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Publicado: Jue Dic 20, 2007 7:22 pm
por ldmaul
pues si, esperemos que los de maquillaje se lo curren y no parezca un "viejo joven". Por lo menos este actor tiene grandes peliculas a sus espaldas.

edito: MAs informacion, aunque en ingles.
Emmy Rossum Talks Dragonball
Source: Emmy Rossum December 26, 2007

Emmy Rossum (Poseidon, The Phantom of the Opera, The Day After Tomorrow) has posted a message about her filming and preparations for the Dragonball movie on her official MySpace page:

Sorry I've been rather quiet for a bit, I've been working on a very exciting new film that I'm shooting outside the US. I'm working with the great Chow Yun Fat and I'm very excited about the role, which is so different than any role I've ever played. I love the character and I'm excited to get to share something so fun with you. In prep for the film I've been training very hard, learning how to fight, fire a gun, weapons training and even some martial arts. It's fun to play such a different character when I am such a pacifist in real life.

Written and directed by James Wong, the big screen adaptation co-stars Justin Chatwin, James Marsters, Jamie Chung, Eriko Tamura, Joon Park and Chow Yun-Fat. Fox will release the film on August 15.

Publicado: Jue Dic 27, 2007 10:50 pm
por susi-E
está bien una peli de Dragon Ball, ya la stán rodando en México pro muy a mi pesar no stará Tom Welling

Publicado: Jue Ene 17, 2008 10:32 pm
por victormonterogallego
weno weno, al parecer las primeras imagenes de la pelicula de dragon ball, (aunq en mi opinion sabiendo como sera...ya se cargaron la peli, de no ser q lo q aya leido sea un fake), weno a lo q iba aki dejo las imagenes.


NOTA: como en la web no me dejaba coger las imagenes pos decidi aber si estaban en el youtube.

y aki una mini entrevista al actor que ara de goku


Publicado: Sab Ene 19, 2008 6:04 pm
por Vegeta33
Victor, muchas gracias por las imagenes y la entrevista, poco a poco vamos recopilando información, esta bien para ir haciendonos la idea de cómo sera la película, aunque por ahora tampoco es que pinte genial, espero que vayan mejorando, y que la película sea la mas espectacular en mucho tiempo ya que en lo referente a los actores, pues creo que se equivocaron en el casting, ni el Goku pega, ni el Vegeta, ni nadie vamos jajaja, eso si, al menos esta Chow Yun Fat que no es mal actor, y las chicas que estaban alrededor suyo en el vídeo :bb, espero que también participen jaja...

Publicado: Dom Ene 20, 2008 12:16 pm
por twori
Pero no lo tengo claro aun!!!se va hacer o no esta pelicula???jajaj,porque le estan dando moon de vueltas al proyecto...xD

Publicado: Dom Ene 20, 2008 3:04 pm
por Vegeta33
Si Twori, se supone que las fotos en la página anterior son del supuesto rodaje en Mejico, salir saldrá, pero dudo de si será buena, habrá que verla cuanto sale... :smt002

Publicado: Mié Ene 23, 2008 3:43 pm
por porre
Que mal me cae el que hace de Goku, y como la película sea infantil como dice él, la terminan de cagar del todo.

Más valdría que se ahorraran el dinero y no jodieran el éxito de Dragon Ball

Salu2 :smt006

Publicado: Mar Ene 29, 2008 7:19 pm
por ldmaul
noticia sacada del blog de Emmy Rossum( Bulma), parece que esta muy a gusto en el sitio de rodaje, esperemos que esa comodidad de los actores con su entorno haga que esten mas a gusto rodando la pelicula.
Actress Emmy Rossum (Poseidon, The Phantom of the Opera, The Day After Tomorrow) has continued to post Blogs in between filming scenes for Dragonball at her official MySpace page. Here's a rundown of the good stuff:

