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Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Lun Feb 09, 2015 8:22 pm
por Shelby
- Donal Logue Habla sobre GOTHAM, el ser renovados para una Season 2 y Más (collider):
Donal Logue Habla sobre GOTHAM, el ser renovados para una Season 2 y Más
Por Christina Radish 09 Feb, 2015

On Episode 15 (called “The Scarecrow”) of the Fox series Gotham, Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) and Harvey Bullock (Donal Logue) set out to stop Gerald Crane (Julian Sands), a biology teacher who has been harvesting the glands of his murder victims. He’s a man on a mission to eradicate the emotion of fear, which he sees as a hindrance in the development of the human species.

During this exclusive interview with Collider, actor Donal Logue talked about the biggest surprises that have come with being a part of Gotham, why he wishes he could hang out in the writers’ room, how nice it is to have the job security of already knowing they’ll have a Season 2, wanting to go darker, that he’d love to see some of Harvey Bullock’s home life, and why working with Jim Gordon is a case by case adjustment for Harvey.

Collider: When you do a show called Gotham, there’s already a certain weight to it, but what have been the biggest surprises for you?

DONAL LOGUE: One thing that’s interesting is that whenever something starts, like the school year when you were a kid, it feels like such a significantly huge time in your life and how much life has changed. What’s surprising is how quickly it’s going by. All of a sudden, we’re almost done with Season 1 and they’re talking about doing Season 2. It’s going fast. Harvey Bullock hasn’t been as deeply involved in the last couple of months, as I was initially, so it’s a bit different. I feel a little bit more on the outside. But, I’m more excited about seeing all these different people doing different stuff on the show. It’s hard for me, with my Catholic guilt. I’m like, “Just give me shit to do, man. I’m there, and I’m willing to work hard.” We have a lot of cool guests that come on. It’s been cool to see The Riddler become darker and funkier. It’s great. He’s been having to play, I wouldn’t say a restrained note, but this weird Edward Nygma note, and now he gets a crack. It’s good.

How much fun has it been to have Cory Michael Smith pop in and out at unexpected moments?

LOGUE: He commits to it. What’s great is that I’m so used to him in that persona that when he cracks it, it’s gonna be cool. I was watching Cory in the trailer for Olive Kitteridge, as a young man in a car, just talking, and then he’s Pee-Wee Herman style on the show. We’re tight. We have a good group of people. It’s not surprising, but it’s just the way that world gets, organically, when you get to know each other really well. When the camera is rolling and you’re doing the scene, when you’re hyper-aware that that’s what you’re doing, it’s never as natural and great and organic as it can be. What’s awesome about working on this is that, in the lunchroom we hang out with everybody, just talking about life and joking, and we have a camaraderie on the set. We hope we’re successful enough at doing this to ensure ourselves the chance to hang out, all day. It’s just hanging out. I’m a professional hanger outer. I’m a super liability, too. I joke around and I’m like a hyper-active child.

How far ahead are you told about what’s coming up on the show?

LOGUE: It would be so cool to get into the storytelling of it, as well. When you’re wrapped up in something that’s 24 hours a day, you’re wrangling with those issues all day. I don’t know what’s coming down the pike in Gotham. Part of me goes, “Man, I just wish I could be in the writers’ room. Do you need someone to make you guys coffee?” I just want to be a part of the flow of it. There are so many cool worlds that can unfold.

Having been in the business as long as you have, how nice is it to know that you have a second season before you finish the first?

LOGUE: I’ve never had a Season 2 before I’ve been done with Season 1. That’s never happened to me before. It’s crazy! I’ve never had that security. My kids are here (in L.A.), so that’s hard. It’s not hard. I’m not gonna say shit’s hard because it’s a blessing, but this has been a long three years for my children, who are teenagers. I’ve just gotta figure out how to get more committed to getting back, every second that I can, to Los Angeles. It’s amazing. It provides us with our life, but I don’t want to be a shitty dad. I don’t want to be around only to be like, “We’re going to the World Series for Fox,” which is the way it’s going down. They’re cool. They understand. They’re young men, and we can really talk about stuff. I’ve never had this kind of security before, so I’m appreciative of it.

What do you enjoy most about playing Harvey Bullock, and what would you still like to see with him?

LOGUE: I want to see it go darker, and I’d like to go home with him. I have that stuff all explored in my own mind, whether we show it or not. Every once in awhile, when he’s braggadocio about his love life, it would be fun to see what his internal life is.

How is Harvey adjusting to working with Jim Gordon?

LOGUE: It’s on a case by case basis. It changes a lot. Sometimes he’s the asshole who doesn’t like Jim Gordon. Sometimes he loves him to death. It changes. We’re on top of it because sometimes it doesn’t always track. Harvey was dying to get Jim back from Arkham, but then he says something casual. We help smooth the storytelling out completely and track the logic of everything. I don’t know what the hell is going to happen at the end of the season. I guess it’s going to be some big dramatic arc. I honestly don’t know what happens a couple days beyond the next bit of filming.

