It’s really different, it’s been an adjustment for me.

Oliver and Felicity are on the road to reconciling. What can you tease of what their relationship looks like this season?
It looks good. We had a nice moment between them in the premiere that set the table — they pushed the pause button because Oliver’s relationship with William was more important, and the immediate aftermath of Samantha’s death was obviously very traumatic for him, so it’s Oliver’s responsibility to make sure that William getting comfortable with Oliver was the most important thing. But there are flickers. They’re obviously in love with one another, but they just haven’t pulled the trigger on the full-fledged back-together let’s-go-for-it.

Is there more trust there after everything they’ve been through?
They have so much history together that it’s just a matter of when’s the right time? There’s a dynamic that cannot be ignored with William. Oliver loves Felicity — and I think he hopes she loves him — in a way that they will always be there for each other. It’s been five months since Lian Yu, so if it takes another five months, or another five years, then hopefully they’ll still feel the same way.

Even though he’s no longer Green Arrow, what kind of pressure does Samanda put on him moving forward?
At the end of 602, I wanted to play it where I deny this, but then I also politely threaten her. I’ve had this done to me in business before, where someone says something nice to you, but then you step back for a second and go, “Wait a second, did that person just threaten me?” I’m not going to say who did it, but they’re really excellent at it, so I wanted to bring that same feeling into that scene where I sit down and say, “Look, you’re wrong. What you’re doing is, you’re barking up the wrong tree, but if you’re right, how far do you think a person like that would go to protect the people closest to him?” So we’re playing real cat and mouse, but I haven’t really dealt with her since. What I like is, she’s starting to poke at other people on his team. She’s on absolutely everybody.

Arrow airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/19/arrow-steph ... een-arrow/

- ¿Es ese importante giro de Arrow para siempre? 'El equipo va a tener que ajustarse' (TVline):
¿Es ese importante giro de Arrow para siempre? 'El equipo va a tener que ajustarse'
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 19 Oct 2017, 6:58 PM PDT

The following contains major spoilers from this Thursday’s episode of The CW’s Arrow.

Toward the end of Arrow‘s second episode of Season 6, Oliver walked back one promise he made to William before assuring his son this: “I am going to do everything in my power, forever, to make sure that you never end up alone in this world. And I know that you think that that’s not up to me — and that’s a fair, smart point — [but] I think I’ve found a way so that maybe it can be.”

For a moment there, we were left to wonder: How could Oliver possibly take himself out of harm’s way and thus save William from the possibility of being orphaned, especially with frenemy Anatoly back in town and a new, mysterious adversary in the mix?

The answer, we would learn, is to ask Diggle to take over as the Green Arrow. And take over he will.
Hey @david_ramsey —
You’re up.
— Stephen Amell (@StephenAmell) October 20, 2017
“It’s definitely something that we’re going to have to entertain at least for a little while, until we can figure something else out for Oliver,” Juliana Harkavy, who plays Dinah/Black Canary, tells TVLine. “The team is going to have to try to adjust. They’re going to have to try to realign their positions on the team and refocus their strengths and just try to make it work.”

Series star Stephen Amell previously hinted at the switcheroo in his TVLine Q&A, saying, “There’s a really pivotal moment at the end of our second episode and when I saw it I thought to myself, ‘OK, this is interesting. Are we going to follow through with it?’ And we really do. We followed through with it. [In doing so] there’s a maturity there that I’m very proud of.”

But while Diggle will in fact assume the Green Arrow identity, no one should fret that Oliver’s days of thwip!-ing are completely over. Explaining his lighter workload at a recent fan event, Amell said, “In the early part of the season we undertake a storyline and we stick to it. [But] that’s all about to change” as he headed into production on Episode 7.

Another burning question arising from Oliver’s decision relates to Diggle’s reveal to Dinah that shrapnel from one of the Lian Yu blasts has left him with a degenerative neurological condition. Will switching from guns to arrows solve Diggle’s problem in the short-term, or compound it? “I think it could do both,” Harkavy ventures.

Elsewhere in Episode 2:

* Anatoly, as mentioned, resurfaced to kidnap a Markovian diplomat and hold him for $20 million ransom (aka the same as the insurance claim for the SCPD rebuild). In the course of doing so, he argued to Oliver, he demonstrated that he is “a good man,” seeing as he could have instead terrorized his frenemy’s son.

* After teaming up to analyze and debunk the photo that was leaked (by whom?!) to out Oliver as the Green Arrow, Felicity invited Curtis to give up his newly revealed “other job” and instead work with her, for a new company/name TBD.

http://tvline.com/2017/10/19/arrow-reca ... een-arrow/

- Juliana Harkavy promete una Black Canary "más fuerte" (THR):
Juliana Harkavy promete una Black Canary "más fuerte"
Por Sydney Bucksbaum - 20 Oct 2017

Welcome to The Hollywood Reporter's weekly DC TV Watch, a rundown of all things DC Comics on TV. Every Friday, we round up the major twists, epic fights, new mysteries and anything else that goes down on The CW's Arrow, The Flash,

Spreading her wings | While Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy) has been on Team Arrow for an entire year, it's really this season that she's come into her own. Acting less like a recruit and more like a partner, she could tell that Diggle (David Ramsey) was hiding something, and confronted him until he finally confessed that he has degenerative nerve damage in his hand after getting hit with shrapnel from the Lian Yu explosion. "This season I have more time to interact with everyone on the team. She has reinvested herself as a fully committed member of the team," Harkavy tells THR. "She embraced her mantle so we're really getting to see her relationships with everybody expanding and getting deeper." And that's why she's been able to take on more of a leadership role on the team. "It goes hand-in-hand with Dinah's personality. She is a fighter, she is a natural leader," Harkavy adds. "She also has a lot of respect for the hierarchy of the team, so she's not trying to take over but she has a stronger voice and it's been a lot of fun to get to know that voice more and use and flex it and see how it fits into the rest of the team. She's become a stronger version of herself."

Diggle's dilemma | So now that Dinah knows that Diggle is compromised, what does that mean for their close working relationship? "Dinah is just a ball-buster so if she sees something like that, she's going to go for it and she's going to hone in and get to the bottom of it. Diggle is one of her closest friends and she's concerned, and this is her way of showing it," Harkavy says of Dinah's relentless pursuit of the truth. "She doesn't want the team to get hurt if he's compromised. She takes it upon herself to make sure nobody gets hurt." But she adds that Diggle telling her the truth about his injury "is a step in the right direction." Because she kept her own secret after Lian Yu that was exposed and she's been through the experience of losing someone, "she just has a lot of love in her heart and a lot of trauma, so she wants him to be okay. It's all coming from a place of love."

