"ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arrow

Moderadores: Shelby, Lore, Super_House, ZeTa, Trasgo

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes promocionales de Stephen Amell (EW.com):

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http://popwatch.ew.com/2013/03/21/steph ... row-photo/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Imágenes BTS de Amell junto a su mujer Cassandra Jean y Katie Cassidy en el rodaje de "Arrow" en Vancouver (20-03-13):

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Las escenas con Laurel pertenecen al capítulo 1.21 The Undertaking y son un flashback de justo los momentos anteriores a que Oliver se embarcara con su padre en el viaje en el que naufragaron.

http://www.justjared.com/2013/03/21/ste ... ver-pitch/
http://yvrshoots.com/2013/03/shoot-step ... rbour.html

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Stills 1.19 "Unfinished Business":

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- BTS de Katie Cassidy durante la sesión de maquillaje de la serie (25-03-13):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Colton Haynes: Roy Sigue siendo un Enigma (ETOnline):
Colton Haynes: Roy Sigue siendo un Enigma
Por JARETT WIESELMAN 26 de Marzo, 2013

In the comic books, Roy Harper was an integral part of Oliver Queen's story as the two end up becoming partners -- but with both his position on Team Arrow and nickname belonging to other people (Diggle and Thea, respectively) on The CW's Arrow, many are wondering what the future holds for Harper's small screen incarnation

Thankfully tomorrow's all-new episode -- titled Salvation -- not only kicks off an exciting chapter in Roy's story, but brings the red hood into the green hood's orbit for the first time! To find out what else the future holds for Roy Harper (besides kick-ass wall flips), I rang up Colton Haynes!

ETonline: First things first, congratulations on becoming a series regular!
Colton Haynes: Oh man, thanks so much -- although I guess I can't tell you they're going to kill me tomorrow, can I? That's probably not believable.

ETonline: Well, unless The CW decided to do a huge bit of misdirection, probably not.
Haynes: Right, like this is one of those "OMFG" moments Gossip Girl did when they would just lie to the fans. It would cause a ruckus, that's for sure [laughs].

ETonline: Well, judging from the previews, Roy does get into a pretty hairy situation...
Haynes: Yes, which he seems to be really good at doing. Roy definitely thinks he's going to die in the episode, that's for sure.

ETonline: It's interesting though because we still don't know much about this version of Roy. But when you signed on, did you get any hints from the executive producers about his ultimate journey?
Haynes: Honestly, I got a call from Greg [Berlanti] out of the blue one day and he pretty much asked me to come on the show. Obviously I owe Greg and Andrew [Kreisberg] for having me on the show. I try to get spoilers and information out of them, but I think they might have an idea that's from a certain comic book that not as many people are familiar with as opposed to the Speedy or Arsenal or Red Arrow way. They're definitely keeping me in the dark because I'll spoil everything [laughs].

ETonline: So you have no idea of Roy's hood will evolve beyond the sweatshirt material?
Haynes: Well, look at how long it took Oliver on the island to learn and grow and become this thing! They're going to draw it out, whatever it is.

ETonline: Given the show's ability to flip comic book conventions on their head, what did you make of Roy's reaction to the needle last week?
Haynes: Well, I found it to be really interesting because, one of the things Roy Harper becomes in the comics, is a drug addict. And it was interesting to set it up like that, but it could also have to do with Roy talking about his mother's drug problems. I don't know for sure, but it would be interesting if they go that route with Roy where he starts to use needles as opposed to just fearing them.

ETonline: See, because Roy is such an enigma, I didn't know whether to take that story of his mother being an addict as truth or fiction. As the actor playing him, do you get information the audience doesn't about scenes like that?
Haynes: No, a lot of it is just assumptions on my part. And you're right, Roy has lied to Thea in the past, and I don't think he's done lying to her. I think he's starting to realize there's something higher out there he can be a part of and he's not going to stop whether that means lying to the person he says he loves or lying to get his way. People are starting to think Roy has a heart, but he could just be lying.

ETonline: Whether it's a lie or not, Thea is wholeheartedly jumping into this relationship. Where does tomorrow's episode take them?
Haynes: Roy is trying to, um, take a little more from Thea than she wants to give, if you know what I mean [laughs]. That starts and then Roy gets a gun just when she's starting to let her guard down. Thea realizes that this guy might be a badass gangbanger and not the sweet guy she believes is inside. The relationship is really volatile that peaks both of their interests in different ways.

ETonline: There's been a lot of talk about The Glades, but we don't know how Roy feels about his neighborhood. Does he want to protect it, or is he only interested in protecting himself?
Haynes: Roy looks at The Glades as being a burden. This thing that's been in his life that he's trying to get out of. With the map of The Glades coming out, and everything really pointing towards The Glades, it's setting up something big; either be a standoff between The Hood and The Glades or a partnership between Oliver and Roy. If they go the druggie way, which is a possibility, I think it could cause a war between Roy and Oliver ... which could piss the fans off, but it would be interesting to play. You just never know with this show.

http://www.etonline.com/tv/132098_Colto ... index.html

- ¿Hará el secuestro de Roy Harper que se acerque más a convertirse en Speedy? (TVGuide.com):
¿Hará el secuestro de Roy Harper que se acerque más a convertirse en Speedy?
Por Natalie Abrams 26 de Marzo, 2013 09:20 PM ET

Is Arrow's Oliver getting a new sidekick?

Ever since the CW show introduced the character of Roy Harper (Colton Haynes), fans have been wondering when (and if) he'll assume the Speedy identity of DC Comics lore. This week's episode (Wednesday at 8/7c, the CW) may bring the thieving lad one step closer to that eventuality when he's abducted by The Savior (Christopher Redman), a dangerous vigilante who is attempting to make the criminals of The Glades pay for their sins against the slums. Will Oliver (Stephen Amell) be able to save Roy? And how will Roy's brush with death change him? TVGuide.com turned to Haynes to get the scoop:

What can you tell us about Roy being taken hostage by The Savior?
Colton Haynes: It happens in a pivotal moment between him and Thea (Willa Holland). It really begins a lot of the relationship between Roy and the Hood. Thea is put in the middle of it because she's running to her brother trying to ask for help, obviously not knowing that her brother is the vigilante. It really sets a lot of things up for the episodes that are about to come down the pipe.