Since the new year I've been back on the set of "Dragonball." In addition to working in Durango, we've been shooting in some pretty remote yet stunning locations. So, I've been litterally "out of range" for a few days at a time. We shot in Mexiquillo, about 2 hours outside of Durango where the landscape is amazing and looks - in places - much like the forests of New England. The dense green trees reminded me of New Hampshire and Maine, and made me feel very at home. The sunrises and sunsets are really spectacularly beautiful.. Mexiquillo is pretty remote, and there weren't any hotels around, so we were actually "camping" in log cabins, all together. It was exactly what you'd imagine, campfires at night with smores and kumbaya... Okay, maybe not kumbaya, but we did do the smores! Its been a LOT of fun, especially bonding with the cast. All the actors get along great! After only a few weeks shooting we already have inside jokes and pretty much know each others life-stories. I've been listening to some harder music to access the edge inside me to bring to the character, some Lincoln Park and Dream Theater. I'm enjoying developing the character and training, learning to ride a motorcycle has been thrilling.. Its manual, so I've been learning all about clutch and throttle (don't laugh, this is all new to me!) And I think I'll be able to drive a stick-shift car after this film too!

Right now I am writing from a helicopter (with my costars, Chow Yun Fat, his lovely wife and Joon Park). We are on our way to the desert where we will be filming for the the next few days. I am the lucky one who gets to sit up front with the pilot (who was very careful to instruct me not to touch anything; knobs, controls or otherwise) Chow and Joon are taking pictures in the back and we are having a lot of fun. The landscape is alternating between, rolling sand dunes, green mountains dotted with cactus and farms layed out in geometric order with terracotta colored earth. I want you all to see what I see, so I'll upload some pics later when I can connect my camera to my laptop. Also, I'm attaching a picture from the cockpit right now!

A day later, she posted the following:

I'm happy to report I'm finding little bits of time on set in between takes to write you. Today we woke up in Torreon, a pretty big city in Mexico, at about 4:30am. We drove an hour to set, just outside Dunas de Bilbao. Our location is, what I can only describe as, a sand dune desert. I've been riding the motorcycle in 4-foot sand drifts since sunrise to get the shot just right. The wonderful, kind and talented Chow Yun Fat is hanging on for dear life in back. We've been doing about 40mph, and over bumpy sand dunes that is enough to make anyone a little queasey. Chow is so kind, so calm and a bit of a prankster (which I love!) and he hasn't complained once. The sand is pretty deep here, and we've had to dig the bike out a few times when it has stalled in the drifts, but the crew and stunt guys and girls are so helpful...

Back to set, I'm really enjoying getting to know Joon Park. I'm not allowed to spill any secrets, but our characters interact a lot in the film.

Written and directed by James Wong, the big screen adaptation co-stars Justin Chatwin, James Marsters, Jamie Chung, Eriko Tamura, Joon Park and Chow Yun-Fat. Fox will release the film on August 15.
Edito: Mas noticias y personajes que se agrregan al reparto como el abuelo de Goku, Gohan.
Otro nuevo actor confirmado y un par de declaraciones parece suficiente para contaros como va la película más esperada por los fans de las bolas mágicas.
A falta de imágenes del rodaje, podemos ofreceros la noticia leída en nuestro foro gracias a Angus Young de que Randall Duk Kim será Gohan, el abuelo de Goku, confirmándose así varias escenas con Goku de niño (si siguen un mínimo la historia). El nombre del señor Kim no os sonará de nada a no ser que veáis su página oficial y reconozcais en él al guardián de las llaves de Matrix.
Otras declaraciones de las que podemos hacernos eco son las de Emmy Rossum (Bulma) cuyo personaje tendrá mucha química con el personaje que interpretará Joon Park (Yamsha) a lo que añade que sus personajes interactuarán mucho, o lo que es lo mismo, podremos disfrutar de amoríos y peleas (debido al caracter de Bulma) entre ambos, todo un clásico en los inicios de la serie (Bulma, celosa, incluso echa de su propia casa a Yamsha, Puar y Oolong por la de admiradoras que acumulaba en las puertas de Capsule Corp).