At least, if there is a big cliffhanger, you know there will be some resolution in Season 2.

LOGUE: Gotham is such a big world. I was a guest on Vikings, Law & Order and Copper, and even for those short periods, there’s something about you, as an antagonist, where the plot points are so intense that you’ve gotta die because you can’t stay. I’m just adjusting to this new role.

Are there any characters that you would love to see Harvey Bullock tangle with, in some way?

LOGUE: I wanna be the villain. Villains have fun. There’s no real specific person. Just from a fan point of view, the Scarecrow’s stuff was really interesting. I know this show is pretty broad, but I want it to terrify when it’s terrifying. Every once in awhile, when you can see shades of the person’s real interior life, I think that’s interesting.

http://collider.com/gotham-season-2-don ... interview/

- Cartagena sobre el mantener la Ley como Renee Montoya de "Gotham" (cbr):
Cartagena sobre el mantener la Ley como Renee Montoya de "Gotham"
Por Bryan Cairns 09 Feb, 2015

Jim Gordon isn't Batman, so it's probably understandable that on his own, he's unable to maintain law and order in Gotham. That's where Renee Montoya and Crispus Allen come in. Detectives in the Major Crimes Unit of the Gotham City Police Department, Montoya and Allen are equally dedicated to eradicating crime and cleaning up the city. In short, they have Gordon's back.

However, as is the way in Gotham City, Montoya isn't without her own personal baggage. A recovering alcoholic, Gordon's police compatriot has her fair share of secrets, including a romantic history with Jim's fiancée, Barbara Kean.

Victoria Cartagena, who brings Montoya to life on the Fox series, spoke with CBR News about reimagining Renee for a live-action TV series, her character's sexuality and complicated relationships and saving Jim Gordon. And, for fans of her character's comic book counterpart, she offers her thoughts on the possibility of viewers seeing Montoya eventually undergo the transformation into the Question.

CBR News: How much exposure had you had to the Batman universe before joining Gotham?

Victoria Cartagena: I watched the Adam West Batman as a kid after school, so that was my exposure. Then, I've seen every Batman film since then in the theater on opening weekend. I don't think I can say that for any other superhero films. I'm definitely Team Batman.

The "Gotham" casting process was one famously shrouded in secrecy, with many actors not knowing which role, or sometimes what show, they were auditioning for. What was it like for you?

The exact same thing. I wasn't given the script until a few days before we started shooting. For the audition, we had fake sides and a fake character. It was awesome because I was just excited about going in for the audition. Then I was excited to be playing Renee Montoya. Then I got to read the script and was fascinated. It just kept escalating.

Renee is a fairly long-running Batman character who has appeared in numerous comics and cartoons. How would you describe "Gotham's" version, and what, if anything, do you draw from previous incarnations?

The show has its own take on Renee. I can certainly see the parallels with the comics, which has definitely helped me develop her. From what I read in the comics, she's bold, persistent, tough -- basically, a badass. I'm really looking forward to her growth.

She was also one of the first DC Comics heroes to come out as gay. Are you surprised at how much "Gotham" has explored her sexuality?

I'm thrilled by it. I'm not necessarily surprised by it, but I'm happy the way it's been handled on the show. She's a woman, she's Latina, she's a cop and she happens to be gay. I appreciate the fact they even explored Montoya being gay, and showed her in a romantic relationship. It's been handled tastefully.

I do feel some pressure because she means a lot to people. You really want to do her justice and not disappoint anyone. I tried to do my homework, read about her, understand her intentions and go from there.

What are your thoughts on the Renee/Barbara relationship?

I'm not too sure how much I can say about where they currently stand. I've enjoyed playing a different side to the character. When they are together, we certainly see a more vulnerable Montoya, which is nice. It's always great to play Montoya with her guard down, because most of the time she's tough.

"Gotham" features plenty of brawls, chases and gun-slinging. How exciting was it to have Renee and her partner Crispus save Jim Gordon from Victor Zsasz?

I loved it. That was probably my favorite scene. It was really exciting to see Montoya save Gordon after falsely accusing him for many weeks. Saving him from Zsasz was the perfect way to set up that alliance and really show that the GCPD could be trusted, that they are one of the good guys.

Would you like Renee to partake in more of those action beats?

Definitely. I'd love to do more. They are so much fun to watch. It really gets the adrenaline going and you are rooting for them. Everyone loves an action sequence, and you learn a lot.

In the comics and cartoon, Renee was a beat cop paired with Harvey Bullock. Would you like to see more interaction between the two of them on "Gotham?"

There's that one scene we did in the pilot, in the diner -- I laughed reading it. Seeing them trying to gel would be hilarious. They are complete opposites. It's interesting to see people try to come together from different backgrounds, different values and different outlooks on life. It would result in moments of levity and comedy. I think they would find a common ground as they did in the comic books. They are detectives and need to get the job done.

Renee had issues with Jim in the beginning, to the degree where she even warned Barbara about him. How has Renee's perception of him changed?