How does Roy feel about being put in this position considering?
Haynes: The Savior is out to get people who, in his mind, have wronged The Glades, and he starts broadcasting the kidnappings and the murders. Roy, in a way, feels like he deserves it because he starts to look inside and realize, "Wow, I actually have done things that have wronged a lot of people." He has this really great moment with The Savior where he starts to give up and thinks he's going to die. Thea steps in and tries to get help from her brother, but obviously gets help from the vigilante.

Ever since you were cast as Roy Harper, fans have been waiting for the first interaction between Oliver and Roy. What will surprise us about that in this episode?
Haynes: The thing I really love about how [executive producers] Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kreisberg and Greg Berlanti do things is that they definitely take their time with everything. I'm over here going, "What am I going to be? Will I get my arm blown off? Will I put the red suit on? Should I be trying to get into shape?" They're really easing their way into it. Greg said something like, "It took five years for Oliver on the island to really find what he was," so now they're going to take their time with Roy. The first interaction is with the Hood. It's definitely going to be an interaction that will set things up and make the fans of the comic books want more. The next episodes are really going to be great for fans who want Oliver and Roy to start their partnership, in a way. Hopefully they don't just kill me after they said they just upped me to series regular.

In the pilot, Oliver called Thea "Speedy," so it's been a question of who really will become Oliver's sidekick? Have you been bugging the writers about that?
Haynes: They said it's open for interpretation. They keep on teasing it. Actually, in one of my first episodes, they took out a line where Thea calls Roy "Speedy." I think that would've teased the fans a little bit too much and it would've caused them to want to know more. It's so up in the air right now. They take you on this journey with Roy and Thea in the next episodes and make you believe like they could team up. But you never know.

Obviously, since you've been upped to series regular for Season 2, The Savior is not going to kill Roy this week. How will his brush with death affect him?
Haynes: He realizes that things he thought were normal aren't actually very good things. Roy had to steal and thieve his way to make a living, which is why he's always giving Thea a hard time. She was born into the money and he has to do bad things for it. He thinks he's going to die and really starts to break down. Thea starts to see there's this broken kid as opposed to this troublemaker, and that's why she keeps showing up.

What will his journey look like for the rest of the season?
Haynes: Roy is becoming a lot more prominent in the coming episodes, which is fun for me. It's going to be an action-packed few episodes. I don't think Roy is going to stop until he finds the Hood. He sees a way out of this life, and I think he's going to do anything he possibly can, whether that means putting himself or Thea in danger. He is dead-set on finding the Hood and [trying to] be part of this.

Is Roy feeling like he has a life debt to the Hood now?
Haynes: Definitely.

http://www.tvguide.com/News/Arrow-Roy-H ... 63203.aspx

- ¡Colton Haynes sobre el Punto de ruptura de Roy, el encontrarse con The Hood y más! (tvfanatic.com):
¡Colton Haynes sobre el Punto de ruptura de Roy, el encontrarse con The Hood y más!
Por Jim Halterman 27 de Marzo, 2013 9:00 AM

Ever since Roy Harper first showed up on Arrow, viewers have been faced with lots and lots of questions.

Is he really Speedy from the Green Arrow comics? Is he good or bad? Is he going to be a positive influence on Thea? Will we have a Salmon Ladder face off? (Okay, that last one is more wishful thinking…)

We’ll get some answers in tonight’s solid episode, “Salvation,” when Harper ends up in the hands of a vigilante murderer known as “The Savior” and not only comes into contact with The Hood... but is possibly steered into an intriguing direction of his own.

Colton Haynes, who will be a series regular on Arrow season 2, jumped on the phone with me yesterday to tease the episode and just what the relationship between Ollie and Roy will be like moving forward...


TV Fanatic: We find Roy and Thea spending some intimate time together in this episode. What’s going on between them? Is it just a physical thing or maybe something deeper?
Colton Haynes: She is someone who cares about him more than people have in the past but he’s lied to her in the past, as well, so he might be keeping his guard up a little but at the same time he knows that she’s there and he likes it that way.

TVF: Do we get more of a glimpse into some of this shady business that Roy is up to in this episode?
CH: Yes, but he also reaches a breaking point and he starts to realize that this could be my last day alive. But The Hood, in their first meeting, he saves [Roy’s] life. He really just piques his interest and Roy starts to realize there’s something else out there that he can be a part and he can actually feel a part of. Everything is also leading to The Glades, the past few episodes, with this underground map and everything.

TVF: In the comics, Green Arrow becomes a mentor for Roy, aka Speedy. I know the writers aren’t following all that to the letter but will we see Oliver take a mentor role for Roy in future episodes?
CH: I think they’re going to tease it and they’re going to draw that out. The upcoming episodes with Roy and Oliver are more geared around [Ollie] being the protective older brother and to keep Thea out of trouble but when she spends time with Roy she gets into a lot more trouble than she’s anticipating.

It will be interesting because there is a totally different interpretation of who Speedy is. Of course, Oliver calls Thea ‘Speedy’ but they took out a scene in a past episode where Thea calls Roy ‘Speedy’ so I think that that would’ve sent the fans into a whirlwind so they would’ve been like ‘Which comic are they going to go with?’ I think in some interpretations of the comics Roy is the drug addict and has been this troublemaker but then in most of the others he is Robin to Oliver’s Batman…but whatever they do they’re going to draw it out, I think.

TVF: From the viewer’s standpoint, Roy and Oliver seem a lot alike. They’ve been through a lot and they push people away. Do you see it that way?
CH: Yeah, but I think that’s going to take some time because Roy is going to be causing a lot of trouble and Thea is going to get in more trouble than Oliver would like. It’s not going to be this happy friendship between Roy and Oliver in the beginning but eventually it will go down another route.

TVF: Roy has a line in this week’s episode where he says nobody would miss him if he were gone. Is that the really the case or will we find out he does have more people in his life that we haven’t met yet?
CH: Yes. There’s this line in a past episode where Thea says, ‘I’ve lost a lot of people and just because I’m privileged doesn’t mean I haven’t felt pain.’ She starts to realize in upcoming episodes that there are people that were very close to him that he’s lost and in some ways he could have a list of his own and that could be why he’s seeking out The Hood because he’s trying to avenge the death of those that he has lost, as well.

TVF: You’re no stranger to the fandom of a show you’re involved in with Teen Wolf, but is it safe to say you’ve heard the same from fans since joining Arrow?
CH: Yeah, it’s been so great because obviously with all that stuff that went down with me not being on Teen Wolf anymore, I’m very sad but I’m glad those fans have stuck around and really supported me through the Arrow stuff. But the fandom around these comic book projects, and also around the werewolf projects, has been very positive. That’s been great.