Change in leadership | Since Dinah is the only one who knows that Diggle isn't at 100 percent, the rest of the team will be looking to him to lead the group, as Oliver (Stephen Amell) has officially passed him the Green Arrow mantle. Since Oliver doesn't want to make his son an orphan, he's decided to focus just on being the major and a father. He offered Diggle his place as leader of the group, and Diggle accepted... despite knowing he can't fight like he used to. Talk about an awkward moment that is only going to get more awkward moving forward. "Any time that the hierarchy gets shaken up, it's going to put a fault into the foundation and everything is going to shift," Harkavy says. "If somebody else is now the head, then how does the chain of command fall? The team is going to have to figure out how to restructure themselves and relearning everyone's strengths. Because without the captain, that's all you have to rely on." And Diggle continuing to hide the secret of his injury from the rest of the team "definitely concerns" Dinah. "It gives her even more reason to want to make sure that Diggle's going to be okay and figure out what's going on," she adds. "That's a big loss, not having Oliver so to have the new Green Arrow compromised as well, she's concerned, for sure."

Canary vs. Canary | One of the best things about Arrow season six is the simmering feud between the new Black Canary and the former, now known as Black Siren aka evil Earth-2 Laurel Lance (Katie Cassidy). After exchanging a few bullets back on Lian Yu, the Canary on (former) Canary crime is at an all time high, and watching these two formidable women kick some major ass is truly a delight. And according to Harkavy, that's not going away anytime soon. "They just so vehemently hate each other, and they've been chasing each other down after Lian Yu, and Dinah has this extra chip on her shoulder," she says. "And Black Siren has a major grudge against Dinah as well. So it's just going to get even more heated and more exciting." She laughs before adding, "I don't think they'll be becoming friends anytime soon."

Healing her broken heart | Something that Harkavy is most excited to explore this season, however, is Dinah's softer side. When asked if Dinah will be getting a love interest soon, as she hasn't had one on the show yet after her tragic backstory of losing her partner (both romantic and professional) was revealed, Harkavy had some good news. "Yeah, that might be in her cards this season," she says. "She's really focusing on the team and her work and her promotion at the SCPD but she needs balance and time for herself and getting her life up and going again. She sort of shut her personal life off and this is what I'm most excited about this season, to see all of the different layers of her. She's not just one note, she's more multidimensional this year. She's exploring more now."

What did he just say?! | While this week's Arrow had a lot of shocking, game-changing moments, from Diggle's injury to Oliver passing the hood to someone else, it was a throwaway line in the very beginning of the hour that packed the biggest punch. When Oliver gave a press conference to announce that he wasn't the Green Arrow, he actually name-dropped Bruce Wayne, saying that anyone could have photoshopped that other billionaire playboy's head on to the body of Green Arrow in a doctored photo. He then jokingly asked the press if Bruce had "left Gotham to hang out in Star City recently," having a laugh at how ludicrous that sounded. It's the crossover no one saw coming, and opens up so many questions about where the other masked vigilante fits in within the CW's Arrow-verse. Does this mean Fox's Gotham, about a teenage Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz), exists in the same universe as Arrow, or is this another version of Batman, more CW-friendly? Could an actual Batman crossover happen now that it's been established Bruce Wayne exists in this universe, and he's so well-known that Oliver could joke about him? And how perfect is it for Oliver to name drop a billionaire playboy like Bruce as a joke about how he couldn't be a masked vigilante, when we all know that's exactly how Bruce Wayne spends his nights as well? These two have much more in common than Oliver thinks. No matter what this means, it's great to finally see Arrow having fun with one of the most famous DC Comics properties when it was formerly untouchable.

Check out the video of that infamous name-drop below:

Mayor by day. Hero by night. Stream the #Arrow premiere before tomorrow's new episode on The CW: https://t.co/zCi32rKGdv pic.twitter.com/2cEQUQbTFk
— Arrow (@CW_Arrow) October 18, 2017

Lighter as promised | The Flash promised more fun this season, and it's clear from the second episode of season four that it's delivering on that promise. From the couples therapy scenes with Barry (Grant Gustin) and Iris (Candice Patton), to Cisco's (Carlos Valdes) "shmoopy" relationship with Gypsy (Jessica Camacho), even all the scenes with Barry just flat out enjoying his powers and being a superhero while Cisco's upgrades on his suit malfunctioning, this is the lightest and most enjoyable The Flash has ever been. Talk about a course correction from the dark and dire season three, huh? Let's hope this continues and isn't just a beginning-of-the-season fluke, because this is what made this the best of all The CW's DC series back in season one. It's also fascinating to see Barry use his powers in different ways against non-speedsters, since we all know The Thinker (Neil Sandilands) is coming for him.

Best villain yet | Start the petition now, because Jane the Virgin's Yael Grobglas needs to make a return trip to Supergirl ASAP. Her psychic metahuman villain Psi, straight out of the pages of DC comic books, was a series highlight. Her unshakeable confidence in her ability to defeat anyone, her formidable powers and most of all her empowered attitude made her so much fun to watch. It was clear that she loved what she doing, and it resulted in some amazing scenes. She proved to be quite the fearsome opponent for Kara (Melissa Benoist), literally bringing her to her knees by inducing fear in her mind. Although she was beat in the end by the Girl of Steel, she shouldn't be kept down for long. Watching these two strong blonde badasses face off was a real treat, so hopefully it's not the last time Psi comes calling.

Cleanup in aisle four | During one of Kara's Psi-induced panic attacks, she literally burst through the ceiling of the elevator, flying through the roof of the building to get out of the small space, leaving behind her clothes, bag and glasses. And it was never spoken of again. Um, did no one question why an elevator was suddenly demolished?

Trouble in paradise | While plans are underway for Alex (Chyler Leigh) and Maggie's (Floriana Lima) wedding --DJ or band? -- a little nugget of information could spell major trouble down the line for these two. Alex definitely wants kids, and it's clear from Maggie's reaction at the topic getting brought up that she does not. It's weird this conversation didn't happen earlier, but it's not a good sign that there's dissent in the ranks. Could the issue of having kids be too much of a compromise to make?

Wardrobe malfunction | THR was right last week with the prediction about Amaya's (Maisie Richardson-Sellers) powers growing out of control: her necklace totem is too strong and she can't control it anymore. It only took her one episode before she was back with the Legends on the Waverider, confiding in them about her troubles. So how long will it take for her to fix it, especially since Kuasa (Tracy Ifeachor), a villain with familial ties to Amaya and the Vixen legacy, has been resurrected.

A new connection | The Time Bureau's Agent Sharpe (Jes Macallan) proved to be a worthy opponent for Sara (Caity Lotz) while fighting on board the Waverider, and it sparked a new potential 'ship. The two women eventually fell on the ground, equally exhausted, and agreed on taking a break for some water in between their knock-down, drag-out fight. If only they realized they were working towards the same goal in fixing the timeline instead of working against each other, then some real sparks can fly. Because honestly, the sexual tension between them was off the charts.

A threat to laugh about | While the mysterious "Mallus" threat that has the Time Bureau so freaked out being continuously mentioned, it was awesome to see the Legends laugh at the idea that anything could be worse than what they've already faced. They're wrong to underestimate what this will be, of course, but that doesn't make it any less entertaining to watch them screw up along the way.