Publicado: Vie Feb 01, 2008 4:40 pm
por Vegeta33
Idmaul, como siempre te superas, muchas gracias por la información!!! :smt002

Muy interesante la información, parece que aunque es una película incluirá muchos momentos interesantes de la serie, como es la relación de Bulma con Yamsha (Aunque Joon Park me pegaba mas con Vegeta), por cierto, Bulma no esta nada mal.

Creo que aunque no tenga los mejores actores en su plantilla la película puede ser igualmente interesante, habrá que ver si logran comprimir la historia de la serie en una película... :smt002

Bueno, y ya que estoy pongo unas imágenes que me encontré por casualidad...
Una imagen del rodaje:


Chow Yung Fat como Jackie Chun
También se confirmó a Eriko Tamura como Mai ¿saldrá Pilaff?

Emmy Rossum interpretará a Bulma

Aunque también me encontré esta información, que Bulma sera interpretada por esta chica (la info es de Noviembre del año pasado), aunque al parecer Emmy Rossum esta confirmada ya:

Camila Sodi sera Bulma
Idmaul, estás seguro de que Yamsha será interpretado por Joon Park??
Es que en otra web encontre esto:
Estreno previsto a nivel mundial el 15 de Agosto de 2008. Esto va a ser como la de transformers que solo les falta rodar exteriores con los actores ya que el trabajo de efectos especiales lo tendran medio hecho.

Y James Kyson Lee el de Heroes para el papel de yamcha?

Stephen Chow, que es el productor de la película, ha dejado caer en unas declaraciones al Oriental Morning Post que ha propuesto a la actriz china Kitty Zhang Yuqi como la candidata perfecta para hacer el personaje
de milk o chichi como se le conoce por otros lados
fuente misiontokyo.com

En cambio aquí sale que Chici será interpretada por una tal Jamie Chung que no esta nada mal:

James Wong
Akira Toriyama (comic) and
Ben Ramsey (adaptation)

Release Date:
15 August 2008 (Spain) more

Action / Adventure / Fantasy / Sci-Fi

Plot Outline:
A young boy named Goku seeks out upon his grandfather's dying request to find the great Master Roshi and gather all seven Dragon Balls (of which he has one) in order to prevent Piccolo from succeeding in his desire to use the Dragon Balls to take over the world.

Plot Synopsis:
View full synopsis. (warning! may contain spoilers)

Production Notes/Status:

Status Updated:
2 December 2007

Because this project is categorized as being in production, the data is subject to change; some data could be removed completely.
For expanded development & in production information on over 5,200 film and TV projects from Pitch through Completed, including contact details, visit IMDbPro.

(Credited cast)

Justin Chatwin ... Goku
other cast:

James Marsters ... Piccolo

Emmy Rossum ... Bulma

Yun-Fat Chow ... Roshi

Jamie Chung ... Chi Chi

La posible Chi Chi, Jamie Chung:


Joon Park ... Yamcha

Eriko Tamura ... Mai
Additional Details

Parents Guide:
Add content advisory for parents




Aspect Ratio:

2.35 : 1 more
Filming Locations:
Coyoacan, México D.F., Mexico more
Mas info...
Final Destination's James Wong to direct Justin Chatwin (Goku)

Twentieth Century Fox has officially announced that it signed director James Wong (Final Destination, X-Files television series, The One) and casted twenty-five-year-old Justin Chatwin (War of the Worlds, The Invisible, Lost television series) in the lead role of Goku for the movie adaptation of Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball action manga. According to the Variety newspaper, filming is set to begin this month, and the film is slated to open worldwide on August 15, 2008. James Marsters (Buffy the Vampire Slayer's Spike, Smallville's Brainiac) will play the antagonist Piccolo, and Stephen Chow, of Kung Fu Hustle and Shaolin Soccer fame, is producing the project.