It’s been fun to be able to be able to interact with them on Twitter and it’s a really, really fun show for the fans and I think Andrew [Kreisberg] and Marc [Guggenheim] and Greg [Berlanti] are doing a good job of incorporating what’s in the comics but also adding a new dimension to it.

TVF: I know when you were on Teen Wolf you had a very intense fitness regime. How has that changed for Arrow?
CH: I’m definitely going to need a trainer going into the second season! With the Teen Wolf diet, I gained 20 or 25 pounds and in order to keep playing the teenage character that I play I’ve probably lost 20 pounds since Teen Wolf. The good thing is that I haven’t had to do anything too physical and I haven’t been too shirtless so far but now I’m like ‘Great, I have to work like the Great God that is Stephen Amell.’ He works out in his sleep! If I have to stand next to him I’m going to look like a little person so I’m definitely going to have to up my game to try to compete with Stephen.

http://www.tvfanatic.com/2013/03/arrow- ... eting-the/

- 1X18 "Salvation" Sneak Peek:

http://tvline.com/2013/03/26/arrow-seas ... -felicity/

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow 1.19 Promo "Unfinished Business" (HD) ft. Seth Gabel:

- Arrow 1.19 Extended Promo "Unfinished Business" (HD):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

Añadidos los links y rátings del 1x18 "Salvation". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Confirmado: el título del episodio 22 de Arrow, que se emitirá el 8 de Mayo, es “Darkness On The Edge Of Town.”

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/and-the-tit ... 2-is/13798

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- "Arrow" en la "WonderCon 2013" en Anaheim (31-03-13):
La serie "Arrow" ha estado presente en la convención "WonderCon 2013" celebrada en Anaheim. En ella contamos con la presencia de varios miembros del elenco y productores de la misma, que nos ofrecieron varios adelantos sobre lo que nos queda por ver de la temporada:

- Imágenes:

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- Videos:

Stephen Amell interview with tvfanatic.com

Willa Holland interview with tvfanatic.com

Paul Blackthorne interview with tvfanatic.com

Colin O´Donnell interview with tvfanatic.com

Marc Guggenheim interview with tvfanatic.com

MTV Geek! Arrow Coverage at Wonder Con

MTV Geek! Arrow: The Musical Episode

MTV Geek! Arrow: Willa Holland On Working With Stephen Amell

MTV Geek! Arrow: Stephen Amell On Oliver/Felicity

- Stephen da las gracias a los fans tras la WonderCon:


-Guggenheim talks about the origin of Green Arrow as a Batman ripoff
- Tommy Merlyn will have to decide if he is his father or his own man moving forward.
- It's never a 'licensing issue', it's an 'apportionment of assets' issue when it comes to using the Bat-family characters. [WB] doesn't want Dick Grayson to appear on Arrow if they're going to [put] Dick Grayson in a movie.
- With the success of the show, producers and writers are now having discussions on multi-year time horizons.
- A meeting has already been held with DC about which DC characters will be appearing in Season Two.
-Quite a bit of Season Two has already been planned. The showrunners know what the season premiere will be, what the midpoint would be and what the season finale would be.
- There's already a storyline for Season 4 and 5 being discussed that's directly inspired by an unspecified comic book story arc.

- Colin Donnell Habla sobre las relaciones de Tommy Merlyn y los Flashbacks (greenarrowtv):
Colin Donnell Habla sobre las relaciones de Tommy Merlyn y los Flashbacks
Por Craig Byrne 3 Abril, 2013

In another roundtable interview from this year’s Wondercon in Anaheim, California, we have some video of Colin Donnell (Tommy Merlyn) talking about how his character’s relationships have been changing. He also touches upon whether or not we’ll see him in the upcoming flashback episode (“The Undertaking”) and much more.

Here are some highlights:

On the changing relationship with Oliver now that Tommy knows his secret: “Obviously, we see a total shift in 16, right? All of the sudden, nothing’s the same anymore, and that really carries us through the end of the season. I keep saying ‘shift,’ but it really is. There’s this break there, and it’s just irreparable. It just happens. I don’t know if he ever really gets over it. That’s the real answer,” Colin says.

Year's EnWill things be patched up with Laurel? “That’s a good question,” he laughs. “You’re going to see in 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, really, all of that stuff with the three of us is going to come to a head. There’s some good stuff coming.”

On working with John Barrowman as his father, Malcolm Merlyn: “We have a blast,” Colin says. “One of my favorite times was in 16. we’re in that huge action sequence, right? Tons of people around, and we’re running up and down… Glen [Winter] did such an amazing job with that episode. There’s a time when we’re running up this escalator, and he’s ‘we’re going through it, gonna run up the escalator and things are going to be awesome,’ and the escalator was running, right? Dead to RightsSo we come up, and then we come back down, and Glen’s trying to do something, and we go down like musical comedy acts, just cracking everybody up. It’s so fun. We have a blast. We come from the same kind of background, so we like to keep things light. When we have to work, we have to work, but it’s fun.”

Although Tommy doesn’t seem to remember his father almost showing him a particular room, it is not to say that he might not learn about his dad’s Dark Archer-ness later. “I’ve been saying this a bit lately: I think if [Malcolm] was willing to show him once, there’s no reason to think that he maybe wouldn’t show him again. You never know,” he teases.

The Huntress ReturnsSo did Tommy see everything in the Arrow pilot? “He saw it,” Colin confirms. “He saw it. He saw the whole thing. It was fun, because when we were shooting the pilot, that was our very first day of shooting, was that sequence, and I remember David Nutter coming over and he had that little eye flutter, and he said ‘we’re going to use this later. That’s going to be the big question.’ And he did. He saw that whole thing. He saw him murder a guy with the back of a chair.”

Do we see Tommy in the pre-island flashback episode? “You don’t,” he admits. “You will see Malcolm. You will see Colin Salmon, actually. You see Walter in the flashbacks. Yeah. They came with that in a really cool way. It’s neat to see all of these people. I think everybody saw that picture of Stephen pre-island that he posted,” he laughs.

