"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stephen Amell en los "Canadian Screen Awards 2013", Sony Center, Toronto (03-03-13):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Carátulas de la S1 de Arrow y posible fecha de lanzamiento:
Gracias a TVShowsOnDVD, tenemos las carátulas para la primera temporada de Arrow, y establecen como posible fecha de lanzamiento el 9 de Septiembre del 2012, aunque la misma está sujeta a cambios.
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El set incluirá los 23 episodios de la Season 1 de Arrow, y también varios extras aún por especificar.


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Celina Jade sobre la nueva asociación de Shado con Oliver (TVGuide):
Celina Jade sobre la nueva asociación de Shado con Oliver
Por Natalie Abrams 5 de Marzo, 2013 10:31 PM ET

El Oliver Queen de Arrow tiene una nueva dama en su vida.

Shado (Celina Jade), el personaje de DC Comics quien tiene una relación bastante tumultuosa con Oliver (Stephen Amell) en las novelas gráficas, verá al fin alguna acción en la serie de la CW. Brevemente nos encontramos con ella en "The Odyssey," donde se reveló que Fyers (Sebastian Dunn) había estado manteniéndola cautiva para mantener a su padre Yao-Fei (Byron Mann) a raya. Pero no estará mucho más tiempo presa gracias a Oliver y Slade (Manu Bennett).

"Ella se unirá a Slade y Oliver para conseguir la misión de rescate para salvar a su padre y escapar de la isla," le cuenta Jade a TVGuide.com. "De alguna menra tienen que idear la manera de dejar la isla."

Los fans de Green Arrow que esperan que Shado sea como su homóloga de los cómics deberían pensarlo de nuevo. "Lo primero de toso, ella no es Japonesa," dice Jade con una carcajada. "En los cómics, Shado era la hija de Yakuza. Aquí... es una abogada luchando por liberar a su padre de ser enviado a la isla por el gobierno de China".

"Cuendo conseguí por primera vez la audición para Shado, fui online y me suscribí a DC Comics y leí mucho de Shado y Yakuza, tan sólo para conocer el personaje mejor," continúa Jade. "En los cómics, los sistemas de valores de su familia son tan altos y eso se asemeja a la de Oliver también. Él está básicamente yendo por todos los nombres del libro de su padre y yendo tras los villanos."

Pero habrá grandes similitudes — y no sólo su estatus como la chica original con el tatuaje del dragón. "Shado es excelente en las artes marciales," dice Jade, destacando que el rodar sus escenas de acción ha sido muy fortalecedor. "También está entrenada en la arquería. Veremos más de eso en próximos episodios donde ella le enseña a Oliver un movimiento característico."

Sorprendentemente, Dlade estará de acuerdo con que Shado se quede, especialmente considerando que puede quitarle parte de la responsabilidad que tiene. "Slade está un poco sorprendido por sus capacidades en las artes marciales," dice Jade. "Su lucha puede ser incluso mejor que la de Slade. Slade ha estado en problemas enseñando a Oliver cómo realizar artes marciales. Shado viene de una forma distinta de entrenamiento, así es que tendrá una oportunidad para enseñar a Oliver cómo luchar. Al final, están en el mismo bando. Quieren salvar a Yao-Fei y salir de la isla."

Shado puede que le enseñe a Oliver algo más que tan sólo artes marciales — si sabéis lo que queremos decir. "Veremos alguna tensión romántica entre estos dos," dice Jade. "Como Shado es abogada, ella le recuerda a Laurel [Katie Cassidy]. Hay una buena relación ahí."

Considerando que Oliver tiene igualmente un tatuaje de un dragón en la actualidad, eso parece ser un eufemismo. Mientras que sigue sin estar claro si veremos en realidad a Shado fuera de la isla, Jade sugiere que la relación entre su personaje y Oliver se vuelve profunda. "No creo que Oliver se hiciera un tatuaje igual que el de ella si fuera tan sólo una relación de conveniencia," bromea. "¡De otra forma tendría hechso muchos tatuajes!"

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Celin ... 62249.aspx

- VIDEO: Arrow's Stephen Amell Plays Guess Those CW Abs! (TVGuide):

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Stephen-Ame ... VDvgei3W-7

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills del episodio 1.17 "The Huntress Returns":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow - Stunts: The Huntress / Drug Dealer Goons:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.18 “Salvation”:
1.18 “Salvation”: OLIVER DEBE SALVAR A ROY HARPER DE UN ASESINO — Un furioso residente de The Glades que se llama a sí mismo “The Savior” (la estrella invitada Christopher Redman) se embarca en una ola de secuestros y asesinatos para castigar a aquellos que él cree que han perjudicado a los residentes de su vecindario. Para empeorar las cosas, él retransmite estos asesinatos online y asegura que ha sido inspirado por el vigilantismo de Arrow (Stephen Amell). Oliver está horrorizado por esta afirmación y jura detener a “The Savior,” pero su cacería humana se ve intensificada después de que Thea (Willa Holland) vaya a él llorando y le diga que Roy (la estrella invitada Colton Haynes) ha sido secuestrado. Laurel (Katie Cassidy) ise ve sorprendida cuando su padre (Paul Blackthorne) empieza a creer en la afirmación de su madre (la estrella invitada Alex Kingston) de que Sara sigue aún con vida. Mientras tanto, Malcom (John Barrowman) le dice a Moira (Susanna Thompson) que encuentre a la persona responsable de su intento de asesinato. David Ramsey y Colin Donnell también aparecen. Nick Copus dirige el episodio escrito por Drew Z. Greenberg & Wendy Mericle (#118).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-episo ... osis/13605

- Revelado el título y créditos del 1.20:
Una vez más, Marc Guggenheim nos ha facilitado la información.

El episodio 1.20 tendrá por título “Home Invasion” y está dirigido por Ken Fink y escrito por Ben Sokolowski & Beth Schwartz.
https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 6799912960

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas BTS de Paul Blackthorne & Colton Haynes durante el rodaje en The Pier en North Vancouver:
Arrow estuvo filmando la noche del 08 de Marzo escenas nocturnas en el muelle Burrard Dry Dock Pier en North Vancouver. Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) entró corriendo a escena para atrapar a Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) con su motocicleta.

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http://yvrshoots.com/2013/03/shoot-arro ... ouver.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- El equipo y el elenco de "Arrow" en el Paley Center for Media's PaleyFest en el Saban Theatre, L.A. (09-03-13):
El equipo de "Arrow" estuvo presente en el Paley Center for Media's PaleyFest que se celebró en el Saban Theatre, el sábado 09 de Marzo del 2013 en Los Angeles, California.