Wong will not only direct the film, but he also rewrote an earlier script that was submitted by Ben Ramsey (The Big Hit). According to The Hollywood Reporter newspaper, the story centers around the alien Goku as an adult as he protects Earth — the very planet he was sent to destroy. Chatwin is training under the stunt firm 87Eleven (The Matrix, The Bourne Supremacy, 300). Other roles are still being casted. Previous reports have indicated that shooting will take place near Montreal, Canada and in Mexico, and that Heroes actor James Kyson Lee is auditioning for the role of Yamcha.

Between 1984 and 1995, Toriyama created 519 installments of the original manga for the publisher Shueisha and its Weekly Shonen Jump magazine. The manga's 42 compiled volumes have sold over 150 million copies in Japan and over 300 million copies worldwide. Both the manga and its anime adaptations (Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z) have enjoyed success in countries in Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. The 17 animated movies in the franchise have been seen a record 49 million times in Japanese theaters. Fox first acquired the live-action film rights to Dragon Ball in 2002.
Y aquí una visión general:
Live-action translation of popular Japanese manga will hit theaters next summer; Justin Chatwin, Buffy's Spike to star.
If epileptic fit persists for more than five minutes, try turning off the television.

If epileptic fit persists for more than five minutes, try turning off the television.

Ask a typical American about Japan, and the response will usually involve automobiles, sushi, and Godzilla--fairly trivial nuggets of information. But if one of those Americans asked happens to be under 25 years of age, he'll probably gush about Dragon Ball.

The wildly popular Dragon Ball franchise began as a Japanese manga in the mid-1980s in Japan, but has spread across the world and into other media such as video games, card games, and multiple animated television series. Soon, the franchise will topple one of the last forms of entertainment that has eluded it: a live-action film translation.

A Dragon Ball movie will be produced by 20th Century Fox and, if all goes according to plan, will hit theaters on August 18, 2008, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Justin Chatwin, who played Tom Cruise's son in War of the Worlds, will star as the popular main character Son Goku. Playing the film's villain will be James Marsters, best known as Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. James Wong (Final Destination) will direct, and Stephen "Kung Fu Hustle" Chow will produce.
Justin Chatwin is about to get PAID!

Justin Chatwin is about to get PAID!

The story follows the superpowered alien Goku, who is sent to Earth as an infant to take the planet over. However, upon realizing his species' intent, Goku has a change of heart and opts to protect the planet from extraterrestrial attacks.

Chatwin's other roles include a pot-dealing gay teen on Weeds, a pot-growing hitchhiker on Lost, and SuperBabies: Baby Geniuses 2, which isn't tolerable even with insane amounts of pot. Marsters, whose hotness is apparent even without insane amounts of pot, was also featured on Buffy spin-off Angel, as well as Smallville.

The Dragonball franchise has produced several shows, including Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball GT, and the massively popular Dragon Ball Z.
Perdón por el desorden, es que buscar información no es lo mío... :smt005

Publicado: Lun Feb 04, 2008 4:16 am
por *GSTYLE*
el tal justin chatwin va a hacer de goku? XDD

de donde sacara los musculos ese? jajajaja

me temo una gran cagada que flipas XDD :smt005 :smt005

Publicado: Mar Feb 05, 2008 7:38 pm
por ldmaul
si quereis saber mas sobre la pelicula mirad esta pagina, es que no me deja sacar la informacion. podemos leere loq ue dice James Masters sobre Piccolo y un posible Sr. Popo

Publicado: Mié Feb 13, 2008 11:33 am
por javiallulli
esto si ke estaria padre jaja

Publicado: Jue Feb 14, 2008 7:18 pm
por arianna
seria chistosisimo!!!

Publicado: Jue Feb 14, 2008 9:47 pm
por small06
Puff... se avecina una película que tal vez sepa plasmar muy bien una visión diferente de Dragon Ball y nos sorprenda, o bien la mayor mierda de este año...

Publicado: Jue Feb 14, 2008 11:02 pm
por beren
para mi q la van a cagar xo bien, bien, los actores no me convencen y la trama menos...dragon ball merece algo muxo mejor, algo q dignifique la serie, xo a mi me da q la van a joder de lleno.