"SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS/CW

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La directora Lexi Alexander dirigirá un episodio de "Supergirl":
La serie de "Arrow" se está anotando unos cuantos puntos en su elección de directores, recientemente con el ccordinador de escenas de acción James Bamford, y anteriormente con la directora Lexi Alexander ("Punisher: War Zone").

Ahora parece que "Supergirl" está siguiendo su ejemplo, ya que se ha anunciado que Alexander se dirige también hacia National City para lanzar Kara bien arriba.

Tras su excelente trabajo en "Arrow", Alexander tiene aún que confirmar específicamente su nuevo trabajo en "Supergirl", aunque ella y el comediante Patton Oswalt han aludido fuertemente a ello en twitter:
https://twitter.com/pattonoswalt/status ... 0304187392

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La actriz Italia Ricci se une a "Supergirl" en el personaje recurrente de 'Silver Banshee':
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La estrella de "Chasing Life" y prometida del actor Robbie Amell,Italia Ricci, se ha unido al drama de superhéroes de la CBS en un gran papel recurrente - y llegará causándole problemas a Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist), según nos informan desde ETOnline.

Ricci interpretará a 'Siobhan Smythe', la última incorporación de Cat Grant en CatCo, quien al prinicipio se convierte en enemiga de trabajo para Kara pero resulta ser una enemiga más mortal para Supergirl cuando se convierte en la villana de DC 'Silver Banshee'.

Ricci aparecerá por primera vez en el episodio 1.14.

"Estamos muy emocionados por trabajar con Italia. Hemos sido fans de su trabajo desde hace años y no podemos esperar a ver su versión de este icónico personaje de cómics,” dice el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg en el comunicado.

En los cómics, 'Silver Banshee' tiene fuerza sobrehumana, velocidad, resistencia, agilidad y una impresionante habilidad de resistir a los ataques y un don para los idiomas. Con frecuencia usa sus habilidades sónicas para debilitar a sus víctimas. En la versión original creada por John Byrne en Action Comics #595 en el año 1987 era una Banshee real de la mitología irlandesa, completada por la habilidad de volar y su “llanto mortal” capaz de matar. La versión que veremos en la serie parece estar más inspirada en la varsión de los New 52 en donde se hace amiga de Supergirl.

Ricci, representada por ICM, Protégé Entertainment y Coast to Coast.

http://www.etonline.com/tv/177379_super ... s_villain/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡La serie de "Supergirl" tendrá su propio cómic!:
Los fans de los cómics se quedaron bastante boquiabiertos preguntándose por qué DC canceló su cómic de "Supergirl" de los New52 justo antes de que debutara la serie de TV.

Ahora parece que Santa Claus está trayendo pronto sus regalos, ya que se acaba de confirmar que se lanzará un cómic de la serie de "Supergirl", que primero se editará en forma digital empezando a principios del 2016, editándose posteriormente seguramente alrededor de Marzo es su versión de cómic mensual, tras lo que se pondrá también a la venta en un volumen impreso compilatorio que se publicará el 9 de Agosto.

Aún no se han dado detalles sobre su creadores, aunque sí que conocemos su sinopsis:
"SUPERGIRL: DIGITAL FIRST VOL. 1 se enlaza directamente con el críticamente aclamado éxito de televisión de la serie del otoño de 2015 Supergirl, continuando las historias a medida que aparezcan en la serie.

Kara Zor-El aterrizó en la Tierra tras muchos años atascada en su ruta desde su ahora destruido planeta Krypton, habiendo seguido los pasos de su famoso primo Supermán. Una vez que llegó, fue acogida por la adorable familia Danvers y la enseñaron a esconder sus poderes sobrenaturales. Cuando el mundo se enamora de su primo superhéroe Supermán, Kara empieza a sentir la urgencia de abrazar sus poderes, especialmente cuando sus poderes pueden salvar a los que quiere.

¿Pero quiere National City una Supergirl? ¿Está el mundo listo para otro nuevo superhéroe? ¿Y qué otras consecuencias de otro mundo llegarán una vez que Kara Danvers revele su verdadero yo? ¡Decúbrelo en las historias entre los episodios en SUPERGIRL: DIGITAL-FIRST VOL. 1!"

Podéis pre-ordenar ya el volumen compilatorio en Amazon.com

http://www.bleedingcool.com/2015/12/06/ ... rst-title/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Supergirl: Ya es hora de que Jimmy Olsen salve el día (IGN):
Supergirl: Ya es hora de que Jimmy Olsen salve el día
Por Eric Goldman 07 Dic 2015

While Supergirl is just a few weeks into her new life as a superhero, this Monday’s new episode, “Human for a Day", will find Kara facing a huge crisis when she loses her powers.

So what will happen when National City doesn’t have the Girl of Steel to count on, just as a major earthquake hits? Mehcad Brooks told us his character, “James ‘Jimmy’ Olsen," "Actually sort of steps fully into a different role, saving people and doing things that she usually does. He definitely is given the opportunity to step into a hero role.”

Brooks noted that this is one of those moments, “Where we find out if we’re as strong as we think we are and as brave as we think we are. Luckily, Jimmy really is. He's given the opportunity to define himself in that way. And it inspires him. It inspires him to step up.”

Brooks said he’s thought of his version of James/Jimmy, who already has experienced many adventures with Superman, while working for the Daily Planet, “As kind of one of these war reporters on the frontlines,” noting it takes a certain type of bravery to take on that role in the first place.

Meanwhile, Jimmy has recently reconciled with Lucy Lane (Jenna Dewan Tatum ), though he did note, “Like any relationship: it is a bumpy ride,” adding, “He's had his heart broken by her. So it's tough. There are some challenges, but at the same time, if there's love there you have to explore it.”

Asked whether Jimmy is aware of Kara’s feelings for him, he replied, with a laugh, “Alright, let me ask you a question. If you were Superman's best friend, and you were coming to hang out with Superman's cousin, wouldn't it kind of be in the back of your mind like, Superman might whoop your ass?”

Still, Brooks did note he thinks Jimmy is “aware of it,” when it comes to Kara’s feelings, but there are many reasons – both Lucy and Superman related – he wouldn’t be inclined to show any reciprocation, at least for the time being…

http://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/12/07/s ... ve-the-day
- SUPERGIRL: Primicia desde el set (seat42f):
SUPERGIRL: Primicia desde el set
Por Sarah Stephens 07 Dic, 2015

Whenever a new superhero hits primetime TV, there’s a huge amount of expectation to live up to. The family-friendly SUPERGIRL is no exception and so far, SUPERGIRL seems to be finding its home at CBS. Seven more episodes have been ordered for season one, showing that CBS has faith in its latest primetime hit. It could come from the strong cast, led by Melissa Benoist as the title Supergirl, Calista Flockhart, Chyler Leigh, Mehcad Brooks and Jeremy Jordan. Or perhaps it is in the creative team with a track record in comics-turned-TV with show helmers like Greg Berlanti (ARROW, FLASH), Andrew Kreisberg (LEGENDS OF TOMORROW, FLASH) and Ali Adler (NO ORDINARY FAMILY). Either way, SUPERGIRL has a lot more story to tell.

As more of the Supergirl-universe is unfolding, we’re getting glimpses of just what material from the comics is being mined for the CBS hit. We got a chance to sit down with the cast and creative team behind SUPERGIRL on set and get scoop on what to expect for next batch of episodes. While Kara Danvers, aka Supergirl, may be getting a bit more comfortable in that cape, she’d be no where without the Superfriends. Check out what’s to come for the whole gang.

It IS possible for a Kyptonian to lose their powers: In Monday’s episode “Human for a Day,” we learn that both Superman and Supergirl can deplete their superpowers. EP Andrew Kreisberg filled us in on just how that works. “It was a Geoff Johns’ idea that Superman or any Kryptonian’s cells are basically suffused with solar radiation, and that’s where they get their powers from. The heat vision is a expulsion of that energy. That’s where it comes from. You could actually just basically run out, and you would need to recharge.” Kara spent most of the last episode “Red-Faced” defeating the Red Tornado and managed to run out of super juice. EP Ali Adler calls it “a solar flare.” But it may be a good thing for Supergirl to figure out how to be a hero without her Kryptonian powers to fall back upon.

Winn gets his moment under Cat’s glare soon: Kara may manage to handle monster boss Cat Grant with grace but quiet best friend Winn will get his shot in the next episode. Jeremy told us “Next episode we have…it’s the Winn and Cat show a little bit. There’s some crises that happened and Winn has some expertise that helps CatCo get back on top of things and so Cat recognizes his potential and turns her mentor brain over to him for a little while.”

Could Supergirl and James Olson really be a thing? From get-go, there’s been an implied love triangle between Kara Danvers, her best friend Winn and newcomers James Olson. That triangle quickly morphed into a square with the appearance of Lucy Lane, James’ ex-girlfriend. Mehcad Brooks (James Olson) teased a little bit what’s behind James’ intentions. “James is caught in a predicament where he’s heartbroken [previously]. We’ve all been. And he’s afraid to go back to his ex, but also intrigued by this new lady, but she’s off limits. So, I think there’s just more of the sort of, ‘Am I making a mistake going back here? Am I making a mistake not pursing the new thing?’ I think his issue is that, he has two incredible options right in front of him, but one is kind of forbidden and the other has broken his heart. So, that is confusing. That is sort of like a grey area.”

Newcomer Adam Foster could make these relationships get even more complicated: It was announced that comic character Adam Foster, played by Blake Jenner, Melissa Benoist’s real life husband, is soon headed to National City and could mix things up for multiple characters. Melissa told us about Kara’s interest in Adam, “He’s really attractive. Also, I think there’s a mystery about him. There’s a connection because of their past and what they’ve both been through, in terms of family and loss. When she meets Adam that’s definitely the wrench in the machine of her life, in terms of CatCo.”

There are more Super Friends to come: Supergirl has a pretty strong network around her between her best friend Winn, James Olson who plays her conduit of Super Advice from the Man of Steel and her DEO sister Alex. But what 20-something girl doesn’t need some female companionship to stay sane? When asked about more female friends for Kara, EP Ali Adler did mention “We’re actually doing that now with our backorder from CBS so we’re working that out right now, absolutely. And there might be a little twist to that too.” Could that twist be of the superhero variety? Ali kept mum but we wouldn’t rule anything out.

More from the DC-universe showing up in National City? EPs Ali Adler and Andrew Kreisberg made it clear there are a lot more from Supergirl and DC lore to play with. So far, nothing is really off limits. Ali Adler told us, “We have a quiverfull of amazing, historical DC characters that we’d love to take advantage of. There’s so much history in this title and so we absolutely want to use all the things we have in the plus column.” Andrew Kreisberg added “We’ve got some other big villains coming up and some cool announcements we’ll be making soon. We’re getting to do whatever we want anywhere.”

One of those big villains coming has a direct impact on Winn: It’s already been announced the infamous DC villain the Toymaker will appear on Supergirl. We learned early on that Kara’s best friend, Winn Schott Jr, has a father locked up for doing some pretty bad things. When the Toymaker does come to town, it brings up a darker side to Winn. Jeremy gave us some insight as to what to expect from everyone’s favorite nerdy sidekick. “Henry Czerny ­[is playing] Winslow Schott, Sr. who is the infamous Toyman and as we know from previous episodes, he’s been in jail for a long time for doing bad things. In episode 10, we’ll get to meet him. So things are gonna go down. We’re gonna see a different side of Winn, which I’m very excited about. I get to delve a whole deeper. And it was a really challenging episode for me. It was rewarding doing it.” What happens when Winn Jr. and Toymaker meet up? Jeremy told us, “For Winn, it’s abandonment without reason and without understanding and we’ll learn a little more about why and what that was. He’s definitely holding on to some pretty deep, dark emotions when it comes to confronting his dad that are brought to the surface very quickly. I think the exciting thing for me is you start to see what’s sort of behind the fun, quippy­ness and why Winn is like that.”

Sisterly love: Sisters Kara and Alex Danvers have had some bumps since it was revealed Alex was part of the DEO, unbeknownst to her alien foster sister. Yet, even that secret hasn’t pulled them apart. Both Melissa Benoist (Kara) and Chyler Leigh (Alex) were adamant their favorite relationship has been playing out the relationship between Kara and Alex. Melissa exclaimed “Their relationship is my absolute favorite, hands down. It’s so complicated, the way female relationships can be, especially between sisters, and that’s what’s so beautiful about it. You will only see their love and their bond get stronger and more unbreakable.” Chyler echoed her sentiment. “Some of the work that I know Melissa and I love most, is the scenes that we get to just be sisters. Where it’s in the loft where we’re stuffing our faces with pizza or ice cream or whatever it is. There’s a reality to that, that I think is very special. You’re not judged. You’re just level playing field. Those scenes are really fun for us.”

James will be meeting up with the DEO soon: For Kara, her life has been compartmentalized between life at CatCo and her Supergirl life with the DEO. Those worlds will merge soon when James and Winn meet Hank. There aren’t a lot of details but Mehcad told us James will be getting more techy soon with the DEO. “There’s more gadgets. Some of this stuff is, like, covert operation, government stuff. So, there are different things that come from the DEO or Kryptonian technology that James gets his hands on. There is some espionage stuff. There is stuff coming up, not in this next episode but the one after, I get to play, like, Vin Diesel and James Bond.”

- Kreisberg explica los orígenes de los cómics del episodio de esta noche (CBR):
Kreisberg explica los orígenes de los cómics del episodio de esta noche
Por Amy Ratcliffe, 07 Dic 2015

Last week's episode of CBS's "Supergirl" saw Kara tap into her anger in a way she never had before, unleashing the full intensity of her heat vision upon the android menace named Red Tornado. The act destroyed her foe, but it also had consequences -- in the wake of using her abilities in such a fashion, she found herself powerless.

During a visit to National City -- aka, the "Supergirl" set -- Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg explained what happened to the press, including CBR News. "It's from the comics," he said. "It was a Geoff Johns idea, which was that Superman or any Kryptonian's cells are basically suffused with solar radiation, and that's where they get their powers from. The heat vision is an expulsion of that energy. That's where it comes from. You could actually run out, and you would need to recharge. I was such a fan of that comic and that run, and talked to Geoff and said, 'Could we do something with that?' And he was like, 'Absolutely.'

"She's in this place where she's struggling with her role and [asking] 'Am I doing this well?' and 'How should I be doing things?' and 'How should I go about things?'" Kreisberg continued. "Then, we take it away from her and let her really appreciate what it means. We also just love the idea of, like Oliver [Queen] and like Barry [Allen], that Kara's a hero whether she has her powers or not. There's this great moment in that comic book where Superman confronts a guy with a gun and basically talks him out of it even though he knows if the guy pulls the trigger, he'll get killed. That became the centerpiece of that episode, and you saw that a little bit in the trailer. But she basically emptied her powers killing the Red Tornado, and she needs a couple of days. Unfortunately, it was the day of the giant earthquake."

Supergirl herself, Melissa Benoist, had her own take on the different side of Kara we saw fighting and destroying Red Tornado. "Everything was building to that," she said. "Her life has really been tossed upside down since she's come out with her powers and she's really had to grapple... with her past, what these powers mean on Earth, what being Supergirl means, and what kind of hero she wants to be. I think anyone would be overwhelmed with that, especially someone who didn't allow herself to be her true self for such a long time."

Ultimately, "Human for a Day" is about Kara struggling with her identity in the face of losing her powers. "Obviously, it's a frustrating feeling, but I think the whole point of the next episode is, how does one -- you don't need powers to be a hero, and what is in Kara's heart is what makes her a hero. So, how does she deal with this tragedy in the city, and how does she save people without being able to fly and have super strength and be made of steel? How does she handle that?"