Maybe Renee sees that they are more alike than she realized initially -- besides being attracted to the same kind of woman. They both believe that there is a lot of good in the world. As dark as Gotham City is, they are fighters. They are warriors. They are going to fight for good, no matter what it takes. If they can get past that earlier friction that they had, I think they could be great allies, as they are in the comics.

Jim even tells Bruce Wayne that if anything bad happens to him, Renee and Crispus will take care of things.

That was great. I loved the fact that they had the future Batman, the future Commissioner, the Question and the Spectre together. All these people move on to greatness.

"Gotham" is the jumping off point for many heroes and villains, and you just mentioned Renee's costumed alter ego. Do you feel they've planted the seeds for Renee to become the Question?

Because "Gotham" is an origin story, I think all the seeds are planted for all the characters. That's what is so great about the writing. I really appreciate the fact that they are taking their time to develop and explore each character in depth.

In the comics, there's a moment that serves as a catalyst: she becomes an alcoholic and hits rock bottom. On the show, if Renee were to fall off the wagon again, it would force her to really look at herself and become more self-aware and become the person she's meant to be. That being said, this show definitely has its own take on it, so you'll have to wait and see what triggers her.

Her partner Crispus dies in the comics. Do you and Andrew ever get concerned for his safety?

No, not really. We just go with the flow. I have so much fun with him and we're having a blast. We're just living in the moment and enjoying it. It's superstitious to even talk about that.

As a Batman fan, what have you enjoyed about being part of the DC Universe and the Batman mythology?

Because I'm one of those fans, I can't wait to read the scripts. I can't wait to tune into the show every week to see where everyone's story is going. "Gotham" has such a rich mythos, and everything they can pull for us is amazing. Then there's the production values and getting to see something that has been in your mind this entire time. You get to see what Gotham looks like. They bring the whole thing to life, and do it incredibly well

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=59162

- La estrella de GOTHAM Camren Bicondova nos da la primicia de la Season 1 (AssignementX):
La estrella de GOTHAM Camren Bicondova nos da la primicia de la Season 1
Por ABBIE BERNSTEIN 09 Febrero, 2015 / 01:52 PM

On Fox’s GOTHAM, in its first season Mondays at 8 PM and already renewed for a second, we are in the world of young Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz) as he slowly learns the life lessons that will later allow him to become Batman.

We also meet the incipient versions of a number of Batman’s future adversaries. Oswald Cobblepot (Robin Lord Taylor) has already adopted the moniker the Penguin and morgue worker Edward Nygma (Cory Michael Smith) loves posing riddles.

Of all of Batman’s nemeses, his relationship with Catwoman is perhaps the most complex. Camren Bicondova’s teen Selina Kyle has quite a way to go before she adopts that identity, albeit she does love her feline friends, but she and Bruce are well into their friend/foe dynamic.

Bicondova, who looks even younger in person than she does on GOTHAM, is with her mother at the Hollywood W Hotel rooftop premiere party for Fox stable mate EMPIRE. The actress, who previously appeared in the film BATTLEFIELD AMERICA, talks about her work on the series adapted from DC Comics’ classic BATMAN.

AX: How are you enjoying GOTHAM? Are you enjoying the reception it’s getting from viewers?

CAMREN BICONDOVA: Yeah, I’m definitely enjoying it. I’ve loved the feedback that I’ve been getting and I’ve loved experiencing filming. It’s been great.

AX: Did you know anything about Catwoman as a character before you got involved with GOTHAM?

BICONDOVA: I knew that she was a very fierce character, but that was pretty much all I knew. But once I knew that I got the role, I started researching the comic books and TV shows and movies. That’s where I learned that she’s a very independent woman.

AX: Did you have to learn anything in order to play Selina, like how to perch like a cat?

BICONDOVA: Not necessarily, because I’ve been a dancer since I was five, so I’ve been able to utilize that, and I’ve been taking some parkour lessons, so I’ve been able to utilize that as well. I’ve just kind of incorporated everything.

AX: Selina lives on the streets of Gotham City. Did you do any research into homeless youth?

BICONDOVA: I kind of just went with my gut. I watched movies and documentaries based on homelessness, but I don’t necessarily treat her as a homeless kid. I didn’t really focus on the homelessness part, I focused on the surviving part.

AX: Do you have a favorite episode or a favorite scene that we’ve seen so far?

BICONDOVA: No. I love every one of them. It’s just been really exciting to film. And I’m also really excited for EMPIRE.

AX: Are you involved in EMPIRE, or are you just here to support it?

BICONDOVA: No, I’m just here to support. I’m just really excited to be able to watch it, and to watch GOTHAM on Mondays and EMPIRE on Wednesdays.

AX: Is there anything we should know about GOTHAM right now?