Además de varias de sus principales estrellas, también contamos con la presencia de los productores y de Geoff John, que actuó como moderador. Os dejo el resumen de imágenes e informaciones que obtuvimos durante el evento.

- Imágenes:

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- Informaciones:

El que Tommy sepa ahora que su mejor amigo es el vigilante “cambia todo,” dijo Stephen Amell. “Él me vio matar a tres tipos en el piloto. Y Tommy es un buen chico, él no quiere tener que reconciliar que su amigo haría eso.” Además, el tener a Tommy ahora sabiéndolo crea una delgada zona de protección entre los mundos de Ollie. “[Tommy] podría darse la vuelta en la cama y decirle a [Laurel], ‘Oliver es el vigilante’ — ¡y yo no quiero eso!”. Para Oliver es "terrible." Y en cuanto al secreto de Oliver, al parecer en un próximo episodio the Huntress le contará al Detective Lance el sercerto de Oliver también.

Y en cuanto a la bomba que Dinah Lance soltó literalmente en el descansillo de la puerta de su hija Laurel — el que Sara esté viva — la intención del productor ejecutivo Greg Berlanti era el empezar a recompensar las cosas que se asentaron en el piloto, y cuanto antes mejor. “Si no hubiéramos plantado esa bandera en el campo ahora, para cuando lo hiciéramos, la audiencia querría prestar atención a otras historias.”

¿Y la reacción de Laurel? “¡Como si no hubiera tenido lo suficiente ya!” bromeó Katie Cassidy. Pero tras el inicial shock, “Se ve arrastrada en ello un poco por su madre... su madre también tiene mucha más información de lo que necesariamente pensáis.” Katie dice que es increíble trabajar con Alex Kingston.

Ramsey sobre su papel: "Cuando me encontré con el papel, tenían una visión muy clara del papel de Diggle. Estoy en excelentes manos - Confío en que Andrew & Marc no me maten".

MOIRA VS. MALCOLM | La madre de Oliver, dijo Susanna Thompson, “está de nuevo entre la espada y la pared,” ya que Malcolm le ha encargado el que rastree a la persona que ordenó asesinarle — ¡osea, ella! “Ella está haciedo otro trato con este particular diablo,” todo lo hace “por su familia.” dando una ligera luz a las motivaciones del Merlyn mayor, el productor ejecutivo Andrew Kreisberg dice, “De alguna manera, Malcolm es ‘el diabólico Bruce Wayne.’ Hablamos sobre ese momento de Batman Begins cuando Bruce pasa por el entrenamiento de Ra’s Al Ghul, y entonces le dicen que mate a un criminal. En la película, Bruce no lo hace; en nuestras mentes, Malcolm lo hizo.” Siguiendo, “Descubriréis mucho más sobre Malcolm y qué es lo que lo mueve, y sobre la que parece sonar muy escalofriante Undertaking.” Andrew Kreisberg comentó que "Los villanos tienen que ser los héroes de su propia historia." Y así es como el Dark Archer se ve a sí mismo. Malcolm es un toque de atención para Oliver, ya que es en quien Oliver se puede convertir sin sus códigos morales. Y, por supuesto, Oliver se arrepentirá de haberle salvado la vida a Malcolm.

¿CUÁNDO CANTARÁ CANARY? | Teniendo en cuenta que a Oliver le llevó cinco años el convertirse del chico malo billonario a una máquina de matar, Guggenheim acentúa que la correspondiente conversión de Laurel a Black Canary “tiene que ser ganada, tiene que ser real.”. Lo mismo va para Roy Harper/Speedy: "Veremos atisbos de dónde estará su potencial," dice Guggenheim sobre Roy Harper. “Los incidentes que los inciten tiene que tener una realidad dramática para ellos,” asegura. “No queremos dañar a Laurel o a Oliver diciendo que ella podría tener un mal día, que se ponga las medias de rejilla y que empiece a matar gente.” Hubo una escena borrada en el capítulo 15 entre Roy y Thea, en el que ella lo llama "Speedy" por lo rápido que huyó con su bolso. Él le contesta que es un mote tonto, y ella le dice "Dímelo a mí." En los cómics, tanto Roy como Mia Dearden (el personaje en el que está inspirado Thea) ambos son llamados "Speedy" cuando se convierten en los ayudantes de Oliver.

ADORANDO A DEATHSTROKE | A los productores les encanta el visitar la isla via flashbacks y esperan tener a Slade Wilson de vuelta tanto como el calendario de Manu Bennett se lo permita. Pero además de él y Oliver como un deslucido y dinámico dúo, “hay un tercer elemento inesperado” que se unirá pronto a su existencia.

UN MOMENTO DE FELICITY | Siempre hay que dar crédito a Emily Bett Rickards por haber transformado a la casi aleatoriamente nombrada Felicity Smoake en un favorito de los fans. El jefe de televisión de la Warner Bros. Peter Roth llamó a los productores para decir, “¡Me encanta la chica rubia!,” mientras que Amell le apuntó a sus jefes, “no creo que mi personaje haya soltado una sonrisa” antes de que se encontrara por primera vez con la genia de los ordenadores. David Ramsey, quien interpreta a Diggle, le da la bienvenida a la sangre nueva de la Arrowcueva, diciendo, “¡¿Cuántas sentadillas puedo ver a este chico hacer?!”. Laurel y Felicity se conocerán en un próximo episodio.

PISTAS DE EASTER EGGS | Guggenheim dijo que los guiños hacia otras propiedades/piedras principales de DC son típicamente “lo último que hacemos” antes de cerrar un guión. Por ejemplo: el llamar a los ladrones de bancos del episodio 6 "The Royal Flush Gang", o levantar un Big Belly Burger en la ciudad. Hablando de los cual….

¿VIAJES POR CARRETERA? | La ciudad de Bludhaven — ´que se vislumbró en el último episodio en un cartel — será en realidad visitada esta temporada, aunque Nightwing “estará fuera de la ciudad esa semana,” anotó Kreisberg. Y en cuanto a otras bien conocidas ciudades de DC Comics, dijo, “Hay probablemente dos a las que nunca iremos — y probablemente puedes imaginarte cuáles son.”

REFERENCIA A LA ROPA | Berlanti dijo que el cast de Arrow se consiguió mucho más rápido que en ninguna otra serie en la que ha trabajado, y que fue la “brillante” audición de Amell — y no sus abdominales — la que le proporcionó el papel. “No le vimos sin su camiseta,” dijo el productor ejecutivo. Pero una vez que el material del rodaje del piloto empezó a llegar, Berlanti comentó, “¡El especialista está realmente cachas! y [el director] dijo,’ '¡No, ése es Stephen!’ Y así nació la escalera de banca.”