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... ok-origins
- Capturando el momento: una entrevista con Mehcad Brooks de Supergirl (dccomics):
Capturando el momento: una entrevista con Mehcad Brooks de Supergirl
Por Tim Beedle 07 Dic, 2015

From the moment Mehcad Brooks was cast in the role of James Olsen on Supergirl, it was clear that this wasn’t your father’s Jimmy Olsen. (In fact, you’d better not call him “Jimmy” at all, if you’re not Superman.) Suave, sexy and confident, Brooks and his take on the role are a far cry from the red-hair-and-bow-tie Olsen of old. Serving both as a friend, mentor and object of affection to Melissa Benoist’s Supergirl, Olsen’s emerged from the Man of Steel’s considerable shadow and come into his own since moving from Metropolis to National City—a journey that has been complicated by his obvious feelings towards Kara.

But don’t worry, comic fans. There’s far, far more to this Olsen than love triangles and charming smiles as we learned when we spoke with Brooks at a recent press event. Here’s what he had to say about Supergirl and his cool and camera-ready character.

In this episode, we get to see James be the hero instead of Kara because she’s without her powers. What was that like?

Mehcad: She’s still the hero. I think the cool thing about the episode is that you realize you don’t need powers to be a hero. She relies on something else that I think even Superman couldn’t do, which is a certain sensitivity and something Kara has that he doesn’t have. As far as James stepping into a heroic position, it’s a lot of work. It was cool. It was a lot of fun.

The harness, I won’t mince words, is probably easier for a woman. Yeah, use your imagination. But it was great. I had a lot of fun doing it, and it’s really kind of nice to be able to use a different muscle than just the acting muscle—to get to be athletic. I love action. I grew up watching action, so it was a lot of fun for me. I felt at home.

Any good love story needs to have a nice little love triangle.


I would love to hear, from your perspective, where James is with all of that. He seems conflicted in every episode that we have seen.

Right. Conflicted. That’s a good word. You obviously watch the show, and keep up with the show. Can I ask you a question?


Does James come off as conflicted… or does he just come off as kind of [shady]?


Okay, cool.

Honestly, I would tell you.

Because I was worried about that myself. I was like, “You know I’m calling the other girl on Thanksgiving, right?” They were like, “Yeah… Action!” [Laughs]

I just don’t know how I can do this and not look like a total D-bag. It’s normally the kind of situation where families break up, you know? It’s not a good thing if papa’s calling not-mama on Thanksgiving.

So, we have this “It’s Complicated” button on Facebook, right? I think the reason that we have that is because we have a very complex issue in our society today. Like, for instance, in my parents’ generation, right or wrong—I think it’s wrong—women weren’t as concerned with their careers as they are today. They weren’t allowed to be. So, I think women have more options now. They have money, they’re traveling, they’re doing things that they weren’t doing 35, 40 years ago. That means that men have to step up their game, a little bit. It’s like, now you have social media and airplanes, so you gotta compete, brah.

I think in the world we live in today, complex relationships can be complex, right? I think that James is going through some heartache when we first meet him. Lucy is a powerful woman. She has more degrees than him. She doesn’t need him, in the conventional sense, and he has really stepped outside of that and made Superman his life, and made saving the world his life, so I can understand why there’s this disconnection between the two of them.

Now, when it comes to Kara… Raise your hand if you have not been heartbroken. We all know what that’s like and sometimes when you meet somebody there’s a lingering ex. Or there’s the possibility of maybe getting back together with somebody. Or there’s the person you met two weeks before this person. Whatever the case is, it is complex in this world because we have so many options. It’s game theory. I think that James is dealing with that. He meets this wonderful woman that he’s supposed to look after, who kind of doesn’t need him either.

I think his issue is that, he has two incredible options right in front of him, but one is kind of forbidden and the other has broken his heart. So, that is confusing. That is sort of like a grey area.

Going back to the “Shady James” you were talking about a minute ago, do you have an arc coming up where you become more of a bad boy?

Where I’m more shady?

Where you’re actually shady, because I think we agree you weren’t that shady in the phone call.

No. Like I said, James is caught in a predicament where he’s heartbroken. We’ve all been. And he’s afraid to go back to his ex, but also intrigued by this new lady, but she’s off limits. So, I think there’s just more, “Am I making a mistake going back here? Am I making a mistake not pursing the new thing?”

There are so many questions I think we would all have in that position. You know, me personally, I’d pick the alien because I think it would just be a lot more fun. You fly places. No passport.

Do you want your character to go to a darker place? Not in relationships, but you’re really like a boy scout on the show. You’re a great guy all the time. As an actor, as an actor do you want to try doing different things with the character?

Yeah, of course. You definitely want variation. I think, in the next episode, you see part of James past. You see he’s got some issues with his father, and it’s not so much of a dark place as it is a sad place. I’m not so sure this is the show for the dark place though, you know? That’s Gotham. We’re the Richard Donner version. We’re the light, happy-go-lucky version. There’s darkness, I think. I just think I’m happy to play someone that kids can watch. I haven’t done a lot of that. It’s kind of cool. I’ve always been, like, naked, cursing at people and having blood in my mouth. [laughs]

But does he realize that Kara’s into him, or is he just trying to not think that way?

Well, here’s the thing: I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. If Superman is your best friend, you can’t go cross-country just to start hitting on his cousin. Because he will whoop that ass. [laughs]

There are plenty of reasons why that wouldn’t happen, like even in the conventional sense, but also, James really respects [Kara] and wants to keep it professional. If he can be her liaison into the superhero world he’s seen before, then he wants to do that. Is there a mutual attraction? Of course. Does James recognize that? Of course. He’s not blind, but should he go there? That’s the scariest question known to any dude that’s maybe thinking of dating a friend. But, once again, if the friend could also heat vision you, and blow arctic wind on you and destroy you at any given moment, you don’t want to piss her off either.

In last week’s episode, you have this moment where Kara says that as a woman, she can’t get angry at work, and you say, “Well, as a black man, I really can’t get angry in public.” Is that something we’re going to see more of?

A black man getting angry in public? [laughs]

I hope not. Unless it’s Obama.

I meant more tackling those kind of issues. Would you want to?

That’s a testament to [Executive Producers] Andrew Kresiberg, Ali Adler, Sarah Schechter and Greg Berlanti. They come from a generation that understands where we are today in our society. So, I think that they have taken an incredible opportunity to talk about sexism, and an incredible opportunity to talk about human inequity, whether that’s race or gender. Knowing them, I think we’ll probably get into sexual preference. But it’s just been a really incredible opportunity to be able to be subversive in a good way.

We were at the table read and I read that line and I went… [stands up and begins clapping]

I was really impressed by the fact that we brought that up, and I’d like to see more of that. It doesn’t need to be a show where we’re teaching lessons about our social constructs in our society, but I think if we can put that that line somewhere, or if we can put that scene somewhere, it can make a kid who looks like me understand that he’s understood. Or a young lady can feel like she’s understood, right? That’s a cool thing. I didn’t have that growing up. I’m happy to be a part of that. So yes, I hope so.

In the comics, Jimmy uses a lot of gadgets, and we’ve seen James with the watch. Are we going to get to see him get into more spy/espionage kind of stuff?

There’s more gadgets. I’m a tech guy myself, but some of this stuff is, like, covert operation, government stuff. There are different things that come from the DEO, or Kryptonian technology that James gets his hands on. It’s kind of interesting. It’s kind of fun. There is some espionage stuff. There stuff coming up, not in this next episode but the one after, so yeah, I get to be like Vin Diesel and James Bond. It’s kind of cool, actually. Kind of fun. Lot of fun, actually. Not even kind of. Lot of fun.

James has taken Kara under his wing as she figures out how to be Supergirl. He’s almost the conduit. Will he continue to guide her that way, or are they going to get pulled further apart as Kara gets further into the DEO?

Yes and no, because James can certainly help her with certain things, and there are certain things that he can’t help her with. There are certain things everybody has to learn on their own. There are quite a few things I can help her with, and there are quite a few things she doesn’t need help with. I think the further she gets into the DEO, the less she’ll need James’ expertise in that realm. But that’s when I think the relationship can shift. It’s interesting how we’ve sort of blended the worlds and the DEO becomes a little more apparent to James, and James becomes a little more apparent to them, and things start to blend.

It is possible that we’ll ever see the dorky, bow-tie wearing Jimmy? Like maybe in a flashback?

I love bow-ties, and I’ve asked wardrobe about it. I think I just have too long of a torso. I would look really weird in a bowtie.

http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2015/12/07 ... cad-brooks
- El elenco y los productores ejecutivos adelantan 'Human For A Day' (accesshollywood):
El elenco y los productores ejecutivos adelantan 'Human For A Day'
Por Jolie Lash 07 Dic, 2015 8:29 AM PST

"Supergirl" gave her all in last week's fight against the Red Tornado, and it came at a great cost.

In Monday night's episode, "Human for a Day," Kara will have to deal with the aftermath of an earthquake in National City without – as the episode's title suggests – her super-powers.

"It's sort of new from the comics," Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg told reporters on a recent set visit, of where the idea for the twist came from.

"Superman -- or any Kryptonian's -- cells are basically suffused with solar radiation and that's where they get their powers from, and the heat vision is an expulsion of that energy -- that's where it comes from. You could actually just basically run out and you would need to recharge," Kreisberg continued (in last week's episode, Kara unleashed a primal scream as she used her heat vision to take down the Red Tornado).

"I was such fan of that comic and that run, and talked to Geoff [Johns, Chief Creative Officer of DC Entertainment] and said, 'Can we do something with that?' And he was like, 'Absolutely,' and so these were all set up in a certain way where… she's in the place where she's kind of like struggling with her role and am I doing this well, and how should I be doing things, and how should I go about things? And then, take it away from her and let her really appreciate what it means. And we also just loved the idea of like Oliver [Queen from 'Arrow'] and like Barry [Allen from 'The Flash'] that Kara's a hero whether she has her powers or not. And there's this great moment in that comic book where Superman confronts a guy with a gun and basically talks him out of it, even though he knows if the guy pulls the trigger, he'll get killed and that sort of became the centerpiece of that episode and you kind of saw a little bit in the trailer," he added.

Melissa Benoist, who plays Kara/Supergirl, said her character finds being without her Kryptonian powers, "kind of a frustrating feeling."

"But what I think the whole point of… the next episode is, you don't need powers to be a hero, and what is in Kara's heart is what makes her a hero," the actress said.

Mehcad Brooks, who plays James Olsen, hinted at what Kara will turn to, to tackle the situation.

"She relies on something else that I think even Superman couldn't do, which is a certain sensitivity, and something that Kara has that he doesn't have," Mehcad said on the same set visit.

And his character gets in on the action.

"As far as James stepping into a heroic position it was… a lot of work. It was cool -- a lot of fun," he said.

"It's really kind of nice to be able to use a different muscle than the acting muscle -- to actually be able to be athletic and I love action. I grew up watching action, so it was a lot of fun," he added.

http://www.accesshollywood.com/articles ... human-day/
- Melissa Benoist sobre el perder los poderes y el heroismo de Kara (Ksitetv):
Melissa Benoist sobre el perder los poderes y el heroismo de Kara
Por Craig Byrne 07 Dic, 2015

A new episode of Supergirl titled “Human For A Day” airs tonight (December 7) at 8PM ET/PT on CBS, and in it, Kara (a.k.a. Supergirl, played by Melissa Benoist) sees what it’s like to be human after burning out her powers in the previous installment.

What’s it like for Kara to be powerless? “Obviously, it’s a kind of frustrating feeling, but what I think the whole point of the episode is ‘you don’t need powers to be a hero,’ and what is in Kara’s heart is what makes her a hero,” Melissa told us about tonight’s show during an on-set Q&A with press last week. “How she deals with this tragedy in the city, and how does she save people without being able to fly and have super-strength and being made of steel?”

Kara’s intensity that set off the power loss happened in Supergirl Episode 6 “Red Faced” — here, you can find an interview with Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg talking about how it led to what happened to her powers. That episode showed us an intensity for Supergirl beyond anything we’d seen previously. “I think everything was kind of building to that,” Benoist admitted. “Her life has just really been tossed upside down since she’s chosen to come out with her powers, and she’s really had to grapple with that — with her past, and what these powers mean on Earth, and what being Supergirl means, and what kind of hero she wants to be…. I think anyone would be overwhelmed by that, especially someone who didn’t allow themselves to be their true self for such a long time. I had a really, really wonderful time working on Episode 6. It’s probably been one of my favorites so far, just because there was so much to grab from and play with, and she has such a tragic past that there was a lot of material,” she enthused.

At the end of the day, though, it’s Supergirl’s inherent goodness that keeps her as a character for fans young and old to look up to. “I always know what to fall back on when I’m playing Supergirl, but it doesn’t exclude the emotions, like what you guys saw in [“Red Faced”],” Benoist said, pointing out that she does have levels like everyone else. “She does get angry. She does have flaws. But what ultimately is the most important about her, I think, is that she always finds a silver living, and she always finds a way to be heroic, and good, at pure at heart.”

Below, you can find video of our interview, where you can find some talk about Melissa’s progress with the stunts, and she also talks about her relationship between Kara and her boss, Cat.

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/sup ... ism/89711/
- Andrew Kreisberg sobre el qué hace a Supergirl “Humana Por Un Día” (ksitetv):
Andrew Kreisberg sobre el qué hace a Supergirl “Humana Por Un Día”
Por Craig Byrne 07 Dic, 2015

What’s going on?

We spoke with Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg on set last week for more details.

“It is something that is actually sort of new from the comics,” Kreisberg explained. “It was a Geoff Johns idea, which was that Superman or any Kryptonian’s cells are basically suffused with solar radiation an that’s where they get their powers from, and heat vision is an expulsion of that energy; that’s where it comes from, so you could just basically run out and you would need to recharge.”

“I was such a fan of that comic and that run,” Kreisberg continued, adding that he asked Geoff if they could do something with that plot point and that the DC Chief Creative Officer said “absolutely.” Kara is in a place now where she’s figuring out how to do things and when her powers are taken away, Kara really gets a chance to appreciate what it all means. “We also really like the idea, like Oliver [Queen] and like Barry [Allen], Kara’s a hero whether she has her powers or not. There’s this great moment in that comic book where Superman confronts that guy with a gun and basically talks him out of it… that became the centerpiece of that episode; you saw a little bit in the trailer,” he said.

“Basically, she emptied her powers killing the Red Tornado, and she needs a couple of days… unfortunately, it’s the day of the giant earthquake,” he teased.

http://www.kryptonsite.com/andrew-kreis ... for-a-day/
- El elenco y productores de "Supergirl" desvelan el gran secreto de Hank, 'Él tiene el corazón más puro' (TVLine):
El elenco y productores de "Supergirl" desvelan el gran secreto de Hank, 'Él tiene el corazón más puro'
Por Rebecca Iannucci / 07 Dic 2015, 6:00 PM PST

So that’s why his eyes glow red.

After spending the first six Supergirl episodes skulking around in the shadows of the DEO and leading us to believe he was an enemy of the Danvers family, Monday’s installment found Hank Henshaw finally revealing his true identity: J’onn J’onzz aka The Martian Manhunter.

(Gold star for those of you who already assumed this in our comments section. Your bragging rights expire in 24 hours!)