BICONDOVA: Selina Kyle is on the run and she’s going with the flow, keeping on the down-low. And that’s all I have to say for the Selina Kyle aspect. But I’d just say watch GOTHAM.

http://www.assignmentx.com/2015/camren- ... interview/

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Lun Feb 09, 2015 10:26 pm
por Shelby
- Exclusive Gotham & Constantine Clips (DCTV):


- GOTHAM | 1.15 "The Scarecrow" Clip #3:

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/02/gotham ... 1423517936

- Nuevas imágenes promocionales:

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Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Mar Feb 10, 2015 1:53 am
por Shelby
- Stills del 1.17 "Red Hood":

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Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Mar Feb 10, 2015 3:10 am
por Shelby
- GOTHAM | 1.16 "The Blind Fortune Teller" Promo:


- GOTHAM | 1.16 "The Blind Fortune Teller" Promo #2:


- GOTHAM | "Lunch With The Penguin":


Añadidos los rátings del 1.15 "The Scarecrow". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Sab Feb 14, 2015 1:29 am
por Shelby
- GOTHAM 1.15 "The Scarecrow" Featurette:


- GOTHAM | 1.16 "Blind Fortune Teller" Clip "A Family Feud":


- GOTHAM | 1.16 "Blind Fortune Teller" Clip "Flying Graysons":


- GOTHAM | 1.16 "Blind Fortune Teller" Featurette:


Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Sab Feb 14, 2015 1:43 am
por Shelby
- Descripción oficial del 1.18 "Everyone Has a Cobblepot":
1.18 "Everyone Has a Cobblepot" (02 Marzo 8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT): EMERGERÁN NUEVAS ALIANZAS - Mientras que Gordon busca información sobre una reciente controversia con el Comisario Loeb, la alianza de Fish con los prisioneros es cuestionada cuando ella parece unir fuerzas con el Dr. Dulmacher (la estrella invitada Colm Feore, “The Borgias,” “24”). Mientras tanto, tras un ataque próximo a casa, Bruce lidia con las consecuencias posteriores. Estrellas invitadas: Nicholas D’Agosto como 'Harvey Dent', Peter Scolari como el 'Comisario Loeb', Chelsea Spack como 'Kristin Kringle', Michael J. Burg como 'Charlie Griggs', Perry Yung como 'Xi Lu', Colm Feore como el 'Dr. Francis Dulmacher', Dan Ziskie como 'Jude', Becky Ann Baker como 'Marge', Nicholle Tom como 'Miriam Loeb', Zachary Spicer como 'Tom Dougherty', Jeffrey Combs como el 'Manager de la Oficina', Dashiell Eaves como 'Kelly', Elliot Villar como 'Thomas Schmidt'.

http://www.spoilertv.com/2015/02/gotham ... e-has.html

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Dom Feb 15, 2015 2:50 am
por Shelby
- Bruno Heller habla sobre el avance de 'Joker' en la promo del 1.16 “The Blind Fortune Teller”:
Tras la promo del episodio 1.16 "The Blind Fortune Teller", muchos han sido los fans que se han estado preguntando si realmente el personaje que se rie de forma maníaca en él, interpretado por el actor Cameron Monaghan (Shameless), será realmente el muy icónico villano 'Joker'.
THR habló con el creador Bruno Heller sobre ello y he aquí su respuesta:

"Él puede o no ser el 'Joker'. Todo lo que puedo prometer es que no es una publicidad engañosa. Es un juego a largo plazo a lo que estamos jugando aquí".

"Lo genialmente divertido de esta serie es que es la historia de orígenes de estos personajes, y con The Joker, lo maravilloso es que nadie sabe de dónde vino y cuál fue su génesis. Lo que puedo garantizar es que tenéis que seguir a ese brillante joven actor Cameron Monaghan más adelante, y veréis cómo esto lleva al personaje que todos conocemos y amamos."

En cuanto a Monaghan comenta: "Una de las grandes cosas de este trabajo es que puedes conseguir a jóvenes actores en alza en papeles icónicos, como con Robin Lord Taylor como The Penguin". El reto para los actores es "el dar en el blanco, para que as audiencias pregunten, '¿Es él? ¿Podría ése serlo?' de manera que resuene para aquellos que son orgullosos fans de Batman y una mayor audiencia". Dice que Monaghan, hace "un brilliante trabajo" de enfrentarse al reto. "Cuando el episodio se emita, la gente verá que no es una imitación de alguian más o un homejae a nadie. Es una interpretación en y para sí misma."

"En el panteón de los villanos, él es oscuro en este mundo, así es que sería engañar a la audiencia si no fuéramos hacia ahí. "Por otro lado, como saben aquellos que están muy metidos en la mitología ahora, el Joker actual actual — Todo el villano en sí mismo - no aparece hasta que Batman lo hace. Eso es tanto una oportunidad de narrativa y un problema narrativo al mismo tiempo".