Born on a Monday | The legend of Solomon Grundy played out on Gotham exactly as it did in the comic books, which was impressive since this is one comic book character no one ever expected to see in live-action (besides that one instance in 1979). Ripped from the pages of the source material, a brain dead Butch (Drew Powell) was dumped into Slaughter Swamp by some immoral hospital workers to make space for more promising patients, as he had been in a coma for over six months. Little did the hospital workers know that the swamp was also a dumping ground for Indian Hill chemicals, so what was supposed to be the last of Butch (real name: Cyrus Gold) ended up being his miraculous resurrection as a white-as-snow zombie with two hands (that's right, he grew back an entire hand) and monstrous strength... and no memory of his life before. With his chilling theme song playing in the background as he happened upon some unsuspecting campers in the woods, he later ran into Ed (Cory Michael Smith), who took advantage of Grundy's new strength and amnesia to befriend the zombie. He convinced his new "friend" to fight for money, and it turns out the underground fight club's resident doctor is none other than Lee (Morena Baccarin), rocking a badass new look. This is one reunion no one saw coming.

The end of his reign? | One reunion that played out rather faster than expected was Bruce (David Mazouz) and Ra's al Ghul (Alexander Siddig). Ra's baited Bruce into ending his long life full of suffering by stabbing him with the ancient knife, and Ra's smiled as he crumbled into a skeleton right before Bruce, Alfred (Sean Pertwee) and Gordon's (Ben McKenzie) eyes. Is that really the end of Ra's on Gotham? Or will he resurrect somehow and this is the start of a new kind of reign for him? And what does killing Ra's mean for Bruce? Will he now have to take over Ra's' reign? And what "gift" did Ra's give to Babs (Erin Richards) before he died? There are so many questions left to be answered!

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ry-1050200

- David Ramsey adelanta el giro de Diggle como Green Arrow (EW):
David Ramsey adelanta el giro de Diggle como Green Arrow
Por Natalie Abrams - 25 Oct, 2017 a las 8:09pm EDT

Oliver Queen is no longer the Green Arrow. That title now belongs to someone else.

With pressure mounting from both FBI Agent Samanda Watson (Sydelle Noel) and his son William, Oliver (Stephen Amell) decidedly passed the torch of Star City’s savior to Diggle (David Ramsey). And while Diggle is happy to take on that new position, Oliver is unaware he’s accepting the job as the new Emerald Archer while secretly suffering from nerve damage as a result of the island explosion.

How will Diggle handle now being the leader of Team Arrow? EW sat down with Ramsey on set to get the scoop.

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: How does Diggle feel about Oliver turning over the mantle of Green Arrow to Diggle?
DAVID RAMSEY: Well, part of this beat has been tread before, right? It’s something that Diggle honors and takes very, very seriously, so much in fact that the physical deficiency that he has, he’s going to great lengths to hide it from the team and fulfill the call that’s been placed on him by Oliver. So he takes it very, very seriously. He’s quite honored by it and he takes it with pride.

How does he handle being a leader out in the field?
Again, this ugly head of this physical limitation really rears its head in the field and it becomes glaringly obvious to the team that he has a problem, so he has to hide, he has to conceal it, he has to make excuses. He hides it from everyone, which is very unlike Diggle. But even as we roll through this, because he wears this mantle for several episodes, he becomes the leader he was at the beginning of season 4. He becomes a very sound leader.

Were you surprised when you found out Diggle was going to be the new Green Arrow?
I found out from Marc [Guggenheim]. Marc and I had a nice conversation about it. He told me that and told me some other things he wants to do in the later part of the season. We talked for almost two hours on the phone. The things they plan on doing this season — and it’s always a slow burn because it’s 23 episodes, so there’s all these dips and valleys and all these places. Thank God for the fans because they have to hold on for 23 episodes, that’s a long road. So there are a lot of dips and a lot of valleys, but where they want to take their relationship — particularly between Oliver and Diggle — is just a great place.

Do you now have your own Green Arrow costume?
Yes, I do. There’s like three of them floating around, me, Stephen, and Colton Haynes, because Colton played him at one point. There are a few outfits. I tore through one of them. It was actually made for me and then I guess I went to the gym a few more times than they knew, and I tore through one of them. Then they made another one, and that’s the one I’m wearing now.

Is it the same costume Oliver had or are there changes?
I don’t think there’s changes. The bow changed a little bit, and you’ll see that at the beginning of the season, but the costume is the same. I don’t think anything has changed with the costume.

Do you think Diggle as Green Arrow is going to last?
No. No, it’s Green Arrow. Stephen Amell is Green Arrow. It’s not going to last. Of course not, but I think it’s very interesting and it’s an interesting twist on how it fits into the ultimate theme of the season, I think it’s very clever. I think it’s an interesting detour. It also gives us some time with Oliver. I think it’s great, and he has some great writing. Stuff is happening between him and Deathstroke, and he and his son and he and Felicity. It’s awesome. I think holding it for the few episodes I have the mantle, that’s the appropriate amount of time.

Diggle and Lyla were struggling at the end of the season. What’s next for them? How does she feel about him being Green Arrow?
The issue of trust is very serious between them, as it is with he and all the team members. I go back to this physical limitation that he suffered in the explosion on the island that really does affect his whole life — his life with the team, his life with Lyla — because he goes about making some choices that are not honest, and that also strikes a particular chord between he and Lyla because of how much he has ridiculed her position as the new Amanda Waller, and the issues of walking that very thin line of light and dark, and playing with morality and all this other stuff, particularly with someone like her, who has her finger on the Suicide Squad. He’s had some real questions about that. Now he’s not walking the talk, so to speak. So the issue of trust comes up in a real way between them and the first part of it is because of what’s happening with him in hiding a secret. The second part of it is the same 800-pound elephant that’s been in the room: The fact that he works as a vigilante and she’s the new Amanda Waller. What is that all about? That ground hasn’t been settled yet.

What does the team’s next face-off with Black Siren look like?
A couple of ways: It ain’t going to be just her. There’s always a group of bad guys. So it’s not going to be just her, so there’s that part of it. We always like bringing people up from the past; that’s a little nugget for you. So things will come back to bite us, so to speak. Black Siren is only part of that. I will say that in terms of how does it make it difficult for us? Because we love Laurel, because she is Laurel Lance to us, particularly to Oliver. I think Oliver’s journey has been one of understanding his own self-redemption, and he wants to redeem Laurel — the mistakes that he’s made with Laurel, to some degree, he thinks he can correct those through Black Siren.