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/video-inter ... acks/13828

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 'Arrow's' Stephen Amell previews 1.19 "Unfinished Business":

- Stephen Amell & Marc Guggenheim adelantan el regreso de The Count (examiner.com):
The last time we saw Oliver Queen (Stephen Amell) trying to take down The Count (guest star Seth Gabel) on The CW's Arrow, it was extremely personal. His sister had taken The Count's drug, Vertigo, and Oliver was out for blood, not just as a vigilante concerned about drugs corrupting his city, but as a protective older brother, worried about his family's health. And he certainly made his mark on The Count, who was carted off to a psych ward after having ODed on his own drug. But even with such a strong, seemingly "wrapped up" story, it wasn't a "one and done" villain tale. The Count returns in "Unfinished Business," and Amell promised us things are just as personal.

"It does bring up those memories," Amell said when LA TV Insider Examiner caught up with him at WonderCon this weekend.

"Thea, she was in a car wreck; she got a few bumps and bruises, but she could have just as easily been more hurt...I confront him, and I say 'I should have killed you when you have the chance'."

In "Unfinished Business," a girl attending Oliver and Tommy's (Colin Donnell) new club dies after taking too much Vertigo, which naturally has Oliver looking for The Count, who, as it turns out, is really in no position to be dealing drugs, still locked in that psych ward.

"This episode [“Unfinished Business”] is probably the most unconventional way to bring a character back. At the end of episode twelve, the Count ODed on his own drug—on Vertigo—and we really honor the reality of what happened to him," series executive producer Marc Guggenheim said.

"It was so great to have Seth Gabel back. We adore him and we love him. He just signed on to do a pilot, Gothica, and he actually asked as part of his deal to have outs to do Arrow and return on the show, which I’m really glad he did that because my wife is executive producing that pilot, and Lord knows, I don’t want to be beholden to her. ‘Honey, I don’t know what to tell you, contractually Seth has to come back!’" Guggenheim said.

Therefore, although The Count is forever changed by his interactions with Oliver-- and though Oliver may personally want to inflict a fatal wound to just have him out of his hair personally and professionally-- he will survive to hopefully return in season two. Guggenheim shared that he and his co-EP Andrew Kreisberg are figuring out ways to potentially see him return in season two.

"Oliver is forced to make a decision about The Count that really, I think, shows his evolution and growth as a character in that episode. The Count presents himself in a very unique way, and Oliver has to decide not to act the way he would normally act. He has to handle the situation in a different way than the audience would come to expect—than he would come to expect," Guggenheim said.

http://www.examiner.com/article/arrow-s ... turn-video

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Marc Guggenheim on Seth Gabel's Return, 1.19 "Unfinished Business":

- Stephen Amell teases 1.19 "Unfinished Business":

- Colin Donell teases 1.19 "Unfinished Business":

- Willa Holland teases 1.19 "Unfinished Business":

- Paul Blackthorne teases 1.19 "Unfinished Business":

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- 'Arrow' 'Unfinished Business' Preview: El elenco habla sobre Shado, el regreso de Vertigo y la fricción entre Oliver y Tommy (huffingtonpost.com):
'Arrow' 'Unfinished Business' Preview: El elenco habla sobre Shado, el regreso de Vertigo y la fricción entre Oliver y Tommy
Por Laura Prudom 03/04/2013 12:51 pm EDT

The April 3 episode of "Arrow," titled "Unfinished Business," sees the deadly drug Vertigo -- and its creator, The Count (Seth Gabel) -- return to plague Starling City.

"Vertigo is back and more dangerous than ever," star Stephen Amell told The Huffington Post at WonderCon. "Because Tommy [Colin Donnell] and I have both had run-ins with the law based on drugs, when we find out that a girl got high on Vertigo in Verdant, I cast a suspicious eye his way and he does not appreciate it -- and nor should he."

Oliver's not the only one who's suspicious of Tommy -- Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne) is too; and worse, he's the father of Tommy's current girlfriend, Laurel (Katie Cassidy). Awkward.

"He doesn't really like me in the first place, does he?" Donnell laughed. "There's an accusation from [Lance], and he doesn't exactly have his best friend sticking up for him right away, which really causes a big problem. Every relationship is tenuous right now, and this doesn't make it any easier."

Donnell admitted that Tommy will be feeling pretty isolated, especially as Laurel "has her own shit going on, and he's not there for her," the actor said. "She is there for him, but I think, because of the way that he knows that she feels about Oliver/the vigilante -- even though she doesn't really know how she feels about the two of them -- he doesn't think he can go to her in that way. And obviously he can't. He can't be like, 'By the way, Oliver's the vigilante.'"

One person that Tommy can rely on -- for the first time in his life -- is his father, Malcolm (John Barrowman). But since Malcolm is also the Dark Archer who has made several attempts on Oliver's life, things have the potential to get even more complicated.

"He's got his dad back a little bit now, and you see the Merlyns coming together," Donnell said. "In the opposite way from the way Tommy and Oliver and Laurel are sort of drifting apart, the one last person that he has to turn to is good old dad. Well, he's not good old dad ... Who knows if he would reveal himself to Tommy? And the big question is, how would Tommy feel about that, because that's gonna put him between a huge rock and a really hard place."

Oliver's relationship with Tommy isn't the only one under strain this week, as Amell revealed that our hero will also find himself at odds with crime-fighting sidekick Diggle [David Ramsey]: "It tests my friendship with Diggle, which is something that we're exploring," he admitted. "I've always said that I want him to be my partner ... except when he has his own ideas! So it puts a strain on our relationship."

Could that friction have anything to do with Diggle's vendetta against Deadshot [Michael Rowe], the assassin that murdered his brother? Last month at PaleyFest, Ramsey told us that Diggle's thirst for revenge might drive a wedge between the dynamic duo.

"The conflict is going to really be because he has a quest that may not fit into the quest that Oliver has, in terms of the list," he said. "Oliver sometimes makes decisions based off of emotion, like not going after his mother. Diggle, for the first time, is making an emotional decision about going after Deadshot, and he may not get the support that he would expect to get from his 'partner' in anti-crime. And that is gonna be a problem."

As for Diggle's plans for Deadshot, Ramsey had a few detailed ideas: "[He'll] try to rip his heart out -- good TV, ain't it? Diggle is on a bit of a blood quest for the heart, liver, spleen of Deadshot. And it's gonna be great drama, and he's gonna have to come face to face with some of the preaching he's been giving Oliver over the past season, of just, 'Be careful, you can't kill for no reason,' and now he has to hear it regurgitated back to him."