Hay una solución a ello, que según Heller no lo revelará, aunque no va a revelar cuál es aún. "Como con todas estas historias, descansa en no revelar el juego demasiado rápido."

http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-f ... ler-773230

- Nueva Action Figure de James Gordon:

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Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Lun Feb 16, 2015 8:22 pm
por Shelby
- Comic Books on TV! Arrow! The Flash! Gotham! Constantine! Izombie! (TVGuideMagazine):


- Exclusive Gotham Clip + Flash & Arrow - #DCTV (DCEntertainment):


Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Lun Feb 16, 2015 8:23 pm
por Shelby
- Nuevas imágenes promocionales:

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- Nuevas imágenes BTS (16-02-15):

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(@clarefoley_: Happy Gotham Monday @Gotham #Ivypepper
@camrenbicondova: Filming in NYC has me like… Btw, no joke -- you don’t want to miss tonight’s #Gotham
@CamronMonagan: The lovely @missmorenab Is going to be in DEADPOOL (my personal favorite superhuman character). Send her congrats!)

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Lun Feb 16, 2015 9:05 pm
por Shelby
- Cory Michael Smith Habla sobre el Futuro de Edward Nygma en "Gotham" (cbr):
Cory Michael Smith Habla sobre el Futuro de Edward Nygma en "Gotham"
Por Bryan Cairns, 16 Febrero 2015

Riddle me this: How does Gotham City Police Department's Edward Nygma transform from quirky forensic scientist into one of Batman's most diabolical foes? That's one of the puzzles helping to keep viewers glued to Fox's hit TV series "Gotham." So far, in the show's freshman season, Nygma has been odd, if not relatively well-behaved -- except for a retaliation that got the medical examiner fired. However, Batman fans know his eventual fate, and it's one he could get pushed over the edge of sooner rather than later, when Nygma experiences something truly foreign to him -- love, and possibly, rejection.

Cory Michael Smith spoke with CBR News about "Gotham's" spin on The Riddler, Nygma's crush on Kristen Kringle, his introduction to Oswald Cobblepot, naming the villains and his character's status at the end of season one.

CBR News: Over the course of the roller coaster ride that is the first season of "Gotham," with so many things happening so quickly, there's actually been a slow burn for Edward Nygma instead of him swiftly becoming the Riddler.

Cory Michael Smith: I'm in such a fortunate position. They are taking their time with my character. A lot of the other villains, especially with Penguin and [Fish] Mooney, they've charged the series from the very beginning. It's been their responsibility to bring the terror to Gotham City. We've relied on that to shock us and stun us. They are running the city in their own way.

Then there's sweet Edward Nygma, who is playing with bodies when he shouldn't be doing that. It's a completely different world that I'm living in. At times, I get super impatient because I know how fun this character can be on the other side of the game. As soon as I get my patience in check, as an actor, I really couldn't ask for anything more exciting than to have a full, long, healthy, complex fall from innocence. He's so enthusiastic and full of well intention. He loves his work. Kristen Kringle (Chelsea Spack) has played a big part in putting him off center. We're going to find him in circumstances that are far less than fortunate, and he's going to have to respond to those.

How do you go about putting your own stamp on such an iconic Batman foe?

What is more terrifying than approaching a character on the national stage after Frank Gorshin was celebrated by an older generation? Certainly, my parents talk about him. This man had a very celebrated performance in a show that is stylistically and tonally quite different than ours, but still the same universe.

And then, following one of my favorite actors, Jim Carrey, is a bit of an undertaking. I guess I have bigger balls than I thought I did. These are the origin stories. The whole point is to show how these people become these characters. For me, that's the most exciting part, certainly psychologically, how someone changes and evolves. I wanted to be able to tell a story of someone that was forced to become this way or chose to.

[Executive Producer] Bruno Heller made it very clear to me that Nygma is someone who is working on the good side, is someone who loves his job and likes Jim Gordon. We were starting with no reason whatsoever for him wanting to cause anyone harm. I wanted to stay as far in that corner as possible. That was a goal, early on. Then, what is my job as an actor? I have to play the role in the world that I'm given. The circumstances that we built were, he's in the GCPD. No one understands him and no one appreciates him. They find him quite irritating. They give him responsibility because he's undeniably brilliant. You've seen him give tidbits to the cops that have solved a number of crimes thus far. They will say, "Thank you. That's good work Ed." But, it's still Jim Gordon who gets the handshake at the end of the day. The little things will add up.

What was so exciting for me was when they introduced Kristen Kringle, because I'm like, "It's great to see this guy that is loving his job and doing it well." But, then, when I got to show his social ineptitude and his inability to feel people, to interpret what they are really thinking, that was great. Perhaps he's a complex guy, but he doesn't think he is. All of this stuff has been really fun. Is it perfectly matched with the comics? I don't know. I like the version we're creating.

Kristen seems like she can bring out the best in Nygma -- and quite possibly the worst.

We spend a lot of time with Kristen, now. Very soon, we'll see Ed try to stop dancing around the issue and go for it. He stops flirting and just goes for it and sees where he stands. We're going to see slight confidence, and when you get more confidence and more brave, the reaction to what happens is either a bigger celebration or a bigger letdown. We're going to see his behavior executed with more confidence. It's just going to get bigger and bigger.

In "The Scarecrow," Nygma and Oswald Cobblepot come face-to-face in the police department. Despite both of them being destined to be some of Batman's biggest foes, how are they different? And what were your thoughts on their first encounter?