Anything you can tease of what this group of villains is after?
Part of it, in terms of story, is taking our characters to another place. That’s the main thrust of it all. Why do you bring someone like Deathstroke back? Because it’s great sh— you can give to Stephen, because he takes our lead character to another place. The first reason is that it’s good stories, you get great stories by bringing these people back from the past and having some personal connection to our characters, and you get to take these lead characters someplace else. The second reason is, I think the audience has a connection to them because they’ve seen them before, they know their backstory, they know what they can do, they know that they’re a threat to our main characters. There’s great storytelling in bringing back these characters. To some degree, some of these characters are attached to some of the team members personally.

How do the flashbacks change this season? Will we see any Diggle-centric ones?
We’ve talked about that, particularly with Diggle. I don’t think you’ll see the flashbacks attached to the central story the way they were before. It’s like you’re talking about your best friend in the present and then all of a sudden you’re talking about your best friend five years ago on the island. I don’t think it will be quite as attached to the central A story. But you have eight more minutes or so of storytelling. You still will see some flashbacks, but we won’t be married to it the same. This is what I know from the previous scripts, and what the producers have told us all personally is that you won’t be married to these flashbacks the way you were before. We will find some things out about Diggle. We’ve already talked about his parents this year. Hopefully we’ll see his parents. I don’t know if in flashback or in present day. I think you’ll see some flashbacks for the other characters as well. We already have a few in one of the episodes.

Will the team really be cemented as a family this year?
Yeah, there’s still some growing pains. There’s still some trust issues. This is probably the season where they really — this will be the bonding season even more so than last season. We still have to work through some trust. There’s a reason why Diggle hides this secret from the team and that has to do with trust.

Anything you can tease about the team going up against Vigilante again this season?
There’s something really big happening with Vigilante, really big. There are some big things for Vigilante. It’s tough for me to talk about Vigilante at this point and not give some things away besides to say his revelation will be — there’s some real intimacy with the way he’s revealed. It’s really going to be deep to find out exactly what he’s all about.

How will Agent Watson be making Diggle’s job harder?
We haven’t played all of that out yet. We just did a great scene, she and I, where she calls me out to the carpet. She’s like, “Let’s talk. You’ve been with him six years, it’s time for us to talk.” We just so happen to run into each other. I say, “Hey, I have nothing to hide.” She will be formidable in how she makes trouble for the team.

Arrow airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/25/arrow-david ... een-arrow/

- Las estrellas de "Arrow" sobre el futuro de Oliver y Felicity (ew):
Las estrellas de "Arrow" sobre el futuro de Oliver y Felicity
Por Natalie Abrams - 26 Oct, 2017 a las 10:00pm EDT

Warning: This story contains major spoilers from Thursday’s episode of Arrow. Read at your own risk!

Oliver and Felicity officially reunited during Thursday’s episode of Arrow.

Despite their kiss in the season 5 finale, when Arrow returned, Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) had pressed pause on their relationship so that William could adjust to life with Oliver. But now that Oliver has given up the mantle of being the Emerald Archer and William seems somewhat settled, Oliver gives Felicity a key to his apartment, a sign he’s ready for their romance to continue — something they seal with a kiss at the close of the hour.

“They are back together,” Amell confirms to EW. “Right now, they’re back together, but I don’t know [what’s next].”

As Amell previously teased, there is much more trust between the duo now in the wake of everything they’ve experienced, which means they won’t be restarting this relationship from square one. “I don’t think they can,” Rickards concurs. “I just don’t think you can with anyone you have history with and someone you really, really care for. It’s usually one to 100. They do really love each other and they’ve hopefully solidified their friendship and hopefully can grow off the base of that.”

But they will face their fair share of challenges, especially when Felicity’s past comes back to haunt her during next week’s episode — something she chooses to face alone. “She refuses the team’s help for 75 percent of it,” Rickards says of the hour. “As we’ve seen before, Felicity doing that doesn’t always end up in her favor and is also nearsighted. It has to do with stealing some tech. It is one of my favorite episodes ever. I had one of the best times filming that episode, so hopefully you’ll like it.”

Though he’s no longer the Green Arrow, Oliver will question her decision not to rely on the team. “They have a little bit of a back and forth because he says, ‘You can do what you want to do,’ and that’s a big thing with Oliver this year, is he trusts people to do their job,” Amell says. “‘Do it, take over, go for it.’ And he and Felicity get into it a little bit because he says, ‘Look, you can do what you want, just don’t do it without backup. Use the team, that’s what they’re there for.’ The fact that she’s doesn’t gives him pause a little bit.”

Arrow airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET on The CW.

http://ew.com/tv/2017/10/26/arrow-olive ... -spoilers/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva intro de "Arrow" con los símbolos de todos los miembros del 'Team Arrow':

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelados título y créditos del 6.09:
El productor Marc Guggenheim ha compartido en su cuenta de twitter el título y los créditos del noveno episodio de la S6 de "Arrow", cuya producción ha comenzado:


El episodio 6.09 tiene por título "Irreconcilable Differences", está escrito por Beth Schwartz & Sarah Tarkoff, y dirigido por Laura Belsey.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes y videos bts del rodaje de la S6 de "Arrow" (24-29 Oct, 2017):

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(@EchoK: When your friend has something on their face but you just don’t have the heart to tell them. @officialrickg @JulianaHarkavy
@JulianaHarkavy: Bang bang
@charlotteross: my girl @EmilyBett Best TV daughter you could wish for #Arrow #MamaSmoak #smoakgirlpower
@ArrowProdOffice: How about that episode West Coast get ready! #tbt to the #eclipse
@JulianaHarkavy: East Coast, Hope you enjoyed tonight’s episode of #Arrow! West Coast are you ready!!! 9pm on @TheCW
@officialrickg: East coast!! New #Arrow right now!! #WildDog @JulianaHarkavy @EchoK @StephenAmell @CW_Arrow)


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 6.04 "Reversal":

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Podéis encontrar la descripción oficial del episodio: AQUÍ

- ARROW | 6.04 "Reversal" Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 6.04 "Reversal" Inside the episode | The CW:

- ARROW | 6.04 "Reversal" Clip #1:

http://ew.com/tv/2017/11/02/arrow-felic ... -season-6/

- ARROW | 6.04 "Reversal" Clip #2:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 6.06 "Promises Kept":
6.06 "Promises Kept" (16/11/17): OLIVER TOMA UNA GRAN DECISIÓN — A medida que Slade (la estrella invitada Manu Bennett) continúa descubriendo pistas sobre los últimos años de su hijo, Oliver (Stephen Amell) toma una gran decisión. Mientras tanto, Green Arrow (David Ramsey) lidera al equipo a la batalla contra “The Dragon,” un villano que está robando valiosa tecnología en Star City. Antonio Negret dirige el episodio escrito por Oscar Balderrama & Rebecca Bellotto (#606).

https://www.spoilertv.com/2017/10/arrow ... press.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevos concept-arts de 'Wild Dog' y ' Mr. Terrific"por Andy Poon:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Revelados título y créditos del 6x10:
El productor Marc Guggenheim ha compartido en su cuenta de twitter el título y los créditos del décimo episodio de la S6 de "Arrow", cuya producción ha comenzado:


El episodio 6.10 tiene por título "Divided", está escrito por Ben Sokolowski & Emilio Ortega Aldrich, y dirigido por James Bamford.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- David Ramsey: el secreto de tendrá un efecto dominço para todos (TVLine):
David Ramsey: el secreto de tendrá un efecto dominço para todos
Por Matt Webb Mitovich / 01 Nov 2017, 4:51 PM PDT

In this Thursday’s episode (titled “Reversal” and airing on The CW at 9/8c), Diggle will have Black Siren to quiet — and it turns out she is not alone. Beyond that, the arrival of Ricardo Diaz (based on DC Comics’ Richard Dragon) is on the horizon. And all this is going on as Dig tries to keep his illicit drug therapy on the down low.