But as one partner rebels, another potential sidekick is discovering his inner hero. Willa Holland (Thea) revealed that after last week's encounter with the vigilante, Thea's boyfriend, Roy Harper (Colton Dixon), is "enamored with The Arrow," and the pair will embark on a "journey to uncloak Oliver without realizing that they're doing it. Roy is now on this virtuous path, so that he can go out and seek him and figure out who he is and maybe put himself under his wing. Thea is going to be helping him out because she's now definitely in love with this guy after everything she's gone through with him. They've jumped to this strong place very quickly and that leads to a couple of fights here and there."

Even with everything happening in Starling City, the episode will still take us back to the island to learn more about Oliver's evolving relationships with Slade Wilson (Manu Bennett) and Shado (Celina Jade), Yao Fei's (Byron Mann) newly-freed daughter.

"In the newest episode, Shado decides that she wants to train me, because we want to get back to Fyers' [Sebastian Dunn] camp and try to rescue her dad, and they can't do it just the two of them, they need me," Amell explained. "And we have no guns. So she wants to train me -- it's exciting. Her tactics are a little bit different from Slade's; Slade is a tough love type of guy, Shado's more teaching me ... I think I'm learning one thing, and I'm actually learning something else."

The Huffington Post caught up with Celina Jade via phone earlier this week to find out more about the mysterious Shado, who is a major player in the Green Arrow comics:

I hear that Shado's methods of training Oliver are very different from Slade's -- and his haven't worked very well thus far. How is Shado's approach different?
Well, as you know, she’s Yao Fei’s daughter. So, the way she learned martial arts is a little bit different. The way I would describe it is, it’s a little bit like Mr. Miyagi in "Karate Kid" ... She has a really different way of teaching martial arts. It’s almost like a philosophy as opposed to just, 'OK, punch, kick, do this.' It's a rounded way of coming to building his strength to become an archer, as well as a martial artist. So yeah, definitely very, very different from Slade’s tactics.

I'm guessing we won't have flashbacks within flashbacks on the island, but will we get an opportunity to learn more about Shado's backstory through other means?
Yeah, in Episode 19, Shado will have a conversation with Oliver about where she comes from and a bit about herself as well as Yao Fei. There will be a lot more backstory that comes to our attention in that episode.

What can you reveal about her past and how she ended up on the island?
Shado is the Yao Fei’s only child as China has the one child policy. Yao Fei was a high ranking Chinese military official, he was like a general. He was blamed for a massacre by the Chinese government and sent to the island as a prisoner. Basically, Shado was a lawyer trying to fight for a pardon to get her father back to China, but she’s failing. All of a sudden, men show up at her doorstep saying, “Look, I have intel on your father ... ” She lets her guard down and the next thing you know, she’s trapped on this island and kidnapped by these guys to use against her father, which you saw in Episode 14.

We know that Oliver spends five years on the island and their first meeting is still very early on in his stay. Do you already know the broad strokes of your character's arc and where she's going to end up, or are the writers giving it to you script by script?
They’re very good at keeping me on my toes. I’m just as excited as you guys are to find out where things go between her, Slade and Oliver. Obviously the island is kind of crazy and it’s very uncertain, so anything can happen right now. But yeah, I’m excited to find out her arc and what’s going to happen in the future.

Oliver and Shado have matching dragon tattoos, from what we've seen of Oliver in the present day, so we can surmise that their relationship must have been pretty intense. Can you preview anything else about their dynamic?
Yeah, it definitely is intense. Other than being his mentor, I can say that she’s the person who really believes in his potential and believes that he can become strong and fight and have a chance to survive on this island. Whereas, as you see in the beginning, Slade was like, "Well, you’re never going to survive. We’re all going to die." So ... definitely there’s a romantic tension between the two.

What's her relationship with Slade like, in comparison?
It’s kind of a bit of a "Who’s the alpha male?" tension between the two. There is definitely a flirtation going on from Slade’s side, but I’m not sure that Shado really gives into that. But there’s definitely a "Who’s the alpha male?" [tension] in the trio between Shado and Slade, which I actually really enjoy, for a female character to play equal to someone as strong as Slade.

You clearly have a lot of martial arts experience already, so how have the fight scenes been for you? Do you try to do your own stunts?
Yeah the fight scenes have been really fun. There’s an incredible team behind "Arrow," so I learned a lot of new moves and choreography. I do have a stunt double who helps me out with falls and moves that are more dangerous. She's absolutely amazing. I’m so grateful. It’s actually quite dangerous -- it’s raining in the forest; it’s slippery; there are a lot of rocks and stuff, but it’s good. I’m used to doing martial arts movies in the past so it’s not completely new. The only thing that’s a bit different for me I’d say is the weather. I’m not really used to it. In Asia, it’s quite warm and humid, whereas here, it’s quite cold. So what happens is, all your muscles tense up really quickly and you really have to keep warming up or otherwise, it’s really easy to pull something.

Did you have any experience with archery before taking the role?
Other than Club Med when I was a kid, I haven’t really done archery. My father was a really keen archer when I was a child, coincidentally. But his bows are 150 pounds to pull so I couldn’t pull any of his bows ... I really have very little experience with it. It’s been really cool. I’ve been taking classes and learning how to do archery as well as doing moves, moving around so you’re not just standing there shooting. It’s been so much fun I want my own bow now. I don’t know how I’m going to get it through immigration. [Laughs.]

Were you familiar with the comics before taking the role? Shado has a fascinating history.
I was never a huge comic book fan, but ever since I got the audition for Shado, I started to read online about her character from the comics and how it differs from her character in the "Arrow" series. So I’ve been learning more and more about the comic and it’s actually been a dream of mine to play a comic book character. So, I’m really, really excited. It’s so cool to play such a strong female character.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/0 ... lp00000003

- Celina Jade Es Shado En "Arrow" (comicbookresources.com):
Celina Jade Es Shado En "Arrow"
Por Kiel Phegley 03/04/13

"She speaks English."

The line that ended last week's episode of The CW's DC Comics Green Arrow adaptation "Arrow" was both a laugh line for star Stephen Amell and also an invitation. The "she" referred to is Shado -- the mysterious captive of the island where Amell's Oliver Queen flashes back to over the course of the series. Shado is the daughter of one of the island's other fighting archers, Yao Fei, and in that respect, the character has a few things in common with the actress playing her: Celina Jade.