¿QUIÉN ES EL INVITADO MISTERIOSO? | Al preguntarle un miembro de la udiencia sobre el que la serie contrate para el cásting favoritos del género de TV como John Barrowman (Malcolm)de Torchwood y Seth Gabel de Fringe (que pronto regresará como Vertigo), Kreisberg escogió sus palbras muy cuidadosamente para adelantar, “Viene un episodio con alguien que es una de las estrellas de una popular serie de género que todos reconoceréis y que estaréis muy contentos de que esté en nuestra serie.”

http://tvline.com/2013/03/09/arrow-seas ... paleyfest/
http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... izzle.html

- Videos:

The Futon Critic with Stephen Amell: http://www.thefutoncritic.com/video/201 ... 10_arrow3/

The Futon Critic with Greg Berlanti: http://www.thefutoncritic.com/video/201 ... 10_arrow2/

The Futon Critic with Andrew Kreisberg: http://www.thefutoncritic.com/video/201 ... 10_arrow1/

Size Reel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRsqPlpWaQ8

Paley Fest 2013 - Arrow Panel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtMl2JCSeww

Susanna Thompson, David Ramsey arrive at Arrow Panel PaleyFest 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-g3t_5ZXkA

Katie Cassidy 'Laurel Lance' arrives and Interviewed at Arrow Panel PaleyFest 2013 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHK3OmTdyI8

Stephen Amell 'Oliver Queen' arrives at Arrow Panel during PaleyFest 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=17d_tiw6HGw

Panel completo en Hulu (sólo para IPs de USA): http://www.hulu.com/watch/465357

PaleyFest 2013: David Ramsey Talks ARROW (thetvaddict): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKFppRKFDSI

PaleyFest 2013: Stephen Amell Talks ARROW (thetvaddict): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FNpb_cm1iac

Arrow Cast at Paley Fest 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQTWEcguGc4

Stephen Amell Talks Arrow "The Huntress Returns" At PaleyFest 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXuGp1eIgiQ

ARROW's Katie Cassidy: 'Laurel is Smart Enough to Think Things Through' (gimmemyremotetv): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsOBBcBUwaM

- El final de la Season 1 y nuevos detalles de la Season 2 gracias a Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Stephen Amell y David Ramsey en el PaleyFest (collider.com):
El final de la Season 1 y nuevos detalles de la Season 2 gracias a Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg, Stephen Amell y David Ramsey en el PaleyFest
Por Christina Radish 10 de Marzo 10th, 2013 at 6:53 am

Over the past 30 years, PaleyFest has held panel sessions and screenings that connect the worldwide community of television fans with the casts and creators of their favorite TV shows. One of the drama series celebrated this year was The CW hit Arrow, and Collider was there to get the scoop on what’s to come in the Season 1 finale and what’s in store for Season 2.

While there, we got the opportunity to speak with executive producers/writers Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim and Andrew Kreisberg, along with actors Stephen Amell (aka The Arrow) and David Ramsey (who plays John Diggle). The actors shared their reactions when they heard what the Season 1 finale would entail and talked about what they’ve enjoyed about playing their characters, and the creative team gave some insight about where things are headed for the remainder of this season, how getting an early Season 2 renewal allowed them to get specific with the threads in the finale, that they’ve had 60% of the ideas for this season in their heads since the beginning, how much the big Arrow identity reveals have opened up the story, the biggest challenges in making this show, every week, and that they’re striving for a finale that both gives a sense of closure and also leaves you with enough cliffhangers and nuggets that you’re anxious for more. Check out what they had to say after the jump, and be aware that there are spoilers.

Collider: What can you say about where things are headed for the finale, both on and off the island?

GREG BERLANTI: There’s a lot of similar things, in terms of where Oliver evolves on the island and where he evolves as a person, back here. We’ve always thought of the season arc of the show almost like an arc of a film. Act 1 was about setting those things up. Act 2 will end by Episode 17 or 18, and that’s where everything that can go wrong, goes wrong. And then, Act 3 is about final duels and things coming to a head. We’ve never really played it safe, as a show. We take some risks, at the end of the year, just like we took risks in having an island storyline on the show, and things like that. We take risks with some of the characters’ storylines, that we hope pays off.

MARC GUGGENHEIM: It gets big and bigger. Episode 17 basically marks the third and final chapter of our saga, so from 17 to 23, we’re just on rails, going great guns to the season finale. Each episode will build on the episode prior to it, and it will get bigger and bigger, not just in terms of scope, but also emotionally. There will be a lot of big emotional things that happen, in the wake of Tommy discovering that Oliver is The Arrow. We’re going to start, in Episode 18, paying off all the mythology that we’ve been laying in since Episode 2. Big revelations will start coming at the audience, pretty fast and furiously, and that’s going to be the rocket fuel that just propels us to the end.

ANDREW KREISBERG: Both stories have a big bad and an arc for the season. What’s always exciting about the island is that we know, from the pilot, that Oliver survives the island. What’s interesting is that you don’t know what’s happened to anyone else. You don’t know what happens to Slade Wilson. You don’t know what happens to Shadow. You don’t know what happens to Yao Fei. You don’t know what happens to Fyers. So, watching how that’s all going to play out is really exciting. And then, in the present-day story, obviously there’s the plot with The Undertaking and what that’s going to entail, the ramifications of Tommy finding out Oliver’s secret, and how Roy Harper plays into things. We’ve thrown a lot of plates up in the air, but we have an idea about how to catch them all. We’re really excited because it feels like everything we’ve been doing has been this slow burn, building up to this big climax.

As actors, what was your reaction when you learned what the Season 1 finale would entail?

STEPHEN AMELL: I only know some overall vague details and some specifics. I said a four-letter curse word that starts with F!

DAVID RAMSEY: Episode 23 will be crazy! I can’t tell you what’s going to happen, but it’s big! Some things are going to be answered that have been questions for the whole season. For all the times you went, “What is that? And what is that?,” you’ll get some of those answers. We’re not going to let Moira off the hook. She’s going to have some answering to do. Diggle wants some answers, too. So, you’re going to see big stuff happening. We’re on Episode 20, and it’s just ramping up. By the time we get to Episode 23, you’re not going to be able to wait for Season 2. It’s going to be great!

When did you find out that the show had been renewed, and did that affect how you approached the last few episodes?

KREISBERG: We were always hopeful that we’d get a second season. I think the biggest thing is that, once we really knew that we were having a second season, we could really start planning some of these things in earnest. We never thought of the show like, “Well, Season 1 and we’re done.” For us, after Episode 123, Episode 201 is the next one. It’s about how these things are going to play moving forward, and how we should advance the story. The only thing that finding out really did, aside from making us proud and excited and over-the-moon, was just allow us to start getting more specific. But, we’re really setting up the second season in these last seven episodes.