A major character in DC lore (and an original member of the Justice League of America), J’onn J’onzz is also an alien, though he looks decidedly different from Kara. He’s an enormous, green-skinned Martian (with a good heart!), and the decision to make him a part of the CBS drama was a major one, according to executive producer Andrew Kreisberg.

“Within the body of the Supergirl series, there is a Martian Manhunter series rolling throughout,” Kreisberg tells us. “It fit in with how Supergirl has been evolving. She’s embraced her powers and stepped out into the light, and in a way, J’onn is closeted and afraid. He’s one of the most frightening-looking Justice Leaguers, but he has the purest heart.”

Now that J’onn’s identity is (somewhat) out in the open, read on for the Supergirl team’s insights on how it will affect the series:

MARS ATTACKS | Though Kara will of course remain Supergirl‘s focus, J’onn’s backstory will be crucial to upcoming episodes. As non-comic-book-reading viewers will come to learn, J’onn had a family and a life of his own back on Mars, before a war between the White Martians and the Green Martians caused most of the latter race to be eradicated in a fire.

According to David Harewood, the man behind J’onn, Episode 11 will reveal his character’s past, and it will be quite the evocative outing. “It was a very emotional episode, just thinking about the whole idea of genocide and people being burned alive,” Harewood teases. “It’s going to be a very emotional and powerful episode, and fans will be really delighted to see it.”

FAMILY MATTERS | As Alex and Kara come to grips with the idea that J’onn isn’t actually Hank Henshaw, they will develop a relationship with Harewood’s character that the actor says will be quite enjoyable for viewers. “Having lost his own children, [Jonn’s] got a lot of pain and melancholy, which is fantastic to play. These two girls represent something that’s very close to him,” he reveals.

Adds Chyler Leigh: “Up until [Episode 7], there’s the question of who Hank is and how much he knows about our past and our family. There’s tons of mistrust, a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. But [J’onn] looks at Alex almost as if she’s one of his children. There’s so many wonderful moments between the two of them when he says, ‘You’re very much like my daughter.'”

IDENTITY THEFT | That’s not to say J’onn will be completely comfortable in his own skin anytime soon — in fact, quite the contrary. J’onn will be hesitant to use his many powers, especially since he isn’t quite as easy on the eyes as Kara.

“That’s very uncomfortable, because he realizes that Kara is beautiful and blonde and gorgeous, and I’m this 7-foot, green martian,” Harewood explains. “As much as I want to just be myself, it would terrify people to be confronted with this ape. Seeing Kara enjoy revealing her true nature — there’s something about that where the Martian Manhunter is a little envious, because he can’t quite do that.”

That said, Harewood said he is enjoying playing his shapeshifting character, who won’t always take the form of Hank as the season progresses. “As you’ll see in episodes to come, there’s a lot of fun to be had,” he hints. “He can be whoever he wants to be, so I think you’ll find me being other members of the cast at various points of the story.”

http://tvline.com/2015/12/07/supergirl- ... -spoilers/
- David Harewood habla sobre la revelación de 'Hank Henshaw' (EW):
David Harewood habla sobre la revelación de 'Hank Henshaw'
Por Natalie Abrams 07 Dic 2015

Hank Henshaw’s true identity has been revealed — and in true Berlanti-verse fashion, there was a twist.

During Monday’s episode of Supergirl, Alex (Chyler Leigh) unearthed the truth after getting trapped in the DEO with Hank (David Harewood) in the wake of an earthquake. It turns out that the man who viewers believe to be Hank Henshaw is none other than J’onn J’onzz.

Otherwise known as DC Comics superhero the Martian Manhunter, J’onn is a genius shapeshifter from the planet Mars who was being hunted by the real Hank Henshaw, which lead to the death of Alex and Kara’s father, Jeremiah (Dean Cain). What’s next now that the green alien is out of the bag? EW caught up with Harewood to find out:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Did you know from the beginning that Hank was actually J’onn J’onzz?
DAVID HAREWOOD: No, I didn’t. I had no idea. After the pilot was picked up, my manager told me that they were changing my character. That’s as much as they’d tell me. I was intrigued by that. I didn’t quite know what that meant. When I came to shoot the series, they still didn’t tell me. I did the whole of Comic-Con just lying through my teeth. I didn’t know what I was talking about. They told me about a week after Comic-Con. They presented me with a little Martian Manhunter doll and several comic books of Martian Manhunter. I went home and devoured them. I thought they were just fantastic. I was delighted.

I must say, I was struggling with Hank Henshaw. I didn’t particularly enjoy the pilot. For me, it was a lot of exposition. I just couldn’t find an angle that was interesting with Hank Henshaw. He was all, “I don’t like aliens, I don’t like Kara.” It was all a bit too one-dimensional to me. So I was delighted that they gave me this guy to play. He’s just so fantastical and it’s such a wonderful backstory and history. It just gave me so much more to play.

Growing up, did you have dreams of being a superhero?
Are you kidding me? I grew up reading comics. When I saw the first Avengers movie, I was blown away. We’re living in an age where we can make this stuff look so fantastic now. When they told me I was going to be doing this guy, it was slightly surreal. I was at first thinking, “Okay, this is going to be at least four hours in the makeup chair,” and then I got a little bit scared about all that and thinking, “Do I want to be Shrek for the next five years?” [Laughs] Then I told myself to relax. Literally so many of my friends were telling me, “You’re going to be a superhero someday, I just know it.” I thought to myself, this is such a wonderful character, I’m just going to embrace it and run with it.

I love the whole idea that he’s almost scared of revealing his true nature, because his true nature is somewhat frightening to many people. He’s a 7-ft. green Martian. While Kara and Kal-El are very attractive humanoids, he’s very much not that. I really love that. I love the idea that he’s probably the most human superhero, yet he looks the most alien. There’s so much conflict in that and ambiguity that he doesn’t fit in. It gives me so much to play.

Now that Alex knows, how does J’onn feel about the truth being out there? Will he embrace who he is to help Kara and Alex?
We’ll see in upcoming episodes. It’s certainly not an easy thing for him to reveal. Only one other person knows the truth, and that’s Superman. It’s a big thing for him to suddenly have somebody else know his true identity. He’s saying in future episodes that even people that he’s loved have tried to kill him once they find out he’s an alien. That’s one of the things they touch upon in the comics. Even people who get very close to him almost feel betrayed when they find out that he’s not who he says he is. He runs the risk of falling foul of people if he does tell the truth.

I don’t think he’s comfortable with people knowing who he is, I don’t think he’s comfortable with Alex knowing who he is, but because he made her father a promise, he had to reveal himself. He’s very protective of both Kara and Alex. He will do anything to protect them, which is why, as Hank Henshaw, he was so against her becoming a superhero. He basically wants to keep her safe. It’s a dangerous profession, being a superhero. People do want to take you on or kill you. Now I understand why he was so against her becoming Supergirl, because she was putting herself in a lot of danger, and he doesn’t want that.

Can you tease what will happen once Kara finds out?
It’s a lot of fun. It’s interesting, because I think she’ll teach Hank a few things about being human, and he teaches her a few things about not being lonely. She perhaps feels as though she’s the only one of her kind. She grew up without parents and she feels somewhat alone. Not that she knows my story, but she will perhaps begin to learn that there are other ways of dealing with your emotions as an alien, as somebody who is feared, somebody who is somewhat extra-normal. She will take some comfort in the fact that she’s not the only one who she knows. They both will teach each other things about being different as we go forward. He’s really warming up. In the second episode, he calls her Supergirl for the first time. Gradually, each episode, he’s warmed to her to the point where in episode 7 and 8, they stand as two superheroes.

Is it safe to say that his dynamic with Kara and Alex is almost strengthened with the reveal coming out?
Oh, completely. Alex, particularly, has several doubts, as you see. Those doubts will continue right through next week’s episode. Going forward, a hell of a lot of her worries and fears are allayed, and she almost finds him somewhat remarkable. She’s full of pride in what he’s doing. She’s also full of questions. J’onn is not necessarily forthcoming with those answers, because I don’t think he’s ever had to answer those questions. Where do you come from? Where is you family? Do you have family? Those are things that are very deep inside himself, because of his own tragic history. It’s going to be both uncomfortable for J’onn, but also a cathartic experience having Alex know about his past and know about his identity, because it’s probably the first time he’s ever really gotten to speak about it.

Will we get any flashbacks to what happened with Jeremiah?
I hope so. We don’t actually see that particular story. We hope to. I know Andrew [Kreisberg] has spoken about it. I’m telling you it’s great fun playing the real Hank Henshaw. He’s really unpleasant. So I’m hoping to play him again. He was a lot of fun to play. We purposefully set out that the real Hank Henshaw is a very unpleasant man, so that episode in the previous flashback was great fun to do. We would be remiss to not tell that story. So hopefully we will see Jeremiah and the real Hank Henshaw trip through the jungles of the Warner Bros. set on the trail of this mysterious alien. Working with Dean was fantastic. It’s such a rich story that it would be a shame not to go there.

Why do you think Hank was so desperate to kill J’onn?
The Hank Henshaw that I know and have been playing is not a particularly nice person. The DEO under him was a particularly nasty institution. He’s got a secret government organization, so he’s got access to resources beyond the CIA and the FBI. Hank has always had this God complex, which I suppose is why he comes back as Cyborg Superman. He wants to be the biggest, toughest guy on the block, and anybody bigger and tougher than him, he needs to bring them down. He not only dislikes Superman, but there’s also this other alien that mysteriously keeps cropping up in different guises and different identities doing all manner of different things. The fact that he can’t catch him because he doesn’t know what he looks like is enormously frustrating to Hank. Getting a beat on him, I suppose would be a real success for him. I just don’t think he likes the idea that anybody could escape him, so he went after [J’onn] with everything he had.

Will we get any flashbacks to Mars and see how J’onn ended up on Earth?
You won’t see how he ended up on Earth, but you will see flashbacks to his family, to how they died, which was a very emotional episode for me. It was around the same time as those terrible attacks in Paris. It was just emotional, the idea that people want to kill others. In our story, and it’s in the comic books, there are two Martian races — there are the Green Martians, which J’onn is a member of, and there are the White Martians. The White Martians exist purely to kill Green Martians. They burn them. They literally put them in furnaces. Playing that on the day was really emotional for me to think that we live on a planet where we kill each other. It was wonderful playing that with Chyler. Hopefully that will be another great episode. J’onn feels deeply that he’s the last Martian. He’s the last of his kind, the only Green Martian left in history.

Hank is the last of his kind, but will he have to face any ghosts from his past down the line? Maybe prisoners from Fort Rozz?
Yes, absolutely. There’s a White Martian that turns up that wants to kill him. He’s ready to give his life. There are a whole litany of guys that J’onn wants to take out, that’s why he’s called a Manhunter. He doesn’t necessarily kill humans. He wants to protect humans and wants to kill anything out there that threatens humanity.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/12/07/su ... d-harewood
- Andrew Kreisberg habla sobre la revelación de esta noche de 'Hank Henshaw' (Ksitetv):
Andrew Kreisberg habla sobre la revelación de esta noche de 'Hank Henshaw'
Por Craig Byrne 07 Dic, 2015

Tonight’s episode of Supergirl contained a major revelation about the true identity of David Harewood‘s Hank Henshaw character.

“Human For A Day” revealed that David Harewood’s Hank Henshaw character is actually a major character from DC Comics lore… specifically, J’Onn J’Onzz, Martian Manhunter.

How did that come to happening?

We spoke with Executive Producer Andrew Kreisberg on set last week about the decision… which came to them while they were on set for the pilot. “When you’re on the set of a pilot, you start seeing the sets, and you start seeing the actors, and you start thinking about what we could do next, and what kind of possibilities there could be… all of us were just so in love with David [Harewood], and so happy to have him on the show, and just loved everything he was doing with Hank,” Kreisberg recalls, though watching and admiring Harewood’s acting had Kreisberg, Geoff Johns, and Greg Berlanti all coming to the same conclusion at the same time.

“I don’t know which one of us said it, but one of us said ‘Oh, if we were ever to make a Martian Manhunter show or something, David would’ve been the perfect Martian Manhunter, and it was Geoff who said ‘why can’t he be?’ We looked at each other, and then we started thinking about everything that was happening in the pilot, and the notion that… because we already had the Hank Henshaw idea set up, that we would be playing this bad secret that he was holding, and then we started thinking about it p ]and were] like ‘wait a minute. What if it’s a good secret? What if it’s like the reverse of the Reverse-Flash? You think he’s bad, but he turns out to not only be good, but literally, the most good person in the DC Universe’,” Kreisberg recalls.

Originally, Hank was going to have a different backstory… but the producers found that it all matched. “He’s had to sort of lead this crazy existence pretending to be Hank Henshaw. He doesn’t want Supergirl around; she could mess everything up. And then we realized it all fits,” Kreisberg says. But first, he and fellow Executive Producer Allison Adler took David Harewood out to lunch to tell him the news… and his biggest fear was actually humorous.

“He was like ‘I’m not going to be Shrek, am I?’ That was his biggest fear,” Andrew laughs.

“It is so spectacular. It’s just amazing, and then the more we thought about it, everything just sort of flowed from that… we’ve got White Martian episodes, and Jemm… it’s sort of the secret of Supergirl, that within the body of the series of Supergirl, there is a Martian Manhunter series rolling throughout it,” Kreisberg says, aware that many fans had speculated that Hank was the Martian Manhunter, but it would always be with a ‘I hope’ kind of glee.

“The toughest part has been convincing David that it’s J’onn J’onzz, not John Jones. He’s had to re-ADR it a couple of times,” Kreisberg reveals. “But it’s been really fun. It actually so fit in with how Supergirl has been evolving, and how she has embraced her powers and stepped into the light, and in a way, J’onn is closeted, and he’s afraid. He says in an upcoming episode, when Alex is actually encouraging him to use his powers… he says ‘What’s the difference between you and Kara?’ and he said ‘Your sister looks like a cheerleader and I look like a monster’.”

“J’onn has always been one of my favorite characters from my childhood, and then through the Justice League cartoon,” Kreisberg explains. “Just that soulfulness and that sadness… the one who is the most frightening looking of all the Justice Leaguers, and then is the one with the purest heart… and then watching this relationship that’s growing between him and Alex, and him and Kara… that started out in a very gruff place, and then by the time you’re getting to the meat of the season, they’ve become this little family unit. He’s become a surrogate father for them, but at the same time they’re helping him become more human. It’s one of the great surprises of the show.”

http://www.ksitetv.com/interviews-2/sup ... ter/89715/
- El equipo de "Supergirl" sobre la sorprendente revelación de 'Hank Henshaw', "Añade muchas capas" (THR):
El equipo de "Supergirl" sobre la sorprendente revelación de 'Hank Henshaw', "Añade muchas capas"
Por Sydney Bucksbaum 07 Dic, 2015 6:00pm PT

Martian Manhunter, aka John Jones, one of the original members of the Justice League of America.

It's also the secret that Hank Henshaw's (David Harewood) been hiding.

"It's the secret of Supergirl: within the body of the series of Supergirl, there is a Martian Manhunter series rolling throughout it," executive producer Andrew Kreisberg tells The Hollywood Reporter. "It's the thing that makes us giggle the most."

Back when the showrunners were on set to shoot the pilot, the idea to make DEO head Hank the Martian Manhunter was initially floated as a joke.