Their standing in the city is quite different. In terms of survival, Oswald is playing the two biggest mob bosses in the city. I'm trying to survive my feelings for this girl and not be humiliated. Nygma is circling around Valentine's Day. But I'm certainly curious who Oswald is when he comes in. I have this position in the police force, so I know what's going on. I know who Jim has interacted with. So, when this strange creature comes in, this odd little bird, I am too curious not to interact with him. His antagonism from the very beginning is slightly off-putting, but interesting.

We had so much fun shooting that. I was kind of freaking out. I talked to Bruno about it. When I read something like "Edward Nygma and the Penguin meet," my chest gets heavy. I don't want to screw this up. This is the first meeting. I feel very responsible for this to be interesting, if not brilliant. There's some weight to that, but I feel really good about this charged-moment that we gave each other where at the end, it could still go many ways.

Besides Nygma's crush on Kristen, what else is going to further lead him down the rabbit hole?

It's mostly circumstances that are directly related to that relationship. Nygma gets a little quiet in the next two episodes. In episode 18, "Everyone Has A Cobblepot," that's when he gets some confidence and puts on his A-game. By the end of this season, Nygma finds himself. For the first time in the series, he's going to have a giant secret, and what he does with it will be very shocking.

Will the show continue to explore Nygma's infatuation with riddles and puzzles?

Oh, certainly. There will be a figure coming up soon, who is related to Kristen Kringle, that is going to be asking Ed riddles. His lack of enthusiasm for being asked riddles will be very apparent.

Nygma dubbed Jack Gruber "The Electrocutioner." Would you like him to be the guy who coins the other villains' codenames?

That would be great. You have a villain known for his word play. I think it would be amazing for him to claim the responsibility of naming villains.

Lastly, are you dying to spout that iconic line, "Riddle me this?"

That line comes in the comics when Nygma is a fully-fledged villain. The appropriate time, and I certainly hope that's in the lifetime of our show, should be reserved for when he's a man in charge and feeling like his identity as the Riddler is clear and haunting. That line should drip with glee. That is the raising of the gun before the race. It's like, "Bring it bitches, and let's get this on." That can't come before he feels, at least at the beginning of a game he sets up, completely fearless.

http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page ... e&id=59339

- Morena Baccarin habla sobre la Season 1 (AssignementX):
Morena Baccarin habla sobre la Season 1
Por ABBIE BERNSTEIN / 16 Febrero, 2015 / 02:03 PM

In Fox’s GOTHAM, Mondays at 8 PM, a good woman – and for that matter, a good doctor who isn’t running psychotic experiments – is hard to find. Luckily, Gotham City Police Department homicide detective Jim Gordon (Ben McKenzie) has encountered the upright Dr. Leslie “Lee” Tompkins, played by Morena Baccarin, when they were both stationed at Arkham Asylum. Now that Gordon is officially back the the GCPD, he’s a little nonplused to find his new girlfriend has just been hired as the city coroner, though Lee seems perfectly happy with this turn of events.

GOTHAM isn’t Baccarin’s first foray into the world of BATMAN; she previously voiced Cheetah in BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD, Black Canary in JUSTICE LEAGUE and Talia al Ghul in SON OF BATMAN. Baccarin, born in Brazil and raised in New York City, has a live-action genre fan following from her regular roles on FIREFLY, STARGATE SG-1 and the V remake. On the straight drama side, the actress earned an Emmy nomination for her work in the role of Jessica Brody, the increasingly traumatized wife of war hero-turned-terrorist-turned martyr Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis) in three seasons of Showtime’s HOMELAND.

When Fox throws an afternoon party for its GOTHAM cast and the Television Critics Association, Baccarin takes some time to talk about working in the DC Bat-verse prior to the advent of the Caped Crusader.

AX: Is Leslie Tompkins a psychiatrist?

MORENA BACCARIN: No, I’m a physician. I think. It’s GOTHAM. I’m everything [laughs].

AX: That’s true. Is Leslie Tompkins in the comics?

BACCARIN: Well, I am in the original BATMAN comics, but we’re straying a little bit from that. She joins the GCPD as a medical examiner. So I’m kind of all over the place. She’s Everywoman.

AX: Now, does your joining of the GCPD have anything to do with the departure of Edward Nygma, played by Cory Michael Smith, or do you become his colleague?

BACCARIN: No, he does not depart. It’s somebody else that departs and I take their job.

AX: Do you have any scenes with Robin Lord Taylor, who plays the Penguin?

BACCARIN: I hope so. We haven’t yet.

AX: Were you a comics fan before all of this?

BACCARIN: Maybe as a kid for a bit.

AX: A lot of your FIREFLY colleagues have wound up under the Disney/Marvel umbrella and you’re over here at DC. Do you sort of feel like you’ve landed on a different continent or …?

BACCARIN: I don’t really pay attention to that stuff. I feel like comic books are comic books. Somebody will probably shoot me for saying that, but it’s that world and we’re all sort of immersed in it. I think it’s unavoidable at this point, to not be in one of the comic book world. It’s everywhere, and there are tons of movies and shows about it. [The fans] enjoy it all.