Already known amongst Hong Kong kung fu film aficionados, Jade is the daughter of action film veteran Roy Horan. And now that she's making her American debut on "Arrow," the actress, singer and martial artist is bringing a number of her onscreen talents to a character comic fans know will be both a blessing and a curse for Oliver Queen's superhero career.

CBR News spoke with Jade about her turn as Shado in advance of tonight's episode, "Unfinished Business," and below, the actress explains how she's shifting focus from Hong Kong cinema to American film, why she won't be doing everything that the Shado of the comics has done and what strange coincidences the part has brought her in terms of her father's career.

CBR News: Celina, with Shado you're playing a character a lot of longtime comic book fans of "Green Arrow" know well, but I was wondering how much background you had on the character coming in?

Celina Jade: Well, for a little of my background, I've actually been living in Hong Kong. I've been acting there since 2007, and my first movie was a kung fu film called "Legendary Assassin." I've been doing martial arts since I was a little kid. My father's name was Roy Horan, and he was like the token bad white guy in all the Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee films from the '70s. It's actually funny. My father never had a son, so he taught my sister and I how to fight from a really young age. God knows what happened, but somehow I've followed in his footsteps, and I've been doing Asian films for a while. I recently changed managers, and he brought me into American films.

When I auditioned for this part, all I knew was that it was a general audition. I looked at Shado's character and got super-psyched to play her. I knew that I had the martial arts skill set to play her, basically. From there, everything happened super-fast. I auditioned, and then the casting director called to say they liked me, but I needed producer and network approval. Then the producers were like, "We love it," and the network was like, "We love it," and they flew me to Vancouver two days later. [Laughs] It all went really fast, and what I first had to work with was what I'd read of her DC Comics character online – which is obviously different from how she plays on "Arrow" – and the few sides I was given to audition with.

I read an interview where you said you read up on a lot of comics once you started on set. In your reading, did you find anything where you said, "I really hope I get to do this part," or conversely, anything that you really don't want to bring over from the comics?

[Laughs] Okay. Yeah, definitely the part where she takes advantage of Green Arrow while he's feverish. I read that and was like, "WHAT?!?" [Laughter] That was a big surprise to me. I don't think that's going to play on TV very well. I thought, if I had to play that, I'd really have to dig into my brain to find the motivation. But that's the comic book. I've been reading some of the fans on the forums who have been writing, "Is she really going to do this on TV?" I don't think Steve [Amell] would be very happy about that either.

One thing we do know is going to carry over is not only that you'll be doing martial arts on the show, but you'll also be an archer as Shado was in the comics. Is that something you have experience with?

That's definitely a new skill I'm picking up. I know a lot about bows and arrows from when I was a kid because my father was a really keen archer. In fact, he got banned from where we were living because he was shooting 150 lbs bows. People complained in our neighborhood, so now all his bows and arrows are held in China.

But in terms of shooting archery, I haven't done much. I joke that I've done a lot at Club Med. [Laughter] But I haven't really done much. I'm learning about it now because the show has kind of unlocked a passion in me. Of course, my father is laughing at me and saying, "It looks like you're following in my footsteps on that, too!" I'm learning not just archery but shooting while I'm moving and doing stunts. That's been really fun.

Tell me about Shado's role in the next few episodes. The series is really split between two storylines, and it looks like you're going to be inserted into the dynamic between Olliver and Slade on the island part of the show.

It's actually a really cool dynamic. I think Shado sees herself as an equal to Slade. There's a little bit of his alpha male status creating a competitiveness between them. In terms of Olliver, she is the first person to really say, "You're not a loser. You might have some funky hair, but I really believe you have a lot of potential and that you can become a fighter. You can find the strength within you to get through these times on the island so we can get out of here." She has a different methodology than Slade does, because Slade's way is more normal. "Toughen up. This is how you fight. You've got to be quick if you want to survive." But her methodology is that she's a mentor, but the way she teaches him martial arts and archery is more of a philosophy as opposed to just technical stuff. I like to think of her more like Mister Miyagi in "The Karate Kid."

As you've been filming, have you been working with the stunt coordinators to bring your style of martial arts to the character a little bit?

They actually have an incredible team that does the choreography for "Arrow," but before we shoot, we do rehearsals to figure out what looks good and what my strengths in martial arts are. We figure what kicks will look stronger or go higher. Every time we have a rehearsal, [fight choreographer] James Bamford is totally amazing about bringing out what's best on screen. It's a really cool, organic process in terms of staging the fights.

This is your first big production in North America. What's the experience been like, stepping into that world? Do you think you'll be looking to do more Hollywood work moving forward?

Absolutely. I can't wait to do more over here. To be honest, it's really different from how things are done in Asia. The acting is really different, and I feel sometimes like I have a split personality. If I'm working in Asia, I have to think in Chinese and think as an Asian girl. When I'm here, even when I'm playing an Asian character, I have to think in a more Westernized way. It's been really good for my acting career to stretch between both cultures, but I'm really excited to take on more roles over here. I'm learning a lot from the actors I'm working with, and from the directors and crew. It's been an incredible learning experience because there's huge differences between working here and there. We joke in Asia that if you've done Asian films in China, coming to America is a walk in the park. We don't have unions, and the safety stuff is very much, "Take the risk and hope for the best!" But here, you have an incredible team around you to protect you and make sure you get the best out of you. It's different, but I'm enjoying it a lot.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=44700

- Celina Jade: Shado Ve el potencial de Oliver de encontrar el héroe en sí mismo (givememyremote.com):
Celina Jade: Shado Ve el potencial de Oliver de encontrar el héroe en sí mismo
Por Marisa Roffman 3 de Abril, 2013

ARROW’s Oliver has been struggling mightily in his flashbacks to his time on the island, but things might just be turning around. While Slade has grown frustrated with Oliver’s lack of skills, Shado (played by Celina Jade) brings a new perspective to his training…and will help massively shape the hero he has become in present day.