TVLINE | What was your first reaction upon learning you would be legit “suiting up” for a stretch?
I was hoping they would actually make another suit! Every time I get into an Arrow suit it is a new suit, and I like that. There’s a little bit of sexiness to the suit, Matt. It’s kind of a sexy suit.

TVLINE | I was going to say, you’re pulling it off, man.
I was looking for forward to the fittings and getting into the leather again

TVLINE | Were you surprised, pleasantly or otherwise, by the duration of your time in the hood? Stephen [Amell] said there’s a “maturity” in the show really following through on that twist.
I think that’s a great way of putting it. I was surprised. There was a realistic sentiment to me taking over. The fan base was mixed, and so was Team Arrow, so the sentiment within the fiction was realistic. Diggle was compromised and immediately Rene called him on it and went to Oliver, and this was not Diggle picking up where Oliver left off. He has some faults, and I’m glad. As human and “to the ground” as you can make a show about about a man fighting crime with a bow and arrow [Laughs], we’ve made it that way. Diggle had problems in the field, people questioned his leadership… and then there is reversal of the Oliver/Diggle relationship, with Oliver now kind of taking on that role of offering sage advice. I thought it hit all the right notes.

But yes, I was surprised, pleasantly, that they really committed themselves to giving me even a different fighting style. This is something Bam [supervising stunt coordinator James Bamford] and I have always talked about, that Diggle is a military-trained guy so there’s not a lot of elliptical, roundhouse [moves]. This guy goes straight forward, breaking bones, trying to end the fight. We wanted to show that difference between the way those two fight as well.

TVLINE | Diggle is secretly “juicing” to get past his injury. What sort of complications can we expect from that?
Big-time complications. You’re seeing Diggle in a different way, right? Diggle has always been kind of the bastion of integrity — I mean, this man wanted to go to prison over the guilt he felt over the Canary’s death and his brother’s death. He’s been the model of morality. And now all that stuff comes into question. I think it’s a good arc for Diggle and a good arc for the team, because what’s he’s doing will affect the whole team and his family. This will have a ripple effect that will be felt throughout the first part of the season.

TVLINE | Do you think his guilt level rises with each passing episode he doesn’t come clean to Oliver about his compromised situation?
I think that Diggle is a man of mission, and once the mission takes hold, it’s “whatever you have to do to complete it.” I say that with a caveat that Diggle has always been the one saying, “You do whatever you have to do, but once you cross that line of morality, maybe you want to talk about how these choices affect the mission.” But Diggle takes this [Green Arrow] mantle very, very seriously. He takes Star City very, very seriously. Diggle had a great line many years ago that went, “Secrets are like weights — the more you have, the harder it is to move.” And for Diggle it becomes less about his guilt and more about, “I have to have these drugs to continue the mission.” So we’re going to see a Diggle that becomes someone we haven’t really seen, in the sense that his moral compass gets comprised. You would think that, as your question implies, he is a man who’d feel some guilt, that it starts to haunt him, but it’s more, “I have to continue this charade.”

TVLINE | What sort of threat will the Ricardo Diaz character (played by Kirk Acevedo) present when he shows up in a few weeks?
Hmmm…. I almost said something that would give it away but… Ricardo Diaz ends up being someone very important to Diggle specifically. His thread plays out on a relationship with Diggle particularly.

TVLINE | Ricardo is described as “an ex-con who is set on taking control of Star City’s criminal underworld.” How will he differ from Season 5’s Tobias Church? Was Tobias more of a thug?
He was a street-level thug. There is a street element to Ricardo, but Ricardo is much bigger than Tobias Church, his tentacles are much longer. Tobias Church was really street-level.

TVLINE | And what is Black Siren up to this week?
It’s all on Cayden James, man! It’s [Helix boss] Cayden James and Black Siren this week. You get to find out, “Who is Cayden James?” Mmm-hmmm. So that’s happening. And also, Felicity feels as if she can handle Cayden James and this revelation without the team, so there’s a moment for her at the end of this that’s helped by Oliver. Again, you have Oliver playing this position of almost Diggle, to the whole team, in a lot of ways for the next several episodes. It’s a much more mature Oliver — not just with what he’s doing with his son, but giving Felicity the key last week…. And that extends further this week as he helps her realize she needs the team to handle the Cayden James revelation.

https://tvline.com/2017/11/01/arrow-sea ... den-james/]

- El villano de la S6 de "Arrow" 'Richard Dragon' es ‘alguien muy importante para Diggle’ (cbr):
El villano de la S6 de "Arrow" 'Richard Dragon' es ‘alguien muy importante para Diggle’
Por Meagan Damore - 31 Oct 2017

According to Arrow star David Ramsey, who plays John “Dig” Diggle, Season 6 villain Ricardo Diaz will have a personal connection to the team. In an interview with TVLine, Ramsey described Diaz as “someone very important” to his character.

“I almost said something that would give it away but… Ricardo Diaz ends up being someone very important to Diggle specifically. His thread plays out on a relationship with Diggle particularly,” Ramsey revealed.

Asked how Dragon is different than a villain like Season 5’s Tobias Church, he added, “He was a street-level thug. There is a street element to Ricardo, but Ricardo is much bigger than Tobias Church, his tentacles are much longer. Tobias Church was really street-level.”

Kirk Acevedo’s Dragon will make his series debut in Season 6’s sixth episode “Promises Kept, where Dig’s Green Arrow “leads the team into battle against “The Dragon,” a villain who is stealing valuable tech in Star City.” According to the character’s breakdown, he is “a hardened ex-con recently released from prison for crimes he didn’t commit” who “is bent on taking over Star City’s criminal underworld” and “has yet to meet a foe he can’t take down.”

While the Dragon has traditionally been portrayed as a martial arts hero and the trainer of many expert hand-to-hand fighters in the DC Universe, The New 52 introduced a new, villainous version of the character. This version was a man named Ricardo Diaz Jr., who murdered his master and took his name. In Arrow, he will be a master of hand-to-hand combat and a force to be reckoned with in the Star City criminal underworld.