AX: Does Dr. Tompkins have any romantic interests?

BACCARIN: [laughs] What do you think? If you had to guess.

AX: That would be a yes.

BACCARIN: Yes. Jim Gordon and I get together.

AX: Could this relationship be compared to, say, the relationship between Jessica and Brody on HOMELAND?

BACCARIN: [laughs] Not comparable at all. This is a really fun relationship, actually, because we are sort of on the same team, we want the same thing for Gotham. She’s not fazed very easily. She’s a no-bulls***-er, and that’s sort of a breath of fresh air for Jim, who’s had to put up with a lot of corruption and been beat down by the system, and she offers him a breath of fresh air in that world.

AX: Have you played a doctor before?

BACCARIN: I’ve played a nurse before, not a doctor. I played on O.R. nurse in HEARTLAND, way back in the day.

AX: Is there anything you learned on that show that’s useful for this, like how to give an injection …?

BACCARIN: I just ask the medics on set for the basic stuff. It’s GOTHAM – we’re not taking all that stuff too seriously. It’s not a show about the logistics about that, it’s about what’s going on in the scene and the emotional life behind it. I’m doing my best, but I’m not getting hung up on the details of that.

AX: Do you have any other projects we should know about?

BACCARIN: SPY, coming out in the summer.

AX: Anything else you’d like to say about GOTHAM right now?

BACCARIN: Just that it’s been a fantastic ride and I’m very excited that it’s picked up for next season.

http://www.assignmentx.com/2015/morena- ... interview/

- Robin Lord Taylor sobre los spoilers, Carol Kane y el momento cuando lanzó su guión al otro lado de su cuarto (comicbook):
Robin Lord Taylor sobre los spoilers, Carol Kane y el momento cuando lanzó su guión al otro lado de su cuarto
Por Russ Burlingame 16/12/2015

Since the pilot episode of Gotham aired to strong ratings and critical reception, it's been clear that FOX's Batman prequel was likely to return for a second season.

As the show got off to a somewhat uneven start with critics and ratings, there were a few elements that shone through the highs and the lows -- chief among them, Robin Lord Taylor.

Taylor, who also appeared in the season premiere of AMC's The Walking Dead this year, was not marketed as the face of the franchise, but quickly took on that role as his portrayal of Oswald "The Penguin" Cobblepot won universal praise from fans and critics.

So how does a young actor approach suddenly being at the center of a number of conspiratorial storylines on one of TV's biggest new shows? We spoke with Robin Lord Taylor about the role.

How is it interacting with the audience and the press who are always so spoiler-seeking?

It's not that hard of a question for me because I don't know what's going to happen in the next episode. I kind of do that intentionally; I'm sure I could sit down with Bruno [Heller] and have him just walk me through what's happening in the next season and all, but I actually prefer not to know. It makes my experience closer to Oswald's experience so that we're both experiencing it as it's happening. So I just default to saying that I don't know anything. The Teamster drivers on our show know more than I do, know what I mean?

I guess the most challenging adjustment in terms of being so exposed and just being out there in such a high profile show and character -- the interaction with fans has been amazing but there's also this push and pull becuase I see myself as a character actor and the character actors that I appreciate the most are the ones that I know the least about. So in a way, social media is kind of going against what I and so many actors are trying to achieve, which is to create a character that is apart from ourselves. When everybody knows everything about your life, that becomes much more difficult. The suspension of disbelief becomes that much more intense.

It's walking that line between oversharing and just putting enough out there. I go back and forth with myself every day going, part of me just wants to unplug from the whole thing. The creation of the character and the craft is so much more pure that way.

I say to people all the time, I work with Carol Kane, who is an absolute dream. In some ways, I envy her. She's going to work forever, because she's a legend, but she came up from that perfect time where all of this didn't exist, so she's not expected to participate in Twitter and in the social media world. She can just come in and do a role and then release it into the world. You don't have to analyze it and delve into it; it is very pure for her, and in some ways I'm very jealous of her.

At the same time, the interaction with fans has been really amazing and really validating. I go back and forth on the whole thing.

There is a wide variety of tones in this show; Fish is certainly more broad and heightened, say, than Gordon. You, though, have to interact with almost everybody. Is it ever a challene to kind of match the tone of the scene you're in or the character you're with?

I'm conscious of staying true to the character that's been created by Bruno and by our amazing writing team. I always give them a lot of credit in that what Penguin's doing always feels consistent with itself. I find it fun to come in and have a scene with Fish Mooney which like you said is such a different tone than a scene that I would have with Donal -- with Bullock. I think that's really fun and it brings out certain aspects of the character that people haven't seen before.

Watching Oswald navigate these sort of different worlds is what I think is really fascinating about the character.

In that regard, how did you respond when you read "The Penguin's Umbrella?" Do you play the character differently knowing that he's been playing everybody now?