"[DC Comics CCO] Geoff Johns, [executive producer] Greg Berlanti and I were saying, 'It's so funny we cast David because he's got those weird ears. Like alien ears,'" Kreisberg says. "I don't remember which one of us said it, but it was like, 'If we were ever going to make a Martian Manhunter show, David would have been the perfect Martian Manhunter.' And Geoff said, 'Well, why can't he be?' We already had it set up that Hank was keeping this bad secret, and then we started thinking about well, what if it was a good secret? You think he's bad but then he turns out to be not only good, but the most good person in the DC universe."

Harewood had no idea he would be taking on such an important character when he first signed on for the role.

"I was told about two weeks into the job," Harewood says. "I knew something was changing but I wasn't absolutely sure what it was. The pilot was quite uncomfortable because a lot of what Hank said was exposition, so I was really pleased, because Martian Manhunter is such a huge character. It took me in a whole new, different direction. It was brilliant for me, because as much as I could, I couldn't really find an angle to play Hank Henshaw that was interesting before that. People are going to get to see a version of the Martian Manhunter that they've never seen before. There's some pretty emotional stuff to come."

But when the showrunners sat down with Harewood to tell him about his character's backstory, the sight of what John Jones looked like gave him pause. "Andrew gave me this model of a green Martian, and at first, I was a bit horrified," Harewood says. "I thought, 'I'm going to be playing Shrek for the next seven years.' I was anxious because I could see hours of prosthetic makeup and that was simply not something I wanted to do. But then I started reading it, and I was blown away."

Executive producer Ali Adler teases that John's abilities will blow Kara's out of the water. "He's got such tremendous powers," Adler says. "We really want to show off what he can do and we're definitely going to do that in upcoming episodes."

"There's a lot of fun to be had," Harewood adds. "He's a shape-shifter so he can be whoever he wants to be. So you'll find me being other members of the cast at some various points of the story."

But don't expect John to reveal himself to National City in the same, big way that Kara did as Supergirl. "In a way, John is closeted. He's afraid," Kreisberg says. "In an upcoming episode when Alex is actually encouraging him to use his powers, she says, 'What's the difference between you and Kara?' And he says, 'Your sister looks like a cheerleader and I look like a monster.' It's that soulfulness and that sadness, the one who is the most frightening-looking of all the Justice Leaguers and yet is the one with the purest heart."

While he won't come out to the entire world just yet, having Kara and Alex finally know his secret identity will help Hank open up in ways he never thought possible on Earth.

"The revelation is as much a weight off his shoulders than anything. It's the fact that he can finally be himself," Harewood says. "And that, at times, can be very uncomfortable for him. I was wondering why he was being such a bitch to Kara. Kara's beautiful and attractive and blonde and gorgeous and I'm this seven-foot green Martian. As much as I just want to be myself, it would terrify people to be confronted with this alien. He's still got conflicts and issues that he has to deal with, but seeing Kara enjoy coming out of the closet or revealing her true nature, he's envious because he knows he can't quite do that."

But despite Hank's envy and fears, having his secret out in the open will actually bring him closer with both Kara and Alex. "Watching this relationship that's growing between him and Alex and him and Kara that started out in a very gruff place and then by the time you're getting into the meat of the season, they've become this little family unit," Kreisberg says. "He's become a surrogate father for them and at the same time, they're helping him become more human. It's one of the great surprises of the show."

Both Leigh and Harewood are most excited for viewers to see Hank's dynamic with Alex change in light of this revelation. "The Martian Manhunter, John Jones, definitely brings a lot of drama to the mix. It adds a lot of layers to the relationship between them," Leigh says. "He looks at her as if she's one of his own daughters. He had daughters and in a huge war, his whole family was eradicated."

"He promised her father he would protect her like his own child, and having lost his own child, Kara and Alex almost become his children," Harewood continues. "He loves them. Having lost his own children, he's got a lot of pain. He's got a lot of melancholy."

Viewers will get to see Hank's painful past first-hand when the show flashes back to his life on Mars. "In episode 11, we have a visitor from another planet who is a white Martian," Harewood says. "There are two Martian species, a green Martian species and a white Martian species. The white Martians are responsible for the death for the whole of the green Martians. There was a fire and they burned them. We'll get to see that and it's very emotional. Genocide, people being burned alive."

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ce=twitter
- Productores ejecutivos, Harewood & Leigh Hablasn Sobre la Gran Revelación de esta Noche (CBR):
Productores ejecutivos, Harewood & Leigh Hablasn Sobre la Gran Revelación de esta Noche
Por Amy Ratcliffe 07 Dic, 2015

Tonight's all-new episode of "Supergirl," "Human for a Day," saw Kara Danvers (Melissa Benoist) without her powers on a day when National City particularly needed their hero. When an earthquake struck the city, Supergirl rose to the occasion while Hank Henshaw (David Harewood) and Alex Danvers (Chyler Leigh) were trapped in the DEO with alien escapee Jemm (Charles Halford). The situation pushed Alex's suspicions about Hank to the limit, and by the end of the episode his big secret was revealed.

Hank Henshaw is J'onn J'onzz, better known to DC Comics readers as Martian Manhunter.

Created by Joseph Samachson and Joe Certa in 1955's "Detective Comics" #225, Martian Manhunter is the last surviving member of his race following a Martian holocaust that claimed the lives of his wife and daughter. After arriving on Earth, J'onzz's superhuman abilities including strength, speed, flight, intangibility, telepathy -- and, luckily for someone wanting to stay hidden, shape-shifting -- allowed him to defend his new planet as a member of the Justice League alongside DC's other marquee heroes.

During a visit to the set of the CBS series, CBR News and a small group of reporters had the opportunity to speak with Harewood, Leigh and Executive Producers Andrew Kreisberg and Ali Adler explained how the twist came about as well as what it means for the characters and the series moving forward.

Kreisberg explained that the show's writers have been thinking about Hank Henshaw's evolution dating back to when they were filming the pilot.

"We were on the set of the pilot, and we were talking about what we could do -- as happens when you're on the set of a pilot. You start seeing the sets, and you start seeing the actors, and you start thinking about, 'Well, what we could do next?' and all the different possibilities there could be. We were, all of us, just so in love with David, and so happy to have him on the show and just loved everything he was doing with Hank. And Geoff Johns and Greg Berlanti and I were standing there, and we were saying just collectively amongst us, 'It's so funny we cast David because he has those weird ears. He has a little bit of alien ears.' I don't remember which one of us said it, but it was like, 'Oh, if we were ever going to make a Martian Manhunter show or something, David would've been the perfect Martian Manhunter.' And it was Geoff who said, 'Well, why can't he be?'"

"Supergirl's" Kreisberg Explains Tonight's Episode's Comic Book Origins

They considered the repercussions and eventually Kreisberg and co-showrunner Ali Adler took David Harewood to lunch to share the news. It was about two weeks into filming and Harewood was initially concerned he was going to look like Shrek. Once Kreisberg and Adler assured him that would not be the case, Harewood was excited.

"Martian Manhunter is such a huge character," said Harewood. "It took me in a whole new, different direction, and it was brilliant for me because as much as I [tried], I couldn't really find an angle to play Hank Henshaw."

Hank has shown he's not a fan of Kara or her cousin Clark, and Kreisberg said there's a reason he feels that way. "Originally, Hank was going to have, obviously, a different backstory, and we said, 'Oh, actually, if he survived Mars and came here, his whole goal is to protect Earth and not let Earth suffer the same fate as Mars.' He's had to lead this crazy existence pretending to be Hank Henshaw, and he doesn't want Supergirl around. She could mess everything up. It's been really fun, and it actually fit in with how Supergirl has been evolving, and how she's somebody who's embraced her powers and stepped out into the light. In a way, J'onn is closeted, and he's afraid. Then he says in an upcoming episode when Alex is actually encouraging him to use his powers. She says, 'What's the difference between you and Kara?' And he says, 'Your sister looks like a cheerleader, and I look like a monster.'"

Adler said the show has been been building toward this in the handful of "Supergirl" episodes that have already aired. "I think we've known about this great and amazing piece of Hank for a long time and it's really shaped our movements throughout," said Adler. "What's exciting is that we finally get to share that with people and so what's fun about that is that he has such tremendous powers so we finally get to use to our advantage all of these things that we've had to keep a little bit [hidden]. The red eyes are fun, but we really want to show off what he can do and we'll definitely use that in upcoming episodes."

The red eyes are just a small part of the look planned for the character's onscreen adventures. While the costume seen in "Human for a Day" was created though the magic of visual effects, a physical version has since been created and proved proved to the most challenging one yet for the show's costume department.

Chyler Leigh said Harewood had a strong reaction to the finished costume. "His reaction was just like -- he's like a kid in a candy store," said Leigh. "It's really amazing. He's so strong and such a calm, cool guy, but then he put on the suit for the first time the other night. We had a scene out in the desert. I've never seen a grown man make a noise like that. It was like 'Eeeeeeeeee!'"

The truth about Henshaw's history will most definitely affect his relationships with Kara and especially Alex. "With Alex, Chyler, it's been a wonderful relationship to play, because as you'll see, he promised her father that he would protect her like his own child," said Harewood. "Having lost his own child, Kara and Alex almost become his children, and he loves them. Again, you'll see that going forward, but they are his children. Having lost his own children, he has a lot of pain and a lot of melancholy, which is fantastic to play. I think these two girls represent something that's very close to him."

Leigh said that while Alex and Hank's relationship will definitely change as a result of his secret, it's more of an evolution than anything else. "It definitely adds a lot of layers to the relationship between them. You start to see that he looks at her almost as if she's one of his daughters, one of his children," Leigh said. "You learn that he had daughters and that in a huge war his family was basically eradicated, taken out. There's so many wonderful moments between the two of them where that kind of stuff comes out, where he talks about 'You're very much like my daughter.' I couldn't think of a better person to work with.' Especially in these -- we get a lot of deep emotional stuff. He's just incredible. It's been really cool watching that arc. The revelation, when it does come out, it's pretty intense."

Other things changed for Hank, too. He's finally getting to use his powers again -- including shape-shifting. "There's a wonderful flight sequence, where -- I mean, you have to remember that he hasn't used all of these powers for many years because he's been reforming the DEO and pretending to be somebody else, so I think the revelation is as much a weight off his shoulders as anything," said Harewood. "It's the fact that he can finally be himself, and I think, at times, that's something very uncomfortable for him because he realizes Kara's beautiful, attractive, blonde and gorgeous, and he's this seven-foot green Martian. And, as much as I just want to be myself, it would terrify people to be confronted with this alien. So he still has conflicts and issues that he has to deal with, but I think seeing Kara enjoy revealing her true nature -- there's something maybe he's perhaps a little envious because he can't quite do that."

Kreisberg, a longtime fan Martian Manhunter, was delighted to get to introduce him on "Supergirl." "J'onn has always been one of my favorite characters from my childhood, through the 'Justice League' cartoon. Just that soulfulness and that sadness and the one who is the most frightening looking of all the Justice Leaguers and, yet, is the one with the purest heart," said Kreisberg. "Then watching this relationship that's growing between him and Alex, and him and Kara, that started out at a very gruff place, and then by the time you're getting into the meat of the season they've become this little family unit. He's become a surrogate father for them, but at the same time they're helping him become more human. It's one of the great surprises of the show for the people who are watching that there's this great -- like that old gum where you bit into it and all the juice came out? People are still unwrapping it, and they're going to get the juice."

http://www.comicbookresources.com/artic ... jor-reveal
- Andrew Kreisberg y David Harewood sobre la Gran Revelación (Collider):
Andrew Kreisberg y David Harewood sobre la Gran Revelación
Por Merrill Barr 07 Dic 2015

When it comes to core Justice League members, the one with the least recognition among general audiences is Martian Manhunter. Everyone knows about Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and even Aquaman, but what of the shape shifting J’onn J’onzz? Minus the character’s recurring appearance on Smallville from 2006-2010, Martian Manhunter has never really been given much time to shine. But, that’s all changing thanks to CBS’ Supergirl.

As was revealed in “Human for a Day,” the mysterious head of the DEO, Hank Henshaw (David Harewood), is in fact the famed character of DC lore. But how on earth did that come to be? Well, as explained co-creator Andrew Kreisberg during a recent set visit, “We were just so in love with David, and so happy to have him on the show and just loved everything he was doing with Hank.” He added, “I don’t remember which one of us said it, but it was like, ‘Oh, if we were ever going to make a Martian Manhunter show or something, David would’ve been the perfect Martian Manhunter.’ And it was Geoff who said, ‘Well, why can’t he be?’”

Of course, this reveal completely changed the way actor David Harewood began approaching his role. As he explained later in the day, “the whole idea of suppressing who you are was something I could understand, and pretending to be hiding a big secret seems much more interesting. I was also trying to wonder why he was such a bitch to Kara. All the way through the pilot, I was thinking: ‘There’s something going on here. No one can hate aliens that much. There’s something that I don’t know.’ So, I was happy that it was Martian Manhunter because he’s an alien, so it gave me a direction to take.”

Supergirl’s costume designer, Kiersten Ronning, spoke to us and a roundtable of journalists on a recent set visit about what it was like to create J’onzz’s outfit for the small screen. “[We wanted to make sure] the color palette complimented Supergirl,” said Ronning. “The way it’s built, it moves well. It’s not heavy. Having two superheroes in capes can be difficult, so we built his more off the shoulders, where hers kind of comes over, trying to keep it masculine.” Then, before leaving, Ronning did state, “there is a red X.”

With all the talk about how the character will eventually make his way into the DCCU once the eventual Justice League film rolls around, it’s interesting to see how the team behind Supergirl has been allowed to incorporate him at all. Taking the show in this direction is a big step toward making its mythology something grand, and the things Martian Manhunter could bring to the show truly seems endless. Also, it would be nice to see Kara have at least one fellow non-family member alien friend on Earth who isn’t trying to all kill her.

http://collider.com/supergirl-martian-m ... interview/
- Entrevista con David Hareweood sobre "Supergirl" (dccomics):
Entrevista con David Hareweood sobre "Supergirl"
Por Tim Beedle Monday, 07 Dic, 2015

Well, that explains the red eyes.

Monday’s new episode of Supergirl featured a depowered Kara, a take-charge James Olsen and an alien adversary with a surprisingly rich comic book history, but the biggest shock of all had nothing to do with Supergirl herself, but with the mysterious Hank Henshaw. Viewers have known for weeks that Kara and Alex’s boss at the D.E.O. was harboring a pretty big secret, but now we know what it is—he’s actually J’onn J’onzz, the Martian Manhunter.

Actor David Harewood has known his secret identity for months…and has been unable to say a word about it. So when he finally got a chance to discuss it as a recent press event, he had quite a lot to say. Here’s what we can expect from Harewood and Supergirl now that we know Kara isn’t the only well-known alien in town.

When were you told that Hank Henshaw was actually Martian Manhunter?

I was told about two weeks into the job. I knew something was changing [during the pilot], but I wasn’t absolutely sure what it was. Part of it was quite uncomfortable because a lot of what Hank said was exposition and was, “D.E.O., I’m this, I’m here.”

I was really pleased—Martian Manhunter is such a huge character. It took me in a new, different direction, and it was brilliant for me because as much as I could, I couldn’t really find an angle to play Hank Henshaw [prior to then]. It was interesting.

So, how did you change your approach to the character once you found out?

The whole idea of suppressing who you are was something I could understand, and pretending to be hiding a big secret seemed much more interesting. I was also trying to wonder why he was such a bitch to Kara. All the way through the pilot, I was thinking, “There’s something going on here. No one can hate aliens that much. There’s something that I don’t know.”

So, I was happy that it was Martian Manhunter because he is an alien, so it gave me a direction to take other than just being, “I don’t like Kara Zor-El and Superman.” That wasn’t really that interesting.