How many episodes did you have left to write, once you’d found out about Season 2?

KREISBERG: I think we had six episodes left. There’s a lot of stuff in there, and we’re really excited.

So much has happened during Season 1. How much did you know about, from the beginning, and how much has developed, along the way?

BERLANTI: I’d say that 60% of it we had ideas about, and 40% of it is very new. Even when you have ideas, it doesn’t mean you have the exact idea, the way it’s rendered, but you definitely have it in your head.

What’s been the biggest surprise for you?

BERLANTI: On a production level, I’d say how well everyone is able to execute what they’re able to execute with the action sequences. We pour weeks and weeks, sometimes, into 40 seconds of film. The other surprising thing is just how well, for us at least, and hopefully for the audience too, the concurrent island storyline has turned out. That was always a notion, and it was a notion that took a lot of explaining and talking about, at the beginning, to all the executives and everyone else involved with the show, and it’s paid off, in watching the duel evolution of this guy.

Once the actors were cast in their roles and you started to see who had chemistry together, which character relationships have you enjoyed the development and interaction of?

KREISBERG: You know, we had high hopes for Dig and Oliver, and David Ramsey and Stephen Amell have just created this fantastic relationship. Emily Bett Rickards, who plays Felicity, had a one-off guest spot that she’s turned into this fan favorite and writer favorite. Now, we can’t imagine the show without her. The other big surprise for us was Manu Bennett. I don’t think we necessarily saw the buddy movie aspect of the two of them on the island. I’m a huge fan of Spartacus, and you see him as Crixus every Friday night, stabbing people and gutting them. He’s a monster. But, he’s such a sweet guy, in real life, and he’s really funny. That Han Solo-Luke Skywalker thing on the island was really a surprise to us. We’ve really started writing towards that, and it’s made those flashback scenes even more fun and created a new dynamic that we hadn’t previously had there.

Stephen, what’s it been like to get to explore this character, both on the island and in the present-day?

AMELL: It’s been really fun! I remember, when we finished the pilot, what I wanted, more than anything else, was to read the second episode. I wanted to know what happened. It’s not that that ever became lost, or anything, but when you get into the grind of the middle of the season and you’re exploring different things, maybe you’re not thinking about it the same way. Now, we’re on Episode 20. I just read Episode 21, and I can’t wait to read Episode 22 and 23. And now, I can’t wait to read Episode 1 of Season 2.

David, how much fun was it for you to get clued in on the Arrow identity and really become part of the action and story, in that way?

RAMSEY: It was great! When I first met with Andrew [Kreisberg] and Marc [Guggenheim], they told me, “In the first couple of episodes, you’re going to be the guy who learns the secret.” So, that was great. I knew that was coming. But, Diggle’s reaction to everybody else finding out, now that Felicity knows, Tommy knows and Oliver’s momma almost found out, is that, “It’s not just your life that you’re threatening. It’s my life!” So, I think Diggle definitely has something to say about how many people know.

How much have the big Arrow identity reveals really opened up the story for you?

GUGGENHEIM: They’ve opened up the story enormously. Our plan was always to have Diggle learn Oliver’s secret, and do that very soon, because you need someone for Oliver to relate to. Felicity was a surprise. The character of Felicity was really created as a one-off for Episode 3. We just needed a computer technician. But then, we were very lucky that we cast Emily Rickards, who just lit up the screen. We had so much fun writing for her that we just kept doing it. If you watch the show and saw all those bad excuses that Oliver gave, at some point, she had to discover the secret. Otherwise, it’s just strained credulity for the entire show. And with respect to Tommy learning, we were very sensitive that that might be a bridge too far, but hopefully we’re answering that problem by the way Tommy responds to the secret, which really is a big storyline in Episode 17 and beyond. I don’t want to spoil anything, but it’s very different from the way Felicity and Diggle have reacted. His reaction is probably the most realistic reaction. We’re very sensitive about not having the entire world discover his secret because then that devalues the entire secret. I would say that you’ll want to keep watching and keep seeing how the characters interact, but Tommy will show that not everyone who discovers Oliver’s secret is going to be happy about it or suddenly find themselves in the foundry working with him, side by side, at that computer station.

Stephen, what was the most shocking or surprising story reveal for you?

AMELL: It was definitely Episode 16. I did not see the reveal with Tommy coming, at all. I remember hearing about it from the director of that episode, Glen Winter. He was like, “You’re going to tell Tommy,” and I went, “What?!” That was really shocking!

David, which of the character relationships have you found the most fun to get to play?

RAMSEY: Well, I love the bromance between me and Oliver. That’s been great, since the beginning. I was surprised about how well the relationship worked with Felicity. It’s great! She brings a whole lot of levity to it. The way we all bounce off each other is fantastic. She brings some much-needed energy to the Arrow cave.

What are the biggest challenges in making this show, every week, and maintaining the production values on a TV budget?

BERLANTI: I’d say it’s very, very challenging. We have an incredible group of individuals there that do that. Everyone says, “Oh, we have the best team,” but really, we have the best team. From the D.P. to production design to the stunts, and all of that, they’re operating at a level that’s like when you get lucky at casting and everything comes together. We got lucky in that way too, for this show and the production on this show. We’re really proud of that, obviously.

KREISBERG: I literally don’t know how we do it, every week. We just saw a cut of Episode 18, and it looks bigger than the pilot, even though I know we shot it for a fraction of the pilot’s money. Our production team, led by J.P. Finn, who’s our producer up in Vancouver, are just magicians. We always joke that it’s sort of like Scotty on the Enterprise. We hand him a script and he says, “I can’t do it, Captain!,” and then somehow manages to do it, every time. We’re just blessed with the best crew in town. I know everybody says they’ve got the best crew, but the proof is that, if people knew how much money we had and what this show looks like, they’d go, “Oh, those guys really do have the best crew.”

Because of those budget restrictions, how often do the scripts have to change or adapt, once you know what you’re going to actually be able to do?

GUGGENHEIM: That’s a great question! We have an incredible crew. Our production team is amazing. They’re not just producing this on a TV budget, but a pretty small TV budget, by TV standards. We’re not one of the major networks and we have to be very cost conscious. They put every dollar on that screen. Andrew [Kreisberg] and I not only write the scripts, but we help produce them, and it always works best when we have a two-way conversation with the production office in Vancouver and we’re throwing ideas at them and they’re throwing ideas back at us. In Episode 16, which begins with that sequence on the heli-pad, we wanted to have a fight on a wing of a jet. Unfortunately, you can’t do that legally. You can’t actually have a fight on a wing of a plane. But production said, “You know, there’s this great heli-pad that overlooks the city and we can actually fly a helicopter in, on camera,” and we were like, “That’s better! Let’s do that!” Sometimes, even though we can’t do it as scripted, it forces everyone to come up with something that actually works even better. But, it’s always a push and pull. We’ll take money out of one thing to put it towards something else. We just have to be careful. But, it’s another form of creativity. J.P. Finn and Todd Pittson, who lead our production team in Vancouver, are amazing. They really are the best in the business. The show looks as good as it does because of them, and everyone behind the scenes who’s really, really stretching the boundaries of all forms of creativity to make this show what I think is the best looking show on network television.