I spoke with Jade about joining the show, training Oliver, and more…

You’ve been in a couple of episodes of ARROW so far, but were you watching the series before you joined the cast?
Celina Jade: I did, actually! I started watching it because Byron Mann, who plays Yao Fei on the show. I had worked with him previously on THE MAN WITH THE IRON FISTS, so I watched one or two episodes. But I’ve been really busy, so I hadn’t had the chance to watch all the episodes, and next thing you know, I’m audition for ARROW and it’s like, cool! I’m playing his daughter, so it’s like, “Hey, what’s up, Daddy?” [Laughs]

Given Shado’s presence in the comics, did you do a lot of research before you took this role? Or did you try and bring your own clean slate into the role?
CJ: A bit of both. I did read up on her when I did my audition for ARROW. I try not to get too affected by what I read, because the producers have really taken their own creative liberties, as well as where it’s going to go. So I try and put my own spin on it. Even though she’s a really tough person, every character has their motivation as well as their vulnerabilities. So in comic books, characters tend to be a little more one-sided; very strong. For me, it was finding the roundness of her character, and that’s different from the comic books.

This week’s episode seems like it’s a big one for Shado, so what can you tease about that?
CJ: Basically, Shado’s got to give training Oliver a go. Slade has kind of given up and said, “You’re never going to fight on this island. You can’t fight.” He drops his knife every time, he’s a lost cause. So in this episode, we’ll see Shado start her training with Oliver, and it’s really cool, because her training method is very different from Slade’s. Slade is more of a pragmatic fighter: you really have to toughen up or you’re going to die. It’s threatening, his teaching method.

Whereas Shado, she comes from a background of martial arts. She learned it from her father in China, so she knows a lot about [it]. She knows about the philosophy of it; she’s almost training his mind to get ready for being a fighter, which is actually really important in martial arts. I like to think of her a little bit like Mr. Miyagi in KARATE KID. It’s a very non-traditional way of training and very cool.

What is her biggest frustration in teaching Oliver how to fight?
CJ: Actually, you know, I don’t see it like that at all. She sees beyond his inability to fight. She sees that he’s a really good person, and she sees his potential to find the hero within himself. She’s not that pessimistic; her attitude is open your heart and have faith, and if you really look inside, you’ll find what it takes to be a fighter. So there really isn’t much of a frustration other than maybe his assumption that her methodology isn’t going to work. She knows that it works, so she has that confidence he’s going to get through this and rise above his doubts about himself and his doubts about being on the island and how things are going to work out. She is a uniting but strong force for him. She believes in him.

Have you filmed any scenes with Slade away from Oliver yet?
CJ: So far, no, they’re always together, the three of them. But it’s hard to say later on what’s going to happen…as far as I’m concerned, they’re a team. A team of three, and they’re going to do whatever it takes to get off the island and that army of people.

It’s a really cool team. I love the dynamic of [these] three. The fact that her and Slade have a bit of competitiveness going on and this alpha male here, and then her training Oliver to be the fighter we see later on in the city.

She’s the one who actually teaches [Oliver] archery, and his signature moves that you see in the city are the ones she taught him. It’s cool she had such a significant influence on how Oliver becomes Arrow later on.

How is it for you to have all of your island scenes so separate from the present-day stuff on the series?
CJ: It is a little bit weird. It’s as if there are two stories going on in one series, which actually is kind of cool. It gives the dimensions that ARROW has. But I would love for one day Shado to go into the city and maybe team up with Oliver. I think that would be my dream: to team up with Oliver to save Sterling City. But who knows where we’re going to go.

The show looks like it’s going to be around for a while…it’s possible she won’t make her way to the present day world for a couple of seasons.
CJ: Well, we don’t know. Her future is still very unknown. So every time I read an episode and I see that she hasn’t died, I’m like, “Yes, she’d not dead yet!”

Given that Manu Bennett (Slade) has been bumped to a series regular for next year, have the producers talked with you about your role in the second season?
CJ: I haven’t actually seen [ARROW executive producers] Andrew [Kreisberg] and Marc [Guggenheim] recently; I just got back from Hong Kong, and they’re really busy, obviously, with the season finale at the moment. But definitely later on we’ll sit down and talk and find out where Shado is going to go.

If you had your choice, would you prefer to pop up for guest spots or become a series regular?
CJ: I don’t want to get my hopes up. It would be great to be a series regular, but for me I’m just really grateful to be part of the show and I don’t really want to think about the future. It’s just how do I play my part well right now? That’s all I’m concerned about right now.

Totally fair! There have been a lot of teases that the island story is very important in the final hours of the season. What can you share about that?
CJ: I don’t know yet! We’re shooting episode 22 this week…I’m really excited to find out [about the finale] but at this moment, they’re keeping every one of us on our toes. I keep hearing about it, too! Little rumors about what happens, so I can’t wait to read the episode. [But episode] 22 is definitely big.

http://www.givememyremote.com/remote/20 ... n-himself/

- Entrevista exclusiva con Celina Jade (myFanbase.com):
Entrevista exclusiva con Celina Jade
Por Nicole Oebel 05 de Abril, 2013

Celina Jade plays Yao Fei's daughter Shado on the CW hit show "Arrow". But not only Shado is a skilled martial artist, Celina Jade is, too. myFanbase had the chance to catch up with the new addition to Team Island on "Arrow" and she talked about what role Shado will fill in Oliver's life on the island, what working with her castmates is like and she also tells a little about Sebastian Vettel.

Looking at your bio you really are role model material! You've worked with your different talents as a singer, martial artist and model and you have a Management degree. How did you get into acting?

Thank you for your wonderful compliment. To be honest, I never knew I'd end up an actor. My passion as a child was always singing. I love music because it's such a wonderful medium to connect people, taking away their sense of isolation and bringing a sense of unity to communities and like-minded people. I pursued a music career from a young age releasing my first CD at 15 years old, but took a hiatus to finish my education as I was worried that I was not becoming somebody I admire, singing songs that weren’t expressing much and not really adding value to anything. It was after graduating from university that I signed to a subsidiary of EMI called Gold Typhoon in HK in preparation to release my first self-written album. My manager at the time, just randomly asked me one day if I wanted to audition for a movie. He said, "Well, the chances are next to zero because it's the lead role of a martial arts film and thy have several people in mind, but since you fight why not give it a go." Well long story short, I got the lead of that movie – "Legendary Assassin"! It was after he confirmed this that I freaked out. I didn’t want to let my whole team down by ruining a perfectly fine film after they’d put their trust in me to carry it. So I really began to delve into acting. I fell in love straight away. I found the same satisfaction in acting as I did in music. Like music, it’s another wonderful connecting tool. I haven't stopped doing film since then! Oh... and now TV! Woohoo!

"Arrow" keeps the viewers on their toes on what to expect of the "Green Arrow" comic characters that are introduced to the show. Do you base your performance of Shado on the comic character or are we gonna see a very different Shado?