What did you know about Martian Manhunter before finding out about the role?

Nothing. What I learned from doing this job is that much of my boyhood comic book reading has all been Marvel. I grew up reading Stan Lee, reading Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk, literally week in, week out, and I really didn't touch the Batman comics. In my day, Batman was the camp version of Batman—that was on TV when I was growing up. So, Batman was always pretty camp, but having this job—it’s made me go back to the comic books and realize that the DC Universe is much darker than Marvel. And, it’s been wonderful to journey back. It took me through the Batman story, because the Batman in the comic books is very different from the Batman in the movies. Now, people say Batman, you think Christian Bale or Chris Nolan. But actually, the comic book Batman is such a dark guy and so brutal. That’s been fascinating for me. So, when they presented me with the comic books and the model—Andrew gave me this model of this Green Martian—I was, at first, I have to say, a little bit horrified by it, because I thought, “I’m going to be playing Shrek for the next seven years.”

So, I kind of was a little bit anxious because I could just see hours of prosthetic makeup and it just wasn’t something I particularly wanted to do. But when I started reading him, I was blown away. I thought, “Wow, how did this guy ever escape my comic book knowledge?”

I have been reading Martian Manhunter comics now for the last three months, four months, and they’re just awesome. He’s such a wonderful character. You know, I’m here, I’m away from my family—my family’s in England—so I can really associate with that loneliness. He’s isolated. There’s a lot of melancholy there, and I can tap into some of that myself by just being here on my own.

It’s been a really wonderful journey as an actor to play this comic book character who is kind of macho and “I want to save the world,” was brought here completely by mistake and has learned to understand humanity and has decided to help it. I mean, he’s the center of the Justice League. That’s just awesome. I didn’t even really know about the Justice League. I mean, you look at Marvel and the Avengers, but I didn’t really know about the Justice League until I started reading these comics, and it’s been just such a wonderful journey. I’m really excited to see where this could go and to be a part of it. It’s just a great character to play. This is as good as playing Macbeth or Hamlet to me, this is a great character.

Is there anyone in the cast that you haven’t gotten to work with much that you’d like to work with more?

I haven’t worked at all with Mehcad [Brooks] and with Jeremy [Jordan]. There’s a scene in the next episode where we’ll get to do that. It’s going to be quite weird in the D.E.O. I might get territorial. But I can’t stress enough, we have such a wonderful cast. I’m so lucky to be working with such great actors. You know, this is one of those shows where you go home and watch the episode and think, “Wow, I didn’t know that she did that, and I didn’t know that was going to look like that.”

I’m really impressed with Chyler [Leigh] and Melissa [Benoist] and their physicality. It’s just brilliant.

How is this new revelation going to affect Hank’s relationships with them?

It’s a lot of fun, actually. As you’ll see in episodes to come, there’s a lot of fun to be had. He’s a shapeshifter, so he can be whoever he wants to be. So, I think you’ll find me being other members of the cast at various points in the story.

I think, particularly with Alex—Chyler—it’s been a wonderful relationship to play, because he promised her father that he would protect her like his own child. Having lost his own child, Kara and Alex almost become his children, and he loves them.

I don’t know if you know that much about the character, the Martian Manhunter, but having lost his own children, he’s got a lot of pain and a lot of melancholy, which is fantastic to play. It gives you an enormous amount of stuff to play. I think these two girls represent something that’s very close to him.

His power set actually transcends Superman and Supergirl's, but it also has a lot of similarities. Will he be taking on that mentor role with her when it comes to using her abilities and powers? Will we see some of that?

There’s a little bit of that, yeah. There’s a wonderful flight sequence, where—I mean, you’ve got to remember that he hasn’t used all of these powers for many years because he’s been reforming the D.E.O. and pretending to be somebody else, so I think the revelation is as much a kind of weight off his shoulders as anything. It’s the fact that he can finally be himself, and I think, at times, that’s something very uncomfortable for him because he realizes Kara’s beautiful, attractive, blonde and gorgeous, and I’m this 7-foot green Martian. And, as much as I just want to be myself, it would terrify people to be confronted with this alien. So, he still has issues that he has to deal with, but I think seeing Kara enjoy—I was going to say “coming out of the closet”—but, enjoy revealing her true nature. I think maybe he’s perhaps a little envious because he can’t quite do that.

Is the voice and the dialect that you’re doing in the episodes we’ve seen as Hank Henshaw the same voice that J’onn does in his Martian form?

I spoke about that with Greg [Berlanti]. I wondered whether I should change my voice, and he decided not. The wonderful thing about J’onn J’onzz is that he spends so much time in these other aliases that he just becomes them. They become part of him. So, Hank is as much a part of him as any of his pseudonyms. Hopefully, down the line we’ll see him in different guises.

What kind of interaction will Hank Henshaw have with Cameron Chase? [Note: Warner Bros. TV recently announced that Emma Caulfield will be appearing as Chase in an upcoming episode.]

I put that to Greg and Andrew [Kreisberg]. It’s wonderful. I’ve been reading all of these comics for my research, which is fantastic, but I read one just the other day, and there’s a great relationship he has with her. I think she’s a character that perhaps could get on his case a little bit. So, maybe I’ll be speaking to Greg about that one.

Finally, are we going to get to see any of J’onn’s backstory in flashbacks, or are we just going to hear about it?

In episode 11, there is a visitor from another planet, who’s a White Martian. There are two Martian species, there’s a Green Martian species and a White Martian species. The White Martian species in our story is responsible for the death of the whole of the Green Martians. There was a fire, and they burned them. We get to see a lot of that.

It’s very emotional. It was a very emotional episode for me, just thinking about the whole idea of genocide and people being burned alive. I think that was around the same time as the Paris attacks. But I think it’s going to be a very emotional and powerful episode, because you get to see a little bit. The fans are going to be, I think, really delighted to see this because I don’t think, technically, it’s been able to have been done before. But we’re now thankfully living in an age where we have people like Armen [Kevorkian], our visual effects director who’s just fantastic, and he’s capable of just bringing some of this stuff to life. So I think fans are really going to get to see a version of Martian Manhunter on the screen that’s just never, ever been seen before. There’s going to be something in it for the fans, and something in it for the general viewers, because there’s some pretty emotional stuff to cover.

http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2015/12/07 ... d-harewood
- Andrew Kreisberg y David Harewood hablan sobre la gran revelación de 'Hank Henshaw' (TVGoodness):
Andrew Kreisberg y David Harewood hablan sobre la gran revelación de 'Hank Henshaw'
Por Tina Charles 07 Dic, 2015

All season long, we knew something huge was up with Hank Henshaw (David Harewood). Didn’t think it was going to be this.

It was revealed in Supergirl “Human For a Day” that the DEO boss — the one with the mysterious red eyes — was none other than J’Onn J’Onzz aka Martian Manhunter — one of the seven original members of the Justice League of America.

EP Andrew Kreisberg was excited to talk about this development during a Supergirl set visit with press. He said the idea of making Henshaw the Martian Manhunter was born out of a conversation with EP Greg Berlanti and DC Comics’ Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns on the set of the pilot.

Andrew Kreisberg: I don’t remember which one of us said it, but it was like, ‘Oh, if we were ever going to make a Martian Manhunter show or something, David would’ve been the perfect Martian Manhunter.’ And it was Geoff who said, ‘Well, why can’t he be?’

Originally Hank’s secret was going to be much more nefarious.

Andrew: We already had the Hank Henshaw idea set up that we would be playing this sort of bad secret that he was holding. Then we started thinking about it. It was like, “Oh, well, wait a minute. What if it’s a good secret? What if it’s the reverse of The Flash? What’s the reverse of the Reverse Flash that you think he’s bad, but he turns out to not only be good, but literally be the most good person in the DC Universe?”

And from there, Hank’s backstory was changed.

Andrew: Oh, actually, if he survived Mars and came here, and his whole goal was to protect Earth and not let Earth suffer the same fate as Mars. Well, then, he’s doing exactly what Kara says and what Astra says, which is, ‘Not here. Never again.’ He’s had to lead this crazy existence, pretending to be Hank Henshaw, and he doesn’t want Supergirl around. She could mess everything up. And we’re like, ‘Oh. It actually all fits.’

Apparently, David Harewood’s first reaction was, “I’m not going to be Shrek, am I?” The actor quickly became excited about the potential of being this force for good.

Andrew: The more we thought about it, everything just sort of flowed from that. We’ve got White Martian episodes and Jemm, and it’s sort of the secret of Supergirl that, within the body of the series of Supergirl, there is a Martian Manhunter series rolling throughout it.

Having Martian Manhunter around opens things up in a character-driven way.

Andrew: It’s been really fun, and it actually so fit in with how Supergirl has been evolving, and how she’s somebody who’s embraced her powers and stepped out into the light. And in a way, J’Onn is closeted, and he’s afraid. Then he says in an upcoming episode, which I actually just watched last night – and Alex is actually encouraging him to use his powers. She says, ‘What’s the difference between you and Kara?’ And he said, ‘Your sister looks like a cheerleader and I look like a monster.’

Don’t think it’s enough to say that David Harewood’s excited to reveal this other side of Hank Henshaw. In fact, his co-star Chyler Leigh says he was like a “kid in the candy store” on the set. He was a little anxious at first since he didn’t know his character’s identity from the very beginning. But once he did, he was ecstatic.

http://www.tvgoodness.com/2015/12/07/su ... aw-reveal/
- Por qué Melissa Benoist es la "Annie Hall de los Superhéroes" (Vanity):
Por qué Melissa Benoist es la "Annie Hall de los Superhéroes"
Por Laura Jacobs 08 Dic, 2015

Melissa Benoist was four years old when her aunt put her in a church play she was directing. It was the logical thing to do, considering that Benoist was acquainted with Singin’ in the Rain by age two—“My grandma popped it in for me”—and at age three arranged her stuffed animals in the living room, the audience for a show she then put on. “I just loved the feeling of performing,” the 27-year-old charmer says, “of using my imagination to take me somewhere else.”

Born in Houston and raised in Denver, Benoist acted in community and dinner theater throughout high school and then moved east to study musical theater at Marymount Manhattan College. Sophomore year she switched to straight theater. “I fell in love with 19th-century Russian plays. I fell in love with Shakespeare, with Shaw and Coward.” Since graduation, in 2011, however, television and movies have claimed the actress, and no wonder—this woman puts her heart in her eyes. She was the love interest in the surprise hit Whiplash and joined the cast of Glee in Season 4, playing adorable Marley Rose. “It definitely felt a bit like school,” she says of her Glee experience. “I learned the process of this kind of acting, how things run, how chaotic it can be, and what kind of different muscles you have to flex.”

Flexed muscles, literally, are on the agenda of her current endeavor. Benoist stars as Supergirl in the CBS series of the same name. Executive producer Greg Berlanti has called her character “the Annie Hall of superheroes” and said Benoist is the reason he went ahead with the show. The fit does seem ideal. “Interestingly and simultaneously,” Benoist says, “I’m growing up the way she is and learning the same things: how to be a woman, how to own my strength.” And then there’s that costume. What does Benoist like best about it? “The cape. It’s a really light leather, with silk on the inside. It’s so easy to flourish a moment with a cape.”

Benoist wears a dress by Valentino; shoes by Gianvito Rossi; jewelry by Logan Hollowell. Photograph by Dewey Nicks. Styled by Zoe Costello; hair by Luke Chamberlain; make-up by Jamie Greenberg; manicure by Nettie Davis, props styled by Abraham Latham; produced on location by Shawn Merz.

http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/201 ... sa-benoist
- Manteniendo a Supergirl con los pies en el suelo: Una entrevista con Chyler Leigh (dccomics):
Manteniendo a Supergirl con los pies en el suelo: Una entrevista con Chyler Leigh
Por Tim Beedle 10 Dic, 2015

And she thought her life was complicated with one alien coworker…

As the human sister of the show’s titular hero, it would have been easy for Supergirl’s Alex Danvers to have been relegated to plotlines revolving around family drama and romance and to serve as an easy damsel-in-distress for Kara. So kudos to both the show’s producers and actress Chyler Leigh for not going the traditional route and instead crafting a non-superpowered character who is every bit her sister’s equal.

Serving as a top secret agent in the clandestine Department of Extranormal Operations (D.E.O.), Alex has long kept her sister grounded and in control, while also working to subdue the alien criminals who escaped from the Phantom Zone when Kara landed on Earth. She’s a scientist, but don’t mistake Alex for a lab rat. As we’ve seen in recent episodes, she can kick butt with the best of them and has recently caught the eye of the enigmatic Maxwell Lord. But how will she cope now that she’s not just working alongside an alien, but reporting to one as well?

So what do you have to say about the Martian Manhunter reveal?

Wow, let’s dive right in. It’s so exciting. We don’t really get a lot of information right off the bat. I feel like every episode we’re learning a lot more about our characters, about each other, but when that was revealed, David [Harewood]’s reaction was just like…he’s like a kid in a candy store. It’s really amazing. He’s so strong and such a calm, cool guy. But then he put on the suit for the first time the other night. We had a scene out in the desert. I’ve never seen a grown man make a noise like that. It was like “Eeeeeeeeee!” I came out and I was like, “Whoa, that just does not match the face!”

It’s so exciting. I’m like his number one creepy stalker fan. I compliment him all the time because he’s incredible. But yeah, Martian Manhunter, J’onn J’onzz, it definitely brings a lot of drama to the mix. It gets revealed in our next episode. He reveals himself to Alex. It’s pretty awesome.

Does it change the relationship between the characters?

It does quite a bit. Up until then it was a question of who is Hank and how much does he know about our past and family. Now, I’m kind of learning more. He’s very much a part of what happened to my dad. So there’s tons of mistrust and a lot of questions and not a lot of answers. He’s walking around with his red glowy eyes all the time that apparently nobody else can see. I asked David that. I was like, “Okay, I’m really confused because in this scene, you’re out in the middle of the D.E.O. and you’re walking through and your eyes get all red…like, doesn’t everybody see that? I don’t understand.”

And he goes [imitating David Harewood], “Well, the way the light reflects…” He’s saying it’s like bending light. I say “Dude, I don’t know what that means. Do people know your glowy eyes or not?” and he’s like, “No.” And I’m like, “Okay, that’s fine.”

It definitely adds a lot of layers to the relationship between them. You start to see that he looks at her almost as if she’s one of his daughters, one of his children. You learn that he had daughters and that in a huge war, his family was basically eradicated, taken out. So there are so many wonderful moments between the two of them where that kind of stuff comes out, where he talks about how I’m very much like his daughter.

I couldn’t think of a better person to work with. He’s just incredible. It’s been really cool watching that arc. The revelation, when it does come out, it’s pretty intense.

We know that Alex is going to help him come to turns with being an alien and looking a little different than Kara does. He’s been her superior. Does helping him change things for them?

Well, it’s kind of funny because in ways it does and it doesn’t. There are so many aspects about Alex. There’s the emotional side, the personal connection side, but she’s also a scientist, so it’s like she’s asking him questions because he’s also the great Martian. He’s the only one left. She’s just mind-blown because he’s literally the last one, and she’s asking a lot of questions.

There’s a balance between the scientist in her and also the personal side of it. There are a lot of moments where Alex kind of toes up to him and stands up and says, “This is crap” or “This is good.” They can kind of bounce ideas off one another, but there’s still a level where he is an authoritative figure and she has to respect that. But she gets her jabs in, which is fine.

Alex has a very not-normal life. Her sister’s a super hero. She’s surrounded by aliens. Will she ever have a normal life? Does she date? Can she have a normal life?