When this season ends, will viewers have an idea of where you’ll be headed with Season 2?

BERLANTI: Absolutely! There will be a lot of questions. I’m not a fan of things being pure cliffhanger-y, personally. I think you want the sense of satisfaction and of, “Wow, I watched a storyline that really had a beginning, middle and end.” But within that, we’re setting up a lot of stuff for next year.

GUGGENHEIM: What we are doing is striving to have a finale that both gives you a sense of closure that you’ve finished a chapter, but at the same time, leaves you with enough little cliffhangers and nuggets that it makes you lean in and go, “God, I can’t wait to see Season 2!” And we’ve already started talking about Season 2 in the writers room. We have very clear ideas about what Oliver’s emotional arc for the season is going to be, and how the finale is going to affect him, both as Oliver Queen and as The Arrow. That’s really the big thing for us. The finale will be the end of a chapter, but you’ll look at Season 2 and go, “Oh, that all started because of the events of the finale.” The finale kicks everything off.


- Greg Berlanti habla sobre la mitología de Arrow, Tomorrow People & y el regreso de Seth Gabel (ksitetv.com):
Greg Berlanti habla sobre la mitología de Arrow, Tomorrow People & y el regreso de Seth Gabel
Por Craig Byrne 10 de Marzo, 2013

Last night, The Paley Center for Media hosted a panel and Q&A discussion for The CW series Arrow, complete with appearances by cast and crew members from the show. While KSiteTV has our own Arrow portal site, we figured we’d share our chat with the show’s Executive Producer, Greg Berlanti, from the press line here on the parent site to give it the most exposure… that, and Berlanti talks about a highly anticipated new TV project of his, The Tomorrow People revival, which is shooting soon, also for The CW.

Only 16 episodes in and Arrow has already introduced some majorly big characters from the Green Arrow mythology, like Roy Harper and Deathstroke. Was that always the intention?

Maybe not as quickly as we have. I think when what we started to realize early on, in those first seven or eight episodes, was “wow. Let’s just start populating the world.” You wouldn’t hold back if it was really New York City, if these characters were really weaving in and out, if we we were telling some kind of story like that. It felt like a false belief that we were keeping things contained, and it didn’t really need to be contained, and then how many other great ways we can twist and turn the characters after that. So that was the hope.

What will happen when Roy Harper (Colton Haynes) returns to the show?

One of the bigger storylines we have coming up for him is his introduction to the Arrow, and them crossing paths for the first time. That’ll be exciting.

Can you tease any villains who might be returning by season’s end?

I’m a big Seth Gabel fan, so we do see Vertigo again.

You’ve got another pilot for The CW coming up, The Tomorrow People, starring Stephen Amell’s cousin Robbie Amell. Can you talk about working with the heroic genre and how it might be compared to or different from Arrow?

I only cast Amells now! I’m not going to do another show until they raise another child.

When Tomorrow People was created in England, it was almost created as a kids’ Doctor Who. So it’s a little bit more sci-fi, and whereas this has the DNA of the comic books and all of those things we read growing up, the Tomorrow People kind of has more of its roots in the DNA of the sci-fi shows.

Like Arrow, might you bring in parts of the mythology in the same way?

Absolutely. Because that mythology was not quite as fleshed out as it would be in a comic book, and less arcane, you have to twist it in a different way or use it in a different way. We have odes to what were some of my favorite characters from the original series.

What can you tease about “The Huntress Returns” episode of Arrow that airs March 20?

Obviously there are still some feelings between her and Oliver that need to be worked out. Also, there is a debt that she really wants to take care of with her dad, and she’s as dangerous as ever, if not more so.

http://www.ksitetv.com/green-arrow/pale ... abel/20516

- Marc Guggenheim Habla sobre Felicity, Slade, Roy, una reunión de Doctor Who & “Home Invasion” (ksitetv.com):
Marc Guggenheim Habla sobre Felicity, Slade, Roy, una reunión de Doctor Who & “Home Invasion”
por Craig Byrne 11 Marzo, 2013

Before the Arrow panel at the Saban Theatre in Beverly Hills, as part of the 2013 PaleyFest, we spoke with some cast and crew members of the show, trying to get some spoiler hints as to what to expect. Show Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim is probably used to our grilling by now, as we talked to him about several fan-favorite supporting characters and tried to get some details about some upcoming episodes as well.

Because of the nature of a press line, the topics jumped around a bit. Our questions to Mr. Guggenheim are posted in bold and his answers are not. We also talked a little bit about the next new episode, “The Huntress Returns,” which we are going to save for closer to the March 20 air date.


GREENARROWTV: The character of Felicity Smoak, as played by Emily Bett Rickards, will be a series regular for Season 2 and has really taken off with fans. Was her popularity a surprise?

GUGGENHEIM: I wouldn’t say it was a surprise; I would say it was really gratifying. Originally, Felicity was written as this one-off character. We just needed a computer tech for 103. Then we cast Emily Rickards who was just wonderful, and kind of unknown to us. We really only cast her because she was perfect for the role, perfect casting. Then when we saw her on camera, we just found ourselves wanting to write more to her, and see more Felicity. So, it was really not surprising, but gratifying, that the audience responded to her the way we did.

At what point did you all decide to let Felicity in on Oliver’s secret?

It wasn’t part of the plan, because Felicity was never part of the plan. She was this wonderful surprise. But we realized that there’s only so many BS excuses that Oliver can give her before it started to really strain credulity, and really damaged the credibility of the show. In many ways, it was a choice that Felicity either learns the secret, or she goes away, and her going away was never an option.

Another recent popular addition to the series in recent times was Colton Haynes as Roy Harper. Will we be seeing more of him?

Yes. Episode 18 is the next episode you’ll see him in. Colton is wonderful, and his scenes with Thea are just terrific. Willa and Colton, on screen together, is a lot of fun, and they’re fun to write.

Is there any chance we could be seeing Colton Haynes as a series regular for Season 2?

I hope so, [but] it’s pilot season. That’s the thing, so a lot of it depends on stuff that’s out of our control at the moment. But, look. We love Colton. We would love for him to be on the show as much as he wants to be on the show.

Can you tell us more about what’s coming up as we build towards the season finale?