Starring Stephen Amell as the Emerald Archer (well, not currently), Arrow airs Thursdays at 9pm ET/PT on The CW. The series also stars Emily Bett Rickards, David Ramsey, Willa Holland and more.

https://www.cbr.com/arrow-richard-drago ... to-diggle/

- Rick Gonzalez: 'A Wild Dog no le gusta el nombre en clave, pero adora el traje' (Yahoo):
Rick Gonzalez: 'A Wild Dog no le gusta el nombre en clave, pero adora el traje'
Por Robert Clarke-Chan - 02 Nov 2017

There were a lot of new faces last year on Arrow, which usually means some wouldn’t be sticking around long. But it wasn’t hard to figure out we’d be seeing more of Rene Ramirez, aka Wild Dog, portrayed by Rick Gonzalez. The saga of the lone vigilante trying to find his place on a team while also attempting to reconnect with his daughter made him a permanent fixture on the show. We spoke with Gonzalez about where his character’s headed, what excites him about the work, and his thoughts on the controversy over his new costume.

“I did hear that Terry Beatty, the original creator of Wild Dog in the comic books, wasn’t too happy about [the costume upgrade],” Gonzalez says of Beatty’s Facebook post lamenting the makeover. “And I totally get it. It can feel we’re not keeping the integrity of Wild Dog the same, especially by changing his look.”

But even though Wild Dog is part of a new continuity, Gonzalez says there’s still respect for the character’s origins. “I promise you that Maya [Mani, the show’s costume designer] took everything from the original design and upgraded it and tried to make an homage to that [while at the same time integrating him into the Arrowverse],” he says. “And I agree with him — I love the original costume! It’s incredible.” (Beatty is somewhat resigned to the change. “Oh well, I got a year’s worth of seeing how cool my costume design looked on screen,” he wrote, going on to praise the actor for his work in the role.)

On a practical level, Gonzalez says working with the new outfit has its challenges: “Oh, it’s definitely harder. I need two other people to help me get it on, strap everything on.” Of course, a full leather bodysuit — complete with a redesigned mask more fit for a high-tech goalie than a typical hockey goon — is going to be tougher to don than a jersey and camo pants. “It’s a lot more work, but I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Gonzalez says. “If looking good takes time, you gotta do the process!”

Sadly, he didn’t bring the old costume home with him like a lot of stars do (or try to). “I wish!” he says with a laugh. “No, that’s someplace under lock and key. I’m hoping to get my hands on it again.”

One of the reasons why the character is still around is he fits. Just like Curtis and Felicity go together like peanut butter and jelly, so too do Rene and Lance. “I just truly love the way the characters connect on screen,” Gonzalez says. “There’s something very organic about it. Both characters are cut from the same cloth and deal with the same type of loss. I love that they have the same temperament and yet, they still get along.”

While he credits the writers with putting the two together, he thinks that what he and actor Paul Blackthorne bring to their roles is what really makes it special. “Sometimes, it just happens that way,” he says. “You write two people together and there’s something else that happens — a trust that happens in terms of the work.”

That also allows them to bring lightness to their heavy stories of men who’ve, in different ways, lost their daughters. “I love the idea that we’re even able to find the comedy in our energy together, the comedy in Rene and Lance, because they’re so comfortable with each other,” he says.

Looking ahead, Gonzalez says he’s hoping to see his character connect with his daughter and to “figure out what’s going on inside of Rene’s brain that makes him not want to connect with Zoe and then what makes him actually do [it]. I think he’s always, always wanted to [but he’s his own worst enemy].” He believes Rene tells himself, “I don’t think I’m a good enough dad.”

“I think he’s lying to himself,” Gonzalez says. “I think he’s going to be a great dad.”

He also sees Wild Dog as someone strong enough to take on more responsibility for the team. With Diggle being asked to wear the Green Arrow suit — and with Dig possibly unable to wear it — does that mean he thinks Rene may eventually put on the hood? “No. I hope not!” he says. “Wild Dog loves his suit. He doesn’t love the code name, but he loves the suit.”

Arrow airs Thursdays at 8 p.m. on The CW.

https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/arr ... 07748.html

- Estrella de "Arrow" responde a las quejas del co-creador de 'Wild Dog' sobre el traje (cbr):
Estrella de "Arrow" responde a las quejas del co-creador de 'Wild Dog' sobre el traje
Por Adam Fitch - 02 Nov 2017

The CW isn’t shy when it comes to altering superhero costumes for its series, and Arrow is no exception. One of the members of Team Arrow — Wild Dog — received a new suit for Season 6, and the character’s co-creator took to Facebook to express his distaste. Now, Wild Dog actor Rick Gonzalez has responded to the criticism.

Speaking to Yahoo!, Gonzalez addressed Beatty’s concerns head-on. “I did hear that Terry Beatty, the original creator of Wild Dog in the comic books, wasn’t too happy about [the costume upgrade],” the actor said. “And I totally get it. It can feel we’re not keeping the integrity of Wild Dog the same, especially by changing his look.”

Even though Wild Dog’s look has changed rather drastically, Gonzalez assured Beatty — and fans — that the essence of the character will stay intact. “I promise you that Maya [Mani, the show’s costume designer] took everything from the original design and upgraded it and tried to make an homage to that [while at the same time integrating him into the Arrowverse],” he explained. “And I agree with him — I love the original costume! It’s incredible.”

Beatty recently took to Facebook to state his dislike for the character’s Season 6 revision, even going so far as to call the new costume “generic.”

“This change erases any trace of the original Collins/Beatty concept for the character. I would not be surprised if his name gets changed before too long, as well,” Beatty said. “Whatever was unique about his ‘street level’ costume has been replaced with the current standard issue dark armored uniform — a generic ‘third Imperial Guard from the left/Death-Blood-Stroke-Stryke/Image big gun’ look. Sigh….”

Airing Thursdays at 9pm ET/PT on The CW, Arrow was developed by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg. The series stars Stephen Amell, Katie Cassidy, Colin Donnell, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Susanna Thompson, Paul Blackthorne, Emily Bett Rickards, Colton Haynes, Manu Bennett, John Barrowman, Echo Kellum, Josh Segarra, Rick Gonzalez and Juliana Harkavy.

https://www.cbr.com/rick-gonzalez-wild- ... -response/

- Por qué Diggle querría ser Green Arrow (ign):
Por qué Diggle querría ser Green Arrow
Por Chris E. Hayner - 02 Nov 2017

There's a new Green Arrow in town. After deciding to spend more time with his son on Arrow, Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) handed over his green hood to trusted ally John Diggle (David Ramsey), who has been by his side since the very beginning.

While everyone, including Ramsey himself, assures fans that Diggle going green is temporary, it has changed the structure of Team Arrow dramatically. It's also changed Diggle himself, who was revealed to be using drugs in an effort to keep the nerve damaged he received in the Season 5 finale under control. For the man that was always the moral backbone of Arrow, resorting to narcotics to keep up with his vigilante work feels like a very dark turn.