Does any woman have a normal life? [laughs] I don’t know that she would ever have a normal life, but that does beg the question, all kidding aside, what is normal? Especially anymore. The fact that she was handed Kara at such a young age, it was really, “This is your job, this is your responsibility. She’s yours to watch over, she's yours to protect.” End of story.

So there’s nothing normal about any of it. Because Alex loves her sister so much and there is so much to what she does, it’s any super hero’s story. You have to be at the ready. Anything could happen at any moment. And with so many threats to her, now that Supergirl’s out in the open. It’s Alex’s job, whether begrudgingly or not. Her job is to watch over her sister and to love her sister, protect her sister.

The only thing that you even see even remotely hinted at is whatever that whole dynamic is between Alex and Maxwell Lord. Honestly, there’s not a whole heck of a lot that we’ve been told, other than it could create drama with Supergirl wanting to protect Alex now. I think we’re just coming upon all that stuff now where it’s coming to a head.

The great parts that we do have, and some of the work that I know Melissa [Benoist] and I love most, are the scenes where we get to just be sisters. Where it’s in the loft and we’re stuffing our faces with pizza or ice cream or whatever it is. There’s a reality to that that I think is very special. A lot of times you see the cattiness between sisters and siblings. You don’t get to often clue in on the really sweet moments where it’s like, “Okay, we can just kind of do whatever and be stupid and burp or whatever we want to do,” and it’s okay. You’re not judged. You’re on a level playing field. Those scenes are really fun for us.

Speaking of family, during the Thanksgiving episode we saw you interact with your mother. I love the scene at the table where you’re just drinking and letting it fly, but it also had a sweet resolution where we saw Dr. Danvers tell you, “You’re my super girl.” Are we going to see more between Alex and her mother throughout the rest of the season or did we put a pin in that?

Nothing has come up quite yet. Not that I can think of. I’d hate to blank out on something at this point. That’s always going to be there. That’s always going to be a part of it. I absolutely believe we’ll see her again. As of right now, I don’t know when exactly, but family is family. They’re going to show up at your doorstep whether you invite them or not. I’m sure that will come back into play.

That was definitely some of my favorite stuff to do with Alex as well. It was deep, deep stuff. I think again when you’re a sibling and there’s a competition level in one way, shape or form, there’s just always that side of you that’s going to come bubbling out, bubbling over, and talk about those areas that have cut you the most. It was really, really cool the way the approach to that scene and to that declaration Alex makes [was handled]. I thought it was really well done. It was fun. Helen [Slater] is really sweet too.

Is Alex becoming closer professionally to Hank Henshaw going to cause some tension between her and her mother later?

Well, maybe. Because in [the Thanksgiving episode], it’s revealed that I mention that I’m working for the D.E.O., so my mother is like, “Whoa, wait a minute.” I think there’s always going to be an element that will come up just from a motherly perspective, at least from Eliza’s side. She would absolutely be a bit more hesitant or cautious about that and warn her daughter about that kind of stuff. I think any mom would. The revealing of who Hank really is, Eliza isn’t privy to any of that stuff. At least not yet. So the all the stuff that gets said between J’onn and Alex is just really intimately them. And then Kara, Supergirl, gets brought into it shortly after. Can’t keep that a secret. We tried and now everybody knows he’s Martian Manhunter so… [laughs]

http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2015/12/10 ... yler-leigh
- Cool como una Cat: entrevista con Calista Flockhart de "Supergirl" (dccomics):
Cool como una Cat: entrevista con Calista Flockhart de "Supergirl"
Por Tim Beedle Friday, 11 Dic 2015

Who says you need to be kind to be inspirational? Certainly not Cat Grant, the National City media mogul played to perfection by Calista Flockhart on Supergirl. As the C.E.O. of CatCo, Cat runs her company with the precision of a stiletto heel. She demands perfection of her employees and is quick and easy with the pointed remarks and threats of termination when she doesn’t get it. But harsh as they may be, her methods work. Along with making CatCo one of National City’s biggest success stories, Cat Grant’s become one of Supergirl’s biggest champions, even going so far to coin the name “Supergirl.”

All of which is particularly ironic seeing how Supergirl is actually her very own executive assistant, Kara Danvers. (Though really, could anyone other than a super hero ever expect to keep up with Cat’s demands?) Since Cat’s debut in the Supergirl pilot, we’ve watched as Kara’s discovered considerably more about her. We’ve met her son, learned that she’s often toughest on those she sees the most potential in, and discovered that she genuinely cares about her city. But is there anywhere Flockhart doesn’t want to see her character go?

Every episode so far seems to peel back a layer of what makes up Cat. Can you talk about that? Because it's so amazing…

Oh, thank you. It does, actually. I'm not in charge of the writing, but they do such a brilliant job. Just like you said, they peel it back every week. We see her sensitive side, we see the reason she behaves the way she does. We're slowly getting clued in to a more three-dimensional kind of character. And what I really love about it is she can snap right back into the old Cat as well. So it's flexible in that she can do whatever she wants.

She also unwittingly helps Kara out with whatever's going on with her own life and her journey. Can you talk about that relationship?

Well, I think that Cat sees something special in Kara and is really smart. And she gives her advice without giving her advice and sort of tells her what to do by being nasty and suggesting it in her way. And nobody really gets that, but I think that's because Cat is so good at it and so smart. She can manipulate that advice in a way that it doesn't sound like advice. That's how I think of it.

How much of Cat's overall story have you been told, or do you just get it script-by-script?

I just get it script-by-script. I was told a little bit in advance that I was going to have a son, but other than that, I haven't really. I just get it script-by-script.

Is there an aspect of Cat you’d be excited to explore going forward?

I think it would be fun to see her in therapy. I always mention my therapist. Maybe that would be fun to explore? Maybe she should have a few more relationships other than just talking to Kara all the time. I have a couple of episodes coming up with Winn and that was really fun.

I feel like Cat is a very realistic portrayal of a boss—

Where do you work? [laughs]

I mean, look, there's tough love everywhere, right? She's very layered and I'm curious, for you, is she based on anybody in your real life or a figure you may have seen on television? Or maybe a combination of people?

No, she isn't. I get everything I do from the script. It is all right there. I barely have to do anything and the writing is just so good, it comes right off the page.

But sometimes, I'll try different variations. I think of her as a really busy person and she just has to get the job done. And then sometimes, I'll think, “Well, what if I just was really nasty? We'll see how that works.” I've just been kind of playing around. I still don't really know who she is yet. And it's kind of having to find the balance and the tone of when she's just busy and when she's kind of nasty and when she's impatient and when she's angry. You don’t want to be shrill all the time and annoying—that can get really old.

It's just trying to find the colors in her. But at the core of it, she's just a busy, strong, unapologetic boss who has to get the job done. And she does not tolerate fools at all. She just won't. She gets impatient with them. I have a script coming up where I say something like, “I'm impatient with dumb people.”

Cat and Maxwell Lord have such a complicated, interesting relationship, so what are we going to see from that dynamic going forward?

I don't know. You know, we were just talking recently—we saw each other in the parking lot. And I said, “Well, what? They don’t like us together or something?” Because we have had no scenes together since that one episode where we were dancing. So I don’t know where that’s going to go.

You mentioned Cat being smart. Is there any possibility she might have a clue that Kara is Supergirl?

Not yet. No, not yet. She’s smart, but she’s not that smart.

In the Thanksgiving episode, we see Cat get into the fight a little bit and things get a little more active for you. Do you like doing those actions scenes or do you want to keep it more behind the desk?

No, I thought it was really fun. I really enjoyed it. I would like to see her get out more. I think it's kind of funny to see that character be so out of her element, and then not be out of her element. And it would be really fun to see her kick some butt. It's fun to do.

I feel like Cat has some great, great lines. Not just funny ones, but really poignant ones. That monologue about the word “girl,” saying you can't get angry at work… I'm curious, do these things resonate with you? Does that add something to you getting to bring this woman to life?

Absolutely. Absolutely it does resonate with me. The things that she says are very true and very honest. In fact, I was talking to my mother this morning on my way to work and she said, “So I saw the episode…and you know, it’s true! You don’t know why you're mad, but you have to figure out why you're mad. Because sometimes you're not mad at the person you think you're mad at!”

And I was like, “Mom, that’s so deep at 6 o'clock in the morning!” It was really funny, but it does resonate. It resonates with older people and younger people and it resonates with me.

Will we be seeing any more of Cat and her mother? I mean, there are so many issues.

I hope so. There are so many issues. I think we get a glimpse of why Cat is the way she is. I like the dynamic of the mom and Cat.

Is it exciting to be playing a role model for some of the younger viewers? Is that exciting or is it kind of strange for you?

It's the reason I did the show, to be honest. It really means a lot to me and I'm so excited when… You know, there were a couple of my friend's daughters who dressed up as Supergirl for Halloween and I thought that, for me, it's absolutely the reason. It makes me really happy.

Just going off of that, are there little kids now who are recognizing you?

Yeah, it's funny. I dropped off my son at school and there were 7th grade girls… They saw me in the car and they were, like [makes tiny wave] and I was waving back and my son was mortified, but it's really nice.

Have any of them been scared of you? Cat frightens me sometimes…

You would think they would be terrified, but no. I haven't had that experience yet. And I was wondering, the other night, I was drunk in that scene. I remember thinking to myself, “I wonder if this is a good thing?” Every time they want me to go get a drink in the office, I say, “Well, we don’t want her to go get a drink every time she’s upset.” So, it's that balance between the older audience and the younger audience that I try to keep in mind.

How much influence do you typically have on set to control the character?

It's really collaborative. Everybody is really open to any ideas that you have. Everybody wants to explore. Nobody really knows yet—it's so early in the process. So it's very collaborative, very open. You try something, it doesn't work, you throw it out, you try something else. Ali Adler is a producer on the set, and I said I didn’t want alcohol, I can't keep going to alcohol. So she put a little jar of jelly beans. So I went over and started eating jelly beans. Everybody kind of works together and it's great. It's really open-minded there.

Do you improvise any of your quips at all?

Very rarely. But I think I started saying “chop chop” and then, the next script, it was written. So little things like that. Occasionally I'll add a little line at the very end of the scene so they have the ability to cut it out if they don't like it.

Is there anything you’re really pushing for your character to do?

No. Not yet. I don’t think I want a romantic relationship in the show. I like that she's a single woman: Just Cat. I think I would push for that if it ever came up. I would say “Ehhhh.” But it hasn’t come up yet.

Is there going to be any CatCo merchandise, do you know, that we can look forward to?

Now there's a good idea! Not that I know of, but that would be fun.

http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2015/12/11 ... -flockhart
- Personificando a Supergirl: entrevista con Melissa Benoist (dccomics):
Personificando a Supergirl: entrevista con Melissa Benoist
Por Tim Beedle Monday, 14 Dic, 2015

As believable as she may be on CBS’s Supergirl, Melissa Benoist isn’t actually a super hero. I say this only because when you meet her, you can’t help but feel like you’re meeting the real deal—not an actor, but the newly emerged super hero that many of us have come to love. The reason for this is both simple and wonderful. If there really were people walking around on our Earth with super powers, you’d want them to be like Benoist. She’s down to Earth and approachable, loves saying hi to young fans and is more than happy to pose for a quick photo while she’s scarfing down a doughnut. Or a second doughnut. Or a giant Supergirl cookie. (Seriously, we’re not making this stuff up.) Maybe Supergirl’s producers weren’t looking to cast an actual super hero when they cast their title role, but they found someone who fits the bill perfectly all the same.

Tonight’s episode of Supergirl, “Hostile Takeover,” finds Kara once again locking horns with her powerful Kryptonian aunt, Astra, while CatCo struggles with a hacker attack. It introduces us to Supergirl’s version of Non, a brilliant and powerful villain first introduced in Richard Donner’s Superman movie (though he played a much bigger role in Superman II). It’s also the final new episode of the year, and as such seemed like the perfect time for us to get caught up with Benoist. Here’s what our Supergirl had to say about the show so far.

You have to be funny and quirky and strong and all these different things—is there one part of playing Supergirl in particular that’s the most challenging?

I don’t know. It’s rather challenging to bounce back and forth between all of those traits, but for me personally, because I tend to be shy and weird and more toward Kara Danvers, it can be challenging to be in the fight scenes and be authoritative. I have to remind myself “shoulders back and be strong,” and maybe lower my voice, my register. So, that’s a little more challenging than some of the other scenes.

How does Kara feel after losing her powers on last week’s episode?

Obviously, it’s kind of a frustrating feeling, but I think the whole point of [that] episode is you don’t need powers to be a hero. What is in Kara’s heart is what makes her a hero.

Kara showed a new kind of intensity when she went up against Red Tornado. Can you talk about that?

Well, I think everything was kind of building to that. Her life has really been tossed upside down since she’s come out with her powers and she’s really had to grapple with her past, and what these powers mean on Earth, what being Supergirl means, and what kind of hero she wants to be. I think anyone would be overwhelmed with that, especially someone who didn’t allow themself to be their true self for such a long time. And I had a really wonderful time working on episode six—it’s probably been one of my favorites so far—just because there was so much to grab from and play with, and she has such a tragic past there was a lot of material.

The stunt guys said you are getting great…

I’m so glad they’re saying that; it’s such a relief.

Can you talk about the stunts and how you’ve been progressing with them?

It’s such a hard thing to gauge for me because I always have a little bit of anticipation and not fear, but nerves. Whenever we do a big stunt, I’m still doing a lot, but what my stunt double Shauna [Duggins] does is really incredible and she’s a Supergirl herself. I feel myself getting stronger and getting to be able to pick it up faster and knowing the physicality more, which I think kind of matches the trajectory Supergirl is on. She started off as this rhino charging at things and not really having any aim or focus, and now she’s really zoning in on a target. So I feel like that, a little bit.

What can you tease about Kara and Cat’s relationship going forward?

Their relationship is always going to be a rollercoaster and that’s one of my favorite things about it. It grows and there’s this kind of almost maternal mentorship about it. Tey both have insecurities and emotions that maybe guard them from each other sometimes—from themselves, I mean. So I can tell you there’s an ebb and flow to it and it’s up and down quite a bit.

So Kara’s about to meet another guy… Care to elaborate on Adam Foster?

Well, she’s… [laughs] Her love life is so complicated. All of her relationships are so complicated. By the time that he shows up, a lot has happened with the other men in her life. I like to think that, sometimes, the better Supergirl gets at her job, Kara’s personal life kind of suffers. You can’t juggle everything and be good at everything all at once. When she meets Adam, that’s definitely the wrench in the machine of her life, in terms of CatCo.

Is there something about him she likes? Is he really attractive, maybe?

He’s really attractive. Also, I think there’s a mystery about him. There’s a connection because of their past and what they’ve both been through, in terms of family and loss.

Can you talk about Alex and Kara’s relationship going forward?

Their relationship is my absolute favorite, hands down. Chyler is incredible and it’s hard to pinpoint how their relationship… It’s so complicated, the way female relationships can be, especially between sisters, and that’s what’s so beautiful about it. You will only see their love and their bond get stronger and more unbreakable.

Each episode seems to be a lesson on how to be a grown up and how to be a woman. What life lessons will Kara be learning in the future?

Definitely how to grapple with your identity and being okay with who you are, allowing yourself to be who you are and finding a place in the world and where you fit. There’s always a lesson about heart and integrity, and finding the good in everything, and trying to find your way. She’s dealing with a lot of grief too. How to grieve. How to feel.