Episode 18 will explain a lot. I think Episode 18 is well-positioned, because it sets up everything that we’re headed [toward] in the finale, but it also draws on the seeds that we’ve planted back in Episode 2 and 3. You’ll get to see how everything connects together. All those little things that we’ve been throwing out there that may have seemed random, or unintentional… they always had a plan and a rationale behind them. For me, the fun stuff is paying off… I’ll say [this]: Unidac Industries is not just a random presence, and that was something that we introduced in the San Diego Comic Con comic. It was first mentioned in Episode 3, but it’s very important in the overall mythology of the show.

Speaking of things coming together, is there any chance that we’ll see Laurel’s mom (Alex Kingston) and Tommy’s dad (John Barrowman) in a scene together?

Unfortunately, probably not. Not unless we change things pretty unexpectedly.

We tried figuring out ways to get them together, because of the Doctor Who connection. We really, really wanted to, but there’s no point in doing it, unless it’s going to be satisfying for the audience and work for the show. We don’t want to force something just to force it, or do it just to be stunt-y. I wish I could say yeah, but, unfortunately, no.

You recently revealed an episode title called “Home Invasion.” What can you tell us about that?

I don’t want to spoil it, but the idea for this episode was something we’ve been keeping in our back pocket ever since we got picked up to series. I don’t know how to tease it without spoiling it, but let me say this: If you think about it, the title spoils a lot.

Are we going to be seeing more of Slade?

Definitely. We love Slade, we love Manu Bennett. You’ll see him; he plays a huge part in the mythology of the island, and just like in the present day, we’re driving to a big finale on the island as well. The flashbacks will have their own sort of season finale storyline.

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-paley ... sion/13652

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills 1.18 "Salvation":

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- Imágenes BTS:

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(thanks to @amellywood, @Byron_Mann & @PaulBlackthorne)

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Colton Haynes será personaje regular en la Season 2:
Así lo han confirmado esta tarde en Zap2it.

Colton Haynes, que ha salido como estrella invitada esta temporada en la serie de la CW como el delincuente juvenil Roy Harper, será personaje regular para la segunda temporada.

Aún no hemos visto interactuar a Roy and Oliver, aunque unas imágenes que compartió Stephen Amell confirman que Roy pronto tendrá que ver con el Encapuchado. De hecho, en el siguiente episodio, Oliver se ver forzado a salvar a Roy de un asesino villano llamado "The Savior", cuyos asesinatos afirman estar inspirados en la labor de vigilante de Green Arrow.

En los cómics, Oliver incluso llega a adoptar a Roy y a ayudarle en temas complicados, como su adicción a la heroína. Obviamente Oliver no adoptará a Roy en esta versión, pero puede tener un propósito hacia Roy.

"Creo que I Roy podría ser definitivamente una ventaja para la vida de Oliver, pero creo que de alguna manera también podría ser al revés," dijo Colton recientemente. "Oliver podría tener mucha influencia en la manera en la que Roy ver la vida de ahora en adelante."

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... gular.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.19 "Unfinished Business":
1.19 "Unfinished Business": LA ESTRELLA INVITADA SETH GABEL (“FRINGE”) REGRESA COMO THE COUNT — Cuando una joven se encuentra con una muerte violenta después de estar de fiesta en Verdant, el Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) y su buevo compañero, el Detective Hilton (la estrella invitada Roger Cross) informan a Oliver (Stephen Amell) y a Tommy (Colin Donnell) que ella estaba drogada con Vertigo. Oliver inmediatamente hace una visita a la institución mental en la que The Count (la estrella invitada Gabel) está encerrado, pero decubren que no está en condiciones para vender drogas. Sin embargo, cuando The Count escapa y Starling City se ve desbordada con incluso más violencia relacionada con Vertigo, Oliver y Diggle (David Ramsey) hacen su misión el derrotarle. Después de que el Detective Lance descubra evidencias incriminatorias contra él,Tommy hace todo lo posible para limpiar su nombre, y las consecuencias secundarias de sus acciones llean a Tommy a caer en un nuevo e inesperado camino. En un flashback de la isla, Oliver recuerda las lecciones que aprendió de Slade (la estrella invitada Manu Bennett) y Shado (la estrella invitada Celina Jade). Katie Cassidy y Emily Bett Rickards también aparecen. Michael Offer dirige el episodio escrito por Bryan Q. Miller & Lindsey Allen (#119).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-ep-19 ... back/13676

Añadidos los enlaces en español del 1.14 "The Odyssey" y del 1.15 "Dodger". Puedes encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS:

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- Cartel de la inauguración del club de Oliver "Verdant" en el capítulo de esta semana:


- Desvelado el título y créditos del episodio 1.21 "The Undertaking":
Una vez más, Marc Guggenheim nos ha desvelado el título y créditos del capítulo a traves de twitter:


1.21 "The Undertaking", escrito por Jake Coburn & Lana Cho y dirigido por Michael Schulzt

https://twitter.com/mguggenheim/status/ ... 28/photo/1

- Arrow : Behind the Scenes: The Huntress Returns featuring DJ Steve Aoki:

- Arrow : Stunts: Dark Archer Showdown:

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Colin Donnell de 'Arrow': 'Váis a ver un lado más duro de Tommy' (thr.com):
Colin Donnell de 'Arrow': 'Váis a ver un lado más duro de Tommy'
Por Lesley Goldberg 11:14 AM PDT 19/03/2013

To say Arrow's Tommy Merlyn has a lot on his plate right now would be an understatement.

After learning that his best friend Oliver (Stephen Amell) is the hooded vigilante cleaning up Starling City, his girlfriend's mother returns with news that her late sister may still be alive. Then there's the small detail that the upstanding guy still has to learn: that his father, Malcolm (John Barrowman) is the Dark Archer -- who is heading for a confrontation with his hooded best friend.

The Hollywood Reporter caught up with Colin Donnell to preview what's ahead on the CW's DC Comics adaptation and what's ahead for Tommy.

The Hollywood Reporter: How will we see Tommy grapple with Oliver's secret identity?
Colin Donnell: It's going to be interesting. That revelation throws everything into turmoil and all the relationships start shifting -- especially the one between Tommy and Oliver. The impact doesn't end there; because of the closeness between Oliver, Tommy and Laurel, it's going to seep into the relationship between Tommy and Laurel and the relationship between Malcolm and Tommy shifts, too. You might see the two of them being pushed closer together.

THR: Tommy now knows that his dad can hold his own in a fight -- as we've seen -- and his best friend has a secret identity as a killing vigilante. How will this impact how he feels about the people he thinks he knows? Might he have some trust issues?
Donnell: Most certainly! (Laughs.) Tommy is one of the only people who really reacts to finding out his best friend is a killer in a way that any of us might: Great, you're cleaning up crime but you're also killing a lot of people in the process and he doesn't like it. For Tommy, it's not just the issue of somebody lying to him that is a problem -- it's what he's lying about as well. Tommy has some stuff to figure out (laughs).