IGN spoke with Ramsey about these changes Diggle has faced and where they will take him -- and those around him -- in the coming episodes. He also digs into what his wife Lyla's (Audrey Marie Anderson) rection will be, his limited involvement in the upcoming crossover and what, exactly, is going on between Diggle and Dinah Drake (Juliana Harkavy).

1. Diggle's Mindset as a Leader

"I think his mindset is the mission. We've always kind of seen a John Diggle who is kind of the moral compass. But his mindset going forward is that he'll do anything to complete the mission. We've always seen a John Diggle that will do anything to complete the mission until you reach that moral line, then maybe we have to stop, slow down and think about this for a little bit. He's had that conversation many times with Oliver, even Felicity, and on multiple occasions with his wife.

"That seems to be lost on this version of Diggle and it is about keeping the charade up because of the mission and because of the mantle and responsibility that's been thrust upon him. For whatever reason, it takes him to the place where he's willing to compromise his morality and continue the charade and continue to go deeper and deeper into the drugs."

2. What It Means for Diggle to Choose Work Over Family

"I think the Green Arrow mantle means more to him than we think it does. The writers have already hinted at this and they've shown us that part of John Diggle, whether it's the mantle or Green Arrow or not, this is now his mission. The city is just as much his as it is Oliver's and the mission is now as much his as it is Oliver's. We saw it last year with the aliens in the crossover. Within that paradigm, as you remember, they put Team Arrow in an alternate reality where we live out our best lives. The best version of John Diggle, for John Diggle, was as the Green Arrow. This mantle means much more to him.

"You're going to see more of that idea played out in the season. This is not just being a decoy. This is something that he really, really takes very seriously and wants -- not necessarily to wear the hood, but to be the protector of the city, above and beyond the Spartan mythos he's creating. This is not something that is my backstory that I'm making up, this is something that the writers have already hinted with the Dominators last year. We'll see that played out in the season."

3. Lyla's Reaction to Diggle's Choice

"That's going to be interesting when Lyla comes back. She'll have something to say and will be none too pleased about the fact that her man is now someone else. He's not John Diggle. Again, where we're taking this -- the mission being compromised, him compromising himself, him compromising his teammates by keeping up this charade -- speaks, again, to what he feels about this mantle. That will play itself out to his wife eventually, to his team eventually and, obviously, to Oliver. That's going to be a few episodes away. He gets to a place where his health is compromised. There will be a lot of problems with his choices. He's competent and capable as a leader but the drugs take their toll."

4. What Really Is Diggle's Relationship with Dina?

"I'll tell you, straight out. We talked about, "Wow, there's major chemistry between David and Juliana! There's major chemistry between John and Dinah! What are we going to do?" Honestly, it's come to this: Now when we're blocked in a scene, "David, you've over there. Juliana, you're over there. And as we're interesting, perhaps you guys aren't interacting as much." It isn't something that is necessarily being written to. I think it's two strong characters that have chemistry with each other. Naturally, when you see that on camera, the camera picks up eye shifts and a lot of different things that get interpreted as, 'Oh, what's happening here?'

"Listen, I know that the writers are not trying to put them together. [Executive producer] Wendy [Mericle] has said that publicly, that she's not. As far as I know, as of now, Lyla's not going anywhere and that would be the only way that would occur. There isn't, as far as I know, an affair down the road. So what we're seeing on-camera, as much as I'd love to say there's something brewing there and the writers are picking it up in editing and picking it up in camera work, no. It's just two actors that are bouncing off each other. And it's fantastic."

5. What to Expect in the Next Arrowverse Crossover

"Supergirl is much more involved than last time. ... I'm not heavy in 608, which is the crossover episode. So that was the episode I got to be in the editing bay with James Bamford and watch our 608 crossover episode, which again I'm not heavy in. ... [Supergirl star] Melissa [Benoist], I think it just fantastic. The way she and Oliver, particularly, get to play with each other and play within the scenes, is just great. It has a great balance of all the action and even comedy. It's just really well-crafted, well-done and well-written."

http://www.ign.com/articles/2017/11/02/ ... reen-arrow

- Wendy Mericle habla sobre la vendetta de Cayden James contra Oliver (cbr):
Wendy Mericle habla sobre la vendetta de Cayden James contra Oliver
Por Bryan Cairns - 02 Oct 2017

Cayden James emerged as Arrow’s very own cyber bogeyman. As the leader of Helix, an organization of talented hacktivists, his name had been mentioned, but his face never seen. Captured by A.R.G.U.S. and imprisoned in one of their black site facilities, Cayden escaped with the help of Helix and Felicity last season. He’s been scheming and patiently waiting to strike — until now. Tonight’s episode, “Reversal,” featured Cayden and Black Siren teaming up to wreak havoc in Star City and execute phase one of his master plan.

In a postmortem, Executive Producer Wendy Mericle spoke with CBR about Cayden’s introduction, what makes him tick, whether he’s met his match in Felicity and pairing up with Black Siren.

CBR: What was the thought process behind how Cayden James was introduced?

Wendy Mericle: We definitely wanted it to be a surprise. We wanted it to be a misdirection. We’ve gone along thinking it’s this character we’ve been calling Boots, who has been played by Tobias Jelinek from “Stranger Things.” He is the one who went back and rescued Black Siren off the island in 601. We wanted to have some fun with the audiences’ expectations, as we often do on the show. We knew we had gotten Michael Emerson, which we were really excited about. But, we wanted to see what we could do in terms of keeping it surprising and interesting. When you hear that Michael Emerson is on the show, everyone immediately goes, “When am I going to see him? He’s going to be the bad guy.” To counter those expectations, we wanted to make it as interesting as possible.

Lyla Michaels previously stated, “He’s 20 times more dangerous than Snowden.” What makes Cayden so deadly?

He was that way when we first heard his name in Season 5. He’s an extraordinarily gifted hacker. Snowden has a moral angle he was taking. Cayden James has that, as well as the skills. He is a super-genius. At that point, that’s how we were thinking of him. Now, when we meet him in Season 6, there have been some changes. He has gone through a trauma, which I won’t spoil here, but we will find out about later in the year, that will make us understand why he has taken his skills to a different level and why he is so angry at Oliver and the team.

Felicity understandably became personally invested in Cayden since she helped spring him from A.R.G.U.S. What does he bring out in her?

It’s not a father figure, so to speak, but she meets her match with him. That is rare with Felicity. She is so good at her job and so intelligent. She’s used to always being the smartest person in any given room. I think when she comes up against somebody like him, it drives her crazy. He meets her where she is, and one-ups her. For anyone who is competitive and intelligent, that drives you nuts. It’s crazy-making.

Does Cayden view Felicity as a threat?

Yeah, he definitely views her as an equal, so that’s a threat for him. In many ways, she also feels responsible for what she did in episode 519. The fact that she unleashes this terror on the world, she feels responsible for trying to find a way to put that genie back in the bottle.

How did you want this case to spotlight Oliver and Felicity’s professional relationship?