How would you describe Kara’s relationship with her surrogate mother? She kept referring to her as “Alex’s mother” in a recent episode.

Yeah, that’s so funny that you bring that up. That was something that I noticed too, when I got the script. I think that’s part of the fact that she has not really let go of her family on Krytpon, despite the fact that Eliza and Jeremiah were so loving and welcoming and like parents to her. I do think their relationship is really close… But there is maybe a barrier there that she keeps.

Is there a certain kind of pressure on you when playing Supergirl, who young people look up to, to keep a certain purity and goodness in your performance?

Oh, sure there is and I think that’s the driving force behind her. That makes it easy because I always know what to fall back on when I’m playing Supergirl, but it doesn’t exclude the emotions you guys saw in [the Red Tornado] episode—she does get angry, she does have flaws. But what ultimately is the most important about her is that she always finds the silver lining. She always finds a way to be heroic and good and pure at heart. So, there’s a pressure, but it’s something that’s kind of constant about her that I rely on.

So, how will Kara react to having another friendly alien in her life?

It’s so funny the way she reacts. I can’t wait for you guys to see it. I don’t want to tell you because it’s really funny. It’s a good thing. She’s really happy about it.

http://www.dccomics.com/blog/2015/12/14 ... sa-benoist
- Cómo Hank Henshaw de "Supergirl" se convirtió en Martian Manhunter (TVInsider):
Cómo Hank Henshaw de "Supergirl" se convirtió en Martian Manhunter
Por Damian Holbrook 14 Dic, 2015 4:16 pm

It’s the twist that shocked Supergirl fans! In the final moments of last week’s episode, we found out that grumpusaurus DEO chief Hank Henshaw (David Harewood) was actually J’onn J’onzz, better known in the DC universe as the Martian Manhunter. Of course, there’ve been questions about Henshaw’s deal since day one, given his obsession with monitoring aliens on Earth, his prickly dynamic with Alex (Chyler Leigh) and early disdain for Kara (Melissa Benoist). But mostly, those suspicions were that he’d shape up to be a baddie (in the comics, Henshaw is the supervillainous Cyborg Superman), not the kindly, telepathic lone survivor of a destroyed planet. Was this the plan along?

“No!” swears Supergirl executive producer Andrew Kreisberg, crediting DC Comics chief creative officer Geoff Johns for the curveball. “This is a true story: On the pilot, [fellow exec producer] Greg Berlanti, Geoff Johns and I were standing around talking about how much we love David in the part of Hank. I don’t remember the specifics of who said what, but it was along the lines of ‘David has such a great voice, it’s too bad we cast him in this because if they ever do a Martian Manhunter movie, he’d be great for it.’ And it was Geoff who said 'Who says he can’t be the Martian Manhunter?’” After that, Kreisberg adds “we all started to think about and realized that if the Hank Henshaw we had created was an invention of J’onn to protect his true identity, it actually gave him an even more soulful back story than we had conceived.”

Since they were still shooting the pilot when the idea to turn Henshaw into Martian Manhunter was hatched, there was some temptation to slip in a few hints about his non-human nature. “We were going to do some foreshadowing, but then we decided to let people think Hank is who he is, let them think he’s the antagonist,” continues Kreisberg, comparing the misdirect to another fast one he pulled on The Flash. “There, we had Harrison Wells, a really good guy who turned out to be the worst guy ever, so what if we had a seemingly antagonistic character on Supergirl who turned out to be not just a good guy but the warmest soul in the DC Universe?” he says. “We also just thought the similarities between J’onn and Kara’s backstories made them a great pairing. In the comics, J’onn lost two daughters when Mars was destroyed, and we have created a show with two sisters who have lost their father…it just fits.”

Now that we have seen J’onzz in all of his glowing-eyes, seven-foot glory, viewers should get used to the green guy being around. “You’re gonna see J’onn a bunch” after the show’s winter hiatus, promises Kreisberg, adding that viewers will also learn who else knows J'onn's identity. But first, there’s the matter of Monday’s fall finale, which leaves us with “two massive cliffhangers” and a parting shot from Kara that has Kreisberg flying as high as our heroine. “We end on one of my favorite lines I have ever written!”

http://www.tvinsider.com/article/60082/ ... manhunter/?
- Supergirl postmortem: ¿Quién descubrió el secreto de Kara? (EW):
Supergirl postmortem: ¿Quién descubrió el secreto de Kara?
Port Natalie Abrams 14 Dic, 2015

Looks like the Cat is out of the bag on Supergirl.

During Monday’s fall finale, Kara (Melissa Benoist) faced off against her evil Aunt Astra (Laura Benanti). In the process, she discovered that her own mother, Alura, used her years ago in order to entrap Astra, who was basically trying to save Krypton in all the wrong ways. This time around, Kara is able to catch Astra on her own, though now she must face the wrath of Non (Chris Vance) — the outcome of which we won’t know until the show returns in January.

Kara also tangled with Cat Grant (Calista Flockhart), whose hacked emails revealed the identity of her secret second child: Adam Foster (Blake Jenner). Kara, Winn, and James (Mehcad Brooks) were able to keep that news under wraps, but not Kara’s identity: Cat finally pieced together that her assistant is the Girl of Steel just in time for the show’s cliff-hanger. What’s in store for the show’s return?​ EW got executive producer Andrew Kreisberg to tease what’s next:​

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Will we get an immediate pickup in the midseason return to Non and Kara’s battle?
ANDREW KREISBERG: The episode ends with one of my favorite lines I’ve written, which is Non saying, “To think you’re the last woman to survive the House of El,” and Kara says, “You’re going to wish I died with the rest of them.” Them flying at each other is the cliff-hanger. When we come back, we have one of our coolest fights that we’ve done to kick off the episode. Then, both in this episode and the next episode, we have flashbacks to Krypton. In episode 9, the flashbacks to Krypton are Astra and Non’s trial, which is kind of fun to see, especially seeing Laura Benanti act against herself.

What kind of danger is Kara in now that Astra is in custody?
That’s what happens in the following episode. Now that the DEO has her, what are they going to do with her? And what is Non going to do in retaliation? When we come back, the declaration of war between the DEO and Astra and Non’s forces is in full effect. Also, at the end of episode 8, Cat figures out that Kara is Supergirl, so they’re dealing with both the comedy of the emotion and the drama of that story in episode 9.

Astra really wanted to save Krypton, but was going about it the wrong way. Is there even a part of Kara that might see where Astra’s coming from in wanting to save the world?
Yeah, I think there’s a little bit of doubt in episode 8, when Astra brings to light something that Kara had never really thought about, which is that Alura used Kara to catch Astra. Having used her like that, and used her daughter to trick her, begins to make Kara start to doubt whether her mother was on the side of the angels, and is there any validity to what Astra has to say?

How much is Astra genuinely wanting to save the world and how much is this Non influencing her?
It’s actually the other way around. If Non had his way, he would be launching war. It’s Astra who says that there’s a better way to save a planet and save a people from themselves. That’s what they’re dealing with.

Do you think there was always a part of Cat that knew Kara was Supergirl?
No, but what’s interesting is Cat does have a little bit of a Keyser Söze moment in episode 8, where Kara does something a little bit beyond the ability of a human being, and then it makes Cat start to think about, “Well, in episode 5, Livewire attacked us, I sent you for help, and then Supergirl showed up. You’re never sick. You were the one who was so upset about me calling Supergirl.” She’s starting to piece it all together. That’s how it comes out. How the two of them deal with it in episode 9 is both hilarious and heartbreaking and emotional. It’s very cool.

What can you tease about Cat’s son?
We didn’t introduce the idea of Cat’s other son without a plan to introduce him. We’ll be meeting him in the very near future.

James encouraged Winn to tell Kara how he feels. Will he actually consider doing that when the show returns?
Yeah. You’re going to get more of Winn and Kara in episode 10, which features the Toyman (Henry Czerny). There’s some stuff that comes up in that episode that’s going to change their dynamic forever.

What will Winn be dealing with when his father, the Toyman, pops up?
We’ve never really had this in any of our shows. I guess a little bit now, retroactively, with Thea on Arrow, but Winn’s father is evil. Winn’s dad is a supervillain. Somebody who is dealing with that shame, humiliation, regret, and emotion — Winn’s been presented as a pretty happy-go-lucky, nice and sweet guy, but he came from a very dark place. It’s Jeremy’s best episode. He does such amazing work in it. It’s always interesting when we find points of synchronicity in the characters. Winn says in that episode to Kara, “It’s easy to talk about this with you, because you also have a homicidal maniac in your family.”

Did James encourage Winn to open up about his feelings as a way to put some distance between himself and Kara?
Yeah. I think James and Kara do everything they do to try and fight what’s happening between them. Obviously, there are a couple of people, like Lucy [Jenna Dewan Tatum] and Winn, who are caught in the middle. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of that stuff comes to a boil when we come back.

Turning to Maxwell Lord (Peter Facinelli), where do his allegiances really lie?
For us, the best villains are the ones who aren’t mustache-twirling, “I want to kill everybody.” Max really believes he’s out to protect the human race. He says in an upcoming episode, “When Gods walk the Earth, it’s mortals that get the short end of the stick.” He doesn’t see the difference between Supergirl and the rest of them, just in the same way that General Lane doesn’t. If you ask Supergirl, Astra, Max — they’re all saying the same thing, which is, “I want to protect the Earth,” they’re just all going about it in very different ways. Max has done what we can all consider to be despicable things. He would say it’s all in service of the greater good. For him, moving forward, the machinations that he sets in motion and where his character goes, we’ve presented Astra and Non as pretty bad big bads, so is Max going to heed his better angels or is he going to slip fully into the dark? It’s what makes him a very interesting character.

Now that Kara has discovered her mother’s role in what happened to Krypton, how is she dealing with that emotionally moving forward?
She’s really lost. As always with these shows, no matter how fantastical they get, we try to have fun, real-world analog. For all of us, especially once we’re out of college and we’re in our twenties and growing up, you start to realize that your parents weren’t perfect. As you start to live your life, you realize that your parents didn’t always have the answers. It’s a further step in Kara’s own journey as a hero and everyone’s maturation as we become adults and become our parents.

What can you tease of Kara’s reaction to finding out that Hank (David Harewood) is J’onn J’onzz?
Metaphorically speaking, Kara was in the closet when the pilot began. She’s come out as Supergirl. Conversely, J’onn is still in the closet. He says later on to Alex, when Alex encourages him to be who he is, “Your sister and I are both aliens, but she looks like a cheerleader, and I look like a monster.” It’s sad and heartbreaking, but part of the journey of this season of J’onn is learning to embrace who he is just as much as Kara has. Ironically, although he’s obviously older and a father figure, and is able to be a teacher and guide to Kara, as far as being a superhero is concerned, it’s Kara who is able to teach him that even if you’re from Mars, that doesn’t mean you can’t be human. That’s their emotional journey for the season.

Does Alex trust J’onn at this point?
She starts to trust him pretty fast. It becomes clear that they’re partners in all this. Even though she’s keeping the secret, it’s going to come out. You’re going to see some of the amazing sacrifices that J’onn is willing to make for Kara and Alex, and what they’re willing to do in return.

Is there a chance that we could actually see the real Hank Henshaw again?
There’s a chance you could see anything.

What are some of the themes that you’re going to be exploring in the back half of the season?
The biggest theme is what we’ve been doing since the beginning: Astra believes that fear is the only thing that can control people, and Kara believes that hope is the only thing that can save people — winning hearts and minds, which is the amazing thing that Kara can do, is ultimately going to save the day. It’s happening both in her personal life and also in the world. As she’s slowly changing Cat, and possibly changing Max, changing J’onn, changing Winn and making all the people around her better and stronger, and working together, that’s really the theme. She’s the most public superhero we’ve ever done, in the sense that it’s the superhero with the biggest public image. It’s been interesting to play with that and show just what that “S” means to the people of National City. It means so much to everyone in our world. It is one of the most recognizable symbols. The idea that it represents unity, hope, and faith not just for Kara and her friends, but for everyone, that’s really the ultimate weapon against whatever bad guy comes down the pipe.

http://www.ew.com/article/2015/12/14/su ... e-spoilers
- David Harewood sobre Martian Manhunter: "Esto es tan bueno como el interpretar a MacBeth o Hamlet" (comicbook):
David Harewood sobre Martian Manhunter: "Esto es tan bueno como el interpretar a MacBeth o Hamlet"
Por Ashley Robinson 16/12/2015

Supergirl was just given an order for a full season. The show is the first in the DC television universe featuring a female lead focusing on Kara Zor-El, cousin of Superman, and her human alias Kara Danvers. This first season introduces Supergirl to her powerset and debuts new alien villains all over the place!

David Harewood, best known for his time on Doctor Who and Homeland, plays DEO Director Hank Henshaw, who was recently revealed to be J'Onn J'Onzz, a character known to comic book fans as the Martian Manhunter.

Harewood spoke with reporters on the set of Supergirl to chat about this latest character revelation and who his character is going to be going forward.

Do you feel free now [that you can talk about Martian Manhunter]?

I do. I feel very strange. I haven’t told anybody.

When were you told?

I was told about two weeks into the job, so I apologize for my Comic-Con answers. Didn’t know anything. They told me about two weeks into my time here [at] the star of Episode One; up until then I was still unsure. I knew something was changing, but I wasn’t absolutely sure what it was.

It was quite uncomfortable - the pilot was quite uncomfortable - because a lot of what Hank [Henshaw] said was exposition -- “This is the DEO,” “I’m this,” and “You’re here.” It was an uncomfortable experience playing Hank in the pilot, so I was really pleased, actually, because Martian Manhunter is such a huge character. It took me on a whole new, different direction and it was brilliant for me because, as much as I could, I couldn’t really find an angle to play Hank Henshaw that was interesting.

So, how did you change your approach to the character once you found out?

The whole idea of suppressing who you are was something that I could understand and pretending to be - hiding a big secret - that was, obviously, much more interesting and I was always also wonder[ing] why he was such a bitch to Kara? [Laughs] You know, all the way through the pilot I was thinking, “There’s something going on here. No one could hate aliens that much. There’s something that I don’t know.”

So, [one of the] reasons I was happy it was Martian Manhunter is because he is an alien. It gave me a direction to take other than just "I don’t like Kara Zor-El and Superman." That wasn’t really that interesting to me.

After his secret is out how does that affect his relationships with the people who know or aliens who know?

It’s a lot of fun actually because, as you’ll see in episodes to come, there’s a lot of fun to be had ‘cause he’s a shapeshifter, so he can be whoever he wants to be, so I think you’ll find me being other members of the cast at some various points in the story.

But, I think particularly with Alex [Danvers] -- Chyler [Leigh] -- that’s been a wonderful relationship to play because, as you’ll see in next week’s episode, he promised her father that he would protect her like his own child and, having lost his own child, Kara and Alex almost become his children and he loves them and, again, you’ll see that going forward. They are his children.

And, you know, I don’t know if you know much about the character of Martian Manhunter, but having lost his own children, he’s got a lot of pain. There’s a lot of pain and a lot of melancholy, which is fantastic to play; it gives you an enormous amount of stuff to play, and I think these two girls represent something that is very, very close to him.

His power set is, you know, anything - it transcends Superman and Supergirl’s - but, it has a lot of similarities, so will he be taking on that mentor role to her and using her abilities and powers? Could we see some of that?