THR: Will Tommy keep Oliver's secret from Laurel (Katie Cassidy) or will he use that against him?
Donnell: The burden of trying to keep this secret in is a lot to bottle up. That's one of the things that will ultimately impact Tommy's relationship with Laurel. I don't know if he'd ever tell her outright because that'd be a lot for anybody to handle. Tommy is a person of his word and the fact is he's going to make a promise to Oliver not to tell. I don't know if there is anything that could really force him to play that card.

THR: Might Tommy warn his father about having the vigilante on speed dial?
Donnell: That's a good question and I'm going to leave it at that! (Laughs.)

THR: What kind of role will Tommy play when Oliver and the Dark Archer go head-to-head?
Donnell: Your guess is as good as mine. If Tommy were to ever find out who his father really is, you have your father and best friend -- who has been your brother -- and they're two people you barely know who they really were. Who knows what side of the line Tommy might fall on.

THR: How soon might we see Tommy begin to devolve from the nice, stand-up guy we've seen so far?
Donnell: Soon! (Laughs.) You're going to see a harder edge from Tommy, not necessarily with darker thoughts but he's going to have a really hard time with everything and he doesn't take it in a woe-is-me way -- he really pushes back. It's a bit of learning about Oliver and in episode 19, The Count comes back and Vertigo makes an appearance again -- and Tommy becomes a suspect in that. He's going to have a real issue with the people who not only accuse him of that but also who don't immediately stand up for him.

THR: Dinah Lance returns to tell Laurel that her late sister, Sarah, may still be alive. How will Tommy support Laurel during this?
Donnell: You see Tommy trying to be the best boyfriend he can and be supportive. He's a very distracted person lately and he's not necessarily as there for Laurel in the way she needs him to be. It's going to be sad.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... see-429771

- Colin Donnell Adelanta la Tensión de Tommy con Oliver, la ausencia de Laurel, y más (givememyremote.com):
Colin Donnell Adelanta la Tensión de Tommy con Oliver, la ausencia de Laurel, y más
por Marisa Roffman 19 Marzo, 2013

After a long (painful) mini-hiatus, ARROW returns with a brand new episode Wednesday night. And while viewers might be delighted to have the series back, things aren’t looking so hot for Oliver: he was forced to reveal to his best friend, Tommy, that he was The Hood, and now that friendship is floundering.

And it seems like things won’t be improving any time soon.

I spoke with ARROW star Colin Donnell (Tommy) about the multi-layered betrayal, how that impacts Tommy’s relationship with the people around him, and more…

What was your reaction to Tommy finding out Oliver’s true identity?
Colin Donnell: I think Stephen [Amell (Oliver)] actually told me first. He had gotten ahold of the script a bit earlier than I did, and I think he texted me. I think he actually texted me “Holy shitballs.” [Laughs] Part of the fun is always getting a script, and opening it up, and seeing what surprises those guys have for us in the next week of shooting. And that certainly was a big one. I was like, “Wow, man. They’re pulling out all the stops real quick.” It’s awesome.

Now that three characters do know Oliver’s secret, as actors, are you looking around wondering if all of your characters are long for this world?
CD: [Laughs] I don’t know what they have planned. Those types of discussions aren’t had between us on set, but it is a big thing, right? Especially when two of the characters respond in not necessarily a totally supportive way, but they see the good in what’s going on. And my reaction is a bit different. Tommy’s reaction is a bit different. He doesn’t necessarily see the good side of sticking arrows in people’s chest.

Fair. On that note, what can you tease about this week’s episode, as Tommy’s dealing with that fallout?
CD: In this week’s episode, you’re going to see the immediate strain that’s been put on the relationship. And it’s there from the get-go. It’s going to take an immediately personal turn, as well, because of the Huntress and the way — I think, in the preview for this week’s episode, everybody saw my head on a table, being held down on a table, by Jess De Gouw (The Huntress). We’re picking up in a very strong way, after episode 16. And you do see the shifted relationships straight away.

Since Tommy and Oliver are business partners and their club is opening, will Tommy be making any barely-veiled barbs that he shouldn’t really be saying in public? Because that wound is still pretty fresh..
CD: That’s always a danger, right? He very much holds a big card in his deck. The club is something different now; it always was something different, obviously, but…Tommy is going to find out very quickly what’s hiding underneath this club that he’s built. And he might not be too happy about that. [Laughs]

I feel like that’s potentially the understatement of, at least, the month. “Might not be too happy” feels like a massive simplification of how Tommy will feel when he finds out the truth.
CD: [Laughs] Well, you know, yes, you’re right. Because of what this club has meant to Tommy over this past…really the entire season, it’s been the one thing he’s really holding tight to, to prove himself as a man, prove himself capable of being a responsible adult. All of those things have contributed to him being able to be with Laurel. And it’s crashing around his head pretty quickly.

Speaking of Laurel, what does this new knowledge do to their relationship? Does Tommy get extra protective since he knows what danger Oliver can bring to Laurel?
CD: Yeah, there’s that aspect to it. Just the fact that he knows this now and is so consumed with what all of that means, means he’s not necessarily there for Laurel when she has a little bit of her own stuff going on. [Laughs] Just a little bit. Obviously, Tommy, his initial reaction to finding out that Laurel was involved with the vigilante in the first place didn’t go over well. And now, knowing that it’s his best friend that’s doing these things, it calls that into even more question. So it’s difficult.

You mentioned he’s not really there for Laurel — safe to assume he’s not there for at least the initial fallout of her mama drama/her sister perhaps being alive?
CD: [Laughs] Mama drama, I like that. No, it’s really something she, unfortunately, has to deal with on her own, without his support. He’s there a bit for her, but certainly not in the way I think everybody would hope he would be.

And where does this leave Tommy’s relationship with his father?
CD: There’s stuff coming up. He has his dad back, which is great. I think Malcolm is going to become a person he can lean on.

http://www.givememyremote.com/remote/20 ... -and-more/

- ¿Delatará Tommy a Oliver como el Vigilante? (TVGuide):
¿Delatará Tommy a Oliver como el Vigilante?
Por Natalie Abrams 19 de Marzo, 2013 09:31 PM ET

As if Arrow's titular hero didn't have enough problems to deal with while attempting to rid Starling City of villains, now he has to worry that his best friend Tommy may reveal his true identity. Ruh-roh.