The fun of this episode, which we knew from the earliest stages from breaking it, is Oliver has taken a step back from the team. He’s not the Green Arrow right now. This is Felicity’s first solo mission. We have this fun flip with Oliver on the comms and Felicity on the mission. We decided it would be a really cool thing for them to switch roles.

Why are Cayden and Black Siren a match made in villain heaven? How do they compliment one another?

They need each other. That can’t function independently. Cayden could do a lot of damage on his own. Black Siren, as we’ve seen, can, too. But, if you bring them both together, they are even more unstoppable. She’s the brawn and he’s the brains. It’s not that they don’t have ways of accomplishing things on their own. The other thing is Black Siren knows when the team sees her, and Cayden knows this, it’s a reminder of Laurel. They know she’s not Laurel, but it’s this reminder and gives Cayden an emotional edge every time he employs her and brings her into the field against the team.

Cayden is a chess player. His master plan is now in motion. What can you tease about Cayden’s larger agenda?

What we’re seeing in this episode is the tip of the iceberg. We say that every year in terms of our big bad, but the culmination of this is doing something on the show we’ve never done before. We’re very excited about this piece of it. I’ll tell you this. It does involve his computer skills, but it involves using those skills in a way that is bigger and scarier than anything we’ve done on the show.

Cayden has stoked the personal fires by recruiting Black Siren. In what way will he be directly causing trouble for Team Arrow?

Once we discover what his personal vendetta is and why, it will become clear what he’s trying to accomplish and what it means for the team. We really can’t say too much about it, but I will tell you that it does speak to the thematics of the season. Family is our theme this season. Oliver has a son in the city, and whatever Cayden is up to, it’s definitely going to have an impact on everyone Oliver loves.

What other key moments from tonight’s episode stood out for you?

I think my favorite part is seeing Oliver helping Felicity on a mission. That’s a fun flip for their roles and something we’ve never really seen on this show before. In the act-five sequence as well, we did this amazing thing. I have to hand it to director Gregory Smith, to everyone in Vancouver and all of our production team. We have this cool thing we’re trying to do with this internet vault piece. The way we did that with VFX and location, and the way those two are married, it’s really scope-y. It’s spectacular. They did a fantastic job.

Cayden could easily have been young or old, a male or female. How did Michael Emerson capture the essence of this character?

He is a tremendous actor. We knew we wanted to do Cayden this season and bring him into the show as the big bad. It’s the idea of having someone of Michael Emerson’s caliber and have him bring what he brings to the role. He’s a tremendously nuanced performer, but he also manages to bring this level of calm. That calmness is even creepier. A lot of things were born out of what we wanted for the character and then having a creative call with Michael and getting his input as well. Hopefully, it’s something that the audience will both be scared by and embrace.

https://www.cbr.com/arrow-wendy-mericle ... -vendetta/?

- David Ramsey reaccionó de la misma manera en que todos lo hicimos hacia Diggle siendo el nuevo Green Arrow (ew):
David Ramsey reaccionó de la misma manera en que todos lo hicimos hacia Diggle siendo el nuevo Green Arrow
Por Lauren Piester | 02 Nov, 2017 4:00 PM

When Oliver Queen gave up the job of Green Arrow to Diggle in the second episode of season six, nearly everyone reacted the same way.

There's no way that's going to stick, we all said. This will last for like, an episode, we all thought. And even Diggle himself, David Ramsey, felt the same way.

"I thought it was going to be like a one-off," he tells E! News. "You know, kinda the way it's been before—he's a decoy."

But apparently, for at least the first six or so episodes of the season, Diggle is keeping the gig.

"When I found out he was going to have a crossbow, I knew that they're really committed to it, because you know, there's more than just the money for a new costume invested. Now you're going into the props and you're changing the story," Ramsey says. "There's a visual change to the character, not just the weapon he uses."

With the FBI closing in on Oliver's (Stephen Amell) vigilante habits and his son worried about his father not making it home, it was time for a change. So he officially gave up the bow and arrow to Diggle so he could focus on being the mayor, being a parent, and getting the FBI off his back, but Diggle's not just an interim Green Arrow.

"They didn't just kind of bandaid this inquiry that the FBI has of Oliver Queen," Ramsey says. "I wasn't used to facilitate a bandaid. It was really a commitment to a storyline that I was impressed by."

So far, Diggle's time as the Green Arrow isn't going all that well. He can't shoot arrows like Oliver can, and he's got a seriously concerning tremor in his hand after the explosion. So of course, he's doing drugs.

"I think it's great for John Diggle who's always been kind of a bastion of integrity and morality, but now he's taking drugs to continue the mission of the team," Ramsey says. "And we're going to see that this becomes less of a moral question about his need for this drug, this performance enhancing drug, but it becomes about his lust for it, and to continue the mission, it becomes tunnel vision. And the team and mission gets compromised because of it."

While he doesn't think the storyline compares to Lance's (Paul Blackthorne) substance abuse issues explored a couple seasons ago, Ramsey says we're going to see a whole new side of his character.

"It is used to kind of underscore a different John Diggle, a John Diggle we've never seen before, and that's really the purpose of it to use as a story prop," he says. "So you should be concerned in the sense that the missions are compromised, and you haven't seen a Diggle like this before."

So far, Diggle has yet to open up to Oliver or any of his teammates about the drugs he's taking, and Ramsey thinks that's the biggest lesson he has yet to learn as the Green Arrow. Apparently things are going to get a lot worse before he finally opens up.

"We're talking about major health problems, near death type of experience," he teases. "Compromising out in the field, people getting hurt, and he himself getting hurt. So the stakes get higher and higher and higher the more the secrets get compounded."

Tonight's episode finds Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) launching another attack and we finally get to meet Cayden James, the leader of Helix. But it also finds Diggle going "deeper into the rabbit hole."

"We just go deeper into the pit of where he is with this drug and his need for it to continue to perform at the level he's performing at," he says. "There's more of Diggle missing the moral mark that he's so prone to always hit."

In happier news, Oliver and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) will continue to put their relationship back together, "and it's Oliver that helps Felicity realize that she needs the team to face this threat." Plus, he becomes a kind of mentor for everyone on the team.

Since Oliver now has his s--t together, Ramsey says "there's a lot of falling to pieces" for the rest of the team, and Oliver is there to help put them back together.

"Because Oliver has maybe reached another plateau, another level in his maturity, it does allow for you to see a lot of chinks in our armor in the rest of the team."

Arrow airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. on the CW.

http://www.eonline.com/news/891047/arro ... reen-arrow

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32857
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 6.05 "Deathstroke returns":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

- ARROW | 6.05 "Deathstroke returns" Promo | The CW:

- ARROW | 6.05 "Deathstroke returns" Inside the episode | The CW:

- ARROW | 6.05 "Deathstroke returns" Clip #1:


- ARROW | 6.05 "Deathstroke returns" Clip #2:


Imagen Imagen
¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