I think you will see a mixture of both. Arrow the series is based on the comics but the producers have really taken their own creative liberties to create something amazing which works for television. I personally took what I could from the comics in terms of Shado's character and background, modified it for the series (her backstory's a little different) and added my own interpretation of her as well. I try to portray her different shades even though they are subtle - a mixture of strength, but also vulnerability even though she's learned how to conceal that very well with her experiences.

In the comics Shado is a longbow huntress. Now that Oliver meets her on the island, is she going to teach Oliver a thing or two about martial arts?

Absolutely! It's a nice dynamic between Slade, Oliver and Shado. Slade has pretty much put Oliver in the lost causes category when it comes to fighting. Shado however, sees potential in him and decides to give training him a go. Slade is dubious of the results, but Shado has her own way of getting Oliver there. Her teaching is more of a philosophy and mind disciple rather than hard combat technique. That's how she was trained by her father Yao Fei. As the series progresses, you'll find that Shado taught Oliver one of his signature archery moves. She believes in him... and I truly believe that many things can happen when you feel the support of other people's faith in you. She helps him find the hero within.

The authors of "Arrow" introduced Shado as a lawyer who comes to the island to safe her father Yao-Fei. How does a lawyer end up being a such a skilled archer and fighter?

Well, if you combine the one child policy in China and a military general as high ranking and capable as Yao Fei having a daughter. You can figure it out easily. She's the son he never had!

Will we get to know the secret behind Shado's tattoo - the one that Oliver has in the present, too - within this season?

That's a good question. The producers are great at keeping us on our toes. I haven’t received the script to that part yet. :-) It’ll be a pleasant surprise for all of us.

Your scenes are mostly with Stephen Amell and Manu Bennett. How is the atmosphere on set having those two guys around? They both seem very passionate about their work but also their connection to the fans.

They are both really great! Professionally, I learn a lot from them simply by observing their work. Each has their own method and takes their craft extremely serious. I love how Manu runs around set before each scene to get himself pumped up. He does a bunch of push-ups as we’re standing by. Sometimes I think to myself, "Celina, maybe you should be doing some push-ups too." Ha! Stephen is a really caring guy, he takes care of every one on set... me included. He voices out any potential risks when it comes to stunts so that there are no slip-ups on my part like falling on a rock or slipping on slippery grounds. He makes the atmosphere congenial and comfortable... which helps a lot with my acting I believe.

Slade Wilson shot Shado a very approving and impressed look when he saw her fighting skills. Two characters to strong-willed and determined would make a great couple! Or is Oliver gonna be the one who catches her eye?

Haha! Wait and see… Wait and see... ;-)

You did some feature films but Shado on "Arrow" is your first recurring role on a TV show, right? What was it about TV shows or this particular one that caught your interest? 

Indeed it is. It’s always been dream of mine to play a comic book character. Shado is an incredible role. She’s a sensei, mentor, fighter and such a strong female character that she can rise up and stand equal ground to a strong alpha male like Slade. I’m honored to be invited to play her. And I love the fact that she’s the first one to see Oliver’s potential, to bring strength out of him regardless of the circumstance or any self-doubt he may have.

You worked with our very own Formular 1 champion Sebastian Vettel. Please tell us a little bit about what working with him was like. How did he hold his own in acting and martial arts?

Oh Seb! What a great guy! Seb is super humorous. It was a blast working with him. If you see the behind the scenes video on YouTube on “Drive of the Dragon,” you’ll see what I mean. He’s not just quick on the track, he’s quick-witted and an extremely fast learner. He picked up the martial arts in no time. I can’t say I did as well learning how to race as he did in martial arts though... Definitely didn’t break any records there…haha. Although I think my reckless driving did give him a scare or two. He really is incredibly talented, and a triple world champion now! Well-deserved! I’m happy for Germany too!

What's your biggest motivation in life?

To live a meaningful and virtuous life and hopefully in doing so bring some happiness and positivity to those who are around me.

Do you have one or more favorite show(s)?

"Arrow". That’s all I have time to watch nowadays! ;-)

Thank you, Celina, we wish you all the best for your future projects!


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Arrow 1.20 Promo "Home Invasion" (HD):

- Arrow 1.20 Extended Promo "Home Invasion" (HD):

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

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Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Nuevas imágenes BTS (03-04-13):

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- Video bts (03-04-13):


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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!

Mensajes: 33082
Registrado: Dom May 21, 2006 12:15 am

Re: "ARROW" Nueva serie de la CW para TV basada en Green Arr

Mensaje por Shelby »

- Descripción oficial del 1.20 "Home Invasion":
1.20 "Home Invasion": DEADSHOT (LA ESTRELLA INVITADA MICHAEL ROWE) ENCIENDE UNA NUEVA RONDA EN STARLING CITY — Deadshot (la estrella invitada Michael Rowe) regresa a Starling City después de haber derribado a un embajador de los U.S. y otros seis más en el extranjero. Siguiendo la pista de la cacería humana de A.R.G.U.S para el asesino, Oliver (Stephen Amell), Diggle (David Ramsey), y Felicity (la estrella invitada Emily Bett Rickards) descubren que esa operación encubierta está en marcha para capturar a Deadshot – vivo. Diggle está decidido a ver al asesino de su hermano muerto, con o si la ayuda de Ollie. Mientras tanto, Laurel (Katie Cassidy) toma unos pasos drásticos para proteger a un joven testigo, exarcerbando la fricción entre Tommy (Colin Donnell) y Oliver. Después, Roy Harper (la estrella invitada Colton Haynes) inconvencionalmente persigue todo para describrir a su nuevo héroe, pero entra en conflicto con el Detective Lance (Paul Blackthorne). De vuelta a la isla, Oliver recuerda cómo Shado (la estrella invitada Celina Jade) le ayudó cada vez más a conseguir confianza con el arco y alcanzó su objetivo por primera vez. Willa Holland y Susanna Thompson también aparecen. Manu Bennett, Byron Mann y Audrey Marie Anderson son estrellas invitadas. Ken Fink dirige el episodio escrito por Ben Sokolowski & Beth Schwartz (120).

http://www.greenarrowtv.com/arrow-offic ... sion/13853

Añadidos los enlaces y rátings del 1.19 "Unfinished business". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

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¡¡¡¡AY, OMÁ QUÉ CALORES!!!! ¡Gracias por tu regalo, Nitta!