Oliver (Stephen Amell) was forced to reveal the truth to Tommy (Colin Donnell) in order to save Tommy's father, Malcolm (John Barrowman) — though Oliver later admitted that he never planned to let Tommy in on his secret. Ouch. Tommy is now the third person to discover Oliver's alter ego is the vigilante formally known as the Hood.

"It's going to change pretty much everything," Donnell tells TVGuide.com. "Really, Tommy is the only one who reacts to Oliver's news in a way that a normal human being might. Just because he's doing good things doesn't change the fact that he's doing them in a really harsh and sometimes unforgiving way."

Additionally, Oliver now runs the risk of former flame Laurel (Katie Cassidy) discovering the truth since Tommy could, at any moment, reveal the secret. "That could happen. It's going to change the dynamic between Tommy and Laurel," Donnell says. But it will be an even bigger blow to Tommy's ego to realize that his girlfriend has inadvertently been working with her ex to clean up Starling City over the last few months. "He's going to look at that relationship in a different way. There's a little bit of jealousy; there's a little bit of fear. It changes how he views her interactions with Oliver. It's not necessarily a good thing for Tommy."

But what should worry Oliver is the fact that Tommy is the son of Oliver's greatest foe, the Dark Archer. Unfortunately, inadvertently saving his nemesis has actually brought father and son closer. "There's an evolving relationship between Tommy and Malcolm now that they've reconciled," Donnell says, noting that it's unclear whether Malcolm will confess his true identity to his son as he nearly did before being shot. "It's a possibility, but I haven't read it in the scripts yet. I think it would be a bigger shock than finding out that Oliver is the vigilante. I don't know how happy Tommy would be."

Even though the series is giving every indication that Tommy will one day succeed his father as the Dark Archer, Donnell remains mum. "I'm letting the writers take the reins and I'm just happy to go along for the ride," he says coyly. But we will see an edgier Tommy. "There's going to be even more shades of what has made him a really likable character and an honorable person who questions the dishonorable stuff that Oliver is pulling," Donnell says.

In taking a step towards his eventual dark future, Tommy will find himself on the wrong side of the law after a woman is violently murdered after partying at the club. "Tommy gets put on the defensive and it's not just from Laurel's dad, it's from Oliver too," Donnell says. "All of the sudden his best friend in the world thinks he's capable of dealing drugs and doing these bad things. It's going to throw a big wrench in the relationship. Really the only person who doesn't think that Tommy has done anything wrong is Laurel. She stands by his side the entire time."

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Colin ... 62958.aspx

- Stephen Amell habla sobre la vida amorosa de Oliver y el 'mejor episodio hasta ahora' -de nuevo- (zap2it):
Stephen Amell habla sobre la vida amorosa de Oliver y el 'mejor episodio hasta ahora' -de nuevo-
Por Carina Adly MacKenzie 20 de Marzo, 2013 9:12 AM ET

In the most recent episode of "Arrow," "Dead to Rights," Oliver's lifelong best friend finally discovered his alter-ego, The Hood... and let's just say that Tommy didn't take it well. Not only does he not approve of The Hood's methods, but Tommy was particularly perturbed by the fact that Oliver only told him because, in a life-or-death, he felt that he had no other choice.

The next few episodes, including tonight's "The Huntress Returns," will find Tommy and Oliver figuring out how to navigate their friendship and business partnership given the new revelations.

"They have to work together!" Stephen Amell told us when we caught up with him on the PaleyFest red carpet in Beverly Hills last week. "The club is opening, and the club plays a really big part in almost every episode that we've had since 17 on."

Tommy won't immediately come to a concrete decision about how he feels about Oliver's extracurricular activities. "Tommy's wrestling with it," Amell says. "We see points where he doesn't like it, we see points where he recognizes that the Arrow can do something and he utilizes that, and we may see Tommy in the lair."

Spoiler alert!

Despite bromance troubles, the rest of Oliver's life is starting to shape up. He's got a team behind him as the Hood, his sister is getting her act together, and somehow, he hasn't managed to scare his new girlfriend, McKenna (Janina Gavankar) away. That said, Helena (Jessica de Gouw) is returning in full Huntress mode, and she is definitely going to do her best to... well, scare McKenna away.

"Things are really, really good with McKenna, which means that they're probably going to go bad pretty soon," Amell teases. "Things are going well, but the only other person that Oliver has had a romantic interest in since he's been back, besides Laurel obviously, is Helena. And Helena's coming back. And that's not going to go well."

As we told you last week, "Arrow" executive producer Marc Guggenheim spilled that despite his oddly healthy relationship with McKenna, Oliver is still seriously hung up on Helena. "Oliver is really falling for McKenna, but he loved Helena," says Marc Guggenheim. "His feelings for her when she comes back are very conflicted and very complicated. There's a lot of fun to be had with that little triangle."

"He obviously has feelings for her," adds Amell. "I mean, she walked away from him. But she's back and she's more reckless, and she's more lost, and she's more angry than she was before. Oliver realizes that he can't be with her and that action might have to be taken."

As for what's coming up next week, you may have seen some photos around the internets of Amell doing some impressive stuntwork in Vancouver. (You know, if you're the sort of person who trawls the internet for paparazzi pics of "Arrow" filming. Which we're not, because we're not that obsessed. Ahem.)

"That's episode 18," he says. "Episode 18 is the ultimate parkour sequence that I've had on the show. We don't know where [where the villain] is, so Felicity is basically guiding me through the city [on bluetooth] with limited success."

In that episode, Oliver has to rescue Roy (Colton Haynes) from The Savior (Chris Redmond), a villain who claims to be inspired by The Hood. "He's a really cool villain," says Amell. "I think that might be our best episode so far. That's an incredible episode."

Yes, Amell says that a lot. Yes, he's usually right.

Tune in to "The Huntress Returns" on Wednesday at 8 p.m. EST on The CW. In the meantime, watch our video interview below for more from Amell, including what's coming up for Oliver and Laurel as the season winds to an end.

http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox ... again.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Manu Bennett Será Personaje Regular para la Season 2 (THR.com):
Según acaba de informar The Hollywood Reporter, la serie acaba de promover a Manu Bennett como regular para la segunda temporada.

En la adaptación de la CW, Bennett interpreta a Slade Wilson, quien en los cómics finalmente se convierte en el villano Deathstroke.

Hasta el momento el personaje se ha presentado en la serie como un aliado de Oliver, apareciendo en flashbacks en la isla.

de esta manera, Bennett se une a Colton Haynes (Roy Harper) y a Emily Bett Rickards (Felicity Smoak) como regulares para la próxima temporada.

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... n-2-430044

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow 1x18 Promo "Salvation" (HD):

- Arrow 1x18 Extended Promo "Salvation" (HD):

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.17 "The Huntress Returns" y del 1.16 "Death to rights" en español. Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ.

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