There’s a little bit of that, yeah. There’s a wonderful flight sequence where - and, you’ve got to remember that he hasn’t used half of these powers for many years ‘cause he’s been reforming the DEO and pretending to be somebody else, so I think the revelation is as much a, kind of, weight off his shoulders than anything. It’s the fact that he can finally be himself and I think that’s also, at times, very uncomfortable for him because he realizes, you know, Kara’s beautiful, attractive and blonde and gorgeous and I’m this seven foot, Green Martian and, as much as I want to just be myself, it would terrify people to be confronted with this alien.

So, he’s still got conflicts that he has to - and he still has issues that he has to deal with. I think seeing Kara and seeing Kara enjoy - I was going to say “coming out the closet” - but, enjoy, kind of, revealing her true nature, I think there’s something perhaps a little envious. He knows he can’t quite do that.

Is the voice and the dialect that you’re doing in the episodes that we’ve seen as Hank Henshaw, is that the voice that J’onn J’onzz does in his Martian form or is it more similar to your natural dialect?

We spoke about that. I spoke about that with Greg [Berlanti] and, you know, I wondered whether I should change my voice and he decided not and the wonderful thing about J’onn J’onzz is that he spends so much time in these other aliases that he just becomes them. They become part of him, so Hank is as much a part of him as any of his pseudonyms, so hopefully, down the line we’ll see him in different guises.

What kind of interaction will Hank Henshaw have with Cameron Chase?

I’m going to put that to Greg [Berlanti and] to Andrew [Kreisberg] myself, actually. I was reading...it’s wonderful, I get to read all these comics for research, which has been fantastic! I read one just the other day and there’s a great relationship that he has with her and I think she’s a character that perhaps could get on his case a little bit, so maybe I’ll be speaking to Greg about that question.

Are we going to get to see J’onn’s backstory, like, in flashbacks or are we just going to hear about it?

There is - in Episode Eleven - we have a visitor from another planet who’s a White Martian. There are two Martian species - it feels really weird talking about this (laughs) I’ve not been able to say anything about it - there is a Green Martian species and a White Martian species and the White Martians, in our story, are responsible for the death of the whole of the Green Martians. It was a fire and they burned them and we get to see a lot of that.

It’s very emotional. It was a very emotional episode for me, just thinking about the whole idea of genocide and, you know, people being burned alive. I think it was around the same time as the Paris attacks. it was very emotional. The whole idea of it was weird for me to be playing, but I think it’s going to be a very emotional, powerful episode because you get to see a little bit - the fans are going to be, I think, really delighted to see this because I don’t think, technically, it’s been able to be done before, but I think we’re, thankfully, now living in an age where you get great people like Armen [V. Kevorkian] - our Visual Effects Director - who’s just fantastic and he’s capable of just bringing some of stuff to life and I think fans are really going to get to see a version of Martian Manhunter on the screen that they’ve just never, ever seen before.

There’s going to be something in it for the fans and something in it for just the general viewers because it’s some pretty emotional stuff to cover.

What did you know about Martian Manhunter before?

Nothing. What I’ve learnt from doing this job is that much of my boyhood comic book reading has all been Marvel. I grew up reading Stan Lee, reading The Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk - literally, week in, week out - and I really didn’t ever touch the Batman comics because, in my day, Batman was the camp version -- Adam West -- so Batman was always pretty camp.

And having started to read - having done this job - it’s made me go back to the comic book and realize the DC Universe is much darker than Marvel and it’s been wonderful to journey back, particularly through the Batman story because Batman in the comic books is very different from Batman in the movies. You know, now you think Batman you think Christian Bale or Chris Nolan, but actually, the comic book Batman is such a dark guy and so brutal and that’s been fascinating for me.

When they presented me with the comic books and the model - Andrew [Kreisberg] gave me this model of this Green Martian. At first, I have to say, I was a bit horrified because I thought, “I’m going to be playing Shrek for the next seven years.” So, I, kind of, was a little bit anxious because I just could see hours of prosthetic makeup and just something I didn’t particularly want to do, but when I started reading him I was blown away. I thought, “Wow! How did this guy ever escape my comic book knowledge?”

So, I have been reading Martian Manhunter comics now for the last three months -- four months? -- and they’re just awesome and he’s such a wonderful character.

I’m here. I’m away from my family. My family are in England, so I can really associate with that sense of loneliness and - obviously, I’m not the only one here - but, you know, he’s isolated and there’s a lot of melancholy there and I can tap into some of that myself, as I say, just from being on my own.

It’s been a really wonderful journey, as an actor, to play this comic book character, who isn’t all macho and, “I want to save the world!”. Is somebody that was brought here completely by mistake and has learnt to understand humanity and has decided to help it and, you know, he’s the center of the Justice League and that’s just awesome! I just had no idea!

I didn’t really know about the Justice League because, obviously, again, you look at Marvel you think about the Avengers. I didn’t really know about the Justice League until I started reading these comics and it’s been such a wonderful journey, so I’m really excited to see where this could go and to be a part of it. It’s just a great character to play. This is as good as playing MacBeth or Hamlet to me. This is a great character.

Is there anyone in the cast that you haven’t gotten to work with much that you’d like to work with more?

I haven’t worked at all with Mehcad [Brooks] and with Jeremy, [Jordan] so there’s a scene in the next episode where we’ll get to do that and it’s going to be quite weird having them in the DEO. i might get territorial. [Laughs] But, I can’t stress enough, we have just a wonderful cast and so lucky to work with such great actors.

You know, this is one of the shows where you just go home and watch the episode and think, “Wow! Didn’t know that she did that!” and “Didn’t know that was going to look like that!” I’m really impressed with Chyler [Leigh] and Melissa [Benoist] and their physicality is just brilliant - thought she was fantastic last night. It’s just really exciting to be a part of a company with actors that you actually want to work with. Yeah, it’s all good fun.

http://comicbook.com/2015/12/17/david-h ... playing-m/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Supergirl Set Visit (Dec 2015):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | 1.08 "Hostile Takeover" Promo #1:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.08 "Hostile Takeover" Promo #2:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.08 "Hostile Takeover" Clip #1:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.08 "Hostile Takeover" Clip #2:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.08 "Hostile Takeover" Clip #3:


- SUPERGIRL | 1.08 "Hostile Takeover" Clip #4:


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts de la S1 (06-13 Dic 2015):

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(@aliadler: Sit back and watch all new episode of #SUPERGIRL tomorrow night on #CBS
@aliadler: New #Supergirl takes flight at 8 EST. You don't need superpowers to be a hero❗️#secretsrevealed @supergirlcbs
@karterhol: Dir @larryteng created something special on @supergirlcbs 2nite! U won't regret it @MelissaBenoist @DavidHarewood
@karterhol: The great @DavidHarewood blows off steam during 2nites ep of @supergirlcbs Don't miss it!
@karterhol: The great @JeremyMJordan enjoys a laugh w dir @larryteng from 2nites ep of @supergirlcbs #WatchLive @MehcadBrooks
@karterhol: Things go down at the #DEO on @supergirlcbs #DontMissOut
@karterhol: Here we go east coast! @supergirlcbs time! Gr8 direction by @larryteng @MelissaBenoist @chy_leigh @DavidHarewood
@karterhol: Stuff goes down here on @supergirlcbs 2nite Not saying what #NoSpoilers @DavidHarewood @MelissaBenoist @chy_leigh
@karterhol: U a @chy_leigh fan Love bad ass Alex Then watch @supergirlcbs 2nite #noholdsbarred
@DavidHarewood: We're working!! Hope your enjoying the show!
@tengstagram: Making TV with this guy @mehcadbrooks. All new #supergirl tonight!
@karterhol: 2 @DCComics #Supergirls Super talented artist @CatStaggs visits ep 107 & @MelissaBenoist approves! #SoMuchTalent
@karterhol: BTS of the return of #Supergirl w @larryteng @MehcadBrooks @JeremyMJordan
@karterhol: Dir @larryteng & @chy_leigh recoup b w takes in the big face off w @DavidHarewood #IntenseNite @supergirlcbs
@karterhol: Dir @larryteng & @DavidHarewood rehearse the most intense face off of @supergirlcbs 107 #IncredibleNite @chy_leigh
@karterhol: Excited costars meet their #Supergirl @MelissaBenoist
@karterhol: Getting ready 2 shoot the big elevator save #LooksLikeAJobForJimmyOlsen @MehcadBrooks
@karterhol: Heroics about to go down on @supergirlcbs set! @MehcadBrooks @MelissaBenoist @JeremyMJordan #supergirlBTS @larryteng
@karterhol: Hologram time from @supergirlcbs ep 107 w my 2 fave Kryptonians @MelissaBenoist @LauraBenanti #bts @chy_leigh
@karterhol: How bad ass was @chy_leigh last night #ActionHero @MelissaBenoist @DavidHarewood @larryteng @supergirlcbs
@karterhol: Loved shooting this @larryteng knocked it out of park @supergirlcbs @MehcadBrooks @JeremyMJordan @MelissaBenoist
@karterhol: Shooting the super-save (gotta do a school bus!) @MelissaBenoist @chy_leigh @DavidHarewood #Supergirl
@karterhol: That's a #SupergirlSighting for ya! @MelissaBenoist 2 the rescue! @MehcadBrooks @JeremyMJordan @larryteng
@karterhol: Tom shoots @DavidHarewood & the big reveal #IncredibleNight @chy_leigh @MelissaBenoist
@karterhol: More @chy_leigh awesomeness from @supergirlcbs ep 107 @DavidHarewood @MelissaBenoist #SupergirlBTS
@karterhol: #catstaggs super baby tries out the controls at the #DEO #supergirlBTS @melissabenoist @davidharewood @chy_leigh
@karterhol: #setlife #Supergirl @peterfacinelli @MehcadBrooks @MelissaBenoist
@karterhol: #Supergirl #setlife @MelissaBenoist #Supergirl
@karterhol: #Supergirl #setlife @peterfacinelli @MehcadBrooks
@karterhol: #supergirlBTS @melissabenoist @mehcadbrooks
@karterhol: #supergirlBTS @melissabenoist
@karterhol: Intense rehearsal w @peterfacinelli @MelissaBenoist @MehcadBrooks #Supergirl
@karterhol: Mid super rescue #Supergirl @MelissaBenoist
@karterhol: Rehearsal @chy_leigh @DavidHarewood #Supergirl
@karterhol: Setting focus w @MelissaBenoist @MehcadBrooks #Supergirl #setlife
@karterhol: Sticks in! setlife @LauraBenanti @MelissaBenoist #Supergirl
@karterhol: The always superb @DavidHarewood #setlife #Supergirl @chy_leigh @MelissaBenoist
@karterhol: Working out the intense scene w @larryteng @DavidHarewood @chy_leigh #Supergirl
@mehcadbrooks: My lovely agents came by and I snuck them onto the most impressive set on #TV. The #DEO…
@mehcadbrooks: Happy watch party guys! From our super family to yours. #supergirl #cbs #bestcastever #dream #big
@mehcadbrooks: This is our blue steel. #supergirl #zoolander #squadgoals #dream #big
@aliadler: Working today. But no one works harder than this guy at this time of year. #SUPERGIRL
@mehcadbrooks: Where's the Xbox)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- David Harewood Interview on KTL5 (14-12-15):

http://ktla.com/2015/12/14/david-harewo ... E64YUYzD2I

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- SUPERGIRL | Mehcad Brooks ADR Behind-the-Scenes Featurette:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes bts en el set de la S1 (14-18 Dic 2015):

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(@melissabenoist: If we weren't working you bet we'd be live tweeting right about now #supergirl @supergirlcbs @LauraBenanti @robertgant
@Glen__Winter: I love the Henshaw Danvers comedy hour with all my heart. @DavidHarewood @chy_leigh
@laurabenanti: Even @aliadler wants a white stripe like Astra
@peterfacinelli: Behind the scenes on #supergirl
@mehcadbrooks: Yep...still here. 2.46am. Burning the midnight oil. #supergirl #jimmyolsen #newolsen
@AJKreisberg: @MelissaBenoist vs. @Lexialex Making #Supergirl look bad ass all week!
@mehcadbrooks: CatCo dress code. All #plaid everything. #supergirl #jimmyolsen #newolsen
@mehcadbrooks: Wrapped...off to the gym. #supergirl #jimmyolsen #newolsen
@Lexialex: 4am. Fight scene done. #GirlPower #Supergirl)

- Nuevos videos bts en el set (14-17 Dic 2015):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nueva imagen promocional de Melissa Benoist como "Supergirl":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- ¡Nuevos detalles sobre el cómics digital de la serie "Supergirl"!:
Los fans de la serie de TV "Supergirl" estarán felices de saber que van a poder ver más aventuras de su heroína en el nuevo cómic digital de la serie que se llamará "Adventures of Supergirl".

El veterano escritor de "Supergirl" Sterling Gates será el encargado de escribir este nuevo título, que contará con la rotación de una serie de artistas entre los que están Bengal, Jonboy Meyers, Emanuela Lupacchino, y Emma Vieceli. Bengal dibujará y coloreará los tres primeros episodios.

Este cómic de 13 episodios que saldrá cada dos semanas, se publicará los lunes, que es el mismo día en que la serie se emite en la CBS. No se unirá directamente a la serie, pero contará historias en ese universo on Supergirl haciendo equipo con la DEO para proteger National City mientras que también trabaja en CatCo como Kara Danvers. DC también ha dicho que contará con villanos clásicos como Rampage, Vril Dox, y Psi.

Este formato digital no es nada nuevo para las series de TV de DC, ya que tanto "Arrow" como "The Flash" cuentan con los suyos propios que llenan los huecos antes/después de las temporadas, y "Smallville" también contó con una exitosa continuación de la serie en este formato tras su última temporada en TV.

No obstante, a diferencia de éstas, la serie de "Supergirl" no será publicada en formato impreso de forma mensual, sino que será publicada e impresa de forma colectiva en una novela gráfica que reunirá los 13 números publicados.

"Adventures of Supergirl" debutará el 25 de Enero del 2016.

http://www.ign.com/articles/2015/12/15/ ... ital-comic

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.09 "Blood Bonds":
1.09 "Blood Bonds" (04-01-16): KARA DEBE DE ENCONTRAR LA MANERA DE RESCATAR A HANK DE LAS ANOS DEL MARIDO DE ASTRA MIENTRAS QUE INTENTA REFUTAR LAS ALEGACIONES DE CAT DE QUE ELLA ES SUPERGIRL - Con Astra en cautividad por la DEO, su marido, Non (Chris Vance), captura Hank, lo que lleva a una tensa confrontación entre ambas partes. También, Kara continúa refutando las alegaciones de Cat de que ella es Supergirl. Estrellas invitadas: Laura Benanti como 'Alura/Astra'; Peter Facinelli como 'Maxwell Lord; Glenn Morshower como el 'General Sam Lane'; Chris Vance como 'Non'; Robert Gant como 'Zor-El'; Briana Venskus como la 'Agente Vasquez'; Christopher Showerman como 'Tor'; Rey Hernandez como 'Comandante'; Ric Sarabia como 'Soldado Alien'; Michael Albala como 'Científico' y Hope Lauren como 'Mujer en coma'. Escrito por Ted Sullivan & Derek Simon y dirigido por Steve Shill.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/12/superg ... press.html?

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del 1.09 "Blood Bonds":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 32865
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "SUPERGIRL", nueva serie en la CBS

Mensaje por Shelby »

- La diseñadora de sets de "Supergirl" Andrea Fenton comparte una galería de imágenes detalladas de CatCo, incluyendo la oficina de Cat, y los puestos de trabajo de James Olsen, Winn Schott y Kara Danvers (aka Supergirl):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