I would hope that it would still be consistent, but it's hard to say because yeah -- when it was revealed that I had been working with Falcone the whole time, I didn't know that. I didn't know that until I got the script and I literally threw the script across the room. I was like, "Oh, my God, he's so much smarter than I thought he was!" [Laughs]

But at the same time, it's interesting. I feel like Oswald is so smart and cunning and such a good manipulator of the people around him that it really doesn't matter if I, Robin, know things or not because Oswald would play it off just exactly as convincingly if he knew or if he didn't know.

It almost validates the character in the sense that he had been walking through the first chunk of the season telling people that he was the smartest guy in the room. For a while it seemed like that was kind of sad and delusional...and then one day, he was right.

Yeah, totally. That was my reaction precisely. "Oh, my God, yes! He is very smart!" He's the smartest guy in the room. And it sort of amped up my own approach to the character in that he's one of the most ambitious characters in the show. He never wants to go back to that place where he's polishing Butch Gilzean's shoes again. he needs to be powerful. He needs that in his life and because of that he needs to be not just one or two steps ahead of everybody but five or six steps ahead of everybody and to have everybody's motivations planned out ahead of them.

Do you think that the most recent episode, where Falcone told Maroni Oswald knows his place, is something that Oswald has instilled in him, or do you think that's a bit of optimistic delusion from Falcone?

From Oswald's point of view, I think he gets a lot of mileage by convincing people that he's very meek and unassuming and will never be as poweful as he could be. I do think that's something that he tries to actively instill in everybody who's more powerful than he is; that's his way of manipulating him.

It's also hard to say. When I saw that scene, I tweeted, "Please, Falcone, don't underestimate Cobblepot." It's a mistake everyone has made so far. It's going to be interesting to see how much Falcone believes that or if it's just something he's saying to Falcone to get him to back off.

You've had a very interesting arc this season. Do you have to shift gears a bit for a second season in a way that some characters with less-complete arcs might not?

Yeah. I still think he has a very long way to go in terms of achieving what he needs to achieve in Gotham City. That's what I like about the character, is that he's not fully there yet. He does make mistakes, he overstpes his boundaries. For example, initially when he was taking over Fish's club, his first opening night was supposed to be an incredible success with a million extras and a super-fabulous amazing party. Then there was a rewrite, which is that it's a huge flop. He doesn't know how to run a nightclub at all.

And I was so happy with that change. It's like, "Okay, we have somewhere to go with this." He's making mistakes and he's figuring it out. That's the fun thing for me to play. In the second season, it just gives me more of a place to go. Obviously, I've had a more established arc in this season than, for example, Ed Nygma has, but it is going to be interesting to see how established Oswald is when we're going into the second season. It will also be interesting to see him interacting more and more with these villains that we're establishing every episode. When Cory [Michael Smith] becomes The Riddler, how is their relationship going to change and develop? That's what I'm really excited about seeing.

I love the interaction between yourself and John Doman in the most recent episode; the fact that you're so attached to Carol Kane's character and then playing off the very detached, cold way that he was playing you in the nightclub scene feels like a very interesting family dynamic almost that they're setting up.

Yeah. It's interesting. It makes me so nervous as the actor because Penguin's only real vulnerability is his mother. It's the only person besides Jim Gordon that he trusts in Gotham City and he knows that Jim can take care of himself, obviously. But when it comes to his mother, it is his Achilles heel. So I'm absolutely terrified as to what's going to happen to Carol Kane's character. To lose her I think would be devastating to me as an actor and to Oswald as a character and to the show as well.

http://comicbook.com/2015/02/16/exclusi ... ylor-text/

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Mar Feb 17, 2015 3:30 am
por Shelby
- GOTHAM | 1.17 "Red Hood" Promo:


- GOTHAM | 1.17 "Red Hood" Extended Promo:


Añadidos los rátings del 1.16 "The Blind Fortune Teller". Podéis encontrarlos AQUÍ

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Jue Feb 19, 2015 10:27 pm
por Shelby
- Stills del 1.18 "Everyone Has a Copplepot":

Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen Imagen

Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Sab Feb 21, 2015 12:44 am
por Shelby
- GOTHAM | 1.17 "Red Hood" Featurette:


- GOTHAM | 1.17 "Red Hood" Clip "Another Freak in a Mask":


- GOTHAM | 1.17 "Red Hood" Clip "He Hates You With a Passion":


- GOTHAM | 1.17 "Red Hood" Clip "A Princess Underneath":


Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Lun Feb 23, 2015 11:05 pm
por Shelby
- Red Hood Gang Hits Gotham + the A.T.O.M. - #DCTV:


- GOTHAM | "5 Episodes Left..." Promo:


Re: ¡¡¡Nuevo proyecto de la FOX sobre GOTHAM!!!

Publicado: Lun Feb 23, 2015 11:14 pm
por Shelby
- Nueva imagen Promocional:


- Nueva imagen BTS (23-02-15):


(@camrenbicondova: Trust me, you do NOT want to miss tonight’s @Gotham! ✌️ #TheCatandTheBabs #SetLife #Gotham)